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MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Janet Larson, Dan McCarthy
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks&Recreation and Community Center Director;Lacelle Cordes,
Parks and Recreation Programmer; Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Programmer; Nancy Schrupp,
Parks and Recreation Secretary
1.CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mike Eliasan, Chairperson.
MOTION by John Howard to accept the minutes of November 20, 1995. SECOND by Janet
Larson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTtON CARRIED.
6.i 3:::T l:
a.RAAA Update. Representatives were not present to provide an update.
b.Carrolls Woods Update. Mike Busho commented that trees will be ordered to reforest
the south trail. Mark Joosten, Public Works Department, recommended ordering 10
large trees, and approximately 100 to 125 small trees. The total cost is estimated at
52,000. The Sub-Committee would like to see something planned during Arbor Day
and seek volunteers to assist in planting the small trees.
Cross country ski trails were groomed after the first snow fall, however they have not
been groomed since. Mike Busho commented that Rosemount has a contract with the
City of Lakeville to assist in grooming the trails. The next time the trails are groomed,
the sub-committee would like Jim Topitzhofer to go out with the groomers to give
suggestions of which trails to maintain. The sub-committee will be evaluating the
usage this year and decide which trails to continue grooming and possibly limiting the
nurnber of trails groomed.
Vandalism to signs located on the inner trails has been a problem. The sub-committee
discUssed keeping the signs on the outer trail entrances functional, and discontinuing
inner signs.
Test areas for herbicide applications will begin in the spring. Herbicide and sprayers will
be fumished. Loretta Loesch and Ed Howard, sub-committee members, have
volunteered to try some areas.
The sub-committee has planned to re-treat the area that was cut by the National Guard.
Mike Busho commented tha#it will begin in April and take 12 people approximate{y two
to three hours to coat the new growth coming out of the stumps.
The next Carrolls Woods meeting will be March 18, 1996.
December 18, 1995
Page 2
c.Lions Park Proposal. Jim Topitzhofer explained that Lacelle Cordes attended the Lions
Club meeting on November 20, 1995, and presented three park locations to the Lions'
members as options for naming a park "Lions Park". The options presented were
Wensmann's Eighth Addition (December Trail, Evergreen),Wensmann's Ninth Addition
Dodd Triangle) or CMC Heartland.
Mr. Topitzhofer received a letter from Mike Molenda of the Rosemount Lions Ctub,
requesting that the park in Wensmann's Seventh Addition be named Lions Park. The
Lions Club offered to help maintain the play structure. Mr.Topitzhofer commented that
the play structure is maintenance free and regular inspections are performed by the
Public Works epartment. Mr. Topitzhofer suggested the Lions Club maintain a flower
garden or other landscaping around the park sign and join the Adopt-A-Park Program
to assist with clean up in the spring and fall.
Mike Molenda,Rosemount Lions Club, gave an overview of the Lions Ctub organization.
Mr. Molenda is the Region Chairperson for District 5M6, which consists of 11 districts
throughout Minnesota, Manitoba and Western Ontario. The Rosemount Lions Club has
been in existence since 1962.
Mr. Molenda commented that one way to increase the Lions Club membership, better
serve the city and residents is to have a park named after the organization.
Mr. Molenda is in agreement to the suggestions made by Mr.Topitzhofer and suggested
that if there is ever a need for a shelter at this park, the Rosemount Lions Club would
be willing to assist the construction of a shelter similar to the one at Camfield Park.
MOTION by John Howard to recommend City Council approve the naming of Lions Park
to the existing park in Wensmann's Eighth Addition. SECOND by Mike Eliason.
Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
d.Chippendale Partners Mixed Use PUD. Jim Topitzhofer reviewed the location of this
area and pasi discussions. Chippendale Partners recently completed a new concept
plan that accommodates a three acre park near Claret Avenue. The City Council had
approved this concept plan a# their December 5, 1995, meeting.
The Parks and Recreation Committee is concerned that the ponding area is being
included as part of the 3 acre park on the concept plan. The Committee requested
Mr. Topitzhofer to make certain that the pond is not included as part of the 3 acre park.
7. 4 41:::i I S
a.League Association Evaluation for Softball Program. Lacelle Cordes, Parks and
Recreation Programmer, explained that the Softball Advisory Commitxee met on
December 1 1, 1995, to discuss adult softball sanctioning. Rosemount is currently
sanctioned by American Softball Association lASA). The Softball Advisory Committee
is meeting to discuss the possibility of switching to the United States Slowpitch Softball
Association (USSSA). The Softball Advisory Committee consists of players, team
managers,officials,independent tournament directors,and independent league players,
managers and directors, which play on Wednesdays.
Ms. Cordes explained that this request comes from players and managers as well as
administrative problems experienced with the ASA Minnesota Sports Federation. The
Softball Advisory Committee recommended sending out a ballot to all managers, giving
them the opportunity to vote on their preference of the sanctioning body, whether it
would be ASA or USSSA, The majority of the votes would be the deciding factor on
which sanctioning body would be used. The ballot would be for the 1996 season.
t y
December 18, 1995
Page 3
John Howard asked what would happen if the majority votes to keep ASA. Lacelle
Cordes explained that if Rosemount does sanction with ASA, staff will place
performance stipulations on ASA to try to get better support from them.
Lacelle Cordes commented that USSSA is mostly a metro area sanctioning body. There
are very few ASA sanctioned towns, which causes Rosemount softball teams to travel
further distances for tournaments. USSSA's administration is associated with the
Minneso#a Recreation and Park Assaciation. Because of this, most municipal run
leagues are sanctioning with USSSA.
b. Winter Programs. Dan Schuftz, Parks and Recreation Programmer, reviewed the winter
programs and trips planned for youth. The Winter Vacation ,4ctivities flyers sent to
schools was attached as part of the packet information for the Parks and Recreation
Lacelle Cordes commented that warming houses will open on December 26, 1995.
Ms. Cordes explained that Chippendale warming house will not be open due to low
attendance. Any calls received regarding Chippendale warming house will be logged
and will be evaluated at the end of the season.
Ms. Cordes gave an update on the winter adult leagues for volteyball, basketball and
c.Director's Report. Jim Topitzhofe explained that Lisa Jost, Recreation and Community
Center Manager has resigned. Ms. Jost has accepted a position with the City of Maple
Grove for a Community Center Manager position. Mr. Topitzhofer encouraged the
Committee members to attend an open house for Ms. Jost on December 22, 1995,
from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Mr. Topitzhofer reminded Parks and Recreation Committee members whose terms are
up in January to let the City know if they want to continue by the end o# December.
8.ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by
Dave Giliuson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Schrupp
Recording Secretary
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Janet Larson, Dan McCarthy
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director; Rick Cook,
Buildings and Grounds Supervisor; Lisa Jost, Recreation and Community Center Manager;
Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Reereation Programmer, Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary
1.CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was ealled to order at 7:40 p.m. by Mike Eliason, Chairperson.
2.ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Jim Topitzhofer commented that the tawnhome development
in Wensmann Eighth Addition is named Everly and not Evergreen. There#ore, Jim suggested
that the committee further discuss the name for the park located in Wensmann Eighth Addition.
The committee agreed to table this item and research this area further for possible names.
MOTION by John Howard to accept the minutes o# October 16, 1995. SECOND by Mike
Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
6.t:D::U 1 ti1:5
a.RAAA Update. Representatives were not present at the meeting. Lisa Jost gave a brief
update on late registration fee discussions held at the last RAAA Board meeting.
Ms. Jost commented that the RAAA Board discussed a 55.00 late registration fee for
in-house programs and a 55.00 or 10% (whichever is greater) late registration fee for
traveling. Ms. Jost commented that at the next RAAA Board meeting the topic on how
to promote late registration will be discussed.
b.Carrolls Woods Update. Jim Topitzhofer commented that the Carrolls Woods Sub-
Committee will be requesting the National Guard to assist with Buckthorn removal in
late September 1996.
The Carrolls Woods Sub-Committee wil! be evaluating next spring,the areas treated for
buckthorn last season.
Mr. Topitzhofer commented that funds will be solicited from USPCI, Inc. for the rental
of chippers used for buckthorn removal in 1996.
Dave Giliuson commented that the southwest trail is still being used frequently and
asked if the trail is being maintained. Mr. Topitihofer explained that the trail is not
being maintained and trees and seedlings were planted. However, #he use of bikes
have damaged and killed the seedlings. The Sub-Committee is looking to add larger
trees each year to this trail.
November 20, 1995
Page 2
e.Erickson Community Square Update. Jim Topitzhofer commented that Lutheran
Brotherhood planted 10 sugar maple trees last month, despite the weather and muddy
conditions. Mr. Topitzhofer sent a thank you letter to Lutheran Brotherhood.
Jim Topitzhofer commented that he would like to begin working on plans for the
building. John Howard asked if any mechanical plans have been received and if the
architect has been paid anything yet. Mr. Topitzhofer commented that he has not
received plans and the Sub-Committee has not paid the architect for services.
Mr. topitzhofer will contact Chuck Novak prior to the next Parks and Recreation
Committee meeting.
d.Chippendale Partners Mixed Use PUD. Jim Topitzhofer reviewed the Parks and
Recreation Committee's decision to include a park in the development. Mr.Topitzhofer
commented that at the City Council's November 7, 1995, meeting residents were
present to recommend a park in this development. The City Council tabled this item
and recommended city staff to conduct meetings with the affected neighborhoods to
gather further information.
Mr. Topitzhofer requested that the Committee discuss the size of the park so that he
may bring this recommendation to City Council. The committee discussed the size that
would be necessary to accommodate a ball field or soccer field. The Committee agreed
they would like to see some sort of balf field or soccer field at this park. The
Committee agreed to request 3 acres for this park.
7. 1:8 iR S
a.Fee Recommendations. Jim Topitzhofer explained to the Parks and Recreation
Committee that on an annual basis the fees for cash dedication, park rental, community
center rental, and ice arena rental are evaluated. Staft research market rates and other
factors, then prepare recommendations for the Parks and Recreation Committee.
Commercial and Residential Cash Dedication. Mr, Topitzhofer reviewed the residential
and commercial cash dedication and provided comparison infarmation of the
surroundings cities. Mr. Topitzhofer recommended commercial cash dedication to
remain at $1,100 per acre and residential to increase from 5640 per dwelling iwhich
equals 516,000 per acre) to $720 per dwelling (which equals 518,000 per acre).
The Parks and Recreation Committee reviewed the surrounding cities fees and agreed
that in order to be comparable with the surroundings cities, Rosemount's cash
dedication should be raised higher than tMe proposed 5720 per dwelling.
The Parks and Recreation Committee agreed to raise residential cash dedication to 5760
per dwelling which equals 519,000 per aere. The Committee agreed to keep
commercial at S 1,100 per acre to help promote commercial development.
Park Rental Fees. Lacelle Cordes explained that park rental fees have not been raised
in the last three years and in comparing Rosemount's fees with otMer cities, the
proposed fee increases are still very reasonable. Ms. Cordes commented that this
increase will help offset the cost of portable toilets as well as the maintenance staff
time required for the preparation of parks for the reservations.
Lacelle Cordes commented that at this time, even with the proposed fee increase,
Rosemount needs to keep prices low to draw users to Rosemount. Ms. Cordes also
recommended adding a damage deposit fee of 5150 for the use of the balt fields and
November 20, 1995
Page 3
The proposed 1996 prices for use of balf fields is S 100 per day with S 120 per day for
maintenance. The Parks and Recreation Committee felt the maintenance cost of S 124
per day was too high and recommended leaving the fee at S75 per day. The
Committee agreed to the requirement of a $150 damage deposit.
The Parks and Recreation Committee is in favor of the propased fees for rental of open
shelters and closed shelters.
Communitv Center Rental,Fees. Lisa Jost explained that staff is not recommending any
major fee increases because the Community Center is still in a growth mode for facility
rentals. Staff anticipates continued growth in ren#al sales but do not want to jeopardize
this growth with unduly fee increases.
Lisa Jost commented that the recommended fee changes are to increase combined
auditorium and banquet room fees for Class 4 from 5500 to 5550 and to increase
gymnasium fees for Class 4 from 5400 to $500. Ms. Jost commented that staff
recommends to discontinue banquet sty{e events in the gymnasium as the floor has
suffered permanent damage from high heeled shoes. Staff would like to offer banquet
events in the banquet room only.
The Parks and Recreation Committee is in favor of the recommended fee increases for
Community Center rental fees.
Ice Arena Rental Fees. Jim Topitzhofer commented that staff recommended increasing
fees for prime-time and non-prime time ice hours to remain within market rafies.
Currentfy, prime-time ice is being offered between $115 to 5125 per hour.
Mr. Topitzhofer recommended increasing prime-time ice hours from 5115 to 5120 per
hour; non-prime time ice hours from S94 to 595 per hour; and summer hours from 580
to S85 per hour. Staff also recommended increasing skate sharpening from S2 to
52.50 per pair of skates. Mr. Topitzhofer commented that these changes are
consistent with other arenas in the area.
The Parks and Recreation Committee is in favor of the recommended fee increases for
the Ice Arena rental fees.
MOTION by John Howard to recommend fee increases as discussed to City Council.
SECOND by Dave Giliuson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
b.Director's Report. Jim Topitzhofer commented that the play equipment at the"unnarned
park" located in Wensmann Eighth Addition should be installed soon.
Lisa Jost invited Committee members to the Share the Spirit event held at the
Rosemount Gommunity Center on Sunday, November 26, 1995, from 2 p.m.to 7 p.m.
8. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by John Howard to adjoum the rneeting at 9:05 p.m. SECOND by
Dave Giliuson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Schrupp
Recording Secretary
1 -
MfMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Janet Larson, Dan McCarthy
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director; Lisa Jost,
Recreation and Community Center Manager, Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Programmer;
Nancy Sehrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary
1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mike Eliason, Chairperson.
2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Agenda items 7.a. - Chippendale Partners Mixed Use PUD and
6.d. - Dakota County Trails Planning were discussed after the approval of the September 24,
1995, minutes. Agenda item Number 5 - Discussion was discussed before the Director's
MOTION by Janet Larson to accept the minutes of the September 24, 1995. SECOND by Dan
McCarthy. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
5.DISCUSSION: John Howard requested a status report on the Wensmann Triangle development.
Mr. Howard commented that he read an article in the paper that indicated that Wensmann felt
they were paying too much in cash dedication and land dedication. Mr. Topitzhofer explained
that Wensmann approached the subject at a recent City Council meeting. Mr. Topitzhofer
commented that City Council was still in favor ot the original cash dedication and land
dedication request.
John Howard requested that staff solicit the cost of doubde bases or safety bases for first base
at the softball fields and if staff feels there would be an improvement in safety by adding these
Dan McCarthy asked if John Howard had come up with any park names for the tentatively
named "December Trail Park". John Howard informed the Committee that in discussions with
John Loch, he found out that the land in this area used to be prairie land that buffalo used to
graze on. The name James Keegan was suggested however,there is already something named
after him. Jim Topitzhofer suggested the name Evergreen Park after Evergreen Townhomes.
MOTION by John Howard to name the park located in Wensmann Eighth Addition, Evergreen
Park. SECOND by Dave Giliuson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
6. £#::'##f;L\I:SS
a.RAAA Update. Lisa Jost commented that the 1995 overall participation statistics were
provided as part of the packet information. For those Committee members interested
in the individual sports statistics, a copy would be mailed to them upon request.
RAAA is pursuing the lengthening of the fence of the baseball field at Jaycee Park. The
funds will come out of RAAA's operating budget. "fhe extra funds for this were made
possible by the pro#its f om toumaments held this year. City sta#f will be assisting with
this project.
October 16, 1995
Page 2
Mike Eliason would like the issue addressed of youth being turned away and not being
allowed to participate. Mr. Eliason recommends that RAAA consider playing games on
Fridays or Saturdays.
John Howard questioned what decisions were made with regard to late registration.
Lisa Jost commented that this topic will be discussed in length at the next RAAA Board
meeting in November. Ms.Jost explained that in discussions with Parks and Recreation
staff, it woufd not be feasible to take on RAAA late registrations at this time. Staff felt
they would not be able to provide adequate information to the customers which could
have a negative effect on RAAA, as well as the Parks and Recreation Department.
b.Carrolls Woods Sub-Committee Update. Jim Topitzhofer commented that the Carrolls
Woods Sub-Committee did not conduct a meeting on October 16, 1995. However,the
Sub-committee members were present at the buckthorn event held Saturday,
October 14, 1995. The "Operation Woodchuck" pro ect was a success with
approximately 8 acres being chipped and cut. National Guard also assisted picking up
litter in the woods. Mr. Topitzhofer commented that it was a great experience for
everyone involved.
c.Erickson Community Square Sub-Committee Update. Jim Topitzhofer commented that
the grading of the amphitheater is neariy complete. The cutting of the tiers still need
to be done. Lutheran Brotherhood is sponsoring a community service project for
Erickson Community Square on Saturday, October 28, 1995. This group is donating
5800 of trees and will be planting them at 9 a.m. They are looking to purchase
approximately 8 sugar maples which are consistent to the project's landscape plan.
Mr.Topitzhofer commented that a guard rail or split rail fence would be installed on the
walkway coming from the Kurt Walter-Hansen sight due to the steep grade.
d.Dakota County Trails Planning. Jim Topitzhofer introduced John Forrest and Chantell
Kadin from the Dakota County Planning Department. Mr. Forrest explained that a
regional trail is a linear park that connects to area city parks and bikeway/walkways
throughout Dakota County. Mr. Forrest commented that to make this regional trail a
success, Dakota County and the area cities need to work together.
Chantell Kadin discussed the regiona! trail location and the possible connections to
parks and bikeways/walkways in Rosernount.
Mr. Forrest indicated that they will update Jim Topitzhofer, Parks and Recreation and
Community Center Director on the progress of the regional trail concept and will attend
another Parks and Recreation Committee meeting in 1996 to update the Committee on
the progress.
Mr. Forrest and Ms. Kadin indicated that the support of the cities is important to this
project and recommended that the Parks and Recreation Committee go to City Council
to request passing a resolution showing the City's support for the project.
e.CMC Eastbridge Townhome PUD. Jim Topitzhofer gave an overview of the CMC
Eastbridge Development PUD and recommended park dedication required in the form
of cash dedication for 541,934.80 to be paid at the time of final piat approval.
Mr.Topitzhofer also recommended constructing a five foot concrete sidewalk along the
west side of Bridgewater Parkway from the north entrance of the townhome
development to County Road 42
October 16, 1995
Page 3
A suggestion was made to possibly locate a parking lot in the "buffer area".
Mr. Topitzhofer will check on use af the "buffer area" for a parking lot.
MOTION by Mike Eliason to recommend City Council approve the CMC Townhome PUD
park dedication required in the form of cash dedication in the amount of $41,934.80.
SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
f.Shannon Meadows Preliminary Plat. Jim Topitzhofer commented that this development
is located on the northwest corner of the intersection of 145th Street and Shannon
Parkway. The latest revision to this plat proposed 28 standard sized single family
dwelling lots.
Mr. Topitzhofer recommended park dedication in the form of cash dedication in the
amount of 517,920.00 to be paid at the time of final plat approval.
MOTION by John Howard to recommend City Councif approve the Shannon Meadows
Preliminary Plat with park dedication in the form of cash dedication in the amount of
7. 1 s1 t:>3#:SIN SS
a.Chippendale Partners Mixed Use PUD. Jim Topitzhofer reviewed the concept plan for
the area located south of County Road 42, east of Shannon Parkway, west of
Chippendale Avenue and north of O'Leary's Hifls 4th and 5th addition. Mr. Topitzhofer
commented that Chippendale Partners is proposing a mixed use area consisting of
commercial, retail shopping, and low density multiple residential units consisting of
app oximately 6 to 8 units per acre.
Mr. Topitzhofer commented that residents from the O'Leary's 5th Addition had
attended the Planning Commission meeting on September 26, 1995, recommending a
park be included in this concept plan.
Mr. Topitzhofer suggested that an opportunity exists to locate a park in the southwest
corner of this development, connecting this park to an existing open space along
Shan on Parkway. Due to the close proximity of Jaycee Park and that a park is not
identified in the Parks Master Plan, Mr. Topitzhofer recommended cash dedication for
this area.
Parks and Recreation Committee members discussed the concept plan. Mike Eliason,
Chairperson, opened the discussion for audience input.
Resident Ms. Kelly Sampo, 3589 152nd Street, commented that she would like to see
a park developed in this area. Ms. Sampo presented a petition to the Parks and
Recreation Committee. This petition was signed by residents in her neighborhood in
favor of a park being develaped. Ms. Sampo suggested an area off of Ctaret Avenue
as a location for the park.
Ms. Sampo presented a map with 1/2 miie circles made around their development
which is according to the Parks Master Plan. This indicates that their neighborhood is
not serviced by a park within a 1/2 mile radius.
Ms. Sampo commented that the closest park is Chippendale Park, however they would
have to cross County Road 42. Many residents inciuding herself have young children
who are not allowed to cross major roads. Ms. Sampo commented that with young
October 16, 1995
Page 4
children under the age of 5, it is too far to walk to the other parks and therefore they
need to drive.
Resident Ms. Terri Tempfe, 3664 152nd Street, would like a park that is more
convenient to get to and is recommending a park be developed in this area.
Resident Mr. Kelly McGivern, 15173 Claret Avenue, is in favor of the park even though
it would increase traffic by his home if the park is located off of Claret Avenue.
Ms. Sampo suggested that residents are interested in a "Castle Park" and would be
willing to donate their time to help build it. Ms. Sampo commented that if a park were
developed here the neighborhood would be willing to help maintain the park through the
Adopt-A-Park Program.
Mr. Tom Neumann, Rosemount Area Athletic Association President, commented that
if the park is big enough for baseball fields or soccer fiefds, RAAA will request to utilize
this space. Mr. Neumann asked the residents how they would feel if this park was
used four nights a week for youth athletics. The residents present, were still in favor
of having a park developed in their neighborhood.
Dave Giliuson commented that if the master plan indicated that this development was
orginally zoned for commercial, he can understand why no park was planned for this
The Parks and Recreation Committee discussed the concept plan further and feels that
more information is needed on this development. However, the Committee members
are in agreement that a park is needed in this area.
MOTION by John Howard to request Chippendale Partners Concept Proposal include
land dedication which is consistent with wMat is suggested in the Parks Master Plan.
SECOND by Janet Larson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
b.Director's Report. Jim Topitzhofer highlighted some the activities going on at the
Community Center. The open house for the Seniors Program went very well with
approximately 200 people attending.
The Candle Light Vigil held at the Rosemount Community Center holding pond had
approximately 150 people attend.
A free showing of Romeo and Juliet would be put on by the Minnesota Shakespeare
Company at the Rosemount Community Center Auditorium on October 21, 1995.
Mr. Topitzhofer informed the Parks and Recreation Committee that at the November
meeting fees for 1996 will be discussed. Dave Giliuson requested that the committee
receive this information early to allow more time for review.
8. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. SECOND by
Dave Giliuson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRtED.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Schrupp
Recording Secretary
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Dave Giliuson, Janet Larson, Dan McCarthy
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director; Lisa Jost,
Recreation and Community Center Manager; Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Programmer;
Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary
1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mike Eliason, Chairperson.
2. AQDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Agenda item 7.a. Dakota County Trails Planning was removed
from the agenda and will be discussed at the October 16, 1995, meeting.
MOTION by Dave Giliuson to accept the minutes of August 28, 1995. SECOND by Janet
Larson. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED,
5.DISCUSSION: Mike Eliason commented that the Dakota County Councii for Healthy
Communities is looking for a facili#y to hold a "mini-convention" sometime in April. This
convention is for agencies within Dakota County to attend. The goal is to make an easily
accessible resource and information center for people to use at various locations, such as in
stores or at libraries, throughout Dakota County. Two locations are being considered to hold
the event, the Rosemount Comm nity Center and the Dakota County Technical Collsge.
Mr. Eliason commented that because most of the agencies involved are non-profit, there is a
cost issue for using the Community Center. Mr. Eliason cornmented that this event would
provide a lot of publicity far the Community Center as there will be a national speaker attending
and all metro area cable stations will be invited.
6. E<;SI I:ESS
a.Rosemount Area Athletic Association (RAAA) Update. Lisa Jost, Recreation and
Community Center Manager attended the past RAAA Board meeting. RAAA asked the
Parks and Recreation Department to consider taking late registrations far them.
Ms. Jost commented that the quantity was approximately 300 to 400 late registrations
per year and that it would be equivalent to one or two Parks and Recreation staff per
day. However, knowing the seasons, it would fluctuate. RAAA receives S5 per late
registration and offered Parks and Recreation 52.50 per late registration to cover the
cost of staff tirne. Ms. Jost indicated that this item would be discussed at the next
Parks and Recreation Department staff ineeting.
Lisa Jost commented that Dan Schultz, Programmer,is certified wi#h the National Youth
Sports Coaches Association (NYSCA). Mr. Schultz has worked with Eagan and Apple
Valley to conduct clinics. The clinics provide an overview for coaches and offers
different levels of coaching information. Ms. Jost proposed the idea of offering these
types of clinics at the Community Center, with Dan Schultz as the facilitator. RAAA
responded favorably. 7he fee for this type of clinic is S15 per coach and RAAA woutd
cover the fes for their coaches to attend.
Lisa Jost commented that RAAA is still interested in extending the fence for the
baseball field at Jaycee Park and they are contlnuing to solicit donations.
September 18, 1995
Page 2
b.Carrolls Woods Sub-committee Update. Mike Busho was present and commented that
another buckthorn removal project has been set for October 14, 1995. The National
Guard will provide about 75 to 100 volunteers to assist with this project and will work
approximately 6 hours. Rick Cook, Streets and Grounds Supervisor, commented that
three locations for buckthorn removal have been designated and that some volunteers
may be used to assist with trail maintenance or stump treatments.
Mike Busho commented that no progress has been made on the northwest trail,
however, they are still looking to have it completed this fall.
Mike Busho commented that the Haunted Woods events will not be held in CarroHs
Woods this year. A Halloween party and "mini" trail are being planned and will be held
at the Rosemount Community Center this year.
c.Erickson Community Square Sub-Committee Update. Jim Topitzhofer commented that
volunteer involvement has deteriorated over the last year. At the last meeting only two
members were present, John Howard and Deanna Simpson. Mr. Topitzhofer
commented that they feel the Parks and Recreation Committee should take over the
advisory function of the Erickson Community Square initiative.
Deanna Simpson was present and commented that over the last four years,
participation has dropped and the Sub-committee has not received enough input from
citizens. Ms. Simpson feels it is time for a change and would to like see the Parks and
Recreation Committee take over the responsibility. Ms. Simpson provided an overview
of the project and the plans for an amphitheater.
Dave Giliuson suggested that a present member of Erickson Community Square be
available to serve in an advisory role to the Parks and Recreation Committee. Deanna
Simpson commented that she would be available.
Jim Topitzhofer commented that letters will be sent to the current Erickson Community
Square Sub-committee members explaining that meetings will now be conducted as
part of the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting and welcome members to attend
meetings to give audience input to this project.
d.Wensmann Eighth Addition - Final Park Design. Jim Topitzhofer commented that park
construction is underway. The park has been graded and seeded. Mr. Topitzhofer met
with staff about the design. Staff suggested some changes fio the locations of the
volleyball and soccer fields, adding swings to the playground equipment and instalting
timber borders around the playground area. Mr. Topizthofer commented that picnic
tables will not be purchased, however picnic tables will be used from other parks. The
cost to add swings and the timber borders would be 53,375.00.
MOTION by Dave Giliuson to approve the addition of swings and timber borders around
the playground area at the tentatively named "December Trail Pa k". SECOIVD by Mike
Eliason. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
Final decision on a park name was postponed until the October 16, 1995, meeting.
e.Chippendale Basketball Standard. Jim Topitzhofer reviewed the discussions from last
month. The Police reports listing calls from that area were provided as part of the
packet information to the Parks and Recreation Committee members. Since May, 1993
there had been only five calls about the disturbance in Chippendale Park. All five calls
involved teens behaving much like Mr. Chamberland had described.
September 18, 1995
Page 3
Mr. Topitzhofer commented that maintenance staff reported no unusual vandalism or
related cleaning issues in Chippendale Park.
7. i t ilV:>E'3`IN:
a.Dakota Coun#y Trails Planning. Dropped from agenda.
b.Director's Report. Jim Topitzhofer provided an update on the Crime Reduction Grant.
Through Rosemount Partnership Program lRPP) many activities and programs are being
offered. Such as,Together Time on Mondays which provides a location for parents and
children to get together and interact. A community garden. An "On the Move"
program, an RV that brings arts and crafts to the children. Day camps and field trips
have been offered. Teen Night is held monthly and is targeted to the middle school
aged youth.
Mr. Topitzhofer commented that October is designated as "Violence-Free Minnesota
Month" and "Domestic Abuse Awareness Month". The goal is to promote safe and
secure homes, schools, work places, public places and communities. RPP will be
hosting a candle light vigil on October 12, 1995, in the holding pond at the Community
Center and fihey will be dedicating a Teen Night to violence prevention.
Mr. Topitzhofer commented that more grants are being written. The
Intervention/Prevention grant would provide more resources to RPP and A Youth
Apprenticeship Grant is being written in conjunction with Dakota County Technical
College and Goodwill.
Dave Giliuson requested more of an explanation on the Haunted Woods event.
Lacelle Cordes explained to the Parks and Recreation Committee that the Halloween
Committee evaluated the program and due to low participation and volunteer numbers,
more competition with other cities, and the impact it has the woods,they have decided
to try a new approach and location for the event. The event wil! be called Halloween
Activities and will be held at the Community Center.
8. ADJOURNMENT: MOTFON by Mike Eliason to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Dave Giliuson.
Ayes: 4 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRlED.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Schrupp
Recording Secretary
f )
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Qave Giliuson, John Howard, Janet Larson, Dan McCarthy
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director; Lisa Jost,
Recreation and Community Center Manager, Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Programmer; Nancy
Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary
1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7;32 p.m. by Mike Eliason, Chairperson.
2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: New Business, 7.a. Chippendale Park Basketball Standard was
discussed following Old Business, 6.a.
MOTION by Mike Eliason to accept the minutes of the July 17, 1995. SECOND by Janet
Larson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
6. #:D;:it
a.Erickson Community Square Update. Jim Topitzhofer commented that the Erickson
Community Square Sub-committee met on August 8, 1995,to discuss the final grading
of the amphitheater. The Sub-committee recommended installing an aggregate trail in
ptace of a bituminous trail. Mr. Topitzhofer on behalf of the sub-committee
recommended final grading the amphitheater and installation of the trail, at a cost of no
more that 58,000 and that it be funded from the Erickson Community Square donation
Mr.Topitzhofer commented that Bud Osmundson, Public Warks Director, recommends
a bituminous trail rather than an aggregate for maintenance purposes. Aggregate trails
are more difficult to maintain.
The Parks and Recreation Committee discussed an aggregate trail versus a bituminous
irail. With the knowledge that part of it may be torn up due to the movement of the
storm sewer, the Committee was in agreement to leave the trail as aggregate.
M0710N by John Moward to recommend Ci#y Council approve final grading of the
amphitfieater and installation of a trail, at a cost no more than 58,fl00, from donation
account #101-22223.10. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION
b.Wensmann Eighth Addition-Final Park Design. Jim Topitzhofer reviewed the final park
design and commented that Wensmann revised the park design to allow the soccer field
to be positioned in a north/south position,thus aUowing no team an advantage from the
Mr. Topitzhoter commented that a name for this park was to be discussed.
Mr. Topitzhofer recommended "December Trail Park" because of the adjoining street.
August 28, 1995
Page 2
Dave Giliuson recommended that the name of the park be put on hald to aliow more
time for the committee to come up with ideas. The Committee felt that using an old
family" name of a resident from Rosemaunt that has history and significance would
be appropriate.
John Howard volunteered to research the possibilities and will speak with a member of
the Rosemount Historical Society.
c.Wensmann "Triangte" Development Concept Review. The "Triangle" is the area
surrounded by Dodd Boulevard, 145th Street and Shannon Parkway. Jim Topitzhofer
corr mented that the concept plan has progressed through the Planning Commission and
was approved by City Council on August 1, 1995. The Planning Cammission
recommended City Council accept 1.5 or up to 2 acres for park development with the
balance being in the form of cash contribution. The Planning Commission was advised
that the Parks and Recreation Committee recommended a 3 acre park from the
Cammittee meeting on June 19, 1995. The Planning Commission also specified the 1.5
acre park be developed as green space or open space with no buildings or parking lots
Mr. Topitzhofer explained that City Council approved the concept plan for a 1.5 acre
park. However, Ci#y Council advised the Planning Commission that the development
of the park is the responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Committee and therefore,
did not include in the motion the Planning Commission's request for the 1.5 acres to
be left as green space or open space.
Mr. Topitzhofer commented that the 1.5 acre park would still fulfill our needs for a
service center.
d. CMC Update. Jim Topitzhofer informed the Committee that the railroad spur issue with
Soo Line has been resolved. The CMC development area is located near Grief Brothers,
South of 145th Street, West of Biscayne and North of County Road 42. The project
is expected to proceed from this point on. Mr. Topitzhofer will keep abreasi of the
development and inform the Committee if there is an opportunity to relocate the
proposed park.
7. 1`:33 S t
a.Chippendale Park Basketball Standard. Jim Topitzhofer explained that this past Spring
the basketball standard at Chippendate Park had been vandalized. A new standard was
ordered to replace it. Mr.Topitzhofer received a call from a resident living near the park
requesting that the basketball standard be replaced. At this same time, Mr.Topitzhofer
received a call from another resident, Mr. Bob Chambertand, requesting that the
basketball standard not be replaced. Mr. Chamberland also sent a letter, with a petition
signed by 19 residents, indicating the reasons for not wanting the basketball standard
replaced. Mr. Topitzhofer included this letter in the packet for the Parks and Recreation
Committee's review.
Mr. Topitzhofer believes the items listed are enforcement issues to be handled by the
Police Department. Mr. Topitzhofer feels that there are not enough basketball
standards in Rosemount and therefore, recommends replacing the basketball standard
at Chippendale Park.
1 k
August 28, 1995
Page 3
Mr. Chamberland was present at the meeting to discuss the issue further with the Parks
and Recreation Committee. Mr. Chamberland indicated tha# since the baskettaall
standard was taken down, it has been a very enjoyable summer living near this park.
Dave Giiiuson asked if Mr. Chamberland had notified the police of these activities.
Mr. Chamberland indicated that the police had been called. However, he had
confronted the youth on their own and apparently received retaliation from the youth
by vandalism done to his car.
Mike liason reviewed the list of items in the letter and indicated that all the items were
police department issues. Sgt. Jewet Ericson, Rosemount Police Department, was
present and confirmed Mr. Eiiason's findings.
Sgt. Ericson indicated that Chippendale is one of the more quiet parks in Rosemount
and that the Police Department receives very few calls. Mr. Chamberland commented
that items listed in the letter were in regard to last year.
Sgt. Ericson recommended that more calls be made to the Police Department when
there are problems occurring. The Police Department will respond as many times as
necessary to eliminate the problem.
Jim Topi#zhofer suggested the possibility of a park or neighborhood watch group and
asked Mr. Chamberland about taking on the responsibility of initiating one.
Mr. Chamberland appeared to be in favor of tMis. Sgt. Ericson indicated that the
contact for forming a neighborhood watch group is Sgt. O'Leary.
Mike Eliason requested Sgt. Ericson to have the last three years of statistics on calls
received from this area printed out and given to Mr. Topitzhofer.
The Parks and Recreation Committee is in favor of replacing the basketball standard.
They agreed to further review the following information before the basketball standard
is replaced.
Review the statistics on the calls received from esidents in the area with regard
to Chippendale Park.
Sgt. O'Leary contact Mr. Chamberland to organize a neighborhood watch.
Staff to speak to Public Works maintenance staff regarding any vandalism or
cleaning issues they noticed last year at Chippendale Park.
b.Directors Report. Jim Topitzhofer provided an overview of the department's activities
in the previous month.
Mike Eliason requested that a letter be sent thanking Marge Ryan for her time served
on the Erickson Community Square Sub-committee.
8. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Dave Giliuson to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. SECOND by
Dan McCarthy. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTIOIV CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Schrupp
Recording Secretary
c X
MEMSERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Janet Larson, Dan McCarthy
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topi#zhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director
MEMBERS ABSENT: Dave Giliuson, John Howard
1.CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was cailed to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mike Eliason, Chairpersan.
MOTION by Dan McCarthy to accept the minutes of June 19, 1995. SECOND by Janet Larson.
Ayes: 3 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
6. :::'.a......i........`,
a.RAAA Update. An RAAA representative was not present at the meeting.
b.Carrolls Woods Update. The Carrolls Woods Sub-committes did not meet on July 17,
1995. Janet Larson requested that all park signs be reinstalled and maps checked.
Janet Larson also requested that sta#f instigate a City ordinance prohibiting biking in
Carrolls Woods.
c.Erickson Community Square Update. Jim Topitzhofer announced that Erickson Square
Sub-committee has not conducted a meeting since April, 1995. The sub-committee is
still awaiting construction documents from the architect. Jim Topitzhofer noted the
Kurt Walter-Hanson project is proceeding. Jim commented that there is an immediate
need to blend the Walter-Hanson project grading with Erickson Community Square. Jim
Topitzhofer recommended to complete grading, sesding and install a trail along the top
side of the amphitheater connecting to Walter-Hanson's project. The Committee
instructed Jim to inform Erickson Community Square members and begin with
preparations with the recommended a ction.
d. Wensmann Eighth Additio - Final Pa k Design. Jim Topitzhofer presented a proposed
park design for Wensmann Eighth Addition. The design included two small play
structures with benches,three picnic tables, mini soccer field, optional volleyball court,
and an 8 foot bituminous trai4 connecting the play structures to the nearby sidewalk.
Jim Topitzhofer presented cost estimates for the proposed design including play
equipment at 524,000, tables and benches at 54,500, landscaping at $5,OOp, and trail
at $2,000. Dan McCarthy recommended adding a concrete pad under the nearest table
to the play structures for handicap access. Jim Topitzhofer estimated the cost of the
pad at 5500.
July 17, 1995
Page 2
Jim Tnpitzhofer suggested to further discuss a name for this park at the next
Committee meeting when all members are present.
MOTION by Janet Larson to recommend City Council approve expenditure from Park
Improvement Funds in the amount of 535,000 for the construction of the unnamed park
tocated in Wensmann Eighth Addition. SECOND by Dan McCarthy. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0.
e.Shannon Meadows - Trail Easement. Jim Topitzhofer commented that the latest
concept ptan for Shannon Meadows was presented to City Council on June 20, 1995.
At this time, City Council directed Jim Topitzhofer to ask the Parks and Recreation
Committee to reconsider a trail connection to Hawkins Pond from 144th Street near iot
10 in the development. The Committee discussed the pros and cons of such a trail
easeme t. It was the consensus of the Committee that a trail easement to Hawkins
Pond is an appropriate requirement of the development, as Iong as there is a provision
to return the easement to adjacent homeowners if the trail is unwanted in the future.
Jim Topitzhofer agreed to pass this finding to the Development Review Committee.
f.Old Baptist Church Update. Jim Topitzhofer commented that Rosemount Historical
Preservation presented a request to relocate the old Baptist church to Schwarz Park to
City Council on June 20, 1995. At this council mesting, Jim inforrned City Council of
the Parks and Recreation Committee's criteria for this request: no City or Park funds
useci, no liability issues with leasing property, and right to remove tMe church if it
becomes an eyesore or a hazard. City Council was not opposed to this request and
directed the City Attorney to draft a lease agreement with the above criteria incfuded.
This draft has not been completed as of this date. Jim Topitzhofer was instructed to
examine if Schwarz Park has any Lawcon Grant covenants. Jim commented that he
has determined there is a Law Con Grant associated with Schwarz Park and he is still
awaiting a decision from the DNR regarding the matter.
7. ':il'....a`
a.Birger Pond Park-lmprovement and Maintenance. Jim Topitzhofer explained the recent
maintenance issue with Birger Pond Park, located on the east side of Birger Pond.
There are four homes which are adjacent to Birger Pond Park. When many of these
homeowners purchased their lots from U.S. Homes they were informed that this area
would be a park area with a trail, landscaping, tress, etc. Some of these residents are
expecting a mowed area much like we have in our existing parks. Some residents
would prefer a natural look with longer grass. Bud Osrnundson, Public Works Director,
has been approached by these residents. Mr. Osmundson has decided that a
maintenance crew will clean up the area and reseed as required.
Jim Topitzhofer invited four residents to the meeting for their input and asked the
Committee to render a decision to leave the land natural or have it mowed. Jim
recommended to mow a portion of park property, located east of Birger Pond and west
of the residential property lines of the fotlowing addresses on Danube Lane: 13491,
13473, 13457,and 13439. Jim also recommended to request residents who have play
structures or other items on park property, to relocate them within their property line.
Staff will then maintain this area in accordance with the City's weed ordinance. Jim
f" k
July 17, 1995
Page 3
also recommended not to maintain an approximate 20 foot corridor directly adjacent to
Birger Pond, which promotes better water quality and wildlife habitat.
Sid Perera, 13457 Danube Lane, Rosemount, was present at the meeting and
suggested that the parks crew foliow the contour of the pond when mowing.
MOTION by Mike Eliason to instruct City crews to rnow a portion of park property,
located east of Birger Pand and west of the residential property lines and not maintain
an approximate 20 foat corridor directly adjacent to Birger Pond,following the coRtpur
of ihe pond. SEC ND by Dan McCatthy. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0. MOTtON CARRIED.
b.Director's Report. Jim Topitzhofer provided a brief overview of the epartment's
activity in the previous month. Jim asked the Committee about the possibility of
canceling the August Committee meeting i# the agenda does not warrant a meeting.
The Committes instructed Jim to cancel the meeting if necessary.
8. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Mike Eliason to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m. SECOND by
Dan McCa thy. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
James Topitzhofer
Di ector, Parks and Recreation
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Dan McCarthy
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director; Lisa Jost,
Recreation and Community Center Manager; Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary Aide
1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by Mike Eliason, Chairperson.
3. APPROVAL OF THE MAY 15, 1995, MINUTES: Correction made on Agenda Number 6.d.,
Paragraph Four.
MOTION by Dave Giliuson to accept the minutes of May 15, 1995, with correction. SECOND
by John Howard. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
5.DISCUSSION: John Howard recommended that maintenance be done on the home plate area
of Field 2 at Erickson Park. This area is lower than the rest of the field a poses a hazard for
softball players running or sliding in to home plate. Jim Topitzhofer commented that he will
inform the maintenance staff.
6. 4:::tN:
a.RAAA Update. An RAAA representative was not present at the meeting. Lisa Jost
commented that a representative may not be at the July meeting either and that the
RAAA Board meeting for June had been cancelled.
b.Carrolls Woods Update. The Carrolls Woods Sub-committee did not meet on
June 19, 1995. Jim Topitzhofer commented that the new trail, linking the northwest
access has been staked out and cutting was planned to begin later in the fall.
c.Erickson Community Square Update. Jim Topitzhofer commented that the Sub-
committee is still waiting to receive the construction documents from Chuck Novak.
d.Dodd Triangle. Jim Topitzhofer commented that he received clear direction on the
Parks and Recreation Committee's idea to conduct a park referendum and purchase the
remaining property in the Dodd Triangle for a park. The City Council indicated at their
May 16, 1995 meeting that they do not support such a referendum.
Wensmann's Homes created a concept plan for this area. Wensmann's Homes does
not own the land, they are simply providing their ideas to the Parks and Recreation
Committee for input before they proceed with possibly purchasing this property.
This plan would consist of 76 deckhomes and 36 townhomes, complying with the
City's current R-2 zoning of six dwellings per acre. They provided a separate complex
in the proposed fire station location, easily removed should the fire station referendum
be approved this fall. The plan features a two acre park. Jim Topitzhofer provided a
sketch of this park including a 12 space parking lot, proposed family service center,
play structure, and hard surface court.
June 19, 1995
Page 2
Jim Topitzhofer recommended an 8-foot bituminous trail be constructed along the east
side of the public street, and a trail connecting Limerick Way to the park.
Mr. Topitzhofer also recommended the developer to escrow the cost of a trail along the
north side of Dodd Boulevard, from Shannon Parkway to Cimarron Village, to be
completed when Dodd Boulevard is reconstructed.
The Committee requested three acres for a park, approximately 536,000 cash
dedication, and the trails proposed along the east public street and on the north side
of Dodd Boulevard. The Committee is not in favor of a trail connecting Limerick Way
to the park.
Jim Topitzhofer commented that he will request Rick Pearson of the Planning
Department to create a map that will include a mini-soccer field as well as the parking
lot, family service center, play structure and hard surface court.
e.Wensmann Eight Addition. Jim Topitzhofer discussed ideas for the design of the park
located in this development and the name of the park. Mr. Topitzhofer suggested the
name of the park be December Trail Park, named after the adjoining street.
Mr. Topitzhofer recommended this park have two small play structures, several picnic
tables, benches and grills.
The Committee would like to discuss other possible names for this park. The
Committee is in favor of the play structures, picnic tables and benches. They would
also like to have this park graded for a mini-soccer field and the option of a volleyball
court. Jim Topitzhofer commented that he will provide the planning department with
the ideas and request to have two plans sketched out to show with and without the
volleyball court.
MOTION by John Howard to authorize staff to proceed with the final design of
December Trail Park" to include two small play structures, three benches, three picnic
tables, graded for a mini-soccer field and also provide separate plans to include a
volleyball court as well. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0. MOTION
f.Shannon Meadows - Trail. Jim Topitzhofer commented that City Council has directed
the developer to revise the concept plan again, calling for less density and more
standardized lots. The new plan calls for 31 dwelling units, instead of 35 dwellings
proposed last month. The land dedication revised for this development is 1.24 acres
and cash dedication is S19,840.
