HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993_11_15-PRMMTO: PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE FROM: DAVID J. BECHTOLD - DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION DATE: NOVEMBER 12, 1993 RE: COMMITTEE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 15, 1993 DATE: NOVEMBER 15, 1993 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 P. M. NOTE: THE CARROLLS WOODS MEETING AT 6:30) AGENDA: I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER II. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III. APPROVE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 18, 1993 MEETING IV. AUDIENCE INPUT OLD BUSINESS: I. RAAA UPDATE (TOM NUEMANN / & DAVE ) II. PARK EVALUATIONS / STAFF WORK (RICK COOK) III. ARMORY UPDATE (SUMMARY OF WORK SHOP MEETING OF 11/4, 93 IV. UPDATE ON DEVELOPMENTS (GENERAL DISCUSSION) V. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE (UPDATE) VI. CARROLLS WOODS / (UPDATE) NEW BUSINESS I. BYLAWS REVIEW II. PARK DEDICATION REVIEW III. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT V. ADJOURNMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------ TO: Parks & Recreation Committee Members Carrolls Woods Committee Members Parks & Recreation Staff FROM: David J told - Director of Parks & Recreation DATE: November 24, 1993 RE: Upcoming Meetings and Projects A short invitation was submitted to the newspapers inviting community volunteers to join in the "buckthorn dragging and chipping" set for December 4th in Carrolls Woods. This memo serves as an invitation for each of the committee members to join us that day. Various staff members and Rick Cook will be operating the equipment and to assisting. On December 2nd there is a workshop meeting set for 7:30 P. M. in City Hall. There has also been a final public hearing on the 1994 budget set to start that evening at 8:00 P. M.. We had planned to talk about bike trails and how we present that to developers for inclusion into their projects. We also decided to discuss our Procedure for determining changes in the master plan that relate to the types of park dedication we take. The dedication item pertains to how we become involved in changes made in the land use plan as it was presented when we made decisions on the master plan. There could be a change due to the density factor within the development, a change from residential to that of commercial or industrial, etc.. Although I am required to attend the public hearing at 8:00 on the budget it important that we do meet at 7:30 for our committee workshop. At that time the decision can be made to adjourn at 8:00 for the budget meeting or to continue with the workshop. NOTE: I do apologize for not getting the Carrolls Woods minutes out for the October meeting. Loretta did get them to me in time to be mailed out. Because of the over sight those minutes are not included in with the November Carrolls Woods meeting and the November Parks & Recreation Committee meeting. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 15, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: .John Howard, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Relier, Dave Giliuson, Deanna Simpson STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director of Parks & Recreation, Rick Cook, Supervisor of Parks Maintenance, Lacelle Cordes, P&R Programmer, Mark Joost.en, Maintenance II (Parks) MEMBERS ABSENT: Scott Rynerson, Linda Ladzun CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 by Vice Chairperson, Dave Giliuson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 18, 1993 MINUTES: MOTION by Deanna Simpson to approve the minutes of October 18, 1993. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None OLD BUSINESS I. RAAA UPDATE: Director Dave Bechtold informed the Committee members that Tom Nuemann was not able to attend this meeting. He submitted to the Committee a copy of the information from the RAAA Board that detailed the percent of participants from each of the area cities and the percent of fields that each city provides per sport. II. PARK EVALUATIONS= Rick Cook and Mark Joosten gave a short summary of the work relating Jaycee Park. This included the baseball field construction and the tree planting that was a part of a park grant. Rick informed the Committee that they had put two of the main posted in the ground for the larger picnic tables. Construction of the picnic tables can now take place when the crew has time to build them. Following a discussion of the two remaining tables a decision was made as to where to construct third and fourth structures. MOTION by Deanna Simpson to construct one table in Biscayne Park and the other in Kidder Park. SECOND by John Howard, Ayes 5 Nayes 0. MOTION CARRIED. III. ARMORY UPDATE: Dave Giliuson and others summarized information from the November workshop. Jim Topitzhofer, the Director of the Community Center, was at that meeting to give a detailed report of the planned Center operations. Dave Bechtold has notes that he will write up for the Committee members. IV. UPDATE ON DEVELOPMENTS: No specific developments were discussed. Deanna Simpson voiced her feelings relating to areas of the city that. are rezoned or some other change is made in the planned type of development that was to take place there. When the Parks Master Plan was generated there was a certain type of land use that we based out decisions on. If there is now to be a change then we should consider how that changes the park demands from cash to land or what combinations of land and cash we should be asking for to develop parks. Even if taking land doesn't allow for enough cash to develop the park right away it might be best to get the ].and so that. latter on we can develop the type of park that is adequate to meet the needs of that area. Other members voiced their agreement with this opinion. There may be a need to have the developer include more private park land in the development also if the density goes up. That way we could meet the demand just as we planned to do in the Limerick Town Home development. That concept should be addressed when there 7.s multiple dwelling planned. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to discuss the park dedication land v/s cash issue at the December 2, 1993 workshop. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes S. Nayes 0 MOTION CARRIED. V. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE: Deanna Simpson and John Howard gave a brief summary from their- last meeting of November 10, 1993. Bud Osmundson, the City Engineer, had come to that meeting to give an update on the locations for utilities, discuss drainage concerns, etc.. Bud recommended the use of drain tile from the Corcoran property to a storm drain along the drive way to City Hall to control the run off from that area. He recommended also that when the SAC, WAC, and MWCC charges came due when the shelter is constructed that the Utility Department should waive those fees for this city project. The snow fence is up between the Dakota Building and the flower garden. They thanked Dave, Rick, and the crew fro fast action in taking care of that project. The grading for the amphitheater was put off until next year. Dave has sent a letter- to the Adjutant General's office to inquire about the National Guard becoming involved. Rick and Dave will be contacting the 49'ers also to :gee if they would be willing to help with the grading, etc.. The project had gone out for bids. Since the lowest bid was very high it was decided to not do the project now. According to Bud there may be a few places to get free fill next year. That could save up to $ 14,000 on the project costs. Chuck Novak and Scott Gundhus are working on the site landscaping and the architecture of the building. Both have waived their fees to work with this project. The December meeting was cancelled to allow for them to have more time to prepare drawings, etc. for the committee. VI. CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE UPDATE: Mike Buscho, chairman of the committee, gave an update. Rick Cook and the crew have identified a general location for the trail leading from the southwest access point. Dave Bechtold has contacted the school and received permission from Joel Sutter to plant trees and install a walking gate and maintenance gate at the trail access point located behind the high school. There will be a volunteer" buckthorn removal date on December 4th from 9:00 A. M. until 1:00 P. M.. Letters will be sentto all of the people on the mailing lists for our committees. That tray a more clear location of the trail may be identified when some of the buckthorn is removed. Because of the grades of the area the trail may have to be moved several feet off of planned locations. Dave was asked to request Bud Osmundson to check for the grades that were to be completed by the developer and check if that has been done. There are homes being built along the outlot and a statement should be obtained from engineering as to the status of the grading. NEW BUSINESS I. BYLAWS: The Committee agreed that bylaws are acceptable as written except for the area of selection process of a Director if that position should ever open up. Jerry Puciaty led this discussion with a deep concern that itwas felt to be very importantthat the bylaws would state that a member of the Parks & Recreation Committee would be on the selection committee and would interview the candidates. All Committee members agreed that this was important to them and that it should be discussed at the workshop meeting if there was time. This item was tabled for action until the December 20th meeting. Dave Bechtold is to check if there is a place in any city policy that identifies any specific procedure that must be followed that pertains to the selection and hiring of a Director. If there is no policy then the Committee feels that the Parks and Recreation bylaws should address this and include them in the process. II. PARK DEDICATION REVIEW: Discussions dealt first with the residential dedication. Dedication information was presented for members to use for comparisons. It was felt to be important to increase the land value which would result in a slight increase this year. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to recommend to the City Council to increase the land value in the park dedication flees from $ 13,000 per acre to that of $ 14,000 per acre. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes 5. Nayes 0 MOTION CARRIED. Industrial and commercial dedication fees were, discussed. It was felt, that the formula is adequate as written. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to recommend to the City Council to keep the :Land value in the commercial and industrial park dedication at $ 22,000 per acre. SECOND by Deanna. Simpson. Ayes S. Nayes 0. MOTION CARRIED. Dave Bechtold brought the concept of trail dedication to the Committee. Other cities do have a trail fee along with park dedication. Rosemount requires that the developer include the cost of trails with the development and must pay for all trail costs besides the park dedication. Lisa Freese, the past City Planner, had requested us to look into writing a policy for trails that could be used when the Planning Department meets with developers. This item will be discussed at the December 2nd workshop. III. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: Jerry Puciaty --- none John Howard -- none Deanna Simpson: Thanked Dave, Rick and their staff for the great cooperation on the project at the corner- of 145th street and Chili Ave.. She also included Bud Osmundson and his staff in that thank you. She felt that this is another example of volunteers and city staff working hand in hand to complete another project that the citizens will be proud of. Deanna said that, she has received a great deal of Positive comments on this project.. Deanna has sent a letter regarding this to the Administrator, Mayor and City Council. She is planning to have this thank you put into the newspaper. Dave Bechtold commented again that we should always remember that the support and help from the Parks & Recreation Committee is a very important part of making these joint projects of volunteers and staff work. Jerry Puciaty commented that we should make sure we don't take the good park maintenance for granted. Staff is really doing a good job. Tom Reller and Jerry commented that the Parks & Recreation staff have always worked well with volunteers. Deanna said it was important for people to know just how much work volunteers can accomplish, especially by working together with staff. Dave commented that when people visit our city they recognize the clean streets etc.. They really notice it when they come to a corner and we have projects like the Chili site. The County is planning a kiosk at the water town on Chippendale and County Road # 42. This will also bring attention to the beautification of the city. John Howard thanked Deanna for her personal efforts in this project. Tom Reller -- none Dave Giliuson -none IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Some time ago Deanna Simpson reminded us of how important it was for each of us to set personal goals as to why we serve on the Parks & Recreation Committee. It is important for us to look at those goals. Some of the memberships are coming to an end and Dave requested each member to consider serving again. Dave expressed his feelings about the comfort level that he and his staff have with working with each of the Committee members. It is a positive relationship. There is interaction, feedback, and a concern for working together. Our next meeting will be the regular December meeting. A guest of the Committee Members is invited to join us and the department staff will also be invited to join us. RAP is meeting on Thursday at 6:30 at the Rosemount Middle School Dave will not be able to attend most of that meeting due to a special budget meeting setfor that same time in city hall. This group is addressing their concerns as they relate to parks and recreational issues, but is moving forward to addressing their concerns as coming from many areas. As a part of this groups efforts a staff member of the County Extension Office is working to put together a matrix of services that can be provided from public and private sector and combing that list with a list. of the needs that are being identified by the citizens. John Howard questioned who owns the land next to the water tower on Chippendale and County Road # 42. It has been open for a long time. If the land belongs to the city maybe we could do something to improve it. Dave will check with other city staff to find out the ownership. V. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Jahn Howard to adjourn. SECOND by Dave Giliuson. Ayes S. Nayes 0. MOTION CARRIED. CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 1993 Members present: Mike Busho, Loretta Loesch Staff: Dave Bechtold, Rick Cook, Mark Joosten Buckthorn is being out above and below the new trail line just to the west of the Halloween trail loop. Once the buckthorn is out it will be easier to identify the exact placement of the trail. Herbicide is being used as the buckthorn is cut. The southwest access has been marked by the developer with a 22-24 ft easement going up to the woods. There is already one house built along the easement. Rick Cook and city,crew have marked the south- west corner trail from the access point to the existing trail. Dave Bechtold will check with Bud Osmundson to check the final grading of the out lot on the southwest access. The next buckthorn cut has been scheduled for Saturday, December 4, from 9:00 am to 1:00 p.m., with the volunteers meeting at the hockey rink. Rick and crew will concentrate on cutting the buckthorn in the southwest corner. When this area has been cleared, the committee will walk through and approve/make changes to the trail that has been marked. Mark Joosten expressed concern that a part of the trail may be too steep. Committee approval will enable the city crew to proceed with excavating. Staff will insert an article in the paper and make use of the Park and Rec mailing lists in asking for volunteers. The Park and Rec hotline will also be used to verify time and date, or cancellation. (In case of inclement weather alternate date will be the following Saturday, December 11.) Dave Bechtold contacted the school in regards to reforestation of the hockey rink entrance, adding a swinging maintenance gate, and/or a walking gate. Joel Sutter thought it was a good idea and a memo was faxed verifying this agreement with him. It was clarified for Dave Bechtold that all of the Halloween trail will be limerocked. The next meeting will be December 20th, at 6:30 p.m.. It will be a short meeting due to the Park and Rec Christmas get-together. We will address membership attendance and size of the committee. Meeting adjourned. City of gosemount PHONE (612) 423.4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota FAX (612) 423-5203 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 TO: JOEL A. SUTTER - DIRECTOR OF SUPPORT SERVICES FROM: DAV J. HTOLD - DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION DATE: NOVEMBER 1S, 1993 RE: LANDSCAPING BEHIND ROSEMOUNT HIGH SCHOOL MAYOR Edward B. McMenomy COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James (Red) Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk This past fall Rick Cook, the Supervisor of Parks Maintenance, worked with Ken Buecksler, your staff member in charge of grounds maintenance, to clean up the area behind the Rosemount High School. Their main task was the removal of the old hockey rink and to level off the turf. The City of Rosemount paid for the removal of materials from the site and Ken helped to load the materials onto the trucks for that removal. It was a continuation of the close working relationship that you and other members of our school district have with the Rosemount Parks & Recreation Department. The Parks & Recreation Department would like to continue to develop the Carrolls Woods Park. This does include the trail system, the removal of buckthorn, the reforestation of the woods. and the accesses to the woods. With the development of trails and clearing of buckthorn we feel that some additional control of the access area of the trails needs to be put into place. As I mentioned on the phone today we would like to plant trees, install a walk gate and install a maintenance gate behind the Rosemount High School in the area that serves as a trail access to the park. I was pleased to hear your support for this landscaping. It will add to the development of the park area and the school property adjoining the park. My staff will. contact Ken again to join forces in laying out the project and completing it. The Parks Department will pay for this enhancement project. SPECIAL NOTE: Our department does plan to give special recognition to Tim Convoy and his students for their assistance to the buckthorn clearing in the Carrolls Woods Park. 6very1hings coming `Up Rosemounl11 'AAET PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 15, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Howard, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller, Dave Giliuson, Deanna Simpson STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director of Parks & Recreation, Rick Cook, Supervisor of Parks Maintenance, Lacelle Cordes, P&R Programmer, Mark Joosten, Maintenance II (Parks) MEMBERS ABSENT: Scott Rynerson, Linda Ladzun CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 by Vice Chairperson, Dave Giliuson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 18, 1993 MINUTES: MOTION by Deanna Simpson to approve the minutes of October 18, 1993. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None OLD BUSINESS I. RAAA UPDATE: Director Dave Bechtold informed the Committee members that Tom Nuemann was not able to attend this meeting. He submitted to the Committee a copy of the information from the RAAA Board that detailed the percent of participants from each of the area cities and the percent of fields that each city provides per sport. II. PARK EVALUATIONS: Rick Cook and Mark Joosten gave a short summary of the work relating Jaycee Park. This included the baseball field construction and the tree planting that was a part of a park grant. Rick informed the Committee that they had put two of the main posted it the ground for the larger picnic tables. Construction of the picnic tables can now take place when the cr--w has time to build them. Following a discussion of the two remaining tables a decision was made as to where to construct third and fourth structures. MOTION by Deanna Simpson to construct one table in Biscayne Park and the other in Kidder Park. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes 5 Nayes 0. MOTION CARRIED. III. ARMORY UPDATE: Dave Giliuson and others summarized information from the November workshop. Jim Topitzhofer, the Director of the Community Center, was at that meeting to give a detailed report of the planned Center operations. Dave Bechtold has notes that he will write up for the Committee members. IV. UPDATE ON DEVELOPMENTS: No specific developments were discussed. Deanna Simpson voiced her feelings relating to areas of the city that are rezoned or some other change is made in the planned type of development that was to take place there. When the Parks Master Plan was generated there was a certain type of land use that we based out decisions on. If there is now to be a change then we should consider how that changes the park demands from cash to land or what combinations of land and cash we should be asking for to develop parks. Even if taking land doesn't allow for enough cash to develop the park right away it might be best to get the land so that latter on we can develop the type of park that is adequate to meet the needs of that area. Other members voiced their agreement with this opinion. There may be a need to have the developer include more private park land in the development also if the density goes up. That way we could meet the demand just as we planned to do in the Limerick Town Home development. That concept should be addressed when there is multiple dwelling planned. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to discuss the park dedication land v/s cash issue at the December 2, 1993 workshop. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes S. Nayes 0 MOTION CARRIED. V. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE: Deanna Simpson and John Howard gave a brief summary from their last meeting of November 10, 1993. Bud Osmundson, the City Engineer, had come to that meeting to give an update on the locations for utilities, discuss drainage concerns, etc.. Bud recommended the use of drain tile from the Corcoran property to a storm drain along the drive way to City Hall to control the run off from that area. He recommended also that when the SAC, WAC, and MWCC charges came due when the shelter is constructed that the Utility Department should waive those fees for this city project. The snow fence is up between the Dakota Building and the flower garden. They thanked Dave, Rick, and the crew fro fast action in taking care of that project. The grading for the amphitheater was put off until next year. Dave has sent a letter to the Adjutant General's office to inquire about the National Guard becoming involved. Rick and Dave will be contacting the 49'ers also to see if they would be willing to help with the grading, etc.. The project had gone out for bids. Since the lowest bid was very high it was decided to not do the project now. According to Bud there may be a few places to get free fill next year. That could save up to $ 14,000 on the project costs. Chuck Novak and Scott Gundhus are working on the site landscaping and the architecture of the building. Both have waived their fees to work with this project. The December meeting was cancelled to allow for them to have more time to prepare drawings, etc. for the committee. VI. CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE UPDATE: Mike Buscho, chairman of the committee, gave an update. Rick Cook and the crew have identified a general location for the trail leading from the southwest access point. Dave Bechtold has contacted the school and received permission from Joel Sutter to plant trees and install a walking gate and maintenance gate at the trail access point located behind the high school. There will be a volunteer- buckthorn removal date on December 4th from 9:00 A. M. until 1:00 P. M.. Letters will be sent to all of the people on the mailing lists for our committees. That day a more clear location of the trail may be identified when some of the buckthorn is removed. Because of the grades of the area the trail may have to be moved several feet off of planned locations. Dave was asked to request Bud Osmundson to check for the grades that were to be completed by the developer and check if that has been done. There are homes being built along the outlot and a statement should be obtained from engineering as to the status of the grading. NEW BUSINESS I. BYLAWS: The Committee agreed that bylaws are acceptable as written except for the area of selection process of a Director if that position should ever open up. Jerry Puciaty led this discussion with a deep concern that it was felt to be very important that the bylaws would state that a member of the Parks & Recreation Committee would be on the selection committee and would interview the candidates. All Committee members agreed that this was important to them and that it should be discussed at the workshop meeting if there was time. This item was tabled for action until the December 20th meeting. Dave Bechtold is to check if there is a place in any city policy that identifies any specific procedure that must be followed that pertains to the selection and hiring of a Director. If there is no policy then the Committee feels that the Parks and Recreation bylaws should address this and include them in the process. Dave cofllfllented 1_.f"iat When PeoPle Visit Our city they recognize the clean "treats etc.. They really notice it when they come to a corner and we have projects like the Chili site. The County is planning a kiosk at the water town on Chippendale and County Road # 42. This will also bring attention to the beautification of the city. John Howard thanked Deanna for her personal efforts in this project. Tom Reller - none Dave Giliuson -none IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Some time ago Deanna Simpson reminded us of how important it was for each of us to set personal goals as to why we serve on the Parks & Recreation Committee. It is important for us to look at those goals. Some of the memberships are coming to an end and Dave requested each member to consider serving again. Dave expressed his feelings about the comfort level that he and his staff have with working with each of the Committee members. It is a positive relationship. There is interaction, feedback, and a concern for working together. Our next meeting will be the regular December meeting. A guest of the Committee Members is invited to join us and the department staff will also be invited to join us. RAP is meeting on Thursday at 6:30 at the Rosemount Middle School Dave will not be able to attend most of that meeting due to a special budget meeting set for that same time in city hall. This group is addressing their concerns as they relate to parks and recreational issues, but is moving forward to addressing their concerns as coming from many areas. As a part of this groups efforts a staff member of the County Extension Office is working to put together a matrix of services that can be provided from public and private sector and combing that list with a list of the needs that are being identified by the citizens. John Howard questioned who owns the land next to the water tower on Ci-iippendale and County Road # 42. It has been open for a long time. If the land belongs to the city maybe we could do something to improve it. Dave will check with other city staff to find out the ownership. V. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by John Howard to adjourn. SECOND by Dave Giliuson. Ayes S. Nayes 0. MOTION CARRIED. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE MEETING OCTOBER 12, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Del Lorentzen, Deanna Simpson, John Loch, Jim Koslowski, Lucy Holzer GUESTS: Dave Bechtold, Charles Novak We met at Charles Novak's office and talked to him about plans for the shelter and site plans. Chuck is going to draw up a set of floor and elevation plans and a material list. We are going to look into volunteer help for materials and labor. Next, Chuck will draw a site plan that will show the shelter, flower garden and landscaping around the shelter. We are to talk to Kerry Johnson and get his plans so Chuck can draw the landscaping in for that also. Dave handed out the specifications for the grading of the amphitheater and shelter. Interested bidders received specs and they are due in by 10:00 a.m. October 29, 1993. Dave Bechtold, Brian Bourassa, and Jim Koslowski will open them at that time. If we like what we see we will need to call a special meeting to accept it. Then Dave will put it on the agenda for the council meeting on November 2, 1993. Dave showed us pictures of the site plan. He is working on a story for the paper. Deanna has talked to Scott Gunhus about a landscape plan for the shelter. He is busy for the next month and a half, but will help us after that time. Chuck and Scott will work on the plan together. John Loch made a motion to have Bud Osmundson come to our next meeting. We would like to talk to him about the water run off from Corcorans property. We are also interested to know where the water and sanitary sewer are for the shelter. NEXT MEETING will be held Wednesday, November 10, 1993 7:00 p.m. at Big Daddy's Diner Respectfully submitted, Jim Koslowski CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS C& PECREATI(:ry COMMITTEE I MEETING DATE: November 15, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: RAAA l-)PDAT;- Ot._D BtJSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. OAVID J . BEC:HTOLD / DIR . P & k: I . ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE Tom Neumann, president of the RAAA organization will be available for a monthly update on their operations, RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS a RECREATICYJ COMMITTEE 1 MEETING DATE: November 15, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA S �, PARK EVALUATIONS E�[.��.JYSINE:%:: PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. OAVID J.E3ECHTOLD / DIR, P & R CI ATTACHMENTS: NONE APPROVED BY: Rick Cook, Supervisor of Parks maintenance will be available to give a short summary of parks projects. RECOMMENDED ACTION: COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS 8 RECREATIC4J COMMITTEE I MEETING DATE: November 15, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: ;ARMORY UPDATE AGENDA SECTION: OLD RHIl TNFc=''=, PREPARED BY: DAVID J . BECHTOL L) / DIR . P & Imo: AGENDA NO. III ATTACHMENTS: NONE APPROVED BY: We will receive a short update from Linda Ladzun. A summary of our workshop meeting of November 4, 1993 will be given. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS & RECREATIC4q COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: November 15, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: DEVELOPMENT UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. DAVID J . BECHTOLD f DIR . P & F<: IV. ATTACNTS : APPROVED BY: NONE A short period of time will be taken to update the Committee on development projects. This will include the responses to the questions of last meeting relating to the Wensmann proposal near -the County Road # 42 and Diamond Path area. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS 8 RECREATIN4 COMMITTEE t MEETING DATE: November 15, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE UPDATE )l...D BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. DAVID J. BECHTOLD / DIR. P & R ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE Members of the Community Square Committee will be available to give an update on their Projects. Questions that you may have on their proposals will addressed at this time. Bids for the grading and construction of the amphitheater area came in over $ 39,000. Our estimates were to have the project completed for $ 36,000 or less. It was decided to wait until spring to rebid this project. There is possibly additional fill available at that time for free that could cut the costs of construction considerably. We are also contacting the National Guard and the 49'ers to see if there can be some assistance given with projects. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS & RECREATICiJ COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: November 15, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION• CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. DAVID J. BECHTOLD / DIR. P & R VI. ATTACF21ENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE Members of the Carrolls Woods Committee will be available to give an update on their projects. Questions that you may have on their proposals will be addressed at this time. There will be comments from them relating to trail work, buckthorn control, et.c . . RECOMMENDED ACTION: COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS b REGREATIO44 COMMITTEE I MEETING DATE: November 15, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: BYLAWS REVIEW AND UPDATE_ NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. DAVID J. BECHTOLD / DIR. P & R I. ATTACBMENTS: APPROVED BY: COPY OF BYLAWS You have a copy of the bylaws from 1993. Please review them and give comment at this meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Move to approve bylaws as reviewed and ups: atNd by the Committee. COUNCIL ACTION: BYLAWS OF CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Article I. Name of Committee The name of the Committee shall be the Parks and Recreation Committee of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. Article II. Membership The Parks and Recreation Committee shall consist of seven (7) members appointed in accordance with Ordinance Title 2, Chapter 2 of the 1983 Code and Administrative Policy #AD-1. Article III. Term of Membership Members shall be appointed to staggered terms of three (3) years. The term of a Parks and Recreation Committee member shall begin on February 1 of the year of the appointment. Upon fulfillment of a three (3) year term, the member's termination date shall occur on January 31 of the third year or until a new appointment is made by the City Council. Article IV. Officers Section 1. Chairperson. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings and shall have the duties and powers usually attendant upon such officer. The Chairperson shall be elected by the committee members at the annual meeting. The Chairperson or his/her appointee shall serve as the Committee Liaison to the City Council. Section 2. Vice Chairperson. Shall preside in the absence of the Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson shall be elected at the annual meeting. Section 3. Vacancies. Should the office of Chairperson or Vice Chairperson become vacant, the Committee shall elect a successor from its membership at the next regular meeting. Such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office. 1 1993 Bylaws Parks and Recreation Committee City of Rosemount Article V. Administrative Structure Section 1. Parks and Recreation Director. The City of Rosemount shall employ a Parks and Recreation Director who shall have general supervision over the administration of the business and affairs of the Committee, subject to the direction of the Committee. The Parks and Recreation Director is also responsible for the preparation of the agenda and reviews of business matters to be considered by the Committee. The Parks and Recreation Director shall also serve as the advisor to the Committee and shall perform all other duties incident to his/her position including serving as a Committee Liaison to the City Council. Section 2. Recording Secretary. The City of Rosemount shall employ a Recording Secretary whose duties shall include the recording of the proceedings at the regular meetings and transcription of the minutes for consideration and approval by the Committee. Article VI. Meetings Section 1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Parks and Recreation Committee shall be held at the time and date specified by the Committee. Section 2. Annual Meeting. The Annual meeting shall be held in conjunction with the regularly scheduled meeting in February. Section 3. Special Meetings. A special meeting may be called by the Chairperson or by any three (3) Committee members by written request filed with the Parks and Recreation Director who shall notify all members of the meeting at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the scheduled meeting time. Special meeting notices must be posted and shall state time, place, and purpose of the meeting and no other business shall be considered. Section 4. Quorum A majority of the Committee members shall constitute a quorum. A lessor number may adjourn the meeting until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance at a meeting, action may be taken upon a vote of a majority in attendance. No voting shall be done by proxy. 2 1993 Bylaws Parks and Recreation Committee City of Rosemount Section 5. Governance of Meetings The meetings of the Parks and Recreation Committee shall be governed by Robert's Rules or Order, provided that said rules shall be construed liberally to afford the Parks and Recreation Committee flexibility in the conduct of its meetings. Section 6. Members must attend eight (8) of twelve (12) regular monthly meetings. Recommendation will be made to Council to remove a member from the committee if during the one (1) year period a member(s) has missed the fourth (4th) meeting, except under extenuating circumstances and with prior approval. Article VII. Manner of Voting The voting on all questions coming before the Parks and Recreation Committee shall be by a call for yea and nay votes. Such votes shall be entered upon the minutes of such meeting. Article Vill. Purpose Section 1. Give input to Director of Parks and Recreation in requests to City Council for appropriate Parks and Recreation staffing. Section 2. Appoint subcommittees as needed. Section 3. Evaluate budget priorities and various funding sources. Section 4. Act as a Liaison for community input to the Parks and Recreation Department and the City Council regarding the needs, wants, and ideas of the community. Section 5. Develop greater public awareness of the parks and what the Parks and Recreation Department is and does. Section 6. Evaluate on an annual basis the Parks System Master Plan. Recommend future acquisition, development, and dedication using this plan as a guide. Section 7. Ensure a balanced recreation program: active and passive - individual and group. Section 8. Recommend and establish rules, regulations, and fees governing the use of parks and recreation facilities. 3 1993 Bylaws Parks and Recreation Committee City of Rosemount Article IX. Order of Business At the regular meetings of the Committee, the following shall be the order of business: 1. Call to Order 2. Additions to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Discussion 5. Old Business 6. New Business 7. Adjournment Article X. Amendments to Bylaws The Bylaws may be amended by a vote of a majority of the Committee members only when a proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to all the Committee members two weeks prior to the meeting at which the amendment is to be considered. Article XI. Approval of Bylaws These Bylaws and any amendments to them shall be subject to the approval of the Rosemount City Council. Adopted: Parks and Recreation Committee. ATTEST: Parks and Recreation Director , 1993 at a regular meeting of the Rosemount Chairperson Approved by the Rosemount City Council on 1993 at a regular City Council meeting. ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor 0 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS & RECREATIC{J COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: November 15, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: PARK DEDICATION FEES NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. )AVID �T . k�ECHTC�LD / DIR . i"' �Y f'• I I . ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: COPY OF VARIOUS CITY AMOUNTS A summary of various city's dedication amounts is enclosed. I feel that we are presently very in line with our dedication amounts. Your comments will be requested at this meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Move to approve dedication fees as reviewed and updated by the Committee. COUNCIL ACTION: II. PARK DEDICATION REVIEW: Discussions dealt first with the residential dedication. Dedication information was presented for members to use for comparisons. It was felt to be important to increase the land value which would result in a slight increase this year. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to recommend to the City Council to increase the land value in the park dedication fees from $ 13,000 per acre to that of $ 14,000 per acre. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes S. Nayes 0 MOTION CARRIED. Industrial and commercial dedication fees were discussed. It was felt that the formula is adequate as written. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to recommend to the City Council to keep the land value in the commercial and industrial park dedication at $ 22,000 per acre. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes S. Nayes 0. MOTION CARRIED. Dave Bechtold brought the concept of trail dedication to the Committee. Other cities do have a trail fee along with park dedication. Rosemount requires that the developer include the cost of trails with the development and must pay for all trail costs besides the park dedication. Lisa Freese, the past City Planner, had requested us to look into writing a policy for trails that could be used when the Planning Department meets with developers. This item will be discussed at the December 2nd workshop. III. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: Jerry Puciaty - none John Howard - none Deanna Simpson: Thanked Dave, Rick and their staff for the great cooperation on the project at the corner of 14Sth street and Chili Ave.. She also included Bud Osmundson and his staff in that thank you. She felt that this is another example of volunteers and city staff working hand in hand to complete another project that the citizens will be proud of. Deanna said that she has received a great deal of positive comments on this project. Deanna has sent a letter regarding this to the Administrator, Mayor and City Council. She is planning to have this thank you put into the newspaper. ' Dave Bechtold commented again thac.we.should always remember that the support and help from the Parks & Recreation Committee is a very important part of making these joint projects of volunteers and staff work. Jerry Puciaty commented that we should make sure we don't take the good park maintenance for granted. Staff is really doing a good job. Tom Reller and Jerry commented that the Parks & Recreation staff have always worked well with volunteers. Deanna said it was important for people to know just how much work volunteers can accomplish, especially by working together with staff. CITY OF ROSE�Iou"r EX£CIITIV£ SIIMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL Y=TING-DATE: Along with the bylaws the Parks & Recreation Committee has also decided to review the Park Dedication formula at the November meeting. At the present time the formula in our city ordinances reads: 4% times the land value times the density ( .04 X $ 12,000 X the # of units ) EXAMPLE: We will use a forty acre parcel of land that is valued at $ 12,000 per acre and build eighty homes on that land. The result is: .04 X $ 12,000 X 80 = $38,400 We would accept land in the amount of 3.2 acres (OR) We would accept cash of $ 38,400 (OR) We would accept a combination of the cash and land With an increase in the land value in the formula to $ 13,000 would read: 4% times the land value times the density ( .04 X $ 13,000 X the # of units ) EXAMPLE: We use the same forty acre parcel of land and plan for eighty units, but set a land value of $ 13,000 per acre. The result is: .04 X $ 13,000 X 80 = $ 41,600 We would accept land in the amount of 3.2 acres (OR) We would accept cash of $ 41,600 (OR) We would accept a combination of cash and land RECO2dKMIDED ACTION: Recommend to the City Council that the land value in the Park Dedication formula be increased from $ 12,000 per acre to that o $ 13.,000 per acre to start on January 1, 1993. COUNCIL ACTION: PARR DEDICATION FUND -Comparison to Other Suburban Municipalities - by Terry Hintz, Admin. Asst. Lakeville Parks & Recreation CITY CONTACT & 4 ORDINANCE Apple Valley Randy Johnson Residential - Land - 10% of land n 431-8855 Cash - $20, 000 per acre or a combination. Com. /Ind. - Land - 5% of land Cash - Value of the land equal to land requirement. Burnsville Randy Oppelt Residential - Land - Based upon # 895-4500 the following formula - Project Population divided by (1,000/pop.) x 10 acres = Land Dedication. Cash Equivalent - Land req. x x Avg. Cost per Acre = Park Ded. Funds Due. . Com./Ind. - Land - 5% of land Cash - Land req. x Avg. Cost per acre. Chaska Tom Redman Residential - Land - 10% of land n 448-5633 Cash - The greater of $8,000 (10% of) per acre or - 1 or 2 family units - $350 - Mobile Home, Quad, or Townhome - $275 - Apartment or Condo. - $200 Com. /Ind. - Land - 7% of land Cash - $20,000 (7% of) per acre Eden Prairie Bob Lambert Residential - Land - 10% of land n 937-8727 Cash - $840 per unit Com./Ind. - Land - 10% of land Cash - $2, 965 per acre CITY CONTACT & # ORDINANCE Farmington James Bell Residential - Land - 10% of land # 463-7111 Cash - $400 per unit - single and multi -family Com./Ind. - Land - 5% of land Cash - $ 2 50 per acre Inver Grove Heights Bruce Anderson Residential - Land 457-2111 Units/Acre Land 2.5 or less 10 acres >2.5 - 12 10+(act. dens.-2) >12 20+(.5 act.dens.-6) Cash - $ 3 3 0 for red area and $ 2 0 0 for green area. Based on map in Clerk's Office. Com. /Ind. - Land - 5% of land Cash - $2,178/acre north of Sec. 26-30, Township 27 North, Range 22 West and $425/acre south of this line. Maple Grove Terry Just Residential - Land # 420-4000 Units/Acre Land <9 10% >9 11% + 1% for each unit over 9 Cash - based on fair mkt. value. Com./Ind. Land - 7.5% of land Cash - based on fair mkt. value. Maplewood Bob Odegard # 770-4570 Residential - Cash $459 per unit Commercial/Industrial - 7% of the market value of land. Plymouth Eric Blank Residential - Cash - $860 per # 550-5130 unit - across the board Com. /Ind. - $3, 500 per acre. CITY CONTACT & # ORDINANCE Prior Lake Bill Mangan Residential -Land - 10% of land # 447-4230 Cash - 10% of mkt. value of land Industrial - $7,500 Commercial - $1 per sq. ft. Roseville Bob Bierscheid Residential - Land - 4% of land # 628-0088 Cash - $500 per single family lot $400 per townhouse or duplex $350 per unit - multi -family structures with 3+ units Com. /Ind. - 4% of land value or $4, 500 per acre whichever is less Savage Tracy Flucke Residential - Land - 10% of land # 890-1045 Cash - Singe Family - $400 Duplex - $325 Townhouse/Quad- $275 Apartments - $200 Com./Ind. - Land - 7.5% of land Cash - $1, 500 per acre Shakopee Mark McQuillan Residential - Land - 10% of land # 445-2742 Cash - Single Family - $400 2 or 3 units - $338 4 to 6 units - $312.50 > 6 units - $250 Com. /Ind. - Land - 10% of land Cash - $1, 500 per acre CITY PARK DEDICATION RESIDENTIAL Anoka Units per acres 0-51 10% 6-101 11% 11-151 12% 16+ 13% Apple Valley 10% of total development or $1500 per acre per development. PARK LAND DEDICATION FEES PARK DEDICATION COMM. 6 INDUSTRIAL 5% FEES IN -LIEU OF AND GENERAL NOTES Amount of land equal in value to 5% of the undeveloped land/land to be reserved for public use - parks, play- grounds, bus stops, public open space or combination Austin For subdivisions more than 50 No For subdivisions lees than lots$ 50 lots, or where land is Single Familyt Total acres x .008 not available, cash payments Multi Familyt Total units x .008 of acres x aseessor's market (lase the total acres) value Brainerd . 7 t of the property Brooklyn Park 10% of land or cash in lieu of land based on fair market value of $20,000 per acre Burnsville R-1 - $ 439.20/unit R-2 - $ 448.20/unit R-3A - $ 434.00/unit R-3B - $ 564.00/unit (based on population formula) No Same Commercial: $2,625/acre Industrial: $1,125/acre (C/I based on average land value x 5%) 7♦ of the assessors market value Chaska $ 350.00/unit (1-2 family) Commercial: $1,WU/acre in proceuo uL nuum—L—i $ 275.00 - townhouses/quade trail fees $ 200.00 - apartments/condos CITY PARK DEDICATION RESIDENTIAL PARR DEDICATION COMM. & INDUSTRIAL FEES IN -LIEU OF AND GENERAL NO"S Cottage Drove $ 450.00 - single family $ 120.00/bedroom - all others Eagan Single Family: $ 525.00 Duplext $ 488.00 Townhouset $ 414.00 Apartments $ 427.00 Eden'Prairie Fridley Commercial: Up to 10% of land or cash amounts in lieu of land not to exceed 10% of fair market value Commercials $2,170 per acre Trailst $ 100.00 unit proposed $ 720/unit - for eingle/multi family $2,560/acre for commercial/industrial 10% of the property Golden Valley $ 450 per dwelling unit Inver Grove Heights $ 400 in eewered & watered area $ 200 in unsewered & unwatered areas Cash payments: 2/3 to be used for development of ark nearest the subdivision. 1/p3 goes into City general park fund. The developer is responsible for a recreational facility fee and for seeding and planting when land is dedicated 3% or cash in lieu ($.023 per sq. ft.) lot of the assessor's market value. Any cash payments will be placed in a special fund to be used for which the money was obtained. 10♦ of value of undeveloped land Commercial: $2,170 per acre in eewered and watered $ 425 per acre in unsewered and unwatered Lakeville Caehs $550 per dwelling unit for Commercials Trailst $150.00 per dwelling single & multi familyl OR Casht $2,500 per acre OR unit Lands 10-20• based on unite per Land: 10% of groan acre being platted acre density formula LeSueur 7• of the property No 7► of the assessors market value Mankato Less than 10 unite per acres 5% No 5% of assessors value More than 10 units per acres 7% 7% of assessors value CITY PARK DEDICATION RESIDENTIAL PARK DEDICATION COMM. & INDUSTRIAL FEES IN -LIEU OF AND GENERAL NOTES Maple Grove $ 518/unit Commerciale $2,850/acre Induetrialt $1,650/acre Plymouth $ 825/unit $3,300/acre Prior Lake 101 of the property No 10% of assessors market value. City will reduce amount of land or fees if developer builds recreation facilities Oakdale 10% of the property $1,200 per acre Mouset $ 450 Townhouset $ 350 Apt. Unit: $ 350 Owatonna No land dedication requirements No Red Wing 1 acre per 75 persons No $ 50 per single family or duplex 4.1 persons per single family unit 1.4 1 bedroom unit unit $ 25 per bedroom for apartments persons per 2.5 persons per 2 bedroom unit 3.3 persons per 3 bedroom unit Savage 10• of land value, OR 7.5% of land value OR Single familyt $1,200 per acre (inclusive of major $ 325/dwelling unit additions) Duplext $ 250/dwelling unit Townhouse/quad: $ 200/dwelling unit Apartmentst $ 125/dwelling unit Shakopee $ 400 per single family unit $1,500 per acre $ 338 2 or 3 unite $ 312.50 multi family (4 to 6 units) $ 250.00 more than 6 units OR land up to 10% CI PARK DEDICATION RESIDENTIAL IIARK ABDICATION COMM._t INDUSTRIAL FEES IN -LIEU OF AND GENERAL NOTES St. Cloud 5-16 t of the property Stillwater Unite per acret Commercialt 0-4 - $ 400 per dwelling unit $.10 per square foot of net land area 5-8 - $ 250 per dwelling unit 9-15 $ 200 per dwelling unit 16 + $ 150 per dwelling unit 5-16• of assessor's land value. Amount depends upon the density of the development. Single family development is usually about 5%. Apartments are between 9-12%. More than 25 unite per net acre is 16% Northfield 5% of the property $ 75 for single family units $100 for R2 zoning unite $125 for R3 zoning unite $150 for R4 zoning unite nfiV °yi,L 67 i— ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 1993 BIG DADDY'S IN RO-SEMOUNT 7:00 P.M. PRESENT: John Loch, Deanna Simpson, Jim Koslowske, John Howard, Dave Bechtold, Bud Osmundson (City Engineer) I. Minutes of last meeting were reviewed. II. Bud Osmundson had met with this committee some time ago to give a detailed summary of the Erickson Community Square area from an engineering and utility point of view. He gave another short overview of the utility locations of water, sewer, storm drainage, etc.. Bud discussed a possibility of putting a system of storm tiles in from the Corcoran Hardware parking lot to the city hall parking lot to control the drainage from the Corcoran lot. This would include some silt liners as well. John Loch asked about the burming aspect and if we were going to use that. various aspects of the tiling and burming would be looked into by Bud and the Parks & Recreation staff. Bud felt that for about one hundred dollars and a half day of labor that the Park Staff may be able to complete a project of this type. Bud and Dave will work with the. - Parks & Rec. staff on tf-,is proposal for this fall if time allows. This would serve as a temporary solution. Bud said that the locations of the utilities was very accessible. He recommends that the Utility Department be contacted and requested to UJ.zive tha City hookup Tres. Mlembers Oi- this committee should request this to be done when the projects are Presented to be completed. ( SAC , WAc , MWCC ) III. Our goal is to obtain as much volunteer labor as possible to complete the projects on this site. This does include the various aspects of construction on the shelter. Dave has written a letter to the Adjutant General's office (Capt . Kevin Gerdes) to see if they would be interested in assisting us on a community service basis. Dave and Rick Cook will also check to see if the 49ers would be interested in working with this project. They will seek input from Del Lorentzson. Bud said that he has possible sources for fill for next spring that could be used for the amphitheater. The committee agreed that amphitheater project should be put on hold until next spring to see if we can find ways to cut the costs. IV. Dave said that during the budget discussions on November 8th the City Council did state that they felt the $ 20,000 in the CIP for the parking lot improvements should remain funded. This means that if the amphitheater, shelter, and other possible projects get completed that the money would be trtere to complete the upgrades and additions to the parking lot at City Hall in this area of the Erickson Community Square. V. Kerry Johnson's project Had not status changes to mention. VI. Bud Stated that there is a chance that the state may ask for a change in the location of the park and ride from its present location to some other location. VII. John Loch stated that Cathy Buscho did find the Jaycee check for $ 7,000 that was to go to the Chamber of Commerce accounts. That account (Northern Dakota Chamber of Commerce Foundation) would have this money available for the uses in the Erickson Community Square projects. Since the check was written to the Parks & Recreation Department Dave will receipt the money into that department's donation accounts, then request a transfer check to be written to the chamber accounts as listed. VIII. Dave will give a summary financial update at the next meeting. IX. John Loch gave a financial update on the money earned by selling concessions at the Renaissance Festival this year. There was approximate'_y W 1,SOO earned with a bill of s SOO to be paid for the insurance premium for coverage to sell the concessions. There was oni} : net of about s. C � 1 :L , �C , resultin<� from all of the o w.,r k that the voiurite,�rs put into this Project. Pe ore this is done again next year ti'ie? should br a - discussion about. It. X . T h` n�.. t �I=et ? nG' is se � for �,i=dnIesday, , January 12th at Big -aoa;' s at 7 . 00