HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01-27-03APPROVED
Members Present: Mike Eliason, Mark Jacobs, Eric Johnson, Jason Scribner, Phil Sterner
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary
Others Present: Doreen Ulrich, Community Action Council
1. Call to Order: Jacobs called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
2. Additions to the Agenda: None
Approval of the January 27, 2003 Agenda: MOTION by Johnson to approve the agenda of January 27, 2003. SECOND by Sterner. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion carried.
3. Approval of the December 16, 2002 Minutes: Per Jacobs, for item 6a., the friendly amendment should be changed from Johnson to Jacobs, and for item 7a., remove the following sentence:
Interest was low this month, as we don’t do much investing in November. MOTION by Sterner to approve the minutes of December 16, 2002 with these changes. SECOND by Scribner.
Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion carried.
4. Audience Input: None
5. Discussion (Response to Audience Input): None
6. Old Business:
2003 Fees and Fee Policy (Parks Dedication) – Schultz spoke to Mr. Kelsall regarding the land values study.
The information provided in the study is the most accurate and up-to-date information available on typical land values for Rosemount. Schultz was therefore unable to provide any additional
information on land values. Schultz provided the Commission with an updated park dedication rate survey that was completed in December 2002. This survey indicates the fees cities
are collecting based on typical land values. Schultz reviewed the information included in this survey. The Commission discussed the parks dedication fees and current land values compared
with other cities included in the survey. Schultz felt that based on all of the information provided, we should keep the rate at 5% of the market value.
MOTION by Sterner to recommend the City Council approve increasing the parks dedication fees from $40,000 to $45,000 per acre for Industrial Development; $40,000 to $90,000 per acre
for Commercial Development; and continuing to charge $45,000 per acre for Residential Development. SECOND by Scribner. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion carried.
New Business:
Family Resource Center Annual Report – Doreen Ulrich, Director of Neighborhood Services, Community
Action Council, gave the annual report for the Family Resource Center. She reviewed the history and purpose of the CAC and Family Resource Center. The services they provided include
financial assistance, emergency food, and holiday gift distribution. The Center is funded through grants from organizations such as the United Way and donations from businesses and
individuals. There was a 30% increase in requests for services in the first six months of 2002 due to the increased level of unemployment. The majority of these requests were for financial
assistance and emergency aid. Per Schultz, the CAC is meeting the grant requirements and fulfilling their lease agreement.
Park Improvements – Schultz reviewed the report from Kevin Rome, Parks and Recreation Department intern, on two park improvement projects - park signs and enclosures for portable toilets.
Schultz reviewed drawings and photographs of various options for park signs and portable toilet enclosures. The Commission felt that signs should be uniform throughout Rosemount’s
park system. Schultz has asked the City Council for funds or further direction to replace signs so that they are uniform.
c. Birch Park Planning – Phase II – Schultz reviewed a map of the plans for Birch Park. Proposed
amenities would include a basketball court, rock climbing wall, picnic shelter, rain garden, and trails. Schultz asked the Commission for their comments and input on any additional
amenities/apparatus for this park, and asked whether the Commission would like pricing information for amenities. Sterner asked if it would be possible to put in a mini-soccer field.
Per Schultz, the grade would have to be checked to see if this would work. Also, we would have to consider parking issues, as there is limited parking available. Schultz will bring
this item back to the next meeting.
d. Trail and Sidewalk Improvement Plan - Schultz reviewed a map of current and proposed city trails/sidewalks and asked the Commission for input on any additional trails that should
be considered, and how those already planned should be prioritized. The Commission felt that installing safe trails for kids to get to and from schools should be our first priority.
The Commission also discussed easement encroachment by property owners where some of these trails are planned, especially along Connemara Tail. The Commission suggested sending out
information with the monthly water bill to educate residents on right-of-way and trail easements so that this doesn’t become an issue when trails are installed.
e. Director’s Report –
The Park Improvement Fund Balance as of December 31, 2002 is $741,043.26. Upcoming projects include Bloomfield Park improvements, Birch Park and landscaping at the band shell.
Jacobs requested clarification on the interest reported in November 2002 ($11.67). Schultz will bring back an answer from the Finance Director.
Future N-4 Park - Schultz was able to tour the N-4 park property and gave the developer ideas for the park and a copy of the Parks Master Plan. Schultz plans to meet with a
representative from Centex homes to come up with a concept plan in the next few weeks. Schultz will bring back more information on this to the next meeting.
Skate Park - $25,000 has been budgeted by the City for this park. We have received donations of $10,000 from SKB and $10,000 from the Jaycees. We still need additional funds to build
the skate park with tennis court specifications at Schwarz Pond Park. The projected cost of the Skate Park is $60,000 - $70,000. Schultz will send a letter to Wensmann Homes (developer
for the senior high rise to be built near Schwarz Pond Park) requesting written acknowledgement from them that they have been informed of the proposed skate park at Schwarz Pond Park.
Field Use Requests – Schultz included an e-mail from Lacelle Cordes, Recreation Supervisor, regarding the overwhelming number of requests for use of soccer fields. These fields are
in such demand that we have requests to use them even during bad weather, i.e. extended periods of rain. There isn’t time to repair the fields or for them to recover when they are
damaged. Per Schultz we need to start looking for property for a sports complex to accommodate these requests.
Library Request – A request was received for the City to look at a site for a library in Rosemount. A community must have a population of 20,000 in order to be eligible for a library.
8. Adjournment: MOTION by Eliason to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Sterner. The meeting was adjourned at 8:56 p.m. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary