HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993_10_18-PRMMTO: PARKS GREAT ON COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: DAVID J. BE TOLL, DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION DATE: OCTOBER 13, 199: RE: PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCT. 18, 1993 DATE: OCTOBER 18, 1993 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 P.M. AGENDA: CALL MEETING TO ORDER I:t ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III. APPROVE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 MEETING IV. AUDIENCE INPUT OLD BUSINESS: I . RAAA UPDATE ( TOM NUEMANN ) II. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE III. SUMMARY FROM ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE COMMITTEE IV. WORK SHOP TOPIC FOR MEETING, NOVEMBER 4, 1993 V. DISCUSSION OF PARK ORDINANCES VI PARK ORDINANCE DISCUSSIONS AND APPROVAL_ NEW BUSINESS I. RESIGNATION OF DEPARTMENT PART TIME SECRETARY II. DEPARTMENT STAFFING PROPOSALS III. WENSMANN DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL IV. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT V. DIRECTOR'S REPORT VI. ADJOURNMENT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE DRAFT REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 18, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deanna Simpson, Linda Ladzun, Scott Rynerson, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation; Lacelle Cordes, Program Director Parks and Recreation; Kerry Budinger, Secretary; Rick Cook, Parks Supervisor; Mark Joosten, Parks Staff MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7:45 p.m. by chairman, Scott Rynerson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 MINUTES: MOTION by Dave Giliuson to accept the minutes of the September 20, 1993 meeting as written. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. 'Yt3X. IS I. RAAA UPDATE: Tom Neumann said that RAAA had applied to the U.S.P.C.I. for funds to offset their field maintenance fees. RAAA's usual method for collecting the fees was to charge members $3.00 per family per year. This year RAAA will change this to collecting $1.00 per sport in the registration fees and there will be no family memberships. The association has solicited donations for the last couple of years and approximately $10,000.00 has been collected. Part of these funds will be set aside for program grants, and the remainder of the funds will be distributed throughout each sports program on a prorated basis. Tom used this time to express his concerns regarding the usage fees that the community center is going to be charging for the facilities. He stressed that he felt it was time to meet with Apple Valley and come to some conclusion about field usage and fees. Forty-five percent of the participant in RAAA are Apple Valley residents and therefore Apple Valley must start shouldering more of the responsibility for facility usage. Dave stated that he, along with Jerry Puciaty and Linda Ladzun, will meet with Rosemount Softball Association and RAAA in November. They will begin discussing fee structures and the process of making the field and facility usage more equitable between the cities of Rosemount and Apple Valley. II. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Mike Busho, Chairman of the Carrolls Woods Subcommittee, updated the committee members on the work the committee has been accomplishing. The lime rock has been completed on the trail from the entrance to the devils pit area, and starts again further to the north from this point. They are continuing to cut buckthorn with the help of local high school students. Buckthorn in the area treated with Tordon after cutting is coming back at a slower rate than the rest of the areas. The committee has discussed putting up a barrier at the entrance to the woods near the high school. They are hoping this will keep automobiles off the trail area. There would be a maintenance gate and walk through included in this. Dave will be contacting the high school to see if they would be interested in sharing the costs for this project. If possible, this will be a barrier of trees along with a gate to control access by vehicles. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING October 18, 1993 Page 2 DRAFT The subcommittee made a motion for Rick and the parks staff to mark the southwest entrance to the woods and the connecting trail. The developer will grade the area and the city will put down an aggregate trail at the site. Deanna Simpson said that the aggregate trails currently found in the woods are very nice surfaces to walk on and they look pleasant winding through the woods. Mike informed the committee members that the Carrolls Woods Subcommittee had voted that evening to recommend Deanna Simpson serve as a member of the Carrolls Woods Subcommittee. Scott made a MOTION to appoint Deanna Simpson to the Carrolls Woods Subcommittee. The motion was SECONDED by John Howard, Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Deanna stated that she is looking forward to serving on the committee. III. SUMMARY ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE COMMITTEE: Deanna Simpson informed the committee members that Chuck Novack, a local architect, has volunteered his time to developing a plan for the shelter for Erickson Community Square. He will be working closely with Scott Gunhus who is developing a landscape plan for the area. They will be striving for a design that will work well as a warming house, picnic shelter, and be aesthetically pleasing for walks in the park and garden area. They will also try to blend the shelter with the area and with city hall. Chuck Novack and Scott Gunhus received the plans drawn up by Kosy several months ago and they will be expanding on them. Dave informed the committee that Chuck Novack had recently asked for the GSI of the area from the consulting engineering department. The engineers were very cooperative and have recently sent this information to Chuck. Requests for bids for the grading of the area went out and will be in on 10/29/93 at 10:00 a.m. Some of the grading costs were defrayed by the use of fill from the construction on 145th Street and Chili. Ed Howard, a member of the audience, asked if the committee had yet looked at using the Guard for man power on any projects. He said that now is a good time to get them involved. They are at a down time and willing to get involved in community projects, especially one with the level of visibility that Erickson Community Square will have. He suggested that Dave or a committee member contact Major General Eugene Andriotti as a starting point. He stressed that even if the Guard cannot help at this point, they may be willing to get involved in future projects if the leg work is done now. Dave said that he would talk to Jim Topitzhofer the following day to get his recommendations of what steps to take. Jim has been working closely with the Guard on the construction of the armory and community center. Dave commented on how the lines of communication between the Parks and Recreation Committee and the subcommittees must remain open. This will enable each committee to make greater progress with their projects and to help keep the community on track with what is being accomplished. Deanna stressed that projects such as Carrolls Woods will always be controversial. The Parks and Recreation Committee and the respective subcommittees have to continue to use the Master Plan to show there are goals each committee is striving for. This could be used to counteract the negative influences working on certain projects. IV. WORKSHOP TOPIC FOR MEETING, NOVEMBER 4, 1993: As discussed at the September 20, 1993 meeting, Jim Topitzhofer has been invited to the November 4, 1993 meeting. Dave asked that all of the committee members plan to attend this workshop. Dave said that Jim has had time to develop plans, draw up commission statements, etc. and he feels the Parks and Recreation Committee should draw on what he has done. Now is a good time to talk with Jim while he has the time. When he starts with operations of the community center, he may not have the time to share with us. The meeting is scheduled for November 4, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. V. PARK ORDINANCE DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL: Dave presented the updated park ordinances that Wendy Foreman worked on with Lacelle Cordes during Wendy's internship this summer. They have been edited and presented to the City attorney. They were given to the committee members last month to look over. Dave requested an approval for a change from the Parks and Recreation PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING October 18, 1993 Page 3 DRAFT Committee members. He asked that it be specifically stated in the park ordinances that Erickson Community Square hockey rinks were open 24 hours. The skaters would have access to the lights to operate on their own, but would not have access to the warming house after hours. In previous years skaters have often been seen on the rinks at 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. It has been policy to let them have access to the lights for several years, and they have had no incidences of problems. Scott Rynerson made a MOTION to recommend the park ordinances with the addition of 24 hour hockey rinks at Erickson Community Square to the City Council for their approval and adoption. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. I. RESIGNATION OF DEPARTMENT PART TIME SECRETARY: Dave informed the committee members that Kerry Budinger has resigned from the position of Secretary Aide for the Parks and Recreation Department. Her last day of employment will be Friday, October 22, 1993. Dave supplied the committee members with an executive summary for action that will be presented to the City Council on October 19, 1993. It recommends that the council accepts the resignation of Kerry, approve the job description for the Secretary Aide position, and authorize the posting and advertising for the position. II. DEPARTMENT STAFFING PROPOSAL: Dave briefed the committee members on hiring strategy for filling the positions. In order to promote some stability within the department Dave is recommending that the council approve Wendy Foreman and Lacelle Cordes for full time Programmers for the Parks and Recreation Department. This would leave the position of the Assistant Director open at this point. The department will consist of two programmers and a part time secretary. Dave and Ron Wasmund, acting City Administrator, will continue to evaluate the needs of the department and make recommendations accordingly. Dave would like this to take effect immediately in order for Wendy and Lacelle to get to work on their respective programs as soon as possible. When the new administrator is hired that person can work with Dave to address the Parks and Recreation Department and to possibly fill the position of Assistant Director at that time. Scott noted that the Parks and Recreation Committees position on staffing issues is to leave them to the director and administration, but wished the staff good luck. III. WENSMAN DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL: Dave gave each member a copy of a proposed development plan by Wensmann Homes, Inc. that is located bordering south of Cty. Rd. 42, and placed between Shannon Parkway and Diamond Path. It shows that there is a large open space for a park placed within the development with bike trails running through the development connecting Shannon Parkway with Diamond Path. One safety concern was that this bike trail crosses a main street in the middle of a block. There are also questions on how it may be possible to connect the bike trail that stops on Danbury to a bike trail that stops on Danville Ave. This will be connected with a trail that runs east and west along 151 st Street. The committee had several concerns and asked Dave to get further information on the number of multiple dwellings in the development, and the definition of a deck home. Dave will also ask if the park area will be used for ponding, and who will be maintaining the trails through the development. Dave said that he will collect the information the committee is requesting and bring it to the next meeting in November. IV. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: DAVE GILIUSON: Nothing at this time. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING October 18, 1993 Page 4 DRAFT DEANNA SIMPSON: Deanna had a request from the garden club about placing a snow fence on the west side of the community garden bordering the Dakota Central Buildings parking area. There was a short discussion regarding the possible need for a permanent fence there. Deanna felt that a snow fence would be sufficient at this point. Deanna said that there have been some inquiries by residents in the neighborhood of the construction on 145th Street and Chili Avenue. There has been a triangular area created by this, and the garden club is looking at doing some landscaping in the area. Several neighbors in the area have expressed their interest in helping with this project. There is some money in the Tree Trust that may be used to buy some apple trees and flowers for this area. This is a public works area. Dave's staff will coordinate some of the work that has already been discussed between Deanna Simpson and Bud Osmundson. SCOTT RYNERSON: None. JOHN HOWARD: Stated he enjoyed working at the Renaissance Festival, but was not sure the profits were worth all the work. LINDA LADZUN: Updated the committee members on the community center commission. They are continuing to work on policies, procedures, and rates. They are currently focusing on concession stand policies. V. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: At the next meeting in November Dave said that it will be necessary to look at the bylaws. They will be sent with the agenda for the November meeting. He recommended that the committee members look at them, and pay special attention to the section on voting in new officers. The park dedication formula will be reviewed to see if any changes are needed for the year. IV. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Deanna Simpson SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary CARROLLS VOODS CONNITTSR NSETIBG October 18, 1993 Members present: Ed Howard, Mike Busho, Loretta Loesch, Dave Giliuson Staff: Dave Bechtold, Rick Cook, Mark Joosten, LaCelle Cordes, Deanna Simpson Committee and staff met in Carrolls Woods before their 6:30 meeting at City Hall to examine the new limestone trail. Half of the Halloween trail beginning at the hockey rink was covered with limestone. The other half was excavated and 4-6 inches of wood chips were laid down. It was the general consensus that the limestone surface was the preferred pathway. It will be easy to maintain and blends in well with the surrounding landscape. Either Shannon Park dedication funds or USPCI money may be used for development of the southeast entrance. The access has been identified by the developer by the absence of plotted lots. Northwest corner has been rough graded. Overheads of existing and proposed trails were viewed and discussed. - Parts of the southern trail could be eliminated. - Take advantage of some of the deer trails in determining a southern trail to meet where the limestone ends on the western side of the "Halloween loop". - Once buckthorn is down it wouldn't take much to carve a trail. - An aggregate trail is recommended for the south and southwest trail. Motion: Ed Howard - Rick Cook and crew will identify an acceptable trail from the southwest corner access point and follow through to link with the termination point of the aggregate trail already in. Seconded by Mike Busho. Motion carried. Dave Giliuson expressed interest in going with the city crew to map out the trail. Motion: Ed Howard - Dave Bechtold to make an inquiry with the school in placing a swing post or metal gate across the access at the school and identify areas to be blocked off using natural vegetation such as ivy or trees. Seconded by Mike Busho. Motion carried. Deanna Simpson addressed the committee expressing interest in becoming a member of the Carrolls Woods committee if there is a vacancy. Motion: Mike Busho - Would like to recommend to the Park Board that Deanna Simpson servo as a member of the Carrolls Woods committee to replace Ron Pederson. Seconded by Loretta Loesch. Motion carried. Motion: Ed Howard - Staff is to examine what vegetation is appro- priate to block traffic, serve as a fence, i.e. barrier, screen, at the entrance of the woods by the school; and cost of such. Seconded by Loretta Loesch. Motion carried. Next meeting of the Carrolls Woods committee will be held before the park board meeting, on November 15, at 6:30 p.m. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 18, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: RESIGNATION OF SECRETARY AIDE NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: David J. Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation I. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: COPY OF INFORMATION SENT TO COUNCIL Kerry Budinger has resigned from the position of Secretary Aide for the Parks and Recreation Department. Her last day of employment will be October 22, 1993. This valued member of our department will be missed in its day to day operations. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 19, 1993 AGENDA ITEM•ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF KERRY AGENDA SECTION• �UDINGER AND AUTHORIZE POSTING AND ADVERTISING TO FILL SECRETARY AIDE POSITION NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. DAVID J. BECHTOLD / DIRECTOR OF P & R ATTACBMENTS: COPY OF RESIGNATION APPROVED BY: AND jnR S Kerry Budinger has been a valued staff member of the Parks & Recreation. Department since April 6, 1992. Personal goals and endeavors have prompted her to resign from city employment at this time. Her last day with our department will be October 22, 1992. Attached is the job description for the Secretary Aide position. It has been updated to include the ADA information relating to this Position. Because of the update Council action is requested to approve the new job description. Council authorization is requested to begin the process of hiring a Secretary Aide for the Parks &.Recreation Department. By starting the process at this time it is hoped to advertise, interview, and bring the name of a recommended candidate to you to fill this position by December 7, 1993. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to accept the resignation of Kerry Budinger, approve the job description of the Secretary Aide position, and to authorize the posting and advertising for the position of Secretary Aide for the Parks & Recreation Department. COUNCIL ACTION: October 8, 1993 Dave Bechtold Director Parks and Recreation Dept City of Rosemount 2875 W 145th St Rosemount MN 55068 Dave: This letter is to inform you that I am resigning my position as part time secretary aide and giving my two weeks notice. I have enjoyed my term of employment with the City of Rosemount, and have particularly enjoyed working with you and the capable and dedicated staff of the Parks and Recreation Department. I am resigning my position to enable me to spend more time working on starting my home typing and transcribing business. I resign with mixed emotions; the loss of a close relationship with my co- workers, and the excitement and anxiety of starting my own business. I know that the department is going through many changes at the current time, but I am a firm believer that most, if not all, changes are for the best! Rosemount is growing by leaps and bounds, and I know that the Parks and Recreation Department will be working hard to keep our children and residents active and happy. Good luck in your exciting new future! Sinc rely, KefBinger CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 18, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: RAAA UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: David J. Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation I. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE Tom Neumann, president of the RAAA organization, will be available for a monthly update on their operations. IRECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE (PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 18, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: David J. Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation II. ATTACHMENTS: (APPROVED BY: PACKET SENT TO CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE A short report was written regarding Carrolls Woods projects and time spent by full time staff. Maps depicting present trail locations and the conceptual locations for future trails is also. included. Rick and I will be working with the staff to more clearly mark trail locations in the woods as time allows. Those markings would be identified on the maps for use in referencing project locations in the woods. We can all better communicate and give input on projects with upgraded mapping information. The Carrolls Woods Committee has been asked by Chairperson Mike Busho to meet at 6:00 p.m. in Carrolls Woods. Their regular meeting is set for starting at 6:30 p.m. in the council chambers in city hall. Getting together in the woods at 6:00 p.m. will allow for an onsite loot at projects by the Carrolls Woods Committee members. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE REQUESTED PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM: ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 18, 1993 AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: David J. Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation I III. ATTACHMENTS: NONE APPROVED BY: Members of the Erickson Community Square Committee are asked to give an update. There has been some work done in the area of the amphitheater and the shelter. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE REQUESTED PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 18, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: WORKSHOP MEETING FOR NOVEMBER 4, 1993 1 OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: (AGENDA NO.: David J. Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation IV. ATTACHMENTS: NONE APPROVED BY: We were informed at our last meeting that Jim Topitzhofer was scheduled to meet with us at our next workshop meeting. he was asked to discuss the Community Center project with us as it relates to the facility and the plans for operations. Although we may have missed one or more of our workshop meetings please make a special effort to attend this meeting. The Community Center and the Parks and Recreation Department need to bond together to serve the community. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 18, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: PARK ORDINANCES OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: David J. Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation V. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE A copy of the present park ordinances and the updates that staff has proposed were presented to you at the September 20, 1993 meeting. You were asked to review those ordinances and to plan to discuss them at this October regular meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOVE TO RECOMMEND THE PARK ORDINANCES AS PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THEIR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: S. A. H. io P. 4-3-1 Chapter 3 PARKS SECTION: 4-3-1: Purpose and Intent 4-3-2: Definitions 4-3-3: Park Hours 4-3-4: Special Uses/Park Reservations 4-3-5: Vehicle Use/Parking Regulations 4-3-6: Fire 4-3-7: Litter 4-3-8: Personal Property 4-3-9: Protection of Property, Structures and Natural Resources 4-3-10: Alcohol 4-3-11: Animals 4-3-12: Golf 4-3-13: Restrooms 4-3-14: Public Sales 4-3-15: Posters and Advertisements 4-3-16: Glass 4-3-17: Weapons Prohibited 4-3-18: Violations/Penalties 4-3-2 4-3-1: PURPOSE AND INTENT: The purpose of this Chapter is to provide for the regulated use of and the protection of life and property in or on City Parks. 4-3-2: DEFINITIONS: LIQUOR: A beverage capable of inducing intoxication, including but not limited to 3.2 beer, wine and wine coolers. MOTORIZED VEHICLES: Any motor vehicle, whether designed for, used or capable of use for travel, lodging, sport, amusement or recreation, whether or not eligible to be licensed for use upon streets or highways, including but not limited to automobiles, buses, truck, tractor trailers, tractors, motor bikes, motor scooters, mini bikes, trail bikes, motorcycles, go-karts, hover craft, snowmobiles, all -terrain vehicles or dune buggies. CITY PARK: Any land owned by the City of Rosemount and designated as a park by the City Council by separate resolution. (Ord. XV1.13, 7-5-77) 4-3-3 4-3-5 4-3-3: PARK HOURS: A. Closing Hours: Except as otherwise provided, parks shall be closed between the hours of ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. and six o'clock (6:00) A.M. of the following day, and no person shall be upon City Park property during these hours. B. Exceptions: 1. Persons shall be allowed upon City Park property after closing hours if they have a permit from the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department. 2. Erickson Park shall be closed at eleven o'clock (11 :00) P.M. rather than ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. 3. The City Council may by resolution modify the closing hours as it may deem appropriate. 4. City personnel may be in the parks at any time if acting in the course of their official duties. 4-3-4: CITY PARK RESERVATIONS: No person or group shall have exclusive use of all or any portion of a park unless they have first reserved the property with the Parks and Recreation Department and procured a permit. Unless an exclusive use permit is procured, use of the park property will be on first come, first served basis. 4-3-5: VEHICLE USE/PARKING REGULATIONS: A. Use of motorized vehicle, including operation and parking, within City Parks shall be unlawful except upon roads or trails specifically designated for such use. B. No person shall operate or park a motorized vehicle within City Parks during hours when the park is closed unless authorized by permit issued by the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department. C. No person shall park a motorized vehicle within City Parks unless that person is a patron of the park at that time or unless authorized by permit issued by the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department. D. No person shall park a motorized vehicle on the East side of Brazil Avenue within Erickson Park, unless authorized by permit issued by the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department. (Ord. XII.9,2-15-83) 4-3-6 M0161 4-3-6: FIRE: A. No person shall ignite afire in any City Park except in barbecue grills provided. Charcoal fires are permitted in barbecue grills only, NO wood fires allowed. B. No person igniting or attending a fire shall leave the area before the fire has been completely extinguished. 4-3-7: LITTER: No person shall litter any City Park or any lake, pond or water course within or draining into a City Park with any form of trash or waste material. Such trash or waste material shall be deposited in the proper receptacles when provided; where receptacles are not provided, all trash or waste material shall be carried away from the area by the person responsible for its presence. 4-3-8: PERSONAL PROPERTY: No person shall leave or store personal property within any City Park without written permission from the Parks and Recreation Department. 4-3-9: PROTECTION OF PROPERTY, STRUCTURES AND NATURAL RESOURCES: A. Damaging or removing property prohibited. No person shall willfully deface, vandalize or otherwise cause destruction to City Park property. B. Flowers, Trees and Shrubs. No person shall willfully and without authority cut, pluck or otherwise injure any flowers, shrubs, trees or other plant material growing in or around any City Park. No person shall introduce any form of vegetation within a park without permission from the Parks and Recreation Department. C. Bird or Animals. No person shall willfully and without authority kill, trap, hunt, pursue or in any manner disturb or interfere with any species of wildlife in any City Park without permission from the Parks and Recreation Department. No person shall release any insect, fish or animal in any City Park without permission from the Parks and Recreation Department. D. Restitution. In addition to other penalties, any person violating the provisions of this Section shall make restitution to the Parks and Recreation Department for the full value of the damaged caused, including, but not limited to, the cost of repairs, replacement and labor. 4-3-10: LIQUOR RESTRICTIONS: A. Possession and Consumption restricted. The possession and/or consumption of liquor in any city park shall be prohibited except as provided in 4-3-10 B. B. Use In Erickson Park: Beer, wine and wine coolers may be possessed or consumed in Erickson Park with the exception of Erickson Community Square Area during the following hours: between eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. and eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. on Monday through Saturday, and between twelve o'clock (12:00) P.M. until eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. on Sunday. 4-3-10 4-3-14 C. Sale of Liouor in Erickson Park: With the approval of the City Council, a license may be issued for the sale of 3.2% malt liquor only in Erickson Park, with the exception of the Erickson Community Square Area, during the hours for possession and consumption, authorized by 4-3-10 B above. If a license is issued, it must be posted in a conspicuous place in the premisses selling the 3.2% malt liquor. 4-3-11: ANIMALS:' A. Proper Restraint. A dog or cat is considered to be under restraint on City Park property only when it is controlled with the use of a leash no longer than ten feet (10') or when it is under voice or signal command in the exercise areas designated by the City. B. Feces Removal. All persons in control of an animal on City Park property shall have in his/her possession at all times apparatus which can be used for cleaning up feces and/or a bag for proper disposal of feces. The person in control of an animal is responsible for picking up his/her animal's feces and disposing of it properly. C. Proper Control. No person shall permit a dog or other animal to disturb, harass or interfere with or endanger any visitor or visitor's property. No person shall tether and leave unattended any dog or animal to a tree, plant, building or City Park equipment. D. Special Events. No animals under human control shall be allowed on the Carrolls Woods trails during the Rosemount Parks and Recreation sponsored Halloween Haunted Woods event, except lead dogs for the sight impaired persons. 4-3-12: GOLF: No person shall play the game of golf or engage in putting, practice swinging or the striking of any golf balls in any City Park. 4-3-13: RESTROOMS: Every person shall cooperate in maintaining restrooms, washrooms and other sanitation facilities in a neat, orderly and sanitary condition. No person shall use the restrooms and washrooms designed and designated for members of the opposite sex, except for children who may be accompanied by an adult when deemed appropriate. 4-3-14: PUBLIC SALES: No person shall expose or offer for sale, rent or hire any article or thing or conduct any commercial enterprise within a City Park unless that person has obtained a permit from the Parks and Recreation Department. 1 Further details of the animal ordinance are contained in Title 7, Chapter 4 of this code. 4-3-15 4-3-18 4-3-15: POSTERS AND ADVERTISEMENTS: A. No person shall post, glue, tack or otherwise affix any sign, placard, advertisement or other inscription whatsoever to public property within any City Park. B. No person shall distribute or disseminate leaflets, pamphlets or other written or printed material, or use loudspeakers or other amplifying systems, in any City Park without a permit from the Parks and Recreation Department. 4-3-16: GLASS No person shall bring glass containers of any kind into any City Parks, including but not be limited to beverage containers, drinking glasses, etc. 4-3-17: WEAPONS PROHIBITED: 2 The use or possession of firearms, as defined in Title 7, Chapter 5 of this Code, within the City Parks is prohibited, except the use of archery equipment in designated archery ranges. 4-3-18: VIOLATIONS/PENALTIES: Any person who shall violate any provision of this Chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine to 6 exceec-PLYundred dollars ($700.00) or by imprisonment not to exceed ninety (90) day -for both. (Ord.XVl.13, 7-5-77; amd. 1983 Code) 2 Fire Arm regulations are contained in Title 7, Chapter 5 of this code. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 18, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: WENSMANN DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL I NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: David J. Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation III• ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE Information will be handed out at the meeting relating to the proposal of Herb Wensmann for development in the area of Diamond Path to Shannon Parkway along county road #42. This is a combination commercial development and residential development. Your input will be requested as to design and park dedication requested. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO REQUEST PARK DEDICATION AS CASH FOR BOTH THE COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE WENSMANN PROPOSAL PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 18, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT STAFFING PROPOSAL NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: David J. Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation II. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE Council authorization was given at their last meeting to advertise for a replacement of an Assistant Director for Parks and Recreation. Their request was also for Ron Wasmund, the future interim City Administrator, and I to give additional consideration as to how to address that staffing within our department. It is my recommendation that Lacelle Cordes and Wendy Foreman are approved to positions of Programmers for the Parks and Recreation Department. This recommendation is highly supported by Ron Wasmund and by Steve Jilk. This staffing arrangement will result in the loss of one position from the department. The part time position that Wendy Foreman now holds will not be filled. With all indoor programming being transferred to the Community Center on January 1, 1994 we feel that we can leave that position open for 1994. Several factors have caused us to change our request for department staffing: 1. The resignation of the Secretary Aide this past week. 2. Wendy Foreman not being transferred to the Community Center. 3. Stability within the department may be obtained by giving quality staff members already in this department their opportunity to perform at a higher level. 4. The position of Assistant Director can be left open until the City Administrator is hired and can review that position along with others that need to be filled within the city. 5. The part time position that Wendy Foreman now holds will not be filled at this time. 6. The part time position that Lacelle cordes holds will be filled no 5VV11CL 1.11Ci11 Wa1C11 WC j/LCjlC1L C Lv1. V.11c 117 RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO SUPPORT THE STAFFING RECOMMENDATION FOR LACELLE CORDES AND WENDY FOREMAN TO SERVE AS PROGRAMMERS AND LEAVE THE POSITION OF ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION OPEN UNTIL FURTHER REVIEW BY THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE MEETING OCTOBER 12, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Del Lorentzen, Deanna Simpson, John Loch, Jim Koslowski, Lucy Holzer GUESTS: Dave Bechtold, Charles Novak We met at Charles Novak's office and talked to him about plans for the shelter and site plans. Chuck is going to draw up a set of floor and elevation plans and a material list. We are going to look into volunteer help for materials and labor. Next, Chuck will draw a site plan that will show the shelter, flower garden and landscaping around the shelter. We are to talk to Kerry Johnson and get his plans so Chuck can draw the landscaping in for that also. Dave handed out the specifications for the grading of the amphitheater and shelter. Interested bidders received specs and they are due in by 10:00 a.m. October 29, 1993. Dave Bechtold, Brian Bourassa, and Jim Koslowski will open them at that time. If we like what we see we will need to call a special meeting to accept it. Then Dave will put it on the agenda for the council meeting on November 2, 1993. Dave showed us pictures of the site plan. He is working on a story for the paper. Deanna has talked to Scott Gunhus about a landscape plan for the shelter. He is busy for the next month and a half, but will help us after that time. Chuck and Scott will work on the plan together. John Loch made a motion to have Bud Osmundson come to our next meeting. We would like to talk to him about the water run off from Corcorans property. We are also interested to know where the water and sanitary sewer are for the shelter. NEXT MEETING will be held Wednesday, November 10, 1993 7:00 p.m. at Big Daddy's Diner Respectfully submitted, Jim Koslowski TO: Carrolls Woods Coflmitte FROM: David J . Eechta�t -� ector of Parks & Recreation DATE: October 15, 1993 RE: October 18, 1993 SPECIAL NOTE: CARROLLS WOODS MEETING: OCTOBER 18, 1993 6:00 P.M. OLD HOCKEY RINK SITE BEHIND HIGH SCHOOL ( 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO SCHEDULED 6:30 MEETING FOR CARROLLS � WOODS COMMITTEE ) Mike Busc:ho has contacted me to request members of the Carrolls Woods Committee to meet at the site on Monday evening at 6:00 P.M.. Work has completed to lay lime stone on portions of the trails. Other trail sections did have old wood chips removed and plans are to lay new wood chips on those trail sections. Carrolls Woods Committee members are asked to meet at that time to give input to the project and to discuss the projectwith the parks maintenance staff members. Students from the Rosemount High School have been working with the staff to remove buckthorn from the woods. These students have an interest in "adopting" portions of Carrolls Woods through the Adopt -A-- Park program. The committee members will have an opportunity to view this work site and discuss this with the staff also. Rick Cook, the Supervisor of Parks Maintenance, will discuss details of the projects that they have been working to complete in Carrolls Woods. The City Engineering staff did assist with providing maps that. more clearly identified trails in Carrolls Woods. We made transparencies of that area and have submitted this information to you. The map with only lines is was obtained from tracing aerial photos from the county that they use for the GIS mapping system. These lines depict the trails as they exist today. By placing that transparency over the regular map that shows trail concepts as identified in the master plan for future trail locations you can get a rather clear indication of how the present trails line up with the conceptual locations of the future trails. SHORT —SUMMARY —REPORT: TIME SPENT IN CARROLLS WOODS: CAN. 01,93 THROUGH SEPT. 25,93 FULL TIME STAFF 260.6 HOURS GENERAL AREAS: TRAIL MOWING, GROOMING, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT OF WOODCHIPS BUCKTHORN REMOVAL. TRAIL PATCHING TREE CUTTING WORK IN FALL 1993: REPAIR AND REPLACE WOOD CHIPS BUCKTHORN REMOVAL GENERAL TRAIL MAINTENANCE DEVIATIONS FROM MASTER PLAN: THE MASTER PLAN LAYS OUT A GENERAL CONCEPT PLAN FOR TRAILS. THIS PLAN DOES INCLUDE MATERIALS ON THE TRAIT_ AS WELL AS TRAIL LOCATIONS. LITTLE DEVIATION IF ANY HAS TAKEN PLACE AT THIS TIME. STAFF MEMBERS AND THE CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE MEMBERS DID KEEP THESE ITEMS IN MIND WHEN THE USE OF LIME STONE WAS PRESENTED TO THE PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE. WHEN THE REQUEST WAS MADE TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR FUNDING THIS USE OF LIME STONE WAS AGAIN IDENTIFIED. USES OF THE LIME STONE WERE REQUIRED TO ALLOW FOR MAINTENANCE VEHICLES AND STAFF TO GET INTO THE WOODS FOR BUCKTHORN REMOVAL AND CHIPPING. THE AREAS SELECTED FOR LIME ROCK WAS BASED ON A NEED FOR A SOLID BASE AND THE CONCEPT LOCATIONS FOR FUTURE TRAILS. SELECTION OF THIS SECTION OF TRAIL FOR UPGRADE ALSO INCLUDED THE FACT THAT IT IS A PART OF THE HUNTED WOODS TRAIL. A PERSONAL THANKS TO RICK COOK AND HIS CREW FOR THE QUALITY OF WORK THAT THEY ARE DOING IN CARROLLS WOODS. THEY HAVE SHOWN GREAT CARE AND CONSIDERATION OF THIS FACILITY. THEIR CONCERNS OF WORKING CLOSELY WITH THE. CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE AND THE PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE ARE REFLECTED IN THEIR EFFORTS. WE SHOULD ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THE NUMBER OF HOURS THAT VOLUNTEERS ASSIST US WITH IN THE BUCKTHORN REMOVAL AND CHIPPING. A PROCESS OF THANKING THEM IS BEING WORKED OUT AT THIS TIME. )wn Pages March 26, 1993 Mbe 41 w, Volunteers clear buckthorn from Carrolls Woods Park Volunteers spent the better part of last Saturday control. Because of the density of growth and the helping to clear buckthorn from a section of Carrolls large area where the growth exits, different sections Woods Park in Rosemount. The Carrolls Woods of the park will use various types and applications of Committee, headed up by chairperson Ron Pederson, herbicides and also various cutting and removal coordinated this event with Rick Cook and Mark methods. Joosten of the Rosemount Parks and Recreation The Carrolls Woods Committee has developed a Department. master park plan for this park. Along with evaluating The removal of the buckthorn by cutting and and planning ways to move ahead with the project, chipping is one of the alternative means that the they have committed themselves to the buckthorn committee is identifying to use in its removal and control problem. Picnic dRnl In ..t put 1� sn.hal« r j / • / 1 ll ,` ` - ' ` ` `1 ,, ft� \_�r � irnia /uce. %y \``. '+.tr I � % ii � �. ,� �1�. • ' _ - ` ,ALnul wt�l¢•e falc t-.1. ` _ r I , t tLR'. # $: � _ Onti lc.�w.c WLe 1"' "Fi �� x� t•Y ` / r�k `.is _�"7asy ' O.pe oeJ Future Residenlial _ , I �Prncw/ t •Alain Entrance , � : r'/ � _ - '- - t ,t ` ` ,Sopptc Natural' q.+72. 2—. Perimeter Fencc 1I _ ' C tm ing Sparc , P fnK A'\ ,//A a •.� �/ • 6' High Chainlink Fens t ' l , In pntstton Kio}k l e to ]S' Scth»h ` , l , • , ' ..✓ `".. _ �. ' /. ,/ _ _ Along Propcny line Rcs tol'cd.Oak Savgglnnah-- Sceened T ; ' - f C Matctiab� a \ t .., .. . r 1 a .wv>, 41, ` Palk }„and ��� I , ` , y + ,� Pond Pbservatign 1 h s+ Restored $oudaary - s Restored Prairie °y �/ Buaa Ft , �`>� ': ' t �oUake House/ I Wet Prairie ^...y `deck Area 1 ,... - - 1 Bench'LOcattoIts ` t � F ,, •lpterptetiteDiipltgs . '•i l • Take Ati—tag. Of �CStored Moragc/Mecap '��...,.. l t ViMs And Stu _ r I , - ry ' . �lt/�t FIti Jei�� Aatroom* ,>�✓ RCSt9}'Cd,Ptairie i ' '-'•` i + i 1.1. I , I Imo_ ciG { it 1'' / `. ,,:, 'r ,.�II t� •�: ..:% t 1 �', i ae I'� ' .: -"- .I. �, 1. h.�, ., - � . , >• r , � _� � ,_,: /�PY� y � t �-•i: L/,' Floi[ior�kil'� Restortid`Prairie ' t , - \ Pond Overioojc : Boudk ®I . t _ ,AJc)C - : —Restored Oak" 00018IId si#vannah Perk Land Bougtiary EzternalZrail t` ITWIde (Ideal) t Aaphlll Snrra.d .'.1 i.. / c. /. i Leokodt' Tower' / J / // r // —Perimeter Fence '6—e d ./ Y 1�tgdlaod 1�eck �' Infernal Trail lI , 1.• /,� I/ 'G�WNaOdew) - -, / _ i:� t f .SCh001 , UMpte Surfaced l % 1 ilJ /// `/ ` / • �• ` `� ` `` ``' , _•• IOW. Sego �'_ ,' f �/ ' MainteaDoce-U. In-Wouecd Maiolena s U. WoodlandOc`� - , � ' ��• O p e o e d F o r �tL7a v• - - ihole 1 ;Wennd ! d I //jl/, pedeserlaal / Wooden Brid eJ' j /J/ / • . / lute five Nedps, �/ / ` I / /�YF/' / • / +/ and S�gnage I y r :T g - , Wooden Bcid�e _ TLe'parK g, t j �:, • l .. taterpleue '' I /��i/� �'i ' Pedestrian Entrance t l.. �' / '�. �encb•jaeatiOW ` _ ,-',,' Type I ` I • / j�* - .k--rG ak Gate :fae wa�w`3r Woodland NORTH eestaany �l . J_ - ' - - - � ail,_ .�._.�. . { • _ _��/_- - :i%/ t i ' SCALE �f1I--I11 `Perimeter Fence TPIrkH gh Land ' I I I I I o to is So t • \ ' Boundary I ExistinglReSideatial Along Proocerrs m u6e SQecoed Will, Plant Muc:vuNinc Figure 9: Carrolls Woods City of Rosemount Brauer .Master Plan & A. �s�s iStreet Non,, Nature Area Rosemoounun t, MN sslxs Ea�a P»I7 s tb AREA SUMMARY LOTS = 14.065 AC. OUMDT A ROADS = 2.760 AC. ouTLOTS = 11.736 AC. .� TOTAL = 28.561 AC. C se9 7e'o) t 357 09 l • 1,\ 1 14101 (-i4a»--ter - r-- xr7-10 10410�m11 ➢i �\N 10 141127 11. Q ?1\� a-t t:7 �- Ik 14141 i 40 4 iy I reJ� \�i �'• •9� ya0 4t; 2a 2 47�� 130.00 e3 _ I� 14�40 �•7eo)-c : CROCUS f) �j I J7y0. CITY COPY sff,4yNON HILLS 577H ADD_ REVISED ADDRESS MAP DATE: 08/ / A4nii /rx W a,11./A, yµwb✓ A &O 4W AWM.W ;50.33- w 32.73 ,> 74.0o-r:. OUILOT B).a.•. ue�0'vr i"+t m o0 45-ao ie oar \ i7 +x 1 15 p Ig141b{ gl A�4158�. t�, a IIRtla114102" L: - e9_78 03 t_ _ F\ ±�—oo — - -t 1- N 14116 _ .e i ^414�1 I K130 it ( gss_a— L goo = r-T4sa� _ "L 814165� 8t g to Ik n 14172 S83-05*51.w 143.03 S89 28'03'E N89'38'20-w t, 1��OJ � A It C, ol ' + ■ Q� DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: LOCATM NAP -rcnc1430. 7DM45W I15 , RANG 19 - e• �l II 3 oe,nq 5 feet +, ridtn, wm.ss oteerris. ind,ca t ed and adpinin9 tot tines, and 10 feet w, .idf7, and ddp0inq stro.t lonr ,.nleel otherr,le od,catad w tf,Dlet. 1 n r •9 Q7r. r�y3 P ,, . o � 1 •ta �� z14oiT1 _ 14065 11 yet ,x g lz df " i 1181 _ .:.'. jp J 74.75 It JL 73__� ?I ' .... :I w �a \ •T.�, p�29157a A o .. 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(Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) John Howard Dave Bechtold QA cc - Jerry Puciaty - Scott Rynerson bisa-jest Rick Cooky - Tom Reller Deanna Simpson Park Staff �Ae Kerry BudingerW�d� Dave Giliuson Jaae ell �,�i5 Linda Ladzun U Lacelle Cordes PC Wendy Foreman �i'L ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (29 copies) Del Lorentzen , City Administrator (1) _,Zl Cathy Busho _ j-----Department Heads (61 i�c4VA -44,f. S Lucy Holzer ��1� V/ Dir of Public Works " e WK- (L Marge Ryan Jim Thommes L/` Dir of Finance 1% Dir of Planning Pq (1A ot Paul and Lois McKinley ire Chief _ John Loch of Police Parks Staff _pG"Chief j,,- Community Center Manager C �IIS Linda Ladzun (Parks and Rec Committee) ✓ City Council &. Attorney (6) Deanna Simpson (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks Rec Committee) :,-- Planning Commission (5 t-'— Port Authority (7) and L� Utility Commission (3) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - � copies)* Official City Records (1� _ - Marie Jensen Ed Howard Mike Busho # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: Dan Belting PARK AND REC CTTEE _ Loretta Loesch Joel Sutter Parks Staff Rick Cook (Parks Supervisor) _ Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: 0/%�_, chklstpr.2 as of 4-1-93 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: COMPLETED BY: MAILING INCLUDED: minutes for meeting. (Committee) (Da) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for meeting. (Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (# copies) John Howard Dave Bechtold Jerry Puciaty \ Lisa Jost �— Scott Rynerson Rick Cook Tom Reller Park Staff Deanna Simpson Kerry Budinger \\ Dave Giliuson ime �— Linda Ladzun Lacelle Cordes Wendy Foreman ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* \ Del Lorentzen \ Cathy Busho Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Parks Staff Linda Ladzun (Parks and Rec Committee) \ Deanna Simpson (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - Q copies)* \ Marie Jensen Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting \ Loretta Loesch .-RorVP&Fe on \ Joel Sutter Parks Staff Rick Cook (Parks Supervisor) Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (29 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (6) Dir of Public Works �— Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police Community Center Manager City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) #{ OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: chk1stpr.2 as of 4-1-93 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: COMPLETED BY: MAILING INCLUDED: 1/ �z.Q 11. 11' �p .r minutes for g. (Committee) (Date) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for meeting. (Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) John Howard Jerry Puciaty Scott Rynerson Tom Reller Deanna Simpson Dave Giliuson Linda Ladzun ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* Del Lorentzen Cathy Busho Lucy Holzer Marge Ryan Jim Thommes Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Parks Staff Linda Ladzun (Parks and Rec Committee) Deanna Simpson (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* Marie Jensen Ed Howard Mike Busho Dan Belting Loretta Loesch Ron Pederson Joel Sutter Parks Staff Rick Cook (Parks Supervisor) Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (8 copies) Dave Bechtold Lisa Jost Rick Cook Park Staff Kerry Budinger Jane Mollman Lacelle Cordes Wendy Foreman ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (29 copies) City Administrator (1) Department Heads (6) Dir of Public Works Dir of Finance Dir of Planning Fire Chief Chief of Police Community Center Manager City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) #1 OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: chk1stpr.2 as of 4-1-93 I V O zLu ^. �~ J CL 0- 0-0 F LLi c� F— Oz LL D O.� Z �Q < Ut r J o U Q Op -j O F- LL Y G f o c � � D tat •o Q O O d C w � Y a S z tC o � s o m s� I M € E 6 3anln-4 ;4y W Lu gi p! b" law .s J: Au- IA9aintenaryte Gate e� L _ t r\q;,�, + �� • I '� O-Ay t I f'r� .' -' _• O'Pe see 'For � � :i ;'- , A� Future Residential Picnic AJe ' F ;f 'MAin Entrance y F s 'Pont sp.m.r Perimeter Fence _ i to• 6' High Cb—link t �. F_wz I 't I '` "••F•••'—�Kigk ' t ` _ _ ` � ���•t.,,,,.�r ,, 0 to 15' Saw& , r I _ y,,..:`•' _ / :.: S nee ,,e',, , Restored.0akSavannah Matcna!sNincs , ,'Pnik (and ' '=•%.....".'~ `, , a'' �- Paid Qbscrvat{�la/ '�.r Restored Prairiee �' Bond Restored \ / 1 taua�e Itonsa/ , Wet Prairie 'IQIeck nrtm - �, - - j •tPserPteWel pttga I� Bcoch'Loions y .... ... cat Take Adraalaae or ` 1 > Restored t vte.la And sue Wit i�rhiSlt - ' Patera i Restvf et1,Ptairie ; - ' ' NVooc�tan , t 'A' Trail tr1 t jEasement 1 t \ ' II - '' / • 'n . ` 1�4 Maintenance Gate—tl ^< r •'a' ;kr r;, i_ t Fy. y•t.: - / /�/ : . ��.. J Maiotcaanm Use + �Y � � -.. � - r• , r ' `i' v Y `:� r �' t f . sl � � -\ ` (� P 'C ' `, t `I `/ 'i Restordd`Prafris / \ Pond Overt " Pedestrian �--�" � - �i ,�v ir'"� ` ' •., �� � f,.', / � t `� �/ � t Entrance ' Turn -style �7rl �' _ .r ✓/. G m - � / // Ir.-ter- �/)�•• r/ , Restored Oak '' t ! Restored'' ni r , at iiJ y /� /,'� ad . /j/ t : gtkvannah Oak Savanna �'twpGle , , ' •' tl yt y / /• �f /`... i jl,,� 4 �. ,; /�.' Park Land i.• ,j /Y A.ph\h Surf.Eed 't �•t,lokOlie (htalde Maiurc Ara` —Perimeter Fence` i y � /f • / � , , v. . L'_ N t t aQea�d,YeL Plat f { �oodlandAL'k� !4 I 'f/�jt//' 3 i' IJ t8neri.tr/w [ rbaf Tr \ ' ;;% r // ` . t; aasdemae�uTaryu�ua r 1 I I ` // 4 a�'atooaee ArealT� t _ r f i • /�// ' �M M.Wen—e the s , ` \` `, • .WO'Odlalld , I I r .s �y , Mboet Orr` Or . _ _' / - ./J / � Only e e d F o r N;i ` ' ,1 ♦ ` _ ,;y�Cmdarr 1"wk I' // Cornttntnity E.ean Future ,1Vy' I.` I Residential ` t'rJ'' , �1 • - • ' , / A�tr 1 t a Pothole- / I �/f ! �/ // ' / .•38Q�d fad 'Pedestrian, entrance I i1 / /� 'll • - �/ i t,// i ``7GWIae+,yle �'�` / ' i I `Easement I � - � � - ' ,'' I , / • �i /! /./"// � ' •." yi � ✓, 1 M ,t'// f + _ Ieter`prpttve idodfs, / //� /• '� , ^f / and age , ✓i y / / _ ` �i!' j Maintenance Gate f / J� / t (�d Maiatewoce Use �/ /"/" / i / . Tns1'iWorfMoyl' ' j •'lfI/ •/ ~' ��/ ' b O6 q �l9oadca Bridac "• f _ _ "tLe'Pvt _- / `IL ]atwtyritioa/Maps' i �',i/ ' Pedestrian . �. t �.• ' ,. /' '"•� •, _ ','�' I - Entrance Turn-nyk Type Pedestrian Take .ur Or ' j/n i' ' / ` Fed Entrance I /, '`s`"+ to .� Woodland -- ' // Pedestrian Only ..1.: f / Vr'ewo And Ste , 1 ` Tun-nyk _ - '4r •� Feanvd _ . ' , - '/ ,.,�.' i /, '.F/F , 1 1 Pedesa an on7 t - , ' A-.I:6 ` Y.l J.....:.__...._ _.:.. i . r % F i Permeter Fence r I Park fend 6' High Chainlink ' ,� i • BOaadat)' I .. ... I i I { Fto 1 r' \ I I Existing lResidential a 0 l0 15' Setback i Along Property Li6e Saeeoed With Plant :i4, Matcrial�inc Cis of Rosemount w' Figure 9: Carrolls Woods 2875 145th Street North i'; Master Flan Nature Area Roscmount, MN 55W