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1994 P+R Mission + Info Booklet
TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. MISSION STATEMENT II. PARKS AND RECREATION STAFF III. STAFF FLOW CHART IV. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE V. PARKS AND RECREATION BUDGET VI. PARKS SUMMARY VII. RECREATION PROGRAM SUMMARY VII1. PARKS MASTER PLAN IX. CARROLLS WOOODS MASTER PLAN X. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE MASTER PLAN I. Rosemount Parks and Recreation MISSION STATEMENT "The purpose of the Rosemount Parks System is to provide, in as cost effective manner as possible, a comprehensive, balanced, well maintained sustem of parks, natural/open spaces, trails and leisure oriented activities/programs for the city residents to use and enjoy." II. PARKS AND RECREATION STAFF Dave Bechtold, Director of Parks and Recreation Parks: Rick Cook, Steve Strese, Mark Joosten, Jim Koslowski, Jon Fremming, Recreation: Open Lacelle Cordes, Wendy Willman, Nancy Shrupp, Open Parks Supervisor Maintenance Level III Maintenance Level II Maintenance Level II Maintenance Level Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Programmer Parks and Recreation Programmer Secretary Aid Part-time Parks and Recreation Programmer Other Areas of Employment: Seasonal Recreation Leaders, 6 employees Seasonal Maintenance Workers, 6 employees Warminghouse Attendants, 19 employees IV. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Parks and Recreation Committee meetings are held on the third (3rd) Monday of each month. Parks and Recreation Committee workshops are held on the first (1st) Thursday of each month. Committee Members: Scott Rynerson, Dave Gilison, Deanna Simpson, John Howard, Linda Ladzun, Jerome Puciaty, Tom Reller, Member since 1992 Member since 1993 Member since 1992 Member since 1991 Member since 1993 Member since 1992 Member since 1992 V. PARKS AND RECREATION BUDGET PARKS & RECREATION ADMINISTRATION • Provides for overall planning, coordination, managment of personnel and finances, and administration of activities within the departments of Parks and Recreation that are required to provide a diversified range of facilities and programs for the Rosemount residents. The long range planning of park needs and master planning of individual parks, along with development, budget preparation, parks forestry, contract administration, and coordination with other service agencies are on- going activities. Administration services also provide Rosemount residents an opportunity to reserve facilities and register for Parks and Recreational programs. RECREATION • Provides for the operation of a variety of participatory activities for the diversified interests of Rosemount residents. Tots, youth, adult and senior citizen activities are provided by way of special programs, athletic events, instructional classes, and social gatherings. Coordination with local youth associations provides an opportunity for youth to participate in various athletic and community service programming both in the area of Parks and in Recreation. PARKS VIAINTENANCE • Provides for the maintenance of Parks facilities, athletic fields, community parks, park shelter buildings, park trails, as well as other municipal grounds - including the City Hall, the Fire Station and the Community Center. Parks development activities include the installation of various playground equipment, landscaping projects, hockey rink construction, and other similar construction activities in the development and improvement of Rosemount's parks. 1994 BODGRT WoXTSB3SYTS PAR£ i REC DRPARTXXNT - 45100 - D..-b►r 2, 1993 1993 1994 0BJXCT 1994 1991 1992 ADOP-ED DETAIL PROPOSES Fund ACCouat ♦ OS; Y D.scriptioa K '. 71:. ACT4AL BCDGBT AXCON- BUDCr C Daman is ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 101.- 45100 '_C1,0 Salaries c Benafita 5304,39E 5126, 147 $288, 501 101 - +5100 -C2- .C1.0 D. Bechtold, P R Dl:ar_tcr '0' - 451C0 -05. 101.0 R. Cook, Park. Sup.rvi..r $63, 260 556,712 1C1 - 45100 -04- 1E1.0 Aasixtsat P G R Director $37,596 101 - 45100 -CS- 1CS.0 L. Cordes, p L £ Progra-ar $2E,331 101 - 45100 -06- 1C1.0 W. Millman, P 4 R Progrecer $27,351 101 - 45100 -07- 107.0 S.cr. tary Aida (P/T) 101 - 45100 -08- 103.0 P L £ Prograzxxar (P/T) $17,591 101 - 45100 -10- 1C1.0 C. Dahake, XAint I $10,243 101 - 45100 -11- 101.0 X. Joo.t-. Xaint II 533,096 101 - 45100 -12- 101.0 S. Stress, Yaint 111 53E, 6D5 101 - 45100 -13- 101.p .i J, Zoslorski, Ya1at IZ $42,971 101 - 45100 102.({�Pu11-T1ma Ovartias SJ7,460 $6,932 $9,945 $6,164 101 - 45100 -OS• 102.], L. Carlos 101 - 4s100 -De- 10: .1 N. Nillnaa $521 101 - 45100 -10. 1C_.1 C. Dalwlcs $521� $1,151 101 - 45100 -11- 1C2.1 X. Joostaa 101 - 45100 -12- 1C:,1 S. Stress 51,45E 101 - 45100 -13- 1C2.1 J. xoalovski $1,566 101 - 45100 101.0 - part -Tina Salaries L Bsaefiti 51,46E 101 - 45100 -83- 103.1 Recreation Laadera $7,730 56,553 $9,000 $9,000 101 - 45100 -94- 103.1 warming Hours Atteadaats $3,989 54,729 SE,000 $9,000 101 - 45100 -96- 103.1 Parks Intern SO $2,665 SO SO 101 - 45100 -97- 103,1 General Clerical $II,OE7 S11,C19 $0 SO 101 - 45100 -98- 103.1 Parks Yaintaaaac• $13,322 $15,395 516,500 $21, 659 101 - 45100 -58- 103.1 C-se Csnter Xaintsaanc. SO 101 - 45100 -99- 103.1 P E R Cos.atsaioa Yeabars SO $0 51,195 51,39E $3,500 5121802 510,000 101 - 45100 -01- 205.0 Drafting Supplies $3,122 S1,3/9 $750 101 - 45100 -01. 205.1 General Drafting 101 - 45100 -01- 205.2 piln, Develop lag i Lamm tag 5500 5500 $351,720 All Sala_ Coat. Iacluaivs of Salary, T-.a, PLF-k G Ben.fita $6,635 $63,501 $1,000 101 -- 45100 -01- 2C7.0 Training r. lastructal Supplies 5240 $407 101 - 45100 -01- 207.1 $0 SO 101 - 45100 -01- 20E.0 Xiscellan.ous SO Supplies $0 $16,550 $0 $0 101 - 45100 -01- 208.1 101 - 45100 -01- 209.0 Other Office Supplies $0 101 - 45100 -01- 209.1 SO 5177 SO SO 101 - 45100 -01- 212.0 Xotor Purls $0 101 - 45100 -01- 21:.1 59 SO $0 SO 101 - 45100 -01- 215.0 Shop Xatarials SO fol - 45100 -01- 215.1 $17,191 $4,687 58,000 58,000 Seed, Sod, etc, 101 - 45100 -01- 215.2 Red Rock, Saad, Gravel, etc $2,500 101 - 45100 -01- 215.3 Mist Zguipeasat 4 Supplies $5,000 101 - 45100 -01- 216.0 Chemical i Ch4mlca1 Product: 5500 101 - 45100 -01- 216.1 $O $2,836 S11,500 $10,500 Harbicid.s(Gea'1 Park Use) 101. - 45100 -01- 216.2 partilirsr ;2,500 101 - 45100 -01- 216.3 Herbicid.s(Carroll's woods) $7,000 101 - 45100 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $3,065 $2,605 $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 219.1 Arts i Crafts Supplies $750 $2,000 101 - 45100 -01- 212.2 Bruahas, Brooms, etc. 51,750 $250 _______________________________________ PAGE TOTALS $369,176 $406,462 5453,065 $485,406 $485,406 50% of S.1--y Paid by £ev-Prod T-r-far from cccx ity Ceatar O Page 2b0 1994 BUDGET WOR.TSEEETS PAAZ 6 REC DEPAXTXXWT - 45100 December 2, 1993 1993 1994 OBJECT :9l4 1991 1992 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Evnd AccoUZt s Obj 8 Description ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET AXODNT BUDGET Cossaaat■ -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 - 45100 -01- 221.0 Equipment Part■ $13.229 S7,465 $3,500 $4.500 1C1 - 45100 -01- 221.1 Panca Repair(Noa-Landscape) $500 101 - 45100 -01. 221.2 Lighting Repairs $500 101 - 45100 -01- 221.3 Irrig Repair(Noa-Contract) $2,000 101 - 45100 -OS- 221.4 Xisc/Split Rail, etc. $1,500 101 - 45100 -01- 222.0 Tires 539E $0 SO SO 101 - 45100 -01- 222.1 $0 101 - 45100 -01- 223.0 Buildlag Repair Supplies $7.844 $6,403 $2,250 $3,250 101 - 45100 -01- 223.1 Paint, Brvshes, Aolless,etc 11,250 101 - 45100 -01- 223.2 Shingles, Boards, to. $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 223.3 Xiscallaneous $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 225.0 Lamdaoapiag Materials $14,829 S5,623 $7,000 $3,500 101 - 45100 -01- 225.1 Trees, Shrubs, Sod, etc. $1,500 101 - 45100 -01- 225.2 Timbers, Pence, etc. $2,000 101 - 45100 -01- 226.0 Sign Repair Materials $3,322 $0 $0 SO 101 - 45100 -01- 226.1 SO 101 - 45100 -01- 229.0 Other Maintenance supplies $14 $3,739 $3,000 $3,500 101 - 45100 -01- 229.1 Net&, Polea, Bases, etc. $2,500 101 - 45100 -01- 229.2 kiscallaaeous $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 241.0 Small Tools 55,486 $6,516 $1,000 $1,500 101 - 45100 -01- 241.1 H&aars, Wrenchas, etc. $500 101 - 45100 -01- 241.2 Sava, Drags, etc.(Larger) 511000 101 - 45100 -01- 302.0 Architects' Peas $0 $0 S2,000 S2,000 101 - 45100 -Cl- 302.1 Landseape Architect Work $21000 101 - 45100 -01- 303.0 Engineering Pees $2,230 $264 5:,000 $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 303.1 Various Park Mork $1,000 :C' - 45100 -01- 304.0 Legal lees $z12 $0 so $0 101 - 45100 -01- 304.1 SO :C1 - 45100 -01- 305.0 Medlin 6 Deat&l Pau $174 $247 $300 $300 'Cl - 45100 -01- 305.1 Y=ploymaat Physicals $300 1C: - 45100 -01- 3:5.0 Special Programs 53,57E S5,672 $6,650 $7,650 -. - 45100 -01- 315.1 Sunday Special■ $1,500 101 - 45100 -01- 315.2 Lepracbaun Days $100 0 101 - 45100 -01- 315.3 Halloween $500 1C1 - 45100 -01- 315.4 Grooad Poundars(Runnlag) $400 :01 - 45100 -01- 315.5 Nature Programs/Arbor, etc. $500 'Cl - 45100 -01- 315.6 Puppet Programs $650 :Cl - 45100 -01- 315.7 Special Evaats(Z-Mas, etc) $500 101 - 45100 -01- 315.8 Adopt - A - Park Programs $2.000 101 - 45100 -01- 115.9 Miscellaneous Programs $1,500 101 - 45100 -01- 319.0 Other Prniessional Services S3,323 S75 SO $0 101 - 45100 -01- 319.1 SO 101 - 45100 -01- 323.0 Radio units $1,348 $748 $500 $50o 101 - 45100 -01- 323.1 Cellular Phone Bills $500 ------------------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $56,724 $36,754 $27,200 $27,700 $27,700 Fags Th-. 1994 BUDGET WORxsm=TS PAAZ 7. ARC DEPAATYSNT - 4S100 - Dacao,bar 2, 1993 1593 1994 OBJECT 1994 1991 1992 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOS= Fund Account s Obj 11 ____________________________________________________._--------___---____--_--__-----__-_.--_____-____---_-__--__---- Description \ K'_ X--=J,L BQDCE: AMOUN- BUDGET Conn t• 101 - 4S1OO -01- 331.0 Travel Azp,.nac S1'_2 S91 $350 S350 101 - 45100 -01- 331.1 S-��*. r. L Workshops $125 101 45100 -01- 331.2 Ganaral Yiacallaneo•.0 $225 101 - 45100 -01- 341,0 E.y icys.rat Advarti.inq SO $1,564 $1, 000 $1,000 101 - 45100 -01. 341.1 General Al--I.,loym t Ad. $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 345.0 Othar Advartiaing $5,9C3 S425 ,2,200 $8,200 101 - 45100 -01- 349.1 Brochure. L Paper $7,000 101 - 45100 -01- 345.2 ' Copy L Dupliu tang $500 101 - 45100 -01- 349.3 Display Z.-is, atc(80AA) $200 101 - 45100 -01- 349.4 Banners $300 101 - 45100 -01- 349.5 Y1sCallana Adra-^tieing $200 101 - 45100 -01- 391.0 Electric Utilities $9,457 $7,954 $16,000 $16,000 101 - 45100 -01- 381.1 Skatinq Rinks $6,000 101 - 4S100 -01- 331.2 Softball Piald. $6,000 _ 101 - 45100 -01. 381.2 irrigation $3,500 101 - 45100 -01- 381.4 Kiscallanaoua $SOO 101 - 45100 -01- 393.0 Gas UEllitias $62 $85 $0 $0 101 - 4S100 -01- 383.1 S0 101 - 45100 -01- 384.0 Rafnaa Disposal $0 $170 $0 SO 101 - 45100 -01- 334.1 $0 _ 1C1 - 45100 -01- 393.0 P.C. zAxth ra p=cb sa. $1,058 $0 SO $0 101 - 45100 -01- 393.1 $0 !Cl - 4S100 -01- 409.0 Otbar Contrattad Aapair L Yaia $4,158 $5,696 $4,000 $4,000 101 - 45100 -01- 409.1 :rrigation Aapalr $1,500 1G2 - 45100 -01- 409.2 Electrical Aapair 52,000 1C1 - 45100 -01- 409.3 Yin ullan.aaua $500 101 - 45100 -01- 41S.0 Other iquipaaat Aaatal 55.462 $6,617. $14.000 $12,000 101 - 45100 -01- 415.1 Portable Toilets $7,000 101 - 45100 -01- 415.2 Equipsamt, 3iachinu , etc. $2,500 1C1 - 45100 -01- 415.3 Brnsh H09(Carro11s Mood.) $1,500 _ 45100 -01- 415.4 Wood Chippar(Carrolls Hood) S1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 433.0 Duas L oubaeriptions $361 $737 $1, 050 $1,050 101 - 45100 -01- 433.1 Yaabar.hip. o $650 !Cl - 45100 -01- 433.2 Dues S400 101 - 45100 -01- 435.0 Book. 4 Pas.phlet. S525 $194 $350 $950 101 - 45100 -01- 435.1 Recreation $350 101 - 45100 -01- 435.2 parka $500 _ 101 - 45100 -01- 437.0 Confarancaa L 5a1_x $899 S2,30S $1,700 $1,700 201 - 45100 -01- 437.1 Smal.=Xxa i Workshops $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 437.2 Staff/parks Co=u. Yaating■ $300 101 - 45100 -01- 437.3 School 6. Tuition $400 101 - 45100 -01- 439.0 Other Yiacallanaoua Cbargas $272 $1,481 $1,000 $1,295 101 - 45100 -01- 439.1 Unanticipatad Costs $1,295 ------------------------------------------------------- PACE TOTALS $28,289 $27,317 $41,650 $46,445 $46,445 NOR-REVXNVE PRODOCI210 DBPARTx= TOTALS ....................................................... $454,189 $470,533 $521191S $559,551 S559,551 Paq• Pour 1994 BUDGET MORASmErT'S PARX 6 RYC DEPARTXorr - 45100 - Dac4mbar 2, 1993 1993 1994 OBJECT 1994 1991 1992 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Accouat t Ob] 8 -------------------------------------- Daacription ACTUAL --------------------------------------------- ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET C.--t■ $101,000 --------------------------------- $631100 101 - 45100 -Al- Softball $2C,442 $31,030 $54,000 101 - 45100 -82- Volleyball $9,015 $9,038 SO Morad to Co—ity Cantar 1C1 - 45100 -84- Taaaia $1,552 $826 $2,000 101 - 45100 -85- Tiny Tots $12,fS7 $E,887 $O Moved to Coaauaity Cen tar 101 - 45100 -86- P= Poy $2,836 52,701 $0 Mated to Co—ity Ceatar 101 - 45100 -87- Piald Tripe $5,713 $2,722 SO Moted to Coamualty Canter 101 - 45100 -88- Brooaball $1,902 $1,968 $2,100 1C1 - 45100 -89- Skatiaq L..s—. $320 $474 SO Moted to Commaity Cactar 101 - 45100 -90- Track 6 Piald $Ili $1,354 $3,000 101 - 45100 .91- Soccer $163 SO $2,000 101 - 15100 -92- Adult Baekatball _ SO $177 SO Mated to Crn=-suaity Centar 101 - 45100 -91- Other Progress $1,349 $421 SO rated to co-.- ty Center LrVI2= PRODUCING DRPART3RXT TOTALS ------------------------------------------------------- S55,305 S59,661 $101,000 S63,100 $63,100 GRAXD TOTAL OF ALL P,,PXS DEPARTX=T9 $509,494 ....................................................... $530,196 $622,915 $622,651 $622,651 RSV== PRODUCING BETA ON PO=XMN0 PAGXS 0 0 P.g. live 1994 DUDOrr NOAZSMarrS PART, L XEC DEPARTXBXT - 45100 - Dacembar 2, 1991 1593 1994 OSJz.^r 1954 1991 1992 ADOPTSJ• DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account t Onj 4 Description ---------------------------------------------------------------•____----_____---_--_---__------_---_-___ A�".;,L ACTUAL BUDGE: XMOMT BUDCE'T C__t. .c. 4510C -ai- 103.0 Part-Ti.. ual.,j.. $2,461 $3,SC3 SL,000 S'_0, 000 1C1 - 45100 -61- 1C3 .1 101 - 45100 -81- i2i.0 PERA wirn+,^lditg 5114 S l0i SiCO $300 1C1 - 45100 -81- 1i 1.1 $300 1C1 - 45100 -81- 122.0 FIG withh.!.,,,g $177 5140 $250 5350 101 - 45100 -81- 122.1 $35O 101 - 45100 -81- 125.0 Xadir.-a Witwwolding $17 $47 $50 S50 101 - 45100 -81- 125.1 $50 101 - 45100 -81- 219 .0 Operating Supplies 56,56E $11,799 $12,000 101 - 45100 -$1- 219.1 $=.000 101 - 45100 -81- 311.0 Officiating yae. $E,a12 $12,901 $17,000 $17,000 101 - 45100 -81- 311.1 $17,000 101 - 101 - 45100 45100 -81- -81- 319.0 319.1 Other Profes.ioa.al Services $2,274 $2,54i $6, 000 $6,000 $6,000 101 - 45100 -81- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair i Mein $0 $0 SO $2,000 101 - 45100 -81- 409.1 101 - 45100 -&1- 415.0 athar zq-,:.ip�t Rental so so $200 $8,000 $200 Addll Reaovacioa. to yields 101 - 45100 -81- 415.1 $200 101 - 101 - 45100 45100 -81- -&1- 439.0 439.1 other Mlacell anaaus Charge. s0 $0 $100 $100 5100 101 - 45100 -82- 103.0 Part -Time Salaries $1,055 $1,SD1 $3,850 s0 101 - 45100 -62- 103.1 101 - 101 - 45100 45100 -82- -82- 121.0 I:i.l PEMX withholding $49 $43 $150 SD SO Xoved to Cooaity Center 10. - 101 - 45100 45100 -62- -62- 122.0 122.1 F:G xi<.2>,ldi :g s76 $60 $225 SO $J Yoved to Co-ity Ce--ar 1C1 - 45100 -82- 125.0 Xedlcare withholding 07 $20 $75 SO $0 Moved to C-ity Center 101 - 45100 -82- 125.1 101 - 45100 -82- 219.0 Oparm tang Supp line $1, 693 .2,250 $0 $0 Yaved to Coca ity C-tcr 101 - 45100 -82- 219.1 101 - 45100 -82- 311.0 Officiating Pea. .1,916 $4,609 $7.700 50 $0 Y.oved to Co jty Center -01 - 45100 -82- 311.1 $0 Moved to Ccraauaity Center 101 - 45100 -82- 319.0 Other Professional Services ,�,294 sl,110 51,750 $0 101 - 45100 -82- 319.1 101 - 45100 -84- 103.0 Part -Time Salaries 5903 $763 $1,500 SO $1,500 Moved to Cca: Ity Center 101 - 45100 •84- 103.1 $1,500 1C1 - 45100 -84- 122.0 FIG withholding 538 s0 $100 $100 1C1 - 45100 -84- 122.1 $100 101 - 45100 -84- 125.0 Medicare withholding $13 $10 _ $100 $100 101 - 45100 -84- 125.3. $100 2.01 - 45100 -84- 219.0 Operating Supplie. 863E $53 $300 $300 101 - 45100 -84- 219.1 $300 _______________________________________________________ PACK TOTJ.LS $30,049 $40,993 $62. 000 $56,000 $56,000 1994 BUDCrF wORISHErIS PARZ 6 RHC DEPARTXWT - 45100 - Dacwmbar 2. 1993 1993 1994 OBJECT 1994 1991 1992 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED F=1 ------------------------------------------------------ Account 8 Obj s Description ACTUAL ____________________________________________________________________________________ ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Coaanaat■ 101 - 4510D -85- 103.0 Part -Time Salaries $3,510 S61496 $11,000 $0 101 - 45100 -85- 103.1 SO Moved to Co-•^ity Curter 101 - 45100 -95- 121.0 PERA withholding $132 SO $200 SO In - 4S100 -85- 121.1 $0 Mmed to Ccanmuaity Center 101 - 45100 -85- 122.0 FICA withholding $459 $5 S600 $0 101 - 45100 -85- 122.1 .__ $0 Moved to Ca -•^sty Cnatar 101 - 45100 -AS- 125.0 Madlcs.re withholding t108 $86 $200 $0 101 - 45100 -85- 125.1 $0 Yoved to Co=stxaity Center 101 - 45100 -AS- 219.0 Operating Supplies $1,930 $564 $2,200 SO 101 - 45100 -85- 219.1 SO Moved to Cozremaity Canter 101 - 4SIOD -85- 339.0 Other Tranaportatioa Chsrgas $180 $220 $350 $0 101 - 45100 -IS- 335.1 SO Moved to Co:aaity Csuitar 101 - 45100 -IS- 415.0 Other Iqulpment Rental $540 $1,516 $1,600 $0 101 - 45100 -85- 415.1 $0 Mooed to Co: l ty Canter I01 - 45100 -85- 439.0 Other Miscallan.aou■ Charge. SO $C $50 SO 101 - 45100 -SS- 439.1 _ $0 Moved to Cona I ty Center 101 - 45100 -96. 103.0 Part -Time Salaries $1,567 $1,600 $2,250 $0 101 - 45100 -86- 103.1 SO Moved to Coc city Center 101 - 45100 -96- 122.0 FICA NSthholding SS8 SO $100 $0 101 - 45100 -86- 122.1 SO Moved to Cosssunity Center 101 - 45100 -BE- 125.0 Madicare MSthholdlag $23 $20 $50 SO 101 - 45100 -86- 125.1 SO Moved to Co-aity Center 101 - 45100 -86- 21$.0 Operating Supplies $1,Ia7 $1, 080 511550 SO 101 - 45100 -86- 215.1 SO Moved to Coznauaity Ceatar 101 - 45100 -86- 329.0 Other Transportation Charges SO SC t150 SO 101 - 45100 -96- 339.1 SO Moved to Cosaualty Ceotar _01 - 45100 -87- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies -1.549 $C SC $0 101 - 45100 -87- 219.1 SC Moved to Co-ilty Center .