HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05-22-06Approved
Members Present: Jason Eisold, Mike Eliason, Mark Jacobs, Eric Johnson, Kelly Sampo
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary
Student Volunteer: Jonathan Nutzmann
Others Present: Betsy, John, Terry and Mike McMenomy
1. CALL TO ORDER: Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Additional information for Old Business 6. b. and d., and New Business 7. a.
3. APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 24, 2006 AND MAY 9, 2006 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Sampo to approve the minutes of the April 24 and May 9 meetings. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 3 Nays:
0 Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None.
a. Updated Pulte Concept Plan – Pulte Homes is interested in developing the McMenomy property which is located north of Old County Road 38 and extends up to the northern border of Rosemount.
The Commission briefly looked at a development plan at last month’s meeting. Pulte Homes has provided an updated plan and Schultz reviewed this plan and the locations where neighborhood
parks N8 and N7, and park C3, a community park/conservation area/natural resource based park, are to be located according to the Parks Master Plan. The updated plan from Pulte Homes
has smaller lots and more open space. This is still a concept plan and has not been formally submitted. There was discussion on various ways the City could acquire the property for
park C3, such as going to Dakota County for funds up to $1,000,000 and doing something similar to what was done to acquire the Wiklund property, leveraging park dedication fees for
the parks, etc. Because this is a PUD, the City can try to leverage for more open space. Johnson thought that while green space was important, we have to make sure that we address
the need for active recreation areas and not put this issue on the back burner to preserve open space. Possibly the County could acquire this open space. Sampo thought the Commission
should try to get as much green space as possible, as once it’s gone we can never get it back. The Commission wanted to be sure that the land for parks N7 and N8 was suitable and asked
about the access to park N7. They also asked whether the process of acquiring land for these two parks would be smooth. Schultz felt that there should be no problems with this. Schultz
also reviewed the crossing of the interpretive trail. At a minimum, it could be aligned along collector street N/S or E/W through the property. Schultz felt that there shouldn’t be
a problem getting the trail through the development. 7:19 p.m. Eliason arrived. Schultz briefly recapped the discussion so far regarding the proposed development. He explained that
Dakota County was interested in preserving the northern portion of this property as part of their program as it was originally one of the highest rated parcels in the county. Pulte
has also talked to Dakota County about preserving this property and they can apply for the program. Mr. Mike McMenomy addressed the Commission. His family has owned this property since
the 1870’s. It is a gorgeous piece of property and there is no other land like it in Rosemount. He asked the Commission to do their best to preserve this 80 acre property.
b. Bloomfield Park Shelter Building – Schultz received revised drawings of the shelter with the changes the Commission had requested. The roof line over the picnic table area was changed
to match that of the main shelter building and the dormer windows were removed from this section. Schultz reviewed the various plans for the shelter’s exterior and interior. He informed
the Commission that the architect was concerned about changing the interior design from two mechanical rooms to one larger room. He didn’t think it would work as well and felt that
wall storage space would be lost. The budget was also a concern. Last year, $250,000 was budgeted for the shelter. Based on the current design, the cost will be quite a bit higher
than that. A soil inspection revealed that the soil isn’t suitable for construction and a soil correction will be necessary. The cost of this will add approximately $20,000 - $25,000
to the project. 7:56 p.m. Jacobs arrived. The new cost estimate including the soil correction, dormer windows, moving the electrical and irrigation systems inside, finishing the
interior with top quality materials, etc. is between $300,000 and $325,000. Per Schultz, we may be able scale back the design and stay on track with the original budget of $250,000,
removing the dormer windows, etc. Schultz recommended not scaling back the square footage of the building. Johnson was concerned about the large difference in the cost between the
design plans that were provided and the amount originally budgeted. He thought that we should try to do a better job of budgeting future projects. The additional cost for soil correction
was also a concern. Johnson suggested that in the future, the soil samples should be taken earlier in the planning process so any additional cost could be budgeted for. Eliason asked
if this could be included in the agreement with the developer for grading park land. Schultz will ask the architect to provide this information for the June 5 meeting. The Commission
also asked for a cost breakdown of the attached picnic shelter. The Commission thought that it would be helpful for the architect to provide examples of other shelters and what they
c. Outdoor Recreation Complex – This item was a follow-up to the Special Meeting held on May 9 regarding the athletic complex. As a result of the meeting, RAAA put together a fact sheet
on why an athletic/recreation complex is needed, as well as a form letter for the Mayor and Council. These two documents were made available to individuals registering for programs
on May 13, 16, and 20. Schultz asked the Commission to consider holding another Special Meeting on June 5 to talk to the stakeholders and get additional feedback from them.
Schultz also mentioned that staff recently had another discussion with the owners of the triangle shaped piece of property that had been discussed previously. The City Administrator
would like to meet with the Commission in June about this. The property is approximately the same size as Shannon Park. It would not take the place of an athletic complex, but would
allow for youth tournament play and provide some relief for neighborhood parks. The landowner is interested in selling it to the City and could have it in place for a budget meeting
in June/July. Staff will be talking to the landowner in the next couple of weeks.
The Commission agreed to meet with the stakeholders again on June 5 at 7:00 p.m. Per Schultz the Commission might also have a meeting with the City Council before the regular June
d. Park Dedication Fees – Our park dedication fees have not increased since January of 2005. Schultz provided the Commission with a recent fee survey, a chart with information on
seven recent land sales in the community, and a map showing these seven properties. Schultz
reviewed the information and the reasons for the difference in values. Schultz spoke to the City Attorney regarding the benefits and issues of basing park dedication fees on appraisals.
The City Attorney recommended continuing to use the method we have been using and increasing our fees instead of basing fees on appraisals. There was discussion regarding the subdivision
fees. Jacobs thought that the commercial subdivision fees were high. Schultz explained that our
method of collection is similar to other cities at 10%. Per Schultz, the rates listed for the various subdivisions are in line with what other cities are collecting for the same price,
but maybe not for the same percentage of land dedicated. Developers always have the option of challenging the fees and this has not happened in the past. Schultz recommended the following
changes for 2007: New Residential Subdivision - $100,000/acre = $4,000 per acre; Commercial Subdivision - $100,000/acre = $10,000 per acre; Industrial Subdivison - $50,000/acre = $5,000
acre; New Category – Business Park Subdivision - $85,000/acre = $85,000 per acre.
MOTION by Jacobs to recommend that the City Council amend the 2006 Fees and Fee Policy to increase the parks dedication fees as follows: New Residential Subdivision - $100,000/acre;
Commercial Subdivision - $90,000/acre; Industrial Subdivision - $50,000/acre; New Category – Business Park Subdivision - $85,000/acre. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion
Passed. Per Schultz, we can revisit this item in the fall.
e. Park Improvements –
Domed Climber at Chippendale Park – Schultz provided a photo of the domed climber. It is well worn and the paint is peeling. Commission members Sampo and Eliason were on the Commission
at the time the new playground equipment was installed and remembered that the domed climber was to be removed at that time. They thought it might have been missed because it wasn’t
near the other playground equipment. The question before the Commission at this time was whether to replace the domed climber with another piece of playground equipment. Sampo thought
that as long as there were no safety issues, the climber should be left in place for the summer and replaced when there are funds to do so. Schultz will have the City’s playground
inspector look at it and make sure it is safe. Sampo also suggested asking for input from the neighbors regarding the replacement equipment. Eliason suggested replacing the climber
with a climbing rock similar to the one recently installed at Birch Park. Schultz suggested placing the new piece of playground equipment adjacent to the playground so that there would
be easy access to it. Schultz will bring back information on whether the domed climber is currently safe, and if it’s not, it will be removed. If there are no safety issues, we can
leave it in place and include funds in the 2007 CIP budget for replacing it with another piece of equipment. Eisold requested the age ranges for the other playground equipment.
Schwarz Pond Park/Trail to the High School Baseball Field – This item was brought to the Commission last month because Schultz had received a phone call from someone regarding the steepness
of the trail. The caller had attended a baseball game and had trouble getting back up the shortcut trail to the parking lot. Schultz provided the Commission with photos of the trail
which was cut about 10 – 12 years ago as a shortcut from the Schwarz Pond Park parking lot to the high school baseball fields. There are ADA accessible trails to the fields from the
parking lot at Schwarz Pond Park as well as from the high school parking lot. Both of these are longer routes than the shortcut. The shortcut is used by fans as well as players.
Schultz was asking the Commission whether they would like to pursue improvements to the shortcut. Per Schultz, another option would be to pave the trail to our property edge and realign
it slightly to the north so there would be a more gradual slope. Schultz will find out how much improvements to the trail would cost. Schultz will also check on safety concerns, and
with the school district regarding their interest in participating in improvements to the trail or doing the improvements themselves.
Schultz also mentioned that the City Council has asked for a north/south connection from the sidewalk south of the high school to Connemara Trail. Possibly this connection could be
addressed at this time. Schultz will bring back an update on this.
a. Director’s Report – The Park Improvement Fund Balance as of April 30, 2006 was $1,723,483.19 No Parks Dedication Fees were received this month, but we were reimbursed $25,938.53
from a SEP grant for work done on the interpretive trail corridor. Interest for the month was $7,383.25 and there were expenditures of $1,565.64 for taxes and trees at Meadows Park.
Meadows Park – Over 100 trees were recently planted at Meadows Park and the park has also been seeded. We are waiting for the road on the north side of the park to be completed before
the observation deck and boardwalk are constructed.
Schwarz Pond Park Trail Construction – The trail connection from Connemara Trail to the trail in Schwarz Pond Park has been completed. Evermore Park developer, CPDC, was required
to build this trail connection as part of the development plan.
Birch Park Rock – The Rock has been installed.
Chippendale Park Portable Toilet Enclosures – A letter was recently mailed to residents who live near Chippendale Park regarding moving the portable toilet to a different location
at the park and building an enclosure for it. Comments received from residents were included in this month’s Commission packet. One resident was in favor of moving the portable toilet
away from her home. All of the others did not want the portable toilet moved. They also did not favor building an enclosure for it, citing concerns about activities that could occur
in and around the structure when the portable toilet was not there. It was decided that it would be best to leave the portable toilet where it is, and not construct an enclosure for
it. We will look at other parks where this may be more appropriate, such as Innisfree Park or Jaycee Park.
MOTION by Sampo to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:56 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary