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GoCity of Rosemount PHONE (612) 423-4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR Edward B. McMenomy FAX (612) 423-5203 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James (Red) Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS Stephan Jilk FROM: DAVID J. BECHTOLLDDIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DATE: JULY 14, 1993 RE: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 19, 1993 DATE: JULY 19, 1993 PLACE: JAYCEE PARR SHELTER TIME: 7:30 P.M. AGENDA: I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER II. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III. APPROVE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 21, 1993 MEETING IV. AUDIENCE INPUT OLD BUSINESS• I. RAAA UPDATE II. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE III. SUMMARY FROM ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE COMMITTEE IV. WORKSHOP MEETING FOR AUGUST 5, 1993 V. PARK MAINTENANCE / CONSTRUCTION STATUS REPORT VI. UTILITY COMMISSION MEMBER FOR ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE NEW BUSINESS• I. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE II. BUDGET DISCUSSION III. FEE(S) COMMITTEE IV. CARROLLTON ADDITION CONCERNS V. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT VI. DIRECTOR'S REPORT VII. ADJOURNMENT (Sverylkings Coming `[/p (�Rosemounlp 0 recvcietl vaper PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 19, 1993 FDTD,7-,TM MEMBERS PRESENT: Deanna Simpson, Scott Rynerson, Tom Reller, Jerry Puciaty, Linda Ladzun, Dave Giliuson STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation; Rick Cook, Parks Supervisor; Lisa Jost, Assistant Director Parks and Recreation; Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary MEMBERS ABSENT: John Howard CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7:45 p.m. by chairman, Scott Rynerson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 21, 1993 MINUTES: MOTION by Dave Giliuson to accept the minutes of the June 21, 1993 meeting as written. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. t; C<IiI E .............................................. ............................................. .............................................. I. RAAA UPDATE: Dave spoke for Tom Neumann in his absence. He stated that all was going well, and that the RAAA Board was discussing developing a package to show their appreciation for the volunteers with the program and to use as an incentive for other volunteers to join. There is a need for more volunteers because of the problem of "burn out" for the core group of parents and volunteers currently with the program. The committee will be kept updated as this package develops. II. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: At the meeting earlier in the evening Rick had supplied videos of both the trail groomer and the brush hog for the committee members to see. After viewing the tapes it was decided to purchase the trail groomer at this time. Mike Busho will be contacting the U.S.P.C.I. to request possible funding for the trail groomer. Other projects planned are to place lime rock along the trails in the park, purchasing at least two brush cutters and possibly budgeting in two part time positions for people to work on this problem. The committee will be working on putting together a package by the August Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to present to the City Council to request a portion of the $15,000.00 the subcommittee is planning to request from an encumbered CIP account of Parks and Recreation. III. SUMMARY ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE COMMITTEE: Deanna referred to and briefly highlighted the minutes of the last Erickson Community Square Subcommittee meeting that was enclosed with the executive summaries in each members packet. She informed the committee members that the U.S.P.C.I. responded to her request for funds to help with grading of Erickson Park with a $5,000.00 grant. Dave expanded on the process that needs to take place in order to meet the committees goal of building the Erickson Square shelter some time in the next year. He stated that a good starting point would be to meet with the architects to develop some estimates on costs, time schedules, etc. to present to the City Council. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DRAFT July 19, 1993 Page 2 IV. WORKSHOP MEETING FOR AUGUST 5, 1993: After a brief discussion of possible topics to be discussed at the August workshop meeting it was decided with a vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays to cancel the August workshop and meet next in September on the regular meeting date. V. PARK MAINTENANCE/CONSTRUCTION STATUS REPORT: Rick reported that the Tree Trust group had been here and worked on several projects in the parks such as putting timber around play areas, etc. They were very cooperative and easy to work with. They are looking forward to having them back again next year. Projects were in Biscayne Park, Winds Park, and Kidder Park. VI. UTILITY COMMISSION MEMBER FOR ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE: The letter from Scott Rynerson to the Utility Commission requesting that one of their members be chosen to attend Erickson Community Square subcommittee meetings helped put the subject on the agenda for the Utility Commission last meeting. Unfortunately, due to the fact that not all of the members were able to be present at that meeting, the item was tabled for a full committee vote at their next meeting. I .......>� ....................................... t3 1N I. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE: Jim Topitzhofer is in the process of working with the Community Center Committee members to establish goals and priorities at this time. They feel that the banquet area has some items that need to be addressed and decided at this point. Another topic in the starting stages are job descriptions. Due to Jim's considerable background and past experience he is able to supply some preliminary policies that can be tailored to fit the needs of Rosemount's Community Center. Some of the policies and fee structure could be used when formulating such policies and fees for Parks and Recreation. Dave stated that there has been good communication between Jim and himself, and that Jim is open to the needs of the separate departments. A software package is being looked at to use for the scheduling of the facility. Jim will be in charge of scheduling the facility. Programming is also being discussed at this time. At the present time Lisa Jost will continue doing the programming. A request for another full time programmer and additional secretarial assistant is being made through the 1994 budget process because of the present work load and added work load of 1994 programming. II. BUDGET DISCUSSION: Dave supplied the committee members with the following handouts for their information: "Play Equipment General Summary/Status Report", "CIP Project Worksheet", and "Rosemount Parks Facility/Building Inventory". Dave started by saying that on figuring the budget he was told that he should not raise operating costs more than 3% in 1994. This amounts to an approximate $2,700.00 budget increase for the Parks and Recreation Department. On figuring the budget for the revenue accounts approximately $101,000.00 for 1994 were used to offset the expenses to revenues. On referring to the copy of the budget sent in each members packets he stated that the salaries for 1993 haven't been set yet and that the 1994 salaries could not be determined until that is accomplished. That is why this area is not completed on the budget. As mentioned, Dave is requesting a programmer position be added to the budget for 1994 along with a 33 hour secretarial position. Each committee member will be paid $35.00 for each meeting they attend, including those in which they attend to represent the Parks and Recreation Committee. This includes workshop meeting. This raises the budget from $3,500.00 set aside for this to $10,000.00 for 1994. Scott wondered why the expenses for brochures and papers went from $1,000.00 in 1993 up to $11,000.00 in 1994. Dave explained that the funds were received from the administration budget, PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING July 19, 1993 Page 3 DRAFT which paid for newspaper costs in the past. Due to changes in this process for 1994 the funds were transferred back into the Parks and Recreation accounts to once again publish brochures for the Parks and Recreation operations and programs. Dave then brought the members attention to several projects noted in the CIP worksheet and briefly discussed the plans for each project spelled out in 1993. The projects stressed for 1994 are to continue adding to and repairing playgrounds and trails. 111. FEE(S) COMMITTEE: Dave discussed with the Parks and Recreation Committee the possibility of nominating two of their members to meet with various organizations to help establish policies regarding such things as fee structures and/or surcharges for users of Rosemount recreational facilities. The committee would also discuss how to raise revenue to help pay for the positions needed such as the programmer and part time secretary. Jerry Puciaty volunteered to serve on the committee and Linda Ladzun agreed to join that committee after being asked if she would be interested. The Rosemount Softball Association and RAAA have been contacted and would be interested in giving input. They have both voiced support for the need to set fees and raise revenues to help with department operations. After discussing the issue a MOTION was made by Scott Rynerson to appoint Jerry Puciaty and Linda Ladzun to meet with representatives of RAAA, Rosemount Softball Association, and Department staff to formulate policies relating to fees for the Parks and Recreation Department. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. IV. CARROLLTON ADDITION CONCERNS: Dave stated that a resident of the new Carrollton Addition had contacted him stating she represented several of the citizens of that area. They had some questions regarding the development of a park that the realtor had informed them would be built in their "backyard" in the near future. Dave stated he explained the status regarding the park and the trail system to the woman and she seemed accepting of this. Since this is the same area in which the RAP group is concerned about developing a park, and that issue is currently being handled Dave asked the committee members if they would consider inviting the residents of the Carrollton Addition to sit in on the RAP meetings. It was decided to keep these two items separate issues at this time. The development of trails along Dodd from Shannon Parkway were again discussed. Dave stated that there have been funds of $45,000 set aside for this project in the CIP account for a trail from Shannon Parkway to Diamond Path. Those funds could possibly be requested for the trail section from Shannon Parkway to Chippendale. A memo from City Council member Sheila Klassen to Lisa Freese, City Planner; and Dave Bechtold, Director of Parks and Recreation was brought to the attention of the committee members. The memo requested reconsidering the requirements for park/open space for multi -family housing currently used. She stated that she would like to see landscaping requirements to allow for more "green space" for these projects. Sheila has been working with the committee members and the RAP groups on RAPS behalf. She will be informed of the August 4, 1993 meeting that has been scheduled with the RAP group. V. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: SCOTT RYNERSON - None. JERRY PUCIATY - Wondering if the areas under the swings at Camfield could be filled in. It has been muddy quite a bit this summer under the swing area. He also inquired on the status of the tree ordinance. Dave informed him that it is still in progress. There are several departments that are effected and they would all like to give input on the ordinance which is taking some time. LINDA LADZUN - None. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING July 19, 1993 Page 4 DAVE GILIUSON - None. DRAFT DEANNA SIMPSON - Corcoran area has been cleaned up and looks much better, especially from the Community Garden area. Dave stated he is working with the owners to pave and curb the parking lot of the Corcoran area. Port Authority staff member, John Miller, is recommending that the Port Authority pay 75% of the project and that the property owner would then pay 25% of the costs. TOM RELLER - None. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Dave mentioned that the author of an article relating to trail standards sent in the packets, Jeff Schoenbauer, was the person selected to work on the trail system and Parks Master Plan for Rosemount. He has worked on the Master Plan for the nearby communities of Inver Grove Heights and Lino Lakes also. He now is a member of a national standards committee and has taken the leadership role in the trails areas. Dave reminded the members that their project proposals should be oriented to include staffing and funding in order to be completed and kept on line. Dave reminded the committee of a National Riverfront meeting that Lisa Freese sent out a memo to invite them to attend. The date is August 10, 1993. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Scott Rynerson to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: JULY 19, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: RAAA UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION I. (ATTACHMENTS: NONE APPROVED B Tom Neumann, the president of RAAA, will be present to give a short summary of the RAAA program. This is scheduled each month to keep the lines of communication open with our committee and with their youth board. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NO ACTION REQUESTED PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: JULY 19, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: (AGENDA SECTION: CARROLLS WOODS/TOWN GREEN COMMITTEE UPDATES OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION II & III ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY:I ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE COMMITTEE MINUTES �� �j Members of the Parks and Recreation Committee who serve on either of these subcommittees and others from those committees are asked to share with us a short summary update. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE REQUESTED PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: JULY 19, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: WORKSHOP MEETING FOR AUGUST 5, 1993 OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION IV. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY � NONE The workshop for July was cancelled because of the holiday weekend. Our next scheduled workshop night is August 5, 1993. Each of us should consider topics to discuss that evening. Suggestions that I have at this time are to start a review of the Parks Master Plan or to invite the Community Center Commission to meet jointly with us. IRECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVE TOPIC FOR DISCUSSION FOR WORKSHOP MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1993 (PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: JULY 19, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: PARK EVALUATIONS OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION V. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY:3)�0 NONE Rick Cook will present information relating to park projects. Because of the consistent inclusion of rain in the weather conditions there were drastic changes in completion of the development and maintenance projects. Rick will include a short summary of the work that he and I have coordinated with the Tree Trust program. IRECOMMENDED ACTION: NO ACTION REQUESTED (PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: JULY 19, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: UTILITY COMMISSION MEMBER AGENDA SECTION: FOR ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION VI ATTACHMENTS: NONE I APPROVED BY:� A letter was sent to the Utility Commission inviting them to appoint one of their members to serve on the Erickson Community Square Committee. At the last meeting of the Utility Commission this item was on the agenda, but was tabled due to one of their members not being present. It will again be placed on their agenda in August for consideration and action. (RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: JULY 19, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION I ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE Good communication is taking place between the Community Center Director, Jim Topitzhofer, and the Parks and Recreation Department. Jim is working with his commission to establish policies for the center that relate to reservation fees, priority levels of people applying for reservations, etc. There will be other verbal updates at the committee meeting. IRECOMMENDED ACTION: NO ACTION REQUESTED IPARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: JULY 19, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: BUDGET DISCUSSION NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION II ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY• BUDGET GUIDELINES & INFORMATION This item is being placed on the agenda to give the committee a general summary of the draft of the budgets for the Parks and Recreation Department to this date. We will discuss briefly some of the impacts of staffing as it relates to the areas of additional park facilities coming on line, the Community Center programming, overall general maintenance, the Erickson Community Square plans and schedules, etc. Consideration might be given to this topic for a workshop session as a single issue for a workshop evening. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NO ACTION REQUESTED PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM: FEE(S) COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: JULY 19, 1993 PREPARED BY: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS AGENDA NO.: III IIATTACHMENTS: NONE I APPROVED BY: At the present time adult softball teams are charged a fee of $100.00 to participate in our program. This is broken down into a $75.00 field fee and a $25.00 administrative fee. Adult volleyball teams are also charged a fee for participation in our program that is above the itemized costs of the program. Some of those fees collected from adult softball and adult volleyball are used to pay a portion of the salary of a part time programmer that helps to administer these sports. Adult softball fees pay for 35 % of that salary while adult volleyball pays for 15 % of that person's salary. I have contacted representatives of the RAAA youth sports program and a representative of the Rosemount Softball Association to discuss possible fees that would be charged to their programs to also help off set administrative and facility costs. They are interested in sitting with Parks and Recreation Committee members and myself to discuss this topic. The sharing of planning with the Community Center director included this item. It seems very appropriate that now is a good time for a coordination of typical fee policies that the center will charge with those fees that we feel appropriate. This would be for programming both within and outside of the center. These additional fees could be used to assist with additional services required for facility maintenance. The fees collected could also be used to assist with the salaries of present and/or additional staff required due to the programming our department is being asked to take on in conjunction with the Community Center. Consideration is asked to having two or more of the committee members meet, along with department staff, with RAAA and Rosemount Softball Association representatives to discuss a fee policy. We would discuss amount charged to residents or non-residents, coordination of fee policies with the school district and other cities, etc. RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPOINT TWO MEMBERS OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF RAAA, ROSEMOUNT SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION, AND DEPARTMENT STAFF TO FORMULATE POLICIES RELATING TO FEES FOR THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM: CARROLLTON ADDITION CONCERNS MEETING DATE: JULY 19, 1993 AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION VI ATTACHMENTS: NONE APPROVED BY: 9 I have been contacted by two residents of Carrollton II Addition about parks and trails within their development. This topic relates to the trails along Dodd Road, through the easement within the carrollton addition, and along Shannon Parkway. Park access questions of these residents is of the same nature as their neighbors from within the multiple dwelling area. Communication with these residents indicates their deep concern for obtaining park facilities as close to each of their residences as possible. They also related their interest to work with the department to obtain more play equipment and equipment that blends uses and styles designed for the very young children along with the older children. The next meeting with residents from the multiple dwelling area was postponed until the evening of August 4th at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall. It seems very appropriate that consideration should be given to invite those residents of the Carrollton Addition who contacted me to also join us that evening. This item is meant to serve as general information at this time without any action requested from department staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE MEETING JUNE 15, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Del Lorentzen, Deanna Simpson, Lucy Holzer, John Loch MEMBERS ABSENT: John Howard, Jim Koslowski, Marge Ryan, Lois McKinley, Linda Ladzun GUESTS: Joe Walsh, Kerry Johnson, Dave Bechtold 1► We met in Erickson Park to reassess the area and space designated for the amphitheater and shelter. Bud Osmundson had put up stakes/markers so we could visualize the location of the proposed shelter and amphitheater. Proper grading of the site will be a crucial factor in the success of the project. 2) USPCI application for money. Deanna Simpson will send the application request for $10,000.00 to go toward grading of the project. 3) Kerry Johnson clarified and updated the committee on some design changes that could be made on his proposed office development site next to the park. He will continue to update us and we are working together to coordinate our projects. 4► A formal request by the Parks and Recreation Committee is to be made of the Utilities Commission that a member be appointed from their group to attend our Erickson Community Square meetings. 51 We would like to see if the grading could be done this year and the shelter started some time next year. Dave Bechtold was available to review the succession of steps and events that would need to take place in order to accomplish these goals. Much of it depends on if we get volunteers to donate time and whatever to the project or if we must pay for architects, grading plans, engineers, clean fill, etc. NEXT MEETING DATE: Tuesday, August 17, 1993 (Skip July) Respectfully submitted, Deanna Simpson PLAY EQUIPMENT GENERAL SUMMARY WRITTEN ON JUNE NOTE: / STATUS REPORT 11, 1993 A. Play equipment is a high priority for 1994, and 1995. Equipment that was purchased some ten years ago is either ready for replacement or will be in line for replacement in a few years. B. Timber work around all of the sites needs to be checked and upgraded from time to time. Costs associated with the adding and/or replacement of the play equipment should be construed to include the timber costs (THOSE COSTS INCLUDE STAFF TIME AND/OR TREE TRUST TIME) C. Amount listed in budget requests for equipment (UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED) includes costs of timbers, installation of play equipment, sand or pea rock for under play equipment, handicapped access to equipment, and the actual play equipment. Staff time to prepare the site is not included in the cost. I. BISCAYNE PARK A. Structure 1. wooden 2. good condition 3. equipment is more than (10) years old B. Equipment 1. one slide 2. horizontal ladder 3. tire swing 4. swing set with three seats S. timbers redone by Tree Trust in 1993 C. Suggested Upgrades 1. add metal equipment (about $ 12,000) as budget allows 2. possible replacement of old structure within (4) years' 3. add small basketball area for shooting baskets II. CAMFIELD PARK A. Structure 1. main structure is wooden 2. equipment is in good condition 3. beehive climber is metal ( is at least 10 years old ) 4. structure and other equipment is about (5) years old 5. needs some timber work II. CAMFIELD PARK - continued B. Equipment 1. beehive climber 2. slide 3. horizontal ladder 4. swing set with four seats S. tire swing 6. (2 ) spring riders 7. ( 2 ) volleyball areas 8. backstop and benches with sub -little league area for youth softball, baseball and is used for soccer C. Suggested Upgrades 1. work on timbers around equipment 2. possibly add a few individual items as budget allows 3. look at replacement of main structure within 10 years 4. complete trail through park to State Highway #3 5. add basketball area for shooting baskets III. CHARLIES PARK A. Structure 1. play structures are on school site and shared with city 2. tennis courts were resurfaced about (7) years ago and are in good condition B. Equipment 1. a good variety of play equipment on school section of park 2. (2) tennis courts with high fencing around entire court area C. Suggested Upgrades 1. resurface tennis courts in about five years 2. continue to supply nets for tennis courts IV. CHIPPENDALE PARK A. Structure 1. beehive climber is metal (is at least 10 years old) 2. main structure is wood (is about 5 years old) 3. equipment is in good condition B. Equipment 1. beehive climber 2. swing set with six seats 3. ( 2 ) tire swings 4. (2) slides S. horizontal ladder 6. glide ride 7. basketball area for shooting baskets 8. backstop and benches with sub - little league area for youth softball, baseball, and is used for soccer C. Suggested Upgrades I. work on timbers around equipment 2. dig out old soil and plastic liner; then regrade under equipment and put in new timbers V. CITY HALL (OLD CITY HALL) A. No play equipment structure available at this site B. Backstop and ball field are available to City of Rosemount through agreement with VoTech. Ball field is used for youth and adult softball programming (church leagues, etc..) VI. CONNEMARA PARK A. Structure 1. basic structure is wooden 2. good condition 3. equipment is about ( 5 ) years old B. Equipment 1. ( 2 ) pull up bars 2. (2 ) slides `l 3. tire swing 4. S. swing set with two seats horizontal ladder 6. backstop for little league for youth softball and baseball ��• along with full size soccer field C. Suggested Upgrades 1. add up to $ 15,000 in equipment in 1994 �1 2. upgrade timber work along with new equipment O(� 3. recommend metal equipment that compliments present items 0 4. `T�%', develop area for shooting baskets i Feat PL s s q y �e �., : P -� i;u 4 A-U A t tcro u o A) L y VII. DALLARA PARK A. Structure 1. basic structure is wooden 2. good condition 3. equipment is about ( 5 ) years old B. Equipment 1. small basketball court with (2) baskets 2. ( 2 ) slides 3. ( 2 ) pull up bars 4. tire swing S. swing set with two seats 6. horizontal ladder C. Suggested Upgrades 1. seal coat the basketball court 2. consider timber work upgrades around equipment VIII. ERICKSON PARK A. Structure 1. two individual metal structures 2. good condition 3. equipment is about (5) years old B. Equipment 1. slide 2. swing set with four seats 3. five ball fields with backstops and benches for use in adult softball leagues, youth baseball and softball and one full sized soccer field C. Suggested Upgrades 1. add more equipment away from ball field area 2. add concrete walk when parking lot is paved IX. ERICKSON PARK (FIELD #5 &..FIRE HALL AREA) A. Structure 1. main structures are wooden 2. equipment is in fair condition 3. equipment is more than (10) years old B. Equipment 1. swing set with two seats 2. ( 3 ) climbers 3. log roll 4. tire "bed" C. Suggested Upgrades 1. replace equipment with metal items within next five years 2. amount of equipment seems to be satisfactory for this area X. XI. JAYCEE PARK A. Structure 1. main structures are or metal 2. good condition 3. equipment is less than (5) years old B. Equipment 1. swing set with six seats 2. glide ride 3. ( 3 ) diggers 4. handicapped sand box S. (4) slides 6. (2 ) spring riders 7. monkey bars 8. play phone system 9. ( 2 ) climbers 10. merry-go-round 11. backstop and benches for with two full size soccer ages 13 and under baseball along fields C. Suggested Upgrades 1. maintain facility as is from city funding until other parks can have equipment added and upgraded 2. coordinate shelter programming and equipment with outdoor equipment KIDDER PARK Structure 1. wooden main structure in one area 2. wooden equipment is at least (10) years old 3. wooden equipment is in fair condition 4. wooden main structure in newer equipment S. newer equipment is less than (5) years old 6. newer equipment is in good condition B. Equipment 1. ( 2 ) metal climbers 2. spring rider 3. digger 4. ( 2 ) tire swings S. (2) slides 6. beehive climber 7. swing set with two seats 8. (2 ) climbers 9. backstop and little league field for youth baseball and softball / area is also used for youth soccer C Suggested Upgrades 1. consider up to $ 15,000 for additional equipment in 1994 2. consider replacement of some of the old structure in 1994 XII. XIII. SCHWARZ PARK A. Structure 1. wooden main structure 2. equipment in good condition 3. equipment is about (10) years old C. Equipment 1. swing set with three seats 2. (2 ) slides 3. tire swing 4. walkways D. Suggested Upgrades 1. add up to $ 10,000 in play equipment in 1994 2. look at replacement of main structure in about (5) years 3. consider other additional equipment as park takes on the user role of a "community park". SHANNON PARK A. Structure 1. play equipment belongs to school 2. use of equipment is shared with all of community B. Equipment 1. backstops on five little league fields for youth baseball and softball 2. areas are also used for to provide five soccer fields C. Suggested Upgrades 1. add play equipment to north as park develops 2. consider working with school to add more equipment to their play site XIV. TWIN PUDDLES PARK / A. Structure 1. wooden main structure 2. equipment at least 10 years old 3. equipment in poor condition B. Equipment 1. swing set with two seats 2. slide j^ 3. tire swing 4. structure of walkways QS. backstop for little league youth baseball and softball / Q area is also used for soccer field C Suggested Upgrades 1. replace structure in 1994 (about $ 3,500) 2. add equipment in 1994 (about $ 10,000) A ��p m pN f •ram +Ad,44td,- �L � � c�� s Y Xv. WINDS PARK A. Structure 1. main older structure is wooden 2. newer equipment added was metal 3. wooden equipment in fair condition 4. metal equipment in good condition 5. wooden equipment is at least (10) years old 6. metal equipment is less than (5) years old B. Equipment 1. thunder slide 2. (2 ) tire swings 3. swing set with ( three) seats 4. ( 2 ) spring riders S. slide 6. horizontal ladder 7. backstop on two ball little league fields for youth baseball and softball / area is also used for soccer field C. Suggested Upgrades 1. consider replacement of wooden equipment in about (5) years 2. add play equipment (about $ 15,000) when development takes place to the south of park area CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Aerator Project No.: PIN 94-601 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Planning/Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Add to present equipment — Currently have one Construction Equipment 3,000 Other Other Total Project Costs 3,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Levy 3,000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Improvement Funds 8. Other General Prior Project Requests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program Yes 11. Other General New Program/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project 14. Sanitary Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water Operating Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) Needed for increase in acres of park maintained 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water O erat ng Budget 19. Utility CIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 3,0001 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Phase I Vegatation - Carroll Woods Project No.: PIN 94-602 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Work on prairie restoration — includes seed and labor. Construction Equipment Other 10,000 Other Total Project Costs 10,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Levy 10,000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Improvement Funds B. Other General Prior Project Requests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program Yes 11. Other General New Program/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project Permanent 14. Sanitary Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water Operating Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utility CIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 10,0001 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Phase IIA Vegatation - Carroll Woods Project No.: PIN 94-603 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Planning/Design/Engineering Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Buckthorn irradication, use herbicide and cutting methods. Plant savannah type plants. Continue prairie area development. Construction Equipment Other 10,000 Other Total Project Costs 10,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Levy 10,000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Improvement Funds 8. Other General Prior Project Requests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program Yes 11. Other General New Program/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project Permanent 14, Sanitary Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water Operating Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water Operating Budget 19. Utility CIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 10,000 k• vs- CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Park Shelter - Shannon park Project No.: - PIN 94-604 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construct small shelter (gazebo) at area near fields 2-3-4. Construction 10,000 Equipment Other Other Total Project Costs 10,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Improvement Funds 10,000 6. Other General Prior Project Requests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program Yes 11. Other General New Program/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project 14. Sanitary Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water Operating Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) I � � � �D �qqf v 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Sewer Operating Budget 19. UtilityGIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 10 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Playground Equipment — Connemara Park Project No.: PIN 94-605 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Planning/Design/Engineering Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Add playground equipment to Connemara Park(Original set was $5,000 to get project started) Construction Equipment 10,000 Other Other Total Project Costs 10,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Levy 10,000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Improvement Funds 8. Other General Prior Project Requests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program Yes 11. Other General New Program/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project 14. Sanitary Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water Operating Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) ^ -� 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water Operating Budget 19. Utility CIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 10 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Tree Spade for Skid Steer Loader Project No.: PIN 94-606 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Plan nin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Tree spade for use in nursery area — smaller trees to plant cannot be moved or dug up with the larger tree spade. Nursery stock is at point where it needs to be transplanted. Construction Equipment 10,000 Other Other Total Project Costs 10,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Levy 10,000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Improvement Funds 8. Other General Prior Project Requests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program Yes 11. Other General New Program/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water Operating Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utility CIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 10,000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET i Project Name: Basketball Courts Project No.: PIN 94-607 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Planning/Design/Engineering Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Put free throw lanes with backstops in Biscayne, Connemara, Winds, Camfield & Kidder Parks Construction Equipment Other 12,000 Other Total Project Costs 12,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Levy 12,000 Type of Project: Park Enhancements 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Improvement Funds 8. Other General Prior Project Requests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program No 11. Other General New Program/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project 14. Sanitary Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O erating Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water Operating Budget 19. Utility CIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 12,000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Office Furniture Project No.: PIN 94-608 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Planning/Design/Engineering Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Furniture for present staff and replacement of Parks Programmer(Engineer Tech). Also for added 3/4 time Parks Secretary and 3/4 time Athletic Assistant Programmer. Construction Equipment 15,000 Other Other Total Project Costs 15,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Levy 15,000 Type of Project: Office Furniture 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Improvement Funds 8. Other General Prior Project Requests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program No 11. Other General New Program/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project 14. Sanitary Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water Operatina Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) Needed for staff to work efficiently 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water O erating Budget 19. Utility CIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 15,000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Parking Lot - Erickson Community Square Project No.: PIN 94-609 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Planning/Design/Engineering Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Upgrade and expand parking lot at south end of Erickson Community Square. Construction 20,000 Equipment Other Other Total Project Costs 20,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Levy 20,000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Improvement Funds 8. Other General Prior Project Requests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program Yes 11. Other General New Program/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project 14. Sanitary Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O erating Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utility CIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 20 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Replace & Upgrade Playground Equipment — Kidde Park Project No.: PIN 94-610 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Planning/Design/Engineering Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Replace & upgrade worn out playground equipment (Meet ADA requirements also) Construction Equipment 40,000 Other Other Total Project Costs 40,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Levy 40,000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Improvement Funds 8. Other General Prior Project Requests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program No 11. Other General New Program/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project 14. Sanitary Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water Operating Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water Operating Budget 19. Utility CIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 40,000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Phase II B-C Vegatation - Carroll Woods Project No.: PIN 94-611 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Planning/Design/Engineering Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Method B: Eliminate buckthorn as much as possible/plant shade tolerant shrubs and species. Method C: In areas without much canopy, plant trees adaptable to this environment. Construction 13,500 Equipment 13,500 Other Other Total Project Costs 27,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 27,000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Improvement Funds 8. Other General Prior Project Requests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10, Other General Expansion of Existing Program Yes 11. Other General New Program/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project Permanent 14. Sanitary Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O erating Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water O eratinq Budget 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 27,000 r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Park Shelter - Twin Puddles Project No.: PIN 94-612 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Plan nin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construct small shelter (gazebo). Construction 30,000 Equipment Other Other Total Project Costs 30,0()0 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Levy 30,000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Improvement Funds 8. Other General Prior Project Requests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project 14. Sanitary Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O erating Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) GO 01 t 2 ` I 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water Operating Budget 19. UtilityCIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 30,000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Grading — Erickson Community Square Project No.: PIN 94-613 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ine !ring Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Grading for amphitheater and shaping for concrete work. Construction 35,000 Equipment Other Other Total Project Costs 35,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Levy 35,000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Improvement Funds 8. Other General Prior Project Requests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program Yes 11. Other General New Program/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project 14. Sanitary Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O erating Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water Operating Budget 19. Utility CIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 35,000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Parking Lot — Erickson Park Project No.: PIN 94-614 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Planning/Design/Engineering Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Pave parking lot to decrease dust and prevent erosion. Includes curb and gutter, parking lanes and bumpers. Construction 35,000 Equipment Other Other Total Project Costs 35,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Levy 35,000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Improvement Funds 8. Other General Prior Project Requests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program Yes 11. Other General New Program/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O iet Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) �� I�lf3 � I ^ q� 1 q qO a• a `� l l 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water Operating Budget 19. UtilityCIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 35 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: ADA & Safety Upgrades to Pla ound Equip nt Project No.: PIN 94-615 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Requirements to meet ADA and safety guidelines for playground equipment. This is start of projects to bring parks to higher standards. Construction Equipment 35,000 Other Other Total Project Costs 35,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Levy 35,000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Project Requests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program Yes 11. Other General New Program/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O ep ratin Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water Operating Budget 19. Utility CIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 35,000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET C -0- z7vte-C-e „ M _ A ' to _ . — r-6 Project Name: General Lighting - Shannon Park Project No.: PIN 94-616 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Planning/Design/Engineering Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Lighting for trails and general walking and parking areas Construction 40,000 Equipment Other Other Total Project Costs 40,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Levy 40,000 Type of Project: Construction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Improvement Funds 8. Other General Prior Project Requests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program Yes 11. Other General New Program/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement - Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project 14. Sanitary Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water Operating Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request - 1992 (For 1993) q) 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water Operating Budget 19. Utility CIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 40,000 a CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET ce� f-vq. 4U / .n X A—!. —,e , Project Name: Park Shelter - City Hall Project No.: N 94-617 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs — Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Addition to original shelter concept - Erickson Community Square. Construction 60,000 _Equipment Other Other Total Project Costs 60,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Levy 60,000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Project Requests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project._ 14. Sanitary Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water Operating Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) a f lb Q- ire (� a �0 #t- I � S, 3 ��,��� � v7 T q.3 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water Operating Budget 19. UtilityCIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 60,000 IV ri CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Land — Biscayne/145th Project No.: PIN 94-618 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Planning/Design/Engineering Land 120,000 Project Description (use back for additional information): Addition of new park when development occurs — west of Biscayne and 145th Street. Should be acquired through park dedication. Construction Equipment Other Other Total Project Costs 120,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Land Acquisition 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Improvement Funds 120,000 8. Other General Prior Project Requests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program Yes 11. Other General New Program/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project 14. Sanitary Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water Operating Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water Operating Budget 19. Utility CIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 120,0001 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Land — Carroll Woods Project No.: PIN 94-619 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Planning/Design/Engineering Land 168,000 Project Description (use back for additional information): Acquire land for nature area on north of park to Carroll Woods land for prairie area and location of conservatory Construction Equipment Other Other Total Project Costs 168,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 39,000 Type of Project: Land Acquisition 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Improvement Funds 84,000 8. Other General 45,000 Prior Project Requests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program Yes 11. Other General New Program/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project 14. Sanitary Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water Operating Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utility CIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 168,000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: 6' John Deere Mower Replacement Project No.: PIN 95-605 Department Requesting: Parks & Recreation Project Costs Planning/Design/Engineering Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Rotation of mowers to keep efficiency in place Construction Equi ment 12,000 Other Other Total Project Costs 12,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 5 1 Q U 1 l 1. Assessments 2. General Levy 12,000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Improvement Funds 8. Other General Prior Project Requests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Expansion of Existing Program No 11. Other General New Program/Unit NA 12. Other General Replacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Project 14. Sanitary Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water Operating Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) Q l 17. Sewer Operating Budget 18. Storm Water Operating Budget 19. Utility CIP Funds 20. Other Enterprise 21. Other Enterprise 22. Other Enterprise Total Revenue Sources 12,000 TO IAl. f gc*r���Fy/R�urIDIaf ROSEMOUNT PARKS �` \ FACILITY/BUILDING INVENTORY ���143r0�/S1 FOR 1993 INSURANCE LEAGUE OF N INNESOTA CITIES INSURANCE TRUST PROPERTY LOC. BLDG ADDRESS OF PROPERTY # OF BUILDING OCCUPANCY YEAR BLDG CONTENT NO. NO. STORIES CONST. BUILT AMOUNT AMOUNT 17 17 CAMFIELD PARK 1 WOOD SHELTER 1976 25,000 OPEN 14795 Canada Ave COURT Rosemount MN 55068 TYPE g 18 CHIPPENDALE PARK 1 CONCRETE PARK 1965 25,000 1,000 14876 Chrysler Ave BLOCK WARMING Rosemount MN 55068 HOUSE .9 19 CONNEMARA PARK 1 WOOD SHELTER 1989 20,000 OPEN 13930 Connemara Tr1 t ,O` COURT Rosemount MN 55068 05 { ` 1-5 qp TYPE op '0 20 CONNEMARA PARK 1 WOOD CONTROL 1989 / 5,000 3,662 13930 Connemara Trl BUILDING Rosemount MN 55068 k J 5 e 4'21 ERICKSON PARK 1 WOOD V WARMING 1974 7,000 1,700 14435 Brazil Ave HOUSE Rosemount MN 55068 22 ERICKSON PARK 1 CONCRETE SHELTER 1984 75,000 14115 Brazil Ave BLOCK & SERVING Rosemount MN 55068 WOOD AREA 23 23 JAYCEE PARK 1 WOOD CONTROL 1989 5,000 3,662 15425 Shannon Pkwy BUILDING Rosemount MN 55068•� S s 24 24-� JAYCEE PARK 1 WOOD �J'P'�SHELTER R�1s?9� 1 agl�5 eAa- 6,000 15425 Shannon Pkwy 19 43 Rosemount MN 55068 25 25 RSMT MIDDLE SCHOOL 1 WOOD WARMING 7,500 1,000 3135 143rd St W HOUSE Rosemount MN 55068 26 26 SCHWARZ POND PARK 1 WOOD SHELTER 1983 20,000 OPEN 13787 Dodd Blvd COURT Rosemount MN 55068 TYPE ^7 27 SHANNON PARK 1 WOOD CONTROL 1989 5,000 3,662 13260 Shannon Pkwy BUILDING Rosemount MN 55068 As of 10/13/92 Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARK ADDRESSES AND ACREAGE LISTING OF PARKS FOR 1993 INSURANCE PURPOSES ACRES PARK NA2UJ ADDRESS Undeveloped 10.7 1. BIRGER POND 2420 145TH STREET WEST 3.2 2. BISCA�NF PARK 14795 CANADA AVENUE 3.2 3. CAM�'IELD PARK 3335 142ND STREET WEST 48.0 4. CARROLL'S WOODS 3155 144TH STREET WEST 2.1 S. CHARLIE'S PARK Ch'RYSLER AVENUE 6 CHIPPENDALE PARK14876 13930 CONNEMARA TRAIL 4 ,8 7. CONIZEMARA PARK 4175 147TH STREET WEST 1.1 8. DALLARA PARK 14115 BRAZIL AVENUE 44.0 9. 10. ERICKSON PARK ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE 14435 BRAZIL AVENUE 10.7 14.3 11 JAYCEE PARK 15425 SHANNON PARKWAY 2.2 12. KIDDER PARK 3653 146TH STREET WEST EAST 5.3 13. OLD CITY HALL PARK 1367 145TH STREET PARK 3135 143RD STREET SST 1.0 14. ROSEMOUNT MIDDLE SCHOOL 13787 DODD BOULEVARD 49.0 15. SCHWARZ POND PARK 13260 SHANNON PARKWAY 12.9 16. SHANNON PARK to.Carrolls Woods .1 17.•SHANNON HILLS access 14884 DODD BOULEVARD 5.4 18. TWIN PUDDLES PARK 15675 CHIPPENDALE AVENUE 6.5 19. WINDS PARK LA - IJ61-/NG' - t14L u c,LuD,�D Foy 0 (F 44 a � c((-S)�j Q, rL,e 0 5.e a i (d Ne4 a- v� LUe0 A a'� �•J 8c� r cQ p. 6 insurance.3 ROSEMOUNT PARKS EQUIPMENT INVENTORY FOR 1993 INSURANCE BISCAYNE PARK OTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 2 Picnic Tables (metal) $ 600 1 Swing Set (3 seats) $ _ 900 LR - ivo4 -i m cL 1 Slide $ 800 1 Horizontal Ladder $ 850 1 Tire Swing $ 750 ++ ' 1 New Park Sign (Single -face) $ 600 2 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) N/A 1 Portable Toilet N/A TOTAL - $4,500 CAMFIELD PARK OTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 3 Grills $ 600 4 Picnic Tables (wood) $ 1,200 2 Picnic Tables (metal) $ 600 2 Player Benches (wood) $ 400 1 Night Light $ 800 _ - 7NcL• 1 Beehive Climber $ 1,400 LA- jtOk 1 Slide $ 1,000 •• 1 Horizontal Ladder $ 850 i • . + 1 Backstop (fastpitch) 2,500 i a + • ' 1 New Park Sign (Single -face) _$ $ 600 1 Bleacher (aluminum) $ 850 2 Sets VB Standards Installed $ 500 1 RAAA Box $ 500 1 Light for Ice Rink $ 800 _ 1 Swing Set (4 seats) $ 1,200 L R - / 6 4' (' 1 Tire Swing $ 750 + + 2 Spring Riders $ 700 1 Set Soccer Goals $ 1,500 1 1 Electric Outlet on Backstop N/A 3 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) N/A 1 Portable Toilet N/A TOTAL - $16,750 As of 06/29/93 (1) ROSEMOUNT PARKS EQUIPMENT INVENTORY FOR 1993 INSURANCE CHARLIES PARK OTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 4 Picnic Tables (metal) $ 1,200 3 Grills $ 600 2 Tennis Courts (fenced and set up) $20,000 2 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) N/A i Portable Toilet N/A TOTAL - $21 800 CHIPPENDALE PARK 1 Half Court BB Pole and Backboard L, l - N o 4 _ iA, c L 1 Beehive Climber $ 1,400 t • , • ►. 1 Swing Set (6 seats) $ 1,800 t t t 2 Tire Swings $ 1,500 t t 2 Slides $ 2,400 1 Horizontal Ladder and Structure $ 850 1 Glide Ride $ 1,200 1 Grill 1 New Park Sign (Single -face) $ 600 1 Backstop (large) $�—La _ Nak 1 Bleacher (aluminum) $ 8 p -' 2 Player Benches $ 400 1 RAAA Box $ 700 2 Picnic Tables (metal) $ 600 1 Set Soccer Goals $ 1,500 1 pole, 2 lights, for ice rink 1,600 2 Pull Up Bars $ 300 L A - u o4- - iiv c L. u p.pp 1 Electric Outlet on Backstop N~^ 2 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) N/A 1 Portable Toilet N/A TOTAL - $23 400 CITY HALL QTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 1 Irrigation System $10,000 1 New Park Sign (Single -face) $ 600 2 Picnic Tables (wood) $ 600 TOTAL - $11 200 As of 06/29/93 (2) ROSEMOUNT PARKS EQUIPMENT INVENTORY FOR 1993 INSURANCE CONNEMARA PARK OTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 2 Sets Soccer Goals $ 3,000 1 Backstop with hood (large) $ 3,500 2 Player Benches $ 400 1 RAAA Box $ 700 7 Picnic Tables (wood) $ 2,100 1 Picnic Tables (metal) $ 300 ap 1 Control Building $ 5,000 1 New Park Sign (Single -face) $ 600 1 Light for Ice Rink $ 800 1 Set Volleyball Standards $ 300 1 Wood Bench 2 Pull Up Bars $ 300 A - No{ /N c L 2 Slides $ 2,000 1 Tire Swing $ 750 1 Swing Set (2 seats) $ 600 1 Horizontal Ladder and Structure $ 850 11 , , 1 Irrigation System for 2 soccer fields and 1 ball field $20,000 320' Split Rail Fencer6-0—CA_ Nod - %v GL 1 Portable Toilet N A 2 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) N/A 1 Water Fountain (Drinking) $ 900 TOTAL- ' d 7Ff DALLARA PARK QTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 1 Basketball Court $ 8,000 2 Basketball Poles and Backboard $ 5,000 2 Picnic Tables (metal) $ 600- 2 Slides $ 2'000 L.0jBOR-,von- in�cL 2 Pull Up Bars $ 300 ,, « L(. 