�. - 45100 -87- 335.0 Other Transportation Charges .1,7E3 $2,722 57,000 SO 1C1 - 4S100 -87- 339.1 $0 Moved to Con$uaity Ceatar _C1 - 45100 -88- 219.0 Operating Supplies t296 .... SI00 S100 --. - 45100 .88- 219.1 S100 I01 - 4_D00 -BB- 311.0 OL:iciating Pea■ t630 $735 ,., 000 S1.000 -C1 - 45100 -88- 33.1.1 11,000 IC1 - 45100 -88- 319.0 Other Prof assional Services $976 -1,012 51, 000 S1,000 !CI - 45100 -88- 319.1 ,.,000 -... - 45100 -89- 103.0 Part -Time Salaries 5315 S468 S450 $D _CI - 4S100 -89- 103.1 $0 Moved to Co -city Center Ici - 45100 -89- 122.0 FICA withholding $0 50 $25 $0 101 - 4S100 -89- 122.1 $0 Moved to Co -city Center 101 - 45100 -89- 125.0 Me_icare withholding $5 S6 $25 50 101 - 45100 -89- 125.1 $0 Moved to Co Xty Center I01 - 45100 -89- 219.0 Operating Supplies $0 $0 $100 SO 101 - 45100 -89- 219.1 $0 Moved to Con ity Center PAGL TOTALS ------------------------------------------------------- $23, 628 $16,751 $30,000 $2,100 $2,100 Peg. S.,- 1994 BUDGET 710R7SESEITS PART. 6 REC DEPARTYODiT - 45100 - D.cembar 2, 1953 1993 1994 OBJECT 1994 Euad Account i Obj i Deecriptioa -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' 1991 ACTUAL 1952 A=),L ADOPTPS BUDGE: Dr'TAZL AMOUNT PROPOSED BODGE.': C--t. iCl _„i - 45100 - {c1C0 -90- -90- 2_9.0 CP—.Li:g 5upplias 219.1 $116 ._,75f 52,500 52,500 .01 101 - 45100-go- - 45100 -90. — 4]9.0 Otter K..callan—a. chyes 42,,.l $O 50 5500 S2,S00 $SC0 _ ,— 101 101 - 45100 - 45100 -91- -91- 213.0 Oparating Suppli.e 219.1 $163 50 $150 $500 $!SC !01 101 - 45100 - 45100 -91. -91- 311.0 Otficiat Lng Pee■ 311.1 SO so 51,150 5150 $1,850 101 101 - 4S10O - 45100 -92- -92- 219.1 Operating Supplie. 219 . $0 $177 $1,000 $1,a50 $0 1C1 101 - - 45100 45100 -93- -93- 215.0 operating Supplias-Other prog 219.1 S1,230 $489 $2,700 S0 $0 Y—d to Cneae..,,aty Cater 101 101 - 45100 - 4S100 -93- -93- 322.0 Postage Co.t. 322.1 $119 so $225 So so )!ered to Coe Jty Canter 1Cl - 45100 -93- 41S.0 Other Egnips t Rental so so $75 so so Mmed to Cavity Caster 101 - 45100 -53- 415.1 ------------------------------------------------------- $o kovad to Community C.nt4 . Pk= =TALS $1,62a $2,019 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 R.Ev}.'ROY PRGDOC2YG TOT7.LS ....................................................... $55,305 S59,663 $101,000 $63,100 $63,100 O VI. PARKS SUMMARY 4RKS a - � ` y • EfiStirp 4 � � � � � � � p � � N O d 3 3 Community Parks Av.e a$ s s s ' BIRGER POND 10.7 O O O Uldslekped 2 CARROLLS WOODS 48 • • • 3= 142nd SL WY& 3 ERICKSON a • • • • • • • • • O • • • • 14115 Baal A- 4 ERICKSON COMMUNITY 10 • • O • O O O • • • • SQUARE 14135 Braal Aw. 5 SCHWARZPOND se • • • • • • • • • • 13787 Dodd etvd. 6 SHANNON 12.8 O O • • O O • • O O • • • • O 13280 sh— Psd�wey Neinhhnrhood Parks ■ EMISSIONS 00■■■0■■■■■■■■ 0 CAMMELD CHARLIES �CHIPPENDALE �®■000■■■00■0■0■0■■■■0■ � ■■■■000000■0■000■■■■■■; D4175 ALLARA 01100000000010010■MEMO. ®_ ®■■■■■000v000000■■■oo■ �- ®■■■0■■■v0■0■■■0■■■■■■ �... ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■0■■ Park Program Calendar ('J designates coordinated program with area cities: Rosemount, Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Farmington, Lakeville, Savage I"! denotes programs coordinated by community volunteers N usth p 13etn U� Pa,e I 139 tn-1-318th �fAj�M�Q111 ��gyq ROS[MtlUN Y { th f, F £` t'� lyilOOl �6 3 L ICerm, �N t �� 13r/ .Y'.. 147�� ag 1 at i sew E 4 R4 1 1 f4 ft t + E + �1• • 144t ft .71h t j tt /4 h ft 1. DAPPLE COURT 2. DAPPLE CIRCLE D 3. NR WIN WAY 4. CRESCENT CIRCLE S. COPPER COURT 4. .URNLET AVENUE T CROETON COURT 4, DAYlREAN AVENUE 9. CHARLE9TON AVENUE 10. CHEVELLE COURT NORTH 11 . COLUMOARY CIRCLE I2. COLUM— WAY I]. COWMBARY COURT , 14. CREIITONE PATH IS. CRESTONE COURT 14. CHRY9LER WAY IT. CMORLEY AVENUE I!. 9URGUNOY AVENUE 19. 9UNRATTY AVENUE 21, :""1 RAN AVENUE 21. ROUGHSHANE AVENUE 22. RRIANRORU AVENUE 2J. 149 TN STREET 24. CORNELL COURT N 2J. CORNELL COURT J 26. DARJEELING COURT 27. 199TH STREET COURT 2R, UPPER 149TN STREET COURT Dir Bikeway/rw: and Park Bikeway/(w University of M Research C VII. RECREATION PROGRAM SUMMARY RFCRFATinN PRIC11114RAM CALENDAR --- WINTER --- ------- SPRING ------- -------- SUMMER -------- ------- FALL ------- WINTER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER BASKETBA BASKETBALL BASKETBALL BASKETBALL BASKETBALL BASKETBALL BASKETBALL BROOMBALL BROOMBALL BROOMBALL ATHLETICS SOCCER SOCCER SOCCER SOCCER SOCCER SOCCER Competitive SOFTBALL SOFTBALL SOFTBALL SOFTBALL SOFTBALL SOFTBALL SOFTBALL OLLEYBAL VOLLEYBALL VOLLEYBALL VOLLEYBALL VOLLEYBALL VOLLEYBALL VOLLEYBALL VOLLEYBALL VOLLEYBALL GROUND G.P. RACES G.P. RACES G.P. RACES G.P. RACES G.P. RACES ATHLETICS TOURNAMENT POUNDERS RUN FOR THE Non- RACES iG.P.) GOLD/FITNESS Competitive WALK RINKS RINKS RINKS POM POMS POM POMS POM POMS POM POMS POM POMS POM POMS POM POMS POM POMS POM POMS POM POMS LEISURE: TENNIS LSN TENNIS LSN TENNIS LSN Instruction TENNIS LEAG TENNIS LEAG TENNIS LEAG SKATING LSN SKATING LSN SKATING LSN TRIPS TRIPS TRIPS TRIPS TRIPS TRIPS TRIPS ,TRIPS TRIPS TRIPS TRIPS LEISURE: IN OTS TINY TOTS TINY TOTS TINY TOTS TINY TOTS TINY TOTS TINY TOTS TINY TOTS TINY TOTS TINY TOTS Social PLAYGROUND PLAYGROUND PUPPETS PUPPETS SUN NITE SP SUN NITE SP SUN NITE SP VOLKSMARCH FAMILY SKATE FAMILY SKATE LEISURE: SPRING VAC Special ACTIVITIES Events & EGG HUNT LEPRECHAUN Programs DAYS HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN WINTER VAC ACTIVITIES BREAKFAST WITH SANTA PARK ARBOR DAY ARBOR MONTH PROGRAMS PARKIMPROV DAY SOFTBALL/ SOFTBALL/ SOFTBALL/ SOFTBALL/ SOFTBALL/ BASEBALL BASEBALL BASEBALL BASEBALL BASEBALL TOURNAMENT TOURNAMENT TOURNAMENT TOURNAMENT TOURNAMENT Prnarams are listed during the months thev are beina conducted. The time period for planning and evaluating programs is not listed. Typically the planning is 2-3 months prior to the onset of the program. 606P-�[AtI Voc Pd►n�o�n5 ��rvls��-� v� ��.e GOy�L�nU-il c7 CQ �''T�-�' 5 a,� o am_ l lqq (cr ,> 11/92