HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04-26-04APPROVED
Members Present: Leslie Defries, Mike Eliason, Mark Jacobs, Eric Johnson, Phil Sterner
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary
Student Volunteer: Philip Harris
Others Present: Mayor Droste; Tom Schuster, Parks Supervisor; and David Hemple, Contractor Property Developers Company (CPDC)
CALL TO ORDER: Jacobs called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Mayor Droste swore in Leslie Defries, new Parks & Recreation Commission Member.
Schultz introduced Tom Schuster, the new Parks Supervisor for Parks and Recreation Department.
ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: 6. Old Business – b. Park Sign – RFP Responses, and d. Athletic Complex Discussion; 7. New Business – b. Select Commission Chair and Vice Chair.
APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA FOR APRIL 26, 2004: MOTION by Johnson to approve the April 26, 2004 meeting agenda. SECOND by Sterner. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
3. APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 22, 2004 MINUTES: MOTION by Johnson to approve the minutes of March 22, 2004. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None.
a. Brockway Preliminary Plat – Park Plat – Contractor Property Developers Company (CPDC), submitted an updated preliminary plat and park plan. The new preliminary plat proposes 627
units on 113 acres. The preliminary plat identifies Outlots M and T as 15.03 acres of parkland dedication. If all of the 15.03 acres in Outlots M and T are suitable for land dedication,
the developer would pay cash dedication of $603,000 (10.05 acres x $60,000). Schultz felt that the new park plan meets most of our needs and makes better use of the active area by
including tennis, bocce ball, ball field, etc., as well as non-traditional recreation that’s provided by the disc golf course included in the passive recreation area. Schultz reviewed
five issues from the Executive Summary that should be addressed: The updated park plans should be incorporated into the preliminary plat and a grading plan should be provided to staff;
parks dedication credit should not be given for any pipeline easements, unnecessary ponding in the park, or other items that negatively impact the park site or are deemed unusable;
the northern edge of Outlot T should be the same as the southern edge of the pipeline easement; the park plan needs to include parking for the disc golf course, and staff would also
recommend that on-street parking be allowed based on the current parking lot only having 20 spaces in the park located on Outlot M; as outlined in the City’s subdivision ordinance,
all park dedication in the form of land and monetary compensation will occur with the first final plat approval prior to recording. Parks and Recreation Staff supports the new public
park design and the preliminary plat as submitted with the conditions listed. Dave Hemple, CPDC, 303 Centre Pt. Dr., Roseville, MN addressed the Commission and reviewed the conditions
noted by Schultz. The street parking issue has been discussed at length with the Planning and Engineering Department personnel and parking will be allowed on one side of the street.
They can also add an additional 10 – 12 parking stalls. The preliminary plat approval is on the April 27 Planning Commission meeting agenda, but it is proposed to be tabled for a
wetland survey that has not been completed. Per Hemple, they anticipate approval from the Planning Commission at the May 25, 2004 meeting. Jacobs asked if the walking path goes through
the disc golf course. Hemple stated that there is an asphalt trail from Hwy 3 through the park site to the development. There is also a natural trail through the park that will consist
of aggregate or bark. Eliason questioned the
purpose of the nature trails. Hemple stated that asphalt trails have to meet ADA requirements, and there are sloping/grading issues, which is why they included the nature trails.
Eliason asked about maintenance issues for non-paved trails and also noted that seniors don’t like asphalt paths. Per Hemple, CPDC is open to the City’s wishes on this. Maintenance
and topography are both issues we need to look at and there was concern with the amount of use of the nature trails and disc golf course, as walkers could be hit by discs. The nature
trails may not be needed, as long as we have a paved trail. We will need to look at this further. There may also be an issue at hole six along Connemara Trail, as discs could end up
on the road. Schultz has contacted two people who organize disc golf events who will be coming out to look at the area. We want to be sure the discs aren’t going into the road, yards,
etc. Per Schultz, all of these details can be worked out later, as this is a concept plan that can be revised.
MOTION by Sterner to recommend that the City Council approve the preliminary plat with the conditions listed in items 1- 5 of the staff report. SECOND by Eliason. Johnson asked for
clarification on the ponding issue. Per Schultz, the ponding has been removed from the active recreation area. Hemple clarified that item three of staff comments/conditions should
read: The northern edge of Outlot T should be the same as the northern edge of the pipeline easement. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
b. Park Signs – We will be purchasing eight new signs for parks that do not currently have them, and then replacing existing park signs over the next couple of years. An RFP was sent
out to a number of park sign manufacturers. Schuster put together a summary of the four proposals that were received and reviewed each of them. He provided the Commission with examples
of the signs that were submitted by the four manufacturers, and samples of the material for the signs that were provided by Great Lakes Signs and The Plastic Lumber Company, Inc.
Of the bids submitted, these two manufacturers were most closely in line with our budget for the new signs and used the maintenance-free, vandal-proof materials we wanted. Pros and
cons of signs from each manufacturer were discussed. Johnson asked about the ability to change the logo in the signs, based on information from Schultz regarding the possibility of
the City adopting a new logo in the future. There was a question regarding the size of the signs. The Plastic Lumber Company had provided examples of only one size length for all
signs. Schuster will contact the manufacturers regarding the warranty, color, sizes available, ability to change the logo, and also get a bid from The Plastic Lumber Company for two
sided signs as they didn’t include this in their proposal. This information will be brought back to the next Commission meeting. There was no motion on this item.
c. Facilities Taskforce – Update – The taskforce has clarified the facilities they’ll be discussing, such as an indoor pool or water park versus an outdoor pool, the needs of seniors,
second sheet of ice, etc. They are looking at the levels of service currently available and the level of service we’d like to see. In trying to prioritize what is needed, the taskforce
will be comparing service levels in communities our size and service levels in surrounding communities. Schultz hoped to have a recommendation to the City Council in June. The next
taskforce meeting will be Thursday, April 29 at the Community Center. Johnson asked if a levy would be going out this year. Schultz stated that there is already another a bond referendum
this year with ISD 196. The Council will have to make a decision regarding funding options, and whether or not they want to go with a referendum.
d. Athletic Complex Discussion – Schultz is in the process of talking to land owners and also met last week with representatives from a mining company that owns 160 acres and is buying
more land in eastern Rosemount. The mining company asked if the City would consider using their land for a temporary athletic facility for four to eight years, and then when their
mining operations were complete, they would prepare a permanent site for transfer of the athletic facility. Apple Valley and other cities have built athletic facilities on mining sites.
Schultz reviewed a map of the area we’re looking at near Dakota County Technical College and explained that as the mining company closes the mine, they would prepare the land for use
by the City. Johnson suggested we explore this option further and asked whether an arrangement could be set up for eight years of temporary land use that would identify what the final/permanent
outcome would be. Schultz agreed that we’d want to have a firm time-line and plan in place regarding what the end result would be.
a. Director’s Report – The Parks Dedication Fund Balance as of March 31, 2004 is $256,496.41. Rosewood and a couple of commercial projects are coming in soon. The Spring/Summer adult
softball program started tonight. The leagues run Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, and this year we have more teams than ever before. The Parks and Recreation
Summer Activities Brochure will be going out to Rosemount residents the first week of May. We have added many new programs this summer. The Arbor Day tree give away will be held on
May 1. Schuster is now in charge of the spring/fall citywide cleanup, as well as trash collection at the parks. This will give us more control over trash collection issues that may
come up at the parks.
Jacobs had seen a negative article regarding the regional park proposal in one of the weekly publications and asked if Schultz had received any feedback regarding the regional park
proposal. Schultz had not heard anything negative. Johnson asked about the addition of units to the Brockway Development plan. The parks dedication last month was over $600,000 and
Hemple was opposing the amount at that time. Schultz said that Hemple had called him and mentioned that parks dedication wasn’t included on this month’s agenda. Schultz told Hemple
he could bring this issue up at the meeting. Schultz does not support changing the parks dedication. Johnson had asked Hemple at last month’s meeting to bring back information on
other developments and how they had turned out and he didn’t bring back anything.
b. Selection of Commission Chair and Vice Chair – The current Chair is Mark Jacobs and the current Vice Chair is Mike Eliason. Jacobs asked for nominations for Chair. MOTION by Eliason
to nominate Jacobs as Chair, SECOND by Johnson. MOTION by Sterner to close the nominations for Chair. SECOND by Johnson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. MOTION by Johnson to
nominate Eliason as Vice Chair. SECOND by Sterner. MOTION by Sterner to close the nominations for Vice Chair. SECOND by Johnson. Ayes: 5 Nays 0 Motion passed.
Schultz mentioned that he would like to start the May meeting with a tour possibly of this year’s park projects, including Bloomfield, Birch, and Dallara Parks, and the Brockway site.
MOTION by Sterner to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:49 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary