HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark and Rec Commission 1993_01_18-12_13_1993T 1 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF AIIGIIST 16, 1993 MBMBLRS PRESI NT: Deanna Sim son Linda Ladzun, Scott Rynerson, TomP . Reller, 1]a e Giliuson, John Howard BTAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation; Rick Cook, Parks Supervisor; Mark Joosten, Parks Department; Lisa Jost, Assistant Director Parks and Recreation MEMBLRS ABSENT: 3erry Pu ia y CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7;35 p.m. by chairman, Scott Rynerson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF THE JIILY 19, 1993 MINUTEB: MOTION by Dave Giliuson to accept the. minutes of the July 19, 1993 meeting as written. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: Cathy Busho extended her appreciation to the Parks and Recreation staff for their help and efforts during Leprechaun Days. Cathy listed the recreation events coordinated by Jane Merilman tha a e ran during Lep eehaun Days and floted othe areas city staff helped out during the city celebration, City staff and community volunteers did a good job of making the 4 day celebration a success. Dave Bechtold asked who will be the 1994 Leprechaun Days chairperson. No one has been appointed to this position at this time. Cathy Busho was the 1993 Leprechaun Days chairperson. I. RAAA UPDATE: Di,rector Dave Bechto.d stated the annual gol.f tournament at Valleywood Golf Course was held on August 6, 1993 . There were 84 entries. RAAA board members will be involved in the process of setting fee structures and fee policy for charging non-resident fees. Rich Lonnquist wanted to come to commend the staff for thei.r efforts, but will do it at a different time. Dave Giliuson gave his appreciation to the parks staff for all of their help in the rainy weather and for a job well done during the first annual RAAA baseball tournament on July 31 through Auqust 1 for the Class B teams. Coaches complimented the facility. It was a very successful weekend and again, thanks to the crew. II. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Mike Busho was selected to be the president of the Carrolls Woods subcommittee, and Loretta Loesch is the secretary. Dave Giliuson reviewed an itemized list of expenditures totaling the amount o $15,000.00: 1) Trail groomer to groom both woodchips and lime rock, $6,563.59; 2) 300 tons of limestone/rock S 'Z PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING August 16, 1993 Page 2 1993) , $1,725.00; 3) 300 tons of limestone/rock earmarked for future work, $1,725.Q0; 4)2 brush cutters, $1,U00.00; 5) Herbicide application(s) , $50.00; 6) Encumber balance of funds and earmark for expenses such as timbers, part-time wages, rental equipment, signage, etc. , $3,936.41. Much discussion followed regarding the particular area of the trail starting from the hockey rinks and asphalt trail and goes south and then curves west (first part of the Halloween Trail) to the second major junction on the trail. Dan Belting stated this area of the trail system is a deviation from the concept of the master plan. The master plan states that this trail should be eliminated because of steep grade, etc. The "etc. " could mean the trail is too soft. Maintenance vehicles have gotten stuck in this trail. Discussion followed that the location at which the lime rock would stop gives the flexibility of the trail either continuing west or in another direction (north/northeast) which follows the master plan concept. Either direetion would allow trail to develop and connect with the S.E. access point to the Carrollton Development. Trail work with lime stone is needed for present and future construction and general maintenance. The trail would begin at the hockey rink area to the present devils pit area. The subcommittee needs to look at signage. Issues discussed about the upgrade of the mentioned trail section follows: 1) It was understood that' support of why the concept in the master plan would be deviated from needs to be identified. It seems to be the biggest trouble spot in the whole system. The section would need to be used for maintenance vehicles. 2) Rick Cook and Dan Belting said if the trail is changed from woodchips to lime rock that 4' to 6 ' of the woodchip trail has to be taken out. Rick received a quote of $14, 000 for all of the halloween trail. The subcommittee decided it was too much and came up with only doing a part of the trail. 3) Loretta Loesch stated that the people didn't want a thoroughfare and we still can curve the trail if need be. 4) An 8' lime rock trail would be put in. 5) Links off of this sectian could be discussed and evaluated at a later date. Tom Reller MOTIONED to maintain the existing trail with lime rock from the hockey rink to the present devils pit. John Howard SECONDED the motion. Ayes:6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Dan Belting said if we could get the Tree Trust crew to help there could be a lot done (for less money) . The Tree Trust can rake out the lime rock. City staff would need to pile limestone in sections of the trail. Upon approval of the Parks and Recreation Committee, the proposed project (with plan) would be presented at the September 7th City Council Meeting. The project would be done this year if possible. Dave Giliuson- made the MOTION that we take the request to the City Council; the $15,000.00 to be used for Carrolls Woods as itemized PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING August 16, 1993 Page 3 ifrom encumbered account #202-24415 to be used for the trail project in Carrolls Wood. Scott Rynerson SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRILD. Tom Reller MOTIONED to support the alterations of the master parks concept plan. S COND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTYON CARRIBD. Discussion followed confirming that this request was vaiid because of the need for maintenance vehicles to be on the trail, need a trail to pass the lowland area when it is developed, and the stopping point still allows the trail to go west or north of which the latter follows the master plan. III. WORRSHOP MEETING FOR SEPTEMBER 2, 1993: Scott Rynerson suggested reviewing the Parks Master Plan. Director Dave Bechtold commented that an evaluation of the master plan can take place at the next meeting. The topic will be to organize and develop a process to do the evaluating. I. PARR DEDICATION CARLSON PROPBRTIEB: This area is by McDonalds south of County Road 42. A concept site plan was distributed. Director Dave Bechtold stated that discussion of the commercial park dedication fee needed to take place. Scott inquired what the anticipated (cash) park dedication would be.Director Dave Bechtold said the formula is industrial with an estimat d acreage of 9. 094 (acres) . 5 X total land of development at $22, 000.00 per acre. Deanna Simpson MOTIONED to recommend cash as park dedication in the Carlson development property. (Discussion referred that consideration may want to be given for overhead passes. ) Trail aspects within the development is the developers responsibility. Linda Ladzun SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. II. PARR DEDICATION RERRY JOHNSON PROPERTIEB: Discussion took place in reviewing the park dedication for this commercial dev lopment. Scott Rynerson asked how the cash dedication would correspond with the land they (Kerry Johnson) needs. The land Mr. Johnson needs to provide to allow for his proposal to continue should not be a part of the park dedication. This refers to the land and dollars needed to put in the trails, landscaping, and parking areas on the north of his property. This was agreed to be done from the onset of this proposed project. The park dedication should be considered as a separate item from this required land and/or the development costs of present park land to allow his proposal to work. John Howard made the MOTION that we accept the cash dedication on the Kerry Johnson property. Linda Ladzun 88CONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. e , PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING August 16, 1993 Page 4 III. PARR DEDICATION CMC PROPERTIEB: Director Dave Bechtold said no detailed plan was on the table, only a similar concept plan as they presented to us some time ago. The developer has gone along with the trail loops to 145th Street to County Road 42 and along Biscayne Avenue at the developers e cpense. The developer agrees that the park will be a mini-park and will be developed (or designed) on a semi-passive to passive concept. Director Dave Bechtold said the Developer is proposing to develop the industrial/commercial area as a mini-mall which is in the southwest corner of the property. Land has to be specifically identified for this purpose. Linda Ladzun MOTIONED to aceept cash dedication for the industrial/commercial part of the CMC property only.Scott Rynerson SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. IV. PARR DEDICATION BOSINE88 PARR: Director Dave Bechtold explained that there are plans to complete the Business Park in phases. Phase I is 80 acres south of County Road 42 as shown on the map distributed to Parks and Recreation committee members. Director Dave Bechtold commented that it was preferred to take cash dedication in Phase T of the industriaifeommercial development. Director Dave Bechtold commented that there were some questions regarding holding pond issues, but felt these ponds could be used for public use. Internal walkways and bike paths would be a part of the developers design plans. Cathy Busho of the Planning commission stated that we need to consider the open space in this business park, but it does seem appropriate that the first phase could take place with cash dedication. Next phases would consider the non-park open spaces in greater detail in conjunction with utility ponding, etc. Scott Rynerson MOTIONED to accept cash dedication for Phase I of the Business Park for park dedication. Dave Giliuson SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Mf)TION CARRIED. V. CHAIRPFRSONB REPORT: SCOTT RYNERSON - Inquired why "draft" copies were being sent. Director Dave Bechtold said the minutes are considered "drafts" until they are officially approved and then they should be delivered with the next meetings agenda and information. JOHN HOWARD: Parks and Recreation Committee members are invited to work at the Renaissance Festival. The Chamber of Commerce took a booth to raise money for Erickson Community Square. The costumes are provided. Dates available over Labor Day weekend. Ca11 John if interested. LINDA LADZIIN: Community Center Commission has some fee schedules planned. Working on the Auditorium now, which will be more PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING August 16, 1993 Page 5 difficult to book. Student representative, John Ryan, will be replaced. John is going to college and can no longer serve on the commission. DEANNA SIMPSON: Edging was purchased and placed in the community garden. Edging was put in Merrills flower bed which helped spruce it up and will, hopefully, make maintenance a little easier. The path from the Arbor to 145th Street needs to be straightened. May need help from city staff to remove sod and moving some of the trail east. Deanna, Gerry Hill, John and Ann Loch dug a trench from Corcoran's fence to the city hall parking lot. The trench was filled with 6 ml. poly and rock. The first rain the trench worked well. The next heavy rain the rock trench didn't work quite as well. ioo.00, Discussion took place about possible signage asking people not to pick the flowers or some way to discourage people from picking flowers for the personal enjoyment. Nothing was confirmed whether a sign would be put in. This could possibly take place with park sign when it is designed along with other park signs. TOM RELLER: None. DAVE GILIOSON: None. VI. DIRECTOR'8 REPORT: Parks and Recreation Committee timesheets were distributed. Director Dave Bechtold requested that timesheets be returned by Friday, August 20, 1993 . Picnic table shelter locations were discussed. 2 posted table/shelters will be installed at Winds Crossing, Schwarz Pond, and Twin Puddles Parks this fall. Committee members agreed to install a picnic table/shelter at Jaycee park if an appropriate location could be chosen.Each 2 posted table/shelter is approximately $1, 000.00. ADJOURNMBNT: MOTION by Linda Ladzun to adjourn the meeting at 9:07 p.m. Tom Reller SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Jost, Assistant Director Parks and Recreation o i o osemoun ONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)423-5203 Mailing Address Edward B.McMenomy P.O. Box 510, Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James(Red)Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADM I N ISTRATO R TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS Stephan Jilk FROM: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DATE: JULY 14, 1993 RE: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 19, 1993 DATE: JIILY 19, 1993 PLACE: JAYCEE PARR SHELTER TIME: 7:30 P.M. AGENDA: I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER II. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III. APPROVE MINUT S OF TH JtTNE 21, 1993 MEETING IV. AUDIENCE INPtTT' OLD BIISINESS: I. RAP,A UPD ITE I I. CARROLLS WOODS' UPIJATE III. SUMMARY FRUM ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE COMMITTEE IV. WORKSHOP MEETING FOR AUGUST 5, _1993 V. PARK MAINTENANCE / CONSTRUCTIQN STATUS REPORT VI. UTILITY COMMISSION MEMBER FQR ERIGKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE NEW BUSINESS: I. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE II. BUDGET DISCUSSION III. FEE(S) COMMITTEE IV. CARROLLTON ADDITION CONCERNS V. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT VI. DIRECTOR S REPORT VII. ADJOURNMENT i ver tngs oming `U p osemoun recvcletl panP.r PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF ULY 19. 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deanna Simpson, Scott Rynerson, Tom Reller, Jerry Puciaty, Linda Ladzun, Dave Giliuson STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation; Rick Cook, Parks Supervisor; Lisa Jost, Assistant Director Parks and Recreation; Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary MEMBERS ABSENT: John Howard CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7:45 p.m. by chairman, Scott Rynerson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 21. 1993 MINUTES: MOTION by Dave Giliuson to accept the minutes of the June 21, 1993 meeting as written. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. I. RAAA UPDATE: Dave spoke for Tom Neumann in his absence. He stated that all was going well, and that the RAAA Board was discussing developing a package to show their appreciation for the volunteers with the program and to use as an incentive for other volunteers to join. There is a need for more volunteers because of the problem of"burn out" for the core group of parents and volunteers currently with the program. The committee will be kept updated as this package develops. II. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: At the meeting earlier in the evening Rick had supplied videos of both the trail groomer and the brush hog for the committee members to see. After viewing the tapes it was decided to purchase the trail groomer at this time. Mike Busho will be contacting the U.S.P.C.I. to request possible fundirtg for the trail groomer. Other projects planned are to place lime rock along the trails in the park, purchasing at least two brush cutters and possibly budgeting in two part time positions for people to work on this problem. The committee will be working on putting together a package by the August Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to present to the City Council to request a portion of the S 15,000.00 the subcommittee is planning to request from an encumbered CIP account of Parks and Recreation. III. SUMMARY ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARf COMMITTEE: Deanna referred to and briefly highlighted the minutes of the last Erickson Community Square Subcommittee meeting that was enclosed with the executive summaries in each members packet. She informed the committee members that the U.S.P.C.1. responded to her request for funds to help with grading of Erickson Park with a 55,000.00 grant. Dave expanded on the process that needs to take place in order to meet the committees goal of building the Erickson Square shelter some time in the next year. He stated that a good starting point would be to meet with the architects to develop some estimates on costs, time schedules, etc. to present to the City CounciL PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING July 19, 1993 Page 2 IV. WORKSHOP MEETING FOR AUGUST 5, 1993: After a brief discussion of possible topics to be discussed at the August workshop meeting it was decided with a vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays to eancel the August workshop and meet next in September on the regular meeting date. V. PARK MAINTENANCE/CONSTRUCTION STATUS REPORT: Rick reported that the Tree Trust group had been here and worked on several projects in the parks such as putting timber around play areas, etc. They were very cooperative and easy to work with. They are looking forward to having them back again next year. Projects were in Biscayne Park, Winds Park, and Kidder Park. VI. UTILITY COMMISSION MEMBER FOR ERICKSON COMMUNITY SaUARE: The letter from Scott Rynerson to the Utility Commission requesting that one of their members be chosen to attend Erickson Community Square subcommittee meetings helped put the subject on the agenda for the Utility Commission last meeting. Unfortunately, due to the fact that not all of the members were able to be presen# at that meeting, the item was tabled for a full committee vote at their next meeting. I. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE: Jim Topitzhofer is in the process of working with the Community Center Committee members to establish goals and priorities at this time. They feel that the banquet area has some items that need to be addressed and decided at this point. Another topic in the starting stages are job descriptions. Due to Jim's considerable background and past experience he is able to supply some preliminary policies that can be tailored to fit tfie needs of Rosemount's Community Center. Some of the policies and fee structure could be used when formulating such policies and fees for Parks and Recreation. Dave stated that there has been goad communication betwesn Jim and himseff, and that Jim is open to the needs of the separate departments. A software package is being looked at to use for the scheduling of the facility. Jim will be in charge of scheduling the facility. Programming is also beir g discussed at this time. At the present time Lisa Jost will continue doing the programming. A request for another full time programmer and additional secretarial assistant is being made through the 1994 budget process because of the present work load and added work load of 1994 programming. IL BUDGET DISCUSSION: Dave supplied the committee members with the following handouts for their information: "Play Equipment General Summary/S#atus Report", "CIP Project Worksheet", and Rosemount Parks Facility/Building Inventory". Dave started by saying that on figuring the budget he was told that he should not raise operating costs more than 396 in 1994. This amounts to an approximate 52,700.00 budget increase for the Parks and Recreat+on Department. n figuring the budget for the revenue accounts approximately $101,000.00 for 1994 were used to offset the expenses to revenues. On referring to the copy of the budget sent in each members packets he stated that the salaries for 1993 haven't been set yet and that the 1994 salaries could not be detefmined until that is accomplished. That is why this area is not completed on the budget. As mentioned, Dave is requesting a programmer position be added to the budget for 1994 along with a 33 hour secretarial position. Each committee member will be paid 535.00 for each meeting they attend, including thase in which they attend to represent the Parks and Recreation Committee. This includes workshop meeting. This raises the budget from 53,500.00 set aside for this to S10,OOQ.00 for 1994. Scott wondered why the expenses for brochures and papers went from S 1,000.00 in 1993 up to 511,000.00 in 1994. Dave explained that the funds were received from the administration budget, PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING July 19, 1993 Page 3 which paid for newspaper costs in the past. Due to changes in this process for 1994 the funds were transferred back into the Parks and Recreation accounts to onee again publish brochures for the Parks and Recreation operations and programs. Dave then brought the members attention to several projects noted in the CIP worksheet and briefly discussed the plans for each project spelled out in 1993. The projects stressed for 1994 are to continue adding to and repairing playgrounds and trails. III. FEEFSI'COMMiTTEE: Dave discussed with the Parks and Recreation Committee the possibility of nominating two of their members to meet with various organizations to help establish policies regarding such things as fee structures and/or surcharges for users of Rosemount recreational facilities. The committee would also discuss how to raise revenue to help pay for the positions needed such as the programmer and part time secretary. Jerry Puciaty volunteered to serve on the committee and Linda Ladzun agreed to join that committee after being asked if she would be interested. The Rosemount Softball Association and RAAA have been contacted and would be interested in giving input. They have both voiced support for the need to set fees and raise revenues to help with department ope ations. After discussing the issue a MOTION was made by Scott Rynerson to appoint Jerry Puciaty and Linda Ladzun to meet with representatives of RAAA, Rosemount Softball Association, and Department staff to formulate policies relating to fees for the Parks and Recreation Department. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. IV. CARROLLTON ADDITION CONCERNS: Dave stated that a resident of the new Carrollton Addition had contacted him stating she represented several of the citizens of that area. They had some questions regarding the development of a park that the realtor had informed them would be built in their "backyard" in the near future. Dave stated he explained the status regarding the park and the trail system to the woman and she seemed accepting of this. Since this is the same area in which the RAP group is concerned about developing a park, and that issue is currently being handled Dave asked the committee members if they would consider inviting the residents of the Carrollton Addition to sit in on the RAP meetings. It was decided to keep these two items separate issues at this time. The development of trails along Dodd from Shannon Parkway wece again discussed. Dave stated that there have been funds of $45,000 set aside for this project in the CIP account for a trail from Shannon Parkway to Diamond Path. Those funds could possibly be requested for the trail section from Shannon Parkway to Chippendale. A memo from City Council member Sheila Klassen to Lisa Freese, City Planner; and Dave Bechtold, Dir ctor of Parks and Recreation was brought to the attention of the committee members. The memo requested reconsidering the requirements for park/open space for multi-family housing currently used. She stated that she would like to see landscaping requirements to allow for more "green space" for these projects. Sheila has been working with the committee members and the RAP groups on RAPs behalf. She will be informed of the August 4, 1993 meeting that has been scheduled with the RAP group. V. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: SCOTT RYNERSON - None. JERRY PUCIATY -Wondering if the areas under the swings at Camfield could be filled in. It has been m ddy quite a bit this summer under the swing area. He also inquired on the status of the tree ordinance. Dave informed him that it is still in progress. There are several departments that are effeeted and they would all like to give input on the ordinance which is taking some time. LINDA LADZUN - None. r Pi4RKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING July 19, 1993 Page 4 DAVE GILIUSON - None. DEANNA SIMPSON - Corcoran area has been cleaned up and loaks much better, especially from the Community Garden area. Dave stated he is working with the owners to pave and curb the parking lot of the Corcoran area. Port Authority staff member, John Miller, is recommending that the Port Authority pay 75°6 of the project and that the prop rty owner would then pay 25% of the costs. TOM RELLER - None. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Dave mentioned that the a thor of an article relating to trail standards sent in the packets, Jeff Schoenbauer, was the person selected to work on the trail system and Parks Master Plan for Rosemount. He has worked on the Master Plan for the nearby communities of Inver Grove Heights and Lino Lakes also. He now is a member of a national standards committee and has taken the leadership role in the trails areas. Dave reminded the members that their project proposals should be oriented to include staffing and funding in order to be completed and kept on line. Dave reminded the committee of a National Riverfront meeting that Lisa Freese sent out a memo to invite them to attend. The date is August 10, 1993. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Scott Rynerson to adjourn the mesting. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary t T0 : PARKS & RECREA7T0! COMMI7TEE MEMB RS FROM: DAVID .7 . BECHTOLD , pIf2EC70R OF' PARKS & RECREA7ION DATE JUNE 16 , 1993 RE: PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETSNG OF JUNE 21 , 1993 DATE: JUNE 1 , 1993 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 P .M. AGENDA' I . CALL MEETING TO ORDER II . ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III . APPROVE MINUTES OF' THE MAY 17 , 1993 MEETING IV . AUDIENCE INPUT OLD BUSINESS: I . RAAA UPDATE II . SUMMARY OF WORK SESSION OF JUNE 3 , 1993 III , CRRROLLS WOODS UPDATE IV . SUMMARY FROM ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE COMMIT'7EE V . WORK SHOP MEETING FOR JULY 1 , 1993 VI , JAYGEE PARK STATUS REPORT NEW BUSINESS I . UTTLITY COMMISSION MEMBER FOR ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE II . COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE III . CHAIRPERSON 'S REPORT IV . DIRECTOR 'S REPORT IV . ADJOURNMENT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGUTAR MEETING OF JUNE 21, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Linda Ladzun, John Howard, Scott Rynerson, Tom Reller, Dave Giliuson STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Directory Parks and Recreation Department; Rick Cook, Parks Supervisor; Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Puciaty, Deanna Simpson CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7:35 p.m. by chairman, Scott Rynerson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF THE MAY 17, 1993 MIMUTES: MOTION by Scott Rynerson to accept the minutes of the May 17, 1993 meeting as written. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. I. RAAA UPDATE: Dave Giliuson reported that the RAAA baseball tournament held at Erickson Field on June 18, 19, and 20 went well considering the weather conditions. There were a total of 36 teams participating. The soccer program will begin in mid-July, and football will start up again in the fall. II. SUMMARY OF WORK SESSION OF JUNE 3, 1993: Scott Rynerson felt that the meeting set a strong foundation for strengthening the exchange of information between departments. He felt that the role of the Parks and Recreation Department in the communication between departments had been defined and the process seemed logical and that good communication is taking place. Dave stated that Deanna Simpson had brought up a good point at the last workshop meeting regarding each member of the Park Board setting personal goals regarding what they would like to see accomplished by the committee; as well as committee goals. Linda Ladzun was not at the workshop meeting and wanted to state that her personal goal for the committee was to ensure that the park areas were a safe place for children to go ta 111. CARROLIS WOODS UPDATE: There has not been a meeting in June. The committee would like to meet in July at the Jaycee Park shelter at 6:30 p.m. before the next Parks and Recreation committee meeting. IV. SUMMARY FROM ERICKSON COMMUNITY SaUARE MEETING: Kerry Johnson appeared before the Erickson Square Committee to clarify some problems in regards to Erickson park and his proposed office development on the site of Repairs, Inc. Kerry upda#ed the committee on design concepts and possible changes that could be made to accommodate the wishes of the Parks and Recreation Department and the Erickson Community Square Committee. He and the Erickson Community Square Committee are working well together on the coordination of their projects.Deanna Simpson has drafted a letter to the USPCI committee requesting a donation toward grading in Erickson Community Square. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING June 21, 1993 Page 2 V. WORKSHOP MEETING FOR JULY 1, 1993: After a short discussion it was decided not to hold a meeting in July due to the holiday weekend that follows the regutar meeting date. A MOTION was made by Scatt Rynerson to skip the July workshop meeting due to the holiday weekend. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. YI. JAYCEE PARK STATUS REPORT: The work on the installation of the irrigatian and the trails has started, but now have been delayed due to the rain we have been getting in the recent weeks. The lighting is in along the trails etc. The grant for trees has been approved, but the money has not been received as of this date because the Federal government has not released the funds. Some other trees have been planted and Dave invited the committee members to go to the park and view the new trees and construction on the site. Dave had attended the last Rosemount Jaycee's rneeting and updated them on the progress of the shelter. He will also be attending the July meeting and give a short tour of the shelter and park area for Jaycee members. They were very excited about the progress that has been made and are anxious to have the shelter opened for use to the community. J. UTILITY COMMISSION MEMBERS FOR ERICKSON COMMUNITY SaUARE COMMITTEE: At a previous Parks and Recreation committee meeting it was expressed that a member of the Utility Commission serving on the Erickson Community Square committee would be an asset to that committee. Dave discussed this with Joe Walsh of the Utility Commission and he suggested the Parks and Recreation committee members formally ask the Utility Commission to appoint a member to the Erickson Square committee. A MOTION was made by Scott Rynerson that the chairperson of the Parks and Recreation committee send a letter to the Utility Commission to request that one of their members be selected to serve on the .Erickson.Community Square Committee. SECOND hy Joha Howard. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. II. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE: Dave informed the committee members that Jim Topitzhofer has started as the new Community Center Manager. He also discussed some of Jim's plans for the center at this point. It had been previously decided to leave the staffing of the Parks and Recreatian Department as it is at the present time and keep the community center staff separate. However, if there is a need for the Parks and Rec staff to become more invofved in the comrrrunity center it would be recommended to add a programmer and a half-time secretary. Dave has requested that Jim Topitzhofer attend a Parks and Recreation committee soon to meet tMe staff members when his schedule can be arranged during this busy time of getting things ready for the armory. At the present time the Parks and Recreation Department would have priority in scheduling events at the Community Center. Linda ladzun, the Parks and Recreation committees appointee to the Armory Committee, informed the members that the first Community Center meeting will be held on Thursday, June 24, 1993. r PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING June 21, 1993 Page 3 I11. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: DAVE GILIUSON: None. TOM RELLER: Questioned Loretta Loesch, a member of the Carrolls Woods Subcommittee who was seated in the audience, on how Carrotls Woods is looking after the eutting of buckthorn and application of Tordon in the test area. Loretta stated that the woods look great in that area. There is good undergrowth of wildflowers, etc. with no signs of buckthorn where the clearing and herbicide application took place. SCOTT RYNERSON: None. JOHN HOWARD: Questioned Tom Reller on the progress of obtaining bluebird houses. Tom stated he hasn't had time to look into this yet. LINDA LADZUN: None. IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Dave updated the committee members on their progress with the RAP group. He has obtained a census of the area in question from the school district and talked with Bud Osmundson on studies that were done on the c osswalks on Shannon Parkway and Dodd. Bud stated that these areas were studied and#ound to be safe crossings. ave asked Scott if he would be available on Thursday, June 24, 1993 to meet with the RAP group to go over their list of needs. They wifl look at what the city has to offer at the present time, and how the needs that RAP will list could possibly be met now. Dave suggested that a possible partial solution to the problem would be to build the planned trails north of Dodd Blvd before the area is developed instead of waiting for additional homes. Dave stated that the staff is doing well keeping up with maintenance considering the weather conditions in the past weeks. The committee members also thanked Rick and his crew for a job well done. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Dave Giliuson to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Respectfutly submitted, Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary i TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DATE: MAY 13, 1993 RE: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 17, 1993 DATE: MAY 17, 1993 PLACE:ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 P.M. A(ENDA: I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER II. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III. APPROVE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 19, 1993 MEETING IV. AUDIENCE INPUT OLD BIISINE88: I. RAAA UPDATE II. SUMMARY OF WORK SESSION OF MAY 6, 1993 III. SUMMARY FROM CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE IV. SUMMARY FROM ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE COMMITTEE V. WORKSHOP MEETING FOR JUNE 3, 1993 VI. SUMMER BROCHURE AND PROGRAM iTPDATE VII. SUMMARY OF RAP MEETING OF MAY 13, 1993 VIII. JAYCEE PARK STATUS REPORT NE P BOSINE88: I. NORTHWEST ACCESS TO CARROLLS WOODS / SHANNON HILLS II. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT IV. ADJOURNMENT ARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 17, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dave Giliuson, Jerry Puciaty, Scott Rynerson, John Howard, Deanna Simpson, Linda Ladzun STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director Rosemount Parks and Recreation, Lisa Jost, Assistant Director Rosemount Parks and Recreation, Kerry Budinger, Secretary Aide MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Reller CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7:35 p.m. by chairperson, Scott Rynerson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: OLD BUSINESS: IX. KELLEY PROPERTY UPDATE APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 19, 1993 MINUTES: MOTION by Deanna Simpson to accept the minutes of the April 19, 1993 meeting with the correction of the adjournment time of 9:05 p.m. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. MINUTES APPROVED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. I.RAAA UPDATE Tom was not able to be at the meeting to present an update. Dave Giliuson let the members know that the sign up for football is coming up soon. II.SUMMARY OF WORK SESSION OF MAY 6, 1993 Scott Rynerson and Dave Bechtold felt that of the subjects discussed at the meeting such as park vs. holding ponds and the storm water system, the most important topic was ways in which to open the flow of communication between committees, commissions and appropriate departments regarding projects that are in the works or taking place. The idea of a check off system for each project was introduced. The Planning Department would be the hub of the system. The check off system would allow each department to review the project and have input. When the department feels they have completed their involvement in the project they will then be "checked off." It was decided that the Chairpersons of each committee and commission would be contacted to meet and discuss ways to improve communication. A possible date for this meeting will be May 27, 1993. Scott asked the Parks and Recreation Committee members to let him know if they had any questions or concerns they would like him to bring to that meeting. III. SUMMARY FROM CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE Dave Giliuson stated that the buckthorn clearing and chipping went well on May 1 st. There were approximately 15-20 people, 10 who represented RAHA. Having the second chipper helped the process go smoother and more quickly. It also allowed the Parks staff who were chipping to have breaks to rest. They were able to clear a large area of the woods. Deanna said it looks great and the wildflowers are beginning to bloom now that there is more light in the area. The committee would like to do another cutting and chipping in September or October of this year. Dave informed the committee members that the housing development on the southwest corner of Carrolls Woods may be starting sometime this summer or next fall, and the trail access to Carrolls Woods will be taken care of with this development. 1'ARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 17, 1993 PAGE 2 Dave reite ated the process to be taken for requesting funds from the CIP funds. Dave will talk with Rick Cook and Mark Joosten to get a possible list of things requested by the Carrolls Woods committee. The Rosemount Jaycees donated 5500.00 to the Carrolls Woods Subcommittee to be used as the committee sees necessary. Linda Ladzun asked the subcommittee members present to let the Jaycees know how the money was used. The Jaycees would appreciate knowing this. Scott Rynerson suggested that any donations should be acknowledged through photos and publicity in the local papers. Dave said he would make an effort to c o this. The date for the next meeting has not been set yet. Q:..................`.,r.......`..,t.' I.NORTHWEST ACCESS TO CARROLLS WOODS / SHANNON HILLS Dave moved this up on the agenda and addressed it in conjunction with the Carrolls Woods report. He wanted to make the committee members aware that there is a large stand of red and white oak in the proposed development on the northwest corner of Carrolls Woods. Bud Osmundson and Lisa Freese are working with the developer of that area in order to save as many of those trees as possible. One possibility tha# has been suggested is that the Parks Department may be able to take the land the trees stand on for the park dedication in that phase of the development instead of money. Dave requested a motion from the Parks and Recreation Committee members to support the fact that the park dedication may be altered to help save the trees. After considerable discussion regarding the fact that saving trees should not always be a park issue. It was strongly felt that the Planning Commission needs to get a tree ordinance in place to save trees as areas are developed. The committee members did not pass a motion to support the altering of the park dedication for the development northwest Carrolls Woods, but Scott Rynerson made a MOTION FOR RECOMMENDATION that city staff look into and implement a tree ordinance as soon as possible. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. MOTION PASSED. IV. SUMMARY FROM ERICKSON COMMUNITY SO.UARE COMMITTEE The next meeting is scheduled for May 18, 1993 at Big Daddy's Diner. Some of the subjects to be discussed are the progress of Scott Gunhus on the landscaping plans for the square, contacting 49ers about grading of the site, Tom Schultz hopefully wiU have preliminary plans for the amphitheater, and get an update from Kose on obtaining clean fill from the Diffley road construction site. Dave stated that he and Bud Osmundson are working on negotiations to obtain fill from the Diffley site. He also updated the committee members that the development proposal presented by Kerry Johnson at the last meeting has had a significant change made to it. Instead of requesting an additional 7 ft. on the east of the Repairs fnc. property, they are now requesting an additional 22 ft. This could cut dramatically into the amphitheater and shelter area. Bud Osmundson and the Planning Department are working with the developer on this now. Dave has gone on record with Bud as saying this new change may not work, and when the plans are set Kerry will need to return to and readdress the Parks and Recreation Committee members on any changes. Scott Rynerson suggested that the Erickson Community Square Committee should address the issue and bring it before the Parks and Recreation Committee only after a decision has been made or if a decision cannot be made. The Erickson Community Square Committee members were in agreement on this. A MOTION was made by Deanna Simpson that Kerry Johnson give the Erickson Community Square Subcommittee a presentation when a detailed concept plan is available. SECOND Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 17, 1993 PAGE 3 A donation of S7,OOQ.00 has been given to the Erickson Community Square Subcommittee from the Rosemount Jaycees. it is currently held in a foundation that has been set up by the Northern Dakota County Chamber. The committee will have to go through the Chamber in orde to access the funds. Dave will be sending a thank you to the Rosemount Jaycees for the 5500.00 and 57,000.00 donations. V. WORKSHOP MEETING FOR JUNE 3, 7993 After considerable discussion by the committee members it was decided that the next workshop meeting will focus on the Parks and Recreation Committees appropriate role in the check off and how to keep the lines of communication open to all commission, committees, and staff. VI. SUMMER BROCHURE AND PROGRAM UPDATE Lisa Jost referred to the brochure of summer programs and informed the eommittee members that it had been distributed to Rosemount residents by Direct Market Media with the Rosemount Thisweek paper. It will also be distributetl in the next week at Rosemount Schools, and Diamond Path Elementary. She pointed out several additions to existing programs, such as additional parks or times. Several of the committee members commented that the staff did a nice job on the brochure. VII. SUMMARY OF RAP MEETING OF MAY 13, 1993 Dave Bechtold and Scott Rynerson met with Sheila Klassen and several members of th RAP Group on thei request to develop a park near the Rosemount Greens area. Several issues addressed were to discuss what facilities are already available, how they are currently being used by the RAP Group, and what needs that RAP foresees fior the future. They diseussed ways in which to approach their request in a logical process, and one of the first things that RAP was asked to do was to make a list of their needs and how they are utilitizing the current facilities that are in place. Scott stressed that the meeting was set simply to exchange ideas, and no planning has actually been started. The committee members felt it is important to make RAP aware of what is currently available for sports and recreation to Rosemount residents and how they can utilize them. VIII. JAYCfE PARK STATUS REPORT The shelter was completed approximately 6 weeks ago, but it is not in use yet because of construction being completed around the shelter. The chairs and tables have been delivered. Linda has asked that the Jaycees be notified that the chairs are in and available to be used. The irrigation specs for the hockey rink and grassy area have been sent out. The department hasn't had any notification regarding the tree grant yet, but some trees have been p#anted. Trail specs have been written and have been sent out. The lighting will be going in before the trails. The concrete work around the shelter is done. The landscaping will be built up with fifl and sod placed on top. Hopefully, the park and shelter will be in full use by the end of July. IX. KELLEY PROPERTY UPDATE Scott requested an update on the feasibility study on obtaining a portion of the Kelley property for park use. Dave is working with Ron Wasmund and the city attorney on this. Scott Rynerson expressed a concern that the city attorney was involved this early in the process. Dave explained the process of the Kelley land acquisitions and how they are all handled through one city representative; not on an individual department basis. Dave said that he will work cooperatively with Ron Wasmund to begin the process of negotiating land from the Kelley Trust. ARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 17, 1993 PAGE 4 r..; II.CHAIRPERSONS REPORT DAVE - None. DEANNA - Had some suggestions for locations for the covered picnic tables ISchwarz Pond Park, Carrolls Woods, Winds Crossingl, and asked if any of the committee members or staff had any suggestions. The spigot in the community garden appears to be leaking, and Deanna asked that someone look into that. She requested that the drip irrigation be removed from the rose bed, they are not irrigating as well as they had hoped. She thanked the staff for helping with the plant sale and signs,putting out tables and setting up the area. The sale brought in 5860.00 to the garden club some of which will be used for the community garden. SCOTT - None. JOHN - Read excerpts from an article in the "Minnesota Malitia" regarding the guard getting more involved in the community with staff and equipment. He questioned whether the guard is a source we could utilize for large labor projects, or perhaps Ron o Bud could use them. A suggestion was made to possibly have the guard look into regrading Schwarz Park to better suit the park uses and to accommodate the armory site. LINDA - The Armory Commission hasn't started yet, but she will keep the committee members updated. She had received a phone call regarding the trail on the SW corner of Carrolls Woods possibly being a road. She informed the caller that it was her understanding that it was a trail n t a road. JERRY - Suggested planning the summer outing in July to be held at Jaycee shelter. The committee members all agreed. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT A meeting will be held with the Tree Trust people on Tuesday, May 25, 1993 to discuss Tree Trust volunteering on projects. The city needs to supply equipment and supplies. There will be no cost for labor that is available from mid-June untit mid-August. Scott thanked Dave for his time and efforts on extra projects, such as extra meetings for RAP, etc. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary s z o osemoun HONE (612)423-4411 2675-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)42&5203 Mailing Address: Edward B. McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James(Red)Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk TO: PARKS AND RECREATI N COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: DAVID J. HT , DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DATE: SEPTEMBER 10, 1993 RE: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 DATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 PM AGENDA: I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER il. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III. APPROVE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 16, 1993 MEETING IV. AUDtENCE INPUT OLD BUSINESS: I. RAAA UPDATE (TOM NEUMANN) II. STAFF RECOGNITION (RAAA BASEBALL-RICH LONNQUIST) III. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE IV. SUMMARY FROM ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE COMMITTEE V. WORKSHOP TOPIC FOR MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 1993 VL DISCUSS RESULTS OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 WORKSHOP VII. SUMMARY OF RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING NEW BUSINESS: I. CHILI AVENUE AND 145TH STREET TRAIL CHANGE Ii. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT III. DIRECTOR`S REPORT IV. ADJOURNMENT vera P ing s oming `U(, J osevnoun ecvcie0 paoer PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITfEE REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deanna Simpson, Linda Ladzun, Scott Rynerson, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Tom Reller STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation; Lisa Jost, Assistant Director Parks and Recreation, Lacelle Cordes, Program Director; Kerry Budinger, Secretary MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Puciaty CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7:40 p.m. by chairman, Scott Rynerson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 16, 1993 MINUTES: MOTION by Linda Ladzun to accept the minutes of the August 16, 1993 meeting after striking of an incorrect statement by John Howard in the CHAIRPERSONS REPORTS. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. I I. RAAA UPDATE: Director Dave Bechtold informed the committee members that Tom Neumann was not able to attend the meeting to give an RAAA update and introduced the next guest, Rich Lonnquist, to the committee members. II. STAFF RECOGNITION: Rich Lonnquist, President of RAAA Traveling Baseball, was present this evening to recognize and express the appreciation of RAAA and the program directors for the great job the parks maintenance staff workers have done on the facilities that are used by RAAA. He noted that the staff members go beyond what is expected of them, especially during tournaments. There are often comments on the great condition of the playing fields by visiting coaches and managers. Rich also thanked Dave Bechtold and Lisa Jost for their part in keeping the facilities in good condition and the good scheduling. Scott Rynerson in turn expressed the appreciation of the Parks and Recreation committee members for the work that RAAA does with the area youths. The programs that RAAA sponsors fill a need in the community and helps relieve the work load of the Parks and Recreation department. 111. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Mike Busho was present this evening to update the committee members on the progress the Carrolls Woods Subcommittee has been making in the past month. He first mentioned that Rick and the Parks staff are in the process of excavating and limerocking trails in the woods. The hockey rinks have been removed and the 300 tons of lime rock will be stored in this area near the high schooL The brush cutters have been approved for purchase and they will be used to begin cutting buckthorn in November. The Ca rolls Woods committee has received a donation of S2,500.00 from the U.S.P.C.I.for excavation and limerock. The U.S.P.C.I. has stated that they would be interested in being involved in future projects for the woods. Mike has stated that the committee has requested that a map be completed that shows the current trail locations in the woods, perhaps with an overlay of proposed trails to be constructed. Dave stated that he has talked to members of the Engineering department to help with the logisties of such a map and the copying. r PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 20, 1993 Page 2 Deanna Simpson had some concerns regarding an access point to the park on the Southwest corner for the development that is going in at that location. It was suggested that this topic be put on the agenda for the October meeting of the Carrolls Woods Committee. IV. SUMMARY OF ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE MEETING: Deanna stated that all the committee members received a copy of the Erickson Community Square Committee minutes of September 14, 1993. She briefed them on the contents of the minutes. They are proceeding with the grade plans for the shelter and amphitheater area. The amphitheater area has been moved a bit south so as not to interfere with the pond. They are looking into the purpose and uses for the proposed shelter. John Loch has talked with Chuck Novack to see if he would be interested in working on the shelter project. Chuch has expressed an interest, and they are dicussing possibly waiving his commission for this. They will be contacting Chuck to meet with him at the October 12th Erickson Square meeting. Consent for approval fo OSM to move ahead on the specs and plans for the shelter will be on the City Council Agenda for September 21, 1993. After the specs are completed they will need to be approved and authorized by the City Council to go out for bids. John Miller has been working with Corcoran on possibly asphalting and curbing their property in order to help with the drainage problem intothe community garden area. Dave will be following up with John on this. Engineering will need to help on this layout. Scott Rynerson inquired on the progess of the encumbered S30,000.00 for the subcommittees. Dave reported that each committee has submitted a list of uses for the funds, and the City Council has authorized the expenditures. Steve Jilk now needs to authorize the spending of the funds as each committee requests them with purchase orders. V. WORKSHOP TOPIC FOR THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 1993: After a short discussion the committee members decided they had no issues to be discussed at a workshop meeting and A MOTION was made by Dave Giliuson to cancel the October 7, 1993 workshop meeting. SECOND by Tom Reller. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. VI. DISCUSS RESULTS OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 WORKSHOP: Dave handed out a summary of the September 2, 1993 workshop meeting to each committee member. Dave and Scott Rynerson briefed the committee members that were not present on the highlights of the meeting. They had discussed possibly discussing prioritizing subjects that need attention in the Master Parks Plan. The committee members did not feel that this needed any further discussion at this meeting. Dave stated that if there are any concerns at all that he can be contacted and it will be put on the agenda for the next month. VII. SUMMARY Of RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING: Lisa handed out a summary of the recreational activities that will be taking place or are already in place for the fall and winter. She stated that the enrollments for Tiny Tots were down a bit. The enrollment is currently around 10 for each class, but if it should reach 12 or better an assistant will need to be hired. CoRec Power Volleyball has a full league, but there is still room for more teams in the CoRec Reactional league. Lisa invited the committee members to volunteer to help with the Halloween activities that are coming up in the next month. If any members are interested in helping, Lacelle Cordes will be coordinating the volunteers. Bt;l# I. CHlll AVENUE AND 145TH STREET TRAIL CHANGE: Dave stated that Bud Osmundson had contacted him regarding the trail along Chili at the area of construction on 145th Street and Chili. Due to changes in the area there is not enough room to replace the 8 ft. bituminous trail that had been k PARKS AND RECREATION COMMiTTEE MEETING September 20, 1993 Page 3 present. After discussion with Bud and Ron Wasmund it was decided to replace the trail with a 6 ft. concrete sidewalk. The Public Works department is responsible for winter maintenance of this trail and Ron Wasmund has agreed that the 6 ft. concrete sidewalk would work for the area. 11. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: LINDA LADZUN: Updated the members on the community center. The walls are up in the banquet room. The construction is going pretty well on schedule. They are wrapping up the ice time for the school and RAAA. The fees and policies are being completed. Jim has been invited to the November workshop meeting to do a presentation on the progress of the community center. JOHN HOWARD: John suggested that the committee members meet to set up a calendar of topics to discuss at the workshop meetings that would be pertinent to the month in which they are meeting. This would enable the committee to work in a proactive manner instead of just "troubleshooting". He listed a small sample of possible subjects that could be put on the schedule. It was decided to discuss this issue at the December workshop meeting. This includes the list of topics that are to be discussed annually such as Bylaws. The topics would be listed per month at the start of the year with new items added to tfie list each month. SCOTT RYNERSON: After walking through Carrolls Woods and noting quite a bit of debris from work that is taking place in the park, Scott was concerned that this has been removed or cleaned up. He was informed by the Parks maintenance staff that was present that this had been taken care of. DEANNA SIMPSON: None. TOM RELLER: None. DAVE GILIUSON: None. IIL DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Dave handed out a list of "Parks Policies" that had been updated and completed by Lacelle Cordes and Wendy Foreman as part of Wendy's summer internship with the department. They are policies that have been practiced, but now have been put in writing. He asked the members to read the policies and compare them to the current policies and bring any comments to the October meeting. If approved they will then go to the City Council for approval and then put on the books. Dave will have details of the proper process by the Octobe meeting. The city attorney has reviewed the ordinances already. IV. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Dave Giliuson to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Scott Rynerson SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary Tt : PARKS R rRE^ c r cwOMP1ITTEE r'"<01 1 : DA lTD J . cCn i" D — D TOR OF F'`i r2KS 2u R CF;aTION raTF : GE EM ER 1' , 199: E CC h1P'iITTE.E NfE TING OF DECEPIBER 2C7 , 1993 DATE : DECEMBER 20 , 1993 P ACE : ROSEMOUNT CITY HAL TIM : 7:30 P . M . NOTE= THE CARROLLS WOODS MEETTNG AT 6:30 } AGENDR' I . CALL r 1cF 1 1 ICa T(J G DER zx . xrz a s a rr a voa I I . F(iOVE MTPd..JTr, r,F Ti-i f(C VEh1i3ER 1 , 19'3 P'I C1`I I IG IV . UDIEP C IN lJ1" OLD BUSINESS- I . r fi r;f; UPC;T { T0°1 vl_IEMf i iN ! c [;r'E II . F's F l< EUs=iLtJ TIt 7N- i' S7 F= Wt'K ( RIC: i iw iK ) I I T , UP°9P•1AF.`( C F' WOrr'.1< ..F-ICJF' h1s.-r.7 i dG G r' 12/21 3 I'l . ERICKS JPJ COMMUPJITY SQU ( UPD TF } u' . C I LL_ I iCG JDS / (. UPC TE } NEW BUSINESS I . 1'I_1W R 1JI l-J I I . s;.K D L:TC TT t•ir' ( CF F LS P! TN ATE r t'TY ) CII . WENSP I N PR LIMINr`R'' PLAT ( # Ct t NT'f # 42 A'Er' ) I V . Ci i I 2 ERSGN '5 '`r,'F'C 7 v . az c rc °5 o r vz . ou r r•r r PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING APPROVED REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 20, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dave Giliuson, Deanna Simpson, Linda Ladzun, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller, Scott Rynerson came late) STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation; Rick Cook, Parks Supervisor, LaCelle Co des, Parks and Recreation Programmer; Wendy Willman, Parks and Recreation Programmer; and Lisa Jost, Assistant Community Center Manager MEMBERS ABSENT: John Howard CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Vice Chairperson, Dave Giliuson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 15, 1993 MINUTES: Corrections to draft were made in the area relating to Bud Osmundson's comments at the Erickson Community Square meeting. It should state that Bud suggested that we request the Utility Commissions to wave fees dealing with utili#y installations rather than stating that he recommends no fees. Also in that section, it should be noted that Bud did indicate that the possible design proposat that he had in mind for the Flower Garden area should be considered as a temporary solution rather than a long term solution to the drainage problems. MOTION by Tom Reller to accept the minutes of the November 15, 1993, meeting with the corrections as noted. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. L;: I.RAAA UPDATE: Tom Nuemann was not available for this meeting. Dave Bechtold reported that there has been a movement by the RAAA Board to have a member of their board seek appointment to the Apple Valley Parks and Recreation Board. They feel they need to become directly involved in the political process if they are ever to be truly heard regarding their requests of adequate numbers of facilities in Apple Valley to match the number of participants from Apple Valley in their programs. The RAAA Board has asked Dave Bechtold to contact the Apple Valley Director of Parks and Recreation to work together to identify possible sites where a storage building for their equipment might be built. Since a large portion of the participants are from Apple Va{ley, it is hoped that city will wo k to find a site for this project. The RAAA Board has been told that when the new park complex in Apple Valley is built near 140th Street and Galaxie Avenue, that they will be receiving a sizeable portion of the facility schedule for RAAA use. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTfE MEETING APPROVED December 20, 1993 Page 2 II.PARK EVALUATIONS: Rick Cook gave a short overview of major areas of park work for this past month. Brush cutting and chipping in Carrolls Woods did receive a lot of time by staff. This included additional efforts with volunteers. Because of the warm weather, rink flooding was put on hold. Park staff has been and continues to assist in getting the ice arena ready fo use. 111. ERICKSON COMMUNITY SO.UARE: There was no regular meeting in December. Dave Bechtold informed the Committee he had made contact with the National Guard to possibly assist with the grading in Erickson Community Square. Major Glass and First Sergeant Theide met with Rick, Jim Koslowski, and Dave in Erickson Park to discuss the possibility. Those members of the Guard wiil be meeting with the engineering and construction portion of the Guard out of Willmar, Minnesota to discuss this project. They did sound very optimistic about working with us on this proposaL There was no meeting held in December. The next monthly meeting will be held on the evening of January 12, 1994, at 7:00 p.m. at Big Daddy's. Scott Rynerson came to meeting and took over Chairperson duties. IV. CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE UPDATE: Mike Busho, Chairperson of the Carrolls Woods Committee gave an update. A summary of the trails relating to construction and concept design was included. The trail stemming from the southwest access needs to be moved slightly towards the south because of the terrain. Deanna Simpson indicated that it is important to move the trail to accommodate the grades. Certificates of appreciation will be drawn up for the school volunteers who have helped to pull brush out of the woods far chipping. It was decided that on Saturday,January 15, 1994, committee members interested in viewing the traii system and markers for new trails in the southwest area of the park will meet in the Carrolls Woods. Those taking part will meet at 10:00 a.m. in the area of the old hockey rink site. Dave Bechtold and others commented that they may not be able to attend this date. The decision was made to have all members interested in taking part to call the Parks and Recreation Office by January 13, 1994, to let us know that they wiB be attending. This date and trail observation will be used as the January workshop meeting. V. BYLAWS: At our last meeting the bylaws were reviewed. As in the past years,a deep concem was expressed relating to the inclusion of the Parks and Recreation Committee in the hiring process of a Parks and Recreation Director. The decision was made to include at least one member of the Parks and Recreation Committee in the process of selection and interviewing of the hiring of a Parks and Recreation Director. This item would be included in Section #9, Article #8. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty with a second by Deanna Simpson to include in this section the statement ". . . at least one member of the Parks and Recreation Committee will be an active member of the selection and interview process for the position of Director of Parks and Recreation." Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING APPROVED December 20, 1993 Page 3 S`' i.CARLSON PROPERTY: A. Carrousel Plaza South Development. The main aspect of this development is a movie theate. The property is located just west of Highway 3. The committee reviewed the project and agreed to a park dedication of cash. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty with a second by Scott Rynerson to have a cash dedication for the Carrousel Plaza South Development. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. Motioned Carried. B.Rosemount Village Square Development. This was a foltow-up and update on this project. At the August 16, 1993, meeting a motion was made to have a cash park dedication from this site. Because small portions of land were added since that time, it was brought back to the committee for additionat input. Although the land amounts were not significant there was time to bring this back to the committee for clarification for the final plat process. MOTION by Scott Rynerson with a second by Dave Giliuson "in addition to the cash dedication proposal on August 16, 1994, we add in lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 for cash dedication". Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. Motion Carried. IL WENSMANN PRELIMINARY PLAT: This item was reviewed briefly at the last meeting. Questions relating to deck homes, the trail location and the access road off of Cou ty 24 were addressed. With the access road off of County 42 not existing, and therefore not crossing the bike trail a short distance from County 42, that issue is no longer a concern. Concems had been expressed about adequate open space and/or parks in this development. This concern was due to the fact that a la d use change was made from single family homes to that of multiple dwellings. With the increased density, the committee felt a need to have additional open space required. The committee asked that Dave Bechtold take back to the Planning Department a request for land for parks. A future park in a future development was brought up. It was decided that, as in Limerick Town Homes, it is possible that development stops and the park that should have been built does not get built. This was not felt to be a viable arrangement. The committee felt that we should not wait for future development to address this issue. An area was identified on the map provided. Dave is to take this back to the Planning Department for discussion as to a more exact location, amount of land and design. MOTION by Deanna Simpson with a second by Dave Gilliuson to "take this plan back to the Planning Department for review fo land park dedication in this area". Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING APPROVED December 20, 1993 Page 4 III. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: JERRY PUCIATY - None. LINDA LADZUN - None. DAVE GILLIUSON - None. TOM RELLER had some deep concems about the manner in which skating lessons are being provided with the youth this season. With the Community Center offering lessons there were no outdoor lessons this year. That meant the fee going from 513 per child to that of 580. Dave Gilliuson and other members of the committee expressed support of this concern. They felt the price was too high. Deanna Simpson commented that we could have predicted over two years ago that when the center was built,that programs and prices would change. Dave Bechtold agreed that there will be changes made in more programming. By working together it is possible that programs such as outdoor skating lessons can be conducted in the same period of time as the indoor lessons. For this season it just did not seem appropriate to offer outdoor lessons when the Community Center was planning to schedule lessons. It is not always for the Director of Parks and Recreation nor the Parks and Recreation Committee to be involved in the pricing of programs at the Community Center. But, it does seem appropriate for us to discuss this item in regard to possible joint programming. Other committee members expressed a need to have Dave Bechtold discuss this item with the Community Center manager and possibly offer the outdoor lessons again in 1994-1995. Lisa Jost, the Assistant Manager of the Community Center was at the meeting and did give supportive comments for the rationale used in not setting up the skating lessons again in 1993-1994 season. MOTION by Tom Reller with a second by Dave Gilliuson to have Dave "look in to working with the Community Center for the type and schedule of lessons and the possibility of continuing outdoor slcating lessons again in 1994-1995". Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Jerry Puciaty and others expressed concerns with the "community services" aspect for the low income people when conducting programs. It was felt that this should be addressed in all of our programming. DEANNA SIMPSON commented that a check for 57,000 was written by the Jaycees last summer. It was intended to be given to the Chamber of Commerce for potential projects in Erickson Community Square, That check had been misplaced by the Jaycees, however, it had now been found and given to Dave Bechtold. He is processing it and will see to it that the 57,000 is given to the Chamber. SCOTT RYNERSON questioned the damages relating to the Flower Garden. Dave Bechtold and Deanna Simpson explained to the committee that the business person located next to the garden had plowed snow into the shrubs and trees. There will be an assessment of the damages and possibly a bill sent to the business next spring. Dave has met with that business person. The problem resulted from an employee plowing snow into the city property. The business person has asked to meet with the Erickson Community Square Committee to discuss this issue and to also discuss ways he can wo k together with the committee to further improve that area. Dave is informing the Community Square Committee that the business person witl be at their next meeting in January. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING APPROVED December 20, 1993 Page 5 Scott thanked the staff for the work they have done with the volunteers in Carrolis Woods. He commented that they come to work, do not take breaks and just plain go to work. Scott proposed that Dave put together an indoctrination book for new members. There are some memberships up at this time and new members might be coming on board. Dave Bechtold commented that he will work on this for both newly appointeci members and those who have been on the committee for a longer period of time. Scott made a special note of thanks to Rick Pearson, the Assistant Planner, for attending the December workshop meeting. Rick took the time to meet with us and to discuss non-park open space and general green space as it pertains to development. IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: DAVE BECHTOLD encouraged present members whose terms are up to reapply for serving on the committee. Dave commented that he and his staff are re-organizing the Parks and Recreation Department. By January 30, 1994, they hope to have some major decisions made as to changes in staff assignments, staff schedules, and general operations. With the resignations of three staff members over the past months,there is new staff coming on board. The department will never be the same as it was. We need to change and adjust to the new staff and the changes in programming arrangements. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Dave Gilliuson to adjourn the meeting. Deanna Simpson SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Y ' • T0= PARKS CREA7 ON COMMITTEE MEMBERS qr-I FROM DAVID J . BE 70LD , DIRECTOR OF PARKS & ECRERTION DATE OC70BER 13 , 1993 RE: PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCT . 18 , 1993 DATE: OCTOBER 18, 1993 PLACE: ROSEMOUN7 CITY HALL TIME= 7:30 P.M. AGENDA' I . CRLL MEETING TO ORDER II . ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III . APPROVE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 20 , 1993 MEETING IV . AUDIENCE INPUT OLD BUSINESS' I . RRAA UPDATE ( 70M NUEMANN } II . CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE III . SUMMARY FRONf ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE COMMS7TEE IV . WORK SHOP 70PIC FOR MEETING , NOVEMBER 4 , 1993 V . DISCUSSION OF PARK ORDINANCES VI . QARK ORDINANCE DISCUSSIONS AND APPROVA NEW BUSINESS I . RESIGNATION OF DEPARTMENT PRRT TIME SECRETARY II . DEPARTMENT S7AFFING PROP05AL5 III . WENSMANN DEVELOPMENT PROPOSRL IV . CHAIRPERSON 'S REPORT V . DIRECTOR 'S REPORT VI . ADJOURNP iENT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE DRAFT REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 18, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deanna Simpson, Linda Ladzun, Scott Rynerson, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation; Lacelle Cordes, Program Director Parks and Recreation; Kerry Budinger, Secretary; Rick Cook, Parks Supervisor; Mark Joosten, Parks Staff MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7:45 p.m. by chairman, Scott Rynerson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 MINUTES: MOTION by Dave Giliuson to accept the minutes of the September 20, 1993 meeting as written. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. I I. RAAA UPDATE: Tom Neumann said that RAAA had applied to the U.S.P.C.I. for funds to offset their field maintenance fees. RAAA's usual method for collecting the fees was to charge members S3.00 per family per year. This year RAAA will change this to collecting $1.00 per sport in the registration fees and there will be no family memberships. The association has solicited donations for the last couple of years and approximately 510,000.00 has been collected. Part of these funds will be set aside for program grants, and the remainder of the funds will be distributed throughout each sports program on a prorated basis. Tom used this time to express his concerns regarding the usage fees that the community center is going to be charging for the facilities. He stressed that he felt it was time to meet with Apple Valley and come to some conclusion about field usage and fees. Forty-five percent of the participant in RAAA are Apple Valley residents and therefore Apple Valley must start shouldering more of the responsibility for facility usage. Dave stated that he, along with Jerry Puciaty and Linda Ladzun, will meet with Rosemount Softball Association and RAAA in November.They will begin discussing fee structures and the process of making the field and facility usage more equitable between the cities of Rosemount and Apple Valley. II. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE: Mike Busho,Chairman of the Carrolls`:Noods Subcommittee,updated the committee members on the work the committee has been accomplishing. The lime rock has been completed on the trail from the entrance to the devils pit area, and starts again further to the north from this point. z They are continuing to cut buckthorn with the help of local high school students. Buckthorn in the area treated with Tordon after cutting is coming back at a slower rate than the rest of the areas. The committee has discussed putting up a barrier at the entrance to the woods near the high school. They are hoping this will keep automobiles off the trail area. There would be a maintenance gate and walk through included in this. Dave will be contacting the high school to see if they would be interested in sharing the costs for this project. If possible, this will be a barrier of trees along with a gate to control access by vehicles. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DRAFT October 18, 1993 Page 2 The subcommittee made a motion for Rick and the parks staff to mark the sout[west entrance to the woods and the connecting trail. The developer will grade the area and the city will put down an aggregate trail at the site. Deanna Simpson said that the aggregate trails currently found in the woods are very nice surfaces to walk on and they look pleasant winding through the woods. Mike informed the committee members that the Carrolls Woods Subcommittee had voted that evening to recommend Deanna Simpson serve as a member of the Carrolls Woods Subcommittee. Scott made a MOTtON to appoint Deanna Simpson to the Carrolls Woods Subcommittee. The motion was SECONDED by John Howard. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Deanna stated that she is looking forward to serving on the committee. III. SUMMARY ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE COMMITTEE: Deanna Simpson informed the committee members that Chuck Novack, a local architect, has volunteered his time to developing a plan for the shelter for Erickson Community Square. He will be working closely with Scott Gunhus who is developing a landscape plan for the area. They will be striving for a design that will work well as a warming house, picnic shelter, and be aesthetically pleasing for walks in the park and garden area. They will also try to blend the shelter with the area and with city hall. Chuck Novack and Scott Gunhus received the plans drawn up by Kosy several months ago and they will be expanding on them. Dave informed the committee that Chuck Novack had recently asked for the GSI of the area from the consulting engineering department. The engineers were very cooperative and have recently sent this information to Chuck. Requests for bids for the grading of the area went out and will be in on 10/29/93 at 10:00 a.m. Some of the grading costs were defrayed by the use of fill from the construction on 145th Street and Chili. Ed Howard, a member of the audience, asked if the committee had yet looked at using the Guard for man power on any projects. He said that now is a good time to get them involved. They are at a down time and willing to get involved in community projects, especially one with the level of visibility that Erickson Community Square will have. He suggested that Dave or a committee member contact Major General Eugene Andriotti as a starting point. He stressed that even if the Guard cannot help at this point, they may be willing to get involved in future projects if the leg work is done now. Dave said that he would talk to Jim Topitzhofer the following day to get his recommendations of what steps to take. Jim has been working closely with the Guard on the construction of the armory and community center. Dave commented on how the lines of communication between the Parks and Recreation Committee and the subcommittees must remain open. This will enable each committee to make greater progress with their projects and to help keep the community on track with what is being accomplished. Deanna stressed that projects such as Carrolls Woods will always be controversial. The Parks and Recreation Committee and the respective subcommittees have to continue to use the Master Plan to show there are goals each committee is striving for. This could be used to counteract the negative influences working on certain projeets. IV. WORKSHOP TOPIC FOR MEETING,NOVEMBER 4, 1993: As discussed at the September 20, 9 993 meeting, Jim Topitzhofer has been invited to the November 4, 1993 meeting. Dave asked that all of the committee members plan to attend this workshop. Dave said that Jim has had time to develop plans, draw up commission statements, etc. and he feels the Parks and Recreation Committee should 4, draw on what he has done. Now is a good time to talk with Jim while he has the time. When he starts with operations of the community center, he may not have the time to share with us. The meeting is scheduled for November 4, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. V. PARK ORDINANCE DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL: Dave presented the updated park ordinances that Wendy Foreman worked on with Lacelle Cordes during Wendy's internship this summer. They have been edited and presented to the City attorney. They were given to the committee members last month to look over. Dave requested an approval for a change f om the Parks and Recreation k PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DRAFT October 18, 1993 Page 3 Committee members. He asked that it be specifically stated in the park ordinances that Erickson Community Square hockey rinks were open 24 hours. The skaters would have access to the lights to operate on their own, but would not have access to the warming house after hours. In previous years skaters have often been seen on the rinks at 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. It has been policy to let them have access to the lights for several years, and they have had no incidences of problems. Scott Rynerson made a MOTION to recommend the park ordinances with the addition of 24 hour hockey rinks at Erickson Community Square to the City Council for their approval and adoption. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. L::;:I I. RESIGNATION OF DEPARTMENT PART TIME SECRETARY: Dave informed the committee members that Kerry Budinger has resigned from the position of Secretary Aide for the Parks and Recreation Department. Her last day of employment will be Friday, October 22, 1993. Dave supplied the committee members with an executive summary for action that will be presented to the City Council on October 19, 1993. It recommends that the council accepts the resignation of Kerry, approve the job description for the Secretary Aide position, and authorize the posting and advertising #or the position. II. DEPARTMENT STAFFING PROPOSAL: Dave briefed the committee members on hiring strategy for filling the positions. In order to promote some stability within the department Dave is recommending that the council approve Wendy Foreman and Lacelle Cordes for full time Programmers for the Parks and Recreation Department. This would leave the position of the Assistant Director open at this point. The department will consist of two programmers and a part time secretary. Dave and Ron Wasmund, acting City Administrator, will continue to evaluate the needs of the department and make recommendations accor ingly. Dave would like this to take effect immediately in order for Wendy and Lacelle to get to work on their respective programs as soon as possible. When the new administrator is hired that person can work with Dave to address the Parks and Recreation Department and to possibly fill the position of Assistant Director at that time. Scott noted that the Parks and Recreation Committees position on staffing issues is to leave them to the director and administration, but wished the staff good luck. III. WENSMAN DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL: Dave gave each member a copy of a proposed development plan by Wensmann Homes, Inc. that is located bordering south of Cty. Rd. 42, and placed between Shannon Parkway and Diamond Path. It shows that there is a large open space for a park placed within the development with bike trails running through the development connecting Shannon Parkway with Diamond Path. One safety concern was that this bike trail crosses a main street in the middle of a block. There are also questions on how it may be possible to connect the bike trail that stops on Danbury to a bike trail that stops on Danville Ave. This will be connected with a trail that runs east and west along 151 st Street. The committee had several concerns and asked Dave to get further information on the number of multiple dwellings in the development, and the definition of a deck home. Dave will also ask if the park area will be used for ponding, and who will be maintaining the trails through the development. Dave s; said that he will collect the information the committee is requesting and bring it to the ne ct meeting in j November. IV. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: DAVE GILIUSON: Nothing at this time. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DRAFT October 18, 1993 Page 4 DEANNA SIMPSON: Deanna had a request from the garden club about placing a snow fence on the west side of the community garden bordering the Dakota Central Buildings parking area. There was a short discussion regarding the possible need for a permanent fence there. Deanna felt that a snow fence would be sufficient at this point. Deanna said that there have been some inquiries by residents in the neighborhood of the construction on 145th Street and Chili Avenue. There has been a triangular area created by this, and the garden club is looking at doing some landscaping in the area. Several neighbors in the area have expressed their interest in helping with this project. There is some money in the Tree Trust that may be used to buy some apple trees and flowers for this area. This is a public works area. Dave's staff will coordinate some of the work that has already been discussed between Deanna Simpson and Bud Osmundson. SCOTT RYNERSON: None. JOHN HOWARD: Stated he enjoyed working at the Renaissance Festival, but was not sure the profits were worth all the work. LINDA LADZUN: Updated the committee members on the community center commission. They are continuing to work on policies, procedures, and rates. They are currently focusing on concession stand policies. V. DtRECTOR'S REPORT: At the next meeting in November Dave said that it will be necessary to look at the bylaws. They will be sent with the agenda for the November meeting. He recommended that the committee members look at them, and pay special atte tion to the section on voting in new officers. The park dedication formula will be reviewed to see if any changes are needed for the year. IV. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Deanna Simpson SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary T0 = PARK5 , RECREATION COMMITT F FZOM DAVID J . ECHTOLD — DIR CTC R OF PRRK5 & F ECR ATTON t ATE Nt7UEMF3ER 12 , 1`3 RE COh1P1ITTEE MEETING OF NGVEMBEFi 15 , 1993 DaTE : NOVEMBER 15 , 1993 PLACE ; ROSEMOUNT CTTY HALL TIM : 7;30 P . M . NOTE: THE CARROLLS WOODS M ETI aG AT 6=30 ) AGENDA: I , CALL MEETING TQ ORDER I T . ADD IT Tt NS Ti THE AGENDA TII . APPROVE MTNUTES OF THE OCT08ER 18 , 1993 ME T]:NG IV . AUD:[ENCE INPUT OLD BU5INESS' I . F A, UP r T ( 7C M liJEM,NN / & C AVE } I I . P RK E'1s LUr TIt hJS 1 Tr FF WORK ( ICK. CCcJK ) 1'T T , AF2Mn`( UPD T ( SUMP'fAR`( 0 ,ORK SHOP M ETING 0 11/4 , 3 IU . UP 7 TE OPd DEVELC PM NT ( GENER L DTS'USSTON ) V . RICKSON COh1MlJNITY SC.JARE ( UPC A7E ) VI , CARRt LLS WOi D: 1 ( UPDAT ) NEW BUSINESS I , tYLR4J5 REVI.W II . PARK L EL ICATIc hJ R VIEW IIl' . CHASRPERSOP d 'S EPORT I 1 . C IRECTOR 'S REF O T V . Ap.70URNMENT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 15 , 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT= John How.rd , .7 rry Puciaty , Tom R ll r , C Giliuson , G nna SimpSan STAFF PRESENT: C., E cht l , Dir ctor ofi Park: ecr tian , F;icl. Cn k , Super isor f Par ks f intenancc , Lacelle Cnrd:s , P&R ra rarnrner , M r!< Joos en , h I:int n i cA II ( Parks ) MEMBERS ABSENT= Scott Ryn rsnn , iinda Ladzun CALL TO ORDER= 7n m tir g . ca.Ll-c to orc r :r. .% : 35 by V.i_e Ci airpersGn , Dave Giliu n . ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA= N nz APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 18 , 1993 MIIVU7ES= MOTION ,:y ?anna Sim=;rn a rcve the min..; c7f O:;tob r 18 , 1993 . SECOIVD y .7;wrr; .ici._; . y s : P x,r : c; MOTION CARRIED . Ui IE ICE IN UT Non OLD BUSINESS I . RAAA UPDATE C ir:c c r C a ,ht.l i informeci the Cc mmit e m,mb rw; th t Tc m N.emanr w. not ble to ak.tencl this m eting . He su mitte t vhe Cc mmitt e a copy f h-= znformation fr m tl R Aa B ar tt at cS t.il c.i t.h p rc nt of .rti.ci ar t from ach of the area citi s and tf p t-cent f fii lc: tl at cl city ro id p r spr rt . TI . PARK EVALUATIONS= ":i k C ak ancs 1 r k t n Q :h rt •:::u.rnrn.ry. c>fi the w rk rel in 7ayc: f ar- k , This incl«S cS th s ll fia.lci c,ru,wt i,r n: the t7- lanti n th t. . a part af a par k r n . S,ick ir-=orm d n c c1rnmitt that tn y I d ut t.i? of the main post cf in th ground ,r th l r r pi ni tahl . Con:tru,tion of th picnic tables can nc U t.ls 1 c w,n t.h crcw f as tim to builcl .hem . Fnllowin a ciiscussic n of the two r m inin ta'les a decision was rn d a t ihere tG construct ti ircl anc4 faurth structur s . MC77TON by D dnn Simpson to cons.ruct ong tabl in 8isc yn Park a d th; uth r in Ki u r Par k . SECOND by .7o1 n ;owarc! . Ayes 5 Nay s 0 , MOTION CARRIED . III . ARMORY UPDATE= G v Giliusc i %nd oth rs suinmarize intormati n from tY r No i:mber ic r ksho . 'im To;itzhof r , t Dir ctor af t e cw mmunity Centrr , w at t1 at meetin to l'J a tailed re{rt nf th lanned Cent.r rp rat ions , ave Es ch old has notes t1 h ,il.l write up i or tl C mmitt m mber: . IV . UPDATE ON DEVELOPMENTS: No specific cl velopments were discussecl . D anna Sim s n vaiced her feelings relating to ar a.s of the city that ar rezc ned or some other chang is made in tf7 lanned type r t d v lo m;nt that was to take place there . When the Parks Mas.r Pl n w s g nerated th r wa c rtain type nf land use th t we bas i t decision dn . If t1,r i n w to k e d cl ange thvn we should consicl r ow tl at cl an es th park dem nds frr m cash to 1 nd c r wh t combin ti ns of lanci and cash we should be as ing for to develop arks . Ev n if takint 1an does 7 't a1.1 for enougl t-,h t e4 1, th p,rk ri'r t aw y it mi ht b e:t to get th ].ancS o that. l tt r n w can cl vel p tl typ af rk that i ac qu t t meet th n ds c f th t rea . Oth r members v icec! tl ea.r dgreement wit.h this opinion . Th r in y b: : n-:1 to hav tl r de A:o er inclu m r przv, p rk 1 n! in th .:v lc prn r t alsa ii= the cS n ity <.: _; up . Th t way w co.l i m t t I- rn r« ju.:i as we .lanned tn ac in th Lim rick T wi H arne d v l m nt . 7I7 t cc r c pt hauld be adclre5sed wh n there is m_lti le w.11in y:lann< . MOTION by D i Giliu:nn to discusy the rk edicatian land v/s cash i su ,t th Ca s:einber 2 , 1gR3 w rks . 5ECOND by Jerry Puciaty . A'Y, . N ye 0 M07ION CARRIED . V . ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE: D.nna 5im r n an .7ohn How r t w . br i t= su nm ry fr n th i r 1,t me ti n of Nov mb r 10 , 19'?^ . 8ud l).-a Tl l,l.Tl C:=C Tl ;, "1... 1' T"I)1 Tl=..^.T s '1 c"1 C Ci Ifl ,C '."1 ia t, fTl v'',1 Tl .O Ca'1 L v c. 1"1 i U c c! i ll l .t_.:t].17: G Y l.l.1.].,1 t?S , C 15 C l.,[SS Y c'i 1 Tl c'3 V "".il c T"Tl S , ^.,t i: . . Bi d r commenc ed t e u of dr n :,il Frarn th; Corcc r n •ro r:Y ta a tc>>m u7-ain alon< t e Uri: w y t Czty H 11 t c;ont r-aJ. th: r«i c i=f frarn tr t a-:a . i recom nencl d also tha, ,t n t'r WAC , 6JAC , and h1t JCC ch.r s cam c,u: wahan t sh it r i c ns ruct, tl t he Utility u;-•i trr:r r_ nc u.lci w iv: thos f e -Fc7 r .__; c-: ty rc,j.ct . Th :now 1-n4 i: u r b tw n t!- i z c t. .i.lc in .n thM fl w r rd n . T:y thank d Ua„e , F;ick , a.r c1 th- cr.i 1=ro fa.t a.ction in t ing c r f r.'-.t:. ,-;:-,:;:1 . Ti. <ra fir g fc r the arnph.th ate r wa: p{ o-Ff until n xt y ar . Dav I a.w s nt a l t e7 t; th j_,t:::nt :un ral 's o=fica tc inquire about th h(ati n 1 G_iard ecoming invol . Rick n< Dave will b contactinc,. the l.s:j to _ z= r,-, wc u.0 b illina to h l; wzth th.: r ing ,r s s , t r y , Tf, prc j ct h c gon out for bids . Since th lowest bi wa: rY I igh it ,i; ecid c! t nut do the proj ct now . According tc 8ur there m y be a f w places t et fre fill n ht y ar . Th t could sav u to 14 ,bn on th project costs . Ct-uck P ovak an' Scatt Gundhus are working or- t it landscaping ar-d th ar,hit?,Wture 1= th buil in . 8 th hav waiv tf ir fees to wt rk uaith this rc ject . The L ecember m eting was canc lled t allaw for th m to hav m r tim t prepar c r-.win s , tc . frr th c mmitt . VI . CARRO LS WOODS COMMITTEE UPDATE: h1ik uscho , chairman af th committe , ga.vu an upd t . ick Cook and the crew l av identifieci d g n ral lc wation for tf- tr i 1 l ading from tl sc uth e t cc ss point . Da 8 chtol f s c:or7 c.ed th sc o l an r ceived permissi n from 7,1 5utt r t pl nt t7-s and in t,ll a walkin g t anr ma.intenance gat. t tl trn.il uc s point located behind th high schnol . Th r will I, volui te r bucktl;rn r ina ial da o i D c inb r 4th 1=rc m 1 : GG , . M . unti 1 1 ; 00 P . h1 , . Lett.rs wi 11 be sent to a 11 of tl e p c pl an th m il_r<-; li t= tt r au r c mmittees . Th t ay a mor- cl ar locat.isar fi tl-y> tr il rr dy- » i-fentii=.d wh n som of t1 bu ktF rn i remov d . c3 cau e f tl r es of th ar a th trail may hav t b mo; Lr.:ral f t fit of planneci loc tionW . D'..' ,: u ., r c uNst uc O m ndson tt heck for th gr s tl:t Uic Y- k.r , corn l t c; by ha c;ev;l p r anc ch.c:,< if t t 1 as n c;rar . Th?r- a.r I-orn b,ina k uilt :lt r< tl e outlot an . st t m=7t .sl o:l; b r 1 .a.l. i i'`C;i F i i:1 Tl'"i il c.`. 1 O .'i€ S a t U., J 1" t.i'i g Y e't"1 Yi q . NEW BUSINESS I . BYLAWS: Ti- (c::rninitt: a;r cf t hat y laGv., r acc:at l a s •aritt.n c t i c r- the a.•r a c fi seivc.ti n prc c s; c f a D.r c.t::r if tnat ositicn shaul v r n u . .7 r ry l uu i ty 1. t i: isc:!::s.ion wa i-. . d p c::r7<.=7-r th t it w.:- f lt ta ,ry important t.'ut tl bylaG is L JOLl.C t t tl at a m;Nn k.,<r of ti rk. , R=cr tz n Gommitt would b on th l c:ti n can rnit an{ wcy_i1.c1 int,=:•rvi:, tl-: c nciidat s . A1 C a nmitt n m r a r« that t.l is was im rtant tc them and t t it huuld :.- discussed at th wc rkshop m etin i if th re wa time . Tnis iten wa.s t bl h{ar action until ti.= D r mbwr 2nth m t.n , D e ch,r lcl is t ch ck if th:r is a plac in any city c licy tnat i a ntifi s an;r s ci ic proce ur th t must b follow tha rtain to th selection ane.i hiring af a Directc r . If there is no policy th en th Crammitt f l that tf- P rk: ant R,r t,ion b l s sh ul adt re tt is and inclu e th m in the proce5s . II . PARK DEDICA7ION REVIEW: Discussions dealt first with th resi?nti l d uication . D dicatinn infc r-mat.ion was pY-ent t r rn mbers to use f r comp risons . It was f lt ta b im ortant to incre.se th 1 n valu wl icl7 wou1 result in sligr t inc7-s this ye.r . MOTION by .7erry Pu<iaty to r cQmm nd ta th, Cit.y Cauncil to incr- th l r! value in th p rl; d dicati n fi es from 13 ,C G er acre t.o tl zt ot 1+ ,OGO r arr . SECOND by J I n H warcl . Ay 5 . Nay: Q MOTION CARRIED . Tndustr-ial and camm rcial cS dicatic n 1=es w re discussed . It was fi lt th t tl f rmula is ad qu te as writt n . MOTION f y D e Gili.uson t re om r-; to tl e City roun:.,i l to k e the l n a1u in th cc mm 7-i l a.nd industrial park J r irati n at 22 ,000 per acre . SECOND by De nna. 5a.m,,on . AY s 5 . Nayes 0 . MOTION CARRIED , u.v b c tr li br,u l7t tl e con,;-ryt af trai.l d t ic tinn to th Committ . Other citi s do ha a tra.il f e alc ng with park cl cficati n . f O^fll C U ll T"ta U 1 Y i=: t l%t t. t,f" ;i V}-.8 i" 1 ll t^].11+ ,'1 C C S. O 1'd 1 S W 1,t,"1 i u v:1;rn::-;,;: nd m.t. ,-z; fnr all tr il casts b sic s the ark 4a«ic tiun . Li Ft se , t I pa:t G.ity l nr r , had r quest d us tn lo k in.o writin ,li y fior t.rail 1 Qt cGuld ,e us ed i n tf P1ar-r ir< D rtm nt rr ewt: with c elop r-s . This it m will b discu:s a.t t h D c rnk er 2 nci a sr kshop . III . CHAIRPERSON 'S REPORT: 7;T"T"y p U C L j' — 1'I O ll Ujo'r r H U r - n;r L)'d I il ci. c 1 Ill;::r.=1'j' ; I I i 7 1 i<;_.r l {_%a.'f.1 . ;i c-:: n c! .t h i r ,c ?i`(" .I I^3 Ct(2 ce cc c p r-:ti n r- :f pr,„i::,wt a; tl, w;rn r tat 1+t1 str et n CI7i1i ve . . Shc= also ir ciu M cl E,u.c:f Osmun;:c n n S hiu st.aff in tY t tl an. you . i i ',, t- 1 ' t.f t thi: i .n atl-er ;;ni l o w c lur teer an:i c.ity . 1 w rl:inc P c n-f in t n t: c:c mpl r_.=: not'r•r rr j c, that. ti cit.iz n ,ill i.i: }=r"U Ci : . :..'.i"Il.>i 'c.1 il i,: ''u 'i.' 1"t C t?1 tiJ 2< T' -'v t F.' ia v':.i t.j,',/: t:C i(1 f(1;=T"I i. C?'!'i t.f i.l. Y Cr;?c:t. „ G anna i as s n:. l tt r r:r<;ir s ia t t,h ministratc r , P 1 y 7r an City Cauncil . SY i` lanr ir tc i a_ v this t'r nk y ut i.nt: the n w pa;r . i?ave echtolc,4 cornrn r t c agairi tha. w hc uld a.lw ys 'ren'm,r tha. tr u pt r-t and i.l a troin th Park Recr ati n Cc mrnittee is very important pa rt of making r es jnint projects of volun e_rs anci t.ff w rk . Je rry Puc iaty commentec! h t we shoulci make sur2 we dan 't tak the a a r k m int na 1=or grant d . St ff is r ally u in< , job . Tom Re11er and J rry cnmmented th, the Pa.rks & Recreation staffi hav always wor ta w il with volunt rs . D ann s id it was important f r oPle t F;now just I c w much work volu.nteers can accomplish , especial.ly by working tna th r with st hf . F Da comm nte that wl7 n o;.: ti isit aur citY tl y r co niz the cl an tr ets tc . . Tt7ey. r ally n tice it wh n they come to corn r and Ua hav proj cts ].ik: th Chili s:t. . 1"I== unt.Y i. pl nnin a ki,:k a th wa.er .a in or CY i nc.fal an Cou.r ty acl # 42 . This wiill also bring atteni.it n to t f b.utifi t ion af t ,ity . 7oh n ,'c w rcl th_ank De,nna. for t-r pers n 1 f1=cr s in this project . To 11.er - n n C:V: l.1 J,J I 1 I I 1 I I IV . DIRECTOR 'S REPORT= Som time a Deanna Sirnps n r min d u of k ow irr o•rt n xt ,i: f r .ch ofi us t.o s t r`on l gaal s to why w s rve on th P 7-'F,; ?x R c r.ti{n Ctan-it e . Tt is iin c t t n a7- us tc look t thc e c,a.I . Sr,rn cf th rn mb r`f-iip:; are rorning to an end ancf Da r qu^t each m m r t c nsi r s rw in <ain . G e ex ress t his fe lings a ut t1 e c mfnrt l vel tha.t he nc{ is st f-F haue wi..h w rkin< z t :ach , th C inini t? mwinka 7-:: . It is a p sitiv r latians!-iip . Ther is int•racti.on , 1=dvack , and a conc rn for WG7" C1 Tl t,c:=t}1 T- . G_i.r n::xt. me tinci will be the g.lar C e,mk>u.r m tinc . gu¢st f th Cc mmitt M mb r: a.: invS.t tt in u: an th p rtm nt s:ff wi11 also b invit:= to jGrn us . F=' xs rr e t.in r_n T'r_i.r;c.y t E: : 30 t t.l: 'c n ur t Mi{dle chool D i: ill n t al;; rc.> att n m:a:.,t nf tl-r in ti7 u tw ,.;wr_ia:l bu:et m tinr _ _ fic r tl at. ame tirn,=: in citv 1,.11 , 7 i. rc u i Q fdr ssincs t F 1Y Ct'JTI vT'1: t.l?`j% T"r?.3,E? ` !e31` r: C1c i T"t?c l r?c't 1t ll, . 1:::t.l.r^-.. q Ut 1S m c i n<„! ':Y"4;s'('C.' r ci C t.{Y 3'`1 T"I<,,j"- .'i t 1 Y` C V 1"1 C;..'f'1"I=< c'S C O fl11 Tl<:1 'rJ'(i ITI'f7 j' a.T'S . rt nf tl i: r a.a: tfor t:_ r ;t ft m m r a tt ,unty Ext n.i n ffic i, 4,,c r :inc. tc.- p t toc t.l,r m t.rix r f ,r-vic:, =t c n b J pru i4, t ro i ;b1., n r.v.tt. s ct r ,n, r_om in tt t li t wit.h a li t. of t w r:ds tn.t ar- ir i:nti`i a k:y he cit.iz rr: . 7 cw i 111 i p 4 J 1"t C l; :;t].t ll c W f"1 a n W Tl: i:"i L.a i l 1'i X 't,c 1"i J.T" i.W 7 i'fl Ci"1i}.,p pC t 3pc:i Cr_aUTl.y` 'r',r r'1Ci 42 . T. '1c^,:; .7.='FTl CJ T1 "ca1" c", ldTlC 1 Tlu , I tl i ni lc>>-:a t t17 cir_y may b w u1 c o Uom thins tc a.m ro r it . i t i1J. ci:c:.M: G,ai:. ot-er city t ff tc; fir d ut ti e wnershi , V . ADJOURNMENT: MOTION y .7ohn How a t: jt ur . SECOND k y Da4 e G.iiius n . y 5 . N y s 0 . MOTION CARRIED . i o osemoun PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)423-5203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Kiassen James(Red)Staats Harry Wilicox Dennis Wippermann ADMI'STRATOR Stephan Jilk TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DATE: AUGUST 11, 1993 RE: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 16, 1993 DATE: AIIGIIST 16, 1993 PLACE: JAYCEE PARR SHELTER TIME: 7:30 P.M. AGENDA: I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER II. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III. APPROVE MINUTES OF THE JULY 19, 1993 MEETING IV. AUDIENCE INPUT OLD BIISINESS• I. RAAA UPDATE II. CARROLLS WOODS UPDATE III. WORKSHOP MEETING FOR SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 NEW BUSINE88• I. PARK DEDICATION CARLSON PROPERTIES II. PARK DEDICATION KERRY JOHNSON PROPERTIES III. PARK DEDICATION CMC PROPERTIES IV. PARK DEDICATION BUSINESS PARK V. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT VI. DIRECTOR'S R PORT VII. ADJOITRNMENT ver ings ovntng i osemoun TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DATE: APRIL 14, 1993 RE: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1993 DATE: APRIL 19, 1993 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 P.M. AGENDA: I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER II.ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III. APPROVE MINUTERS OF THE MARCH 15, 1993 MEETING IV.AUDIENCE INPUT OLD BOSINESB: I. RAAA UPDATE II. SUMMARY OF WORK SESSION OF APRIL 1, 1993 III. SUMMARY OF CARROLLS WOODS AND COMMUNITY SQUARE MEETINGS IV, STAFFING V. WORKSHOP MEETING FOR MAY 6, 1993 NEW BII8INE88: I. RAP" GROUP PARK PROPOSAL II. KERRY JOHNSON CONCEPT PLAN III. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT IV. DIRECTOR S REPORT V. ADJOURNMENT i . t PARRS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGOLAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Rynerson, Tom Reller, Dave Giliuson, Linda Ladzun, Jerry Puciaty, Deanna Simpson, John Howard STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director Parks and Recreation, Lisa Jost, Assistant Director Parks and Recreation, Rick Cook, Parks Department, Mark Joosten, Parks Staff, Kerry Budinger, Secretary MEMBERS A88ENT: None CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7:40 p.m, by chairperson, Scott Rynerson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: There were no additions to the agenda, but two "NEW BUSINESS" items were moved up on the agenda to accommodate those who came to give presentations. The meetings took place in the following order: OLD BIISINESS: I. RAAA Update; NEW BIISINESS: I. "RAP" Group Park Proposal, II. Kerry Johnson Concept Plan; OLD BIISINESS and NEN BIISINESS then followed as printed. APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 15, 1993 MINIITES: MOTION by Scott Rynerson to accept the minutes of the March 15, 1993 meeting as printed. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MINIITES APPROVED. AIIDIENCE INPIIT: None. C i?:::;:5,.'.$8 I. RAAA UPDATE: Tom Neumann was present at the meeting to give a brief update on RAAA registrations and the future of the joint athletic complex proposed for Apple Valley. Registrations are being completed for baseball, softball, and track at this time. Soccer registrations are starting a week from April 19, 1993 . The parks have been arranged and should be set. He also reminded the committee members about the decision by the Apple Valley City Council to allocate half of the money for the arena to buy down bonds of the Maintenance Facility. He felt that this spelled out the fate of the future athletic complex on 16Oth Street in Apple Valley. He then read an excerpt from the minutes of the Apple Valley Parks and Recreation Committee which stated that the Finance Department of Appie Valley would be willing to float $150, 000 to $180, 000 per year for the maintenance of the an ice arena to the cities general fund. The Ualley Athletic Board is divided on whether they should pursue the arena. In Toms opinion he is not sure if the arena is fated to be built or not. He encouraged a more aggressive approach to lobbying in favor of the athletic facility by the RAAA members. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting April 19, 1993 Page 2 I:?$ r,::ti•'r':i:4:4:ti3::"i.:Y.•ii:i::i:•.:......n:i•:4 I. "RAP" GROIIP PARR PROPOSAL Council Member Sheila Klassen introduced the "RAF" Group (Rosemount Activities Program) and the Chairperson, Lucinda Adams. Lucinda informed the committee members of some of the history and goals of the Group. The concern they bring before the committee members this evening is the request for support of allacating land for a small one acre park to be built in the immediate area of the Rosemount Greens Apartments and Limerick Way Townhomes. She briefed the members on the number af children located in the area and the need for a park that can be accessed safely for play and RAP activities. She then introduced Kim Cardelli who gave some ideas the group had regarding contacting area businesses such as Koeh Refining, and government offices that may be willing to contribute money toward this project. Kim also gave some ideas of perhaps working together with the Parks and Recreation Department for maintenance of the park, etc. After considerable discussion regarding the issue in relatian to the Parks Master Plan and possible exceptions because of the derise population of multi- dwelling homes in the area a MOTION was made by Scott Rynerson to support a feasibility study for a park (private or public) in this area. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. The RAP representatives asked for input from the committee on what procedure to use ta introduce this idea to the appropriate city committees and commissions. Scott Rynerson and Jerry Puciaty voiunteered to meet with members of the committee for this purpose. A meeting was set up for May 13, 1993 at 6: 30 p.m. to begin preliminary discussions on this issue. II. RERRY JOBNSON CONCEPT PLAN: Rosemount resident, Kerry Johnson, came before the committee to give a presentation on a proposed development plan for the land now occupied by Repairs Inc. This land is located directly southwest of Erickson Community Square. Mr. Johnson gave a brief presentation on the office building he and his father are proposing for the area and the plans of land use for the area to accommodate parking for the building. Aecording to the current architectural plans more land wouid be needed than is available at the present time. Kerry came before the committee to propose the allocation of approximately 43 ft. X 160 ft. pieee of land to the north of the Repairs Inc. , now part of Erickson Square, and another 7 ft. wide area to the east of Repairs Inc. be allocated for his development project. At the present time this land is proposed for fill to make an ADA regulation walking path for access to Erickson Park. This path would need to be moved more to the north, and Mr. Johnson stated he would be willing to work with the Parks committee to make the Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting April 19, 1993 Page 3 landscaping of the proposed development a part of the park. Ae also stated that he was willing to share the parking area for the office buildings to be used for park events, A conflict was seen with the landscapinq and the new location of the proposed amphitheater for Erickson square, but Deanna stated that the Erickson Square Subcommittee would be willing to look at options with Mr. Johnson that may benefit both parties. After a short discussion the committee members concurred that they could discuss the issue and make further recommendations after Mr. Johnson has made his presentation to all committees and eommissions involved. Mr. Johnson told the committee that they are looking at breaking ground in the last summer, and he would appreciate if a decision could be made in a timely manner. G1 i?:;:;5:$ II. SIIMMARY OF R RR SESSION OF APRIL 1, 2993: Scott Rynerson stated that he felt the workshop meeting was very informative. RAAA Treasurer, Steve Reischauer, was very interesting, and brought up a couple points about the RAP.A program that the committee members were not aware of. One being the RAAA group that has a purpose of looking at hardship cases and deciding who to help with funding sports fees, etc. Scott felt that, perhaps, the RAP group could benefit from this aspect of the RAAA program. Linda Ladzun stated that she was not aware of this part of the program either, and felt that it was a great benefit for those that needed it. Mr. Reischauer voiced his thanks for Dave and the Parks and Recreation Department for the great cooperation and efforts they give to make the RAAA programs work. III. SIIMMARY OF CARROLLS WOODS AND ERICR80N COMMTJNITY SQUARE MEETINGS: Carrolls Woods: Ron Pederson was on hand to update the committee members on the current status of Carrolls Woods projects. A target area has been cut in Carrolls woods and they are readying to apply a couple different herbicides to this area (Tordon or Crossbow) to see the results of both. Another session is planned to chip buckthorn on May lst. Volunteers are needed again for this. The subcommittee has been busy -planning ways in which they can use the $15, 000 from the CIP funds for each park. He listed several ways in which the committee would like to use the money or part of the funds, some being trail groomer, various hand tools, hiring of staff, etc. The next meeting is scheduled for May 17, 1993 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Ron also notified the Parks and Recreation committee members that he will be resigning from the Carrolls Woods subcommittee due to other responsibilities with the new arena. The committee members thanked him for his time and efforts on the Carrolls Woods subcommittee. Erickson Community Squarez Deanna told the committee members about the tours the Erickson Square Subcommittee took on April 6, 1993 to Parks and Recreation Cammittee Meeting April 19, 1993 Page 4 the Minnesota Zoo to view their amphitheater, Terrace Oaks Park in Burnsville, North Park in Lakeville, and Jaycee Park to view their shelters. From these tours they have gotten some good ideas on some things that would meet the needs of our community for the amphitheater proposed for Erickson Square and the new shelter to be built there also. The subcommittee also met on April 13 h to discuss the tour and to set some goals for the coming year as far as landscaping ideas, fund raising ideas, etc. The next meeting is scheduled for May 18, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. Dave informed Deanna that he had contacted Corcoran Equipment regarding the water flow problem that is destroying areas of the community garden. Corcoran is willing to work with the Erickson Square Subcommittee on improving this situation. Deanna suggested that perhaps the problem could be solved easily by digging trenches and lining them with plastic and rocks. Maybe Corcoran could help them dig the trenches to divert the water away from the garden area. Dave agreed since Mr. Corcoran said he was willing to help out on this item. The water flows from the Highway #3 area and across the gas station and Corcoran Hardware to this flower garden area. IV. STAFFING: Dave informed the committee that on April 4, 1993 the City Council approved the promotion of Lacelle Cordes to the position of part time parks programmer. Also, Wendy Foreman, who a. been working for the department as a seasonal staff inember for a couple years, has been recommended and approved for the position of part time athletic program director. She will also be, f inishing her college work and will be interning with our department this summer for that purpose. The Parks and Recreation Departments are both in the process of hiring their summer staff, Scott Rynerson took this time to tell Lisa that the Egg Hunt was a big success and thanked the staff for doing a great job at handling the volume of children that were at the egg hunt this year. V. WORRSHOP MEETING FOR MAY 6, 1993: Dave referred the committee members to the copy of the memo that Ron Wasmund sent to the Utility Commission. The meeting will be held with the members of the Utility Commission at 7:30 p.m. on May 6, 1993 iR`:::?':`°£:5 III. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: DAVE GILIUSON - Invited the committee members and staff to oint the Carrolls Woods Subcommittee in Carrolls Woods on May 1st to help with the chipping of buckthorn. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting April 19, 1993 Page 5 DEANNA SIMPSON - Deanna inquired that when it is necessary for trees to be cut down would it be possible to invite the community to haul away any woods that they would like vs paying to have the woods hauled away. Dave reminded Deanna of the liability of having citizens working on the park property with saws, etc. Yt might be a possibility if the woods is cut small enough for the public to simply haul and then work later at a different site of their own on the cutting. The disposition will be looked into further. SCOTT RYNERSON - Expressed a concern about the stakes that are on either side of the portable toilets in Charlies Park due to the traffic of kids in the area. Rick stated that these can be removed. He also wanted to inform the committee and thank Linda Ladzun for volunteering to serve on the Armary Committee. JOHN HOWARD - Inquired as to the procedure needed in order to get bike trails repaired. Dave informed him that he would need to notify the Public Works- Department to take care of this since the trail maintenance comes under public works. LINDA LADZUN - Congratulated the staff on the sma11 business grant they received for trees in Jaycee Park. Dave briefly explained the grant as being a matching grant of $5, 000. 