HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06-23-03APPROVED
Members Present: Mike Eliason, Mark Jacobs, Eric Johnson, Phil Sterner, Steve Wilson
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary
Others Present: None
1. CALL TO ORDER: Jacobs called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: 6. b. Old Business - DCTC Soccer Complex
APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 23, 3003 AGENDA AS MODIFIED: MOTION by Johnson to approve the agenda of the June 23, 2003. SECOND by Wilson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
3. APPROVAL OF THE MAY 19, 2003 MINUTES: MOTION by Eliason to approve the minutes of May 19, 2003. SECOND by Wilson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None
a. Minea/Centex Preliminary Plat - Schultz reviewed the preliminary plat submitted by Centex Homes for developing the Minea property. The plan includes 392 proposed units on 155.5
acres. 160 single-family units and 232 attached homes and/or town homes are planned. The preliminary plat identifies approximately 10.9 acres (less HWL and gas easements) of City
parkland and additional private open space. Based on the current parks dedication requirements, the developer would need to dedicate 15.68 acres of land or a mix of land and cash dedication.
The current cash dedication rate is $45,000 per acre. The Commission had looked at the concept plan in March 2003 and had preferred park plan C2 which included a bridge to the island
and a dock/pier off of the island. Schultz explained that the Parks, Trails and Open Space Master Plan calls for a neighborhood park of four to 10 acres for this size of development.
Schultz is recommending we give credit for no more than eight acres of land due to the pipeline easement, location of the park and a need for funds to build the park.
The Commission reviewed the concept plan for this park and the location proposed by the developer. There was extensive discussion regarding the park proposal. One of the items of consideration
was including additional land currently designated for a cul de sac to preserve a stand of trees and increase the size of the park.
MOTION by Johnson that we recommend that the City Council approve the concept plan with the following considerations: That lots 49, 48, 47, 46, 45 and 43 be included as part of the
park dedication land in addition to the eight acres already included in the park plan. The remaining
credit would be 100% of the land amount of those lots. They would get 100% credit land dedication for those lots that they are giving in that area plus the eight acres. SECOND by
There was extensive discussion following this motion concerning the fact that if the City takes additional acres, we won’t be getting any parks dedication funds to build the park and
the amenities needed for the park. Staff also mentioned that the Commission can tell the developer that we don’t like this plan and want to see it redrawn and brought back, or the
Commission can deny the plan and say we’re not happy with what we’re getting for parkland. We have room to negotiate because this is a P.U.D. agreement.
MOTION by Sterner to reject the original plat as shown and look for a way to preserve the woodlands and shoreline, provide access to the water, and also include money for development
of the park.
Schultz commented that we can go back to the developer because this is a PUD development agreement and we have room to negotiate.
There was no second for this motion.
Discussion continued regarding what the Commission would like to see for the park in this development. Moving the park to a different location or adding additional acres to the current
plan were also discussed. The Commission felt the park should have sufficient useable land for the amenities being proposed, while preserving woodlands in this area. Schultz felt
that the location was fine as long as we follow the City plan for future parks N-3, N-4, N-5, etc. Schultz provided a map of this future plan so the Commission could see how the City
will be developed.
MOTION by Wilson that we reject the current plan and make a new proposal that is more generic to either forward to the City Council or the Planning Commission, asking the developer for
a new proposal and encouraging the developer to redesign the park area in the center portion of the development to give higher priority to preservation of the area near the wetlands
and existing natural areas near the pond, and then allow for development more toward the western edge where we had currently laid out the field.
Jacobs asked Wilson to restate the motion.
Wilson restated the motion as follows: Reject the current plan and encourage the developer to redesign the park dedication to occur more centrally within the development and to give
a higher priority to preservation of existing natural areas near the pond.
There was no second for this motion.
After more discussion, MOTION WITHDRAWN by Wilson.
Schultz felt that the current location for this park was fine as long as we follow the City’s plan for future park N-3, N-4, N-5, etc. development. Schultz provided a map of the City’s
plan for future development. The parks in the plan have been designed to meet the needs of the development area.
MOTION by Jacobs to recommend rejecting the currently proposed plan and recommending a redesign which includes the area currently designated as a cul de sac, with a notation that the
area in the northwest corner will not be credited as parks dedication.
SECOND by Sterner.
FRIENDLY AMENDMENT by Wilson to clarify including the southwest quadrant cul de sac on Street G and northeast of Connemara and Bacardi currently shown on the plan as a parking lot and
ball field.
Ayes: 4 Nays: 1 (Johnson) Motion passed.
The second item of discussion was trails and sidewalks planned for this development. Schultz provided a map of the development with the proposed sidewalks and trails highlighted. Schultz
recommended that an eight foot trail be added to the north side of Street A and the west side of Bacardi Avenue, and that sidewalks should be added to the north side of Street C and
as indicated on the trail and sidewalk map. Schultz also recommended a trail easement be given at the separation between the single family and multiple family units at the corner of
Street G and Street F.
The Commission reviewed the map of the sidewalks/trails proposed for this development and expressed concern about residents having to cross and re-cross streets and walking across lawns
to get to their homes the way the sidewalk/trails are currently laid out. The Commission was in agreement that the current layout of sidewalks/trails did not flow well through the
development. They felt that sidewalks should be installed on both sides of every block in the development.
MOTION by Johnson that sidewalks and trails in the Minea Preliminary Plat be added on both sides of each street as shown on plat.
SECOND by Sterner
FRIENDLY AMENDMENT by Johnson to add to the following to the motion: “Except for trails which will be on one side of Connemara and one side of Bacardi.
Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
b. DCTC Soccer Complex Draft Agreement
Staff reviewed a map of the proposed soccer complex and the draft agreement that he provided to the Commission at this meeting. The agreement was just received from DCTC and was drafted
at the request of Schultz. The agreement outlines the requirements of the City, Dakota Rev, and DCTC. Schultz felt that this was an unfair agreement. The maintenance of the
facility would be a huge burden for the City, there was no length of time for the agreement, there were no stipulations regarding what would happen if soccer leaves and DCTC decides
to use the land for adding additional classrooms or parking. Schultz felt that the City should have use of the fields and it should be up to the City Council to decide. There was
also concern about what would happen if Dakota Rev were to split and this issue needs to be addressed.
a. Future Park N-7 - Schultz informed the Commission that Tollefson Development is looking into developing property near the site of future Park N-7. This property is located in the
northeast portion of Rosemount in an area that is scheduled to be developed in 2020. Schultz wanted the Commission to know about this possible development, and to see if they had
any strong feelings at this time regarding the development. Schultz asked for direction from the Commission regarding ideas for Park N-7, which is to be a neighborhood park of four
to 10 acres with wetlands similar to the Minea development, and would include passive and active use amenities. This was more of an FYI item for the Commission.
b. 2004 CIP Budget - Staff reviewed the Parks and Recreation Department items included in the draft budget for 2004. The budget hasn’t gone to the Council so the numbers may change
as we get more information, i.e. the Minea property, new park signs, new carpet at the Community Center, etc. The new park signs would be placed at all parks and would include the
city logo, park name and address, and be installed perpendicular to the street so they could be read from both sides. Schultz will bring back a couple of layouts for signage to the
next meeting. The budget should be going to the Council work session approximately July 15, 2003.
Regarding an item from last month’s minutes, Jacobs asked if the assessment of the McMenomy property had been completed. Per Schultz, it is not ready yet.
c. Schwarz Pond Park – Dome - LAWCON Grant Conversion Process
Staff reviewed a plan for the dome and a map of the proposed location on ISD property which is part of a LAWCON Grant Program. Staff reviewed a letter received from the DNR regarding
the conversion of this land use from outdoor recreation to a private business/sports dome. Schultz is trying to set up a meeting with a representative from the DNR to see what would
be have to be done to change the land use to a private business.
d. Director’s Report - Park Improvement Fund Balance as of May 31, 2003 is $736,642.17. Inflows into the Park Improvement Fund last month were as follows: Dedication Fees - $0;
Interest - $842.84; Donations - $0. Expenditures were $3,249.51. Upcoming projects are Birch Park improvements, Dallara Park basketball court and various trails.
Irish Dome LLC – The City Council did approve the zoning text amendment that would allow commercial recreation in the public and institutional zoning district.
Bloomfield Park – Construction of this park is moving forward on schedule. There was a minor grading issue near some quad homes south of the soccer field and also, it was necessary
to shift the hockey rink due to the location of a water main.
DCTC Proposed Soccer Fields – this item was already reviewed. Jacobs asked if there was any information on the athletic complex as it was mentioned in the May minutes that Schultz would
bring information on this item back to the Commission. Per Schultz, there was not enough
information available at this time. Schultz is looking the City Council for clear direction on what they would like. The Council may want representation from all of the groups that
will be involved in the project. Staff would like to have a meeting that would include two to three people representing each organization to find out the best plan as far as fields,
etc. for the community as a whole. We need support from all user groups for this project.
MOTION by Wilson to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Sterner. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:18 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary