HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07-26-04APPROVED
Members Present: Mike Eliason (arrived 7:24 p.m.), Mark Jacobs, Eric Johnson, Phil Sterner
Members Absent: Leslie Defries
Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary
Student Volunteer: None
Others Present: None
CALL TO ORDER: Jacobs called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA FOR JULY 26, 2004: MOTION by Johnson to approve the July 26, 2004 meeting agenda. SECOND by Sterner. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
3. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 28, 2004 MINUTES: MOTION by Johnson to approve the minutes of June 28, 2004. SECOND by Sterner. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None.
a. Park Signs – Schultz distributed a color copy of the proposed park sign provided by The Plastic Lumber Company. He recommended keeping the white circle around the logo and changing
the inside color of the logo to green with white lettering, and a white shamrock, red rose, the same as the logo on the Rosemount City News publication. It was also decided that the
signs should have white lettering on a green background to provide more contrast and make the signs easier to read, the logo should be centered at the top of each sign, and the signs
should be made of a textured material. MOTION by Johnson recommending proceeding with the acquisition of park signs that are green with white lettering, have a centered logo, are textured,
have the logo modified to a white shamrock with a red rose on a green background, and are two-sided unless otherwise decided by the Parks Director. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes: 4 Nays:
0 Motion passed.
b. Glen Rose - Concept Plan – Schultz reviewed the concept plan from Dean Johnson for a 51 townhome development on the Sunrise Builders site owned by St. Joseph’s Church. The concept
plan includes an area set aside for the future library. Should the library not be built on this site, additional townhomes will be added (total units would then be 75). Schultz had
the following comments and recommendations regarding this concept plan: 1) The developer should provide a public trail easement connecting Hwy 3 and Erickson Park; 2) If the library
is located on this site, there’s a concern that people will try to cross the west side of Hwy 3 to the east side where the library would be. An easement for an underpass should be
looked at as identified in the 1991 Erickson Community Square Master Plan; and 3) Schultz recommended cash in lieu of land for the parks dedication. The cash dedication for 51units
using our current fee schedule would be $122,400 (51 units x $2,400) or $180,000 (75 units x $2,400). The fee is based on the fee at the time of final plat approval. In 2002, the
Parks Commission had recommended that the City Council purchase this site for a library, park or other use. At that time, the Council chose not to
pursue the purchase and it is not currently identified in the budget. The site is currently zoned Public/Institutional. Sterner did not like this location for a development and Eliason
agreed. MOTION by Sterner to reject the concept plan and recommend that the Council purchase the land for Public/Institutional use as currently zoned and as recommended by the Parks
Commission in 2002. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes: 3 Nays: 1 (Jacobs) Motion passed.
a. Meadows of Bloomfield Park – Park Request for Proposals (RFP’s) – Schultz asked for input from the Commission regarding the amenities to be installed at this park. There has been
interest in a climbing wall, and possibly installing play equipment with a theme. The theme-type of equipment could include a unit shaped like a fire truck or police car. The individual
unit wouldn’t replace the main piece of equipment, but would be an addition to it. Schultz showed examples of different themes of playground equipment offered by different companies.
The Commission thought the fire truck component would be a good choice for this park because the park is near the fire station. Schultz next reviewed sun shelter options. The preferred
sun shelters are made of steel beams and posts with metal roofing. These are low maintenance and easy to clean if they are vandalized. The shelters can also be color-coordinated with
the playground equipment at the park. Schultz will put together and send out RFP’s for the equipment and shelters. No motion was necessary.
b. Smoking in City Parks - Discussion – Schultz was asked by a representative from Dakota County to discuss the issue of tobacco use in City parks. He was looking for input from the
Commission on whether they’d like to consider restricting or eliminating smoking in City parks. The Commission was interested in finding out if the County had a policy regarding this.
There was discussion on whether smoking would be banned during youth events only, or if it would be banned entirely, and how the policy would be enforced. MOTION by Sterner to obtain
additional information on what other cities and Dakota County are doing and bring it back as time and resources allow. SECOND by Eliason. FRIENDLY AMENDMENT by Jacobs clarifying that
the information gathered would be for parks only. Ayes: 2 Nays: 2 (Jacobs, Johnson) Motion failed due to lack of majority.
c. Director’s Report – The Parks Improvement Fund Balance as of June 30, 2004 is $774,639.
Brockway Development – The Brockway plan was approved by the City Council with the recommendations from the Parks Commission.
Facilities Task Force Update – Schultz is still making minor changes to the report and will bring the final report to the second City Council meeting in August. A final draft will
also be distributed to the Parks Commission.
Wiklund Property – We did receive the DNR grant to be used to off-set the cost of this project.
MOTION by Sterner to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:33 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary