HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07-22-02Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
July 22, 2002
Members Present: Mike Eliason, Mark Jacobs, Eric Johnson, Jason Scribner, Phil Sterner
Members Absent: Student Volunteer, Mike Hartley
Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary
Others Present: None
Call to Order: Jacobs called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Additions to the agenda: None
Approval of the July 22, 2002 Agenda: MOTION by Johnson to approve the agenda of
July 22, 2002. SECOND by Scribner. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0
Approval of the June 24, 2002 Minutes: Motion by Scribner to approve the minutes of
June 24, 2002. Second by Johnson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0
Audience Input: None
Discussion: None
Old Business:
Skate Park Update: Staff put together a report with information from other cities that have developed skate parks. Staff reviewed the cost, funding, type of park in each city, whether
admission is charged and whether there is supervision at the skate parks. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the commission that a Tier I skate park at Schwarz Pond
Park was the preferred option. Staff suggested getting a bid for asphalt and fencing for the site at Schwarz Pond Park and paving the area so that it could potentially be used as a
tennis court. The question of staffing the facility was discussed and staff stated that this would not be a big issue. It was also noted that we don’t question the development of
playgrounds or ball fields, and those who use them are not asked to pay for the equipment/facilities. Staff stated that if the commission approved the skate park, staff would write
letters to various service organizations asking for donations for the skate park.
MOTION by Sterner to recommend using $25,000 from the parks dedication fund towards paving, fencing of an area at Schwarz Pond Park for the purpose of a Tier I skate park. SECOND by
Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0
Friendly Amendment #1: Authorize $25,000 toward the paving, fencing and equipping of a Tier I skate park at Schwarz Pond Park to be staffed by the city.
Friendly amendment #2: In addition, city staff will pursue additional funding from other sources for the Tier I skate park.
Revised Biscayne Pointe Fourth Addition Preliminary Plant – Staff reviewed the revised preliminary plat for the Biscayne Pointe Fourth Addition. The revised plan increases the original
66 single-family lots to 105 single-family lots. The preliminary plat includes approximately 1.4 acres of land to be dedicated as parkland just north of Birch Park. Staff recommended
the city accept the 1.4 acres of parkland and the remaining park dedication should be in the form of cash payment. The payment should be collected at the time of final plat and the
dedication amount will be the rate at the time of final plat.
MOTION by Eliason to recommend that the City Council accept the 1.4 acres of parkland and remaining in park dedication in the form of cash. The payment should be collected at the time
of final plat and the dedication amount will be the rate at the time of final plat. SECOND by Sterner. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0
SECOND MOTION by Scribner to recommend that the City Council approve a trail be installed on the south side of Connemara Trail and that sidewalks be installed on the north side of Connemara
Trail, sidewalk on the south side of Street E, sidewalk on both sides of Birchwood Avenue, the south and west sides of Belmont Trail (Street C), the south side of Street A, and the
south and west sides of Street D. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0
New Business:
Outlots of Evermoor – Staff informed the commission that as part of the Evermoor Development preliminary plats are being prepared for the three separate developments located just north
of Schwarz Pond Park. The original PUD agreement indicated that the City would be receiving parkland that would provide a buffer between Schwarz Pond Park and the new residential development.
The distance of the proposed buffer strip of parkland ranged from 20 feet to 75 feet of wooded property. The developers are proposing to provide a portion of the buffer strip in the
form of a conservation easement rather than City owned parkland. The City would have the conservation easement to restrict development and to preserve the wooded buffer area between
the park and the residential development. The City would have control over what the land could be used for and what could be done with it, but would not own the land.
Staff recommended allowing the developers move forward with using the conservation easement in place of a portion of the parkland as long as the easement is at least 50 feet in depth.
Staff asked for input from the Commission on how they feel about accepting the conservation and development easement over the wooded are as long as we still get the same kind of buffer
between the park and residential . The Commission felt it was important to retain as much buffer as possible in this area and that the developer was gaining with this change, therefore
the City should be well compensated. There was concern regarding the developer coming to us after the fact with this change. Staff explained that the City is not getting ownership
of the land, just an understanding that it won’t be developed in the future. Sterner stated we’d be losing 55 feet of buffer.
There was a question about whether the City can require more or take less park dedication money or land depending on the situation. Staff stated that the Council could do this at their
discretion according to the ordinance. Eliason stated that the Commission was at odds with the Council when this development was being planned.
MOTION by Eliason to recommend Council allow the developers to move forward with using the conservation easement in place of a portion of the parkland, as long as the easement is at
least 50 feet in depth, and that the City receive one acre of park dedication in the form of cash. SECOND by Johnson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0
Jacobs asked if all park dedication fees are based on the final plat. Staff said they are and that the final plat has not been done. Jacobs asked for a procedural motion that if the
developer changes something the park dedication fees should be changed.
SECOND MOTION by Sterner to recommend to the City Council require park dedication fees be paid on any units above and beyond the original PUD agreement and that collection of these fees
should be in the form of cash. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0
Director’s Report –
Parks Dedication Fund – Per staff, the fund looks healthy.
Bloomfield Specs and Plans – This is almost done, then it is going to be bid out.
Dakota Tech College Ball Fields – Dakota Technical College is starting a baseball program. Staff will meet with the coach to discuss what improvements are needed to turn the field into
a baseball field. The college owns the field, but the City maintains it and it is currently used by RAAA.
Staff was contacted last week by a Rosemount resident who wants to donate 25 acres of green space to the City. The resident wants the land preserved, not developed.
8. Adjournment: MOTION by Eliason to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Scribner. The meeting
was adjourned at 9:16 p.m. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0
Respectfully submitted,
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary