HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996_01_22-08_05_1996-Park and Rec CommissionPARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING APPROVED
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, John Howard, Janet Larson, and Kelly Sampo
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director;
Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary
1.CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Janet larson, Chairperson.
a.CMC Heartland Partners Second Development. Mr. Jim Topitzhofer reviewed past
discussions and location of this development. Reid Hanson, Tosh Neminski, and John
Scai2o, CMC Representatives, were present to provide input and answer questions.
Mr. Topitzhofer commented that the change in the design is the collector street running
from County Road 42 through ihe development to Biscayne Avenue,
Mr. Topitzhofer indicated that Rick Pearson, Plan ing Department, commented that the
100 year flood line elevation was 927.7, which in the event of a flood woutd cover th
majority of the park. Mr. John Scaizo commented that the flood level eievaxion is
926.7 and explained that once every 100 years there is a chance that flooding could
reach this elevation level. Mr. Scalzo indicated that CMC is planning to grade the park
such that the 100 year flood level would be below the useable area.
Ms. Kelly Sampo asked about sidewalks within the development, Mr. Scalzo indicated
that the preliminary plans do not show sidewalks at this time, however, he assumes
sidewatks will be included in later plans.
Mr. Scalzo indicated that the preliminary plan originally was designed with 634 units.
It is now at 565 units with the addition of the collector street through the
The Parks and Recreation Committee discussed the size of the park. Mr. HowarrJ and
Ms. Sampo indicated a 14 to 17 acre park is more appropriate for this area and would
better serve the community as a whole. Mr. Moward and Mr. Eliason indicated that by
taking the entire 40 acres, it would become an issue of maintenance for the City.
Ms. Larson asked if trails owned by the Home Owners Association would become
private trails, limiting public access? Mr. Neminski indicated that the trails owned by
the Home Owners Association would not iimit public access.
The Parks and Recreation Committee discussed ownership of trails and agreed that the
City should own and maintain the trail along County Road 42, the trail going around the
entire park, and the two feeder trails leading off the park. The City would also be in
charge of maintaining trails aiong the coAector street. The Parks and Reereati n
Committee agreed to some contour of the trail along County Road 42.
August 8, 1996
Page 2
The Parks and Recreation Committee agreed with the amenities as shown on the
preliminary plan, which should also include a parking lot. The ameni#ies were as
follows: youth baseball field, baskeiball coun, tennis court, sand volleyball court, ADA
and age appropriateness playground equipment and an approximately 25 space parking
lot. The Committee discussed combining the tennis court with the hard surface area
basketball court, which would assist in reducing costs. The Committee agreed that to
fulfill the needs of this park, amenities may have to be added in phases.
Mr. Topitzhofer reviewed the discussions of the Committee which agreed to a 17 acre
park; the City owning and maintaining the trail along County Road 42 with some
contour; the trail around the park and the two feeder trails connecting to the park; and
the previously discussed amenities.
Mr. Topitzhofer agreed to provide cost esiimates for the discussed amenities at a future
Parks and Recreation Committee meeting.
Additional items discussed that were not part of the agenda are as follows.
Ms. Larson commented that the Committee needs to review the Comprehensiue Park
Plan and Development Guide on a yearly basis. Mr. Topitzhofer offered to come up
with a plan for a structure on reviewing the Guide Plan and will present this idea at the
Regular Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting on September 16, 1996.
Ms. Sampo suggested having another park improvement day, possibly in conjunction
with Leprechaun Days, to assist with items such as pulling weeds and picking up litter.
The Committee provided several suggestions of asking boy scout and girl scout troops,
groups adopting a park, and using correctional groups. Mr. Topitzhofer will approach
staff on this issue.
Mr. Topitzhofer discussed the Erickson Cammunity Square Shelter project. Five bids
were received and came in too high at 5213,000 to S272,Oa0. The total projact
would cost 5260,000. The budget was set at 5230,000. The lowest bid is 530,000
over budget.
The Parks and Recreation Committee requested that Mr. Topitzhofer pull this agenda
item from the City Council Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 6, 1996, for the
purpose of receiving approval from USPCI for a $15,000 contribution or to find another
source of funding,
Mr. Topitzhofer asked the Committee if they would be willing to use 540,000 from
Park Dedication. The Committee would be willing to use up to 540,000 from Park
Dedication. However, if possible they would like to check with other sources of
contribu#ions to assist in reducing this cost.
4. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Mike Eliason to adjoum the meeting at 9:35 p.m. SECOND by
John Howard. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIEO.
Respectfulty submitted,
Nancy Schrupp
Recording Secretary
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, John Howard, Janet Larson, Qan McCarthy, and Keliy Sampo
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director; Rick Cook,
Streets and Grounds Supervisor; Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Pxogrammer; Dan Schultz, Parks
and Recreation Programmer; Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary
1. CALL TO ORDER; The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Janet Larson, Chairperson.
3. APPROVAL OF THE MAY 20, 1996, AND JUNE 10, 1996, MINUTES:
MOTION by Kelly Sampo to accept the minutes of May 20, 1996. SECOND by Mike Eliasorra
Ayes: 4 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
MOTION by Dan McCarthy to accept the minutes of June 10, 1996. SECOND by Kelly Sampo.
Ayes: 4 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
John Howard was not present for the approval of the minutes.
5.DISCUSSION: Mr. Mike Eliason and Ms. Kelly Sampo surveyed various parks and playground
equipment within the parks and provided a list of items that require maintenance. They ar
listed in random order as follows.
Dallara Park
1. The playground equipment has obscenitities written on the structures.
2. The basketball court is cracked, full of weeds and needs to be resurfaced.
3. Weeds are taking over the playground area.
1.Gang sign painted on the Playground Equipment Sign.
2.One of the planters that sits on top of the sign is broken and laying on th e
ground. Mr. Rick Caok explained that the Elementary School is in charg of the
sign and playground equipment.
