HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180716 UC Minutes UTILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 16, 2018 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on July 16, 2018, at 5:32 p.m. in the Upper Conference Room, City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount. Commissioner Demuth called meeting to order with Commissioners Cahn & Nelson, Mayor Droste, Public Works Director/City Engineer Brian Erickson and Recording Secretary Jessie Barikmo. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA None AUDIENCE INPUT APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Nelson Second by Cahn Motion to approve the minutes of the June 18, 2018, Utility Commission meeting. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS OLD BUSINESS 6.a. Chippendale Water Tower Coating Project Erickson explained the Chippendale Water Tower is in the budget for this year. The plan is to coat the inside and outside of the tower for $650,000. Erickson has spoken with the City Attorney about possible contract agreements. There must be a multi-year Water Tower Maintenance Agreement and established in state statute. The agreement must be at least 3 years and at no point can the City pay out more on the maintenance agreement than annual water revenue. The maintenance agreement would cover items such as re-coating the water tower, ladder maintenance, shell repairs, electric upgrades, etc. Since the last legislative session, any large repair would have to be competitively bid if the agreement is entered after September 1, 2018. Large repairs would be anything over $175,000. Commissioner Cahn expressed interest in looking into competitive bids for this project. Erickson explained KLM specializes in engineering water towers and what their role would be in the project, such as; requesting quotes from numerous painting contractors for the City. Erickson recommends we sign a contract with KLM before September 1, 2018. If a contract is not signed by September 1, 2018, the larger maintenance items will have to go to competitive bid. Mayor Droste questioned what the cost was to paint Chippendale Water Tower when it was last painted in 2004-05. Erickson will look into costs for next Utility Commission Meeting. Erickson will also look into other engineering firms that are similar to KLM. Erickson wants to bring this discussion to City Council in August and set up a multi-year maintenance contract. Erickson wants to have the contract with KLM in place by September 1, 2018. KLM will complete an inspection before and after the coating, and will continue to inspect every year following per the contract. Erickson will propose to City Council a 5-year maintenance contract with KLM that will cover all of the water towers. 6.b. Stormwater Pond Maintenance Erickson provided an overview of the Stormwater Pond Maintenance plan and what needs to be completed around the ponds. The plan will be smaller and will be part of the annual budget process. Ponds will be ranked and will be worked according to rank. Demuth asked what Erickson’s thoughts were on using the Empire Wastewater Treatment Plant water at UMORE. Erickson stated that he was opposed to the idea due to it being additional infrastructure that would have to be maintained. If OPUS were to build their parcel in UMORE and have a large water need that could be appropriate for wastewater reuse. Erickson stated that the City will be continuing with the wetland programs to monitor the health of the particular areas. Demuth explained that the Environmental and Sustainability Task Force applied for an intern for the city through Green Corps. The intern is free to the city and is paid for by the program. The Green Corps intern that is starting on October 1, 2018 will be able to monitor the critical water bodies. Erickson will have an updated Stormwater Pond Maintenance report at the next Utility Commission meeting that will provide what has already been done and what still needs to be completed. NEW BUSINESS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 8.a. City Projects Update Erickson gave an overview of all of the ongoing projects within the city.  2018 SIP – Concrete work is projected to be complete by July 20, 2018.  Bonaire Path – Project includes paving and installing of crossing arms at railroad. Crossing arms will allow the city to extend the quiet zone. As part of the state bonding bill, there was $1million set aside for this project.  Well 1 & 2 Sealing – Two former municipal wells were not appropriately sealed. Right of Entry has been obtained from the property owner. A grant was received from the Department of Health. Demuth has additional grant applications for the project.  Meadow Ridge - New Lennar development. Design work for utilities and street is 95% done. Street and utility construction will occur this year.  Connemara Trail Extension – Design has not started. Construction will start in 2019 at the earliest.  Greystone 7th – Bids were received on July 9, 2018. Forty-six homes will be built in development.  Harmony Developments – Public utility work is completed. Developer will work on private access streets next.  Well 16 – Will come online this summer.  132nd Street – Construction will be starting soon. Project was awarded last year.  Dunmore 1st – Construction is nearly complete. Sidewalks for some of the area need to be completed so driveways can be finished.  Dunmore 2nd – Design work is underway and a storm lift station will be constructed in conjunction with that work. 8.b. Set Next Meeting Agenda for August 20, 2018 Demuth requested to discuss second meters at next meeting. OTHER UPDATES Demuth and the Environmental & Sustainability Task Force will have a booth at Leprechaun Days and will be promoting irrigation rebates. ADJOURNMENT Demuth adjourned the meeting at 6:56 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jessie Barikmo Public Works Secretary