HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Approval of March 19, 2019, Meeting MinutesROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS MARCH 19, 2019 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was held on March 19, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount. Chair Weisensel called the meeting to order with Commissioners Droste, Essler, Block, Freske, Wolf and Ober in attendance. Staff present included Executive Director Martin, Deputy Director Lindquist, and City Clerk Fasbender. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA Executive Director Martin stated there were no changes to the agenda. Motion by Weisensel Second by Ober Motion to Adopt the Agenda. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Wolf Second by Droste Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of February 19, 2019, Meeting Minutes Ayes: Droste, Block, Ober, Weisensel, Essler, Freske, Wolf Nays: 0. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 4.a. Business Appreciation Event - Follow up Deputy Director Lindquist discussed the survey which staff submitted to Rosemount businesses to determine why they may have not attended the event as well as provide feedback regarding the event. A recap of the responses was included in the packet. Commissioners discussed that a big challenge is finding a speaker who can speak to all interest levels. Commissioner Freske suggested digging deeper on the city’s economic development goals and informing the businesses what the city is doing to retain and attract businesses. Commissioner Freske suggested including the additional information within the presentation, leaving it as an opportunity to have as take away for the event, or include a flyer with the council goals. Chair Weisensel suggested the possibility of having an entire meeting just on what Port Authority has going on and provide an update to businesses. ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS MARCH 19, 2019 4.b. Rosemount Expo Recap Deputy Director Lindquist discussed the feedback staff heard from the Expo and stated people overall were happy. The response from the food trucks were that they were happy and would like to come back. The added educational sessions for adults had about 12 attendees for the first seminar and 2 attendees for the second seminar regarding composting. There was discussion about moving both seminars to the morning session as the late morning tends to be the busier timeframe. Staff will send an email to all booth participants and ask survey questions regarding their thoughts towards the 2019 expo and suggestions towards future expos. Commissioners discussed possible venue locations as it may be more ideal to have the expo all on one level. Also discussed was how staff can track the amount of foot traffic; the best option may be a clicker at the front counter to track the number of attendees. Commissioner Essler suggested organizing a round table discussion with the Rosemount business owners as an opportunity to ask questions pertaining to doing business in Rosemount. This discussion may be a good marketing tool as our current businesses could be a sounding board for potential future businesses. Commissioner Essler also noted that Administrator Martin will include an update at regular council meetings regarding what is going on in the City and departments in city hall. The Port Authority could use this agenda item as a way to educate our residents and be more transparent. 4.c. Project Updates Deputy Director Lindquist discussed the Retail Strategies attachment. Other items discussed; Canada Circle closes on Friday, March 22nd, and no further update on Merchant Bank. Commissioner Freske suggested putting up a “sold/coming soon sign” at the Canada Circle property. Staff indicated that the new owner of the site indicated he wanted to put up a sign. 5.a. Retail Strategies Deputy Director Lindquist was going to provide an overview of the Retail Strategies website that highlights Rosemount. Unfortunately, during the meeting the website was down. 6. Chairperson’s Report Chair Weisensel gave an update on the recent NLC Conference he and Mayor Droste attended in Washington, D.C. One item Mr. Weisensel highlighted was the big push on affordable housing. ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS MARCH 19, 2019 7. Director’s Report Executive Director Martin discussed Partners in Energy is doing door knocking at businesses Downtown on April 10th and asked if any Port members are available to attend. Mr. Martin also discussed staff is currently in the process of hiring an economic development specialist. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Port Authority and upon a motion by Freske, second by Essler the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 6:54p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Erin Fasbender, City Clerk