HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994_09_19-PRMMAGENDA CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 P.M. Note: The CarroUs Woods Meeting is at 6 p.m. AGENDA: I. Call Meeting to Order II. Additions to the Agenda III. Approve Minutes of the August 15, 1994, Meeting IV. Audience Input I. Merger of Parks and Recreation Committee and Community Center Commission II. Request from RAAA Regarding Fence Extension at Jaycee Park III. Erickson Community Square Update IV. Carrolls Woods Update NEW BUSINESS: I. Sliding Hill at Connemara Park II. Application for Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee III. Wensmann Ath Addition IV. Shannon Pond 4th Addition V. Park Dedication and Fee Policy VI. Ed Bradshaw Memorial VII. Chairperson's Report VIII. Director's Report IX. Adjournment PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 APPROVED MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Linda Ladzun, Jeff Moser, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director; Rick Cook, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor; Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Programmer; Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary Aide MEMBERS ABSENT: Dave Giliuson, John Howard CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Linda Ladzun, Vice Chairperson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 15, 1994, MINUTES: Five comments made by Jerry Puciaty on Carrolls Woods issues will be added to the minutes under Old Business, Roman Numeral II — Carrolls Woods Update, Paragraph Four. MOTION by Tom Reller to accept the minutes of the August 15, 1994, with Jerry Puciaty's comments added. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None MERGER OF PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE AND COMMUNITY CENTER COMMISSION: Jim Topitzhofer commented that further discussions on the merger were held at the workshop meeting for the Parks and Recreation Committee members. At the workshop, Jerry Puciaty suggested to formally decide on the issue at the next Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. Jim suggested a format of two meetings per month, with the second meeting concentrating on development issues only. Jim requested the committee members to consider the following proposal to the City Council. Combine the Parks and Recreation Committee with the Community Center Commission, to be entitled "Parks and Recreation Committee", and that the City Council determine the size of the newly formed Parks and Recreation Committee and the date of the merger in the near future. Linda Ladzun expressed her feelings regarding the Workshop meeting and does not want to see that dropped. She questioned if that would mean three meetings per month. Mike Eliason agreed with Linda in the sense that he does not want to see the Workshop dropped. Mike stated that being this is his first year on the committee, he has found that the Workshops have been very informative and that it takes time to learn the information to be able to make good decisions. Jerry Puciaty suggested the possibility of setting aside time at the second meeting, either at the beginning or end, to hold a workshop and allow one hour for it. Tom Reller commented that he likes the idea of the sub -committee meetings preceding the Parks and Recreation Committee meetings and would be in favor of the merger. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 19, 1994 Page 2 APPROVED Further discussions were held on the number of members that this combined Committee would have. Jim Topitzhofer commented that he feels that he should not be the one to recommend the number of members or who those members should be. Jim feels those decisions should be left up to the City Council. Jerry Puciaty stated that a plan needs to be in place on how to handle the changes that will occur if the merger takes place, such as if the number of members change then the By -Laws will need to be changed. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to merge the Parks and Recreation Committee and Community Center Commission, retain seven members on the committee and retain Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee and Erickson Community Square Sub -Committee. SECOND by Jeff Moser. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. REQUEST FROM RAAA REGARDING FENCE EXTENSION AT JAYCEE PARK: Jim Topitzhofer gave an overview on the requested completion of the fence line on the north side of the baseball field at Jaycee Park with the cost to be funded by RAAA. Lacelle Cordes contacted representatives from the Outdoor Recreation Grant to determine if the fence could be installed without detracting from the intent of the grant and was given the go ahead by the grant administrators. Tom Neumann was present to give an update. Tom commented that the annual meeting is coming up in October and that he has still not seen many Rosemount residents attending the meetings. Tom commented that with Independent School District 196 building a new high school in the future, that could greatly effect RAAA by getting new boundaries. Tom stated that all of the board members are Apple Valley residents and in the last five or six years there has been no representation from Rosemount and suggested that residents of Rosemount seriously consider getting on the RAAA Board. RAAA meetings are held at the Rosemount Community Center on the second Monday of each month from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. However, Tom commented that RAAA does not meet in July and tries not to meet in August do to the amount of activities during this time. MOTION by Mike Eliason to accept RAAA's donation for the installation of an eight foot chain link fence on the north side of the baseball field at Jaycee Park. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. III. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE UPDATE: Jeff Moser commented that Wayne Lindell is volunteering his time as the "unofficial" construction manager to assist with the building plans and structure. Wayne suggested that each of the Erickson Community Square Sub -Committee members should select a division of the construction to manage. Jeff commented that the sub -committee is still searching for a structural engineer and a mechanical engineer Jim Topitzhofer commented that the historical Baptist church on Cameo is looking to relocate in the area near the veterinary clinic and Park & Ride area. The church is suggested to be used as an information center. IV. CARROLLS WOODS: Mike Busho was present to give an update. Mike commented that residents are concerned about Carrolls Woods users parking near the southwest entrance. Mike stated that the designated parking areas will be at the Senior High and Schwarz Park and that a sign will be placed at the southwest entrance indicating the parking areas. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 19, 1994 Page 3 APPROVED Mike commented that the first 100 feet of trail is installed and that landscaping is complete. Mike complimented Deanna Simpson and the Garden Club for doing such an excellent job. Mike stated that construction of the rest of the trail will begin the first part of October. Mike commented that the sub -committee made a motion prohibiting the use of horses in Carrolls Woods. The use of bikes will be further discussed. A resident's issues concerning Carrolls Woods were addressed by the sub -committee. Mike commented that this person's issues pertained to: • A Topographical Map of Carrolls Woods. A map has been made available at this time. • Trail variance. The trail variance has been approved by the state. • Removal of dead logs over trails. Dead logs are cut up and stacked in the woods. It is left in the woods to provide refuge for the smaller wildlife animals. • Use of lime rock on trails. Use of lime rock is acceptable and the PH change to the content of the soil is minimal. • Trail width. The trail width is six feet with a one foot buffer on each side. Mike commented that a formal written request from a Ron Jacobson to join the sub -committee was received. The sub -committee would like to hold off on the request until some type of criteria for the sub -committee is established such as the number of members, length of term, etc. A motion was made by the sub -committee to request the Parks and Recreation Committee to come up with the criteria. Jerry Puciaty stated that he fully supports the sub -committee and requested that the sub- committee members come up with suggestions on the criteria for the Parks and Recreation Committee to discuss, refine and put together. Mike commented that the sub -committee would like to re -assess where they are at first. Jerry also commented that the Carrolls Woods Sub- committee had an open member policy when it was first developed. Mike stated that the sub- committee is not trying to exclude anyone but that they need a plan as to how they need to operate. Discussions were held in regard to a citizen's concerns that were to be presented at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, September 20, 1994. Deanna Simpson, Carrolls Woods Sub - Committee member requested the support of the Parks and Recreation Committee members at this meeting. Linda Ladzun commented that she feels the sub -committee is doing a fine job and on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Committee members stated that they do fully support the Carrolls Woods Sub -committee. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty that the Parks and Recreation Committee fully supports Carrolls Woods Sub -committee members, its work and its plans in the interest to move ahead. SECOND by Tom Reller. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Mike Busho commented that articles relating to Carroll Woods work had been published in the Rosemount Town Pages. However, the sub -committee will be publishing future articles in the Thisweek Newspaper, which is more widely received. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING APPROVED September 19, 1994 Page 4 N.................................... ESS ......................... I .............. ................... I ................... ................... ............ SLIDING HILL AT CONNEMARA PARK: Jim Topitzhofer explained that a resident expressed a concern over the sliding hill in the northeast corner of Connemara Park. The resident's property adjoins this section of the park and he has observed children sliding in the winter on his property which is destroying some of the young trees. Jim Topitzhofer explained to the resident that the Parks and Recreation Department has discouraged sliding on this hill for liability reasons and that the flood light has been turned off by staff, however, children have apparently turned it on. City staff have been instructed to lock the flood light switch. The resident has requested that the City build a fence along his property separating it from the park. Jim Topitzhofer expressed that placing a fence in his back yard would not seem appropriate because there are several other residents which may request fences and the cost may be prohibitive. Jim Topitzhofer posed three questions to the Parks and Recreation Committee members which are as follows. 1 . Should we continue to discourage sliding at Connemara Park? 2. Should we build a fence behind the resident's property? 3. Should we build a fence along additional properties? Parks and Recreation Committee members agreed that sliding should continue to be discouraged. Mike Eliason also commented that there are different ways to discourage sliding, whether it be by planting trees down the hill, putting up a fence at bottom of parking lot to discourage people from entering there, or putting up snow fences down the hill. Committee members also agreed that the city should not put a fence up along the resident's property as more residents would request the same and it would be too costly. II. APPLICATION FOR CARROLLS WOODS SUB -COMMITTEE: Jim Topitzhofer commented that this subject was discussed previously in the Carrolls Woods Update. Jim agreed with the Carrolls Woods Sub -committee members that the application should be tabled until a selection criteria is set up for the sub -committees. MOTION by Linda Ladzun to table Mr. Jacobson's application for Carrolls Woods Sub- committee until selection criteria is completed. SECOND by Jeff Moser. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Mike Eliason requested that a formal letter be sent to Mr. Jacobson explaining why the application has been tabled, that it was not rejected, and that he is still welcome to attend meetings and share his opinions. III. WENSMANN SEVENTH ADDITION: Jim Topitzhofer discussed the Wensmann Addition. Jim commented that the Sixth Addition has been approved and is under construction. Wensmann Sixth Addition was approved in the form of cash and land. The land from the Sixth Addition was planned to be connected to a larger piece of land to the west to form a mini -park. The Parks and Recreation Committee members were concerned about the property for the mini - park extending up to County Road 42. Discussions were held on changing the size and direction of the park, possibly extending the park further west in to the Seventh Addition instead of north towards County Road 42. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 19, 1994 Page 5 APPROVED MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to accept the land and cash dedication less the utility easement out to County Road 42 pending on if the preliminary plat was approved by the Planning Commission and if not, Wensmann Seventh Addition would be brought back for further discussion at the Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop meeting. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED. IV. SHANNON POND FOURTH ADDITION: Lacelle Cordes explained that the proposed Fourth Addition is located at the southeast corner of Shannon Parkway and 160th Street. The development has 72 lots at $40,032. Lacelle commented that a bikeway will be developed on the east side of Shannon Parkway, with a sidewalk continuing on Crystal Path on the west side of Shannon Parkway and will run through the new addition to eventually hook up with Winds Park when the next addition is developed. Lacelle commented that the cash dedication would be ear marked for the future development of Winds Park. Tom Reller asked if more land would be acquired with the next development. Lacelle commented that approximately three more acres would be acquired. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to accept the cash dedication of $40,320 for the Shannon Pond Fourth Addition Development. SECOND by Tom Reller. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED. V PARK DEDICATION AND FEE POLICY: Jim Topitzhofer recommended that the Park Dedication fee policy be reviewed. Jim asked the Parks and Recreation Committee members to consider the following questions. • Does the Parks and Recreation Committee desire to have the park dedication fees and fee policy reviewed and changed in December, 1994? • Does the Committee feel park dedications are too low at this time? • What reasonable research and information would be helpful to the committee in consider of park dedication fee review? The Parks and Recreation Committee would like to have the park dedication fees and fee policy reviewed and changed in December, 1994. Linda Ladzun commented that she believes Rosemount's fees are too low. Jerry Puciaty recommended looking at where other cities, such as Apple Valley, Eagan, Lakeville and Farmington are using as land values. Jim Topitzhofer will provide that research and get back to the Committee. VI. ED BRADSHAW MEMORIAL: The Committee requested that a sympathy card be sent on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Department. Discussions were held on whether memorial plaques could placed at park shelters, etc. VII. CHAIRPERON'S REPORT: TOM RELLER: None. JEFF MOSER commented that pertaining to Carrolls Woods the citizen's concern is very relevant however we do need to decide what is in the best interest of the community as a whole. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 19, 1994 Page 6 APPROVED MIKE ELIASON asked if Twin Puddles playground equipment was removed. Rick Cook commented that it had been removed. Linda Ladzun asked if any new equipment has been put in. Jim Topitzhofer commented that no equipment has been installed and that it is an issue to discuss next spring with the possibility of using park dedication. LINDA LADZUN asked if staff have researched the cost of recycled playground equipment yet. Jim Topitzhofer commented that it is on the list to do, however, staff will begin that project at a later date when we are ready to install new equipment at Twin Puddles. Linda also asked who would be attending RAAA meetings. Jim Topitzhofer commented that Lisa Jost has been asked to attend the meetings on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Department. JERRY PUCIATY requested that Tom Burt meet with the Parks and Recreation Committee at one of the next meetings. Jim Topitzhofer commented that he will speak with Tom Burt about attending meetings. Vill. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Jim Topitzhofer stated that Lacelle Cordes recently wrote a newsrelease on Carrolls Woods and requested the Parks and Recreation Committee members to review the release. Jim commented that the investigation of the construction of a trail extension from the east end of Dodd Boulevard to the trail located on the north side of County Road 42 has been put on hold. Jim spoke with School District #196, which has expressed an interest in the activity around the recently submitted Rosemount Partnership Grant. The School District has an additional funding source for this type of collaborative program. I have agreed to meet with the School District on a regular basis to discuss a possible venture. Jim handed out City Codes for review by the Parks and Recreation Committee. Linda Ladzun commented that topics for the next Workshop meeting on October 6, 1994, at 7:30 p.m. need to be discussed. Jeff Moser suggested that it would be nice have experts in the field of recreation attend meeting and share some of the new and exciting ideas that are being offered. Staff suggested the possibility of someone for the company Earl F. Andersen to attend the meeting. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Schrupp Recording Secretary PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 15, 1994 DRAFT MEMBERS PRESENT: Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Linda Ladzun, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director; Rick Cook, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor; Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Programmer; Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary Aide MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Eliason, Jeff Moser CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:46 p.m. by Dave Giliuson, Chairperson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Under New Business, insert as Roman Numeral III — Strese/Burkhalter Property. Chairperson's Report becomes Roman Numeral IV, Director's Report becomes Roman Numeral V. APPROVAL OF THE JULY 18, 1994, MINUTES: An addition to the minutes will be after the Old Business, RAAA Update. John Howard joined the meeting. MOTION by Tom Reller to accept the minutes of July 18, 1994, with the above addition. SECOND by Dave Giliuson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. ................................ll~S....S.. 3tl� ...................................... ...................................... ...................................... RAAA UPDATE: Tom Neumann and Steve Reischauer were not present to give an update. Jim Topitzhofer gave an update on the status of the request for a fence on the right side of the baseball field at Jaycee Park. Lacelle Cordes has contacted the administrators of the Outdoor Recreation Grant and they will look into the request after they complete their annual review of current grant proposals. Tom Neumann in discussion with Dave Giliuson had requested that staff persons be present at the monthly RAAA meetings. Jim Topitzhofer informed the Parks and Recreation Committee that Lisa Jost is the staff member that will be attending the RAAA meetings. II. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Mike Busho was present to give an update. Mike gave an overview of some short-term goals that the sub -committee has set. In summary, they are as follows. The status of marking the boundaries on the south and west side — wood posts have been placed on the west side, Building and Grounds Department has not started on the south side yet. • Mailboxes to be moved from southwest entrance — developer has been contacted twice. • Research winter uses. 0 Identify existing funding sources. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING August 15, 1994 Page 2 DRAFT Continue with buckthorn cutting and eradication — looking at starting buckthorn cutting in November. Clarify trails - develop a topographic map and have completed by September meeting, per a request from a Rosemount resident requesting to see a map showing where the trails would be. Rick Cook clarified that the first 100 feet of the southwest trail entrance will be installed next month. This trail runs between two houses. A few Rosemount residents living around Carrolls Woods were present at the meeting. Discussions were held regarding a concern with the type and size of trail being put in. Other comments made were to allow mountain biking and cross country skiing in Carrolls Woods. Jerry Puciaty gave suggestions to the Carrolls Woods Sub -committee on the citizens comments. Ed Howard, sub -committee member, explained that some of these same issues were addressed previously and the sub -committee is in accordance with the Master Plan. Carrolls Woods Sub -committee members would like suggestions from the Parks and Recreation Committee on how work in Carrolls Woods can be better communicated to residents. Mike Busho stated that possibly a monthly update could be published in the papers. Parks and Recreation Committee members agreed. III. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE UPDATE: Jim Topitzhofer and John Howard gave an update. Progress has been made on the Dr. Kurt Walter -Hanson site. The Parks and Recreation Committee at their last Workshop meeting on August 4, 1994, made a motion to recommend to the City Council that park dedication be received for the Dr. Kurt Walter -Hanson site in the form of trail and parking lot construction. John Howard had attended the Utility Commission meeting on August 8, 1994, to request a waiver of Sewer Availability Charges (SAC), Water Availability Charges (WAC), and Storm Sewer Availability Charges (STAC). The request was tabled and the Utility Commission requested that the waiver be officially requested by the Parks and Recreation Committee, Jim Topizthofer had drafted a letter to Bud Osmundson, Public Works Director, to be presented at the next Utility Commission meeting. MOTION by John Howard to send the letter as drafted to the Utility Commission requesting waiver of the SAC, WAC and STAC charges for Erickson Community Square. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Discussions were held regarding the electrical hook-up for Erickson Community Square and having it done along with Dr. Kurt Walter -Hanson. MOTION by John Howard to have the electrical hook-up for Erickson Community Square be done with Dr. Kurt Walter -Hanson if approved by the Utility Commission. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING August 15, 1994 Page 3 DRAFT IV. CIVIC UPDATE: Jim Topitzhofer gave an overview and explained that copies of the minutes and packet information from the Parks and Recreation Committee dated January 1993 and May 1994, along with the City Council packet information from the meeting dated June 21, 1994, had been included in the committee's packets. Committee members briefly discussed the issues. Jim Topitzhofer recommended that if CMC does not receive approval to remove the railroad spur and they have to redesign the plat, this would be an opportunity for the Parks and Recreation Committee to relocate the park. DODD ROAD TRAIL EXTENSION: Jim Topitzhofer explained that a resident living on Delft Avenue inquired about the possibility of constructing a trail that extends from County Road 42 to Dodd Boulevard. Jim stated that the master plan calls for the future construction of a trail along Dodd Boulevard connecting to the trail on County Road 42. The trail was not completed because of the future construction of Dodd Boulevard. The resident would like to see a trail put in so that residents may walk from Delft Street to Our Saviors Lutheran Church. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to investigate the construction of a trail extension from the east end of Dodd Boulevard to the trail located on the north side of County Road 42 near the intersection of Diamond Path Boulevard and County Road 42, and to proceed with the approval process. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. II. RAP GRANTS: Jim Topitzhofer discussed the RAP (Rosemount Activities Program) Grant and the intentions of it. A Proposal Abstract was included in the packet information for the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting of August 15, 1994, which explains the objectives, agencies involved and the cost. Jim Topizthofer stated that the grant will be reviewed and decisions made in October. Jerry Puciaty commended Jim Topitzhofer and those involved for taking the opportunity to go ahead with this project. III. STRESE/BURKHALTER PROPERTY: Lacelle Cordes and Jim Topitzhofer had received the preliminary plat for the Shannon -Meadows Addition on this property. An overhead of the map was displayed. An overview of the area was given and Lacelle Cordes recommended the Parks and Recreation Committee to accept the cash dedication for the Strese/Burkhalter Property (Shannon -Meadows Addition) in the amount of $16,800 if platted in lots of 30 or $16,240 if platted in lots of 29. Discussions regarding the adjoining property and whether additional park land was needed were discussed. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to accept the cash dedication for the Strese/Burkhalter Property (Shannon -Meadows Addition) in the amount of $16,800 if platted in lots of 30 or $16,240 if platted in lots of 29. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DRAFT August 15, 1994 Page 4 IV. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: JERRY PUCIATY: None TOM RELLER: None LINDA LADZUN would like staff to investigate/research recycled material used for playground equipment versus what Rosemount has now in the parks. JOHN HOWARD commented that he would like to see Erickson Community Square information be put in the paper as well as Carrolls Woods. DAVE GILIUSON commented that he will be meeting with Jim Topitzhofer and Lee Knutson, Community Center Commission Chairperson on Thursday, August 18, 1994, if any committee members have any issues or concerns to please let him know. The next Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop Meeting will be held on September 1, 1994. The topic of discussion will be the City Codes in relation to the Parks (2-2-4, Section A&B). Dave Giliuson will not be able to attend the next Parks and Recreation Committee meeting on September 19, 1994. V. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Jim Topitzhofer stated that staff is still working on getting updates on the tree ordinances, and the update requested on the Winds Crossing expansion will be available at the next meeting. Jim gave an update on Birger Pond. The water level has been high and the city has been pumping water out. A resident living near Birger Pond have raised concerns regarding the easement road and the future road designated to go around the pond. Jim will be responding to the resident's concern. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Linda Ladzun to adjourn the meeting at 9:37 p.m. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Schrupp Recording Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: September 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Merger of Parks & Recreation Committee and AGENDA SECTION: Community Center Commission Old Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation & Community AGENDA NO.: Center Director 1. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: Discussion continued at the previous Parks and Recreation Committee workshop regarding the possible merger of the Parks & Recreation Committee and Community Center Commission. At the workshop, Jerry Puciaty suggested to formally decide on the issue at the next Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. Please consider the following proposal to City Council: Combine the Parks and Recreation Committee with the Community Center Commission, to be entitled "Parks and Recreation Committee", and that City Council determine the size of the newly formed Parks and Recreation Committee and the date this of merger in the near future. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend to City Council to combine the Parks and Recreation Committee with the Community Center Commission, to be entitled "Parks and Recreation Committee", and that City Council determine the size of the newly formed Parks and Recreation Committee and the date of this merger in the near future. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: September 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Request from RAAA Regarding Fence Extension at AGENDA SECTION: Jaycee Park Old Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director II. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: RAAA has formally requested to complete the fence line on the North side of the baseball field at Jaycee Park, the cost to be funded by RAAA. Upon considering this request, the Parks and Recreation Committee has requested staff to contact representatives from the Outdoor Recreation Grant to determine if a fence could be installed without detracting from the intent of the grant. Lacelle Cordes was given the go ahead by grant administrators to install the fence. A representative from RAAA may give an update. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to accept RAAA's donation for the installation of an eight foot chain link fence on the north side of the baseball field at Jaycee Park. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: September 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Erickson Community Square Update I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director Ill. ATTACHMENTS: Minutes from August 18, 1994 APPROVED BY: Members of the Erickson Community Square Subcommittee will give an update. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR AUGUST 18, 1994 MEMBERS PRESENT: Cathy Busho, John Howard, John Loch, Jeff Moser, Deanna Simpson, Jim Topitzhofer GUESTS: Wayne Lindell, Chuck Novak 1 . Introduced Wayne Lindell. He is a construction manager. Also, the sub -committee brought Wayne up to speed on the project. 2. Wayne Lindell inquired about funding. 3. Grading, fill is in place, still need more for southwest corner. Chuck requested the City's help for engineering the grading. 4. Preference of sodding contours are supposed to be graded this fall. 5. Bud will have grading cost estimates for us at the next meeting. 6. Utilities, questions were posed. Will gas be done at the same time as electric? Is fire hydrant posed or close enough? 7. Brick sales. No official advertising was suggested until we get council approval. We have already sold 6 bricks. 8. John has already solicited many contractors, and has received multiple positive responses. 9. Wayne asked about our background and suggested a way to bring the project to completion. We need a written plan, and one of us to take ownership of each area. 10. We solicit one primary vendor to draft the project with cost and labor, and then solicit multiple local vendors to donate a portion. 11. Wayne is a willing participant in sub -committee meetings, and will not charge until a "spade touches the ground". Note: John Loch said a person told him that the 6' plateaus had to be 8' for ADA access. subcom\8-19min.ecs CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: September 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Carrolls Woods Update I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director IV. ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Ron Jacobson to appear before City APPROVED BY: Council to suspend development activities in Carrolls Woods. Mike Busho will give an update. Please review the attached letter from Ron Jacobson. City Clerk Sue Walsh has placed Ron Jacobson on the agenda for the City Council Meeting scheduled on September 20, 1994. 1 would urge Committee members to attend this meeting if possible. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: SEP 15 '94 10:14 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT P.1 tCJ YY\_ September 15, 1994 �`[ Rosemount City Council Rosemount, Minnesota e Dear Council Members: The changes to Carrolls Woods Nature Area which have occurred and which are scheduled for the near future do not seem to be consistent with the purpose of the woods. I respectfully request that the Council review the way the woods are managed and that the Council temporally suspend development activities in the woods. some recent findings are the following: 1. There does not exist a contour trail map of planned new trails which were to be dug in this fall and that the apparent planned alignment is at variance with the map in the master plan 2. The City apparently has not submitted such a trail map proposal to the State for prior approval as required by the Outdoor Recreation Grant Program which provided Rosemount with funds in 1975 to purchase the land 3. There does not appear to be developed written policy of care for the woods, ex. what to do when a log falls down over a trail 4. One purpose for the park is passive recreation, yet there continues to be organized active recreational use of the park such as the halloween event which has precipitated changes to the park which are not in its best interest such as the use of crushed rock on the "halloween trail" which changes the pH of the surrounding soil and affects plants and the ecological system of the park 5. Trail width is much greater in places than six feet as per master plan Carrolls Woods Nature Area is the jewel of Rosemount and needs tender loving care for it to maintain and appreciate in value. Management of the woods consistent with its purpose is needed. Sincerely, Ron Ja bson 3647 143rd Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: September 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Sliding Hill at Connemara Park I AGENDA SECTION: New Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director 1. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: Jerry Prostrollo, 13965 Dander Court, called and expressed concern over the sliding hill in the northeast corner of Connemara Park, Mr. Prostrollo has observed children sliding in the winter on his property, destroying some of his young trees. Mr. Prostrollo has requested the City build a fence along his property, separating it from the park. Mr. Prostrollo also indicated the hill is rarely groomed and the nearby flood light shines intermittently. Upon researching this matter further, I discovered that the Parks and Recreation Department has discouraged sliding on this hill for liability reasons. It is very uncommon for any city to designate and maintain a sliding hill for liability reasons. The hill at Connemara Park is not groomed to discourage sliding and the flood light has been turned off by our staff. Children have apparently turned this flood light back on from time to time. Staff have now been instructed to lock the flood light switch. I have expressed to Mr. Prostrollo that our Department will continue to discourage sliding on this hill. I also expressed that placing a fence in his back yard only would not seem appropriate because there is several other residents which may request fence also and that cost may be prohibitive. I agreed to discuss the matter with the Parks and Recreation Committee. Mr. Prostrollo may be present at the meeting. Several questions come to mind: 1) Should we continue to discourage sliding at Connemara Park? 2) Should we build a fence behind Mr. Prostrollo's property? 3) Should we build a fence along additional properties? RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: September 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Application for Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee. I AGENDA SECTION: New Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director II. ATTACHMENTS: Application letter from Ron Jacobson APPROVED BY: Ron Jacobson has requested to serve on the Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee (see attached letter). I informed Mr. Jacobson that there was no written selection procedures for Carrolls Woods and that I would bring his application forward to the Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee and the Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee. I indicated to Mr. Jacobson that he is welcome to attend the meeting and share his opinions. I recommend that we do not consider Mr. Jacobson's application until selection criteria for Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee is completed. I recommend that selection criteria for Erickson Community Square Sub - Committee also be completed at the same time. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to table Mr. Jacobson's application for Carrolls Woods Sub - Committee until selection criteria is completed. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: August 24, 1994 Jim Topitzhofer City of Rosemount Administration Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Dear Jim: Please consider my application to serve on the Carrolls Woods Nature Area Citizen Committee. I believe that Carrolls Woods Nature Area is the jewel of Rosemount and that we who are stewards of it have a special responsibility to care for it with the long term and future generations as our guiding vision. Nature areas are vulnerable to the whims of short sightedness and thus need protection as best as we can afford working together. I'm ready to begin service as soon as possible and look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Ron Jacobson 3647 143rd Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 423-2117 (h), 772-7391 (w) CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: September 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Wensmann 7th Addition Park Dedication. I AGENDA SECTION: New Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director III. ATTACHMENTS: Preliminary Plat of Wensmann 6th and 7th APPROVED BY: Addition and excerpts from Master Park Plan. Attached is the preliminary plat for Wensmann 6th and 7th additions. Wensmann 6th addition has been approved and is under construction at this time. Park dedication for Wensmann 6th addition, the east half of the project, was approved in the form of cash and land. The land portion of the park dedication is highlighted in yellow (outlot A). It was planned that this piece of land be connected to a larger piece of land to the west, thus forming a mini -park. Wensmann 7th Addition is now up for consideration. The larger portion of land planned for a park is highlighted in blue. Park dedication for Wensmann 7th Addition is recommended in the form of cash ($53,000), less the value of the land to be developed into a mini -park. A sidewalk is planned along the north side of December trail. Other existing or proposed trails are highlighted in red. If City Council approves Wensmann 7th Addition, the Parks and Recreation Committee would then begin the procedure to plan and develop a mini -park. I have attached excerpts from the Master Parks Plan in regards to mini -parks. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to accept the cash dedication of $53,000less the value of the land outlined in the attached preliminary plat as mini -park. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: W E IJ '+ Al A 1.4 Id r.-... LOCATION MA -1-1 in 1-11.6, ht <^.f I Section 4 - Park System Framework City of Rc geographical, topographical, and environmental characteristics, as well as the recreational needs of the particular area it serves. The following defines the park system classifications which are appropriate and applicable to the City of Rosemount. Mini -Park Use: Specialized facilities that serve a concentrated/ limited population or specific group such as tots or senior citizens. Mini -parks can also be used in areas where distances or geographical barriers prevent the use of a neighborhood park. Although typically focused on active recreational activities, passive activities, such as picnic and seating areas, should also be considered. A mini -park can be either publicly or privately owned and maintained. Joint ventures are also a possibility with respect to mini -parks (if so, appropriate agreements should be signed to assure that the park site functions as intended). Service area: Less than � mile radius. Desirable size: 2,500 square feet to 2 acres. Acres/1000 population: 0.25 to 0.5. Desirable site characteristics: Within neighborhoods and in close proximity to apartment complexes, townhomes, or housing for the elderly. Ease and safety of access is an important design consideration. Typically located in high density housing areas or areas which do not have easy access to neighborhood parks. Typical Facilities: See Figure 4.2. Park System Facility Standards. Application to Rosemount: In general, the concept of a mini -park should be limited to circumstances whereby a recreational need cannot be effectively met by a neighborhood park. The circumstances which would dictate the need for a mini -park should be largely avoidable in the future through proper land use planning and park land acquisition. Isolated instances such as areas with high density housing or developed areas not effectively served by neighborhood parks may be justification for a mini - park site. Neighborhood Park Use: Neighborhood parks are the basic unit of the park system and often function as the social focus of the neighborhood. Typically, they are developed for both active and passive recreational activities geared specifically for neighborhood use. Although historically developed for those between the ages of 5 and 17, recent trends in recreation clearly illustrate the need to accommodate a much wider variety of age and user groups, particularly adults, the elderly, and special populations. Additionally, consideration must also be given to the specific recreational needs of the particular neighborhood in which a park is being developed. Active recreational activities, such as field games, court games, crafts, playground apparatus, skating, etc. should be developed for use by a wide variety of user groups. Site lighting should be very limited (i.e., tennis courts, hockey/skating rinks, and perhaps walkways). Given the trend toward passive recreational activities, attention must also be given to facilities such as internal trails, picnic/sitting areas, general open space, and "people watching" areas. An appealing park atmosphere and aesthetic quality should also be considered an important design element. Service Area: ; to k mile radius and uninterrupted by principle, heavily used roads and other physical constants/barriers. Desirable Size: A minimum of 5 acres optimal size of between 14 to 17 acres, of to 70% are developed. Acres11000 Population: 2.5 to 3.5 developt Desirable Site Characteristics: An area s active and passive recreational uses accessible to the neighborhood po geographically centered with safe walking access and connected to the community-v system. May be developed as a school/par (Typically an elementary school). Parking facilities, if provided at all, shouts limited (7 to 10 spaces) and intended fo those on the perimeter of the service handicapped. The site itself should have well -drain( positive drainage, a variety of topography for the desirable activity areas), wooded a areas when at all possible, and open site security purposes. Although a variety of tol is desirable, sites exhibiting an excessive erodible slopes should be avoided. Likew which exhibit poor soils which would planned recreational facilities developmer also be avoided. ])Mical Facilities: See Figure 4.2. Park Facility Standards. Application to Rosemount: The neighbor6 will likely remain the basic unit of the Ro Park System. As stated, facilities should be provided to , needs of all age groups within a neighborhood. Actual and anticipated dem profiles of specific service areas should be part, to determine what type of facilities appropriate for a particular park site. With respect to site selection, the key facts 4-6 Scclion 4 - Park Syslem Framework Irk 42 (Part 1 of 2). Oily of Rosemount Facility Development Standards Activity/Facility Mini Park Neighbor. Community Park Park Community Playfield/ Athletic Complex Conservancy Land Linear Park Special Use Historic Site F h'ool lity Facility/Pop. Service Radius 1 Per Site 1/4 to 1/2 Mile Informal Playfield 0 O Softball ' • • • 1/2000 1 to 2-5Miles • 1 /S000 1 to 2.5 miles Ilaseball (Official) 1/So00 1 to 23 Miles Little Lcaguc ' Socccr/Football ® • 1/3500 1 to 2.5 Miks 1/20,000 2 to 4 Miles Yield Hockey 1/3500 1 to 2 Miles Ice hockey O • O N/A 1/2 to 1 Mile Ice Skating 0 O • • 1/2000 1/4 to 1/2 Mile Tennis Court O ! O Basketball Court e ® O 0 0 1/2000 1/4 to 1/2 Mile ! 01/2000 1/4 to 1/2 Mile Ilardsurfacc Games . 0 O O O N/A N/A Sliding hill O O ® • Q O 1 Per Site 1/4 to 1/2 Mile Play Structures I lorscshoca Volleyball Court ® ® O ® ® ® ® , 1/2000 1/2000 1 to 2 Miles 1/4 to 1/2 Mile O N/A N/A Disc Golf O O O 1/50,000 2 to 4 Miles Archery Range 1/4 Mile Track 1/20,000 N/A Golf Course (9 hole) 1/25,000 N/A • 1/50,000 N/A Golf (bourse (18 hole) • N/A N/A Ikach Arca Amphitheater • O 1 Per City N/A C Nature entcr _ • N/A N/A Aquatics/Swimming O O 1/20,000 Ccniral I ovation SiJthall anJ I iltic I vague I �clds arc t�lnrally dcvclolxJ as "( ombinauon" I iclds lu maxnnne efficiency ul use. A 10 C 0 Ci 0 0 Scoton 41 - Park Syslcnt Fruncwttrk rVill" 4-2 (Part 2 of 2). City of 1 owiltounl Fatality Development Standards Activity/Facility Mini Park Neighbor. Park Community Park Community Playfield/ Athletic Complex Conservancy Lend linear Park Special Use Ilistorie Site School Facility Facility/Pop. Service Radius Fishing Area • O N/A N/A Picnic Tables • • • • • • O • O N/A N/A Benches • • • • • • • • • N/A N/A Grills O • • O • O O O N/A N/A Park Trail O • • • • • O O • N/A N/A Transportation Trail • • • N/A N/A Cross -Country Ski ® O O O N/A N/A llorse Trail O O O N/A N/A Snowmobile Trail N/A N/A Restrooms O ® ® O O O O N/A N/A Picnic Shelter (Small) • ® • O O O N/A N/A Picnic Shelter (Group) ® • O N/A N/A Summer Activities, Warming Bldg. O O N/A N/A Warming (louse (Port.) O • N/A N/A Multi -Purpose Bldg. O • O N/A N/A Park Signage • • ® ® • • • • O N/A N/A Bleachers ® O • N/A N/A Boet Access O O N/A N/A On -site Parking O • ® O 1 O O 1 O • N/A N/A Key: 0 Appropriate Use 0 Limited Use (Depends on specific site circumstances and recreational needs) Sources: 1) NRPA National Standards, 2) Dept. of the Army, 3) 1landbook for Recreational Planning and Design 4) Brauer & Associates, Ltd. 4-11 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: September 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Shannon Pond 4th Addition Parks Dedication I AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Programmer I AGENDA NO.: IV ATTACHMENTS: Plat Map of Area and Location Map I APPROVED BY: Attached is a map that depicts the location of the proposed Shannon Pond 4th addition. Included in this map is proposed locations of sidewalks and trails. Also identified are the locations of Jaycee Park and Winds Park in relationship to this development proposal. Along with the preliminary plat presentation that will be made, a motion of the Parks and Recreation Committee is recommended. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to accept the cash dedication of $40,320 for the Shannon Pond 4th Addition Development PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: Way. 136th St a 137 D•� ytG Ct 1381t Qe` G Ct o C 1 a t O•C a a 3 r = a ► > r� pMem r i d ton V M e s sey E prtm°ti A t41 �I ter► m 147th ro > Dam• • p C Ct •f v6 cc O C o up V 148th • • St o c Ot St DDY DERB'{ �.pEC. TR\L 0 g _ 151et . I > i 152 nd c s r < ~ nn m Tr 138th Q 138 th ` J, ARMORY 78 U_ 138th ° I COMMUNITY � CENTER 139 Mk2z2' 29 �od — al Oth; Et nOSEM0UN7' .'.HIGH O ' 4 of .. rya 6 t� rd . 143 : •fit"' 4t 143r St _ • >�N L ; Y ,r, ? - CITY " O1 HALL e� 6 145th St ,_ • o q> • E E St e n p 1471 t j 146t St > Q Lower t Q 9 ,Itb 147t t = U or o • 148th St r V 1 t h t ; Q t c 8�' • o a°` U •r148 148th� t �• t ° E 16 � 9 .E a c g U 149th St 28 t0 14 U j U.1 t er 149t St Lowor CSAH 42 0 157 +r Sr It J Dowberr p m t Ct > I$3' 46 6 153rd St v r r t • 154 St. 154th 34 SL C 27 D 1541 72 3 155 St _ . Darb Path Colt, 73 a �a. a Cornell 156th SL Ct • 156th St 156th St U 1 3 31 c 14 tN 24 x ro o Crystal 15 29r or U patt' �. c Ap d� U 57th C Q157 th St 5 the =158th St �1 9thC G Dakota Dr t1114 1 � 16 t h St S 1. Dapple Court 2. Dapple Circle 3. Darwin Way 4. Crescent Circle 5. Copper Court 6. Burnley Avenue 7. Crofton Court 8. Daybreak Avenu« 9. Charleston Aven 10. Chevelle Court l\ 11. Columbary Circle 12. Columbia Way 13. Columbary Cour; 14. Crestone Path 15. Crestone Court 16. Chrysler Way 17. Chorley Avenue N CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: September 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Park Dedication and Fee Policy. I AGENDA SECTION: New Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director V. ATTACHMENTS: Excerpts from City of Rosemount Schedule of APPROVED BY: Rates and Fees for 1994. The Schedule of Rates and Fees for the City of Rosemount is reviewed by City Council usually the first week of December. This schedule includes park dedication fee policy and fees. In preparation for a recommendation to both the Parks and Recreation Committee and City Council, I am soliciting preliminary direction from the Committee regarding park dedication. Specifically: 1) Does the Park and Recreation Committee desire to have the park dedication fees and fee policy reviewed and changed in December, 1994? 2) Does the Committee feel park dedications fees are too low at this time? 3) What reasonable research and information would be helpful to the Committee in consideration of park dedication fee review? Please respond to the following questions. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: B. Engineering - All Private or Public (Chapter 429) Subdivision Improvements shall be inspected by a City Public Works Department employee or a designated City Consultant. In these two cases, the Developer is responsible for these construction observation costs as follows: 1. Public Works Employee = 2.5 times hourly rate 2. Consultant Employee = Consultant rate plus 5 percent administrative costs C. Street Excavation and Curb Cuts 1. Curb Cuts, Driveway Access Permits, Transit Stop Kiosks $ 25.00 2. Street Excavation/ Grading Minimum bond deposit with City $2,000.00 Restoration costs will be determined by the Public Works Director and costs will be charged accordingly. 3. Private Utility Permits $ 50.00 D. Plat Maps $ 8.00 + tax E. Half -Section Maps $ 8.00 + tax F. Topo Maps (1/2 Section) $ 136.00 + tax G. Asbuilts (per sheet) $ 8.00 + tax H. Wetland Notification/ Application Form $ O _. 75.00 III. PARK DEDICATION FEES Park dedication fees are outlined in City Ordinance No. XVII.86 which states: In all new residential subdivisions, the City shall require that a sufficient portion of such land be set aside and dedicated to the public for parks, playgrounds or other public use exclusive of property dedicated for streets and other public ways. It shall be presumed that a sufficient amount of land has been dedicated for parks and playgrounds for the present and future residents of the subdivision, if the subdivider dedicates at least 1/25 of an acre per dwelling unit that can be constructed in the subdivision. The City upon consideration of the particular type of development proposed in the subdivision may require larger or lesser amounts of land be dedicated if the City determines that the present and future residents of the subdivision would require greater or lesser amounts of land for such purposes. The City shall determine whether a cash in lieu of land dedication is more appropriate. The amount of cash dedication shall be determined by multiplying the number of acres otherwise required to be dedicated by the average value of comparable undeveloped land set by resolution by the City Council. 3 In all new commercial and industrial subdivisions, it shall be presumed that a sufficient amount of land has been dedicated to serve the needs of the resident and working population if the subdivider dedicates at least five percent (5 %) of the land in the subdivision for parks, recreation and usable open space. The City upon consideration of the particular type of development proposed in the subdivision may require larger or lesser amounts of land to be dedicated if it determines that the present and future residents of the subdivision would require greater or lesser amounts of land for such purposes. The City shall determine whether a cash in lieu of land dedication is appropriate. The amount of cash dedication shall be determined by multiplying the number of acres otherwise required to be dedicated by the average value of comparable undeveloped land set by resolution of the City Council. Land Values for the dedication of land and/or cash contribution: New residential subdivision $14,000.00/acre Commercial subdivision $22,000.00/acre Industrial subdivision $22,000.00/acre IV. CITE' COUNCIL DOCLTT D NTS A. City Council Agendas (mailing) $ 15.00 + tax B. City Council Minutes (mailing) $ 40.00 + tax C. City Council Agendas & Minutes (mailing) $ 50.00 + tax D. Minimum fee will be charged for all City Council adopted $ 25.00 + tax documents including but not limited to the following: Budgets Audited Financial Statements Parks Master Plan Storm Water Utility Policy Assessment Policy Zoning Ordinance City Code Comprehensive Guide Plan Drainage Plan - West Drainage Area Comprehensive Water System Plan Carroll's Woods Master Plan Erickson Community Square Master Plan A. Recreation Fire Permit B. Burning Permit $ 10.00 $ 75.00 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: September 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Ed Bradshaw Memorial. I AGENDA SECTION: New Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director VI. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: Jaycees President Ed Bradshaw has recently passed away from liver failure. Linda Ladzun will present some thoughts on possible memorials. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: September 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Director's Report I AGENDA SECTION: New Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director Vill. ATTACHMENTS: Memos regarding bylaw review request, Carrolls APPROVED BY: Woods newsrelease, weekly reports • Please review the attached memos regarding the Committee request of the City Administrator to have City Council review the Park and Recreation Committee Bylaws. • Please review the newsrelease regarding Carrolls Woods. • Investigation of the construction of a trail extension from the east end of Dodd Boulevard to the trail located on the north side of County Road 42 has not started. • School District #196 has expressed interest in activity around the recently submitted Rosemount Partnership Grant. The School District has an additional funding source for this type of collaborative program. I have agreed to meet with the School District on a regular basis to discuss a possible venture. • City Codes pertaining to the Parks and Recreation Committee will be passed out at the meeting as requested in the previous workshop. • No further information to my knowledge is available on the CMC project. • Please review the attached weekly reports. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: MEMORANDUM DATE: September 12, 1994 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director SUBJECT: Request from Parks and Recreation Committee regarding bylaws At the request of the Parks & Recreation Committee at their workshop meeting on September 1, 1994, I agreed to send a memo to you requesting the following: A request for City Council's consideration to amend the Parks & Recreation Committee Bylaws to include "At least one member of the Parks & Recreation Committee will be an active member of the selection and interview process for the position of Director of Parks & Recreation", in Section 9. If you decide not to forward this request to the City Council, please submit a written explanation to your action. The Parks & Recreation Committee wishes to request City Council's consideration of this matter so that there can be a precedent set for the future Parks & Recreation Committee and a new bylaw be consistent with past Park & Recreation Committee Bylaws which have included the above statement. I have attached background information for your consideration. MEMORANDUM DATE: September 15, 1994 TO: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation Co e FROM: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrat SUBJ: Committee Bylaws This memorandum is in response to your memorandum dated September 12, 1994 regarding a request from the Parks & Recreation Committee to amend its 'Bylaws". I agree bylaws from all the city's committees and commissions need to be reviewed, and this should be accomplished in the next couple of months. During this review, the Parks & Recreation Committee's recommendation to be involved in selecting staff will be considered. Carrolls Woods Update: The Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department will be sponsoring a Nature Walk through Carrolls Woods on Thursday, October 20, 1994 at 10:00 am. Children ages 6 and over are invited to join us as we learn how nature prepares itself for winter. The walk will be lead by an area Naturalist. This program is free, however registration is required. For more information, contact the Parks and Recreation office at 322-6000. The 1994 Halloween event will once again be held in Carrolls Woods. If you would like to volunteer for this fun and exciting community event, please call Cathy Busho at 423-4646 or Lacelle Cordes at 322-601 1 . A new access to Carrolls Woods has been put in to service the residents on the west side of the park. This access is located on Cobbler Avenue on the south west side of the Park. This is a pedestrian access only, because of the limited amounts of parking available on Cobbler Avenue itself, we ask that residents who need to travel to the park in a motorized vehicle use the parking area that is available at the Schwarz Pond Park access or the Rosemount Senior High Parking lot during non -school hours. The Buckthorn Tree continues to be a problem in Carrolls Woods. A tremendous effort has been put forth to help eradicate and control this noxious tree. Many hours of City staff and volunteer time have been used during frequent Buckthorn cuts. These cuts will continue to be scheduled throughout the year. For more information on the Buckthorn Cuts and to volunteer call the Parks and Recreation office at 322-6000. A new trail has been proposed and approved by the Carrolls Wood Committee. Cutting of this trail should begin very soon. This new trail will help avoid some of the steep sloops and low areas that are found throughout the woods. This will make it easier for some Rosemount residents with physical limitation to get around in the woods and enable them to enjoy what Carrolls Wods have to offer. The next Carrolls Woods Committee meeting will be on Monday, September 19, 1994 at 6:00 pm. The public is invited and suggestions and comments are welcomed. If you would like more information on anyof the happenings in Carrolls Woods or on any of the other programs offered by the Parks and Recreation Department call 322-6000. MEMORANDUM DATE: August 31, 1994 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director SUBJECT: WEEKLY REPORT, WEEK OF AUGUST 22, 1994. Advisory Committee Reorganization - Parks & Recreation Committee Chair Dave Giliuson sent the attached letter to the rest of the Committee about my recommendation for committee restructuring. The letter is very positive. I have received no calls to date from committee members regarding Dave's letter. • Carrolls Woods - Ron Jacobson has sent a letter of application requesting he be a member of the Carrolls Woods Committee (see attached). Mr. Jacobson's application will be reviewed by Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee and Parks and Recreation Committee on September 19, 1994. The Southwest Access was constructed. An eight foot trail was completed between the houses near Cobbler Street and 143rd. The trail is made of aggregate and is highlighted by some shrubs and a tree. The rest of the trail leading into Carrolls Woods and connecting with Halloween Trail, is targeted for completion by October 31, 1994. A topographic map of this trail will be available for public input at the next Committee meeting The homeowners adjacent to the trail access were notified prior to completion. Shortly after the access was constructed, these two homeowners called me and expressed concern about public parking (for park use) in front of their houses. Both homeowners have agreed to attend the next Committee meeting. • Church Rental Agreement - Woodcrest Church has begun services at the Community Center. So far - so good. Dakota Civic Theater - Staff are meeting with Dakota Civic Theater to develop a rental agreement. This Theater has scheduled seven productions for their 1994/ 1995 season (see attached), and have expressed a desire to move their operation to our facility. We are very excited about this opportunity. • ECFE & Tiny Tots - Staff continued preparation for moving ECFE and Tiny Tots into the Community Center. The National Guard has been very cooperative and has freed up some space for Tiny Tots. Ice Arena - The long list of preparations for the ice season is now complete and ice has returned to our facility. With thanks to Randy Moe and his crew, our ice arena is in great shape. New .features to the Arena include a spectacular trophy case (donated by RAHA, USPCI, Blue Line Club, and RAHA Boosters), painted rink floor and lines, sealed concrete in spectator area, and epoxy finished walls (some labor donated by High School hockey players). Our Arena has to be one of the finest around. August 22, 1994 Dear Fellow Park and Recr Members: On 8/18194 Jim Topizhofer, Lee Knutson and myself had an informational conversation on the proposed future of the Park and Rec Committee and the Community Center Committee. Jim is going to recommend the following to City Council: 1) The two boards merge into one with ? number of members. 2) The new committee, "The Rosemount Parks and Recreation Committee", shall meet twice per month. The 1st meeting is to be preceded by the Erickson Square sub committee meeting. The 2nd meeting is to be preceded by the Carroll's Coods sub commmittee and be dedicated strictly to park development, etc. When we began our conversation I was very opposed to the merger. I felt there was too much information for one "mega board" to handle. I felt that park issues would be set aside by the new Community Center. I was wrong. There will be little change to what our committee does or issues infront of us. Lee Knutson stated that most of the policies for the community center are in place. His meetings are winding down and the hard issues, long meetings and moat policy making are behind them. Jim also gave us the enclosed hand-out comparing Rosemount's situation to that of several other cities. In a way, we've gone full circle with the Park and Rec Committee and the Community Center. Several years ago the Park and Rec Committee felt the Community Center should be under the Park and Rec department's control. The City Council separated us and set up our onw separate committees. Now, the powers that be feel that there should be no separation and want to combine the two entities. I am now in agreement with this proposal. We each need to think about this and come to our own conclusion. If you have strong feelings, please contact either myself or Jim Topizhofer before 8/30/94. Singer,ely, David C. Giliuson August 24, 1994 Jim Topitzhofer City of Rosemount Administration Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Dear Jim: Please consider my application to serve on the Carrolls Woods Nature Area Citizen Committee. I believe that Carrolls Woods Nature Area is the jewel of Rosemount and that we who are stewards of it have a special responsibility to care for it with the long term and future generations as our guiding vision. Nature areas are vulnerable to the whims of short sightedness and thus need protection as best as we can afford working together. I'm ready to begin service as soon as possible and look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Ron Jacobson 3647 143rd Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 423-2117 (h), 772-7391 (w) DAKOTA CIVIC THEATRE 1994.199S SEASON A CHORUS LINE September 15.October 16 Broadway's longest playing musical. Acelebra• ton of those unsung heroes of tie American mu- sical theater- the chorus dancers, highly trained pe:fg mess who backup the stars. GOD'S COUNTRY November 3.19 Ad, ma by the wriler of last season's Ten No - vernier. Fast -paced, emotionally gripping. Itime- at-icai vision of be while supremacist move - merit. A WONDERFUL LIFE • the musical December b • 31 The perennial Christmas movie about be trials and tribulations of George Bailey is brought to tie with song and dance. A great holiday aher- native! , ROSENCRANZ AND GUILDENSTERN ARE DEAD January 19 • February 11 Winner of Tony and New York Drama Critics Circie Awards. Rosencanta and Guilderstem are be college chums of HamleL and Ciec stay is what happened behind the scenes in Shakespeare's piay.Furiny, brilliant, imaginative Comedy. NUNSENSE March 2.4611 A musical comedy about be efforts of be Or- der of be Little Sislers of Hoboken to raise money to buy the remains of nuns. Wnne', Best 08-Broazw•ay Musira;,19BE. ON THE VERGE A n 20 • May 6 A cornic fantasy turn nc our to be one d the host popular plats of the decaoe. T.-ire: V:ca-:an, lacy explores set out on a frolicsome faun! t through a continuum of space, time, history, geography, fem.inhsm ah; fasn:on. A mast ser- enooito'us ioumev. LEND ME A TENOR M.ay 25 • June 24 Acomecvfarce in t-oe szT=_ vein as rzs! se -Ma - S ,.J? ,'or YCLr iirl]E. A wC .� 1.2-noJS ten:,.. tw_ wo^ ,._.. 2 25: g S:r. „_T?.e 1 ,.___ Cf 1Z`.C7a_o•c •^tTE= M5!..'nes. an: an A .mac-.,.'• �� —2 .._ .... „__. ._ ! -E� akota ivic Lheatre 686-12 r 7 1470 yanKee coo -die road c MEMORANDUM DATE: September 7, 1994 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director SUBJECT: WEEKLY REPORT, WEEK OF AUGUST 29, 1994. • Advisory Committee Reorganization - This item was brought up before the Parks & Recreation Committee at the workshop meeting on September 1. I heard mixed reactions to the recent letter sent by Chair Dave Giliuson, recommending the Parks and Recreation Committee to combine with the Community Center Commission. The topic will be brought to each Committee/Commission at their regular meetings in September. I will then be able to forward a recommendation to the City Council either on September 20 or October 4. • Bylaw Recommendation - Parks and Recreation Committee Members requested the City Council to review the addition of the following statement into the Parks & Recreation Committee Bylaws: "At least one member of the Parks & Recreation Committee will be an active member of the selection and interview process for the position of Director of Parks and Recreation. " This request from the Parks and Recreation Committee dates back to the later part of 1993 (see attached executive summaries from Dave Bechtold). I have agreed to send a memo to Tom Burt requesting this review again. • Connemara Park - Jerry Prostrollo, 13965 Dander Court, called and expressed concern over the sliding hill in the northeast corner of Connemara Park. Jerry has observed children sliding in the winter on his property, destroying some of his young trees. Mr. Prostrollo has requested the City build a fence along his property, separating it from the park. Mr. Prostrollo also said the hill is rarely groomed and the flood light shines intermittently. Upon researching this further, I discovered that the Department has discouraged sliding on this hill for liability reasons. It is very uncommon for any City to designate and maintain a sliding hill these days because of liability. The hill is not groomed to discourage sliding and the flood light has been turned off by staff. Children have apparently turned this flood light back on from time to time. Staff was instructed to lock the flood light switch. Mr. Prostrollo's request for a fence will be reviewed at the next Park and Recreation Committee Meeting. • Carrolls Woods - Diane Gills and Sue Grahams, homeowners of properties adjacent to the newly constructed trail access at the southwest corner of Carrolls Woods, have expressed concern over public parking in front of their homes. Ms. Gills and Ms. Grahams have been invited to the Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee to further express their concern. • Ron Pederson Resignation - Community Center Commissioner Ron Pederson has resigned (see attached resignation). Commissioner Pederson stated his reason for leaving was his growing business and the need to spend more time with his family. • RAP Picnic - Over twenty children participated at the RAP Picnic featuring hotdogs & chips and a friendly football game. The kids were asked about the value of the this first time summer program and responded very favorably to continuing the program next summer. • Fall Athletics - Organizational meetings were conducted for adult volleyball and basketball. MEMORANDUM DATE: September 7, 1994 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director SUBJECT: WEEKLY REPORT, WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 5, 1994 Dakota Civic Theater - Dakota Civic Theater will feature their first production at the Community Center on September 15, entitled "A Chorus Line" . From observation, this theater company delivers a first class performance. City Counsel members and staff are encouraged to attend as productions for "A Chorus Line" are scheduled through October 16. Tickets can be reserved by calling 686-7277. Advisory Committee Reorganization - This item was brought up before the Community Center Commission at their regular meeting on September 8. A motion recommending the merger of the Community Center Commission with the Parks & Recreation Committee to Council was passed. The same topic will be entertained by the Parks & Recreation Committee on September 19. I will then be able to forward a recommendation to the City Council on October 4. Programs - Volleyball schedules were mailed out as with Fall State Softball Tournament information. Halloween Haunted Woods, Cultural Camp, and basketball preparation began. Brochures were sent to schools to promote youth programs. • Oxborough Concern - Tom Burt received a call from Colleen Oxborough regarding her concern about if the Community Center possessed the proper boiler license. I informed Ms. Oxborough that our building is covered under a first class chiefs boilers license and that we have already been checked out by the State Inspector. RAAA Request for Scoreboard - RAAA requested a scoreboard be purchased for the gymnasium at the Community Center, with about half funded by RAAA and the remainder funded by the USPCI Trust Fund. In researching the topic, staff discovered that the Rosemount Jaycees have already donated funds for a gymnasium scoreboard! $5000 was contributed by the Jaycees for a scoreboard in the spring of 1993. This amount remains encumbered and is available. At the City Council meeting on September 20, I will request these funds to be used for the purchase of a scoreboard. • Ed Bradshaw - Jaycee President Ed Bradshaw passed away on September 2 from liver failure. Commissioner Linda Ladsun contacted several Jaycees members about dedicating a park water fountain and a placing a plaque in Jaycee park shelter in Ed's memory. Linda will forward this issue to the Parks & Recreation Committee. PROCEDURES THOSE TO RECEIVE THE FULL PACKET (MINUTES INCLUDED) OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING 1. PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE 2. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS 3. CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND DEPARTMENT HEADS (INCLUDES JIM T.) 4. OTHER STAFF MEMBERS: LISA, LACELLE, RICK (and other staff members as requested or needed) THOSE TO RECEIVE ONLY THE AGENDA AND MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMM I'TEE MEETING 1. PLANNING COMMISSION 2. PORT AUTHORITY 3. UTILITIY COMMISSION THOSE TO RECEIVE ONLY THE MrN ES OF THE PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE MEETING, CARROLLS WOODS SUB -COMMITTEE AND ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE SUB -COMMITTEE 1. CARROLLS WOODS SUB -COMMITTEE MEMBERS, INCLUDES STAFF LISTED IN BOLD 2. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE SUB -COMMITTEE, INCLUDES STAFF LISTED IN BOLD 3. RON JACOBSON, RESIDENT 4. ANY OTHER STAFF OR PERSON THAT REQUESTS TO RECEIVE THEM — ADD THEM TO THE LIST OR MAKE NOTE OF IT chkkmr.1) (Revised PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: ' qq COMPLETED BY: MAILING INCLUDED: �� _ �l^vr�1rY�, ��EF minutes for- I Cj c)T meeting. (Committee) (Date Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for - �1 q q meeting - (Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1994 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) ✓ Michael Eliason Dave Giliuson ✓ John Howard �y Linda Ladzun -� Jeff Moser �p . -- Jerry Puciaty�� Tom Reller ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies)* Cathy Busho (Council Member) t✓r_ r5 'V Y F t Lucy Holzer _ y John Loch V- Del Lorentzen x✓ Marge Ryan Deanna Simpson (on both sub -committees) Jim Thommes Jim Koselowski (Buildings and Grounds Staff) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) Jeff Moser (Parks and Rec Committee) �C;ARRULLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies)* Dan Belting Mike Busho �G Ed Howard Marie Jensen Loretta Loesch Scott Rynerson 1✓ Joel Sutter _' Deanna Simpson (on both sub -committees) v ' Mark Joosten (Buildings and Grounds Staff) =� Rick Cook (Buildings and Grounds Supervisor) Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names FOLLOW PROCEDURES ON BACK AS TO WHO GETS COPIES WHAT! STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE P & R COMMITTEE PACKET - (5 copies)* Dana Brodt (as needed, does not want otherwise) Rick Cook =- Lacelle Cordes Lisa Jost — Randy Moe (as needed, does not want otherwise) Nancy Schrupp (as needed, does not include me)* Jim Topitzhofer — Wendy Willman (as needed, does not want otherwise) �C Buildings and Grounds Staff (1 copy) - ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (24 copies) City Administrator -Burt 1 Department Heads (5) of Public Works - Osmundson /Ijr of Planning - Wasmund j _ it of Finance - May ✓Fire Chief - Aker ✓hief of Police - Knutsen City Council & Attorney (6) gyp. ✓ Planning Commission (5) �'Clfi ✓ Port Authority (7 members, 4 actual copies)1 Utility Commission (3) ✓ Official City Records (1) Not until approved OTHER - (1 copy, Minutes Only!) - J,F I-F P_ A?Nbv Et Ron Jacobson, 3647 143rd St W, Rsmt; H:423-2117 # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF -- 61 JM 1- �fllrKlG'C-S t " p A1C. ETS �'Z AC�EMDAS/MlN� �S EXTRA COPIES 4 �r��KETS TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: J rL �aC,t�TS chklstpr.94 (Revised 9-14-94) `7 ?AC-KET� �Y roP 4, V 5LA -TbvpL_