HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03-24-03
Members Present: Mike Eliason, Eric Johnson, Phil Sterner APPROVED
Members Absent: Mark Jacobs, Jason Scribner
Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary
Others Present: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator
1. Call to Order: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Schultz introduced Jamie Verbrugge, the new City Administrator.
2. Additions to the Agenda: None.
3. Approval of the February 24, 2003 Minutes: MOTION by Johnson to approve the minutes of
February 24, 2003. SECOND by Sterner. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion carried.
4. Audience Input: Jamie Verbrugge addressed the Commission. Schultz provided a brief introduction of each Commission member. Verbrugge encouraged the Commission members to feel free
to call him if any need arises.
5. Discussion (Response to Audience Input): None
6. Old Business:
Minea Concept Plan – Schultz reviewed two park plans that show proposed development concepts for this parkland. Schultz pointed out the specific amenities included in each of the proposals.
Per Schultz, we would not give credit for any area impacted by high water or any pipeline easement land. Schultz recommended giving credit for eight acres only. The Commission
preferred proposal C2 which included a bridge to the island in the pond and a fishing pier off of the island. The Commission had some questions regarding details of the park development
proposals. Schultz explained that the current maps show concept plans only, and the developer would provide more detailed maps in the future based on the recommendations they receive
from the Commission. The developer has asked us to consider accepting additional private open space identified on the concept plan. Schultz recommended against accepting any additional
land at this time. MOTION by Sterner to approve the Minea Concept Plan with parks dedication of eight acres, with the following notes: the pipeline goes through both areas, map C2
showing the bridge to the island and a fishing pier off of the island is the preferred concept plan, and we need to look at the high water mark for this parkland. SECOND by Johnson.
Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
Birch Park Development – Phase Two of this plan identifies an additional acre of land at Birch Park that the City will be receiving this spring for development. This is a proposed
mini-park with no parking facilities. The park will be a total of 2.7 acres. Proposed improvements include internal trails, climbing rock, a rain garden area, and a small shelter
for two picnic tables. Schultz recommended focusing on the trails and picnic shelters, and holding off on the climbing apparatus at this time. Schultz asked the Commission for comments
or ideas for the development of this park. Schultz will get quotes/designs for the amenities from several bidders and bring these back to the Commission.
Bloomfield Play Equipment – Seven bids for the play equipment at Bloomfield Park were received by the March 14, 2003 deadline. Schultz met with Commissioner Johnson and a staff member
from the City’s Public Works Department after all of the bids were received and they reviewed the proposals. The proposal from Minnesota/Wisconsin Playgrounds was the favored proposal.
The Commissioners and Schultz took some time during the meeting to review the graphic boards of the bid proposals. After reviewal, it was the consensus of the Commission that we accept
the proposal from Minnesota/Wisconsin Playgrounds. MOTION by Johnson to recommend that the City Council approve the purchase of playground equipment from Minnesota/Wisconsin Playgrounds,
with the following conditions: replacing the five ring piece of equipment with a climbing apparatus; changing the spring riders to an all aquatic theme; recommending the equipment
colors be green/burgundy. SECOND by Sterner. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
Staff will ask Minnesota/Wisconsin Playgrounds to provide graphic boards of the equipment with the colors approved by the Commission.
Skate Park Equipment – Schultz put together a new Request for Proposal (RFP) for skate park equipment and provided it to the vendors who had previously submitted proposals. Five vendors
submitted new proposals within the budgeted amount of $25,000. Schultz took the proposals to the Rosemount Middle School to get input from the students. RMS students overwhelmingly
favored the proposal from EFA – Skate Wave (3977). Schultz agreed with this choice based on the design of the skate park, construction of the equipment, and recommendations from other
communities that have purchased skate park equipment. After reviewing the graphic boards of the five proposals, the Commissioners agreed that the proposal from EFA – Skate Wave (3977)
was the best choice. MOTION by Sterner to recommend that the City Council approve the purchasing of skate park equipment as proposed by EFA – Skate Wave (3977). SECOND by Johnson.
Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
New Business:
a. Director’s Report -
Park Improvement Fund Balance as of February 28, 2003 is $740,111.46. Inflows into the Park Improvement Fund for February were as follows: Dedication Fees - $0; Interest - $18.59;
Donations - $0. Expenditures were $1,386.83. Upcoming projects are Bloomfield Park, Birch Park, and landscaping at the band shell.
Athletic Dome - Eric Heflin is planning to build an athletic dome in Rosemount. Schultz will meet with
Mr. Heflin this month get more information. The dome would be for private use, use by the school district, city, and college. The dome would be used for soccer, football, etc. Mr.
Heflin had not purchased any land at this time but was actively seeking a location for the dome.
Dakota County Technical College Proposed Soccer Fields – Schultz met with the DCTC coach, representatives from the engineering firm in charge of the project, and representatives from
the college foundation regarding the proposed soccer fields. The soccer program is scheduled to start this fall. Schultz distributed to the Commission informational materials of the
proposed facility that he received from DCTC this afternoon. DCTC is currently looking for corporate, school district, and city support, as well as grant funding for the project.
Schultz will provide the City Council with the informational materials and get their input regarding how involved they would like the City to be in this project. Schultz will bring
this item back next month after the Commission has a chance to review the materials.
City Council Goal Setting Meeting – The City Council discussed a number of issues at this meeting including getting a better handle on community events, looking for a future library
site, the power plant issue, an activity center for seniors and youth, communication and marketing and public involvement in decisions, downtown redevelopment, and a site for an athletic
complex. Schultz was informed by a staff member of a meeting held by representatives from the hockey association and other associations regarding interest in a second sheet of ice
and a dome. Schultz will look into this and talk to individuals to get more information.
New Commission Member – Steve Wilson is the new Parks & Recreation Commission member. Schultz will meet with him before the next meeting.
8. Adjournment: MOTION by Sterner to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Johnson. Ayes: 3
Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary