HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994_10_17-PRMMAGENDA CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 17, 1994 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 P.M. Note. The CarroUs Woods Meeting is at 6 p.m. AGENDA: I. Call Meeting to Order II. Additions to the Agenda III. Approve Minutes of the September 19, 1994, Meeting IV. Audience Input OLD BUSINESS: I. Carrolls Woods Update II. Erickson Community Square Update III. Park Dedication Policy IV. Wensmann 7th Addition NEW BUSINESS: I. Cope Addition II. Betty Joe's Dance Studio III. Rex's Richvalley Acres IV. Chairperson's Report V. Director's Report VI. Adjournment PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 17, 1994 APPROVED MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Dave Giliuson, Linda Ladzun, Jeff Moser, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director; Rick Cook, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor; Lisa Jost, Recreation and Community Center Manager; Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Programmer; Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary Aide MEMBERS ABSENT: John Howard CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. by Dave Giliuson, Chairperson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Under New Business add in as Roman Numeral IV, Outdoor Ice Skating Lessons and Roman Numeral V, Jaycee Park New South Parking Lot. Chairperson's Report is Roman Numeral VI, Director's Report will become Roman Numeral VII and Adjournment will become Roman Numeral VIII. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 19, 1994, MINUTES: MOTION by Tom Reller to accept the minutes of the September 19, 1994. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None I. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Mike Busho was present to give an update. Mike explained that the Carrolls Woods Sub -committee had received a question from a resident on the deer trail on the north side of Carrolls Woods. The resident commented that the Master Plan shows that it is asphalt. Mike commented that the Sub -committee does not have any plans to put in the asphalt at this time. Mike commented that the Sub -committee discussed new trails and abandoned trails. The Sub- committee discussed the possibility of signage throughout the woods to direct people in and around the woods. Mike commented that Bud Osmundson, Public Works Director, was present to discuss the culvert. Mike explained that a resident requested an inventory of trees that were removed for the trail. Mike commented that there will be a re-inforestation plan to replace some of the trees. Mike commented that the Carrolls Woods Sub -committee made a motion to not allow bikes in the woods and discussions were held on possibly grooming trails for cross country skiing. Mike commented that the next buckthorn removal project will be held on November 19, 1994, from 9 am to Noon. Volunteers would be appreciated. Linda Ladzun commented that she received a call from a resident questioning if lighting along the trails would be installed. Mike commented that there are no plans for this type of lighting and that by lighting the trails it would take away from the passive recreation use. Mike commented that membership criteria will be discussed at the next meeting. Dave Giliuson requested that this issue be addressed and would like to receive something in writing on it for discussions at the next Parks and Recreation Workshop meeting to be held on November 3, 1994, at 7:30 p.m. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING October 17, 1994 Page 2 APPROVED II. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE UPDATE: Jim Topitzhofer handed out the latest plan to the Parks and Recreation Committee. This plan is to be presented to the City Council at the October 18, 1994, meeting. Jim commented that the initial grading has been completed and that this was done at no cost as it was part of the 145th Street project. The next meeting is scheduled for November 3, 1994, at 6 p.m. This meeting will precede the Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop. III. PARK DEDICATION POLICY: Jim gave an overview of the discussions held at the Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop meeting regarding Park Dedication. Jim commented that there had been some confusion regarding the calculation for park dedication. Jim provided in the packet, for the Parks and Recreation Committee, the formulas used to calculate park dedication. Jim commented that he had done a comparison study with the neighboring cities and recommended an increase for the park dedication formula from $14,000 to $15,000 per acre. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to recommend City Council to authorize an increase in the residential land value for the park dedication formula from $14,000 to $15,000 per acre, effective January 1, 1995. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. IV. WENSMANN 7TH ADDITION: Jim Topitzhofer commented that this was the main topic at the October 6, 1994, Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop. The Committee had voiced disapproval over the revised plat, which had proposed a park adjacent to County Road 42. The Parks and Recreation Committee requested the Planning Commission to consider placing townhomes between the highway and the park for safety reasons. The Planning Commission accommodated this request by revising the plat. However, the Parks and Recreation Committee felt that the revised park is not large enough to have play equipment on it. Jim commented that at the Workshop meeting the Parks and Recreation Committee had made a motion to request removal of the southeast quad units in Wensmann 7th Addition and accept the total area as land dedication, and if removal of the quad units is not acceptable, total park dedication be accepted in the form of cash. Jim commented on the possibility of accepting a one (1) acre park with a small playground and would like to the Parks and Recreation Committee to re-evaluate the issue. Dave Giliuson commented that some land is better than none and that the motion made at the Workshop meeting is not acceptable. Discussions were held on the size and shape presented in the plat and according to the park dedication and size of the land development, the Parks and Recreation Committee is entitled to approximately three (3) to four (4) acres. Mike Eliason asked what type of playground equipment would be installed. Lacelle Cordes commented that it would be similar to that at Connemara Park. The Parks and Recreation Committee agreed to request the full amount of acreage that is entitled, which is calculated at 3.84 acres. A comment was made that the Parks and Recreation Committee had accepted less land in the previous phase for Wensmann. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to accept the full 3.84 acres in the Wensmann 7th Addition and the land shall be connected to the existing park in the Wensmann 6th Addition. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. ....................................... itEEW BUSINESS'. ........................................ .................................. ........................................ COPE ADDITION: Jim commented that the owner of the Cope Building on Highway 3, south of Fluegel Supply, is seeking approval on improvements and that Mr. Cope has already improved the exterior of the building. Jim commented that additional improvements include PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING October 17, 1994 Page 3 APPROVED curbed driveways and front parking lot with some landscaping. Jim recommended accepting a cash dedication in the amount of $770. MOTION by Tom Reller to recommend City Council to accept cash dedication in the amount of $770 for the Cope Addition. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. II. BETTY JOE'S DANCE STUDIO: Jim commented that Betty Joe's Dance Studio is relocating to Burma Avenue, south of 145th Street and that the new plat is .57 acres. Jim recommended the Parks and Recreation Committee accept cash dedication in the amount of $627. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to recommend City Council to accept the cash dedication in the amount of $627 for Betty Joe's Dance Studio. SECOND by Jeff Moser. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. III. REX'S RICH VALLEY ESTATES: Jim commented that this proposed development is located south of County Road 42, east of Highway 52 and that the plan calls for a culdesac with a south bound easement for future road expansion. Jim commented that the total area of the site is 12.5 acres, consisting of five 2.5 acre lots. Jim recommended that the Parks and Recreation Committee accept cash dedication in the amount of $2,800. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to recommend City Council to accept cash dedication in the amount of $2,800 for Rex's Rich Valley Estates. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. IV. OUTDOOR ICE SKATING LESSONS: Lisa Jost, Recreation and Community Center Manager, was present to discuss outdoor ice skating issues. Lisa commented that the Parks and Recreation staff has been discussing the idea of offering outdoor ice skating lessons this year. Lisa stated that this program was not offered last year. Lisa commented that outdoor skating lessons would possibly be offered on Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays and that the sessions would run six (6) weeks with the sixth week being considered the make-up week due to weather cancellations. Lisa also commented that the Jump and Spin Skating School is offering fall, winter and spring sessions with classes held on Saturdays at the Rosemount Arena and the sessions are priced at $75, $65 and $55 consecutively. Lisa commented that she wanted to open this issue up to the Parks and Recreation Committee for discussion. Dave Giliuson strongly recommended having the outdoor skating lessons and he commented that the kids seemed to have fun. The Parks and Recreation Committee agreed that they would like to see outdoor skating continue. Lisa Jost commented that she will begin advertising for instructors and work on getting the program going. V. JAYCEE PARK SOUTH PARKING LOT: Bud Osmundson, Buildings and Grounds Director/City Engineer presented the issue of the parking lot being installed along with the needed sewer lines and that the cost is approximately $54,000. Bud commented that he had received price quotes and that they are rather high and he is looking at other options. Bud asked the Parks and Recreation Committee if they would like this parking lot installed now and if not, he would like to go ahead with the storm sewer line portion of the project, which would cost approximately $17,000 to $18,000. Bud explained that water is "pooling" in this area and residents near there are concerned about getting water in their basement. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING October 17, 1994 Page 4 IM VII APPROVED Discussions were held on the necessity of this parking lot at this time. The Parks and Recreation Committee felt that it is not needed at this time. However, Dave Giliuson commented that the storm sewer should be put in and would like see the area be graded, install a limerock trail and make the area look presentable by possibly seeding or putting in sod where the parking lot is supposed to be. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to install the storm sewer have minimal grading, seeding, and install limerock reserve judgement on the parking lot for a later date. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT JERRY PUCIATY: None. JEFF MOSER: None. in Jaycee Park, South Parking Lot and to make the area look presentable and SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 6 LINDA LADZUN commented that the Community Center Commission is reviewing policies and going over fees. Linda asked if someone from the Parks and Recreation Committee was attending the Rosemount Activities Programs (RAP) meetings. Jim commented that Jerry Puciaty is on the list. Jerry commented that he has not been able to attend and if anyone else is interested they are more than welcome to take his place. MIKE ELIASON commented on the future athletic complex and would like to see that the committee and staff keep it in mind for future discussion. TOM RELLER complemented the Buildings and Grounds staff on doing a great job of putting in the trail without damaging beneficial trees. Tom asked if the Parks and Recreation Department has considered holding the Haunted Woods on a different day. Lacelle Cordes commented that the staff and the Halloween Committee have discussed this, however, it would defeat the purpose of the Haunted Woods Program, which is to offer a safe alternative to trick or treating. DAVE GILIUSON commented that motions made at the Parks and Recreation Workshop meeting should be brought back to the Parks and Recreation Committee Regular meeting for official approval. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Jim Topitizhofer commented that the second RAP Grant was turned in on Monday, October 17, 1994 and that he is also working on another grant with the School District which is to be completed and sent in December. Jim commented that we are still looking for volunteers for Halloween and encouraged the Parks and Recreation Committee members to participate. Jim informed the Parks and Recreation Committee that Randy Moe, Arena Manager resigned. Randy's last day was Monday, October 17, 1994. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Linda Ladzun to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Schrupp Recording Secretary PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DRAFT REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Linda Ladzun, Jeff Moser, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director; Rick Cook, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor; Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Programmer; Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary Aide MEMBERS ABSENT: Dave Giliuson, John Howard CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Linda Ladzun, Vice Chairperson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 15, 1994, MINUTES: Five comments made by Jerry Puciaty on Carrolls Woods issues will be added to the minutes under Old Business, Roman Numeral II — Carrolls Woods Update, Paragraph Four. MOTION by Tom Reller to accept the minutes of the August 15, 1994, with Jerry Puciaty's comments added. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None MERGER OF PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE AND COMMUNITY CENTER COMMISSION: Jim Topitzhofer commented that further discussions on the merger were held at the workshop meeting for the Parks and Recreation Committee members. At the workshop, Jerry Puciaty suggested to formally decide on the issue at the next Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. Jim suggested a format of two meetings per month, with the second meeting concentrating on development issues only. Jim requested the committee members to consider the following proposal to the City Council. Combine the Parks and Recreation Committee with the Community Center Commission, to be entitled "Parks and Recreation Committee", and that the City Council determine the size of the newly formed Parks and Recreation Committee and the date of the merger in the near future. Linda Ladzun expressed her feelings regarding the Workshop meeting and does not want to see that dropped. She questioned if that would mean three meetings per month. Mike Eliason agreed with Linda in the sense that he does not want to see the Workshop dropped. Mike stated that being this is his first year on the committee, he has found that the Workshops have been very informative and that it takes time to learn the information to be able to make good decisions. Jerry Puciaty suggested the possibility of setting aside time at the second meeting, either at the beginning or end, to hold a workshop and allow one hour for it. Tom Reller commented that he likes the idea of the sub -committee meetings preceding the Parks and Recreation Committee meetings and would be in favor of the merger. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 19, 1994 Page 2 DRAFT Further discussions were held on the number of members that this combined Committee would have. Jim Topitzhofer commented that he feels that he should not be the one to recommend the number of members or who those members should be. Jim feels those decisions should be left up to the City Council. Jerry Puciaty stated that a plan needs to be in place on how to handle the changes that will occur if the merger takes place, such as if the number of members change then the By -Laws will need to be changed. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to merge the Parks and Recreation Committee and Community Center Commission, retain seven members on the committee and retain Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee and Erickson Community Square Sub -Committee. SECOND by Jeff Moser. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. REQUEST FROM RAAA REGARDING FENCE EXTENSION AT JAYCEE PARK: Jim Topitzhofer gave an overview on the requested completion of the fence line on the north side of the baseball field at Jaycee Park with the cost to be funded by RAAA. Lacelle Cordes contacted representatives from the Outdoor Recreation Grant to determine if the fence could be installed without detracting from the intent of the grant and was given the go ahead by the grant administrators. Tom Neumann was present to give an update. Tom commented that the annual meeting is coming up in October and that he has still not seen many Rosemount residents attending the meetings. Tom commented that with Independent School District 196 building a new high school in the future, that could greatly effect RAAA by getting new boundaries. Tom stated that all of the board members are Apple Valley residents and in the last five or six years there has been no representation from Rosemount and suggested that residents of Rosemount seriously consider getting on the RAAA Board. RAAA meetings are held at the Rosemount Community Center on the second Monday of each month from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. However, Tom commented that RAAA does not meet in July and tries not to meet in August do to the amount of activities during this time. MOTION by Mike Eliason to accept RAAA's donation for the installation of an eight foot chain link fence on the north side of the baseball field at Jaycee Park. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. III. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE UPDATE: Jeff Moser commented that Wayne Lindell is volunteering his time as the "unofficial" construction manager to assist with the building plans and structure. Wayne suggested that each of the Erickson Community Square Sub -Committee members should select a division of the construction to manage. Jeff commented that the sub -committee is still searching for a structural engineer and a mechanical engineer Jim Topitzhofer commented that the historical Baptist church on Cameo is looking to relocate in the area near the veterinary clinic and Park & Ride area. The church is suggested to be used as an information center. IV. CARROLLS WOODS: Mike Busho was present to give an update. Mike commented that residents are concerned about Carrolls Woods users parking near the southwest entrance. Mike stated that the designated parking areas will be at the Senior High and Schwarz Park and that a sign will be placed at the southwest entrance indicating the parking areas. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 19, 1994 Page 3 DRAFT Mike commented that the first 100 feet of trail is installed and that landscaping is complete. Mike complimented Deanna Simpson and the Garden Club for doing such an excellent job. Mike stated that construction of the rest of the trail will begin the first part of October. Mike commented that the sub -committee made a motion prohibiting the use of horses in Carrolls Woods. The use of bikes will be further discussed. A resident's issues concerning Carrolls Woods were addressed by the sub -committee. Mike commented that this person's issues pertained to: • A Topographical Map of Carrolls Woods. A map has been made available at this time. • Trail variance. The trail variance has been approved by the state. • Removal of dead logs over trails. Dead logs are cut up and stacked in the woods. It is left in the woods to provide refuge for the smaller wildlife animals. • Use of lime rock on trails. Use of lime rock is acceptable and the PH change to the content of the soil is minimal. • Trail width. The trail width is six feet with a one foot buffer on each side. Mike commented that a formal written request from a Ron Jacobson to join the sub -committee was received. The sub -committee would like to hold off on the request until some type of criteria for the sub -committee is established such as the number of members, length of term, etc. A motion was made by the sub -committee to request the Parks and Recreation Committee to come up with the criteria. Jerry Puciaty stated that he fully supports the sub -committee and requested that the sub- committee members come up with suggestions on the criteria for the Parks and Recreation Committee to discuss, refine and put together. Mike commented that the sub -committee would like to re -assess where they are at first. Jerry also commented that the Carrolls Woods Sub- committee had an open member policy when it was first developed. Mike stated that the sub- committee is not trying to exclude anyone but that they need a plan as to how they need to operate. Discussions were held in regard to a citizen's concerns that were to be presented at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, September 20, 1994. Deanna Simpson, Carrolls Woods Sub - Committee member requested the support of the Parks and Recreation Committee members at this meeting. Linda Ladzun commented that she feels the sub -committee is doing a fine job and on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Committee members stated that they do fully support the Carrolls Woods Sub -committee. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty that the Parks and Recreation Committee fully supports Carrolls Woods Sub -committee members, its work and its plans in the interest to move ahead. SECOND by Tom Reller. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Mike Busho commented that articles relating to Carroll Woods work had been published in the Rosemount Town Pages. However, the sub -committee will be publishing future articles in the Thisweek Newspaper, which is more widely received. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 19, 1994 Page 4 DRAFT SLIDING HILL AT CONNEMARA PARK: Jim Topitzhofer explained that a resident expressed a concern over the sliding hill in the northeast corner of Connemara Park. The resident's property adjoins this section of the park and he has observed children sliding in the winter on his property which is destroying some of the young trees. Jim Topitzhofer explained to the resident that the Parks and Recreation Department has discouraged sliding on this hill for liability reasons and that the flood light has been turned off by staff, however, children have apparently turned it on. City staff have been instructed to lock the flood light switch. The resident has requested that the City build a fence along his property separating it from the park. Jim Topitzhofer expressed that placing a fence in his back yard would not seem appropriate because there are several other residents which may request fences and the cost may be prohibitive. Jim Topitzhofer posed three questions to the Parks and Recreation Committee members which are as follows. 1 . Should we continue to discourage sliding at Connemara Park? 2. Should we build a fence behind the resident's property? 3. Should we build a fence along additional properties? Parks and Recreation Committee members agreed that sliding should continue to be discouraged. Mike Eliason also commented that there are different ways to discourage sliding, whether it be by planting trees down the hill, putting up a fence at bottom of parking lot to discourage people from entering there, or putting up snow fences down the hill. Committee members also agreed that the city should not put a fence up along the resident's property as more residents would request the same and it would be too costly. APPLICATION FOR CARROLLS WOODS SUB -COMMITTEE: Jim Topitzhofer commented that this subject was discussed previously in the Carrolls Woods Update. Jim agreed with the Carrolls Woods Sub -committee members that the application should be tabled until a selection criteria is set up for the sub -committees. MOTION by Linda Ladzun to table Mr. Jacobson's application for Carrolls Woods Sub- committee until selection criteria is completed. SECOND by Jeff Moser. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Mike Eliason requested that a formal letter be sent to Mr. Jacobson explaining why the application has been tabled, that it was not rejected, and that he is still welcome to attend meetings and share his opinions. III. WENSMANN SEVENTH ADDITION: Jim Topitzhofer discussed the Wensmann Addition. Jim commented that the Sixth Addition has been approved and is under construction. Wensmann Sixth Addition was approved in the form of cash and land. The land from the Sixth Addition was planned to be connected to a larger piece of land to the west to form a mini -park. The Parks and Recreation Committee members were concerned about the property for the mini - park extending up to County Road 42. Discussions were held on changing the size and direction of the park, possibly extending the park further west in to the Seventh Addition instead of north towards County Road 42. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 19, 1994 Page 5 DRAFT MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to accept the land and cash dedication less the utility easement out to County Road 42 pending on if the preliminary plat was approved by the Planning Commission and if not, Wensmann Seventh Addition would be brought back for further discussion at the Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop meeting. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED. IV. SHANNON POND FOURTH ADDITION: Lacelle Cordes explained that the proposed Fourth Addition is located at the southeast corner of Shannon Parkway and 160th Street. The development has 72 lots at $40,032. Lacelle commented that a bikeway will be developed on the east side of Shannon Parkway, with a sidewalk continuing on Crystal Path on the west side of Shannon Parkway and will run through the new addition to eventually hook up with Winds Park when the next addition is developed. Lacelle commented that the cash dedication would be ear marked for the future development of Winds Park. Tom Reller asked if more land would be acquired with the next development. Lacelle commented that approximately three more acres would be acquired. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to accept the cash dedication of $40,320 for the Shannon Pond Fourth Addition Development. SECOND by Tom Reller. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED. V PARK DEDICATION AND FEE POLICY: Jim Topitzhofer recommended that the Park Dedication fee policy be reviewed. Jim asked the Parks and Recreation Committee members to consider the following questions. • Does the Parks and Recreation Committee desire to have the park dedication fees and fee policy reviewed and changed in December, 1994? • Does the Committee feel park dedications are too low at this time? • What reasonable research and information would be helpful to the committee in consider of park dedication fee review? The Parks and Recreation Committee would like to have the park dedication fees and fee policy reviewed and changed in December, 1994. Linda Ladzun commented that she believes Rosemount's fees are too low. Jerry Puciaty recommended looking at where other cities, such as Apple Valley, Eagan, Lakeville and Farmington are using as land values. Jim Topitzhofer will provide that research and get back to the Committee. VI. ED BRADSHAW MEMORIAL: The Committee requested that a sympathy card be sent on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Department. Discussions were held on whether memorial plaques could placed at park shelters, etc. VII. CHAIRPERON'S REPORT: TOM RELLER: None. JEFF MOSER commented that pertaining to Carrolls Woods the citizen's concern is very relevant however we do need to decide what is in the best interest of the community as a whole. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 19, 1994 Page 6 DRAFT MIKE ELIASON asked if Twin Puddles playground equipment was removed. Rick Cook commented that it had been removed. Linda Ladzun asked if any new equipment has been put in. Jim Topitzhofer commented that no equipment has been installed and that it is an issue to discuss next spring with the possibility of using park dedication. LINDA LADZUN asked if staff have researched the cost of recycled playground equipment yet. Jim Topitzhofer commented that it is on the list to do, however, staff will begin that project at a later date when we are ready to install new equipment at Twin Puddles. Linda also asked who would be attending RAAA meetings. Jim Topitzhofer commented that Lisa Jost has been asked to attend the meetings on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Department. JERRY PUCIATY requested that Tom Burt meet with the Parks and Recreation Committee at one of the next meetings. Jim Topitzhofer commented that he will speak with Tom Burt about attending meetings. VIII. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Jim Topitzhofer stated that Lacelle Cordes recently wrote a newsrelease on Carrolls Woods and requested the Parks and Recreation Committee members to review the release. Jim commented that the investigation of the construction of a trail extension from the east end of Dodd Boulevard to the trail located on the north side of County Road 42 has been put on hold. Jim spoke with School District #196, which has expressed an interest in the activity around the recently submitted Rosemount Partnership Grant. The School District has an additional funding source for this type of collaborative program. I have agreed to meet with the School District on a regular basis to discuss a possible venture. Jim handed out City Codes for review by the Parks and Recreation Committee. Linda Ladzun commented that topics for the next Workshop meeting on October 6, 1994, at 7:30 p.m. need to be discussed. Jeff Moser suggested that it would be nice have experts in the field of recreation attend meeting and share some of the new and exciting ideas that are being offered. Staff suggested the possibility of someone for the company Earl F. Andersen to attend the meeting. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Schrupp Recording Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: October 17, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Carrolls Woods Update I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and I AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director I. ATTACHMENTS: Agenda of Carrolls Woods Meeting on October APPROVED BY: 17, 1994, and minutes from Carrolls Woods Meeting on September 19, 1994 Mike Busho will give an update. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: OCT- 4-914 TUE 12:15 PRECISIO" AUTO P.02 CW)FZROLLS) WOODS SLID—CA-31INT FTEE DATE9 C-K'T0T;L,-R ](: 19174 PLACE, ROGEMOUN'r cury TIME's 6;(.')() F-M CALL MED:TTNG T(J ORDER C)F;. mjmtj.'f'f':'c3 III. A(..JDIENC(x INF"U'r IV, TRAIL, CONSTO-LICTION L)f:"D(.N'TF V. P(JUGY ON BICYCLES Vl- WINTER USE'.'Am--- PL)i _ I Cy VII. DUCKTHOFIN CUTTING S[',r-.DUL..E PRESENTATION IX- DISCUSSION ON MIEDIBERSHIP X. ADJOURNMENT OCT— 4—e4 Tue 12:16 PRECzSzow Auro P'm:s MEMBERS PRESENT. BO8HO, ED HOWARU, DEANNA GlMPSON, TOM RELLAR^ LORETTA LOESCH, DAN BELTIN('3 STAFF PREG�VTx JIM TOPITZHOFER~ RICK COOK, MA8K JUOSTEN, LACEELLE CORDES, LISA JOGT MEM8�R� ABSENTo DAVE GULL16DN~ SCUT]" RYNf:.RGUN CALL TO ORDERx THE MGETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 6:00 PM ElY M%KE �USH�°CHAIF��RSON /ADDIT%ONS TO ADCEMDA: NONE III. AUD%ENGE: INPUT: RON JACOBSON WAS �R�-'5F7N1 10 PRESENT s0ME OF HIS 08JECTJONS TO THE CARAOLLS COMM]TTVIZ AG FfIR AS TRAIL W%DTHo HALLOWEEN TAAIL CONSTRUCTION 01%11) NEW GOUTHWEIST TRAJL CONSTRUCTION. SOME- OTHER RESlDENT WEAE ALL3O IN A7TENDANCE TO HEAR AND BE HEARD AL40UT TRNIL CUNSTRUCTION, IV, PARKIN8 ISSUES WERtF. DIqCL�F,A� SWS ` ENTRANCE WAS CONCE"RNED. A NEWS RfiLXASE THAT WA6 ISSUED TO T"HE TOWN PAGES W%UL ALSO DE PRINTED IN THE |H15 WEEK PAP�R SUGGESTING ALL NON AREA RES%D�N7 PLEASE pARK AT THE SWARTZ PARK ENTRANCE OR HlGH SCHOOL PARKINQ`WLU7. ' V~ TRAIL CONa7AUCTIUN WAS �%SCUG�E� BY RICK CU�K AND THE SW ENTRANCE HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED FROM THE SPREET TNTO THE WOODS. THE TRAIL WIDTH IS APFRQXIMATELY 8 FOOT WiDE~ THE TRAIL IS CONSTRUCTED OF AGGREGATE. DEANNA AND CTMER VOLUNTEERS HAVE LANDSCAPED THE GIj)(�S OF (HE NEW TRAIL EN|R0NCE- FLOWERS AND SUSHES HAVE BEEN PLANTED AND LAN8CAPED WITH WOOQ CHIP,,. SOME OF THE FLOWERS AND GREENERY DDNATED BY THE ROSEMOUNT GARDEN CL,iJB" VI. DISCUSSION OF L�ICYLES AND HORSE.S BEING ALLOWED IN THE PAR� WE�� HELD" COMMIT�EE WAS IN A8R�C-MENT THE ' THE -RE DOSE N��� SEEM TO BE A PAO�L�M W%TH HOS �EG. BlCYCLL UGE IN PARK WAS TABLED FOR FURTHER D%sCUssIO�~ ~ , V11. APPL%CAT%UN FOR CARROLLS WOMS COMMIlT�E WAS D1SCU��S�D AND THE COM%TTEE FEELS THAT UNTIL SOME CRIT��IA HAS SEEN E8T#SL%GHED FOR MEMl-'lERtE')HIP ON THIS COMMITTEE TRERE WILL BE NO NEW NEMBERS APPOINTED TO THE-` COMMITTEE. VI%I^ CROSS COUNTRY ISKIING 141,40 QTHEfi WINTER UGEAGEG WAS TAQLED. IX. BUCKTHORN CUTTING WILL BE DlGCUSSE-D AND DATES SFT A7 THE OCT- 4-914 ruE 12:17 PREoISxo" AUTO P-04 REGULAR Mr`ETING OF SEPTEMSBR 19 1994 ' x" SUDGET' PRFiSENTAT%ON WAS CONTINUED TO THE UCTOBER Mfi-'ETINU X�. GUBC011ITTEE' WAS IN TOTAL ABREEMENT THAT I*HEY WILL CONTINUE OUR EFFORTS FOR A PASSIVE AREA AND CONTINUC- ON WITH THl.-,' TRA%L CONSTRUCTION. %1I. J1M PRGSENTE) THE TOf-`O MAP TO THE E AS WELL AS THE GTATE OF nJNNESOTA= THE DNR IS 1N AGR�B1ENT WITH OUr� PLANS FOR THE NEW TRAIL [�N�T�UCTION. X I I ME'ETIN8 WAS AOJOURNCO AT 7:'f"hPM I � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: October 17, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Erickson Community Square Update I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director II. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: Members of the Erickson Community Square Subcommittee will give an update. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: October 17, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Park Dedication Policy I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director III. ATTACHMENTS: Park Dedication Comparisons APPROVED BY: A discussion on park dedication policy prevailed at the last Park and Recreation Committee Workshop. In the meeting, there appeared to be some confusion over the calculation of park dedication based upon our ordinance. Since then, I have studied this issue and have determined the following: Land park dedication based on the Ordinance No. XVII.83 is calculated by this formula: Residential .04 x number of dwelling units = dedicated acres Commercial .05 x number of acres = dedicated acres Cash park dedication is calculated by the following formula: Residential .04 x number of dwelling units X value of land = cash dedication or .04 x number of dwelling units X $14,000 = cash dedication Commercial .05 x number of acres X value of land = cash dedication or .05 x number of acres X $22,000 = cash dedication Based upon the attached comparisons, I am recommending an increase in value of residential land from $14,000 to $15,000. This increase would change the cash dedication of $560 per dwelling to $600 per dwelling which is more in line with our neighboring cities. Because our commercial land valuation is higher than Apple Valley, I am recommending keep our valuation at $22,000. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend City Council to authorize an increase in the residential land value for the park dedication formula from $14,000 to $15,000 per acre, effective January 1, 1995. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CASH PARK DEDICATION COMPARISONS OCTOBER 6, 1994 Note: Assumed average density per acre for single dwelling when not otherwise specified is 2.5 dwellings per acre. APPLE VALLEY Residential 10 % X $20,000 per acre X 1 acre/2.5 dwellings = $800 per dwelling Commercial/Industrial 5% X $20,000 per acre = $1,000 per acre EAGAN Residential Rl $16,892 per acre $724 per dwelling R2 $18,655 per acre $640 per dwelling R3 $22,387 per acre $572 per dwelling R4 $24,928 per acre $575 per dwelling Commercial/Industrial 43,560 sq. feet per acre X $.05665 per sq. foot = $2,467.67 per acre FARMINGTON Residential - In MUSA 12.5 % X $10,000 per acre X 1 acre/2.5 dwellings = $500 per dwelling Not in MUSA 12.5 % X $4,000 per acre X 1 acre/2.5 dwellings = $200 per dwelling Commercial/Industrial 5% X $10,000 per acre = $500 per acre LAKEVILLE Residential Single Family Dwelling Multi Family Dwelling Industrial 5 % of current market value $650 per dwelling $650 per dwelling CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: October 17, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Wensmann 7th Addition. I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director IV. ATTACHMENTS: Revised plat for Wensmann 7th Addition. APPROVED BY: The Park and Recreation Committee voiced disapproval over the revised plat for Wensmann 7th Addition. In a previous plat, the proposed park in this development was adjacent to County Road 42. The Parks and Recreation Committee requested the Planning Commission to consider placing townhomes between the highway and the park for safety reasons. The Planning Commission accommodated this request by revising the plat. At the last workshop, it was the Park and Recreation Committee's judgement that the revised park is not large enough to have play equipment located on it. The following motion was passed by the Park and Recreation Committee: "Motion to request removal of the south east quad units in Wensmann 7th Addition and accept the total area as land dedication, and if removal of the quad units is not acceptable, total park dedication be accepted in the form of cash. I will attempt to resolve this situation and hopefully be prepared to discuss this at the regular meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: October 17, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Cope Addition Park Dedication I AGENDA SECTION: New Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director I. ATTACHMENTS: Cope Addition Site Plan. APPROVED BY: The owner of the Cope Building on Hwy 3, south of Fluegel Supply, is seeking approval on improvements. Mr. Cope has already improved the exterior of the building by painting and it looks great. Additional improvements include curbed driveways and front parking lot with some landscaping. The total area of this new plat is approximately .7 acres. Land Dedication would be calculated at .35 acres and cash dedication would be calculated at $770.00. 1 recommend to accept cash dedication in the amount of $770.00 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend City Council to accept cash dedication in the amount of $770.00 for the Cope Addition. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: k OF THE CITY OF T14E CITY MINNES❑TA STATE HIGHWAI NORTH- 7d I ti 0 O O o_ cn _ A, c _J �? (i 1 40 Q cn ' Cr) O ~v \ w p (n -� w L' - o z w z U w_ 3 \ W 5�54 I �r Q 99 p2�. 0 3 o In 0 F S 880 5 6� 56�� E o N 3 123.86 -- u _ 33.00 L r po 3l)jCo s° _ LU 3 �r 00 to a,* 00 m Q 3 ^ o z BLOC K o P F y 0 Co 0) 0) o 3LL 3_00 . i-- - 100.60 53.124. ~ 153.72 --- '�� N88056� 5 W 1 1 FFT L tE •.. .... .a n i c M"M W H T NLIJ SITE RENOVATION PLAN \ scAu r • .a-r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: October 17, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Betty Joe's Dance Studio I AGENDA SECTION: New Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director 11. ATTACHMENTS: Site plan for Betty Joe's Dance Studio APPROVED BY: Betty Joe's Dance Studio is relocating to Burma Avenue, south of 145th Street. The total area of this new plat is .57 acres. Land Dedication would be calculated at .03 acres and cash dedication would be calculated at $627.00. 1 recommend to accept cash dedication in the amount of $627.00 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend City Council to accept cash dedication in the amount of $627.00 for Betty Joe's Dance Studio. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: ` I I � 0 �0 1 150.0' - - --as- - - - - - - - (I I ' o� o � , 1 � ' P MISTING I I N p � O O tt) T3,482 POSED i IDING I I Sq. Ft. sao• I Toro^ isa zsco^ Isw Leo" o I I� 13 — 150.0' I i I I w Q 31H0 NIOSM14W 30 31tl1S Wl 1331lHOW-EMSS3-Md WU 11WI1 � NOISIAHMM W AS 03Aid3Hd " iHOd3H 3H1 1HH1 A311H33 1830H I :NOI 1d01311»30 lelosauu1n 4unovaasozj laluaj aou-eQ s,or X44ag ' a m a r I � p Y E � J 9Q i are O I Sal w CD 2 v cn 0 z F=- Z Q_ m m 19. u g� W a � � o Q �cc o �cc �j ago- icn2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: October 17, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Rex's Rich Valley Estates I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation & Community AGENDA NO.: Center Director III. ATTACHMENTS: Rex's Rich Valley Estates Site Plan APPROVED BY: This proposed development is located south of County Road 42, east of HWY 52. The plan calls for a culdesac with a south bound easement for future road expansion. The total area of this site is 12.5 acres, consisting of five 2.5 acre lots. Land Dedication would be calculated at .2 acres and cash dedication would be calculated at $2,800.00. 1 recommend to accept cash dedication in the amount of $2,800.00 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend City Council to accept cash dedication in the amount of $2,800.00 for Rex's Rich Valley Estates. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: SKETCH FOR: REX 'S RICH VALLEY ESTATES N 89.57'29"E OUNTY ROAD NO. 42 s 'I 145TH ST W. o -- rI 105.00 195.28 --I � 1 N87°06'j4"1 I NO 0 I �/ o0 I M to CJ�� O � evesI n I $89°57'29"W m N89°57'29"E J 300.00 o-------- _ 00.00 I I 0 I �N I \ I O2b `� I OI l0 2 $1 0 n I �� j� 2 �m Mj I 1 *1 I 2.5 a cres I I 2.5 acres I ,o w I V p NO L NB9_57'29"E— L N89°51' 9"E_ _ _I \ to F r 300.00 _ _ - % / I e^p 3029 ���.\ A=30°21'22" /ry 0 R=60.00 o Ll80. 1 a W- I 0 1 = 2 � I 3 a I Im I 2.5 acres 2.5 acres I O N m 1 I = I ---- —� ---- --I NORTH 300.00 300.00 N 89"57 '29"E N 89"57�29"E 0--: Joanne and Marlin Rechtzi9el 14727 Clayton Avenue Tel. 437- 9725 Rose-tr NR 55068 100 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: October 17, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Director's Report I AGENDA SECTION: New Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director V. ATTACHMENTS: Weekly reports APPROVED BY: Please review the attached weekly reports for an update on the recent activity of our department. TxK�7►du1�►1�7��7e[��L�1>•�>•>f7i� PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: MEMORANDUM DATE: September 21, 1994 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director SUBJECT: WEEKLY REPORT, WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 12, 1994 • RAP Grant - School District #196 hosted a meeting with area social service providers. The school district has expressed interest in coordinating the efforts of RAP and writing a grant with available funds from the State of Minnesota. The State has offered funding through a program entitled "Family Services Collaborative", to Minnesota school districts. School districts have formed initiatives in Burnsville, Inver Grove Heights/South St. Paul, and Lakeville/Farmington. School District #196 desires to create an initiative in Eagan, Apple Valley, and Rosemount. RAP also desires to apply for these funds for a project designed similar to the partnership grant recently sent to the Department of Health and Human Services. This funding will serve as a back up should the partnership grant not be awarded. I have agreed to serve on a design committee for the school district initiative which will be completed by the end of October. • Erickson Community Square - A meeting was conducted on September 13 to further plan the construction of the park shelter. Wayne Lindel has been facilitating this planning process and has extensive knowledge of buildings constructed through volunteer efforts. Mr. Lindel has divided the project into eight divisions. Volunteers will be recruited to manage each division. A construction manager will be hired to oversee the actual construction. John Loch informed the committee about a group of residents which desire the Baptist church on Cameo Avenue to be restored and moved to the Park and Ride Lot, just north of the proposed Kurt Walter/Hanson site. The Committee did not show support for this location because they felt the church was too large for the site. One comment was the possit ility of moving the Baptist church onto the park shelter site and utilizing it as a park shelter and information center. Mr. Loch agreed to forward this idea to the "Baptist Church" group. • Staffing - Receptionist Marianne McKeon's last day was September 16. This temporary position will not be replaced. Staff will be sharing the responsibilities of phone and window coverage. Staff feel this added responsibility will decrease the efficiency and productivity of the their normal daily tasks, however they are accepting of the fact that budgets do not allow a receptionist to be hired for our department. • Community Center Scheduling - Staff are experiencing difficulty satisfying the demands of our regular long term renters and have worked diligently to get caught up on permit requests. • Programs - Fall programs have begun. A few program changes in times and dates are being made because of unforeseen conflicts. • Open Skating - Open skating has begun with about 40 participants per session. • Halloween Program - Staff met with Halloween event volunteers to review potential sites and publicity deadlines. Location site have not been confirmed for the Parry, however the Community Center is being considered. This group will need to find insurance to cover general liability of the volunteers. Staff will be working with the event coordinators on this issue. MEMORANDUM DATE: September 27, 1994 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director SUBJECT: WEEKLY REPORT, WEEK OF SEPTEM 3ER 19, 1994 • Winter Parade - Marge Ryan and Diane Pinkert have requested assistance in implementing a Winter Parade in Rosemount promoting Rosemount businesses and the Community Center, to be jointly sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. The Parade is tentatively scheduled for December 4, 1994. Festivities would begin at the Community Center on Sunday afternoon including free ice skating, puppet shows, a craft show, and various outdoor winter activities on Communiry Center grounds. A parade, featuring floats lighted with Christmas decorations, would begin just after sunset. A tree lighting ceremony would then be conducted at the Community Center, replacing the same event which took place at City Hall in previous years. • Knutson Services - The Parks and Recreation Department has been experiencing poor service from Knutson Services well over the last two summers. Refuse disposal in Rosemount parks does not follow a schedule, is sporadic, and has not improved over quite some time. Knutson Services has received numerous calls from our staff complaining about the situation. Customers have been dissatisfied. I have attached a letter sent to Knutson Services requesting improvement in the scheduled trash pick up. • RAP Grant - Staff continued efforts for the completion of two grants serving the needs of RAP. Part of our design work is focused around teens. I have attached teen programming suggestions for youth serving organizations and community leaders for your consideration. I believe these suggestions to be a guide for our teen program planning. • Carrolls VV oods - Mr. Ron Jacobson has left message to suggest that I misinformed the State and he City Council about the width of the proposed trail in Carrolls Woods. Mr. Jacobson appears to have confused the proposed trail with the existing Halloween Trail. He has measured the newl}, laid limerock on the existing Halloween Trail, finding the trail width exceeds 9 feet in some areas. I have been informed that our eight foot paver, used to lay limerock on park trails, will actually produce a trail a few inches greater than eight feet. This paver will also produce a tail somewhat wider as it forms curves in the trail. The staff have been instructed to clean these wide spots up by raking soil into the bail. As the trail matures over time, leaves and plant life gradually encroach on the trail. I have not responded to Mr. Jacobson. E Programs - Staff assembled Halloween props, organized supplies, and continued to recruit volunteers for Haunted Woods. Rosettes and Vollevball began will healthy participation. Adopt a Part: - Scout Troor -' 95 adopted Shannon Par'; through the Rosemount Adopt-a- Part- DroL,r a::.. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! September 23, 1994 Mr. David Domack Knutson Services, Inc. 15120 Chippendale Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Domack, CITY HALL 2875 - 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 Phone: 612-423-4411 Fax: 612-423-5203 The Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department currently uses Knutson Services, Inc., to provide refuse disposal at all City parks. Our department requests a greater amount of service from your organization during the summer because of increased demand of parks. I understand that there has been problems in the past with the scheduled pick up of refuse in Rosemount parks. Although most of the problems pertain to Erickson Park and Schwarz Park, we have observed heaping trash barrels at nearly every park in Rosemount at one time or another, because of missed or late pick up. It is our desire to serve our customers in the very best way possible. Providing regular, scheduled, and economical trash pick up is part of the service provided to these customers. These items will be my focus as I consider refuse vendors for next year's park season. Please consider this letter a request to work on improving the schedule of trash pick up in parks. Please call me at 322-6003 if you have questions. Best retards. j im Topitzhofer Parks &; Recreation and Communing Center Director Thomas Bu.:. Ci_7.- Administrator Bud 0s7nunc�c.-. Public V,-orks Di.ecto- SUGGESTIONS FOR YOUTH -SERVING ORGANIZATIONS 'Reinvent programming for high school -aged youth. 'Connect youth to adult mentors. 'Provide and/or advocate for quality day care and after school care. 'Place a premium on the development of positive values. 'Equip parents with parenting skills, particularly in the areas of support - giving, control, and values formation. 'Involve youth in helping projects. 'Plan programs to address muKipie at-ris behavior areas. SUGGESTIONS FOR COMMUNITY LEADERS 'Assemble a permanent child and youth task force involving leaders from all community sectors. Ideally, raise funding to permanently staff the task force. 'Create a community -wide vision for positive youth development. 'Continually assess progress toward the vision through systematic exploration of youth perceptions, behavior, values, and needs. 'Create a detailed action plan to promote positive youth development with an emphasis on increasing youth access to effective schools, families, and youth -serving organizations. 'Advocate for greater state or federal support for school effectiveness, parent education, day care and after school care, preventiopn programming, and other efforts crucial for promoting positive youth development. 'censure that one's community offers a range of support services for families and structured, adult -led activities for youth. 13 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 4, 1994 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director SUBJECT: WEEKLY REPORT, WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 26, 1994 • Teen Center - I met with representatives from Rosemount Middle School, Community Education, and RAP to discuss the possibility of conducting a teen center at Rosemount Middle School. This teen center would be a drop in center for Rosemount teens, probably on Friday nights. The Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department will collaborate with this program but will not expend existing resources to chaperon or provide staffing. It was determined that the Community Center could not offer an ideal drop -in site for teens but rather offers individual programs such as teen night including open gym and fitness room. • Church Rental Agreement - I met with Woodcrest Church to renegotiate the existing rental agreement. Because of staffing limitations, Woodcrest Church was asked to provide resources in table and chair set up for their Sunday morning services. In return for these resources, I agreed to provide Woodcrest three extra classrooms each Sunday morning at no added cost. • Winter Parade - The Parade, now called "Christmas Magic", is scheduled for December 4, 1994. Bud Osmundson agreed to locate a spruce tree and move it to Community Center grounds for the tree lighting ceremony. The Parks and Recreation agreed to coordinate a craft show, puppet show, and cross country skiing activity. Deb Hanson is the volunteer coordinator for activities conducted at the Community Center. • Dakota Civic Theater - Staff met with Dakota Civic Theater to finalize a rental agreement. As with Woodcrest Church, the theater group is expected to provide all set up and clean up. I am asking for a fee of $24,000 for a ten month season. I have requested the City Attorney give direction on the possibility of restricting nudity in productions featured at the Community Center. • RAP Grant - Staff continued efforts for the completion of two grants serving the needs of RAP. The first grant, focusing within the boundaries of Rosemount, is due on October 17, 1994. I will be presenting this grant to City Council on October 18. The second grant, pertaining to all of School District #196, is due December 2, 1994. • Haunted Woods - Staff completed flyers for Haunted Woods. Staff has recruited many volunteers including students from Rosemount High School. More volunteers are needed. Please contact our office if you know someone who is interested. Football Games - Rosemount High School has been given permission to use the south parking lot of the Community Center during football games. We have experienced a rush of high school persons in our building during and after these games. At these times, our Department employs only one staff person to supervise the building. I will be requesting Rosemount High School to provide some additional supervision during the remaining games. MEMORANDUM DATE: October 12, 1994 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director SUBJECT: WEEKLY REPORT, WEEK OF OCTOBER 3, 1994 • Resignation - Randy Moe, Building Maintenance Supervisor, resigned on October 10, 1994. Randy has accepted a position at the University of Minnesota. His last day will be October 17. In response to Randy's departure, planning for his replacement will begin immediately. I am looking at several alternatives and may not recommend offering the same position. Lisa Jost and I will be visiting similar facilities to research other possibilities. • Wensmann 7th Addition - The Park and Recreation Committee voiced disapproval over the latest plat for Wensmann 7th Addition. In a previous plat, the proposed park in this development was adjacent to County Road 42. The Parks and Recreation Committee requested the Planning Commission to consider placing townhomes between the highway and the park for safety reasons. The Planning Commission accommodated this request by revising the plat. It is the Park and Recreation Committee judgement that the revised park is not large enough to have play equipment located on it. The following motion was passed by the Park and Recreation Committee: "Motion to request removal of the south east quad units in Wensmann 7th Addition and accept the total area as land dedication, and if removal of the quad units is not acceptable, total park dedication be accepted in the form of cash. I will attempt to resolve this situation in the near future. Who Done It Walk - Rosemount Parks and Recreation participated this the latest S.O.R.R. activity, producing the second highest participation out of seven cities and doubling the attendance from last year. The suspected reason behind this success is the change of route from 6.2 mile to 2 mile, thus making the event more family oriented. • Indoor Skating Lessons - Our new figure skating program last year was not well attended. This year, registrations have skyrocketed. We are 3/4 full already and are still early in the registration process. Tiny Tots - During a birthday celebration at Tiny Tots this past week, ten participants consumed a sherbet novelty produced by the Schwanns Ice Cream, Inc. Staff reacted immediately in leu of the recent outbreak of Salmonella Poisoning from consuming Schwanns Ice Cream. Staff contacted health agencies and forward the pertinent information to the parents. To date, the Tiny tots participants in this group were not affected by the Salmonella bacteria. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING: 15 ``IW COMPLETED BY: k MAILING INCLUDED: i✓ minutes for �� ` 19 ` C nteelu�g. (Committee) (Date) J Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for I 1 -7 j `f meeting. (Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1994 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) V Michael Eliason Dave Giliuson John Howard Linda Ladzun Jeff Moser Jerry Puciaty Tom Reller ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies)* Cathy Busho {Council Member) Lucy Holzer John Loch, l Del Lorentzen \ac' Marge Ryan ry -__Deanna;Sifngsen-{on both sub -committees) " Jim Thommes Jim Kos#lowski (Buildings and Grounds Staff) John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) Jeff Moser (Parks and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies)* Dan Belting Mike Busho �� � •� -- Ed Howard >`Js Marie Jensen Loretta Loesch Scott Rynerson L Joel Sutter Deanna Simpson (on both sub -committees) Mark Joosten (Buildings and Grounds Staff) Rick Cook (Buildings and Grounds Supervisor) Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names FOLLOW PROCEDURES ON BACK AS TO WHO GETS COPIES WHAT! STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE P & R COMMITTEE PACKET - (5 copies)* Dana Brodt (as needed, does not want otherwise) Rick Cook Lacelle Cordes Lisa Jost Randy Moe (as needed, does not want otherwise) Nancy Schrupp (as needed, does not include me)* Jim Topitzhofer Wendy Willman (as needed, does not want otherwise) Buildings and Grounds Staff (1 copy) ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (24 copies) \,-- City Administrator - Burt (1) Department Heads (5) v' Dir of Public Works - Osmundson __ZDir of Planning - Wasmund V/ Dir of Finance - May 1/Fire Chief - Aker Chief of Police - Knutsen City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7 members, 4 actual copies) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) Not until approved OTHER - (1 copy, Minutes Only!) AppT04Q.6 ►\-'O UY-z Ron Jacobson, 3647 143rd St W, Rsmt; H:423-2117 # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE d c '1Y ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE I G �� CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS 1 „1, po<IE Ts �7_ {�igCKETS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF 7r�:�cnA�4 EXTRA COPIES TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: chklstpr.94 (Revised 9-14-94) F11 PROCEDURES THOSE TO RECEIVE THE FULL PACKET (MINUTES INCLUDED) OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING 1. PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE 2. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS 3. CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND DEPARTMENT HEADS (INCLUDES JIM T.) 4. OTHER STAFF MEMBERS: LISA, LACELLE, RICK (and other staff members as requested or needed) THOSE TO RECEIVE ONLY THE AGENDA AND MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING 1. PLANNING COMMISSION 2. PORT AUTHORITY 3. UTILITIY COMMISSION THOSE TO RECEIVE ONLY THE MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE MEETING, CARROLLS WOODS SUB -COMMITTEE AND ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE SUB -COMMITTEE 1. CARROLLS WOODS SUB -COMMITTEE MEMBERS, INCLUDES STAFF LISTED IN BOLD 2. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE SUB -COMMITTEE, INCLUDES STAFF LISTED IN BOLD 3. RON JACOBSON, RESIDENT 4. ANY OTHER STAFF OR PERSON THAT REQUESTS TO RECEIVE THEM — ADD THEM TO THE LIST OR MAKE NOTE OF IT C zhklsmr.94 (Revised 9-14-94)