HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12-27-04APPROVED
Members Present: Leslie Defries, Mark Jacobs, Eric Johnson, Phil Sterner
Members Absent: Mike Eliason
Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary
Student Volunteer: Philip Harris
Others Present: None
CALL TO ORDER: Jacobs called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA FOR DECEMBER 27, 2004: MOTION by Sterner to approve the December 27, 2004 meeting agenda. SECOND by Defries. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
3. APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 22, 2004 MINUTES: Sterner noted that the $ should be removed from “Skate Sharpening Passes - $8 for $20” under Community Center on page 2. MOTION by Sterner
to approve the minutes of November 22, 2004 as amended. SECOND by Defries. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None.
a. Park Signs – Schultz provided examples of three possible signs that incorporate the new City logo. Schultz recommended going with a simple rectangular sign, nothing too detailed.
Schultz also provided a current park sign inventory. Most of the current signs are wood and were made by our staff. Schultz showed an example of a sign proposed by Evermoor for Innisfree
Park. The developer had contacted Schultz about a month ago regarding installation of their sign. Schultz would prefer that the sign be consistent with signage in other City parks
so there’s no confusion over maintenance and ownership. The proposed sign for Innisfree Park would be made of concrete, with pillars and decorative edges that would be consistent with
other signs in their development. The developer would pay for and install the sign. Schultz asked for input from the Commission on the new park sign designs, and the Innisfree Park
The Commission preferred either the last example on the second page (with the cut-out corners) or the last example on the third page (cutouts, rounded top/bottom). Sterner thought that
the last sign example on the second page seemed out of balance. It was suggested that “Welcome To” be added to the upper left corner to help balance the City logo in the lower right
corner. Sterner also suggested replacing “Minnesota” in the logo with the new City slogan or “Parks and Recreation”. He thought that including the City slogan on the park signs would
be a good use of the signs to market the City. Defries asked if the sign with cutout corners would be cheaper, more economical, than the third example. Schultz clarified that there
should be no difference in price between the two signs, and that the price is based on the size of the sign not the shape. The signs would be green, with white lettering, and the shamrock
would be green with a white, routered outline. The size of the signs would be based on the type/size of park. In parks with more than one entrance, such as Winds or Jaycee, there would
be a larger sign at the main entrance and smaller signs could be installed at trail entrances. There is money in the budget to purchase up to a dozen signs, including signs for all
of the newer parks. Schultz will bring back prototypes of the two options preferred by the Commission, along with cost estimates, to the next meeting. The Commission liked the Innisfree
Park sign submitted by the developer and thought we should go with it, with the addition of the new City logo. Schultz will contact Dave Hempel regarding this.
a. Director’s Report – The Parks Improvement Fund Balance as of November 30, 2004 was $1,280,205.43. No parks dedication fees were received this month. Interest was $423.60. There
were expenditures of $9,823.01 for some smaller items, including landscaping at Birch Park around the sun shelter, installation of signs at the skate park, and adding extra boards to
the rink at Bloomfield Park after it was replaced.
Skate Park – The City Council approved the purchase of additional equipment for the skate park. The equipment should be installed in late winter or early spring depending on the weather.
2005 Fees & Fee Policy - The City Council approved the recommendations made by the Parks and Recreation Commission.
Athletic Complex – We are still talking with landowners about opportunities on the east side of Rosemount. Because of the 52/42 corridor study, some of the landowners are looking more
closely at their properties and trying to figure out long-term uses. We haven’t made an offer to anyone at this time.
Wicklund/Bester Conservation Project – We are close to being able to secure this property and set a closing date. The DNR has requested that the City pay Ms. Wicklund directly. Our
City attorney is working out the legal aspects of the agreement. The DNR will hold the conservation easement on the 25 acres. The breakdown for funding this project is: Dakota County
- $250,000; the City of Rosemount - $100,000; and the DNR - $150,000.
Sterner asked for clarification of how interest is accrued. Per Schultz, because of the kinds of investments that are made, we may not collect interest every month or we may collect
less interest based on smaller investments coming due. Schultz will check with the Finance Director for an explanation of this.
Johnson arrived. Sterner informed the Commission that he will stay on until his seat is filled in April of 2005. He begins his City Council term in January.
MOTION by Defries to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Sterner. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary