HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12-19-05APPROVED
Members Present: Leslie Defries, Eric Johnson, Mark Jacobs, Kelly Sampo
Members Absent: Mike Eliason
Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary
Student Volunteer: Jonathan Nutzmann
Others Present: None
1. CALL TO ORDER: Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: 7. Director’s Report: Maps showing a possible change in the trail alignment for Meadows Park.
Schultz introduced the Park & Recreation Commission’s new student volunteer, Jonathan Nutzmann.
3. APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 2005 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Jacobs to approve the minutes of the November 2005 meeting. SECOND by Defries. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None.
a. Interpretive Trail Corridor Plan – This item is being brought back to the Commission with additional information. Included in this month’s packet are an outline of the planning
steps for the trail, a list of the stakeholders, a detailed overview of the interpretive corridor covering each of the six segments, information on the significant natural features
and ecological restoration opportunities, a map of the trail, and the comments received from the public meeting. Schultz asked the Commission if there was anything they would like
to discuss regarding this item. Defries asked who would pay for the trail and what the residential/industrial percentages would be. Per Schultz, parks dedication funds and possibly
grants would be used to cover the costs of the trail as development occurs, and 30% will be residential and 70% will be industrial. We have contacted the land owners and they have
already been looking into developing their property. Once the land is sold, we will work with the developer to build the trail. The current plan is a concept plan which may change
over time. Jacobs asked what would happen if we could not get a connection between segments. Per Schultz, there should not be a problem with any of the segments through segment four,
but there could be issues with the eastern segments of the trail. Schultz has talked to the City’s Community Development staff about including this item in the City’s Comprehensive
Guide Plan which includes guidelines that developers are expected to follow when they submit plans. Sampo asked if the motion should include that the Interpretive Trail be part of
the City’s Comprehensive Guide Plan, or if it was assumed. Per Schultz, this will be included as part of the Parks Master Plan and/or the Comprehensive Guide Plan, whichever is updated
first, so it doesn’t need to be included in the motion. MOTION by Sampo that the City Council approve the Rosemount Interpretive Trail Corridor Plan as presented. SECOND by Defries.
Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
Jacobs asked if this could be included on the City’s web site. Per Schultz, we are going to be updating our web site to include more information for the public.
a. Director’s Report – The Park Improvement Fund Balance as of November 30, 2005 was $1,682,003.58. We received parks dedication in the amount of $228,000 from the Glen Rose Development.
Interest was $2,606.63 and expenditures were $73,654.46 for work at Meadows Park.
Camfield Park - The old shelter at Camfield Park has been torn down and the new shelter is up.
Birch Park Climbing Rock - The Birch Park Climbing rock was received but could not be installed due to weather conditions. It will be installed in the spring.
Bloomfield Park Building - We will be sending out Requests for Qualifications (RFQ’s) and for a price quote for the building at Bloomfield Park. We will discuss this further at the
January meeting.
Review of City Ordinances – The review of City Ordinances has been completed and will be included on the January meeting agenda.
Options Report for Recreational Facilities - Staff is working on a draft document of the Options Report and Implementation Plan for Recreational Facilities that were recommended by
the Facilities Task Force. Schultz briefly reviewed sketches provided by a landscape architect that show how the facilities we asked for would fit into an athletic complex. We will
review this in more detail in the future. This item should be on the January agenda.
Agenda Add On – Realignment of Trail in Meadows Park - A developer is interested in the property across from Bacardi Avenue near Meadows Park. Schultz reviewed an aerial photo of
the location and two maps provided by the developer. The developer is asking about the possibility of moving a portion of the trail that was planned for the northwest corner of Meadows
Park to allow for a street. The street will cross Bacardi Avenue at some time in the future. The revised trail section would run along the east side of the street, and it would line
up with a trail across the street when that property/trail is developed. The change would provide a better alignment with the future trail connection and a controlled intersection
for crossing. This was not a formal submittal and Schultz was not looking for a motion at this time. He was asking the Commission if they would be willing to discuss this issue and
work with the developer on this. The Commission was willing to look at it.
Johnson asked about the updated Trail and Sidewalk Improvement Plan the Commission received between meetings. He asked if there were any questions or if discussion was necessary.
Per Schultz, a public open house may be planned for February. A letter was sent to all of the residents along the proposed 2006 project routes and a staff member is collecting comments
we receive from residents. The Parks & Recreation Department will be handling the public relations part of this project. Information regarding the project will be put on the website.
We also have an e-mail address where residents can comment, ask questions or send us information. Schultz will bring updates on this to the next meeting.
MOTION by Jacobs to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Defries. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:39 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary