HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of the June 4, 2019 Work Session Proceedings ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS June 4, 2019 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Tuesday, June 4, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. with Council Members Block, Freske, and Essler. Council member Weisensel was absent. • City Administrator Logan Martin • Community Development Director Kim Lindquist • Director of Parks & Rec Dan Schultz • Finance Director Jeff May Guests included; David and Robin Schmitz UPDATES Mayor Droste moved the item “Brewery Update” before “Indoor Recreation Facilities Discussion” due to having guests for that item in attendance. 3.a. Brewery Update Community Development Director Lindquist provided an update on the brewery. The proposed brewery would be located at 12296 Bacardi Avenue, Rosemount. The property is slightly less than 20 acres. The property is currently zoned for agriculture use. On agricultural land, a brewery with a tap room would require a conditional use permit (CUP). The CUP would cover the entire property. A public hearing would be required with a CUP. There would be a number of conditions that the applicant must meet. One of the conditions is paving the access drive. The original plan was to use the pre-existing pull barn on the property. This option posed an issue due to the heavily wooded access route. The new proposed location of a building would be in the northwest corner of the property. The ordinance currently does not allow accessory structures on the site due to the pre-existing pull barn. City staff is requesting that the applicant expand the driveway and parking lot, along with installing an additional well and expanding the septic system for the commercial use. Director Lindquist requested council members’ input as to what their level of support would be for the business on this site or an alternate site. Mayor Droste asked the applicant, David Schmitz, what the approximate occupancy would be for the tap room. Schmitz stated that they are seeking direction from staff and council. Schmitz explained that they would like to make it a viable business, but acknowledged that if they had to start out small they would. The original proposed occupancy was 60 to 80 people. After discussions with staff, they would scale it down to approximately 20 people as the business gets started. Council member Freske requested that Director Lindquist explain the restrictions on the agriculture land use and accessory buildings. Lindquist explained the ordinance allows for one accessory building that is 1,200 square feet. The pre-existing pole barn on the property is 3,000 square feet. The square footage capacity is already maxed out. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS June 4, 2019 Mayor Droste questioned if the parking lot must be paved. Lindquist stated that since this would be a commercial business the City typically requires all other commercial users to have paved parking lots. Mayor Droste questioned when Bacardi Avenue will be paved. Staff and council do not believe that the paving is planned for the foreseeable future. Council member Block asked the applicant if they had spoken with their neighbors. Schmitz stated that they have talked to the majority of the property owners nearby and the neighbors appear to be in favor. There is one neighbor that is directly across the street that they haven’t talked to yet. Council member Block asked the applicant what interested them in opening the brewery. Schmitz explained that their family enjoys going to breweries together and both of their sons have taken courses at DCTC related to brewing. They originally purchased the property in 2004 in hopes of opening up a wedding venue. The Schmitz didn’t make progress with the wedding venue, so they decided to pursue a brewery. Mayor Droste asked Lindquist if the CUP could require the applicant to pave the parking lot once Bacardi Avenue is fully paved. Lindquist confirmed that the CUP could include the language. Council expressed an openness to allowing the driveway and parking lot to remain gravel at this time, with consideration given to paving the areas when Bacardi is paved. Overall, the Council indicated support of this land use and encouraged the property owners to continue working with staff on their pursuit of this potential project. DISCUSSION 2.a. Indoor Recreation Facilities Discussion Parks and Recreation Director Schultz provided a brief summary of the open house that was recently held. Staff has been receiving positive feedback from the public regarding the proposed facility. Schultz asked council members if they were comfortable with moving forward with the current proposed layout. Council member Block inquired about an ice rink and turf facility options. Schultz discussed the current ice rink needs and other options within and near Rosemount. Council and staff agreed that the facility will be a community center, not an athletic center. Council member Freske explained that the Irish Sports Dome is under lease or ownership until a certain date. Schultz believed that the contract is until 2028 and addressed a portion of the turf need of the community is met by the Irish Sports Dome. Council member Essler expressed support of the current layout with the additional area for future expansion. Schultz explained that he has been in contact with the Andy Proshek, President of Rosemount Area Hockey Association (RAHA). Proshek indicated that the RAHA Board is comfortable with the current layout and the allocation of future ice, acknowledging that their ice needs are currently met via numerous arrangements. When the City of Rosemount is six or seven years into the agreement with Inver Grove Heights, staff will consider reviewing the ice needs at that time. Council members and staff agreed to educate RAHA participants and residents that facilities ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS June 4, 2019 will be reevaluated in the future. Council member Essler requested that staff include cost estimates for expansions, such as an additional gym, pool, or ice rink. Administrator Martin answered, to double the gym space it would be an additional $2.3 million. For an 8-lane pool it would be an additional $1.1 million. To add the ice complex it would be $9 to $10.5 million extra. Schultz asked council members and the mayor if they think the membership rates should be at market rate, such at the YMCA, Lifetime Fitness, etc. Essler stated that memberships should be at market rate but, should correlate with the amenities available. There should also be a benefit for Rosemount residents to get a discounted rate. Schultz asked the council if the facility should be operated by the City or if staff should be reviewing other entities to operate the facility. Schultz described a scenario where there would be split operating responsibilities between another entity and the City. If the City were to staff the entire facility, the City would need to hire at least seven full-time employees and up to 50 part-time employees. Council members expressed support of another entity running part of the facility. Council’s main concern was ensuring Rosemount residents would be able to use the facility without having to commit to an annual membership (such as a day pass model). Schultz asked the council about the funding of the project; whether they would prefer that the City hold a referendum or tax abatement bond financing, funded by the use of landfill fees. The council expressed support for tax abatement bond financing in conjunction with landfill fees. Staff and council members reviewed the annual revenue generated by the land fill fees. Council member Freske had previously received comments from the public in regards to the City’s priorities about building a new community center versus new Public Works and Police facilities. Council members Essler and Block asked when the study for new Public Works and Police facilities will continue. Administrator Martin advised that the Wold Study could be revisited in fall 2019 once council makes a decision on the indoor recreation facility. STAFF UPDATES None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned with a motion from Droste, second by Block. The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm. Respectfully submitted, Jessie Barikmo Recording Secretary