HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10-23-06APPROVED
Members Present: Mark Jacobs, Eric Johnson, Kelly Sampo
Members Absent: Jason Eisold, Mike Eliason
Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary
Student Volunteer: Jonathan Nutzmann
Others Present: None
1. CALL TO ORDER: Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
3. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 25, 2006 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Sampo to approve the minutes of the September 25, 2006 meeting. SECOND by Jacobs. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None.
a. Brockway Park Update – Schultz reviewed the park design provided by SRF, the firm that has been hired by the City to create the plans and specifications for Brockway Park. SRF has
verified the elevations for the park and they are working on the cost estimate for the project. Maureen Bouchard from the Rosemount Historical society is working on gathering historical
information on the Brockway plant that will be used on markers that will be placed in the park. Schultz will have more information on this at an upcoming meeting, and the Commission
can also discuss the design of the makers at that time. Per Schultz, construction of homes near the park will be the last phase of the development. We are researching the possibility
of getting utilities from nearby areas to the park, and hope to be ready to bid the project in January 2007, with the assumption that the road to the park will be ready in the summer.
Johnson asked if there was any recourse if the housing market doesn’t pick up. Per Schultz, there really is no recourse. Staff have been receiving calls regarding when the park will
be completed and is in the process of putting together information so that the public is provided with correct information.
b. Bloomfield Park Sun Shelter - This item was tabled for the second time at last month’s meeting in order to wait for further discussion and feedback from the City Council. Per Schultz,
the City Council has not had any further discussion on this item with regard to the 2007 CIP budget, but they should be discussing it at the Wednesday, November 1 budget meeting. Schultz
has spoken with a couple of the City Council members and the Mayor and it doesn’t look like they will be discussing this for 2006. Schultz asked if the Commission would like to move
forward with adding the building of one or two sun shelters at Bloomfield Park to the 2007 CIP budget. Sampo and Jacobs were not interested in further discussion of the sun shelters.
They again stated that the Commission’s recommendation was to spend the $250,000 that was already approved in 2006 to build an enclosed shelter building at Bloomfield Park. The Commission
recommend that $250,000 for a shelter building be added to the 2007 CIP budget. Johnson was open to either option and did not want the park to have no shelter at all. Nutzmann would
prefer to have an enclosed shelter building, rather than a sun shelter and temporary warming house trailer. Sampo suggested looking at the sun shelter again in December.
MOTION by Jacobs to recommend adding a line item of up to $250,000 to the 2007 CIP Budget for a warming house/shelter building at Bloomfield Park. SECOND by Sampo. Ayes: 3 Nays:
0 Motion passed.
a. Underpass Feasibility Study – Schultz reviewed that we have recently received calls regarding snow and water collecting in the underpass on Shannon Parkway north of the elementary
school, and also that easements were required as part of the Glen Rose development for a possible underpass to provide access from the east side of Hwy. 3 into the Glen Rose Addition
on the west side of Hwy. 3. Schultz introduced Chuck Rickart from WSB, the City’s engineering firm, who was in attendance to answer questions regarding both of these. Schultz briefly
described the tasks necessary for both underpasses as outlined in an October 18 letter from Rickart. The letter also included cost estimates for the feasibility studies. Once the
feasibility studies are completed, plans and specifications can be prepared and the projects could be put out for bids. Schultz told the Commission that there are “Safe Routes to School”
grants available for this type of project, but feasibility studies have to be completed before they can be applied for. We would also need support from the school for this grant.
Schultz provided a photo of the Shannon Parkway underpass and discussed several options including doing nothing or closing it. The current underpass does not drain well and is too
small for City snow removal equipment. Rickart gave a brief outline of his and WSB’s background in building underpasses of this type and explained what WSB’s role would be in the process.
MOTION by Sampo to recommend that the City Council add $23,000 from the park improvement fund into the 2007 CIP budget to conduct feasibility studies for underpasses at Shannon Parkway
north of the school, and at Hwy. 3 near the Community Center. SECOND by Jacobs. FRIENDLY AMENDMENT by Jacobs to modify the motion from “2007 CIP budget” to “2006 and/or 2007 CIP budget”.
Jacobs asked if we needed to include that the work would be done by WSB. Per Schultz, we should do a separate motion for this. AMENDMENT TO FRIENDLY AMENDMENT by Jacobs to change
“and/or” in the friendly amendment to “or”. RESTATEMENT OF MOTION by Jacobs as amended: Recommend that the City Council add $23,000 from the park improvement fund into the 2006 or
2007 CIP budget to conduct the feasibility studies for the underpasses at Shannon Parkway north of the high school, and at Hwy. 3 near the Community Center. SECOND by Sampo. Ayes:
3 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
MOTION by Jacobs to recommend that the City contract with WSB to conduct feasibility studies, as previously discussed, for the underpasses on Shannon Parkway north of the school and
Hwy. 3 near the Community Center at a cost not to exceed $23,000. SECOND by Sampo. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
b. Director’s Report – The park improvement fund balance as of September 30, 2006 was $1,686,442.12. Parks dedication fees of $18,900 were received for the Carrousel Office Plaza.
No grants or donations were received and there were no expenditures.
2007 CIP Budget - Discussion by the Council has tentatively been set for November 1.
Fees and Fee Policy – The Commission last looked at this in July of 2006. Schultz will be bringing this item back for discussion. One of the changes to be discussed is the recommendation
by the Community Center Manager to increase non-prime ice fees for 2007.
Schultz reminded the Commissioners that the Haunted Woods Trail, for preschool to middle school age youth, will be taking place this weekend at Central Park. The event is free, but
donations are accepted. We are expecting approximately 2,500 participants.
Johnson announced that he had submitted his resignation to Schultz, and this would be his last meeting.
MOTION by Jacobs to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Sampo. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary