HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994_08_15-PRMMAGENDA CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING DATE: AUGUST 15, 1994 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 P.M. Note. The CarroAs Woods Meeting is at 6.30 p.m. AGENDA: I. Call Meeting to Order II. Additions to the Agenda III. Approve Minutes of the July 18, 1994, Meeting IV. Audience Input OLD BUSINESS: I. RAAA Update II. Carrolls Woods Update III. Erickson Community Square Update IV. CMC Update NEW BUSINESS: I. Dodd Road Trail Extension II. RAP Grants III. Chairperson's Report IV. Director's Report V. Adjournment PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 15, 1994 APPROVED MEMBERS PRESENT: Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Linda Ladzun, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director; Rick Cook, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor; Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Programmer; Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary Aide MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Eliason, Jeff Moser CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:46 p.m. by Dave Giliuson, Chairperson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Under New Business, insert as Roman Numeral III — Strese/Burkhalter Property. Chairperson's Report becomes Roman Numeral IV, Director's Report becomes Roman Numeral V. APPROVAL OF THE JULY 18, 1994, MINUTES: An addition to the minutes will be after the Old Business, RAAA Update. John Howard joined the meeting. MOTION by Tom Reller to accept the minutes of July 18, 1994, with the above addition. SECOND by Dave Giliuson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. I. RAAA UPDATE: Tom Neumann and Steve Reischauer were not present to give an update. Jim Topitzhofer gave an update on the status of the request for a fence on the right side of the baseball field at Jaycee Park. Lacelle Cordes has contacted the administrators of the Outdoor Recreation Grant and they will look into the request after they complete their annual review of current grant proposals. Tom Neumann in discussion with Dave Giliuson had requested that staff persons be present at the monthly RAAA meetings. Jim Topitzhofer informed the Parks and Recreation Committee that Lisa Jost is the staff member that will be attending the RAAA meetings. II. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Mike Busho was present to give an update. Mike gave an overview of some short-term goals that the sub -committee has set. In summary, they are as follows. • The status of marking the boundaries on the south and west side — wood posts have been placed on the west side, Building and Grounds Department has not started on the south side yet. • Mailboxes to be moved from southwest entrance — developer has been contacted twice. • Research winter uses. • Identify existing funding sources. • Continue with buckthorn cutting and eradication — looking at starting buckthorn cutting in November. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING August 15, 1994 Page 2 APPROVED Clarify trails - develop a topographic map and have completed by September meeting, per a request from a Rosemount resident requesting to see a map showing where the trails would be. Rick Cook clarified that the first 100 feet of the southwest trail entrance will be installed next month. This trail runs between two houses. A few Rosemount residents living around Carrolls Woods were present at the meeting. Discussions were held regarding a concern with the type and size of trail being put in. Other comments made were to allow mountain biking and cross country skiing in Carrolls Woods. Jerry Puciaty gave his comments on five issues relating to a citizen's concerns about Carrolls Woods to the Carrolls Woods Sub -committee. They are as follows. Renaming of Carrolls Woods. Jerry stated that he is against this because this area was given as park and should ramain a park with free and open access to the residents. Moving Haunted Woods Event. Jerry stated that he is against this as well as the Haunted Woods has become a Rosemount tradition which brings the community together and creates fellowship and a safe place for the people to come on Halloween. 3. Main Trails. Jerry stated that the main trails should be hard surfaced to allow free access to the park for all residents, including those which are handicapped. Jerry commented that even "unruly people" still have a right to the park. 4. Trail Width. Jerry believes eight foot main trails should specify "for ease of access". Dead Material in Woods. Jerry commented that perhaps a representative from Dakota County or State DNR should give us a reading. Ed Howard, sub -committee member, explained that some of these same issues were addressed previously and the sub -committee is in accordance with the Master Plan. Carrolls Woods Sub -committee members would like suggestions from the Parks and Recreation Committee on how work in Carrolls Woods can be better communicated to residents. Mike Busho stated that possibly a monthly update could be published in the papers. Parks and Recreation Committee members agreed. III. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE UPDATE: Jim Topitzhofer and John Howard gave an update. Progress has been made on the Dr. Kurt Walter -Hanson site. The Parks and Recreation Committee at their last Workshop meeting on August 4, 1994, made a motion to recommend to the City Council that park dedication be received for the Dr. Kurt Walter -Hanson site in the form of trail and parking lot construction. John Howard had attended the Utility Commission meeting on August 8, 1994, to request a waiver of Sewer Availability Charges (SAC), Water Availability Charges (WAC), and Storm Sewer Availability Charges (STAC). The request was tabled and the Utility Commission requested that the waiver be officially requested by the Parks and Recreation Committee. Jim Topizthofer had drafted a letter to Bud Osmundson, Public Works Director, to be presented at the next Utility Commission meeting. MOTION by John Howard to send the letter as drafted to the Utility Commission requesting waiver of the SAC, WAC and STAC charges for Erickson Community Square. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING August 15, 1994 Page 3 APPROVED Discussions were held regarding the electrical hook-up for Erickson Community Square and having it done along with Dr. Kurt Walter -Hanson. MOTION by John Howard to have the electrical hook-up for Erickson Community Square be done with Dr. Kurt Walter -Hanson if approved by the Utility Commission. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. IV. CIVIC UPDATE: Jim Topitzhofer gave an overview and explained that copies of the minutes and packet information from the Parks and Recreation Committee dated January 1993 and May 1994, along with the City Council packet information from the meeting dated June 21, 1994, had been included in the committee's packets. Committee members briefly discussed the issues. Jim Topitzhofer recommended that if CIVIC does not receive approval to remove the railroad spur and they have to redesign the plat, this would be an opportunity for the Parks and Recreation Committee to relocate the park. ............... - ...................... lU`''S4J .INESS ....................................... ........................................ ...................................... I. DODD ROAD TRAIL EXTENSION: Jim Topitzhofer explained that a resident living on Delft Avenue inquired about the possibility of constructing a trail that extends from County Road 42 to Dodd Boulevard. Jim stated that the master plan calls for the future construction of a trail along Dodd Boulevard connecting to the trail on County Road 42. The trail was not completed because of the future construction of Dodd Boulevard. The resident would like to see a trail put in so that residents may walk from Delft Street to Our Saviors Lutheran Church. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to investigate the construction of a trail extension from the east end of Dodd Boulevard to the trail located on the north side of County Road 42 near the intersection of Diamond Path Boulevard and County Road 42, and to proceed with the approval process. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. RAP GRANTS: Jim Topitzhofer discussed the RAP (Rosemount Activities Program) Grant and the intentions of it. A Proposal Abstract was included in the packet information for the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting of August 15, 1994, which explains the objectives, agencies involved and the cost. Jim Topizthofer stated that the grant will be reviewed and decisions made in October. Jerry Puciaty commended Jim Topitzhofer and those involved for taking the opportunity to go ahead with this project. III. STRESE/BURKHALTER PROPERTY: Lacelle Cordes and Jim Topitzhofer had received the preliminary plat for the Shannon -Meadows Addition on this property. An overhead of the map was displayed. An overview of the area was given and Lacelle Cordes recommended the Parks and Recreation Committee to accept the cash dedication for the Strese/Burkhalter Property (Shannon -Meadows Addition) in the amount of $16,800 if platted in lots of 30 or $16,240 if platted in lots of 29. Discussions regarding the adjoining property and whether additional park land was needed were discussed. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to accept the cash dedication for the Strese/Burkhalter Property (Shannon -Meadows Addition) in the amount of $16,800 if platted in lots of 30 or $16,240 if platted in lots of 29. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING APPROVED August 15, 1994 Page 4 IV. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: JERRY PUCIATY: None TOM RELLER: None LINDA LADZUN would like staff to investigate/research recycled material used for playground equipment versus what Rosemount has now in the parks. JOHN HOWARD commented that he would like to see Erickson Community Square information be put in the paper as well as Carrolls Woods. DAVE GILIUSON commented that he will be meeting with Jim Topitzhofer and Lee Knutson, Community Center Commission Chairperson on Thursday, August 18, 1994, if any committee members have any issues or concerns to please let him know. The next Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop Meeting will be held on September 1, 1994. The topic of discussion will be the City Codes in relation to the Parks (2-2-4, Section A&B). Dave Giliuson will not be able to attend the next Parks and Recreation Committee meeting on September 19, 1994. V. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Jim Topitzhofer stated that staff is still working on getting updates on the tree ordinances, and the update requested on the Winds Crossing expansion will be available at the next meeting. Jim gave an update on Birger Pond. The water level has been high and the city has been pumping water out. A resident living near Birger Pond have raised concerns regarding the easement road and the future road designated to go around the pond. Jim will be responding to the resident's concern. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Linda Ladzun to adjourn the meeting at 9:37 p.m. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Schrupp Recording Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: August 15, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: RAAA Update AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation & Community Center AGENDA NO.: Director 1. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: Steve Reischauer or Tom Neumann may be present to give an RAAA update. Dave Giliuson has been approached by Tom Neumann of RAAA to request a staff persons presence at the monthly RAAA meetings. Lisa Jost has been assigned to regular RAAA meetings and will represent our Department. Lacelle Cordes has contacted the administrators of the Outdoor Recreation Grant, regarding the possibility of constructing a fence on the right side of the baseball field at Jaycee Park. The grant administrators indicated they will look into the request after they complete their annual review of current grant proposals. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: August 15, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Carrolls Woods Update I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community AGENDA NO.: Center Director II. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: The Carrolls Woods Committee was postponed in July due to the goal setting session. Since then, I have been approached by Ron Jacobson regarding his concerns with the development of Carrolls Woods. I have listed these concerns below. • Dead Logs and other bushes should not be removed from Carrolls Woods because they provide food for mushrooms and other species. • Funds should be requested from USPCI for the purchase of trail maintenance equipment which would enable the City to maintain 6 foot trails, instead of 8 foot trails or wider. Mr. Jacobson would like the width of the trails revised. • The proposed trail construction from the Southwest access to Halloween Trail encourages the access to "unruly" people which pose a threat to neighboring households. • The material of this proposed trail should accommodate soft soled shoes (moccasins), instead of using aggregate material. • The Haunted Woods special event should be moved to another location because Carrolls Woods poses a fire threat to participants. "This event has become too commercial." • The name 'Carrolls Woods' should be changed to "Carrolls Woods Nature Center." Mr. Jacobson has requested that his wife or son be invited to the Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee Meetings. I have invited Mr. Jacobson to speak about his concerns with the Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee prior to our meeting. A member of the sub -committee will report recommended action to Ron Jacobson's concerns. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None. Respond to Mr. Jacobson's concerns. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: August 15, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Erickson Community Square Update AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community AGENDA NO.: Center Director III. ATTACHMENTS: Letter to Utility Commission requesting waiver of Sewer APPROVED BY: Availability Charges, Water Availability Charges, and Storm Sewer Availability Charges, for Erickson Community Square. Members of the Erickson Community Square Subcommittee will give an update. Brick sales were conducted at Leprechaun Days. A motion was passed, at the workshop meeting on August 4, 1994, recommending to City Council that park dedication be received for the Dr. Kurt Walter -Hanson site in the form of trail and parking lot construction. Members present at the workshop identified a greater value to trail and parking lot construction than the $1,100 park dedication which would otherwise be received in the form of cash. Fill has been received at the Erickson Community Square site from 145th Street Construction. A permit for initial grading will be obtained in the near future. The burial of power utilities will be coordinated with the burial of utilities for the Dr. Kurt Walter -Hanson site in early fall. John Howard attended the Utility Commission on August 8 to request waiver of Sewer Availability Charges, Water Availability Charges, and Storm Sewer Availability Charges. John's request was tabled because of the Utility Commission preferred to have the Parks & Recreation Committee officially request this waiver. For this reason, I have attached a letter of formal request which pending your approval will be submitted to the Utility Commission and acted upon at their next meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to send a letter to the Utility Commission requesting waiver of Sewer Availability Charges, Water Availability Charges, and Storm Sewer Availability Charges, for Erickson Community Square. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOU NT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! August 15, 1994 Bud Osmundson Public Works Director City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Osmundson, CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 Phone: 612-423-4411 Fax: 612-423-5203 On behalf of the Parks & Recreation Committee, please accept this letter as a formal request for waiver of Sewer Availability Charges, Water Availability Charges, and Storm Sewer Availability Charges, for Erickson Community Square. Many long hours of volunteer effort have contributed to the dream of creating Erickson Community Square. We have received a positive response from our community in the form of volunteer commitments and cash. It is our hope to build Erickson Community Square with minimal tax impact. For this reason, we need your blessing in our request to waive STAC, WAC, and SAC for the proposed site. Please submit this letter of request to the Utility Commission for consideration at their regular meeting on September 12, 1994. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jim Topitzhofer Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director Printed on recycled paper containing 30% post -consumer materiah. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: August 15, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: CMC Update I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community AGENDA NO.: Center Director. IV. ATTACHMENTS: Background information APPROVED BY: An update on the CMC Development Project was presented at the workshop meeting on August 4, 1994. There was dissatisfaction expressed at the workshop pertaining to the location of the mini -park included in the site plan for CMC. The history around the CMC Development Property dates back to January 18, 1993, where members of the Parks and Recreation Committee rejected the request from CMC to utilize park dedication for the exclusive use of the residents of the CMC site. More than year later on May 19, 1994, a motion was passed by the Parks and Recreation Committee to accept the land dedication in the amount of 2.4 acres for the development of a mini -park with the remaining dedication balance to be taken as cash. The park is to be constructed during the first phase of the development with access to the park made available at that time. This motion further addressed trail criteria for the site. I have attached minutes from these meetings with this summary. City Council approved the preliminary plat for CMC Development Property on June 21, 1994. According to legal counsel for the City, once a preliminary plat is passed by City Council, the plat is difficult to change and opens the City to a legal problems if attempted. If the developer returns to City Council to request a change in the plat, an opportunity may exist for the City to request other changes such as the location of the min -park. This possibility could happen if the railroad spur cannot be removed. In this case, CMC will have to submit a new plat to City Council. Furthermore, because CMC is interested in tax increment, the City is in a better position to negotiate at a future point. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, information only. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: PARRS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 18, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Rynerson, Deanna Simpson, Linda Ladzun, John Howard, Dave Giliuson, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director; Lisa Jost, Assistant Director; Rick Cook, Parks Supervisor MEMBERS ABSENT: None CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7:40 p.m. by chairperson Tom Reller. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None APPROVAL OF THE DECEMBER 21, 1992 MINUTES: MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to accept the minutes of December 21, 1992 meeting as printed. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. I. RAAA UPDATE: Terry Langager, Vice President of the RAAA Board, represented RAAA this evening to give an update to the committee members. The RAAA Board of Directors is hosting a workshop on sexual abuse. They feel that as an association it is important to address this issue and present it to the coaches. He extended an invitation to any members of the committee that would like attend the presentation at Scott Highlands on February 8. RAAA has been working with the Director and Assistant Director regarding summer programs. There will be a one site sign up for track, softball, and baseball. This is experimental this year. They are working with Dave to schedule ballfields. Sign up for the soccer program will be later in the year. The in-house and traveling soccer program donated $750 each for a total of $1500 toward the soccer program for the park department. This will be put in the donation account. Thank you notes were sent to each of those directors. II. CMC DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY: Reed Hanson, legal council for the CMC, represented the company this evening. He introduced Wayne Delfino, Joe Hollett, and Peter Pfister, three of the principals and planners for the CMC project. They presented a brief background of the 103 and 226 acre developments they propose. He also stated that because of the parks close proximity to downtown Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting January 18, 1993 Page 2 CMC will be asking the Parks Committee and City Council to allow its parks dedication fees to be used to enhance the park in the 103 acre development. Also, because the cost of development of the park may exceed the park dedication fees from the 103 acre site, CMC is requesting that they be able to use some of the park fees that would come from the 226 acre site for this. Joe Hollett, Director of Construction for CMC Heartland Partners, presented a brief background on the development sites. Both development sites will be single family residential dwellings. There will be two sites, one of 103 acres with approximately 255 units, and another under option of 226 acres with approximately 665 units a bit further to the east of the same type of homes. He then introduced Peter Pfister. Peter Pfister, Architectural Planner, stated that one of the first things they looked at with the park in the 103 acre development was its proximity in relation to other parks in the area. The park will be located approximately central to the development. It will be a park that primarily serves the neighborhood, but will be set up to connect and help support the rest of the park system as well. He then gave a broad overview of the design of the development in relation to the park and its access roads. He introduced several options included in the park such as a tot lot area with a minimum of play equipment, a possible small wading pool, an open space to the east for frisbee, etc. or potentially a skating rink in the winter time. On the north side there would be an area for older children or adults such as volleyball type activities. Also part of the proposal is to have the addition of a small building for two primary reasons. One being to reinforce this as a central focal point of the development, and secondly to extend the utility and use of this park in both the summer and winter. It would be primarily one space with restroom facilities, and potentially a small kitchen area. There would only be a small parking area due to the fact that the users of the park would be local residents of the development. Through questioning by the committee members it was determined by Mr. Pfister that the park would be a 2 acre mini -park. Deanna then reviewed what the Park Master Plan reads regarding a minipark. A concern was expressed regarding the appropriateness of a shelter in the minipark setting. Wayne Delfino added that it would be a low maintenance building with concrete floors, garage type doors that would be open in the summer. In the winter the doors could be closed and the fireplace used. Picnic tables would be scattered about inside with no refrigeration or heating. It was reiterated by Mr. Pfister that the main purpose of the presentation tonight was to begin a dialogue regarding using the dedication from both developments to start the minipark in the 103 acre development. Dave Bechtold commented on the standard use of park dedication funds. He stated that they have to give consideration to the Park System as a whole when allocating park dedication funds. The funds have to benefit all the park systems that the residents of the development will also be using for Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting January 18, 1993 Page 3 programs such as little league baseball, soccer, etc. He also asked the committee members to keep in mind that the number of amenities offered may increase the size and the initial intended use of the park. III. COUNTY PARR PROJECT (SPRING LAKE PARR): Barb Schmidt, Director of the Dakota County Parks Department presented a brief description of several of the major parks in Dakota County and the difference between a park reserve and a regional park. She then provided the committee members with a couple maps of the Spring Lake Park area, the original master plan map, and an updated version of a map of the same area. They have received several partial grants for the campground at Schaar's Bluff, but still have yet to receive the total amount needed. For this reason they have down -scaled the original intent and size of the park. She also listed several reasons the original location for the campground at Schaar's Bluff has been causing concerns. Because of these concerns they are interested in amending the master plan to relocate the campground from the Schaar's Bluff area to an area within the boundaries of Rosemount city limits. This is a more desirable location due to easy access to the water, etc. The campground is proposed to include a horse trail, and relocating the archery range already in the area due to safety concerns at its present location. She informed the committee members that what she is looking for this evening is a concurrence with the master plan amendment from the Park Board. Dave reminded the committee members that even though the Parks and Recreation Committee supports the idea of the amendment, there are other development issues that the other departments of the city will need to address. After several positive comments from committee members regarding the relocation Jerry Puciaty made a MOTION to support the amendments to the Master Plan for campground relocation and relocation of the archery range. There was a SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. IV. ARMORY DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRAMMING UPDATE: Steve Jilk was present to review the management options for the Armory and the recommended action. After a brief introduction to the presentation he asked that the committee members feel free to offer input and ask questions as he presents the options. He supplied a handout to each committee member listing the options and the pros and cons of each option. The first option takes the existing Parks staff structure and maintains it. It would require adding some additional staff to the existing staff, but administratively leaves the Parks and Rec Director in place, and splits the operation of all the Departments functions including the community center facility into two separate functions, maintenance and "programming". The coordination and administration of the facility would be within the administrative staff right now, but adds coordinating staff. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 16, 1994 Page 2 APPROVED Mike stated that Carrolls Woods Park will remain as the name of the park. However, "Nature Area" will be used along with it and in conversations. This follows the Master Plan. Mike stated that Bud Osmundson is working on the design of the new trail and the culvert next to the pond. Dave Giliuson asked if the signage (Kiosks) for the southwest entrance is listed in the Master Plan. Dave Bechtold stated that it is not specifically stated in the Master Plan for this particular signage, however the Master Plan does discuss signage. III. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE UPDATE: Jeff Moser gave a short summary of where the Erickson Community Square Sub -Committee is at in regard to the amphitheater project. Jeff stated that the sub -committee received $7,500 from USPCI thanks to a letter that Deanna Simpson put together. Jeff stated that they are still in search of someone to volunteer to do the landscaping, however, they may need to hire someone. They are also still looking for a structural engineer. Jeff stated that the sub -committee is ready to present the plans to various commissions. Dave Bechtold also stated that all Erickson Community Square Sub -committee members should be present at these meetings and that he will be asking Chuck Novak to attend the Utility Commission meeting as well. IV. WORKSHOP SUMMARY (PARK WATCH MEETING): Dave Bechtold stated that the Park Watch meeting went very well and about 45 citizens attended. Jeff Moser also stated that he thought it was a very good meeting. Judy and Barry Baker talked about their neighborhood. Dave discussed park watch issues and Sgt. O'Leary discussed crime watch issues. Dave also discussed the dog ordinance for parks and how there is a need for an ordinance of this nature for the city overall. Dave stated that the RAP group would like to start a Park Watch at Kidder Park and become involved in the Adopt -A -Park Program. .N.IEW._BUS:INESS I. CIVIC DEVELOPMENT: Dave Bechtold discussed the proposed development and plans for the park and trails. A map of the development was available that showed the proposed park location and trail locations. This development was discussed at the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting in January 1993, when it was in the first planning stages. Dave stated that the park will be a mini -park concept that follows the Master Plan in design. Dave recommended that the park dedication be used to develop the park and the cash used to build the park at the same time as the development. The remaining cash should go towards the park system for upgrades and improvements at other parks. Dave stated that he feels when as many as fifty homes are built within the development that the park should be built with it and be ready for use when people move in. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 16, 1994 Page 3 2 91 9 Tom Reller asked what kind of time frame we are looking at. Dave Bechtold stated that it depends on the developer's time frame. Dave Bechtold commented that the Planning Commission was concerned that the mini -park was not far enough south. Dave stated that if the park was moved more south he would be concerned with it being too close to the railroad tracks. Dave also recommended that in this mini -park, the Parks and Recreation Committee accept no less than what Jaycee Park has for play equipment. There are good trails in the design to get the residents to other major trails, to the parks, etc. Dave stated that the developer would like to put a trail through the park. Dave did not recommend it at this time, however, if in the future a trail is needed, he recommends a trail no wider than 8 feet. If the developer would like to have this trail through the park, staff will work with them on the location and design. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty with a SECOND by John Howard to accept the land dedication in the amount of 2.4 acres for the development of a mini -park with the remaining dedication balance to be taken as cash. The park is to be constructed during the first phase of the development or in conjunction with the second phase of the development with access to the park made available at that time. Trails are to be constructed in conjunction with the roadway construction through the development to serve as connecting routes to the parks and other main bike/walking trails. The trail along Biscayne Avenue is to be constructed in conjunction with the development that adjoins that street. Cost of the trail along 145th Street will be established with that amount to be paid by the developer and escrowed to be used at the time of the 145th Street reconstruction and/or trail installation. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Jerry Puciaty asked if a more definite motion was needed on trails. Dave Bechtold stated that if the trails can not be put in as they have been identified on the map, it will come back to the Parks and Recreation Committee to discuss new trail routes. SET WORKSHOP TOPIC: Jeff Moser recommended that the workshop topic consist of taking a tour of the parks. Dave Bechtold stated it was a very good idea and that he would check into possibly renting a bus to accommodate everyone. MOTION by Jeff Moser to set the workshop topic as a parks tour on Thursday, June 2, 1994, at 7 p.m. SECOND by Tom Reller. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. III. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: JEFF MOSER: None TOM RELLER: None DAVE GILIUSON: None JERRY PUCIATY asked for an update on the playground equipment upgrades. Dave Bechtold handed out a draft summary sheet listing the goals, objectives and policy statements in regard to the playground upgrades. Dave also mentioned that he had checked with Mankato and South St. Paul policies on playground upgrades. Both these cities have put lists together that CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM: CIVIC DEVELOPMENT (EASTBRIDGE) PREPARED BY: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION ATTACHMENTS: MAP OF DEVELOPMENT AND SUMMARY MEETING DATE: MAY 16, 1994 AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS AGENDA NO.: I APPROVED BYL Attached is a map that depicts the location of the trails for this development and the location of a mini -park. Identified is also the location of Biscayne Park in relationship to this development proposal. As indicated on the attachment, we have discussed this project with the developers some time ago and with the Planning Director and her assistant. The proposal was brought to the Planning Committee for a concept presentation. Along with the preliminary plat presentation that will be made, a motion of the Parks and Recreation Committee should be included. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION: Move to accept the land dedication in the amount of 2.4 acres for the development of a mini -park with the remaining dedication balance to be taken as cash. The park is to be constructed during the first phase of the development or in conjunction with the second phase of the development with access to the park made available at that time. Trails are to be constructed in conjunction with the roadway construction through the development to serve as connecting routes to the parks and other main bike/walking trails. The trail along Biscayne Avenue is to be constructed in conjunction with the development that adjoins that street. Cost of the trail along 145th Street will be established with that amount to be paid by the developer and escrowed to be used at the time of the 145th Street reconstruction and/or trail installation. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: TO: Parks Recreation Committee Members Q��P FROM: Davi Bec told - Director of Parks & Recreation DATE: May 4, 1994 RE: CMC Development (EASTBRIDGE) Representatives of the CMC Heartland Partners, Inc. did meet with us in January of 1993. At our Parks & Recreation Committee meeting of that month they expressed their intent to follow through with the concept a of large swimming pool, park shelter, and various amenities that they wanted to put into a park in this development. Their intent was to use dedication money from this development as well as the next section of development on the north side of 145th street to develop their concept. Prior to the meeting on January 18th a letter stating the recommended size of park was sent to them. Included was a copy of the master plan pertaining to a mini park that described the basic concepts of that type of park. Our response to the developers was that a mini park should remain as a part of the park dedication. Cash from this project should be used for the purchase of play equipment and other amenities on this site. Other cash dedication is also used to help with the funding of other parks of the city that the residents of this project will be using. On the evening of October 7, 1993 Lisa Freese and Rick Pearson of the Planning Department were the guest speakers at our workshop meeting. They gave a thorough and indepth review of both the first phase and the second phase of the CMC developer's plans. Committee members that evening felt that the mini park as requested of them was appropriate and should be considered in negotiations as such. The construction and design would be in line with concepts laid out in the master plan. CMC Heartland has presented their concept plans to the Planning Commission. A motion and action from the Parks & Recreation Committee relating to the park dedication and trails should be taken care of at the May 16, 1994 meeting. A copy of their concept plans is enclosed for your further review. The trails and the park area are identified. Because the first part of the project is broken down into phases there are a few considerations to make. 1. The development of the park should take place at the end of the first phase of development or during the completion of the second phase of development. CMC Development (EASTBRIDGE) Page 2 2. The cash amount of the first phase should be paid prior to building permits being authorized or lots being sold in that phase. 3. The grading of the park should be completed to finish grade along with the grading of the development at the cost of the developer. 4. Portions of the cash fee from the first and second phase could be used towards the development of the park. This would include the play equipment, trees, and other amenities of the park. This would continue with the intent of developing the park in a timely manner which would allow for it to be completed at relatively the same time as the completion of the second phase. 5. Trails are to be constructed as the roadways are constructed. The access point to the park over the easement on the east side of the development is to be put in when that phase of the development is completed. The trail along Biscayne Ave. is to be constructed in conjunction with the phase of development that adjoins it. 6. Cash fees collected should be used in part towards the development of this park, however, funds should also be readily available for other parks of the system that the residents of this development will be scheduled to use. Motion would be: move to accept the land dedication in the amount of 2 acres for the development of a mini park with the remaining balance of park dedication to be taken as cash. The park is to be developed either at the end of the first development or in conjunction with the development of the second phase with access made available at that time. Trails are to be constructed in conjunction with the roadway development through the development and with trail along Biscayne ave. to be constructed in conjunction with the development that adjoins that street. Cost of trail along 145th Street will be established with that amount to be paid by the developer and escrowed to be used at the time of the 145th street reconstruction and trail installation. sue. CITY OF ROSEMOU NT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Public Notice EASTBRIDGE RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAT REZONING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 Phone: 612-423-4411 Fax: 612.423-5103 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a Public Hearing to consider the item listed below on Tuesday, June 21, 1994, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The public hearing listed below pertains to the property generally located north of County State Aid Highway 42 (CSAH42), east of State Trunk Highway 3 (South Robert Trail), south of 145th Street West, and west of Biscayne Avenue. The proposed Eastbridge Residential Planned Unit Development consists of approximately 115.87 acres (less parcels B, C, D, and E consisting of 31.3 acres) and legally described as follows: Part of Lot 65 of Auditor's Subdivision No. 1, Rosemount, in the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of Section 29, Township 115, Range 19, lying east of the railroad right-of-way of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. All lying southerly and westerly of 145th Street West and Biscayne Avenue. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a residential planned unit development, a preliminary plat, and the rezoning from IP Industrial Park to R-1 Single Family Residential for the above described property which would be identified as the EASTBRMGE subdivision. Persons wishing to speak on this issue are invited to attend and be heard at this meeting on Tuesday Tune 21, 1994 at 8:00 p.m. Formal written comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting date. Please forward all comments and inquiries to the Planning Department. Dated this 7th day of June, 1994. Susa M. Wal , City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota ®'nn,ee:,�<<l� a �nramq JO'. vsrconsumrr marr.��ls. „ 1pM a2���"w�3€ Fo 1;� � � !off 5"l.1L1 s11!lL.�D — 40 If, I kAM \%Vk TI • N - � l I' I �� w�l ��I i /C 'R• i�—gip. Iit.1 - Ij � � �•• J,� ! : ;' III _ _ x a 101 A di sl 8 I NO111Q `\ �~ g dsN3n ,�. I) A �, ,�f � 8 �� I •�' •A 71 SO `� "„�, l..�d $� V \•r "a s -'a , _•� ��� _ ! F 'N 71 'JI - •�� A.._ a lb' A -4 w IY•Ca ®r;YK!�'�316r �=r.��'-, � {N � �a � aeisva$�? 61> _ A 4-13k---- a al 4-W a•,e q•c5—• a fr 3 M �i-M E- own,urnRo•rwA 1451h Street Greif Bros. I i=I I C 1 f J L.rd.o.V.o a- u O..W �.4,•- 1 .i-�•I Gj 3•rA � , l -•A s.Fp , .. 3Gi p.AH� .rr,°,-. Park �v �/ 4V 1 s•w+ WH y.cy._7 •I•sa. `i 13 / \ ••+ �.m..tti:;y^,n\ �\ °'' li i 1, 9 . , 1 � .. pst- MUM Development By: CMC Heartland Partners Ro.wr L 6fh 1. ❑ � 7YWcU 7.7MOilyd.c.Wd a- c..�.�.� s q•t 0�1/•� 3' 'I„ ./4/�/ ,Q ::, �/a nn I e' I � ew _ - .-._ ;• M Planting Notes y/ - laMt ' jm-.� '"�/si .\ O` �� �-c_,9.�I✓�. `� Vt, s /�/,'- �.I _1.1W _ ._.,.'.��.� �2-�2�-`.•.i�}� Pond -Il • _ll f ICJ '�� y��. •1 \%i\ c \/ �\� a rW _• ..�.:..�,� �sr (�-/� Landscape •erlay.rw.• EnUmc• r..o.. �l I. �• sHi I .....^. y ....•... _ .-., _ Master Plan �' \ �q:11►1. � �� Wkl 6 \ Pond Commerclal Area WaY 41 ._ }.dr. �yy,. 1 �.,�. ace. '�3q1• 1 L.��. : � 3.�. a•.,,-• �. . 3Wh iIC- II'M- � 3s,C. / 0•W'. a•RN• . �� r�►.w mr � �.vc mo � (` —�—pry-�.. ._.....e rw .....»� �� �,� ?':��r} Ielc3o oPr aa«ru a1x �SiNVlI'19V0� NOSii�O(` 7 f r CM�Mon11 ��-3'JOIa91SY3 �V \� y IV4: WIN C tn� `o 00= a❑❑p . O- �� ��❑ o❑❑❑o a. ❑''cj0 O °' o a❑'❑o O ❑� �; 0 O. ❑t �� I � � O� O - _o ❑� ❑i� � b o0 00 N❑ a p= -0 a s o❑� a - °= ` O \ a 0 70 00 xj o� d 0> � 10, I I I ■ \\\ \. dj /20aJ II 101v- ° � °I 71 II N01 0o 1�a1 NOSN3 qqL—r I p �q °R NV ev o _ I r- m - n o 9 R W a iv d3 w a vi VN n r a I ""wJ '�s� wiJ1i30 OM '.1NMr1 3LC ►M�91 wt'iJ p11frIW Q MIM { s w n °° vp o0 0 0 0 0 �- a s o �a o o'o 0 0 o -oo o �o o� - oo p o� ❑ 0� d a�,o El E12 - d `�/ p��i Moo __❑ ❑ "° °� 1 NI V) io, L°, o � P-owNOIll44 . IIt 1�21i NOSN3A3 �\ W e N01 10 Z Q \ T-1 m o t - . III " _ . II »� _." 1V d3 DIV 2I VI yW n 1 r a Ln zmnm ONW31 .11Z q I 'roi Z_ VIVO "I" C_C)C_ QIV ),iISHAINn FIN u u 0 louro . Ove .413" STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this day of , 1994, the foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by E.B. McMenomy, Mayor, and by Thomas Burt, Administrator, of the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1994, by Corporate Officer of corporation. , President and CMC Heartland Partners, a Delaware Notary Public i 10 I. Due to the preliminary nature of many of the exhibits and the timing of the overall development, addendums to the Agreement may be required to address concerns not specifically set forth herein. Such addendums shall be limited to those items normally included in subdivision agreements and shall not be inconsistent - with the intent of this Agreement. J. The Developer may not assign this Agreement without the written permission of the City Council. 21. Notices. Required notices to the Developer shall be in,writing and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by registered mail at the following address: CMC Heartland Partners, Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall either be hand delivered to the City Administrator/Clerk, or mailed to the City by registered mail in care of the City Administrator/Clerk at the following address: Rosemount City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BY: BY: E.B. McMenomy, Mayor Thomas Burt, Administrator CMC Heartland Partners BY: Its BY• Its 9 Developer thirty (30) days advance notice prior to exercising its right to deny permits. C. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid as a result of a challenge brought by the Developer, its agents or assigns, the City may, at its option, declare the entire Agreement null and void, and approval of the preliminary plat and final development plan shall thereby be revoked. D. No one may occupy a building for which a building permit in the plat is issued, on either a temporary or permanent basis, until public sanitary sewer and water lines have been installed, hooked up, tested and approved by the City. Occupancy prior to street completion may be permitted, at the City's discretion, by separate agreement. The timetable for issuing building permits, prior to the completion of public improvements, shall be determined by the City Engineer and Building Official. The Developer shall be responsible for any damages to public improvements caused by it or its contractors or agents, if authorized on the site prior to the completion of public improvements. E. The action or inaction of either party shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. Either party's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement or the security after expiration of time in which the work is to be completed shall not be a waiver or release. F. This Agreement shall run with the subject land and may be recorded in the Dakota County Recorder's Office. . G. The Developer represents to the City that the development is not of "metropolitan significance" and that a state environmental impact statement is not required. However, if the City or another governmental entity or agency determines that a federal or state impact statement or any other review, permit or approval is required, the Developer shall reimburse the City for all expenses, including staff time and attorney's fees, that the City incurs in assisting in preparation. H. The Developer shall pay Metropolitan Sewer Availability charges, City Sewer Connection charges, City Water Connection charges and City Storm Sewer Connection charges at the time building permits are issued at the ten current rate. 0 provided the Developer is given not less than thirty (30) days notice prior to the City's commencement of the work. The City and Developer recognize the weather conditions may affect the ability of the Developer to perform the work required to be performed hereunder, and agree that such thirty (30) day period shall not include those days on which weather conditions preclude performance by the Developer. Notice to the Developer shall constitute without further action, notice to any contractor or subcontractor. This Agreement is a license for the City to act. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. If deemed impractical by the City, the above notice requirements shall not be required for the City to control erosion problems, clean-up of dirt and loose debris, or in responding to other situations which may jeopardize public health, safety and welfare. 18. Execution of Documents. Upon compliance by the Developer with the representations and requirements of said documents, the City will execute documents necessary to obtain Federal Housing Administration and Veteran's Administration Subdivision Approval letter and an Engineer's Subdivision Completion letter. 19. Assessments. Except to the extent modified herein, the parties mutually agree that all public improvements required and installed by the City hereunder shall be assessed pursuant to Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes, and such assessments shall be for a period of not less than five (5) years, with the exception of assessment made pursuant to paragraph 17 of this Agreement, unless waived by the Developer. The Developer waives any claims that the assessments that will be made pursuant to this Agreement exceed the benefit to the property. 20. Miscellaneous. A. This Agreement, which shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota, shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors or assigns, as the case may be. B. Breach of any term of this Agreement by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits. The City shall give the 7 but not limited to legal, planning, engineering and inspection expenses in accordance with fees adopted or accepted by the City. B. The Developer shall hold the City, its officers, agents and employees harmless from claims by itself and third parties, including but not limited to lot purchases, other property owners, contractors, subcontractors and materialmen, for damages sustained, cost incurred or injuries resulting from approval of the Agreement, the development, final plats, plans and specifications and from the resulting construction and development; except, for construction work performed by the City or for damages caused by breach of this agreement by the City. The Developer shall indemnify the City, its officers, agents and employees from all costs, damages or expenses, including engineering and attorney's fees which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims. C. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Agreement, including engineering and attorney's fees. D. In the event of Developer installed public improvements, before final plats are signed by the City, the Developer shall deposit with the City cash or a letter of credit satisfactory to the City, securing the full performance of the work required of it in that plat. The amount of the security shall be 1000i of the estimated cost of public improvements. The Developer shall also post a letter of credit satisfactory to the City guaranteeing the payment of the entire principal and interest on any costs assessed or to be assessed against the plat by the City for public improvements. The City will authorize periodic reductions in letters of credit upon partial performance and payment for required work or payment of special assessments, as the case may be. The City will also permit the substitution of one letter of credit with another letter of credit from a different Developer so long as the City's security is not impaired. E. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City within thirty (30) days. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt all plat development work until the bills are paid in full. 17. Developer's Default. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expenses incurred by the City, 0 privately designed and installed or equal to 60% of the assessment resulting from the public improvements. 12. Ownership of Improvements. Upon the successful completion of the work and construction according to City standards required by this Agreement, and based upon the City Engineer's recommendation, improvements lying within public easements shall become City property upon acceptance by City Council resolution. 13. Erosion Control. As the development progresses, the Developer shall adhere to the erosion control requirements set forth by the City, utilizing Best Management Practices as specified by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and any other City adopted policies in effect at the time of final plat approval. Additionally, the Developer shall take such other steps as the City Engineer may reasonably determine are necessary to control erosion. All topsoil must remain on site in order to re-establish turf. No excavated material may be removed from the site unless a Mineral Extraction Permit has been obtained in accordance with Zoning Ordinance Section 14.8 and as amended. 14. Grading Plan. The Developer shall submit to the City a site grading and drainage plan showing the grades and drainage for streets and each lot designed by lot and block on final plats prior to the preparation of plans and specifications of public improvements for the development. The Developer shall submit a certified survey of the development to the City after site grading, illustrating street and lot grades prior to the installation of public improvements. 15. Clean up. The Developer shall promptly clear any soil, earth or debris from streets or other property outside of the development and from improved streets and occupied lots within the development resulting from construction or other disturbance by the Developer or other builders within their subdivision. 16. Responsibility. A. Except as otherwise specifically provided, the Developer shall pay actual costs incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the approval and construction of the development, including 5 9. License. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors license to enter the development to perform all work and/or inspections deemed appropriate by the City during development. 10. Utility, Pond and Drainage Easements. The Developer shall dedicate to the City at the time of final plat approval utility, drainage and ponding easements located within or outside the plat, including access, as required to serve the development. Outlot B shall be dedicated to the City for public use as indicated on Exhibit B. 11. Installation of Public Improvements. Development Contracts providing for installation of the following public improvements, approval of construction plans and specifications, and providing for the payment of the cost of the improvements shall be entered into by the City and the Developer prior to final plat approvals: A. Sanitary Sewer Systems B. Water Systems C. Storm Sewer D. Streets with concrete curb and gutter E. Street Signs F. Sidewalks and Trails G. Street Lights - The Developer is responsible for all costs of installation of City approved street light fixtures in coordination with the Dakota Electric Association. H. Landscaping The City may, at the City's option, allow the Developer to design and/or construct any of the public improvements. The design and construction shall be in accordance with the City's standards, ordinances and procedures. Temporary cul-de-sacs shall be installed at all locations where streets are temporarily dead ended, whether due to phasing within the development or where future extensions are proposed outside of the development. The City may, at the City's option, require a cash escrow from the Developer to pay for the future costs of reconstruction. The City will require the Developer to post a letter of credit or surety bond equal to 100% of the cost of all public improvements if 2 the development shall be completed at the same time street improvements are constructed in each particular phase. 8. Landscaping and Trees. A. Developer shall not damage or remove any trees except as indicated on the grading plans to be approved by the City and submitted with each plat. Trees shall be protected fr:m destruction by snow fences, flagging, staking or other similar means during grading and construction. B. The Developer shall plant one deciduous tree per lot and two deciduous trees per corner lot in accordance with the applicable Federal Housing Administration specifications except as modified herein. (1) Trees shall be a minimum of two (2) inch caliper shade trees as measured six (6) inches above ground with roots balled and burlapped, or bare roots in season, and shall be planted in the front yard in accordance with plans to be approved by the City. (2) Two 2-inch caliper shade trees with roots balled and burlapped, or bare roots in season, shall be planted on each double frontage lot abutting Shannon Parkway. One tree shall be located in the front yard and one shall be located in the back. Trees shall be spaced consistent with the average lot width and be located within thirty (30) feet of the boulevard in accordance with plans to be approved by the City. (3) The Developer shall install extensive plantings of deciduous and evergreen trees along the site's frontage on CSAH 42, Biscayne Avenue, and 145th Street West as well as along railroad right-of-way and around Grief Bros. Type, quantity, size and location of these plantings shall be established in accordance with the Eastbridge Preliminary Plat/PUD Plan. The evergreen trees to be planted shall be a minimum of four (4) feet in height, fifteen (15) feet on center at the time of the construction of Phase 1. (4) Warranty. The Developer warrants all work required to be performed by it against poor material and faulty workmanship for a period of two (2) years after its completion and acceptance by the City. All trees, grass, and sod shall be warranted to be alive, of good quality, and disease free for twelve (12) months after planting. The Developer shall post maintenance bonds or other security acceptable to the City to secure the warranties. 3 4. Effect of Approval. For two (2) years from the date of this Agreement, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan, or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout, or dedication requirements of the development unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan, official controls, platting or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this Agreement. S. Compliance with Laws and Regulations. The Developer represents to the City that the proposed development complies with all city, county, Metropolitan, State, and Federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: Subdivision Ordinances, Zoning Ordinances and Environmental Regulations. The Developer agrees to comply with such laws and regulations. 6. Park Dedication. The City has determined that the required park dedication will be in the form of a 2.4-acre "mini park" with the balance in the form of cash contribution. The Developer shall make the cash contribution to the City upon final plat approval of each phase of Eastbridge Planned Unit Development based upon the park dedication formula established in the City of Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance. The amount of cash contribution per acre shall conform to the rate established by the City for the year in which final plat approval for each phase takes place. Any amendments to the Final Development Plan, causing an increase or decrease in the number of housing units, will result in a corresponding increase or decrease in the amount of cash contribution to the City. the mini park will be dedicated at the time of final plat approval for the contiguous Phase Three. 7. Sidewalks and Trail Development. Sidewalks and trails, dedicated by the Developer, shall be constructed by the Developer in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved by the City, the location of which are shown on Exhibit C. Trails within 2 EASTBRIDGE Planned Unit Development and Master Subdivision Agreement AGREEMENT dated , 19_ , between the. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, a Minnesota corporation (the "City"), and CMC Heartland Partners, a Delaware corporation (the "Developer"). 1. Request for Planned Unit Development Approval. The Developer has asked the City to approve a Planned Unit Development to known as Eastbridge (the "Development") on the land legally described on the attached Exhibit A. 2. Planned Unit Development Approval. The City hereby grants Final Development Plan approval subject to the approval of final plats and compliance with this Agreement. The City agrees to approve final plats which are substantially similar to the preliminary plat and phases shown on the Final Development Plan, referenced herein as Exhibit C, provided such plats are consistent with the conditions herein and all other City requirements which are in effect. Development Contracts must be entered into for each final plat. If future modifications to the development are proposed, the maximum density for the development may not exceed 2.5 units per acre. The Developer will maintain architectural diversity with the aid of an architectural review committee that will review all building plans. The Developer will create restrictive covenants that prohibit the duplication of housing designs adjacent to or across from each other. 3. Phased Development. The City may refuse to approve final plats the Developer has breached this Agreement and the breach has not been remedied. Phase One consists of fifty-six (56) lots generally in the southeast portion of the PUD. Subsequent phasing must allow for access and efficient traffic circulation and dispersal. In order to provide for safe and efficient traffic movement, Phase One therefore must provide direct street access to Biscayne Avenue as well as County State Aid Highway 42. City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE Eastbridge THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance No. B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended to rezone from IP Industrial Park to R-1 Single Family Residential the following described property located within the City of Rosemount, Minnesota to -wit: All of the Eastbridge Addition with the exception of Outlots A, B, C, D and E, as recorded at Dakota County, Minnesota. Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount, referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled "ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT", shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this day of , 1994. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of , 1994. 2. provision of sidewalks and trails as specified by the Parks and Recreation Committee with grading and seeding of the park at the time of initiation of the third phase with park dedication fees to be paid for each phase at the time of final plat approval; 3. evidence of Developer ownership of the land included in the preliminary plat; 4. execution of an agreement with the CP Rail (Soo Line) providing for the relocation of the railroad spur; 5. screening of all residential areas from highways and railroad lines subject to City staff approval of planting strips that effectively screen view and reduce noise levels; 6. provision of an east -west through street access connecting Biscayne Avenue to commercial and cluster housing land uses; 7. proposed densities for the cluster housing and conceptual street accesses; 8. grading and utility plans and specifications approved by the city engineer; and 9. execution of the Eastbridge Planned Unit Development and Master Subdivision Agreement. ADOPTED this 21st day of June, 1994. ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: Voted against: E.B. McMenomy, Mayor Seconded by: EastBrdg.PUD/PRE June 21, 1994 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1994- A RESOLUTION GIVING APPROVAL TO THE EASTBRIDGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) AND PRELIMINARY PLAT AND SETTING OUT THE CONDITIONS FOR FINAL PLAT APPROVAL WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has received a Planned Unit Development (PUD) and preliminary plat for property legally described as follows: Lot Sixty-five (65) of Auditor's Subdivision No. One (1), Rosemount, according to the plat thereof now on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County and State; the same being all that part of the Southeast Quarter (SE'/,) of Section 29, Township 115, Range 19, lying East of the railroad right-of-way of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, excepting therefrom the following: a) a strip of land heretofore deeded to the Burlington, Cedar Rapids, and Northern Railway Company of Iowa, by deed dated October 4, 1901 and recorded in Book 113 of Deeds, page 190; b) an easement to Minnesota Northern Natural Gas Company, a Minnesota Corporation, dated September 30, 1933, and recorded in Book 195 of Deeds, page 15; c) a strip of land containing 9.9 acres, more or less, taken by the United States of America and described in Judgement on Declaration of Taking No. 1, dated September 11, 1942 and recorded in Book 51 of M.R., page 58; d) an easement containing 3.37 acres, more or less, to the United States of America described in Judgement on Declaration of Taking dated December 15, 1943 and recorded in Book 51 of M.R., page 552; e) existing road and public utility easements; and 5) all that part of Lot' 65 of Auditor's Subdivision No. 1, Rosemount, according to the plat thereof now on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County and State; (the same being all that part of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/,) of Section 29, Township 115, Range 19, lying east of the railroad right-of-way;) which lies north of the north line of that certain easement dated December 15, 1943, and recorded in Book 51 of Miscellaneous Records at page 552, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Dakota County, and west of a line parallel to and 920 feet west of the east line of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/,) of said Section 29, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota. Subject tot he rights of the public and public utilities easements in the roadway along the north side of the premises herein conveyed, containing 16.6 acres, more or less. WHEREAS, on May 24, 1994 the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed a PUD and preliminary plat and submitted its recommendation to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the proposed residential development is consistent with the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan: Update 2000 land use designation; and WHEREAS, on June 21, 1994 the City Council of the City of Rosemount held the required public hearing for the Eastbridge Planned Unit Development and preliminary plat. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount approves the Eastbridge Planned Unit Development and preliminary plat subject to the following: 1. modification of the phasing plan to include direct access to Biscayne Avenue or 145th Street West in the first phase; EastBrdg. PUD/PRE June 21, 1994 Page 1 of 2 JUN 15 '94 01:51PM CMC HEARTLAND P.1 No: D ate: City of Rosemount REZONING PETITION Applicant: C4C Heartland Partners phone: (312) 294-0440 Address: 547 West, jackson Boulevard Suite 1510 Chicago, II 60661 STATUS OF APPLICANT: x Owner Buyer Lessee OTHER: _ LOCAT10H: Lot $lock . Addhion Straet Address: Metes & Bounds Description Attached: Yes Survey or Plot Plan Ached: Yes Affected Se,.ion(s): Present Zoning: Propesad Zoning: R-1 Residential REASON FOR REQUEST: 1, to allow for development of a subdivision of sln,Ze family homes 2- 3. Application received by: Fee: $ 300 . O a How Paid: Planning Commission Action: Signature of Applicant: Date: Owe: Dare- FEB E0 16: 37" 1 61'Z 423 1-E'_13 0 of �osem oun, APPLICA'i LON FOR PUD PO 50X, t:}c ?o'j•1�i::FH. a( W ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA S,GdC Applicant: CMC Heartland Pa * P'�Icne: I1 Z - 2 -4-Q/ 4� Address; 547 West Jackson Blvd. Chicago 7 i 60661 Project Dame: CMC Rosemount Development Location: North of 42/145th, East of Biscayne, South C & NW tracks. Status of Ownership: Option Project Description: 226 Acres of residential development consisting of single family detached, cluster and townhouse, park and open space. Fee: $250 Deposit: $500 No. Units Total Total Due: $. 50 that the ife n 'Fand DO-po:s- � {' f ,,i , j a��� l.tltGa1JT.J•�.:�l:C� �. 1?u i'•C'- - J .the p�t:l1 2G� ai.1.:r1 1." �'.�.`w��.,� •r';i the .to-Iz� 'ee.s :ul'cch may c7� o:....� �,�G.cit • ,C2 LT!1bu ti se •t Il ry t� L TZCl GL' V ) 4 l ed b } .l.n E:.�C�uJ•s CJ ! .�.iLZ. �Zy',(;1 `J .1.�. - :�.'�i•�L--��.i{.l. /_i::. .Sr.at.ve. eXpen e+- �itL LvCc .- �f •fin. 1 am the appLizzailr- the. :tpj::., i c:r'.az, aui 'U110/7 appzical'iCrt. _ Applicant: Status of Applicyh�: Date: April 9, 1992 Phone. Fees received by: I DaL�. negtu,ted •�n�ar�mction mc�5ti be �2Cecve� at Zeas•t 20 dau's pr c.o,t .to Ptartrt itg Comm�:s's i vn Gh City CUCLYtC.�� m2.ingh to e} tUt2 G�..eGuL LC ;2v ('U(l Y1C{ ;?<':tc'Llni:'- on the n.e,spec-tive agendas. City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action city council meeting Date: June 21, 1994 Agenda Item: Eastbridge Planned Unit Agenda Section: Development (PUD); PUBLIC HEARING Preliminary Plat & Rezoning Prepared By: Richard Pearson Agenda No: Assistant Planner Attachments: Memo; Applications; Approved By: Resolution; Ordinance; PUD/Master Subd. Agreement; Informational Documentation; Public Notice; Mailing List. Mr. Wayne Delfino, CMC Heartland Partners, is requesting approval of a residential planned unit development (PUD), preliminary plat, and rezoning to develop 192 single family lots on 81.1 acres of land currently zoned IP Industrial Park. The PUD will facilitate the phased residential development. The preliminary plat will define lots, outlots, and street right-of-way. The single family lots and associated streets will be rezoned to R-1 Single Family Residential (detached). A final plat for each phase will require review and recommendation by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council as each is completed. The rezoning can be approved at the time of final plat approval which will legally described the properties and enable the recording. The Comprehensive Guide Plan Land Use Designation for this property was changed to Urban Residential with the Met Council approval of Update 2000 in December 1993. The Planning Commission approved the Concept PUD on April 26, 1994. The preliminary plat and related rezonings were discussed and reviewed by the Planning Commission at their meeting on May 24, 1994. The Planning Commission recommended approval after considerable discussion encompassing the following: 1) the double frontage lots adjacent to CSAh 42; 2) park development location and timing; 3) acquisition of railroad right-of-way for residential development and spur relocation for Greif Brothers, Inc.; 4) variances as indicated on the plan and identified by staff; 5) problematic lots similar to others that have required variances; 6) undevelopable outlots; 7) circulation and street design; and 8) concerns regarding the change in land use. The attached draft resolution outlines conditions of approval as recommended by the Planning Commission and Citv staff. Recommended Action: MOTION to adopt A RESOLUTION GIVING APPROVAL OF THE EASTBRIDGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) AND PRELIMINARY PLAT AND SETTING OUT THE CONDITIONS FOR FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. - and - A MOTION to table action on the rezoning request for the Eastbridge subdivision until final plat approval. City Council Action: 6-21-94.004 DAKOTA COUNTY SURVEY S LAND INFORMATION DEPARTMENT 14955 GALAXIE AVENUE City of Rosemount 1167 - 145th St. E. Rosemount, MN 55068 ATT: Stephan Jilk, Administrator ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK CMC HE.ARTI.,ANI) PARTNERS Dear Mr. Jilk: GARY H. STEVENSON, R.LS. COUNTY SURVEYOR LAND INFORMATION DIRECTOR (612) 891-7087. FAX (612) 891-7031 APPLE VALLEY. MINNESOTA 55124-8579 July 13, 1993 The Dakota County Plat Commission met on July 12, 1993, to reconsider the concept proposals of ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK and CMC HEARLAND PARTNERS. Said proposals are adjacent to C.S.A.H. NO. 42 and are, therefore, subject to the Dakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance. The Plat Commission had tabled these plats until after the County Board considered the effect of C.S.A.H. NO. 42 being designated as a principal arterial. Based on the County Board's resolution, a full intersection will be allowed provided that it is located 1320 feet east of the east railroad track. Other requirements for approval are an internal road system that provides a throughway to Biscayne Avenue and covenants are recorded with the plat which release Dakota County from all damages caused by future changes in median access from C.S.A.H. NO. 42. A copy of the County Board resolution is attached. Restricted access is required to be dedicated on the remaining frontage along C.S.A.H. NO. 42. The preliminary plats must be resubmitted with the corrections for further review before a recommendation is made. Since ,rely, ary H.Stevenson Dakota County Surveyor & Land Information Director Secretary, Plat Commission GHS/vf Printed an Recycled Paper Bz�pa � the salzmwm' AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MEMORANDUM DATE: April 22, 1994 TO: Rick Pearson, Planner FROM: Bud Osmundson, City Engineer SUBJECT: CIVIC Heartland Eastbridge Preliminary Plat and Utility Review The engineering department reserves the right to review each phase as it is considered for final plat. A. WATERMAIN The preliminary utilities plan should provide an 8" connection to the 1 2" trunk main in 145th St. West. Also an 8" main should be completed on Bridgewater Parkway between the two intersections with Bridgeport Way. B. SANITARY SEWER The site is adequately served with sanitary sewer trunk and interceptor facilities on CSAH 42 and Biscayne. C. STORM DRAIN As the comprehensive storm water plan exists, we are unable to ascertain if the proposed plat is in the City's best interests. It appears that trunk storm system facilities will be necessary in the proposed Plat which will be addressed by a feasibility study which will be ordered on May 3, 1994. None of these issues should be considered a road block to approval of this concept plan. nk Planning Commission Reviews - CMC Heartland Concept PUD Review "Eastbridge" April 26, 1994 Page Three CONCLUSION The proposed preliminary plat is a refinement of of a design that was reviewed by Staff last year prior to the completion of the Comprehensive Guide Plan update. The approval of the Guide Plan update allows the review process to proceed through the PUD review process. Given the comments provided by the County last year, a major revision was anticipated in contrast to the refinement that is currently being reviewed. If access at CSAH 42 is limited because of a median closure, then perhaps the plat throughway should be reoriented to Biscayne Avenue instead of CSAH 42. Recent county action regarding the left turn in to Rosemount Village Square from CSAH 42 may reflect a different approach that could result in a three- quarter intersection. Thus, only the left -out would be eliminated. RECOMMENDATION MOTION to approve the concept review for the Residential Planned Unit Development "Eastbridge" subject to the resolution of the above mentioned issues with the final development plan. Planning Commission Reviews - CNIC Heartland Concept PUD Review "Eastbridge" April 26, 1994 Page Two PARK AND SIDEWALKS The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed early versions of the preliminary plat and recommended the 2.5 acre "mini park" that has been included. The Eastbridge PUD is a relatively small service area for a park but it is isolated from existing or planned parks by arterial and collector streets and the railroad. Sidewalks will be installed on the east side of Bridgewater Parkway, the interior side of Blackwell path and also connections to Biscayne Avenue where a bike path will be constructed. Park dedication will be land for the park and cash contribution. PHASING PLAN Five phases are proposed beginning with 56 lots for the spring of 1995 along CSAH 42. These lots offer maximum visibility and will contain the model homes. IDENTIFIED ISSUES Staff has some initial concerns regarding the preliminary plat and phasing plan. 1. The initial phase should have access to Biscayne Avenue. The County review of an early version of this preliminary plat recommended that the traffic flow should be oriented to the east to Biscayne Avenue rather than north and south to CSAH 42 and 145th Street West. A possibility exists that the County will not allow a full movement intersection at CSAH 42. It seems unlikely that the County would allow the temporary construction access to CSAH 42 between lots 20 and 21, Block 1. 2. The Park should be contigous and complete with the first phase. 3. A 75 foot wide watermain easement traverses the site from east to west, extending from the south side of the Greif Brothers site. Two lots (lot 21, block 7 and lot 3, block 9) are significantly affected by the watermain and easement. Four other lots are impacted, generally in setback areas. The watermain will have to be moved and the easement reconfigured to facilitate the preliminary plat, or the plat could be reconfigured to align with this easement. 4. A grading plan has yet to be submitted and should show all home building pads to be at higher elevations than ponding areas and higher than the lowest point on CSAH 42. This configuration will provide an emergency positive overland drainage outlet. As an alternative, a second outlet pipe crossing CSAH 42 to the south which performs the same function may be considered. 5. The railroad spurs should be moved prior to rezoning from IP Industrial Park to R-1 Single Family Residential Detached. An argument could be made that the current location of the spur supports the existing IP zoning designation as the highest and best use of the land. The Developer has indicated that negotiations with the property owner have been successful. Planning Staff cannot recommend approval of a preliminary plat that includes land not owned or controlled by the Developer. CITY OF RO S E M O U N T IHALL Z875 C145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming U Rosemount!! g p Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 Phone: 612-423:4411 Fax: 612-423-5203 To: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: RICHARD PEARSON, ASSISTANT PLANNER DATE: APRIL 21, 1994 SUBJ: APRI. 26, 1994 REGULAR MEETING REvIEws AGENDA ITEM 6c. ATTACHMENTS: Preliminary Plat 6c. CMC Heartland Partners, Inc. - RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT REVIEW: "Eastbridge" Preliminary Plat north of CSAH 42 between Biscayne Avenue and the Railroad Right-of-way PROPOSAL: Mr. Wayne Delfino of CMC Heartland Partners is requesting Planned Unit Development Concept approval for a mixed use project on 115.8 acres of land south of 145th Street West, north of CSAH 42 and west of Biscayne Avenue. The proposal consists of 192 single family lots, a 2.4 acre "mini park"; 13.8 acres of "cluster" homes; 8.3 acres for commercial uses and about 10 acres for ponding. Overall density for the single family residential is 2.47 dwelling units per acre. The preliminary plat focuses on the subdivision of land. The concept PUD review focuses on land use issues with project refinement occuring at the final development plan review. The Developer wishes to concentrate on the single family component of the PUD which amounts to 70 % of the scope of the PUD. No information has been provided regarding the cluster homes or the commercial area. The Comprehensive Guide Plan land use designation is Urban Residential and Commercial. ACCESS, STREET AND LOT DESIGN The developer is proposing one street connection to 145th Street east of Greif Bros. Inc., one access to CSAH 42 and two street connections to Biscayne Avenue. The single family uses are separated from the cluster and commercial uses by a north -south street built to collector street standards with no direct driveway access. This design is dependant on full access to CSAH 42 and County approval. The local streets within the single family area meander through the 80 acres with two connections to Biscayne Avenue. There are six cul-de-sacs. The Developer is also requesting a temporary access to CSAH 42 between lots 20 and 21, Block 1 for construction. Double frontage lots will back up to 145th Street, Biscayne Ave. and CSAH 42. Private driveway access will be to the interior local streets. Sixteen lot width variances will be needed, three lot depth variances are needed and several rear yard lot corners have acute angles. wsr,,usumev nuniais. City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action Planning Commission Meeting Date: April 26, 1994 Agenda Item: CMC Heartland Concept PUD: Eastbridge Agenda Section: Addition I NEW BUSINESS Prepared By: Richard Pearson Agenda No.: Assistant Planner I ITEM NO. 6c. Attachments: Memo; Preliminary Plat. Appr ved B Mr. Wayne Delfmo of CMC Heartland Partners is requesting approval of a Residential Planned Unit Development to be known as Eastbridge. The preliminary plat shows 192 single family lots that would be developed on 81 acres and several outlots for commercial, future cluster residential, and ponding uses. The land will have to be rezoned from BP Business Park to R-1 Single Family Residential (detached). Two additional parcels will have to be rezoned to C-1 Convenience Commercial and R-2 Single Family Attached. These actions can wait until the developer initiates development proposals for the parcels. Recommended Action: A MOTION to recommend to City Council approval of the concept review for the Residential Planned Unit Development "Eastbridge" subject to the resolution of the above mentioned issues with the final development plan. J Planning Commission Action: 4-26-94.06c May 24, 1994 Regular Meeting Reviews CMC Heartland Partners Eastbridge PUD Page Two The street design has not been modified in response to previous concerns about possible future County action limiting access to CSAH 42. A temporary driveway is still shown between lots 20 and 21, block 1 connecting to CSAH 42 which will not likely be approved by the County. Lots 7 and 9, block 1, and lots 4 and 6, block 5 have acute angles for rear yards. While this is not specifically an ordinance deficiency, there is an impact on setbacks and the amount of useable space and privacy available in the rear yards because of the narrow width. The phasing plan has not been modified to include a street connection to Biscayne Avenue in the first phase, nor would the park be included in the first or second phase. The plan has not been modified to include sidewalks on the interior of Blackwell Path nor trails south of 145th Street and Biscayne Avenue as requested by the Parks and Recreation Commission. The conceptual landscaping plan has been modified only to the extent that indicated tree types have been specified on the basis of type and size. Planning Staff is off the opinion that the indicated plantings may not provide the level of performance necessary to effectively screen noise and visibility to CSAH 42. FINDINGS : In approving the Concept Plan, the Planning Commission must find as follows and forward its findings to the City Council. 1. The plan provides sufficient useable open space and evidences a substantial preservation of natural features to warrant the granting of variances through Planned Unit Development. 2. The Plan complies with the intent of the Comprehensive Guide Plan. 3. The proposed development will not be detrimental to surrounding properties. 4. The plan is more creative and will provide a better living, working, or shopping environment than is possible under strict ordinance requirements. CONCLUSION: With the exception of the eleven lot width variances and the six "problematic" lots, the proposed residential PUD meets minimum standards for single family detached development. If the Planning Commission finds that a recommendation of approval of the PUD is warranted, then the following conditions of approval should be attached to the motion: MOTION to recommend to City Council approval of the Eastbridge residential Planned Unit Development with lot width variances subject to: 1) modification of the phasing plan to include direct access to Biscayne Avenue or 145th Street West in the first phase; 2) provision of sidewalks and trails as specified by the Parks and Recreation Committee with grading and seeding of the park prior to initiation of the third phase with Park Dedication fees to be paid for each phase at the time of final plat approval; 3) evidence of Developer ownership of the land included in the preliminary plat; 4) relocation of the railroad spur(s) prior to approval of rezoning to a residential district; 5) screening of all residential areas from highways and railroad lines with City staff approved planting strips that effectively screen view and reduce noise levels; 6) provision of east -west through street access connecting Biscayne Avenue to commercial and cluster housing land uses; 7) proposed densities for the cluster housing with conceptual street accesses; 8) grading and utilities plans and specifications approved by the city engineer; and 9) execution of a planned unit development and master subdivision agreement. CITY OF RO S E M O U N T ALL 2875 C145th{Street West P.O. Box 510 Ever thin s Comin U Rosemount!! Y 9 9 P Rosemount, 55068-0510 0 Phone: 612-423 _4411 Fax: 612-423-5203 "LANNING CONMUSSION FROM: RICHARD PEARSON, ASSISTANT PLANNER DATE: MAY 19, 1994 Suni: MAY 24, 1994 REGULAR MEETING REvIEws AGENDA ITEM 5A. ATTACHMENTS: Blueprint Revisions and PUD Narratives 5a. CMC Heartland Partners: Eastbridge Residential Final Planned Unit Development On April 26, 1994, The Planning Commission approved the concept plan for the CIVIC Heartland Partners residential PUD known as Eastbridge. The Planning Commission identified several issues during the concept review that should be considered for the preparation of the final development plan that will be forwarded to the City Council for public hearing. ISSUE SUNVAARY: The large number of double frontage lots and the resulting proximity of the houses to CSAH 42. Although the lots meet minimum standards, the Planning Commission was concerned that the impact of CSAH 42 will be difficult to mitigate. 2. The location and timing of the "mini park" and the relationship to the neighborhood and the proposed cluster housing west of Bridgewater Parkway. According to the Park and Recreation Director, the park should be constructed with the first or second phase of the development and that connecting trails or sidewalks must be provided to link the major corridor trails with parks as well as enhance pedestrian and bikeway access to the park. 3. The Developer should demonstrate that the railroad right-of-way included with the preliminary plat has been acquired and that the rail spur lines will be relocated prior to rezoning from Industrial to Residential. 4. The corner lot twenty foot street -side yard setbacks and five foot garage side yard setbacks indicated as notes on the preliminary plats may not be justified and are inconsistent with the current residential detached development standards of thirty and ten feet respectively. 5. Lots 8 and 22, block 1, and lot 6, block 8 are corner lots on off -set cul-de-sacs with three frontages. A similar lot in Shannon Hills Third Addition was the subject of a variance hearing that caused by an awkward yet code consistent house placement. 6. Outlot B is a 45 ft. gap between Bridgewater Parkway and Greif Brothers, Inc. The City should not be expected to maintain this unbuildable strip of land. In general, the Planning Commission had no objection to the large number of cul-de-sacs, but a stated preference for larger lots was made. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN: The Developer has made minor revisions that resulted in elimination of five lot width deficiencies. Bridgewater Parkway has been moved 15 feet west thus reducing Outlot B referred to in item #6 to 30 feet wide vs. 45 as shown previously. A buffer yard is appropriate to screen the incompatible aspects of the industrial use from the proposed residential use. As previously indicated, the City should not be liable for accn�iatarl maintananr a ,K,<W p„l ungm�ne 1rY- ,u.r-� unwmrr m,�:rnal, City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action Planning Commission Meeting Date: May 24, 1994 Agenda Item: CMC Heartland: F.ASTBRDGE FINAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOP:l w (PUD) Prepared By: Richard Pearson Assistant Planner Agenda Section: OLD BUSINESS Agenda No.: ITEM NO. 5a. Attachments: Final PUD Blueprint; Residential PUD Appr d By - Booklet; ���`�''�� The final development plan for CMC Heartland Partners' Eastbridge Addition has been attached. The plan does not address all of the previously identified issues. If the Planning Commission finds that a recommendation of approval is appropriate, then further opportunity is provided for revision prior to the public hearing by City Council. Recommended Action: MOTION to recommend to City Council approval of the Eastbridge residential Planned Unit Development with lot width variances subject to: 1) modification of the phasing plan to include direct access to Biscayne Avenue or 145th Street West in the first phase; 2) provision of sidewalks and trails as specified by the Parks and Recreation Committee with grading and seeding of the park prior to initiation of the third phase with Park Dedication fees to be paid for each phase at the time of final plat approval; 3) evidence of Developer ownership of the land included in the preliminary plat; 4) relocation of the railroad spur(s) prior to approval of rezoning to a residential district; 5) screening of all residential areas from highways and railroad lines with City staff approved planting strips that effectively screen view and reduce noise levels; 6) provision of east -west through street access connecting Biscayne Avenue to commercial and cluster housing land uses; 7) proposed densities for the cluster housing with conceptual street accesses; 8) grading and utilities plans and specifications approved by the city engineer; and 9) execution of a planned unit development and master subdivision agreement. -AND - A MOTION to recommend that City Council schedule a public hearing to hear testimony regarding the Eastbridge Planned Unit Development. Planning Commission Action: 5-24-94.05a City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action city council Meeting Date: June zi, lyy4 Agenda Item: Eastbridge Planned Unit Agenda Section: Development (PUD); PUBLIC HEARING Preliminary Plat & Rezoning Prepared By: Richard Pearson Agenda No: Assistant Planner 1EM .J,(5 '' Attachments: P.C. Memos; Applications; Approved By: Resolution; Ordinance; PUD/Master Subd. Agreement; Informational Documentation; Public Notice; Mailing List. Mr. Wayne Delfino, CMC Heartland Partners, is requesting approval of a residential planned unit development (PUD), preliminary plat, and rezoning to develop 192 single family lots on 81.1 acres of land currently zoned IP Industrial Park. The PUD will facilitate the phased residential development. The preliminary plat will define lots, outlots, and street right-of-way. The single family lots and associated streets will be rezoned to R-1 Single Family Residential (detached) . A final plat for each phase will require review and recommendation by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council as each is completed. The rezoning can be approved at the time of final plat approval which will legally described the properties and enable the recording. The Comprehensive Guide Plan Land Use Designation for this property was changed to Urban Residential with the Met Council approval of Update 2000 in December 1993. The Planning Commission approved the Concept PUD on April 26, 1994. The preliminary plat and related rezonings were discussed and reviewed by the Planning Commission at their meeting on May 24, 1994. The Planning Commission recommended approval after considerable discussion encompassing the following: 1) the double frontage lots adjacent to CSAh 42; 2) park development location and timing; 3) acquisition of railroad right-of-way for residential development and spur relocation for Greif Brothers, Inc.; 4) variances as indicated on the plan and identified by staff; 5) problematic lots similar to others that have required variances; 6) undevelopable outlots; 7) circulation and street design; and 8) concerns regarding the change in land use. The attached draft resolution outlines conditions of approval as recommenclea tv the Pianninq Commission anti City start. Recommended Action: MOTION to adopt A RESOLUTION GIVING APPROVAL OF THE EASTBRIDGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) AND PRELIMINARY PLAT AND SETTING OUT THE CONDITIONS FOR FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. - and - A MOTION to table action on the rezoning request for the Eastbridge subdivision until final plat approval. City Council Action: 6-21-94.004 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: August 15, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Dodd Boulevard Trail Extension AGENDA SECTION: New Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community AGENDA NO.: Center Director 1. ATTACHMENTS: Map of location APPROVED BY: Jim Clark, 14949 Delft Street, inquired about the possibility of constructing a trail from Dodd Boulevard to the trail on County Road 42, just east of Diamond Path Boulevard. The master plan calls for the future construction of a trail along Dodd Boulevard connecting to the trail on County Road 42 in this area. Funds for the construction of this trail were incumbered in the amount of $45,000. The trail was not completed because of the future reconstruction of Dodd Boulevard, updating this street from rural to urban classification. Mr. Clark recommends the construction of a trail extension from County Road 42 to Dodd Boulevard. There is an easement which runs parallel to Dodd Boulevard to County Road 42. A map of this easement is attached. The construction of such trail extension would be located within this easement. Mr. Clark is asking for this trail so that residents can walk from Delft Street to Our Saviors Lutheran Church located at the intersection of County Road 42 and Diamond Path Boulevard. The issue is brought to the Parks and Recreation Committee to determine is the construction of this trail extension warrants further investigation and proceeding with approval process. Mr. Clark may be present at the meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to investigate the construction of a trail extension from the east end of Dodd Boulevard to the trail located on the north side of County Road 42 near the intersection of Diamond Path Boulevard and County Road 42, and to proceed with the approval process. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: v 1`7 v ID N W co M v O Z u w 13S }Y �, � 48 m 3 > iso 00 7 _ 3 1 I2 143.1 b 10 11 8 r - 8 cn \ ® m I fD. 00 4 151)_00 C l i r 0f Ro R►/ 00 1 m.-- -- 150. 00 _ 1�. — --- - N6. JB a / 79 74 w 00 - - - - 5 - �. �- - 5 Z 6e. 8 8 F �I 10 - R 150 00 6 15o 5 _ 8 9 11 1/s 56 -- ---- 00 6 7 B9 10- 1 8L07 4—15fl-%_ 6 80 04 II \ it a I Sfl. 00 7 150 00 10 9 B O -- 7 ' T �-- -- -----=3-- t? -- ---- -- 3 '. -_.-_. __._ ___...._ -- 5 q I IT 00 _ 8 Q� * 143. 92 •. ��j1j aso 24 - - 13 6 2 i� I 8 1. w1.40 4 - ism — 9� - iso—oo— 15 5!/ 4 _ 15q,0o z% 3 t - 14 p 10 q i5o 0o 13 6' Ib -CP rs 3 270_ 29 Y 1 _ _ .. _ 6b�� 1 - oo 81 10 rn00 -- �: ' \'� - 1417e 41 55 . J 15o w _ 12 0® 5 19 214. 84 4CID !Y ROYY[RNl 270. 71 11 3B { ..ms t UPPf F 1481H 0. W. co 00 -- _ 151.33 _-- - 13 € too ` d 10 24 141. 3 1 4 14 + i Hoo o.au - - 15D 00 050 52 1/0. ea 15 ogo n oo so_oo- Se o0 g �+ - 1 CIIT 01 R0:1Y01►11 im 00 P 110 5: n. 00 IN 04 ri \ y b' �q�� 5• :9 01H. U1 r)E (IUH ;AYI(Ml - - � � II 040 `i2 ®® 149. 9/� llhll '.i 4' 30. `6y 310.06 8 ' 020 54 c oo e0 06 go0c 5 4 S H9 92 a a RI E - - \0�'' . \90.00 90. 00 90.00 06' 149 96 \L y f 150fH `1H[I1 N �O 010 54 �Q L DO 900 S, 99 90�no -34 --.g.. S 89 55 10. 1 E 2549.08 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: August 15, 1994 II AGENDA ITEM: RAP Grants I AGENDA SECTION: II New Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Community Center and AGENDA NO: Parks & Recreation Director. 11. ATTACHMENTS: Proposal Abstract APPROVED BY: As part of the reorganization, I have been assigned to facilitate the Rosemount Activity Program (RAP). A major objective of this group is to provide needed services to a high density/low income housing area with boundaries of Dodd Road, 145th Street, and Shannon Parkway. A Federal grant was discovered and thought to be a perfect fit for the some fourteen collaborative human service agencies which are represented and active in RAP. The grant is entitled 'Demonstrated Partnership Program Grant' and is offered through the Department of Health and Human Services. have attached an abstract of the grant which will give you a good idea of what the program is all about. The deadline for the grant to be mailed was Friday, August 5, 1994. The grant information was received about two weeks before this date! Because of this unusual timeline, I could not bring this information to the Parks and Recreation Committee any earlier. Luckily enough a City Council Meeting fell just before the deadline. The City Council unanimously approved the support of the grant in the form of in -kind services. The City Council also approved the go ahead for Community Development Director Ron Wasmund to proceed with a grant application for the construction of a small facility to be built on in the target area and used as a site to conduct services, thus eliminating the need to rent an apartment. These grants support a plan to address problems of this high density/low income area and to lower the density of the remaining area to develop. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, information only. COMMITTEE ACTION: PROPOSAL ABSTRACT The City of Rosemount is in transition from a rural community to an urban community. It is a third ring suburb in the St. Paul/Minneapolis metropolitan area. The City has experienced a population growth of 28 % in the last 3.5 years, with a population now totalling an estimated 11,064. While meeting the demands of affordable housing, the City is experiencing an increase in serious crime related activities. While the numbers of these crime related activities are minor compared to the much larger urban core areas, it is in relation to a city of Rosemount's size an equal area of concern. Rosemount's hope is not to repeat the failures in this area of concern, but rather be prepared to met the special needs its low income population by proposing the following project. The project name is Rosemount Partnership Program. The purpose of Rosemount Partnership Program is to provide a broad range of services to an identified area of Rosemount, Minnesota, described as high density low income/subsidized rental properties, which ultimately promotes 1) Prevention of future problems requiring intervention. 2) The fostering of independence among residents of the target area and ensure welfare recipients a means to become self sufficient. 3) Improvement of services already offered to the target population. The objective of the Rosemount Partnership Program is to operate a satellite site which offers services directly within the target service area. Services would be conducted out of a three bedroom apartment. One (1) full-time staff would be recruited, selected and supervised by the Parks & Recreation Department, City of Rosemount. The position title will be 'Community Service Programmer'. Major responsibilities of this position is to coordinate and act as a liaison to participating agencies, including the scheduling and promotion of collaborative services. The Community Service Programmer would also develop, coordinate, and evaluate recreational services to the target population. A small bus would be acquired to transport the target population to other areas of the City and County where services and recreational opportunities are offered. The target area forms a triangle between Dodd Road to the south, 145th Street to the north, and Shannon Parkway to the west. The Rosemount Police Department has indicated most of the total City police calls come from this area. 546 police calls came from this area from July 21, 1993 to July 21, 1994, out of a total population of 502. The Rosemount Partnership Program is formed by a partnership of six agencies: City of Rosemount, Community Action Council, C.A.P., Dakota Alliance for Prevention, Dakota County Extension, Rosemount Activity Program. Other collaborative agencies include but are not limited to: Dakota County Employment Training Council, Dakota County Public Health, Dakota County Social Services, Independent School District #196, Minnesota Valley Transit Authority, People Against Violence, and Shepard of the Valley Church. C.A.P. is the designated Community Action Agency. The project period is twenty eight (28) months in length, including two (2) month start-up, twenty four (24) month operational period, and two (2) month evaluation period. The total project expenditure is $296,706. Eighty percent (80%) of the total project expenditure or $237,365, will be applied for in the Demonstrated Partnership Program Grant. Twenty percent (20%) of the total project expenditure or $59,341 will be requested from one or more of the participating agencies in the form of in -kind services. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: August 15, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Directors Report AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Community Center and AGENDA NO: Parks & Recreation Director. Ill• ATTACHMENTS: Weekly reports APPROVED BY: The first month of the combined department has passed. It's been a very busy summer. Earlier this summer, departments have been required to submit a weekly report to the City Council. This report serves as a thorough update of our department's activities over the last month. Please read the attached weekly reports. You will find that our department has a large array of programs and duties. will also present updates on the Tree Ordinance, Winds Crossing Park, and Birger Pond, as requested at the last Committee meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, information only. I COMMITTEE ACTION: MEMORANDUM DATE: July 13, 1994 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jim Topitzhofer, Community Center and Parks & Recreation Director SUBJECT: WEEKLY REPORT, WEEK OF JULY 4, 1994 • Publicity - Staff completed the camera ready copy of the Leprechaun Days brochure. It will be distributed to Rosemount residents as an insert in the Thisweek newspaper via Direct Market Media on July 16, 1994. • RAP - Staff worked with Sheila Klassen to plan and create a flyer to promote a new program for 5-8th Graders at Kidder Park. This program follows the "Kick Off' special event on June 29th. The Rosemount Middle School Gym and the Community Center are two the alternate sites should inclement weather occur. • Ground Pounders Series - The "fourth leg" of the Ground Pounders series was conducted July 10th in Lakeville. Staff again compiled the accumulative results in preparation for this fun run. • Senior Programming - Staff received a call from a senior inquiring if the city would coordinate additional senior programming for the Rosemount Senior Center. Community Education provides a senior program coordinator, Jan Stoven, who does some programming. Staff will evaluate the request and work to compliment Community Education's senior program and consider offering the opportunity to advertise in the city brochure. i • Softball - Staff planned upcoming softball tournaments. Thursday Night Womens Sottball was rescheduled for the second time because of rain. • Church - Woodcrest Church is once again on the agenda. A compromise has been reached with the National Guard over the availability of the Auditorium. The next step in securing a regular Sunday rental with Woodcrest Church is to negotiate a lease agreement. Negotiations will begin on July 14, 1994. • Painting - Various locations were painted in the ice arena utilizing volunteers from RAHA. Epoxy paint was used to stand up to rugged arena use. The concrete walk areas in the ice arena were sealed for safety reasons. MEMORANDUM DATE: July 27, 1994 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jima Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director SUBJECT: WEEKLY REPORT, WEEK OF JULY 18, 1994 • New Baby! - Congratulations to Wendy Willman on her new arrival. Wendy & Dave Willman brought a beautiful baby girl (Samantha, six pounds) into the world on Friday, July 22, 1994. Wendy will be on a 12 week maternity leave. • RAP Project - The RAP group is working furiously to complete a grant application by August 8, 1994. The Federal grant is entitled Demonstrated Partnership Program. The purpose of the project is to provide a broad range of services to an identified area of Rosemount, described by high density - low income housing, which ultimately promotes 1) Prevention of future problems requiring intervention. 2) Fostering independence among residents of the target area and ensure welfare recipients a means to become self sufficient. 3) Improve services already offered to the target population. The objective of the Rosemount Partnership Program is to operate a satellite site to offer services directly within the target service area. Services would be conducted out of a three bedroom apartment. One (1) full-time staff would be recruited, selected and supervised by the Parks & Recreation Department, City of Rosemount. The position title will be 'Community Service Programmer'. Major responsibilities of this position is to coordinate and act as a liaison to participating agencies, including the scheduling and promotion of collaborative services. The Community Service Programmer would also develop, coordinate, and evaluate recreational services to the target population. A small bus would be acquired to transport the target population to other areas of the City and County where services and recreational opportunities are offered. • Woodcrest Church - Negotiations were completed for lease of Community Center facilities for Woodcrest Church. The use of Banquet Room, Auditorium, and Meeting Rooms, on Sunday mornings will be offered to Woodcrest Church at an approximate annual cost of $17,700. The City Attorney is reviewing a lease agreement at this time. Woodcrest Church will begin services as early as August 21, 1994. • Mobile phone - A mobile phone is now being used by staff in the parks when conducting the playground programs. Staff have found that the handhold radios do not transmit well from the Offices. • Ron Jacobsen - Ron Jacobsen, a Rosemount resident who has been involved with discussions regarding the development of Carrolls Woods in the past, voiced some concerns. In Ron's opinion: 1) Dead logs and other bushes should not be removed from Carrolls Woods because they provide food for mushrooms and other species. 2) Funds should be requested from USPCI for the purchase of trail maintenance equipment which would enable the City to maintain 6 foot trails, instead of 8 foot trails or wider. Ron would like the width of the trails revisited. 3) The proposed trail construction, from the Southwest access to the Halloween Trail, encourages the access to "unruly" people which pose a threat to neighboring households. 4) The material of this proposed trail should accommodate soft sole shoes (moccasins), instead of aggregate material. 5) The Haunted Woods Special Event should be moved to another location because Carrolls Woods poses a fire threat to participants. "This event has become too commercial". 6) The name 'Carrolls Woods' should be changed to 'Carrolls Woods Nature Area'. These concerns will be forwarded to the Parks & Recreation Committee. • Softball Tournament - Mens Softball League Tournament was conducted July 22-23 at Erickson Park. Staff prepared for this annual event by confirming schedules, equipment and staff. The Jaycees sold concessions for this tournament. Thanks was given to the Buildings and Grounds staff for their efforts in making the tournament run smooth by providing quality fields for the teams to play on. • The Sunday Night Specials - Sentimental Journey received a fair attendance of 100. • Fall Program - Planning for Fall programs and tentative timeliness were briefly discussed amongst staff. MEMORANDUM DATE: August 3, 1994 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Lisa Jost & Jim Topitzhofer SUBJECT: WEEKLY REPORT, WEEK OF JULY 25, 1994 • Leprechaun Days consumed most of the staff's time this past week with preparation and the conducting of this spectacular event. The Leprechaun Days Committee has an evaluation meeting scheduled for Wednesday, August 17. Comments or suggestions regarding the annual event are encouraged and should be forwarded to Lisa Jost. A summary of the events sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department follows: The Medallion was found by two 13 year old girls in Chippendale Park on the third day. Thank you Cathy Busho for writing the clues. Open In -Line Skating was free of charge. An average of 75 participants attended. Leprechaun Days picnic filled with 85 participants. Staff will limited the number or seek additional volunteers for the afternoon event for next year should the picnic receive a similar number of participants. Fishing Derby received 104 participants of whom caught many bullheads! Run for the Gold received 154 runners which is an increase of 14 runners. The Fitness Walk doubled in number of participants. Because of the collaboration of individual volunteers, other city staff, the maintenance department, and the Jaycees, this event went very smoothly! ' The Kiddy Parade and the Blarney Stone Hunt went well. Consideration is being given to scheduling the Kiddy Parade before the big parade next year. This would offer a large audience and excitement to the event. The Parks & Recreation Department would like to extend their appreciation to the Public Works Department for all the efforts to assist us during the Leprechaun Days events. We could not have done it with out them! • The All Class Reunion went very well. Jim Topitzhofer responded to a letter of concern from the event organizing committee. A copy of this response is attached. Staff expended many hours in preparation to accommodate the requests made. • Skating Lessons - Staff met with Barb Yackel, Director of the Jump-n-Spin School and set preliminary dates for skating lessons that will be conducted on Saturdays. Skating Lessons will be a contracted service and will be coordinated by Barb Yackel. City staff will assist by publicizing the lessons in the quarterly brochures. This program will not be subsidized by the city. • Summer Playground programs ended this week. • Grant application - Lacelle Cordes completed the application paperwork for the Carrolls Woods and Birger Pond land acquisition. The appraisal for was $432,000 for Carrolls Woods and $878,000 for Birger Pond. CITY OF ROSEMOU NT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! July 21, 1994 Jean Heinen 3110 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Jean, CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 Phone: 612-423.4411 Fax: 612-423-5203 In response to your letter to Mayor E.B. McMenomy dated July 17, 1994, I have reviewed your concerns and have prepared the following reply. I do not necessarily consider your event a "community event", but rather, as defined by our policy, your event is classified in Fee Class 2 as "resident". Because I am bound to pricing policies set by the City Council, I am not making an exception to our approved fees in your case . However, I will clarify some misunderstandings in our fee schedule and will offer some solutions and compromises. The fee for a meeting room is not $10 per hour as indicated in your letter. The fee per meeting room is $15 per 2.5 hour blocks. Thus, your cost for renting two meeting rooms from 1:00 p.m. to midnight would be $150 instead of $240. The fee for the gym stands at $360. We apologize for the mis-quote. Since there is no reservation in the gym on Friday night, you are welcome to begin preparations in the gym on Friday from 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. Our policy to restrict tables & chairs to the Banquet Room was developed for two reasons. First, we did not want to move tables & chairs from the Banquet Room to the Gym on a regular basis because of wear and tear. Secondly, we do not have sufficient staffing to move a large number of tables and chairs to other locations on a regular basis. To offer a solution, if you agree to recruit a crew of ten volunteers on Friday evening, we will direct these volunteers to load tables and chairs on carts and move them to the Gym by rolling the carts outside around the building (the carts do not fit in the elevators). Since 20 of the tables will be used in the Banquet Room on Saturday morning, four volunteers would be required to move the remaining tables at 12:00 noon. We would need a last crew of 10 volunteers to transport the tables and chairs back to the Banquet Room on Sunday afternoon. This solution will save you $522. Orm In the spirit of good customer service, we will waive the $150 charge for hanging your banner. It is our policy to prohibit customers the use of ladders in the facility. The reasons for this policy concern safety and liability. Our staff will hang one banner in the gym, provided it can be hung underneath a basketball standard. By clarifying our fees, waiving the banner fee, and offering a solution on tables and chairs, your preconceived cost is reduced by $762. Sue Fischer has responded favorably to my reply. It is my sincere hope that our efforts will contribute in making your event a truly great one. If you have questions, please call me at 322-6003. Sincerely, 7' opitzhofer P s & Recreation and Community Center Director cc E.B. McMenomy Thomas Burt Sue Fischer MEMORANDUM DATE: August 9, 1994 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director SUBJECT: WEEKLY REPORT, WEEK OF AUGUST 1, 1994 • Porn Poms Parents Appreciation Night - This event was conducted in the banquet room. This was the first performance in the facility for this group. The program has typically been held at Rosemount Elementary School Cafeteria. The in-house school programs have increased such that the Pom Porn program would incur 50% skip dates from it's regular schedule. Staff is reviewing other possibilities to include the use of the Banquet Room or Auditorium. The program resumes in late September. • Fitness Room Orientation - 24 Fire Fighters completed the Fitness Room orientation. Questions were raised as to status and support of our department of the Wellness Program. Staff indicated that the Parks and Recreation Department fully supported the Wellness program. • Gun Show - A gun show was conducted in the multi-purpose/arena floor on August 6-7. An estimated 900 people attended this first time dryland event. The vendor hired and stationed security guards throughout the arena on a 24 hour basis. No problems occurred. Another gun arm show is scheduled in the gymnasium in December. • Demonstrated Partnership Grant - Writing for the Federal Demonstrated Partnership Grant was completed and turned in on time. The grant application is extremely lengthy and required many hours of preparation. We expect to hear of our success from the Department of Health and Human Services some time in October. • Rentals - 14 Permits were processed this week including 2 Banquet Room rentals and 12 in the Auditorium, Classr000ms, and gymnasium. • Other Tasks - Staff work on daily task that included updating program deadlines for trips and tennis, sending Thank You's for volunteers that assisted our department during Leprechaun Days events, preparing for fall softball, conducting MN Zoo trip and other tasks. • Parks & Recreation Committee Workshop - Four Committee Members were present at the workshop meeting on August 4, 1994. Official action taken included the recommendation to City Council to accept park dedication for the Dr. Kurt Walter -Hanson site in the form of a constructed trail and parking lot which would be used for Erickson Community Square. • Dodd Road Trail Request - A request and inquiry was received regarding the construction of a bike/walking trail connecting Dodd Road to the existing trail located at Diamond Path and County Road 42. Staff is investigating the matter. • Removal of Playground Equipment at Twin Puddles Park - Notification was given to nearby residents of Twin Puddles Park of the removal of playground equipment for safety purposes. Approximately 160 residents received the attached notification, indicated by the shaded area on the attached map. There has only been one call received by the Department regarding the notice. The unknown caller refused to give his name. This person was rather rude on the phone and indicated his biggest objection was having his grandchildren associate with and experience the behaviors of children who frequent Kidder Park and live in low income housing. No other calls have been received to date. The playground equipment will be removed by August 12, 1994. Replacement of the playground equipment is planned in 1995 with CIP funds, pending the approval of the 1995 budget by City Council. CITY OF ROSEMOU NT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 Phone: 612-423-4411 Fax: 612-42 3-5203 ROSEMOUNT PARKS & RECREATION 13885 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068-3438 Phone: 612-322-6000 22-6080 Fax: NOTIFICATION Information Line: 612-891 -9431 August 2, 1994 Dear Resident: This letter is to inform you that the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department will be removing the playground equipment at Twin Puddles Park for safety reasons. The playground equipment will be removed the week of August 8-12, 1994. We anticipate the replacement of the playground equipment in the future. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please call me at (612) 322-6000. Thank you. Sincerely, J s A. Topitzhofer Rosemount Parks and Recreation/ Community Center Director jat:nls\twinpud.Itr toPrinted on recycled paper containing 30 post -consumer materials. men 111011 memo LT—Mm-l!6!m OC-*OW �jo if le mwm� PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: COMPLETED BY: e 11 `9 f D i MAILING INCLUDED: % — ( �) minutes for t K_ - meeting. /' (Committee) Q (Date) %' Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for Z7 • jj5 • qq meeting. (Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1994 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) `v-' Michael Eliason Dave Giliuson John Howard Linda Ladzun Jeff Moser Jerry Puciaty V'_ Tom Reller ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies)* usher (t✓ound"Iember) Lucy Holzer John Loch • ��\�?. _ Del LorentL =,"-Marge Ryan, V .—Deanna Simpson ion both sub c mimft* .. 'v'�Jim Thommes • Sta1T— �—�htr-d_(]Parks and Rec Committee)r �___-�Q�-Maser (Parks and Rec Cornmiiiee) . CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies)* Dan Belting Mike Busho Ed Howard Marie Jensen 50 retta Loesch 6/ cott Rynerson oel Sutter =Deanna Simpson (on both sub -committees) ,Rick Cook (Parks Supervisor)--..-- Dai�eiliu&t�n. (Parks and Rec Committee) om Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE MAILING - (5 copies)* Dana Brodt Rick Cook '✓✓ Lacelle Cordes Lisa Jost Randy Moe Nancy Schrupp (as needed, does not include me)* �✓ Jim Topitzhofer Wendy Willman Parks Staff (1 copy) ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (24 copies) City Administrator - Burt (1) Department He (5) V1 it of Public Works - Osmundson Dir of Planning - Wasmund Fe t of Finance - May Chief - Aker hief of Police - Knutse_n O Xity Council & Attorney (6) V Planning Commission (5) 10 �� Port Authority (7 members, 4actual copies) tk ��Utility Commission (3) �J Official City Records (1) Not till approved OTHE - (1 copy, Minutes Only!) '>0r\k__ Ron Jacobson, 3647 143rd St W, Rsmt; H:423-2117 # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: c,,. PARK AND REC CTTEE 7 b ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF 1 EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: Z , c:hklstor.94 (Revised 7-I1-941 14 ALL CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C145th{Street West P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount55068 0510N Phone: 612-423.4411 Fax: 612.423.5203 FACSEMME COVER LETTER Our fax number is 322-6080 Community Center 322-6000 DATE: I - Please deliver the following page(s) to: NAME: Evelyn Hoover CONTACT PHONE #:894-1111 DEPT: FAX NUMBER: 894-1859 FROM: Nancy Schrupp CONTACT PHONE #:423-4415 SUBJECT/NOTES: Please publish the following agenda in the Rosemount This Week Newspaper. Thank you! TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES including this cover sheet: ?- If you do not receive the entire fax, please call T),Q�SA C U at 1-4 Z � - y 1 HARD COPY TO FOLLOW: NO YES faxcover.frm 14 %4v = ll�l ommomill mlawn ommomill mlawn 341520406001 341520408002 341520407001 DEBORAH ANN THOMAS LOWELL R & DIANNA L RIDDLE PHILIP H & SANDRA K HENAMAN 14625 DELFT AVE 14640 DELFT AVE W 14645 DELFT AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4148 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4149 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4148 341520303001 JAMES A & JOYCE L ANDERSON 14655 DANVILLE AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-41 50 341520303002 JON K & JACQUELINE D EDMAN 14660 DANVILLE AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4151 341520211003 ANTON & MARYLS E BRENDALEN 14695 DAMASK AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4155 341520304001 MICHAEL & ANNA ZAPPA 14669 DANVILLE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4150 341520406002 FRANCES L WOTCZAK 14674 DELFT AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4149 341520409001 ANDREW P & DONNA M KRAMER 14675 DELFT AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4148 341520205002 JAMES A JR & DEBORAH SHIRK 4278 147TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4518 341520207002 EDWARD L & RUTH A JAWORSKI 4248 147TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4518 341520203002 JEAN WESTLIE DUDLEY 14669 DANBURY AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4152 341520408001 DWAYNE A & CAROLYN SCHULTZ 14665 DELFT AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4148 341520208004 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4941 341520001002 DANIEL P TUTEWOHL 14680 DALLARA AVE S ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4158 341520304002 HARRY R & SALLY T WILLCOX 14674 DANVILLE AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4151 341520003002 RONALD J & DARLENE V LEE 14699 DAHOMEY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4160 341520003003 JUDITH A DYSON 14692 DAHOMEY AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4161 341520208002 DENNIS B & CHERYLE COUGHLIN 4230 147TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4518 341520407002 THOMAS D SIMS 14660 DELFT AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4149 341520210003 HAROLD R SPENCER 4249 147TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4517 341520001001 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4941 341520204002 DONNA MAY LENT 4290 147TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4518 341520002003 JEANNE M BAILEY 14686 DAHOMEY ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4161 341520305001 JOSEPH S & LAURIE A HORARIK 14685 DANVILLE AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4150 341520206002 ALVIN M & BARBARA A SPRUTE 4256 147TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4518 341520405002 DAVID 0 & JOYCE i SAUTER 14710 DELFT AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4541 341520209002 341520210002 341520211002 GARY M & CAROLYN A WECKOP RALPH S TRST THOMPSON JEREL GUNNING 4212 147TH ST W RT 1 4184 147TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4518 WHITEHALL WI 54773-9801 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4521 341520001004 341520305002 341520002004 DENNIS J & GRETA L FLIEGEL ALLAN H & CANDACE MEYER RONALD A & JUDITH K BENSON 4168 147TH ST W 25921 DODD BLVD 4146 147TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4521 LAKEVILLE MN 55044-9774 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4521 341520008003 STANLEY & MARIAN LITTLEFIELD 4124 147TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4522 341520007003 WILLIAM C OHM 4098 147TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4536 341520306002 ROBERT J CUSTER 14724 DANVILLE AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4546 341520005003 CALVIN G & CONSTANCE DRAKE 14698 DAHOMEY AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4161 341521109001 SYLVESTER J & PHYLLI LANG 14760 DAMASK CT ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4511 341521106001 KEVIN L & LAURIE J KAEHLER 14774 DAMASK CT ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-451 1 341520009003 RUTH FAGERWOLD 14770 DALLARA AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4502 341520307002 DOUGLAS F & KAREN MCCRILLIS 14748 DANVILLE AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4546 341520410001 FRANK D & FRANCES SEASHOLTZ 14715 DELFT AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4540 341520004003 RONALD L & DOLORES K OTTERDAHL 14696 DAHOMEY AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4161 341520006003 ROSE M & ELAINE RATZLAFF 4076 147TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4536 341520307001 GARY J & CAROL KITOWSKI 14737 DANVILLE AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4545 341521108001 JAMES & KAY PHILLIPPS 14764 DAMASK CT ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-451 1 341521105001 ROBERT G & GALE A EVENS 14780 DAMASK CT ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4511 341521111001 TODD A & ANN M LATZKE 14750 DAMASK CT ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-451 1 341520412001 JOSEPH C & ROSEMARY WAGNER 14755 DELFT AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4540 341520306001 ARLYN B & JO ANNE J COPE 14717 DANVILLE AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4545 341520404002 GERALD E & CYNTHIA OCHOCKI 14730 DELFT AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4541 341520411001 BRUCE T & MARY L SCHLUSSLER 14735 DELFT AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4540 341521110001 MICHAEL R & KIMBERLY SIEDOW 14754 DAMASK CT ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-451 1 341521107001 CHRIS & JANET KANAKARES 14770 DAMASK AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4500 341520003004 JERRY L & SANDRA K HEIDMAN 14755 DALLARA AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4556 341520403002 BRADLEY G & RENEE Y BAKKE 14750 DELFT AVE S ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4541 341520004004 PAUL & HALLEY LABERDA 14767 DALLARA AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4556 341520308001 340301003052 341520010003 DONALD & MICHELLE IVERSON JANET R OSTER WILLIAM C SMITH 14755 DANVILLE AVE 14793 DODD BLVD 14782 DALLARA AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4545 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4529 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 340301001052 341521104001 341520308002 GLEN 0 & CAROL HAUGEN DANIEL L & MARY L STURM ROBERT T & LISA M WIDMAN 14785 DODD BLVD 14790 DAMASK AVE 14760 DANVILLE AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4529 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4500 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4546 341520402002 341520005004 341520413001 MYRON F & ROSE M MEATH HENRY & HELENE BROBACK DOUGLAS L & ELIZABET PALM 14760 DELFT AVE E 14378 EMBRY CT 14765 DELFT AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4541 APPLE VALLEY MN 55124-6988 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4540 341520309001 341521114001 341521115001 JOHN L & DEBORAH A COFFMAN DONNA ELAINE REGGUINTI CHARLENE M CLOSNER 14769 DANVILLE AVE W 14775 DAMASK CT 14785 DAMASK CT S ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4545 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4510 341520011103 341521116001 341521112001 JANELL R JOHNSON STEVEN & SHERRY FAGERSTROM KEITH E & KATHLEEN A ELLIS 14790 DALLARA AVE W 14795 DAMASK CT 14755 DAMASK CT ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4502 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4510 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4510 341520011003 341521103001 341520309002 JANET R OSTER GERALD L & MILDRED LAFLEX ROBERT C & EDNA SORENSEN 14793 DODD BLVD 14800 DAMASK CT 14774 DANVILLE AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4529 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4511 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4546 341520401002 341520006004 341521113001 DALE H & CAROL BLAISDELL KEVIN & LOIS MUELLNER MICHAEL A GRIECO 14780 DELFT AVE W 14789 DALLARA AVE 14765 DAMASK CT ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4541 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4556 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4510 341521001002 341520310001 340301002052 PHILLIP R & JULIE PEARSON BARRY C & TERESA BELLOWS THOMAS & SHARON PIEKARSKI 14803 DELFT AVE W 14785 DANVILLE AVE W 14800 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4538 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4545 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4507 341521102001 341521117001 341520007004 ROBERT E & DIANE B TRIBITT PHILLIP & CHRISTINA KLINE BRADLEY D WALLACE 14810 DAMASK CT W 14805 DAMASK CT 14795 DALLARA AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4511 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4510 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4556 341520310002 341521101000 341521001001 ROBERT T & THERESA M LESHER CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JAY A & JULIE A LUNKE 14796 DANVILLE AVE W 2875 145TH ST W 14800 DELFT AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4546 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4941 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4539 341521101001 341520311001 341521118001 ROBERT E & DOROTHY A ARNOLD HENRY W NEUENFELDT SCOTT A & KAREN I GARDINIER 14820 DAMASK CT 14811 DANVILLE AVE W 14815 DAMASK CT ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-451 1 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4543 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4510 341520501002 341520311002 341520312001 MICHAEL A & SHARON BROBACK CRAIG S HIRMAN BLANE & ANN VOIGT 15021 OAKLAND AVE 14826 DANVILLE AVE W 14833 DANVILLE AVE W BURNSVILLE MN 55337-5199 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4543 341521002002 NORMAN & GEORGIA A MILLER 14821 DELFT AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4538 341520501001 ROY & IRENE R JOHNSON 14815 DALLARA AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4555 341520503002 DAKOTA COUNTY HRA 2496 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4929 341521003001 THEODORE & PATRICIA ROSENLUND 14844 DELFT AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4539 341520313002 DAKOTA COUNTY HRA 2496 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4929 341520601001 DUANE F & LILLIAN E HOUGH 14835 DAMASK AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4549 341521004001 PHONG CAO NGUYEN 14862 DELFT AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4539 340301010052 PATRICIA ANN SAARI 14885 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4525 341521002001 DENNIS & DIANE RASMUSSEN 14828 DELFT AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4539 341520502002 ROY & IRENE JOHNSON 14830 DALLARA AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4503 341521003002 KEVIN R & RENE A MEYER 14839 DELFT AVE S ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4538 341520313001 DOUGLAS J & REBECCA BUSHO 14849 DANVILLE AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4543 340301005052 FRANKLIN K & ELAINE DAHL 14875 DODD RD ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4525 341520314001 LOUIS & HILDEGARDE GRAMSEY 825 CRYSTAL LAKE RD E BURNSVILLE MN 55337-5127 341520504002 TIMOTHY T BROBACK 3348 UPPER 149TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4321 341521001003 MICHAEL R COOK 14871 DELFT AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4535 341521119001 GARY T & LINDA K ROSS 14825 DAMASK ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 341520312002 BRUCE THOMAS & DEBRA SILVERNALE 14840 DANVILLE AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4544 341520501400 DAVID JOHN ODONNELL 14840 DDAMASK AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4551 341520502001 ROY & IRENE R JOHNSON 14815 DALLARA AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4555 341520501300 WILLIAM H & SHARON FOSTER 14870 DAMASK AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4551 341520503001 MARK J & CRYSTAL A ANDERSON 14855 DALLARA AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4555 340301008052 DARELL & CAROLYN RANDOLPH 14854 DANVILLE AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4544 341520701000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4941 341520602001 341520315001 341521005001 CAROLINE A HARRIS HENRY & HELENE BROBACK DAKOTA COUNTY HRA 14865 DAMASK AVE W 14378 EMBRY CT 2496 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4549 APPLE VALLEY MN 55124-6988 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4929 341520504001 340301009052 341520601002 MICHAEL H DAHNKE DONALD WEATHERLY MICHAEL W & MARILYN 14875 DALLARA AVE 14860 DANVILLE JORGENSEN ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4555 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4544 14890 DAMASK AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4551 341521002003 DIANA JO DONCARLOS 14889 DELFT AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4535 341520316001 JAMES & EVALYN SAYLOR 14891 DANVILLE AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4543 341521006001 SCOTT M & SUSAN L SEELEY 14910 DELFT AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4537 341521003003 STEVEN L & KAREN M BALL 14913 DELFT AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4535 341520604001 ALAN R & TERESE A BURMEISTER 14925 DAMASK ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4547 341520506001 RICHARD K & KAREN H SHEAR 14935 DALLARA AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4553 340301002054 WESLEY & DIANE ROLFING 14930 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4508 341520604002 CAROL J BROADBENT 14950 DAMASK AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4548 341520505002 JEFFREY WADE GUNNING 14890 DALLARA AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4503 340301011052 DESIREE K KIPFER 14870 DANVILLE AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4544 341520602002 ALICE T DOLEZAL 2313 122ND ST E BURNSVILLE MN 55337-3144 341520506002 DAVID B & DORIS D BARNES 14910 DALLARA AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4554 341521007001 CHARLES K & MARY E VOMACKA 14918 DELFT AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4537 341520507002 ANTHONY M & MARY ANN CARBONI 14930 DALLARA AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4554 341520605001 MICHAEL A & PENNY J EFFERTZ 14955 DAMASK AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4547 341520603001 TIMOTHY A & MICHELE HUBERTY 14885 DAMASK AVE S ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4549 340301004052 CHRISTOPHER OSTERTAG 14888 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 341520505001 ROGER G & SALLY A NICHOLAS 14915 DALLARA AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4553 341520317001 DANIEL P & KATHRYN MCGINN 14915 DANVILLE AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4509 341520603002 STEVEN M & KATHRYN ROSS 14930 DAMASK AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4548 341521004003 DAKOTA COUNTY HRA 2496 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4929 341521008001 LEIGH C & MICHELE L ANDERSON 14940 DELFT AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4537 341520507001 340301001054 MARC J & BARBARA M RETTERATH KEVIN J & M K ERVASTI 14955 DALLARA AVE W 14950 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4553 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4508 341520508002 341520701001 341520702001 GERALD M & SHARON PETERSON CHRISTOPHER G OSTERTAG DENNIS M & SUSAN E LIEN 14950 DALLARA AVE W 14888 DODD BLVD 4215 UPPER 150TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4554 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 BOX 138 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-0138 341520703001 341520704001 341520705001 WILLIAM P MURPHY LEROY A & KATHLEEN D OLSON DONALD M & JOY LUDESCHER 4195 150TH ST W 4175 UPPER 150TH ST 4155 150TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4514 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4514 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4514 341521005003 JAMES L CLARK 14949 DELFT AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 341520508001 SCOTT M & MARIANNE NELSON 14975 DALLARA AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4553 341520510002 TODD M & JOAN A JAGERSON 14990 DALLARA AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4554 341520704002 JOHN R & SANDRA J WALLACE 4220 UPPER 150TH ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4513 341520707002 SCOTT G & AMY B ADAMS 4160 150TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4515 341520601000 RICHARD J & KRISTIN SCHNEIDER 4100 150TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-451 5 341520512002 RICHARD W & LEE A KROENER 4040 150TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4501 341520606001 DAKOTA COUNTY HRA 2496 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4929 341520509002 THOMAS R BAYER 14970 DALLARA AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4554 341520702002 ROBERT E & JANET B DOLAN 4260 150TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4513 341520705002 MICHAEL R & MARY B INCE 4200 150TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4513 341520602004 KENNETH J & KAREN K LOOMIS 4140 150TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4515 341520601003 EUGENE T & LONNIE L BAKA 4060 150TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4501 341520511002 RONALD W & CYNTHIA WESTLUND 4030 150TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4501 341520605002 ARTHUR C BROBACK 10341 204TH ST LAKEVILLE MN 55044-8804 341520701002 STEVEN B & KAREN E DAVIS 4280 150TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4513 341520703002 JOSEPH J & PAMELA FOREMAN 4240 UPPER 150TH ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4513 341520706002 CAROL JEAN MOTZ 4180 UPPER 150TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4515 341520601004 RAYMOND F & PHYLLIS PIKE 4120 150TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4515 341520513002 BILLIE L LANE 4050 150TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4501 COMPARISON OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE STRUCTURES PARKS AND RECREATION/COMMUNITY CENTER DEPARTMENTS August 18, 1994 City Numbers of all Committees & Titles # of Members # of Meetings Average Meeting Length Brooklyn Park (1) Parks & Recreation Commission 7 members 1 per month 3 hours Becker (1) Parks & Recreation Advisory Board 5 members 2 per month 2 hours Maplewood (1) Parks & Recreation Commission 9 members 1 per month 3 hours Shoreview (1) Parks & Recreation Commission 7 members 1 per month 3 hours Brooklyn Center (1) Parks & Recreation Commission 7 members 1 per month 2 hours Eden Prairie (1) Parks, Recreation, and Natural 7 members 2 per month 2.5 hours Chaska (1) Parks & Recreation Commissions 9 members 1 per month 2.5 hours Resources Apple Valley (1) Parks & Recreation Advisory 7 members 1 per month 2 hours (not a major Committee community center) This comparison includes cities with all major and/or newly constructed community centers. In all the above cases, the parks & recreation department operates the community center and the park & recreation advisory committee is a sounding board for community center policies, parks dedication and development, and all recreation programs. There are no other sub -committees with the exception of a few short term sub -committees which are project related.