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PHONE (612) 423-4411 FAX (612) 423-5203 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: DATE: PLACE: TIME: AGENDA: I. II. III. IV. (i).iiy of Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS MAYOR Edward B. McMenomy COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James (Red) Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION AUGUST 11, 1993 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 16, 1993 AUGUST 16, 1993 JAYCEE PARR SHELTER 7:30 P.M. CALL MEETING TO ORDER ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA APPROVE MINUTES OF THE JULY 19, 1993 MEETING AUDIENCE INPUT OLD BUSINESS• I. RAAA UPDATE II. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE III. WORKSHOP MEETING FOR SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 NEW BUSINESS• I. PARK DEDICATION CARLSON PROPERTIES II. PARK DEDICATION KERRY JOHNSON PROPERTIES III. PARK DEDICATION CMC PROPERTIES IV. PARK DEDICATION BUSINESS PARK V. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT VI. DIRECTOR'S REPORT VII. ADJOURNMENT (Sverylkings Cooming (Up 0?osemound.11 `� recyC,ed paper PARRS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 16, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deanna Simpson, Linda Ladzun, Scott Rynerson, Tom Reller, Dave Giliuson, John Howard STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation; Rick Cook, Parks Supervisor; Mark Joosten, Parks Department; Lisa Jost, Assistant Director Parks and Recreation MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Puciaty CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7:35 p.m. by chairman, Scott Rynerson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF THE JULY 19, 1993 MINUTES: MOTION by Dave Giliuson to accept the minutes of the July 19, 1993 meeting as written. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: Cathy Busho extended her appreciation to the Parks and Recreation staff for their help and efforts during Leprechaun Days. Cathy listed the recreation events coordinated by Jane Mollman that are ran during Leprechaun Days and noted other areas city staff helped out during the city celebration. City staff and community volunteers did a good job of making the 4 day celebration a success. Dave Bechtold asked who will be the 1994 Leprechaun Days chairperson. No one has been appointed to this position at this time. Cathy Busho was the 1993 Leprechaun Days chairperson. I. RAAA UPDATE: Director Dave Bechtold stated the annual golf tournament at Valleywood Golf Course was held on August 6, 1993. There were 84 entries. RAAA board members will be involved in the process of setting fee structures and fee policy for charging non-resident fees. Rich Lonnquist wanted to come to commend the staff for their efforts, but will do it at a different time. Dave Giliuson gave his appreciation to the parks staff for all of their help in the rainy weather and for a job well done during the first annual RAAA baseball tournament on July 31 through August 1 for the Class B teams. Coaches complimented the facility. It was a very successful weekend and again, thanks to the crew. II. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Mike Busho was selected to be the president of the Carrolls Woods subcommittee, and Loretta Loesch is the secretary. Dave Giliuson reviewed an itemized list of expenditures totaling the amount of $15,000.00: 1) Trail groomer to groom both woodchips and lime rock, $6,563.59; 2) 300 tons of limestone/rock PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING August 16, 1993 Page 2 (1993), $1,725.00; 3) 300 tons of limestone/rock earmarked for future work, $1,725.00; 4) 2 brush cutters, $1,000.00; 5) Herbicide application(s), $50.00; 6) Encumber balance of funds and earmark for expenses such as timbers, part-time wages, rental equipment, signage, etc., $3,936.41. Much discussion followed regarding the particular area of the trail starting from the hockey rinks and asphalt trail and goes south and then curves west (first part of the Halloween Trail) to the second major junction on the trail. Dan Belting stated this area of the trail system is a deviation from the concept of the master plan. The master plan states that this trail should be eliminated because of steep grade, etc. The "etc." could mean the trail is too soft. Maintenance vehicles have gotten stuck in this trail. Discussion followed that the location at which the lime rock would stop gives the flexibility of the trail either continuing west or in another direction (north/northeast) which follows the master plan concept. Either direction would allow trail to develop and connect with the S.E. access point to the Carrollton Development. Trail work with lime stone is needed for present and future construction and general maintenance. The trail would begin at the hockey rink area to the present devils pit area. The subcommittee needs to look at signage. Issues discussed about the upgrade of the mentioned trail section follows: 1) It was understood that support of why the concept in the master plan would be deviated from needs to be identified. It seems to be the biggest trouble spot in the whole system. The section would need to be used for maintenance vehicles. 2) Rick Cook and Dan Belting said if the trail is changed from woodchips to lime rock that 4' to 6 ' of the woodchip trail has to be taken out. Rick received a quote of $14,000 for all of the halloween trail. The subcommittee decided it was too much and came up with only doing a part of the trail. 3) Loretta Loesch stated that the people didn't want a thoroughfare and we still can curve the trail if need be. 4) An 8' lime rock trail would be put in. 5) Links off of this section could be discussed and evaluated at a later date. Tom Reller MOTIONED to maintain the existing trail with lime rock from the hockey rink to the present devils pit. John Howard SECONDED the motion. Ayes:6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Dan Belting said if we could get the Tree Trust crew to help there could be a lot done (for less money). The Tree Trust can rake out the lime rock. City staff would need to pile limestone in sections of the trail. Upon approval of the Parks and Recreation Committee, the proposed project (with plan) would be presented at the September 7th City Council Meeting. The project would be done this year if possible. Dave Giliuson made the MOTION that we take the request to the City Council; the $15,000.00 to be used for Carrolls Woods as itemized PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING August 16, 1993 Page 3 from encumbered account #202-24415 to be used for the trail project in Carrolls Wood. Scott Rynerson SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Tom Reller MOTIONED to support the alterations of the master parks concept plan. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Discussion followed confirming that this request was valid because of the need for maintenance vehicles to be on the trail, need a trail to pass the lowland area when it is developed, and the stopping point still allows the trail to go west or north of which the latter follows the master plan. III. WORKSHOP MEETING FOR SEPTEMBER 2, 1993: Scott Rynerson suggested reviewing the Parks Master Plan. Director Dave Bechtold commented that an evaluation of the master plan can take place at the next meeting. The topic will be to organize and develop a process to do the evaluating. I. PARR DEDICATION CARLSON PROPERTIES: This area is by McDonalds south of County Road 42. A concept site plan was distributed. Director Dave Bechtold stated that discussion of the commercial park dedication fee needed to take place. Scott inquired what the anticipated (cash) park dedication would be. Director Dave Bechtold said the formula is industrial with an estimated acreage of 9.094 (acres). 5% X total land of development at $22,000.00 per acre. Deanna Simpson MOTIONED to recommend cash as park dedication in the Carlson development property. (Discussion referred that consideration may want to be given for overhead passes.) Trail aspects within the development is the developers responsibility. Linda Ladzun SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. II. PARR DEDICATION BERRY JOHNSON PROPERTIES: Discussion took place in reviewing the park dedication for this commercial development. Scott Rynerson asked how the cash dedication would correspond with the land they (Kerry Johnson) needs. The land Mr. Johnson needs to provide to allow for his proposal to continue should not be a part of the park dedication. This refers to the land and dollars needed to put in the trails, landscaping, and parking areas on the north of his property. This was agreed to be done from the onset of this proposed project. The park dedication should be considered as a separate item from this required land and/or the development costs of present park land to allow his proposal to work. John Howard made the MOTION that we accept the cash dedication on the Kerry Johnson property. Linda Ladzun SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING August 16, 1993 Page 4 III. PARR DEDICATION CMC PROPERTIES: Director Dave Bechtold said no detailed plan was on the table, only a similar concept plan as they presented to us some time ago. The developer has gone along with the trail loops to 145th Street to County Road 42 and along Biscayne Avenue at the developers expense. The developer agrees that the park will be a mini -park and will be developed (or designed) on a semi -passive to passive concept. Director Dave Bechtold said the Developer is proposing to develop the industrial/commercial area as a mini -mall which is in the southwest corner of the property. Land has to be specifically identified for this purpose. Linda Ladzun MOTIONED to accept cash dedication for the industrial/commercial part of the CMC property only. Scott Rynerson SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. IV. PARR DEDICATION BUSINESS PARR: Director Dave Bechtold explained that there are plans to complete the Business Park in phases. Phase I is 80 acres south of County Road 42 as shown on the map distributed to :Parks and Recreation committee members. Director Dave Bechtold commented that it was preferred to take cash dedication in Phase I of the industrial/commercial development. Director Dave Bechtold commented that there were some questions regarding holding pond issues, but felt these ponds could be used for public use. Internal walkways and bike paths would be a part of the developers design plans. Cathy Busho of the Planning commission stated that we need to consider the open space in this business park, but it does seem appropriate that the first phase could take place with cash dedication. Next phases would consider the non -park open spaces in greater detail in conjunction with utility ponding, etc. Scott Rynerson MOTIONED to accept cash dedication for Phase I of the Business Park for park dedication. Dave Giliuson SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. V. CHAIRPERSONS REPORT: SCOTT RYNERSON - Inquired why "draft" copies were being sent. Director Dave Bechtold said the minutes are considered "drafts" until they are officially approved and then they should be delivered with the next meetings agenda and information. JOHN HOWARD: Parks and Recreation Committee members are invited to work at the Renaissance Festival. The Chamber of Commerce took a booth to raise money for Erickson Community Square. The costumes are provided. Dates available over Labor Day weekend. Call John if interested. LINDA LADZUN: Community Center Commission has some fee schedules planned. Working on the Auditorium now, which will be more PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING August 16, 1993 Page 5 difficult to book. Student representative, John Ryan, will b replaced. John is going to college and can no longer serve on the commission. e DEANNA SIMPSON: Edging was purchased and placed in the community garden. Edging it upga de and will, as put n Merrills flower bed which helped spruce path from the Arbor to 1 5�th Street needs to bemake maintenance a lstrai easier. The need help from city staff to remove sod and moving some of the trail east. Deanna, Gerry Hill, John and Ann Loch dug a trench from Corcoran's fence to the city hall parking lot. The trench was filled with 6 ml. poly and rock. The first rain the trench worked well. Th next heavy rain the rock trench didn't work quite as well• $100.00. Discussion took place about possible signage asking people not t Pick the flowers or some wayo flowers for the personal enjoyment. discourage people confirmed whet her people from picking a sign would be put in. This could possibly take place with ark sign when it is designed along with other park signs. P TOM RELLER: None. DAVE GILIUSON: None. VI. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Parks and Recreation Committee timesheets were distributed. Director Dave Bechtold requested that timesheets be returned by Friday, August 20, 1993. Picnic table shelter locations were discussed. table shelters will be installed at Winds Crossing, Schwarz Pond and Twin Puddles Parks this fall. 2 Posted te install a Committee members agreed to Picnic table/shelter at Jaycee park if an a location could be chosen. Each 2 posted table/shelterlais approximately $1,000.00. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Linda Ladzun to adjourn the meeting at 9:07 P.m. Tom Reller SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Jost, Assistant Director Parks and Recreation (Pity of (O?osemouni PHONE (612) 423-4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 423-5203 Mailing Address: Edward B. McMenomy P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James (Red) Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS Stephan Jilk FROM: LISA JOST, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECRE TION DATE: AUGUST 11, 1993 RE: EXECUTIVE SUMMARIES FOR PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 16, 1993 Dave is out of the office this week with back pain. The executive summaries will be completed and handed out at the August 16, 1993 meeting. 6vertylkings (Pouring (Up ()?osemoun1P %J recycled paver CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE MEETING July 19, 1993 Jaycee Park Shelter Members Attending: Loretta Loesch, Mike Busho, Dave Giliuson, Rick Cook, Mark Joosten, and Dave Bechtold The main topic was how to allocate the funds that our committee will be requesting to transfer within the Parks and Recreation CIP ($15,000). Rick showed us a video of a trail groomer and brush hog. We discussed these, as well as brush trimmers, part-time help and lime rock trails for the low areas on the Halloween trail, as well as the entire path. Approximate prices were discussed as well as recommendations from Rick and Mark. We decided that Mike Busho would submit a request for funds from the USPCI account for the trail groomer. Rick will get exact costs for both options on the limerock path. That is to have it hauled and put in place or to just have it hauled and to have our crew put it in place. The committee will meet again on August 16, 1993 at 6:30 p.m. and put a package together to submit to the City Council. Dave Giliuson Proposed Development 1. Concepted Site Plan i{i IC�Q. .ya i S% t lu SITE AND BUII_DING DATA SQUARC FEET REQUIRED PROVIDED PARS1?4G .PARXD4G Grocery Anchor 25.000 Groccr7 E.;.—on 15.000 Puking Roquind L 6J 1000 Puking ProvW&d Rmil 17.000 Pubng Required al 511000 Puking Provided Drug AncW 10.000 Pubng Required ar 511000 Pubng Provided TOTALS 67.000 Oul10f A Building 1.330 Ouch A Parting Ouch B Building 3.600 Ows.( B Parbng OVERALL TOTAL. 72,130 TOTAL SITE AREA INCLUDING OU'rLOTS HARD SURFACE COVERAGE INCLUDING OUTLOTS GREEN SPACE INCLUDING OUTLOTS S. J\ ' w w w ■ Z-0 2+0 a u 50 S73 375 , a n aw f4" M310 SQ, FT. 100% 5a.000 W. FT. T i% 62-310 SQ. FT. 17-5% D fil /r 1M SN MEMORANDUM ENGINEERS •ARCHITECTS 8 PLANNERS ^ 535 VADNAIS CENTER DRIVE, ST PAUL, MINNESOTA 55110 612 490-2000 TO: Rosemount Port Authority Chairperson Dunn Commissioners: Anderson, Edwards, Mawe, McMenemy, Sinnwell and Wippermann FROM: David F. Simons, P.E. DATE: January 13,1993 RE: Rosemount, Minnesota Business Park Concept Plan - Section 32 SEH File No: 93164 On November 3, 1992 the Rosemount Port Authority authorized the preparation of a Business Park Concept Plan for Section 32 of the City of Rosemount. The purpose of this memorandum is to update the Port Authority on the progress we have made so far on the concept plan, and to solicit input from the Port Authority. Goals and Requirements We understand that the Port Authority's overall goal is to increase economic development in Rosemount by providing a Business Park near the downtown area which would be readily available for development. Additionally, the Business Park would have the following qualities and/or requirements: • Provide additional customers to existing businesses in this area of the community. • Develop a high quality/high amenity site, especially along CSAH 42. Utilize the natural topography to improve the aesthetics of the site. • Develop a site which contains a variety of lot sizes which would appeal to a wider variety of potential developers. • Include a transition of land uses from "high quality" on the north to the existing land uses on the south. • Provide a site with a "business campus" or "industrial campus" feel rather than the "old fashioned industrial park" look. • Develop a plan that is consistent with the Comprehensive Guide Plan and compatible with the development on the CMC property to the north and the U of M property to the east. -CRT ELUOTT 57 PAUL NDRICKSON INC MINNESOM CHIPPEWA FALLS, WISCONSIN Memorandum January 13, 1993 Page 2 Since November 3, 1992 we have been meeting with City staff on a regular basis to develop a plan that would include as many of the above qualities as possible. We have contacted agencies such as Mn/DOT, C.P. Rail System, and Dakota County regarding roadway access issues. Also, because there are wetlands on the site, we have contacted the Army Corps of Engineers and Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District for their input. In addition, we have contacted representatives of the CMC property to the north and the University property to the east regarding their future land use plans. One of the first tasks involved in developing the concept plan was to perform hydraulic modeling to determine how much of the site would be required for storage of storm water. This was completed prior to other work in order to determine how much of the land was actually available for development. Land Use Layout After evaluating the site for proposed land uses, we developed a preliminary land use layout which is shown in Exhibit "A". A brief description of each land use type is as follows: • Office/Light Industrial - This would be a land use type that combines the need for office space with light manufacturing and may or may not include specific retail activities. • Office/Service - This would be a land use type that requires office space for service based firms. This land use would be compatible with residential development. • Industrial/Warehouse - This would be a land use type that requires space within a building and/or lot for manufacturing and storage facilities. Again, this type of land use may or may not include retail activities. • Industrial - This type of land use would be similar to the existing industrial use that is located along 160th Street. The preliminary land use layout does accommodate the desire to have a transition in land use from "high quality/high amenity" on the north to the existing land uses on the south. The layout is also compatible with what we know about the future land uses on adjacent property. The layout locates the office/service land use next to future residential in the northeast. It also locates the industrial land use next to future commercial in the southeast. Memorandum January 13,1993 Page 3 Roadways and Utilities The preliminary concept plan is shown in Exhibit "B ". This shows how the property could be served by roadways and utilities. It also shows development constraints such as existing pipelines, wetlands and storm water storage basins. The main roadway entrance point is shown on CSAH 42 directly across from CMC's proposed entrance. The main entrance could include features such as an entrance monument and a divided entrance road with landscaped boulevards. Additional roadway access points would be located on T.H. 3,160th Street and Biscayne Avenue. An optional roadway connection to T.H. 3 at Canada Avenue would provide a direct link to existing businesses located west of T.H. 3. However, C.P. Rail System has indicated that they would probably not support an additional at -grade crossing of their track at this location. Accordingly, it is shown on the concept plan as a potential future connection that may or may not occur. Internal roadways would be designed for truck traffic and would include sidewalks, landscaping and street lighting. Easements for future roadway or utility connections could be reserved in key areas. Sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer would be extended to serve each lot within the Business Park. For sanitary sewer, a southerly extension from the MWCC interceptor at CSAH 42 would serve the northeastern portion of the site. This would then be part of the service area for the Rosemount Wastewater Treatment Plant. Based on the topography, the southwestern portion of the site would logically be part of the Empire Wastewater Treatment Plant service area. A future sanitary sewer trunk would need to be extended easterly from Shannon Parkway to serve the southwestern portion of the Business Park. The existing wetlands and storm water storage basins could be combined into an amenity area through the construction of wet ponds, wildlife nesting islands and a looping pedestrian trail system. This would be located in the rear lots so that vehicle traffic would have a minimum impact on the amenity area. Phasing Exhibit "C" is an enlargement of the northerly portion of the site. The westerly two-thirds of the Abbott property along with the northerly portion of the Harold Wachter property is shown as the approximate area to be included in Phase I. This area is a logical location for Phase I because of its proximity to existing utilities and the convenient access onto Memorandum January 13, 1993 Page 4 CSAH 42. In addition, we understand that several of the property owners in this area have been contacted regarding the sale of their property, and they may be amenable to selling. Phase H of the Business Park could be located to the southeast or southwest of Phase I with future phases to the south and east. The last phase of the Business Park may be located in the southwestern portion of the site. This is due to the future sanitary sewer trunk main which must be constructed easterly from Shannon Parkway. Costs Exhibit "D" is a preliminary estimate of cost for the entire site and Exhibit "E" is a preliminary cost estimate for Phase I as described above. The costs are approximate and should be considered rough budget figures only. The costs include 10 percent construction contingencies and 30 percent overhead, but do not include land acquisition/ relocation costs or the cost of a railroad spur into the property. ummary of Costs Entire Site Phase I $6,855,000* $1,115,000 *Does not include potential roadway connection at Canada Avenue. Developable Acreage The following is a summary of the developable acreage for the total site and also for Phase I. An estimate of the developable acreage was made by subtracting the petroleum pipeline, storm water ponds, roadways, easements, and existing developed areas from the gross acreage. (Building setbacks would have to be further subtracted from the developable acreage to estimate the actual buildable acreage.) • Entire Site - Gross Acreage 448 AC - Pipeline 17 AC - Storm Water Ponds 42 AC - Roadways/Easements 37 AC - Existing Developed Acreage 57 AC - Developable Acreage 295 AC - Cost Per Gross Acre $15,300 * - Cost Per Buildable Acre $23,200 * * Does not include potential roadway connection at Canada Avenue. Memorandum January 13,1993 Page 5 • Phase I - Gross Acreage 53 AC - Pipeline 0 AC - Storm Water Ponds 6 AC - Roadways/Easements 5 AC - Developable Acreage 42 AC - Cost Per Gross Acre $21,000 - Cost Per Developable Acre $26,500 If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to call me direct at 490-2066. DFS / cih Enclosure cc: John Miller, Economic Development Coordinator Steve Jilk, Executive Director Dan Boxrud, SEH FARMINGTON QUADRANGLE UNITED STATES MINNESOTA—DAKOTA CO. pr 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAP};cPEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NW/4 FARMINGTON 15' OUA DRANCLE 9 W GEOLOGICAL SURVEY .2220000 FEET 489 93 T30" 491000m.E. 192 950 St iohrii Cem 201. I I \ '3 : /' © Q 979 J EHigh r o osephCem PNp N J O U C� o / K Z 0 o CIGPG %Ra ower / If 19M�97GI 0 S E M/ / U 5TN '"• 14ST :� 1 �i• i969,� .... !...... !-:•. _— __ �• .i.• .n. .. • 7 \ i• ,�I.'t•• If: : �gJPI----�,;�ii..........r.l». ..•.....:-�• yl ... G* �o Dallas , 'gOv'� - r ...........y . ^_Jra. 0 0 Park :`'• ��� ...11 :I�•••• •••• ••'i ��l,:ru� d......P-1•'' •I-• •r•:IPk sr::,lisr •/ j Oy _� _S TRE£T__=JLeWaterl�anfc-_— —'��— ,— — �•-DER .'',1959.CQ_STRUCT�JON -=---- O I th Rest I 'D I ii E` I rls —_—__ ' 947�.. ' _ --- �I 9cu 95`i-- 1---==_- 13= 951 u m a °° © ri -- --- — — - i 4i =____' ^`max ° --- - -- �0 1 0 °I—ff—� I -Grav I \ m It n -Pit, UUUU STREET •CORPORATE. - II ' B 5 95G It ROSEMOUNT co I -- - 9J/ - .- _°' ,• - loo 0 I I STREET = _ �s II ° I - 949_ II I x n _ �! --. --- - �0 I 0 I - 3Gr vel Pit 63 6 ' 5 -- —--===r LEGEND A` ON = OFFICE / LIGHT INDUSTRIAL u _.� O/S = OFFICE / SERVICE \ � � x STREET �° i/W = INDUSTRIAL / WAREHOUSE 60 95 e ° I = INDUSTRIAL 1\\ D I7orN 94:� 0 (J 4/j`o I Exhibit "D" Preliminary Cost Estimate - Entire Site Rosemount Business Park Concept Plan January 13, 1993 Roadways Internal Roadways $1,850,000.00 Biscayne Avenue 1,000,000.00 Signal at CSAH 42 (@ 50%) 50,000.00 Landscaping 200,000.00 Roadway Lighting 250,000.00 Pond and Lot Grading 290,000.00 Bike Path Loops 90,000.00 Watermain 940,000.00 Sanitary Sewer 1,010,000.00 Storm Sewer 1,100,000.00 Electric, Telephone, Gas 75,000.00 Subtotal $6,855,000.00 Future Roadway Connection @ Canada Ave.. 270,000.00 Total $7,125,000.00 Exhibit "E" Preliminary Cost Estimate - Phase I Rosemount Business Park Concept Plan January 13, 1993 Roadways Landscaping/Entrance Monument Roadway Lighting Pond and Lot Grading Bike Path Loops Watermain Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer Electric, Telephone, Gas $380,000.00 50,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 15,000.00 200,000.00 210,000.00 120,000.00 20,000.00 Total $1,115,000.00 RECREATION REPORT AUGUST 1993 SUMMARY OF 1993 SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAMS SUNDAY NIGHT SPECIALS SUMMARY OF PROGRAM Musical and theatrical entertainment was scheduled on Sundays starting June 20 thru August 1, 1993 There was a total of six (6) performances with an average attendance of 116 per week and a total attendance of 698 for 1993. The program was free of charge. Entertainment scheduled included: Inver Hills Comunity Band, Westbound Country Band, Lakewood Community Jazz Ensemble, Climb Theater and the Puppets in the Park, Urban Renewal Band and the Splatter Sisters. LOCATION: It is being recommended that Camfield Park continue to be used to schedule the performances in 1994. Having electricity and the shelter are essentials to keep it as this location. TIME OF PERFORMANCES: Performances were scheduled 1 to 1-1/2 hours starting at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday evenings with the exception of the last performance which was in conjunction with the Leprechaun Days celebration. ATTENDANCE Totals * Average 1993 698 based on 6 performances the average = 116 per performance 1992 716 based on 6 performances the average = 119 per performance 1991 794 based on 7 performances the average = 113 per performance 1990 561 1989 590 * totals include youth and adults that attend the program. 1993 only: Adults = 432 = 55% of the audience were adults Youth = 284 = 45% of the audience were youths The average audience size was 116 people per performance Number of performances 1993 6 performances 1992 6 performances 1991 7 performances FINANCE DATA Breakdown of funding AMOUNT PERCENT OF AGENCY FUNDED THE TOTAL COST Parks & Recreation $1,275.00 69% Leprechaun Days Committee $ 300.00 16% MN Charitable Gambling $ 285.00 15% Twin Cities Musicians $ --.00 0% Trust Fund --------- Total $1,860.00 ** Parks & Recreation funds are from the general budget account call Special Programs #101-45100-01-315.1. rcreport.22 p.l RECREATION REPORT AUGUST 1993 SUMMARY OF 1993 SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAMS SUMMER PARKS PROGRAM - KIDS CORNER ages 6-11 SCHEDULE Dates: June 14 - July 28, 1993 7 weeks Time: 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Locations: Monday: Charlies and Jaycee Tuesday: Camfield (Special Events Day) Wednesday: Charlies and Trips Thursday: Camfield and Connemara Friday: Puppets in the Park and Trips ATTENDANCE A total of 220 different youths attended the parks this summer. This is an increase of 16 from 1992. The program had a total number of participation of 887. This means that of the 220 youths, they participated 887 times. This is an increase of 171 times from 1992. AVERAGE ATTENDANCE PER PARK: DAYS IN AVERAGE DAY PARK PARK ATTENDANCE/DAY COMPARED TO LAST YEAR Monday Jaycee 6 28 Increase of 19 / day Monday Charlies 13 24 Increase of 2 / day Tuesday* Camfield 7 41 Increase of 2 / day Thursday Camfield 3 22 Decrease of 2 / day Thursday Connemara 3 22 Increase of 5 / day * Special events day was held on Tuesdays (in 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993) SUMMARY OF PROGRAM No fees were charged to the participant. A drop -in format was offered. Activities included games, special event days, crafts. CAMFIELD PARK: Continue scheduling Special Events Days at one location being Camfield Park. The United Methodist Church allowed us to use their water (facets) for 6 days of "wet" activities. The water days are popular and it is recommended to continue water days next year (If the United Methodist Church allows us to use their water source.) Continue having 3 staff at this park on Thursday and all staff (5) on Tuesday, special events day. CHARLIES PARK: This location is popular. CONNEMARA PARK: The attendance increased from 1992. This site is recommended for next year. JAYCEE PARK: The atttendance increased from 1992. This site is becoming popular. Have the 3rd staff person at this park. rcreport.22 p.2 RECREATION REPORT AUGUST 1993 SUMMARY OF 1993 SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAMS SUMMER PARKS PROGRAM - KIDS CORNER ages 6-11 continued: FINANCE DATA No registration fees were charged to the participants. Drop in format. An estimated amount of $250.00 was expended on this subsidized summer parks program to include: Kids Corner, Picnic and Wacky Wednesdays. Wages and supplies were funded through the general recreation operating budget. SUMMER PARKS PROGRAM - LITTLE EXPLORERS ages 4-5 SCHEDULE Dates: June 15 - July 29, 1993 7 weeks Days: Tuesday and Thursday Time: 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Locations: Charlies Park and Connemara Park Cost: $6.00 per person which include snacks & crafts. (Fee stayed the same as in 1992) ATTTENDANCE There were two park location offered and received the limited number of registration of 20 participants ages 4-5 participating at each park. The AVERAGE daily attendance at Chippendale Park was 12. The AVERAGE daily attendance at Connemara Park was 10. There were 14 total days scheduled for the program. Aside of three rainy, there were eleven actual days the program was conducted. FINANCE DATA: The revenues covered the majority cost of the daily operating supplies (excluding staff wages). SUMMARY OF PROGRAM There were two staff scheduled at each park. The structure of the program is recommended to remain the same. rcreport.22 p.3 RECREATION REPORT AUGUST 1993 SUMMARY OF 1993 SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAMS PUPPETS IN THE PARK SUMMARY OF PROGRAM• This was the fourth year the program was being conducted. There were three staff or puppeteers that worked with the program each week in creating the props and conducting the show. LOCATION: The puppet program was scheduled at four sites: Camfield, Connemara, Jaycee and Kidder parks. ATTENDANCE DATE June 18 June 25 July 2 July 9 July 16 July 23 July 30 *July 18 Story Line It's on the House The Bear and the Honey Bucket All Star has a problem The Prince and the Dragon Spring Fever Horse in the Lion's skin A day of safety with Billy Bob The runaway pancake Where does Garbage Go? Guess that number The great race Why the bear has a stumpy tail A day of safety with Billy Bob The runaway pancake The leprechaun RAP CAMFIELD CONNEMARA JAYCEE KIDDER 17 35 65 0 41 62 127 14 18 22 87 6 CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN 23 57 91 30 20 CANCELLED DUE TO "RAIN" 20 40 90 10 TOTAL ATTENDANCE FOR FRIDAY PROGRAMS: 139 216 460 60= 875 AVERAGE ATTENDANCE FOR FRIDAY PROGRAMS: 23 43 92 12=42.5 * A special Sunday Night performance with the Climb Theater. FINANCE DATA: Wages were funded through the general budget called the playground/recreation leaders account. New puppet characters were purchased to allow more variety in the shows. The programs were free of charge to the participant. PUPPETS IN THE PARK - continued: RECOMMENDATIONS: A better sound system should be considered due to the fact that there were many incidences of difficulties with the sound system through out the summer. An estimated cost for a replacement system is not available at this time. rcreport.22 p.4 RECREATION REPORT AUGUST 1993 SUMMARY OF 1993 SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAMS ROSETTE POM POMS - SPRING/SUMMER SESSION SUMMARY -OF -PROGRAM: The program was offered to girls in going in to grades 2-7th for the 1993-94 school year. 2 classes were offered: 2nd & 3rd graders and 4th-7th graders. The Rosettes performed in the following four area parades: Farmington, Lakeville, Hastings, Rosemount. LOCATION: Rosemount Elementary School Cafe indoor practices-thru June 8. Outdoor practices on tarred playground area on west side of RES building. SCHEDULE Dates: April 20 - Aug 3, 1993 Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. for 2nd & 3rd graders 6:45 - 7:45 p.m. for 4th - 7th graders * there is an overlap of time to allow practice time with both groups together since they perform in all of the parades together. ATTENDANCE Class # of participants compared to 1992 2nd & 3rd graders: 21 participants Decrease of 13 4th - 8th graders: 26 participants Increase of 5 47 participants Decrease of 8 FINANCE DATA• An estimated balance of the summer pom pom program to date is $545.00. However, there are equipment supplies and potential expenses that will be incurred to upgrade the sound system that will be expended from this account. rcreport.22 p.5 RECREATION REPORT AUGUST 1993 SUMMARY OF 1993 SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAMS TRIPS - SUMMER YOUTH AND TEEN TRIPS June 18 - August 13, 1993 ATTENDANCE• NUMBER OF TRIPS OFFERED: NUMBER OF TRIPS ACTUALLY CONDUCTED: NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: "YOUTH" "TEEN" ages 6-11 ages 10-15 FAMILY ADULT = TOTAL 5 5 0 0 = 10 4 5 0 0 = 9 32 49 0 0 = 81 FINANCE DATA: Many of the trips have outstanding invoices and statements due. Estimated at this time is a net gain of $127.37. rcreport.22 p.6 RECREATION REPORT AUGUST 1993 SUMMARY OF 1993 SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAMS TENNIS LESSONS SUMMARY OF PROGRAM: There were four sessions of tennis lessons conducted. LOCATION: Lessons were conducted at Charlies Park. Class days/times: Beginner, Advance Beginner and Intermediate lessons two weeks in length with four days a week (Monday thru Thursday). ATTENDANCE: Number of Session Dates Participants Session I: June 14-24 11 decrease of 6 from 1992 Session II: July 12-23 33 increase of 25 from 1992 Session III: July 26-Aug 5 9 decrease of 7 from 1992 Session IV: August 9-19 21 increase of 7 from 1992 Total number of Participants 74 increase of 19 from 1992 =26% FINANCE DATA• Estimated to break even for the tennis lesson program. RECOMMENDATIONS• Continue offering classes in the morning to avoid the heat as much as possible. Continue using the same format and instructor. rcreport.22 p.7 RECREATION REPORT AUGUST 1993 SUMMARY OF 1993 SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAMS LEPRECHAUN DAYS RUN FOR THE GOLD (fun run) SUMMARY -OF -PROGRAM: Two races were offered to include: 1 mile and 4 mile along with the 1 mile and 4 mile Fitness Walk. LOCATION: University Property - east of the Dakota County Vocational College. ATTENDANCE• 1 mile = 69 runners 4 mile = 92 runners Total = 161 runners increase of 11 from 1992 = 7% increase Fitness Walk - 56 walkers increase of 20 from 1992= 38% increase FINANCE DATA: The Rosemount Jaycees co -sponsored the fun run program. The provide financial support by donating $500 to help offset costs towards the shirts that are handed out the all of the runners. Rosemount Family Physicians coordinated and financially supported the fitness walks. RECOMMENDATIONS: Continue offering the two races of 1 mile and 4 mile. Continue coordinating the fitness walk with Rosemount Family Physicians. rcreport.22 p.8 RECREATION REPORT AUGUST 1993 SUMMARY OF 1993 SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAMS LEPRECHAUN DAYS MEDALLION HUNT: The medallion was found on the second of the four days scheduled for the activity. The medallion was place in Connemara Park. Koch Refining co- sponsored the event and funded the prize of $100.00. KIDDY PARADE,_BAND,_BLARNEY_STONE_HUNT Attendance: 113 Approximately 113 youths participated in the Kiddy Parade coordinated by the Lions Club. At the end of the parade each participant received orange drink. The next activity was the blarney stone hunt. Four (4) are groups were set up. Those being 4-5; 6-7; 8-10; 11-13. Money for the rocks were handed out at each individual site. Next The Splatter Sisters provided fun family entertainment. PICNIC Approximately 77 youths attended the picnic conducted on the Monday of Leprechaun Days. Most food items were donated by the Leprechaun Days Committee. Increase of 32 youth from 1992 which is a 42% increase. FISHING DERBY The fishing contest was held at Schwarz Pond Park from 1-2 p.m. on Friday. Approximately 124 youths participated in the event. This attendance is up 42 from 1992 which is a 34 % increase. rcreport.22 p.9 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: W 7�.t_ COMPLETED BY: MAILING INCLUDED: C }� , [A�Cy minutes for :. .0 eeting. (Committee) (pate) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for meeting. (Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) John Howard \ Dave Bechtold _ Jerry Puciaty \ Lisa Jost Scott Rynerson Rick Cook Tom Reller Park Staff Deanna Simpson \ Kerry Budinger Dave Giliuson �_ Jane Mollman Linda Ladzun �_ Lacelle Cordes Wendy Foreman ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* Del Lorentzen Cathy Busho Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Parks Staff Linda Ladzun (Parks and Rec Committee) Deanna Simpson (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* Marie Jensen Ed Howard Mike Busho ` Dan Belting Loretta Loesch 'Ron-Padmm Joel Sutter Parks Staff Rick Cook (Parks Supervisor) Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (29 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (6) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police Community Center Manager City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED:1 ' chk1stpr.2 as of 4-1-93 CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE MEETING July 19, 1993 Jaycee Park Shelter Members Attending: Loretta Loesch, Mike Busho, Dave Giliuson, Rick Cook, Mark Joosten, and Dave Bechtold The main topic was how to allocate the funds that our committee wiii be requesting to transfer within the Parks and Recreation CIP ($15,000). Rick showed us a video of a trail groomer and brush hog. We discussed these, as well as brush trimmers, part-time help and lime rock trails for the low areas on the Halloween trail, as well as the entire path. Approximate prices were discussed as well as recommendations from Rick and Mark. We decided that Mike Busho would submit a request for funds from the USPCI account for the trail groomer. Rick will get exact costs for both options on the limerock path. That is to have it hauled and put in place or to just have it hauled and to have our crew put it in place. The committee will meet again on August 16, 1993 at 6:30 p.m. and put a package together to submit to the City Council. Dave Giliuson PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: MAILING INCLUDED: COMPLETED BY: minutes for. meeting. ---�� (Committee) ate) Packet th Agenda ! ✓ meeting. (Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) John Howard Dave Bechtold Jerry Puc'a _ nY 1 ty � Lisa Jost Scott Rynerson Rick Cook Tom Reller Deanna Simpson Park Staff !� Kerry Budinger Dave Giliuson �` Jane Mollman Linda Ladzun Lacelle Cordes Wendy Foreman ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (29 copies) Del Lorentzen City Administrator (1) Cathy Busho Department Heads (6) Lucy Holzer Dir of Public Works Marge Ryan Dir of Finance Jim Thommes Dir of Planning Paul and Lois McKinley Fire Chief John Loch Chief of Police Parks Staff Community Center Manager Linda Ladzun (Parks and Rec Committee) City Council & Attorney (6) Deanna Simpson (Parks and Rec Committee) Planning Commission (5) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) Port Authority (7) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - copies)* Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) Marie Jensen Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting Loretta Loesch Ron- Pederson Joel Sutter Parks Staff Rick Cook (Parks Supervisor) Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE r ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE / CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE (� STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: chkistpr.2 as of 4-1-93 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: COMPLETED BY: MAILING INCLUDED: e"L kl. minutes foj (Committee) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for (Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) John Howard Jerry Puciaty Scott Rynerson Tom Reller Deanna Simpson Dave Giliuson Linda Ladzun ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* Del Lorentzen Cathy Busho \ Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Parks Staff Linda Ladzun (Parks and Rec Committee) Deanna Simpson (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* i `\ Marie Jensen Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting Loretta Loesch Ron-Redersm — \ Joel Sutter Parks Staff Rick Cook (Parks Supervisor) Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names mmtmg. STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (S copies) Dave Bechtold Lisa Jost Rick Cook Park Staff Kerry Budinger Jane Mollman Lacelle Cordes Wendy Foreman ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (29 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (6) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police Community Center Manager City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAHJNG: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: chk1stpr.2 as of 4-1-93 T1 V/ 0 r VJ ►-* fi t13 co W ' Z D } • Z n R � r Z n w W � W A BISCAYNE AVE. Z O n r m I Q § � O /�•� ''`ww V' m N i4 �� • n Z n m R W A