HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993_04_19-PRMMTO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DATE: APRIL 14, 1993 RE: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1993 DATE: APRIL 19, 1993 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 P.M. AGENDA: I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER II. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III. APPROVE MINUTERS OF THE MARCH 15, 1993 MEETING IV. AUDIENCE INPUT ,A* 4 b� Ii, 4-.3 *J F I. RAAA UPDATE II. SUMMARY OF WORK SESSION OF APRIL 1, 1993 III. SUMMARY OF CARROLLS WOODS AND COMMUNITY SQUARE MEETINGS IV. STAFFING V. WORKSHOP MEETING FOR MAY 6, 1993 NEW BUSINESS: I. "RAP" GROUP PARK PROPOSAL II. KERRY JOHNSON CONCEPT PLAN III. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT V. ADJOURNMENT PARRS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Rynerson, Tom Reller, Dave Giliuson, Linda Ladzun, Jerry Puciaty, Deanna Simpson, John Howard STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation, Lisa Jost, Assistant Director Parks and Recreation, Rick Cook, Parks Department, Mark Joosten, Parks Staff, Kerry Budinger, Secretary MEMBERS ABSENT: None CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7:40 p.m. by chairperson, Scott Rynerson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: There were no additions to the agenda, but two "NEW BUSINESS" items were moved up on the agenda to accommodate those who came to give presentations. The meetings took place in the following order: OLD BUSINESS: I. RAAA Update; NEW BUSINESS: I. "RAP" Group Park Proposal, II. Kerry Johnson Concept Plan; OLD BUSINESS and NEW BUSINESS then followed as printed. APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 15, 1993 MINUTES: MOTION by Scott Rynerson to accept the minutes of the March 15, 1993 meeting as printed. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MINUTES APPROVED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. I. RAAA UPDATE: Tom Neumann was present at the meeting to give a brief update on RAAA registrations and the future of the joint athletic complex proposed for Apple Valley. Registrations are being completed for baseball, softball, and track at this time. Soccer registrations are starting a week from April 19, 1993. The parks have been arranged and should be set. He also reminded the committee members about the decision by the Apple Valley City Council to allocate half of the money for the arena to buy down bonds of the Maintenance Facility. He felt that this spelled out the fate of the future athletic complex on 160th Street in Apple Valley. He then read an excerpt from the minutes of the Apple Valley Parks and Recreation Committee which stated that the Finance Department of Apple Valley would be willing to float $150,000 to $180,000 per year for the maintenance of the an ice arena to the cities general fund. The Valley Athletic Board is divided on whether they should pursue the arena. In Toms opinion he is not sure if the arena is fated to be built or not. He encouraged a more aggressive approach to lobbying in favor of the athletic facility by the RAAA members. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting April 19, 1993 Page 2 MRS. I. "RAP" GROUP PARR PROPOSAL Council Member Sheila Klassen introduced the "RAP" Group (Rosemount Activities Program) and the Chairperson, Lucinda Adams. Lucinda informed the committee members of some of the history and goals of the group. The concern they bring before the committee members this evening is the request for support of allocating land for a small one acre park to be built in the immediate area of the Rosemount Greens Apartments and Limerick Way Townhomes. She briefed the members on the number of children located in the area and the need for a park that can be accessed safely for play and RAP activities. She then introduced Kim Cardelli who gave some ideas the group had regarding contacting area businesses such as Koch Refining, and government offices that may be willing to contribute money toward this project. Kim also gave some ideas of perhaps working together with the Parks and Recreation Department for maintenance of the park, etc. After considerable discussion regarding the issue in relation to the Parks Master Plan and possible exceptions because of the dense population of multi- dwelling homes in the area a MOTION was made by Scott Rynerson to support a feasibility study for a park (private or public) in this area. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. The RAP representatives asked for input from the committee on what procedure to use to introduce this idea to the appropriate city committees and commissions. Scott Rynerson and Jerry Puciaty volunteered to meet with members of the committee for this purpose. A meeting was set up for May 13, 1993 at 6:30 p.m. to begin preliminary discussions on this issue. II. KERRY JOHNSON CONCEPT PLAN: Rosemount resident, Kerry Johnson, came before the committee to give a presentation on a proposed development plan for the land now occupied by Repairs Inc. This land is located directly southwest of Erickson Community Square. Mr. Johnson gave a brief presentation on the office building he and his father are proposing for the area and the plans of land use for the area to accommodate parking for the building. According to the current architectural plans more land would be needed than is available at the present time. Kerry came before the committee to propose the allocation of approximately 43 ft. X 160 ft. piece of land to the north of the Repairs Inc., now part of Erickson Square, and another 7 ft. wide area to the east of Repairs Inc. be allocated for his development project. At the present time this land is proposed for fill to make an ADA regulation walking path for access to Erickson Park. This path would need to be moved more to the north, and Mr. Johnson stated he would be willing to work with the Parks committee to make the Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting April 19, 1993 Page 3 landscaping of the proposed development a part of the park. He also stated that he was willing to share the parking area for the office buildings to be used for park events. A conflict was seen with the landscaping and the new location of the proposed amphitheater for Erickson square, but Deanna stated that the Erickson Square Subcommittee would be willing to look at options with Mr. Johnson that may benefit both parties. After a short discussion the committee members concurred that they could discuss the issue and make further recommendations after Mr. Johnson has made his presentation to all committees and commissions involved. Mr. Johnson told the committee that they are looking at breaking ground in the late summer, and he would appreciate if a decision could be made in a timely manner. II. SUMMARY OF WORK SESSION OF APRIL 1, 1993: Scott Rynerson stated that he felt the workshop meeting was very informative. RAAA Treasurer, Steve Reischauer, was very interesting, and brought up a couple points about the RAAA program that the committee members were not aware of. One being the RAAA group that has a purpose of looking at hardship cases and deciding who to help with funding sports fees, etc. Scott felt that, perhaps, the RAP group could benefit from this aspect of the RAAA program. Linda Ladzun stated that she was not aware of this part of the program either, and felt that it was a great benefit for those that needed it. Mr. Reischauer voiced his thanks for Dave and the Parks and Recreation Department for the great cooperation and efforts they give to make the RAAA programs work. III. SUMMARY OF CARROLLS WOODS AND ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE MEETINGS: Carrolls Woods: Ron Pederson was on hand to update the committee members on the current status of Carrolls Woods projects. A target area has been cut in Carrolls Woods and they are readying to apply a couple different herbicides to this area (Tordon or Crossbow) to see the results of both. Another session is planned to chip buckthorn on May 1st. Volunteers are needed again for this. The subcommittee has been busy planning ways in which they can use the $15,000 from the CIP funds for each park. He listed several ways in which the committee would like to use the money or part of the funds, some being trail groomer, various hand tools, hiring of staff, etc. The next meeting is scheduled for May 17, 1993 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Ron also notified the Parks and Recreation committee members that he will be resigning from the Carrolls Woods subcommittee due to other responsibilities with the new arena. The committee members thanked him for his time and efforts on the Carrolls Woods subcommittee. Erickson Community Square: Deanna told the committee members about the tours the Erickson Square Subcommittee took on April 6, 1993 to Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting April 19, 1993 Page 4 the Minnesota Zoo to view their amphitheater, Terrace Oaks Park in Burnsville, North Park in Lakeville, and Jaycee Park to view their shelters. From these tours they have gotten some good ideas on some things that would meet the needs of our community for the amphitheater proposed for Erickson Square and the new shelter to be built there also. The subcommittee also met on April 13th to discuss the tour and to set some goals for the coming year as far as landscaping ideas, fund raising ideas, etc. The next meeting is scheduled for May 18, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. Dave informed Deanna that he had contacted Corcoran Equipment regarding the water flow problem that is destroying areas of the community garden. Corcoran is willing to work with the Erickson Square Subcommittee on improving this situation. Deanna suggested that perhaps the problem could be solved easily by digging trenches and lining them with plastic and rocks. Maybe Corcoran could help them dig the trenches to divert the water away from the garden area. Dave agreed since Mr. Corcoran said he was willing to help out on this item. The water flows from the Highway #3 area and across the gas station and Corcoran Hardware to this flower garden area. IV. STAFFING: Dave informed the committee that on April 4, 1993 the City Council approved the promotion of Lacelle Cordes to the position of part time parks programmer. Also, Wendy Foreman, who has been working for the department as a seasonal staff member for a couple years, has been recommended and approved for the position of part time athletic program director. She will also be finishing her college work and will be interning with our department this summer for that purpose. The Parks and Recreation Departments are both in the process of hiring their summer staff. Scott Rynerson took this time to tell Lisa that the Egg Hunt was a big success and thanked the staff for doing a great job at handling the volume of children that were at the egg hunt this year. V. WORKSHOP MEETING FOR MAY 6, 1993: Dave referred the committee members to the copy of the memo that Ron Wasmund sent to the Utility Commission. The meeting will be held with the members of the Utility Commission at 7:30 p.m. on May 6, 1993 III. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: DAVE GILIUSON - Invited the committee members and staff to join the Carrolls Woods Subcommittee in Carrolls Woods on May 1st to help with the chipping of buckthorn. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting April 19, 1993 Page 5 DEANNA SIMPSON - Deanna inquired that when it is necessary for trees to be cut down would it be possible to invite the community to haul away any wood that they would like vs paying to have the wood hauled away. Dave reminded Deanna of the liability of having citizens working on the park property with saws, etc. It might be a possibility if the wood is cut small enough for the public to simply haul and then work later at a different site of their own on the cutting. The disposition will be looked into further. SCOTT RYNERSON - Expressed a concern about the stakes that are on either side of the portable toilets in Charlies Park due to the traffic of kids in the area. Rick stated that these can be removed. He also wanted to inform the committee and thank Linda Ladzun for volunteering to serve on the Armory Committee. JOHN HOWARD - Inquired as to the procedure needed in order to get bike trails repaired. Dave informed him that he would need to notify the Public Works Department to take care of this since the trail maintenance comes under public works. LINDA LADZUN - Congratulated the staff on the small business grant they received for trees in Jaycee Park. Dave briefly explained the grant as being a matching grant of $5,000.00 from the state to finance the planting of trees bought from a small business and planted by a small business. Asked that a Thank you card be sent to the Jaycees for their donations to Carrolls Woods ($500) and Erickson Community Square ($7,000) subcommittees, and also their donations for Jaycee Park. JERRY PUCIATY - They are down to four candidates for the Armory Manager position. The position will be offered by Friday with an alternate candidate being named as a backup. IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Dave Bechtold and Mark Joosten went to the zoo a couple weeks ago and received the award, a large plaque, for the Tree City U.S.A. Park Improvement Day is planned for May 22, 1993 in conjunction with the city clean up day. This will be promoted in the near future. Dave asked to have the committee members clarify what subcommittee members are attending at this point in time. Also, if there are members that are listed, but not coming to the meetings. Please let Dave know and the decision can be made if new members need to be invited to join or can the committees function without any further members. Linda Ladzun is on the Erickson Community Square subcommittee. That committee is satisfied with the membership list. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting April 19, 1993 Page 6 A tree planting ceremony has been planned for May 4, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. Dave extended an invitation to the committee members to attend this. In case of rain, May 18, 1993 has been planned as an alternate date. The members did receive an invitation card from Lacelle previously. Rick informed Deanna that the wood has arrived for the picnic tables/shelters. He asked Deanna for her input on what locations would be best for these shelters. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: APRIL 19, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: RAAA UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION I. ATTACHMENTS: NONE APPROVED BY Tom Neumann, President of RAAA, will be available to give an update of RAAA events and happenings. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: APRIL 19, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: SUMMARY OF APRIL 1, 1993 WORKSHOP OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION II. ATTACHMENTS: NONE APPROVED BY: Committee members who attended the April 1, 1993 workshop will give summary of that workshop. This was the meeting where RAAA representatives were invited to speak about their organization and how they perceive our parks and recreation coordination with them. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: APRIL 19, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: SUMMARY OF CARROLLS WOODS AGENDA SECTION: ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE MEETINGS OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION III. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE Committee members of the Carrolls Woods and Erickson Community Square committees will give short update of projects they are working on. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: APRIL 19, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: STAFFING UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION IV. ATTACHMENTS: NONE APPROVED BY: Congratulations are in order for Lacelle Cordes. She was recommended for promotion from the position of park time Assistant Athletic Program Director to that of part time Parks Programmer. That promotion was approved at the council meeting of April 4, 1993. The position of Parks Programmer was approved by the council on the 16th of March. Wendy Foreman has been working as a seasonal staff member for Lisa Jost for the past couple of years. Prior to that time she also worked one season for Rick Cook in parks maintenance. Wendy was recommended to council for the position of part time Athletic Program Director. Council action was to approve that hiring. Wendy will be working out a temporary part time schedule with Lisa Jost while finishing her college work at the University of Minnesota. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION 0 UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: APRIL 12, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: May 6thC Work tSession w/ Parks I ExelcuAtiveCDiOr. Report I PREPARED BY: Ron Wasmund AGENDA NO. Public Works Director/Building Official 9b• ATTACHMENTS: AROVE� �Y : 0 /7 3 The Parks Commit.t s holding a regular workshop session on Thursday May 6, 1993 at{6:30`pm. They have extended an invitation and asked the Utility Commission to attend. The purpose of getting together is to identify topics that need joint discussion and decisions. One of the suggested topics is joint use of holding pond facilities. I would ask that each of you think of items that are of particular a-nt.erest to you. If you provide me with a list of items I will pass them on to Park and Recreation Director Dave Bechtold for inclusion in their workshop packets. Keep in mind t'-L.at it is not intended to resolve all or for that matter any issue at this May 6th meeting. It is merely the first step in the discussions that need to take place for some of the park projects to take place. For Staff to work on plan development they need to know the ideas, concerns or issues that the respective Commissions and Committees have. I plan to attend and encourage each of your attendance also. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 0 1 COMMISSION ACTION: None. W CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM: WORKSHOP MEETING FOR MAY 6, 1993 MEETING DATE: APRIL 19, 1993 AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION V. ATTACHMENTS: COPY OF RON WASMUND'S MEMO TO APPROVED BY: UTILITY COMMISSION RE: WORKSHOP OF MAY 6 The Utility Commission and the Public Works and Utility Staff have verified that they will be meeting with us on May 6, 1993 at our workshop meeting. Plan to keep that meeting night as a must on your calendars. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM: "RAP" GROUP PARK PROPOSAL MEETING DATE: APRIL 19, 1993 AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS IIDAV DPREPAR JD BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION BY:AGENDA NO. I. II ATTACHMENTS: COPY OF LATEST NEWS RELEASE APPROVED BY: "RAP" (Rosemount Activities Program) representatives will be at our meeting to discuss possible park development in the area of the Rosemount Greens apartments and the Limerick Town Homes development. Identified in the local newspaper articles is information relating to a large numbers of children in the Rosemount Greens area, a need for additional play area, etc. Also stated is the fact that there is great parent interest in working to generate programming for the youth. This area was discussed for additional park amenities during the Limerick Town Homes development. Identified was the demand of the Parks and Recreation Committee for a private one (1) acre park to be included in the next phase of the town home development. Kim Cardelli and other parents have been invited to meet with us and to share their ideas with us. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: �t;itizens group works to get park in WEVELYN HOOVER their neighborhood With their initial goal of helping their children learn to get along better accomplished, a Rose- mount citizens' group has set its sights on another goal, that of get- ting a park located near their apartment complex. Organizers of the Rosemount Activities Program (RAP) say the large population of children in the area warrants a park near the intersection of Shannon Parkway and 145th Street. i Residents of the Rosemount Greens apartments organized RAP to provide activities and foster a spirit of cooperation among the children living there. Now they say a park is needed for the estimated 400 children liv- ing in the three neighboring apartment/townhome complexes in the area. RAP organizers say the need for a park in the area is even more pressing given the proximi- ty to the proposed fire station. (Rosemount voters will decide he fate of the proposed fire station in a May referendum.) "We just want a positive diver- sion for our kids," said Kim Cardelli, one of RAP's organizers. "You can't condense all those kids in such a small place and not have a place for them to play," Cardelli said. Cardelli and other RAP parents i said they fear the fire station, es- pecially during construction, would be attractive to small children who don't have other nearby areas in which to play. City Administrator Steve Jilk said the Citizens Advisory Com- mittee discussed the situation and several steps will be taken to mitigate safety concerns ex- pressed by RAP, if the referen- dum is approved. He said land- scaping and fencing will be used to create a physical barrier that is aesthetically pleasing. In other cities, residential areas located near fire stations haven't been a safety problem, Jilk said. However, vandalism has been a problem in a few of those cases, he said. Council Member Sheila Klassen has been working with RAP to address what she called THE ROSEMOUNT Activities Program has organized a number of events including arranging for weekly visits to Rosemount Greens by the Extension Office's mobile teaching center. Photo by Brenda Haugen "legitimate concerns." She wants to arrange a meeting between the group and the Parks Board to discuss how a park in that area would fit in the master plan and to discuss the scope of a park if one were constructed in that area. RAP members say they are more than willing to help out and would even raise funds to help defray the costs of land acquisi- tion and construction. Their willingness to work to that end pleases Klassen. "I give (RAP) a lot of credibility for real- ly taking an active stand and try- ing to create a (positive) at- mosphere for their families," Klassen said. Helping their families and themselves is the basis under which RAP formed in February 1992 when parents got together as an Early Childhood Family Edu- cation group and started discuss- ing what they noticed as a large number of children fighting within the Rosemount Greens community. After contacting the United Way to get help with organization and to apply for a grant, the group sprang into action, survey- ing parents and children to find out what teaching skills parents had and what types of activities children were interested in. Along with providing input into potential activities for the group, the survey also helped residents get to know one another better. (See RAP, p.13A) • RAP................................... (Continued) "You could live here for a year and not know your neighbors," said Kathy Pince, one of RAP's organizers. Once the survey was complete, RAP sponsored a variety of ac- tivities: A Laotian minister was brought in to address cultural differences; a talent show was arranged; and children marched in the Leprechaun Days parade. RAP also arranged to have the Dakota County Extension Of- fice's mobile teaching center make a. weekly stop at Rose- mount Greens. Through the teaching center, the children learn about a variety of topics in- cluding nutrition and self-esteem. C] is The activities didn't stop there. To teach children to give, RAP organized a public service pro- ject, raising funds for victims of Hurricane Andrew. The children eagerly participated, according to Kim Cardelli, another of RAP's organizers. "One little boy came up to me and said, `I don't care how hard I have to work as long as I'm help- ing people," " Cardelli recalled. RAP organizers say they are satisfied with the program's success. "We've really solved the problem we set out to solve," said DeAnne Lindeen. "(The kids) are able to see what they have in common and see beyond colors and cultures." CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM: KERRY JOHNSON CONCEPT PLAN MEETING DATE: APRIL 19, 1993 AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS II PREPARED (AGENDA NO• J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION I AV DI. II ATTACHMENTS: NONE APPROVED BY: Kerry Johnson will be at our meeting to discuss a development concept that he has relating to the Repairs, Inc. property that is located to the west of the Erickson Community Square site. Mr. Johnson's plans are in the concept stages where reviews of the various departments will be required. There is a strong tie to the Erickson Community Square area and possible joint use of property in Mr. Johnson's proposal. The main intent of this agenda item is to give Mr. Johnson the opportunity to share with us some of his ideas and concerns and to receive preliminary input from our committee. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, March 16, 1993 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Joosten, Linda Ladzun, John Loch, Joe Walsh, Cathy Busho, Jim Koslowski, Deanna Simpson, Scott Gunhus I. We reviewed data given to use by Bud Osmundson from Public works regarding the high water mark elevation at 944.6 ft. We discussed underground utility and sewer lines from the overlay map. These were given to Scott Gunhus who indicated they would be helpful for the design plan. He also had received a layout of the community flower garden. The 949 ft. elevation for level of electrical line may affect staging area in amphitheater. Bud said he could also stake out the area to give us a better idea of size, etc. II. Mark Joosten gave us a list of trees and shrubs in the city nursery. We also can count on receiving more trees, shrubs, and flowers from MN Green Horticultural Society donations. They already donated nearly $1,000.00 worth of plant material which is currently in the Erickson Park warming house. III. We will need to establish some criteria for donors names and amounts donated, and how those people will be recognized. Scott Gunhus brought in some bricks with inscriptions for donors names. John Loch will show these to the chamber. (They're setting up the foundation.) The price was $14.00 per brick. Scott also had some suggestions for benches - concrete aggregate base with wood seating. He will bring a brochure next meeting. IV. The city has $85,000 budgeted for the Erickson Shelter, Jaycees have donated $74,000 for the shelter, total of $159, 000. We will need to present specific costs and projects in the Erickson Square area to be approved by City Council regarding the $15,000 of encumbered funds we have discussed previously. V. John Howard will speak to Tom Reller regarding a visit to the Minnesota Zoo to check out their amphitheater. Date set for this is Tuesday, April 6, 1993 at 6:30 p.m. Jim K. will reserve the city van. We can all meet at city hall. Mark Joosten will arrange it so we can also tour North Park Shelter in Lakeville. NEXT MEETING DATE: Tuesday, April 13, 1993 7:00 p.m. at Big Daddy's Diner Respectfully submitted Deanna Simpson PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT SIGN IN SHEET SUBCOMMITTEE: �P,9 y- --� O,G MEETING DATE: I - . C j (New members or guests - Please complete) NAME ADDRESS/ZIP/HOME PHONE 1. L G i % C. 6- I � ( 1A S cl rj 2. DAV,�, o4`ec 1, -c C % � 4. = � � y'� cnzw, 6. 11 12. 14. 16. 20. (G = GUEST ) (M = NEW MEMBER) Person in charge of the committee is to turn in this sign in sheet any any minutes or handouts distributed at the meeting to the Parks and Recreation Department. signin.93 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: ` ��jj ' ,'. minutes for i,t 9. MAILING INCLUDED: �_ (Date) (Committee) Sheets for meeting. Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary (Date) Additionalmailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, etc.) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) John Howard Jerry Puciaty Scott Rynerson Tom Reller Deanna Simpson Dave Giliuson Linda Ladzun ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (copies) Del Lorentzen Cathy Busho Sheila Klassen Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Jim Koslowski Linda Ladzun (Park and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (to copies) Marie Jensen Sandy Todd Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting Loretta Loesch Ron Pederson Mary Eigner Richard Forsberg Joel Sutter Mark Joosten \; Rick Cook Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) `,J Dave Bechtold Lisa Jost .3 Rick Cook/Park Crew (2) Kerry Budinger Jane Mollman Lacelle Cordes Wendy Foreman ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (28 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (5) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE '- C .> ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: chklstpr.2 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: C,16 , MAILING INCLUDED: } - F . minutes for �� !� � j 7 m—ieting. (Committee) (Date) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for meeting. (Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, etc.) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) John Howard Jerry Puciaty Scott Rynerson Tom Reller Deanna Simpson Dave Giliuson Linda Ladzun ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (81 copies) L Del Lorentzen Cathy Busho Sheila Klassen Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch J Jim Koslowski (Staff) .j Linda Ladzun (Park and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (10 copies) Marie Jensen Sandy Todd Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting Loretta Loesch Ron Pederson Mary Eigner Richard Forsberg Joel Sutter Mark Joosten (Staff) Rick Cook (Staff) Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) Dave Bechtold Lisa Jost a Rick Cook/Park Crew (2) Kerry Budinger Jane Mollman Lacelle Cordes Wendy Foreman ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (28 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (5) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: chklstpr.2 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: , COMPLETED BY: MAILING INCLUDED: minutes for meeting. (Committee) TZ,2�3meeting. Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for C_ (Date) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) John Howard Jerry Puciaty Scott Rynerson Tom Reller Deanna Simpson Dave Giliuson Linda Ladzun ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* Del Lorentzen Cathy Busho Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Parks Staff Linda Ladzun (Park and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* Marie Jensen Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting Loretta Loesch Ron Pederson Joel Sutter Parks Staff Rick Cook (Parks Supervisor) Tom _Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) . Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) Dave Bechtold Lisa Jost Rick Cook Park Staff Kerry Budinger Jane Mollman Lacelle Cordes Wendy Foreman .ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OIL STAFF - (29 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (6) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police Community Center Manager City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: chk1stpr.2 as of 4-1-93