3. Tennis court is cracked with weeds growing up through them and should be
resurfaced. Mr. Jim Topitzhofer indicated that the City intends to resurface it
and has added this request to the CIP budget for 1997.
Camfield Parl
1. Trash receptacles need to be located behind the backstop of the ballfi i o
There are only xrash receptacles located by the pavilion.
2.Sand is spilling out of the playground area near the swings. Timbers should be
raised and sand moved back in the playground area.
3. Weeds are taking over the playground area.
July 15, 1996
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Connemara Park
1.Improve safety of the slide, rubber cement/giue has been pulled out and needs
to be repiaced.
2. Obscenities have been scratched into the playground equipment.
3. There is still a hill erosion problem above the storm sewer.
4. The playground area is only boxed in with timbers on three sides. It should be
boxed in all the way around to keep sand inside playground area.
Schwarz Park
1. The wood posts on the pavilion are cracked and splitting.
2. Weeds are overtaking the playground area through the sand.
3. The grill equipment is in tough shape. One grill is missing, the post in the
cement still remains intact. Another grill is partially missing.
ChipnBndale Park
1. The warming house building is in terrible shape. Ms. Lacelle Cordes
commented that the building was not used as a warming house last season
because of the poor condition of the building, Mr. Tapitzhofer indicated the
building is scheduled to be removed this year.
2. Bolts are missing from timbers.
Biscayne Park
1. There are eye bolts used on the swings. Should other bolts be used?
2. Weeds are taking over the playground area.
Kidder Park
Ms. Sampo questioned the possibility of a retaining wall missing or is one going to be
put in around the swings to keep the sand in place?
Mr. Topitzhofer appreciated the Committee taking the time to survey the parks and will provide
this information to the Public Works Department to begin maintenance.
Mr. Howard commented that at Camfield Park, the concrete pad near a piece of riding
equipment is exposed and shouid be covered. Also, a section of roof on the ir side of the
shelter is blackened. Mr. Moward noted that the fountain at Erickson Park appears to have
been fixed, however, it is leaking and should be serviced.
Mr. Howard indicated that Loretta Loesch, Carrolls Woods Sub-Committee member, spoke with
him in regard to Carrotls Woods and her disappaintment in the lack of maintenance being done
to the trails. Due to the Carrolls Woods Sub-Committee not meeting until August, Mr. Howard
suggested she attend the Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting on July 15, 1996, to voice
her concerns.
Ms. Janet Larson inquired about the north trail in Carrolls Woods. Mr. Topitzhofer commented
that the trail is expected to be comp eted the first part of August.
6.Ott;BUSfNE S
a.CMC Heartland Partners Second Development. Mr. Topitzhofer commented that the
Planning Commission tabled the concept plan for this development to allow various
questions to be answered. Mr. Topitzhofer reviewed the questions that were park
July 15, 1996
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Mr. Topitzhofer explained that staff had met with CMC representatives on Julya 2,
1996, and CMG indicated #hat in the concept plan that there is a 17 acre active park,
6 acre pond, and 16 acres of trails. CMC representatives also indicated that it would
be very difficult to construct a tunnel under the railroad tracks because of the water
level and the possible flooding of the tunnel.
Mr. Topitzhofer introduced Reid Hanson, Attorney for CMC, and John Uben, CI//IC
Consulting Planner, who were present to provide input and answer questions.
Mr. Uben explained that CMC is looking to build an area that provides four distinct
neighborhoods surrounding a centralized park. The plan is to provide approximately 90
acres of open space, each neighborhood would have a tot lot within it that wouid be
maintained by a Momeowners Association. The Homeowners Association would also
be in charge of maintenance for any open space not owned by the City. CMC is also
proposing many interconnected trails throughout the development and a centra! areai
with benches, gardens and lighting at the entrance to the development. A
Homeowners Association would be in charge of the central area. CMC and the City
would need to meet regarding trails and ownership and maintenance of them.
Mr, Uben explained that the centralized park would be owned by the City. CMC is
looking for direction on the size of the park the City would like to own.
The Parks and Recreation Commiitee discussed the size of the park and uses of the
park. The Committee had questions regarding Mr. Hanson's comment regarding the
City possibly acquiring 39 acres and CMC assisting with various amenities for the park.
The Committee agreed that it was necessary to call a Special Mesting regarding this
Deveiopment and to have CMC Representatives present to answer questions.
b.Biscayne Point Development. Mr. Topitzhofer reviewed past discussions regarding this
development. In light of discussions regarding the CMC development and the safety
concerns the railroad tracks present, Mr. Topitzhofer recomme ded placing an
approximately 2 acre park in the north portion of this development and accepting xP
rest in the form o# cash dedication. By locating the park to the north, this woulc! also
allow for expansion of the park to the north in a future development.
MOTION by Mike Eliason to include a 2 acre park in the Biscayne Point developr ent
and accept ihe rest in cash dedication. SECOND by Kelly Sampo. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0.
John Howard abstained from voting. MOTION CARRIED.
c.Geronomie Pond Development. Mr. Topitzhofer explained that sxaff forwarded the
recommendation for a three acre park in the northeast corner of the Geronomie Pond
Development, expanding the size of Winds Park. Mr. Topitzhofer indicated that th
developer shows four lots in the area requested for the park.
Mr. Topitzhofer discussed the three options developed by staff. Option #1 is
dedicating 2.22 acre park. This option would leave 526,9$0 in cash dedication,
Option #2 dedicates 1.35 acres of land and receiving 546,550 in cash dedication.
July 15, 1996
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Option #3 is improving the park with dedicating .35 acres and receiving $67,830 in
cash dedication.
Mr. Topitzhofer provided a cost estimate for improvements at 574,000 to 579,000.
The breakdown of cosis is as follows: Regrading ballfield - 55,000 per field; Off street
parking - 541,000; Trail - 58,000; and Play Structure - $20,000.
The Parks and Recreation Committee discussed the needs of the park and whether
another 3 acres was needed. Due to the cost of improvements, the Committee agreed
to Option 3, which is to improve the park by adding another .35 acres to accommodate
a parking lot and trail, and using the remaining cash to make improvements to the park.
MOTION by John Howard to accept the "Option 3" plan for Winds Park. SECOND
Kelly Sampo. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0. Mike Eliason was not present for the discussion.
d.Erickson Community Square Update. Mr. Topitzhofer indicated that the architects have
redesigned the facility to lower costs down 5230,000, by changing the floor materials
in the rest rooms to sealed concrete from ceramic tile. The mechanical estimates have
been verified and are lower than originally projected. Mr. Topitzhofer explained that
bids for the project were announced the week of July 8, 1996. A bid opening is
scheduled for August 1, 1996. City Council will approve a bid on August 6, 1996.
Mr. Topitzhofer explained that there are two add-ons for the project. One is the
installation of a sprinkler system for the amphitheater and surrounding grounds. The
other item is the relocation of the rink lighting controls to the new shelter. Mr. Howard
requested staff to gei cost estimates for the items and then look at Park Dedication
Funds to cover costs.
Mr. Howard asked if a sink was going to be installed that sfielter users could wash
dishes in if needed? Mr. Topitzhofer agreed to look inta the cost of installing a sink
or laundry tub in the storage room for this purpose.
a.Play Structure Upgrade. Mr. Topitzhofer commented that staff is looking to replace
play structure equipment this summer at either Chippendale Park or Schwarz Park.
Mr. Topitzhofer explained that Chippendale Park was one of two parks that did not
receive the first priority safety improvements. The play struciure at Schwarz Park is
in worst condition than Chippendale Park and there has been an injury on this
equipment recentty.
Mr. Topitzhofer iniroduced Mr. Bill Bach of Earl F. Andersen, Inc. (EFA), who was
present to provide plans for replacing equipment at Chippendale Park. Mr. Bach has
not made designs for Schwarz Park at this time. However, the designs for Chippendale
Park could be altered to fit the needs of Schwarz Park.
July 15, 1996
Page 5
Mr. Bach provided the Committee with copies of the two pJayground designs for
CMippendale Park and a Playground Accessibility/ADA Compliance Bulletin issued by
Landscape Structures, Inc. This bulletin provides handicapped accessibility information
and age appropriateness informaYion.
Mr. Bach explained that EFA was given a budget of $18,000 by City staff. With that
in mind, E A designed two plans, one that inctudes a synthetic surface for ADA access
to play structures and Qne without. Mr. Bach reviewed the two designs, commenting
that both designs have play structures for age appropriateness of 2 to 5 year olds and
5 to 12 year olds. The play structure equipment for 2 to 5 year olds does not include
overhead equipment.
MOTION by Dan McCarthy to accept Playground Equipment Design "B1" by Earl F.
Andersen, 4nc., for Chippendale Park. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0.
The Committee tabled replacing Schwarz Park playground equipment until the next
meeting. the commit tee requested staff to research if any of the other parks are in
more need of playground equipment replacement than Schwarz Park.
b.Director's Report. Mr. Topitzhofer cammented that he had met with representatives
from Koch Refinery last week to request 5112,000 for the remainder of funds needed
for the Carrolls Woods Nature Prairie Acquisition. Representatives indicated they will
provide a response by August 1, 1996.
The summer school program at the Rosemount Elementary School, which utitizes RPP's
Youth Service Team, is going very welL
Mr. Topitzhofer recently completed grants to General Mills and NSP far the Family
Resource Center. These grants have been attached for Parks and Recreation
Committee members to read.
City Council approved the land swap for ihe Famfly Resource Center to be relocated
on the Rosewood Manor 0utfot. Staff is busy designing tMe Family Resource Center
so that the siudents of Dakota County Technical College can begin construction in
Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop meeting to further discuss CMC
Development was scheduled for Monday, July 22, 9 996, at 7 p.m.
8. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Janet Larson to adjourn the meeting at 10:40 p.m. SECOND
by John Howard. Ayes; 4 Nays: 0. Mike Eliason was not present for adjaurnment.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Schrupp
fiecording Secretary
MEMSERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, John Howard, Janet Larson, Dan McCarthy, and Kelly Sarnpo
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director;
Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary
1.CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Janet Larson, Chairperson.
a.Heritage Development Preliminary Concept Plan. Mr. Jim Topitzhofer explained that
a developer submitted a concept plan for the a ea south of Winds Park (bordered by
Chippendale Avenue to the east and 160th Street to the south). On April 15, 1996,
the Parks and Recreation Committee recommended that this area include a 3 acre park
to be connected to Winds Park. Mr. Topitzhofer indicated that this was communicated
to the developer and the Planning Department in writing. However the developer did
not include a park in the concept plan.
Mr. Topitzhofer explained that a Public Hearing on this concept plan will be held
June 11, 1996. Mr. Topitzhofer recommends that the Parks and Recreation Committee
make a motion to recommend a 3 acre park be included in the Heritage Developmen
Concept Plan.
MOTiON by Ms. Kelly Sampo to recommend a 3 acre park be included in the Heritage
Development Concept Plan and connecting to the south side of Winds Park, as
previously recommended in the Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting o# April 15,
1996. SECOND by Janet Larson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
b.Wensmann Ninth Addition. Mr. Topitzhofer commented that Wensmann Homes is
requesting an amendment to the Wensmann Ninth Addition, which is a 1.4 acre park
that was dedicated to include a small family service center, parking lot, basketball
court, and play struciure.
Mr. Topitzhofer explained that in the City Council/Staff Goal Setting Session, ii was
suggested that there may be a better site for the family service center on a 1.23 acre
outlot of Rosewood Manor (located at the corner at 145th Street and Cimarron
Avenue). This site is currently being used as the RPP Neighborhood Garden.
Wensmann Homes is being asked to swap the park in Wensmann Ninth Addition with
the Rosewood Manor Outlot. Both parcels are similar in size. Wensmann's plan is to
reduce the size of the existing park to approximately one acre by introducing additional
units. The remaining park land would be designated as open space and maintained by
the town home association.
June 10, 1996 iPage2
Mr. Topitzhofer commented that the Rosewood Manor Outlot is a more suitable
location for the family service center because of its proximity with Rosemount Greens
and Cimarron Village. Ms. Sheila Klassen, RPP Citizen Member, agreed that the
Rosewood Manor Outlot is a more suitabte iocation, not only due to the proximity to
Rosemaunt Greens and Cimarron Village, but also because it is more accessible to the
broader community. Ms. Klassen feels that this location wouid allow other citizens
within the community a better opportunity to utilize the services that would be
provided from this center.
Mr. Topitzhofer indicated that Community Action Council is staffing the tsmporary
family resource center and has agreed to operate and lease this facility when we obtain
funding for a permanent buiiding.
MOTION by John Howard to recommend relocation of the family resource center from
Wensmann Ninth Addition to Rosewood Manor Outlot if a land swap is approved.
SECOND by Dan McCarthy. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTlON CARRIED.
4.NEt1 B,i INESS
a.CMC Development Preliminary Concept Plan. Mr. Topitzhofer explained that CMC is
proposing a new development located east of Biscayne Avenue and north of 145th
Street. The p oposed development is 226 total acres, 50 acres of open space, 39 acre
city park, and 630 dwellings. Mr. Topitzhofer indicated that the concept pian shows
amenities for the park, however, it is up to the Parks and Recreation Committee to
decide on the amenities. Therefore, the amenities shown are not necessariiy the final
recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Committee.
Mr. Topitzhofer suggested that a tunnel be constructed underneath the tracks due to
the safety concern that the large park may attracx children to cross over the tracks
from the north. The City Attomey is studying #he possibility of requiring both
developers to be responsible for all or part of the cost of such a tunnel.
Mr. Topitzhofer introduced Reid Hanson, CMC Attorney, and Tosh Neminsky, CMC
Representative, who were present to provide more information and answer questions.
The Parks and Recreation Committee discussed the location of the park and the
proximity to the tracks. The Committee is concerned with the following issues: the
safety of children crossing the tracks from the narth to get to the park; the park is not
easily accessible from a major road and would increase traffic in the residential area;
and the size vf this park is too large if it is to be a neighborhood park and not a
community park.
Mr. Hanson explained that thepark and pond was designed and located in ihis area to
be used as a buffer from the railroad for the development. Mr. Hanson commented
that CMC was concerned with keeping the park away from a lot of streets and major
roads for safety issues.
June 10, 1996
Page 3
Further discussions were heid on the feasibility of constructing a tunnel underneath the
railroad, putting fencing along the railroad, and locating the park further south in the
Mr. Hanson commented that CMC would be willing to pursue the issue of a safer
crossing to the park from the north with the Railroad and also find out what the
responsibilities may be of the Railroad.
Mr. Topitzhofer reviewed that the Rarks and Recreation Comrnittee would like further
information on the actual size of the park, excluding the pond and trails; the cost of
constructing a tunnel or pursuing other alternatives rela'ting to safety in crossing the
railroad tracks from the north; and the possibility of actually locating the park further
Mr. Hanson indicated that CMC would be willing to attend future meetings to provide
more information and receive input from the Parks and Recreation Committee.
5. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Dan McCarthy to adjourn the meeting at 9 p.m. SECOND by
Mike Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTlON CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Schrupp
Recording Secretary
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, John Howard, Janet Larson, Dan McCarthy, and Kelly Sampo
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Cenier Directoro
Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary
1.CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Janet Larson, Chairpersora.
MOTION by John Howard to accept the minutes of April 15, 1996. SECOND by Mike Eliason.
Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
5.DISCUSSION: Mr. Mike Eliason requested an update on the progress of Lions Park. Mr. Jim
Topitzhofer explained that the concrete pad will be completed in ihe near future. Pub(ic Works
staff will be laying pea rock next week. Mr. Topitzhofer commented that Wensmann has been
instructed to reseed the park due to unsatisfactory seeding last falL The Lion's Club will be
requested to purchase a park sign.
Mr. Eliason explained that since the Public Works restructuring, City staff commented to him
that they are dissatisfied with the amount of time they are allowed to maintain the parks.
Mr. Eliason requested that Mr. Topitzhofer approach City Council to voice the Parks ar
Recreation Committee's concern for the maintenance o€ the parks.
Mr. John Howard commented that he was also approached by City staff with concerns for the
maintenance of parks. Mr. Howard understands that the Public Works restructuring may b
functional and wilJ help keep costs down, however, the parks should be maintained at
comparable level as they have in the past.
Mr. Topitzhofer explained that Rosemount is experiencing a lot of growth and with that c rne
more streets to be maintained as well as new parks being developed. Mr. 7opitzhofer
commented that no new maintenance statf have been added to assist with the grawth.
Mr. Topitzhofer feels thaf the maintenance staffi are doing their best and that their wark is
considered satisfactory.
Mr. Topitzhofer commented that he would approach the Public Works Department and the City
Administrator on this issue and v ice the Parks and Recreation Committee's concerns.
Ms. Kelly Sampo attended a Dakota County Trails Planning meeting with Mr. Topiizhofer,
Ms. Sampo volunteered to attend the Dakota County Trails Planning meetings on a regular
basis knowing that Committee memb rs are still interested in seeing Rosemourst's
bikeways/walkways connecting with Dakota County's regional trail plan. Ms. Sampo rill
provide more information on the project at upcoming meetings.
May 20, 1996
Page 2
a.Carrolis Woods Update. Ms. Janet Larson comrnented that Parks Improvement Day
and Arbor Day on Saturday, May 4, 1996, went very weli. Mayor Kathy Busho gave
a nice Arbor Day speech. Over 100 trees were planted in an hour. Many girl scout and
boy scout troops were on hand as well as families volunteered their time to make this
a success.
b.Erickson Community Square Update. Mr. Topitzhofer introduced Mr. Jack Anderson
of JEA Architects, who was present to provide detailed information on the design and
structure of the proposed shelter.
Mr. Anderson reviewed the site plan and itoor plan with the Parks and Recreation
Committee. Mr. Anderson explained that tfie size of the building is 1500 square feet
with the multipurpose room facing the hockey rinks. The multipurpose room is 720
square feet with a small area off that #or vending machines. There will be mens and
womens restrooms that meet ADA standards and a mechanicai/storage room, This
shelter is 180 square feet larger than Jaycee Park Sheiter.
Ms. Sampo asked if the restrooms would be equipped with changing tabies.
Mr. Anderson commented that changing tables have been discussed but the location
has noi been decided, whether they are located in the handicapped stall or on the wall
opposite of the stalls.
Mr. Anderson explained the eievations of the building. The roof would be decorative
asphalt shingles in green. The building woutd be all brick, primarily red brick with some
soldier course brick in buff towards the top and bottom. Pella windows in green trim
would be installed. The south elevation would possibly have the Rosemount Logo.
Mr. Anderson provided a copy of a Preliminary Estimate and Preliminary Project
Schedule to the Parks and Recreation Committee. The preliminary estimate was
Mr. Topitzhofer indicated that he has had donations added up and put in a special
construction account that totals S189,000. The Chamber of Cornmerce will be funding
an additional $15,000 for a total of 5204,000. Mr. Topitzhofer expiained that the
project estimate is over budget however, he feels the mechanical/electricai bid is too
high and coufd be reduced. Mr. Topitzhofer and Mr. Anderson will be meeting the
mechanical and etectrical contractors to further discuss this issue.
The Rarks and Recreation Committee agreed to keep the design and size. Nowever,
they recommended reducing the quaGty of materials used on the inside of the shelter
to reduce cost as well as checking with the mechanical/electrical contractor price.
Other suggestions were the use of concrete block instead of brick and reducing the
8 foot concrete paving around the shelter to 5 feet.
May 20, 1996
Page 3
Mr. Anderson reviewed the Preliminary Project Schedule. Phase i is Programming and
Schematic Design, March 4 through May 6, 1996. Phase II is Design Development,
May 7 through May 31, 1996. Phase III is Contract Documents, May 31 through
July 2, 1996. Phase IV is the Bid Process, July 10 through July 31, 1996, with
approval on August 6, 1996. Phase V is Construction Administra#ion, August 12
through December 18, 1996, with Final Completion being on December 18, 1996.
Mr. Anderson and Mr. Topitzho#er will work on reducing the costs using the
Committee's suggestions as previously stated.
c.Carrolls Woods Nature Area Prairie Acquisition. Mr. Topitzhofer explained that
Rosemount was one of 157 groups chosen to present their project to the Legisiative
Committee on Minnesota Resources {LCMR). Mr. Topitzhofer and Mayor Kathy Busho
presented the Carrolls Woods Nature Area Prairie Acquisition to LCMR. LCMR was
supportive of the project with the exception of the amount of matching City doliars.
LCMR would fund the project if the City increases their matching funds by $112,000.
Mr. Topitzhofer commented that State Representative Dennis Ozment and State
Senator Pat Pariseau were prese t to offer their support of this project. State
Representative Ozment met with Mr. Topitzhofer and Mayor Busho afterwards and
suggested contacting Koch Refinery for the remaining funds. State Representative
Ozment and State Senator Pariseau agreed to assist with presenting the acquisition to
Koch Refinery. Mr. Toprtzhofer will contact State Representative Ozment to set up a
meeting with Koch Refinery.
The Parks and Recreation Committee is in support of contacting Koch Refinery for the
matching funds.
a.Director's Report. Weekly reports are attached for the Parks and Recreation
Committee's review.
8. AQJOURNMENT: MOTtON by Dan McCarthy to adjourn the meeting at 9;30 p.m. SECOMD
by Kelly Sampo. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOT10N CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Schrupp
Recording Secretary
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, John Howard, Janet Larson, Dan McCarthy, and Kelty Sampo
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director;
Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary
1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Janet Larson, Chairperson.
MOTION by Mike Eliason to accept the minutes of March 18, 1996. SECOND by John
Howard. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
a.Carrolls Woods Update. Mr. Mike Busha explained that a buckthorn herbicide testing
plan has been developed for 1996. City staff will treating different areas with the
various herbicides throughout the year. Mr. Busho commented that City staff will
develop a detaifed map showing the areas being tested.
Mr. Busho announced that Park Improvement Day and Arbor Day are scheduled for
Saturday, May 4, 1996, at 10 a.m. in Carrolls Woods at the abandoned south traiL
Volunteers will be stationed at the entrances to Carrolls Woflds to direct people to the
south trail. Mr. Busho indicated that 10 large trees will be planted as well as Moles dug
prior to the event to plant 100 additional bare root trees. Voiunteers are needed to
assist in placing the trees and filling in the holes. Mr. Busho commented that Dakota
Electric Association will be handing out tree seedlings for people to plant in Carrolls
Woods or take home.
The sub-committee is working on a map showi g cross country ski traits. Mr. Busho
suggested placing copies of the maps at the trail entrances. The sub-committee
discussed advertising the cross country ski trails in the paper. Mr. Busho recommends
that anyone cross country skiing in Carrolls Woods shoutd inform anoiher person of
where they are and how long they will be for safety reasans.
The sub-committee discussed the possibility of working with the Rosemount High
School in extending the trail from the east side of Schwarz, along the tar path that
follows the ball fields.
April 15, 1996
Page 2
Ms. Kelly Sampo suggested creating maps of the cross country ski traiis thai are carved
or burnt in to a wood surface and mounted an a post at the trail entranees.
Mr. Jim Topitzhofer will speak with City Staff on the possibility of construciing maps.
Mr. Busho commented that the Carrolls Woods Sub-Committee will not meet again until
August. A letter will be sent to a11 Carrolls Sub-Committee members indicating the next
meeting date.
b:Erickson Community Square. Mr. Jim Topitzhofer commented that he and
Jack Anderson, JEA Architects, completed a series meetings with the Parks and
Recreation Committee, City staff and the Chamber of Commerce. Upon completion of
tMese meetings it was determined that there is approximately $195,000 available
funding. Mr. Topitzhofer commented that the uses of the shelter were prioritized at the
meetings with warming house use, parks and recreation programs, and shelter rentals
being the tap three.
Mr. Topitzhofer recommends constructing a shelter slightly larger than Jaycee Park
sheiter. It is estimated that a 1,450 square foot shelter can be built within the funding
Mr. Topitzhofer provided suggestions on the structure of the shelter such as a brick
exterior; windows (similar in style to those at the Community Center and similar in
number to those at Jaycee); mens and womens restrooms at 200 square feet, 3 stails
each; and a counter with a roll up window, power strips and sink built in. This counter
would be provided to rentat users that may want to serve food and drinks.
The Parks and Recreation Committee members agreed with the structure pf the shelter.
Committee members suggested using vinyl siding or making the entire exterior brick to
assist in making the shelter as maintenance free as possible. The Committee members
were not in favor of the counter that would be provided xo rental users as this couid
pose a fiability issue for the City.
The Parks and Recreation Commitxee members commented that the original intent of
this shelter was to provide some type of concession stand, Mr. Howard indicated that
the concession stand idea was to tie into the amphitheater use. Mr. Topitzhofer
commented that in discussions with City staff it was determined that a concession area
was not needed. Committee members agreed that ff adequate eiectrical outlets were
provided outside and inside, portable concessions could be used or even provide
vending machines,
The Parks and Recreation Cornmittee diseussed the outdoor picnic area. Mr. Howard
recommended that an estirnate be provided to construct the overhang and pour the
concrete for the picnic area along with the construction of the shelter.
Mr. Topizthofer will be meeting with the Flower Garden Committee to discuss
landscaping around the shelter. Ms. Larson indicated that it wauld be nice to see a
detailed drawing with landscaping included,
April 15, 1996
Page 3
c.Winds Park. Mr. Topitzhofer commented that a developer has approached the City and
inquired of the City's plans to dedicate a 3 acre parcel directly south of Winds Park.
Mr. 1'opitzhofer explained that the great amount of present and future residential
development adjacent to the park werrants a larger park and he recommends land
dedication of 3 ac es as presented in the Master Plan.
The Parks and Recreation Committee agreed with land dedicatian of 3 acres. However,
the Committee would like to see upgrades and improvements on the existing park be
completed as soon as possible.
Further discussions were held on development of the 3 acres.
7. 111:rBEl;SINES"S
a.Corrigan Property. Mr. Topitahofer commented that a developer has submitted a
sketch of the Corrigan Property located east of Biscayne Avenue and north ot the
railroad tracks. This sketch has not been submitted as an official concept plan yet.
The sketch proposes 170 single family dwellings, located directly east of the National
Guard's new maintenance facility.
Mr. Topitzhofer indicated that the Master P1an identifies a future 10 acre neighborhood
park to the north of this property. In accordance with the Master Plan, land dedication
would not be required in the Co rigan Property.
The Parks and Recreation Committee is in favor of following the Mast r Plan at this
b.Director's Report. Mr. Topitzhofer commented that the Dakota County Parks and
Recreation Advisory Board will be hosting a "Sharing Session Meeting" on May 16,
1996, at 4:30 p.m. at Spring Lake Park. It gives cities within Dakota County a chance
for their Parks and Recreation Committees to meet each other and to share information.
Members that are interested in attending should contact Mr. Topitzhofer.
8. ADJOURNMENT: MdT10N by John Howard to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. SfCOND by
Mike Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTlON CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Schrupp
Recording Secretary
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, John Howard, Janet Larson, Dan McCarthy, and Kelly Sampo
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director;
Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary
1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Janet Larson, Chairperson.
MOTION by Mike Eliason to accept the minutes of February 26, 1996, with correction to
members present. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
5. DISCUSStON: Mr. Mike Eliason requested an update on the status of playground equipment
upgrades. Mr. Jim Topitzhofer explained that two parks remain in Phase I, Safety Upgrades
and should be compfeted this spring. Mr. Topitzhofer indicated thai Phase ll would be
requested to be budgeted for in the 1997 CIP budget.
a.Carrolls Woods Update. Mr. Mike Busho commented that this spring City staff and
members of the sub-committee would begin applications of herbicide to areas where
buckthom had been removed. City staff will document the applications. Mr. Busho
indicated that City staff would be testing a new herbicide, which can be sprayed
directly on new buckthorn shoots, this fall on the area cut by National Guard staff last
Mr. Busho commented that the National Guard staff will be volunteering their services
again this fall for buckthorn cutting and chipping.
Mr. Busho announced that Arbor Day and Park Improvement Day will be held in
Carrolls Woods on Saturday, May 4, 1996, at 10 a.m.
The sub-committee discussed cross country skiing. Mr. Busho indicated that signage
would be revised. No decision was made on what trails would be groomed for next
b.Erickson Community Square Update. Mr. Jim Topitzhofer explained that he had set up
two meetings with the Architect on March 28, 1996. The first meeting would be with
staff and the second meeting would be at Noon with the Rosemount Chamber of
Commerce. Mr. Topitzhofer commented that once the architect has assembled a needs
assessment, he will complete a rough draft of two designs and will make a presentation
to the Parks and Recreation Committee on April 15, 1996.
March 18, 1996
Page 2
c.Fee Policy. Mr. Jim Topitzhofer reviewed discussions from a previous special meeting
held to discuss community events and fees. The Parks and Recreation Committee
agreed to require a fee for community events to cover direct cleaning and set-up costs
and to offer no fee waiver to certain rooms where we are guaranteed revenue. The
committee also offered a basic definition of a community event.
Mr. Topitzhoter commented that at a meeting with City Council on March $, 1996, he
shared the Parks and Recreation Committee's ideas for community events. The City '
Council was in agreement with the exception of offering no fee reductions or waivers
to any additional community events other than Haunted Woods, Leprechaun Days,
Share in the Spirit, Miss Rosemount Scholarship Pagean#, and the Shamrock Awards
Dinner. Mr. Topitzhofer explained that City Council defined community events as those
listed above.
The Mr. Topitzhofer reviewed changes in the Rosemount Community Center Fees and
Fee Policy with Committee members.
MOTION by John Howard to recommend City Council adopt the attached Fee Policy
with the modifications as discussed. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0.
a.Winds Park Dedication. Mr. Jim Topitzhofer informed the Committee of a possible
development south of Winds Park. Mr. Topitzhofer explained that according to the
Comprehensive Park Plan and Development Guide, a three (3) acre parcel to the south
of the Park could be added. The Plan recommends to eliminate one of the ball fields
to allow more open play space. Mr. Topitzhofer explained that because of the demand
for ball fields by RAAA, he does not recommend eliminating a ball field.
Mr. Topitzhofer suggested expanding the parking lot and using cash dedication to
enhance the landscaping of the park, improve the ball fields, playground equipment and
possibly build an open shelter.
Mr. Topitzhofer explained that no developers have approached the city yet so this is
no urgency in the planning other than he would like to get the Committee's ideas.
The Committee agreed that the parking lot needs to be improved and one entrance/exit
created. The Committee offered various ideas such as re-grading the ball fields, adding
walking paths in and around the park, and the possibility of bringing in fill to level the
steep grade.
Mr. Topitzhofer encouraged Committee members to visit the park.
b.Director's Report. Mr. Jim Topitzhofer commented that Sheila Klassen will be handling
Teen Night Activities and the Youth Service Team project. The Community Action
Council will be scheduling various activities and programs out of the Limerick Way
8. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m. SECOND by
Mike Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Schrupp
Recording Secretary
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, John Howard, Janet Larson, Dan McCarthy, Kelly Sampo
STAFF PRESENT: Jim 7opitzhofer, Parks&Recreation and Community Center Direetor;Lacelle Cordes,
Parks and Recreation Programmer; Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary
1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was ca{led to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mike Eliason, Chairperson.
2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Nominations for Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.
Mr. John Howard nominated Janet Larson for Chairperson and Dan McCarthy for Vice
Chairperson. No other nominations were presented, therefore Janet Larson was elected the
new Chairperson and Dan McCarthy was elected the new Vice Chairperson.
MOTION by John Howard to accept the minutes of January 22, 1996. SECOND by Mike
Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
5.DISCUSSION: Mr, Mike Eliason suggested that a policy be drafted making it mandatory to have
a police officer on duty for boys hockey games. Mr. Jim Topitzhofer commented that he will
contact the Rosemount High School to discuss having an on duty police officer for next
season's games.
6.I1 IE S
a.RAAA Update. Mr. Steve Reischauer, RAAA Consultant, provided a handout to the
Committee members indicating the 1995 participation and age statistics.
Mr. Reischauer explained that Fridays and Saturdays have been used for practices and
make-up games. Mr. Reischauer commented that after registrations, youth not on a
team are put on a waiting list. Youth on waiting lists are in need of volunteer coaches
to form teams which are made up of 15 ehildren. Mr. Reischauer indicated that if
children were turned away it was do to lack of volunteer coaches not field use.
Mr. John Howard commented that the Committee would like RAAA to keep the option
of Friday games open. Mr. Reischauer is in agreement with this option.
Mr. Mike Eliason suggested that RAAA representatives attend another meeting in the
fall. Mr. Reischauer indicated that June would be a good time for a representative to
attend the next Parks and Recreation Committee meeting.
b.Erickson Community Square Update. Mr. Jim Topitzhofer explained that the Project
Team met with Mr. Jack Anderson of JEA Architects to discuss the possibility of
building a multi-purpose structure within the funding parameter. Mr.Anderson has built
park shelters in other cities with a similar design and function that was discussed at the '
January Parks and Recreation Committee meeting.
The Parks and Recreation Committee requested a special meeting be set to discuss the
use of the multi-purpose structure and the design of the structure necessary to fulfill
the needs. A meeting was set for 7:30 p.m., Monday, March 4, 1996, at the
Rosemount Community Center.
February 26, 1996
Page 2
c.Carrolls Woods Nature Area Prairie Acquisition. Mr.Jim Topitzhofer recently submitted
a proposal to the Legisiative Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCMR) to assist in
acquiring the 15 acres of Kelley Trust Property. This proposal is linked with the
previously awarded funding from the Outdoor Recreation Grant. Mr. Topitzhofer
explained that in addition to acquiring land from Kelley Trust,a contractor would restore
the prairie area to its natural state and aggregate trails would be constructed to access
the area. Rosemount High School is in support of this proposal, will act as cooperator
by assigning a faculty member to assist the City of Rosemount on a project team and .
develop a curriculum and courses for students which will utilize the prairie area.
7.I V:::E St tt.'S
a.Miss Rosemount Scholarship Pageant. Mr.Jim Topitzhofer comrnented that Joe Walsh
and Vicki Gehrman of the Miss Rosemount Scholarship Pageant had requested the fee
be waived for the use of the Rosemount Community Center. Mr.Topitzhofer explained
that the pageant had been conducted last year at the Community Center and a reduced
fee of 5500 for the use of various classes for 17 days was charged.
Mr. Topitzhofer commented that staff have received numerous requests from other
community organizations to waive fees for use of the Community Center.
Mr. Topitzhofer recommended staff to draft a policy regarding community events.
Mr. Topitzhofer would like the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Committee's initial
direction on this topic before the policy is written.
Mr. Joe Walsh, present at the meeting, explained that the Miss Rosemount Scholarship
Pageant is a non-profit organization supported by the businesses and residents of
Rosemount. The pageant is open to those within Independent School District 196 only.
Mr. Walsh indicated that the Pageant Committee would be requesting the full support
of the City Council in their efforts to promote Rosemount by passing a resolution
endorsing the local pageant.
Mr. Mike Eliason asked if this event is sponsored by the City of Rosemount or Dakota
County. Mr. Walsh commented tha# it is not sponsored by the City or Dakota County.
John Howard recommended that a speciaf ineeting be scheduled to discuss this issue.
A meeting was scheduled for Monday, March 4, 1996, at 7:30 p.m. at the Rosemount
Community Center.
MOTION by John Howard to postpone waiver request from the Miss Rosemount
Scholarship Pageant until a policy is approved to address similar requests from the
community organizations. SECOND by Dan McCarthy. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION
b.Director's Report. Mr. Jim Topitzhofer reviewed weekly reports.
Mr. Topitzhofer eommented that Jamie Steckart, Community Resource Coordinator for
ihe Crime Reduction Grant resigned. Community Action Council (CAC) will be
contracting out Limerick Way Office for various services. Mr.Topitzhofer indicated that
Teen Night may also be contracted out to an independent contractor.
8. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. SECOND by
Mike Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Schrupp
Recording Secretary
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike EHason, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Janet Larson, Dan McCarthy
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks&Recreation and Commun#ty Center Director; Lacelle Cordes,
Parks and Recreation Programmer; Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary
1.CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mike Eliason, Chairperson.
2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Mike Eliason introduced Ms. Kelly Sampo as the new Parks and
Recreation Gommittee member. Ms. Sampo is replacing Dave Giliuson. Ms. Sampo's first
meeting will be in February.
MOTION by Dave Giliuson to accept the minutes of December 18, 1995. SECOND by John
Howard. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
5.QISCUSSION: Mike Eliason commented that residents are sliding at Connemara Park again.
Jim Topitzhofer will see that signs are posted indicating that sliding is not allowed.
6.i.';E3 I:
a.RAAA Update. Lacelle Cordes attended that last RAAA Board meeting and commented
tha#lndependent School District 196 Community Education will begin to charge RAAA
for use of gym time that RAAA requests but does not use, show up for or cancel.
Dave Giliuson asked if the Board discussed baseball in regard to adding riday or
Saturday game times due to the number of youth turned away last year. Ms, Cordes
will address this issue at the next RAAA Board meeting. Jim Topitzhofer will compose
a letter on behal#of the Parks and Recreation Committee recommending that game days
be added to accommodate more youth so that kids are not turned away.
b.Erickson Community Square. Jim Topitzhafer explained that this project has been in
the planning stages for five years. Volunteers and staff have encountered many
obstacles such as inadequate funding, storm sewer approval, waiting for construction
documents, and the deterioration of volunteers to conduct the project.
Mr. Topitzhofer felt a new approach to complete the project is needed and proposed
to redesign the facility to fall within the current funding. Mr. Topitzhofer has recruited
a project team consisting of cify staff.
Mr. Topitzhofer recommends a multipurpose shelter simifar to the shelter at Jaycee
Park. In addition to this shelter, Mr. Topitzhofer proposes an extension of a roof over
an open area with picnic tables.
The Parks and Recreation Committee discussed the cost and various uses this
multipurpose structure would serve.
MOTION by John Howard to solicit information on cost and code in#ormation for
building a shelter at Erickson Community Square. SECOND by Janet Larson.
Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
January 22, 1996
Page 2
c.Ghippendale Partners Mixed Use PUD. Jim Topitzhofer reviewed the location of the
proposed park and commented that the proposed park was intended to be a 3 acre park
without the retaining pond.
Mr. Topitzhofer reviewed the facilities in existence now in Rosemount Parks to
recommended facilities identified in the Master Park Plan. Based on the Master Park
Plan and neighborhood requesis, Mr. Topitzhafer recommended the park to include a
play structure, trail, benches, informal play field, and either a basketball, tennis or
volleyball court.
Mr. Topitzhofer did not recommend youth size ball fields due maintenance issues,
including the need for more maintenance staff, and parking.
John Howard commented that three (3) acres were originatly requested to allow space
for ball fields. If it is not appropriate to have ball fields at this park, the park should be
In further discussions, the Parks and Recreation Committee agreed to have City staff
draft deta6led plans of the park to include future ball fields, a play structure, traifs,
benches, a tennis court and basketball court.
d.SoftbalF League Sanctioning. Lacelle Cordes commented that out of 90 ballots sent to
vote for ASA or USSSA sanctioning, only 34 were returned. The ballots returned were
in favor of ASA sanctioning. Parks and Recreation staff felt this was not an adequate
amount to be able to determine fair vote and would like to dual sanction for 1996.
The Parks and Recreation Committee agreed that the vote should stand with the
number of ballots received.
Ms. Cordes commented that by,staying with ASA Minnesota Sports Federation would
have performance stipulations placed on them for the 1996 season. If the performance
stipulations are not mat or do not improve in the 1996 season, the softball league will
pursue switching to USSSA sanetioning.
7. N`:::N
a.Committee Orientation. Jim Topitzhofer commented that he would like to conduct an
orientation for new committee members at 6:30 p.m. on February 26, 1996, prior to
the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. At this mee#ing, we will become
acquainted with committee members and Parks and Recreation staff inembers.
Mr. Topitzhofer will provide a copy of the Master Plan and cover policies regarding
committee members. Atl committee members are encouraged to attend the orientation.
b.Director's Report. Jim Topitzhofer reviewed the weekly reports with the Parks and
Recreation Committee.
8. AQJOURNMENT: MOTION by Dave Giliuson to adjoum the meeting at 9:15 p.m. SECOND by
John Howard. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Schrupp
Recording Secretary