HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. Accept Proposal and Authorize a Contract for Engineering Services Related to the Dunmore Lift Station, City Project 2019-12I:\City Clerk\Agenda Items\Approved Items\6.h. Accept Proposal and Authorize a Contract for Engineering Services Related to the Dunmore Lift Station, City Project 2019-12.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: May 7, 2019 AGENDA ITEM: Accept Proposal and Authorize a Contract for Engineering Services Related to the Dunmore Lift Station, City Project 2019-12 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Brian Erickson, PE, Director of Public Works/City Engineer AGENDA NO. 6.h. ATTACHMENTS: WSB & Associates Proposal; Estimate of Cost Update APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Accept Proposal for Engineering Services for the Dunmore Lift Station, City Project 2019-12 BACKGROUND As part of the City of Rosemount’s surface water management program, stormwater lift stations have either been constructed or are planned at various locations throughout the city. Staff has worked with developers to extend infrastructure as appropriate during initial construction to reduce future impacts to existing streets and homes. As part of the Dunmore 1st Addition, Copper Creek Development, LLC (Copper Creek) constructed regional ponding for the city and received a credit toward the stormwater fees as a result of that construction. When the Dunmore 2nd Addition is constructed, the necessary force main connection will be installed and connected to existing infrastructure. The construction of this lift station will provide for planned stormwater management of high water levels in Dunmore area. In addition, this lift station is necessary to comply with concerns that MnDOT has regarding the removal and filling of stormwater ponds located in the Harmony Parkview 2nd subdivision. WSB & Associates (WSB) provided a proposal for designing and administering the Dunmore Lift Station construction project in the summer of 2018. However, since development of Dunmore 2nd was not anticipated until 2019, the design was not started. With Dunmore 2nd anticipated this construction season, staff is recommending that this project move forward with design and ultimately construction in 2019. Design for this project will be completed this spring in order to allow for construction of this lift station in the summer and fall of 2019. There is a slight increase in total cost from the 2018 proposal to account for WSB’s 2019 hourly rates. COSTS & FUNDING The funding for both the design and construction of this lift station will come from the Storm Core Fund (607). This project was unfortunately not included in the 2019 – 2028 Capital Improvement Plan; however, based the available fund balance and planned future projects; there is sufficient funding to allow this project to proceed. The following table provides an estimated total project cost breakdown. 2 It should be noted that the current working construction estimate is based on recently-constructed lift stations of similar size. As the design progresses, WSB will prepare a detailed estimate for the construction and the estimated total project cost will be adjusted accordingly. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that City Council approve the attached professional engineering services proposal from WSB with an updated cost estimate of $69,638. Item Cost Engineering 69,638.00$ Construction*500,000.00$ Contingency (10%)50,000.00$ Subtotal 619,638.00$ Overhead (10%)61,963.80$ Total Project Cost 681,601.80$ * Current working estimate, to be refined during design. Estimated Total Project Cost 540 Gateway Boulevard | Suite 100 | Burnsville, MN 55337 | (952) 737-4660 Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com G:\Group Data\Municipal\Clients - Cities - Counties\Rosemount\Proposals\Dunmore Lift Station\20180703 LTR Proposal - Dunmore Stormwater Lift Station FINAL.docx July 3, 2018 Mr. Brian Erickson Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Scope and Estimated Fee to Provide Professional Engineering Services for Dunmore Stormwater Lift Station Dear Mr. Erickson: We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal for professional services for Dunmore Stormwater Lift Station. This letter proposal outlines the services required to prepare all necessary documents to complete final design and construction administration for the Dunmore Stormwater Lift Station. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The City desires to complete the construction of a stormwater lift station within the Dunmore development. WSB & Associates, Inc. (WSB) will work with City staff to design, bid, and provide construction administration and observation services for the Dunmore Stormwater Lift Station in accordance with the City’s Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plan, General Specifications, and Engineering Guidelines. WSB understands that development in the area will ultimately dictate the project schedule; however, it is our plan to deliver 100% plans and specifications to the City in anticipation for a Fall 2018 construction. The stormwater lift station will pump stormwater from the recently constructed regional basin 1552 to regional basin 1589. Stormwater will be pumped from the proposed wet well location through forcemain that will be installed with the Dunmore 2nd Addition Street & Utility construction and connect to existing forcemain installed with Evermoor Glendalough 7th Addition Street & Utility construction on the west edge of the Dunmore development. WSB will coordinate with the Barr Engineering for the electrical engineering design of the project. The City’s SCADA system will be modified as part of this project. The City’s SCADA system was designed and installed by In-Control, Inc. WSB will work with In-Control during the design phase to ensure compatibility with the City’s system. It is anticipated that the new SCADA equipment will be installed in a new control panel. A new antennae pole is recommended for communicating with the master SCADA system. The project scope and proposed work plan is based on our understanding of the project, discussions with City Staff, and experience on similar projects. The key components are discussed for clarification in the following paragraphs. Mr. Brian Erickson July 3, 2018 Page 2 G:\Group Data\Municipal\Clients - Cities - Counties\Rosemount\Proposals\Dunmore Lift Station\20180703 LTR Proposal - Dunmore Stormwater Lift Station FINAL.docx PROJECT APPROACH/SCOPE OF SERVICES WSB’s project scope and proposed work plan are based on our understanding of the project as previously described. To complete the project, we propose the following scope of services: TASK 1: FINAL DESIGN WSB will provide detailed design services for Dunmore Stormwater Lift Station. The plans and specifications developed for the project will adhere to both the MnDOT 2018 Specifications for Construction and the 2015 City of Rosemount General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates for Street and Utility Construction. Subtask 1: Survey Proposed grading and utility plans were provided to the City during the Preliminary and Final Plat process for the Dunmore development. WSB will provide any additional survey work as needed for preparation of design documents. This work may include elevations and locations (both public and private) and identify any necessary easement limits. Under this task, WSB will also complete a Gopher State One Call request for private utility maps within the project area. Cost: $2,298 Subtask 2: Drawings WSB will complete all necessary plan sheets for the project, which will include:  Title Sheet  Standard Details  SEQ  Existing Conditions  Civil/Utility  Process  Electrical  Instrumentation and Control  Erosion control  Deliverables:  90% Submittal: Draft plan set for review and comment  100% Submittal: Five (5) 11 X 17 final plan sets and five (5) specifications for your files Cost: $7,472 Subtask 3: Design WSB will design and prepare plans consistent with City specifications and standards. At least one review and comment period is anticipated. With this proposal, WSB assumes the project will be constructed using City Storm Core and Storm Utility funding. Cost: $11,046 Mr. Brian Erickson July 3, 2018 Page 3 G:\Group Data\Municipal\Clients - Cities - Counties\Rosemount\Proposals\Dunmore Lift Station\20180703 LTR Proposal - Dunmore Stormwater Lift Station FINAL.docx Subtask 4: Specifications WSB will prepare the project specifications consistent with City standards. At least one review and comment period is anticipated. With this proposal, WSB assumes the project will be constructed using City Storm Core and Storm Utility funding, and no additional agency specifications or requirements will need to be incorporated into the Project Manual beyond the City of Rosemount’s. Cost: $3,880 Subtask 5: Quantity Tabulations and Cost Estimate WSB will prepare an Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Cost with the 90% and 100% submittals to the City. Cost: $2,406 Subtask 6: Quality Assurance/Quality Control WSB will perform quality control reviews regularly throughout the duration of the design to ensure all City and other regulatory agency standards are being satisfied. Cost: $1,846 Subtask 7: Meetings WSB will attend one project meetings with City staff at times deemed most effective by the City and have internal design team meetings. Cost: $2,172 Subtask 8: Utility Coordination WSB will coordinate with all utilities in the area identified with the Gopher State One Call ticket for the project. This will include conducting a utility coordination meeting. If crossing or encroachments agreements are needed between the City and private utility companies, WSB will assist with in securing these agreements. Cost: $960 Subtask 9: Permits WSB will obtain the following permits in conjunction with the project:  NPDES Permit for Construction Activities  MnDOT Cost: $512 Mr. Brian Erickson July 3, 2018 Page 4 G:\Group Data\Municipal\Clients - Cities - Counties\Rosemount\Proposals\Dunmore Lift Station\20180703 LTR Proposal - Dunmore Stormwater Lift Station FINAL.docx Subtask 10: Bidding WSB will complete all necessary work to bid the project, including:  The preparation of an advertisement for bids.  Publishing the advertisement for bids in both the Dakota County Tribune and Finance & Commerce.  Uploading the project plans and specifications for electronic purchase.  Delivery of hard copy plans and specifications to the City for sale at City Offices.  Responding to contractor bidding questions.  Issuing addenda as needed.  Attendance at the bid opening.  Preparation of a bid tabulation and a bid summary.  Preparation of a letter of recommendation regarding the bid award.  Preparation of contract documents and the Notice of Award to the contractor once authorized by the City Council. Cost: $1,800 Subtask 11: Electrical Engineering Sub-consultant (Barr Engineering) Barr Engineering proposes to provide the following engineering services:  Prepare electrical plans and specifications for the project. The plans will include an electrical site plan, an electrical schematic, and a sheet with any relevant electrical installation details.  Answer questions from contractors, issue addendums as required, etc. during the project bidding phase.  Engineering services during the construction phase of the project will include review of shop drawings, answering questions from the contractor, issuing change orders, etc., along with one final inspection visit. We will assist with preparation of an operations and maintenance (O&M) manual as required.  Prepare record drawings after construction is completed, based on record information provided by the Contractor as well as any addendums or change orders that may have occurred during construction. Cost: $7,250 TASK 2: CONSTRUCTION WSB will provide construction services for the sanitary sewer extension to ensure project will adhere to project plans and specifications. Subtask 1: Construction Observation and Administration WSB will provide Construction Observation and Contract Administration services through construction of the project and final project closeout. This will include:  Preparation of materials for and attendance at the preconstruction meeting for the project.  Construction observation for five (5) week construction schedule, including all testing and final acceptance of the lift station.  Attendance at weekly progress meetings with the contractor and City. Mr. Brian Erickson July 3, 2018 Page 5 G:\Group Data\Municipal\Clients - Cities - Counties\Rosemount\Proposals\Dunmore Lift Station\20180703 LTR Proposal - Dunmore Stormwater Lift Station FINAL.docx  Preparation of all pay vouchers.  Responding to all contractor requests for information (RFI). WSB is proposing that Dan Bailey and Ray Theiler serve as the construction observers for this project. Dan has worked as a construction observer for the City of Rosemount through five construction seasons, is well versed in the City’s Standard Specifications and has developed excellent professional relationships with City of Rosemount staff. Cost $13,784 Subtask 2: Construction Staking WSB will provide construction staking and survey for construction limits, storm sewer pipe alignment and structures, wet well elevation and location. WSB assumes one-time staking for all required, any re- staking will be billed at a time and materials hourly rate. Cost $3,700 Subtask 3: Materials Testing WSB will provide construction materials testing services during construction as outlined in the project specifications. Cost $2,500 Subtask 4: Contract Closeout WSB will provide all project closeout services for the project, including:  Production of the Final Pay Voucher for the project.  Requesting all necessary project closeout documentation (final lien waivers, IC134s and the maintenance bond) from the contractor.  Production of a letter of recommendation to the City Council regarding final acceptance and final payment.  The preparation of as-built drawings for the project. Cost $3,760 Subtask 5: Electrical Engineering Subconsultant (Barr Engineering_ Barr Engineering will perform services for the electrical engineering construction administration and observation for the project Cost: $2,800 SCHEDULE WSB will work with the City to develop a schedule for final design and construction services. It is anticipated that final design work for the project will commence in 2018 in anticipation for Fall 2018 construction. We propose to conduct the work listed above on an hourly basis for an estimated total fee of $68,186. Mr. Brian Erickson July 3, 2018 Page 6 G:\Group Data\Municipal\Clients - Cities - Counties\Rosemount\Proposals\Dunmore Lift Station\20180703 LTR Proposal - Dunmore Stormwater Lift Station FINAL.docx We will review our progress weekly and will not exceed this amount without your prior approval should the scope of the project change. This letter represents our entire understanding of the project scope. If you are in agreement, please sign on the space provided and return one original signed copy to us for our records. We will start immediately upon receipt of the signed agreement. If you have any questions concerning the work plan or fee as discussed, please feel free to contact me at (612) 360-1315. We look forward to working with you and greatly appreciate the opportunity to assist you and your staff in the completion of this project. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Mitch Hatcher, PE Greg Johnson, PE Project Engineer Water/Wastewater Group Manager Enclosures cc: Monica Heil, PE, WSB & Associates, Inc. Bill Alms, PE, WSB & Associates, Inc. Andy Brotzler, PE, WSB & Associates, Inc. ACCEPTED BY: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Signature: Name/Title: Date: Task Description11.1 Survey41014$2,298.001.2 Drawings16 4056$7,472.001.3 Design 32 2 8 4 3278$11,046.001.4 Specifications 8 4 4 12 230$3,880.001.5 Quantity Tabulations and Cost Estimate 4 2 4 818$2,406.001.6 QA / QC 4 2 4414$1,846.001.7 Meetings 4 4 4 416$2,172.001.8 Utility Coordination448$960.001.9 Permits44$512.001.10 Bidding 4 4816$1,800.001.11 Electrical Engineering Subconsultant (Barr)$7,250.00Task 1 Total Estimated Hours and Fee 56 6 28 20 24 56 40 14 10 254 $41,642.0022.1 Construction Observation and Administration 12 4 8 8 20 8 60120$13,784.002.2 Construction Staking2020$3,700.002.3 Material Testing$2,500.002.4 Contract Close Out 4 4 8 4 4 832$3,760.002.5 Electrical Engineering Subconsultant (Barr)$2,800.00Task 2 Total Estimated Hours and Fee 16 4 8 12 28 4 12 20 68 172 $26,544.00Total Estimated Hours 72103632248444263068426Average Hourly Billing Rate182.00 163.00 128.00 128.00 112.00 105.00 142.00 70.00 185.00 104.00Total Fee by Labor Classification $13,104.00 $1,630.00 $4,608.00 $4,096.00 $2,688.00 $8,820.00 $6,248.00 $1,820.00 $5,550.00 $7,072.00 $55,636.00Total Fee for Electrical Engineering Subconsultant (Barr)$10,050.00Total Fee for Materials Testing$2,500.00TOTAL PROJECT COST $68,186.00CostTotal HoursFinal Design Group ManagerEstimate of CostCity of Rosemount, MinnesotaProfessional Engineering ServicesDunmore Stormwater Lift StationEstimated HoursSenior Project ManagerProject EngineerEngineering TechnicianAdminProject EngineerAdam GadboisProject ManagerBill AlmsProject EngineerRay TheilerGreg JohnsonConstrutionTwo Person Survey CrewConstruction SpecialistDan BaileyMonica Heil Mitch Hatcher Greg Glunz Tabitha Walsh Task Description11.1 Survey41014$2,364.001.2 Drawings16 4056$7,576.001.3 Design 32 2 8 4 3278$11,324.001.4 Specifications 8 4 4 12 230$3,992.001.5 Quantity Tabulations and Cost Estimate 4 2 4 818$2,472.001.6 QA / QC 4 2 4414$1,896.001.7 Meetings 4 4 4 416$2,232.001.8 Utility Coordination448$992.001.9 Permits44$528.001.10 Bidding 4 4816$1,860.001.11 Electrical Engineering Subconsultant (Barr)$7,250.00Task 1 Total Estimated Hours and Fee 56 6 28 20 24 56 40 14 10 254 $42,486.0022.1 Construction Observation and Administration 12 4 8 8 20 8 60120$14,188.002.2 Construction Staking2020$3,800.002.3 Material Testing$2,500.002.4 Contract Close Out 4 4 8 4 4 832$3,864.002.5 Electrical Engineering Subconsultant (Barr)$2,800.00Task 2 Total Estimated Hours and Fee 16 4 8 12 28 4 12 20 68 172 $27,152.00Total Estimated Hours 72103632248444263068426Average Hourly Billing Rate185.00 166.00 132.00 132.00 116.00 109.00 143.00 74.00 190.00 107.00Total Fee by Labor Classification $13,320.00 $1,660.00 $4,752.00 $4,224.00 $2,784.00 $9,156.00 $6,292.00 $1,924.00 $5,700.00 $7,276.00 $57,088.00Total Fee for Electrical Engineering Subconsultant (Barr)$10,050.00Total Fee for Materials Testing$2,500.00TOTAL PROJECT COST $69,638.00Greg JohnsonConstrutionTwo Person Survey CrewConstruction SpecialistDan BaileyMonica Heil Mitch Hatcher Greg Glunz Tabitha WalshSenior Project ManagerProject EngineerEngineering TechnicianAdminProject EngineerAdam GadboisProject ManagerBill AlmsProject EngineerRay TheilerCostTotal HoursFinal Design Group ManagerEstimate of CostCity of Rosemount, MinnesotaProfessional Engineering ServicesDunmore Stormwater Lift StationEstimated Hours