HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08-28-06APPROVED
Members Present: Jason Eisold, Mike Eliason, Mark Jacobs, Eric Johnson, Kelly Sampo
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary
Student Volunteer: Jonathan Nutzmann
Others Present: None
1. CALL TO ORDER: Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
3. APPROVAL OF THE JULY 24, 2006 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Eisold to approve the minutes of the July 24, 2006 meeting. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None.
a. Bloomfield Park Shelter Building – Schultz informed the Commission that at their August 9 work session, the City Council discussed the option of building an enclosed shelter at Bloomfield
Park that was similar to the shelter recently built in Hastings for approximately $125,000. The Council decided that at this time, spending even $130,000 on a shelter would not send
the right message to our residents. They felt that the funds that were budgeted for this shelter could be better used toward building the proposed athletic complex. They suggested
building one or two sun shelters and renting portable warming houses and toilets as alternatives to the enclosed shelter.
The Commission expressed their disappointment and frustration with this decision. The shelter at Bloomfield Park is part of the parks master plan and $250,000 was included in the 2006
CIP budget for this shelter. They were willing to meet with the Council to discuss and clarify their vision for this park and future parks, as well as for the proposed athletic complex.
MOTION by Jacobs that in light of the following: a. concern to have consistent facilities for all neighborhoods; b. desire to provide a first class, permanent building to serve as
a shelter for the outdoor, lit ice rink, providing a safe environment for youth and adults; c. the core belief that first class parks and recreation facilities are an amenity that helps
attract new residents and businesses; and d. the need to best serve the residents of the area, the Parks and Recreation Commission recommends the City issue an RFP for $250,000 to construct
a shelter/warming house at Bloomfield Park. SECOND by Sampo. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
The issue of building sun shelters at Bloomfield Park was tabled at this time.
a. Parks, Trails and Open Space Master Plan Update – Cities are required by the Metropolitan Council to update their Comprehensive Guide Plans by the end of 2008. In conjunction with
this, we will be updating the Parks, Trails and Open Space Master Plan. The Community Development staff will be meeting with the Parks and Recreation Commission to discuss this update
as part of the regular Commission meeting in November, and again at the January 22, 2007 regular meeting. The Parks, Trails and Open Space Master Plan was last updated in 2002, and
before that it was last updated in 1991. Most cities update their master plans every five to 10 years based on the level of development that takes place in the community. Per Schultz,
we will focus on one section at a time beginning at next month’s meeting. He will bring examples of other cities’ plans for comparison. Schultz mentioned that we could have included
more as far as policies and this is something we may want to better define in this update. City staff should be able to compile most of the information, and it may not be necessary
to out-source the project as was done in the past. We can discuss this further at our next meeting. Schultz asked the Commission to read through the current plan and call him know
with any questions or with suggestions for additions and/or improvements.
b. Intermediate School District 917 – Recreation Facility Partnership Opportunity – Intermediate School District 917 is considering building a new school in Rosemount. Schultz provided
the Commission with a site map of the possible location and a site plan for the school with proposed onsite recreational amenities including a basketball court, baseball field, open
play area and a playground. They are also proposing to build a 6000 sq. ft. gymnasium as part of the facility. Schultz recently met with the District 917 superintendent regarding
an opportunity to partner with them on these amenities. The proposed site for the new school could be surrounded by residential housing in the future, and the amenities the school
is considering could help to serve the needs of the neighborhood, similar to the partnership currently in place at Shannon Park Elementary. Johnson asked about any liability the City
might have in partnering with District 917, and for more information on what would be involved. The hours/days the City would be able to use the facilities were also discussed. Per
Schultz, the school is still in the early planning stages and he was seeking input from the Commission as to whether they would be interested in pursuing a partnership with District
917. The Commission was open to looking into this partnership. Schultz will invite a representative from the district to attend next month’s meeting if possible, to discuss the partnership
MOTION by Sampo to recommend that staff pursue a potential facility partnership with Intermediate School District 917. SECOND by Eliason. Eisold asked for examples of other partnership
agreements with the School District 196. Schultz will bring back examples for the Commission to review. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
c. Director’s Report – The park improvement fund balance as of July 31, 2006 was $1,654,650.27. No parks dedication fees were received. Interest for the month was $3,791.67, and there
were expenditures of $25,895.82 for park signs, final payment for the irrigation system at Meadows Park, electrical improvements at Central Park, fencing at Winds Park, curb at Birch
Park and service fees for JAE Architects for the Bloomfield Park shelter plans.
Park Signs – Most of the park signs have already been installed, and the remaining signs will be installed this fall.
2007 Budget – The City Council will be discussing the 2007 budget at a work session on August 23.
Exception Reports for Community Center Rentals – Schultz provided the Commission with four exception reports for room rentals. The exceptions were for the National Guard for three
hours of use, ISD 196 for one hour of use; Kevin Carroll, for a special event; and for RAHA registration.
Outdoor Recreation Complex – Talks with landowners continue and we have received positive responses. Flint Hills is also processing a request through their system. Schultz will provide
the Commission with more information as it becomes available.
Old St. Joseph’s Church and School – The City Council had a work session on August 9, 2006 and discussed the future use of the old St. Joseph’s Church/School site. The Council made
it clear that the church would need to stay. They would like to form a task force which would include a member of the Parks & Recreation Commission to review the future use of the
school building.
Other –
Several nearby communities including Apple Valley and Eagan have applied for a grant from Blue Cross/Blue Shield to promote policies on active living. A meeting is to be held on September
26 regarding the grant, and anyone interested in is encouraged to attend. Schultz will send out information as it becomes available. City Council and City staff will be on the committee.
Eliason asked about the disappearing fence on the east side of Connemara Park parking area. four wheelers can now drive through the formerly fenced area and into the park/resident’s
yards. Snowmobiles may also become an issue during the winter. Per Schultz, sections of the fence were removed for ease of maintenance and because there was parking lot curb to act
as a barrier to the turf. Schultz will look into this further.
MOTION by Sampo to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary