HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07-25-05APPROVED
Members Present: Leslie Defries, Mike Eliason, Eric Johnson
Members Absent: Mark Jacobs, Kelly Sampo
Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary
Student Volunteer: None
Others Present: None
1. CALL TO ORDER: Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: New Business b. Schwarz Pond Park Improvements
3. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 27, 2005 MEETING MINUTES: Change 6.b. Old Business from Rosewood Preliminary Plat to GlenRose Preliminary Plat. MOTION by Defries to approve the minutes of
June 27, 2005 as corrected. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None.
a. Meadows Park - Update – Per Schultz, the parking lot at Meadows Park is finished, and trails, rough grading, and storm water utilities have also been completed. Playground equipment
and sun shelters have been ordered and should arrive for installation in August. Irrigation specs have been sent out again, and contracts for the baseball field, basketball court and
short trail links are being coordinated. Staff are working with the DNR to locate the observation pier in the wetlands area. The park should be completed by mid-September.
b. GlenRose Development – Schultz made a recommendation to the City Council including all of the Commission’s recommendations, with the main focus being on the underpass. The City
Council approved all of the recommendations including the underpass. Schultz reviewed a map of the trails, sidewalks, and easements.
c. Goal Setting – Set Agenda and Date – Schultz wanted to find out if there were additional items the Commission would like discussed at the goal setting/work session other than
those the City Council asked them to address. Eliason thought there should be something in place regarding maintenance of the replacement trees planted by developers. Often the trees
are not watered or cared for and are dead within a year. Johnson asked that an Aquatic Complex be discussed. Schultz agreed with adding these items. He told the Commission that $20,000
has been set aside for a feasibility study to be done on an aquatic center. Items to be considered include the cost to build and operate an aquatic center and looking at an indoor
vs. an outdoor facility. Per Schultz, the City Council also would like the Commission to re-look at an athletic complex and provide them with a list of amenities and a detailed plan
including number of ball fields, soccer fields, trails, concessions buildings, etc. The Commission decided that August 8 would be the first choice for a meeting date, with August 4
being the second choice. The meeting time would be 6:30 p.m. Schultz will e-mail this information to all of the Commission members to see what works best for everyone.
d. Portable Toilets – Schultz provided the Commission with examples of three different sizes/styles of screening options made of wood for both standard and accessible type portable
toilets. He also has seen poured concrete structures and faux wood structures. Schultz will gather information on cost estimates, cost per unit, number of units needed, and an implementation
7. NEW BUSINESS: (The Schwarz Pond Park Improvements item was discussed before the Director’s Report)
b. Schwarz Pond Park Improvements – Schultz was contacted by Michael Ryan on behalf of area BMX bikers regarding the possibility of building a BMX dirt bike track in the natural area
located east of the skate park that had been used as an off-leash dog area. Mr. Ryan asked if the City would let them pile the dirt and build the track, and then they would post signs
saying “Ride at Your Own Risk”. Schultz felt that if the City agreed to this project, the City should build it. If the Commission would like to look into this further, Schultz could
bring this item back after talking to City risk management personnel and the City attorney. Schultz asked for direction from the Commission on whether to pursue this item. Eliason
expressed concern about whether the bikers would stay on the dirt track or if they would go into Carroll’s Woods. Schultz suggested having the BMX bikers attend the next Commission
meeting and the Commission agreed that this would be a good idea. Schultz will contact Mr. Ryan regarding this.
The second item for Schwarz Pond Park improvements is the trail improvement that was to be built by the Evermoor developers. Schultz reviewed a map of the trail that runs behind the
senior housing complex. The developer would pay for the trail improvement and the trail could be completed within a month. Schultz also reviewed another trail map. The City Council
would like a trail that connects downtown Rosemount to Connemara Trail. The proposed trail could run from Connemara Trail, behind the Community Center, along the high school property
line, along the football stadium and access road to the high school. Schultz asked if the Commission would like to 1) approve the Schwarz Pond Park tail connection, and 2) support
beginning the process of getting trail connections from Connemara Trail to downtown Rosemount. Regarding the first item, Schultz explained that only two trees would be removed at the
beginning of the trail in Schwarz Pond Park, and that signage would be installed at the beginning and end of the trail. The trail would wind between the spruce trees along its route.
The Commission agreed that we should move ahead with this trail. Schultz suggested that the second item, the missing trail connection between downtown and Connemara Trail, could be
discussed at the work session. The Commission felt it would be a good idea to add this to the work session agenda.
a. Director’s Report - The Parks Improvement Fund Balance as of June 30, 2005 was $1,125,922.93
No dedication fees, grants or donations were received in June. Interest was $1,412.25. Expenditures were $4,922.93 for concrete pads at Bloomfield Park, and also for the dugout benches
and the pad for the bleachers at Bloomfield Park.
Rosemount Community Center Parking - Staff from the City and ISD 196 have come to a tentative agreement to allow students to park in the Rosemount Community Center lot once Rosemount
High School sells all of their available parking permits. They would have access to approximately 44 parking spaces at the Community Center. The Rosemount High School would provide
the services needed to support the students parking at the Community Center and they would collect a reduced rate for the parking passes. Johnson questioned this, as the Commission
had recommended not allowing students to park at the Community Center. Per Schultz, this recommendation had been brought to the City Council and the City Council had requested that
we work with the High School on this. Johnson suggested negotiating that the Community Center parking spaces be for SES students only. Schultz will bring an update on this to the
next meeting.
Joint Meeting with the Farmington Parks and Recreation Commission – The Farmington Parks and Recreation Commission would like to meet on Wednesday, September 28 at 6:00 p.m. at Tamarack
Park in Farmington. This is a new park that was constructed last year last year and is located just off of Hwy. 3 on 209 Street in Farmington. They would like to have a cookout and
an informal meeting.
Park Tour Update – Schultz provided an update regarding questions asked during the park tour that took place in June including warranty checks, ADA swings, placement of benches, amenity
additions, trail access in parks and other maintenance items.
DCTC – Athletic Complex – The Dakota County Technical College is considering going to the state legislature to request funding to buy the land around their campus in 2006 for an athletic
complex. They have asked if the City would be willing to enter into an agreement with them where they would purchase the land and the City would then pay the other expenses for building
an athletic complex. Schultz asked the Commission for their input on partnering with DCTC on this. If the City were to do this, we would need an iron clad agreement regarding the
terms of use for the future. The Commission thought that we should look into this as no other options for land purchase have been secured so far. Schultz will keep the Commission
updated regarding this.
Johnson asked for an update on Park Signs. Per Schultz there were problems with the posts not being long enough. These problems have been resolved and the signs should be installed
within the next two or three weeks.
MOTION by Eliason to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Defries. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary