HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993_12_20-PRRMTO: PARKS & RE;ATIONOMMITTEE FROM: DAVID J. Hl"OLD - DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION DATE: DECEMBER 13, 1993 RE: COMMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 20, 1993 DATE: DECEMBER 20, 1993 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 P. M. NOTE: THE CARROLLS WOODS MEETING AT 6:30) AGENDA: I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER II. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III. APPROVE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 1S, 1993 MEETING IV. AUDIENCE INPUT OLD BUSINESS: I. RAAA UPDATE (TOM NUEMANN / & DAVE ) II. PARK EVALUATIONS / STAFF WORK (RICK COOK) SUMMARY OF WORK SHOP MEETING OF 12/2/93 IV. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE (UPDATE) V. CARROLLS WOODS / (UPDATE) VI. BYLAWS UPDATE AND REVIEW NEW BUSINESS I. PARK DEDICATION/'(CARLSON DEVELOPMENT SITES) II. WENSMANN PRELIMINARY PLAT (# COUNTY # 42 AREA) III, CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT V. ADJOURNMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------ PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 20, 1993 APPROVED MEMBERS PRESENT: Dave Giliuson, Deanna Simpson, Linda Ladzun, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller, (Scott Rynerson came late) STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation; Rick Cook, Parks Supervisor; LaCelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Programmer; Wendy Willman, Parks and Recreation Programmer; and Lisa Jost, Assistant Community Center Manager MEMBERS ABSENT: John Howard CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Vice Chairperson, Dave Giliuson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 15, 1993 MINUTES: Corrections to draft were made in the area relating to Bud Osmundson's comments at the Erickson Community Square meeting. It should state that Bud suggested that we request the Utility Commissions to wave fees dealing with utility installations rather than stating that he recommends no fees. Also in that section, it should be noted that Bud did indicate that the possible design proposal that he had in mind for the Flower Garden area should be considered as a temporary solution rather than a long term solution to the drainage problems. MOTION by Tom Reller to accept the minutes of the November 15, 1993, meeting with the corrections as noted. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. I. RAAA UPDATE: Tom Nuemann was not available for this meeting. Dave Bechtold reported that there has been a movement by the RAAA Board to have a member of their board seek appointment to the Apple Valley Parks and Recreation Board. They feel they need to become directly involved in the political process if they are ever to be truly heard regarding their requests of adequate numbers of facilities in Apple Valley to match the number of participants from Apple Valley in their programs. The RAAA Board has asked Dave Bechtold to contact the Apple Valley Director of Parks and Recreation to work together to identify possible sites where a storage building for their equipment might be built. Since a large portion of the participants are from Apple Valley, it is hoped that city will work to find a site for this project. The RAAA Board has been told that when the new park complex in Apple Valley is built near 140th Street and Galaxie Avenue, that they will be receiving a sizeable portion of the facility schedule for RAAA use. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING December 20, 1993 Page 2 APPROVED PARK EVALUATIONS: Rick Cook gave a short overview of major areas of park work for this past month. Brush cutting and chipping in Carrolls Woods did receive a lot of time by staff. This included additional efforts with volunteers. Because of the warm weather, rink flooding was put on hold. Park staff has been and continues to assist in getting the ice arena ready for use. III. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE: There was no regular meeting in December. Dave Bechtold informed the Committee he had made contact with the National Guard to possibly assist with the grading in Erickson Community Square. Major Glass and First Sergeant Theide met with Rick, Jim Koslowski, and Dave in Erickson Park to discuss the possibility. Those members of the Guard will be meeting with the engineering and construction portion of the Guard out of Willmar, Minnesota to discuss this project. They did sound very optimistic about working with us on this proposal. There was no meeting held in December. The next monthly meeting will be held on the evening of January 12, 1994, at 7:00 p.m. at Big Daddy's. Scott Rynerson came to meeting and took over Chairperson duties. IV. CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE UPDATE: Mike Busho, Chairperson of the Carrolls Woods Committee gave an update. A summary of the trails relating to construction and concept design was included. The trail stemming from the southwest access needs to be moved slightly towards the south because of the terrain. Deanna Simpson indicated that it is important to move the trail to accommodate the grades. Certificates of appreciation will be drawn up for the school volunteers who have helped to pull brush out of the woods for chipping. It was decided that on Saturday, January 15, 1994, committee members interested in viewing the trail system and markers for new trails in the southwest area of the park will meet in the Carrolls Woods. Those taking part will meet at 10:00 a.m. in the area of the old hockey rink site. Dave Bechtold and others commented that they may not be able to attend this date. The decision was made to have all members interested in taking part to call the Parks and Recreation Office by January 13, 1994, to let us know that they will be attending. This date and trail observation will be used as the January workshop meeting. V. BYLAWS: At our last meeting the bylaws were reviewed. As in the past years, a deep concern was expressed relating to the inclusion of the Parks and Recreation Committee in the hiring process of a Parks and Recreation Director. The decision was made to include at least one member of the Parks and Recreation Committee in the process of selection and interviewing of the hiring of a Parks and Recreation Director. This item would be included in Section #9, Article #8. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty with a second by Deanna Simpson to include in this section the statement "... at least one member of the Parks and Recreation Committee will be an active member of the selection and interview process for the position of Director of Parks and Recreation." Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING APPROVED December 20, 1993 Page 3 NE, ..............I..... ........... ....................................... ........................................ CARLSON PROPERTY: A. Carrousel Plaza South Development. The main aspect of this development is a movie theater. The property is located just west of Highway 3. The committee reviewed the project and agreed to a park dedication of cash. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty with a second by Scott Rynerson to have a cash dedication for the Carrousel Plaza South Development. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. Motioned Carried. B. Rosemount Village Square Development. This was a follow-up and update on this project. At the August 16, 1993, meeting a motion was made to have a cash park dedication from this site. Because small portions of land were added since that time, it was brought back to the committee for additional input. Although the land amounts were not significant there was time to bring this back to the committee for clarification for the final plat process. MOTION by Scott Rynerson with a second by Dave Giliuson "in addition to the cash dedication proposal on August 16, 1994, we add in lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 for cash dedication". Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. Motion Carried. II. WENSMANN PRELIMINARY PLAT: This item was reviewed briefly at the last meeting. Questions relating to deck homes, the trail location and the access road off of County 24 were addressed. With the access road off of County 42 not existing, and therefore not crossing the bike trail a short distance from County 42, that issue is no longer a concern. Concerns had been expressed about adequate open space and/or parks in this development. This concern was due to the fact that a land use change was made from single family homes to that of multiple dwellings. With the increased density, the committee felt a need to have additional open space required. The committee asked that Dave Bechtold take back to the Planning Department a request for land for parks. A future park in a future development was brought up. It was decided that, as in Limerick Town Homes, it is possible that development stops and the park that should have been built does not get built. This was not felt to be a viable arrangement. The committee felt that we should not wait for future development to address this issue. An area was identified on the map provided. Dave is to take this back to the Planning Department for discussion as to a more exact location, amount of land and design. MOTION by Deanna Simpson with a second by Dave Gilliuson to "take this plan back to the Planning Department for review for land park dedication in this area". Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING APPROVED December 20, 1993 Page 4 III. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: JERRY PUCIATY - None. LINDA LADZUN - None. DAVE GILLIUSON - None. TOM RELLER had some deep concerns about the manner in which skating lessons are being provided with the youth this season. With the Community Center offering lessons there were no outdoor lessons this year. That meant the fee going from $13 per child to that of $80. Dave Gilliuson and other members of the committee expressed support of this concern. They felt the price was too high. Deanna Simpson commented that we could have predicted over two years ago that when the center was built, that programs and prices would change. Dave Bechtold agreed that there will be changes made in more programming. By working together it is possible that programs such as outdoor skating lessons can be conducted in the same period of time as the indoor lessons. For this season it just did not seem appropriate to offer outdoor lessons when the Community Center was planning to schedule lessons. It is not always for the Director of Parks and Recreation nor the Parks and Recreation Committee to be involved in the pricing of programs at the Community Center. But, it does seem appropriate for us to discuss this item in regard to possible joint programming. Other committee members expressed a need to have Dave Bechtold discuss this item with the Community Center manager and possibly offer the outdoor lessons again in 1994-1995. Lisa Jost, the Assistant Manager of the Community Center was at the meeting and did give supportive comments for the rationale used in not setting up the skating lessons again in 1993-1994 season. MOTION by Tom Reller with a second by Dave Gilliuson to have Dave "look in to working with the Community Center for the type and schedule of lessons and the possibility of continuing outdoor skating lessons again in 1994-1995". Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Jerry Puciaty and others expressed concerns with the "community services" aspect for the low income people when conducting programs. It was felt that this should be addressed in all of our programming. DEANNA SIMPSON commented that a check for $7,000 was written by the Jaycees last summer. It was intended to be given to the Chamber of Commerce for potential projects in Erickson Community Square. That check had been misplaced by the Jaycees, however, it had now been found and given to Dave Bechtold. He is processing it and will see to it that the $7,000 is given to the Chamber. SCOTT RYNERSON questioned the damages relating to the Flower Garden. Dave Bechtold and Deanna Simpson explained to the committee that the business person located next to the garden had plowed snow into the shrubs and trees. There will be an assessment of the damages and possibly a bill sent to the business next spring. Dave has met with that business person. The problem resulted from an employee plowing snow into the city property. The business person has asked to meet with the Erickson Community Square Committee to discuss this issue and to also discuss ways he can work together with the committee to further improve that area. Dave is informing the Community Square Committee that the business person will be at their next meeting in January. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING December 20, 1993 Page 5 APPROVED Scott thanked the staff for the work they have done with the volunteers in Carrolls Woods. He commented that they come to work, do not take breaks and just plain go to work. Scott proposed that Dave put together an indoctrination book for new members. There are some memberships up at this time and new members might be coming on board. Dave Bechtold commented that he will work on this for both newly appointed members and those who have been on the committee for a longer period of time. Scott made a special note of thanks to Rick Pearson, the Assistant Planner, for attending the December workshop meeting. Rick took the time to meet with us and to discuss non -park open space and general green space as it pertains to development. IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: DAVE BECHTOLD encouraged present members whose terms are up to reapply for serving on the committee. Dave commented that he and his staff are re -organizing the Parks and Recreation Department. By January 30, 1994, they hope to have some major decisions made as to changes in staff assignments, staff schedules, and general operations. With the resignations of three staff members over the past months, there is new staff coming on board. The department will never be the same as it was. We need to change and adjust to the new staff and the changes in programming arrangements. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Dave Gilliuson to adjourn the meeting. Deanna Simpson SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. TO: Parks & Recreation Committee Members Carrolls Woods Committee Erickson Community Square Committee FROM: David T"--aecht.o ; - Director of Parks & Recreation DATE, January 5, 1994 RE: Meeting Dates After contacting several members of the Parks & Recreation Committee the decision was made to change the date for the next Parks & Recreation Committee meeting to January 24th. This change is due to .January 17th, our regular meeting date, being observed as a holiday for Martin Luther's Birthday. Out next meeting date information is: Rosemount City Hall January 24, 1994 7:30 P. M. This change in meeting dates will be the same for the Carrolls Woods Committee. Our next meeting will be held: Rosemount. City Hall .January 24, 1994 6.30 P. M. The Erickson Community Square Committee meeting is to be held on schedule. That meeting time and date is: Big Daddy's in Rosemount January 12, 1994 7:00 P. M. SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE: On Saturday, January 15, 1994 a workshop meeting is planned in Carrolls Woods at 10:00 A. M.. This was requested by he Parks & Recreation Committee. The main purpose of the meeting is to have the Park Department staff identify potential trail locations and receive input from the Committee. Committee Members of Erickson Community Square and Carrolls Woods are invited to join us that day. If you are planning to take part you are to call the Parks & Recreation Office by January 13th. Note that due to a holiday on the third Monday of February it is my request. that we move to change that regular monthly meeting to the last Monday of the month also. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS 8 R,EGREATICYJ COMMITTEE f MEETING DATE: December 20, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: RAAA UPDATE U AGENDA SU-FT I N E S S PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. DAVID J. BECHTOLD / DIR. P & R I. ATTACHMENTS: APPR BY: NONE Tom Nuemann and Dave Bechtold will be at this meeting to give an update on the RAAA program. There Was some action taken at the RAAA Board meeting of December 13, 1993 that we will share with you. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS & RECREATICN COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: December 20, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: �T- AGENDA S U1��L, PARK EVALUATIONS / STAFF WORK LUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. GAVID J. f�ECHTOLD / DIR. P & R II. ATTACHMENTS: I NONE PAPROVED,.AY: Rick Cook will be at the meeting to give a brief update on the pa.rF: maintenance. This will .include projects in Carrolls Woods. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS 8 P.ECREATICN COMMITTEE I MEETING DATE: December 20, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: SUMMARY OF WORKSHOP MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1993 PREPARED BY: DAVID .3. BECHTOLD / DIR. P & R ATTACHMENTS: NONE AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS AGENDA NO.III. APPROVEDr-B_Y : Rick Pearson joined us at our December 2nd workshop. His i.nput to the topic of nonpark open space was helpful. We did discuss -the issue of how to address a change in the land use from the time the Parks Master Plan was put in place through a development project. This included the possibility of a change in the type of dedication taken, the location of the dedication, and the blending of private and public nonpark and park open space. Those Committee members who did attend can share more of the details of the workshopfor an update. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS & REGREATICN COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: December 20, 1993 No December meeting was held for the Erickson Community Square Committee. There was a change in the minutes that were submitted. .Because those minutes were summarized in our Committee minutes those changes should be noted at our meeting. Bud Osmundson had met with the Erickson Community Square Committee. The minutes indicated that he felt the SAC and WAC fees should be waived. The minutes should state that he felt we should request the Utility Commission to wave the fees. The project that Bud suggested we look into at the lift station area should not be construed to be a final way of solving the run off and errosion problem. It could be a way to help take care of The Carrolls Woods Committee did have a brush chipping day in Carrolls Woods Park. That and other updates will be presented to us by members of that committee. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS 8 P.EGREATICN COMMITTEE i MEETING DATE: December 20, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: e'{LAWS REVIEW AND UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. DAVID J. BECHTOLD / DIR. P & R VI. ATTACBMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE At our November meeting the bylaws were discussed. It was decided that being represented in the selection process for the Director of Parks & Recreation is important. I was requested to check if there is a policy for or against a commission or committee member being a part of the selection committee or interview committee for staff. Sue Walsh and I discussed this. It was indicated to me that there is no policy on rithel side of this issue. Tha bylaws should be reviewe-ci again at this December meeting. If your wishes: are to include representation of the Parks Rec.reation Committee in the selection and/or interview process for =hia Gp: _iijll if D1rjGt(Dr c? pd-ks '✓. Recreation a motion should' be made `o include this in the bylaws. At our November meeting this was the only issue that the Committee I Clt r,F-deal to be addressed in greater detail. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Move to approve bylaws with addition of item # for the Parks & Recreation Committee. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS & P.EGREATICN COMMITTEE i MEETING DATE: December 20, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: PARK DEDICATION CAf;LSC)f�1 PROPERI"'S' NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. DAVID J. BECHTOLD / DIR. P & R I. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE At the August 16, 1993 meeting a motion was made by our Committee to take cash park dedication for the development on the Carlson Property. Our discussions dealt with primarily the shopping mall part of this site when the motion was made. At the December meeting we will review the development maps. This includes the area of the Rosemount Village Square (the shopping mall .area that we previously addressed) and the Carrousel Plaza South (the area where a theater is planned as shown on a map that was sent to you this past weekend). The total acres of the two development areas is 19.2958. Rosemount Village Square is 10.61 acres and Carrousel Plaza South is 8.6858. Based on.a dedication of S% of the total land area there is a dedication of .9648 acres. This amount of d-and is then multiplied by our land value in the dedication formula of $ 22,000 per acre. The total cash dedication for both areas of the Carlson developments is $ 21,225.38. NOTE: We should have a motion for each of the development areas. The suggested motion below would be made once to include the Rosemount. Village Square and once for the Carrousel Plaza South. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO HAVE THE PARK DEDICATION FOR THE IN THE FORM OF CASH. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF RDSIMJJDNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS & RECREAT|8December 2ON COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: ^ 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: NEW B�Jc-IrlEc-"S PROVED BY- NONE me*ting' There were a couple of questions and/or concerns that were expressed at that time. 1. What is a deck home? It is a basic townhome without a basement. 2' Concern with through street coming directly off of County Road # 42 cr6sses a bihetrail shortly after that intersection. 3. With the density changes does our Parks Master Plan remain valid for the cash park dedication that Would be asked for? Should be consider e change in the typo of dedication along with the change in land use and density from the previous single family hdma designation? NOTE: There have been some significant changes to the concept plan that Herb Wensmann submitted' 1. The total amount of area to be developed in this phase has been reduced significantly. 2. The street t!-I�� came off of Cuunty # 42 is no longer identified as a Lhrough'street from County t; 42' �. There has been some-changea in the location of some of the homes to be built. This is a preliminary plat that we will be discussing. I will have large concept. drawings at the meeting to look at and t-o review. Because of the plat beinq reduced in size it leave-s. the door open for us to address the park dedication to the west side 'f the development. Staff discussions have dealt with possibly: l. a cash dedication for this development 2. statinQ that land for a park to theimmediate west side is to be considered for the next step of development 3' trails along private roadway going east and west 4. trail should -be on Danville Ave' with poSoible future connection to the south to get to Jaycee park' RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION FOR PARK DEDICATION TO BE CASH FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT WITH CONSIDERATION TO BE FOR A POSSIBLE LAND AND CASH DEDICATION IN THE NEXT PHASE OF DEVELOPMENT TO THE WEST OF THIS SITE. COUNCIL ACTION: proud s City ' Halloween tradition continues thanks to many volunteers t Dear Editor importance in the fact that the program is conducted For the past 10 years the Halloween/Haunted Woods through the joining of efforts of individuals and program has been conducted by Rosemount groups from civic organizations, and churches at large. volunteers. There were years of perfect weather, rain This was truly a community sponsored program. storms, and even a major snow storm that these people Congratulations to the 1993 Halloween/Haunted s have had to deal with. Woods Committee and other volunteers for a job well Each of the programs has resulted in success. The done. The results of your efforts was a program that reason for that is the great dedication that these set a standard by which future programs can use to set volunteers have in conducting this program and the their goals. pride that they have in providing a quality recreational "adventure" for the youth of the community. Dave Bechtold Importance of what takes place on Halloween is not Director of Parks and Recreation just in the program being provided. There is a great Rosemount f PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: COMPLETED BY: (���e�- minutes for 1 Z - 20 meeting. MAILING INCLUDED: v (Committee) (Date) Sheets for meeting. Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary (Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1992 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (6 copies) V John Howard Jerry Puciaty L✓ Scott Rynerson ✓Tom Reller ✓ Deanna Simpson ✓ 1✓ Dave Giliuson ✓ Linda Ladzun .✓ ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (7 copies)* v-'- Del Lorentzen ✓ ✓Cathy Busho tv M �� ✓' ✓ Lucy Holzer ✓ Marge Ryan ✓ ✓ Jim Thommes i/ Paul and Lois McKinley John Loch Parks Staff Linda Ladzun (Parks and Rec Committee) Deanna Simpson (Parks and Rec Committee) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (6 copies)* Marie Jensen ' Ed Howard Mike Busho - ✓ Dan Belting t- Loretta Loesch ✓ Joel Sutter Parks Staff Rick Cook (Parks Supervisor) Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names 11-"�'Dave Bechtold 1✓ Rick Cook Lacelle Cordes Nancy SchruPP Wendy Willman I/ Park Staff ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (29 copies) t✓ City Administrator (1)O=vYw ► U 1, Department Heads (6) 0 of Public Works--' y Dir of Finance ';'I \C1- Dir of Planning ✓Fire Chief AV -IX v Chief of Police K ne�v ail -7 Community Center Manager :Y i vY ✓ City Council & Attorney (6) planning Commission (5) ,4 y' Port Authority (7) Utility Commission (3) J N d-r I- I LL A Official City Records (1) # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: ` 7 IMF - chk1stpr.2 as of 1-5-94