HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08-23-04APPROVED Members Present: Leslie Defries, Mike Eliason, Mark Jacobs, Eric Johnson, Phil Sterner Members Absent: None Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: None Others Present: None CALL TO ORDER: Jacobs called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Old Business 6. b. Glen Rose Concept Plan APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA FOR AUGUST 23, 2004: MOTION by Eliason to approve the August 23, 2004 meeting agenda as amended. SECOND by Johnson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 3. APPROVAL OF THE JULY 26, 2004 MINUTES: MOTION by Johnson to approve the minutes of July 26, 2004. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None. 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Brockway Development – Contractor Property Developers Company (CPDC) has submitted final plats for the first phase of the Brockway Development, which will be called Reflections. CPDC has asked to dedicate the disc golf area this fall (Outlot T, per preliminary plat) and the remainder of the park area (Outlot M, per preliminary plat) next spring. Schultz felt that due to the timing of the demolition of the glass plant and the final platting of the first phase, the City could accept dedication of the disc golf area this fall and dedication of Outlot M by June 2005. With the site grading and clean up involved, the site will not be ready for construction of the park this year. Schultz also noted that if cash dedication requirements are increased for 2005, we would receive more in parks dedication if we received payment then. Either way, if they pay the City now or in the spring, we would not start building the park until the summer of 2005, with completion in the fall of 2005. MOTION by Johnson to allow the developer to delay payment of Outlot M, “active park” dedication to the City until 2005, with dedication to be made no later than June 2005. SECOND by Sterner. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. MOTION by Johnson to allow the developer to pay cash dedication in two parts and that next year’s payment will be paid at the 2005 parks dedication rate no later than June 2005. The first part is due with the upcoming final plat. SECOND by Sterner. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. CPDC has also asked to be allowed to install/construct and pay for some of the park amenities. Schultz reviewed the budget provided by CPDC for the park amenities. This estimate totaled $610,395. CPDC included $12,000 for maintenance in their proposed budget. No credit for dedication can be given for maintenance, so this amount would have to be excluded from the $610,395. The Commission discussed who would pay the bills and how they would be paid. The amount budgeted for the project is $420,000. Per Schultz, this is a rough draft of the budget and it will be brought back again. The Commission compared CPDC’s estimates with Schultz’s estimates. Johnson noted that the prices listed by CPDC were retail prices, and that they would be paying a lower rate than that for the items. The City would be able to install/construct the amenities for approximately $200,000 less than CPDC. The Commission felt that the City should be in charge of installing/constructing the amenities. There was no motion on this item. b. Glen Rose - Concept Plan – This item was tabled by the City Council at their last meeting. Schultz asked the Commission whether they would consider accepting land dedication if the library is not included in the plan. The Commission did not favor this approach and will discuss the item again at the next meeting. There was no motion on this item. NEW BUSINESS a. Director’s Report – The Parks Improvement Fund Balance as of July 31, 2004 is $769,323.86. Park Signs – Schultz provided the Commission with an updated proposal for the park signs. The City Council liked the idea of including the logo on the signs. However, they are looking into possibly changing the City logo, so ordering the signs has been put on hold until the spring of 2005. Irish Dome – Schultz reviewed an updated plan for the dome. The NURP pond has been moved onto school property. Schultz expects the dome to be constructed sometime this fall. Jaycee Park – Soccer Backboard – A youth working on an Eagle Scout project has contacted Staff regarding the possibility of building a soccer backboard at Jaycee Park. Schultz asked for input from the Commission on whether to move ahead with this. The Commission agreed that Staff should pursue the project as long as appropriate building materials, specs, etc. are used. Jacobs asked how the City would move forward on the athletic complex and other facilities. Per Schultz, next month we’ll have recommendations for the athletic complex site. Before any of the facilities task force items go the City Council, they will be presented to the Commission for review and input. Per Schultz, the athletic complex and the facilities are two separate items and we need to focus on the athletic complex first. Schultz will formalize the athletic facility site at the September meeting. He will be meeting with Dakota County Technical College and UMORE Park representatives to discuss sites for the complex. This item will be addressed at a future Commission work session. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Sterner to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary