HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994_05_16-PRMMAGENDA CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING DATE: May 16, 1994 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 P.M. Note: The Carrrnolls Woods Meeting is at 6:30 p.m. AGENDA: I. Call Meeting to Order II. Additions to the Agenda III. Approve Minutes of the April 18, 1994, Meeting IV. Audience Input OLD BUSINESS: I. RAAA Update (Tom Neumann) II. Carrolls Woods Update III. Erickson Community Square Update IV. Workshop Summary (Park Watch Meeting) NEW BUSINESS: I. CMC Development II. Set Workshop Topic III. Chairperson's Report IV. Director's Report V. Adjournment PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 16, 1994 APPROVED MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Linda Ladzun, Jeff Moser, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation; Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary Aide MEMBERS ABSENT: None CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Dave Giliuson, Chairperson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 18, 1994, MINUTES: MOTION by John Howard to accept the minutes of the April 18, 1994. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None RAAA UPDATE: Tom Neumann was not present to give an update. Dave Bechtold stated that Tom is very busy preparing for the RAAA Soccer Tournament and Fast Pitch Softball Tournament that will be held this weekend. There are 120 soccer teams and 32 fast pitch softball teams participating in these events. Dave stated that we need to get RAAA to utilize our fields more. Jerry Puciaty asked if this is in regard to just Erickson or all the fields in the other parks and whether the fields can handle all the extra usage and/or maintenance staff keep up with maintaining them. Dave stated that the fields can handle it. The council has worked very positively in supplying irrigation that allows for greater hours of use of the fields. As for maintenance, staff may have to work some overtime as needed. Mike Eliason asked how much we usually make from the tournaments. Dave stated that we typically charge $250 to $300. This money goes into the revenue account for softball and helps pay for our softball program. At the end of the year, the money left goes into the general budget for next year. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Mike Busho was present to give an update. Mike stated that not much is taking place in Carrolls Woods right now. Mike stated that the Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee will have formal agendas done for their meetings. The agenda will include audience input, which will be limited to 5 minutes per person. The sub -committee is then to take action, if any, on the issue. Also, the sub -committee will be working on goal setting, plan of action, and scheduling of the goals. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 16, 1994 Page 2 APPROVED Mike stated that Carrolls Woods Park will remain as the name of the park. However, "Nature Area" will be used along with it and in conversations. This follows the Master Plan. Mike stated that Bud Osmundson is working on the design of the new trail and the culvert next to the pond. Dave Giliuson asked if the signage (Kiosks) for the southwest entrance is listed in the Master Plan. Dave Bechtold stated that it is not specifically stated in the Master Plan for this particular signage, however the Master Plan does discuss signage. III. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE UPDATE: Jeff Moser gave a short summary of where the Erickson Community Square Sub -Committee is at in regard to the amphitheater project. Jeff stated that the sub -committee received $7,500 from USPCI thanks to a letter that Deanna Simpson put together. Jeff stated that they are still in search of someone to volunteer to do the landscaping, however, they may need to hire someone. They are also still looking for a structural engineer. Jeff stated that the sub -committee is ready to present the plans to various commissions. Dave Bechtold also stated that all Erickson Community Square Sub -committee members should be present at these meetings and that he will be asking Chuck Novak to attend the Utility Commission meeting as well. IV. WORKSHOP SUMMARY (PARK WATCH MEETING): Dave Bechtold stated that the Park Watch meeting went very well and about 45 citizens attended. Jeff Moser also stated that he thought it was a very good meeting. Judy and Barry Baker talked about their neighborhood. Dave discussed park watch issues and Sgt. O'Leary discussed crime watch issues. Dave also discussed the dog ordinance for parks and how there is a need for an ordinance of this nature for the city overall. Dave stated that the RAP group would like to start a Park Watch at Kidder Park and become involved in the Adopt -A -Park Program. I. CMC DEVELOPMENT: Dave Bechtold discussed the proposed development and plans for the park and trails. A map of the development was available that showed the proposed park location and trail locations. This development was discussed at the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting in January 1993, when it was in the first planning stages. Dave stated that the park will be a mini -park concept that follows the Master Plan in design. Dave recommended that the park dedication be used to develop the park and the cash used to build the park at the same time as the development. The remaining cash should go towards the park system for upgrades and improvements at other parks. Dave stated that he feels when as many as fifty homes are built within the development that the park should be built with it and be ready for use when people move in. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 16, 1994 Page 3 APPROVED Tom Reller asked what kind of time frame we are looking at. Dave Bechtold stated that it depends on the developer's time frame. Dave Bechtold commented that the Planning Commission was concerned that the mini -park was not far enough south. Dave stated that if the park was moved more south he would be concerned with it being too close to the railroad tracks. Dave also recommended that in this mini -park, the Parks and Recreation Committee accept no less than what Jaycee Park has for play equipment. There are good trails in the design to get the residents to other major trails, to the parks, etc. Dave stated that the developer would like to put a trail through the park. Dave did not recommend it at this time, however, if in the future a trail is needed, he recommends a trail no wider than 8 feet. If the developer would like to have this trail through the park, staff will work with them on the location and design. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty with a SECOND by John Howard to accept the land dedication in the amount of 2.4 acres for the development of a mini -park with the remaining dedication balance to be taken as cash. The park is to be constructed during the first phase of the development or in conjunction with the second phase of the development with access to the park made available at that time. Trails are to be constructed in conjunction with the roadway construction through the development to serve as connecting routes to the parks and other main bike/walking trails. The trail along Biscayne Avenue is to be constructed in conjunction with the development that adjoins that street. Cost of the trail along 145th Street will be established with that amount to be paid by the developer and escrowed to be used at the time of the 145th Street reconstruction and/or trail installation. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Jerry Puciaty asked if a more definite motion was needed on trails. Dave Bechtold stated that if the trails can not be put in as they have been identified on the map, it will come back to the Parks and Recreation Committee to discuss new trail routes. SET WORKSHOP TOPIC: Jeff Moser recommended that the workshop topic consist of taking a tour of the parks. Dave Bechtold stated it was a very good idea and that he would check into possibly renting a bus to accommodate everyone. MOTION by Jeff Moser to set the workshop topic as a parks tour on Thursday, June 2, 1994, at 7 p.m. SECOND by Tom Reller. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. III. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: JEFF MOSER: None TOM RELLER: None DAVE GILIUSON: None JERRY PUCIATY asked for an update on the playground equipment upgrades. Dave Bechtold handed out a draft summary sheet listing the goals, objectives and policy statements in regard to the playground upgrades. Dave also mentioned that he had checked with Mankato and South St. Paul policies on playground upgrades. Both these cities have put lists together that PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 16, 1994 Page 4 APPROVED identify all the parks and a detailed timetable for the upgrades within each park. Dave stated that this listing is something Rosemount is doing as well. Jerry also asked about Birger Pond and whether Parks and Recreation has title to it and if it can be used. Dave Bechtold stated that Parks and Recreation own 11 acres, however 10 acres is under water. Dave stated that he would need to discuss the issue of use, such as paddle boating or canoeing, at the next staff planning meeting. LINDA LADZUN would like to know when the City Administrator is going to come to a meeting. Dave Bechtold stated that he will invite him again for the June meeting. Linda reminded committee members of the Grand Opening of the Community Center, which is scheduled for Sunday, May 22, 1994, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. JOHN HOWARD asked what, if any, kind of response had been received on the By -Law issue. Dave Bechtold stated that the City Administrator is waiting until the re -organization process is complete before reviewing the By -Law issue further. He will meet with the committee on that item. MIKE ELIASON stated that he would also like to meet the City Administrator. IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Dave Bechtold passed out the Spring Brochure to remind committee members of Park Improvement Day to be held on May 21, 1994. Dave also reminded committee members of Arbor Day. A tree planting ceremony is being held at Jaycee Park on Wednesday, May 18, 1994, at 7 p.m. He would like to see all committee members attend. Dave will be giving the opening presentation, the Mayor is scheduled to give the Arbor Proclamation, however, Dave stated that if the Mayor is unable to attend he would like a Parks and Recreation Committee member to do it. Mark Joosten will be planting the trees. Dave Giliuson offered to read the Proclamation if the Mayor could not attend. He will let the Director know for sure. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Schrupp Recording Secretary ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR MAY 26, 1994 CHUCK NOVAK'S OFFICE DRAFT MEMBERS PRESENT: John Loch, Del Lorentzson, Jeff Moser, Deanna Simpson, Dave Bechtold, Jim Koslowski, Chuck Novak, Consultant and Gini Christianson, Consultant MINUTES OF APRIL 21, 1994, MEETING WERE APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING ADDITION. Committee had agreed to pay Gini Christianson $500 to design the landscaping for the area around the shelter and amphitheater. MOTION was by John Loch to pay $500 to Gini Christianson for landscaping services for the Erickson Community Square project around the shelter and amphitheater. SECOND was made by Deanna Simpson with all voting in favor. MOTION by John Loch to approve the minutes with the addition. SECOND by Deanna Simpson with all voting in favor. CITIZEN CONCERNS: Written concerns of a citizen were presented to the committee members. A copy of the responses to those concerns were also submitted to the members. Members did suggest that this committee follow the concept that the Carrolls Woods Committee is proceeding with. A five minute per person time slot will be set up in the meeting process for citizen input for those taking time to attend the meeting. The comments would be taken as they relate to the Erickson Community Square projects. Written concerns of citizens will be brought before the committee. 2. FUNDING: John Loch presented information regarding the fund balance for the Erickson Community Square projects that are in the Chamber of Commerce accounts. The balance was $19,408.82. A copy of the report will be submitted to the committee members with the minutes from this meeting. A check for $250 was received from City Limits to be put into the Erickson Community Square accounts for projects. Management of City Limits asked that we contact them again in the fall for a donation. These dollars will be put into the city donation accounts for Erickson Community Square. 3. CHUCK NOVAK APPOINTMENT: Committee members would like Chuck Novak considered for appointment to the committee. 4. BRICK SALES: John Loch informed the committee that brick sales for funding and citizen involvement will take place at a booth during "TASTE OF ROSEMOUNT". Committee members could assist with that booth. It is estimated that sales may be done at this event and then again at various times in the future. ENGINEERING/ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANT REPORTS: Written reports for the project regarding engineering and utilities such as water and sewer should be obtained from Bud Osmundson. This would be cost estimates, suggestions, approvals, recommendations, etc. This type of written information should also be from all consultants. A written report should be obtained from OSM on what he has concluded from the staking that took place in regard to the amount of fill required, status of grades, etc. The written information should be available when we make our presentation to the Planning Commission on June 14, 1994. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE COMMITTEE DRAFT MINUTES FOR MAY 26, 1994 Page 2 6. JUNE MEETING: The scheduled meeting for the Erickson Community Square Committee will be the Planning Meeting on June 14, 1994. If an additional meeting is felt to be needed for June a date will be set after that meeting. All committee members are asked to be at that meeting. Both Chuck Novak and Gini Christianson will be attending the meeting to give their reports along with the reports relating to utilities. 7. LANDSCAPE PRESENTATION: Gini Christianson gave an in-depth report on her recommendations for landscape design. This included plant types, plan locations, and color schemes. 8. CONSULTANT PAYMENT: MOTION by John Loch to make payments to Gini Christianson for her consultant work in two payments. One payment of $250 would be made follc-wing the presentation at the Planning Commission meeting on June 14, 1994. A second payment would be made at a later date. SECOND by Deanna Simpson with all voting in favor. 9. PLAY EQUIPMENT: Dave Bechtold reported that play equipment dollars that had been identified for Erickson Community Square were being taken out of the 1995 budget requests being written. The committee agreed that no play equipment is being put into the design at this time and the funding request should be dropped. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by John Loch to adjourn at 9:30 p.m. SECOND by Del Lorentzson with all voting in favor. NEXT MEETING DATE: To be decided after meeting with the Planning Commission on June 14, 1994. 5-26min.ecs 15400 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL • ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 •.423-2000 May 18, 1994. Loch Pharmacy :. 2975-1 45th . St W Rsmt MN 55068 Dear John, I have enclosed a check -for $250.00 for Erickson Park Town Green. I am sorry it took so long. I would also ask.that you , request_ money again for this --project .in the. fall as we feel it is a -worthwhile project. Could you -also sign the attached form and get it back to me at the next Leprechaun Days meeting or mail it if you won't be there. Thank you. Sincerely, J an Doyle 99051 F CELEBRITY BOWL CHARITIES % DONATION ACCOUNT P.O. BOX 819 PH. 800-286-6079 ' MANKATO, MN 56002 (� 75 3 PAY 19 1 1 TO THE ORDER OF DOLLARS ./%►/� Noast BHk Mrnnotm� otn !, N.A. Mnkafo OBaVRWJWBANKS - t SaeoHd an0 Hickory Strout• t - all �� Ad ka O, MN 56001 }� Addre s: 02 $ %S 10 . Chock type of government making request: u c-Ry = County = Township [] State of Minnesota, Department of United States, Department of Other Governmental Entity - specify OrganlzaUon Ce(ebriI Addre t t ((5 City State- Zip Code 0 School District No, of 80 1-D Phone Number Cho r/ jie , r A ----------------------------------- City S. ivPr�ror,-( Qr- SC,11c L Of i no aoove-named government requests a u am m .... I (explain expenditure - attach additional sheets if necessarryo tts for tt Division of Division of State I )Ion f; o-tu otiowtng purpose: License Number 13 C) ( Zip code rrl N S (o OCR Amount requested CY"IC�s.r\ $ �sa.av �G -TU r1 6, r c— 6y completing and signing this form, the gcvemmenf,s agent confirms that the requested funds will be spent for a lawful pu't�-. ose, i his request expires one year from the date behw and may be renewed at the request of the bcal governing body. &V4rirr of powmmant �entQ � U Print Tlk Dais use of Form: 1. If an organlzation wishes to contribute gambling funds to a governing body, the governing body must complete this form. 2. Is -not renulecl, re 3. The form should be kept on file by the licensed organlzaCron. 4. AIL4.2 a coon of th11 form to vo tr hedule G Reoort ter the month In ��hlrh th t JOHN LOCH: OF COMMERCE CENTER CURVE #116 vn %un, MN 55121.1200 (612)i 452-9872 , FAX: (612) 452-8978 I I I FAIX : 423-2555 NORTHERN OAKOT`4 COUNTY CHAMBERS CHARITABLE FOUNDATION TOWN GREEN 3/15/93 ' Casino! Deposit Used Balance + 180.00 5/16/93 Cash + 69.00 7/27/93 USPCI + 5,000.00 9/23/93 USPCI I + 2,500.00 7 749.00 9/29/93 AnnuallAdmin Fee —774.90 9/29/93 Insure oB (Rene, I Fair) —495.00 6,479.10 10/13/93 Canvas Products i (Banners) i -3p328.13 3j150.97 11/15/93 Deposit + 321.00 (duplication in Renaissance I Ins) Renaissance Fair + 1�436.85 4 AL8.62 -/ 1'94 RoBemount JCs + 7�000.00 11 506.62 r 4/2c/94 uspc- + 7,500.00 i9�408.92 i I EAGAN Chamber of Commerce • MENDOTA HEIGHTS Chamber of Commerce • ROSEMOUNT Chamber of Commerce WEST ST. PAUL Chamber o` Commmerce. a ,d the C flies cf LILYDALE • MENDOTA • SUNFISH LAKE CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE MAY 16, 1994 DRAFT MEMBERS PRESENT: Loretta Loesch, Mike Busho, Ed Howard, Deanna Simpson, Tom Reller. STAFF PRESENT: Mark Joosten, Dave Bechtold MINUTES OF LAST MEETING - Date needs to be changed to state that it was held in April. I. Responses to inquiries: Committee felt that they should set up a section of the agenda for audience input just as the Parks & Recreation Committee does. Each member of the audience would have five minutes to present an item or opinion. A response to the item would be considered for either during the meeting or at some other time. Citizen comments and inquiries will be copied to the committee members. Copies of the responses by staff or the committee will also be copied to the committee members. MOTION: by Ed Howard to have a section of the agenda for audience input. The time per person would be no longer than five minutes. Responses will be given according to each item presented. Second by Simpson / all voted in favor. II. Consideration of taking the term park out of the title of this area: Following discussion the committee felt that the title of Carrolls Woods Park should remain. Reference to this area as a park and as a nature area should continue. MOTION: by Ed Howard to be consistent with the master plan and to continue to refer to this area as both a park and as a nature area. Second by Simpson / all voted in favor III. Check into the access area on the southwest corner: The committee has asked staff to check into the length of the area from the roadway to the park boarder. IV. Carrolls Woods has been listed by the staff as one of the highest priority items for this summer. As a part of parks, upgrades it is the highest priority. V. Culvert and Walkway: This project was looked into by Bud Osmundson and Rick Cook. Bud has been asked to give an engineering report of his findings. Rick is not at the meeting and no report is available tonight. VI. News article: Staff will write an article for the Town Pages and ask that it be published. That would take place the first week of next month. CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE MAY 16, 1994 Page 2 DRAFT VII. Flowers: Deanna commented that the flowers are growing very well in several places. Loretta stated that she has seen many orchids and flowers coming in where the buckthorn had taken over. There were also a lot of Jack in the Pulpits. Pictures should be taken of the area as time allows. VIII. Goal Setting: Committee would like to work on setting goals for the coming work season of the park. Ed Howard handed out a task sheet that he follows on his job. Items in setting goals would be listing estimated time tables, staffing, volunteers, costs, objectives, etc. Committee members could possibly set special goals for each month. Our next meeting will deal with goal setting discussions. We could look into putting plants in the trail area that is being closed off and other projects that could be worked on after mid-july. IX. Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 P.M. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: MAY 16, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: RAAA UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION I ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY-'-) NONE Tom Neumann, president of the RAAA, will be at the meeting to give an update on programming and operations of the RAAA. One area to be reviewed will be the use of fields and a possible forum on maximizing uses of facilities. I RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE I PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: MAY 16, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION II ATTACHMENTS: APRROVED BY: NONE Members of the Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee and department staff will give an overview of projects worked on since the last meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: MAY 16, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION III ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE Members of the Erickson Community Square Sub -Committee will be present to give a summary of the shelter proposals and work being done on the amphitheater. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: MAY 16, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: WORKSHOP SUMMARY (PARK WATCH MEETING) OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION IV ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NONE About forty citizens met at the Jaycee Park shelter on May 5, 1994, to discuss ways in which we can form a park watch program for Rosemount. Concerns related to crime, dog ordinances and enforcement of those ordinances, graffiti, signs in parks, etc. Hosts of the meeting were Judy and Barry Baker of the "153rd Street Watch Group". Sgt. O'Leary and Dave Bechtold presented issues relating to park watch and crime watch. Written materials on park ordinances and dog ordinances were handed out along with information on crime watch programs. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM: CMC DEVELOPMENT (EASTBRIDGE) PREPARED BY: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION ATTACHMENTS: MAP OF DEVELOPMENT AND SUMMARY MEETING DATE: MAY 16, 1994 AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS AGENDA NO.: I APPROVED BY: G Attached is a map that depicts the location of the trails for this development and the location of a mini -park. Identified is also the location of Biscayne Park in relationship to this development proposal. As indicated on the attachment, we have discussed this project with the developers some time ago and with the Planning Director and her assistant. The proposal was brought to the Planning Committee for a concept presentation. Along with the preliminary plat presentation that will be made, a motion of the Parks and Recreation Committee should be included. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION: Move to accept the land dedication in the amount of 2.4 acres for the development of a mini -park with the remaining dedication balance to be taken as cash. The park is to be constructed during the first phase of the development or in conjunction with the second phase of the development with access to the park made available at that time. Trails are to be constructed in conjunction with the roadway construction through the development to serve as connecting routes to the parks and other main bike/walking trails. The trail along Biscayne Avenue is to be constructed in conjunction with the development that adjoins that street. Cost of the trail along 145th Street will be established with that amount to be paid by the developer and escrowed to be used at the time of the 145th Street reconstruction and/or trail installation. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: TO: Parks Rii eation eFROM: Davi . told - DATE: May 4, 1994 Committee Members Director of Parks & Recreation RE: CMC Development (EASTBRIDGE) Representatives of the CMC Heartland Partners, Inc. did meet with us in January of 1993. At our Parks & Recreation Committee meeting of that month they expressed their intent to follow through with the concept a of large swimming pool, park shelter, and various amenities that they wanted to put into a park in this development. Their intent was to use dedication money from this development as well as the next section of development on the north side of 145th street to develop their concept. Prior to the meeting on January 18th a letter stating the recommended size of park was sent to them. Included was a copy of the master plan pertaining to a mini park that described the basic concepts of that type of park. Our response to the developers was that a mini park should remain as a part of the park dedication. Cash from this project should be used for the purchase of play equipment and other amenities on this site. Other cash dedication is also used to help with the funding of other parks of the city that the residents of this project will be using. On the evening of October 7, 1993 Lisa Freese and Rick Pearson of the Planning Department were the guest speakers at our workshop meeting. They gave a thorough and indepth review of both the first phase and the second phase of the CMC developer's plans. Committee members that evening felt that the mini park as requested of them was appropriate and should be considered in negotiations as such. The construction and design would be in line with concepts laid out in the master plan. CMC Heartland has presented their concept plans to the Planning Commission. A motion and action from the Parks & Recreation Committee relating to the park dedication and trails should be taken care of at the May 16, 1994 meeting. A copy of their concept plans is enclosed for your further review. The trails and the park area are identified. Because the first part of the project is broken down into phases there are a few considerations to make. 1. The development of the park should take place at the end of the first phase of development or during the completion of the second phase of development. CMC Development (EASTBRIDGE) Page 2 2. The cash amount of the first phase should be paid prior to building permits being authorized or lots being sold in that phase. 3. The grading of the park should be completed to finish grade along with the grading of the development at the cost of the developer. 4. Portions of the cash fee from the first and second phase could be used towards the development of the park. This would include the play equipment, trees, and other amenities of the park. This would continue with the intent of developing the park in a timely manner which would allow for it to be completed at relatively the same time as the completion of the second phase. 5. Trails are to be constructed as the roadways are constructed. The access point to the park over the easement on the east side of the development is to be put in when that phase of the development is completed. The trail along Biscayne Ave. is to be constructed in conjunction with the phase of development that adjoins it. 6. Cash fees collected should be used in part towards the development of this park, however, funds should also be readily available for other parks of the system that the residents of this development will be scheduled to use. Motion would be: move to accept the land dedication in the amount of 2 acres for the development of a mini park with the remaining balance of park dedication to be taken as cash. The park is to be developed either at the end of the first development or in conjunction with the development of the second phase with access made available at that time. Trails are to be constructed in conjunction with the roadway development through the development and with trail along Biscayne ave. to be constructed in conjunction with the development that adjoins that street. Cost of trail along 145th Street will be established with that amount to be paid by the developer and escrowed to be used at the time of the 145th street reconstruction and trail installation. I 00.-.9 020-46� PLAZA I �. _. 9SE I ' I f / % PROS. o ! 1 �._ �. l IQ' Md0 OPA TION x x 52 54 .,nl / n `• 6 I L_J 1.� 'O I518 3 12 P e r .TR c 1 17 ❑ _. 5 0 I 55 9 .... 6 .. _A.. 71 ❑ I3 I 14 _.__-. 57 4 1 ,IB 70 IS 7 x ° / I OUTLOT D �J x ._._ -..... .-.�_ .t O O s o IV. to r ORS r\ �.� - u ❑ 6.. ''lol 11 I -1••' ' 60 Ir 4 ❑ 7jO �I 7. 6 O12 % ;1 1 020-62062 .. -- �70, e 31 �V o •1 3 -\ 7• 32 , /�1� Ay 4 O ❑ 4 ,360 `! O 75 fA4C4 34 "O 33 k O 31 1 3OO• 27O //,%!T L�I�, Or3� 9 O I11GG Oe'O. 29 J `/^/' '�✓ OUTLOT A �. 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DRAINAGEuR[RM CONT"S 3 I� 4RR•Re1 1W ., LSE l ma LINE i CEIdNE T w. , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: MAY 16, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: SET WORKSHOP TOPIC NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION II ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BYE NONE Committee members are asked to consider a topic for the workshop meeting on the evening of June 2, 1994. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: gjo GENERAL PHYLOSOPHY \t9 P 0 GOAL: " Provide City residents, local businesses, local civic groups and organizations, and local athletic associations with recreational facilities that are safe, of high quality, and appropriate for the intended use and level of play. This shall include facilities that accommodate those residents with disabilities." (5-4) OBJECTIVE: .. redesign or acquire redesigned equipment .. reassignment of parks & recreational services to buildings that are accessible .. provide similar services at alternative sites .. build new facilities and equipment which will offer a service that duplicates the service now available in a facility which is not accessible POLICY STATEMENTS: .. redesign and purchase equipment that meets or exceeds CPSC guidelines receive input from consultant on standards to meet ADA & CSPC obtain cost estimates to bring facilities and equipment up to standard for CPSC and ADA .. evaluate impact of costs to department and city budgets for upgrades identify class A, B, C hazards for safety .. address the class A and Class B hazards as soon as possible address class C hazards in a timely manner upgrade park system to a planned schedule what facilities in many parts of the City will be brought up to standard rather than keying in on any one part of the City put a plan into action to have basic park facility and equipment upgrades completed by January of 1995 .. construct trails and walkways in play areas to create access to facilities and equipment for citizens with disabilities . construct city wide trails and walkways with ramps and access points to allow for ease of use by citizens with disabilities work towards a park system that creates play areas and facilities that may not be totally accessible to citizens with disabilities, but that provide certain stations at each site for use by citizens with disabilities CONNEMARA PARK & SAFETY UPGRADES SAFETY - (Class A and B Hazards) $ 22,333.07 less Twin Puddles Park removal 1,548.38 20,748.69 CONNEMARA - ADA & Safety $ 13,966.00 less Safety included above 2,383.22 11,582.78 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: COMPLETED BY: MAILING INCLUDED: �� ��L�� C� minutes for ( - �l meeting - (Committee) 1�(Date) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for (Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1994 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) ✓ Michael Eliason Dave Giliuson John Howard Linda Ladzun Jeff Moser Jerry Puciaty Tom Reller ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies)* C-affirstisho Lucy Holzer John Loch Del Lorentzen Paul and Lois McKinley Marge Ryan �✓ Deanna Simpson (on both sub -committees) Jim Thommes Parks Staff John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) ✓ Jeff Moser (Parks and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies)* Dan Belting Mike Busho Ed Howard Marie Jensen Loretta Loesch V^ Scott Rynerson V Joel Sutter Parks Staff _ Rick Cook (Parks Supervisor) _✓ Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (5 copies)* Dave Bechtold Rick Cook Lacelle Cordes Nancy Schrupp (as needed, does not include me)* Wendy Willman Parks Staff (1 copy) ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (24 copies) ' City Administrator - Burt (1) Department Heads (5) r of Public Works - Wasmund _fir of Finance -May F're Chief - Aker V Chief of Police - Knutsen / 1,,/Community Center Manager - Jim T. �/ rty Council & Attorney (6) lanning Commission (5) ��Port Authority (7 members, 4 actual copies) _Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) Not till approved OTHER - (1 copy) ffr � o � Rol4 Jacobson, 3647 143rd St W, Rsmt; H:423-2117 # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE -i ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS 3 ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES ��- TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: r-) 0 chk1stpr.94 (Revised 5-04-94) PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: J - 260 - 9 COMPLETED BY: Sri J NVU..UrQ AQ MAILING INCLUDED: minutes for Ma- I1n_ 19�q meeting. (Committee) ( te) - r-- Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for meeting. Additional mailipgs (ex_ 1994,PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) v Michael Eliason Dave Giliuson V John Howard Linda Ladzun Jeff Moser Ce`_ Jerry Puciaty Tom Reller 7- 6y-- °T ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (Xcopies)* K - Bushe (Council Member) Lucy Holzer✓ \ John Locher Del Lorentzen"'U Marge Ryan -�D oth sub -committees) Jim Thommes f l _ n ow d Rec Committee) Jeff MoserVffiarks and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (X copies)* Dan Belting Mike Busho Ed Howard V' Marie Jensen Loretta Loesch V-'- Scott Rynerson Joel Sutter �JA Hea�3impsea-(on both sub -committees Parks Staff Rick Cook (Parks Supervisor) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names (Date) or mmtiptes, handouts, etc.) �C-r N i� 1, Y� r4 i i 110 199 i STAFFMEMBERSTO RECEIVE MAILING - (5 copies)* V _ Dave Bechtoldv-"E-;- cx.`)'L '<\-JL V Rick Cook Lacelle Cordes Nancy Schrupp (as needed, does not include me)* Wendy Willman Parks Staff (1 copy) - lT'\�\_ �-- L` D ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (24 copies) City Administrator - Burt (1) Department Heads (5) Dir of Public Works - Wasmund Lie€-PIn of Finance - May _ Fire Chief - Aker k/l hief of Police - Knutsen Community Center Manager - Jim T. f J City Council & Attorney (Cs) Planning Commission (5) ,'Port Authority (7 members, .4 actual copies) Utility Commission (3) 3 _\,,�Official City Records (1) Not till approved i tJD PP�R1 L_ VvT ) f� OTHER,-(1 copy, Minutes Only!) Ron Jacobson, 3647 143rd St W, Rsmt; H:423-2117 #E OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF EXTRA COPIES -2.- TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: '150 chk1stpr.94 (Revised 5-04-94)