1 Tire Swing $ 750 i t L 1 Swing Set (2 seats) $ 600 < < 1 Horizontal Ladder and Structure $ 850 1 1 New Park Sign (Single -face) $ 600 it 1 Portable Toilet 2 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) N/A TOTAL - $18 700 As of 06/29/93 (3) ROSEMOUNT PARKS EQUIPMENT INVENTORY FOR 1993 INSURANCE ERICKSON PARK - SHELTER (FIELDS #1, #2, #3) OTTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 6 Bleachers (aluminum) $ 5,100 4 Players Benches (steel/rubber) $ 2,400 4 Players Benches (wood) $ 800 8 Picnic Tables (wood) $ 2,400 2 Picnic Tables (metal) $ 600 2 Refrigerators $ 300 1 Freezer $ 150 1 Stove $ 200 3 Pitchers Rubbers $ 60 3 Home Plates $ 195 2 Retaining walls w/ metal handrails $ 30,000 3 Sets of bases $ 390 3 Backstops and Outfield Fences (8') $ 42,000 3 Field Lighting $120,000 3 Irrigated Fields $ 30,000 1 Irrigation of Slopes (#l, #2) $ 10,000 1 Light in Parking Lot from Fields $ 750 1 Slide $ 1,200 L,A - Nof- 1 Swing Set (4 seats) $ 1,200 << �u 1 Set Volleyball Standards $ 300 14 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) N/A 1 Water Fountain (Drinking) $ 900 TOTAL - �24R 94 ERICKSON PARK - SOCCER FIELD OTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 1 Set Soccer Goals $ 1,200 1 Irrigated Field $10,000 2 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) N/A TOTAL - $11 200 As of 06/29/93 (4) ROSEMOUNT PARKS EQUIPMENT INVENTORY FOR 1993 INSURANCE ERICKSON PARK - FIELD #4 QTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 1 Irrigated Field $10,000 1 Backstop and Outfield Fence (10') $14,000 2 Players Benches (wood) $ 400 1 Bleacher (aluminum) $ 850 1 Set bases $ 130 1 Pitchers rubber $ 20 1 Home plate $ 65 2 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) N/A 1 Portable Toilet N/A TOTAL - $25 465 ERICKSON PARK - FIELD #5 QTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 1 Set Bases $ 130 1 Pitchers Rubber $ 20 1 Home Plate $ 65 1 Swing Set (2 seats) 750 L 6 - 141 L 3 Climbers $ 500 v 1 Log Roll $ 500 it 1 Tire "Bed" $ 250 1' � 1 Bleacher (aluminum) 850 1 Players Bench (wood) $ 200 1 Backstop and Outfield Fence (10') $14,000 1 Irrigation for field $10,000 1 Picnic Table (metal) $ 300 1 Portable Toilet N/A 2 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) N/A TOTAL - $27 565 As of 06/29/93 (5) ROSEMOUNT PARKS EQUIPMENT INVENTORY FOR 1993 INSURANCE ERICKSON PARK - SKATING RINK AREA OTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 2 Hockey Rinks $20,000 2 Sets of Broomball goals $ 1,400 ©1 Warming House $ 7,000 1 Warming House (storage) $ 3,500 Rink Lights (3 pole system) $32,000 3 Sets Archery Bale Targets $ 250 2 Set of Hockey Goals $ 1,200 2 Set Hockey Nets $ 800 2 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) N/A 1 Portable Toilet N/A TOTAL - $66 150 ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE - FLOWER GARDEN OTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 1 Irrigation System $3,500 1 New Park Sign (Single -face) $ 600 2 Picnic Tables (wood) $ 600 1 Bench and Trellis $1,500 1 Arbor $2,500 TOTAL - _ $8,700 As of 06/29/93 (6) ROSEMOUNT PARKS EQUIPMENT INVENTORY FOR 1993 INSURANCE JAYCEE PARK OTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 2 Irrigated Soccer Fields $25,000 1 Irrigated Baseball Field $15,000 1 Fenced Baseball Field $20,000 2 Sets Soccer Goals $ 3,000 1 Material for timberwall around playground equipment $ 7,500 1 Swing Set (6 seats) 1,800 L- A - No —'iNcL 1 Glide Ride $ 1,200 3 Diggers $ 1,050 ► i 1 Handicapped Sandbox $ 700 i ► 4 Slides $ 4,000 ►+ „ 2 Spring Riders $ 700 ►i , it 1 Monkey Bars $ 800 i ► ,► 1 Play Phone $ 500 ► ► +� 2 Climbers $ 1,000 t I u ► ► 1 Merry -Go -Round $ 950 t ► < ► ► 1 New Park Sign (Single -face) 600 2 Benches (wood) $ 900 3 Picnic Tables (metal) $ 900 1 Picnic Table (wood) $ 300 2 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) N/A 1 if Portable Toilet Park Shelter N/A $128,000 1 Water Fountain (Drinking) $ 900 TOTAL - $215.320 As of 06/29/93 (7) ROSEMOUNT PARKS EQUIPMENT INVENTORY FOR 1993 INSURANCE KIDDER PARK OTTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 2 Green Climbers $ 1,000 t. A_ ti a — i ,v c L 1 Spring Rider $ 350 1 Digger $ 350 2 Tire Swings $ 1,500 2 Slides $ 2,000 t ` ► 1 Beehive Climber $ 1,400 1 Swing Set (2 seats) $ 600 , 2 Climbers S 1.000 t � 1 Picnic Table (metal) $ 300 1 RAAA Box $ 700 _ 1 Backstop $ 2,500 LA ^' c,L 2 Player Benches (wood) _ $ 00 1 New Park Sign (Single -face) $ 600 1 Set Soccer Goals $ 1,500 4 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) N/A 1 Portable Toilet N/A TOTAL - _ $14 200 As of 06/29/93 (g) ROSEMOUNT PARKS EQUIPMENT INVENTORY FOR 1993 INSURANCE OLD CITY HALL OTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 1 Backstop $ 5,000 1 Outfield Fence (4' High) $ 5,000 2 Player Benches (wood) $ 400 1 RAAA Box $ 700 1 Bleacher (wood) $ 800 1 Set Bases $ 130 1 Home Plate $ 65 1 Pitching Rubber $ 20 1 Tire Swing $ 750 1 Climber $ 850 t 2 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) 1 Portable Toilet N/A TOTAL - $13 715 SCHWARZ PARK OTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 1 Swing Set (3 seats) $ 900 L 14 - N ok - i ,U c C 2 Slides $ 1,300 << < < 1 1 Tire Swing $ 350 I < < I 1 Structure of Walkways $ 750 << 1 New Park Sign (Single -face) 600 5 Picnic Tables (wood) $ 1,500 3 Picnic Tables (metal) $ 900 3 Grills $ 800 1 Bridge Over Pond $15,000 1 Set Volleyball Standards $ 300 3200' Split Rail Fence $22,400 3 12' Farm Gates $ 4,500 6 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) N/A 2 Portable Toilet (1 Handicap, 1 Reg) N/A TOTAL - As of 06/29/93 (9) ROSEMOUNT PARKS EQUIPMENT INVENTORY FOR 1993 INSURANCE SHANNON PARK OTYEQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 5 Backstops w/ Infield Fence & Hoods $12,500 1 Irrigation System for 6 Fields $70,000 5 RAAA Boxes $ 3,500 10 Player Benches (aluminum) $ 4,000 6 Sets Soccer goals $ 9,000 1 New Park Sign (Single -face) $ 600 5 Sets of bases $ 650 5 Homeplates $ 325 10 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) N/A 2 Portable Toilets N/A TOTAL - _ _ $100 575 TWIN PUDDLES - NORTH QTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 1 Backstop $ 2,500 2 Player Benches (wood) $ 400 2 Sets Soccer Goals $ 3,000 1 RA.AA box $ 700 1 12' Farm Gate $ 1,500 1 Portable Toilet N/A 2 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) N/A TOTAL- !tR inn TWIN PUDDLES - SOUTH QTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 2 Picnic Tables (metal) $ 600 1 New Park Sign (Single -face) $ 600 1 Swing Set (2 seats) ,Vo YN,_L 1 Slide $ 1,200 ttt i( 1 Tire Swing $ 750 ' ► I ci 1 Structures and Walkways $ 800 t c 2 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) TOTAL - Sd 55n As of 06/29/93 (10) ROSEMOUNT PARKS EQUIPMENT INVENTORY FOR 1993 INSURANCE WINDS PARK OTY EQUIPMENT VALUE TOTAL 2 Bleachers (aluminum) $ 1,700 2 Backstops (regular) $ 4,000 4 Players Benches (wood) $ 8,000 2 RAAA boxes $ 1,400 1 Set Soccer Goals $ 1,500 1 Thunder side 1,500 L A At-+ 2 Tire Swings $ 1,500 ti 1 Swing Sets (3 seats) $ 900 2 Spring Riders $ 700 �� ►► 1 Slide $ 800 it 1 Horizontal Ladder and Structure 850 1 Grill �$ $ 200 4 Picnic Tables (metal) $ 1,200 1 New Park Sign (Single -face) $ 600 1 Light for Skating $ 800 1 Electric Outlet on Backstop N/A 4 K-Carts (90 Gal. Trash Container) N/A 1 Portable Toilet N/A TOTAL - $25 650 �(S R1m�k ?66,S4S m� By I I j ,'^J 5 ( b�/ a a As of 06/29/93 (11) Krep!ns Up July 1993 Someone Is Polluting Our City / Lakes And Creeks . . And It May BeYou.1 Thi l article was copied from the. You live within the watersheds of MN. Recreation and Parks newsletter of Minneapolis' lakes and creeks. That this week. means that every time it rains — every time you sprinkle your lawn—everytim�he. information that it includes is you wash your car — water carries a p p r op r i a t e for all of u s.e to be materials from your grass, sidewalk, concerned with. Department staff work to driveway and gutter into our city's storm adher e to these and other procedures that sewers. Everything that enters this systems i 11 prevent pollution within our park flows, un-treated, directly into one of the system . lakes or creeks or the Mississippi River. Anything that is left in the street or a Parking lot will wash to the nearest waterway and end up on the shoreline. Animal excrement, leaves, grass clippings, automobile discharges, sand and salt, cigarette butts, fertilizers, 16 pesticides, and other unfriendly materials have put our water under considerable Polluting stress. Over time, the effects of these Continued from page 6 materials could be devastating. Please join us in our effort to make sure we are not 1 the last generation to enjoy our precious Choose a lawn fertilizer that has a natural resources. The following tips minimum of phosphorus level, as explain how everyone can help keep our i phosphorus that enters the waterways waterways clean and healthy. Interested leads ��� residents can pick up a brochure in .Limit ]awn fertilizer treatments. In most Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board cases, springapplications are not neces- Centers and Minneapolis Public Libraries nary particularly if you fall -fertilized and beginning June 1 that describes how we left grass clippings on the lawn. all can work together to preserve our city ' If you hire a lawn service, insist they use a waters. Tips For Preserving Our City Waters: • Do not rake or blow grass, weeds, or leaves into your street gutter. These materials release large amounts of phosphorus as they decompose. Leave grass clippings on your lawn or add them to your compost pile. • Clean up animal excrement immediately from your lawn, sidewalk or gutter or J whereever you take your pet for a walk Do not dispose of it in the storm sewer. • Clean up oil, anti -freeze, and other auto fluids from your driveway, alley or street immediately after spilling. • Pick up garbage you see in the street including cans, papers, styrofoam cups and containers, and cigarette butts. • Sweep your sidewalk and driveway regularly and put the sweepings in your trash or compost, not the street gutter! Continued on page 16 Polluting minimum phosphorus fertilizer, apply as few fertilizer treatments as possible and apply weed killers only to trouble spots, not the entire lawn. Make sure they apply their treatments only to the lawn, and do not spill onto the sidewalk or driveway. • Do not apply fertilizer or pesticides on rainy or windy days when they are most likely to end up in the air or eventually the storm sewers. • Keep a healthy perspective. A perfect lawn does not look as nice if it is hurting the lakes, creeks or river. Do what you can to help. Be sure to praise your neighbors for doing the same. This project is sponsored by SWIM (Save the Waters in Minneapolis) a coalition of concerned citizens assisted by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, the Minneapolis Environmental Commission and Target. Editor's Note: Although the above was written about and circulated in Minneapolis, the same kind ofpollution problems occur in all other cities and so do the corrective tips for preserving our surface water quality. i ) )u}y 1993 K:opinb Up NRPA Park, Recreation, and Open Space Standards Being Revised By Jeff Schoenbauer, Open Space Standards ommittee, Vice President of Brauer & Associates, Ltd. The Open Space Standards Commit- tee, chaired by James D. Mertes, Texas Tech University, held its first of a series of meetings, relative to updating the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Standards, in Champaign, Illinois. The focus of the meeting was to determine the effectiveness of the current standards, understand their limitations, and outline new standards in light of contemporary park and recreation needs. As perhaps anticipated by many MRPA members, the team found the current standards to be outdated and, in some cases, irrelevant. This is especially true with respect to acres/1000 popula- tion ratios, which were found to be over- emphasized determinants of a community's park and recreation needs. The new standards will emphasize a systems approach to park system plan- ning, with local -level needs assessments and demand projections being the primary determinants in planning and developing individual park systems- Also key to the systems approach is emphasis on linking components together to create a cohesive system of parks, recreation, and urban spaces. Integral to the new standards will be the overhaul of the current classifications for parks. Greater emphasis will placed on the joint use of facilities (park and school), greenways, athletic complexes, natural resource areas, private enter- prises, historic/cultural/social areas, and preservation of open space and natural landscapes. Greater emphasis will be placed on the role of neighborhood parks, as well. Trails will also get much more attention than in the past, with an entirely new classification system being proposed. Emphasis in this case will be placed on the recreational value of one type of trail versus another and how these trails are integral to the systems approach to planning. Inver Grove Heights and Lino Lakes trail system plans served as the models in this regard. Primary trail classifications under consideration include park trails, transportation trails, This article was copied from the MN. Recreation and Parks newsletter of this week. Note that Jeff Schoenbauer is the author. He and his firm were our consultants for our Parks System Master Plan development. His comments during the development of our plan did relate to standards in parks that were changing and that he would be involved in the national committee working with these standards. This article is being included as general information that we need to be aware of when making use of our master plan. Changes in standards would be a direct part of our evaluation, updating, and use of the master plan. Our plan is a "concept" plan and although he, Mr. Schoenbauer, feels some of the standards may change we do have a very valid plan to use in that "concept" aspect. Development is continuing and our plan will need to be used as a base for decisions that may need to be made. and bike routes/lanes. Cross-country, I horse, and canoe trails are also under consideration. The intent is to complete the new standards document in time for release at the 1994 NRPA Congress in Minneapolis. The team is currently working on the draft document, with additional team meetings tentatively scheduled for next October and January. In the interim, I recommend that you do not rely too heavily on the current standards in your planning efforts. If MRPA members have questions about how the new standards will impact their planning efforts, please feel free to contact me directly. This is particularly true with respect to park and trail classifications, of which I am currently writing the draft. Assuming the team can complete individual writing assignments on time, I am hopeful that I can present the draft document at the MRPA conference this fall. In the interim, I can be reached at 832- 9475 to discuss any questions you may have about the new standards antheir efforts. ootential impact on y planning g June 23, 1993 To: Lisa Freese, City Planner Dave Bechtold, Park and Rec. Director From: Sheila Klassen, Councilmember/J ��_ Re: R-3 Zoning and Park Space Lisa and Dave, as we spoke awhile back, I am writing this memo to express concerns that I have in regard to adequate park/open space given to multi -family housing units whether they are subsidized or not. I know in the past some discussion has been given to this subject but it seems to me as of yet we are still requiring too little space for this type of housing. 1 admit the realization of this came to me while working with the RAP representatives from Rosemount Green in their request for a playground area to service the concentrated population of children in the complexes bordering 145th St., Shannon Pkwy., and Dodd Road, but I can see where this could also be applied to any multi-family.buil ding such as CIVIC is proposing for their development. Also, 1 think landscaping requirements could be enhanced to allow for more green space, trees, shrubs and gardens to help mitigate the expanse of parking area needed for such buildings, to give the area a softer, more humanistic atmosphere. I believe such adjustments will only add to the quality of life this City strives to maintain. I hope these concerns will be discussed during any review of plans or perhaps considered as possible revisions of current policies. if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 423-4391. cc: Council City Administrator Planning Commission Park and Rec. Commission PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING• COMPLETED BY: MAILING INCLUDED: �� t ;' +t... � minutes for 'V ", y o �-7� / meeting. (Committee) (Date) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for meeting. (Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) John Howard Jerry Puciaty Scott Rynerson Tom Reller Deanna Simpson Dave Giliuson Linda Ladzun ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* Del Lorentzen Cathy Busho Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Parks Staff Linda Ladzun (Parks and Rec Committee) Deanna Simpson (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* Marie Jensen Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting Loretta Loesch Ron Pederson Joel Sutter Parks Staff Rick Cook (Parks Supervisor) Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) Dave Bechtold �- Lisa Jost Rick Cook Park Staff Kerry Budinger Jane Mollman Lacelle Cordes Wendy Foreman ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (29 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (6) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police ----j Community Center Manager City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) #/ OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: chk1stpr.2 as of 4-1-93 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: ( . 5�nq� COMPLETED BY: MAILING INCLUDED: minutes fo . meeting. �o (Committee) 4a Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for meeting. (Date Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) `. John Howard _ Jerry Puciaty Scott Rynerson Tom Reller Deanna Simpson Dave Giliuson Linda Ladzun ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* Del Lorentzen Cathy Busho _ Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan ~ Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Parks Staff Linda Ladzun (Parks and Rec Committee) Deanna Simpson (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (,copies)* -'- Marie Jensen Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting Loretta Loesch Ren-Ped"sQn Joel Sutter Parks Staff Rick Cook (Parks Supervisor) Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) Dave Bechtold Lisa Jost Rick Cook Park Staff Kerry Budinger Jane Mollman Laceile Cordes Wendy Foreman ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (29 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (6) �^ Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police Community Center Manager City Council & Attorney (6) e Planning Commission (5) -� Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: chk1stpr.2 as of 4-1-93 ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE MEETING JUNE 15, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Del Lorentzen, Deanna Simpson, Lucy Holzer, John Loch MEMBERS ABSENT: John Howard, Jim Koslowski, Marge Ryan, Lois McKinley, Linda Ladzun GUESTS: Joe Walsh, Kerry Johnson, Dave Bechtold 1) We met in Erickson Park to reassess the area and space designated for the amphitheater and shelter. Bud Osmundson had put up stakes/markers so we could visualize the location of the proposed shelter and amphitheater. Proper grading of the site will be a crucial factor in the success of the project. 21 USPCI application for money. Deanna Simpson will send the application request for $10,000.00 to go toward grading of the project. 3) Kerry Johnson clarified and updated the committee on some design changes that could be made on his proposed office development site next to the park. He will continue to update us and we are working together to coordinate our projects. 4) A formal request by the Parks and Recreation Committee is to be made of the Utilities Commission that a member be appointed from their group to attend our Erickson Community Square meetings. 5) We would like to see if the grading could be done this year and the shelter started some time next year. Dave Bechtold was available to review the succession of steps and events that would need to take place in order to accomplish these goals. Much of it depends on if we get volunteers to donate time and whatever to the project or if we must pay for architects, grading plans, engineers, clean fill, etc. NEXT MEETING DATE: Tuesday, August 17, 1993 (Skip July) Respectfully submitted, Deanna Simpson