HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06-28-04APPROVED
Members Present: Leslie Defries, Mike Eliason (arrived 7:02 p.m.), Mark Jacobs, Eric Johnson, Phil Sterner
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary
Student Volunteer: None
Others Present: None
CALL TO ORDER: Jacobs called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Old Business - 6. c. Relocation of the Skate Park; New Business – 7. d. Rosemount Commons Concept Plan; additional information for the Director’s Report – letter
from CPDC regarding the Brockway Development.
APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA FOR JUNE 28, 2004 AS AMENDED: MOTION by Johnson to approve the June 28, 2004 meeting agenda as amended. SECOND by Sterner. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
Corrections to May 24, 2004 minutes: New Business 7. a. Biscayne Acres Concept Plan. Sterner abstained, therefore “Ayes” would be 3.; and clarification of the motion for Old Business
- 6. a. Brockway Development Preliminary Plat – Item 1. should end at the word site, with the removal of the words or are deemed unusable. MOTION by Sterner to approve the minutes
of May 24, 2004 as amended. SECOND by Defries. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None.
a. Meadows of Bloomfield – Park Plan – Schultz met with the developer, Centex Homes, about the possibility of adding a trail and lookout point. The developer thought the trail near
the wetland could be crushed rock rather than asphalt. Schultz recommended against using crushed rock due to access and maintenance issues. The Commission agreed that the trail should
be paved. The budget for this project is approximately $310,000. We received the park dedication funds of $439,000 from Centex for this project. Schultz asked the Commission to review
the proposed amenities and discuss the proposed updating of the park plan. The City will be the contractor for this project and the Parks and Recreation Department will be sending out
RFP’s. Schultz will bring the RFP’s for the amenities to the July meeting for review, and then they will be sent out for bid in August. Defries asked if there’s a proposed trail connection
from this trail to the Mississippi River. There will be a connection. Schultz reviewed a map of the area and showed the trail route to Flint Hills, and where the trail is proposed
to go through their property to the river. MOTION by Sterner to recommend adding an asphalt trail and seating area to the Bloomfield Meadows park plan. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes:
5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
b. Park Signs – Schultz provided examples of sign materials from two plastic sign manufacturers. There was discussion regarding whether or not to include the logo as the issue of changing
it is still being talked about. It was the consensus of the Commission that the official City News publication logo should be included on the park signs. MOTION by Sterner that Staff
place an order for two sided signs from The Plastic Lumber Company with the official logo. The signs should be green with tan lettering, with the logo in full-color. SECOND by Eliason.
Discussion continued. The Plastic Lumber Company had submitted drawings of simple, square signs with their bid. The Commission requested a CAD drawing so they would have a better
idea of how the finished signs will look. Schultz also thought the logo on the signs should be re-sized (smaller). He will contact The Plastic Lumber Company regarding these issues
and mail out color copies of the proof to the Commission before the next meeting. FRIENDLY AMENDMENT by Sterner to go with the more textured finish like that of the Great Lakes Specialty
Products. There was discussion regarding the different sign shapes that are available and if this impacts the price. The Commission would like the signs to include a custom cut arch
similar to examples provided by the other companies who submitted bids. The Plastic Lumber Company can provide a custom cut arch or some type of architectural feature and Schultz will
ask them to include this type of sign in their updated drawing. FRIENDLY AMENDMENT by Jacobs to change the original motion to bring this item back to the next meeting following review
of specifications received from The Plastic Lumber Company. Sterner rescinded his motion. MOTION by Johnson to have staff contact The Plastic Lumber Company and ask them to provide
a CAD prototype of the sign shape, color and texture we prefer, which is similar to the one by Great Lakes Specialty Products, and have it available to the Commission no later than
the next Parks Commission meeting. SECOND by Sterner. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
c. Relocation of the Skate Park – Schultz is recommending moving the skate park equipment to a permanent location at Schwarz Pond Park. The area would be paved, and fencing would be
installed. The fence will be locked at night by Community Center staff and hours of use will be posted. Schultz will send a letter to the DNR to let them know about the new outdoor
use of this area as the park is part of a LAWCON grant. The approximate cost for paving and fencing would be $16,800. MOTION by Sterner to recommend that the City Council approve
expenditures for the relocation of the skate park to Schwarz Pond Park. SECOND by Eliason. Johnson asked where the funds for this would come from. Per Schultz, funds would come
from the park improvement budget. Schultz noted that when we originally bought this equipment we were told by the Rosemount Jaycees that we would receive a $10,000 donation from them.
We have not yet received this donation. Schultz will pursue this funding from the Rosemount Jaycees to offset some of cost. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
a. Redevelopment of Biscayne Park – Schultz asked the Commission to consider adding amenities to Biscayne Park based on the recent development of Rosewood. The parks master plan identifies
the proposed facilities as a sun shelter, horseshoe pits, an athletic field, a trail and a volleyball court. Schultz recommended having a neighborhood meeting for residents from Rosewood
and the area around Biscayne Park to get their input, after which we’d develop a concept plan of proposed improvements. The CAP Agency owns the building west of the park and Schultz
will contact them to see if they are interested in pursuing a shared parking agreement. The agreement
would cover items such as maintenance, weekend and evening use, etc. The number/type of facilities may depend on whether or not we get an agreement with the CAP Agency for use of their
parking lot. Jacobs suggested that Schultz meet with the CAP Agency before the Commission goes forward. There was no motion on this item.
b. Central Park Grant – The Community Development Department is writing a grant to be submitted to the Metropolitan Council for funds to expand the entrance to Central Park. This project
is called the Downtown Gateway/Central Park Site Plan Grant. Schultz reviewed a map of the area and explained the goals of the project. The grant funds would be used for the relocation
of the Amoco/BP gas station and Polfus Implement. Removal of these businesses would provide more green space and open up the entrance to Central Park. Schultz was looking for a recommendation
that the Parks and Recreation Commission would support the City Council passing a resolution in support of the grant. MOTION by Sterner that the Parks Commission recommends that the
City Council approve the resolution in support of the Downtown Gateway/Central Park Site Plan Grant. SECOND by Defries. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
c. Director’s Report – The Parks Improvement Fund Balance as of May 31, 2004 is $337,792.14. On June 1, 2004, the City received $439,000 in parks dedication fees for the Meadows of
Athletic Complex Land Search - Schultz continues to meet with landowners on the east side of Rosemount regarding acquiring land for an athletic complex. Flint Hills Resources, UMore
Park, and a mining company are all possible opportunities.
Facilities Task Force Update – The Facilities Task Force has its final meeting on June 29. They will be putting the final touches on their recommendations for the Council. The short-term
planning items were staffing for the senior group and finding a permanent site for them, and budgeting for a feasibility study next year for an indoor or outdoor pool. The mid-range
planning item was a second sheet of ice. The long-term planning item was an arts and cultural center. The Task Force thought it would be a good idea to approach Project 540 to see
if they would consider looking into the construction of a teen center as one of their projects through the school. Eliason mentioned that teens from the high school don’t use teen
centers and we should possibly call it a youth center instead.
Brockway Development – Staff reviewed a letter received from Dave Hemple of Contractor Property Development Company (CPDC). Mr. Hemple asked for the following: 1. 50% credit for
the parks dedication for the 1.6 acres that are within the pipeline easement. This would be .80 acres of credit. Schultz recommended against this. 2. Leeway in the timing of the
park dedication requirements. Schultz recommended that the park should be under construction at the same time as the first 50–75 housing units are under construction. 3. The developer
would like the Parks Commission and the Council to allow CPDC to construct the park improvements in lieu of some of the cash dedication requirement.
After discussion of the above items, Schultz emphasized that at this point we are only asking for what our subdivision ordinance requires (1/25 of an acre per unit based on the parks
dedication fees with our 2004 Fee Policy), and that nothing has been negotiated with CPDC. Every developer is required to pay the same fees based on our fee policy.
No timeline was given by CPDC and this was a concern for the Commission. They were also concerned about the sentence “The Park Board was willing to allow CPDC to construct the park improvements
in lieu of some of the cash park dedication requirement.” The Commission felt that this implied to the City Council that the Commission had made a motion on this item, when they had
actually left this item open to discussion. Johnson requested clarification of this in the motion.
MOTION by Jacobs: The Parks and Recreation Commission has reviewed the June 25, 2004 letter from CPDC to Rick Pearson and has discussed Mr. Hemple’s three concerns:
1) The Parks and Recreation Commission does not support the request from CPDC for 50% credit for land encumbered by easement.
2) As was discussed at the May 2004 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, we normally expect compensation at the first final plat approval prior to recording, and we will continue
with this practice unless other arrangements can be made. We are waiting to hear the developer’s proposal.
3) Due to multiple concerns, the Parks and Recreation Commission does not support allowing CPDC to construct the park improvements in lieu of cash dedication fees.
SECOND by Sterner. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion Passed
d. Rosemount Commons Concept Plan – Schultz reviewed the development plan for Rosemount Commons, which is located in the northwest corner of County Road 42 and Highway 3. An Aldi grocery
store will anchor a retail center with a restaurant, coffee shop, etc. Schultz had two comments regarding this development: 1. Parks dedication fees should be collected in the amount
of $64,710 (10% of 7.19 acres x $90,000) based on the 2004 Fee Policy and final plat being platted in 2004; and 2. A trail connection from Camfield Park to Highway 3 should be identified
in the plan. MOTION by Sterner to recommend that the City Council approve the concept plan with parks dedication fees to be paid in the amount of $64,710. This fee is based on the
2004 Fee Policy and the final plat being platted in 2004. Also, a trail connection from Camfield Park to Highway 3 should be identified in the plan. SECOND by Defries. Ayes: 5
Nays: 0 Motion passed.
MOTION by Sterner to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Defries. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary