HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-1994 Community Center Commission MeetingsCOMMUNITY CENTER COMMISSION
OCTOBER 13, 1994
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Community
Center Commission was duly held on October 13, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council
Chambers at City Hall.
Chair Knutson called the meeting to order with Commissioners Ladzun, Olson, and Souders
present. Commissioners Gundacker and Ullrich were not present. Staff present included
Director of Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer and Recreation and Community Center
Manager Jost, and Rental Coordinator Brodt.
Additions to the agenda included item 5.C.) Concessions Contract
MOTION by Knutson to approve the September 8, 1994 regular meeting minutes as written.
SECOND by Souders. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0.
Director of Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer provided the Commission with an update of
recent Community Center activities. Topitzhofer stated that plans for a winter parade are
currently underway as Marge Ryan and Diane Pinkert have requested assistance in
implementing a parade in Rosemount to promote Rosemount businesses at the Community
Center. The winter parade, entitled "Christmas Magic," is scheduled for December 4, 1994.
Festivities would begin at the Community Center on Sunday afternoon including activities
such as free ice skating, puppet shows, a tree lighting ceremony and various outdoor winter
activities on the Center grounds. A parade featuring floats lighted with Christmas decorations
would begin after sunset. Deb Hanson has been named Volunteer Coordinator of activities
conducted at the Community Center.
Topitzhofer reported that staff are currently working on the completion of two grants serving
the needs of RAP (Rosemount Activities Program). Topitzhofer informed the Commission of
a meeting with representatives from Rosemount Middle School, Community Education and
RAP to discuss the possibility of providing a teen center in the area for Rosemount youth.
Topitzhofer stated that it was determined that the Rosemount Parks & Recreation Department
will collaborate with this program but will not expend existing resources to chaperon or
provide staffing. The Community Center will be used as a site for offering teens programs
such as a "teen night" including open gym and fitness room.
Director of Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer provided the Commission with a letter of
resignation from Randy Moe, Building Maintenance Supervisor, for the Rosemount
Community Center. Topitzhofer stated that staff will be looking at other similar facilities
regarding their staffing and will meet with City Administrator Tom Burt to discuss arena
MOTION by Knutson to recommend that Parks & Recreation staff provide a memorandum
for Randy Moe expressing recognition and appreciation for his outstanding efforts.
SECOND by Souders. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0.
Director of Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer informed the Commission of a survey that was
sent to all current liquor providers on October 5, 1994. He stated that to date two surveys
have been received and that responses are very positive. One suggestion has been made by a
OCTOBER 13, 1994
liquor provider to have one exclusive provider on an annual basis due to the large expense of
liquor liability insurance needed to serve at the Center. Topitzhofer stated that overall results
of the survey will be presented at the regular meeting in November when more surveys have
been received. Topitzhofer advised the Commission that if there is to be a change in the
liquor policy it will need to be executed before the renewal process begins for 1995.
Director of Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer informed the Commission of a meeting on
September 29, 1994 with representatives from Woodcrest Church to renegotiate the rental
agreement. Topitzhofer highlighted the revisions to the rental agreement and stated that
church officials were in agreement with the proposed changes.
MOTION by Ladzun to recommend approval of the revised rental agreement for Woodcrest
Church to City Council. SECOND by Olson. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0.
Topitzhofer stated that Dakota Civic Theater's first performance at the Community Center
was on September 15, 1994. Topitzhofer provided the Commission with a copy of the rental
agreement and proceeded to highlight some details contained in the agreement. Topitzhofer
stated that he has been informed that the Theatre has performed several productions in the
past which display nudity. Topitzhofer informed the Commission that Theatre representatives
have indicated that none of the productions planned for this season display nudity.
Topitzhofer informed the Commission that he has requested, from the City Attorney, a policy
which restricts nudity in these theatrical performances at the Center in the future.
Topitzhofer advised recommendation of approval of the agreement to City Council pending a
response from the City Attorney.
MOTION by Knutson to recommend approval of the rental agreement for Dakota Civic
Theatre to City Council pending direction form the City Attorney regarding the issue of
nudity in performances conducted at the Community Center. SECOND by Souders. Ayes:
4. Nays: 0.
Director of Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer informed the Commission that City Council
will be approving all 1995 fee changes on December 6, 1994. Topitzhofer advised that in
preparation of recommendations on Community Center fees, the Commission should review
fees and make recommendations in the next several meetings. Topitzhofer provided
Commissioners with a copy of the current combined fees and fee policy document and
informed them of one change thus far that allows the damage deposit on renting space at the
Center to be waived for Dakota Technical College, Dakota County Offices, State of
Minnesota Offices, School District #196, and municipal offices of cities adjacent to
Rosemount. Topitzhofer stated that there are a total of 20 advertising panels that may be
sold and that to date 13 have been sold. Topitzhofer informed that Commission that he
would be seeking advertising outside the Community fur the, remaining seven panels.
Topitzhofer requested direction on how to proceed on researching fees. Direction from the
Commission included reviewing the fees of a comparable Community Center and taking into
consideration the cost of security personnel when reviewing fees for the use of the banquet
room specifically.
OCTOBER 13, 1994
Director of Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer provided the Commission with a copy of the
Community Center's Concessions contract written by RAHA Boosters. Topitzhofer
highlighted several items in the contract including the provision that states that the Boosters
agree to pay the City twenty five percent of the gross sales made during their operation of
the concession stand. Commissioner Souders suggested approval of the contract for 33 % of
the gross as the wear and tear of the equipment in the concessions stand should be taken into
consideration. Topitzhofer stated that he would be willing to negotiate the percentage
increase with RAHA Boosters. Commissioner Souders inquired about the Boosters operating
concessions during special events other than those scheduled in the ice arena and advised that
Topitzhofer inquire with the Boosters regarding this issue. Topitzhofer stated that the
Community Center would be drafting their own concessions contract and all
recommendations made through the discussion would be taken into consideration.
MOTION by Souders to adjourn. SECOND by Ladzun. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dana Brodt
Recording Secretary
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Community
Center Commission was duly held on September 8, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in meeting room 205
at the Rosemount Community Center and National Guard Training Center.
Chair Knutson called the meeting to order with Commissioners Gundacker, Ladzun, Olson
present. Commissioners Pederson, Souders and Ullrich were not present. Staff present.
included Director of Community Center and Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer and
Recreation and Community Center Manager Jost, and Rental Coordinator Brodt.
Additions to the agenda included item 4. D .) Advisory Committee Reorganization and 5 . C . )
Resignation of Commissioner Pederson.
MOTION by Knutson to approve the July 14, 1994 regular meeting minutes as written.
SECOND by Ladzun. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Knutson to approve the August 11, 1994 regular meeting minutes as written.
SECOND by Gundacker. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0.
Director of Community Center and Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer provided the
Commission with an update of recent Community Center activities. Topitzhofer stated that
the Dakota Civic Theatre has expressed interest in using the Auditorium for their upcoming
1994/95 season which would include seven productions. The first production scheduled in
our facility would be "Chorus Line. " He further stated that staff have been meeting with
Dakota Civic Theatre and are in the process of developing a rental agreement. Topitzhofer
reported that he is currently working on developing a program utilizing the rifle range with
Dakota County Technical College. He stated that the College would operate the rifle range
program and the Community Center would lease the space to them providing that rifle range
would be available to the general public.
Topitzhofer informed the Commission that ice has returned to our facility and added his
personal note of appreciation to Randy Moe and his crew for tackling the long list of
preparations necessary to begin the ice season. Topitzhofer commented briefly on the Parks
' and Recreation Fall Activities brochure stating that it was distributed to Rosemount residents
on Saturday, August 27, as an insert in the Thisweek newspaper.
Director of Community Center and Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer stated that Rosemount
Area Athletic Association (RAAA) had inquired about the possibility of purchasing a
scoreboard for the gymnasium. RAAA representatives stated that they would be willing to
donate one half of the funds necessary to purchase a scoreboard if the Community Center
would be willing to seek funds through a grant from USPCI for the remainder. Topitzhofer
informed the Commission that since this request has been brought to his attention that he has
been informed that the Jaycees have donated funds for items such as a scoreboard and as a
result purchasing a scoreboard will be pursued; however, it would not be necessary to seek
funds through USPCI or RAAA. Topitzhofer stated that he would be informing RAAA
representatives of this.
Director of Community Center and Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer stated that T.O.P.S.
(Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) is again requesting a waiver of the charge for use of a
classroom for their weekly meetings at the Community Center. He summarized the last
action of the Community Center Commission with regards to this request stating that it
would be revisited in the Fall when staff could better determine the demand for classroom
space. Rental Coordinator, Brodt provided the Commission with an update of current
classroom usage. Topitzhofer advised that the Commission decide if a waiver is appropriate
for T.O.P.S. based on the information provided. Discussion took place and the group's
request for storage space for their cabinet and scale was also considered. The Commission
advised upholding the current policy as written. Topitzhofer stated that T.O.P.S. would be
informed of the Commission's decision.
Director of Community Center and Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer provided the
Commission with a budget update and stated that the 1995 budget process continues as City
Council is now undergoing some decisions regarding the cutting of various line items in
every department so that the tax effect to Rosemount taxpayers is reasonable.
Director of Community Center and Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer led a discussion
regarding the possible reorganization of the advisory committees for the Community Center
and Parks and Recreation Department. Topitzhofer reiterated the contents of a letter written
by Parks and Recreation Committee Chairperson, David Giliuson, recommending that the
two boards merge into one new committee to be referred to as the "Rosemount Parks and
Recreation Committee. " The new Committee would meet twice a month. Topitzhofer stated
that at a recent workshop for the Parks and Recreation Committee, members were in general
supportive of the proposed reorganization. Chair Knutson stated that he contacted all
Community Center Commissioners individually with the exception of one and commented
that most were very supportive of the restructuring. The Commission inquired about the
number of members to serve on this new advisory committee should the City Council
approve of the reorganization. Topitzhofer responded by stating that this would be a decision
for the Council to make.
MOTION by Gundacker to recommend combining the advisory committees of the
Community Center and the Parks and Recreation Department to City Council. SECOND by
Olson. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0.
Director of Community Center and Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer led a discussion
regardin- use of the arena for the summer of 1995. Topitzhofer indicated that the in -line
skating league in the arena this past summer was not as successful as planned and as a result
he advised a summer ice season in 1995. He informed the Commission that Arena Manager,
Moe has received numerous responses and commitments for summer ice and provided the
Commission members with a summary of Moe's findings which indicate a minimum of
S4,000 revenue not including open skating income and future ice rental. Recreation and
Community Center Manager Jost also indicated that open hockey offered through the Parks
and Recreation Department may also be a source of revenue.
MOTION by Knutson to offer ice rental in the arena for the summer of 1995. SECOND by
Ladzun. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0.
Director of Community Center and Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer informed the
Commission that Community Center staff have received several comments about the lack of
availability of our present liquor providers. These comments have made it necessary that we
revisit the liquor provider policy and evaluate if we have sufficient providers to satisfy the
demands of our customers. Topitzhofer advised the Commission that the liquor policy not be
changed at this time; however, that a survey be sent out to the existing providers soliciting
additional information. Brief discussion took place regarding the history of the liquor policy
and Commissioners agreed that a survey soliciting information which would lead to a proper
decision regarding the liquor policy would be the best course of action at this time.
MOTION by Knutson to send a survey to the existing Rosemount Community Center liquor
providers. SECOND by Gundacker. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0.
Chair Knutson informed the Commission that Ron Pederson has resigned from his position as
Community Center Commissioner. Director of Community Center and Parks and Recreation
Topitzhofer stated that Pederson's contributions to the Commission have been greatly
appreciated. Pederson's replacement on the Commission will depend on the restructuring of
the advisory committees.
MOTION by Knutson to recommend that City Council accept Community Center
Commissioner Pederson's resignation. SECOND by Gundacker. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Ladzun to adjourn. SECOND by Knutson. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dana Brodt
Recording Secretary
AUGUST 11, 1994
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Community
Center Commission was duly held on August 11, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in meeting room 205 at
the Rosemount Community Center and National Guard Training Center.
Chair Knutson called the meeting to order with Commissioners Olson and Pederson present.
Commissioners Gundacker, Ladzun, Souders and Ullrich were not present. Staff present
included Director of Community Center and Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer and Rental
Coordinator Brodt.
There were no additions or corrections to the agenda.
Chair Knutson stated that there was no quorum and that the Commission would not vote on
any agenda items until quorum was achieved.
Director of Community Center and Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer provided the
Commission with an update of recent Community Center activities. He informed the
Commission that all departments for the City of Rosemount are being required to submit a
weekly report to the City Council. Topitzhofer provided the Commissioners with a copy of
weekly reports for the month of July and stated that it would provide a through update of the
department's activities since the last meeting of the Commission.
Director of Community Center and Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer commented on several
successful events that have taken place at the Center including the Rosemount All Class
Reunion on July 30, 1994 and a Fire Arm Show on August 6-7 in the arena. Topitzhofer
briefly commented on a letter received from Jean Heinen, a member the All Class Reunion
planning committee, stating several concerns regarding the rental of the gymnasium at the
Community Center. Topitzhofer provided the Commissioners with a copy of his response.
Topitzhofer provided a summary of the events sponsored by the Parks and Recreation
Department for Leprechaun Days during the week of July 25. He stated that the Leprechaun
Days Committee scheduled an evaluation meeting for Wednesday, August 17, and that any
comments or suggestions regarding the annual event are encouraged and should be forwarded
to Lisa Jost. Topitzhofer made mention of the near completion of the ice contracts and the
trophy cases located in the arena entrance. Topitzhofer informed the Commission that the
funds to purchase the materials for the trophy cases were provided by RAHA and the labor
donated by Randy Moe and Tom Murphy. Commissioner Pederson complimented Randy
Moe on his expertise in all areas of managing the ice arena.
Director of Community Center and Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer provided a budget
update to the Commission. He informed the Commission that the deficit for the Community
Center may be slightly higher than he projected at a previous meeting of the Commission.
Topitzhofer stated that the Community Center and Parks & Recreation budgets for the year
1994 will remain separate until 1995 when they will be combined into one general fund with
the exception of the arena which will be recognized as an enterprise unto itself. Topitzhofer
stated that he will be meeting with National Guard in the near future regarding utility billings
and will be focusing on the issue of part-time staff for the department pending that funds are
AUGUST 11, 1994
Director of Community Center and Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer presented the
Commission with a copy of the rental agreement for Woodcrest Church. Topitzhofer
reiterated the general terms of the agreement that included a one year lease from August 21,
1994 to August 21, 1995, which may be terminated by either parry with four months notice,
and an annual rent minimum of $17,720 payable to the City of Rosemount in monthly
installments. Topitzhofer recommended that the Commission approve the Woodcrest Church
lease to be presented to the City Council for approval.
Chair Knutson suggested taking a poll of Topitzhofer's recommendation as quorum had not
yet been achieved.
POLL by Knutson to recommend the Woodcrest Church lease agreement to City Council for
approval. Ayes:3. Nays:0.
Director of Community Center and Parks and Recreation Topitzhofer informed the
Commission that as part of the reorganization, he has been assigned to facilitate the
Rosemount Activity Program (RAP). Topitzhofer stated that one of RAP's major objectives
is to provide needed services to a high density/low income housing area in Rosemount. A
Federal Grant was discovered and thought to be a perfect fit for approximately fourteen
collaborative human service agencies which are represented and active in RAP. The grant is
entitled "Demonstrated Partnership Program Grant," and is offered through the Department
of Health and Human Services. Topitzhofer informed the Commission that the City Council
had unanimously approved the support of the grant in the form of in -kind services.
Topitzhofer stated that he would keep the Commission posted on the outcome of RAP's
efforts to obtain the grant.
Chair Knutson recommended to adjourn the meeting of the Commission. All Community
Center Commission members present were in agreement to Knutson's recommendation.
Meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dana Brodt
Recording Secretary
JULY 14, 1994
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Community Center
Commission was duly held on June 14, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in meeting room 205 at the Rosemount
Community Center and National Guard Training Center.
Chair Knutson called the meeting to order with Commissioners Gundacker, Ladzun, Olson and
Souders present. Commissioners Pederson and Ullrich were not present. Staff present included
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost and Rental Coordinator Brodt.
There were no additions to the agenda.
MOTION by Souders to approve the July 14, 1994 regular meeting minutes as written. SECOND
by Ladzun. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost provided the Commission with an update of recent
Community Center activities. She reported that as a result of the reorganization of Community
Center and Parks & Recreation Department, the new department name will be "Rosemount Parks &
Recreation. Jost stated that the summer programs are running nicely and many are well attended.
Jost commented on several programs that were not as popular as anticipated including in -line skating
leagues and open gym and fitness. Jost stated that staff attributes this lack of participation to the
summer season and the likelihood that many prospective customers may be occupied with other
summer activities. She further stated that an evaluation of program activities in the Center will not
be based entirely upon participation this summer
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost stated that staff continues to work with Woodcrest
Church leasing space in Community Center for their services on Sundays. A one year lease
agreement has been drafted with a start date of August 21, 1994 as the first scheduled service at the
Center. Jost also informed the Commission that the school board for Independent School District
##196 will review the proposed lease agreement for Early Childhood Family Education in July.
ECFE is scheduled to move into the center on August 15, 1994.
Commission members were provided with a copy of the lease agreement between the Community
Center and the Department of Public Safety and its Peace Officers Career Opportunity Program.
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost briefly highlighted several items in the agreement
including the areas of the Center that will be used by POCOP and the lease price that has been
negotiated to be paid on a monthly basis.
MOTION by Knutson to recommend POCOP lease agreement to City Council for approval.
SECOND by Souders. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.
Community Center Assistant Manager Jost briefly commented on the City Council goal setting
session held on July 8, 1994. Jost stated that no direction was given as to the future handling of the
Community Center Commission and the Parks & Recreation Committee. Jost mentioned that a
workshop would be scheduled between the Commission and Committee members and the City
Council in the future to discuss the goals of the new Department.
JULY 14, 1994
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost led a discussion regarding fall programs including a fall
publicity time line. Jost informed the Commission that staff would be coordinating program
publicity with organizations such as RAAA, RAHA, ECFE, River Valley Explore and Community
Education. Jost conducted a brainstorming session with Commission members regarding new
program ideas.
Jost asked Commissioner Gundacker about the possibilities of coordinating dances in the Center's
gymnasium with dances scheduled for Rosemount High School. Gundacker stated that she would
provide Jost with a list of High School dance dates. Commissioner Ladzun inquired about the
possibility of outdoor skating lessons as she had received comments from the general public
indicating that the cost for skating lessons in the arena were high. Jost responded by informing the
Commission that staff were aware of the concerns of the general public regarding the skating lessons
cost and that staff would be making inquires for outdoor skating instruction. Jost further stated that
the indoor skating lessons, even though more expensive, were well attended last season. Jost
inquired about the possibility of subsidizing the indoor program. Chair Knutson advised not to
subsidize contracted services for the indoor skating program and encouraged an outdoor program as
an alternative.
Commissioner Olson inquired about programs for seniors such as cards and bingo. Chair Knutson
also indicated that there would be an interest in wellness and fitness programs for seniors including
aerobics etc. Assistant Community Center Manager Jost stated that she would be following up on
the Commission's inquires and more than likely be coordinating these program activities with the
Rosemount Senior Center. The Commission provided Jost with suggestions for future programming
including stand-up comedy, theatrical productions, live theater for youth and activities for
Rosemount Middle School attendees including youth dances. Jost informed the Commission that
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer would be pursuing a program utilizing the rifle range this
fall. Jost indicated that staff is currently working on mailing lists and follow-up with inquires
received regarding the rifle range in the past.
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost stated that a fitness room identification system is
currently being researched. Jost said that she anticipates using a colored laminated card in lieu of a
photo ID. Chair Knutson suggested inquiring with a local Rosemount travel agency, Passport
Travel, about producing photo IDs. Jost also mentioned that staff will research the possibility of
establishing a monthly fee or membership charge for fitness room usage as she has received inquires
regarding this.
Timesheets were distributed to individual Commissioners for approval for the second quarter of
MOTION by Gundacker to adjourn. SECOND by Ladzun. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dana Brodt
Recording Secretary
JUNE 9, 1994
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Community Center
Commission was duly held on June 9, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in meeting room 205 at the Rosemount
Community Center and National Guard Training Center.
Chair Knutson called the meeting to order with Commissioners Olson, Pederson, Souders, and
Ullrich present. Commissioners Gundacker and Ladzun were not present. Staff present included
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer, Assistant Community Center Manager Jost, and Rental
Coordinator Brodt.
There were no additions to the agenda
MOTION by Knutson to approve the April 14, 1994 regular meeting minutes as written. SECOND
by Souders. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer provided the Commission with an update of recent
Community Center activities. He reported that approximately 400 persons attended the grand
opening event on Sunday, May 22, 1994 at the Rosemount Community Center and National Guard
Training Center. Topitzhofer stated that the formal ceremony was very appropriate as it
communicated the cooperative relationship which exists between the City and the National Guard.
Activity demonstrations included in -line skating, gymnastics, karate and aerobics of which many
spectators expressed interest in as they browsed through the information booths. Topitzhofer
expressed his gratitude to the Community Center Commissioners present to assist with the event.
Community Center Assistant Manager Jost briefly commented on the programs being offered at the
Community Center, and stated that the Tiny Tots program has concluded until next fall when the
program will be offered at the Community Center. She also indicated that Rosette Pom Poms
program is in mid season and several performances for parents have been scheduled in the banquet
room of the Community Center for parents. Community Center Manger Topitzhofer added that the
gymnastics program has been an instant success with its quality instruction and is drawing
participants not only from Rosemount, but from surrounding communities as well. Topitzhofer
further stated that other new programs such as in -line skating lessons have also been a great success.
Community Center Manager Toptizhofer shared several of the most recent brochures and flyers
created jointly by the Park and Recreation and Community Center staff. Publications included
activity brochures for spring and summer, a rental brochure, and a food and beverage service menu.
Topitzhofer elaborated on the food service available at the Community Center and stated T.O.P.S.,
a local eatery in Rosemount would provide the catering for the food service exclusively.
Topitzhofer stated that two churches have expressed interest in using the Community Center for
Sunday services. Topitzhofer stated that several conflicts have occurred with the National Guard as
their drill times would conflict with requests by these churches. Topitzhofer stated that Community
Center sLff will continue to actively recruit churches to lease space at the Center. Topitzhofer also
reported that Peace Officers Career Opportunities Program (POCOP) , a pilot program which trains
new recruits for peace officer service have expressed interest in leasing the auditorium, gymnasium,
banquet rook and classroom space during daytime weekday hours from June 22 - November 16,
1994. He is currently pursuing a lease agreement with POCOP and will keep the Commission
JUNE 9, 1994
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer informed the Commission that the In -Line Hockey League
Program being coordinated with National In -line Hockey Association has not received the response
anticipated. Although approximately 100 inquiries were received, only two teams have registered.
As a result, the new plan is to offer clinics and free skating to draw interest. Topitzhofer stated that
other hockey associations are being contacted regarding available arena time.
Current rental policies of the Community Center were discussed and Community Center Manager
Topitzhofer advised prohibiting the use of ladders by users of the facility as staff had received
several requests for ladders for decorating purposes in the banquet room and gymnasium.
Commission members agreed that free standing decorations such as balloons would suffice for
decorating purposes and that the prohibited use of ladders was a wise decision. Discussion
regarding the meeting room use took place regarding the policy that states one free meeting room
per month to users falling in class 2 and 3. It was recommended that perhaps an exception should
be made for community groups such as RAAA and RAHA as these organizations have subgroups
that would be interested in utilizing space at the Center more than one time per month. Topitzhofer
stated that he believes it necessary to be flexible when considering these subgroups. Topitzhofer
stated that staff would review the policy on meeting room usage and community organization with
subgroups and make a proposal to the Comission in the future. Deposits for renting arena ice
time was also briefly discussed. Topitzhofer recommended that the deposit for ice time be changed
to the actual cost of the specific time requested by secondary users.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer advised the Commission to amend the rental policies as
NIOTION by Souders to amend the policies as discussed. SECOND by Knutson. Ayes: 5.
Nays: 0.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer informed the Commission that Thomas Burt, newly
appointed City Administrator has been given the charge by the City Council to prepare a
reorganization of City organizational structure and hierarchy. Through interviews with City Council
and all levels of staff, Burt completed a recommendation that was presented to City Council on June
7. 1994. Topitzhofer commented on the outcome of the recommendation and stated that the
Community Center Department and the Park and Recreation Department will be combined.
Topitzhofer provided the Commission with a draft of the new organizational chart for the Parks and .
Recreation Department. Topitzhofer also informed the Commission that Dave Bechtold, Director of
Park and Recreation, has been laid off as of Monday, June 13, 1994.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer presented the Commission with a draft of an estimate of
the outcome of the 1994 Community Center budget, and also a combined budget including the
Community Center Department and Park and Recreation Department for 1995. Topitzhofer
explained that the Recreation and Community Center operating budget contains all related revenues
and expenses from all City recreation programs, community center rentals, park rentals, and park
development. Parks maintenance has not been included as this function of the City will be part of
the Public Works Department.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer shared the City's Capital Improvement Program Budget
with the Commission and stated that the information provided should serve as a tool for
understanding the future capital expenditure estimated for new facility. Topitzhofer identified high
JUNE 9, 1994
priority CIP items for the facility including an illuminated outdoor sign, exterior lighting, chiller
fencing and exterior benches and bike racks.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer stated that staff had been working with Independent School
District #196 regarding the lease of space at the Community Center for school programs.
Topitzhofer stated that the Community Center is an ideal space for Early Childhood Family
Education (ECFE), a program designed for preschool children and their parents. Topitzhofer
provided the Commission with a draft of the lease agreement to be approved by the City Council.
MOTION by Pederson to adjourn. SECOND by Souders. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.
Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dana Brodt
Recording Secretary
APRIL 14, 1994
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Community Center Commission
was duly held on April 14, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in the upper conference room at City Hall.
Chair Knutson called the meeting to order with Commissioners Gundacker, Pederson and Ullrich present.
Commissioners Ladzun, Olson and Souders were not present. Also present, Kathy Busho, member of
Rosemount City Council. Staff present included Community Center Manager Topitzhofer, Assistant
Community Center Manager Jost, and Rental Coordinator Brodt.
An addition to the agenda was Item 5.H.) Outside lighting for the Rosemount Community Center and
National Guard Training Center.
Chair Knutson suggested moving to the new business on the agenda, items 5.A) and 5.B) because of special
attendance at the Commission meeting.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer informed the Commission of a call received from Lynn Ostroushko
of Apple Valley inquiring about the Community Center's gym policies. Ostroushko and family were present
at the Commission meeting to express concern over policies established at other community centers as well as
those policies established by the Rosemount Community Center. They were also interested inmaking
suggestions to the Commission and Community Center staff based on her families unfortunate experiences
with gang members and individuals who deal in drugs. Chair Knutson advised introductions of
Commissioners and Community Center staff.
Commissioner Souders arrived at 7:11p.m.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer asked Ostroushko to state Apple Valley's policy relating to use of
their gym. Ostroushko stated that Apple Valley's policy makes no mention of exclusions of any kind in
relation to the general public. Ostroushko further stated that to her knowledge, there is no fee structure in
place, usage is free to all users. It was suggested that the Community Center use I.D. cards as a control
system for security purposes.
Commissioner Gundacker shared Ostroushko's concern and explained Rosemount High School's successful
use of I.D. cards. Community Center Manager Topitzhofer asked Gundacker for a recommendation and
discussion regarding gym policy ensued.
Chair Knutson acknowledged Lynn Ostroushko and her family for their time and input regarding the
Community Center's gym policies and stated that the Commission and Community Center staff would need to
tighten up current policies and give this matter further consideration. Community Center Manager
Topitzhofer suggested revisiting this issue later in the meeting.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer introduced Mr. Nagle and Mr. Holm and stated that their purpose
for being present at the meeting was to request exemption from the Community Center's policy restricting the
serving of intoxicating beverage only to properly licensed on -sale providers. Topitzhofer provided
Commission members with a copy of the Banquet Room Agreement, City Ordinance 3-1-15: On -Sale License
On Public Premise, and a list of authorized liquor providers. Topitzhofer indicated the City Attorney has
advised that Community Center staff uphold the policy as the City Ordinance was intended to hold the holder
of on -sale licenses on public premise accountable. As a result, Community Center Manager Topitzhofer
recommended to uphold the policy as stated.
Mr. Holm and Mr. Nagle expressed their opinions regarding the Liquor Policy. Nagle indicated that he was
being "put off" by some authorized liquor providers as several could not quote fees for their services.
Topitzhofer stated that all providers on the list were given a tour of the Community Center and know what is
expected of them and indicated that he would contact those liquor providers who were unable to provide Mr.
APRIL 14, 1994
Holm and Mr. Nagle with the appropriate information as expected of them. Chair Knutson stated that the
liability is too great and advised holding firm with the policy as stated. Knutson stated that the Community
Center Commission is not an authoritative Commission and that the final decision will be made by
Community Center staff. Topitzhofer suggested that Mr. Holm and Mr. Nagle contact other providers on the
list and further stated that they are restricted use these providers only.
Commissioner Ladzun arrived at 8:29p.m.
Chair Knutson suggested approval of the meeting minutes from the last Commission meeting.
MOTION by Souders to approve the March 10, 1994 regular meeting minutes as written. SECOND by
Ullrich. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0 Abstained: 1.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer announced that the certification of occupancy was received on April
14, 1994 and that staff would be moving into the new facility on Friday, April 15, 1994. Topitzhofer stated
that the facility exceeds his expectations. Topitzhofer informed the Commission that a study of remaining
change orders in the construction contract was completed and 16 change orders remain in dispute amounting
to $97,000. Topitzhofer said that the contractor has moved off the site, but remains available to work out
details of the pricing disputes. He indicated that he is currently being consulted on the issue at hand.
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost shared a proposed itinerary for the Grand Opening on Sunday,
May 22, 1994 with the Commission. Jost asked for the Commissions support in assisting with the set-up for
the event and also their approval for expending funds for this special event. Commissioner Pederson
expressed concern over the lack of signs for the Grand Opening both inside and outside the facility.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer informed that Commission that the National Guard had indicated
willingness to provide funds for a lighted marque outside the Community Center and National Guard Training
Center providing that the City would reimburse them the following year when funds were made available.
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost stated that she would give special attention to signs inside the
facility for the Grand Opening.
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost provided the Commission with a summary of projected
gymnasium schedules, program start dates and estimated revenue and net loss projections. The Commission
complimented Jost on the schedules provided for their review. It was suggested that discussion regarding the
Community Center's open gym policies take place at a later date. Jost stated that with the issue at hand she
would postpone open gym.
MOTION by Gundacker to support a limited schedule of programs as recommended with a start date of June
6, 1994. SECOND by Knutson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer stated that the Marketing Subcommittee would provide a brief
update of the progress made on the marketing analysis. Commissioner Pederson reported on city
demographics based on 1990 census data and indicated that he would visit the Met Council located in St. Paul
for more information. Commissioner Gundacker stated that she may have some information that would be of
assistance. Topitzhofer briefly discussed the importance of buying trends in a marketing analysis and
suggested researching information regarding these trends at the Met Council too.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer stared that he would meet with Commissioner Ullrich regarding the
analysis of the competitive situation before the next regular meeting of the Commission. Topitzhofer
_ indicated that Commissioner Souder's assistance would be appreciated with this stage of the marketing
analysis process. Commission Gundacker regretfully informed the Commission and Community Center staff
of her withdrawal from the Marketing Subcommittee.
APRIL 14, 1994
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer informed the Commission that the 1994 Ice Ringette World
Championships hosted by the Rosemount Community Center and Wakota Arena, was successfully completed
on Sunday, March 27, 1994. Topitzhofer stated that many positive comments were received from those
visiting the Community Center and several reports were received from business owners in Rosemount stating
that they had experienced increased business during the tournament. Chair Knutson commended Community
Center and Park and Recreation staff on their efforts and stated that he was very impressed with the
successful outcome.
Chair Knutson suggested revisiting agenda item 5.A.), Suggestion From Citizen About Open Gym Policies.
Commissioner Souders stated the importance of some sort of control of the gymnasium environment and
indicated that having control may mean using I.D. cards for users. Chair Knutson expressed his support of a
program with the use of identification for usage of the gymnasium pending legal council.
Community Center Rental Coordinator Brodt provided the Commission with a brief update on rentals at the
Community Center. Brodt communicated upcoming events that are open to the general public during the
months of April and May.
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost informed the Commission that staff is in the process of
coordinating a summer In -Line Hockey League Program with the National In -Line Hockey Association
(N.I.H.A.). Jost stated that in order to enable Rosemount's program to get "off the ground," N.I.H.A.
Representatives John Erickson and Bob Nagel are in the process of pursuing a grant in the amount of $5,000
from USPCI. Jost further stated that the grant, if received, would be donated to the City of Rosemount to
cover expenses incurred by the City for items specifically required for the sport.
In the case that the grant would not be received Jost stated that she would need the Commission's consent for
financial assistance through the use of Community Center funds including those received from public open
skating and rental of the arena to private parties. Community Center Manager Topitzhofer reiterated the need
for the Commission's support of this program.
MOTION by Gundacker to approve staff to coordinate the In -Line Hockey League Program with N.I.H.A.
and approve financial assistance with the expense incurred by the program as deemed necessary should the
grant not be received. SECOND by Knutson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost informed the Commission of details regarding the establishment of
a Wellness Program for City Employees and indicated that consideration may be given to offering similar
services to full time National Guard staff. Jost stated that the purchase of aerobic equipment to compliment
the existing equipment is underway and that City Council will act on the request to purchase the equipment
on April 19, 1994.
Commission members expressed concern regarding the time set aside for City employees verses the general
public. Chair Knutson indicated his support for the Wellness Program provided that City employees are not
receiving special treatment so far as scheduled times of usage are concerned.
MOTION by Knutson to approve the establishment of a Wellness Program for City employees. SECOND
by Souders. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer informed the Commission of a request from Lucy Holzer,
representative for the American Heart Association's Celebrity Dinner. Topitzhofer stated that initially the
Celebrity Dinner was scheduled at the Community Center on February 25, 1995; however, due to
construction delays it was necessary to find a new location for the event. Holzer has requested
reimbursement for additional costs related to the cancellation at the Community Center. The total amount
requested is $763.16. Topitzhofer reminded the Commission that a reduction in fee for this event had
APRIL 14, 1994
previously been approved in exchange for publicity benefits to be received by the Community Center from
the event. Topitzhofer recommended a reimbursement of $213.16 to the American Heart Association. He
further stated that this amount was arrived at by subtracting the normal room fee of $550 from the American
Heart Association's request of $763.16. Chair Knutson stated that he believed the Community Center would
be advertising their good will through this reimbursement.
MOTION by Pederson to reimburse the American Heart Association for $213.16. SECOND by Souders.
Ayes:6. Nays:0.
Timesheets were distributed to individual Commissioners for approval for the first quarter of 1994.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer informed the Commission that two street lights were being placed at
the National Guard Training Center and Community Center. Topitzhofer commented that one was being
placed at the Rosemount Arena entrance and the other at the main entrance right off of highway 3.
MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. SECOND by Ladzun. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Meeting adjourned at 9:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dana Brodt
Recording Secretary
MARCH 10, 1994
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Community Center
Commission was duly held on March 10, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in the upper conference room at City
Acting Chair Souders called the meeting to order with Commissioners Gundacker, Ladzun and
Ullrich present. Chair Knutson and Commissioner Pederson were not present. Staff present
included Community Center Manager Topitzhofer, Assistant Community Center Manager Jost, and
Rental Coordinator Brodt.
There were no additions or corrections to the agenda
MOTION by Ladzun to approve the February 10, 1994 regular meeting minutes as written.
SECOND by Souders. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer provided the Commission with an update of recent
Community Center activities. He reported that the occupancy date for the remainder of the
Community Center has been postponed to an undetermined date. Topitzhofer briefly explained the
situation by stating that the contractor has not completed the facility and there is a considerable
number of outstanding punchlist items. He further stated that the Facility Management Office of the
National Guard is scheduled to inspect the facility and that upon a successful inspection, the Office
of Military Affairs could approve substantial completion as early as the week of March 14.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer commented on event scheduling consequences due to the
delay in completing the Community Center. He stated that the Ringette Tournament will hold all
previously scheduled Community Center events in the arena.
Commissioner Pederson arrived at 7:10 p.m.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer introduced Gloria Olson, representing the Senior Citizen
Center, and indicated that she would be observing the Commission meeting.
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost informed the Commission that the Grand Opening has
been cancelled for the previously scheduled March date. Jost stated that the Grand Opening is
tentatively scheduled for May 21, 1994. She reported that the Grand Opening would in all
likelihood be coordinated as a joint effort with the National Guard. Jost recommended promotional
materials for the Grand Opening event, including single page flyer to be created and distributed by
Direct Market Media on May 1 pending that a spring program brochure is not distributed. Jost
informed Commission that a revised itinerary for the Grand Opening may be presented at the next
meeting in April.
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost reported that recreational programming is on hold until
an occupancy date is confirmed. Jost assured the Commission that many Community Center
programs would not be affected by the delay in occupancy date. She stated that staff is considering
postponement of new Spring Programs. Jost suggested several alternatives related to the
postponement of Spring Programs and recommended postponing the Programs and to consider a
summer or fall start date upon completion of a cost analysis for each.
MARCH 10, 1994
MOTION by Souders to postpone the new Spring Programs and consider a summer or fall start
date upon review of the necessary budget figures at the April Commission meeting. SECOND by
Pederson. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer reported that the Marketing Plan Subcommittee is
analyzing the current market situation. He stated that the subcommittee is attempting to complete
this analysis in three months. Topitzhofer explained that the marketing analysis has been split up
into four areas and that each member of the Subcommittee has agreed to analyze one of the areas.
He stated that the Subcommittee would keep the Commission informed of progress made on the
marketing plan and added that other Commissioners are welcome to join in on the project. Acting
Chair Souders offered to assist Commissioner Ullrich with analyzing the "competitive situation" in
the marketing analysis process.
Community Center Manager Toptizhofer provided an update on the Commission replacement for
Marion McNearney. He reiterated the events of the previous Commission meeting recounting that
Chair Knutson reported that Eugene Olson was nominated by the Senior Citizen Center.
Topitzhofer stated that Chair Knutson informed him that Eugene Olson has declined our invitation to
serve on the Commission due to a scheduling conflict. Topitzhofer further stated that in response to
Olson's decision, the Senior Citizen Center nominated Gloria Olson, spouse of Eugene Olson.
Acting Chair Souders welcomed Olson and brief introductions of Commissioners and Community
1 Center staff took place. Souders stated that Olson's experience in the community would be
beneficial to the Commission.
MOTION by Souders to recommend to the City Council the appointment of Gloria Olson as
Community Center Commissioner, term to expire December 31, 1996. SECOND by Ladzun.
Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer summarized discussion that took place at the Commission
meeting in February regarding TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) requests for a waiver or
reduction of fee for use of a classroom on a weekly basis and for storage needs. Assistant
Community Center Manager Jost reported that per the request of the Commission she has
investigated the volunteer opportunities within the Community Center to determine if the TOPS
group could contribute to their fee reduction or waver in volunteer hours. Jost recommended
several areas with numerous volunteer opportunities. Community Center Toptizhofer stated that
Cindy Dorniden, leader of the TOPS group, responded favorably to the volunteer opportunities.
Topitzhofer advised the Commission that if the request from TOPS is honored, the supplies and
scale should be stored in a separate storage area and not in the classrooms.
Commissioner Pederson led a discussion regarding the original intent of classroom usage and the
Community Center policy which states use of classrooms to the community for monthly meetings
and not weekly meetings. Commissioner Pederson and Gundacker stressed the importance of
serving the community as a whole, and expressed concern about setting a precedence. Pederson
suggested that Community Center staff research the needs of other civic and non profit groups
specifically in relation to volunteer opportunities at the Community center and their expectations of
the facility.
MARCH 10, 1994
Acting Chair Souders asked Community Center Topitzhofer to draft a letter to TOPS and state that
the Commission will consider their request again at a later date.
MOTION by Souders to deny TOPS request for a waiver or reduction of fee for use of a classroom
on a weekly basis, pending research on the needs of other civic and non-profit groups pertaining to
their usage and expectations of the Community Center. SECOND by Pederson. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer reported that the Community Center has changed a great
deal since the last time the Commission toured it. He stated that he would be delighted to give a
tour to the members of the Commission at the conclusion of the meeting.
MOTION by Souders to adjourn. SECOND by Pederson. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dana Brodt
Recording Secretary
FEBRUARY 10, 1994
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Community Center
Commission was duly held on February 10, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in the upper conference room at City
Chair Knutson called the meeting to order with Commissioners Souders and Ullrich present.
Commissioners Gundacker, Ladzun and Pederson were not present. Staff present included
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer, Assistant Community Center Manager Jost, and Rental
Coordinator Brodt.
Chair Knutson stated that there was no quorum and that the Commission would not vote on any
agenda items until quorum was achieved. An addition to the agenda included Item 5.D)
Replacement of former Commissioner Marion McNearney.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer provided the Commission with an update of recent
Community Center activities. He briefly commented on the status of the construction budget.
Topitzhofer stated that upcoming purchases include fitness equipment, audio visual equipment,
program supplies and others.
Commissioners Gundacker and Pederson arrived at approximately 7:10 p.m. and quorum was
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer mentioned that five finalists have been selected for the
position of City Administrator. He said that all the finalists are scheduled to arrive in Rosemount
on Friday, February 11 for a tour of the City and municipal facilities. The interview and selection
process will take place on Saturday, February 12.
Topitzhofer reported that the business community has expressed much interest in advertising
opportunities at the arena and said that he has sold eleven of the twenty available advertising wall
panels. He stated that his goal is to have sold all twenty wall panels by the end of the year.
Topitzhofer reported that an agreement with Rosemount High School regarding hockey and ringette
games has been finalized and signed. He remarked that the City held firm on the terms of the
original agreement with the exception to a compromise made on the minimum required for ringette
Topitzhofer distributed copies of the revised Community Center's policy on damage and vandalism
to Commission members and informed the Commission that a $30 vandalism charge was received
from Betty Farley in relation to the vandalism incident on January 1. Topitzhofer informed the
Commission of Rosemount High School's interest in leasing one of the classrooms at the
Community Center for a special needs program for the remainder of the 1994 school year beginning
in the fall and all of the 1995 school year. He stated that the High School's request is under
consideration pending response from School District #196 Community Education's interest in
utilizing the classroom for Early Childhood Family Education.
Chair Knutson suggested approval of the meeting minutes from the last Commission meeting.
MOTION by Souders to approve the January 13, 1994 regular meeting minutes as written.
SECOND by Gundacker. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.
FEBRUARY 10, 1994
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost detailed a conversation she had with Tom Ryan of the
Minnesota National Guard regarding the March 13 Grand Opening date. She stated that the
National Guard is requesting that the Rosemount Community Center reschedule the Grand Opening
date to May 21 as they would like the Grand Opening to be a joint effort. Jost presented several
options to the Commission in response to the National Guard's request. Chair Knutson led a
discussion regarding the options presented by Jost and suggested option B, participating in the
formal ceremonies on May 21 as requested by the National Guard and scheduling March 13 for a
Spring preview of the programs offered by the Community Center. Community Center Manager
Topitzhofer stated that he and Jost were recommending option B too as it would be a good
MOTION by Knutson for Option B as discussed, renaming the March 13 event to Spring Program
Preview and participating with the National Guard in the formal ceremonies on May 21. SECOND
by Ullrich. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.
Commissioner Ladzun arrived at 7:57 p.m.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer provided the Commission with copies of the executive
summary and supporting documents concerning the status of the construction budget. This
information was presented to the City Council on February 1. He stated that the construction
budget is in deficit and is in need of additional funds. Topitzhofer further informed the Commission
that the City Council approved the staff's recommended funding solution.
Members of TOPS (Taking Of Pounds Sensibly) joined the Commission meeting and Chair Knutson
suggested moving to agenda item 5.A. under new business. TOPS members present were
introduced and Chair Knutson advised introductions of Commissioners and Community Center staff.
Cindy Dorniden, leader of TOPS #MN808 Rosemount requested a waiver or reduction of fee for
use of a classroom on a weekly basis. Current Community Center policy states free use of
classrooms to the community for monthly meetings and not weekly meetings. TOPS members also
requested storage space for a locked cabinet and scale.
Chair Knutson led a discussion regarding the organization's request and mentioned the importance of
revenue coming into the Community Center. A reduced user fee was briefly discussed and Assistant
Community Center Manager Jost expressed the need for volunteers for general administrative office
work at the Community Center. She stated that TOPS members could provide a valuable volunteer
resource in exchange for a waived user fee. Chair Knutson informed the group that there would be
no solution at the moment and asked Jost to put some ideas together regarding TOPS request and the
Community Center's volunteer needs for the next meeting.
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost advised the Commission to consider subsidizing the
Learn to Skate Program directed by Barb Yackel at the Rosemount ice arena. She stated the reason
for the subsidy is a combination if oversight on charges (sales tax) and complaints that the fee
charged was too high and unaffordable. Jost presented five options to the Commission and
recommended option #2, the Community Center would subsidize sales tax for Winter and Spring
sessions of the Learn to Skate Program. Commissioner Pederson stated that the Community Center
should absorb the tax if Barb Yackel was misquoted.
FEBRUARY 10, 1994
MOTION by Knutson to adopt option #2 as discussed. SECOND by Souders. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer presented a tentative schedule for the development of a
marketing plan and recommended a completion target date of December 31, 1994. Topitzhofer also
recommended the formation of a subcommittee for the marketing plan and asked for volunteers to
staff the subcommittee. Commissioners Gundacker, Pederson and Ullrich agreed to assist with the
development of a marketing plan.
Community Center Manager Toptizhofer reported that per the request of the Commission,
Commissioner Ron Pederson and he had developed an inscription of the appreciation plaque for
RAHA. Discussion took place regarding the content of the inscription and several changes were
MOTION by Souders to approve the inscription as discussed for the appreciation plaque to be
presented to RAHA at their annual meeting. SECOND by Knutson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost reported on the Spring programs including the proposed
gymnasium program schedule. Jost also reported on the distribution of the Spring brochures and
recommended approval of distribution to Rosemount residents residing only. Jost informed the
Commission that the brochure would be 18-22 pages in length.
MOTION by Gundacker to approve the distribution of the Spring brochures to Rosemount
- residents. SECOND by Souders. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer informed the Commission that the City Attorney had
recently interpreted the City's Code of Ethics. Topitzhofer notified Commissioners of three areas
including Section 6: Prohibition of Special Treatment, Section 7: Conflict of Interest, and Section 8:
Prohibited Political Activities.
Chair Knutson gave an update on recruiting a replacement of Marion McNearney. He mentioned
that Jan Stoven had approached Gene Olson, a retired teacher, and inquired about his interest on
serving on the Commission. Knutson further stated that Olson's name would not be recommended
yet as he may have a scheduling conflict. Knutson advised that if Olson's schedule does not permit
him to serve on the Commission that he would continue a search.
MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. SECOND by Pederson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dana Brodt
Recording Secretary
JANUARY 13, 1994
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Community Center
Commission was duly held on January 13, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in the upper conference room at City
Acting Chair George Souders called the meeting to order with Commissioners Pederson and Ullrich
present. Chair Knutson and Commissioners Gundacker and McNeamey were absent. Also present
was Lucy Holzer representing American Heart Association Dakota County. Staff present included
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer, Assistant Community Center Manager Jost, and Rental
Coordinator Brodt.
Acting Chair Souders stated that there was no quorum and that the Commission would not vote on
any agenda items until quorum was achieved. Commissioners present agreed to proceed through
An addition to the agenda was Item 5.G. Rosemount High School Fee Arrangement for Games.
Community Center Manage_ Topitzhofer provided the Commission with an update of recent
Community Center activities. He reported that the arena opened on time. He further mentioned
that over 200 RAHA volunteers participated in an open skating party on December 26, 1993,
officially dedicating the arena's first use. Many positive comments were received regarding the new
Rosemount arena. Topitzhofer stated that media coverage of the arena has been extensive.
Numerous news articles were released to local papers and the Pioneer Press featured an article on
the arena opening.
Commissioner Gundacker arrived at 7:12 p.m. and quorum was achieved.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer informed the Commission that the majority of Community
Center staff have been recruited and that training has been completed, including a staff manual.
Topitzhofer mentioned that a notice was sent to Rosemount businesses regarding advertising
opportunities in the Community Center. He stated there has been an overwhelming response to the
notice and that advertising on the ice resurfacer has been secured by Phil's Body Shop and
McDonalds. Over a dozen Rosemount Businesses have expressed interest in the wall signs.
Topitzhofer reported final occupation of the facility has been moved from February 6 to February
21, 1994. He informed the Commission that the Learn to Skate program has 47 young persons
registered and a Spring program may be offered at a reduced fee due to comments regarding the
cost of the program. Topitzhofer stated that School District #196 has indicated further interest in
utilizing the Community Center facilities and that another school tour was conducted on January 7.
Acting Chair Souders suggested approval of the meeting minutes from the last Commission meeting.
MOTION by Gundacker to approve the December 9, 1993 regular meeting minutes as printed.
SECOND by Pederson. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0.
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost informed the Commission of the chosen theme for the
Grand Opening, "Sharing in the Pride of the Community." She also mentioned the possibility of a
sub theme, "Come Explore Us!"
JANUARY 13, 1994
Jost reported on planning for the Community Center Grand Opening. She stated that decorations
from the Shamrock Awards L nner on Saturday, March 12 would be used for the Grand Opening
the next day. Lucy Holzer offered her assistance with decorations for the arena. Jost also
mentioned the possibility of having Barb Yackel, Instructor of the Learn to Skate Program, provide
a program one half hour to forty five minutes in length featuring couples figure skaters and
characters such as Sesame Street's Cookie Monster.
Lucy Holzer presented the Commission with an overview of American Heart Association's
upcoming event, "Celebrity Celebration for Heart" at the Rosemount Community Center on
February 25, 1994. Holzer explained that contribi:tions raised from the event would benefit
American Heart Association's Minnesota AffiL Lte. Holzer requested that the Commission consider
a reduced banquet room fee in exchange for extensive media exposure of the Rosemount Community
Acting Chair Souders expressed gratitude t _ Holzer for bringing this event to the Rosemount
Community Center and stated that he had every confidence that the Community Center would be
able to fulfill American Heart Association's needs. Commissioners Gundacker and Pederson led
discussion regarding a reduced fee for American Heart Association.
MOTION by Souders to reduce the fee for American Heart Association by 50%. SECOND by
Discussion regarding the reduced fee continued and Souders amended the motion for a 50 %
MOTION by Souders to offer American Heart Association a weekday rate of $125 for this special
event. SECOND by Pederson. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer reported that a number of complaints were received
regarding the lack of open skating during Christmas vacation. He informed the Commission that
plenty of open skating would be provided for the public in the future.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer recounted an incident in the arena that involved a youth
hockey participant and resulted in a broken overhead fixture lens. Topitzhofer outlined a vandalism
policy for the Commission. Commissioner Pederson suggested reviewing the recommended policy
further, tailoring it to apply to other areas of the Center. Topitzhofer stated he would add the
vandalism policy to the overall policy document. Topitzhofer informed that Commission that item
5.L. from the Rosemount Community Center's Fee and Fee Policy document would be added to all
ice rental contracts.
MOTION by Souders to recommend Vandalism Policy as discussed with the addition of applying it
to other areas in the Community Center to City Council for approval. SECOND by Gundacker.
Ayes:4. Nays:0.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer reported that construction is over budget and expressed
concern regarding the matter. Topitzhofer informed the Commission that he would first present a
construction budget report to the City Council on Tuesday, February 1, 1994.
JANUARY 13, 1994
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer presented guidelines of what a marketing plan for the
Rosemount Community Center may consist of and suggested how the Commission would proceed in
c'eveloping a plan. Commissioner Ped: son commented on the significance of marketing and
promoting the Rosemount Community Center.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer informed the Commission that Marion McNeamey has
resigned from her position as Community Center Commissioner due to health related reasons.
Topitzhofer stated that her contributions to the Commission have been greatly appreciated.
Commissioner Pederson inquired about McNearney's replacement on the Commission. Topitzhofer
responded by stating that Chair Knutson had contacted Jan Stoven from Rosemount Senior Center
who is in the process of recruiting a replacement for McNearney. Commissioner P derson indicated
that he had someone in mind for NcNearney's replacement. Topitzhofer suggested that he speak
with Chair Knutson.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer informed the Commission that Rosemount High School
indicated they were not happy with the agreement that was drawn up between Rosemount
Community Cr titer and the High School and as a result have not confirmed it _with the appropriate
signatures. The Commission's response to Topitzhofer was to hold firm on the original agreement.
Acting Chair Souders led a discussion regarding recognition for RAHA and their demonstrated
commitment of the new arena. Souders suggested a plaque recognizing their efforts in the
completion of the arena. The plaque would be presented to RAHA at their general membership
meeting in March and placed in the arena for all to view. Community Center Manager Topitzhofer
asked for Commissioner Pederson's assistance with the inscription of the plaque.
MOTION by Ullrich to adjourn. SECOND by Souders. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dana Brodt
Recording Secretary
DECEMBER 9, 1993
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Community Center
Commission was duly held on December 9, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in the upper conference room at City
Chair Knutson called the meeting to order with Commissioners Ladzun, Pederson and Souders
present. Commissioners Gundacker and McNearney were absent and Commissioner Ullrich took his
chair at 7:10 p.m. Staff present included Community Center Manager Topitzhofer, Assistant
Community Center Manager Jost, and Rental Coordinator Brodt.
Additions to the agenda included the introduction of Dana Brodt as Rental Coordinator for the
Community Center and Commission Time Sheets.
MOTION by Knutson to approve the November 11, 1993 minutes with the correction of
Commissioner Souders voting nay on motion to recommend 15 % of net profits of applicable
concession operations to the Blue Line Club and 35 % to the RAHA Boosters. SECOND by
Ladzun. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer provided the Commission with an update of recent
Community Center activities. He reported that ice for the arena would begin being made on
Tuesday, December 14 and commended Building Maintenance Supervisor, Randy Moe on his efforts
to prepare the arena for the December 26 opening date. Topitzhofer mentioned the names of Mark
Vaughan and Chris Aase as interns for the Community Center from the Red Wing Ice Management
School. He stated that the interns were received with no stipend or cost involved and that both have
previous experience. Topitzhofer informed the Commission that part time staff recruitment would
be completed by December 10 and that preparation of a staff manual is underway.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer presented further recommendations for the Classroom Fees
based on additional research of local agencies. He concluded that he would recommend charging
slightly more than the classroom fees proposed at the last Commission meeting.
Commissioner Souders led a discussion regarding fee class of users and advised that Rosemount
High School and Middle High School be included in Class 2 instead of Class 1. Commissioners
agreed that the policy regarding fee class of users should be amended to include the Rosemount
High School and Middle School in Fee Class 2.
MOTION by Knutson to recommend the Classroom Fees as discussed and fee policy to the City
Council amending the fee policy to define fee class 1 of users as city groups, organizations and
activities, and Fee Class 2 of Users as residents, resident civic, non-profit groups and Rosemount
Schools. SECOND by Souders. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer reported that per the request of the Commission, fees and
fee policy have been combined into one document. Fees covered in the document include the
banquet room, auditorium, classrooms and gymnasium. All fees introduced from this point forward
will be amended to this document. Topitzhofer stated that the development of an inclusive fee
document presents a great opportunity to review fees and polices approved in the past. Areas of
discussion included the definition of user groups. Commission Souders expressed the importance of
RAAA being included under Resident Groups. After considerable discussion, Commissioner
Pederson advised amending Resident Group definition to include RAAA and RAHA.
DECEMBER 9, 1993
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer advised amending definition LH) Rosemount Schools to
include all directly related Rosemount School Activities and activities related to Community
Education #196 serving Rosemount To include curricular, co -curricular, extra curricular and all
directly controlled school organizations.
Topitzhofer led a discussion regarding public comments concerning the hours of operation for the
banquet room. Some people feel 12:00 midnight is too early to conclude events. Commissioners
agreed that amending components of policies may be necessary. Topitzhofer stated that he would
research closing time of local competitors.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer reviewed the reservation procedures for the Banquet Room
and recommended that policy allow residents to reserve the Banquet Room up to two years in
advance and non-residents up to 18 months in advance. Commissioners agreed that the reservation
procedure for the Banquet Room should be amended to reflect Topitzhofer's recommendation.
Fees were briefly discussed for the gymnasium and consensus was reached that it would be feasible
to negotiate gymnasium fees with individual users.
MOTION by Pederson to amend combined Fees and Fee Policy as discussed. SECOND by
Ullrich. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost reported on planning for the Community Center Grand
Opening. She stated that Chair Knutson and Commissioner Ladzun were appointed to the
subcommittee and that another member of the Commission was needed to assist with the grand
opening. Community Center Manager Topitzhofer expressed the importance all Commissioners
being present at the grand opening on March 13, 1993.
Jost provided Commissioners with a brief overview of a draft schedule of events for the grand
opening. Chair Knutson remarked on the idea of the National Guard's and Navy's participation
with the grand opening. He reminded the Commission that the Navy was present at the ground
breaking ceremony.
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost led a discussion regarding a theme for the grand
opening. She requested that the Commission advise her on selection of a theme. Several themes
were mentioned including, "Discover Us!" and "The Center unites us, the Community excites us."
Jost updated the Commission on the status of program surveys. She briefly reported on feedback
from surveys and said that areas of interest included open gym, family opportunities, walking,
aerobics, basketball and children's programs. Commissioner Ullrich stated that programs related to
sports and fitness were popular. Jost stated that the community will have an opportunity to provide
input by completing a survey published in the December 4 issue of ThisWeek Newspaper. She
further reported that planning for spring programs is scheduled to be completed in mid -January.
The spring program is targeted to begin March 28 or April 5 and run for 8-10 weeks.
DECEMBER 9, 1993
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer detailed issues regarding open gym and stated that the
Commission's input was needed regarding open gym fees. Suggestions included offering basketball
and volleyball during noon time Monday - Friday. Fees of $2.00 for open gym in the evening and
$1.50 if pre -registered for open gym were recommended. Open gym for a teen night was
mentioned with the fee being set at $2.00. Discussion regarding open gym fees ensued.
Topitzhofer advised the Commission that he would include the open gym in the Community Center
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost reviewed the Customer Service Policy. Discussion
regarding the "Satisfaction Guaranteed" statement took place. After considerable deliberation and
much concern regarding advertising a refund policy in the statement, consensus was reached to
revise the state as, "If the customer is not completely satisfied with one of our programs/services,
they are to be directed to contact the administrative office at 322-6000 (TDD #423-6219)."
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer reported to the Commission on operating hours for the
arena during the ice skating season and open skating time for the public. He stated proposed
administrative office hours for the Community Center as 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.
He informed the Commission that phone calls after office hours will be receive by the Manager On
Commissioners agreed that agenda item 5.D)Marketing Plan would be tabled until the January
MOTION by Knutson to table agenda item 5.D) Marketing Plan. SECOND by Ullrich. Ayes: 5.
Nays: 0.
Chair Knutson noted that he would be unavailable for the regular meeting in January.
MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. SECOND by Souders. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dana Brodt
Recording Secretary
NOVEMBER 11, 1993
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Community Center
Commission was duly held on November 11, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in the upper conference room at
City Hall.
Chair Knutson called the meeting to order with Commissioners McNearney, Ullrich, Souders, and
Gundacker present. Commissioner Ladzun was absent and Commissioenr Pederson took his chair at
7:35 p.m. Staff present included Community Center Manager Topitzhofer and Assistant Community
Center Manager Jost.
Chair Knutson welcomed Commissioner Shawn Ullrich, who replaced the graduated Jon Ryan as the
high school student representative on the Community Center Commission. Chair Knutson also
recognized John Jorgensen, president of RAHA, who was present for the concession policy
Additions to the agenda included 4.D) Policy Review and 5.E) Assignment/Discussion.
Commissioner Souders requested that the policy regarding gym fees be revisited within the next
couple of meetings.
MOTION by Souders to approve the October 14, 1993 minutes. SECOND by Gundacker.
Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer provided the commission with an update of recent
community center activities. He advised that much progress has been made on the construction of
the building and suggested that the commissioners set a time for another tour of the facility.
Consensus was reached to schedule the optional tour for Tuesday, November 23, 1993 at 5:30 p.m.
Those interested in attending should meet at City Hall. Topitzhofer advised that the Selection
Committee has recommended the hiring of Dana Brodt to serve as Rental Coordinator. Ms. Brodt
will start on November 17, 1993. Topitzhofer further reported that the city council, at their
November 8, 1993 budget meeting, had approved a $55,188 subsidy from the general budget to the
Community Center budget.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer reviewed staff correspondence regarding the concession
Policy. Commissioners debated what percentage of net profits should be given to the Blue Line
Club and RAHA Boosters.
Commissioner Pederson arrived at 7:35 p.m.
MOTION by Pederson to recommend a percentage of 15 percent of net profits of applicable
concession operations to the Blue Line Club and 35 % to the RAHA Boosters and to recommend the
Concession Policy to city council for approval. SECOND by Gundacker. Ayes: 5. Nays: 1.
Discussion continued regarding the Cdncessions Contract and amendments were suggested.
Commissioner Souders recommended that item #6 be changed to state that "the City will provide
training for approximately (5) key Participant volunteers...", instead of the recommended 10
volunteers. Also discussed was item #9 regarding liability insurance. Commissioners requested that
Topitzhofer check with the city attorney to see if this insurance is necessary.
NOVEMBER 11, 1993
Discussion regarding the high school agreement ensued. Clarification regarding whether the city of
Rosemount or the school district should provide game officials was requested. Consensus was
reached that the city will not provide any game officials.
MOTION by Souders to recommend the attached agreement with Rosemount High School to the
City Council amending the agreement to state that the school district will provide all officials.
SECOND by Knutson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Chair Knutson led the discussion regarding public comments he had received concerning certain
policy items approved by the Community Center Commission. He advised that one of the main
concerns are the hours of operation for the banquet facility. Some people feel that 11:30 is too
early too conclude their event. Consensus was reached that the commission should be open to
reconsidering components of their policies and amend them if necessary. Commissioners agreed
that the policy covering the banquet room operating hours should be amended to allow customers to
rent the Banquet Room for twelve hours between the hours of 12:00 noon to 12:00 midnight.
MOTION by Souders to amend the operating hours of the Banquet Fee policy to run twelve hours
from 12:00 noon to 12:00 midnight. SECOND by Gundacker. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost advised the commission that plans are underway for the
Community Center grand opening. She requested that the board advise her of their input regarding
the date, theme, and types of entertainment. Commissioners agreed the date should be Sunday,
March 13, 1993, 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. Commissioners also agreed to form a subcommittee to work
out the other details. Commissioners Knutson and Pederson were appointed. Commissioner Ladzun
will be contacted to see if she would like to be a member of the committee, also.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer briefly reviewed staff correspondence regarding personnel
policies. He advised that these policies are addressed mainly to part-time staff, as full-time staff are
also accountable to the city's existing policies. He also explained that the policy is in review at the
present time with the city clerk and the city attorney.
MOTION by Knutson to recommend the attached personnel policies to the City Council for
approval, pending review from the City Clerk and the City Attorney. SECOND by Pederson.
Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost reviewed staff correspondence regarding the proposed
value statements which, she explained, can serve as a tool to specifically define what the Mission
Statement means to the department as well as provide guidance in the decision making process. Jost
requested that the commissioners evaluate and select the statements that the commission feels best
support the Mission Statement. Commissioners reviewed all the statements and agreed that certain
statements were repetitive and should be eliminated, along with changes to the wording of two
NOVEMBER 11, 1993
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer reviewed the highlights of the classroom fees and fee
policy. After considerable discussion and much concern regarding the fees local agencies charge for
classrooms, consensus was reached to look at all fee policies at their December meeting.
Assistant Community Center Manager Jost passed out Program Surveys to the commissioners. She
explained that the survey will help the Community Center staff determine what people are expecting
of the Community Center in regard to programming. Jost requested that the commissioners
complete the survey by their next meeting on December 9th. Community Center Manager
Topitzhofer reiterated that the exercise is very important for setting programming for the
Community Center.
Commissioner Souders questioned whether Topitzhofer had met with the National Guard recently
and whether there was any change regarding maintenance of the entire building. Topitzhofer
advised that the guard has confirmed that they would like to maintain their portion of the building
separate from the Community Center portion.
MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. SECOND by Souders. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Widstrom
Recording Secretary
OCTOBER 14, 1993
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Community
Center Commission was duly held on October 14, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in the upper conference
room at City Hall.
Acting Chair George Souders called the meeting to order with Commissioners Ladzun,
McNearny, Pederson, and Gundacker. Also present were Jack Tonkin and Kim Keunzi
representing the Ringette Tournament. Staff present included Lisa Jost, Assistant
Community Center Manager and Community Center Manager Jim Topitzhofer.
An addition to the agenda was Item 5. D. New Assignment.
Jack Tonkin spoke regarding the International Ringette Tournament. It will be a nine day
event, involve 650 girls, and include about 2000 people coming in and out of Rosemount.
Tonkin said it will have a festival feel to it. The mission is to increase interest in ice sports
and encourage a cultural exchange. The motto is "Competition brings us together....
Friendships keep us together". It is a tri-level world event including people from ages of 30
and under, high school girls 17 and under, and girls 14 to 7 years of age. The finale may
include indoor fireworks.
Tonkin looks forward to the good images of Rosemount this will bring. Kim Kuenzi will
help with the marketing, special events, ticketing, and volunteer supporters. Profits earned
from this event are requested to be used to start a fund to help kids get started in ice sports,
possibly pay for ice time or equipment for beginners.
Souders thanked Tonkin for his involvement and energy. The Community Center wants to
bring the community together and will continue to support this Ringette Tournament.
Gundacker noted how exciting it will be to have international teams here and the possibility
of home stays or cultural exchanges.
Souders welcomed Lisa Jost to the Community Center staff. He congratulated Jost on her
assignment to Assistant Community Center Manager and looks forward to working with her.
MOTION by Pederson to approve the September 9, 1993. Regular Meeting minutes as
printed and the September 23, 1993 Special with the addition of identifying the Eagan
Ringettes on the second page. Second by Ladzun. Ayes: 5. Nays: None.
In an update on the Community Center, Manager Topitzhofer noted that Randy Moe has
been hired as the Building Maintenance Supervisor for the Community Center. The
Minnesota Weapons Association has shown interest in having summer events in the dry
arena. Twenty-five banquets have been booked. The Blue Line Club has helped with the
_.' purchase of lockers. Policy setting has proceeded on time.
OCTOBER 14, 1993
Topitzhofer reported from the Selection Committee that 95 applications were received for the
Rental Coordinator position. About eight have been selected for interviews which will be
conducted the week of October 18 and October 25. Since the Commission will not meet
prior to the next City Council meeting, Topitzhofer requested authorization to have the
Selection Committee make a recommendation directly to the City Council.
MOTION by Souders to authorize Jim Topitzhofer as chair of the Selection'Committee to
recommend a final candidate for the position of Rental Coordinator directly to the City
Council November 2, 1993. Second by Pederson. Ayes: 5. Nays: None.
The Concession Policy was introduced by Topitzhofer. Discussion took place on several
issues. The policy was tabled until additional information on past tournament budget history
from each club president could be obatined. It was agreed that consistency on type, size,
and cost of food items would be necessary.
Topitzhofer reviewed the Rosemount High School request on ice scheduling concerns for
practices only in the afternoon. The high school received three practices in the afternoon
rather than four. The Fagan Ringette received 11 hours.
An agreement on terms and conditions of high school practices, games and tournaments was
discussed. A short survey of other ice arenas was conducted showing that most arenas
receive a percentage (usually 50 %) of gate receipts of high school games and tournaments,
with a minimum guarantee of $240 to $650. Most high schools provide high school
personnel for crowd control, referees, game officials, and announcers. The Commission
reviewed the draft agreement.
MOTION by Souders to authorize Community Center Manager to negotiate terms and
conditions of hockey/ringette practices, games, and tournaments with Rosemount
High School based upon the attached draft of Rosemount High School Agreement. Second
by Ludzun. Ayes: 5. Nays: None.
Topitzhofer reviewed the rules and regulations for the purpose of addressing proper conduct
in the Center during activities, programs, and events. The policy serves as a base for the
first year of operations and should be reviewed periodically.
MOTION by Souders to recommend the attached rules and regulations to City Council for
approval once reviewed by the City Attorney. Ayes: 5. Nays: None.
OCTOBER 14, 1993
Topitzhofer requested the Commission to work on a "value statement" for the Community
Center. Responses will be compiled for the next regular meeting. Following this concept,
goals and objectives will be considered for a two to five year vision plan.
Gundacker asked when the path to the Community Center will be installed from Rosemount
High School. Topitzhofer said is was scheduled to be done October 20, 1993.
MOTION by Gundacker to adjourn. Second by Pederson. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. The
meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Jentink
Recording Secretary
SEPTEMBER 23, 1993
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Rosemount Community
Center Commission was duly held on September 23, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in the upper
conference room at City Hall.
Chair Knutson called the meeting to order with Commissioners Ladzun, Souders, and
Gundacker. Also present were Pat Westrum, representing the Rosemount High School, and
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer.
Additions to the agenda were 1) Assistant Community Center Position; 2) Ice Time for
Rosemount High School; 3) Review Meeting Dates; 4) Arena Discussion on Safety.
Manager Topitzhofer reported meeting with Independent School District 196 and reviewing
the ice times available to the high school early in the month of June. The school is now
requesting four practice times for hockey/Ringettes in the afternoon rather than the one
morning practice time.
Topitzhofer expressed that the arena would realize a revenue loss with this request because
no one else is assigned morning hours. Also the school only scheduled in 10 minutes for ice
preparation between classes which will actually require 15 minutes. Pat Westrum reviewed
the schools reasons for requesting a schedulae change. Westrum noted that R.A.H.A. is in
competition with the high school programs and if R.A.H.A. has better practice times parents
may switch.
The Commission requested input from R.A.H.A. before a decision would be made.
Westrum thanked Topitzhofer for his help. Topitzhofer noted that the high school colors will
be used in the gym and the scoreboard will have Go Irish! on it. Involvement by the high
school is anticipated. Westrum left the meeting at 7:35 p.m.
Topitzhofer reviewed the 1994 Budget. One major item removed was the National Guards
revenue for maintenance and cleaning in which they showed more support to handle on their
own excluding snow removal and grass cutting. This is a bare bones budget with no
padding. Once City Council approves this budget it will stand as is, making any unpredicted
over runs carry over to next years budget. The Commission asked for added funding for a
comfort level since this is the opening year.
MOTION by Souder to adopt the budget and noting to City Council it is a bare bones budget
and request an additional $53,188. Second by Knutson. Discussion followed. Ayes:
Knutson, Gundacker, Ladzun, and Souder. Nays: None.
Chair Knutson suggested working on a program with the rifle range to draw additional
revenue. Topitzhofer noted there is a retired police office in Hastings that may have some
beneficial ideas.
SEPTEMBER 23, 1993
Chair Knutson noted that he will be out of,town for the next regular meeting and
Commissioner Souder said he will be present to conduct the meeting.
Manager Topitzhofer announced that through the selection process Lisa Jost had been chosen
for the Community Center Assistant Manager. Topitzhofer looks forward to `Lisa's expertise
in the Parks and Recreation programming and believes it will work very well for the
Community Center.
The Ringette organization has contacted the Community Center for ice time. They had
originally requested 48 hours of ice time and were promised hours by the staff in April,
1993. Topitzhofer agreed to negotiate ice hours with R.A.H.A. in an effort to acquire
additional hours for Rosemount High School and Eagan Ringettes. Gundacker suggested
hours could be used on the days school is closed.
Manager Topitzhofer submitted a newspaper article regarding safety issues in the Coon
Rapids Ice Arena that is under litigation for nitrogen dioxide gas exposure. He assured the
-' Commission he was aware of these issues and precautions will be taken.
Chair Knutson adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Jentink
Recording Secretary
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Community Center Commission
was duly held on Thursday, September 9, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in the upper conference room at city hall,
2875 - 145th Street West.
Chair Knutson called the meeting to order with Commissioners Gundacker, Ladzun, McNearney, Pederson,
and Souders present. Commissioner Ullrich was absent. City staff present included Community Center
Manager Topitzhofer.
There were no additions or corrections to the agenda.
MOTION by Knutson to approve the August 12,. 1993 regular meeting minutes as presented. SECOND
by Souders. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer provided a brief update on the progress of the Community Center.
Topitzhofer advised that approximately ten liquor providers were expected to respond to his letter and will
be on a liquor provider list for customers to choose from. TOPS Catering is very interested in assisting
with an in-house catering service. Topitzhofer also advised that the city council had approved the
advertising policy and auditorium fees at their last meeting.
Discussion regarding the proposed concession policy centered around whether cash payment only as
opposed to reduced ice fees should be used when compensating workers in the concession stand.
Commissioners agreed to recommend alternative #2 to the booster clubs and blue -line clubs, which will
give the clubs 10% of net revenue. Commissioner Pederson agreed to present the recommendation to the
clubs for their input and to ensure that this would be an acceptable arrangement.
MOTION by Pederson to adopt alternative #2 and proceed with a final concession agreement with
Commissioner Pederson presenting it to the clubs and reporting back to the Community Center
Commission. SECOND by Ladzun. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Commissioners agreed that the proposed "mission statement" summarized all the key points needed in the
statement. Topitzhofer advised that it will be used as a guideline for future planning and staff training.
MOTION by Knutson to recommend the mission statement to City Council for final approval. SECOND
by Gundacker. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Topitzhofer apprised the commissioners on the status of the selection process for the new Assistant
Community Center Manager and Building Maintenance Supervisor positions. He explained that the
applicants for both positions were ranked on established criteria, and based on scores of this ranking, the
highest scoring applicants were chosen to be interviewed. Topitzhofer further explained that, as a
consequence of not being able to balance the budget, the Community Center department will take over
indoor recreation programming and receive a $70,000 subsidy from the parks department. Because of this
added programming, an emphasis was placed on applicants with programming backgrounds. Topitzhofer
also requested the commissioners' consideration in allowing him to present the final recommendations to
the city council without presenting it to the Community Center Commissioner first because of time
MOTION by Pederson to allow the Selection Committee to choose final candidates for Assistant
Community Center Manager and Building Maintenance Supervisor directly to City Council. SECOND by
Gundacker. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Topitzhofer reviewed gymnasium fees and the fee policy for the rental and use of the gymnasium.
Discussion centered around establishing an all -day rate for events such as tournaments. It was decided that
a full day rate should be equivalent to a five hour fee.
Topitzhofer also advised that the school district may be interested in renting classrooms during the
weekdays. Commissioners voiced concerns regarding priority status if the National Guard should need the
classrooms in case of an emergency. Commissioners concurred that a clause should be added to any
agreement with the school district stating that in case of a military emergency the National Guard would
receive priority for the classrooms.
MOTION by Souders to recommend the attached gymnasium fees and fee policies with the addition of an
all day rate to City Council for approval. SECOND by Ladzun. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Topitzhofer reviewed the figures of the proposed 1994 Community Center budget. He indicated that he
had met with the National Guard and was advised by the Guard that they were not able to fund the
$150,000 needed for their share of the cost for maintaining the building. It was decided in that meeting the
National Guard would take care of their portion. of the building. Topitzhofer explained that he would
review and adjust the budget and requested that the commissioners set a special meeting to review it.
MOTION by Knutson to set a special meeting for Thursday, September 23, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. to review
the revised budget. SECOND by Souders. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Knutson to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Ladzun. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Widstrom
Recording Secretary
AUGUST 12, 1993
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Community
Center Commission was duly held on August 12, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in the upper
conference room at City Hall.
Chair Knutson called the meeting to order with Commissioners Gundacker, Ladzun,
McNearney, Pederson, and Ryan present. George Souders entered at 8:15 p.m.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer and Administrative Assistant Susan Walsh were
present from city staff.
No additions or corrections were made to the agenda
MOTION by Ladzun to approve the July 8 and July 22, 1993 minutes., Second by
McNearney. Ayes: Six. Nays: None.
Topitzhofer gave an update on the positions for the Community Center which were
approved by City Council. The positions of Assistant Community Center Manager and
Building Maintenance Supervisor have been advertised. The Rental Coordinator position
will be posted the earlier part of September. The hiring of the first two positions should
be completed by October 6, 1993. City Council has also approved the policy on
scheduling priority for ice rental and the purchase of an arena scoreboard.
Jon Ryan, the high school student representative on the Commission, has made a
recommendation of Shawn Ullrich for his replacement since he will be attending college
this fall. Rita Gundacker also knows Shawn and believes he would be a good choice.
MOTION by Ryan to recommend Shawn Ullrich for the high school representative to the
Community Center Commission. Second by Gundacker. Ayes: Six. Nays: None.
Administrative Assistant Susan Walsh explained the benefits and $35 per diem allowed to
the Commissioners due to approved city policy. Because the Commissioners are
considered city employees they are required to complete W4-Forms and deferred
compensation forms. Prompt completion of these forms is appreciated.
Topitzhofer explained the idea of forming a mission statement for the Rosemount
Community Center. Gundacker further explained that this statement should explain what is
performed at the Center on a day to day basis. The Commissioners listed their ideas on
what the Center provides, who it serves, and what its purpose is. Consideration of these
ideas will be combined by Gundacker and Topitzhofer to determine a mission statement at
the next meeting.
Community Center Manager reviewed his evaluation of how the concession operations
should be managed at the Center. Different levels of involvement can be considered from
the various clubs, also which events they would be able to work at. Topitzhofer described
four alternatives. Upon examining other community center operations, a net profit of
between $5,000 to $10,000 could be expected. Ryan suggested purchasing restaurant
equipment and then have the club bring their own food, rent the equipment, and provide a
damage deposit. A check list would determine the amount of return on the damage
deposit, ie. clean up, damage. Pilferage can also be a problem that is hard to control.
Vending machines would also offer pop, juice and candy. Topitzhofer would like the
Community Center to operate the concessions initially, see how things go, and then have
the Commission re-evaluate the operation of concessions.
AUGUST 12, 1993
Commissioner George Souders joined the meeting at 8:15 p.m.
The Commissioners saw three major clubs that would like to be involved in concession:
The Blueline Club, RAHA Boosters, and Ringette Tournament. One Community Center
staff person would be required at the concession stand at all times. Wages could be
obtained by each club member or a discount could be given toward their ice time. Each
club could be allowed to host their own games or tournaments unless they would choose
not to, then it would be offered to another club.
MOTION by Knutson to direct the Community Center Manager to proceed with
Alternative 3, which allows the school and organizations operating tournaments a
percentage of the concession net profit; and prepare a draft of concession policies to be
presented on September 9, 1993. Second by Gundacker. Ayes: Six. Nays: One, Ryan.
Topitzhofer reviewed the Auditorium Fees and Fee Policy. The Rosemount High School
was placed in the first fee class users.
MOTION by Knutson to accept the Auditorium Fees and Fee Policy as amended and to
recommend its approval to City Council. Second by Pederson. Ayes: Seven. Nays:
Topitzhofer expects to receive advertising revenues from at least these five areas: 1)
scoreboard 2) resurfacer 3) ten interior signs behind players' box 4) two exterior
banners and 5) event sponsorship, program and facility brochures, and donated
equipment. Topitzhofer's goal is to sell all advertising by December 15, 1993. Contracts
should be available for one, two, or three years.
MOTION by Pederson to approve the Advertising Service Policy as amended and the
standard Advertising Contract; and recommend its approval to the City Council. Second
by Ladzun. Ayes: Seven. Nays: None.
Chair Knutson said he would like to have the Community Center Commission represented
on the interview panel of the Assistant Community Center Manager and Building
Maintenance Supervisor. Knutson recommended George Souders.
MOTION by Knutson to assign George Souders of the Community Center Commission to
serve on the Selection Committee for the Community Center positions. Second by Ryan.
Ayes: Seven. Nays: None.
The new high school representative, Shawn Ullrich, will be attending the September 9th
meeting. A short biography of Ullrich will be provided with that meeting packet.
Topitzhofer noted that the Community Center phone number, 322-6000, has been
established and is now in use with voice -mail messages available.
MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. Second by Ladzun. Ayes: Seven. Nays: None. The
meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Jentink
Recording Secretary
JULY 229 1993
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Rosemount Community
Center Commission was duly held on July 22, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in the upper conference
room at City Hall, 2875 -145th Street West.
Chair Knutson called the meeting to order with Commissioners Ladzun, McNearney,
Pederson, Ryan, and Souders present. Staff present included Community Center
Manager Topitzhofer.
Chair Knutson added 4.B. Policy On Scheduling Priority For Ice Rental. Chair Knutson
requested Commissioner Ryan to report on the status of recruiting a replacement from
Rosemount High School to serve on the Commission.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer presented a plan for staffing the Center
including a staff organization chart, job descriptions of three key full-time positions,
and salary ranges. These positions include Assistant Community Center Manager,
Building Maintenance Supervisor, and Rental Coordinator. Topitzhofer explained that
the plan did not include a receptionist, in an attempt to keep the cost of personnel to a
minimum. Salaries presented were based upon the City's existing comparative worth
MOTION by Pederson to recommend to City Council, job descriptions and salary
ranges of Assistant Community Center Manager, Building Maintenance Supervisor, and
Rental Coordinator. SECOND by Ladzun. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Commissioner Ryan offered the names of five persons attending Rosemount High School
he would recommend to serve on the Community Center Commission. Ryan's first
choice was Jenny Stubert. Ryan explained that Stubert is active in soccer, track, choir,
and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He said Stubert is intelligent, a good people
person, and would stick to the job of serving on the Commission. Other persons Ryan
recommended and listed in order of preference are Jeremy Howard, Shawn Ullrich,'
Adam Manwarren, and Todd Langagn. It was later determined that Stubert and Langagn
may not reside within the City of Rosemount boundaries, therefore excluding them from
consideration. Commissioners Ryan and Gundacher will present a final recommendation
at the August 12 meeting.
Topitzhofer reviewed a proposed policy which establishes a schedule priority for major
purchasers of ice time. Topitzhofer proposed to give Community Center sponsored
events and programs the highest priority, Rosemount High School Hockey & Ringette
second priority, Rosemount Area Hockey Association third priority, and other
organizations fourth priority.
Pederson suggested that Rosemount High School should not be given the opportunity to
be automatically scheduled for unlimited ice time.
MOTION by Ladzun to recommend to City Council, the proposed schedule of priority
for major users with the addition that Rosemount High School be given second priority
based on limits to be negotiated upon. SECOND by Souder. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Tksd� ,i - /-�� Qoj_�
JULY 89 1993
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Community Center
Commission was duly held on July 8, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in the PCL construction trailer at the
Rosemount Community Center and National Guard Armory site.
Chair Knutson called the meeting to order with Commissioners Gundacker, Ladzun, McNearney,
Pederson, Ryan, and Souders present. Staff present included Community Center Manager
Topitzhofer and City Administrator Jilk.
A tour of the Community Center/National Guard Armory building was conducted by Jilk.
At 7:55 p.m. the meeting reconvened.
Chair Knutson added 5.C. Special Meeting to the agenda.
MOTION by Ladzun to approve the June 24, 1993 regular meeting minutes as printed. SECOND
by Souders. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0.
Topitzhofer advised the commission that the amendment to the City Liquor Ordinance, pertaining
to the sale of intoxicating beverages in the Community Center, was passed by the City Council.
Chair Knutson recommended that Commissioner Gundacker be appointed to seek a replacement for
Jon Ryan, the commission's student representative, who has graduated from high school and will
be going away to school this fall. Ryan advised that he would like to be involved in the selection
of his replacement and have the opportunity to vote on the person. He also requested that he
continue to receive the minutes of the meetings and be allowed to attend the meetings when home
from school approximately three months out of the school year. Chair Knutson informed Ryan that
the meetings are open public meetings which he is welcome to attend anytime and agreed that he
should be involved in the selection process of his replacement. Consensus was reached by the
commissioners to appoint Commissioner Gundacker and Commissioner Ryan to a committee to
select a replacement for Commissioner Ryan, for appointment by the City Council.
Community Center Manager Topitzhofer reviewed his correspondence regarding banquet fees and
fee policies. Topitzhofer explained that customer service and convenience shall be a priority.
Banquet fees were reviewed. Commissioner Ladzun requested clarification regarding rumors that
the city planned to allow five free events per year. Topitzhofer advised that all user groups will
be charged a fee for use of the facilities and that there will be no free uses. Discussion ensued
regarding percentages of Rosemount residents in RAAA and RAHA and whether they should be
classified in the same group as the resident groups. Also discussed was the Fee Class of Users and
whether "other governmental agencies" and "school district #196" should be included in fee class
#2 with resident groups.
MOTION by Souders to include 'other government agencies and school district #196' in fee class
#3. SECOND by Knutson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0.
JULY 8, 1993
Discussion continued regarding building use and the listed rules. Amendments to 'deposit
requirements' and 'reservation procedures' were discussed and agreed upon.
MOTION by Pederson to recommend City Council approve banquet room fees and fee policies,
with the suggested amendments, for the Community Center. SECOND by Ryan. Ayes: 7.
Nays: 0.
Topitzhofer led discussion on the contracts for ice time. He advised that there would be two
contracts, one for major users of 200 hours or more, and one for secondary users or those using
the facility less than 200 hours. The major difference between the two contracts is that the
secondary user is not required to name the City as an additional insured. Billing procedures and
penalty clauses were discussed. Commissioners directed staff to discuss penalty language with the
City attorney. Commissioners agreed to adopt the contracts with pending attorney changes and
requested that staff advise the commission of those changes.
MOTION by Knutson to recommend City Council adopt the attached contracts for use in ice rental
at the Community Center. SECOND by Ladzun.
Ayes: 7. Nays: 0.
Chair Knutson called a Special Meeting for June 22, 1993, 7:00 p.m, to discuss staff positions.
MOTION by Pederson to hold a special meeting on June 22, 1993, 7:00 p.m. in the Council
Chambers at City Hall. SECOND by Souders. Ayes: 7.
Nays: 0.
Commissioner Ryan requested that discussion be held regarding Community Center pedestrian
access across Highway 3. Topitzhofer advised that city staff, including himself and city engineer
Osmundson, were addressing the issue and had met with school district officials to discuss it.
Topitzhofer agreed to provide periodic updates to the commission.
MOTION by Ladzun to adjourn. SECOND by Gundacker. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Widstrom
Recording Secretary
JUNE 249 1993
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Community
Center Commission was duly held on June 24, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in the upper
conference room at City Hall, 2875 -145th Street West.
Community Center Manager Jim Topitzhofer presided over this first Commission, as a
chairperson was not yet determined. Commissioners present were Rita Gundacker,
Linda Ladzun, Lee Knutson, Marion McNearney, Ron Pederson, and George Souders.
Jon Ryan was absent. Steve Jilk, City Administrator, was present as an ad -hoc member.
After introductions, Topitzhofer presented an update of Community Center construction,
highlights of work accomplished to date, and budget status report. In short, construction
is on schedule. The arena is expected to be turned over to the City on December 25,
1993. The remainder of the facility is scheduled for completion on February 6, 1993.
The ice schedule is in process and on schedule. A liquor ordinance for the Center has
been drafted. A tentative plan has been developed regarding the relationship between
the Community Center and Parks & Recreation Departments. It appears the Community
Center will not require a subsidy from the general fund for 1994.
The Commission determined to hold its regular meeting every second thursday of the
month at 7:00 p.m. It was agreed to hold one regular meeting on a monthly basis at the
upper conference room of City Hall.
Topitzhofer offered nominations for Chairperson. Pederson nominated Knutson.
Knutson nominated Souder. Souder declined.
i ..
MOTION by Ladzun to elect Lee Knutson as Community Center Commission
Chairperson. SECOND by Gundacker. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Topitzhofer offered nominations for Alternate. Pederson nominated Souder.
MOTION by McNearney to elect George Souder as Community Center Commission
Alternate. SECOND by Knutson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Topitzhofer presented a proposal to amend the City Ordinance pertaining to on -sale
liquor licenses. The amendment addressed the sale of intoxicating beverages, beer and
wine, on Community Center premises. To comply with state and local laws, staff
proposed to require intoxicating beverages, beer, and wine, to only be served by licensed
on -sale liquor providers located in the City of Rosemount or a municipality adjacent to
the City of Rosemount (Apple Valley, Eagan, Inver Grove Heights, Coates, and
Lakeville). Another provision under state law requires the sale of at least one
Minnesota -produced beer whenever beer is served in the Center.
Staff proposed to require annual City Council approval for on -sale liquor providers
located in Rosemount or the above municipalities to serve intoxicating beverages, beer,
and wine, at the Rosemount Community Center. The annual license fee for this
privilege would be $100, with exception to the Rosemount providers who would be
charged no fee. An additional per event license fee of $30 would be charged to all
liquor providers. Liquor providers would be required to present proof of insurance
prior to each event.
MOTION by Pederson to recommend to City Council, to amend the City ordinance
pertaining to the on sale liquor licenses. SECOND by Gundacker. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Pederson to adjourn. SECOND by McNearney. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Community Center Manager