Jim Topitzhofer rescinded his recommendation to construct a trail along the west side
of Shannon Parkway in this development. After further observations, Mr. Topitzhofer
commented that it would be extremely costly, destroy many existing trees and shrubs
and poses very difficult grading problems. Mr. Topitzhofer provided pictures to the
Committee of the west side of Shannon Parkway.
The Committee was in agreement with the above assessment to not develop a trail
along the west side of Shannon Parkway.
MOTION by John Howard to recommend City Council to approve cash dedication for
Shannon Meadows, in the amount of $19,840. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 4
June 19, 1995
Page 3
g.Twin Puddles Playground Equipment. Jim Topitzhofer commented that staff has not
received any feedback on the Twin Puddles Playground Equipment. Mr. Topitzhofer
discussed the proposed play structure plans received from Earl F. Anderson, Inc. and
the cost of each.
No action was taken, however the Committee recommended that staff continue to wait
for feedback from residents.
h.Preservation of Old Baptist Church. Jim Topitzhofer provided a map showing the
proposed location of the church.
John Howard stated he wanted to make sure that it was clear that there is no liability
issue for the city and that no park or city funds are used towards this project.
Dan McCarthy asked if there would be any other structures developed. Mr. Topitzhofer
commented there is no plan for any other structures but that a sidewalk would need to
be developed from the church to the parking lot.
John Howard requested that the City have the right to remove this church if it becomes
an eye sore or becomes a hazard.
Jim Topitzhofer commented that he would include the above recommendations in his
discussion at the next Council Meeting scheduled for June 20, 1995.
7. 1 1 1:::84 IT t:s
a.Program Report. A Summer Brochure was provided in the packet for the Committee
members to review. Lisa Jost reviewed the Brochure with the Committee.
b.Director's Report. Jim Topitzhofer commented that the Arbor Day Celebration and Park
Improvement Day went very well. Arbor Day had approximately 30 people in
attendance and Park Improvement Day had approximately 20 volunteers.
Mr. Topitzhofer commented that the clean-up around the borders of the Carrolls Woods
went well and thanked Janet Larson for putting it together.
Mr.Topitzhofer would like to see Arbor Day and Park Improvement Day combined, with
focus on one park at a time.
John Howard would like to see Park Improvement Day held on a different day from the
City Wide Clean-up.
8. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting at 9 p.m. SECOND by
Dave Giliuson. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Schrupp
Recording Secretary
MEMBERS PRE5ENT: Mike Eliason, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Janet Larson, Dan McCarthy
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director; Lisa Jost,
Recreation and Community Center Manager; Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Programmer;
Nancy Scfirupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary Aide
1.CALL TO ORDER: the meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mike Eliason, Chairperson.
2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Agenda Item 7.a. -Preservation of the Old Saptist Church, was
moved up on the agenda to be discussed before Item 6. - Old Business
MOTION by Dave Giliuson to accept the minutes of April 17, 1995. SECOND by Mike Eliason.
Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
6. E#E';:S i S
a.RAAA Update. RAAA representatives were not present. Jim Topitzhafer commented
tfiat a soccer tournament will take place the weekend of May 20, 1995, with the
tournament headquarters being at the Rosemount Community Center Gymnasium. The
attendance is expected to be around 4,000. Lacelle Cordes commented that there is
also a softball toumament the same weekend which will involve about 50 teams.
b.Carrolls Woods Update. Janet Larson commented that the Carrotls Woods Sub-
Committee had a walk through of the Northwest corner pathway. The plan is to keep
the path narrow.
Janet commented that she has organized a neighborhood cleanup of the west and north
edges of Carrotls Woods on Saturday, May 20, 1995, at 10 a.m. as part of Park
Improvement Day.
Jim Topitzhofer commented that the reforestation of the abandoned trail was
completed. There were 150 seedlings planted throughout the traif as well as larger
trees planted at both ends. There have also been fences and signs placed at both ends
indicating this is an abandoned trail.
Rosemount Middle School was involved in planting approximately 500 trees in an area
that had buckthorn removed. Jim commented that a DNR represen#ative was very
impressed with our reforestation.
May 15, 1995
Page 2
c.Erickson Community Square Update. Jim Topitzhofer commented that the Sub-
committee has held off ineeting until the construction documents are completed. Mr.
Topitzhofer stated that Chuck Novak expects to have the plans completed by the end
of the month.
d.New Park Development Near Rental Hausing Units. Jim Topitzhofer discussed the
location involved and the higher density of people in this area. An issue with this area
is higher crime rate compared to other areas in the community. Mr. Topitzhofer
commented that approximately four years ago a group that Gves in this area began to
contact agencies requesting direct services be provided to this area through a mobile
unit. This effort lead to the Crime Prevention Grant and James Steckart, who will be
assisting in providing an on-site location for services as well as other activities for
Recently, the City applied for another grant with the McKnight Foundation and
submitted it on behalf of the Rosemount Partnership Program. this grant is requesting
one time funding of 550,000 to help construct an an-site family service center.
Sheila Klassen, a member of the Rosemount Partnership Program, was presen# a# the
meeting to provide more information to the Committee on the programs and services
that could be offered and how it would benefit this community,
John Howard commented that for the City to build a park in this area, it would no#
follow the Guide Plan. This area already has heavier saturation than the accepted
standards provide for.
Further discussions were held. Jim Topitzhofer summed up the topic and reviewed#he
various options that were discussed. The options discussed were for the City to
purchase al1 of the land; Dakota County HRA to purchase 4.7 acres;the City purchasing
part of fihe land; or the possibili#y of Dakota County HRA ta deed over some land to be
able to build a basketball court, playgrour d, the family services center, and a parking
e.Park Improvement Day. Jim Topitzhofer commented that Park Improvement Day was
scheduled for Saturday, May 20, 1995. Two projects were planned for this day. The
first is a trash clean up on the western and northem borders of CarroJls Woods. Janet
Larson designed and distributed a flyer around a her neighborhood. This group wili be
meeting at 10 a.m.
The second project is at Connemara Park. Staff obtained approximately 16 burlap
bagged trees for this project that need to be planted on the "old sliding" hill. News
releases were sent to local papers and Ietters were mailed out to residents living on
Dander Court, as well as buckthom volunteers.
f.Shanno Meadows. Jim reviewed the Shannon Meadows development. Land
dedicatio for the revised development is 1.4 acres, cash dedication is 522,400.
Discussions were held on various locations of bike paths.
May 15, 1995
Page 3
MOTION by John Howard to recommend City Council to approve cash dedication for
Shannon Meadows, in the amount of 522,400, and to escrow the cost of constructing
an eight foot bituminous trail located on the west side of Shannon Parkway adjacent
to the development.
g.Twin Puddles Playground Equipment. Jim Topitzhafer commented that the Parks and
Recreation Committee requested staff to hold off on purchasing replacement playground
equipment until we observed response from the neighborhood. Staff were aiso directed
to obtain quotes.
Jim commented that staff did receive one quote from Earl F. Anderson, Inc. This
company has installed equipment in many of the Rosemount parks.
The Parks and Recreation Committee agreed to tabie this item.
7. t 1:>:E3 i
a.Preservation of Old Baptist Church. Jim Topitzhofer gave an overview of the this topic
as well as introduced Ms. Maureen Geraghty Bouchard of the Rosemount Historical
Ms. Bouchard on behalf of the Rosemount Histarical Preservation explained the history
of the old baptist church, the Rosemount Historical Preservation's request to relocate
the church to park land, and future plans for this church.
Ms. Bouchard commented that the Rosemount Historical Preservation would like to see
the church moved to a location on Schwarz Park, just north of the Rosemount
Community Center. The Rosemount Historical Preservation feels that this location
would be very appropriate because pf the prairie took in this area.
Ms. Bouchard explained that the Rosemount Historical Preservation would like to see
that this be a joint venture for the city and eommunity of Rosemount to work together
to achieve many goals as set forth in the City's Comprehensive Guide.
Ms. Bouchard commen#ed that the base cost for actually moving the church is
estirnated at S 15,000 with an additional cost o# S 10,000 for utilities. Ms. Bouchard
cited that the renovation costs are estimated at $100,000. The Rosemount Historical
Preservation is waiting to receive information from the State on many foundations that
assist with fundraisers and grants.
Jim Topitzhofer aslced if the City was expected to produce funds. Ms. Carol Droste,
member of the Rosemount Historical Society, stated that the City is not expected to
produce funds. Mr. Topitzhofer then asked what type of staff involvement would be
requested. Ms. Droste explained that she would like assistance from staff such as the
building inspectors, engineering department, as well as landscaping assistance.
Ms. Bouchard commented that this would be a viable asset to Rosemount, with the
possibilities of the church being used as a center for Rosemount historical artifacts and
May 9 5, 1995
Page 4
history, a Chamber of Commerce location, a chapel for weddings with the possibility
of promoting receptions at the Community Center Banquet Room.
MOTION by Dave Giliuson that the Parks and Recreation Committee is in support af the
idea of locating the O d Baptisi Church on park property as long as the Committee is
kept informed, has final approval of the loca#ion and provided this is approved by City
CounciL SECOND by John Haward. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. M TION CARRIED.
b.Shannon Pond East. Jim Topitzhofer explained that this is a new development under
review. The development is located in the nartheast corner of Shannon Parkway and
160th Street. It has 77 single family dwellings. Due to the proximity to Jaycee Park
and Winds Park, Jim recommended a cash dedication in the amount of $49,280.
Jim recommended a plan for two bike trails as well. One located on the east side of
Shannon Parkway and the other on the north side of 160th Street. Jim explained that
Dakota County is expected to reconstruct 180th street, therefore he recommended to
escrow the cost of the trail along 160th Street so that it can be construeted afterwards.
MOTION by John Howard to recommend City Councit to accept 549,280 in cash
dedication for Shannon Ponds East, and require the developer to construct a trail within
the confines of the development along the east side of Shannon Parkway and escrow
the cost of a trail along the north side of 160th Street. SECOND by Mike Eliason.
Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
c.D rectors Report. Jim Topitzhofer attached the Weekly Reports for the Committee to
8. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m. SECOND by
Janet Larson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Schrupp
Recording Secretary
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Janet Larson, Dan McCarthy
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director; Rick Cook,
Buildings and Grounds Supervisor; Lisa Jost, Recreation and Community Center Manager;
Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Programmer;Nancy Schrupp,Parks and Recreation Secretary Aide
1.CALL TO ORDER: 7he meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by Mike Eliason, Chairperson.
MOTION by John Howard to accept the minutes of March 30, 1995. SECOND by
Dave Giliuson. Ayes: 5 Nays: Q. MOTfON CARRIED.
a.Introduction of Jamie Steckart, Community Resource Coordinator. Jamie Steckart
introduced himself to the Parks and Recreation Committee as the Community Resource
Coordinator, which is funded by the Crime Reduction Grant. Jamie commented on his
past experience and the programs he intends to accomplish as the Community Resource
b.RAAA Update. Dale Gergen of RAAA was present and commented that baseball and
softball wi11 begin their game season soon. RAAA has a soccer tournament and
traveling softball tournament scheduled for May 20-21, 1995. Jim commented that
RAAA Soccer will have a concession stand and spaghetti dinner at the Comrnunity
Center in the gymnasium.
Lisa Jost provided a copy of the prelimina y plat of the ISD #196 fourth high school to
be built in Apple Vailey. This was part of the discussion held at the RAAA meeting on
April 10, 1995.
c.Carralls Woods Update. Mike Busho was present and commen#ed that the last
buckthorn cutting session until next fall was held on April 1, 1995. There were 15 to
20 volunteers.
Mike commented that reforestation of the abandoned south trail will begin soon.
Approximately 200 larger trees will be planted. Tree seedtings will be used to fill in
around the larger trees.
April 17, 1995
Page 2
The west side footpath at Schwarz Pond needs maintenance. Roots will be dug up and
the trail will be woodchipped.
Park Clean-up Day is scheduled for May 20, 1995. The west border of the Carrolls
Woods will be cleaned up as it has a lot of construction material laying around.
Mike commented that the trail maps for Carrolls Woods are somewhat inaccurate. Staff I
will review maps and make necessary changes. Also, some vandalism has been done I
to the map holders.
Mike commented that a resident is concemed about logging taking place and the
removing of dead trees in Carrolls Woods. Most deadfall is left. The cutting and
stacking of deadfall has taken place in order to clear trails or provide ease in buckthorn
cutting. Committee agreed that the stacks of deadfal! should be feft where they are to
d.Erickson Community Square Update. John Howard commented that the Sub-committee
wants to finish plans by the end of the month in order to begin soliciting bids. By
soiiciting bids, the Sub-committee will know if their available funds will cover the cost.
e.Kelley Prairie Acquisition. Jim Topitzhofer commented that the City's recent offer to
purchase this property was rejected by Mr. Tim Dwyer. The next step is to respond to
developers who purchase and subdivide the Kelley property. The Parks and Recreation
Committee will review future Kelley subdivisions and will have the opportunity to
recommend the prairie land at that time.
f.New Park Development Near Rental Housing Units. Jim Topitzhofer researched the
possibility of acquiring the property west of Cimarron and Rosemount Greens housing
units. This area is bordered by 145th Street to the north and Qodd Boulevard to the
Jim commented that this site is valued at approximately 5600,000 and due to the
sizable amount of funds necessaryr to purchase this land, a referendum should be
considered, However, due to the referendum planned this fall for the fire station, it
would be best to conduct the referendum for a park at a later time.
Jim recommended that the Committee pursue this site further as well as gather
information on oihe parks that are in need of improvements i order to prepare for a
referendum in 1996 or 1997. The Committee is in agreement to pursue this further.
Jim suggested that this park could be named the Lions Park and to include the
Rosemount Lions Club in our efforts to launch a success#ul parks referendurn.
g.Replacement of Piaygraund Equipment at Twin Puddles Park. l.acelle Cordes
recornmended to replace the playground equipment at Twin Puddles Park and to not
spend more than S25,000 from park improvement funds.
Discussions were held on how rnuch use the o1d pfayground equipment received and
whether it would be appropriate to replace the equipment if there is very minimal use.
April 17, 1995
Page 3
Dave Giliuson commented that we should wait and see i# we hea from the area
residents. Dave recommended tabling this item and review next month. The
Committee agreed.
Mike Eliason recommended that we stiH proceed with contacting contractors for quotes
on what items we could purchase with the 525,000. The Committee agreed.
7. 1;:14
a.Hart Property Acquisition. Jim Topitzhofer met with Ms. Marjorie Nart, a Rosemount
resident, regarding 30.5 acres of land she would like to sell to the city or county. 7his
land is adjacent to Dakota County's Lebanon Hills Regional Park to the north.
Jim commented that with the future plans the Committee has for parks, and the
proximity to Lebanon Hills, he recommends approaching Dakota County and discussing
their interest in purchasing this land.
MOTION by Dave Giliuson to request staff to approach Dakota County to examine the
County's desire to purchase the Hart property. SECOND by Janet Larson. Ayes: 5
b.Concession Agreement. Jim Topitzho#er commented that the City of Rosemount and
the Rosemount Youth Hockey Boosters Association met and agreed to a new contract
agreement for the operation of the arena concession stand for another year. The
eontract was provided for the Committee to review.
MOTION by John Howard to recornmend to City Council to approve the attached
Concession Agreement between the City of Rosemount and the Rosemount Youth
Hockey Boosters Association. SECOND by Dave Giliuson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0.
c.Director's Report. Jim Topitzhofer commented that Park Ctean-up/Park Improvement
Day will be held on May 20, 1995. Jim commented that the Parks and Recreation
Department will be having trees planted at Connemara Park on the east hill and that
volunteers will be needed on that day. No time has been set yet.
8. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Dave Giliuson to adjourn the meeting at 8:53 p.m. SECOND by
John Howard. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully submi#ted,
Nancy Schrupp
Recording Secretary
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Janet Larson
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer,Parks&Recreation and Community Center Director;Lacelle Cordes,
Parks and Recreation Programmer; Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary Aide
1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m. by Mike Eliason, Chairperson.
MOTtON by John Howard to accept the minutes of February 27, 1995. SECOND by Dave
Giliuson. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
5 DISCUSSION: Dave Giliuson would like to see a park developed in the area near 145th Street
and Dodd Boulevard. Jim Topitzhofer commented that this land is currently owned by a farmer.
This land was reclassified as an R2 for less density; it was previously an R3. A fire station wilt
be developed on part of#he land however, there would still be plenty of room for a couple ball
fields, a small shelter and playground equipment. Dave suggested discussing this area at the
next meeting.
Mike Eliason asked if anything further has been discussed regarding sliding at Connemara Park.
Jim Topitzhofer commented ihat the city is looking to plant trees on the hill and the fence at
this time will remain in place.
6. f°E:::B#:l F
a.RAAA Update. Dale Gergen of RAAA was present and commented that RAAA is in
their busiest season. However, in-house registrations have decreased this year, while
traveling registrations have increased. In-house programs, you#h must live within
Independent School District 196 and traveling programs, RAAA will accept youth
outside of the istrict 196.
b.Carrolls Woods Upda#e. Mike Busho commented that three citizens — Janet Larson,
Sandy Pint, and Dennis Randall — would like to join Carrolls Woods Sub-Committee.
Buckthorn cutting on March 4, 1995, received 17 volunteers. Another buckthorn
cutting session is set for April 1, 1995, from 9 am to Noon in the same area.
The Sub-committee discussed the need for a northwest entrance. After the buckthorn
cutting on April 1, 1995, a walk-through will be done of this area.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Janet Larson, Dan McCarthy
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director, Lisa Jost,
Recreation and Community Center Manager, Tom Murphy, Arena Manager; Rick Caok, Buildings and
Grounds Supervisor; Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Programmer; Dan Schultz, Parks and
Recreation Programmer; Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Seeretary Aide
1.CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:38 p.m. by Dave Giliuson, Chairperson.
MOTION by John Howard to accept the minutes of the January 23, 1995,meeting. SECOND
by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
5.DISCUSSION: Jim Topitzhofer commented that after review of other committees agendas,the
discussion section has been added in place of the Chairpersons' Report and the Director's
Report. This section wiU be used to address topics of interest or concem for the benefit of the
John Howard requested information on past Community Center Commission minutes and any
other information that can be provided on the Community Center for review by the Parks and
Recreation Cammittee. Jim Topitzhofer commented that staff will provide this information to
the Parks and Recreation Committee in the next packet.
Dave Giliuson requested that Item 6.d. Wensmann 7th Addition be moved up on the agenda
to become 6.a.
6. f CD:::B,*`•aiNF:S.S
a. Wensmann 7th Addition. Kelly Murray of Wensmann Properties, was present to
provide some input on the development of the proposed park in Wensmann 7th
Addition. Kelly suggested that the City keep in mind the demographics of the type of
people purchasing homes in this development. Kelly commented that if playground
equipment were to be installed, Wensmann Properties would like to see it be placed on
the east side of the park away from the townhomes. Kelly commented that Wensmann
P.roperties is in need of more information about a bike path that may be developed that
will branch off of the County Road 42 bike path and lead down to the park, as this
could adversely affect property lines and development. Jim Topitzhofer commented
that staff will research this issue.
b.Election of Ofticers. Mike Eliason was elected as the new Chairperson and Dan
McCarthy was elected as the new Vice Chairperson.
c.Carrolls Woods Update. Mike Busho commented that the meeting on February 27,
1995, was an informational meeting to give residents an opportunity to learn more
about the Sub-committee and look for new members. This meeting had a very low
February 27, 1995
Page 2
Carrolls Woods Sub-committee made a prelimi ary request to help provide funds for the
Carrolls Woods Prairie Acquisition to USPCI and the Rosemount Jaycees. Both
committed to 55,000 a year fo five (5 years to help off-set some of the costs. Mike
Busho commented that if the Kelly parcel of land does not get purchased, the funds
would be available to Carrolls Woods or some other park project.
d.Erickson Community Square Update. John Howard commented that an electrical
engineer was hired, the lowest bid out of three was accepted at approximately 53,200.
A mechanical engineer was hired for a minimal fee of S500. This fee is to cover the
mechanical engineer's stamp on the drawings.
John commented that the Sub-committee has had poor participation and woutd like to
look at this project becoming a part of the Parks and Recreation Committee meetings.
John commented that the storm sewer project strongly affects the development of the
Erickson Community Square project and if funds are available,the Sub-committee may
look at the possibility of incurring the eosts of moving the storm sewer.
e.Park Dedication Ordinance. Jim Topitzhofer commented that this item was added as
part of the packet information for the new members to review and would like to table
further discussion until next month. Mike Eliason, newly appointed Chairperson,tabled
the item.
f.Carrolls Woods Prairie Acquisition. Jim Topitzhofer attached a draft letter to be sent
to Kelly Trust to forward an offer for a 15.6 acre parcel of the available 547 acres
which Kelly Trust is expected to put up for sale in the near future. Jim commented that
the value of the land is S29,000 to S30,000 per acre, or 5452,400 to 5468,000. The
Park Dedication funds have a balance of 5359,090 and a grant for 550,000, totalling
Dave Giliuson commented tF at he would support to purchase this land. This land will
be for passive recreation and there appears to not be a need for a park in this area. Jim
Topitzhofer commented that a plan witl be presented at the next meeting.
MOTION by John Howard to recommend to City Council an expenditure ot 5200,000
for the purchase of the Carrolls V1/oods Prairie Acquisition area, Kelly Trust Property.
5150,000 would be deducted from Park Dedication up front, with S50,000 being
reimbursed over a five (5) year period by the Rosemount Jaycees and USPCI. Another
550,000 would come from a grant and $100,000 would come directly out of Park
Dedication funds. SECOND by Dave Giliuson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION
7. 1E3i t::::BUS1l11f5S
a.Residency Policy and Non-Resident Fees for Adult Softball Leagues. Lisa Jost
discussed the research that Lacelle Cordes conducted for residency and non-residency
fees. A decision was made based on the high percentage of non-residents that play in
our leagues and the policies from other cities. Those cities surveyed include our
surrounding cities and comparable eities to Rosemount in population, development and
proximity to larger cities.
The Parks and Recreation Committee fully supports the resident policy and the
establishment of non-resident fees for the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Adult
Softball Leagues.
February 27, 1995
Page 3
b.Liquor Ordinance. Lisa Jost explained the revised ordinance to allow alcohol
consumption in parks. Lisa commented that Lacelle Cordes conducted a phone survey
of area cities regarding their policies on aleohol consumption in the parks. This revision
is being considered to increase park use,to discourage potential park users from going
to other cities that allow alcohol in their parks, and to bring in more revenue for the
Parks and Recreation Department.
Dave Giliuson requested that a statement referring to no gfass bottles in the park, be
added to this ordinance even if it is already stated elsewhere. Dave also suggested that
Carrolls Woods and Schwarz Park be excluded from this ordinance.
Janet Larson suggested that instead of allowing beer and wine to be within 50 feet of
a picnic table that it should be within 50 feet of a shelter: Janet commented that picnic
tables can be moved.
Mike Eliason does not agree with opening up the parks to atlow alcohol. However, if
it is allowed on a permit basis only, then he would consider it.
Questions on liability issues were asked. Jim Topitzhofer commented that staff will
research and present at next meeting.
c.Department Orientation. Parks and Recreation Department staff were present at the
meeting to meet the Parks and Recreation Committee members and to introduce
themselves and their job responsibilities.
Lisa Jost handed out Community Center Fees and Fee Policies and a recreation program
calendar to the Parks and Recreation Committee for review. All staff gave an
inforrnational speech on the various aspects of their responsibilities.
d.Department Update. Jim Topitzhofer explained the Weekly Summary Reports to the
new members. Jim gave an update on the sliding injury that occurred at Connemara
Park. Sliding was prohibited at the park, signs have been put up, new releases were
published, and a more permanent decision will be made in the future.
8. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. SECOND byDaveGiliuson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTIQN CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Schrupp
Recording Secretary
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Linda Ladzun,Jeff Moser,Tom Relfer
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director; Lisa Jost,
Recreation and Community Center Manager; Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Programmer;
Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary Aide
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Dave Giliuson, Chairperson.
ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Jim Topitzhofer requested to add the introduction of Dan Schultz, Parks
and Recreation Programmer. This item was added as Roman Numeral I under Old Business. All other
agenda items under Old Business were moved down one number.
MOTION by Jeff Moser to accept the minutes of the December 19, 1994, meeting. SECOND by Mike
Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
La<::B 1i
I.INTRODUCTION OF DAN SCHULTZ: Lisa Jost introduced Dan Schultz as the Parks and
Recreation Department's new Programmer. Lisa commented that Dan Schultz was hired in
place of Wendy Willman who had previously resigned. Dan Schultz introduced himself to the
Parks and Recreation Committee and told them a little bit about himself. The Parks and
Recreation Committee welcomed Dan.
II.CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Mike Busho was present to give an update. Mike commented
that two posts have been installed at the entrances to Carrolls Woods and that the map posts
are in the final stages of completion.
Sub-committee members discussed the possibility of buckthorn cutting along the south trail up
to the city's south property line and also having residents join in by cutting buckthorn on their
property adjacent to this area. The city would chop the buckthorn for the residents. The
tentative date for this buckthorn cutting is March 4, 1995. Mike commented that the sub-
committee discussed cutting grape vine at the same time as the buckthorn.
Mike Busho commented that Loretta Loesch has resigned from the sub-committee and it will
be effective February 1, 1995.
The sub-committee is applying for a grant for reforestation. However, discussions were held
regarding the planting of trees and shrubs at both ends of the abandoned south trail, then with
the grant, if received, fill in the rest of the trail.
The Prairie Acquisition Grant for $50,000 was received. This grant would be used towards the
purchase of the Kelly Trust property, however more funds are needed. Carrolls Woods Sub-
committee members met with USPCI about donations. USPCI is interested in donating funds.
Mike commented that the sub-committee is researching other charitable organizations whici-:: ,,
might be interested in donating.
Tom Reller joined the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
January 23, 1995
Page 4
TOM RELLER commented that a concerned neighbor brought up the issue of dogs at Jaycee
Park and asked if it states anywhere that dogs can not be in the shelter and if not he would like
to see a sign posted in the shelter.
Tom asked how often RAHA uses the hockey rinks. Lacelle Cordes eommented that it is quite
often and more frequent now and the Parks and Recreation Department tries to accommodate
them. However, we do try to keep some open skating time available. Jim Topitzhofer
commented that RAHA is also using a lot of ice time indoor as well.
Tom Reller commented that he is glad to see outdoor skating being offered again.
Tom Reller thanked staff and committee members, and has enjoyed his time serving on the
Parks and Recreation Committee.
DAVE GILIUSON thanked Jerry Puciaty, Linda Ladzun, Tom Reller, and Jeff Moser for the time
on the committee.
Dave commented that at the next regular committee meeting new officers will need to be
chosen. Also, the Parks and Recreation Committee wi(I be taking on Community Center issues
as we1L
Dave commented that he is also glad to see the outdoor skating program.
IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Jim Topitzhofer commented that the Department Weekly Summaries
were attached as part of the packet information for the committee's review. Jim highlighted
that the City of Rosemount has been awarded an intervention and prevention grant from the
Minnesota Department of Public Safety in the amount of 599,966. The city's part of the
project entitled Community Crime Reduction is funded for two years beginning January 1,
1995. The City of Rosemount will be hiring a Community Service Worker, which will be paid
directly from the grant money, to coordinate this project.
ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Linda Ladzun to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m. SECOND by Tom
Reller. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Schrupp
Recording Secretary