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AGENDA CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING DATE: APRIL 18, 1994 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 P.M. Note. The CarrroAs Woods Meeting is at 6.30 p.m. AGENDA: I. Call Meeting to Order II. Additions to the Agenda III. Approve Minutes of the March 21, 1994, Meeting IV. Audience Input OLD BUSINESS: I. RAAA Update II. Update on General Development Issues III. Jaycee Park Update IV. Carrolls Woods Update V. Erickson Community Square Update NEW BUSINESS: I. Adopt -A -Park Seminar II. Work Session/Park Watch Program with Citizens III. Chairperson's Report IV. Director's Report V. Adjournment PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 18, 1994 APPROVED MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Linda Ladzun, Jeff Moser, Jerry Puciaty STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation; Rick Cook, Parks Maintenance Supervisor; Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary Aide MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Reller CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:38 p.m. by Dave Giliuson, Chairperson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: NONE APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 21, 1994, MINUTES: MOTION by Dave Giliuson to accept the minutes of the March 21, 1994, meeting. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: NONE ...................................... Ld B Bl rii> ..S. ...................................... ...................................... RAAA UPDATE: Tom Neumann was present to give an update. Tom stated that RAAA has been very fortunate with having very good program directors. This has lead to more kids joining the various leagues. Due to the growth, RAAA is working on balancing the needs of the kids to improve the programs. Mike Eliason asked if RAAA has had to cut kids from the programs. Tom stated that they are not cutting any kids and do not plan to, however, RAAA may need to limit the growth in the future or start holding double header games, and consider Friday night and more weekend play. II. UPDATE ON GENERAL DEVELOPMENT ISSUES: Dave Bechtold had met with Rick Pearson from the Planning Department to discuss development issues. From that meeting, Dave typed up a summary sheet on the development status of each of the following: Shannon Ponds, Westridge, Country Hills, O'Leary's Hills, Shannon Hills, CMC, Strese Property, GTI Theater and the Business Park. III. JAYCEE PARK UPDATE: Dave Bechtold discussed finishing the south part of Jaycee Park. Also, the Parks and Recreation Department will be advertising the Jaycee Shelter as well as other park shelters this summer in the local papers, such as the "This Week" Newspaper and "Rosemount Town Pages". IV. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Mike Busho was present to give an update on the Carrolls Woods Sub -committee meeting. Mike stated that buckthorn clearing took place on April 9, 1994, and there were nine volunteers as well as four staff members. A "good size" section was cleared out heading down towards the Halloween trail. Staff members have been clearing buckthorn during the week and they have cleared out the southwest corner. They will stop clearing buckthorn on April 19 or 20, 1994, as spring flowers and other growth are PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 18, 1994 Page 2 APPROVED starting to bloom. Oak wilt was another consideration for curtailing work at this time. They will begin clearing again in the fall. Mike stated that the Carrolls Woods Sub -committee is looking into having a trail on the north side of Schwarz Park. This trail would begin to the left of where the asphalt trail ends and head up over the ridge. It would be a wood chip trail. Dave Giliuson asked if there could be a trail put in near the pond. Rick Cook stated that there is a wood chip trail that follows the pond on the west side as you go over the bridge. Mike stated that the Carrolls Woods Sub -committee has received the $7,500 check from USPCI. Mike also stated that they would like to give USPCI a certificate thanking them for their donation. Dave Bechtold had a certificate made up and asked the Parks and Recreation Committee to make a motion to approve the signatures of the Director of Parks and Recreation, Parks Maintenance Supervisor, and the Parks and Recreation Committee Chairperson. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to have those three signatures appear on the certificate. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. V. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE UPDATE: John Howard gave a short summary. John stated that next Erickson Community Square Sub -committee meeting will be held on April 21, 1994, at 7:30 p.m. John stated that the 49ers do not haul equipment. Dave Bechtold stated that he may be able to get a staff maintenance person to do some grading when they lease a "cat" for other projects in the early summer. John feels that it is viable to do a modest shelter using park funds. However, Erickson Community Square is looking at soliciting funds to help pay for it. Deanna Simpson put together a very nice letter to USPCI to solicit funds. The sub -committee also discussed the building size, the different uses of the building, and also what types of materials will be used. Chuck Novak is soliciting businesses for ideas. He is also looking for a structural engineer to assistant with this project. ADOPT -A -PARK SEMINAR: Dave Bechtold and Lacelle Cordes will be holding an Adopt -A -Park Seminar on Thursday, April 21, 1994, at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall. Dave invited the Parks and Recreation Committee members to attend. Dave and Lacelle have put ads in the "This Week" Newspaper and the "Rosemount Town Pages" to promote the Adopt -A -Park program. Dave will also briefly mention the Crime Watch/Park Watch meeting that will be in May. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 18, 1994 Page 3 APPROVED WORK SESSION/PARK WATCH PROGRAM WITH CITIZENS: Dave stated that the Parks and Recreation Department has received several calls from concerned citizens regarding graffiti and vandalism in the parks and what they can do to help. Dave has been in contact with Judy Baker who is head of a group called the "153rd Street Watch Group". Judy offered to hold a meeting and will be sending invitations to staff from the Parks and Recreation Department as well as staff from the Police Department. The meeting will be held on Thursday, May 5, 1994, at 7:30 p.m. at the Jaycee Park shelter. Dave recommended that the Parks and Recreation Committee consider the park watch concept for their Workshop meeting on May 5, 1994. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to have the topic of "park watch" for the May Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop and to meet at the Jaycee Shelter at 7:30 p.m. with the residents from that area as per their invitation. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. III. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: LINDA LADZUN: None. JEFF MOSER: None. JOHN HOWARD: John had been to some of the parks and had picked up some trash but noticed that there were no trash cans in the parks. John is wondering if they were taken out for the winter and when they will be put in. Rick Cook stated that the trash cans should be out this week. John also asked what the status was of checking into the By -Law change regarding the Director of Parks and Recreation. Dave Bechtold stated that it will be addressed as soon as there is further completion of department evaluations by the City Administrator. MIKE ELIASON: Mike stated that he was touring the park near his house (Connemara Park) and noticed graffiti, swear words and some "gang related" symbols spray painted on the canopy and benches. Mike asked if the Parks and Recreation Department has heard anything from the Police Department as to any leads on if they caught anyone. Dave Bechtold stated that he has not heard anything. Dave stated that he is working with Rick Cook, the City Administrator and the Police Chief on a city policy that will address these issues. Dave has also met with Ron Wasmund to discuss working on a policy on how to take care of writing a city ordinance to respond to the subject of unwanted graffiti. JERRY PUCIATY: Jerry commented that he would like to meet Tom Burt, the City Administrator and asked if he would be attending one of the Parks and Recreation Committee meetings. Dave Bechtold stated that Tom Burt will be invited to one of the meetings. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING APPROVED APRIL 18, 1994 Page 4 IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Dave Bechtold stated that Mark Joosten and Lacelle Cordes and he will be attending an award ceremony to accept an award for the City of Rosemount for being named a Tree City USA city. This ceremony will be held at the State Capitol on April 21, 1994, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Dave stated that Tom Burt, the City Administrator, attended the RAP meeting. Tom is very supportive of the concept issues discussed. Dave discussed the issue of dogs in the parks and that there seems to be a real problem this year. He stated that there is a very strong Dog Ordinance under the Police Department. However, Rosemount might consider a "city-wide" ordinance that will mirror the park ordinances to help control these issues. Dave stated that the Parks and Recreation Department has made temporary signs that have been posted in the parks relating to the pooper scooper and leash ordinances. Permanent signs have been ordered. Linda Ladzun asked about putting an article in the paper relating to these issues. Dave Bechtold stated that the City of Rosemount is planning to do that, however the letter should come from the Police Chief. Dave will work with the chief on this. Dave stated that he and Jim Koslowski have asked Earl F. Andersen for a list consisting of all Type A and B hazards for the playgrounds, the cost, and a timetable to get items replaced or fixed. Earl F. Andersen was given a deadline of April 28, 1994, to get this list to them. Dave stated that funding will need to be looked into because this budget request was not approved. Park dedication was not designed to be used towards replacing items. However, Dave stated that the Parks and Recreation Committee may have to at some time, address this issue and possibly allow the use of park dedication for this project. Future discussions will need to take place. Jerry commented that he would like to see the City Council help replace those funds in a timely fashion if we are required to use park dedication funds. Park dedication has been identified for new park projects and upgrades, but not for replacement and repair. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting at 8:31 p.m. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Schrupp Recording Secretary CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES FOR APRIL 18, 1994 APPROVED MEMBERS PRESENT: Dan Belting, Mike Busho, Loretta Loesch, Ed Howard, Scott Rynerson, Deanna Simpson STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Rick Cook, Mark Joosten GUEST: Bob Larson Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Mike Busho at 6:30 p.m. Southwest access should be constructed of granular material from the street to the woods. This would allow for a good surface for the finished trail. It would also serve as a route for construction and maintenance of the trails in the woods in that location. Landscaping should be done after the trail is completed and when the next house on the north of the trail is constructed. Signage would be installed when trail is completed and landscaped. Trail work would be considered after mid -July when the main period of concern for causing oak wilt is over. Staff will plan to complete this project this fall. IL Tree Trust people would be asked to assist with the installation of the culvert and bridge work near the pond. This would be a top priority for this summer. Ill. The certificate of appreciation to USPCI for funds donated was discussed. A final wording was agreed upon with recommendation for this to go to the Parks and Recreation Committee for action. IV. There was a good turn out at the last buckthorn chipping day in Carrolls Woods. The date of the chipping and clearing was April 9, 1994. With this effort the southwest corner is basically cleared. Until after mid -July work, cutting and chipping will not be done. V. There was a walk-through on the west boarder of Schwarz Pond Park. The trail along that boarder will be worked on with wood chips being the base material. Trail preparation will be completed with the trail groomer. This is on a secondary level of priority with the entrance and other trails to that entrance as the top priority. VI. Donations and sponsorships for this and other park projects was mentioned. People should learn that donations are a positive personal approach to involvement. For businesses it is a good way to become involved in the community programming. Dan Belting commented that one thing we might like to consider is a program such as "Friends of Carrolls Woods". This could be individual or corporate sponsors. Many times corporations consider matching funds. If a group was formed to handle this type of funding it could consider a non-profit status and would then be able to solicit funding. Other efforts they could do is volunteer work in the park. VII. Dan Belting gave his observations of the work that the staff and the committee have done. He felt that a great deal of consideration has been given to observe the timing of the growth of wild flowers and the oak wilt issues. He also commended staff for their hard work of hand cutting nearly all of the buckthorn which helps to keep the base soil of the woods from being too compacted (allows for better and more continuous growth of wild flowers and plants). As long as we are ending this week with our work we are in great shape for timing aspects. Mr. Belting commented that we should see a great deal of flowers this year. Then we should expect a period where the numbers of flowers will be down, but in a few years they will then come back and have a steady return to growth each year. CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE APPROVED MINUTES FOR APRIL 18, 1994 Page 2 Mr. Belting indicated that we could consider planting some trees in the areas where the buckthorn has been removed. He recommends some plantings of 2' to 3'. It might be good to wait one more season (but then to plant several varieties such as sugar maple and possibly some oaks, burr, red, and white), along with other varieties listed in the master plan. We should keep in mind that red oak is the most susceptible to the oak wilt. Many of the trees that were growing in with the buckthorn were rather tall, but were very weak. The buckthorn was holding them up as they were growing. When the buckthorn was removed the plants were too weak to stand alone. The trees we plant would add to the number of trees that would replace the buckthorn growth. Trees planted in this area would help shade out the buckthorn plants. Along with continuous buckthorn cutting the shade would become a real asset in helping with the buckthorn control. We need to work towards a solid canopy of leaves. VIII. Discussions about the buckthorn control and the impact on the plant life indicated that we must continue to work at its removal if we want to have a good woods later. The removal of the buckthorn does not negatively affect the flowers, but it does allow for tree growth. The buckthorn secretes a chemical into the ground that does not allow for trees to grow. Flowers could grow, but the trees will eventually die out with only buckthorn growth remaining. Once again this means a lot of hard work and dedication to remove the buckthorn, but it must be done. At the present time the common buckthorn plant cannot be legally sold in Minnesota. This is the result of very negative impact it has on the wooded areas of the state. With the birds eating the seeds, they then spread those seeds over large areas. Thus we will have a control problem for a long time to come, even with the plant not being sold at the nurseries. IX. Dan Belting summarized his comments about the projects. Again indicating the quality of work because of hand cutting and careful use of herbicides. New trees will be coming up and in about three years we should see many positive results. Many of the orchids, etc., are coming up now and will do so through a good part of May. With the care that we have taken, there should be no negative impact, but rather the flowers should be greatly aided by sunlight and have more room to grow. Mr. Belting works for Wood Lake Park Preserve and they have been working at buckthorn control for over 20 years. They have a continuous effort to that project each year. They have enough control where they can do most of the control by annual clipping of the plants. X. Dave Bechtold asked the committee to consider a change in the name of Carrolls Woods Park to the name used in the master plan process. Committee members will discuss this at the next meeting. XI. Dave Bechtold reported receiving a letter from a citizen regarding projects and work being completed in Carrolls Woods. The committee felt that items in the letter have been addressed during the work that we are doing. 4-18min.cw ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR APRIL 21, 1994 CHUCK NOVAK'S IN ROSEMOUNT MEMBERS PRESENT: John Loch, Lucy Holzer, Del Lorentzson, John Howard, Deanna Simpson, Jeff Moser, Dave Bechtold, Jim Koslowski, Chuck Novak Deanna wrote and asked USPCI for $15,000. The money is to be used for appliances, cabinets, and other needs for the concession area in the shelter. We received $7,500 for that request. The money was turned over to John Loch to put in the Chambers funds for accounting. John Loch was to give us an update on how much money the Chamber is holding for us. He also has been talking to other groups for funds. Dave Bechtold and John Loch will work to coordinate a finance statement for Chamber funds and City funds. John Loch and Lucy Holzer were going to work with Chuck to put some colored drawings of the shelter together to show at the Shamrock Award Dinner. Lucy was also going to work on getting McDonalds to put on a show that will help us get some recycled benches. There seems to be a problem with Scott Gundhas working with us on landscaping. We are to look for help somewhere else in that area. If we do not find volunteer help, we may have to go out and pay someone. We are also looking for a structural engineer. Chuck gave us a new set of drawings with an outline of specifications. He stills needs to get together with someone about landscaping plans. We should also start looking for someone that can supervise the job if we go with volunteer help. We are far enough along in Chuck's opinion, to take it to the Planning Commission. Public works is going to get a bulldozer for work around the city. We need to coordinate with them for a rough grade for the amphitheater. In discussions with Bud Osmundson, we should be able to work with OSM and get the right elevation at the bottom and grade the slope. This way we will know how much more fill we will need. If they get this done, all we will have to do is cut in the tiers, finish grade, seed or sod. There is a storm sewer that runs under the shelter where we have it placed. Bud does not think it will take much to move it. Otherwise it will move the shelter about 50' to the west. There is water, sewer, and electric close to the shelter. Gas is up at Highway 3. If we can get the plans approved by the Parks and Recreation Committee, Planning Commission, and City Council, and who ever else needs to look at it, we would like to brake ground this fall. This would most likely be a better time to get volunteer help. NEXT MEETING DATE: May 26, 1994, 7 p.m. at Chuck Novak's CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM: RAAA UPDATE PREPARED BY: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION ATTACHMENTS: NONE MEETING DATE: APRIL 18, 1994 AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS AGENDA NO.: APPROVED BY: D W"k Tom Neumann, President of the RAAA is planning to be present at this meeting to give a program summary and update. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: APRIL 18, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: UPDATE ON GENERAL DEVELOPMENT ISSUES OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION II ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE A short summary of the developments that are taking place in Rosemount will be handed out to committee members. No action needs to take place on this item. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: APRIL 18, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: JAYCEE PARK UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION III ATTACHMENTS: APP ED BY: NONE �.Q Shannon Pond Development is moving ahead with another phase scheduled to be completed this building season. A cash dedication is set to be received for that development. Jaycee Park is one of the major park areas to serve this neighborhood. It is my recommendation to move ahead with the completion of the parking lot and access area located at the southeast corner of Jaycee Park. Last year a tree planting grant was approved for our department to be used in Jaycee Park. Plans are in motion by the staff to complete that grant this spring. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE I PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: APRIL 18, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION IV ATTACHMENTS: I APPROVED BY: NONE Members of the Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee will be present to discuss projects that they have been working to complete. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: APRIL 18, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION V ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE Members of the Erickson Community Square Sub -Committee will be present to update us on the progress being made on the shelter and amphitheater projects. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: APRIL 18, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: ADOPT -A -PARK SEMINAR NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION I ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE D OIVJi 19 The Director and Lacelle Cordes will be conducting a general informational program on the evening of April 21, 1994, for the public. Although the main topic will be the Adopt -A -Park program, we will also mention the park watch program. This program will be held in Rosemount City Hall starting at 7:30 p.m. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE I PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: APRIL 14, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: WORK SESSION/PARK WATCH PROGRAM WITH CITIZENS NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION II ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE a,,-e Committee members have been invited to join with a group of citizens to discuss a neighborhood/park watch program. Judy Baker is the person who if forwarding that invitation to us and will be leading the discussions. It was my suggestion that the Park and Recreation Committee consider the park watch concept for their workshop meeting on May 5, 1994. We would meet at the Jaycee Park Shelter at 7:30 p.m. Sergeant O'Leary of the Rosemount Police Department is also planning to meet with us also. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to have the topic of "park watch" for the May Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop and to meet at the Jaycee Shelter at 7:30 p.m. with the residents from that area as per their invitation. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: Flom Page 1A a Res ens feel �'r-s 4. �ueeze o - tionslups between the city and , . residents. O� ,fight - - budget - ColonialPark residents � a - Pparks plaud the city for a recently but ,,. completed' paved path, they've been trying for years to B Doug Erickson y g get playground equipment ap- Staff Writer "It's' a struggle. We propriate for all ages and are The scene last week was all- have a ran e O needs r g f becoming impatient, said Carolyn Kieffaber, a mother of too familiar to members of and limited resources. " children ages 12, 7 and 5. Burnsville's Parks and Natural - "When you have an age Resources Commission]'i .—Randy Oppelt range; you can't have some kids A dozen residents = this time Director on it and some not on it. They from the city's Colonial Park park and Public Works' don't understand that," she area — urged the commission to update and .expand playground Residents said they realize the equipment at a nearby park With the the city' city has. limited funds, but they "There are a lot of young kids _money, would- have -played catch -,up, question the way existing money. , in the neighborhood, and we're with its park needs and updated, is allocated, arguing that Col - concerned the . equipment isn't its system to a J 1992 level, ' ., _;� o paz k de:;er�,es more funds safe," said -Linda Pfaff, a - Johnson said =Some==of-:the ��e of its high usage. mother of three'tchildren " =. ,.. .: _ money would: Have added Oppelt couldn't promise the At least one child has fallen h a n d i c a p p e d.- a c c es sib 1 e residents the situation would im- from -the-15466t-high '=narrow' = playground equipment for 3- to prove soon.' The Colonial Park perch at the_top of the circular_._ `5-year-olds .at 'Colonial Park, playground equipment meets slide, which . sways excessively, north of McAndrews Road and, safety requirements, he said. It Pfaff said. In the summer, the east of County Road 5. was installed in 1984 and is "still metal slide is too hot to sit on, "We've had concerns about good for a number of -years," he and the steps are too precarious this park in the past. It's not as said. for small children, A though 'we're stonewalling," Oppelt said he'll look into the neighborhood boy who uses a Johnson said.' -"If we had the 1 possibility of using some of the wheelchair needs play equip- money, we certainly would put city's grant money through the ment that's handicapped ac- the addition in this year." Americans with Disabilities Act cessible, she said. The commission has heard to purchase equipment. The city The volunteer commission from several neighborhoods re- has handicapped -accessible members listened sym- questing improvements,' pathetically, then shrugged. "We'd love to write a check, Johnson said. . "We struggle with. that every playground equipment at two but there's no money in the ac- month we meet," he said. community parks, Neill and count," said Chairman Rodd This year, $414,000 of the city's Skyline, he said. After the community center Johnson. For years now, residents and budget has been allotted for; park development, renovations, ! referendum failed last sporting groups have filed into and improvements, said Randy November, City C o u n - commission meetings to lobby Oppelt, director of parks and cilmember Charlie Crichton said he might try to get a parks for improvements in the city's 71 public works. About half of that) referendum on the general elec- parks. The eight -member com- will be used to install four tion ballot this fall. mission advises the City Council athletic fields at Rosemount Inc., Last week, Crichton said he is on park issues. Commission m e m b e r s Park. Three parks without playground equipment (Rolling "sort of testing the waters" on thought they'd solved part of the ':fall ' Meadow::Acres,. Wolk, , Bur-' the idea. "I'm not it real hard, problem :last when $3.2 nhaven) will get equipment; he pushing million worth of park im- said: but I am listening to people to provements was included in a The lack of money seems to be see how bad (the situation) is,'.' larger, community center °= straining previously good_ rela i he -said.. referendum. The referendum - The Parks and Natural iiled. PARKS: To Page 15A Resources . meeting last week ended like many others — with both sides wishing more could be done.: - "I know we didn't really solve the situhtion," Johnson told the residents. Parks: City budget stretched thin Ilse National TM Arbor Day Foundation 211 No. 12th St. • Lincoln, NE 68508 (402) 474-5655 April 1, 1994 HONORARY TRUSTEES The Honorable E . B . McMenomy STEWART UOALL irman Chairman Mayor of the City of Rosemount Fortner Secretary of Interior �7 2875 5 145th Street W. EDDIE ALBERT Entertainer Rosemount, MN 55068 WIWAM H. BANZHAF Executive Vice President Society of American Foresters DONALD BORUT Dear Mayor McMenomy : Executive Director National League of Cities DOUGLASCon Bssman R Congratulations to Rosemount on being named as a U.S. Congressman ROGER A. CARAS 1993 Tree City USA! Special Correspondent ABC TV News °Ee�,e� A community's tree -planting program is a living OMAS COCHRAN J. THcutive memorial to the citizens' concern for the quality of ExeDirector U.S. Conference of Mayors life. The trees we plant and care for today will MRS. EUGENE A. OAVIOSON Great-granadaugnterol increase property values, cool and beautify our cities, J. Sterling Morton EXON fight pollution, conserve energy, and give wildlife a J. JAMES U.S. Senator home for years to come. LADY BIRD JOHNSON Stonewall, Texas BILL KRUIDENIER Executive Director Ex The Tree City USA award indicates that you take Intl. Society, of Aroonculture your municipal tree -care responsibilities seriously. JACK LORENZ Executive Director IZaak Walton League J. MICHAEL McCLOSKEY An effective community forestry program is an Sena cud ongoing process of growth and renewal --a program of MAXINE (Mrs. Frank) MORRISON planting and care that continues through the years. As Coordinator. National Awards Ceremonies a Tree City USA, you have a solid foundation for that JAMES C. OLSON J. Sterling Morton process of improvement. Siograpner R. NEIL SAMPSON Executive Vice Forestry Association Forestry Tree City USA is sponsored in cooperation with the ERNEST C. SHEA National Association of State Foresters. State Executive Vice President Nat. Assn. of Conservation Districts foresters are responsible for the presentation of the R.E. 'TED' TURNER Chairman Tree City USA flag and other materials. We will Turner Broadcasting System WISEMAN forward your awards to Jonathan E . Stiegler in your LAURENCE D. Ameican state forester's office. They will be coordinating the Forest Council BOARD OF TRUSTEES presentation with you. It would be especially JIM Ldent N appropriate to make the Tree City USA award a part of President MRS. LEE A. (Carolyn) CRAY70N JR. your Arbor Day ceremony. Vice President. President -Elect OR. GARY HERGENRADER Secretary Again, congratulations on receiving this national DALE BREE Treasurer recognition for your tree -care program. HELEN BOOSALIS CHARLES CHACE OR, ROBERT LIVINGSTON Be regard DR. JAMES O'HANLON SUSAN SEACREST EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JOHN ROSENOW John Rosenow Executive Director JR/tk cc: Jonathan E. Stiegler Mark Joosten Americans dedicated to tree planting and environmental stewardship. 'FECYCLED PAGER 1 GHINTED WITH I �� RECYCLABLE SOY INK'., SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT STATUS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT APRIL 18, 1994 This A.M. the following summary of developments and the status of each was discussed with Rick Pearson, the Assistant Planner. 1. SHANNON PONDS: Located south of Jaycee Park with some lots bordering that park. Final plat has been approved and development is expected to completed this fall. In conjunction with this development completion we are planning to complete the construction of Jaycee Park. This would include the parking lot on the south, trees for the grant project, and final grading on the south end. 2. WESTRIDGE: Located south and southwest of Jaycee Park. This development has had its final phase approved and should be completed late this summer and early fall. 3. COUNTRY HILLS: The final phase is being completed at this time. 4. O'LEARY'S HILLS: Final approval was given and it is in the phases. It will be completed as finances are available. 5. SHANNON HILLS: There has been final approval on the remaining phases of development. The access point on the northwest corner of Carrolls Woods Park is included in this development. b. C M C : This development is back to the city for discussion and possible approval. About two years ago they did approach the Parks & Recreation Committee on this proposal. They would like Council approval and to be able to move ahead by fall of this year. 7. STRESE PROPERTY: A sale of property that was Walt Strese's Has takers place along with other pieces of adjoining property of Hawkins and Burkhalter. Development plans are being worked out at this time. 8. GTI THEATER: This development is under construction at this 9. BUSINESS PARK: Phase I of this business park was approved with development open when potential businesses are ready to purchase lots and to develop them. �iiy o{ �osemount PHONE (612) 423-4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota FAX (612) 423-5203 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 Our Fax No: 423-5203 FACSIMILE COVER LETTER DATE: 13 - 9 Please deliver the following page(s) to: NAME: [ v E t_ _Y N hc>c�>\/ � i2l FAX NUMBER: FcH - 1059 FROM: —� NC4 SC to RU?P RE: 13�7TT t IA C t= A c-=, F- N W-\ MAYOR Edward B. McMenomy COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James (Red) Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk TOTAL number of pages including this cover sheet: MESSAGE: �3LIS -Ti1E R©SE-MouN`i ?RRK5 REC �v NSA i R TH E' TH 15 wee r,"K E W 5 PAPS R If you do not receive the entire fax, please call as soon as possible. HARD COPY TO FOLLOW YES _� NO CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The materials enclosed with this facsimile transmission are private and confidential and are the property of the sender. The information contained in the material is privileged and is intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity(ies) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that any unauthorized disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this telecopied information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this facsimile transmission in error, please immediately notify us by telephone to arrange for return of the forwarded documents to us. 6verylkings Coming (Up gosemourilY I. j recvcted panty TRANSMISSION REPORT :CITY OF ROSEMOUNT APR 13 '94 15:07 DATE START REMOTE TERMINAL MODE TIME RESULTS TOTAL DEPT. TIME IDENTIFICATION PAGES CODE APR 13 15:05 612 994 1659 G3ST 01'53" OK PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING 'I jq-.1D CDATE OF MAILING: 1-J1`T MAILING INCLUDED: COMPLETED BY: k�—p meetmg. (Committee) (Da e) �. Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for Li - meeting. (Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1994 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) V Michael Eliason Dave Giliuson V/ John Howard 1/ Linda Ladzun `\ Jeff Moser _ Jerry Puciaty ✓ Tom Reller ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies)* Cathy Busho. U'nC�W<- rA —\ Lucy Holzer John Loch Del Lorentzen �C _Paul and Lois McKinley -Y\ID Marge Ryan Deanna Simpson Jim Thommes Parks Staff John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) (Parks and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (�� copies)* Dan Belting Mike Busho Ed Howard Marie Jensen Loretta Loesch Scott Rynerson Joel Sutter Deanna Simpson -- u-y', .xl1_. Parks Staff Rick Cook (Parks Supervisor) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names minutes for STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (5 copies)* VFFDave Bechtold ✓--Rick Cook _Lacelle Cordes \✓ Nancy Schrupp (as needed, does not include me)* Wendy Willman Parks Staff (1 copy) ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (24 copies) City Administrator - Burt (1) Department Heads (5) Dir of Public Works - Wasmund a� Dir of Finance - May \ 'V Fire Chief - Aker � ` Chief of Police - Knutsen y" Community Center Manager - Jim T. vCity Council & Attorney (6) Vy Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7 members, 4 actual copies) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) Not till approved # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: chklstpr.94 (Revised 3-8-94) PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: rJ `I '� COMPLETED BY: MAILING INCLUDED: �_ 1 A minutes for _ (Committee) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for V 10 - `l meeting. (Date) (Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.ft 1994 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) Michael Eliason Dave Giliuson John Howard _v1 Linda Ladzun Jeff Moser Jerry Puciaty Tom Reller ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies)* Cathy Busho — (dy C ov N C, L� Lucy Holzer John Loch Del Lorentzen Paul and Lois McKinley 1/ Marge Ryan Deanna Simpson (on both sub -committees) Jim Thommes ---------Parks Staff --John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) --Jeff Moser (Parks and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies)* Dan Belting �C Mike Busho Ed Howard Marie Jensen Loretta Loesch Scott Rynerson 1' Joel Sutter ✓ Deanna Simpson (on both sub -committees) — mks Staff —rick Cook (Parks Supervisor) —Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) ----Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (5 copies)* Dave Bechtold Rick Cook Lacelle Cordes Nancy Schrupp (as needed, does not include me)* Wendy Willman Parks Staff (1 copy) ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (24 copies) City Administrator - Burt (1) Department He s (5) Dir of Public Works - Wasmund Div of PlanaiRg it of Finance - May Fire Chief -Aker E�;ief of Police - Knutsen Community Center Manager - Jim T. _%g!� City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) %/ Port Authority (7 members, 3actual copies) �C Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) Not till approved OTHER - (1 copy) Rob Jacobson, 3647 143rd St W, Rsmt; H:423-2117 # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES 3 TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: Z 6 t ZA chk1stpr.94 (Revised 5-04-94)