HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993_09_20-PRMM4 (Pity o osemount PHONE (612) 423-4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 423-5203 Mailing Address: Edward B. McMenomy P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James (Red) Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: DAVID J. HT , DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DATE: SEPTEMBER 10, 1993 RE: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 DATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 PM AGENDA: I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER II. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III. APPROVE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 16, 1993 MEETING IV. AUDIENCE INPUT OLD BUSINESS: I. RAAA UPDATE (TOM NEUMANN) II. STAFF RECOGNITION (RAAA BASEBALL -RICH LONNQUIST) III. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE IV. SUMMARY FROM ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE COMMITTEE V. WORKSHOP TOPIC FOR MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 1993 VI. DISCUSS RESULTS OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 WORKSHOP Vil. SUMMARY OF RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING NEW BUSINESS: I. CHILI AVENUE AND 145TH STREET TRAIL CHANGE II. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT IV. ADJOURNMENT 6verylktngs Coming (Up (0?osemoun111 `� recycled papP.r PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deanna Simpson, Linda Ladzun, Scott Rynerson, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Tom Reller STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation; Lisa Jost, Assistant Director Parks and Recreation, Lacelle Cordes, Program Director; Kerry Budinger, Secretary MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Puciaty CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7:40 p.m. by chairman, Scott Rynerson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 16, 1993 MINUTES: MOTION by Linda Ladzun to accept the minutes of the August 16, 1993 meeting after striking of an incorrect statement by John Howard in the CHAIRPERSONS REPORTS. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. I. RAAA UPDATE: Director Dave Bechtold informed the committee members that Tom Neumann was not able to attend the meeting to give an RAAA update and introduced the next guest, Rich Lonnquist, to the committee members. 11. STAFF RECOGNITION: Rich Lonnquist, President of RAAA Traveling Baseball, was present this evening to recognize and express the appreciation of RAAA and the program directors for the great job the parks maintenance staff workers have done on the facilities that are used by RAAA. He noted that the staff members go beyond what is expected of them, especially during tournaments. There are often comments on the great condition of the playing fields by visiting coaches and managers. Rich also thanked Dave Bechtold and Lisa Jost for their part in keeping the facilities in good condition and the good scheduling. Scott Rynerson in turn expressed the appreciation of the Parks and Recreation committee members for the work that RAAA does with the area youths. The programs that RAAA sponsors fill a need in the community and helps relieve the work load of the Parks and Recreation department. 111. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Mike Busho was present this evening to update the committee members on the progress the Carrolls Woods Subcommittee has been making in the past month. He first mentioned that Rick and the Parks staff are in the process of excavating and limerocking trails in the woods. The hockey rinks have been removed and the 300 tons of lime rock will be stored in this area near the high school. The brush cutters have been approved for purchase and they will be used to begin cutting buckthorn in November. The Carrolls Woods committee has received a donation of $2,500.00 from the U.S.P.C.I. for excavation and limerock. The U.S.P.C.I. has stated that they would be interested in being involved in future projects for the woods. Mike has stated that the committee has requested that a map be completed that shows the current trail locations in the woods, perhaps with an overlay of proposed trails to be constructed. Dave stated that he has talked to members of the Engineering department to help with the logistics of such a map and the copying. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 20, 1993 Page 2 Deanna Simpson had some concerns regarding an access point to the park on the Southwest corner for the development that is going in at that location. It was suggested that this topic be put on the agenda for the October meeting of the Carrolls Woods Committee. IV. SUMMARY OF ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE MEETING: Deanna stated that all the committee members received a copy of the Erickson Community Square Committee minutes of September 14, 1993. She briefed them on the contents of the minutes. They are proceeding with the grade plans for the shelter and amphitheater area. The amphitheater area has been moved a bit south so as not to interfere with the pond. They are looking into the purpose and uses for the proposed shelter. John Loch has talked with Chuck Novack to see if he would be interested in working on the shelter project. Chuch has expressed an interest, and they are dicussing possibly waiving his commission for this. They will be contacting Chuck to meet with him at the October 12th Erickson Square meeting. Consent for approval for OSM to move ahead on the specs and plans for the shelter will be on the City Council Agenda for September 21, 1993. After the specs are completed they will need to be approved and authorized by the City Council to go out for bids. John Miller has been working with Corcoran on possibly asphalting and curbing their property in order to help with the drainage problem into the community garden area. Dave will be following up with John on this. Engineering will need to help on this layout. Scott Rynerson inquired on the progess of the encumbered $30,000.00 for the subcommittees. Dave reported that each committee has submitted a list of uses for the funds, and the City Council has authorized the expenditures. Steve Jilk now needs to authorize the spending of the funds as each committee requests them with purchase orders. V. WORKSHOP TOPIC FOR THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 1993: After a short discussion the committee members decided they had no issues to be discussed at a workshop meeting and A MOTION was made by Dave Giliuson to cancel the October 7, 1993 workshop meeting. SECOND by Tom Reller. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. VI. DISCUSS RESULTS OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 WORKSHOP: Dave handed out a summary of the September 2, 1993 workshop meeting to each committee member. Dave and Scott Rynerson briefed the committee members that were not present on the highlights of the meeting. They had discussed possibly discussing prioritizing subjects that need attention in the Master Parks Plan. The committee members did not feel that this needed any further discussion at this meeting. Dave stated that if there are any concerns at all that he can be contacted and it will be put on the agenda for the next month. VII. SUMMARY OF RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING: Lisa handed out a summary of the recreational activities that will be taking place or are already in place for the fall and winter. She stated that the enrollments for Tiny Tots were down a bit. The enrollment is currently around 10 for each class, but if it should reach 12 or better an assistant will need to be hired. CoRec Power Volleyball has a full league, but there is still room for more teams in the CoRec Reactional league. Lisa invited the committee members to volunteer to help with the Halloween activities that are coming up in the next month. If any members are interested in helping, Lacelle Cordes will be coordinating the volunteers. I. CHILI AVENUE AND 145TH STREET TRAIL CHANGE: Dave stated that Bud Osmundson had contacted him regarding the trail along Chili at the area of construction on 145th Street and Chili. Due to changes in the area there is not enough room to replace the 8 ft. bituminous trail that had been PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 20, 1993 Page 3 present. After discussion with Bud and Ron Wasmund it was decided to replace the trail with a 6 ft. concrete sidewalk. The Public Works department is responsible for winter maintenance of this trail and Ron Wasmund has agreed that the 6 ft. concrete sidewalk would work for the area. II. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: LINDA LADZUN: Updated the members on the community center. The walls are up in the banquet room. The construction is going pretty well on schedule. They are wrapping up the ice time for the school and RAAA. The fees and policies are being completed. Jim has been invited to the November workshop meeting to do a presentation on the progress of the community center. JOHN HOWARD: John suggested that the committee members meet to set up a calendar of topics to discuss at the workshop meetings that would be pertinent to the month in which they are meeting. This would enable the committee to work in a proactive manner instead of just "troubleshooting". He listed a small sample of possible subjects that could be put on the schedule. It was decided to discuss this issue at the December workshop meeting. This includes the list of topics that are to be discussed annually such as Bylaws. The topics would be listed per month at the start of the year with new items added to the list each month. SCOTT RYNERSON: After walking through Carrolls Woods and noting quite a bit of debris from work that is taking place in the park, Scott was concerned that this has been removed or cleaned up. He was informed by the Parks maintenance staff that was present that this had been taken care of. DEANNA SIMPSON: None. TOM RELLER: None. DAVE GILIUSON: None. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Dave handed out a list of "Parks Policies" that had been updated and completed by Lacelle Cordes and Wendy Foreman as part of Wendy's summer internship with the department. They are policies that have been practiced, but now have been put in writing. He asked the members to read the policies and compare them to the current policies and bring any comments to the October meeting. If approved they will then go to the City Council for approval and then put on the books. Dave will have details of the proper process by the October meeting. The city attorney has reviewed the ordinances already. IV. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Dave Giliuson to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Scott Rynerson SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DRAFT REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deanna Simpson, Linda Ladzun, Scott Rynerson, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Tom Reller STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director Parks and Rr and Recreation, Lacelle Cordes, Program Director; KerrN MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Puciaty CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. 'nst, Assistant Director Parks .t Rynerson. APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 16, 1993 MINUTES: MOTION by Linda Ladzun accept the minutes of the July 19, 1993 meeting after striking of an incorrect statement by John Howard in the CHAIRPERSONS REPORTS. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. t Q..AMSI ESS ...................................... ...................................... I. RAAA UPDATE: Director Dave Bechtold informed the committee members that Tom Neumann was not able to attend the meeting to give an RAAA update and introduced the next guest, Rich Lonnquist, to the committee members. II. STAFF RECOGNITION: Rich Lonnquist, President of RAAA Traveling Baseball, was present this evening to recognize and express the appreciation of RAAA and the program directors for the great job the parks maintenance staff workers have done on the facilities that are used by RAAA. He noted that the staff members go beyond what is expected of them, especially during tournaments. There are often comments on the great condition of the playing fields by visiting coaches and managers. Rich also thanked Dave Bechtold and Lisa Jost for their part in keeping the facilities in good condition and the good scheduling. Scott Rynerson in turn expressed the appreciation of the Parks and Recreation committee members for the work that RAAA does with the area youths. The programs that RAAA sponsors fill a need in the community and helps relieve the work load of the Parks and Recreation department. III. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Mike Busho was present this evening to update the committee members on the progress the Carrolls Woods Subcommittee has been making in the past month. He first mentioned that Rick and the Parks staff are in the process of excavating and limerocking trails in the woods. The hockey rinks have been removed and the 300 tones of lime rock will be stored in this area near the high school. The brush cutters have been approved for purchase and they will be used to begin cutting buckthorn in November. The Carrolls Woods committee has received a donation of $2,500.00 from the U.S.P.C.I. for excavation and limerock. The U.S.P.C.I. has stated that they would be interested in being involved in future projects for the woods. Mike has stated that the committee has requested that a map be completed that shows the current trail locations in the woods, perhaps with an overlay of proposed trails to be constructed. Dave stated that he has talked to members of the Engineering department to help with the logistics of such a map and the copying. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DRAFT August 16, 1993 Page 2 Deanna Simpson had some concerns regarding an access point to the park on the Southwest corner for the development that is going in at that location. It was suggested that this topic be put on the agenda for the October meeting of the Carrolls Woods Committee. IV. SUMMARY OF ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE MEETING: Deanna stated that all the committee members received a copy of the Erickson Community Square Committee minutes of September 14, 1993. She briefed them on the contents of the minutes. They are proceeding with the grade plans for the shelter and amphitheater area. The amphitheater area has been moved a bit south so as not to interfere with the pond. They are looking into the purpose and uses for the proposed shelter. John Loch has talked with Chuck Novack to see if he would be interested in working on the shelter project. Chuch has expressed an interest, and they are dicussing possibly waiving his commission for this. They will be contacting Chuck to meet with him at the October 12th Erickson Square meeting. Consent for approval for OSM to move ahead on the specs and plans for the shelter will be on the City Council Agenda for September 21, 1993. After the specs are completed they will need to be approved and authorized by the City Council to go out for bids. John Miller has been working with Corcoran on possibly asphalting and curbing their property in order to help with the drainage problem into the community garden area. Dave will be following up with John on this. Engineering will need to help on this layout. Scott Rynerson inquired on the progess of the encumbered $30,000.00 for the subcommittees. Dave reported that each committee has submitted a list of uses for the funds, and the City Council has authorized the expenditures. Steve Jilk now needs to authorize the spending of the funds as each committee requests them with purchase orders. V. WORKSHOP TOPIC FOR THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 1993: After a short discussion the committee members decided they had no issues to be discussed at a workshop meeting and A MOTION was made by Dave Giliuson to cancel the October 7, 1993 workshop meeting. SECOND by Tom Reller. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. VI. DISCUSS RESULTS OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 WORKSHOP: Dave handed out a summary of the September 2, 1993 workshop meeting to each committee member. Dave and Scott Rynerson briefed the committee members that were not present on the highlights of the meeting. They had discussed possibly discussing prioritizing subjects that need attention in the Master Parks Plan. The committee members did not feel that this needed any further discussion at this meeting. Dave stated that if there are any concerns at all that he can be contacted and it will be put on the agenda for the next month. VII. SUMMARY OF RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING: Lisa handed out a summary of the recreational activities that will be taking place or are already in place for the fall and winter. She stated that the enrollments for Tiny Tots were down a bit. The enrollment is currently around 10 for each class, but if it should reach 12 or better an assistant will need to be hired. CoRec Power Volleyball has a full league, but there is still room for more teams in the CoRec Reactional league. Lisa invited the committee members to volunteer to help with the Halloween activities that are coming up in the next month. If any members are interested in helping, Lacelle Cordes will be coordinating the volunteers. I. CHILI AVENUE AND 145TH STREET TRAIL CHANGE: Dave stated that Bud Osmundson had contacted him regarding the trail along Chili at the area of construction on 145th Street and Chili. Due PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING August 16, 1993 Page 3 DRAFT to changes in the area there is not enough room to replace the 8 ft. bituminous trail that had been present. After discussion with Bud and Ron Wasmund it was decided to replace the trail with a 6 ft. concrete sidewalk. The Public Works department is responsible for winter maintenance of this trail and Ron Wasmund has agreed that the 6 ft. concrete sidewalk would work for the area. II. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: LINDA LADZUN: Updated the members on the community center. The walls are up in the banquet room. The construction is going pretty well on schedule. They are wrapping up the ice time for the school and RAAA. The fees and policies are being completed. Jim has been invited to the November workshop meeting to do a presentation on the progress of the community center. JOHN HOWARD: John suggested that the committee members meet to set up a calendar of topics to discuss at the workshop meetings that would be pertinent to the month in which they are meeting. This would enable the committee to work in a proactive manner instead of just "troubleshooting". He listed a small sample of possible subjects that could be put on the schedule. It was decided to discuss this issue at the December workshop meeting. This includes the list of topics that are to be discussed annually such as Bylaws. The topics would be listed per month at the start of the year with new items added to the list each month. SCOTT RYNERSON: After walking through Carrolls Woods and noting quite a bit of debris from work that is taking place in the park, Scott was concerned that this has been removed or cleaned up. He was informed by the Parks maintenance staff that was present that this had been taken care of. DEANNA SIMPSON: None. TOM RELLER: None. DAVE GILIUSON: None. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Dave handed out a list of "Parks Policies" that had been updated and completed by Lacelle Cordes and Wendy Foreman as part of Wendy's summer internship with the department. They are policies that have been practiced, but now have been put in writing. He asked the members to read the policies and compare them to the current policies and bring any comments to the October meeting. If approved they will then go to the City Council for approval and then put on the books. Dave will have details of the proper process by the October meeting. The city attorney has reviewed the ordinances already. IV. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Dave Giliuson to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Scott Rynerson SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: RAAA UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION I. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED NONE r Tom Neumann, president of the RAAA organization will be available for a monthly update on their operations. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: RAAA BASEBALL, PARK AND REC STAFF RECOGNITION OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION II. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE-i)alla Rich Lonnquist, the director of the RAAA baseball, has asked to be on the agenda to present public recognition to the Parks and Recreation staff members. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION III. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: ; NONE Members of the Carrolls Woods Committee are asked to give a short update on their plans for moving ahead with projects. The request for use of funding from the encumbered CIP account # 202 - 24415 in the amount of $15,000.00 was approved by council action at the council meeting of September 7, 1993. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE COMMITTEE UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION IV. ATTACHMENTS: NONE APPROVED BY: -DQ G,we Members of the Erickson Community Square Committee are asked to give a short update on their plans for moving ahead with projects. The request for use of funding from the encumbered CIP account # 202 - 24415 in the amount of $15,000.00 was approved by council action at the council meeting of September 7, 1993. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: WORKSHOP TOPIC FOR OCTOBER 7, 1993 MEETING OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION V. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY :' . NONE ✓✓ Parks and Recreation Committee members are asked to consider a topic or topics that they would like to discuss at our scheduled workshop meeting for the evening of October 7, 1993. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: WORKSHOP TOPIC SUMMARY SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 MEETING OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION VI. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE o, On the evening of September 2, 1993 a workshop meeting was held. Two members were in attendance, Scott Rynerson and Linda Ladzun. We discussed the approach to take in evaluating our Parks System Master Plan. Included in that discussion we highlighted aspects of the master plan that should be considered as priority topics. At our regular meeting on the evening of September 20, 1993 we need to continue this evaluation issue. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM: PROGRAMMING SUMMARY RECREATIONAL AND PARKS MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS II PREPARED DAV D J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION I AGENDA NO.: VII II ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY�,,. NONE Lisa Jost, the assistant director, and I will be presenting a short verbal summary of programming within our department. This will include various aspects of athletic, leisure, and park programming. Rick Cook, the supervisor of Parks Maintenance, will also include a short verbal report of park projects that we have been working with over the past few months or that are in the plans for this fall. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM: CHILI AVENUE AND 145TH STREET TRAIL CHANGES MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION I. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY:..,P� NONE The reconstruction of a section of 145th Street included the corners of Chippendale Avenue and Chili Avenue. Design efforts and construction included a widening of the roadways. This construction project meant that the present bituminous trails needed to be removed and would need to be reinstalled. Because of a lessening of space available to replace the trails the eight foot width was no longer available. Bud Osmundson, the city engineer and I discussed this aspect of the project. He has proposed that the city install a six foot concrete section of trail in the areas where the bituminous was removed. It will enhance the area involved as well as to continue to provide adequate trail space. Ron Wasmund, the director of Public Works, also was involved in this decision. His concern is how his department will be able to provide trail maintenance during the winter time on this size trail since it is a part of the trail system that he does include in his winter maintenance program. He feels that this section at six feet in width and of concrete will work well both for use and for maintenance. This item is on our agenda for update and for information purposes. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: t t WORKSHOP MEETING SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 CITY HALL 7:30 P. M. TOPIC OF MEETING: "Identify Process for Evaluation of Parks System Master Plan" I. MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Scott Rynerson, Linda Ladzun Staff member, Dave Bechtold II. Highlighted topics of plan that could / should be addressed at the start of evaluation A. Timing of projects; present timing and listed schedules for projects may be unrealistic B. Budgeting for projects as listed may be unrealistic C. Expectations of staff to follow through and then maintain listed projects may not be realistic D. Linear Parks system (trails) should be addressed and plans made for how land would be obtained in a timely manner. E. Standards that are listed in plan need to be addressed. We need to identify if the standards as listed are more in the line of "guides" to follow rather than strict standards. Some areas may be considered for change or deletion. F. Fee policies and statements need to be identified with the purposes stated. They should be streamlined and keep with the intent and meaning for which they were written. ie: ADA Guidelines and Safety Guidelines are meant to be guides rather than strict standards. G. Tree replacement policies in parks could be put into written form. It could then be used in conjunction with the over all City of Rosemount tree replacement policy. We should be doing this policy as a part of the Tree City USA certification that the Parks Department has worked to get for the City of Rosemount. 19 x H. Look at areas of the Master Plan that refer to topics or projects that are not a part of Parks & Recreation Department. Discuss the appropriateness of the references within the Parks Master Plan. Discuss how the Parks and Recreation Department could/should play a role in those areas. ie; water quality I. Look at ways to evaluate programs and projects as to accomplishments. Look at ways to determine factors to be used in the evaluations. J. Make sure that the bylaws written contained in the Master are updated to our present set of bylaws. These bylaws may change from time to time and possibly should not be contained in the master plan. K. Evaluate the Carrolls Woods and Erickson Community Square Master Plans in their relationship to the over all master plan. III. OTHER ITEMS THAT WERE GENERALLY DISCUSSED A. Parks & Recreation Department keeping all outdoor programming within department and all other programming being transferred to the Community Center. Much positive comment made regarding this taking place. To be discussed at regular meeting on September 20, 1993. B. Bike trail locations and making sure that we keep the information on them up to date. This relates to locations, period when they were constructed, maintenance schedules, etc.. 4-3-1 Chapter 3 PARKS SECTION: 4-3-1: Purpose and Intent 4-3-2: Definitions 4-3-3: Park Hours 4-3-4: Special Uses/Park Reservations 4-3-5: Vehicle Use/Parking Regulations 4-3-6: Fire 4-3-7: Litter 4-3-8: Personal Property 4-3-9: Protection of Property, Structures and Natural Resources 4-3-10: Alcohol 4-3-11: Animals 4-3-12: Golf 4-3-13: Restrooms 4-3-14: Public Sales 4-3-15: Posters and Advertisements 4-3-1 6: Glass 4-3-17: Weapons Prohibited 4-3-18: Violations/Penalties 4-3-2 4-3-1 : PURPOSE AND INTENT: The purpose of this Chapter is to provide for the regulated use of and the protection of life and property in or on City Parks. 4-3-2: DEFINITIONS: LIQUOR: A beverage capable of inducing intoxication, including but not limited to 3.2 beer, wine and wine coolers.. MOTORIZED VEHICLES: Any motor vehicle, whether designed for, used or capable of use for travel, lodging, sport, amusement or recreation, whether or not eligible to be licensed for use upon streets or highways, including but not limited to automobiles, buses, truck, tractor trailers, tractors, motor bikes, motor scooters, mini bikes, trail bikes, motorcycles, go-karts, hover craft, snowmobiles, all -terrain vehicles or dune buggies. CITY PARK: Any land owned by the City of Rosemount and designated as a park by the City Council by separate resolution. (Ord. XV1.13, 7-5-77) 4-3-3 4-3-5 4-3-3: PARK HOURS: A. Closing Hours: Except as otherwise provided, parks shall be closed between the hours of ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. and six o'clock (6:00) A.M. of the following day, and no person shall be upon City Park property during these hours. B. Exceptions: 1. Persons shall be allowed upon City Park property after closing hours if they have a permit from the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department. 2. Erickson Park shall be closed at eleven o'clock (1 1 :00) P.M. rather than ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. 3. The City Council may by resolution modify the closing hours as it may deem appropriate. 4. City personnel may be in the parks at any time if acting in the course of their official duties. 4-3-4: CITY PARK RESERVATIONS: No person or group shall have exclusive use of all or any portion of a park unless they have first reserved the property with the Parks and Recreation Department and procured a permit. Unless an exclusive use permit is procured, use of the park property will be on first come, first served basis. 4-3-5: VEHICLE USE/PARKING REGULATIONS: A. Use of motorized vehicle, including operation and parking, within City Parks shall be unlawful except upon roads or trails specifically designated for such use. B. No person shall operate or park a motorized vehicle within City Parks during hours when the park is closed unless authorized by permit issued by the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department. C. No person shall park a motorized vehicle within City Parks unless that person is a patron of the park at that time or unless authorized by permit issued by the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department. D. No person shall park a motorized vehicle on the East side of Brazil Avenue within Erickson Park, unless authorized by permit issued by the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department. (Ord. XII.9,2-15-83) HRIKi7 4-3-6: FIRE: A. No person shall ignite a fire in any City Park except in barbecue grills provided. Charcoal fires are permitted in barbecue grills only, NO wood fires allowed. B. No person igniting or attending a fire shall leave the area before the fire has been completely extinguished. 4-3-7: LITTER: No person shall litter any City Park or any lake, pond or water course within or draining into a City Park with any form of trash or waste material. Such trash or waste material shall be deposited in the proper receptacles when provided; where receptacles are not provided, all trash or waste material shall be carried away from the area by the person responsible for its presence. 4-3-8: PERSONAL PROPERTY: No person shall leave or store personal property within any City Park without written permission from the Parks and Recreation Department. 4-3-9: PROTECTION OF PROPERTY, STRUCTURES AND NATURAL RESOURCES: A. Damaging or removing property prohibited. No person shall willfully deface, vandalize or otherwise cause destruction to City Park property. B. Flowers, Trees and Shrubs. No person shall willfully and without authority cut, pluck or otherwise injure any flowers, shrubs, trees or other plant material growing in or around any City Park. No person shall introduce any form of vegetation within a park without permission from the Parks and Recreation Department. C. Bird or Animals. No person shall willfully and without authority kill, trap, hunt, pursue or in any manner disturb or interfere with any species of wildlife in any City Park without permission from the Parks and Recreation Department. No person shall release any insect, fish or animal in any City Park without permission from the Parks and Recreation Department. D. Restitution. In addition to other penalties, any person violating the provisions of this Section shall make restitution to the Parks and Recreation Department for the full value of the damaged caused, including, but not limited to, the cost of repairs, replacement and labor. 4-3-10: LIQUOR RESTRICTIONS: A. Possession and Consumption restricted. The possession and/or consumption of liquor in any city park shall be prohibited except as provided in 4-3-10 B. B. Use In Erickson Park: Beer, wine and wine coolers may be possessed or consumed in Erickson Park with the exception of Erickson Community Square Area during the following hours: between eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. and eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. on Monday through Saturday, and between twelve o'clock (12:00) P.M. until eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. on Sunday. 4-3-10 4-3-14 C. Sale of Liquor in Erickson Park: With the approval of the City Council, a license may be issued for the sale of 3.2% malt liquor only in Erickson Park, with the exception of the Erickson Community Square Area, during the hours for possession and consumption, authorized by 4-3-10 B above. If a license is issued, it must be posted in a conspicuous place in the premisses selling the 3.2% malt liquor. 4-3-11: ANIMALS:' A. Proper Restraint. A dog or cat is considered to be under restraint on City Park property only when it is controlled with the use of a leash no longer than ten feet (10') or when it is under voice or signal command in the exercise areas designated by the City. B. Feces Removal. All persons in control of an animal on City Park property shall have in his/her possession at all times apparatus which can be used for cleaning up feces and/or a bag for proper disposal of feces. The person in control of an animal is responsible for picking up his/her animal's feces and disposing of it properly. C. Proper Control. No person shall permit a dog or other animal to disturb, harass or interfere with or endanger any visitor or visitor's property. No person shall tether and leave unattended any dog or animal to a tree, plant, building or City Park equipment. D. Special Events. No animals under human control shall be allowed on the Carrolls Woods trails during the Rosemount Parks and Recreation sponsored Halloween Haunted Woods event, except lead dogs for the sight impaired persons. 4-3-12: GOLF: No person shall play the game of golf or engage in putting, practice swinging or the striking of any golf balls in any City Park, 4-3-13: RESTROOMS: Every person shall cooperate in maintaining restrooms, washrooms and other sanitation facilities in a neat, orderly and sanitary condition. No person shall use the restrooms and washrooms designed and designated for members of the opposite sex, except for children who may be accompanied by an adult when deemed appropriate. 4-3-14: PUBLIC SALES: No person shall expose or offer for sale, rent or hire any article or thing or conduct any commercial enterprise within a City Park unless that person has obtained a permit from the Parks and Recreation Department. 1 Further details of the animal ordinance are contained in Title 7, Chapter 4 of this code. 4-3-15 4-3-18 4-3-15: POSTERS AND ADVERTISEMENTS: A. No person shall post, glue, tack or otherwise affix any sign, placard, advertisement or other inscription whatsoever to public property within any City Park. B. No person shall distribute or disseminate leaflets, pamphlets or other written or printed material, or use loudspeakers or other amplifying systems, in any City Park without a permit from the Parks and Recreation Department. 4-3-16: GLASS No person shall bring glass containers of any kind into any City Parks, including but not be limited to beverage containers, drinking glasses, etc. 4-3-17: WEAPONS PROHIBITED: 2 The use or possession of firearms, as defined in Title 7, Chapter 5 of this Code, within the City Parks is prohibited, except the use of archery equipment in designated archery ranges. 4-3-18: VIOLATIONS/PENALTIES: Any person who shall violate any provision of this Chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine to exceed five hundred dollars ($700.00) or by imprisonment not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. (Ord.XVl.13, 7-5-77; amd. 1983 Code) 2 Fire Arm regulations are contained in Title 7, Chapter 5 of this code. 'vj P PARRS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DRAFT REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 16, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deanna Simpson, Linda Ladzun, Scott Rynerson, Tom Reller, Dave Giliuson, John Howard STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation; Rick Cook, Parks Supervisor; Mark Joosten, Parks Department; Lisa Jost, Assistant Director Parks and Recreation MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Puciaty CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7:35 p.m. by chairman, Scott Rynerson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF THE JULY 19, 1993 MINUTES: MOTION by Dave Giliuson to accept the minutes of the July 19, 1993 meeting as written. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: Cathy Busho extended her appreciation to the Parks and Recreation staff for their help and efforts during Leprechaun Days. Cathy listed the recreation events coordinated by Jane Mollman that are ran during Leprechaun Days and noted other areas city staff helped out during the city celebration. City staff and community volunteers did a good job'of making the 4'day celebration a success. Dave Bechtold asked who will be the 1994 Leprechaun Days chairperson. No one has been appointed to this position at this time. Cathy Busho was the 1993 Leprechaun Days chairperson. ter;' aT3S I �i s s I. RAAA UPDATE: Director Dave Bechtold stated the annual golf tournament at Valleywood Golf Course was held on August 6, 1993. There were 84 entries. RAAA board members will be involved in the process of setting fee structures and fee policy for charging non-resident fees. Rich Lonnquist wanted to come to commend the staff for their efforts, but will do it at a different time. Dave Giliuson gave his appreciation to the parks staff for all of their help in the rainy weather and for a job well done during the first annual RAAA baseball tournament on July 31 through August 1 for the Class B teams. Coaches complimented the facility. It was a very successful weekend and again, thanks,to the crew. II. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Mike Busho was selected to be the president of the Carrolls Woods subcommittee, and Loretta Loesch is the secretary. Dave Giliuson reviewed an itemized list of expenditures totaling the amount of $15,000.00: 1) Trail groomer to groom both woodchips and lime rock, $6,563.59; 2) 300 tons of limestone/rock PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING August 16, 1993 Page 2 (1993), $1,725.00; 3) 300 tons of limestone/rock earmarked for future work, $1,725.00; 4) 2 brush cutters, $1,000.00; 5) Herbicide applications) , $50.00; 6) Encumber balance of funds and earmark for expenses such as timbers, part-time wages, rental equipment, signage, etc., $3,936.41. Much discussion followed regarding the particular area of the trail starting from the hockey rinks and asphalt trail and goes south and then curves west (first part of the Halloween Trail) to the second major junction on the trail. Dan Belting stated this area of the trail system is a deviation from the concept of the master plan. The master plan states that this trail should be eliminated because of steep grade, etc. The "etc." could mean the trail is too soft. Maintenance vehicles have gotten stuck in this trail. Discussion followed that the location at which the lime rock would stop gives the flexibility of the trail either continuing west or in another direction (north/northeast) which follows the master plan concept. Either direction would allow trail to develop and connect with the S.E. access point to the Carrollton Development. Trail work with lime stone is needed for present and future construction and general maintenance. The trail would begin at the hockey rink area to the present devils pit area. The subcommittee needs to look at signage. Issues discussed about the upgrade of the mentioned trail section follows: 1) It was understood that support of why the concept in the master plan would be deviated from needs to be identified. It seems to be the biggest trouble spot in the whole system. The section would need to be used for maintenance vehicles. 2) Rick Cook and Dan Belting said if the trail is changed from woodchips to lime rock that 4' to 6 ' of the woodchip trail has to be taken out. Rick received a quote of $14,000 for all of the halloween trail. The subcommittee decided it was too much and came up with only doing a part of the trail. 3) Loretta Loesch stated that the people didn't want a thoroughfare and we still can curve the trail if need be. 4) An 8' lime rock trail would be put in. 5) Links off of this section could be discussed and evaluated at a later date. Tom Reller MOTIONED to maintain the existing trail with lime rock from the hockey rink to the present devils pit. John Howard SECONDED the motion. Ayes:6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Dan Belting said if we could get the Tree Trust crew to help there could be a lot done (for less money). The Tree Trust can rake out the lime rock. City staff would need to pile limestone in sections of the trail. Upon approval of the Parks and Recreation Committee, the proposed project (with plan) would be presented at the September 7th City Council Meeting. The project would be done this year if possible. Dave Giliuson made the MOTION that we take the request to the City Council; the $15,000.00 to be used for Carrolls Woods as itemized PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING August 16, 1993 Page 3 from encumbered account #202-24415 to be used for the trail project in Carrolls Wood. Scott Rynerson SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Tom Reller MOTIONED to support the alterations of the master parks concept plan. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Discussion followed confirming that this request was valid because of the need for maintenance vehicles to be on the trail, need a trail to pass the lowland area when it is developed, and the stopping point still allows the trail to go west or north of which the latter follows the master plan. III. WORKSHOP MEETING FOR SEPTEMBER 2, 1993: Scott Rynerson suggested reviewing the Parks Master Plan. Director Dave Bechtold commented that an evaluation of the master plan can take place at the next meeting. The topic will be to organize and develop a process to do the evaluating. ::.......:.:::,..:...:.............. ... ...... I. PARK DEDICATION CARLSON PROPERTIES: This area is by McDonalds south of County Road 42. A concept site plan was distributed. Director Dave Bechtold stated that discussion of the commercial park dedication fee needed to take place. Scott inquired what the anticipated (cash) park. dedication would be. Director Dave Bechtold said the formula is industrial with an estimated acreage of 9.094 (acres). 5% X total land of development at $22,000.00 per acre. Deanna Simpson MOTIONED to recommend cash as park dedication in the Carlson development property. (Discussion referred that consideration may want to be given for overhead passes.) Trail aspects within the development is the developers responsibility. Linda Ladzun SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. II.' PARK DEDICATION KERRY JOHNSON PROPERTIES: Discussion took place in reviewing the park dedication for this commercial development. Scott Rynerson asked how the cash dedication would correspond with the land they (Kerry Johnson) needs. The land Mr. Johnson needs to provide to allow for his proposal to continue should not be a part of the park dedication. This refers to the land and dollars needed to put in the trails, landscaping, and parking areas on the north of his property... This was agreed to be done from the onset of this proposed project. The park dedication should be considered as a separate item from this required land and/or the development costs of present park land to allow his proposal to work. John Howard made the MOTION that we accept the cash dedication on the Kerry Johnson property. Linda Ladzun SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING August 16, 1993 Page 4 a III. PARK DEDICATION CMC PROPERTIES: Director Dave Bechtold said no detailed plan was on the table, only a similar concept plan as they presented to us some time ago. The developer has gone along with the trail loops to 145th Street to County Road 42 and along Biscayne Avenue at the developers expense. The developer agrees that the park will be a mini -park and will be developed (or designed) on a semi -passive to passive concept. Director Dave Bechtold said the Developer is proposing to develop the industrial/commercial area as a mini -mall which is in the southwest corner of the property. Land has to be specifically identified for this purpose. Linda Ladzun MOTIONED to accept cash dedication for the industrial/commercial part of the CMC, property only. Scott Rynerson SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. IV. PARK DEDICATION BUSINESS PARR: Director Dave Bechtold explained that there are plans to complete the Business Park in phases. Phase I is 80 acres south of County Road 42 as shown on the map distributed to Parks and Recreation committee members. Director Dave Bechtold commented that it was preferred to take cash dedication in Phase I of the industrial/commercial development. Director Dave Bechtold commented that there were some questions regazding-holding pond issues, but felt these ponds could be used for public use. Internal walkways and bike paths would be a part of the developers design plans. Cathy Busho of the Planning commission stated that we need to consider the open space in this business park, but it does seem appropriate that the first phase could take place with cash dedication. Next phases would consider the non -park open spaces in greater detail in conjunction with utility ponding, etc. Scott Rynerson MOTIONED to accept cash dedication for Phase I of the Business Park for park dedication. Dave Giliuson SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. V. CHAIRPERSONS REPORT: SCOTT RYNERSON - Inquired why "draft" copies were being sent. Director Dave Bechtold said the minutes are considered "drafts" until they are officially approved and then they should be delivered with the next meetings agenda and information. JOHN HOWARD: Parks and Recreation Committee members are invited to work at the Renaissance Festival. The Chamber of Commerce took a booth to raise money for Erickson Community Square. re ea-ma-rk.ed_._for,_.gradin-g ( $10, OGGI.-00--._$20, 000. 00 -could betaken , i,n) , The costumes are provided. Dates available over Labor Day weekend. Call John if interested. LINDA LADZUN: Community Center Commission has some fee schedules planned. Working on the Auditorium now, which will be more . _ r PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DRAFT August 16, 1993 Page 5 difficult to book. Student representative, John Ryan, will be replaced. John is going to college and can no longer serve on the commission. DEANNA SIMPSON: Edging was purchased and placed in the community garden. Edging was put in Merrills flower bed which helped spruce it up and will, hopefully, make maintenance a little easier. The path from the Arbor to 145th Street needs to be straightened. May need help from city staff to remove sod and moving some of the trail east. Deanna, Gerry Hill, John and Ann Loch dug a trench from Corcoran's fence to the city hall parking lot. The trench was filled with 6 ml. poly and rock. The first rain the trench worked well. The next heavy rain the rock trench didn't work quite as well. $100.00. Discussion took place about possible signage asking people not to pick the flowers or some way to discourage people from picking flowers for the personal enjoyment. Nothing was confirmed whether a sign would be put in. This could possibly take place with park sign when it is designed along with other park signs. TOM RELLER: None. DAVE GILIUSON: None. VI. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Parks and Recreation Committee timesheets were distributed. Director Dave Bechtold requested that timesheets be returned by Friday, August 20, 1993. Picnic table shelter locations were discussed. 2 posted table/shelters will be installed at Winds Crossing, Schwarz Pond, and Twin Puddles Parks this fall. Committee members agreed to install a picnic table/shelter at Jaycee park if an appropriate location could be chosen. Each 2 posted table/shelter is approximately $1,000.00. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Linda Ladzun to adjourn the meeting at 9:07 p.m. Tom Reller SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Jost, Assistant Director Parks and Recreation CARROLLS HOODS COENITTEE HEFTING August 16, 1993 Resbers present: Mike Busho, Tom Reller, Dan Belting, Mark Joosten, Rick Cook, Dave Giliuson, Loretta Loesch 1. Mike Busho was elected chairperson of the Carrolls Woods Committee. Loretta Loesch was appointed secretary. Z. Rick Cook and the city crew were not impressed with the brush hog. It was not very maneuverable and caused too much destruction to the wood- land. Tordon has proven to be very effective against buckthorn in the test plot. There has been no new growth nor leaching to surrounding plant life. Tordon will be used on the remaining stumps. Rick Cook presented the following estimates to the committee: A. Trail groomer - Harley S-6 power box rake - works with existing loader - cost - $6563.59 B. Lime rock - For a contractor to come in and dig out 4-6 inches on a 2000 foot trail (Haunted Woods), haul in and lay 318 inch lime rock would cost $14,030.75. For 600 tons of lime rock and delivery to site cost is $3,450. It was suggested that only half the lime rock be purchased (300 tons = $1725) and the city work crew undertake the excavation and laying of lime rock. This will be laid along the south trail from the asphalt to the "Devils Pit" along the Haunted Woods trail. It was recommended that the south trail be kept as a maintained trail to allow for maintenance vehicles in park. The Tree Trust may be prevailed upon to provide labor in laying lime rock next spring. The following expenditures were approved by the Carrolls Woods committee: $ 15,000 encumbered funds to Carrolls Woods 6,563 trail groomer - 1,725 300 tons lime rock 6,711 balance $ 6,711 balance of funds 1,725 ear -marked for future lime rock 1,000 ear -marked for 2 brush cutters 50 applications for herbicides 3,936 balance .. :, _ ' -,` r e "'#� �- �';t� _�. :� a jd' -� t�r�F � -, h�r>, 3ra�J k'�2-''� .�,, •n'�;l r pe8. *oT .:al der s� k?i. 4 doaQod jj:1-v �.1 4rx�sa�ttiii v.,sCt ,:1 0� 1 .f a. _ Hq AVsell - t Mo5 abooV a1So'7'%AD OA-1 3o ao sogtlado bfeloal® as�r ad tt#t ,vx$7s osa be r:lagc�s,aa 40as9470 ez�s i _+ -0,x 4r7ci ad# d rm bsaaa%Ckzc 10C slow ���r �CwS0 adi;.brss �b wad; ot Qp a ". .3::igaei"�1wq'i Ott axod tl+� rCii 'teo" ei!irq przibiin®�tx VAI'do a:xa' ��►e�ittartoa' e''o� a�sa:awr pAl �itda �rseas.�s',xq' erriA x�6suiai�.air.9 dux+ &txar ps txac! .xoq +3-2 ;sf$$ xeargzu isxT :R i jF £ °:1► tiN't,E4Cst a rca aed3ttc a-► a � 8.L .�!4�eoo �xoi► `teb b Baas 4gftS 3+a $itCY� it3 .101 lira# 00 bsasrtaxuq ..id too-; enu ed3 31,$ti �;�c sd i�a�ee rtiai' itS11..,.1: ems 3 puiTsf. buy ttasvexe sd;# e�fsxabr�xa rrs'o 142ow y311D ed3 bszas �I. odga a mast C cax� tiuc+� arf�z+.>t� b s �d. Si �w a:rd . s: . i s, x:t a ba aW J� szzr ed- { ia f s ` i kq 411vva" r .w.x bey s�,:.rsm .as. ;istd 'YAEi.f tt:tuOa sraa$d bp7tterzrtC��+B :x ��>os., yn�i Ptt i ccl xOdsl abxvax'q aI rogfr belisv4-z a a xT stt' -017 :99,11immoo abeaW a*ax-is Z affl yd bovcr *.cry$ .... �.• �a..�te�lic� tA�T tbr.aW s lozsso nz , aiDssu? baxarda�ta �rer Q{7 c . A xom." Olp t t r3x�cap,6 taa eaYat `bx ,7xr3 "to taa xsan-sF fi �. ale rtauxc' s xa3 iwrt7 nwxse y- 000 v; » aeE�.ia.cdxeri• .:a� aan� .r���gc�,'% `� C� ' _ � ' m We would like to save and earmark the balance of $3,936 for: - rental equipment - additional lime rock - signage - part time help - timbers (Note: After the Carrolls Woods meeting, the above figures were presented the Park Board for release of the encumbered funds. The Park Board approved and these will be presented to the city council on September 7th.) 3 . A picnic shelter will be placed on the grassy point of Schwartz Pond across from the high school baseball field. 4. The next meeting of the Carrolls Woods Committee will be held on September 20th, at 6:30 p.m. in Carrolls Woods. We will meet at the hockey rink. There will be discussion on future buckthorn removal. �� � a-. Y"' � iy � ... - ar•�yR -t..., � .sir.-.r r} r � !• _ r 'vt 4 ,Y < P-0 r y r 5„ P a tiiq * fa xh t Y� .14, �. f l;i 5R A' u�y, Y ai a ,y }.. �" �{ y:. �.a � '�, �,�. �, i� - _ S �• U WOj, ':.,N.�/ k, 'I�Y,yS 4 } :,F't� _`�f-A d j F�� �•n •5� �� �� � ,� i1Ts'.+Y4 NAW 4 ,.' _ ,.� � a � ,r dr �k � s n •. { !e GG r� j.- .a � 9i� •i AA,. �. rr AJS� C ?'^ 5 .•fat r '.A s � r,, bG-. r m�� �� � �^�• ➢{, '� '�! "�. � FY� � 3•}. "� t { Y � _ Speg ry)+r� �iS d � y. •ISM eA.;yG i { ,� M� ^�� � s. ;` ,r Pik � �•+ ¥� r aa' � �,� f ia5�, .,� ✓'`+ -01 t � Li'*' 1' `� v '' �f � r rid • � r + vJ`�°` � i"T' 1 p�S r. " �;� ,� „y� �.P %!�rT '�` �i' .}... Tt..`� .5 Y .>r - a. Y i. K a. " F kkr,<, 4. Y •'.. rTr", i :Rf 3 � M_ '", � �� 3 �^y 1 7 9 <z., (f•. 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They would like to see the money from the Port Authority take care of this problem. Dave Bechtold in talking to John Miller thought this would be taken care of soon. In the mean time they would let city trucks drive on their property to fix the problem. Brian Bourassa from O.S.M. showed us two grade plans for the amphitheater and shelter. The committee liked plan 2. It moved the seating to the south about 20' to make the grade work out better. It also moved the shelter to the north and east more. Brian figured if one person took up 4' the amphitheater would seat about 460 people. Brian B. did give us a preliminary cost estimate for grading and seeding of $33,191 .50. If we would sod it all we're looking at $54,091.50. Dave stated there should be more than enough power at the site for shelter, trail lighting, old warming house, and amphitheater building. We talked about the shelters use and it should be identified as more than just a shelter. It's a warming house, concession stand, meeting room and has an open shelter on it. There was talk if there is enough room there might be an open skating rink. Dave will talk to Bud Osmundson about the grade plan and us moving forward with Brian B. to get specs and bids ready. We would like to let it out for bids this fall. Dave will talk to Steve Jilk if we need to go to Council. John Loch talked to Chuck Novack to see if he would be interested in working with us on the shelter plan. He was receptive and possibly would wave his commission. He would like to work on it this winter. John Loch will talk to Chuck Novack to see if he will meet with us for our next meeting. Dave will talk to Bud 0. and John M. about Corcoran drainage problem. Deanna will make change to the position of the shelter on the grade plan then talk to Scott Gunhus. Cathy Busho, Marge Ryan, and Lucy Holzer would like to make sure they get the minutes for our meetings. We would like each member to look over the floor plan of the shelter and bring your ideas on what to change or add to the next meeting. NEXT MEETING will be held October 12, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. Chuck Novack Building Respectfully submitted, Jim Koslowski l•1AUSAU BRANCH 171:-Z:,•;99559 ' G,rl�l(S�� `OYrtf►'1Wi1�N ��tLL�!'�, E�• ug�g-� l rl,, 1993 ��►m kcslowsk� b�ou��,�� a, �irl-4' . of •Irt�orvna4iovt t-�e pox • S�el�er needs o rt arc►:,-ec�kra� 1ar.. sr ►lea 1 P g by an ctr�k��ee.� ouz� We- C-cu1 ►lo� �a l2. `�� clrc.W rL y � P 2) k � cZ �rC►� c�scv.salol'l - he rou c ec��dE we 9 P P- re-Sce4. mou�! OcW�LrtQ w-l� A-CIc,►rinq ck, grale' plan. 1 t L CeC _. bnc�trov1 �l Ob4 ►70;' Jn CLCCC ,K4 k/C.-T VQ1�Llt'iC)ki v�+�n .Loclvl l�l Q a� wko4jo, ?o. o.l,,4kc>ri7p pn.c'men+ *40 A.�rc- cL 9�`�� pIaul, 'the ."416n cans Se(:OKJ 81 R). Ih� cons'nsus o �Gle ro rese✓l .. 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I� 1993 Q �' t .. i Ers fe.s� n� WQIQ V�r�'t kDs0t6 -ci �)Cwc cIaL'►A.L'0ck ) 7;�-OkyL [40Wgf'j• _... v RECREATION REPORT Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 Recreation Report includes programs for September 1993. I. PROGRAMS/PROJECTS THAT WERE COMPLETED OR PROGRAMS THAT ARE COMING TO AN END THIS MONTH A. S.O.R.R. Volksmarch was conducted on Saturday, September 18, 1993 in Lakeville. The beautiful weather brought in 98 participants. B. Summer Playground Program finished it's schedule of events with the Wacky Wednesdays on August 28, 1993. II. PROGRAMS BEING CONDUCTED A. TINY TOTS Tiny Tots leader Lori Holcomb began the fall session of Tiny Tots on September 13th with the group levels listed below. Publicity will continue for upcomining sessions with a maximum of a 1:12 ratio before we consider adding a second leader. The program will be conducted at St. Johns Lutheran Church until next spring. The program may then move to the Community Center. 1993 Fall Registration: Monday & Wednesday Morning = 11 Monday & Wednesday Afternoon = 8 Tuesday & Thursday Morning = 10 Tuesday & Thursday Afternoon = 10 39 total participants for Fall Session B. ROSETTES Instructors Denise Evans and Jo -Anne Anderson will be working with the Rosettes again this fall. The program begins September 28th. Registration are still being taken until class meet the limit of 24 per class. Lacelle Cordes will be completing the programming for Porn Poms. Registration: Two classes are being conducted. The 2nd class has 22 participants The 3rd class has 3 participants The 4th-7th graders class has 16 participants C. VOLLEYBALL The 1992-93 volleyball leagues began September loth with the exception of Womens Recreational Volleyball beginning on September 27th. The number of teams in the leagues are listed below. The overall participation is down by 5 teams. The recreational league fees increased to $45 from $40; and the power league fees increase $3-5 over last years administration fee as well. CoRec Recreational Volleyball 28 teams (down by 4 teams from 1992-93) Womens Recreational Volleyball 9 teams (down by 1 team) CoRec Power Volleyball 16 teams (same as 1992-93) Recreation Report September 20, 1993 p. 2 I1. PROGRAMS BEING CONDUCTED D. TRIPS Four youth trips are schedule for October. III. UPCOMING PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS A. HALLOWEEN/HAUNTED WOODS PROGRAMS are being planned. Call Lacelle Cordes to volunteer. IV. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES - none programming (park inventory, etc.) will be covered during in her internship in Rosemount. Respectfully submitted, Lisa Jost, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation City of Rosemount rcreport.23 TO: CARROLLS WOODS i TTEE . FROM: DAVID J. BECHT_. DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 1993 RE: MEETING SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 At our last meeting we :yet plans for meeting again on the evening of September 20th. This will be at. 6:30 P. M. behind the Rosemount High School next to the hockey rink area. Minutes of our committee meeting of August 16th were went out previously. It is important to note that the requests of this committee and the Erickson Community Square Committee to use encumbered CIP funding for our projects was approved at the last city council meeting. For that reason Rick Cook and his staff are ready to move ahead with purchases as per the motions made by this committee and subsequently by the Parks & Recreation Committee. Atthe meeting of September 20th this should be discussed and the minutes should note your intent for Rick to move ahead with the purchase of the lime stone, the trail groomer, etc.. Mike Buscho, the president of this committee, called me today to inform me that the USPCI donation committee has approved $ 2,500 to be used towards the Carrolls Woods programming and development. He will discuss that with you in greater detail atthe meeting. Please make a special effort to attend this meeting. Your input is a valuable asset in making things happen! PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: o/ j 0 ��� COMPLETED BY: 4;� MAILING INCLUDEO:`----a l: utes for meet g. (Committee) % (Date Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for meeting. (Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) John Howard Jerry Puciaty Scott Rynerson Tom Reller Deanna Simpson m Dave Giliuson Linda Ladzun ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* Del Lorentzen Cathy Busho Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Parks Staff Linda Ladzun (Parks and Rec Committee) Deanna Simpson (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* Marie Jensen Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting Loretta Loesch Ron Pederson Joel Sutter Parks Staff Rick Cook (Parks Supervisor) Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - 7 copies) Dave Bechtold Lisa Jost Rick Cook Park Staff Kerry Budinger Lacelle Cordes Wendy Foreman ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (29 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (6) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police Community Center Manager City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING; ,— PARK AND REC CTTEE / ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: chk1stpr.2 as of 4-1-93 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: P -"- MAILING INCLUDEDI COMPLETED BY: - minutes for (Committee) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for meeting. (Date) meeting. (Date) k Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) John Howard Jerry Puciaty Scott Rynerson Tom Reller Deanna Simpson Dave Giliuson Linda Ladzun ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* Del Lorentzen Cathy Busho Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Parks Staff Linda Ladzun (Parks and Rec Committee) Deanna Simpson (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* _.Z'�' Marie Jensen Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting ' Loretta Loesch Ron Pederson L-- Joel Sutter Parks Staff V' Rick Cook (Parks Supervisor) r = ' Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) L Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) Dave Bechtold Lisa Jost Rick Cook Park Staff Kerry Budinger Jane Mollman Lacelle Cordes Wendy Foreman ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (29 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (6) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police Community Center Manager City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: chk1stpr.2 as of 4-1-93 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: % COMPLETED BY: MAILING INCLUDED: minutes for meeting. (Committee) (Date) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for meeting. (Date) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) John Howard Dave Bechtold Jerry Puciaty Lisa Jost Scott Rynerson \ Rick Cook Tom Reller Park Staff Deanna Simpson_ Kerry Budinger Dave Giliuson_ Jane Mollman Linda Ladzun Lacelle Cordes ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* Del Lorentzen Cathy Busho Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley �\ John Loch \� Parks Staff Linda Ladzun (Parks and Rec Committee) Deanna Simpson (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* Marie Jensen Ed Howard \� Mike Busho Dan Belting Loretta Loesch ``*� -Rlon p+ rsaq- Joel Sutter \� Parks Staff Rick Cook (Parks Supervisor) \� Tom Reller (Parks and Ree Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names chk1stpr.2 as of 4-1-93 Wendy Foreman ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (29 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (6) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police Community Center Manager City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) _ t r �csmmission (3) Official City Records (1) #i OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: a CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE MEETINC SEPTEM ER 2701 1993 Membors prosont: Mike Busho, Ed Howard, Loretta Loesch, Tom Roller Staff - Dave Bechtold, Lacelle Cordes, Mark Joosten. 1. Ed Howard gueytioned the rationale of the decision to lay limestone on the south trail, and stated any deviation of the master plan should be very well documented. It was agreed that any work direction would be documented. Dave Bechtold said Dan Belting thought there really was no deviation to the plan. According to the minutes of the August 16th Park and Recreation meeting, -The master plan states that this trail should be eliminated because of steep grade, etc. The 'etc' could mean the trail is too soft. Maintenance vehicles have gotten stuck in this trail." 2. Rick Cook and staff will write up any deviation to master trail as a project file. This will be added to the minutes of this meeting and brought to next months' meeting. An updated map of the trail will be provided by staff to better define accesses and trails. Motion was made by Mike Busho for Rick and city staff to go ahead and purchase limestone/rock and excavate the designated trail from the high school to the devil's pit located on the Halloween trail, providing project documentation. He should also go ahead with the purchase of the trail groomer. Motion was seconded by Loretta Loesch. All members voted aye and the motion was carried. 3. A date for more buckthorn chipping will be set for after the Halloween Party, as soon as time and staff permit. The city crew will apply Tordon as they cut. Next committee meeting will be held before the park board meeting, on Oet;.baf 18th, vt 6:30 P.M. We will discuss the access point on the southwest corner of the park. WATER TRUCK VIL DUMMIES 65' FENCE FRANKENSTEIN FATMAN REROD HAUNTED CAMPSITE ORGAN CUTOUT W H DEVIL' PIT >HORT FEN BACKDROPS ITCHES Po DINING ROOM SCENE WY 52 SIGN GORILLA CAGE -WINDOW PUMP KIN/CAT -DOOR CUTOUT 1. -BRICKWALL SCREEN HEARSE SIGN / CHICKEN DUMMY SHORT FENCE 1992 HAUNTED WOODS TRAIL CEMETERY CARROLL'S WOODS PARK SHORT FENCE QXta� OLD LADY & MAN co"d GENERATOR 92 SPACE SCENE SHIPPING CRATE WOLFMAN WEST SOUT NORTH BUCKETHEAD HANGMAN SIGN TRICK OR TREAT M / ONSTER DAKOTA ELECTRIC EAST I BUCKETHEAD 4 MOVING SKELETONS COFFEE CANS coo MOP HEAD c5 (Pink) AXEMAN SWAMI ':ENE SWIMMER d CRAB 0+ CAVE SCENE MAN ON WALL TUNNEL SHORT 24' FENCE BRIDE &FRANKENSTEIN \ / GYPSY c" o GENERATOR s1 REROD \i IG boo / el. e+f � so LIGHTED REROD �co TROLL HUT MAD SCIENTIST & FRANKENSTEI SKELETON/HAUNTE TIRE CHILDREN AT PLAY C BACKDROP CKDROPH � SWING SIGN GAS MASK DUMMY SWINGING WITCH 111rriiii TEETER TOT TO LAN BAT I W17-ARD FENCE / PLAYFUL BEARS ANCTUAgY GORILLA W/ LADDE SPIDERMA �:IREPLACE X ;ILI AVE B' D n r/ POPULATION SIGN • 9 o 0 m m " BUCKETHEAD DUMMIE �i • > pIRAT Sylp VOLLEYBALL POLE WITH LIGHT •A• TOP SIGN ENTRANCE HITE VAN ORANGE SIGN SIGN IN COSTUMES 1 j YELLOW ARROW SIGN RESCUE SQUA HALLOWEEN t PARTY / ENTRANCE HIGHHOOL^-FOOD DONATION AREA PORTABLE TOILET RKING PUPPET WAGON IRKING LOT ROSEMOUNT HIGH SCHOOL PARK w HERE ¢ y p STUDENT CENTER