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AGENDA CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 21, 1994 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 P.M. Note: The CarroUs Woods Meeting is at 6 p.m. AGENDA: I. Call Meeting to Order II. Additions to the Agenda III. Approve Minutes of the October 17, 1994, Meeting IV. Audience Input OLD BUSINESS: I. Carrolls Woods Update II. Erickson Community Square Update III. RAAA Update IV. Sub -Committee Selection Policy V. Shannon Meadows Addition VI. CMC Update VII. Wensmann 7th Addition NEW BUSINESS: I. Kelly Trust Property II. Chairperson's Report III. Director's Report IV. Adjournment PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21, 1994 APPROVED MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Linda Ladzun, Jeff Moser, Jerry Puciaty STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director; Lisa Jost, Recreation and Community Center Manager; Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Programmer; Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary Aide MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Reller CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Dave Giliuson, Chairperson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 17, 1994, MINUTES: MOTION by Jeff Moser to accept the minutes of the October 17, 1994, meeting. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None OLD BUSIN>^SS CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Mike Busho was present to give an update. Mike commented that the southwest trail has been cut and limerock is in place. Also, the new section that runs along the ridge has been completed. Mike commented that in the spring more limerock will be needed and the trails will need to be trimmed down in areas to maintain the 8 foot width. The sub -committee discussed opening the deer trail that is on the west side of Carrolls Woods, near Schwarz Pond. This trail would head south into the woods and would be a wood chip trail. Signage for Carrolls Woods' three main entrances was discussed as well as the possibility of small signage in the woods where trails cross each other to direct people through the woods. Mike Busho commented that the cub scouts cleaned up the woods before and after the Haunted Woods program. The sub -committee discussed the possibility of having a "major" clean-up of the woods. There is some old fencing and concrete blocks that need to be removed. Mike commented that the sub -committee is looking for the assistance of city staff on this. Mike commented that Carrolls Woods will be open for cross country skiing this year. The City of Lakeville will assist with the grooming of the trails. Buckthorn cutting was completed on Saturday, November 19, 1994. There were 11 volunteers assisting city staff. Mike commented that buckthorn cutting is on hold now until next spring. Mike commented that reinforestation of the abandoned trail, which is the south trail, will not be done at this time, however the trail will be closed off. Mike commented that the Haunted Woods program had an attendance of approximately 1400 people. This is down from last year. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING November 21, 1994 Page 2 APPROVED Dave Giliuson asked if there will be signage at the entrances listing the rules and what is not allowed in the park, such as bikes. Mike commented that the rules and regulations will be posted. Jim Topitzhofer commented that the signage for the three main entrances may possibly be done this fall. Dave Giliuson recommended that the Carrolls Woods Sub -committee, at the next meeting, discuss which trails will be used and which will be closed off. Dave recommended that a new map be developed showing this information. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE: Jeff Moser commented that sub -committee members have selected divisions of the project to manage. Construction is scheduled to start next spring. Also, a local engineering firm has been hired to work on the mechanical and structural aspect of the project. The sub -committee briefly discussed constructing an additional covered picnic area. III. RAAA UPDATE: RAAA representatives were not present at the meeting. However, the RAAA 1994 Participant and Age Statistics was in the Parks and Recreation Committee's packet. IV. SUB -COMMITTEE SELECTION POLICY: Jim Topitzhofer submitted, as part the packet information, a draft copy of the policy of the Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee Policy for the Parks and Recreation Committee's review. Discussions were held and minor changes recommended. Dave Giliuson requested Jim Topitzhofer to make changes and send out a final format of the policy to the Parks and Recreation Committee members as well as to the sub- committee chairpersons. The Parks and Recreation Committee will vote on the policy at the next regular meeting. V. SHANNON MEADOWS ADDITION: Jim Topitzhofer gave an overview of the Shannon Meadows Addition, also known as the Strese/Burkalter property. Jim commented that the developers have changed their plans. They are now proposing greater density, 43 dwellings in this 12.84 acre parcel or 3.35 dwelling per acre. Mike Eliason asked if the plans have changed does the Parks and Recreation Committee have the opportunity make changes as well? Lacelle Cordes commented that as long as the developer has made concept changes then the Parks and Recreation Committee has the opportunity to make changes. VI. CIVIC UPDATE: Jim Topitzhofer updated committee members on the CIVIC Development. CIVIC has started their proposed development project located north of County Road 42 and west of Biscayne Avenue. They have begun grading the south portion of the development, below the railroad spur. Jim commented that the property where the railroad spur is located is one of the many issues yet to be resolved before the final plat is approved by City Council. VII. WENSMANN 7TH ADDITION: Jim Topitzhofer commented that at the last regular meeting, the Parks and Recreation Committee rejected Wensmann 7th Addition proposal and passed a motion to accept the full 3.84 acres of land dedication, specifying this land to be connected to the existing park in Wensmann 6th Addition. Jim forwarded this response to Wensmann Builders and the planning staff. The project is now on hold and alternatives are being considered. ....................................... EW WSII ESS', KELLY TRUST PROPERTY: Jim Topitzhofer gave an update on the Kelly Trust Property that is now available for sale. Jim commented that two outdoor recreation grant proposals were sent to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in May, 1994. One is for the acquisition of PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING November 21, 1994 Page 3 APPROVED property just north of Carrolls Woods and the other for the acquisition of land located on the north side of Birger Pond. Both acquisitions are located within the Kelly Trust Property. Jim commented that a response from the DNR is expected in February. The acquisition attached to Carrolls Woods is 19 acres and the Birger Pond acquisition is approximately 20 acres. Jim commented that he has expressed the Parks and Recreation's desire to pursue these two park land acquisitions to the Planning Commission and the planning staff. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: JERRY PUCIATY asked about the progress to change the By -Laws. Jim Topitzhofer commented that issue has not been addressed by the City Council yet. LINDA LADZUN expressed disappointment that current Parks and Recreation Committee members will have to re -apply for the committee. Jim commented that he recommended only the merger of the Parks and Recreation Committee and the Community Center Commission, and that the new committee be a seven member committee. The City Council recommended and approved decision for present members to have to re -apply. JOHN HOWARD disagreed with the land dedication and cash dedication formulas. Jim Topitzhofer recommended that this issue to re -addressed at the next Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop. DAVE GILIUSON asked about outdoor ice skating lessons. Lisa Jost commented that we will be offering lessons on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday with lessons beginning December 10, 1994. This information will appear in the Winter Brochure. Dave commented that the next Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop meeting will be held on December 1, 1994, at 7:30 p.m. The topic of discussion will be park dedication formulas. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Jim commented that the weekly reports are attached as part of the packet for the Director's Report. Jim commented on few items. Wendy Willman resigned from the Parks and Recreation Department. The city has been accepting applications for the programmer position. Jim hopes to have someone hired by the first of next year. December 4, 1994, is the Share the Spirit of a Rosemount Holiday Celebration. There will be many events going on at the Community Center as well as a tree lighting ceremony. Jim also commented that the Community Center Commission had their last meeting this month. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Linda Ladzun to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Schrupp Recording Secretary PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 17, 1994 J:� MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Dave Giliuson, Linda Ladzun, Jeff Moser, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director; Rick Cook, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor; Lisa Jost, Recreation and Community Center Manager; Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Programmer; Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary Aide MEMBERS ABSENT: John Howard CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. by Dave Giliuson, Chairperson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Under New Business add in as Roman Numeral IV, Outdoor Ice Skating Lessons and Roman Numeral V, Jaycee Park New South Parking Lot. Chairperson's Report is Roman Numeral VI, Director's Report will become Roman Numeral VII and Adjournment will become Roman Numeral Vill. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 19, 1994, MINUTES: MOTION by Tom Reller to accept the minutes of the September 19, 1994. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Mike Busho was present to give an update. Mike explained that the Carrolls Woods Sub -committee had received a question from a resident on the deer trail on the north side of Carrolls Woods. The resident commented that the Master Plan shows that it is asphalt. Mike commented that the Sub -committee does not have any plans to put in the asphalt at this time. Mike commented that the Sub -committee discussed new trails and abandoned trails. The Sub- committee discussed the possibility of signage throughout the woods to direct people in and around the woods. Mike commented that Bud Osmundson, Public Works Director, was present to discuss the culvert. Mike explained that a resident requested an inventory of trees that were removed for the trail. Mike commented that there will be a re-inforestation plan to replace some of the trees. Mike commented that the Carrolls Woods Sub -committee made a motion to not allow bikes in the woods and discussions were held on possibly grooming trails for cross country skiing. Mike commented that the next buckthorn removal project will be held on November 19, 1994, from 9 am to Noon. Volunteers would be appreciated. Linda Ladzun commented that she received a call from a resident questioning if lighting along the trails would be installed. Mike commented that there are no plans for this type of lighting and that by lighting the trails it would take away from the passive recreation use. Mike commented that membership criteria will be discussed at the next meeting. Dave Giliuson requested that this issue be addressed and would like to receive something in writing on it for discussions at the next Parks and Recreation Workshop meeting to be held on November 3, 1994, at 7:30 p.m. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING October 17, 1994 Page 2 DRAFT IL ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE UPDATE: Jim Topitzhofer handed out the latest plan to the Parks and Recreation Committee. This plan is to be presented to the City Council at the October 18, 1994, meeting. Jim commented that the initial grading has been completed and that this was done at no cost as it was part of the 145th Street project. The next meeting is scheduled for November 3, 1994, at 6 p.m. This meeting will precede the Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop. III. PARK DEDICATION POLICY: Jim gave an overview of the discussions held at the Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop meeting regarding Park Dedication. Jim commented that there had been some confusion regarding the calculation for park dedication. Jim provided in the packet, for the Parks and Recreation Committee, the formulas used to calculate park dedication. Jim commented that he had done a comparison study with the neighboring cities and recommended an increase for the park dedication formula from $14,000 to $15,000 per acre. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to recommend City Council to authorize an increase in the residential land value for the park dedication formula from $14,000 to $15,000 per acre, effective January 1, 1995. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. IV. WENSMANN 7TH ADDITION: Jim Topitzhofer commented that this was the main topic at the October 6, 1994, Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop. The Committee had voiced disapproval over the revised plat, which had proposed a park adjacent to County Road 42. The Parks and Recreation Committee requested the Planning Commission to consider placing townhomes between the highway and the park for safety reasons. The Planning Commission accommodated this request by revising the plat. However, the Parks and Recreation Committee felt that the revised park is not large enough to have play equipment on it. Jim commented that at the Workshop meeting the Parks and Recreation Committee had made a motion to request removal of the southeast quad units in Wensmann 7th Addition and accept the total area as land dedication, and if removal of the quad units is not acceptable, total park dedication be accepted in the form of cash. Jim commented on the possibility of accepting a one (1) acre park with a small playground and would like to the Parks and Recreation Committee to re-evaluate the issue. Dave Giliuson commented that some land is better than none and that the motion made at the Workshop meeting is not acceptable. Discussions were held on the size and shape presented in the plat and according to the park dedication and size of the land development, the Parks and Recreation Committee is entitled to approximately three (3) to four (4) acres. Mike Eliason asked what type of playground equipment would be installed. Lacelle Cordes commented that it would be similar to that at Connemara Park. The Parks and Recreation Committee agreed to request the full amount of acreage that is entitled, which is calculated at 3.84 acres. A comment was made that the Parks and Recreation Committee had accepted less land in the previous phase for Wensmann. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to accept the full 3.84 acres in the Wensmann 7th Addition and the land shall be connected to the existing park in the Wensmann 6th Addition. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. COPE ADDITION: Jim commented that the owner of the Cope Building on Highway 3, south of Fluegel Supply, is seeking approval on improvements and that Mr. Cope has already improved the exterior of the building. Jim commented that additional improvements include PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING October 17, 1994 Page 3 DRAFT curbed driveways and front parking lot with some landscaping. Jim recommended accepting a cash dedication in the amount of $770. MOTION by Tom Reller to recommend City Council to accept cash dedication in the amount of $770 for the Cope Addition. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. BETTY JOE'S DANCE STUDIO: Jim commented that Betty Joe's Dance Studio is relocating to Burma Avenue, south of 145th Street and that the new plat is .57 acres. Jim recommended the Parks and Recreation Committee accept cash dedication in the amount of $627. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to recommend City Council to accept the cash dedication in the amount of $627 for Betty Joe's Dance Studio. SECOND by Jeff Moser. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. III. REX'S RICH VALLEY ESTATES: Jim commented that this proposed development is located south of County Road 42, east of Highway 52 and that the plan calls for a culdesac with a south bound easement for future road expansion. Jim commented that the total area of the site is 12.5 acres, consisting of five 2.5 acre lots. Jim recommended that the Parks and Recreation Committee accept cash dedication in the amount of $2,800. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to recommend City Council to accept cash dedication in the amount of $2,800 for Rex's Rich Valley Estates. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. IV. OUTDOOR ICE SKATING LESSONS: Lisa Jost, Recreation and Community Center Manager, was present to discuss outdoor ice skating issues. Lisa commented that the Parks and Recreation staff has been discussing the idea of offering outdoor ice skating lessons this year. Lisa stated that this program was not offered last year. Lisa commented that outdoor skating lessons would possibly be offered on Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays and that the sessions would run six (6) weeks with the sixth week being considered the make-up week due to weather cancellations. Lisa also commented that the Jump and Spin Skating School is offering fall, winter and spring sessions with classes held on Saturdays at the Rosemount Arena and the sessions are priced at $75, $65 and $55 consecutively. Lisa commented that she wanted to open this issue up to the Parks and Recreation Committee for discussion. Dave Giliuson strongly recommended having the outdoor skating lessons and he commented that the kids seemed to have fun. The Parks and Recreation Committee agreed that they would like to see outdoor skating continue. Lisa Jost commented that she will begin advertising for instructors and work on getting the program going. V. JAYCEE PARK SOUTH PARKING LOT: Bud Osmundson, Buildings and Grounds Director/City Engineer presented the issue of the parking lot being installed along with the needed sewer lines and that the cost is approximately $54,000. Bud commented that he had received price quotes and that they are rather high and he is looking at other options. Bud asked the Parks and Recreation Committee if they would like this parking lot installed now and if not, he would like to go ahead with the storm sewer line portion of the project, which would cost approximately $17,000 to $18,000. Bud explained that water is "pooling" in this area and residents near there are concerned about getting water in their basement. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING October 17, 1994 Page 4 DRAFT Discussions were held on the necessity of this parking lot at this time. The Parks and Recreation Committee felt that it is not needed at this time. However, Dave Giliuson commented that the storm sewer should be put in and would like see the area be graded, install a limerock trail and make the area look presentable by possibly seeding or putting in sod where the parking lot is supposed to be. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to install the storm sewer in Jaycee Park, South Parking Lot and have minimal grading, seeding, and install limerock to make the area look presentable and reserve judgement on the parking lot for a later date. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. VI. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT JERRY PUCIATY: None. JEFF MOSER: None. LINDA LADZUN commented that the Community Center Commission is reviewing policies and going over fees. Linda asked if someone from the Parks and Recreation Committee was attending the Rosemount Activities Programs (RAP) meetings. Jim commented that Jerry Puciaty is on the list. Jerry commented that he has not been able to attend and if anyone else is interested they are more than welcome to take his place. MIKE ELIASON commented on the future athletic complex and would like to see that the committee and staff keep it in mind for future discussion. TOM RELLER complemented the Buildings and Grounds staff on doing a great job of putting in the trail without damaging beneficial trees. Tom asked if the Parks and Recreation Department has considered holding the Haunted Woods on a different day. Lacelle Cordes commented that the staff and the Halloween Committee have discussed this, however, it would defeat the purpose of the Haunted Woods Program, which is to offer a safe alternative to trick or treating. DAVE GILIUSON commented that motions made at the Parks and Recreation Workshop meeting should be brought back to the Parks and Recreation Committee Regular meeting for official approval. VII. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Jim Topitizhofer commented that the second RAP Grant was turned in on Monday, October 17, 1994 and that he is also working on another grant with the School District which is to be completed and sent in December. Jim commented that we are still looking for volunteers for Halloween and encouraged the Parks and Recreation Committee members to participate. Jim informed the Parks and Recreation Committee that Randy Moe, Arena Manager resigned. Randy's last day was Monday, October 17, 1994. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Linda Ladzun to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Schrupp Recording Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: November 21, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Carrolls Woods Update I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and I AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director I. ATTACHMENTS: Agenda of Carrolls Woods Meeting on November APPROVED BY: 21, 1994, and minutes from Carrolls Woods Meeting on October 17, 1994 Mike Busho will give an update. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: ?GEND A CARROLLS WOODS SUB -COMMITTEE DATE: NOVEMBER 21.1994 TIME: 6:00 PM I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER it. 6APPROVAL OF MINUTES ' III. AUDIENCE INPUT IV. TRAIL CONSTRUCTION UPDATE V. TRAIL CLEANUP UPDATE VI. WINTER USAGE COMMENTS VII. BUCKTHORN CUTTING REPORT (HELD NOV. 19.) VIII.BUDGET UPDATE IX. DISCUSSION OF MEMBERSHIP SELECTION PROCESS X. REFORESTATION OF ABONDENDED TRAIL XI. HALLOWEEN HAUNTED TRAIL UPDATE XII. ADJOURNMENT b. �RROLLS �,-�JUDS SUB -COMMITTEE MEET!! REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 17.1994 MEMBERS PRESENT: LORETTA LOESCH. DEANNA SIMPSON. TOM RELLAR" MIKE BUSHO STAFF PRESENT: RICK COOK. MARK JOOSTEN, LACELLE CORDES, JIM TOPITZHOFFER. BUD OSMUNDSON AUDIENCE: MR. AND MR. PINT CATHY BUSHO ^� « MEMBERS ABSENT: ED HOWARD^ DAVE GULLISION, SCOTT RYNERSON ADDITIONS TO ADGENDA: CLEANUP OF HALLOWEEN TRAIL (4A) MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 6:00PM APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MEMBERS COMMENTED ON GETTING MINUTES AND ADGENDA EARLY AND APPRECIATED THEM AUDIENCE INPUT: PINT FAMILY INQUIRED ABOUT DEER TRAIL ON WEST SIDE OF SWARTZ POND AND OF WHAT TRAIL BASE IT WOULD BE. ALSO ASKED ABOUT WHAT NEW TRAILS WOULD BE ADDED. COMMITTEE COMMENTED THERE WOULD BE NO NEW TRAIL CONSTRUCTION STARTED THIS YEAR. ALSO SOME DISCUSSION ABOUT BUCKTHORN CUTTING. TRAIL CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: SOUTHWEST TRAIL WAS CUT IN DURING LAST WEEK BEFORE MEETING. DISCUSSION OF TRAIL WIDTH. LOSS OF TREES, CULVERT SIZE AND LOCATION, RON JACOBSON REQUESTED AN INVENTORY OF TREES THAT WERE REMOVEIi AND AN ESTIMATE OF THEIR VALUE. THE COMMITTEE DECIDED NOT TO REPLY TO THE REQUEST OF THE TREE INVENTORY. RICK COOK STATED THAT THE CREW HAS BEEN VERY CAREFUL OF THE TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION SO AS NOT TO DAMAGE THE WOODS. DISCUSSION OF DEAD TREES ALONG THE TRAIL HAVING TO BE REMOVED FOR LIABILITY REASONS. TOM RELLAR ASKED ABOUT OAK WILT. MARK JOOSTEN COMMENTED THAT THE OAKS LOOK VERY HEALTHY. DEANNA INQUIRED ABOUT A POLICY ON PLANT REMOVAL. DISCUSSION OF TRAIL CLEANUP OFFERED BY THE BOY SCOUTS. ED HOWARD CALLED TO RELAY THE INFORMATION THAT STEVE TOOMBS IS THE CONTACT PERSON. BICYCLE POLICY: DISCUSSION ON BICYCLES IN CARROLLS WOODS RESULTED IN A MOTION THAT BIKE TRAFFIC WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN CARROLLS WOODS. FIRST -MIKE BUSHO SECOND-LORETTA LOESCH VOTE- ALL AYES WINTER USEAGE: DISCUSSION OF CROSS COUNTRY SKIING. DRAFTING A MAP AND COME UP WITH A PLAN FOR GROOMING BUCKTHORN CUTTING: NOVEMBER 19TH CUTTING DATE. LACELLE WILL DO PRESS RELEASE. GROUP WILL MEET AT THE HOCKEY RINK AREA AT 9AM CUTTING WILL BE FROM 9AM TO 12PM. V'* . BUBGET DISCUSSION: THE SHEET WAS REMOVED AND THE ITEM WAE TABLED.., MEMBERSHIP SELECTION WAS DISCUSSED AND WAS REFERED ON TO THE PARK COMMITTEE FOR DIRECTION. STAFF HANDED OUT THE CRITERIA FORMS THAT THE CITY NOW USES. MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 7:25 RESPECTFULLY YOURS MICHAEL BUSHO � "~ ^ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: November 21, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Erickson Community Square Update I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director II. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: Members of the Erickson Community Square Subcommittee will give an update. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: November 21, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: RAAA Update I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director III. ATTACHMENTS: RAAA 1994 City Participant & Age Statistics. APPROVED BY: Steve Reischauer or Tom Neumann may be present to give a RAAA update. I have attached the RAAA 1994 City Participant & Age Statistics for your review. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 1994 CITY PARTICPANT & AGE STATISTICS OVERALL CITY COUNT % of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 971 19.84% 573 398 Lakeville 1276 26.07% 783 493 Apple Valley 2339 47.79% 1439 900 Eagan 80 1.63% 48 32 Inver Grove Hgt. 125 2.55% 75 50 Other 103 2.10% 66 37 TOTALS 4894 2984 1910 BASKETBALL CITY COUNT % of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 123 18.84% 82 41 Lakeville 156 23.89% 113 43 Apple Valley 333 51.00% 235 98 Eagan 16 2.45% 13 3 Inver Grove Hgt. 12 1.84% 9 3 Other 13 1.99% 10 3 TOTALS 653 462 191 2%3 20% 47% 26% Age 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total Male 0 47 81 96 78 81 61 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 462 Female 0 19 22 43 41 43 22 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 191 Total 0 66 103 139 119 124 83 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 653 Page 1 10/9/94 ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 1994 CITY PARTICPANT & AGE STATISTICS T& BASKETBALL CITY COUNT % of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 12 9.02% 8 4 Lakeville 22 16.54% 13 9 Apple Valley 92 69.17% 56 36 Eagan 2 1.50% 1 1 Inver Grove Hgt. 5 3.76% 3 2 Other 0 0.00% 0 0 TOTALS 133 81 52 WRESTLING CITY COUNT % of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 15 15.00% 15 0 Lakeville 27 27.00% 27 0 Apple Valley 47 47.00% 47 0 Eagan 7 7.00% 7 0 Inver Grove Hgt. 1 1.00% 1. 0 Other 3 3.00% 3 0 TOTALS 100 100 0 Age 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total Male 0 0 0 0 0 18 12 23 21 7 0 0 0 0 81 Female 0 0 0 0 0 7 12 22 10 1 0 0 0 0 52 Total 0 0 0 0 0 25 24 45 31 8 0 0 0 0 133 Age 5 6 7 8 Male 6 18 16 19 Female 0 0 0 0 Total 6 18 16 19 Page 2 10/9/94 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total 6 16 14 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0* 0 0 6 16 14 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 101 ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 1994 CITY PARTICPANT & AGE STATISTICS TRACK CITY COUNT % of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 59 16.91% 29 30 Lakeville 95 27.22% 39 56 Apple Valley 176 50.43% 99 77 Eagan 5 1.43% 3 2 Inver Grove Hgt. 8 2.29% 3 5 Other 6 1.72% 4 2 TOTALS 349 177 172 TR. SOCCER CITY COUNT % of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 50 19.61% 22 28 Lakeville 49 19.22% 27 22 Apple Valley 129 50.59% 67 62 Eagan 9 3.53% 0 9 Inver Grove Hgt. 12 4.71% 6 6 Other 6 2.35% 6 0 TOTALS 255 128 127 Age 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total Male 16 34 27 32 12 22 23 9 2 0 0 0 0 0 177 Female 14 19 31 25 25 27 21 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 172 Total 30 53 58 57 37 49 44 15 6 0 0 0 0 0 349 Age 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total Male 0 0 0 6 5 12 16 18 15 20 11 14 8 3 128 Female 0 0 0 1 8 6 7 12 18 23 18 26 8 0 127 Total 0 0 0 7 13 18 23 30 33 43 29 40 16 3 255 Page 3 10/9/94 ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 1994 CITY PARTICPANT & AGE STATISTICS SOCCER CITY COUNT % of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 180 21.30% 87 93 Lakeville 234 27.69% 124 110 Apple Valley 371 43.91% 195 176 Eagan 17 2.01% 7 10 Inver Grove Hgt. 18 2.13% 9 9 Other 25 2.96% 12 13 TOTALS 845 434 411 BASEBALL CITY COUNT % of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 276 21.56% 275 1 Lakeville 366 28.59% 366 0 Apple Valley 569 44.45% 568 1 Eagan 7 0.55% 7 0 Inver Grove Hgt. 36 2.81% 36 0 Other 26 2.03% 26 0 TOTALS 1280 1278 2 Age 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total Male 11 82 66 83 58 43 39 23 19 9 1 0 0 0 434 Female 13 59 51 48 49 59 48 31 35 18 0 0 0 0 411 Total 24 141 117 131 107 102 87 54 54 27 1 0 0 0 845 Age 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total Male 93 171 159 177 161 143 121 89 59 47 28 13 15 2 1278 Female 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Total 93 172 159 178 161 143 121 89 59 47 28 13 15 2 1280 Page 4 10/9/94 ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 1994 CITY PARTICPANT & AGE STATISTICS TR. BASEBALL CITY COUNT % of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 23 16.08% 23 0 Lakeville 40 27.97% 40 0 Apple Valley 73 51.05% 73 0 Eagan 2 1.40% 2 0 Inver Grove Hgt. 4 2.80% 4 0 Other 1 0.70% 1 0 TOTALS 143 143 0 SOFTBALL CITY COUNT % of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 158 20.65% 0 158 Lakeville 206 26.93% 0 206 Apple Valley 367 47.97% 0 367 Eagan 5 0.65% 0 5 Inver Grove Hgt. 18 2.35% 0 18 Other 11 1.44% 0 11 TOTALS 765 0 765 Age 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total Male 0 0 0 0 9 25 22 23 21 26 17 0 0 0 143 Female 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 9 25 22 23 21 26 17 0 0 0 143 Age 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total Male 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Female 24 73 74 101 88 83 91 76 60 44 17 15 12 5 763 Total 24 73 74 101 88 83 91 76 60 44 17 15 12 5 763 Page 5 10/9/94 ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 1994 CITY PARTICPANT & AGE STATISTICS TR. SOFTBALL CITY COUNT % of TOT MALE FEMALE Age 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total Rosemount 16 28.07% 0 16 Male 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lakeville 12 21.05% 0 12 Female 0 0 0 0 0 2 8 10 7 9 11 3 7 0 57 Apple Valley 22 38.60% 0 22 Eagan 1 1.75% 0 1 Total 0 0 0 0 0 2 8 10 7 9 11 3 7 0 57 Inver Grove Hgt. 3 5.26% 0 3 Other 3 5.26% 0 3 TOTALS 57 0 57 FOOTBALL CITY COUNT % of TOT MALE FEMALE Age 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total Rosemount 21 17.80% 21 0 Male 0 0 0 24 22 39 30 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 118 Lakeville 26 22.03% 26 0 Female 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Apple Valley 55 46.61% 55 0 Eagan 8 6.78% 8 0 Total 0 0 0 24 22 39 30 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 118 Inver Grove Hgt. 4 3.39% 4 0 Other 4 3.39% 4 0 TOTALS 118 118 0 Page 6 10/9/94 ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 1994 CITY PARTICPANT & AGE STATISTICS VOLLEYBALL CITY COUNT % of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 14 17.95% 2 12 Lakeville 21 26.92% 3 18 Apple Valley 39 50.00% 6 33 Eagan 0 0.00% 0 0 Inver Grove Hgt. 2 2.56% 0 2 Other 2 2.56% 0 2 TOTALS 78 11 67 TR. VOLLEYBALL CITY COUNT % of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 8 27.59% 0 8 Lakeville 10 34.48% 0 10 Apple Valley 7 24.14% 0 7 Eagan 0 0.00% 0 0 Inver Grove Hgt. 2 6.90% 0 2 Other 2 6.90% 0 2 TOTALS 29 0 29 Age 5 6 7 8 9 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total Male 0 0 0 2 1 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 Female 0 0 7 14 17 15 9 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 67 Total 0 0 7 16 18 19 11 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 78 Age 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total Male 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Female 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 7 7 5 1 0 29 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 7 7 5 1 0 29 Page 7 10/9/94 ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 1994 CITY PARTICPANT & AGE STATISTICS FALL TRAVELING SOCCER CITY COUNT % of TOT MALE FEMALE Age 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total Rosemount 16 17.98% 9 7 Male 0 0 1 6 9 8 15 3 9 1 0 0 0 0 52 Lakeville 12 13.48% 5 7 Female 0 0 0 1 1 9 15 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 37 Apple Valley 59 66.29% 38 21 Eagan 1 1.12% 0 1 Total 0 0 1 7 10 17 30 9 14 1 0 0 0 0 89 Inver Grove Hgt. 0 0.00% 0 0 Other 1 1.12% 0 1 TOTALS 89 52 37 Page 8 10/9/94 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: November 21, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Sub -Committee Selection Policy I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director IV. ATTACHMENTS: Draft of Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee APPROVED BY: Policy. The attached policy was formulated at the last workshop meeting. This policy was taken from the selection policy for City advisory commissions and committees, and modified to the sub -committee level. Highlights follow: 1) Length of term - 3 years. Size of sub -committee - 7 members. 2) Application procedure - same as Park and Recreation Committee except application deadline is October. 3) Rosemount residency is required. Should we include Rosemount business owners who reside in other cities? 4) No more than 2 members of the Parks and Recreation Committee shall vote at a given sub -committee meeting. It is not mandatory for Parks and Recreation Committee Members to be assigned or attend sub -committee meetings, therefore no compensation is given. 5) A job description is included for Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee but it needs additional work. 6) Additional consideration for Erickson Community Square Sub -Committee job description is needed. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review attached material and discuss recommendations. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION SUB -COMMITTEE SELECTION POLICY NOVEMBER 17, 1994 DRAFT The Parks and Recreation Department of Rosemount wants to assure equal and open access to the selection process for all Parks and Recreation Committee appointed standing Parks and Recreation Sub -Committees. This policy will set a regular and formal recruitment and selection process for eligible members to all Parks and Recreation Sub -Committees. It will provide applicants for Parks and Recreation Sub -Committees with basic information on the application procedures and the appointment process. POLICY This policy will provide guidelines governing the application procedure and the appointment process for Parks and Recreation Sub -Committees. The Parks and Recreation Sub -Committees shall be advisory bodies to the Parks and Recreation Committee, charged with the responsibility of researching, reviewing, and making recommendations on related issues. PROCEDURE The following Sub -Committees shall be appointed by the Parks and Recreation Committee and shall meet on the days designated below: Days & Times of Meetings The Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee and the Erickson Community Square Sub - Committee meeting days and times shall be set upon mutual agreement of the members of the Sub -Committee, meeting a minimum of six (6) times per month. Length of Terms: 3 years Sub -Committee Size: 7 members 2. All persons making application to the Parks and Recreation Committee for a position on a Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee shall be residents of the City of Rosemount. (and/or business residents??) 3. Persons interested in being considered for appointment or reappointment to a Park and Recreation Sub -Committee shall complete an "Application for Appointment to Park and Recreation Sub -Committee" form furnished by the City. 4. Appointments to expired terms shall be made annually by the Parks and Recreation Committee at their regular meeting in October. All members, regular and alternate, shall be appointed to terms as designated above, however, the term may be terminated early by the Parks and Recreation Committee. Each member shall serve a maximum of three terms. There is no compensation for members. Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee Selection Policy Page 2 5. When an individual's regular employment may potentially cause a conflict of interest with the normal items of business of a Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee, he or she shall divulge such possible conflict in writing prior to the consideration for appointment. Prior to making an appointment, the Parks and Recreation Committee shall determine whether or not such potential conflict of interest would preclude the appointment of the applicant. 6. Anyone already holding an elective county, state, or federal office shall not be eligible to serve in a regular voting position on any of the Parks and Recreation Sub - Committees. 7. No permanent full-time or part-time City of Rosemount staff employee shall hold a regular voting position on any Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee except that a staff member may serve as an ex-officio member. 8. An effort shall be made to have a diversity of professions and occupations represented on all Sub -Committees and, as a general guideline, at no one time should one-third of any one Sub -Committee be comprised of individuals of like professions or occupations. 9. As a general guideline, the members of each Sub -Committee should be comprised of members representing a wide range of civic groups and interests. 10. Attendance at the meetings of these advisory bodies is critical to their effectiveness; therefore, missing three consecutive meetings or attendance at less than 75 % of the meetings in a six-month period will cause the Sub -Committee Chairman to review the nature of the absences and, pending the outcome of that review, it may be necessary to forward a recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Committee that the member of the Sub -Committee be removed for poor attendance. 11. Alternate members may be appointed and are considered as members in training and shall act as regular voting members in the absence of any regular member. Mid-term vacancies shall temporarily be filled by the alternate if appointed for the unexpired term. The alternate shall apply and be considered for regular membership on the Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee along with any other applicants. If alternates are not appointed vacancies would be filled following guidelines set in this policy. 12. Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee members may be removed from office at anytime for good cause by the Parks and Recreation Committee. 13. No more than two (2) Park and Recreation Committee member shall be allowed to vote at a Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee meeting. Parks and Recreation Committee Members will not be compensated for attending a Sub -Committee Meeting. It is not mandatory for a Parks and Recreation member to be assigned to or attend a Sub -Committee meeting. Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee Selection Policy Page 3 RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Ninety days prior to the expiration of Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee terms each year, the Parks and Recreation Committee shall be advised of the pending vacancies and the attendance record of the individuals whose terms are expiring, should those individuals be eligible for reappointment. Should the individuals merit reappointment, those persons will be contacted to determine if he/she wishes to seek reappointment. New applications should be completed by the incumbents. The Parks and Recreation Committee will also announce to the general public the vacancies on the Sub -Committees at least sixty days prior to the expiration of commission terms each year and applications will be accepted from all interested citizens of Rosemount. Thirty days prior to the expiration of Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee terms, the Parks and Recreation Committee will meet to review all applications and interview applicants, including incumbent members whose terms are expiring and who wish to seek reappointment. The qualifications of the members of the Sub -Committees shall be those who in judgement of the Parks and Recreation Committee are representative of the community and are qualified by training, experience and interest useful for the fulfillment of the Sub -Committee's responsibility. EFFECTIVE DATE This policy will go into effect the day following its adoption by the Parks and Recreation Committee of Rosemount, Minnesota. Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee Selection Policy Page 4 A PARKS AND RECREATION SUB -COMMITTEE MEMBER'S CODE As a Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee member, I believe that the primary purposes of a sub -committee is to achieve effective and wise guidance of the City through group thinking and action, to raise the standards of sub -committee membership and to improve the level of services to the community which supports it. I realize that mine is a community trust, that I represent all the people and that I have a duty to the community as well as to the sub -committee I pledge myself. Therefore, to cultivate an "educated heart" so that I may be sensitive to my obligations and relationships in this trusteeship, I subscribe to the code of an ethical person, remembering that ethics refers to what a person is morally obliged to do or not to do in a given situation. I believe that sub -committee service can be an expression of democratic citizenship, signifying a willingness to accept community responsibility and the charge to preserve popular control of American public services. Respecting the dignity and worth of the individual, I shall base my relations with people on their qualities as individuals without distinction as to race or creed or gender or color or economic or social status. I believe that a person's greatest possession, as well as his/her greatest contribution to society, may lie in the ways in which he/she differs from me, rather than in the ways in which we are similar. I shall accept these differences and try to build a useful relationship upon them. I uphold the principles of my organization, recognizing and assuming my responsibility to establish and administer the best possible program and policies for my commission. I shall learn its programs and objectives, give to it a fair share of my time and personal abilities, keep a community wide perspective knowing that, for sound community service, my sub- committee's work must be coordinated with the total community. I promise to be loyal to my own organization and a good neighbor to other agencies. My attitude shall be one of cooperative open-mindedness and objectivity. In carrying out my assignments, I shall be professional in realizing that it is not possible to lay down absolute rules for all situations. I shall be willing to think things through with the other sub- committee members, weighing alternatives and exercising good judgement in choosing among them. Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee Selection Policy Page 5 ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION SUB -COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT Please check Sub -Committee you are applying for: Carrolls Woods Erickson Community Square Name Address Phone Available at work? Phone Have you had an opportunity to read the Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee Code and Job Description for this Sub -Committee? Yes _ No Please write a statement as to why you wish to serve on this Sub -Committee. Use the back side of this application or attach a statement if necessary. Thank you! You will be contacted regarding this application. CARROLLS WOODS SUB -COMMITTEE Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee is an appointed sub -committee of the Parks and Recreation Committee of volunteer citizens. The purpose of the sub -committee is to advise and make recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Committee concerning both issues related to Carrolls Woods. In addition, the sub -committee provides input to City staff, in affect, acts to advise on community interests concerning Carrolls Woods. Organization: The committee consists of 7 members who are appointed by the Parks and Recreation Committee for three (3) year terms. A Chairperson is elected annually by the Parks and Recreation Committee members. Meetings are held monthly. Members Role: The Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee's work covers a broad range of issues which must be acted upon in a timely manner. To accomplish this work, regular attendance and participation by members is essential. Occasionally, the formation of "task" or "study groups" becomes necessary to look into or work further on more complex issues. Assignment to these groups is voluntary. Perhaps the most significant role members have is to recommend policies related to the development and public use of Carrolls Woods. Sub -Committee members should refrain concerning about the detailed aspects of park management as City staff is responsible for on a day to day basis. It is the responsibility of sub -committee members to keep an open mind to issues with Carrolls Woods. Listening, learning and discussion of issues are important aspects of sub -committee work. Decision making should be based on information gathered and what can be seen as working towards the betterment of the City and parks and recreation system. Maintaining objectivity in the face of special interest groups is often difficult, but essential to a balanced approach to parks. Both long term objectives and short term benefits should be considered on all issues. The Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee acts as a group; disagreement and divergent views are expected and desirable. However, these views are not to be represented to outside organizations/committees as being representative of the views of the Sub -Committee, Parks and Recreation Committee, or City. Members need to be certain that they do not express personal views and interests as that of that of the City or Parks and Recreation Department. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY: The Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee does not have statutory powers. It is a creation of the Parks and Recreation Committee with the responsibility to Carrolls Woods. The Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee reviews policies regarding the development and public use of Carrolls Woods, annually reviews the budget pertaining to Carrolls Woods, provides input regarding programming in Carrolls Woods, hears citizens requests and investigates issues for recommendation. Any and all variations to the Parks Master Plan must be approved by the Parks and Recreation Committee and ultimately the City Council. CARROLLS WOODS SUB -COMMITTEE JOB DESCRIPTION / QUALIFICATIONS QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Resident of the City of Rosemount 2. Willingness and dedication to commit both time and personal energy to the sub- committee. 3. An interest in Carrolls Woods issues. 4. Desire to provide a broad range of parks and recreation service to citizens of the community. 5. Interest in and knowledge of the community of Rosemount. 6. Recognize that recreation and parks fulfills a vital role in the quality of life for Rosemount. 7. Willingly seeks input from neighborhoods, organizations, and individuals. 8. Ability to maintain an objective approach to park and recreation issues. RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Attend and participate in regular monthly meetings and special meetings. 2. Attend and participate in appointed study committees which may be required to conduct the affairs of the Sub -Committee 3. To make recommendations concerning policies regarding development and public use of Carrolls Woods. 4. To review and make recommendations concerning recreation programming in Carrolls Woods. 7. Annually reviews the budget pertaining to Carrolls Woods.. 8. Performs fact finding tasks for the Parks and Recreation Committee. REPORTS TO: 1. Parks and Recreation Committee PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION: 1. Self evaluation by Sub -Committee. 2. Regular attendance and participation. 3. Knowledge and satisfaction that the sub -committee is fulfilling a vital role in the community. DUTIES OF CHAIR: 1. To preside over regularly scheduled and special sub -committee meetings. 3. To act as spokesperson for the sub -committee. 4. With the Director of Parks and Recreation; establish a tentative agenda for monthly meetings. 5. Keeps meeting on track and on time. 6. Advise and consult with individual members concerning their participation. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: November 21, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Shannon Meadows Addition I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director V. ATTACHMENTS: Concept Plan APPROVED BY: The developers of Shannon Meadows Addition, otherwise referred to as the Strese/Burkalter property, have changed their plans. They are now proposing greater density, 43 dwellings in this 12.84 acre parcel or 3.35 dwelling per acre. The type of housing proposed by the developers may be a unique form of separated single dwelling units with a townhome ambience. I will try to explain the nature of these homes more thoroughly at the meeting. The parcel is located just north of the intersection of 145th Street and Shannon Parkway. Consideration should be given to the proximity of the parcel to the nearby high density area. Land Dedication is calculated at 1.73 acres. Cash Dedication is calculated at $24,080 at 1994 rates, or $25,800 at proposed 1995 rates. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: 9 ——•-fLLdd-- 1112fO8dd�Q---- ` -JI i �I — � 2 ] 11116oV QHIHL =).H AmmnoJ '•{ $ I I I 11+ I rr--\'\—_—���— L RJ it I _I I I _ ct rye\ I i. J.�. 1----•--fir•---•-----• cis ri�5 r_----•---•---_-- - __ �o p W W iozz U=O< woci H;Va d f/! 3 O <z:1 W O 3 mf. Oct z<: z < y CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: November 21, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: CMC Update AGENDA SECTION: Old Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director VI. ATTACHMENTS: Concept Plan APPROVED BY: CMC has started their proposed development project located North of County Road 42 and just West of Biscayne Avenue. CMC has begun grading the south portion of the development, below the railroad spur. The purchase of property where the railroad spur is located is one of many issues yet to be resolved before the final plat is approved by the City Council. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: a Imo,,o C)' 9 e 02014e 95E PLAZA I I a onLlr y - 1 - i~\� O. 10 3 Film, it 91 6 16 . _-'-.... I . 4' .1•',1 - II1I ::irr.:n�-�a�� — I7 a � ,� • - 1 Ie14 O o.. 121 ;4rPNAIN- 7 7 oUTLOT + 1 4rIfN1 II __ Ct'S4• / ...\\ EA1r 1Vl, `r� \ o o. 3 in .\.''' A O V � dl 4� � ////,.I 1,' I O •' �� 6 Li 6 A is d0 62 [ T /��•i A'P OOo , ,�o, 6` 13 O I 02062 - - _ o ` ' - j 6a — _ .......... ° + ' � O A�o •.i 6' 9 + p I 10 Q 1 7 34, O 11 - 16 ,11 ° p 4SS.'Jti ©Q T Cry .73 I 17 O 6 34 33. <. . ' \i/ 7 ti OUTLOT A O9Il0T A 1 •". 770 \\\ �. t_�It_=1'C_ U--'" ,� 0-...... 7p� o, o 13 _f\O� {. c•�4• II 7 /•./`.. .. _.._. _..�..-.. �1'-- o IS 17 6 �! 11 t>4y` 'irM �io�W cxt 11 O.. '�/7) l� -J.` In .. n1 � tY•I OV O• ,�, J;LV.11 1e , •.:.�._"M �.. 71 .. _. - - '��-•'"•-� OUTLOT F n r O `fTy If1Aa <1Ms1A n 1 s / _.. b OUTLOT A 6 / p III [[ 10 � VI 6 I[ 6 I) N I OI Q�' �• UNIVERSITY ADb. OUTLOT 6 Pink = Trails to be constructed by developer Blue = 145th Street trail Orange = 145th Street trail to be Escrowed v — Green = Park to be developed Yellow = Existing Park (Biscayne) 1 PIIASE t 56 LOT: - fPE1N0 95� PILAfE t 75 LOTf -FALL 95 ��f1 ►/IASE 1St LOTf - SlR°Ife 96 i � �1lS PTA IT 7A 6, LOTS FALL 9673Pe1NO 97 PIIASE , 46 LOT: Sw Eft 97 M - YODEL CENTER i * LOTS HELD FOR 1006 SALES d � � � LEOftA LYlilHa EAOLLILO PAI[PNAM :AN'ARI 1EPEP t- -� SS .0 II— SUPER FIRE ".I •(.1 o CAI-U- ► 7LANm END 31c70N • -,.I- f IIAK-I } I C - O OW. 1� •' cwla.: .� MtMMr lK CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: November 21, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Wensmann 7th Addition. I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director VII. ATTACHMENTS: None. APPROVED BY: At the last regular meeting, the Parks and Recreation Committee rejected Wensmann 7th Addition proposal and passed a motion to accept the full 3.84 acres of land dedication, specifying this land to be connected to the existing park in Wensmann 6th Addition. I have forwarded this response to Wensmann Builders and the planning staff. The project is now on hold and alternatives are being considered. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: November 21, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Kelly Trust Property Update AGENDA SECTION: New Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director l• ATTACHMENTS: Comprehensive Guide Plan for the Kelly Trust APPROVED BY: Property, Maps of Proposed Park Land Acquisitions. The Kelly Trust Property is now for available for sale. In February, 1989, the trustees of this property agreed to pre -dedicate 20 acres exclusively as park and school facilities, now known as Shannon Park Elementary School and Shannon Park. The entire area owned by Kelly Trust was 547.01 acres before this agreement. Therefore, there are 23.36 dedicated acres remaining. In May, 1994, two outdoor recreation grant proposals were sent to the Department of Natural Resources, one for the acquisition of property just north of Carrolls Woods, and the other for the acquisition of land located on the North side of Birger Pond. Both of these acquisitions are located within the Kelly Trust Property. We will receive a response from the DNR in February. The acquisition attached to Carrolls Woods is 19 acres, and the Birger Pond acquisition is approximately 20 acres. The DNR will award no more than one of grant proposal. These two proposals are included in the Parks Master Plan. I have expressed our desire to pursue these two park land acquisitions to the Planning Commission and the planning staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT o< LOCATION MAP LEGEND CDWoodland Areas Slopes over 20% Grade with more than 20' change in elevation Buffer Yard iM Wetlands with 50-foot Buffer Zone -- Trail Connection ©m Hoisington Koegler Group Inc Road Connection 7300 Metro Blvd, • Suite 525 Minneapolis, MN 55439 • (612)835-9960 Land Usc(Environmental • Planning/Design MUSA Phasing Boundary Map 5 RESIDENTIAL PLANNE i DEVELOPMENT October 1"3 Comprehensive Guide Plan Update 2000 ITEM 17 — JI— ' 1 y i -7. I I \ SchwarT Pond Park �41 �•tt , I PM,K IJj , 1 (Il '• ACgUISIiIOn PAR ACCESS AROSEMOUNT _ I Area..a 4� AccEsA r + / COMMUNITY CONNEMARA TRAIL .(�^�s �;�` !;� f r...a,.•w � � CENTER y '`' 1r �•` e; `� V SHELYER` N .) ' ✓ y` o 1 yf.: `'Y PARK I � 3 � AccEss � � •,_• (g y 1`ARK , � `: � 4E WIMM•{fiMM '. l.. 7 ^ . ACCESS ���. 1 Recreation Site T T s q ri' � ., � a .,. •. 3� I-�. .,�....A. I Map K' �',j �i' '� �� I FUTURE AMENITIES MAP J CarrOilS 7 O CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY iWOOas i t Gr �< /��►OV�\ �. ,rf' I DATE MARCH 1994 00 ],..• �. .;..}. .. I,•' ;4`• lINM i1: 3X. ' •� �� ry I i op 4W „ SCALE 1" = 400' / f ,.'." I d 4 _.� , r _ _ (eng. dept. / bcb ) -, ",;;":(.:___ ��:�:�;, � -�-_• _�- �_-- = � � ��♦\�`��.z,� _ ITEM 17 • `.'t`,�'"�'',,`'' WETLAND .,� r-_-__ ���\� �� i�� J,` \%\�\����°"�L=L=�`�\\♦ /�/ ��'i�-�.\\llllil///� ri/�\,ptl, \\ yt,\ =J::., t;; l; !!': ;: --i = �/ _�✓ t ���- �� o�`` `\0\`�1�♦_)111�/jq]1j WETLAND \\\\�,;\�-1\D ) \\\♦ 11\. ♦\ ��� /%l'i�g4=�//\"_. '1 / ' \\ � - �%%llM ll, CL(PEC) �� ,'a .t �'`%\1`^:::.i.., _ ", ''r' ,,• "r"' / /_/ I / � 1 \ � � �70� \ I ♦\ tY\. :gip ia. „ ,;�_ - _ •r / — -- — �� _�?' �-t�E ♦E- WETLAND\FUTURE ( ♦.' 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PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director III. ATTACHMENTS: Weekly reports APPROVED BY: Please review the attached weekly reports for an update on the recent activity of our department. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: MEMORANDUM DATE: October 26, 1994 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director SUBJECT: WEEKLY REPORT, WEEK OF OCTOBER 17, 1994 • Wensmann 7th Addition - The Parks and Recreation Committee passed a motion to recommend to accept the full amount of land park dedication for this project to the Planning Commission and the City Council. With a density of 96 dwellings, the full amount is 3.84 acres. Their reason for this response was they did not want to see the Wensmann 6th and 7th Additions become similar to Rosemount Greens and Cimmaron. After talking with staff afterwards, they suggested to arrange the representatives from the Wensmann builders to speak about the demographics of the proposed project at the next Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. • Resignation from Wendy Willman - Wendy Willman, Programmer, resigned on Thursday, October 20, 1994. Wendy indicated the reason for leaving was her desire to stay at home to raise her new born baby. Wendy's last day is November 4, 1994. I will conduct an exit interview with her before then. I will request approval for advertising a replacement at the next City Council meeting. • MEA Open Skating - We received an overwhelming response for open skating during MEA vacation. Over 200 skaters packed into the ice arena for a free one and one half hour skate. We anticipated a large crowd and were staffed adequately. • Haunted Woods - Staff continued preparations for the Haunted Woods event. • New Song Community Church - Staff has sketched out a rental agreement for New Song Community Church and has worked out the details of this long term rental. We are awaiting New Song's decision to rent either one or two evenings each week. A annual fee of $9,100 was agreed upon for a one evening per week rental, and $18,200 for two evenings per week. • POCOP II! - Staff met with the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension to discuss additional facility rental for peace officer training. They have scheduled a week long training in November which will focus on veteran officers. POCOP has been renting the facility for the last five months and will finalize their program next week. They have been an excellent tenant and have given high approval of our facility and services. ,p-� I 60-61f_ (� �cz) ct 2 - C/(-a S-I CA-Q-� vl/� MEMORANDUM DATE: November 2, 1994 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation Director SUBJECT: WEEKLY REPORT, WEEK OF OCTOBER 24, 1994 • Haunted Woods - Staff completed preparations for the twelfth annual Haunted Woods. The maintenance crew prepared the 'Halloween Trail' by blowing leaves off the trail and raking woodchips over the large exhibit areas. Staff labored over candle preparation, prop touch up, battery preparation, and volunteer coordination. On Sunday, October 30, staff and volunteers worked the majority of the day setting up props. A semi trailer full of new and used Halloween props was parked at the entrance to Carrolls Woods. Under the direction of Lacelle Cordes, staff emptied the trailer and began to install props along the trail with various faceners, rerod, and steel fence posts. Steve Strese and Joe Walsh proceeded around the trail installing and checking lights. Sunday's preparation went like clockwork. On Monday, October 31, staff completed the final touch-up of props, dug the infamous Devils Pit, and set out more than 800 candles to light the path. Staff and volunteers lighted the candles and all was ready in plenty of time for the 6:00 p.m. start. About 1,400 people attended the event and 133 volunteers participated. Everything ran very smoothly. The weather was fantastic. The trail was heavily supervised. The Devils Pit was a hit, featuring roasted marshmallows, traditionally staffed by the park maintenance crew and kept warm with Rick Cook's bonfire. Lacelle Cordes and Carla Orndorff paraded the trail in their umbrella hats. The spirit of cooperation and teamwork prevailed and made this event fun to be a part of. • First Aid Incident - A Building Attendant was potentially exposed to the blood of an injured skater while administering first aid to the skater. The employee was sent to Fairview Ridges Hospital for evaluation. The employee was determined to have no significant risk of exposure and was released. The City was not charged for services provided by Fairview Ridges Hospital. This has been the first exposure incident in the Community Center. • Softball Leagues - All softball leagues are completed for the year. This program requires intense staff effort. It is good to see this highly successful program come to an end so that we can focus our efforts on Fall and Winter programs. MEMORANDUM DATE: November 7, 1994 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation Director SUBJECT: WEEKLY REPORT, WEEK OF OCTOBER 31, 1994 • Selection Policies for Parks and Recreation Sub Committees - Sub committee selection policies were the main topic of last weeks Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop. There exists no selection policies for Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee nor Erickson Community Square Sub -Committee to date. The Parks and Recreation Committee decided to develop these policies upon notification of Ron Jacobson's request for application on Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee. With the help of the City's existing commission selection policy, the Parks and Recreation Committee has developed a draft and will examine it more thoroughly at their next regular meeting. • Farewell to Wendy Willman and Carla Orndorff - Staff attended a farewell party for Wendy and Carla on their last day, November 3, 1994. A replacement for Wendy is planned to begin on January 1, 1995. In the interim, the duties of Wendy's position will be assumed by several MODS, Lisa Jost, and a temporary Secretary Aid. Kerry Budinger was hired as Temporary Secretary Aid and will begin on November 7. • Haunted Woods - Staff spent the better part of Tuesday packing Halloween props into the semi trailer for next years use. The trail was cleaned up by a local Cub Scout pack. • Arena Managers Position - Staff continued planning a recommendation for the replacement of the Arena Manager vacancy. A recommendation to City Council is expected on November 15, 1994. • Programmer Position - Staff completed a job description for Programmer and advertised this vacancy in the required newspapers and with the publication from the Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association. We are expecting to interview in mid December and will present a final recommendation to City Council on December 20, 1994. • Erickson Community Square - Sub -Committee members began volunteering for various divisions of construction at last weeks meeting. The next step is to determine a plan of action for the installation of utilities and to complete the construction documents. We have hired a local engineering firm to complete the necessary mechanical/electrical drawings. We expect these two tasks to be completed by the next meeting. MEMORANDUM DATE: November 16, 1994 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation Director SUBJECT: WEEKLY REPORT, WEEK OF NOVEMBER 7, 1994 • National Guard - A meeting was conducted with the National Guard, Minnesota State Armory and Building Commission (MSABC), and the City. A lease agreement between the City and MSABC has been completed and sent to the City Attorney for review. In the meeting, I informed the group that our maintenance arrangement was not working well and that more coordination is needed regarding cleaning and repair. The National Guard responded in announcing it's plan to reorganize their maintenance program. They will be forming a pool of maintenance workers to service all armories in the metro area. This will add some maintenance resources to our facility in January. Insurance was also a topic at the meeting. The City's insurance consultant was present to determine the appropriate insurance coverage based upon our final agreement. Lastly, a formula and procedure was finalized for dividing utility costs of the building. I presented formula based on square footage and usage. The National Guard agreed to this formula and an invoice has been sent to them for all past utility billings. • Carrolls Woods - The second phase of trail construction was completed in Carrolls Woods. Staff completed digging an area of the trail for limerock. Staff will lay down the limerock with the paver next week. Staff will then rake the sides of the trail inward to try to keep the width down to eight feet. Ron Jacobson called to inquire about the staff's intentions with an existing portion of a trail. Ron was concerned that the City now appeared to be developing a trail behind his house which I had previously promised to abandon. When Ron learned that we were using this trail for temporary access to the new trail, he was satisfied. • Kelly Trust Property - Our department has planned for the acquisition of a 19 acre portion of the Kelly Trust property. This 19 acres is located just North of Carrolls Woods and is connected to Schwarz Pond. This acquisition would be partially funded by an outdoor recreation grant, recently applied for last summer. The outcome of this grant will be announced in February. The acquisition is included in the Parks Master Plan. Since there is recent activity with the Kelly Trust property, I informed the staff that we should consider the park acquisition when planning Kelly Trust development. I will submit a memorandum to the Planning Commission about our department's desire to acquire this future park. • Volleyball - Women's Volleyball began for the first time in the Community Center. • Winter Parade - All goes well with the preparation of next month's parade. An electrician is working on a project to provide electricity to the newly installed spruce tree at the Community Center. • Erickson Park - Fencing was replaced in fields one, two, and three at Erickson Park. • Community Center Commission - A motion was recently passed to cancel the Community Center Commission regular meeting in December. Since the merging with the Parks and Recreation Committee is scheduled for January, there will be no additional Community Center Commission meetings. Their last official action was to recommend fee changes, to be presented to City Council in December. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING 'n �r DATE OF MAILING: I I 1 8 `1 `I MAILING INCLUDED: V COMPLETED BY: Y-) • J � minutes for 1 C1 f 1 - `IW meting. (Committee) (Date) ly Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for i I - 7-► 1 meeting. (Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1994 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) Michael Eliason Dave Giliuson John Howard `M �✓ Linda Ladzun C JAA ✓ Jeff Moser Jerry Puciaty Tom Reller ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies)* J Cathy Busho (Council Member} -- I ✓ Lucy Holzer ✓ John Loch Del Lorentzen ✓ Marge Ryan Deanna Simpson (on both sub--committees}---- �� Jim Thommes j Jim Kosdowski (Buildings and Grounds Staff) I - John Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) Jef€ Moser (Parks and Rec"'Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies)* Dan Belting Mike Busho ' Ed Howard Marie Jensen Loretta Loesch Scott Rynerson Joel Sutter —✓y- Deanna Simpson (on both sub -committees) V Mark Joosten (Buildings and Grounds Staff) i - _____Rick Cook (Buildings and Grounds Supervisor) -- --- Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee).- * Does not include bolded names FOLLOW PROCEDURES ON BACK AS TO WHO GETS COPIES WHAT! STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE P & R COMMITTEE PACKET - (5 copies)* Dana Brodt (as needed, does not want otherwise) Rick Cook ✓, Lacelle Cordes . Lisa Jost Randy Moe (as needed, does not want otherwise) - _ Nancy Schrupp (as needed, does not include me)* Jim Topitzhofer _....._.__Wendy Willman (as needed, does not want otherwise) Buildings and Grounds Staff (1 copy) ADDITLQNAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (24 copies) City Administrator - Burt (1) Department Heads (5) V" Dir of Public Works - Osmundson Dir of Planning - Wasmund t/ Dir of Finance - May V Fire Chief - Aker ✓15hief of Police - Knutsen CityCouncil & Attorney (6) L-1- Planning Commission (5) ort Authority (7 members, ¢'actual copies) V Ulility Commission (3) ', Official City Records (1) Not until approved OTHER- (1 copy, Minutes Only!) 5 t p-I . (Ul i !3 UT S Ron Jacobson, 3647 143rd St W, Rsmt; H:423-2117 # OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS 1�1C K{ -1 ` , 1 Z KCZS ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF Z (g:c .'1PH`+Mn0. EXTRA COPIES ?- �- � 5 TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: L� e 1C F & q "Iry chkistpr.94 (Revised 9-14-94) PROCEDURES THOSE TO RECEIVE THE FULL PACKET (MINUTES INCLUDED) OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE 2. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS 3. CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND DEPARTMENT HEADS (INCLUDES JIM T.) 4. OTHER STAFF MEMBERS: LISA, LACELLE, RICK (and other staff members as requested or needed) THOSE TO RECEIVE ONLY THE AGENDA AND MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING 1. PLANNING COMMISSION 2. PORT AUTHORITY 3. UTILITIY COMMISSION a� titIx THOSE TO RECEIVE ONLY THE MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE MEETING, CARROLLS WOODS SUB -COMMITTEE AND ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE SUB -COMMITTEE CARROLLS WOODS SUB -COMMITTEE MEMBERS, INCLUDES STAFF LISTED IN BOLD 2. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE SUB -COMMITTEE, INCLUDES STAFF LISTED IN BOLD 3. RON JACOBSON, RESIDENT 4. ANY OTHER STAFF OR PERSON THAT REQUESTS TO RECEIVE THEM — ADD THEM TO THE LIST OR MAKE NOTE OF IT chklstnr.94 (Revised 9-14-94)