HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.e. Biscayne Business Park PUD Master Development Plan with Rezoning, Preliminary Plat and Site Plan Review (Final Development Plan) E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y City Council Regular Meeting Date: May 21, 2019 AGENDA ITEM: Case 19-26-PP; 19-27-PUD; 19-28-SP Biscayne Business Park PUD Master Development Plan with Rezoning, Preliminary Plat and Site Plan Review (Final Development Plan) AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 6.e. ATTACHMENTS: Rezoning Ordinance, PUD Resolution, Preliminary Plat Resolution, PUD Agreement, Site Location Map; Project Narrative; Preliminary Plat; Project Development Plans: Site Data, Standard Details, Overall SWPP, SWPP Details, Existing Site and Removals, Utility Plan, Road and Utility Plans, Site Plan, Hydrant Coverage, Overall Grading, Detailed Grading, Site Restoration, Landscaping, Lighting; Floor Plan, Elevation Drawings, City Engineer Review Memo, Parks and Recreation Review Memo APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff and the Planning Commission recommend the City Council adopt the following motions: 1. Motion to Adopt an Ordinance Rezoning the Property from BP Business Park to Business Park Planned Unit Development, BP-PUD 2. Motion to Adopt a Resolution Approving a PUD Master Development Plan for an eight-lot business park development with construction of an 18,000 square foot office, warehouse, and light manufacturing facility on Lot 1, Block 1 of the subdivision. 3. Motion to Adopt a Resolution Approving a Preliminary Plat of the Biscayne Business Park. 4. Motion to Approve the Planned Unit Development Agreement for Custom Apparel, Inc. and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into this Agreement. 2 SUMMARY The City Council is being asked to consider an application from Jim Connelly of Appro Development for Planned Unit Development (PUD) approval to allow construction of an 18,000 square foot office, warehouse, and light manufacturing facility on an existing vacant parcel approximately 700 feet north of 160th Street (CSAH 46) and immediately east of Biscayne Avenue. In addition to the first building, the PUD includes seven additional lots that would be developed in the future with a similar design and uses. The site is currently zoned BP – Business Park and all uses would be subject to the zoning and development standards for this district, with the exception noted in this report to allow the sharing of public and private infrastructure between each of the building sites. The applicant has also submitted detailed development plans for the first building along with a site plan request to allow construction of the building. The Planning Commission and staff recommend approval of all components of the request subject to the conditions outlined in the attached resolutions. Applicant: Jim Connelly, Appro Development, 21476 Grenada Avenue, Lakeville, MN Property Owner: Tom Stordahl, 1001 Main Street East, Wabasha, MN Location: Biscayne Avenue (no assigned address), approximately 700 feet north of 160th Street West (CSAH46), and on the east side of Biscayne Avenue. The site is immediately north of Dakota Unlimited. Area: 15.32 Acres Comp. Guide Plan Design: BP – Business Park Current Zoning: BP – Business Park PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT The Planning Commission reviewed the preliminary plat and PUD master development plan at its April 23, 2019 meeting. The Commission asked several questions about the proposed private roadway and discussed the general design for this street. Staff noted that the road will be designed in accordance with the City’s standards for public roads, but would not be owned or maintained by the City. After opening the public hearing, the Commission received comments from Sandra Rahn, 15725 Biscayne Avenue West, who expressed concern about the location of a storm water pond adjacent to her property. She also requested a fence between the two properties, along the property line to provide a barrier to the pond. The Assistant City Engineer generally discussed the proposed storm water management system for the site, and noted that all ponds were designed with a safety bench and were not extremely deep. She discussed her review comments, and indicated that she would like to see some additional consolidation of the ponds on the site. Additionally, staff explained that the design of the private roadway should be redesigned to include curb and gutter; and that staff was willing to work with the applicant on an acceptable solution. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the rezoning, preliminary plat, and PUD master development plan with the conditions as recommended by staff. BACKGROUND The proposed PUD site is situated in the south central portion of Rosemount along Biscayne Avenue about ½ mile east of South Robert Trail and 700 feet north of 160th Street. It is part of a larger section of the City guided and zoned for business park development in an area bounded by Biscayne Avenue, 150th Street (CSAH 42), South Robert Trail (TH3), and 160th Street (CSAH46). Within this area, only the northernmost section has been platted and developed as the Rosemount Business Park, with most of this development having occurred in the mid-1990’s through early 2000’s. The remainder of the BP – Business 3 Park land is either vacant or occupied by the historic farmsteads along Biscayne Avenue. The properties immediately south of the subject property are zoned for business park use as well, while those to the west are guided for general industrial or community commercial, but zoned for general industrial. The uses directly adjacent to the site (to the south and west) are consistent with the Business Park zoning standards, while the ones further to the west are occupied by uses with significant amounts of external storage. The other surrounding uses include a single family residential/farm site and vacant land or land that will be part of the mining operation on the University of Minnesota property across Biscayne Avenue, The proposed development site is slightly larger than 15 acres in size with roughly 670 feet of frontage along Biscayne Avenue. The applicant is proposing to ultimately develop the site with a series of eight buildings each around 15,000 to 20,000 square feet in size that would be constructed to provide flexibility for perspective users based on their individual needs. This concept is similar in execution to some of the multi-user industrial buildings in the community (one of which is located just south of the project site) that provide warehouse, manufacturing, and office space to several different users. What is unique about the applicant’s proposal is that each user’s space would be found within a separate building on their own lot, with an association in place to manage common driveway, ponding, and other site improvements. This approach will allow the applicant to sell off individual lots to perspective users and to develop the site over time. In addition to the overall development plan for the site, the applicant has also prepared detailed plans for the first building in order to meet the City’s requirements for final plan approval. The intent is to construct the first building and grade the entire site with the first project phase to set the stage for future development. While an end user has not been identified for the first building, the project plans depict a general plan for an 18,000 square foot building with interior space for offices, manufacturing, and warehousing activities. The building plan includes one larger overhead door with direct access to the manufacturing/warehousing space oriented towards the interior side yard facing a future building to the west. The main entrance and office area would be oriented towards the northeastern corner of the building, with a parking lot running along the northern and eastern edge of the building. The structure will stand a little over 22 feet in height and be finished with a precast concrete wall with aggregate finish and various other design elements. Each future development lot will be arranged similar to the plans for the first project phase with a comparable configuration for the lot with some slight variations. The most notable features of the overall project include a new private road connecting to Bacardi Avenue that will provide access for each of the individual lots and a series of storm water infiltration basins collecting storm water runoff from each building while being connected to a larger on-site stormwater treatment system. All lots will share a driveway with the adjacent parcel to help minimize the number of access points along the private roadway and to help consolidate and minimize the amount of impervious coverage within the entire project area. The sharing of driveways and infiltration areas is not allowed under the City’s zoning regulations; however, this type of unified design is very much appropriate within a Planned Unit Development. There are three distinct components to the applicant’s request: a preliminary plat, PUD master development plan with rezoning, and final site plan approval. The overall project information submitted meets the City’s requirements for the PUD approval with the expectation that future buildings will follow the same development and design standards of the first project phase on Lot 1, Block 1 of the site. Under the City’s PUD ordinance, once the City has approved a preliminary plat and PUD master development plan, the applicant may move forward with final development plans for each project phase. The ordinance further notes that the review process for final development plans should follow the City’s site plan review approval. The applicant has applied for site plan approval consistent with this process, and the detailed site plans for this approval are included with the request under consideration. Please note that because the 4 property is zoned BP – Business Park, the final site plan/PUD development plans may be approved administratively at the time of building permit. That is provided that the project complies with all Business Park standards and all other aspects of the PUD master plan. Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission take action on the final site plan review since it has been submitted with the other two requests. ISSUE ANALYSIS Legal Authority. Planned unit development and subdivision requests are considered quasi-judicial actions. In such cases, the City is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. Generally, if the application meets these requirements it must be approved. The purpose of a site plan review is to evaluate each project as it relates to the performance and site design standards of the zoning ordinance. Site plan approval is required for all commercial, industrial, institutional, and multi-family development projects and is also considered a quasi- judicial action. Subdivision Request The preliminary plat subdivides the existing 15.32 acre parcel into eight new lots ranging in size from 63,248 square feet to 84,759 square feet with the main private driveway platted as a separate outlot. These lot sizes are consistent with the City’s BP district requirements that specify a minimum lot area of 1 acre. Although the City’s zoning ordinance does require all new lots to include frontage on a public street, the proposed private road system may be considered as part of a planned development. Each lot will maintain a minimum frontage of at least 120 feet off of the private road, which is the minimum district standard that would be required if it were a public road. The other significant features of the preliminary plat include the dedication of drainage and utility easements over all storm water ponding and driveway access areas and the dedication of additional right-of-way along Biscayne Avenue. Adherence to the general site layout as shown in the PUD plans will be important for the applicant to keep in mind as each lot is developed in the future. The storm water ponding areas in particular take up a large portion of each lot, leaving a very specific building pad on the individual lots that will require careful consideration of how each building is oriented on the parcel. The PUD defines a building pad for each lot that works within the context of the overall storm water management system and leaves sufficient room for access and parking around each building. The applicant has not submitted a final plat application as part of the present request, and will need to prepare a final plat prior to construction of the first building. Along with the final plat, the applicant will be required to enter into a subdivision agreement with the City concerning the installation of public utilities, storm water ponds, and the construction of other private improvements on the site. Land Use and Zoning. The subject property is guided BP – Business Park within the City’s future land use plan and is zoned BP – Business Park consistent with this land use category. The purpose statement for this land use category notes that the district is intended to develop businesses with larger number of employees, wages that support an entire family, and constructed of high quality buildings that provide both beauty and tax base to the community. The Business Park district regulations also prohibit outside storage with the majority of the business activities occurring entirely indoors. The proposed mix of office, manufacturing, and warehouse space within each building is consistent with the overall purpose of the Business Park district, and the proposed arrangement of lots is intended to serve smaller businesses that may otherwise be looking at sharing space within a larger facility. Overall, the proposed development will add over 125,000 of building space on the existing parcel, and the subdivision as a whole, will provide business opportunities similar to those found in the City’s other business park areas. 5 As part of the current application, the property would be rezoned from BP to BP-PUD, which will provide flexibility to create unified development site with shared amenities and improvements amongst each of the separate buildings. A relaxation of some of the BP district standards will also allow the smaller buildings to make better use of the available space to encourage a more intensive use of the site. Planned Unit Development The purpose of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) is to allow flexibility from typical zoning performance standards to encourage higher quality development. This process involves an exchange in which the City eases certain performance standards in return for an enhanced development. The overall site is 10 aces in size and therefore qualifies for consideration of a PUD. The PUD will also allow for the use of shared site elements, including the private road, shared driveways, and connected storm water system that would otherwise need to be accommodated on each individual parcel. The preliminary development plans for the project area include a specific building within each lot along with a general lot layout for parking, storm water management, and other individual site features. Although these are generalized plans, future individual site plans will need to adhere to the approved layout because of the smaller lot sizes and lack of room for much variation on each lot. All lots have been designed with a specific building area, lot coverage, storm water ponding, and off-street parking number in mind. The overall design for the PUD will be governed by the information submitted for the first lot for things like landscaping, building design, setbacks, and access. The plans for Lot 1, Block 1 will be incorporated into the PUD agreement, and subsequent lots will need to adhere to these general lot development standards. The developer has asked for flexibility to allow some variation in the colors and building materials used in future phases. The zoning ordinance provides development standards for PUD’s and recognizes that the specifications and standards for streets, utilities, public facilities and subdivisions may be modified based upon the unique characteristics of the PUD. The City Council may therefore approve streets, utilities, public facilities and land subdivisions that are not in compliance with usual specifications or ordinance requirements if it finds that strict adherence to such standards or requirements is not required to meet the intent of the PUD ordinance or to protect the health, safety or welfare of the surrounding area or the city as a whole. The creation of a business park subdivision with shared access and driveways will allow for the construction of smaller buildings that will create opportunities for new businesses that may otherwise not be able to be located within one of the City’s traditional business park developments. The result is a unique development that furthers the City’s goals of promoting jobs, tax base, and business activity within areas guided for Business Park. According to Section 11-10-6 C.1, the planning commission and city council shall base their recommendations and actions regarding the applicable PUD application on consideration of the items listed below. 1. Compatibility of the proposed plan with the PUD standards and the goals and policies of the comprehensive plan. Finding: The proposed use is consistent with the PUD standards and the goals and policies of the comprehensive plan. Generally, the comprehensive plan calls for expansion of the City’s tax base and promoting the creation of new jobs within the community. The proposed use will allow a mix of smaller business on the site that might otherwise not be able to find acceptable space in an existing building. The proposed plan provides space that could be accommodated in one larger building but allows individual business to own their building and land while benefiting from shared access and driveways. The comprehensive plan notes that office, retail and office warehouses, distributors, and manufacturing are all typical uses that will be found in Business Park areas. 6 2. Effect of the proposed plan on the neighborhood in which it is to be located. Finding: The proposed development will have a positive effect on the surrounding neighborhood. The property is part of a larger business park/commercial area located east of the Progressive railroad right-of-way and South Robert Trail and well isolated from any residential areas, including future residential areas within the University of Minnesota property to the east. The site has good visibility and access from Biscayne Avenue, and the proposed uses are consistent with the planned land uses and larger business park area to the north. The neighbors, as part of the formal planning review, have been contacted about the public hearing at the Planning Commission meeting. 3. Internal organization and adequacy of various uses or densities, circulation and parking facilities, public facilities, recreation areas, open spaces, screening and landscaping. Finding: the site’s organization and layout are designed to accommodate a series of eight buildings that will share a common private road and use shared driveways between each building. The shared road and driveways will provide adequate maneuvering for vehicle and trucks entering and exiting the site while minimizing the overall amount of impervious surfaces on the site and providing more green space, landscape areas, and required storm water ponding facilities. Parking and landscaping has been designed to meet the City’s minimum requirements. 4. Consistency with the standards of section 11-10-3 of this chapter pertaining to site and building plan review. Finding: The proposed development meets or exceeds the development standards for the BP district with the exception of the private road and shared driveways/maneuvering area. The overall building area, lot coverage, and expected traffic are all consistent with a typical business park development of the same size. These zoning requirements and staff’s finding for each are detailed the site plan review section below. 5. Such other factors as the planning commission or city council deems relevant. Based on the findings detailed above, staff recommends approval of the planned unit development. The Planning Commission and City Council may attach conditions to their actions as they determine necessary to better accomplish the purposes of a planned unit development. Streets & Access. The proposed development will be accessed via a new private roadway connecting directly to Biscayne Avenue at the midpoint of the parcel’s frontage along this street. The private street will be paved to a width of 30 feet, which will be sufficient for the expected traffic provided. There is no parking permitted on the road. No curb is planned for the street, which means all storm water runoff will be directed into a drainage ditch system next to the street. Staff is recommending that the private drive be constructed with curb and gutter. Curb and gutter are required in all urban development areas and although the drive is private we want to ensure that there is proper construction that directs stormwater, maintains roadway sections, and guides local traffic, particularly since some may be truck traffic. All businesses will be accessed via a series of shared driveways between two adjacent sites for a total of four such driveways. There are no long range plans for any extensions of roadway through this site; additional connections through the Rosemount Business Park are planned further north of the subject property. Biscayne Avenue is a gravel road that is planned for reconstruction in 2020, and the developer will need to coordinate with the City concerning the timing of improvements adjacent to and within the right-of-way. The preliminary plat includes dedication of an additional 17feet of right-of-way for Biscayne Avenue, which is consistent with the City’s need for a 100-foot right-of-way for this road (50 feet from the centerline of the road) to accommodate the planned reconstruction project. In addition to paving and widening the driving surface, the City is planning to install a multi-purpose trail along the western side of the road that will run adjacent to the subject site. 7 Utilities The subject parcel is located with the City’s 2030 Metropolitan Urban Service Area and is required to connect to public services to support the proposed development. Water is already available within Biscayne Avenue and will be extended along the private street to serve individual lots. Public sanitary sewer has not yet been extended by the site, but is planned as part of the City’s 2020 Biscayne Avenue reconstruction project. This timing does not allow construction to start this year; however, the developer is proposing to tie into an existing Met Council interceptor within Bacardi Avenue on a temporary basis until the City’s project is complete. This temporary connection would allow construction of the first building yet this year, but will ultimately need to be approved by the Met Council. Staff is not aware of any objection from the Met Council concerning the temporary connection. Parks and Open Space. The City’s subdivision ordinance requires all new developments (both residential and commercial) to dedicate a percentage of the overall subdivision area for public park purposes. The City may also elect to accept a fee in lieu of land dedication when development occurs in an area that is not planned for any public parks. In this case, the Parks and Recreation Director has reviewed the proposed subdivision and indicated that there are no planned City parks in the area within or surrounding the subject property; therefore, the City is requesting a fee in lieu of land dedication for the project. The required dedication is 10% of the land area, and the City’s fee schedule identifies the required cash in lieu of land at $8,500 per acre. The total cash in lieu of land dedication for the entire development is $112,880 ($8,500 per acre x 13.28 acres, which does not include road ROW). The applicant may either pay this entire fee in one payment or may pay the fee with the issuance of each individual building permit within subdivision. Sidewalks, Trails and Pathway. The City has adopted a Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, which identifies a proposed multipurpose trail along Biscayne Avenue. There are no additional trail connections identified around the project site; future connections could be made to the west when as Rosemount Business Park expands further to the north. The City has not been developing a trail or sidewalk system within its business parks except in instances where connections may be made to the larger community trail and sidewalk system. Pedestrian Circulation: The site plan provides for interior pedestrian circulation around the main entrances of each building, but with the expected warehousing and manufacturing uses there are limited opportunities for safe, separated pedestrian routes between buildings. Pedestrians will be able to access the regional trail connection along Biscayne Avenue from the private street. The first two lots in the subdivision will have direct access to this trail. Storm Water Management The proposed storm water management plan includes a series of small retention ponds on each individual site that are ultimately connected to one another through overflow pipes. All ponds are sized to accommodate storm water runoff from the adjacent building and parking area with the exception of the pond in the northwest portion of the site. This pond will collect water runoff from the private street and is up-sized accordingly. Please note that development plans do not include curb and gutter along the private roadway, and instead all of the runoff from the road is proposed to be directed into a ditch system that leads to the larger storm water ponding area. Staff would like to see curb in gutter used on the private roadway in part to help maintain the integrity of the pavement; this requirement is included with the City Engineer’s recommendations. One of staff’s primary concerns with the development is the configuration of smaller storm water ponds throughout the project site. Although the system has been designed to meet the City’s storm water requirements, the series of multiple ponds creates potential problems for ongoing maintenance and repair. 8 The City Engineer would like to see some consolidation of the retention areas, and would prefer to see a few larger storm water ponds than many smaller ones. Given the constraints with siting a building pad and parking area on each lot, there may be limited options for reducing the number of ponds. Staff has drafted a condition of approval that the applicant will continue to work with the City Engineer to find ways to minimize the number of ponds used in the system. Another concern with the proposed storm water management system is that it does limit the amount of buildable area on each lot and dictates a specific building area on each parcel. Future owners will need to follow the preliminary development plans closely to ensure each building site can accommodate all requirement improvements. A more regional ponding system might provide more options for specific building owners, but would likely reduce the number of buildings that could fit within the project area. Other Engineering Comments. The Engineering department has reviewed the PUD development plans, and engineering comments are detailed in the attached memo dated April 18, 2019. Because the proposed development is a new project within a new subdivision, the applicant will need to pay all applicable area and connection charges related the public utility connections for the building. Site Plan Review As noted above, the planned unit development application includes a request for a corresponding site plan review. The purpose of a site plan review is to evaluate each project as it relates to the performance and site design standards of the zoning ordinance. The applicable site plan review standards and staff’s findings for each are detailed below. This review focuses on the final site plan and details submitted for the first building to be constructed on Lot 1, Block 1 of Biscayne Business Park. Subsequent reviews for future lots should be consistent with this review. Land Use and Zoning. The subject property is guided BP Business Park and is currently zoned BP - Business Park consistent with this designation. The BP standards are used for the review sections that follow. Lot and Building Standards. The proposed site design for the first building is consistent with the lot and building performance standards for the BP Business Park District. These standards are detailed in the table below. Please note that the required setbacks for this lot include an increased setback because it is adjacent to a collector road. Lot and Building Performance Standards for the BP – Business Park District Standard Required Proposed Front Setback (North) 30 ft. 74 ft. (to private road) Side Setback (East) 20 ft. 75 ft. Side Setback (West) 10 ft. 89 ft. Rear Setback (South) 10 ft. 50 ft. Minimum Lot Size 1 acre 1.82 acres Minimum Lot Width 120 ft. 261 ft. (along private road) Minimum Lot Depth None 303 ft. Maximum Lot Coverage 75% maximum 57.6% Residential Buffer Yard N/A N/A Building Height 50 ft. 22 ft. The required setbacks for parking areas are 20 feet for the front yard and 10 feet for the side and rear yards in the BP zoning district. Taking into account the additional 10 feet from a collector road (Biscayne) 9 the project meets these standards as well. The one dimensional requirement that is not met by the project is the minimum driveway setback of 5 feet since the project plans depict a shared driveway with the neighboring property to the east. The 5-foot driveway setback is listed as one of the PUD exceptions for the development. Buffer Area. The zoning ordinance requires increased setbacks and/or buffer yards to provide additional buffering between uses under two circumstances: 1) along a side or rear property line abutting any non- commercial or non-industrial use or district, and 2) when abutting a higher classification roadway or a railroad within the City. The first set of circumstances does not apply to the subject property because the applicant’s parcel abuts another Business Park property. The second situation does apply to the applicant’s property because Biscayne Avenue is classified as a collector road under the City’s transportation plan. The increased setback from the Biscayne Avenue right-of-way of 10 additional feet is included in the above chart. Exterior Building Materials. The proposed building generally exceeds the exterior building material standards for the BP Business Park District. The zoning standards require “360 degrees” architecture for this district, which means that all sides of the building need to comply with the building materials, colors, and design elements required under the code. In this case, the applicant is proposing exposed aggregate precast concrete composite wall panels as the primary exterior wall material, with decorative precast concrete buttresses (also composed of an exposed aggregate finish) at set intervals along each of the exterior wall faces. The top portion of the building will be finished with a 6 inch beveled panel reveal along with a prefinished metal cap flashing along the roofline. The use of other material, including a metal parapet, glass windows and doors, and other metal accent elements is limited to trim or decorative accents only. Architectural Appearance & Building Massing. One of the unique aspects of the proposed development is that the applicant is planning a series of smaller buildings instead of one larger structure for the site. Overall, the architectural appearance and massing for each building are consistent with the applicable standards of the City’s Business Park standards. As an example, the zoning regulations require an entry feature of at least 300 square feet around a single entrance for buildings facing a public right-of- way or parking area (or 150 square feet around two such entrances). The proposed design incorporates windows, doors, a canopy, and extension of the lighter exposed aggregate feature that occupies a little over 400 square feet of the eastern façade, therefore meeting this standard. Additionally, of the benefits of the proposed site layout is that most of the longer stretches of the building walls without entry features will face inward toward another building and away from the external view of As designed, the other elements of the proposed building meet or exceed the architectural appearance and building massing requirements of the BP – Business Park district. Staff would like to see some clarification concerning the colors used, and is asking that the building permit submission include a list of colors or material samples in order to ensure some variety along each building elevation. Because the PUD ordinance requires approval of specific development plans for the entire site, staff is proposing to use the architectural details for the first building as a template for development or subsequent lots within the Biscayne Business Park. The applicant has indicated that they would like some flexibility to vary the materials and colors within the development, and staff is recommending that the PUD agreement include additional language to allow some variation in these areas while adhering to the site layout as presented. 10 Off-Street Parking. The site meets or exceeds the off-street parking requirements for the BP Business Park district in accordance with the analysis performed by the project architects in consultation with City staff and upon review of the City’s off-street parking ordinance. The following chart documents the minimum parking standards required under the City Code: Use Parking Required Minimum Spaces Office 1 stall per 200 sq. ft. gross floor area 17 Manufacturing 1 stall per 300 sq. ft. gross floor area 12 Warehouse 1 stall per 2,000 sq. ft. gross floor area 5 Total 34 The proposed site plan depicts 36 total stalls on the site, two above the minimum required for the district. All parking will be located along the northern or eastern building façade, and separated from the building by a six foot concrete pedestrian walkway that extends along the length entire parking area. The proposed landscaping within and around the parking areas is sufficient to meet the minimum requirements under the zoning ordinance with the exceptions as noted in the next section. Landscaping. Based on staff’s review of the site, the applicant’s landscape meets the minimum landscape requirements outlined in Section 11-6-3 of the City Code. A detailed comparison of the required and proposed landscaping for this site is provided in the table below. All sites in the BP zoning district are required to provide a minimum of 1 tree per 3,000 square feet of land area and foundation plantings equal to 1 per 10 linear feet of building perimeter. The applicant’s landscape plan shows 27 trees or one over the minimum required and 78 foundation plantings or 23 more than required. The arrangement of trees and shrubs on the site will provide a nice buffer to the adjacent private street and Biscayne Avenue while providing the proper amount of interior parking lot landscaping. The proposed plantings along Biscayne Avenue and private street are located very close to or on the edge of the drainage and utility easement along these roads. Staff is requesting that the trees be kept a minimal distance from the edge of the easement at a setback acceptable to the City Engineer. Staff would also like to see a continuation of the trees planted along Biscayne Avenue to extend north of the private street in order to provide a uniform boulevard landscape from the road in the event Lot 8 is developed later than the other properties. These two issues have been recommended as conditions of approval. Landscaping Requirement Comparison Type Size Standard Required Proposed Status Trees 79,082 1 tree /3,000 sq. ft. 26 27 Exceeds Foundation Plantings 552 1 planting/10 linear feet of building 55 55 (plus 23 in parking islands) Exceeds Parking Area Landscape 15,666 5% landscaping 783 1,036 Exceeds Parking Area Trees 783 1 tree/250 sq. ft. 3 4 Exceeds Signage. The PUD plans do not depict any freestanding signage; it is expected that all business signage will be placed on the building. A sign permit will be required from the City before the installation of any building signs. 11 Exterior Lighting. As proposed, the applicant’s plans demonstrate compliance with the City’s standards for lighting intensity on and off site. The applicant’s plans include a photometric plan but no spec sheets for the proposed light fixtures, which can be reviewed by staff as part of a building permit for the site. Trash Enclosure. No trash enclosures external to the building are depicted on the proposed site plan. Future building sites may incorporate enclosures consistent with the City’s zoning requirements that do not interfere with any other elements of the PUD master development plan. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of the Biscayne Business Park Preliminary Plat, PUD Master Development Plan and Rezoning from BP – Business Park to BP –Business Park/PUD and a Site Plan Review concerning an eight-lot business park development with construction of an 18,000 square foot office, warehouse, and light manufacturing facility on Lot 1, Block 1 of the subdivision subject to conditions of approval. City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B-276 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE Biscayne Business Park THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled “City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance,” is hereby amended to rezone property from BP – Business Park to BP PUD – Business Park Planned Unit Development that generally described as 700 feet north of 160th Street West and west of Biscayne Avenue within the City of Rosemount and legally described as follows: The South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 15, except the West 1645.05 feet and except the South 656.14 feet, Dakota County, Minnesota Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount, referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled “Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount,” shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk’s office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 21st day of May, 2019. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2019 - 47 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITH REZONING FOR BISCAYNE BUSINESS PARK WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received a request for a Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning from Appro Development concerning property generally located 700 feet north of 160th Street West and west of Biscayne Avenue and legally described as follows: The South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 15, except the West 1645.05 feet and except the South 656.14 feet, Dakota County, Minnesota WHEREAS, on April 23, 2019, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the PUD Master Development Plan with Rezoning for Biscayne Business Park; and WHEREAS, on April 23, 2019, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the PUD Master Development Plan with Rezoning for Biscayne Business Park, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on May 21, 2019, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission’s recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan of Biscayne Business Park and the Rezoning from BP – Business Park to BP PUD – Business Park Planned Unit Development, subject to: a. Execution of a PUD Agreement. b. A deviation from City Code Section 11-5-2 (C.6.d.) to allow driveways with no setback to the adjoining property (shared driveways). c.A deviation from City Code Section 11-2-7 to allow construction of buildings on lots without frontage on a public street. d.Uses allowed shall be consistent with the City’s BP – Business Park zoning district. e.Establishment of a private association that assumes responsibility for maintenance of all common areas, including private roadways, shared driveways, storm water retention ponds, and landscaping. f.Incorporation of recommendations from the City Engineer in a review memorandum dated April 18, 2019, relative to drainage, grading, easements, utilities, storm water management, and other subjects covered in the review. g.Obtain required permit from the Metropolitan Council for a temporary connection to the Met Council’s sanitary sewer interceptor within Biscayne Avenue. h. No parking will be allowed along the private road and the developer will be responsible for installing no parking signs along this road. 2 i.All trees shall be moved away from drainage and utility easements lines along Biscayne Avenue and the proposed private street to a distance acceptable to the City Engineer. j.The landscaping plan shall be updated to include the planting of trees along the eastern edge of Lot 8, Block 1, with the first phase improvements. k.Individual building signs shall be approved through a separate permit. Freestanding signage will be limited to one for the entire PUD area in a location approved by the Community Development Department. l.Revise the storm water plan to consolidate basins per the recommendation of the City Engineer. m.Payment of all required area and connection charges consistent with the Engineering memo. n.The PUD Agreement may allow for flexibility concerning materials and colors for future buildings that observe the general design established by the building on Lot 1, Block 1. ADOPTED this 21st day of May, 2019, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2019-48 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR BISCAYNE BUSINESS PARK WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount received a request for Preliminary Plat approval from Appro Development concerning property generally located 700 feet north of 160th Street West and west of Biscayne Avenue and legally described as follows: The South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 15, except the West 1645.05 feet and except the South 656.14 feet, Dakota County, Minnesota WHEREAS, on April 23, 2019, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the Preliminary Plat for Biscayne Business Park; and WHEREAS, on April 23, 2019, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat for Biscayne Business Park, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on May 21, 2019, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission’s recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Preliminary Plat for Biscayne Business Park, subject to the following conditions: a.The developer shall enter into a subdivision agreement with the City concerning installation of private and public improvements. b. Incorporation of recommendations from the City Engineer in a review memorandum dated April 18, 2019, relative to drainage, grading, easements, utilities, storm water management, and other subjects covered in the review. ADOPTED this 21st day of May, 2019, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk 1 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS BISCAYNE BUSINESS PARK MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DECLARATION made this ______ day of _________________, 2019, by Appro Development, Inc., a Minnesota corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “Declarant”); WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of the real property as described as: The South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 15, except the West 1645.05 feet and except the South 656.14 feet, Dakota County, Minnesota and hereby made a part hereof (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Subject Property”); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is subject to certain zoning and land use restrictions imposed by the City of Rosemount (hereinafter referred to as the “City”) in connection with the approval of an application for a master development plan planned unit development for a business park development on the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, the City has approved such development on the basis of the determination by the City Council of the City that such development is acceptable only by reason of the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of the proposed use of the Subject Property; and that but for the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of such proposed use, the master development plan planned unit development would not have been approved; and WHEREAS, as a condition of approval of the master development plan planned unit development, the City has required the execution and filing of this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (hereinafter the “Declaration”); and WHEREAS, to secure the benefits and advantages of approval of such planned unit development, Declarant desires to subject the Subject Property to the terms hereof. 2 NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant declares that the Subject Property is, and shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the following documents, plans and drawings: a. City Resolution No. 2019-XX Approving a Preliminary Plat for Biscayne Business Park - Attachment 1 b. City Resolution No. 2019-XX Approving a PUD Master Development Plan for Biscayne Business Park – Attachment 2 c. Biscayne Business Park Preliminary Plat – Attachment 3 d. Site Data Sheet (Sheet C0-10) – Attachment 4 e. City of Rosemount Standard Details and Site Details (Sheets C0-20-C0-25) – Attachment 5 f. Overall SWPPP (C1-10) – Attachment 5 g. SWPPP Notes and Details (C1-20-C1-24) – Attachment 6 h. Existing Site and Removals Plan (C2-10) – Attachment 7 i. Overall Site and Utility Plan (C3-10) – Attachment 8 j. Planned Road and Utility Construction (C3-20-C3-21) – Attachment 9 k. Detailed Site Plan (C3-22) – Attachment 10 l. Hydrant Coverage Plan (C3-23) – Attachment 11 m. Overall Grading Plan (C4-10) – Attachment 12 n. Detailed Grading Plan (C4-20) – Attachment 13 o. Site Restoration Plan (C5-10) – Attachment 14 p. Landscaping Plan (C5-20 and C5-30) – Attachment 15 q. Site Lighting and Photometric Plan (C6-10-C6-11) – Attachment 16 r. Storm Water Management Report – Biscayne Business Park (dated 3/25/19) – Attachment 17 s. Floor Plan for Lot 1, Block 1 (A2-1) – Attachment 18 t. Exterior Elevations for Lot 1, Block 1 (A3-1.2) – Attachment 19 All of which attachments are copies of original documents on file with the City and are made a part hereof. 2. Development and maintenance of structures and uses on the Subject Property shall conform to the following standards and requirements: a. Uses allowed shall be consistent with the City’s BP – Business Park zoning district. b. Establishment of a private association that assumes responsibility for maintenance of all common areas, including private roadways, shared driveways, storm water retention ponds, and landscaping. c. Incorporation of recommendations from the City Engineer in a review memorandum dated April 18, 2019, relative to drainage, grading, easements, utilities, storm water management, and other subjects covered in the review. 3 d. Obtain required permit from the Metropolitan Council for a temporary connection to the Met Council’s sanitary sewer interceptor within Biscayne Avenue. e. No parking will be allowed along the private road and the developer will be responsible for installing no parking signs along this road. f. All trees shall be moved away from drainage and utility easements lines along Biscayne Avenue and the proposed private street to a distance acceptable to the City Engineer. g. The landscaping plan shall be updated to include the planting of trees along the eastern edge of Lot 8, Block 1, with the first phase improvements. h. Individual building signs shall be approved through a separate permit. Freestanding signage will be limited to one for the entire PUD area in a location approved by the Community Development Department. i. Revise the storm water plan to consolidate basins per the recommendation of the City Engineer. j. Payment of all required area and connection charges consistent with the Engineering memo. 3. The Subject Property may only be developed and used in accordance with Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Declaration unless the owner first secures approval by the City Council of an amendment to the planned unit development plan or a rezoning to a zoning classification that permits such other development and use. This PUD Agreement may allow for flexibility concerning materials and colors for future buildings that observe the general design established by the building on Lot 1, Block 1 provided said buildings conform to all applicable design standards of the BP Business Park zoning district. 4. In connection with the approval of development of the Subject Property, the following deviations from City Zoning or Subdivision Code provisions were approved: a. Section 11-5-2.C.6.d. Driveways in Commercial, Business Park, and Industrial, and Residential Developments: Shared driveways will be allowed with zero (0) setback to the adjoining property. b. Section 11-2-7 Street Access Required: Lots will be allowed to be platted without access to a public street; all access to individual lots will occur from a private street. In all other respects the use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the requirements of the Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Declaration and the City Code of Ordinances. 5. The obligations and restrictions of this Declaration run with the land of the Subject Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarant, its successors and assigns, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Declaration may be amended from time to time by a written amendment executed by the City and the owner or owners of the lot or lots to be affected by said amendment. 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarant have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT Appro Development, Inc. By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF __________ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of _________, 2019, by _____________________, the _________________, for and on behalf of _________________________, a ____________________, by and on behalf of said _______________________. _______________________________ Notary Public This Planned Unit Development Agreement is approved and consented to by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: William H. Droste, Mayor And by: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) 5 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of ___________, 2019, by William H. Droste and Erin Fasbender, the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, for and on behalf of the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota corporation, by and on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651-423-4411 Location Map—Biscayne Business Park 7900 International Drive + Suite 550 + Minneapolis, MN 55425 952.426.0699 + www.is-grp.com ARCHITECTURE + ENGINEERING + ENVIRONMENTAL + PLANNING March 26, 2019 Kyle Klatt Senior Planner Planning & Zoning Division City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 kyle.klatt@ci.rosemount.mn.us RE: Project Description and Application Narrative for APPRO Development Biscayne Business Park – Rosemount, Minnesota Kyle, The following project description and application narrative is being submitted as part of the review process to facilitate development of the Biscayne Business Park. The subject property is located near the intersection of Biscayne Avenue and County Road 46 (PID 340321085022), consists of 14.81 acres, and is currently zoned BP, Business. APPRO Development is proposing construction of a new 18,000 square foot commercial/retail building, parking lot, and private drive as well as the associated site improvements including drive aisles and landscaping. The site design scope also includes mass grading and installation of utilities and stormwater management facilities for the entire 14.81 acre property to facilitate future development of the Biscayne Business Park. To facilitate this development, APPRO Development is in the process of replatting the subject property as a Planned Unit Development (PUD), consisting of 8 individual lots. As part of this process, Lot 1, Block 1, which is the lot that will be developed first to accommodate the new commercial/retail building, will be platted on the Final Plat, while the remaining lots will be preliminarily platted for future development as indicated on the Preliminary Plat. As outlined in the Stormwater Report, the proposed stormwater management system is comprised of roof leader, curb and gutter, storm sewer pipes and inlets, and a multi-cell infiltration basin system. The south stormwater system will overflow to the existing wetland located near the southwest corner of the site, and the north stormwater system will overflow to the existing ditch along Biscayne Avenue. There is an existing watermain along Biscayne Avenue which is proposed to provide a connection to the site. While there is no City-provided sanitary sewer line available at this time, we understand that the City is anticipating complete development of Biscayne Avenue in 2020, which would include construction of all necessary utilities. In the meantime, Met Council has a sanitary line located within the right-of-way on the east side of Biscayne Avenue, which will provide a temporary connection to serve the site until the Biscayne Avenue construction is completed and a permanent sanitary connection is provided. Ultimately, the wastewater flow for the fully developed eight lots is estimated at 3,952 gallons per day with approximately 5.91 pounds per day BOD5. As mentioned previously, an 18,000 square foot commercial/retail building and private drive are proposed to be constructed on Lot 1, Block 1. The private drive and parking lot will be constructed primarily of bituminous pavement. Some concrete pavement is also proposed at the dock, as well as concrete sidewalk along the parking lot, around the perimeter of the building. Page 2 of 2 952.426.0699 + www.is-grp.com Site lighting will be provided via one street light which is proposed to be located at the entrance to the private road. Some low-impact, building-mounted lighting is also proposed for aesthetics. This lighting will be LED based and designed to limit light pollution such as over illumination, glare, light clutter, and light trespass. Based on the intended future development and surrounding professional/retail businesses, no traffic impacts to the transportation network, subject property, or neighboring properties are anticipated. In addition, the proposed project will not create any negative impacts to the health, safety, or welfare of neighboring properties or the general public; this includes nuisances caused by noise, vibration, glare, smoke, odor, or other emissions. No pollution or negative impacts to the environment are anticipated within the scope of the proposed project. Approval of the development as proposed will provide the opportunity for growth of high-level, tax base generating development within the Biscayne Business Park as intended by the City’s Comprehensive Plan. These considerations along with the supplemental information provided within this submittal support approval of the requested preliminary plat, PUD and site design. Please contact me at 952.426.0699 with any questions or if there is any additional information we can provide in support of this request on behalf of APPRO Development. Sincerely, Reese Sudtelgte, PE Civil Engineer Civil Engineering Group G SAN MH R=956.43 INVERT=919.18 FO N89°41'05"E 995.03N00°20'03"E 670.24N89°34'26"E 993.29 N00°11'04"E 672.15257.94 213.65 213.65 259.79 50.00303.1366.00302.92254.04 213.65 213.65 261.95 50.00 NORTH 300.97NORTH 299.38NORTH 262.56EAST 201.60 NORTH 271.69NORTH 305.74NORTH 304.56EAST 672.40 N61° 5 2' 2 3" E 70.00 70. 0 0 S6 1 ° 5 2 ' 2 3 " E L=371.10R=70.00Δ=303°44'4 5 " L=9 1.3 8 Δ =7 4 °4 7'29"L=94.17Δ=77°04'53"L=94.17Δ=77°0 4 '5 3 "L =9 1.38 Δ=7 4 ° 4 7' 2 9 "136.26 213.64 260.97 136.26 213.64 260.77 341.33328.91BLOCK 1 876 5 4 3 2 1 33 17 66 N00°11'04"E 672.05OUTLOT A PRIVATE DRIVE BISCAYNE AVENUEEast line of the S 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec. 32 - T115 - R19 3030Building Setback Line 107.3960.37128.02N89°34'26"E 254.78 21.41N89°34'26"E 82.15 NORTH63.26N45°59'01"E17.87N89°34'26"E 233.85 S5 0 ° 2 1 ' 4 0 "E 1 9 . 1 4 SOUTH66.50N89°34'26"E 172.78 NORTH43.57N53°2 3' 5 4 " E 15.55N89°34'26"E 86.81S56°37'35"E16.50SOUTH41.11N89°34'26"E 59.46 N89°41'05"E 150.36 N89°41'05"E 107.23 N89°41'05"E 260.86NORTH21.36NORTH34.4382.10 N89°41'05"E SOUTH70.3368.82NORTHN89°41'05"E 84.33 74.35 N89°41'05"E S00°11'04"W73.2921 . 4 0 S4 5 ° 3 9 ' 3 4 " E 170.48 N89°41'05"E 35.12X-22185-EX-SITE-S THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I & S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. DATE REVISION SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION BY PROJECT NO. CAD FILE NAME DRAWN BY DESIGNED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. REVIEWED BY PROJECT SHEET TITLE LEGEND Iron Monument Found Indicates 1/2" Dia. x 18" Long Solid Iron Pipe To Be Set With Plastic Cap Marked By ISG, License No. 45817 Post Sign Fiber Optic Marker Underground Gas Marker Utility Pole Fence Line Overhead Utility Line Underground Fiber Optic Line Water Valve Hydrant Sanitary Manhole Deciduous Tree Tree Line Field Edge PRELIMINARY PLAT 1 APPRO DEVELOPMENT 1OF SEC. 32, TWP. 115, RGE. 19 VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) Dakota County, MNNW 1/4NE 1/4SE 1/4SW 1/4 C.S.A.H. No. 46 (160th Street West)Biscayne AvenueSITE Drainage And Utility Easements Are Shown Thus:10101010 10 Drainage And Utility Easement Lines Lot Lines Right-of-Way Line Being 10 feet in width and adjoining lot lines, right - of - way lines and rear lot lines, unless otherwise indicated on the plat. EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Per DCA Title File No. 19-030027 RC) The South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, except the West 1645.05 feet and except the South 656.14 feet, Dakota County, Minnesota. PID: 340321085022 OWNERS / DEVELOPERS:SURVEYOR: Appro Development ISG 21476 Grenada Avenue 7900 International Drive Suite 550 Lakeville, MN 55044 Minneapolis, MN 55425 Stordahl Partnership (952)426-0699 AREA TABLE: Existing: Total Area = 667,236 sq. ft. = 15.32 acres Proposed: Biscayne R/W = 33,605 sq. ft. = .77 acres Street R/W = 55,336 sq. ft. = 1.27 acres Lot 1, Block 1 = 79,082 sq. ft. = 1.82 acres Lot 2, Block 1 = 65,194 sq. ft. = 1.50 acres Lot 3, Block 1 = 63,248 sq. ft. = 1.45 acres Lot 4, Block 1 =84,759 sq. ft. = 1.95 acres Lot 5, Block 1 =81,344 sq. ft. = 1.87 acres Lot 6, Block 1 = 61,594 sq. ft. = 1.41 acres Lot 7, Block 1 = 64,130 sq. ft. = 1.47 acres Lot 8, Block 1 = 78,944 sq. ft. = 1.81 acres Total Area = 667,236 sq. ft. = 15.32 acres EXISTING PROPERTY: ZONED: BP - Business Park (Per City of Rosemount Zoning Map) Setbacks Building Parking Front 30 feet 20 feet Side 10 feet 10 feet Rear 10 feet 10 feet BENCHMARK: Spike in power pole located in the southeast corner of property, 15'+- easterly of the southeast corner of proposed Lot 8, Block 1. Elevation = 957.80 (NAVD88) FLOOD ZONE: The flood zone classification/limits depicted hereon, if any, are subject to map scale uncertainty. The surveyed property shown on this survey map is in Flood Zone X, area of minimal hazard, according to Flood Insurance Rate Map Community Panel No. 27037C0230E, published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, effective date December 2, 2011. 0 SCALE IN FEET 60 120 BISCAYNE BUSINESS PARK KEY PLAN I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. DATE LIC. NO.3-6-19 45817 Mark A. Schwanz G FO 1 2 3 4 6 A B C OFFICE 101 WAREHOUSE 103 MANUFACTURING 102 180' - 0"96' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"48' - 0"48' - 0"5 1 A3-2 12' x 14' OH DOOR 9'x10' DOCK DOOR SLOPE AWAY FROM DOOR 48' - 0"A3-1 2 29' - 0"72' - 0"13' - 0"24' - 0"6' - 0"10' - 0"16' - 0"10' - 0" STL COLUMN - TYP. CONC. FILLED STL BOLLARD - PT. 2 A3-2 16' - 0"BUILDING CODES USED: 2015 MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE W/ AMMEDMENTS BASED ON 2012 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE 2015 MN STATE ACCESSIBILITY CODE 2015 MN STATE ENERGY CODE PROJECT SUMMARY: SINGLE STORY PRE-CAST BUILDING AND LOW SLOPE EPDM BALLASATED ROOF FOR MUTLTIPLE TENANT USE. PROPOSED BUILDING SIZE: 17,280 S.F. CONSTRUCTION TYPE: TYPE IIB (NON-COMBUSTIBLE NON-FIRE RATED) FULLY SPRINKLED OCCUPANCY GROUPS/BASIC ALLOWABLE AREA: B (OFFICE), F-1 (FACTORY), S-1 (WAREHOUSE) ALLOWABLE S.F. PER TABLE 503: B = 23,000 S.F. 3 STORIES F-1 = 15,500 2 STORIES (USE MOST RESTRICTIVE) S-1 = 17,500 2 STORIES OPEN AREA INCREASE: MORE THAN 60 FOOT WIDE YARD OR OPEN SPACE AROUND THE BUILDING - UNLIMITED AREA AREA SEPARATIONS: BUILDING CONTAINS NON-SEPARATED OCCUPANCIES - B, F, S-1 FIRE RESISTANCE FOR BUILDING ELEMENTS: STRUCTURAL FRAME - 0 FLOOR CONSTRUCTION - 0 NON-BEARING WALLS - 0 ROOF CONSTRUCTION - 0 EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS - 0, DISTANCE GREATER THAN 30 FEET TO PUBLIC WAY AUTOMATIC FIRE PROTECTION SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: SPRINKLERS ARE TO BE PROVIDED THROUGHOUT THE BUILDING CODE SUMMARY PLUMBING FIXTURES REQUIRED: OFFICE- 1 WC PER 25 FOR FIRST 50 OCC. & 1 WC PER 50 ABOVE 50 OCC. 1 LAV PER 40 FOR FIRST 80 OCC. & 1 LAV PER 80 ABOVE 80 OCC. ONE DRINKING FOUNTAIN AND ONE SERVICE SINK MANUFACTURING- 1 WC PER 100 OCC. 1 LAV PER 100 OCC. ONE DRINKING FOUNTAIN & ONE SERVICE SINK OFFICE OCCUPANTS = 35 (18 MEN, 18 WOMEN - ONE WATER CLOSET, ONE LAVATORY REQUIRED) REMAINDER OF SPACE = 56 (28 MEN, 28 WOMEN, ONE WATER CLOSET, ONE LAVATORY REQUIRED) 91 OCCUPANTS /2 = 46 OCC. EACH SEX PLUMBING FIXTURES REQUIRED:PROVIDED: MEN- 1 WC, 1 LAV MEN- TBD WOMEN- 1 WC, 1 LAV WOMEN- TBD ONE SERVICE SINK AND ONE DRINKING FOUNTAINS TRAVEL DISTANCE: 300' FOR SPRINKLED BUILDINGS OCCUPANT LOADS: OFFICE = 100 PER SQ.FT., MANUFACTURING = 100 PER SQ. FT., WAREHOUSE = 500 PER SQ.FT. OFFICE: 3,456 S.F. (20%)/100 = 35 OCCUPANTS, MANUFACTURING: 3,456 S.F. (20%)/100 = 35 OCCUPANTS, WAREHOUSE: 10,368 S.F.(60%)/500 = 21 OCCUPANTS OCCUPANT TOTAL = 91 OCCUPANTS NUMBER OF EXITS: (SECTION: 1021.2) 2 EXITS MINIMUM REQUIRED, 5 ARE PROVIDED EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL DISTANCE: 300' IN SPRINKLERED BUILDING OF OCCUPANCY TYPE S-1 OR F-1 EXIT EGRESS FACTOR: .2 X OCC. LOAD = EGRESS IN INCHES (NON-SPRINKLED) .2 X 35 OCCUPANTS = 7.0" FOR OFFICE RQD, 108" PROVIDED .2 X 47 OCCUPANTS = 9.4" FOR MANUFACTURING RQD, 108" PROVIDED .2 X 19 OCCUPANTS = 3.8" FOR WAREHOUSE RQD, 108" PROVIDED Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by 21476 GRENADA AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 PH: 952-469-2171 FAX: 952-469-2173 EMAIL: office@approdevelopment.com Copyright © by APPRO Development. Inc PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION As indicated 03/19/2019 10:25:52 PMA2-1 FLOOR PLAN 18-04-0065 Rosemount, MN 18-04-0065 03/19/19 MFB JAC No. Description Date 1/8" = 1'-0"A2-1 1 FLOOR PLAN 8'4'0'8' NORTH First Floor100' -0"Top of Wall122' -0"T.O. Footing97' -0"123465180' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"ROOF121' -0"14' - 0"9' - 6"19' - 6"16' - 0"6"2' - 6"6"3' - 0"TYP.4' - 0"TYP.14' - 0"PREFIN MTL CAP FLASHINGDECORATIVE PRECAST CONC. BUTTRESS -EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH -LIGHTPRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANELS -EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH36"x84" HM DOORPREFIN STL CANOPYALUM AND GLASS DOOR6' - 0"2' - 0"24' - 0"6" PANEL BEVELED PANEL REVEALFirst Floor100' -0"Top of Wall122' -0"T.O. Footing97' -0"ABCDROOF121' -0"9' - 6"7' - 0"2' - 0"6' - 0"16' - 0"PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANELS -EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISHPREFIN STL CANOPY36"x84" HM DOORPREFIN MTL CAP FLASHINGDECORATIVE PRECAST CONC. BUTTRESS -EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH -LIGHT6" PANEL BEVELED PANEL REVEALFirst Floor100' -0"Top of Wall122' -0"T.O. Footing97' -0"123465ROOF121' -0"DECORATIVE PRECAST CONC. BUTTRESS -EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH -LIGHTPRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANELS -EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH36"x84" HM DOOR9'x10' DOCK DOOR12'x14' OH DOORPREFIN MTL BOLLARDPREFIN MTL CAP FLASHING6" PANEL BEVELED PANEL REVEALFirst Floor100' -0"Top of Wall122' -0"T.O. Footing97' -0"ABCDROOF121' -0"PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANELS -EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH36"x84" HM DOORPREFIN MTL CAP FLASHINGDECORATIVE PRECAST CONC. BUTTRESS -EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH -LIGHT6" PANEL BEVELED PANEL REVEALScaleProject numberDateDrawn byChecked by21476 GRENADA AVENUELAKEVILLE, MN 55044PH: 952-469-2171FAX: 952-469-2173EMAIL: office@approdevelopment.comCopyright © by APPRO Development. IncPRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION1/8" = 1'-0"10/5/2018 8:53:49 AMA3-1.2EXTERIORELEVATIONS18-04-0065Rosemount, MN18-04-006506/04/2018MFBJJCNo. Description Date1/8" = 1'-0"A3-1.21EAST ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"A3-1.22NORTH ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"A3-1.23WEST ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"A3-1.24SOUTH ELEVATION8'4'0'8' MEMORANDUM To: Kyle Klatt, Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Brian Erickson, Director of Public Works/City Engineer From: Stephanie Smith, Assistant City Engineer Date: April 23, 2019 Subject: Biscayne Business Park Preliminary Plat & L1, B1 Site Plan - Engineering Review SUBMITTAL: The plans for Biscayne Business Park have been prepared by I & S Group (ISG), dated March 25th, 2019. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: ▫ Preliminary Plat ▫ Existing Survey and Removal Plan ▫ Site Plan ▫ Road and Utility Plan ▫ Grading Plan ▫ SWPPP ▫ Restoration and Landscaping Plans ▫ Lighting Plan ▫ Stormwater Management Report GENERAL COMMENTS: The applicant has applied for both a preliminary plat of the entire site and a site plan for Lot 1, Block 1. This report will attempt to separate conditions of approval for the site plan from the conditions for the plat. Additional site plans will be submitted for the remaining lots as the applicant is ready to development them. Note: all site plans must meet the requirements for the overall development plat. 1. Development fees are required based on the current Schedule of Rates and Fees. For 2018, the estimated development fees are listed below:  GIS Fee: $10 / parcel  Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $ 6,865 / acre  Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: $ 1,075 / acre  Watermain Trunk Charge: $ 6,500 / acre 2. Plans must be signed by an engineer registered in the state of Minnesota prior to grading on site. 3. Prior to submittal of the final plat, the developer should notify the city if they would like to privately design and install the infrastructure or if a public process is desired. Preparation of the subdivision agreement cannot begin until a public or private process is selected. RIGHT OF WAY AND EASEMENTS: 4. Permits are required for work in Right-of-Way (ROW). 5. The width of Drainage and Utility (D&U) easements over all public utilities shall be verified during final design. 6. Easements are required over all ponding and infiltration areas, and shall encompass at minimum the HWL and all naturally vegetated areas. Signage for easements shall be provided by the developer and an extended maintenance warranty shall be required to ensure establishment of the naturally vegetated areas. STREETS & PARKING LOTS 1. The plans shall label the private cul-de-sac’s name: 157th Street. 2. To maintain the integrity of the pavement, 157th Street shall have curb and gutter. 3. Truck turning movements shall be shown on the plans for the driveway entrances. 4. The plans shall show the proposed radius for the cul-de-sac bubble. 5. The plans shall show the location of the future trail on Biscayne Avenue, proposed for construction in 2020. 6. The applicant shall submit a signage plan for review. 7. The street lighting plan shall be revised to comply with City standards. WATERMAIN AND SANITARY SEWER Biscayne Avenue does not have City sanitary main at this time. The applicant has proposed temporarily connecting to a Metropolitan Council sanitary manhole on Biscayne Avenue. 8. When City-owned sanitary main is installed on Biscayne Avenue (anticipated in 2020), the applicant shall permanently connect to City-sanitary. At the time of final plat, the applicant shall deposit a security with the City to cover the cost of this connection and restoration of the street. Plans and a cost estimate for this connection shall be submitted to the City prior to final plat. 9. The sanitary sewer profile shall be revised to be able to make a gravity connection to the future City sanitary sewer on Biscayne Avenue. 10. Staff recommends use of 0.50% slope for sanitary main, so the constructed slope can be plus or minus and still meet the required minimum. 11. Sanitary sewer service shall connect to the mainline, not the maintenance hole. 12. The water and sanitary main lines shall be owned and maintained by the City. 13. Hydrants shall be located adjacent to the street. 14. The proposed water service lines are 8” diameter. The applicant shall verify with City staff whether this is an appropriate service size for these properties. 15. The water and sanitary sewer construction plans shall be designed consistent with City of Rosemount Engineering Guidelines and Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. STORMWATER The stormwater management plan for this development proposes six infiltration basins, three on the northern property line and three on the southern property line. 16. City Engineering Guideline’s direct the construction of regional basins to promote efficiencies in treatment and maintenance. The plan shall be revised to consolidate the number of infiltration basins. 17. Stormwater facilities shall be owned and maintained by the business park’s HOA. The applicant shall enter into a Stormwater Management Agreement with the City to be recorded against the property. The agreement shall detail the applicant’s inspection and maintenance responsibilities for their stormwater BMPs. 18. Upon completion of the infiltration basins, the applicant’s engineer shall submit infiltrometer testing to certify the functionality of the basins as modeled. WSB Engineering reviewed the Biscayne Business Park plans on behalf of the City. The full memorandum, dated April 16, 2019, is included as an attachment. The recommendations are summarized below: 19. An NPDES permit was not included with the submittal although it was noted one would be obtained. Applicant should include the NPDES permit in future submittals once obtained. 20. An operations and maintenance plan for the proposed stormwater management system should be included with future submittals. 21. Applicant should smooth out contours at the basin corners to make them constructible. 22. Emergency overflow elevations and locations for all proposed stormwater BMPs should be called out on the grading plan. 23. Applicant should callout locations for maintenance access to all stormwater BMPs on the grading plan. 24. Stormwater BMPs shall have maximum side slopes of 4:1 above maintenance bench. Applicant should update grading plan accordingly. Maximum slopes of 4:1 and minimum slopes of 2% are allowed. Maximum slopes of 3:1 are allowed below the 10:1 maintenance bench for NURP ponds. 25. Applicant should add the NWL for all stormwater ponds and/or the bottom contour elevation for all infiltration basins to the grading plan. 26. The small closed contour directly north of the driveway off Biscayne Avenue should be labeled to confirm if it is a low or high point. 27. Applicant should provide additional information on pipe P10, as there is currently no downstream structure called out. If the pipe is planned to outlet into the City ROW, the pipe must be a minimum 15” RCP. 28. Applicant should consider placing a storm structure at the northeast corner of the cul- de-sac instead of two FES (FES 5 & 6) routed to one another. 29. The following City storm standard details should be added to the plans: Precast Cover Detail (SD-6), FES Sheet Piling Detail (SD-8), Grouted Riprap at Outlets (SD-10). 30. The City recommends using RCP under driving surfaces instead of HPDE pipe. 31. The proposed stormwater systems should be evaluated to incorporate the proposed site and adjacent future improvements to Biscayne Avenue into a larger regional system. The City preference is to provide stormwater management through the use of regional systems versus site-by-site systems if feasible. 32. The infiltration basin surface area used to meet the 1/12 ac-ft/acre/day of infiltration requirement must exclude the normal water level surface area and below, within each basin. Currently the applicant is overestimating the infiltration basin surface area by including the NWL surface area. 33. Offsite drainage from Biscayne Avenue and from north of the development should be included in both the existing and proposed drainage area maps and models. 34. Soil borings in some of the proposed infiltration basin locations showed B soils which should be designed with an infiltration rate of 0.45 in/hr instead of 0.8 in/hr. Applicant should update the design infiltration rate to match the appropriate soil borings and/or note that post construction infiltration testing utilizing an ASTM approved method will be required to show compliance with section 16.11 of the NPDES construction stormwater permit. 35. To confirm required dead pool storage is being provided, applicant should include the dead pool in the HydroCAD model or should provide calculations elsewhere. 36. Easement is shown over all proposed stormwater BMPs however it is not currently shown over the storm sewer routed from the cul-de-sac. Applicant should confirm all proposed storm sewer is centered within a minimum 20’ drainage and utility easement. SITE PLAN The following conditions of approval are for the site plan proposed at Lot 1, Block 1 of the Biscayne Business Park. 37. The site plan must meet the applicable conditions of approval for the overall development plat as listed above. 38. A 10-foot turnaround at the end of the parking lot shall be added to the plan. 39. A truck turning movement shall be provided for the loading area. 40. Additional flow arrows shall be labeled on the grading plan. 41. High and low points shall be labeled on the curb line and edge of pavement line. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above, please contact me at 651-322-2015. Attachment: WSB Memorandum Re: Biscayne Business Park Plan Review, dated 4/16/2019 K:\013894-000\Admin\Docs\Stormwater Review\013894-000 Biscayne Business Development Stormwater Review_20190415.docx 701 XENIA AVENUE S | SUITE 300 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN | 55416 | 763.541.4800 | WSBENG.COM Memorandum To: Stephanie Smith, City of Rosemount From: Bill Alms, PE Kendra Fallon, EIT Date: April 16, 2019 Re: Biscayne Business Park Plan Review City Project No. WSB Project No. 13894-000 I have reviewed the documents provided by ISG, Inc. on 4/4/19 for Biscayne Business Preliminary Construction Plans. Documents reviewed include:  22185 2019-03-25 Stormwater Management Report_Final  22185 2019-03-26 Project Description & Narrative  22185 APPRO – Biscayne Business Park Plans 11x17  22185 APPRO – Biscayne Business Park Plans – Full Size  22185 Commitment  22815 Prelim Plat  22185 Preliminary Plat Application  22185 Property Title  22185 PUD Master Development Plan Application  22185 Site Plan Review Application  22185 Stormwater Sheets  A2-1-FloorPlan-031919  A3-1.2 Elevations 100418 Based on my review of the plan I offer the following comments for your consideration. Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Comments: 1. General a. An NPDES permit was not included with the submittal although it was noted one would be obtained. Applicant should include the NPDES permit in future submittals once obtained. b. An operations and maintenance plan for the proposed stormwater management system should be included with future submittals. 2. Ponds and Wetlands a. Applicant should smooth out contours at the basin corners to make them constructible. 3. Emergency Overflow Routes: a. Emergency overflow elevations and locations for all proposed stormwater BMPs should be called out on the grading plan. Stephanie Smith 04/16/2019 Page 2 K:\013894-000\Admin\Docs\Stormwater Review\013894-000 Biscayne Business Development Stormwater Review_20190415.docx 4. Retaining Walls: a. N/A 5. Erosion Control: a. No comments. 6. Grading: a. Applicant should callout locations for maintenance access to all stormwater BMPs on the grading plan. b. Stormwater BMPs shall have maximum side slopes of 4:1 above maintenance bench. Applicant should update grading plan accordingly. Maximum slopes of 4:1 and minimum slopes of 2% are allowed. Maximum slopes of 3:1 are allowed below the 10:1 maintenance bench for NURP ponds. c. Applicant should add the NWL for all stormwater ponds and/or the bottom contour elevation for all infiltration basins to the grading plan. d. The small closed contour directly north of the driveway off Biscayne Avenue should be labeled to confirm if it is a low or high point. Stormwater Management Plan: 1. General Storm Sewer Design a. Applicant should provide additional information on pipe P10, as there is currently no downstream structure called out. If the pipe is planned to outlet into the City ROW, the pipe must be a minimum 15” RCP. b. Applicant should consider placing a storm structure at the northeast corner of the cul-de-sac instead of two FES (FES 5 & 6) routed to one another. c. The following City storm standard details should be added to the plans: Precast Cover Detail (SD-6), FES Sheet Piling Detail (SD-8), Grouted Riprap at Outlets (SD-10). d. The City recommends using RCP under driving surfaces instead of HPDE pipe. 2. Water Quantity a. The proposed stormwater systems should be evaluated to incorporate the proposed site and adjacent future improvements to Biscayne Avenue into a larger regional system. The City preference is to provide stormwater management through the use of regional systems versus site-by-site systems if feasible. 3. Rate/Volume Control a. The infiltration basin surface area used to meet the 1/12 ac-ft/acre/day of infiltration requirement must exclude the normal water level surface area and below, within each basin. Currently the applicant is overestimating the infiltration basin surface area by including the NWL surface area. b. Offsite drainage from Biscayne Avenue and from north of the development should be included in both the existing and proposed drainage area maps and models. 4. Freeboard a. No comments. 5. Water Quality a. Soil borings in some of the proposed infiltration basin locations showed B soils which should be designed with an infiltration rate of 0.45 in/hr instead of 0.8 in/hr. Stephanie Smith 04/16/2019 Page 3 K:\013894-000\Admin\Docs\Stormwater Review\013894-000 Biscayne Business Development Stormwater Review_20190415.docx Applicant should update the design infiltration rate to match the appropriate soil borings and/or note that post construction infiltration testing utilizing an ASTM approved method will be required to show compliance with section 16.11 of the NPDES construction stormwater permit. b. To confirm required dead pool storage is being provided, applicant should include the dead pool in the HydroCAD model or should provide calculations elsewhere. 6. Easements a. Easement is shown over all proposed stormwater BMPs however it is not currently shown over the storm sewer routed from the cul de sac. Applicant should confirm all proposed storm sewer is centered within a minimum 20’ drainage and utility easement. MEMORANDUM To: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner Anthony Nemcek, Planner Brian Erickson, City Engineer/Public Works Director Stephanie Smith, Assistant City Engineer From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: April 18, 2019 Subject: Biscayne Business Park Preliminary Plat The Parks and Recreation Department recently reviewed the plans for the Biscayne Business Park Preliminary Plat. After reviewing the plans, the Parks and Recreation Department staff has the following comments: PARKS DEDICATION The parks dedication requirement for business park development is 10% of the land area or the cash in lieu of land at $8,500 per acre. The total cash in lieu of land dedication for the entire development is $112,880 ($8,500 per acre x 13.28 acres, which does not include road ROW). Staff is recommending that the City collect cash in lieu of land for the Biscayne Business Park and that the cash payment should be paid for each lot being created at the time of issuance of the building permit for the each project. Please let me know if you have any questions about this memo.