HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 By-Laws Park and Rec CommissionBYLAWS OF CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Article I. Name of Committee The name of the Committee shall be the Parks and Recreation Committee of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. Article 11. Membershin The Parks and Recreation Committee shall consist of seven (7) members appointed in accordance with Ordinance Title 2, Chapter 2 of the 1983 Code and Administrative Policy AD-1 . Article III. Term of Membershin Members shall be appointed to staggered terms of three (3) years. The term of a Parks and Recreation Committee member shall begin on February 1 of the year of the appointment. Upon fulfillment of a three (3) year term, the member's termination date shall occur on January 31 of the third year or until a new appointment is made by the City Council. Article IV. Officers Section 1 . Chairperson. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings and shall have the duties and powers usually attendant upon such officer. The Chairperson shall be elected by the committee members at the annual meeting. The Chairperson or his/her appointee shall serve as the Committee Liaison to the City CounciL Section 2. Vice Chairperson. Shall preside in the absence of the Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson shall be elected at the annual meeting. Section 3. Vacancies. Should the office of Chairperson or Vice Chairperson become vacant, the Committee shall elect a successor from its membership at the next regular meeting. Such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office. 1 1993 Bylaws Parks and Recreation Committee City of Rosemount Article V.Administrative Structure Section 1 . Parks and Recreation Director. The City of Rosemount shall employ a Parks and Recreation Director who shall have general supervision over the administration of the business and affairs of the Committee, subject to the direction of the Committee. The Parks and Recreation Director is also responsible for the preparation of the agenda and reviews of business matters to be considered by the Committee. The Parks and Recreation Director shall also serve as the advisor to the Committee and shall perform all other duties incident to his/her position including serving as a Committee Liaison to the City CounciL Section 2. Recording Secretary. The City of Rosemount shall employ a Recording Secretary whose duties shall include the recording of the proceedings at the regular meetings and transcription of the minutes for consideration and approval by the Committee. Article VI. Meetincts Section 1 . Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Parks and Recreation Committee shall be held at the time and date specified by the Committee. Section 2. Annual Meeting. The Annual meeting shall be held in conjunction with the regularly scheduled meeting in February. Section 3. Special Meetings. A special meeting may be called by the Chairperson or by any three (3) Committee members by written request filed with the Parks and Recreation Director who shall notify all members of the meeting at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the scheduled meeting time. Special meeting notices must be posted and shall state time, place, and purpose of the meeting and no other business shall be considered. Section 4. Quorum A majority of the Committee members shall constitute a quorum. A lessor number may adjourn the meeting until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance at a meeting, action may be taken upon a vote of a majority in attendance. No voting shall be done by proxy. 2 1993 Bylaws Parks and Recreation Committee City of Rosemount Section 5. Governance of Meetinas The meetings of the Parks and Recreation Committee shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, provided that said rules shall be construed liberally to afford the Parks and Recreation Committee flexibility in the conduct of its meetings, Section 6. Members must attend eight (8) of twelve (12) regular monthly meetings. Recommendation wilJ be made to Council to remove a member from the committee if during the one (1) year period a member(s) has missed the fourth (4th1 meeting, except under extenuating circumstances and with prior approval. Article VII. Manner of Voting The voting on all questions coming before the Parks and Recreation Committee shall be by a call for yea and nay votes. Such votes shall be entered upon the minutes of such meeting. Article VII1. Purpose Section 1 . Give input to Director of Parks and Recreation in requests to City Council for appropriate Parks and Recreation staffing. Section 2. Appoint subcommittees as needed. Section 3. Evaluate budget priorities and various funding sources. Section 4. Act as a Liaison for community input to the Parks and Recreation Department and the City Councit regarding the needs, wants, and ideas of the community. Section 5. Develop greater public awareness of the parks and what the Parks and Recreation Department is and does. Section 6. Evaluate on an annual basis the Parks System Master Plan. Recommend future acquisition, development, and dedication using this plan as a guide. Section 7. Ensure a balanced recreation program: active and passive- individual and group. Section 8. Recommend and establish rules, regulations, and fees governing the use of parks and recreation facilities. 3 1993 Bylaws Parks and Recreation Committee City of Rosemount Article IX. Order of Business At the regular meetings of the Committee, the following shall be the order of business: 1 . Call to Order 2. Additions to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Discussion 5. Old Business 6. New Business 7. Adjournment Article X.Amendments to BYlaws The Bylaws may be amended by a vote of a majority of the Committee members only when a proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to all the Committee members two weeks prior to the meeting at which the amendment is to be considered. Article XI. Approval of Bylaws These Bylaws and any amendments to them shall be subject to the approval of the Rosemount City Council. Adopted: 1993 at a regular meeting of the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Committee. Chairperson ATTEST: Parks and Recreation Director Approved by the Rosemount City Council on 1993 at a regular City Council meeting. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 4