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PHONE (612) 423-4411 FAX (612) 423-5203 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: DATE: PLACE: TIME: AGENDA: I II. III . IV. V. iiy of (0Losemouni 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 PARKS & RECREATION COM ITTEE MEMBERS DAVID J. BECH`T'O IRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION FEBRUARY 16, 1993 MAYOR Edward B. McMenomy COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James .(Red) Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEB. 22, 1993 FEBRUARY 22, 1993 ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL 7:30 P.M. CALL MEETING TO ORDER ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA APPROVE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 18, 1993 MEETING AUDIENCE INPUT ELECTION OF OFFICERS OLD BUSINESS: I. RAAA UPDATE II. SUMMARY OF WORK SESSION OF JANUARY 25, 1993 III. BYLAWS DISCUSSION IV. SUMMARY OF CARROLLS WOODS AND TOWN GREEN MEETINGS V. ADOPT - A - PARK NEW BUSINESS 1. ITEM FOR MARCH 4, 1993 WORKSHOP II. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT IV. ADJOURNMENT REMINDER: THE CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE WILL BE MEETING AT + 6:30 P.M. PRIOR TO OUR MEETING. THEY HAVE A GUEST FROM THE + DNR (LARRY WESTERBERG). HE WILL BE SPEAKING ON THE SUBJECTS + OF WOODLOT MANAGEMENT, HOW TO SET A PRIORITY SYSTEM FOR + PROJECTS, AND BUCKTHORN. + 6verylktngs Coming (Up gosemouvdP recycled vaner PARRS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Rynerson, Deanna Simpson, Linda Ladzun, John Howard, Dave Giliuson, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director; Lisa Jost, Assistant Director; Rick Cook, Parks Supervisor, Sue Walsh, Lacelle Cordes, Mark Joosten MEMBERS ABSENT: None CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7:40 p.m. by chairperson Tom Reller. Assistant Administrator, Sue Walsh, administered the oath office to committee members Dave Giliuson and Linda Ladzun for a second term on the Parks and Recreation Committee. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Addition to Old Business section of VI. Ringette Program. APPROVAL OF THE JANUARY 18, 1992 MINUTES: MOTION by John Howard to accept the minutes of January 18, 1992 meeting as printed. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Chairperson Tom Reller opened the floor for nominations for the election of officers to the Chairperson and Vice -Chairperson positions. MOTION was made by Deanna Simpson to nominate Scott Rynerson for the position of Chairperson. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Elected by vote of 7-0. MOTION was made by Deanna Simpson to nominate Dave Giliuson for the position of Vice -Chairperson. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 7 Nays: 1). MOTION CARRIED. Elected by vote of 7-0. I. RAAA UPDATE: Tom Neumann, The President of RAAA, gave a short summary of the RAAA program. They have just gone through their largest registrations of the year. Because of this the University property is being looked at more seriously as an alternate site for programs. Their organization plans to take an active role in obtaining property, possibly the present navy site. This is expected to be a project about 5-10 years in the future. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE February 22, 1993 Page 2 When asked what had been decided on the $3,000,000 dollar fund balance of Apple Valley Tom informed the committee members that RAAA and AVAA went on a petition drive and will presented to the Apple Valley City Council at their next meeting to use the money to develop parks. Dave informed the committee members of some of the issues regarding the university property. Tom then asked the committee members if they have any questions that they would like him to take back to the RAAA Board. Dave Giliuson asked why the weekends are not utilized for programs. Tom stated that usually the weekends are not used because of the tendency for people to leave town on the weekends in the summer months. Last year, however, due to a need for field time they did have a Friday night programs on a rotating schedule basis. This may be utilized more often. II. SUMMARY OF WORK SESSION OF informed committee members that that were researched from the ice of the other cities because they JANUARY 25, 1993 MEETING: Dave he sent out the job descriptions arena school in Red Wing and some were requested at the meeting. A short discussion took place regarding the decision that was made regarding management of the armory with Deanna Simpson expressing her approval of the armory manager directly reporting to the City Administrator and City Council. She felt that it should not be seen as a vote of no confidence for the Parks and Recreation Staff. She feels that the Parks and Recreation Department are doing a good job keeping the current programs and facilities running smoothly and she was concerned that the additional responsibilities regarding the ice arena may have been detrimental to this. Dave thanked her from himself and the department for stating this and felt that it was important for the staff to hear it. III. BYLAWS DISCUSSION: Scott Rynerson suggested a couple minor changes to the Bylaws as follows: Article VIII, Section 1 to read: Recommend appropriate Parks and Recreation staffing. Article VIII, Section 2 to read: Appoint subcommittees as needed. MOTION by Scott Rynerson to approve the Bylaws with the minor changes recommended. SECOND by Dave Giliuson. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. IV. SUMMARY OF CARROLLS WOODS AND TOWN GREEN MEETINGS: Tom Reller briefed the committee members on the Carrolls Woods Subcommittee meeting held earlier in the evening. A decision had been made to get a volunteer group together and cut a test plot in Carrolls Woods on March 20th with the application of Tordon to the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE February 22, 1993 Page 3 buckthorn. The plan is to cut the buckthorn as close to the ground as possible and then apply the chemical. They are in the process of obtaining samples of both Tordon and Cross Bow. The Cross Bow will be applied to the buckthorn closer to the peak growing period at the end of April. Deanna asked if any attention has been given to the trail maintenance problems. Dave Giliuson stated that buckthorn is the priority item at this point because of the short length of time action can be taken. After a plan to control the buckthorn is in place then other items such as trails can be addressed. Extensive discussion regarding trails took place and Deanna requested that the subject of trail maintenance and design be discussed at the next Carrolls Woods meeting. John Howard supported her on this. Tom Reller suggested that while the committee is in the woods on the 20th of March that the subject could be addressed at that time. Dave Giliuson felt that was a good suggestion and supported putting it on the agenda for that day. Scott Rynerson questioned Dave regarding disability standards in relation to the trails at Carrolls Woods. Dave informed him that the staff is currently attending seminars regarding this matter and will be addressing it in relation to trails, etc. Deanna Simpson briefed the group on the Town Green Meeting that met on February 15th. Scott Gundhust from Evergreen Gardens and Joe Walsh from the Utilities Commission were present because the committee feels strongly about having Utilities involved since the area is considered a holding pond and park. There was extensive discussion regarding a change in the ampitheater location, down size the plans, etc. They also discussed ways in which to recognize donors to the amphitheater project. A high water mark is still needed in regards to the project to aid in design and location. The committee needs to have a map of underground pipes, and of water and sewer lines. The electrical and other utilities also need to be addressed. Scott Gundhust has expressed an interest in working with the committee on adding to the landscaping plans of the master plan. Mark Joosten and Scott were asked to come up with a list of low maintenance trees and shrubs that can be used. She also listed possible sources of affordable stock to use. They discussed "Roses for Rosemount," landscaping with hardy shrub roses along the Park and Ride on Hwy. 3. The next meeting is scheduled for March 16, 1993. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE February 22, 1993 Page 4 Dave stated that Ron Wasmund and Bud Osmundson are willing to meet at the next Town Green Committee meeting to discuss utilities of the area including water marks, etc. It was decided to invite them to the next Parks and Recreation Committee meeting instead due to the fact that a City Council meeting is also scheduled for the night of March 16, 1993. The results of the discussion with Ron and Bud at the Parks and Recreation will then be taken to the Town Green meeting the next evening. Dave told the group that he will be asking the City Council on March 16, 1993 to change the funds from Twin Puddles shelter fund to complete projects that need to be completed in Carrolls Woods and Erickson Community Square. Extensive discussion followed regarding why the money is still there, how and why it could be obtained, etc. Dave informed the committee that he has a copy of the budget for each of them and will be getting it to them. V. ADOPT -A -PARR: Dave updated the committee members on Lacelle's research on Adopt -A -Park programs from area cities. Rosemount has always had a program for donations to the parks programs, but now with the Adopt -A -Park program contributors have a way to be identified. He reviewed the handout that was sent to each committee member explaining how you can participate in the program, safety issues, Rosemount Parks staff responsibility, the responsibility of the contributor, etc. The city attorney has reviewed the document and approved it. Dave and Lacelle will be attending community meetings to get the word out on the project. They will also be advertising in the local newspaper. John Howard suggested possibly personally contacting each community group and informing them of the program. Dave Giliuson made a MOTION to approve the Adopt -A -Park program proposal and recommended that Dave Bechtold present it to the City Council for their support for implementation. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. VI. RINGETTE PROGRAM: Dave Giliuson had been contacted by the President of the Ringette program, Jack Tonkin. His main objective was to gain a verbal support and approval from the Parks and Recreation Committee members regarding the International Ringette Tournament coming to Rosemount. After extensive discussion by committee members expressing their concerns regarding this issue no action was taken. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE February 22, 1993 Page 5 I. ITEM FOR MARCH 4, 1993 WORKSHOP: It was decided to invite Ron Wasmund and Bud Osmundson to the workshop meeting instead of the March 15, 1993 Parks and Recreation Meeting. They feel it would be easier to concentrate on the singular issue at the workshop meeting. A letter will be sent to the members of the Erickson Community Square Committee members inviting them to the workshop on March 4, 1993. II. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: DAVE GILIUSON: Dave Giliuson asked the department to send out a notice that the next Carrolls Woods Committee meeting will changed from March 13, 1993 to March 20, 1993. The meeting will be at 9:00 a.m. on the west side of the high school next to the hockey rink. Each member is asked to bring a friend or two. SCOTT RYNERSON: Scott had some questions for Dave regarding a newspaper article published in the March 19, 1993 issue of the Rosemount Town Pages. The article was in regards to a townhome complex wanting a small park for the children of their complex that had been slated to be added to the townhome area on completion of the next phase of the project. Due to the new firehouse referendum for that land, the city is in the process of purchasing the land and the residents are asking for a park to be included with the firehouse referendum. Dave and the committee stated their strong concerns for following the Master Plan and yet to continue to identify and support the "private park" issues as identified in the Limerick Townhome project. The committee contiues to support the proposal that the Planning Dept. must (should) insist on additional private open space for multiple dwellings. DEANNA SIMPSON: Deanna requested that Dave or the Department contact the Dakota Central Building and ask that they deposit the snow from their parking lot in another area as they are piling snow onto the perennial flower bed that Merrill Stelling added to the community garden last year. Dave will discuss this with Ron Wasmund when he returns from vacation. TOM RELLER: Asked for an update on the armory project. He was told that it is going forward as planned. He also questioned whether the Jaycee Park shelter will be open at all this year. Dave told him that due to several construction projects that need to be redone correctly, the shelter will not be open for this skating season. However, most of the corrections have been done and a final walk through could be scheduled soon. JOHN HOWARD: John made a comment that in the future he suggests that the Parks Committee ask for the opinion of the City Council on PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE February 22, 1993 Page 6 time consuming projects instead of going to the City Administrator for his opinion. He feels that it would save a lot of valuable time and energy in the end. LINDA LADZUN: Complimented the warming house attendants on the job they are doing for the community. She asked Lisa to pass this on to the warming house staff. JERRY PUCIATY: None. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Mark and Lacelle provided Dave with information on a grant from the DNR on small business proposals. It is a $5,000.00 matching grant for small businesses to plant trees in the city. Dave has applied for this and is waiting for word back. Lacelle is looking into a land acquisition grant for a possible grant to apply to Birger Pond. Grants will be hard to get accepted, but the assistance of the future parks programmer will help give more staff time for checking on grants and putting them together. Dave stated that he wanted to thank the staff in the presence of the committee members for doing a great job on the winter work during the extended season. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: ELECTION OF OFFICERS TOP OF MEETING PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION V• ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE The election of officers is identified in the bylaws to take place at the general meeting of February of each year. The two positions that need to be addressed are the Chairperson and the Vice -Chairperson. Names to be used in the selection process will come from nominations and/or members seeking the offices. RECOMMENDED ACTION: CONDUCT ELECTIONS AND MOVE TO ACCEPT THE CANDIDATE WHO RECEIVES THE MOST VOTES FOR EACH OF THE TWO POSITIONS TO SERVE AS OUR OFFICERS FOR THE TERM AS SPECIFIED IN THE BYLAWS FOR 1993. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: RAAA UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION 1. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY:', NONE Tom Neumann, the President of RAAA, will be present to give a short summary of the RAAA program. This is done each month to keep the lines of communicatoin open with our committee and with their youth board. Mr. Neumann will share information from their Board meeting and Sexual Abuse seminar conducted through their organization on February 8, 1993 RECOMMENDED ACTION: NO ACTION REQUESTED PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: SUMMARY OF WORKSHOP OF JANUARY 25, 1993 OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION II. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY:' JOB DESCRIPTIONS / OTHER FACILITIES On this agenda item we ask that any committee member make comments relating to the workshop we held on January 25, 1993. The main topic of that workshop was the staffing and operation planning of the National Guard Armory. A subsequent meeting with the City Council on the evening of February 4, 1993 was held to continue these discussions. The decision of the Parks and Recreation Committee members was to support an operational process whereby the Armory Manager responded to the City Administrator in the staffing roles. Action of the Council that evening was to also indicate their intent to employ an additional department head who would manage the facility and the facility programming. That manager would respond directly to the City Administrator rather than the Director of Parks and Recreation. Parks programming and recreational programming are to have priority in the scheduling of the facility according to the Council discussions that evening. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE REQUESTED PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE BYLAWS OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION III. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: 9BYLAWSWEREHANDEDOUTLASTMONTH The bylaws were discussed and a new draft of the bylaws was written at our workshop meeting of January 7, 1993. Although members of our committee had a copy of the drafted bylaws that were to be addressed at our last meeting it was decided to table this item to allow members more time to consider the content of the document. This agenda item should include further discussion of the bylaws as presented and a motion to approve them. That motion should also include a recommendation to have the City Council approve them. RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVE BYLAWS AS PRESENTED AND RECOMMEND THEM TO COUNCIL FOR FURTHER APPROVAL. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: CARROLLS WOODS / TOWN GREEN COMMITTEE UPDATES OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION IV. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE Members of the Parks and Recreation Committee who serve on either of these subcommittees and others from those committees are asked to share with us a short summary update on what has taken place since the last meeting. Although this may not be an item on each of the upcoming agendas, I feel that it is important during these early periods of those two committees to have updates. It is noted on the bottom of the agenda page that there will be a guest from the DNR (Larry Westerberg) attending the Carrolls Woods Committee meeting on February 22nd to discuss woodlot management and buckthorn issues. That meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. prior to the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting at 7:30 p.m. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE REQUESTED PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: ADOPT -A -PARK UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION V• ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: DRAFT OF PROGRAM OUTLINE, ETC. Lacelle Cordes will be present at the committee meeting of February 22, 1993 to discuss the Adopt -A - Park program with us. This is one of the projects that she worked on while serving an internship with our department last fall. We do feel that this program proposal is at the point where we can start to work on its implementation. The City Attorney has given us his legal opinion that the document is written in a sound manner. He has also stated that the registration forms to be used for participants is in line with the State of Minnesota's form as well as other city's forms that he used for reference in reviewing our documents. Citizens of Rosemount take a great deal of pride in their community. This program has the potential to truly give each of our residents an opportunity to take a hands on approach to our parks system. As we stated in a memo to the Lions Club some time ago, "This program offers the ability to get involved with manual labor as well as in a monetary fashion. The labor could range from planting flowers in a planter downtown to picking rocks in one of the ball fields, or helping to paint a park building. Monetary donations could range from a few dollars to that of sponsoring a park shelter, purchasing a vehicle or a park bench." Please review the documents included with this packet and be prepared to give comments on them at our February 22, 1993 meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVE THE ADOPT -A -PARK PROPOSAL AND RECOMMEND THAT THE DIRECTOR PRESENT IT TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THEIR APPROVAL FOR IMPLEMENTATION. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: WORK SESSION MEETINGS NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION 1. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE The date for the next workshop meeting is March 4, 1993. Each member of the Parks and Recreation Committee should consider a topic that they would like to have addressed at that time. It is my suggestion that we consider inviting Ron Wasmund, the Director of Public Works, and Bud Osmundson, The Assistant Public Works Director/Engineer, to join us that evening. We could begin discussions on joint uses of ponding, parks, and non -park open space. There is a special interest of the Town Green Committee also to discuss the Erickson Community Square issues that pertain to the Utility Department and to the Public Works Department. This includes various aspects of ponding, storm water pipes, sanitary sewer pipes, electrical lines, etc. RECOMMENDED ACTION: TO SELECT A TOPIC FOR THE NEXT WORKSHOP SESSION SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 4, 1993 IN CITY HALL. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION An agreement will be signed by the group supervisor, on behalf of the group. The group shall arrange Park Improvement project dates with the Parks and Recreation Department in advance. The Parks and Recreation Department will notify groups of any special projects which may be of interest to them. All Participants under the age of 18 must be supervised by an adult. Plan the day's events giving the group plenty of time to work, taking breaks and not over -exerting the participants. ADOPT - A - PARD PROGRAM ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND REACREATION ADOPT - A - PARK PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This programs intent is to organize a community effort to clean up, beautify and develop pride in the parks and open space of our community. This program will generate a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for individuals and organizations who participate in assisting with required maintenance and up grades of city parks, wildlife areas, trails, road entrances and school properties. Participants in the Adopt -A -Park program will greatly improve the appearance of our community, thereby fostering pride in our homes and family life. PROGRAM OBJECTIVE Adopt -A -Park is open to community groups, civic organizations, churches, families and individual citizens for a minimum period of one (1) year. Commitments may be for a longer term, preferably two to three years. Park sites are chosen on a first come first serve basis Suggested task include litter pickup, raking, planting flowers and trees, painting hockey rinks and picnic tables, watering trees, etc. Donations of specific items and/or cash to be used in conjunction with City funding to further enhance the City facilities and amenities. RECREATION IS THE NAME OF THE MD GAME CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WILL PROVIDE: Trash bags, safety training materials, temporary road signs and any other materials or supplies deemed necessary. Arrangements to remove filled trash bags, and any large, heavy or hazardous material from the adopted area. Recognition of the groups efforts. WHY BE INVOLVED Park up keep is very expensive. Your help will save tax dollars and allow maintenance crews to devote time and effort to other important projects. Volunteer efforts help make improvements which otherwise may not be possible. Taking ownership in a city park or open area gives everyone a sense of pride in their park or community. HOW DO WE GET INVOLVED? r Park Improvement outings should be * Contact the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Coverage of the groups efforts in the Department at 423-4415 and tell them you are scheduled once a month, April through local newspaper. interested in the Adopt - A - Park program. October, more if desired. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ADOPT - A - PARK PROGRAM PROGRAM PHILOSOPHY• To serve as a catalyst in providing an avenue for citizen involvement that will generate community pride through personal awareness and involvement. PROGRAM OBJECTIVE• The objective of this program is to organize a community effort to clean up, beautify and develop pride in the parks and open spaces of our community. This program will generate a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for individuals and organizations who participate in assisting with required maintenance and up grades of city parks, wildlife areas, trails, road entrances and school properties. Participants in the Adopt - A - Park program will greatly improve the appearance of our community, thereby fostering pride in our homes and family life. ADAPGUID.1 1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION ADOPT - A - PARK PROGRAM I. Program Structure A. Appropriate Tasks 1. Litter Pickup 2. Raking 3. Sweeping 4. Weeding 5. Hand Trimming and Edging 6. Planting Flowers and Trees 7. Painting 8. Watering Tree B. Equipment Needed 1. Trash bags 2. Brooms 3. Rakes 4. Rags 5. Other Garden Tools 6. Paint/Paint Brushes C. The Park and Recreation Department will provide trash bags, safety training materials, temporary road signs, and any other materials or supplies determined necessary by the department. D. Borrowed or unused supplies shall be returned to the Parks and Recreation Department within one week. ADAPGUID.1 2 II. Safety A. Safety training materials should be developed to include "safety tips" to be read each time before the volunteers go out into the parks B. Equipment for the scope of our program, gloves may be the only item needed. First Aid Kit should be available/supplied. G. Adequate supervision of participants 18 years of age or younger ADAPGUID.1 3 III. Staff Responsibility A. Inspection of parks before and after volunteer work is done will be completed B. Volunteer Sign Up Sheet 1. Agreement 2. Waiver Form C. Park Department will contact group for specific jobs as they come up to see if group is interested, for example painting of a shelter or planting trees that have been donated. D. Promotion 1. Brochure 2. Contact list (Civic groups ect.) 3. Newspapers E. Identify Project/Proposals 1. Areas to be adopted site maps of each park, detailed list of all maintenance activities to be done at each park. 2. "Assign" (allocate) parks and/or projects a) assist group supervisors in making participation in the Adopt - A - Park program fun and enjoyable b) Identify the job assignments best suited for volunteers and avoid high risk assignments. ADAPGUID.1 4 F. Recognition recognition sign, plaque, thank you cards, awards 1. Coordinate publicity with the group to solicit local media coverage. 2. Erect a sign, or otherwise recognize the groups clean up effort. The Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to approve and/or edit names or acronyms. G. Removal of Debris 1. Arrange to remove filled trash bags from the adopted park or adopted area. 2. Arrange to remove any large, heavy or hazardous material from the adopted area. ADAPGUID.1 5 IV. Donations and Cash Contributions A. Donate a one time cash contribution for the purchase of flowers, a tree, shrubs or turf grass for a designated location within a park. B. Donate an annual fee for the maintenance and care of flower beds, planter boxes, tree(s), shrubs, turf grass, equipment, materials and labor. C. Donate money, equipment, materials or labor to make improvements in a park or plat, or to add a new facility such as a playground, picnic table or park bench. Elect to maintain the facility or equipment themselves, or pay an annual fee for Parks and Recreation personnel to maintain those items as an added part of this process. D. Process cash donations through the Finance Department ie: Tax donations receipt (note: for personal tax deductions) ADAPGUID.1 V. Volunteer Group responsibilities A. The group shall report any vandalism and potential safety hazards to the Park and Recreation Department. B. Groups must furnish all transportation for workers C. Groups shall place filled trash bags at agreed upon site ADAPGUID.1 J VI. Frequency of Program A. A commitment of one year is desired, with a two (2) to three (3) year commitment preferred. B. Litter pick up and maintenance outings should be scheduled once a month, April through October, more if desired C. Outings are recommended for Mondays following busy weekends or days directly following holidays. D. The groups shall arrange pick up date(s) in advanced with the Parks and Recreation Department. E. Outings should take place only during daylight hours ADAPGUID.1 g ADOPT - A - PARK SAFETY TIPS 1. Plan Ahead 2. Review safety precautions and take them seriously. 3. Assign work teams and leaders before you begin work, and agree on a meeting place when your done. 4. Bring along an adequate First Aid Kit. Identify the nearest hospital and how to get there in an emergency. P. Don't over exert yourself. Bring along a supply of drinking water and take breaks. 6. Work only during daylight hours during good weather. 7. Do not crush collected trash to make more room in a bag: broken or jagged objects could cause accidental injuries. Do not put syringes or hypodermic needles in the trash bag, as they can easily puncture the bag and cause serious injury. Take care to dispose of them properly. ADAPGUID.1 9 ADOPT - A - PARK Check One) Adopt -A -Park The group agrees to assist in park improvement project for a minimum of one year. Pick -A -Park The group agrees to assist in a park improvement project for one time only. We request permission to assist in park improvement projects at: The City of Rosemount, Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to refuse, cancel, or revise this agreement if in its sole judgement the nature of the group or its sign is political, controversial, or in questionable taste, or if the group is not meeting the terms and conditions of this agreement. By signing this agreement, the group acknowledges the hazardous nature of the work and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions herewith to the satisfaction of the City of Rosemount, Parks and Recreation Department. Except for the negligent acts of the City of Rosemount, its agents, and employees, the volunteers or their agents shall assume all liability for, and save the City of Rosemount, its agents and employees, harmless from any and all claims for damages, actions, or causes of action arising out of work to be done herein. Any and all volunteers of the group, or other persons while engages in the performance if any work or service performed under this agreement, shall not be considered employees of the City of Rosemount, and any and all claims that may or might arise under the Worker's Compensation Act of Minnesota on behalf of said employees or other persons while so engaged, and any and all claims made by any third party of the group's volunteers or other persons while so engaged on any of the work or services to be rendered, shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the City of Rosemount. Name of Group Name of Group Representative Signature Address_ City ADAPGUID.1 10 Phone State Zip ADOPT -A- PARK DONATION RECEIPT FORM SPONSORING GOVERNMENTAL UNIT: TAX EXEMPT NUMBER: DEPARTMENT: TYPE OF DONATION: (CASH - ) (EQUIPMENT - ) DETAIL OF TYPE OF DONATION. INCLUDE PURPOSE, INTENT OF USE, AREA THE DOLLARS OR EQUIPMENT ARE TO BE DESIGNATED: NAME OF CONTRIBUTING PERSON AND/OR ORGANIZATION: PHONE NUMBER: ADDRESS: GOVERNMENTAL OFFICIAL RECEIVING CONTRIBUTION: DEPARTMENT HEAD: FINANCE OFFICER: SIGNATURE & TITLE SIGNATURE & TIT'.,E FED -16-93 TUE 8:55 ALCORN E E %- E R A G E P 0 1 Post -It" bund Fax Transmittal Memo 7672 No ofPagos 76CayhDotiZ - Tlme 1 Company LocationLoc......... _._._ ......_..._......,...,,.... r,..,.,..,.,.,:...,. atlon L.34-(' 9Dept, Chef e 4- ,_..... .{D _-.©. j" Y+.... .P . ..._._........ ..__...._.. .. _ .. i• J%l.. ,... Fe>ToieDhonoY............ Fax#4 / 'Telephonene 0 Destroy Ori Incl D Raturn Call tG or pickup tt-rS, (lnreimoot 6t I Genuine Draft sm" 3GeuwineDraftiBEERI ALCORN BEVERAGE CO., INC. Shamrocks for World Hockey Ringette Tournament Rosemount, March 19-27, 1994 In March of 1994, Hockey Ringettes from all over the world will be competeing at the new arena being built in Rosemount. This event will be funded by charity, local businesses and corporate support. For St. Patrick,s Day and Leprechaun Days there will be shamrocks available for individual patrons to purchase for a $1.00 donation. The shamrocks will be displayed in your pub or tavern to show the patrons support for the event. For more information on how this event might impact your area, please contact Jack Tonkin at 861-0555!! Minne(fa Sports Commission Steeri i iy -CotwjjiIt(- e A t Rosemount South St Paul 1994 International Ringette Championship Ir International Ringette Federation - Ringette USA January 6, 1993 Minnelka Sports Commission Story of Ringette Discussion International Ringette Federation - Ringette USA Rosemount January 6, 1993 South St Paul Minnel&a Sports Commission 5711 l . . 0 " oil Minnesota Sports Commission Ringette USA Rosemount South St Paul USA National Team International Ringette Federation - Ringette USA Rosemount January 6, South St Paul 1993 Minne*a Sports Commission J L Discussion F- /Zi -jy International Ringette Federation - Ringette USA Rosemount January 6, 1993 South St Paul Minne0a Sports Commission IN • M Za1 Ice Ringette Program International Cultural National & Local Local Opportunities Identity of Local Community Promote Feeder Program Business Opportunities Visitors to Community International Ringette Federation - Ringette USA Rosemount January 6, 1993 South St Paul A3A s g/ 1994 World Ringette Championship Canadians fr k,/ W',s t Team USA Finland Other Countries America Cup Invitational Metro Spring Classic Youth Tournament International Ringette Federation - Ringette USA Rosemount January 6, South St Paul 1993 Minne,a Sports • Commission s Committees, Event and Local Chair -People" Discussion International Ringette Federation - Ringette USA Rosemount January 6, 1993 South St Paul Minnefb-,a Sports Commission r wk 1 r me0 v Proposed Budget International r U 5-0/.:5-0 6P IFA,{ -,4 International Ringette Federation National Ringette USA Team USA Local Rosemount South St Paul International Ringette Federation - Ringette USA Rosemount January 6, 1993 South St Paul Minnel-Ma Sports Commission 7 FA3TV i 0 11 L u u F a International Ringette Federation - Ringette USA Rosemount January 6, 1993 South St Paul G Rosemount Organizational Meeting' Agenda for the 1994 Ringette World' Championship 2-10-93 Ringette Rosemount Involvement Steering Committee Rosemount Sub -Committees R i ngette World beginnings/start in ISD 196 World Championship Mission Promote Ringette Provide Venue for Championship World Fest/Cultural interaction Opportunity for local businesses Rosemount Involvement Council approval to co-sponsor Council committment Dates Venues Update on Community Center/Staffing Steering Committee Members/expertise Minnesota Sports Commission Ringette USA USA National Team Rosemount So. St. Paul Steering Committee (cont.) Committees Sports Finance Operations Meetings Handouts Rosemount Sub -Committees Public Relations Newspapers Leprechaun Days Parade/Kaposia Days Parade Community/Business Organizations Recruitment of helpers- suggestions Others Rosemount Sub -Committees (cont Other Sub -Committees Tasks/timetable-August Future meetings Set Time or as needed With Community groups/Town Meeting Name for Rosemount Organizational Group RECREATION REPORT Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting FEBRUARY 22, 1993 Recreation Report includes programs for February, 1993. PROGRAMS/PROJECTS THAT WERE COMPLETED OR PROGRAMS THAT ARE COMING TO AN END THIS MONTH A. The Family Fun and Skate programs received an attendance of approxiately 40 participants for the three dates of Sunday, January 10, 24 and February 2. The program is subsidized from the General Budget account call Special Programs. B. Skating Lessons will conclude this week. February 24th is the last make up date. C. The 4th Annual Collie & Volley (Volleyball) Tournament was conducted on Saturday, January 23, 1993 at Scott Highlands Middle School. Tournament Director Ed Loesch coordinates the tournament with our department co-sponsored the program. 9 teams participated in this annual event. Proceeds are donated to the Human Society. D. Snowball (Softball) Tournaments were conducted at Erickson Park with 9 teams participating on January 23-24 and 6 teams participating on February 13-14. Tournament Director Steve Ellingson coordinated the tournament. E. The Broomball league concluded with the league tournament on February 10, 1993. 7 teams were in the league. 5 teams will be representing Rosemount in state tournament beginning February 26 through the month of March. The department contracted individual officials_ for the league versus contracting through an association. This was due to the fact that there is not a Broomball officials association in the area this year. This process appeared to work out adequately and is being recommended to follow the same process in 1993-94. G. Rosette Pom Poms concluded the winter session on February 9th with special performance for the parents/guardians. The summer session will begin April 13, 1993. II. PROGRAMS BEING CONDUCTED A. International Ringette meetings have been scheduled in March. The Director and Assisstant Director will be a liason to the steering committee for the city of Rosemount. More involvement will be on the local commmittee. III. UPCOMING PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS A. A Nature Walk is scheduled for Sunday, February 28, 1993 at Carrolls Woods from 1:00-2:30 p.m. will be lead by Dan Belting. Dan is on the Carrolls Woods Subcommittee. B. A softball organziational meeting has been set for March 18, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. The program is in the planning stages. C. A trip to the cheer on the MN Timberswolves is scheduled for Sunday, March 14, 1993. IV. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES - none Respectfully submitted,. , Lisa Jost, Assistant ofDirecto Parks and Recreation City of Rosemount rcreport. 18 report. 17 111 FEBRuMY 1993 PRESENT LORETTA LOESCH MARK JOOSTEN(STAFF) DAVID GILIUSON MIKE BUSHO CATHY BUSHO ED HOWARD Recorder be conducted with e DNR and 1. Mark Joosten recommended a wood lot sty ould provide funds hin exchange that certain species of trees currently dying Committee for their: wood value. He also recommendedended thatatt he plans. Woods look to the DNR for input on possible 2• Present corrnnittee members examined last years test plot and deciItded was citystaffshouldbeginning cuttt ing buckthorn at the earliest time• s decided that they should start cutting atlast time itwasldecided South they through the woods. To make the most oft in and cutting only at this time. The committee should be concerned with tagg g will look to employing volunteers to move and chip cut brush, 3, A meeting was scheduled for March 13, 1993 chipper to remove and chip buckthorn cut by staff. It was asked that each Carrolls Woods Committee Member bring two other individuals f assist in this tatisk. IthelchlpPer for necessary to request that city s P this project. y have q, Mark Joosten and other city staff are to be commended Itrwasldectided that done to date considering the limited direction provided. lished and the committee must provide written direction on what is to be accomp identify size and species to be retained or cut' 5. It was asked that Mark Joosten attended the February 22, 1993 meeting. He identified that he thought he should attend all future meetings. 6. Mark Joosten will continue to research possible herbicides and look at the most effective opportunities available. 7. A suggestion was made that this commstonetheshould processrch out establishheedrinnthees to secure money from all sources to carry se public awareness of master plan for CarolWoods. the At the sametimewasrans that it will be the problems and progress o ds necessary to lobby and demand that Chaster Plan Por rritizelsnd budget dsget fun for the development laid out in the 8. Attached is a list of items that need to be addressed at the February 22, 1993 meeting. 9, Next Meeting is scheduled for Febru 22 1993 at 6:30 at Rosemount City Hall. CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING February 22, 1993 6:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dave Giliuson, Loretta Loesch, Tom Reller, Mark Joosten, Rick Cook Tom Reller reported on findings of chemicals. Use Tordon and Cross bow and 96% diesel fuel. Did not recommend use of EZ-Ject pellets. Chemist from Dow Ilanco, Roger Gast, 525-2366. Distributor, Terry Gardner, 456-9268 (purchase). Apply chemical ASAP after cutting. Call Terry Gardner for data sheets on Tordon. The next committee meeting date has been changed from March 13, 1993 to March 20, 1993 at 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. Members are to meet on the west side of the high school next to the hockey rinks to drag brush out of the woods to the chipper. The city will provide a chipper and 1-2 maintenance staff. Each committee member should bring gloves and one or two other people to help out. An alternate date has been set for March 27, 1993 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Letters will be sent to the rest of the Carrols Woods Subcommittee members. 1 1/4" to 2", anything smaller would be cut. Employer discretion will be used. Mark Joosten will be marking the trees. All trees other than buckthorn will be marked before cutting begins. A guildine staff will use when marking trees is that trees under 1 1/4" will be cut. Next committee meeting is scheduled for March 20, 1993 at Carroll's Woods. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING February 15, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: Del Lorentzen, Scott Gunhus (Evergreen Gardens), Cathy Busho, John Howard, Joe Walsh, John Loch, Jim Koslowski, and Deanna Simpson 1. A foundation is being established with the Rosemount Chamber of Commerce to help fund the amphitheater and possibly other projects in Erickson Community Square. We considered walkways with brick inscribed with the donor's name. Scott Gunhus will get an estimate for bricks with inscriptions. Other methods of recognizing donors were discussed as well as other sources of funding. 2. We still need to get the high water mark for the amphitheater location. Consensus of those present was that the Master Plan site is too far north, too large, and too low to be acceptable and/or feasible. We can downsize and see about placement and grading where the old hockey rinks are located. Question possible grading by 49ers plus look into clean fill from road work on 145th street. Check with Ron Wasmund in Public Works. 3. We need to check with Bud Osmundson for an overlay map showing underground utilities on site. Also check regarding location of future water and sewer lines to the future shelter. Jim Koslowski said he will check into this and give Scott Gunhus the details so Scott can have that information for his design. 4. Scott Gunhus has indicated an interest in the landscape design project for Erickson Community Square. Suggestions made for plan material include ground covers, shrubs, flowers, shrub roses, and trees. Potential sources for these materials include: local wholesale nurseries, Minnesota Green, Rosemount Garden Club and current material from the city's nursery (check with Mark Joosten). It's necessary to design the site with low maintenance in mind, ie., mulching, edging, reduce trimming and mowing, etc. We can locate a grassy area for picnic tables to the west of the future shelter, perhaps have an overhand on the west and north side of the shelter for table cover, and overlook the amphitheater and pond. 5. We reviewed the "Roses for Rosemount" idea to plant hardy, salt spray tolerant shrub roses for the site 8-10 ft. wide by 200 ft. long between Hwy 3 and the Ride Share lot. Because Hwy 3 will be redone this summer, the planting bed could be developed this summer and then planted in the spring of 1994. Kosi will check on the current Hwy 3 plans and zoning for us. Dave Bechtold needs to inform us on the status of the unencumbered funds for use as "seed" money for our project. City Council will have to approve this change. NEXT MEETING DATE Tuesday March 16 1993 at 7.00 p.m. at Bio Daddy's. ALSO: Thursday March 4 1993 at City Hall, Ron Wasmund and Bud Osmundson from Public Works will meet with the Park Board at their workshop meeting at 7:30 a.m. The Erickson Community Square committee members are encouraged to attend to ask questions related to our project. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: MAILING INCLUDED: 1 7'_ • G1. minutes for t /,.meeting. Committee) (Date) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for meeting. Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, etc.) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) John Howard Jerry Puciaty Scott Rynerson Tom Reller Deanna Simpson Dave Giliuson Linda Ladzun ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies) Del Lorentzen Cathy Busho Sheila Klassen Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Linda Ladzun (Park and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (10 copies) Marie Jensen Sandy Todd Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting Loretta Loesch Ron Pederson Mary Eigner Richard Forsberg Joel Sutter Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) chklstpr.2 STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) Dave Bechtold Lisa Jost Rick Cook/Park Crew (2) Kerry Budinger Jane Mollman Lacelle Cordes Wendy Foreman ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (28 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (5) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING A -2 DATE OF MAILING: 1 MAILING INCLUDED: minutes for meeting. Committee) /i„ e) J j Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for ( /_ ---)'Meeting. Date) Additional mailing x:subco tteeagenda orminutes, etc.) I 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) John Howard Jerry Puciaty Scott Rynerson Tom Reller Deanna Simpson Dave Giliuson Linda Ladzun ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies) Del Lorentzen Cathy Busho Sheila Klassen Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Linda Ladzun (Park and Ree Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (10 copies) Marie Jensen Sandy Todd Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting Loretta Loesch Ron Pederson Mary Eigner Richard Forsberg Joel Sutter Tom Reller (Parks and Ree Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) chklstpr.2 STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) Dave Bechtold Lisa Jost Rick Cook/Park Crew (2) Kerry Budinger Jane Mollman Lacelle Cordes Wendy Foreman ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (28 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (5) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: L `, _ f MAILING INCLUDED: minutes for Committee) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for ` ;. Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, etc.) _ 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) John Howard Jerry Puciaty Scott Rynerson Tom Reller Deanna Simpson, Dave Giliuson Linda Ladzun ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies) Del Lorentzen Cathy Busho Sheila Klassen Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Linda Ladzun (Park and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (10 copies) Marie Jensen Sandy Todd Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting y Loretta Loesch Ron Pederson 1 Mary Eigner Richard Forsberg Joel Sutter Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Ree Committee) chklstpr.2 meeting. Date) 111) meeting. Date) STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (28 copies) City Administrator (1) , Department Heads (5) Dir of Public Works - Dir of Finance. Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police. r City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) V Port Authority (7) i Utility Commission (3) V Official City Records (1) D OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES 71 TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: Dave Bechtold Lisa Jost - Rick Cook/Park Crew (2)' Kerry Budinger. Jane Mollman• Lacelle Cordes. , Wendy Foreman ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (28 copies) City Administrator (1) , Department Heads (5) Dir of Public Works - Dir of Finance. Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police. r City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) V Port Authority (7) i Utility Commission (3) V Official City Records (1) D OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES 71 TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: MAILING INCLUDED: minutes for Committee) ( Date) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for AdditifnalmailinQs{ex: subcPmmitteeagen or minutes, etc. ( Date) I •11 1l I?I IgInalLara • • LORETTA LOESCH MARK JOOSTEN(STAFF) DAVID GILIUSON MIKE BUSHO CATHY BUSHO ED HOWARD Recorder meeting. meeting. 1. Mark Joosten recommended a wood lot study be conducted with the DNR and that certain species of trees currently dying could provide funds in exchange for their wood value. He also recommended that the Carroll Woods Committee look to the DNR for input on possible reforestation plans. 2. Present committee members examined last years test plot and decided that city staff should beginning cutting buckthorn at the earliest time. It was decided that they should start cutting at last years test site and move South through the woods. To make the most of staff's time it was decided they should be concerned with tagging and cutting only at this time. The committee will look to employing volunteers to move and chip cut brush. 3. A meeting was scheduled for March 13, 1993 chipper to remove and chip buckthorn cut by staff. It was asked that each Carrolls Woods Committee Member brincr two other individuals to assist in this task. It will be necessary to request that city staff provide assistance and the chipper for this project. 4. Mark Joosten and other city staff are to be commended for all they have done to date considering the limited direction provided. It was decided that the committee must provide written direction on what is to be accomplished and identify size and species to be retained or cut. 5. It was asked that Mark Joosten attended the February 22, 1993 meeting. He identified that he thought he should attend all future meetings. 6. Mark Joosten will continue to research possible herbicides and look at the most effective opportunities available. 7. A suggestion was made that this committee should search out opportunities to secure money from all sources to carry on the process established in the master plan for Carrolls Woods. At the same time raise public awareness of the problems and progress on the woods. The idea was raised that it will be necessary to lobby and demand that City Council prioritize and budget funds for the development laid out in the Master Plan for Carrolls Woods. 8. Attached is a list of items that need to be addressed at the February 22, 1993 meeting. 9. Next Meeting is scheduled for February 22, 1993 at 6:30 at Rosemount CityHall. 0 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: +'ig-h3 MAILING INCLUDED:' ----,J DL l titX minutes for l — / meeting. Committee) (Date) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for meeting. Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, etc.) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) John Howard Jerry Puciaty Scott Rynerson Tom Reller Deanna Simpson Dave Giliuson Linda Ladzun ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies) J Del Lorentzen atl yswhu j Sheila Klassen Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Linda Ladzun (Park and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (10 copies) Marie Jensen Sandy Todd Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting Loretta Loesch Ron Pederson Mary Eigner Richard Forsberg Joel Sutter Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) chklstpr.2 STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) Dave Bechtold ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (28 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (5) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: Lisa Jost Rick Cook/Park Crew (2) Kerry Budinger Jane Mollman Lacelle Cordes Wendy Foreman ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (28 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (5) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: MAILING INCLUDED:---Ij6L minutes for — ` _ meeting. Committee) (Date) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for meeting. Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, etc.) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) John Howard Jerry Puciaty Scott Rynerson Tom Reller Deanna Simpson Dave Giliuson Linda Ladzun ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies) Del Lorentzen Cathy Busho Sheila Klassen Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Linda Ladzun (Park and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (10 copies) Mary Eigner Richard Forsberg Joel Sutter Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Ree Committee) chklstpr.2 STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) Dave Bechtold Lisa Jost Rick Cook/Park Crew (2) Kerry Budinger Jane Mollman Lacelle Cordes Wendy Foreman ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (28 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (5) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: Marie Jensen Sandy Todd Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting Loretta Loesch Ron Pederson Mary Eigner Richard Forsberg Joel Sutter Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Ree Committee) chklstpr.2 STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) Dave Bechtold Lisa Jost Rick Cook/Park Crew (2) Kerry Budinger Jane Mollman Lacelle Cordes Wendy Foreman ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (28 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (5) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: OICR1DkRY • 1993 PRESENT LORETTA LOESCH MARK JOOSTEN(STAFF) DAVID GILIUSON MIKE BUSHO CATHY BUSHO ED HOYARD Recorder 1. Mark Joosten recommended a wood lot study be conducted with the DNR and that certain species of trees currently dying could provide funds in exchange for their= wood value. He also recommended that the Carroll Woods Committee look to the DNR for input on possible reforestation plans. 2. Present committee members examined last years test plot and decided that city staff should beginning cutting buckthorn at the earliest time. It was decided that they should start cutting at last years test site and move South through the woods. To make the most of staff's time it was decided they should be concerned with tagging and cutting only at this time. The committee will look to employing volunteers to move and chip cut brush. 3. A meeting was scheduled for March 13, 1993 chipper to remove and chip buckthorn cut by staff. It was asked that each Carrolls Woods Committee Member bring two other individuals to assist in this task. It will be necessary to request that city staff provide assistance and the chipper for this project. 4. Mark Joosten and other city staff are to be commended for all they have done to date considering the limited direction provided. It was decided that the committee must provide written direction on what is to be accomplished and identify size and species to be retained or cut. 5. It was asked that Mark Joosten attended the February 22, 1993 meeting. He identified that he thought he should attend all future meetings. 6. Mark Joosten will continue to research possible herbicides and look at the most effective opportunities available. 7. A suggestion was made that this committee should search out opportunities to secure money from all sources to carry on the process established in the master plan for Carrolls Woods. At the same time raise public awareness of the problems and progress on the woods. The idea was raised that it will be necessary to lobby and demand that City Council prioritize and budget fundsforthedevelopmentlaidoutintheMasterPlanforCarrollsWoods. 8. Attached is a list of items that need to be addressed at the February 22, 1993 meeting. 9. Next Meeting is scheduled for February 22, 1993 at 6:30 at Rosemount City Hall. til 1 tYVL7l= ITEMS THAT REQUIRE ACTION 1. Insurance question of using volunteers (Ron Pederson) 2. Update on possible herbicides (Tom Reller & Mark Joosen) 3. Should we perform a Wood Lot Study? 4. What species and what size should be saved? 5. Report on Available volunteers (All committee members) 6. Development of a supervisory and safety plan for all volunteers working on the woods. 7. Method of documenting what is performed on the woods for historical records and development of future plans. 8. Identification of equipment needs for staff and volunteers that currently are not available. Look to donations or city funds to secure equipment shortages. 9. Define in writing direction to staff and volunteers what is to be accomplished, and sequence these events. 10. Obtain binders with information on Carroll Woods for all committee members use (Dave Bechtold). PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: MAILING INCLUDED: minutes for meeting. Committee) (Date) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for meeting. Date) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) John Howard Jerry Puciaty Scott Rynerson Tom Reller Deanna Simpson Dave Giliuson Linda Ladzun ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies) Del Lorentzen Cathy Busho Sheila Klassen Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Linda Ladzun (Park and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (10 copies) Marie Jensen Sandy Todd Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting Loretta Loesch Ron Pederson Mary Eigner Richard Forsberg Joel Sutter Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) chklstpr.2 STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) Dave Bechtold Lisa Jost Rick Cook/Park Crew (2) Kerry Budinger Jane Mollman Lacelle Cordes Wendy Foreman ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (28 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (5) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) I OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: MAILING INCLUDED:" ---J minutes for ( / meeting. Committee) (Date) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for meeting. Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, etc.) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) John Howard Dave Bechtold Jerry Puciaty Lisa Jost Scott Rynerson Rick Cook/Park Crew (2) Tom Reller Kerry Budinger Deanna Simpson Jane Mollman Dave Giliuson Lacelle Cordes Linda Ladzun Wendy Foreman ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies) i Del Lorentzen u Sheila Klassen Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Linda Ladzun (Park and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (10 copies) Marie Jensen Sandy Todd Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting Loretta Loesch Ron Pederson Mary Eigner Richard Forsberg Joel Sutter Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) chklstpr.2 ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (28 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (5) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: IA3 MAILING INCLUDEDc 6Lminutes for meeting. Committee) (Date) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for meeting. Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, etc.) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) John Howard Jerry Puciaty Scott Rynerson Tom Reller Deanna Simpson Dave Giliuson Linda Ladzun ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies) Del Lorentzen Cathy Busho Sheila Klassen Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Linda Ladzun (Park and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (10 copies) Marie Jensen Sandy Todd Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting Loretta Loesch Ron Pederson Mary Eigner Richard Forsberg Joel Sutter Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Ree Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Ree Committee) chklstpr.2 STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) Dave Bechtold Lisa Jost Rick Cook/Park Crew (2) Kerry Budinger Jane Mollman Lacelle Cordes Wendy Foreman ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (28 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (5) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: