HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 Parks & Recreation Subcommittee Erickson Community SquareT)EC,.EM15F.R 199.3
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7:00 P.M.
PRESENT: John Loch, Deanna Simpson, Jim Koslowske, John Howard,
Dave Bechtold, Bud Osmundson (City Engineer)
I. Minutes of last meeting were reviewed.
II. Bud Osmundson had met with this committee some time ago to
give a detailed summary of the Erickson Community Square area from an
engineering and utility point of view. He gave another short overview
of the utility locations of water, sewer, storm drainage, etc..
Bud discussed a possibility of putting a system of storm tiles in from
the Corcoran Hardware parking lot to the city hall parking lot to
control the drainage from the Corcoran lot. This would include some
silt liners as well.
John Loch asked about the burming aspect and if we were going to use
that. Various aspects of the tiling and burming would be looked into by
Bud and the Parks & Recreation staff. Bud felt that for about one
hundred dollars and a half day of labor that the Park Staff may be able
to complete a project of this type. Bud and Dave will work with the
Parks & Rec. staff on this proposal for this fall if time allows. This
would serve as a temporary solution.
Bud said that the locations of the utilities was very accessible. He
recommends that the Utility Department be contacted and requested to
waive the city hookup fees. Members o. this committee should request
this to be done when the projects are presented to be completed.
SAC , WAc , MWCC )
III. Our goal is to obtain as much volunteer labor as possible
to complete the projects on this site. This does include the various
aspects of construction on the shelter. Dave has written a letter to
the Adjutant General's office (Capt. Kevin Gerdes) to see if they would
be interested in assisting us on a community service basis. Dave and
Rick Cook will also check to see if the 49ers would be interested in
working with this project. They will seek input from Del Lorentzson.
Bud said that he has possible sources for fill for next spring that
could be used for the amphitheater. The committee agreed that
amphitheater project should be put on hold until next spring to see if
we can find ways to cut the costs.
IV. Dave said that during the budget discussions on November 8th the
City Council did state that they felt the $ 20,000 in the CIP for the
parking lot improvements should remain funded. This means that if the
amphitheater, shelter, and other possible projects get completed that
the money would be there to complete the upgrades and additions to the
parking lot at City Hail in this area of the Erickson Community Square.
V. Kerry Johnson's project had not status changes to mention.
VI. Bud Stated that there is a chance that the state may ask for a
change in the location of the park and ride from its present location
to some other location.
VII. John Loch stated that Cathy Buscho did find the Jaycee check for
7,000 that was to go to the Chamber of Commerce accounts. That
account (Northern Dakota Chamber of Commerce Foundation) would have
this money available for the uses in the Erickson Community Square
Projects. Since the check was written to the Parks & Recreation
Department Dave will receipt the money into that department's donation
accounts, then request a transfer check to be written to the chamber
accounts as listed.
VIII. Dave will give a summary financial update at the next meeting.
IX. John Loch gave a financial update on the money earned by selling
concessions at the Renaissance Festival this year. There was
approximately 1,500 earned with a bill of s 500 to be paid for the
insurance premium i -or- coverage to sell the concessions.
There was only ea net of about , i ,003 resulting From all of the wor ,;
that the olunte rs put into this project. Before this is done aa_ain
next year there should be a great dial of discussion about it.
X. The next m rtinG is set for Wednesday, January 12th at Bigg
Dadd,/'` at. 7.00 Ni. .
OCTOBER 12, 1993
MEMBERS PRESENT: Del Lorentzen, Deanna Simpson, John Loch, Jim Koslowski, Lucy Holzer
GUESTS: Dave Bechtold, Charles Novak
We met at Charles Novak's office and talked to him about plans for the shelter and site plans. Chuck
is going to draw up a set of floor and elevation plans and a material list. We are going to look into
volunteer help for materials and labor. Next, Chuck will draw a site plan that will show the shelter,
flower garden and landscaping around the shelter. We are to talk to Kerry Johnson and get his plans
so Chuck can draw the landscaping in for that also.
Dave handed out the specifications for the grading of the amphitheater and shelter. Interested bidders
received specs and they are due in by 10:00 a.m. October 29, 1993. Dave Bechtold, Brian Bourassa,
and Jim Koslowski will open them at that time. If we like what we see we will need to call a special
meeting to accept it. Then Dave will put it on the agenda for the council meeting on November 2,
Dave showed us pictures of the site plan. He is working on a story for the paper.
Deanna has talked to Scott Gunhus about a landscape plan for the shelter. He is busy for the next
month and a half, but will help us after that time. Chuck and Scott will work on the plan together.
John Loch made a motion to have Bud Osmundson come to our next meeting. We would like to talk
to him about the water run off from Corcorans property. We are also interested to know where the
water and sanitary sewer are for the shelter.
NEXT MEETING will be held Wednesday, November 10, 1993
7:00 p.m. at Big Daddy's Diner
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Koslowski
New members or guests - Please complete)
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Person in charge of the committee is to turn in this sign in sheet any any minutes or handouts
distributed at the meeting to the Parks and Recreation Department.
SEPTEMBER 14, 1993
MEMBERS PRESENT: Del Lorentzen, Deanna Simpson, John Loch, Jim Koslowski, Linda Ladzun
GUESTS: Dave Bechtold, Brian Bourassa
John Loch talked to the people from Corcoran's about the water run off problem into the flower garden.
They would like to see the money from the Port Authority take care of this problem. Dave Bechtold
in talking to John Miller thought this would be taken care of soon. In the mean time they would let city
trucks drive on their property to fix the problem.
Brian Bourassa from O.S.M. showed us two grade plans for the amphitheater and shelter. The
committee liked plan 2. It moved the seating to the south about 20' to make the grade work out better.
It also moved the shelter to the north and east more. Brian figured if one person took up 4' the
amphitheater would seat about 460 people.
Brian B. did give us a preliminary cost estimate for grading and seeding of $33,191.50. If we would
sod it all we're looking at $54,091.50.
Dave stated there should be more than enough power at the site for shelter, trail lighting, old warming
house, and amphitheater building.
We talked about the shelters use and it should be identified as more than just a shelter. It's a warming
house, concession stand, meeting room and has an open shelter on it.
There was talk if there is enough room there might be an open skating rink.
Dave will talk to Bud Osmundson about the grade plan and us moving forward with Brian B. to get
specs and bids ready. We would like to let it out for bids this fall. Dave will talk to Steve Jilk if we
need to go to Council.
John Loch talked to Chuck Novack to see if he would be interested in working with us on the shelter
plan. He was receptive and possibly would wave his commission. He would like to work on it this
winter. John Loch will talk to Chuck Novack to see if he will meet with us for our next meeting.
Dave will talk to Bud 0. and John M. about Corcoran drainage problem.
Deanna will make change to the position of the shelter on the grade plan then talk to Scott Gunhus.
Cathy Busho, Marge Ryan, and Lucy Holzer would like to make sure they get the minutes for our
We would like each member to look over the floor plan of the shelter and bring your ideas on what to
change or add to the next meeting.
NEXT MEETING will be held October 12, 1993 at 7:00 p.m.
Chuck Novack Building
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Koslowski
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JUNE 15, 1993
MEMBERS PRESENT: Del Lorentzen, Deanna Simpson, Lucy Holzer, John Loch
MEMBERS ABSENT: John Howard, Jim Koslowski, Marge Ryan, Lois McKinley, Linda Ladzun
GUESTS: Joe Walsh, Kerry Johnson, Dave Bechtold
1) We met in Erickson Park to reassess the area and space designated for the amphitheater and
shelter. Bud Osmundson had put up stakes/markers so we could visualize the location of the
proposed shelter and amphitheater. Proper grading of the site will be a crucial factor in the
success of the project.
2) USPCI application for money. Deanna Simpson will send the application request for
10,000.00 to go toward grading of the project.
3) Kerry Johnson clarified and updated the committee on some design changes that could be
made on his proposed office development site next to the park. He will continue to update us
and we are working together to coordinate our projects.
4) A formal request by the Parks and Recreation Committee is to be made of the Utilities
Commission that a member be appointed from their group to attend our Erickson Community
Square meetings.
5) We would like to see if the grading could be done this year and the shelter started some time
next year. Dave Bechtold was available to review the succession of steps and events that
would need to take place in order to accomplish these goals. Much of it depends on if we get
volunteers to donate time and whatever to the project or if we must pay for architects, grading
plans, engineers, clean fill, etc.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Tuesday, August 17, 1993 (Skip July)
Respectfully submitted,
Deanna Simpson
April 6, 1993 and April 13, 1993
APRIL 6, 1993
MEMBERS PRESENT: John Loch, Joe Walsh, Cathy Busho, Jim Koslowski,
Deanna Simpson, Lois McKinley, John Howard, Tom Reller,<Tom Schultz
Building tour of Terrace Oaks Park building in Burnsville,
Minnesota Zoo amphitheater, North Park building in Lakeville, and
Jaycee Park building in Rosemount.
We compared building style and function and how they could be
conformed to our site and needs. North Park had a good concession
layout. We would need to consider storage space no matter which
facility design was chosen.
We thought it would be nice to have access to the building plans.
Perhaps the cities of Lakeville and Burnsville would let us have
copies/blueprints for our use.
APRIL 13, 1993
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Koslowski, John Loch, Deanna Simpson, Cathy
We reviewed our tour of the park shelter buildings and
amphitheaters. Tom Schultz who works in building maintenance at
the zoo led us on that tour and indicated he could draw up a rough
draft plan for tiers and slopes for our amphitheater site; possibly
have that ready for next month. That could be given to Bud
Osmundson to approximate a rough calculation for fill and grading
purposes. It was mentioned that there may be fill available from
the Diffley road construction and also some from the armory site.
We discussed the amphitheater platform. John Loch volunteered
himself for Joe Walsh to drive down to Cannon Falls to take
pictures and measurements of their bandshell. We also should check
with local theater groups or musicians to get their input on that
type of staging.
Donations from Jaycees of $7,000.
Goals for this year: We would like to get the whole site,
including the amphitheater graded. We would also like to have
preliminary plans for 1) the amphitheater, 2) shelter, 3)
landscaping, 4) ornamental feature.
Before the next meeting:
1) Check with Scott Gunhus on the progress of his landscaping plans
for Erickson Community Square.
April 6, 1993 and April 13, 1993
Page 2
2) Check with Del Lorentzson and ask him to talk to the 49er's
about grading the site.
3) Check with Tom Schultz about his preliminary plans for the
amphitheater and getting those to Bud Osmundson for his review.
4) Check with Bud Osmundson on ability to get clean fill from
local construction projects as previously mentioned.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Tuesday, May 18, 1993
7:00 p.m. at Big Daddy's Diner
Respectfully submitted
Deanna Simpson
Tuesday, March 16, 1993
7:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Joosten, Linda Ladzun, John Loch, Joe Walsh,
Cathy Busho, Jim Koslowski, Deanna Simpson, Scott Gunhus
I. We reviewed data given to use by Bud Osmundson from Public
works regarding the high water mark elevation at 944.6 ft. We
discussed underground utility and sewer lines from the overlay
map. These were given to Scott Gunhus who indicated they
would be helpful for the design plan. He also had received a
layout of the community flower garden. The 949 ft. elevation
for level of electrical line may affect staging area in
amphitheater. Bud said he could also stake out the area to
give us a better idea of size, etc.
II. Mark Joosten gave us a list of trees and shrubs in the city
nursery. We also can count on receiving more trees, shrubs,
and flowers from MN Green Horticultural Society donations.
They already donated nearly $1,000.00 worth of plant material
which is currently in the Erickson Park warming house.
III. We will need to establish some criteria for donors names and
amounts donated, and how those people will be recognized.
Scott Gunhus brought in some bricks with inscriptions for
donors names John Loch will show these to the chamber.
They're setting up the foundation.) The price was $14.00 per
brick. Scott also had some suggestions for benches - concrete
aggregate base with wood seating. He will bring a brochure
next meeting.
IV. The city has $85,000 budgeted for the Erickson Shelter,
Jaycees have donated $74,000 for the shelter, total of
159,000. We will need to present specific costs and projects
in the Erickson Square area to be approved by City Council
regarding the $15,000 of encumbered funds we have discussed
V. John Howard will speak to Tom Reller regarding a visit to the
Minnesota Zoo to check out their amphitheater. Date set for
this is Tuesday, April 6, 1993 at 6:30 p.m. Jim K. will
reserve the city van. We can all meet at city hall. Mark
Joosten will arrange it so we can also tour North Park Shelter
in Lakeville.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Tuesday, April 13, 1993
7:00 p.m. at Big Daddy's Diner
Respectfully submitted
Deanna Simpson
February 15, 1993 at 7:00 p.m.
PRESENT: Del Lorentzen, Scott Gunhus (Evergreen Gardens), Cathy Busho, John Howard, Joe Walsh,
John Loch, Jim Koslowski, and Deanna Simpson
A foundation is being established with the Rosemount Chamber of Commerce to help fund the
amphitheater and possibly other projects in Erickson Community Square. We considered
walkways with brick inscribed with the donor's name. Scott Gunhus will get an estimate for
bricks with inscriptions. Other methods of recognizing donors were discussed as well as other
sources of funding.
2. We still need to get the high water mark for the amphitheater location. Consensus of those
present was that the Master Plan site is too far north, too large, and too low to be acceptable
and/or feasible. We can downsize and see about placement and grading where the old hockey
rinks are located. Question possible grading by 49ers plus look into clean fill from road work
on 145th street. Check with Ron Wasmund in Public Works.
3. We need to check with Bud Osmundson for an overlay map showing underground utilities on
site. Also check regarding location of future water and sewer lines to the future shelter. Jim
Koslowski said he will check into this and give Scott Gunhus the details so Scott can have that
information for his design.
4. Scott Gunhus has indicated an interest in the landscape design project for Erickson Community
Square. Suggestions made for plan material include ground covers, shrubs, flowers, shrub
roses, and trees. Potential sources for these materials include: local wholesale nurseries,
Minnesota Green, Rosemount Garden Club and current material from the city's nursery (check
with Mark Joosten). It's necessary to design the site with low maintenance in mind, ie.,
mulching, edging, reduce trimming and mowing, etc. We can locate a grassy area for picnic
tables to the west of the future shelter, perhaps have an overhand on the west and north side
of the shelter for table cover, and overlook the amphitheater and pond.
We reviewed the "Roses for Rosemount" idea to plant hardy, salt spray tolerant shrub roses
for the site 8-10 ft. wide by 200 ft. long between Hwy 3 and the Ride Share lot. Because
Hwy 3 will be redone this summer, the planting bed could be developed this summer and then
planted in the spring of 1994. Kosi will check on the current Hwy 3 plans and zoning for us.
Dave Bechtold needs to inform us on the status of the unencumbered funds for use as "seed"
money for our project. City Council will have to approve this change.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Tuesday March 16 1993 at 7:00 o.m. at Big Daddy's.
ALSO: Thursday, March 4, 1993 at City Hall, Ron Wasmund and Bud Osmundson from Public
Works will meet with the Park Board at their workshop meeting at 7:30 p.m. The Erickson
Community Square committee members are encouraged to attend to ask questions related to
our project.
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