HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994_07_18-PRMMAGENDA CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING DATE: JULY 18, 1994 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 P.M. Note: Tfte Carrolls Woods Meeting is at 6:30 p.m. Mei D1 [711 I. Call Meeting to Order II. Additions to the Agenda III. Approve Minutes of the June 20, 1994, Meeting IV. Audience Input OLD BUSINESS: I. RAAA Update II. Carrolls Woods Update III. Erickson Community Square Update NEW BUSINESS: I. Development Agreement with Kurt Walter -Hanson II. Chairperson's Report III. Director's Report IV. Adjournment PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 18, 1994 APPROVED MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Linda Ladzun, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks and Recreation and Community Center Director; Rick Cook, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor; Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Department Secretary MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeff Moser CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by Dave Giliuson, Chairperson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 20, 1994, MINUTES: MOTION by Linda Ladzun to accept the minutes of the June 20, 1994. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None �a>.�41.iES ...................................... ...................................... ...................................... RAAA UPDATE: Jim Topitzhofer gave an overview of discussions from the last Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. RAAA had requested that an extension to the existing fence of the baseball field at Jaycee Park be added. A grant written during the design of the park allows for a mini -soccer field out in right field of the baseball field. Due to this mini -soccer field, a fence was not extended down the right side of the baseball field. The Parks and Recreation Committee members had stated that a formal written request was needed and they tabled the discussion. Steve Reischauer, RAAA Consultant, presented the Parks and Recreation Committee on July 18, 1994, with a formal written request for the waiver of the grant to allow for the extension of the fence and any costs associated with this fence would be the responsibility of the RAAA Traveling Baseball program. Steve stated that RAAA would like to see this fence extended prior to the 1995 league play. The Parks and Recreation Committee requested that staff investigate whether the grant can be changed and if this would jeopardize chances of receiving grants in the future. Committee Members would like staff to send a letter to the 153rd Street Watch Group (citizens who live near Jaycee Park and are very active in the community) to receive input from them on the issue. Also, Committee Members would like Rick Cook, Building and Grounds Supervisor to measure the field to see if the mini -soccer field could be positioned in the left field instead of the right. John Howard joined the meeting at this time. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING July 18, 1994 Page 2 APPROVED CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Jim Topitzhofer gave an update on Carrolls Woods Sub- committee's goal setting session held on June 28, 1994. A list of the short term and long term goals was achieved. Carrolls Woods Sub -committee did not meet on July 18, 1994. The next meeting will be held on August 15, 1994, at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. III. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE UPDATE: Jim Topitzhofer stated that the Erickson Community Square Sub -committee is preparing a brochure for the brick sale to be held during Leprechaun Days. Jim stated that the Sub -committee has prepared a Draft Phasing Plan in regard to the development of Erickson Community Square. This Phasing Plan consists of a list of projects to be completed, tentative dates, and those responsible for each project. Erickson Community Square Sub -committee members will be attending the Port Authority meeting on July 19, 1994. The Port Authority will be deliberating over the items the sub- committee requested in relation to the adjacent site of Dr. Kurt Walter -Hanson. I. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH DR. KURT WALTER-HANSON: Jim Topitzhofer gave an overview of the five items the Erickson Community Square Sub -committee requested that the Port Authority consider in the proposal, along with the Development Agreement between Dr. Walter -Hanson and the City of Rosemount. Those five items in summary are an eight foot trail to be constructed from Highway 3 to Erickson Community Square; parking space after non - business hours for Erickson Community Square and other City events; owner will be entirely responsible to maintain the site; grading must blend in with grading at Erickson Community Square; and owner must comply with all City Ordinances listed in Chapter 3 - Parks. Jerry Puciaty asked if park dedication would be waived in leu of these five items. Jerry stated that if it is, it should be stated in the proposal. Jim Topitzhofer stated that he believes the five items are in leu of park dedication, however he will check into it. Dr. Kurt Walter -Hanson was present to participate in the discussions. Dr. Walter -Hanson is concerned about liability issues in regard to the use of the trail and the parking lot. Dr. Walter - Hanson would like to see a legal document written up. Linda Ladzun stated that this should be written into the development agreement. Rick Cook stated that the shared parking lot issue is the same as with Camfield Park and the Methodist Church. Linda Ladzun recommended that staff research the agreement the City has with the Methodist Church, as well as discussing the issue with the City Attorney. Dave Giliuson asked Dr. Walter -Hanson if he was in agreement with the five issues. Dr. Walter - Hanson stated that he is. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to recommend to Port Authority the inclusion of the above five items as written in the attached Development Agreement with Dr. Kurt Walter -Hanson pending the explanation of Park Dedication for this property. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING APPROVED July 18, 1994 Page 3 CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT JOHN HOWARD: None JERRY PUCIATY would like an update on the CMC property, tree ordinance, and Birger Pond for the next Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. LINDA LADZUN gave an update on the Community Center Commission meeting. She stated that the Commission Members discussed programming issues. Some of those issues were indoor and outdoor ice skating, senior programs and theater performances. MIKE ELIASON asked if the playground structure at Twin Puddles has been torn down yet. Rick Cook stated that it has not been torn down yet. Rick stated that staff would like to send a letter out to the residents in the area around Twin Puddles to inform them of the reason why the structure will be torn down. Mike asked if the City Council has made any decisions on the Committees and Commissions. Jim Topitzhofer stated that the City Council has not addressed the issue yet. TOM RELLER asked about the acquisition of land for Winds Crossing Park. There is supposed to be three (3) acres added to expand the park and have a parking lot. Jim Topitzhofer stated that staff will research this issue. Tom thanked Jim Topitzhofer for the informal Parks and Recreation Workshop meeting and appreciated Jim taking the time to give the committee a tour of the Community Center. DAVE GILIUSON stated that the next Parks and Recreation Workshop meeting will be held on August 4, 1994, at 7:30 p.m. at the Community Center. The main topic of discussion will be Park Dedication. As time allows, other topics to be discussed will be Park Ordinances and the Liquor Ordinance in regard to parks. Ill. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Jim Topitzhofer gave a brief overview of the City Council's Goal Setting Session. Jim stated that although the City Council has not addressed the issue of the Committees and Commissions, he would like Dave Giliuson and Lee Knutson, Community Center Commission Chairperson, to meet and discuss this issue as well as their committee's/commission's needs. Jim would also like to schedule separate goal setting sessions for the Parks and Recreation Committee, the Community Center Commission, and the City Council. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Linda Ladzun to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Schrupp Recording Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: July 18, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: RAAA Update AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation & Community Center AGENDA NO.: Director 1. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: Steve Reischauer will be present to give an RAAA update. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: July 18, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Carrolls Woods Update I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community AGENDA NO.: Center Director II. ATTACHMENTS: Goal Setting Summary APPROVED BY: Members of the Carrolls Woods Subcommittee will give an update. A goal setting session was conducted on June 28, 1994. A summary is provided. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: GOAL SETTING SESSION FOR CARROLLS WOODS SUMMARY JUNE 28, 1994 Possible Short Term Goals: 1. Identify & mark boundaries (west and south side only). Begin with west side and proceed to south side. 2. Research prospective winter usage and activities. 3. Identify existing funding sources and communicate City budget process to Committee members. 4. Continue buckthorn eradication. Solicit volunteers. Follow identified areas in Master Plan. 5. Clarify trails & develop trail map. 6. Develop vegetation management plan. 7. Complete trail construction between the southwest access and Halloween Trail. Include culvert. 8. Develop and maintain foot path on west side of Schwarz Pond. Possible Long Term Goals: 1. Plan and construct an interpretive center. 2. Develop an outdoor education program. Network with schools. 3. Develop and implement a marketing plan. 4. Initiate a trust fund for Carrolls Woods. 5. Continue buckthorn eradication. 6. Continue trail construction as outlined in Master Plan. Include signage, kiosks, and landscaping on east access. 7. Acquire and develop Kelly Trust Prairie Area. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: July 18, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Erickson Community Square Update AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community AGENDA NO.: Center Director III. ATTACHMENTS: Letter to Port Authority, First Draft of Phasing Plan, APPROVED BY: Erickson Square Concept Plan Review Members of the Erickson Community Square Subcommittee will give an update. The sub -committee presented a design plan review of Erickson Community Square to the Planning Commission on June 28, 1994. The Planning Commission approved the design plan review which is attached. The sub -committee then met on July 14, 1994, to discuss the relationship of Erickson Community Square with the adjacent proposed site of Dr. Kurt Walter -Hanson. A letter was sent to the Port Authority (the owners of the land which Dr. Walter -Hanson wishes to locate his business), explaining the desires of Erickson Community Square Sub - Committee in relation to the adjoining park. This letter is attached. A representative from Dr. Walter-Hanson's architectural firm was present at the meeting. A phasing plan was roughed out at the meeting. This plan is attached. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: MEMORANDUM DATE: July 12, 1994 TO: Port Authority Commissioners From: Erickson Square Sub -Committee Subject: Requests to consider with Rosemount Professional Building In your consideration of Dr. Walter Hanson's proposal for the Rosemount Professional Building, to be located at the ex - Repairs, Inc. site, there are five items we feel are warranted. Because this project is adjacent to the proposed site of Erickson Community Square, a Rosemount city park, and because Dr. Hanson's proposal calls for the sale of such property for a nominal amount, we suggest the following items for the enhancement of Erickson Community Square: 1) An eight foot asphalt trail should be constructed at the north end of the site, connecting HWY 3 with Erickson Community Square, at the cost of the owner. 2) Parking space on the site should not restrict parking for people who attend Erickson Community Square, or other City events, during non -business hours. We request a summary of Dr. Hanson's proposed business hours before a development agreement is finalized. 3) The owner of the site should be entirely responsible to maintain the site. Snow removal and groundskeeping should be the responsibility of the owner. 4) The grading of the site must blend in with the grading of Erickson Community Square. 5) The owner of the site must comply with all City Ordinances listed in Chapter 3 - PARKS. The owner must take notice and comply at all times with the Lease and Pooper Scooper Ordinance, Chapter 3, Section 4-3-11. This City Ordinance is attached. As residents and business owners, we uphold the above items and believe them to be reasonable and in the best interests of all who reside in the City of Rosemount. Thank you for your consideration. 4-3-10 4-3-14 o'clock (11:00) P.M. on Monday through Saturday, and between twelve o'clock (12:00) P.M. until eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. on Sunday. C. Sale of Liquor in Erickson Park: With the approval of the City Council, a license may be issued for the sale of 3.2% malt liquor only in Erickson Park, with the exception of the Erickson Community Square Area, during the hours for possession and consumption, authorized by 4-3-10 B above. If a license is issued, it must be posted in a conspicuous place in the premisses selling the 3.2% malt liquor. 4-3-11: ANIMALS:' A. Proper Restraint. A dog or cat is considered to be under restraint on City Park property only when it is controlled with the use of a leash no longer than ten feet (10') or when it is under voice or signal command in the exercise areas designated by the City. B. Feces Removal. All persons in control of an animal on City Park property shall have in his/her possession at all times apparatus which can be used for cleaning up feces and/or a bag for proper disposal of feces. The person in control of an animal is responsible for picking up his/her animal's feces and disposing of it properly. C. Proper Control. No person shall permit a dog or other animal to disturb, harass or interfere with or endanger any visitor or visitor's property. No person shall tether and leave unattended any dog or animal to a tree, plant, building or City Park equipment. D. Special Events. No animals under human control shall be allowed on the Carrolls Woods trails during the Rosemount Parks and Recreation sponsored Halloween Haunted Woods event, except lead dogs for the sight impaired persons. 4-3-12: GOLF: No person shall play the game of golf or engage in putting, practice swinging or the striking of any golf balls in any City Park. 4-3-13: RESTROOMS: Every person shall cooperate in maintaining restrooms, washrooms and other sanitation facilities in a neat, orderly and sanitary condition. No person shall use the restrooms and washrooms designed and designated for members of the opposite sex, except for children who may be accompanied by an adult when deemed appropriate. 4-3-14: PUBLIC SALES: No person shall expose or offer for sale, rent or hire any article or thing or conduct any commercial enterprise within a City Park unless that person has obtained a 1 Further details of the animal ordinance are contained in Title 7, Chapter 4 of this code. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE PHASING PLAN JULY 12, 1994 DRAFT This first draft of the phasing plan for Erickson Community Square is incomplete and should be revised as we move along in the process. 1 . Approve concept plan review June 28, 1994 Planning Commission 2. Address issues with adjacent site July 19 Port Authority and approve this site plan and conveyance of land. 3. Complete construction documents July 22 Chuck Novak 4. Recruit Construction Project Manager July 22 John Loch, Chuck Novak and Structural Engineer 5. Request waiver of utility hookup August 8 John Howard 6. Approve hiring of Project Manager and August 11 Erickson Community Square Committee Structural Engineer 7. Complete grading of amphlitheater and Fall, 1994 Staff fill from 145th street 8. Prepare itemized estimate of costs Project Manager and Staff including materials, labor, utility coordination, grading, and engineering. 9. Prepare itemized estimate of revenues Project Manager and Staff including work which can be donated. 10. Approve PUD review, includes details, Planning Commission landscape plan, drainage plan, parking plan, relocation of utilities, and building plan. 1 1 . Conduct public hearing, final approval, City Council includes construction plan and financial plan. J I City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action Planning Commission Meeting Date: .Tune 28, 1994 Agenda Item: Erickson Community Square: Concept Agenda Section: Plan Review I NEW BUSINESS Prepared By: Richard Pearson I Agenda No.: Assistant Planner ITEM NO. 6a. Attachments: Multi -purpose Park Building and Master I Approved By: Plan for Erickson Park The Erickson Community Square Subcommittee along with Jim Topitzhofer and the Parks and Recreation Committee are requesting concept review for the proposed improvements at Erickson Park adjacent to City Hall. The focus of the project is the 3,350 square foot park pavilion that will be open year round. The building contains concessions, a large "great room" and restrooms. Plans also show two roofed patio areas connecting to paved exterior patio areas. The facility can be available for ceremonies, private events, or programmed activities. The structure will provide warming space for the existing hockey rinks in addition to fair weather activities. The plan also includes an amphitheater with room for up to 400 spectators. Outdoor concerts and events are anticipated. The phasing plan has yet to be determined, however, it has been hoped that the building could be completed within one year. The committees have been working diligently on this project for over four years. As the plan evolves and further details are refined, issues will be identified for review. Ultimately, the final development plan will be approved by the City Council after a public hearing with opportunity for further input from the Planning Commission. Recommended Action: A MOTION to recommend to City Council approval of the Erickson Community Square Concept Plan as presented. Planning Commission Action: 6-14-94.06a vv u PED ED ARK B,�- D-NG ED 13D il -EN-CK� ONJ A K rr7-� RO rI� N Vv Irf 2 GINNY CHRISTIANSEN LANDSCAPE DESIGNER L� PROPOSED NEW OFFICE BUILDING OFFICE BUILDING W Z �o w F- TRACTOR SALES 19 AMPHI' 9� 95� ❑ YES PATI Ma LANDSCAPED GARDENS 'tzarr; ,ae�E om. EXISTING HOCKEY RINK aM ammew"Jo w awn ws.m awrm went AM.MC r n we r •amnsc ro "~T+ To ro r oavoo .Gvaum co c lz _ L� IJ I I I HI HI EXISTING CITY PARKING LOT 1 V V l i 0 co W Q V Ab Q W a z 0 j OD W J Q U 0 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF OVER RIGID INSULATION, 2x VOIID 1)ECK;14G AND LAMINATED VOM BEAMS AND PURLINS, WITH ALL EXPOSED WOOD TO HAVE A STAIN FINISH HOLLOW METAL DOOR AND FRAME W/ DJSUL GLASS 2x6 FRAME WALL WITH PANEL BRICK ON THE EXTERIOR, FULL THICK BATT 24SLJL V/ VAPOR BARRIER AND Ix VEE GROOVED CAR SIDING ON INTERIOR HOLLOW METAL FRAMED WINDOW V/ INSULATING GLASS 12' DIAMETER REINFORCED CONCRETE COLUMN 2x6 FRAME WALL WITH OSB PANELS ON THE EXTERIOR, V INSUL. GLASS CLERESTORY WINDOWS IN SITE BUILT WOOD FRAMES AND 1/2' GYP, DW. TAPED, SANDED AND PAINTED ON THE INTERIOR STANI)M SEAM METAL ROOF OVER RIGID INSUL VEM DECKING AND WOOD BEAMS, WITH ALL EXPOSED / WOOD STAINED -7 TNRU SECTION I/A-1 SCALE 1/8' = 1'-0' STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF OVER RIGID INSUUTDDN WITH A PLYWOOD CAP ON PLYWOOD SWATHING AND WOOD TRUSSES ROOF FASCIA TO BE Ix6 TLG CEDAR CAR SIDING WITH A VEE- GROOVED EDGE AND A STAIN FINISH 19/32' OSB WOOD PANELS OVER VAPOR iARRIER AND »Ai STUDS AT IC' ❑/C. PAINT PANELS VITH ONE COAT OF EXTERIOR LATEX PAINT, PROVIDE FU L THICK FABERGLAS BATT INSUL. WITH VAPOR BARRIER BETWEEN THE STUDS AND I/2' GYPSUM DRYVALL FIRETAPED. MECHANICAL EQUIP, AREA iU VOM ACCENT FASCIA TO BE THE SAME AS THE ROOF FASCIA 12' DIAMETER REINFII2CED CONCRETE COLUMN PANEL BRICK OVER 2x6 FRAME WALLS OF SIMILAR C12NSTRLJCTMN AS INDICATED ABOVE MEWS TOILET HOLLOW METAL DOOR AND FRAME ERICKSON PARK PLANT MATERIAL LIST BUILDING AREA A. Sign 3 Dwarf Mugho Pine 10 Meadow Sage (Purple) 15 Wooly Yarrow 10 Short Maltese Cross Berm and Sign - Possible Short Keystone Walls B: South Approach 3 River Birch Clumps 1 Black Chokeberry 3 Fountain Grass 6 "Red Baron" Japanese Grass 1 Silver Grass 6 Blue -Eyed Grass 60 Dwarf Fleeceflower (Option: Goblin Gaillardia) 1 Boulder C: Entrances 2 "Annual" Concrete Bowls at Each Entrance D. East 2 "Brandon" Arborvitae 6' BB 3 "Yaku Princess" Rhododendron E. North and East Foy: elation 20 "Prof Kippenberg" Asters 6 Japanese Yew (Option: Walkway to Main Path - 45 Black -Eyed Susan) 15 Maidenhair Fern 2 "Spicy Lights" Azalea 3 "Blue Boy" Mini Lilac F. West - Parallel to Patio 3 Autumn Blaze Pear (Ornamental) (Option: Blue Beech) 100 Dragon's Blood Sedum (Suggestion: Tulips and Windflowers in Spring) G. Amphitheater (Future) Path Rim Yarrow and Blue -Eyed Grass (Option: Shrubs - Hardy Rose or Mini Lilac) H. Hockey Rink - Hill 2 Scotch Pine 4 Amur Maple Trees Hockey Rink - Approach 4 Silver Grass I. Southeast Bed 2 Douglas Fir - 10' BB 7 Husker Red Pentstemon 4 Bergenia 3 Silver Grass 15 "Autumn Joy" Sedum 8 Siberian Iris 1 Blue "Dune" Grass J. West Island (2 - 8' x 8' Squares) 2 Green Spire Lindens (Option: Amur Cherry) 40 Scotch Bluebells (Campanula) (Suggestion: Dahlberg Daisy Annual Interplanted) (Suggestion: Daffodils in Spring) K. Grass Area - Trees 1 "Red Jade" Crabapple 2 Skyline Honey Locust 1 Red Maple OUTER GROUNDS - PARK L. Community Brick Sitting Area (Next to Building Patio) 2 American Linden 4 Russian Sage 6 Huskers Red Pentstemon 12 "Blue Mirrors" Delphinium (Bench and Ornament - Possibly Fountain) M. Path Convergence 5 Russian Sage 3 All That Jazz or Scarlet Meidiland Roses N. Drainage Ditch Designed as Stream Bed with Iris, Daylilies and Ornamental Grasses (26) and Blue Arctic Willow Shrubs Suggestions Future Amphitheater Backdrop Austrian Pine Bayberry Hedge Along Prairie Path to Baseball Field Yarrow Butterfly Weed Lupine O. Bike Path Adjacent to New Office Building 4 Japanese Lilac Trees (Option: 4 Crabapple) P. Upper Boulevard Adjacent to Highway 3 3 Imperial or Skyline Honey Locust Q. West Side of Park Adjacent to New Parking Lot 3 Amur Maple R. North End City Parking Lot 3 Red (Rubrum) Maple S. South End of Landscape Garden 6 Techney Arborvitae CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: July 18, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Development Agreement with Dr. Kurt Walter -Hanson I AGENDA SECTION: New Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community AGENDA NO.: Center Director 1. ATTACHMENTS: Draft of Development Agreement with Dr. Kurt Walter- APPROVED BY: Hanson Upon receipt of a letter sent by Erickson Community Square Sub -Committee to the Port Authority about the desires relationship between Erickson Community Square and the adjacent proposed site of Dr. Walter -Hanson. John Miller, Economic Development Director, completed a draft of a development agreement for the proposed site. This development agreement contains five items which Erickson Community Square Sub -Committee requested the Port Authority to consider in the proposal. These items are: 1) An eight foot asphalt trail should be constructed at the north end of the site, connecting HWY 3 with Erickson Community Square, at the cost of the owner. 2) Parking space on the site should not restrict parking for people who attend Erickson Community Square, or other City events, during non -business hours. We request a summary of Dr. Hanson's proposed business hours before a development agreement is finalized. 3) The owner of the site should be entirely responsible to maintain the site. Snow removal and groundskeeping should be the responsibility of the owner. 4) The grading of the site must blend in with the grading of Erickson Community Square. 5) The owner of the site must comply with all City Ordinances listed in Chapter 3 - PARKS. The owner must take notice and comply at all times with the Lease and Pooper Scooper Ordinance, Chapter 3, Section 4-3-1 1 . This City Ordinance is attached. Dr. Walter -Hanson has been invited to attend our meeting tonight to discuss the above items. The Port Authority will deliberate over the development agreement on Tuesday, July 19, 5:15 p.m., at City Hall. All members of the Parks & Recreation Committee and the Erickson Community Square Sub -Committee are encourage to attend. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend to Port Authority the inclusion of the above items as written in the attached Development Agreement with Dr. Kurt Walter -Hanson. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: COMMITMENUDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, dated day of , 1994, is between the City of Rosemount Port Authority, a Minnesota public corporation, the ("RPA") and Dr. Kurt Walter -Hansen and Patricia Ann Walter, 14670 South Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN, the ("Developer") RECITALS • The RPA owns certain property (the "Property") within the corporate City limits of the City of Rosemount, a description of which is attached as Exhibit A. • The RPA is desirous of causing the Property to be developed in a manner consistent with the City of Rosemount's downtown business community. • Developer has submitted a proposal and specifications for construction of a combination veterinary clinic and office building, (the "Building"), a description of which is attached as Exhibit B. • At its regular meeting of May 18, 1994, the RPA determined that it would provide the Property to Developer for purposes of constructing the Building under the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the RPA and Developer agree as follows: 1. THE RPA' S RESPONSIBILITIES. In consideration of Developer's construction and operation of the Building, the RPA shall fulfill the following responsibilities: A. Conveyance of Port Authority Property. Convey by quit claim deed for the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), the property described in Exhibit A. The conveyance shall be made at such time as the Developer provides the RPA with evidence that he has firm and adequate financing for the Building and the Developer has entered into this Development Agreement satisfactory to the City of Rosemount Port Authority. B. Conveyance of City of Rosemount Property. Convey by quit claim deed for the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), the property described in Exhibit C for purposes of Developer's construction of parking spaces and a driveway. Conveyance shall be as described in paragraph A. C. Tax Increment Financing. Provide to Developer, any tax increment revenues actually resulting from Developer's construction and operation of the Building on the Property. Such tax increment revenues shall only be due to Developer after their receipt by the RPA and shall be subject to a ten percent (10 %) administrative fee to be subtracted from such revenues for the benefit of the RPA, as permitted by Minnesota Statutes. 2. DEVELOPER'S RESPONSIBILITIES. In consideration of the RPA' s provision of the Property, and the easement tax increment revenues as described in paragraph 1, Developer shall fulfill the following responsibilities: A. Building Construction. Construct and operate a combination veterinary clinic and office building on the Property described in Exhibit A. The building shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications set forth in Exhibit B, and, at a minimum, shall have a face -brick exterior and a gross floor area of not less than 8000 square feet. B. Site Grading. Developer shall assure that the Property is graded in such a way as to be compatible with the topography and elevations of the City of Rosemount's Erickson Community Square Park. C. Construction of Trail or Sidewalk. Developer shall cause a pedestrian trail or sidewalk to be constructed between the northern most parking lot on the Property and the Erickson Community Square Park. D. Parking Easement. Developer shall provide the RPA and the City of Rosemount with a permanent parking easement which will authorize visitors to the Erickson Community Square Park to use any and all parking on the Property during any hours other than 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday of each week. This easement shall be provided to the RPA and the City by not later than completion of the parking areas on the Property. E. Burial of Utility Lines. Developer shall cause all electrical utility lines on the south side of the Property to be buried. N F. Commencement of Construction. Subject to the issuance of necessary building and other City of Rosemount permits, Developer shall commence site preparation and construction of the Building by not later than September 1, 1994. G. Completion Date. Developer shall substantially complete the Building, parking area and landscaping of the Property by not later than July 1, 1995. H. Compliance with Codes and Ordinances. Developer shall develop the Property and construct the Building in accordance with all City of Rosemount codes, ordinances and rules, including site plan approval required by the City of Rosemount Planning Commission. I. Development Costs. Any and all costs associated with Developer's construction of the Building and development of the Property, including, but not limited to, Building permit fees, water, sewer, storm sewer, plan review and any other fees shall be the sole responsibility of the Developer. 3. FAILURE TO PERFORM. In the event that the Developer fails to completely fulfill any and all responsibilities set forth in this Agreement, particularly including the development time lines set forth in paragraph 2 (F) and (G), then the Developer, upon receipt of notice of his failure to perform from the RPA, shall relinquish any and all further rights to the Property and the Building. Should such failure to perform and notice from the RPA occur after the RPA has fulfilled its responsibilities under paragraph 1 of this Agreement, Developer shall convey by quit claim deed to the RPA, for the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) any property previously conveyed to the Developer under the terms of this Agreement. Additionally, in the event of Developer's failure to perform and the RDA's provision of written notice, Developer relinquishes all rights and recourse regarding any fees, expenses or other charges incurred by the Developer in pursuit of the construction of the building and development of the Property. 3 4. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS. A. Amendments. This Agreement may only be amended with the express written consent of both parties. B. Assignment. Neither party may assign any of its responsibilities or interest in this Agreement to a third party without the express written consent of the other party. C. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective on the date first above written and shall remain in effect until all responsibilities of both parties have been fulfilled. D. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. WHEREUPON, the RPA and Developer have executed this Agreement, intending to be bound thereby. RPA: DEVELOPER: By: Kevin Carroll Its Chairperson 0 Thomas Burt Its Executive Director 0 Kurt Walter -Hansen Patricia Ann Walter PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: - - CO COMPLETED BY:� C1, Ll i�t MAILING INCLUDED:minutes for l r,maeiiog 4 � (Committee) (Date) V Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for -7- I IB ci cI meeting (Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1994 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) ✓ ichael Eliason Dave Giliuson John Howard Linda Ladzun Jeff Moser Jerry Puciaty Tom Reller ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies)* hb (Council Member) UtlJ)A MOA Lucy Holzer ✓ John Loch Del Lorentzen�iU��� Marge Ryan Deanna Simpson (on both sub -committees) ✓ Jim Thommes L ' Parks Staff John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) Jeff Moser (Parks and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies)* ✓ Dan Belting ✓ Mike Busho Ed Howard Marie Jensen MAVT F 5 Loretta Loesch Scott Rynerson ✓ Joel Sutter Deann unison (on both sub -committees) Parks Staff _ Rick Cook (Parks Supervisor) Dave Giliuson (Parks and Rec Committee) Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (5 copies)* Dana -Brodt AZ— Rick Cook v,-' Lacelle Cordes Lisa Jost r..Moe- Nancy Schrupp (as needed, does not include me)* Jim Topitzhofer Wendy Willmm Parks Staff (1 copy) ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (24 copies) City Administrator - Burt (1) Department Heads (5) Dir of Public Works - Osmundson Dir of Planning - Wasmund Dir of Finance - May Fire Chief - Aker Chief of Police - Knutsen City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7 members, 4 actual copies) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) Not till approved OTHER - (1 copy, Minutes Only!) \/' Ron Jacobson, 3647 143rd St W, Rsmt; H:423-2117 # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE T ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE `7 m,N CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE ``I mi N STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF Z q PACKET EXTRA COPIES 6 AµWET TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: chklstnr.94 (Revised 7-I1-94)