HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994_12_19-PRMMAGENDA CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 19, 1994 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 P.M. Note: There is no Carrolls Woods Meeting scheduled on December 19. AGENDA: I. Call Meeting to Order II. Additions to the Agenda III. Approve Minutes of the November 21, 1994, Meeting IV. Audience Input OLD BUSINESS: I. RAAA Update II. Carrolls Woods Update III. Erickson Community Square Update IV. Wensmann 7th Addition V. Shannon Meadows Addition VI. Sub -Committee Selection Policy NEW BUSINESS: I. Tree City USA Renewal II. Chairperson's Report III. Director's Report IV. Adjournment PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 19, 1994 APPROVED MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Dave Giliuson, Linda Ladzun, Jeff Moser, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director; Lisa Jost, Recreation and Community Center Manager; Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary Aide MEMBERS ABSENT: John Howard CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Dave Giliuson, Chairperson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 21, 1994, MINUTES: MOTION by Jeff Moser to accept the minutes of the November 21, 1994, meeting. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 4LD BUS.I:NESS ...................................... ...................................... ...................................... RAAA UPDATE: RAAA representatives were not present at the meeting. Lisa Jost handed out the RAAA Winter Newsletter, the 1995 Board of Directors list and copies of the Authorization to Release Information form and the Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct form to the Parks and Recreation Committee members. Lisa Jost explained that the Code of Conduct form in general is to promote a positive environment, good sportsmanship and proper use of property. II. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Carrolls Woods Sub -committee did not have a meeting on December 19, 1994. Jim Topitzhofer commented that progress on the kiosk signs and holders for trail maps for the main entrances in to Carrolls Woods has been held up due to the Public Works Department re -organizing. Jim commented that the goal is to get those signs completed by the next Parks and Recreation Regular Committee Meeting. III. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE UPDATE: Jeff Moser commented that the construction of the building is on hold due to the storm sewer project which needs council approval. Jeff commented that the Knights of Columbus donated $1000. IV. WENSMANN 7TH ADDITION: Jim Topitzhofer commented that he had met with representatives from Wensmann and a revised concept plan has been significantly changed to accommodate the concerns of the Parks and Recreation Committee. Jim explained that Wensmann proposes to lower the density of the project by adding 12 single family units and subtracting 27 townhome dwellings. The new breakdown would be 31 single family units and 50 townhome units totalling 81 dwellings instead of 96 dwellings. Jim commented that the park increased to 2 acres and this does not include the small section of the adjoining park located in Wensmann 6th Addition. Also, this park does not connect to Highway 42. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING December 19, 1994 Page 2 APPROVED The Parks and Recreation Committee overall had a good feeling about this revised plan. Dave Giliuson recommended tabling a motion until park dedication and cash dedication for this land could be discussed at the next Parks and Recreation Workshop meeting. V. SHANNON MEADOWS ADDITION: Jim Topitzhofer commented that the developers of the Strese/Burkalter property have changed their plans and have proposed greater density. The Planning Commission did not approve the revised concept plan and the project is now on hold until further notice. VI. SUB -COMMITTEE SELECTION POLICY: Jim Topitzhofer commented that corrections and additions requested were made to the policy and a copy was sent to each sub -committee chairperson. Jim commented that a correction was needed for the number of members, which the policy currently only shows five members and should show seven. Due to the staggering terms, Jim requested the Parks and Recreation Committee members to decide where the final two should be placed. The Parks and Recreation Committee members agreed on two members to serve three year terms, three members to serve two terms, and two members to serve one year terms. Committee members agreed that the City Council would have the final approval on the seven recommended candidates for each of the sub -committees. Discussions were held on when to begin accepting and reviewing applications and the selection process. Committee members agreed to address the issue for further discussion at the next regular committee meeting in January. Dave Giliuson also noted that the next meeting would be on January 16, 1995, which is Martin Luther King Day. Committee members agreed to change the regular meeting date to January 23, 1995. TREE CITY USA RENEWAL: Jim Topitzhofer commented that Lacelle Cordes completed the recertification as a distinguished Tree City, USA. The Tree City, USA is an award given to those cities who depict an honest and active program to promote the protection of our natural habitat and of our trees. Jerry Puciaty commented on the city tree ordinance. He would like to see a tree replacement ordinance developed to prevent developers from "land clearing". Jerry commented that he does not want the Parks and Recreation Committee to be forced to use park dedication or land dedication as a means to save a stand of trees. Jim Topitzhofer will gather the information and respond to this request at the next regular meeting. II. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: JERRY PUCIATY: None JEFF MOSER: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING APPROVED December 19, 1994 Page 3 TOM RELLER: None DAVE GILIUSON: None LINDA LADZUN thanked staff for assistance with the Share the Spirit event. MIKE ELIASON complimented staff who worked at the Public Skating during the Share the Spirit event. Mike commented that he would like to keep in mind another athletic complex for the future. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Jim Topitzhofer commented that the Share the Spirit event gave the Rosemount Community Center great exposure and he complimented the committee for doing a nice job preparing for this event. Jim commented that he and Dave Giliuson were invited to attend the Dakota County Parks and Recreation meeting. Neither were able to attend however, they did forward ideas to the committee regarding snowmobiling in Lebanon Park and whether to allow it or not. Jim commented that he feels there should be no snowmobiling allowed and that cross country skiing should be promoted more. Dave Giliuson commented that the are around Lebanon Park has become well populated now and he feels there should be no snowmobiling allowed as well. Jim commented that members of Snowtoppers are planning to attend the January meeting and the agenda item would be to discuss the snowmobiling ordinance. Jim explained that he is not aware of what the issues pertain to however, he will include the information in the next packet. Jim commented that the Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop meeting went well. Jim explained that four scenarios were developed on park dedication. These four scenarios will be discussed at the next Parks and Recreation Workshop meeting and one will be chosen and presented at the next Parks and Recreation Regular Committee meeting for approval. The next Parks and Recreation Workshop meeting will be held January 5, 1995, at 7:30 p.m. The next Parks and Recreation Regular Committee meeting will be held on January 23, 1995, at 7:30 p.m. instead of on January 16, 1995, as this is Martin Luther King Day, which is a National Holiday. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Mike Eliason to adjourn the meeting at 9 p.m. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Schrupp Recording Secretary PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21, 1994 rOTMITTM MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Linda Ladzun, Jeff Moser, Jerry Puciaty STAFF PRESENT: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and Community Center Director; Lisa Jost, Recreation and Community Center Manager; Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Programmer; Nancy Schrupp, Parks and Recreation Secretary Aide MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Reller CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Dave Giliuson, Chairperson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 17, 1994, MINUTES: MOTION by Jeff Moser to accept the minutes of the October 17, 1994, meeting. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None I. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Mike Busho was present to give an update. Mike commented that the southwest trail has been cut and limerock is in place. Also, the new section that runs along the ridge has been completed. Mike commented that in the spring more limerock will be needed and the trails will need to be trimmed down in areas to maintain the 8 foot width. The sub -committee discussed opening the deer trail that is on the west side of Carrolls Woods, near Schwarz Pond. This trail would head south into the woods and would be a wood chip trail. Signage for Carrolls Woods' three main entrances was discussed as well as the possibility of small signage in the woods where trails cross each other to direct people through the woods. Mike Busho commented that the cub scouts cleaned up the woods before and after the Haunted Woods program. The sub -committee discussed the possibility of having a "major" clean-up of the woods. There is some old fencing and concrete blocks that need to be removed. Mike commented that the sub -committee is looking for the assistance of city staff on this. Mike commented that Carrolls Woods will be open for cross country skiing this year. The City of Lakeville will assist with the grooming of the trails. Buckthorn cutting was completed on Saturday, November 19, 1994. There were 11 volunteers assisting city staff. Mike commented that buckthorn cutting is on hold now until next spring. Mike commented that reinforestation of the abandoned trail, which is the south trail, will not be done at this time, however the trail will be closed off. Mike commented that the Haunted Woods program had an attendance of approximately 1400 people. This is down from last year. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING November 21, 1994 Page 2 DRAFT Dave Giliuson asked if there will be signage at the entrances listing the rules and what is not allowed in the park, such as bikes. Mike commented that the rules and regulations will be posted. Jim Topitzhofer commented that the signage for the three main entrances may possibly be done this fall. Dave Giliuson recommended that the Carrolls Woods Sub -committee, at the next meeting, discuss which trails will be used and which will be closed off. Dave recommended that a new map be developed showing this information. II. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE: Jeff Moser commented that sub -committee members have selected divisions of the project to manage. Construction is scheduled to start next spring. Also, a local engineering firm has been hired to work on the mechanical and structural aspect of the project. The sub -committee briefly discussed constructing an additional covered picnic area. III. RAAA UPDATE: RAAA representatives were not present at the meeting. However, the RAAA 1994 Participant and Age Statistics was in the Parks and Recreation Committee's packet. IV. SUB -COMMITTEE SELECTION POLICY: Jim Topitzhofer submitted, as part the packet information, a draft copy of the policy of the Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee Policy for the Parks and Recreation Committee's review. Discussions were held and minor changes recommended. Dave Giliuson requested Jim Topitzhofer to make changes and send out a final format of the policy to the Parks and Recreation Committee members as well as to the sub- committee chairpersons. The Parks and Recreation Committee will vote on the policy at the next regular meeting. V. SHANNON MEADOWS ADDITION: Jim Topitzhofer gave an overview of the Shannon Meadows Addition, also known as the Strese/Burkalter property. Jim commented that the developers have changed their plans. They are now proposing greater density, 43 dwellings in this 12.84 acre parcel or 3.35 dwelling per acre. Mike Eliason asked if the plans have changed does the Parks and Recreation Committee have the opportunity make changes as well? Lacelle Cordes commented that as long as the developer has made concept changes then the Parks and Recreation Committee has the opportunity to make changes. VI. CMC UPDATE: Jim Topitzhofer updated committee members on the CMC Development. CMC has started their proposed development project located north of County Road 42 and west of Biscayne Avenue. They have begun grading the south portion of the development, below the railroad spur. Jim commented that the property where the railroad spur is located is one of the many issues yet to be resolved before the final plat is approved by City Council. VII. WENSMANN 7TH ADDITION: Jim Topitzhofer commented that at the last regular meeting, the Parks and Recreation Committee rejected Wensmann 7th Addition proposal and passed a motion to accept the full 3.84 acres of land dedication, specifying this land to be connected to the existing park in Wensmann 6th Addition. Jim forwarded this response to Wensmann Builders and the planning staff. The project is now on hold and alternatives are being considered. KELLY TRUST PROPERTY: Jim Topitzhofer gave an update on the Kelly Trust Property that is now available for sale. Jim commented that two outdoor recreation grant proposals were sent to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in May, 1994. One is for the acquisition of PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING November 21, 1994 Page 3 DRAFT property just north of Carrolls Woods and the other for the acquisition of land located on the north side of Birger Pond. Both acquisitions are located within the Kelly Trust Property. Jim commented that a response from the DNR is expected in February. The acquisition attached to Carrolls Woods is 19 acres and the Birger Pond acquisition is approximately 20 acres. Jim commented that he has expressed the Parks and Recreation's desire to pursue these two park land acquisitions to the Planning Commission and the planning staff. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: JERRY PUCIATY asked about the progress to change the By -Laws. Jim Topitzhofer commented that issue has not been addressed by the City Council yet. LINDA LADZUN expressed disappointment that current Parks and Recreation Committee members will have to re -apply for the committee. Jim commented that he recommended only the merger of the Parks and Recreation Committee and the Community Center Commission, and that the new committee be a seven member committee. The City Council recommended and approved decision for present members to have to re -apply. JOHN HOWARD disagreed with the land dedication and cash dedication formulas. Jim Topitzhofer recommended that this issue to re -addressed at the next Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop. DAVE GILIUSON asked about outdoor ice skating lessons. Lisa Jost commented that we will be offering lessons on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday with lessons beginning December 10, 1994. This information will appear in the Winter Brochure. Dave commented that the next Parks and Recreation Committee Workshop meeting will be held on December 1, 1994, at 7:30 p.m. The topic of discussion will be park dedication formulas. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Jim commented that the weekly reports are attached as part of the packet for the Director's Report. Jim commented on few items. Wendy Willman resigned from the Parks and Recreation Department. The city has been accepting applications for the programmer position. Jim hopes to have someone hired by the first of next year. December 4, 1994, is the Share the Spirit of a Rosemount Holiday Celebration. There will be many events going on at the Community Center as well as a tree lighting ceremony. Jim also commented that the Community Center Commission had their last meeting this month. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Linda Ladzun to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Schrupp Recording Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: December 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: RAAA Update I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director I. ATTACHMENTS: RAAA 1994 City Participant & Age Statistics. APPROVED BY: Steve Reischauer or Tom Neumann may be present to give a RAAA update. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: December 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Carrolls Woods Update I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director II. ATTACHMENTS: Minutes from Carrolls Woods Meeting on APPROVED BY: November 21, 1994. I will give a verbal update. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: DEC-15-94 T"U 11:0:3 RRECISIO" AUTO R.0:2 :ARROLLS WOODS SUB-COHNITTEE RE: QULAR MI EETING 01- NOVEMIJER 21. 1994 MEPIMRS PRESENT. M11<E BUSIX), ED HOWARD. 171-'.ANNA SIMPSON STAFF PRC,,*SCIqTj RICK COOK, CORDFS., JIM TOPITZ1,401,7ER, MARK J0031EN ACTING SECRETARY4 CATHY EfUSHO MEMDERS ABSENT: DAVE GULLIST.QN, SCTJ RYNf,-.-RF-.;()N, LORETTA LOESCH ADDITIONS TO ArENDA: NONE PIEFETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 6400 t..*Ilyf APPROVAL Of MINUTES: ALL IN FAVOR, NO CHON(3E3 TnAlL CONS1-RucTION URDATE4 THE SOUTHWE,ST FNFRANCLI AND I,RAIL HAVE CUT IN AND THE LINEROCK )SASE HAS rfI]-­.'l_.,,N INSTALI...ED. PATCHrN04 WORK HA'S TO ZtE DQP4E* Arqj) .13ONE EDGES Hr)VE TO ZE oow;7. ri-iE COM111ITTEE THANKED AND CONPLIMENTED ­rHE CITY STAFF FOR ALL THE HARD WORK ON THE-- 1,4t-*'W TRAIL. TRAIL 1-00i:::S REALLY NICE AND Ti-SE; F HAVE SE: E14 NtJllf.':ROLIIS f-`AY(.)r,`\'ADl_L COMMLENTS ON THE TRAIL. WOOD CHIP ON NORTHERN D17:1 ' DR TRAIL. WAS DIS-CUSSE.0 DECAUSIFF OF SAFETY PERTOINING7 TO SOME* lu:3111ALL STUMPS. 'SIGNAGE OF NeW TRAIL WAS DISQUS'S)k: D, POIG151DILITY UF USINQ SIGNS SUCH AS LIS[,D) AT LEE{F.'N()N HILLE5. 'ALSO DIISGUSSION OF USINQ SMALL MAIL.13OXES, WITH A HANDOUT MAP. SIGNIS W(JULD FIE POSTED AT SOUTHWEST ENTRANCE, HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCK, AND Z;WARTZ PARK. TRAIL CLEAN-UP UPDATE: TI-1E CUB SCOUT DID TWO Cl F"AN-UPS Of,", THE HAUNTED WOODS TRAIL- THEY DID ONE AND ONE AFTER, DISCUSSION OF FUSS 11-d-F. MAJOR QENE'RAL CLEAN 13P OF WOODS. WINTER USEAGE UPDATE: Cor-MOMER LISE IS SE'T UP. ll3'Tt-V`F` IS MAKINO 11AP113 WITH TfiE Sj:j TRA-It.-S MARf;;*F,`D (IN 11AP. BUCKTHOF:N CUTTING UPDATEs CUT WAS Hi,:UA) ON NOVEMOEA ilill-1. TWE_LVr-_ VOLUNTErERS' WLRE' IN ATTENDANCE. sopie: rr-, I'llcE Nf;-'W 5SIDENTS WE -RE TRERE ISTUMF"S Wl"rRE 1\101' AT TI InT TIME DUT WILL DE TREATED THIS FAL,L. NEXT CUTTING WILL FJE NE:XT PUIXIEJ UPDATE; TI-JERE IS $3957.-,39 IN THE DONA710N ACCOUNT. THERE 13 $7984.86 IN I -FIE" ENCUMDERED FUND. HIELIMEROCK AND CI­iIP(---'ER RENTAL WIL.E. PE COMING OUT OF Ti-ir:--, F-INCUMI.AiERED ACCOUNT. SIGNS AND SHRUDDERY WILL BE COMIND uti"I" av rF it DONATION ACCOUNT - D ISCUSS ION m= Fr�ARTI:! AR(,; -;A . ' Y Ts(Us*r iin-9 INDICATED TI-XY WILL DR IllOVING ON Tf-ITER F�J' PARK OE ' DICATION, MATCHING FUNDS FROM A GRPNT. DONATIONS WERZ ALL_ DISCUSSED. 0 Dec- 1t:-;-94 -r"u 1 1 :04 RPE:clslo" AUTO p 0:3 A MEMBERSHIP EaL;L.ECTIQN -. �IPMSF-.R REV ILMI-J) 'VHE DRAFT FURN ISHC-1) AND lJr.rCV ME11*1PERS TO commm�'r, CLOSING OF ABONM.,",'NED TRAIL; WILL CLnSF-.'.V IJOTNU SNOWFENCE FOR NOW UNTIL WE COME LIP WITH A Rl"-:F*0RV-"ST()T'MN PLAN. HAUNTED WOODS UPDATE: NUMVER5 WERL- DOWN , Al-"'PROXIMATFELY 1400 PEOPLE WENT THROUCH THE TRAIL. THERL; WE'RE NO COMFI-AINTS RCCEIYED. ADJOURNMENT AT 7:25 THEMM WII.A. K- NO CARRULL,S WOODS MEE-riNG IN DECEMZ:ER. Nl,-,,'Xl' MEGETING WILL L3E JANUARY 1.6.1993 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAt---lf-`Y HOLIDAYS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: December 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Erickson Community Square Update I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director III. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: Members of the Erickson Community Square Subcommittee will give an update. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: December 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Wensmann 7th Addition. I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director IV. ATTACHMENTS: Revised concept plan. APPROVED BY: We have a winner! I met with representatives from Wensmann Homes regarding the Wensmann 7th Addition. The revised concept plan has been significantly changed to accommodate the concerns of the Parks and Recreation Committee. Wensmann proposes to lower the density of the project by adding 12 single family units and subtracting 27 townhome units. The new breakdown would be 31 single family units and 50 townhome units totalling 81 dwellings (instead of 96 dwellings). The area of the proposed park has been increased to 2 acres (not including the small section of adjoining park located in Wensmann 6th Addition). This park does not connect to Highway 42. I will discuss park dedication at the meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: -.9-. :ww . N LI LTITFL z • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: December 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Shannon Meadows Addition I AGENDA SECTION: Old Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director V. ATTACHMENTS: Concept Plan APPROVED BY: As discussed in the last meting, the developers of Shannon Meadows Addition, otherwise referred to as the Strese/Burkalter property, have changed their plans. They have proposed greater density, 43 dwellings in this 12.84 acre parcel or 3.35 dwelling per acre. The type of housing proposed by the developers may be a unique form of separated single dwelling units with a townhome ambience. The Planning Commission did not approve the revised concept plan. The project is now on hold until further notice. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: iIL �Old/OOY QN1N1 MI.H .(m..L)vnoi I I I I I I . `—.......... -------- - I �/ \1 ! I I— I I O� I it J :----,-3 -- ups .r------------------- - �I CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: December 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Sub -Committee Selection Policy AGENDA SECTION: Old Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director VI. ATTACHMENTS: Final Draft of Parks and Recreation Sub- APPROVED BY: Committee Policy. I have completed refinements on the Sub -Committee Selection Policy including staggered terms and including Erickson Community Square into the document. A draft was presented to the Carrolls Woods Sub - Committee on November 21, 1994, and the Erickson Community Square Sub -Committee on December 1, 1994. Both sub -committees welcomed and were in agreement with the selection policy. I have sent a copy to of the final draft to each sub -committee chair. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend approval of the attached sub -committee policy to the City Council. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION SUB -COMMITTEE SELECTION POLICY DECEMBER 16, 1994 PURPOSE The Parks and Recreation Department of Rosemount wants to assure equal and open access to the selection process for all Parks and Recreation Committee appointed standing Parks and Recreation Sub -Committees. This policy will set a regular and formal recruitment and selection process for eligible members to all Parks and Recreation Sub -Committees. It will provide applicants for Parks and Recreation Sub -Committees with basic information on the application procedures and the appointment process. POLICY This policy will provide guidelines governing the application procedure and the appointment process for Parks and Recreation Sub -Committees. The Parks and Recreation Sub -Committees shall be advisory bodies to the Parks and Recreation Committee, charged with the responsibility of researching, reviewing, and making recommendations on related issues. PROCEDURE 1. The following Sub -Committees shall be appointed by the Parks and Recreation Committee and shall meet on the days designated below: Days & Times of Meetings The Carrolls Woods Sub -Committee and the Erickson Community Square Sub - Committee meeting days and times shall be set upon mutual agreement of the members of the Sub -Committee, meeting a minimum of six (6) times per year. Length of Terms: 3 years Sub -Committee Size: 7 members 2. All persons making application to the Parks and Recreation Committee for a position on a Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee shall be residents of the City of Rosemount and/or work in a place of business located in the City of Rosemount. Persons interested in being considered for appointment or reappointment to a Park and Recreation Sub -Committee shall complete an "Application for Appointment to Park and Recreation Sub -Committee" form furnished by the City. 4. Appointments to expired terms shall be made annually by the Parks and Recreation Committee at their regular meeting in October. All members, regular and alternate, shall be appointed to terms as designated above, however, the term may be terminated early by the Parks and Recreation Committee. Each member shall serve a maximum of three terms. There is no compensation for members. Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee Selection Policy Page 2 5. When an individual's regular employment may potentially cause a conflict of interest with the normal items of business of a Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee, he or she shall divulge such possible conflict in writing prior to the consideration for appointment. Prior to making an appointment, the Parks and Recreation Committee shall determine whether or not such potential conflict of interest would preclude the appointment of the applicant. 6. Anyone already holding an elective county, state, or federal office shall not be eligible to serve in a regular voting position on any of the Parks and Recreation Sub - Committees. 7. No permanent full-time or part-time City of Rosemount staff employee shall hold a regular voting position on any Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee except that a staff member may serve as an ex-officio member. 8. An effort shall be made to have a diversity of professions and occupations represented on all Sub -Committees and, as a general guideline, at no one time should one-third of any one Sub -Committee be comprised of individuals of like professions or occupations. 9. As a general guideline, the members of each Sub -Committee should be comprised of members representing a wide range of civic groups and interests. 10. Attendance at the meetings of these advisory bodies is critical to their effectiveness; therefore, missing three consecutive meetings or attendance at less than 75 % of the meetings in a six-month period will cause the Sub -Committee Chairman to review the nature of the absences and, pending the outcome of that review, it may be necessary to forward a recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Committee that the member of the Sub -Committee be removed for poor attendance. 11. Alternate members may be appointed and are considered as members in training and shall act as regular voting members in the absence of any regular member. Mid-term vacancies shall temporarily be filled by the alternate if appointed for the unexpired term. The alternate shall apply and be considered for regular membership on the Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee along with any other applicants. If alternates are not appointed vacancies would be filled following guidelines set in this policy. 12. Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee members may be removed from office at anytime for good cause by the Parks and Recreation Committee. 13. No more than two (2) Park and Recreation Committee members shall be allowed to vote at a Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee meeting. Parks and Recreation Committee Members will not be compensated for attending a Sub -Committee Meeting. It is not mandatory for a Parks and Recreation member to be assigned to or attend a Sub -Committee meeting. Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee Selection Policy Page 3 RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Ninety days prior to the expiration of Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee terms each year, the Parks and Recreation Committee shall be advised of the pending vacancies and the attendance record of the individuals whose terms are expiring, should those individuals be eligible for reappointment. Should the individuals merit reappointment, those persons will be contacted to determine if he/she wishes to seek reappointment. New applications should be completed by the incumbents. The Parks and Recreation Committee will also announce to the general public the vacancies on the Sub -Committees at least sixty days prior to the expiration of commission terms each year and applications will be accepted from all interested citizens of Rosemount. Thirty days prior to the expiration of Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee terms, the Parks and Recreation Committee will meet to review all applications and interview applicants, including incumbent members whose terms are expiring and who wish to seek reappointment. The qualifications of the members of the Sub -Committees shall be those who in judgement of the Parks and Recreation Committee are representative of the community and are qualified by training, experience and interest useful for the fulfillment of the Sub -Committee's responsibility. EFFECTIVE DATE This policy will go into effect the day following its adoption by the Parks and Recreation Committee of Rosemount, Minnesota. So that all terms do not expire at the same time, the initial assignment of terms shall be staggered in the following manner: • Two members initially serve a three year term. • Two members initially serve a two year term. • One member initially serves a one year term. The Parks and Recreation Committee shall determine which of the sub -committee candidates shall serve a one, two, or three year term initially. Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee Selection Policy Page 4 A PARKS AND RECREATION SUB -COMMITTEE MEMBER'S CODE As a Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee member, I believe that the primary purposes of a sub -committee is to achieve effective and wise guidance of the City through group thinking and action, to raise the standards of sub -committee membership and to improve the level of services to the community which supports it. I realize that mine is a community trust, that I represent all the people and that I have a duty to the community as well as to the sub -committee I pledge myself. Therefore, to cultivate an "educated heart" so that I may be sensitive to my obligations and relationships in this trusteeship, I subscribe to the code of an ethical person, remembering that ethics refers to what a person is morally obliged to do or not to do in a given situation. I believe that sub -committee service can be an expression of democratic citizenship, signifying a willingness to accept community responsibility and the charge to preserve popular control of American public services. Respecting the dignity and worth of the individual, I shall base my relations with people on their qualities as individuals without distinction as to race or creed or gender or color or economic or social status. I believe that a person's greatest possession, as well as his/her greatest contribution to society, may lie in the ways in which he/she differs from me, rather than in the ways in which we are similar. I shall accept these differences and try to build a useful relationship upon them. I uphold the principles of my organization, recognizing and assuming my responsibility to establish and administer the best possible program and policies for my commission. I shall learn its programs and objectives, give to it a fair share of my time and personal abilities, keep a community wide perspective knowing that, for sound community service, my sub- committee's work must be coordinated with the total community. I promise to be loyal to my own organization and a good neighbor to other agencies. My attitude shall be one of cooperative open-mindedness and objectivity. In carrying out my assignments, I shall be professional in realizing that it is not possible to lay down absolute rules for all situations. I shall be willing to think things through with the other sub- committee members, weighing alternatives and exercising good judgement in choosing among them. Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee Selection Policy Page 5 ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION SUB -COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT Please check Sub -Committee you are applying for: Name Address Phone Carrolls Woods Erickson Community Square Available at work? Phone Have you had an opportunity to read the Parks and Recreation Sub -Committee Code and Job Description for this Sub -Committee? Yes _ No Please write a statement as to why you wish to serve on this Sub -Committee. Use the back side of this application or attach a statement if necessary. Thank you! You will be contacted regarding this application. PARKS AND RECREATION SUB -COMMITTEES Parks and Recreation Sub -Committees are an appointed sub -committee of the Parks and Recreation Committee of volunteer citizens. The purpose of the sub -committees is to advise and make recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Committee concerning issues related to Carrolls Woods or Erickson Community Square. In addition, the sub -committees provide input to City staff, in affect, acts to advise on community interests concerning Carrolls Woods or Erickson Community Square. Organization: The Sub -Committees consist each of 7 members who are appointed by the Parks and Recreation Committee for three (3) year terms. A Chairperson is elected annually by the Parks and Recreation Committee members. Meetings are held monthly. Members Role: The Sub -Committee's work covers a broad range of issues which must be acted upon in a timely manner. To accomplish this work, regular attendance and participation by members is essential. Occasionally, the formation of "task" or "study groups" becomes necessary to look into or work further on more complex issues. Assignment to these groups is voluntary. Perhaps the most significant role members have is to recommend policies related to the development and public use of Carrolls Woods or Erickson Community Square. Sub - Committee members should refrain concerning about the detailed aspects of park management as City staff are responsible for on a day to day basis. It is the responsibility of Sub -Committee members to keep an open mind to issues with Carrolls Woods or Erickson Community Square. Listening, learning and discussion of issues are important aspects of sub -committee work. Decision making should be based on information gathered and what can be seen as working towards the betterment of the City and parks and recreation system. Maintaining objectivity in the face of special interest groups is often difficult, but essential to a balanced approach to parks. Both long term objectives and short term benefits should be considered on all issues. The Sub -Committees each act as a group; disagreement and divergent views are expected and desirable. However, these views are not to be represented to outside organizations/committees as being representative of the views of the Sub -Committee, Parks and Recreation Committee, nor City. Members need to be certain that they do not express personal views and interests as that of that of the City or Parks and Recreation Department. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY: The Sub -Committees do not have statutory powers. It is a creation of the Parks and Recreation Committee with the responsibility to Carrolls Woods or Erickson Community Square. The Sub -Committees review policies regarding the development and public use of Carrolls Woods or Erickson Community Square, annually reviews the budget pertaining to Carrolls Woods or Erickson Community Square, provides input regarding programming in Carrolls Woods or Erickson Community Square, hears citizens requests and investigates issues for recommendation. Any and all variations to the Parks Master Plan must be approved by the Parks and Recreation Committee and ultimately the City Council. PARKS AND RECREATION SUB -COMMITTEES JOB DESCRIPTION / QUALIFICATIONS QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Resident of the City of Rosemount and/or works in a place of business located in the City of Rosemount. 2. Willingness and dedication to commit both time and personal energy to the sub- committee. 3. An interest in Carrolls Woods or Erickson Community Square issues. 4. Desire to provide a broad range of parks and recreation service to citizens of the community. 5. Interest in and knowledge of the community of Rosemount. 6. Recognize that recreation and parks fulfills a vital role in the quality of life for Rosemount. 7. Willingly seeks input from neighborhoods, organizations, and individuals. 8. Ability to maintain an objective approach to park and recreation issues. RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Attend and participate in regular monthly meetings and special meetings. 2. Attend and participate in appointed study committees which may be required to conduct the affairs of the Sub -Committee 3. To make recommendations concerning policies regarding development and public use of Carrolls Woods or Erickson Community Square. 4. To review and make recommendations concerning recreation programming in Carrolls Woods or Erickson Community Square. 7. Annually reviews the budget pertaining to Carrolls Woods or Erickson Community Square. 8. Performs fact finding tasks for the Parks and Recreation Committee. REPORTS TO: Parks and Recreation Committee PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION: 1. Self evaluation by Sub -Committee. 2. Regular attendance and participation. 3. Knowledge and satisfaction that the Sub -Committee is fulfilling a vital role in the community. DUTIES OF CHAIR: 1. To preside over regularly scheduled and special Sub -Committee meetings. 2. To act as spokesperson for the Sub -Committee. 3. With the Director of Parks and Recreation; establish a tentative agenda for monthly meetings. 4. Keeps meeting on track and on time. 5. Advise and consult with individual members concerning their participation. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: December 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: Tree City, USA Recertification New Business PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: Lacelle Cordes, Programmer, Parks and Recreation I ATTACHMENTS: Executive Summary sent to council APPROVED BY: and application for recertification At the December 6, 1994 City Council meeting, the Recertification Application for Tree City, USA was approved. Attached you will find the Council executive summary and the Recertification Application. RECOMMENDED ACTION: No action needed COMMITTEE ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 6, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: Tree City, USA Recertification Consent PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO.: Lacelle Cordes, Programmer, Parks and Recreation ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: Proposal of application for recertification It is time to apply for our recertification as a distinguished Tree City, USA. Tree City, USA is a award given to those cities who depict an honest and active program to promote the protection of our natural habitat and of our trees. Part of the attachments include a proclamation by the City of Rosemount identifying the last Friday of April to be Arbor Day and the month of May to be Arbor Month. Parks and Recreation staff worked together to complete a variety of programs for Arbor Day, Earth Day and other nature programs over the past year. This proclamation indicates that we would continue with these types of programs and others in promotions of tree planting and protection. It is the Parks and Recreations Department's intent to join with committees, commissions and other Departments to further enhance our policies relating to the preservation of our trees and to continue to reforest our city. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the application for recertification for the Tree City, USA award COUNCIL ACTION: TREE CITY USA Application for Recertification Mail completed application with requested attachments to your state forester no later than December 31. The TREE CITY USA award is made in recognition of work completed by the city during the calendar year. Please provide information for the year ending. (Some states require information in addition to that requested on this application. Check with your state forester.) As MAYOR of the city of ROSEMOUNT (Title — Mayor or other city official) ' I herewith make application for this community to be officially recertified as a Tree City USA for 1994 , having achieved the standards set forth by The National Arbor Day Foundation as noted below. (year) Standard 1: A Tree Board or Department List board members, and meeting dates for the past year; or name of city department and manager. Parks and Recreation Department Jim Topitzhofer, Director Standard 2: A Community Tree Ordinance Check one: i'N Our ordinance as last submitted is unchanged and still in effect. Ci Our ordinance has been changed. The new version is attached. Standard 3: A Community Forestry Program with an Annual Budget of at Least $2 Per Capita Total community forestry expenditures................................................................................................ c 30 , 800 Community population ............................. 1 n f,OCl Attach annual work plan outlining the work carried out during the past year. Attach breakdown of community forestry expenditures. Standard 4: An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation Date observance was held SJednesdav, Mav 18 1994 Attach program of activities and or news coverage. Attach Arbor Day proclamation. Signature Please type or print the following: Mayor or equivalent Name: E. B. McMenomv Title: Mayor Address: 2873 - 145th Street west City, State. Zip: Rosemount, MN 55068 Phone#: (612) 423-4411 Mayor Title City Forestry Contact Name: Mark Joosten Title: Parks Forester 12/6/94 Date Addresss: 2875 - 145th Street West Cite. State. Zip: Rosemount, MN 55068 Phone#: (612) 423-4411 INOTE: Ifyourcommunity forestry work involves some new ideas or special projects please send photos. news stories, brochures. or other documentation for possible inclusion in National Arbor Day Foundation publications. 'Such additional material is not necessan• for vour community to be desienated as a Tree City L`�A i Certification (To Be Completed By The State Forester) (Community) The above named community has made formal application to this office. I am pleased to advise you that we reviewed the application and have concluded that, based on the information contained herein, said community is eligible to be recertified as a Tree City USA, for the calendar year, having in my opinion met the four standards of achievement in urban forestry. Signed State Forester Date Person in State Forester's Office who should receive recognition material: Name: L'PSAddress: Title: City, State, Zip: Agency: Phone FORESTRY WORK PLAN / CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 1994 The City of Rosemount has continued making Tree City, USA certification a top priority. Our Arbor Day Celebration, this year, included a joint effort with Dakota Electric Association Utility Company. A tree planting ceremony and reception were held at Jaycee Park in Rosemount. Dakota Electric donated a Maple Tree, as a memorial for this event, to be planted. On hand, to take part in the planting ceremony were many citizens of Rosemount. A local boy scout troop were also present to distribute seedlings that were also donated by Dakota Electric. On final count, over 275 seedlings were distributed. Efforts continued by City staff and volunteers to eradicate Buckthorn from Carrolls Woods. Carrolls Woods is a 60 acre nature conservatory, which has been overcome by Buckthorn. Many "man" hours have been put in to the cutting, clearing, dragging and chipping of the Buckthorn. Again this year, a group of "at risk" teenagers, from Rosemount Senior High help with this project. This experience has been beneficial for both the group and City Staff. With this tremendous clearing out of the forest, we have also started reforestation of the areas where Buckthorn has been cut. Our citizens committee continues to work with the Parks and Recreation Department on the conservatory land and other park projects taking place throughout the city. An intern has been hired by the City of Rosemount Community Development Department. One of there duties is to develop and to put into effect a Tree Replacement Policy. The Parks and Recreation Department is very excited about the completion of these ordinances. The City of Rosemount received a Small Business Administration Grant in 1993. Due to the end of planting season, we were only able to complete half of the planting project in the fall of 1993. This spring the remaining trees were planted which totaled 67 trees in all. The Parks and Recreation has also made information readily available to citizens who have questions regarding Trees. If we are unable to answer there questions, we have established a network of professionals who are then able to help them. Our nurseries continue to thrive. Much pride and effort is put into maintaining these nurseries by the Parks Staff. Some transplanting and replanting have been done in both of our nurseries. 14 The City of Rosemount plans to continue to develop more "Tree" programs. Some areas cited for 1995 are: 1. Develop a Tree planting guide and Tree information guide for citizens, we would like this to be distributed to all residents in Rosemount. 2. Continue updating our Tree inventory, and keeping "up" on this. BUDGET ITEMS PERTAINING TO THE FORESTRY ASPECT OF OUR DEPARTMENT: 1. 50% Parks Forester Salary ($36,362) $18,000 2. 1 Part time Summer Parks maintenance $ 3,000 3. Trees and Shrubs $ 7,000 4. 10% of the Parks Specialists Salary ($28,000) $ 2,800 TOTAL $30,800 CITY OF R OSEMO UNT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS: Minnesota's forest treasures were a significant attraction to early settlers because of their usefulness and the beautiful environment they provided; and WHEREAS: Trees are a vital resource enriching our lives by purifying air and water, helping conserve soil and energy, serving as recreational settings, providing habitat for wildlife of all kinds and making Rosemount more livable; and WHEREAS' human activities such as construction damage and Pollution, as well as drought, disease and insects, threaten our trees, creating the need for concerted action to ensure the future of Rosemount's trees; and WHEREAS' The next decade will be one emphasizing the environment and the citizens of Rosemount will be able to positively impact the world problems like "global warming" by locally planting trees and ensuring that these trees are nurtured, protected and wisely used in the years to ahead; and WHEREAS: The message of Earth Day whose twentieth anniversary was in 1990 is still strong, teaching children and adults alike that trees are related to all components of the environment - air, water, soil and wildlife; and WHEREAS: Each year on the last Friday in April - Arbor Day - the citizens of Rosemount pay special attention to the wonderful treasure that our trees represent and dedicate themselves to the continued health of our cities trees. NOW, THEREFORE, I, E.B. McMenomy , Mayor of the city of Rosemount, do hereby proclaim April 29, 1994 to be "ARBOR DAY" and the month of May to be "ARBOR MONTH" In Rosemount, MN. Further, I urge all citizens to become more aware of the importance of trees to their well being, to participate in tree planting programs that will ensure a green Rosemount in decades to come, and to plant, nurture, protect and wisely use Rosemount's great treasure of trees. MAYOR IDATE E.B. McMenomy Arbor Day Celebration Wednesday, May 18, 1994 7: 0D p.m. Jaycee Park Rosemount Parks and Recreation will be holding a Tree Planting Ceremony in observance of Arbor Day/Month. Following the ceremony, information on tree planting and care will be distributed by the Parks and Recreation Staff. Dakota Electric will also be handing out seedlings for those interested. For more information contact Parks and Recreation at 423-4415! A o � j May 23, 1994 CITY OF ROSEMOU NT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Mrs. Mary Christensen Member Services Assistant Dakota Electric Association 4300 220th Street West Farmington, MN 55024 Dear Mary, CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 5 5068.0510 Phone: 612.423.4411 Fax: 612.423.5203 On behalf of the City of Rosemount and the Parks and Recreation Department, I would like to thank Dakota Electric and you for the generous gifts of posters, seedlings, the beautiful Maple Tree, and time that were donated by your organization for our Arbor Celebration. I have enclosed a picture of the event for }you. We will be publishing a copy of this picture in the Rosemount Town Pages and the Rosemount This Week. If you would like to submit this picture to another publication, please feel free to do so. Once again, thank you for your donation. The City of Rosemount and our Department looks forward to working with you on future events. Sincerely, Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation Programmer City of Rosemount cc. Dave Bechtold, Director of Parkas and Recreation Don Boyd, Dakota Electric ARB OR DAY CELEBRATION 19c.,)4 IZOS17MOUNT PARKS ANC RF''REATION k Z hc co g n m Y o 5 rNoh m E �j O0` R y n r� Ci7 .Z1 ►% 5 n h rrt h n. p � O m c him p a N O �.. 7 ►. 2 C n G m m n h N R rZ.. c 0 m 6- m G m 9 CD 5=n n to C. Z c him <►�h' ry E. N D O 1-. `< D n h a rt O D c 9 n �Q ti N D D Co fT 0 5 5 R R 0 D N " h ►+ O p n o C w D p 0 g m o 0 '" 0 0 m m 1. C. c rt D m 5 R 0 K n J O n 5 5 h G o n Z D D N Z 'g c R O r. rT fA 1-.ti O� A ,n.,A p1 h L. D N J CD N _ �.. FA C N J 1.. m q �G N rt m C < g 0 A p D N S n M~ p n a R D Z m N �* r., R D m N ry vl n ry ry r" ry G D n G m 1C ° rn h~ 11 h Z m m t A H S O p O n G h N :Z3 n n ~ m N p A �' ~ R S ti 5 q .� ti m q �.. C G 'A D y 0 g O~ IAC m 'A p+ R m Q m p C A I^ ry Z ry rt cog�O G y D ery��� timGy ?mhmo p rt O m O n o n n In. c D h p o o ry ¢ m o R R O A D m R D ~ L vi .. A N D rt N L+ G F.. C O O� rtCo y n D n N r rt rt PO n p .< O N p O n `rt O �. D b O ti ry N 9 CD h a n N ] } n~� O 0 5 0, o m O R 6-n b ry S b i h pQ p p j m A h io b 0 N] Y m n m Cl.h a o D�-�ry. r*HN __ o R N N n R 0 ri G N ~ I D ry Q A C Frt,. G p h innR 6 ° D CD b rT b A D D `q b 0 O N 0 N IAC Q 1.. R ty N O J D o o tA 0 _ ►.; � S rt 'C D � D n D 1., R D R n 2 C G D a h G 0 10 q D X N O h 5 7 5 C O C C .. o 0 0 �. q• q � �q q� `< h R CV O .> rt. zz �=- •• � cv nr � V M a _ uz r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: December 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Director's Report I AGENDA SECTION: New Business. PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation and AGENDA NO.: Community Center Director III. ATTACHMENTS: Weekly reports APPROVED BY: Please review the attached weekly reports for an update on the recent activity of our department. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ACTION: MEMORANDUM DATE: December 7, 1994 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation Director SUBJECT: WEEKLY REPORT, WEEK OF NOVEMBER 28, 1994 • Share the Spirit Event - The Share the Spirit Christmas Celebration was a huge success. The Community Center was literally packed with people last Sunday afternoon. Over 2,000 people attended a variety of activities including craft show, fashion show, bake sale, entertainment, outdoor activities, and a winter parade. The positive response from the community was overwhelming. The exposure and benefits for the Community Center through this event was astounding. The Chamber of Commerce did an excellent job coordinating and recruiting volunteers. We had plenty of volunteers to help set up the event. We had to use nearly all available upper floor tables to accommodate numerous crafters and bakers. Because our church renter utilized the banquet room until 12:00 noon, we had little time to set up. Despite this time restriction, every thing ran smoothly. Our hats are off to Deb Hanson, who coordinated the activities at the Community Center. The outdoor activities were for the most part a success. Cross country skiing was cancelled because of the poor snow conditions. The snow conditions were perfect, however, for snow sculpturing and hay rides. Many families lined up for the hay rides, provided by Diamond T Ranch. The winter parade was fun to watch but difficult to control traffic around. The Committee will be meeting in the near future to debrief and write down suggestions for next year. A 1995 winter celebration is definitely in order. • Warming House Attendants - We have completed the selection process and have hired 13 Warming House Attendants. Orientation for these people will begin next week. • Banquet Room Rentals - We have currently reserved approximately 90% of all possible Saturday night banquet room rentals for 1995. We are beginning to get more inquiry and bookings for Friday banquet room rentals. • Woodcrest Church - Woodcrest Church expressed disappointment over losing one classroom to the National Guard on Sunday mornings. This was an unexpected occurrence. We have been working with Woodcrest Church to identify alternatives and a speedy solution to the lack of classroom space. Woodcrest has requested a reduction in fee. • Lakeville Snowmobile Task Force - The City of Lakeville has requested participation from our department on their newly formed snowmobile task force. Lakeville has experienced many citizen complaints regarding snowmobile use. Since Rosemount shares a common snowmobile trail and borders Lakeville, I was asked to recruit a task force representative. I recruited Kevin Kelly, President of Rosemount Snotrackers. This task force has now concluded its findings and recommendations to the Lakeville City Council. I have attached these conclusions. If City Council is interested in Lakeville's specific recommendations for snow mobile use, trail system review, or snowmobile ordinance changes, I will be happy to forward this information to you. Dakota County Parks and Recreation has recently invited Dave Giluison and myself to a meeting concerning snowmobile use in county park Lebannon Hills. This meeting is scheduled for December 13, 1994. 1994 Snowmobile Task Force Conclusions The 1994 Snowmobile Task Force heard testimony from residents, businesses, snowmobile club representatives, and representatives from other communities. As a result of that testimony, the following conclusions have been made: 1. Lakeville and communities immediately surrounding Lakeville have substantial numbers of snowmobile users. In Lakeville, Rosemount, and Farmington alone, there are approximately 2,600 registered snowmobiles. 2. With continued growth in and around Lakeville, it is assumed that snowmobiling will continue to be a popular winter activity. 3. With the popularity of snowmobiling remaining steady or increasing, combined with continued urban expansion, unfavorable snowmobile encounters with the general public are likely to continue. 4. In order to continue the activity of snowmobiling within the Lakeville city limits, it is obvious that major changes in the existing system will be necessary. 5. Snowmobile complaints to the Lakeville Police Department in the past three years have been widespread throughout the community. There are, however, three or four "hot spots" which continue to receive higher than average complaints on an annual basis. 6. The Lakeville SnoTrackers snowmobile club continues to be a strong advocate of snowmobile usage within the city limits of Lakeville. This club continues to provide safety training classes for youth snowmobile certification, is responsible for grooming all trails within Lakeville, installs all regulatory snowmobile signs and continues to work closely with individual residents and neighborhoods in an attempt to solve particular problems that may exist. 7 According to DNR conservation officer Ross Opsahl, Lakeville has the statutory right to regulate all snowmobile usage within the City limits. 8. Task force members seemed unanimous concerning the need for change in order to preserve future snowmobile trail corridors throughout Lakeville. Proposed changes to the existing system should be implemented in a phased approach over several years. 9. Greater efforts must be undertaken to educate the snowmobiling and non- snowmobiling public as to rules, regulations and ordinances established by the City of Lakeville. MEMORANDUM DATE: December 13, 1994 TO: Tom Burt, City Administrator FROM: Lisa Jost, Recreation and Community Center Manager, CLP SUBJECT: WEEKLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER 4-10, 1994 • Building Attendants - Staff interviewed applicants for the building attendant position. Three individuals will be hired to fill the current voids in the arena and custodial schedules. • Programmer candidates - We received 70 applicants for the Programmer position. Eight candidates will interview on December 12th. The final candidate will be selected and presented to the city council on December 20, 1994. • Banquet Room - Approximately 90 % of the available Saturday dates in 1995 have been scheduled for events. The dates available are mostly in February and March. • Main phone line - The Parks and Recreation main phone line (322-6000) is currently answered during the business hours of 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. After business hours, the phone has been forward into a voicemail to allow the caller an opportunity to leave a message. Staff have discovered that the majority of the phone calls after the business hours do not leave messages. These calls also tend to fill the voicemail. At a department meeting, it was decided that the main phone line would be transferred into the pre-recorded information line after business hours. The information line gives information on directions to the facility, brief program descriptions, upcoming events and weather related information. • Winter Brochure - The sixteen page winter brochure was distributed to Rosemount residents as an insert in the Thisweek newspaper on December 10, 1994. • Adult Open Hockey - Requests were received from police staff and others to offer an adult open hockey program. Staff implemented an adult open hockey league on Tuesday & Friday mornings on December 6, 1994. Three individuals have been attending. The program will be in the winter brochure to be distributed this upcoming weekend (December 10). • Holiday events and programs - recreation staff continue to plan for winter programs such as broomball, mens and womens power volleyball and winter vacation activities. • Breakfast with Santa - Santa and Mrs. Claus came to the Rosemount Community Center on December 10 to share holiday cheer with 104 participants. Volunteer efforts were expanded upon this year. ]mj/a: WkRp1205.94 MEMORANDUM DATE: November 23, 1994 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks & Recreation Director SUBJECT: WEEKLY REPORT, WEEK OF NOVEMBER 14, 1994 • Vacancies - We are operating our department currently with two less full-time employees. This unfortunate occurrence is putting a strain on staff. We expect to have the positions of Arena Manager and Programmer to be filled in early January. • Winter Brochure - Preparation continued for the winter program brochure. We are featuring a new format with less text and easier reading. The winter brochure is scheduled to arrive in homes on December 10, 1994. • Buckthorn Cutting Event - Buckthorn was removed from a three acre portion of Carrolls Woods by over a dozen volunteers. There were several new people attending this traditional event for the first time. The next buckthorn cutting event is schedule for early spring. • Teen Center - Further planning took place last week for a teen center. Representatives from Rosemount High School, Rosemount Middle School, Community Education, and the Parent's Network met to discuss collaborative efforts to initiate a teen program. Our plan is to operate a teen night every Friday evening at Rosemount Middle School, beginning January 1, 1995. This program will offer children in grades 6 through 9 a place to socialize and have positive leisure time. This program will be supervised by parents. Our Department will help organize and promote the program. • Peak Ice Season - Peak ice season began last week as practices for Rosemount High School Boys and Girls Hockey practices began. Rosemount High School dropped Ringette just before the season start and replaced it with Girls Hockey. Although we were forced to scramble with schedule changes, we have the situation well in control and the High School has now started it's first full ice season in the Community Center. • Arena Advertising Panels - We have seven remaining advertising panels to sell in the arena. Businesses have the opportunity to advertise in the arena on 5 x 3 foot wall panels. The annual rent for space of these panels is $500. Businesses are required to purchase the sign, now offered at approximately $150. City Council Members are encouraged to spread the word around town. REMINDER There will not be a Carrolls woods Committee Meetinj on Monday, December 19, 1994. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! 1995 RAAA BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS: BOARD ADVISOR FOR: PRESIDENT Tom Neumann 432-1630 VICE PRES. Lee Strom 891-3942 TREASURER Steve Reischauer 423-3946 SECRETARY Dale Goergen 423-5912 Soccer DIRECTORS: Kevin Adams 423-3187 Volleyball - Traveling Volleyball Mark Chapman 688-8493 Football Steve Cote 432-5815 Baseball Joe Dvorak 432-6116 Traveling Baseball Gene Hausauer 423-4071 Wrestling Tammy Johnson 431-1709 Track Mike Kern 432-2780 Softball Mark Krivoruchka 423-3901 Basketball Carolyn Luken 322-5368 Traveling Softball Dave Parrucci 423-5779 Traveling Basketball Brian Youngberg 432-8499 Traveling Soccer RAAA CONSULTANT: Steve Reischauer 423-3946 RAAA EOUIP. MGR.: Mike Kern 432-2780 RAAA MESSAGE LINE: 423-7222 TAX EXEMPT NO: ES-27245 Rev 11/29/94 I AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE INFORINLMON I THE UNDERSIGNED, PARENT OF A PARTICIPANT IN 11HE RAAA TRAVELING BASKETBALL PROGRAM FOP, THE 1994 - 1995 SEASON, HEREBY AT-7HORIZES THE RA_k-4 TRAVELLNG BASKETBALL PROGRAM DIRECTOR Ok HIS/HER DESIGN'ATE TO PREPARE A TEAM ROSTER WHICH \LAY INCLUDE I\4Y CHIJ,D'S NA -ME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONENUUMBER, AND BIRTHDATE. I L"\DERST_A\D THAT I-N ADDITION TO THE AFOUI ME'v I'IONED ITEMS. OTHER ! FOR'�-IAT'iON, INCLI:DIti G BIT NCT NECESSARILY LIN1ITED TO. HEIGHT, UNIFORM NUMBER -AND PARE'\T' S'v.-i 1E AlAY ALSO BE INCLUDED ON THE SUBMITTED ROSTER. THER AUTHORIZE AID D CON SENT TO THE DISTRIBUTION OF THAT ROSTER TO THE F A1\KILIES OF ALL MEMBERS OF MY CHILD'S BASKETBALL TEAM, ALL :METRO LEAGUE ROSTER COMMITTEES, ALL DIRECTORS OF TOURNAMENTS PARTICIPATED IN BY MY D' S BASKETBALL TEAIM, AND ANY AND ALL OTHER PER SONS DEEIIIED NECESS?.a)- BY THE TEAM COACH OR OFFICERS OF THE RAAA TRAVELING BASKETBALL BOARD. DATE SIGNATURE PRINT \AINIE EFFECTIVE AUGUST ST 1 1991 THE. MININESOTA DATA PRIKI CY ACT ('ViI>\�-ESOTA STATUTE 13.57) PROHIBITS THE DISSEXIINATIOI OF ANY INTFORN24TION REGARDING PARTICIPANTS. A SIGNED AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE INFORM ATION FORIT'd MUST LE HELL ON FILE FOR EACH PARENT BEFORE A ROSTER FOR A RESPECTIVE TEAM CAN BE SUBMITTED. THE RAAA TRaVELUSG BASKETBALL PROGRAMS DIRECTOR WILL HOLD ALL SUBMITTED FORMS. ROUNT AREA Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct . � ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION `0 IJ JLO P.O. Box 134, Rosemount, MN 55068 As a parent/guardian of a child involved in a Rosemount Area Athletic Association (RAAA) program, I/We agree to abide by and follow the rules and guidelines listed below. 1) I/We will respect the property and equipment used at any sports facility, both home and away. 2) I/We will encourage good sportsmanship through my actions, by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches and officials at every game or practice. 3) I/We will promote the emotional and physical well-being of the athletes ahead of any personal desire to win. 4) I/We will provide support for coaches and officials working with the athletes to provide a positive experience for all. 5) I/We will demand a drug, alcohol, and tobacco free environment for my athlete, and agree to assist by refraining from their use at all RAAA events home or away. 6) Me will remember the game is for the athletes and not for the parents. 7) Me will demand my athlete treat other players, coaches, officials, and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color, sex, or ability. 8) Me will treat all players, coaches, and officials with dignity and respect in language, attitude, behavior, and mannerisms. 9) I/We will inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my athlete or the safety of others. 10) Me will inform the coach, within a reasonable amount of time, of any absence from a game or practice my athlete might incur due to sickness, planned vacation, or any other reason. I/We also agree that if Me fail to abide by the aforementioned rules and guidelines, I/We may be subject to disciplinary action. That this action could include, but is not limited to the following: Verbal Warning Written Warning Parental Game Suspension Parental Season Suspension Parental Disbarmeflt Player Suspension Player Removal That these actions must not be necessarily taken in an escalated manner, and RAAA reserves the right to select and apply any penalty dependant on the situation. I/We agree to support and promote the philosophy of RAAA sports: Teamwork - Effort - Skill Development - Character - Sportsmanship - Safe Environment - Hzmrble and Thankful in Victory; Gracious and Complimentary in Defeat Date Program Signatures Print Name(s) Note: Signature by either or both parent(s)/guardian(s) constitutes acceptance of above rules and guidelines by both parent(s)/guardian(s) ) Il'hite Copy - Program Director Fellow Copy - Parent/Guardian Rev 11 /94 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAILING DATE OF MAILING COMPLETED BY: MAILING INCLUDED: minutes for 1 1 Z- �.� LI meeting. (Committee) (Date) Packet with Agenda and Executive Summary Sheets for 1 Z - �9 - 9 L-i tg. (Date) Additional mailings (ex: subcommittee agenda or minutes, handouts, etc.) 1994 PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE - (7 copies) V Michael Eliason V_ Dave Giliuson V John Howard Linda Ladzun \ �� Jeff Moser V Jerry Puciaty Tom Reller ERICKSON SQUARE SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies)* Cathy-Bushe, (Council Member) Lucy Holzer �✓ John Loch U Del Lorentzen Marge Ryan _....----Deanna-3impsorr-(zm-#ioth-stti�-co7ttrrrimrs) Jim Thommes - - Jim-Konlowski (Buildings and Grounds Staff) -..John-Howard (Parks and Rec Committee) Jeff Moser (Parks and Rec Committee) CARROLLS WOODS SUBCOMMITTEE - (8 copies)* "RDan Belting ,.---'Mike Busho Ed Howard _� Marie Jensen �✓ Loretta Loesch Scott Rynerson Joel Sutter Deanna Simpson (on both sub -committees) ark Joosten (Buildings and Grounds Staff) Rick Cook (Buildings and Grounds Supervisor) y/ Tom Reller (Parks and Rec Committee) * Does not include bolded names FOLLOW PROCEDURES ON BACK AS TO WHO GETS COPIES WHAT! STAFF MEMBERS TO RECEIVE P & R COMMITTEE PACKET - (5 copies)* ---Dana Brodt (as needed, does not want otherwise) Rick Cook Lacelle Cordes Lisa Jost e oes no ise p� Nancy Schrupp (as needed, does not include me)* \/ Jim Topitzhofer man as n it o erw> ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OR STAFF - (24 copies) City Administrator - Burt (1) Department Heads (5) Dir of Public Works - Osmundson Dir of Planning - Wasmund Dir of Finance - May Fire Chief - Aker Chief of Police - Knutsen City Council & Attorney (6) Planning Commission (5) Port Authority (7 members, 4 actual copies) Utility Commission (3) Official City Records (1) Not until approved OTHER - (1 copy, Minutes Only!) Ron Jacobson, 3647 143rd St W, Rsmt; H:423-2117 #{ OF COPIES NEEDED FOR MAILING: PARK AND REC CTTEE -% ?mil kcT 5 ERICKSON SQUARE CTTEE CARROLLS WOODS CTTEE STAFF MEMBERS l ZLI ADDT'L CTTEE OR STAFF Z q EXTRA COPIES Z rn, TOTAL COPIES NEEDED: chk1stvr.94 (Revised 9-14-94) PROCEDURES THOSE TO RECEIVE THE FULL PACKET (MINUTES INCLUDED) OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING 1. PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE 2. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS 3. CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND DEPARTMENT HEADS (INCLUDES JIM T.) 4. OTHER STAFF MEMBERS: LISA, LACELLE, RICK (and other staff members as requested or needed) THOSE TO RECEIVE ONLY THE AGENDA AND MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING 1. PLANNING COMMISSION 2. PORT AUTHORITY 3. UTILITIY COMMISSION THOSE TO RECEIVE ONLY THE MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND REC COMMITTEE MEETING, CARROLLS WOODS SUB -COMMITTEE AND ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE SUB -COMMITTEE 1. CARROLLS WOODS SUB -COMMITTEE MEMBERS, INCLUDES STAFF LISTED IN BOLD 2. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE SUB -COMMITTEE, INCLUDES STAFF LISTED IN BOLD 3. RON JACOBSON, RESIDENT 4. ANY OTHER STAFF OR PERSON THAT REQUESTS TO RECEIVE THEM — ADD THEM TO THE LIST OR MAKE NOTE OF IT a chklstpr.94 (Revised 9-14-94) RAAA 'Traveling Basketball Board Appoints Members By Daryl Beckman The RAAA Traveling Basketball Program has appointed a Traveling Basketball Board consisting of individuals who have volunteered their time to assist in the direction and administration of the Traveling Basketball Program. The Basketball Board consists of 14 positions designed to represent the entire program. Nine of the 14 positions will generally serve 2-year terms. However, in order to preserve a continuity over the years, 5 of the 9 positions are initially serving a 1-year term. At the end of an individual's term, they may "re -up" for another 2-year term if they wish. The individuals, their position, and the length of their current term are as follows: Daryl Beckmann Dave Parrucci Scott Vogel Mike Beckmann Randy Jones Rick Ruckdashel Jeff Olsen Rick Greenwood Russ Allen Randy Johnson Brenda Johnson Jimaleen Jansma Sue Drugg 431-1663 Traveling Basketball Program Director, Indefinite length of term 423-5779 RAAA Board of Director Traveling Basketball Advisor, Indefinite length of term 423-1250 In -House Basketball Program Director, Indefinite length of term 423-5152 Traveling Basketball Girls Coordinator, 454-4215 432-8847 322-2445 423-4502 432-2275 431-1709 432-6246 423-1260 423-2857 Traveling Basketball Boys Coordinator, 2-year term Traveling Basketball Boys Tournament Director, 2-year term Traveling Basketball Girls At -Large Representative, 2-year term Traveling Basketball Girls At -Large Representative, 2-year term Traveling Basketball Girls Tournament Director, 2-year term Traveling Basketball Coaches Representative, 1-year term Traveling Basketball Boys Representative, 1-year term Traveling Basketball Boys At -Large Representative, 1-year term Traveling Basketball Boys At -Large Representative, 1-year term In -House Soccer By George Souders The 1994 in-house soccer program continued to show strong growth and interest. There were approximately 860 youth in grades K-8 playing on 66 teams. Parent evaluations were very positive regarding most aspects of the program and offered suggestions for improvements. We continued to use professional, Craig Lange, to provide instruction in some age groups and, with the cooperation of the Rosemount High School soccer booster clubs, high school players helped the coaches of many of the younger teams. Both of these areas have improved the overall skill development of the players. This program could not have worked without the time and talents of these volunteers: Kevin Adams Howard and Jan Kinch Rob and Lori Tieri Charlene Joyce Pat McGuigan Deb Langenfeld Dwayne and Collen Kuhns Jackie Staiger Donna Beckman Jim and Dawn Dibley Julie and Russ Wagner Julie Gelbach Mary Souders Elise and Abby Souders These people along with over 150 coaches deserve a big THANK YOU! Please thank them if you get the chance. THINK SPRING —Next years sign ups will be in late April or early May. If you don't get a flyer or read about it in the newspaper, call the RAAA Hotline 432-7222. Kevin Adams will be next years program director and I encourage you to call him (432-3187) and volunteer to help. You will work with some great people and reduce the time needed for everyone. so 00 RAAA Bulletin Boards '00'f� Attention Program Directors��� RAAA Bulletin Boards are now located in the lobbies of Scott Highlands Middle School and Rosemount Middle School. We encourage any individual with pertinent 0 information to use them. Please contact Carolyn Luken at 322-5368 for information regarding access. Football by Gene Hausauer A special thank you to all who coached and made this football season a huge success! This year we serviced three grade 3/4 teams, and four grade 5/6 teams for a total of 133 boys. Thank you also to the parents for the excellent participation and for returning equipment. Page 4 RAAA News Winter 1994/1995 Winter 1994/1995 RAAA Newsletter Page 5 69 'oN Iiuuad C11Vd 02Msod 'SY1 HILVx xing AREA o ASSOCIATION 890SS NW `Iunouzasog `t�£ i Xog 'O d Information Hotline 423-7222 Sponsored By U.S.P.C.I., Inc. uoputoossv opalgl V UaaV lunouzaso H FAkk Newsletter In This Issue Upcoming Registration Information ........................... 2 Traveling Baseball .................... 2 Board Meetings ......................... 2 In -House Volleyball .................. 3 In -House Softball ...................... 3 Wrestler's Alert ......................... 3 Traveling Basketball Board Appoints Members ................. 4 In -House Soccer ....................... 5 Football..................................... 5 Sponsors.................................... 6 RAAA Board of Directors ...... 11 RAAA Program Directors ...... 11 /AREA O A A �2 W � C� ASSOCIATION From the President... by Tom Neumann By looking outside one cannot think of summer nights out, supporting our children in baseball, soccer and softball, but here at RAAA we are busy making plans for those nights. In addition to the many coaches, coordinators and parents that are physically associated with a team for a countless number of hours, there is also another unseen group that are members of the board of directors. The individuals on the board of RAAA have many responsibilities regarding individual programs and I as president have the privilege of welcoming those new board members and extending a heartfelt thank you to those leaving, for their efforts over the past two years. The members leaving this year's board are, Bill Deeg, Terry Langager, Doug Mulville, Lisa Noble, and Bob Olson. I wish them well in the future. Our newest members are Mark Chapman, Mark Krivoruchka, and Brian Youngberg. I hope that at the end of their term they are pleased with their accomplishments. If you see any of these individuals please let them know you appreciate their efforts. We summarized our accomplishments over the past year at our annual meeting, but those accomplishments seem pale to the changes we will be faced with in the next few years. Change can be difficult but the organization will grow as a result of it. One of the most important challenges we face is our relationship with the other athletic associations in the area. I am pleased to report that regular meetings are held with representatives of EAA and VAA and together we have pledged to make every effort to provide an athletic experience for all participants regardless of association. This past year members of RAAA, EAA and VAA participated on combined teams. This experience has proven that competition exists between each association but it is limited to the field. This cooperation will gain momentum and benefit the entire community. If you have any time on your hands and would like to become involved, give any board member or program director a call and share your ideas, concerns and resources. On behalf of the board of directors I wish you and your family the best this holiday season can offer. Upcoming Registration Information Registrations tenatively set for mid to late January through April for: In -House Baseball In -House Soccer In -House Softball Track Traveling Baseball Traveling Soccer Traveling Softball Stay tuned to the RAAA Message line and watch for flyers. Traveling Baseball by Rich Lonnquist Congratulations to all players, parents, and coaches for a great season of baseball. This year more kids than ever tried out for traveling baseball, which made tryouts very exciting. This was the most successful season yet. The ten year old "A" team won the state championship along with winning several other tournaments. Great job kids and coach Brian Neilson. The eleven year old "A" team was state tournament runner up. Congratulations to Steve Morgan and your great team players. The eleven year old "B", twelve year old "A", fourteen year old "A" and "B", and fifteen year old "A" and "B" also won tournaments to qualify for state tournament. The fourteen year old "A" team, which I am very proud of, won 2 out of 3 in state, placed in 3 other tournaments, including winning the New Ulm tournament. They also won their league and were Channel 11's Team of the Week. Great year guys! Every year special thanks go out to those who make our season possible and this year is no exception. A special thank you to Sue Drugg, for ordering and organizing uniforms, to Joe Dvorak and his crew with sign ups, to Joe Schmidt for getting us good umpires, Brian Neilson and many other great hard working The RAAA Board of Directors meet the second Monday of each month at the new Rosemount Armory. Meetings start at 6:30 p.m. You are welcome to attend. Upcoming meeting dates: December 12 6:30 p.m. January 9 6:30 p.m. February 13 6:30 p.m. March 13 6:30 p.m. April 10 6:30 p.m. parents for two successful Rosemount tournaments, to Steve Reischauer, Tom Nuemann, Carolyn Luken, Terry Langager, Joe Dvorak, and all other RAAA board members who gave traveling baseball support and guidance throughout the year. Thanks also to the Rosemount Park and Recreation Department for enabling us to play on good fields and for their help with our two tournaments. Most of all a special thank you to our parents for their support to traveling baseball here in Rosemount. Please keepthis list hand for future reference 1. Ixx- Y 1995 RAAA Board of Directors Officers: President ...................... Tom Neumann 432-1630 Vice President ..................... Lee Strom 891-3942 Treasurer ................. Steve Reischauer 423-3946 Secretary ........................ Dale Goergen 423-5912 Directors: Kevin Adams ......................... 423-3187 Mark Chapman ..................... 423-1915 Steve Cote ............................. 432-5815 Joe Dvorak ............................ 432-6116 Gene Hausauer ..................... 423-4071 Tammy Johnson .................... 431-1709 Mike Kern ............................. 432-2780 Mark Krivorouchka .............. 423-3901 Carolyn Luken ...................... 322-5368 Bob Olson .............................. 431-7968 Dave Parrucci ........................ 423-5779 Brian Youngberg ................... 432-8499 RAAA Consultant: Steve Reischauer................... 423-3946 RAAA Equipment Manager: Mike Kern ............................. 432-2780 Program Directors Basketball .......................... Scott Vogel 423-1250 Traveling Basketball.. Daryl Beckman 431-1663 Wrestling.............................................. Track .................... Linda/Dale Goergen 423-5912 Soccer .......................... George Souders 423-9052 Traveling Soccer ........ Terry McDonald 432-8590 Baseball .......................... Mike Warren 423-3695 Traveling Baseball ...... Rich Lonnquist 423-3621 Softball ............................ Joyce Tonkin 423-3830 Traveling Softball ............... Keith Rose 423-2847 Football ............................ Terry Larson 423-4654 Randy Spring 423-9095 Volleyball ................. Steve McNamara 322-2177 Traveling Volleyball ........... Jim Carow 423-4315 Rosemount Area Athletic Association P.O. Box 134, Rosemount, MN 55068 Page 2 'RAAA News Winter 1994/1995 Winter 1994/1995 RAAA Newsletter Page 7 69 'ON 11UUQd C11Vd 92Msod 'SY1 Uvu xIng AREA w a cc ASSOCIATION 890SS NW `Iunouzaso d `t�£ I xog 'O d Information Hotline 423-7222 Sponsored By U.S.P.C.I., Inc. uoputoossv opalulV Uaiv tunouxasov RAAA Newsletter In This Issue Upcoming Registration Information ........................... 2 Traveling Baseball .................... 2 Board Meetings ......................... 2 In -House Volleyball .................. 3 In -House Softball ...................... 3 Wrestler's Alert ......................... 3 Traveling Basketball Board Appoints Members ................. 4 In -House Soccer ....................... 5 Football ..................................... 5 Sponsors .................................... 6 RAAA Board of Directors ...... 11 RAAA Program Directors ...... 11 /AREA p A A �x 0 C� ASSOCIATION From the President... by Tom Neumann By looking outside one cannot think of summer nights out, supporting our children in baseball, soccer and softball, but here at RAAA we are busy making plans for those nights. In addition to the many coaches, coordinators and parents that are physically associated with a team for a countless number of hours, there is also another unseen group that are members of the board of directors. The individuals on the board of RAAA have many responsibilities regarding individual programs and I as president have the privilege of welcoming those new board members and extending a heartfelt thank you to those leaving, for their efforts over the past two years. The members leaving this year's board are, Bill Deeg, Terry Langager, Doug Mulville, Lisa Noble, and Bob Olson. I wish them well in the future. Our newest members are Mark Chapman, Mark Krivoruchka, and Brian Youngberg. I hope that at the end of their term they are pleased with their accomplishments. If you see any of these individuals please let them know you appreciate their efforts. We summarized our accomplishments over the past year at our annual meeting, but those accomplishments seem pale to the changes we will be faced with in the next few years. Change can be difficult but the organization will grow as a result of it. One of the most important challenges we face is our relationship with the other athletic associations in the area. I am pleased to report that regular meetings are held with representatives of EAA and VAA and together we have pledged to make every effort to provide an athletic experience for all participants regardless of association. This past year members of RAAA, EAA and VAA participated on combined teams. This experience has proven that competition exists between each association but it is limited to the field. This cooperation will gain momentum and benefit the entire community. If you have any time on your hands and would like to become involved, give any board member or program director a call and share your ideas, concerns and resources. On behalf of the board of directors I wish you and your family the best this holiday season can offer. RAAA Traveling Basketball Board Appoints Members By Daryl Beckman The RAAA Traveling Basketball Program has appointed a Traveling Basketball Board consisting of individuals who have volunteered their time to assist in the direction and administration of the Traveling Basketball Program. The Basketball Board consists of 14 positions designed to represent the entire program. Nine of the 14 positions will generally serve 2-year terms. However, in order to preserve a continuity over the years, 5 of the 9 positions are initially serving a 1-year term. At the end of an individual's term, they may "re -up" for another 2-year term if they wish. The individuals, their position, and the length of their current term are as follows: Daryl Beckmann Dave Parrucci Scott Vogel Mike Beckmann Randy Jones Rick Ruckdashel Jeff Olsen Rick Greenwood Russ Allen Randy Johnson Brenda Johnson Jimaleen Jansma Sue Drugg 431-1663 Traveling Basketball Program Director, Indefinite length of term 423-5779 RAAA Board of Director Traveling Basketball Advisor, Indefinite length of term 423-1250 In -House Basketball Program Director, Indefinite length of term 423-5152 Traveling Basketball Girls Coordinator, 454-4215 432-8847 322-2445 423-4502 432-2275 431-1709 432-6246 423-1260 423-2857 Traveling Basketball Boys Coordinator, 2-year term Traveling Basketball Boys Tournament Director, 2-year term Traveling Basketball Girls At -Large Representative, 2-year term Traveling Basketball Girls At -Large Representative, 2-year term Traveling Basketball Girls Tournament Director, 2-year term Traveling Basketball Coaches Representative, 1-year term Traveling Basketball Boys Representative, 1-year term Traveling Basketball Boys At -Large Representative, 1-year term Traveling Basketball Boys At -Large Representative, 1-year term In -House Soccer By George Souders The 1994 in-house soccer program continued to show strong growth and interest. There were approximately 860 youth in grades K-8 playing on 66 teams. Parent evaluations were very positive regarding most aspects of the program and offered suggestions for improvements. We continued to use professional, Craig Lange, to provide instruction in some age groups and, with the cooperation of the Rosemount High School soccer booster clubs, high school players helped the coaches of many of the younger teams. Both of these areas have improved the overall skill development of the players. This program could not have worked without the time and talents of these volunteers: Kevin Adams Howard and Jan Kinch Rob and Lori Tieri Charlene Joyce Pat McGuigan Deb Langenfeld Dwayne and Collen Kuhns Jackie Staiger Donna Beckman Jim and Dawn Dibley Julie and Russ Wagner Julie Gelbach Mary Souders Elise and Abby Souders These people along with over 150 coaches deserve a big THANK YOU! Please thank them if you get the chance. THINK SPRING —Next years sign ups will be in late April or early May. If you don't get a flyer or read about it in the newspaper, call the RAAA Hotline 432-7222. Kevin Adams will be next years program director and I encourage you to call him (432-3187) and volunteer to help. You will work with some great people and reduce the time needed for everyone. 00 041 Ar RAAA Bulletin Boards 000 0-ft- ���Attention Program Directors000 RAAA Bulletin Boards are now located in the lobbies of Scott Highlands Middle School and Rosemount Middle School. We encourage any individual with pertinent 0 information to use them. Please contact Carolyn Luken at 0 322-5368.for information regarding access. Football by Gene Hausauer A special thank you to all who coached and made this football {<I season a huge success! This year we serviced three grade 3/4 teams, and four grade 5/6 1-1.1".... teams for a total of 133 boys. Thank you also to the parents for the excellent participation and for returning equipment. We are looking for a person to fill `< the position of assistant director for football. This person would eventually move up to <..< °' ` director of the program. Im If interested, please contact Gene Hausauer at 423-4071. Page 41 'RAAA News Winter 1994/1995 Winter 1994/1995 RAAA Newsletter Page 5 Have 0 Happy Holiday Seasori RAAA wants to extend a special "thank you" to the following sponsors! AAA Auto Salvage Basic Builders, Inc. Biewald-Hackett Orthodontics Carlson Tractor City Limits Lanes & Lounge Chroust Dental Office Corrigan Electric Company Dole Explosives Dr. Ron Snyder Duane Berg, DDC First State Bank -Rosemount Genz-Ryan Plumbing & Heating Hawkins' Janitorial Service Johnson Chiropractic Larry's Amoco Lawrence Palmersheim, Oral Surgeon Loch Pharmacy Mac's Bottle Shop Master Transmission Matthew Daniels, Inc. Plumbing McDonald's (Rosemount) McMenomy Appliance Ole Piper Inn Peoples Natural Gas Phil's Auto Body Pilgrim Promotions Reno's Pizza Rosemount Jaycees Rosemount Legion Post #65 Rosemount National Bank Rosemount Total Rosemount VFW Shamrock Animal Hospital State Farm Insurance Terry's Ace Hardware Toombs Insurance Agency Wensmann Builders, Inc. Apple Valley Legion Post #1776 Apple Valley Medical Center Apple Valley Tire & Auto Baker's Square Better Body Gym CUB Foods (Apple Valley) Donmar Trophies Dominos Pizza (Apple Valley) Galaxy Golf Henry W. Anderson Mortuary Kennedy Transmission Mr. Tire (Apple Valley) Norwest Bank Pole Inspection Services Proeschel, Baron Denistry R. Berry's Ross Printing Severson, Wilcox, & Sheldon Stephen Dalseth, DDC Target Greatland The Printing Center Westwood Sports For Program Information Call The RAAA Hotline At 423-RAAA In -House Volleyball by Steve McNamara The 1994 in-house volleyball teams have another successful season. Boys and girls between grades 2-8 participated in volleyball during the months of September and October. In addition to the weekly practices and games, everyone attended a volleyball clinic held by Mary Thompson, the Rosemount High School volleyball coach, and her varsity players. Once again, Mary and her players did an excellent job in teaching the correct skills and techniques of volleyball. I would like to thank Mary for making time in the team's busy fall schedule to hold this clinic. I would also like to thank all of the coaches as well for the time and talent they shared throughout the season. After this year, I will no longer be the director for in-house volleyball. In order for in-house volleyball to continue, someone must volunteer to replace me as director. If anyone is interested, please call either myself, Steve Reischauer, or Tom Neumann (phone #'s listed on page 11). In -House Softball by Joyce Tonkin Wow! Winter is just beginning and it's time to start thinking about softball. Our equipment needs to be ordered and our budget finalized for next year's season before flyers are distributed. Softball sign-ups are scheduled for early February, so mark your calendars now as a reminder. If you don't receive a flyer from school, call the RAAA Hotline at 423-RAAA for the softball sign- up dates. Slow pitch girls softball is available for grades kindergarten through twelve. Parents suggested hiring umpires for grades 7-12. A volunteer is needed to organize and train umpires. If there are not volunteers, there will not be hired umpires for these grades. If you are the person for the job, call Joyce Tonkin now at 423-3830. Umpire fees need to be included in the budget this fall. Minnesota River Valley League is available for girls in two divisions; one is sixth and seventh grades and two is eight and ninth grades. The league is instructional fast pitch that will be playing teams in Farmington, Lakeville, Rosemount and possibly Apple Valley. Last year was the first year for this league and the girls had a great time. The parents felt their girls developed skills and that it was a good program. I hope everyone has a great holiday season. I will see you in February for sign-ups. Wrestlers Alert A wrestling director is needed immediately. Without one, the program is in jeopardy. If you have the interest and time, please contact Gene Hausauer at 423-4071 or Steve Reischauer at 423-3946. Page 6 RAAA Mews Winter 1994/1995 Winter 1994/1995 RAAA Newsletter Page 3