HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02-24-03
Members Present: Mike Eliason, Mark Jacobs, Eric Johnson, Phil Sterner APPROVED
Members Absent: Jason Scribner
Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary
Others Present: None
1. Call to Order: Jacobs called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
2. Additions to the Agenda: None
Approval of the February 24, 2003 Agenda: MOTION by Johnson to approve the agenda of February 24, 2003. SECOND by Sterner. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion carried.
3. Approval of the January 27, 2003 Minutes: MOTION by Johnson to approve the minutes of
January 27, 2003. SECOND by Sterner. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion carried.
Jacobs asked about the Interest Income from November 2002. This item was questioned at the December and January meetings. Per Schultz, the interest for November was from a checking
4. Audience Input: None
5. Discussion (Response to Audience Input): None
6. Old Business:
Pine Bend Overlook – Schultz provided an update on this project. In the fall of 2002, there was discussion with the Friends of the Mississippi regarding the possibility of creating
plans for an overlook trail on Flint Hills Resources property. Flint Hills Resources has recently expressed some concerns regarding security issues and the completion date for the
project. Flint Hills Resources is also in the process of doing a Natural Resource Damage Assessment and didn’t want to move forward on the planning of the trail project. Schultz
is currently talking with Dakota County Parks and private landowners regarding other options that may be available in the area for this trail/overlook project.
Bloomfield Park Play Equipment – Schultz reviewed the progress of this project. The City sent out a Request for Proposal (RFP) for playground equipment for Bloomfield Park in the summer
of 2002. Residents of Bloomfield Development were invited to an open house on August 26, 2002 to review and give input on the proposals for playground equipment that were submitted.
Based on comments from those who attended the open house, two options were preferred. Per Schultz, we can either contact these two vendors for price updates, or ask all the vendors
to submit new proposals for the playground equipment. Schultz felt that we should ask all of the vendors to re-bid the project. $45,000 has been budgeted for equipment and installation.
As part of the new RFP, we would include comments received from individuals who attended the open house and specify wood chips as the preferred fill instead of pea rock. MOTION by
Johnson to obtain new bids from all vendors due back no later than March 17, 2003, with a budget of $45,000, and with wood chips as the preferred fill. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes:
4 Nays: 0 Motion carried.
Schultz asked that one or two Commission members meet before March 24, 2003 for a couple hours
to review the bids. Eric Johnson volunteered to meet with Schultz and review the bids.
New Business:
a. Minea Concept Plan - Schultz reviewed the concept plan submitted by Centex Homes for this
development. The plan includes approximately 405 proposed units on 155.8 acres: 157 single-family units; and 248 attached homes and/or town homes. This is an updated plan, as Schultz
and the City Planner had questions on the original plan submitted by Centex. Schultz reviewed the maps that were originally submitted as well as revised maps of the proposed development.
Schultz felt that the plan could be acceptable if the credit of land was less than 13 acres shown on the plan. The active area would be workable as long as the developer could show
how the proposed amenities would work in the park. Due to concerns the Commission had regarding railroad tracks, a gas pipeline that cuts the property in half, road right of ways,
and wetland flooding issues, it was decided to table this item until more information was available.
b. McMenomy/Hertogs Concept Plan – Schultz reviewed the Basic Builders concept plan and maps of
the development area. They are trying to get this land re-zoned from public/institutional to residential in order to build 20 twin home units (40 total units) on 13.77 acres. Based
on the 40 units, the parks dedication would be 1.66 acres of land or a mix of cash and land dedication. Schultz recommended accepting full cash dedication for this development, due
at final plat. MOTION by Eliason to recommend that the City Council consider the concept plan and accept cash dedication to fulfill the parks dedication requirements for McMenomy/Hertogs
– Basic Builders concept plan. SECOND by Johnson. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Phil Sterner abstained. Motion carried.
c. Director’s Report – The Park Improvement Fund Balance as of January 31, 2003 is $741,479.70. Dedication fees were $0; Interest was $1,599.41; Donations were $0; and Expenditures
were $584.47. Upcoming projects include Bloomfield Park Improvements - $550,000+, and Birch Park band shell landscaping.
Skate Park – The skate park project was brought to the February City Council work session. Schultz had put together a report on this project for the Council’s review. Based on the
information provided, the Council decided to move forward with spending $25,000 for skate park equipment and locating the skate park at Central Park. Eliason was concerned that the
Council had by-passed the Commission in making the decision to place the Skate Park at Central Park instead of at Schwarz Pond Park as recommended by the Commission. Schultz explained
that in making their decision, the Council had reviewed the information received from the Skate Park Task Force, the information provided by a survey of middle school kids, as well
as minutes from Commission meetings. Johnson suggested monitoring the skate park this summer, and deciding on three our four key points we can use to determine how successful it is.
DCTC Proposed Soccer Fields – Schultz informed the Commission that staff from DCTC informed City staff that DCTC is working with Dakota REV to build soccer fields just west of the DCTC
building. Schultz will be meeting with Ron Thomas of DCTC to learn more about the project.
8. Adjournment: MOTION by Sterner to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Eliason. The meeting was adjourned at 9:08 p.m. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary