HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. January 14, 2019 UC Minutes UTILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES January 14, 2019 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount th was called to order on January 14, 2019, at 5:32 p.m. in the Upper Conference Room, City Hall, 2875 145 Street West, Rosemount. Commissioner Demuth called meeting to order with Commissioners Cahn and Nelson, Mayor Droste, Finance Director May, Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson, Public Works Coordinator Watson, Recording Secretary Barikmo, and President of KLM Engineering Shawn Mulhern. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA None AUDIENCE INPUT APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Nelson Second by Cahn Motion to approve the minutes of the November 19, 2018 Utility Commission meeting with a change to item 6.b. in the seventh paragraph. Demuth clarified that she was just educating the commission on what other cities were doing, she was not recommending having an additional truck drive behind the plow truck. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 7.a. Update of Utility Billing Procedures Finance Director May went over changes in the Utility Billing Procedures. Now that Utility Billing is being outsourced changes were made to dates listed in original document. Cahn questioned how overpayments would be handled. May said that the City would only cut an overpayment check if it is on a terminated account, over $100 or under financial hardship circumstances. Demuth asked how the 6% late fee is derived or if it’s a standard rate. May said that the late fee charge has been 6% for a long time. Residents have not complained about the percentage. May wanted to note that the fixed charges are phasing out. In the second paragraph of the background, May wants to know if the language can just be removable when the applicable time comes. Motion by Cahn Second by Nelson. Motion to approve the updated Utility Billing Procedures. Motion carried 7.b. Chippendale Water Tower Recoating Award Contract Erickson provided an update to the Chippendale Water Tower project. The bid opening that occurred on December 19, 2018 came back with 5 bids. The lowest bidder was Classic Protective Coatings for $569,850.00. As part of KLM’s management, they reviewed the bids and recommend awarding the contract to Classic Protective Coatings. Shawn Mulhern, President of KLM Engineering, attended the meeting to answer any questions from the commissioners. Shawn reiterated that whatever color is chosen for the water tower, the monopole has to be painted the same color. American Tower, who is responsible for painting the monopole, contacted KLM to see what color had been chosen. The color of the water tower has not yet been chosen. Mayor Droste stated that the Chippendale Water Tower should match the color of the Connemara Water Tower. Shawn Mulhern recommended that the City stay uniform with all of the towers. Mayor Droste and Demuth discussed having lights on the tower to display the logo. Shawn Mulhern explained that there is not room on the tower for lights to be installed. The lights would either have to be on separate poles or installed on the handrail. If they were installed on the handrail, it may not light up the entire logo. Motion by Nelson Second by Demuth. Motion to recommend to Council the award of contract for the Chippendale Water Tower Reconditioning, City Project 2019-02. Motion carried 7.c. AT&T Lease Amendment AT&T is only updating their equipment on the Chippendale Water Tower. Erickson stated that this item was informational only, not action was required. 7.d. 2019 Meeting Calendar Erickson went over the proposed meeting dates. Some of the meeting dates were shifted due to holidays. Motion by Cahn Second by Nelson. Motion to set the 2019-2020 Utility Commission Meetings. Motion carried EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 8.a. City Projects Update Erickson gave an overview of some of the ongoing projects within the city. Projects have finished up for the season. Developments looking to start up in the Spring: th  Greystone 8 is the last phase of the Greystone Development. nd  Meadow Ridge 2  Extending sanitary sewer to the Minea/School District property, located at the southwest corner of Akron Ave and Bonaire Path.  UMore/Vermillion Crossing – south/west of DCTC  Lift station Renovation  Bonaire Path – Pavement and water main will be extended Demuth stated that the Water Comp Plan should be the document to reference until 2040, but isn’t sure that it answers all of the necessary questions. Erickson has a meeting with SEH on January 15, 2019 to discuss the plan. Demuth wants the comp plan to outline how our current water supply and where the city is at. She would like it to resemble a “barometer” of the water supply in comparison to the growing population and the consumption. Demuth questioned what the purpose of the Water Supply Plan is. Erickson explained that part of it is to know where the well fields and future towers would be. Well sites are decided based on studies. For Well 16, Barr completed the location study in 2003. This study is included in the current Water Supply Plan and plan was approved in 2007. Well 17’s parcel is in the Prestwick Subdivision. The next possible well sites are: to the east of Akron on Bonaire, or on the McMenomy Parcel to the west of Akron and west of Bonaire. Both of the locations are shown on the report completed by Barr. Each site should be about a half-acre. 8.b. 2018 Well Pumping Report Erickson gave an overview of the Well Pumping Report. In 2018, we received slightly more rain than in 2017. Well Pumping was down 11.8% from 2017. 8.c. Set Next Meeting Agenda for February 25, 2019. The Water Supply, Sewer, & Surface Water Plans will be discussed at next meeting. OTHER UPDATES Demuth wants Commissioners to read the Comp Plans and report back at the March meeting. Demuth would also like Erickson to provide the comments from SEH so Commissioners are aware of any possible changes. Commissioners discussed phasing out the second meter. The second meter is not promoting conservation of water. The main purpose of the second meter is not to pay sewer fees on the water used to irrigate. No other cities offer the second meter. The City of Rosemount currently has about 800 residences that have the second meter. ADJOURNMENT Demuth adjourned the meeting at 7:21p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jessie Barikmo Public Works Secretary