00 from the state to finance the planting of trees bought from a small business and planted by a small business. Asked that a Thank you card be sent to the Jaycees for their donations to Carrolls Woods ($500) and Erickson Community Square ($7,000) subcommittees, and also their donations for Jaycee Park. JERRY PUCIATY - They are down to four candidates for the Armory Manager position. The position will be offered by Friday with an alternate candidate being named as a backup. IV. DIRECTOR'8 REPORT: Dave Bechtold and Mark Joosten went to the zoo a couple weeks ago and received the award, a large plaque, for the Tree City U.S.A. e Park Improvement Day is planned for May 22, 1993 in conjunction with the city clean up day. This wi11 be promoted in the near future. Dave asked to have the committee members clarify what subcommittee members are attending at this point in time. Also, if there are members that are listed, but not coming to the meetings. Please let Dave know and the decision can be made if new members need to be invited to join or can the committees function without any further members. Linda Ladzun is on the Erickson Community Square subcommittee. That eommittee is satisfied with the membership list. y Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting April 19, 1993 Page 6 A tree planting ceremony has been planned for May 4, 1993 at 7z30 p.m. Dave extended an invitation to the committee members to attend this. In case of rain, May 18, 1993 has been planned as an alternate date. The members did receive an invitation card from Lacelle previously. Rick informed Deanna that the woods has arrived for the picnic tables/shelters. He asked Deanna for her input on what locations would be best for these shelters. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting. BECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary x i o osemoun ONE (612)4234411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)423-5203 Mailing Address: Edward B. McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBEflS Sheila Ktassen James(Red)Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DATE: MARCH 10, 1993 RE: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 15, 1993 DATE: MARCH 15, 1993' PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL C4UNCIL ;CHAMBERB, 2875 - 145TH ST WEST TIME: 7:30 P.M. AGENDA I. CALL MEETING TQ ORDER II. ADDITI NS TO THE AGENDA III. APPROVE MINUTES OF THE FEBRiTARY 22, `1993 MEETING IV. AUDIENCE INPLTT OLD BOSINE88 I. RAAA UPDATE II. TRANSFER OF SHELTER FUNDS TO SUBCOMMITTEES III. APPROVAL OF BYLAWS BY CITY COUNCIL IV. TREE CITY USA V. SUMMARY OF WORK SESSION OF MARCH 4, 1993 VI. SUMMARY CARROLLS WOODS / ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE MEETINGS NEW BIISINESS I. PARKS PROGRAMMER II. CARROLLS WOODS - PRAIRIE AREA III. WORK SESSION MEETINGS IV. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT V. DIRECTOR'S REPORT VI. ADJOURNMENT i ver hings oming `Uf, osemoun recVcled Daper F PARRS AND RLCREATION COMMITTEE MELTING REGIILAR MEETING OF MARCH 15, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Rynerson, Deanna Simpson, Linda Ladzun, John Howard, Dave Giliuson, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller STAFF PRESENT: Lisa Jost, Dave Bechtold, Rick Cook, Kerry Budinger CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7:40 p.m. by chairperson Scott Rynerson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. APPRODAL OF T8E FEHRIIARY 22, 1993 MINUTEB: MOTION by Deanna Simpson to accept the minutes of February 22, 1993 meeting as printed. SECOND by Tom Reller. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MINUTES APPROVED. AODIENCE INPUT: Cathy Busho of the Planning Commission informed the members that the Camprehensive Guide Plan for the City of Rosemount has been completed and approved by the Council. It has now been forwarded to the Metropolitan Council. I. RAAA UPDATE: Tom Neumann was on hand to brief the committee members on the RAP,A program. The inhouse basketball numbers are down from last year, but the traveling basketball participation has increased. The tryouts for travelig soccer and baseball will be held next month. RAAA will inform the participants that they should avoid playing on the local fields until they are ready to go• The RAAA appointed one of their members from Rosemount to serve on the Armory Commission as requested. The Apple Valley City Council was presented with a petition requesting that the $3,000,000 be used for a new athletic facility for the area with approximately 3,000 signatures on it. The issue was tabled until a further date, but later in the evening the council appropriated half of the money ($1,500,000) to be used to buy down the bonds on the Central Maintenance Facility. The land alone for the athletic facility will be at least $1,500, 000.00. So the future of the athletic facility is very uncertain at this point. Apple Valley Park and Rec has set a user fee for the fields for RAAA tournaments at $35. 00 per day. This will take quite a chunk out of the expected profits from those tournaments. Tom asked if perhaps Dave could eonfer with the area parks and rec directors, PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING March 15, 1993 Page 2 etc. and resolve this situation because it can really stress the budget of local groups such as RAAA to have to rent fields for that amount. II. TRANSFER OF SHELTBR FUNDS TO SIIBCOMMITTEES: Dave informed the eommittee members that he was to have requested a transfer of funds from the shelter funds and distribute them evenly to the Carrolls Woods and Erickson Community Square subcommittees. When Dave presented this for review by the City Administrator, Steve Jilk, Steve recommended that the subcommittee members put actual projects together before the request is made of the council. If these lists of specific items needed by each subcommittee is then presented to the City Council along with the proposal to transfer the funds it has a better chance of gaining approval by the council. The committee members felt this was a good idea. They should meet to discuss projects with the idea in mind that the funds are there to be requested. This process would have to be done whether the fund title was changed now or later as the requests are made. III. APPROVAL OF BYLA PS BY CITY COONCIL: A handout (attached) was given to the committee members of page three of the Parks and Recreation Committee Bylaws. Steve Jilk, City Administrator, suggested that some changes be made in the wording of two of the items. These changes are listed clearly in the handout. These changes were reviewed with the committee members. After a short discussion a MOTION was made by Scott Rynerson to accept the bylaws with the revisions as written. 8ECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Dave will now take the bylaws to the City Council for approval. IV. TREE CITY USA: Dave informed the committee members that he will be presenting the Tree City USA program to the City Council and asking them to give public recognition to Lacelle Cordes and Mark Joosten and other Parks and Recreation staff for a job well done on the project. We will be receiving advertisement in the paper, mailings, and signs for the roadways entering the city designating us a "Tree City USA". There are many grants that we will be able to qualify for now that we have this certification, We must put in place programs to analyze diseased and damaged trees, analyze the safety of parks, reforestation, and analyze city ordinances regarding trees. This is where the proposed Parks Programmer position will be important to research and write ordinances. Deanna Simpson stated that she felt it was important to recognize and thank Mark Joosten and Lacelle Cordes and the other park staff for the work their work on this project. Scott Rynerson stated that she spoke for all the committee members in also giving recognition to the staff. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING March 15, 1993 Page 3 V. SUMMARY OF WORR SBBSION OF MARCB 4, 1993: The committee members found the meeting very informational.The Erickson Community Square subcommittee felt they were able to make better decisions with the information they received at the meeting. The committee members stated that the willingness of the Engineering Dept. to work with and inform the subcommittees was above and beyond their expectations. They wanted to extend a thank you and express their appreciation to Bud for being at the meeting providing the information for the committees. VI. SUMMARY SUBCOMMITTEE IYIEETING8: Erickson Community Square: The next meeting is scheduled for March 16, 1993. Carrolls Woods: The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 20, 1993 . Each member is to being a volunteer to help drag brush out of Carrolls Woods to the woodchipper. Parks staff will be chipping the wood. The Parks and Recreation staff and committee members were invited to join the volunteer group. There is some concern regarding the Tordon leaching into the root systems of surrounding plant life. There will be a small test plot of both the Tordon and Crossbow herbicides before any decisions are made as to which product to use. I.`"PARRB PROGRAMMER: (Handoutj Dave will be requesting the addition of a 3/4 time position of Parks Programmer to be added to the Parks staff to handle the Adopt-A-Park program, research and gather information regarding ADA standards in the parks system, and work with the Parks Dept. , Planning Dept, etc. while writing and updating ordinances, grant research, liaison between Parks and Rec Committee and the subcommittees, etc. The pay rate will be $9.61 per hour, 30 hours per week, with an approximate starting date of May 10, 1993 . Dave requested that the committee members express their approval of the addition of this position to the program. A MOTION was made by Jerry Puciaty to support the Park Directors request to the City Council for the position of Parks Programmer. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 7. Nays 0. MOTION CARRIED. II. CARROLLS WOODS - PRAIRIB AREA: Scott Rynerson verbally mapped out an area northwest of Carrolls Woods and told the committee members that he would like to begin to start making plans to obtain that area of land known as the Kelley property. A MOTION was made by Scott Rynerson requesting Parks and Rec staff to initiate a feasibility study regarding the purchase of the Kelley property adjacent to Carrolls Woods as described in our Master Park Plan. The study is to include inquiries to the property owner regarding availability and grant opportunity. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Scott felt that the position of the Parks Programmer would be valuable in this process, and this might be noted when presenting the position to the City Council. Dave is PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING March 15, 1993 Page 4 to contact the city Attorney to deal with this proposal. this should be done in conjunction with other departmen efforts dealing with the Kelley property. III. NORR SE88ION MEETING: Dave felt that it would be important to take the bull by the horns and invite Ron Wasmund, Bud Osmundson, and other staff inembers of the Departments and meet with the Utility Commission and Parks to look into ways we can share and continue to work together. Topics such as Birger Pond could be a priority. The committee members felt this was a good idea and thought it could be planned for the May workshop meeting. Dave will clear this with Ron Wasmund. Several topics were discussed for the April workshop meeting as follows: Leprechaun days: How can the committee members get involved, pubilicity, etc. Another topic being Public Relations, making the public aware of the committee and it's objectives. The topic the committee decided on was to have representatives from RAAA to the meeting to give an in depth report and take any questions. Dave will check with Tom Neumann to see if this would be possible. Leprechaun Days will be used as a back up topic. Sf not used as a back up, the subject of Leprechaun Days could be approached during the workshop meeting of June. IV. CHAIRPERSON'8 RBPORT: SCOTT RYNBRSON: Informed the committee members of a letter he received from Mayor McMenomy asking the Parks and Recreation Committee to provide them with a name of an individual to be appointed to the Armory Commission. He stated that he knew it would be quite a commitment, but if any members are interested they are to work up a background sketch and submit this to Dave. He asked that potential candidates make their final decisions by the end of the week. At this time Daue stated .that - Jerry , Puciaty has expressed an interest to volunteer to serve on the interview committee for the staffing of the armory. The committee members agreed that Jerry should be appointed to do so. DAVB GILIUSON: Reminded the committee members of the help needed at Carrolls Woods on Saturday, March 20. TOM RELLER: None. DEANNA SIMPSON: Stated that the Garden Club is concerned again this year about the water run off from the parking 1ot of Corcorans and they are wondering what can be done to help this situation. Dave stated he will talk with Corcorans and also Dakota Central regarding snow removal from their parking areas. Also, the Home PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING March 15, 1993 Page 5 and Garden Show has donated several trees, dozens of flower bulbs, and decorative grasses to the Parks and Recreation Department through Minnesota Green. They are being kept in a warming house until they can be planted. JOHN H+DIPAR e Had a question regarding the meet ng set up by the League of Cities. Dave stated that the League of Cities has scheduled a meeting with the committees and commissions of the City of Rosemount for a training session on what your job is, how to run meetings, how to be efficient, conflict of interest, etc. on March 22, 1993. He strongly encouraged the committee members to attend these sessions. LINDA LADZON: None. JERRY PUCIATY: None. Scott Rynerson mentianed that the Town Pages should be contacted regarding the volunteers and chipping the buckthorn at Carrolls Woods. Maybe we can provide them with a picture to print. The progress of Jaycee shelter was questioned, Dave stated that the final walk through needs to be scheduled and the facility will be accepted and scheduled for use. V. DIRECTOR'8 REPORT: Dave feels that it is important for the committee and staff inembers move ahead with projects. It is going to be important to work with other departments and commissions, etc. to get the best results. Dave then reviewed eneumbered funds, etc. of the budget report that had been given to each member that evening. ADJOIIRNMENT: MOTION by John Howard to ajourn the meeting. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was acljourned at 9:10 p.nt. Respectfully submitted, Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary i o osemouvt HONE (612)4234411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 5506&0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James{Red)Staats Harry Wilicox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk T0= PARKS & RECREATION COM ITTEE MEMBERS FROM= DAVID J . BECHl`OtD , RECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION DATE: FEBRUARY 16 , 1993 RE: PARKS & RECREATIOM COMM'ITTEE MEETING, OF FEB . 22 , 1993 DATE= FEBRUARY 22, 1993 ' PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7=30 P.M. AGENDA: I . CALL MEETING TO ORDER II . AODITIONS TO THE AGENDA III . APPROVE MINUTES OF TNE JANUARY `18 , 1993 MEETING IV . AUDIENCE INPl1T V . ELEC7ION OF OFFICERS OLD BUSINESS' I . RAAA UPDATE II . SUMMARY OF WORK SESSION OF .7ANUARY 25 , 1993 III . BYLAWS DI5CU55TON IV . SUMMARY OF CARROLLS WOODS AND TOWN GREEN MEETINGS V . ADOPT - A - PARK NEW BUSINESS I . ITEM FOR MARCH 4 , 1993 WORKSHOP II . CHAIRPERSON 'S REPORT III . DIRECTOR 'S REPORT IV . ADJOURNMENT t--+++t++-t++++t+t+f+++++++++++++++++++t+++++f+-t++ REMINDER: THE CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE WILL BE MEETING AT 6:30 P.M. PRIOR TO OUR MEETING. THEY HAVE A GUEST FROM THE DNR (LARRY WESTERBERG). HE WILL BE SPEAKING ON THE SUBJECTS + OF WOODLOT MANAGEMENT, HOW fi0 SET A PRIORITY SYSTEM FOR PROJECTS, AND BUCKTHORN . t++++++t++f+++++++++++++t++tt+++++++++t+++ ver ings oming `UL i osemoun S retVCleA DaPr. I Y t PARRS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRIIARY 22, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Rynerson, Deanna Simpson, Linda Ladzun, John Howard, Dave Giliuson, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director; Lisa Jost, Assistant Director; Rick Cook, Parks Supervisor, Sue Walsh, Lacelle Cordes, Mark Joosten MEMBERS ABSENT: None CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7:40 p.m. by chairperson Tom Reller. Assistant Administrator, Sue Walsh, administered the oath office to committee members Dave Giliuson and Linda Ladzun for a second term on the Parks and Recreation Committee. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Addition to Old Business section of VI. Ringette Program. APPROVAL OF THE JANIIARY 18, 1992 MINIITES: MOTION by John Howard to accept the minutes of January 18, 1992 meeting as printed. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. AUDIENCE INPIIT: None. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Chairperson Tom Reller opened the floor fo nominations for the election of officers to the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson positions. MOTION was made by Deanna Simpson to nominate Scott Rynerson for the position of Chairperson. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Elected by vote of 7-0. MOTION was made by Deanna Simpson to nominate Dave Giliuson for the position of Vice-Chairperson. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Elected by vote of 7-0. t3 A::»iS NEss I. RAAA UPDATE: Tom Neumann, The President of RAAA, gave a short summary of the RAAA program. They have just gone through their largest registrations of the year. Because of this the University property is being looked at more seriously as an alternate site for programs. Their organization plans to take an active role in obtaining property, possibly the present navy site. This is expected to be a project about 5-10 years in the future. 2 C PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE February 22, 1993 Page 2 When asked what had been decided on the $3, 000, 000 dollar fund balance of Apple Valley Tom informed the committee members that RAAA and AVAA went on a petition drive and will presented to the Apple Valley City Council at their next meeting to use the money to develop parks. Dave informed the committee members of some of the issues regarding the university property. Tom then asked the committee members if they have any questions that they would like him to take back to the RAAA Board. Dave Giliuson asked why the weekends are not utilized for programs. Tom stated that usually the weekends are not used because of the tendency for people to leave town on the weekends in the summer months. Last year, however, due to a need for field time they did have a Friday night programs on a rotating schedule basis. This may be utilized more often. II. SUMMARY OF WORR SESSION OF JANIIARY 25, 1993 MEETING: Dave informed committee members that he sent out the job descriptions that were researched from the ice arena school in Red Wing and some of the other cities because they were requested at the meeting. A short discussion took place regarding the decision that was made regarding management of the armory with Deanna Simpson expressing her approval of the armory manager directly reporting to the Cit Administrator and City Council. She felt that it should not be seen as a vote of no confidence for the Parks and Recreation Staff. She feels that the Parks and Recreation Department are doing a good job keeping the current programs and facilities running smoothly and she was concerned that the additional responsibilities regarding the ice arena may have been detrimental to this. Dave thanked her from himself and the department for stating this and felt that it was important for the staff to hear it. III. BYLAWS DISCOSSION: Scott Rynerson suggested a couple minor changes to the Bylaws as follows: Article VIII, Section 1 to xead: Recommend appropriate Parks and Recreation staffing. Article VIII, Section 2 to read: Appoint subcommittees as needed. MOTION by Scott Rynerson to approve the Bylaws with the minor changes recommended. SECOND by Dave Giliuson. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. IV. SUMMARY OF CARROLLS WOODS AND TOWN GREEN MEETINGS: Tom Reller briefed the committee members on the Carrolls Woods Subcommittee meeting held earlier in the evening. A decision had been made to get a volunteer group together and cut a test plot in Carrolls Woods on March 20th with the application of Tordon to the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE February 22 , 1993 Page 3 buckthorn. The plan is to cut the buckthorn as close to the ground as possible and then apply the chemical. They are in the process of obtaining samples of both Tordon and Cross Bow. The Cross Bow will be applied to the buckthorn closer to the peak growing period at the end of April. Deanna asked if any attention has been given to the trail maintenance problems. Dave Giliuson stated that buckthorn is the priority item at this point because of the short length of time action can be taken. After a plan to control the buckthorn is in place then other items such as trails can be addressed. Extensive discussion regarding trails took plac and Deanna requested that the subject of trail maintenance and design be discussed at the next Carrolls Woods meeting. John Howard supported her on this. Tom Reller suggested that while the committee is in the woods on the 20th of March that the subject could be addressed at that time. Dave Giliuson felt that was a good suggestion and supported putting it on the agenda for that day. Scott Rynerson questioned Dave regarding disability standards in relation to the trails at Carrolls Woods. Dave informed him that the staff is currently attending seminars regarding this matter and will be addressing it in relation to trails, etc. Deanna Simpson briefed the group on the Town Green Meeting that met on February 15th. Scott Gundhust from Evergreen Gardens and Joe Walsh from the Utilities Commission were present because the committee feels strongly about having Utilities involved since the area is considered a holding pond and park. There was extensive discussion regarding a change in the ampitheater location, down size the plans, etc. They also discussed ways in which to recognize donors to the amphitheater project. A high water mark is still needed in regards to the project to aid in design and location. The committee needs to have a map of undergraund pipes, and of wa er and sewer lines. The electrical and other utilities also need to be addressed. Scott Gundhust has expressed an interest in working with the committee on adding to the landscaping plans of the master plan. Mark Joosten and Scott were asked to come up with a list of low maintenance trees and shrubs that can be used. She also listed possible sources of affordable stock to use. They discussed "Roses for Rosemount, " landscaping with hardy shrub roses along the Park and Ride on Hwy. 3 . The next meeting is scheduled for March 16, 1993 . PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE February 22, 1993 Page 4 Dave stated that Ron Wasmund and Bud Osmundson are willing to meet at the next Town Green Committee meeting to discuss utilities of the area including water marks, etc. It was decided to invite them to the next Parks and Recreation Committee meeting instead due to the fact that a City Council meeting is also scheduled for the night of March 16, 1993 . The results of the discussion with Ron and Bud at the Parks and Recreation will then be taken to the Town Green meeting the next evening. Dave told the group that he will be asking the City Council on March 16, 1993 to change the funds from Twin Puddles shelter fund to complete projects hat need to be completed in Carrolls Woods and Erickson Community Square. Extensive discussion followed regarding why the money is still there, how and why it could be obtained, etc. Dave informed the committee that he has a copy of the budget for each of them and will be getting it to them. ADOPT-A-PARR: Dave updated the committee members on Lacelle's research on Adopt-A-Park programs from area cities. Rosemount has always had a program for donations to the parks programs, but now with the Adopt-A-Park program contributors have a way, to be identified. He reviewed the handout that was sent to each committee member explaining how you can participate in the program, safety issues, Rosemount Parks staff responsibility, the responsibility of the contributor, etc. The city attorney has reviewed the document and approved it. Dave and Lacelle will be attending community meetings to get the word out on the project. They will also be advertising in the local newspaper.John Howard suggested possibly personally contacting each community group and informing them of the program. Dave Giliuson made a MOTION to approve the Adopt-A-Park program proposal and recommended that Dave Bechtold present it to the City Council for their support for implementation. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. VI. RINGETTE PROGRAM: Dave Giliuson had been contacted by the President of the Ringette program, Jack Tonkin. His main objective was to gain a verbal support and approval from the Parks and Recreation Committee members regarding the International Ringette Tournament coming to Rosemount. After extensive discussion by committee members expressing their concerns regarding this issue no action was taken. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE February 22, 1993 Page 5 TSI.SS I. ITEM FOR MARCH 4, 1993 WORRSHOP: It was decided to invite Ron Wasmund and Bud Osmundson to the workshop meeting instead of the March 15, 1993 Parks and Recreation Meeting. They feel it would be easier to concentrate on the singular issue at the workshop meeting. A letter will be sent to the members of the Erickson Community Square Committee members inviting them to the workshop on March 4, 1993 . II. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: DAVE GILIIISON: Dave Giliuson asked the department to send out a notice that the next Carrolls Woods Committee meeting will changed from March 13 , 1993 to March 20, 1993 . The meeting will be at 9 :00 a.m. on the west side of the high school next to the hockey rink. Each member is asked to bring a friend or two. SCOTT RYNERSON: Scott had some questions for Dave regarding a newspaper article published in the March 19, 1993 issue of the Rosemount Town Pages. The article was in regards to a townhome complex wanting a small park for the children of their complex that had been slated to be added to the townhome area on completion of the next phase of the project. Due to the new firehouse referendum for that land, the city is in the process of purchasing the land and the residents are asking for a park to be included with the firehouse referendum. Dave and the committee stated their strong cancerns for following the Master Plan and yet to cantinue to identify and support the "private park" issues as identif ied in the Limerick Townhome project. The committee contiues to support the proposal that the Planning Dept. must (should) insist on additional private open space for multiple dwellings. DEANNA SIMPSON: Deanna requested that Dave or the Department contact the Dakota Central Building and ask that they deposit the snow from their parking lot in another area as they are piling snow onto the perennial flower bed that Merrill Stelling added to the community garden last year. Dave will discuss this with Ron Wasmund when he returns from vacation. TOM RELLER: Asked for an update on the armory project. He was told that it is going forward as planned. He also questioned whether the Jaycee Park shelter will be open at all this year. Dave told him that due to several construction projects that need to be redone correctly, the shelter will not be open for this skating season. However, most of the corrections have been done and a final walk through could be scheduled soon. iJOHN HOWARD: John made a comment that in the future he suggests that the Parks Committee ask for the opinion of the City Council on PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE February 22, 1993 Page 6 time consuming projects instead of going to the City Administrator for his opinion. He feels that it would save a lot of valuable time and energy in the end. LINDA LADZIIN: Complimented the warming house attendants on the job they are doing for the community. She asked Lisa to pass this on to the warming house staff. JERRY PIICIATY: None. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Mark and Lacelle provided Dave with information on a grant from the DNR on small business proposals. It is a $5, 000. 00 matching grant for small businesses to plant trees in the city. Dave has applied for this and is waiting for word back. Lacelle is looking into a land acquisition grant for a possible grant to apply to Birger Pond. Grants will be hard to get accepted, but the assistance of the future parks programmer will help give more staff time for checking on grants and putting them together. Dave stated that he wanted to thank the staff, in the presence of the committee members for c oing a great job on the winter work during the extended season. ADJOIIRNMENT: MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 35 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary D . .__ ._.,_ . T0: PARKS & RECR ATION COMMTTTEE MEMSEf S FROM: DAVID J . BECHTOLD , DIREC70R OF PARKS & RECREAI"ION DATE: JANUARY 14 , 1993 RE: PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JAN . 18 , 1992 DATE: JANUARY 18, 1993 PLACE:ROSEMOUNT CITY HaLL TIME: 7:30 P.M. AGEAIDA: I . CALL MEETING TO ORDER II . ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III . APPROVE MINUTES OF 7HE DECEMBER 21 , 1992 MEETING IV . AUDIENCE INPUT OLD BUSINE55: I . RAAA UPDA7E II . PARK EVA UATIONS / STAFF WORK III . ARMORY DEVELOPMEN7 RND PROGRAMMING UPDATE IV . SUMMARY OF WORK SESSION OF JANUARY 7 , 1993 V . BYLAWS DISCUSSION ( JOIN WITH ITEM IV ) UI . SUMMARY QF CARROLLS WOODS AND TOWN GREEN MEE7INGS NEW BUSINESS I . I7EM FOR FEBRUARY 4 , 1993 WORKSHOP ( ADOPT-A-PARK ) II . COUNTY PARK PROJECT ( SPRING LAKE PARK ITI . CHANGE FEB . MEE7ING DRTE TO 22ND IV . C M C DEVELOPhtENT U . CHAIRPER50N 'S REPORT VI . DIRECTOR 'S REPORT UII ADJOURNMENT NOTICE: 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Erickson Community Square Subcommittee Meeting will be conducted in council chambers. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Carrolls Woods Subcommittee Meeting will be conducted in the council chambers lounge. (Enter through the Council Chambers). f PARRS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGIILAR MEETING OF JANUARY 18 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Rynerson, Deanna Simpson, Linda T adzun, John Howard, Dave Giliuson, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Director; Lisa Jost, Assistant Director; Rick Cook, Parks Supervisor ERS ABSENT: None CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7 :40 p.m. by chairperson Tom Reller. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None APPROVAL OF THE DECF M ER 21, 1992 MINIITES: MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to accept the minutes of December 21, 1992 meeting as printed. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. AIIDIENCE INPIIT: None. 5: I. RAAA IIPDATE: Terry Langager, Vice President of the RAAA Board, represented RAAA this evening to give an update to the committee members. The RAAA Board of Directors is hosting a workshop on sexual abuse. They feel that as an association it is important to address this issue and present it to the coaches. He extended an invitation to any members of the committee that would like attend the presentation at Scott Highlands on February 8 . RAAA has been working with the Director and Assistant Director regarding summer programs. There will be a one site sign up for track, softball, and baseball. This is experimental this year. They are working with Dave to schedule ballfields. Sign up for the soccer program will be later in the year. The in-house and traveling soccer program donated $750 each for a total of $1500 toward the soccer program for the park department. This will be put in the donation account. Thank you notes were sent to each of those directors. II. CMC DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY: Reed Hanson, legal council for the CMC, represented the company this evening. He introduced Wayne Delfino, Joe Hollett, and Peter Pfister, three of the principals and planners for the CMC project.They presented a brief background of the 103 and 226 acre developments they propose. He also stated that because of the parks close proximity to downtown Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting January 18, 1993 Page 2 CMC will be asking the Parks Committee and City Council to allow its parks dedication fees to be used to enhance the park in the 103 acre development. Also, because the cost of development of the park may exceed the park dedication fees from the 103 acre site, CMC is requesting that they be able to use some of the park fees that would come from the 226 acre site for this. Joe Hollett, Director of Construction for CMC Heartland Partners, presented a brief background on the development sites. Both slevelopment sites will be single family residential dwellings. here will be two sites, one of 103 acres with approximately 255 units, and another under option of 226 acres with approximately 665 units a bit further to the east of the same type of homes. He then introduced Peter Pfister. Peter Pfister, Architectural Planner, stated that one of the first things they looked at with the park in the 103 acre development was its proximity in relation to other parks in the area. The park will be located approximately central to the development. It will be a park that primarily serves the neighborhood, but will be set up to connect and help support the rest of the park system as well. He then gave a broad overview of the design of the development in relation to the park and its access roads. He introduced several th a minimumoptionsincludedintheparksuchasatotlotareawi of play equipment, a possible small wading pool, an open space to the east for frisbee, etc. or potentially a skating rink in the winter time. On the north side there would be an area for older children or adults such as volleyball type activities. Also part of the proposal is to have the addition of a small building for two primary reasons. One being to reinforce this as a central focal point of the development, and secondly to extend the utility and use of this park in both the summer and winter. It would be primarily one space with restroom facilities, and potentially a i small kitchen area. There would only be a small parking area due to the fact that the users of the park would be local residents of the development. Through questioning by the committee members it was determined by Mr. Pfister that the park would be a 2 acre mini-park. Deanna then reviewed what the Park Master Plan reads regarding a minipark. A concern was expressed regarding the appropriateness of a shelter in the minipark setting. Wayne Delfino added that it would be a low maintenance building with concrete floors, garage type doors that would be open in the summer. In the winter the doors could be closed and the fireplace used. Picnic tables would be scattered about inside with no refrigeration or heating. It was reiterated by Mr. Pfister that the main purpose of the presentation tonight was to begin a dialogue regarding using the dedication from both developments to start the minipark in the 103 acre development. Dave Bechtold commented on the standard use of park dedication funds.He stated that they have to give consideration to the Park System as a whole when allocating park dedication funds. The funds have to benefit all the park systems that the residents of the development will also be using for Y • ! Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting January 18, 1993 Page 3 programs such as little league baseball, soccer, etc. He also asked the committee members to keep in mind that the number of amenities offered may increase the size and the initial intended use of the park. III. COIINTY PARR PROJECT (SPRING LARE PARR) : Barb Schmidt, Director of the Dakota County Parks Department presented a briefdescriptionofseveralofthemajorparksinDakotaCountyandthe difference between a park reserve and a regional park. then provided the committee members with a couple maps of tl e Spring Lake Park area, the original master plan map, and an updated version of a map of the same area. They have received several partial grants for the campground at Schaar's Bluff, but still have yet to receive the total amount needed. For this reason they have down-scaled the original intent and size of the park. She also listed several reasons the original location for the campground at Schaar's Bluff has been causing concerns. Because of these concerns they are interested in amending the master plan to relocate the campground from the Schaar's Bluff area to an area within the boundaries of Rase nount -cit limits. This is a more desirable location due to easy access to the water, etc. The campground is proposed to include a horse trail, and relocating the archery range already in the area due to safety concerns at its present location. She informed the committee members that what she is looking for this evening is a concurrence with the master plan amendment from the Park Board. Dave reminded the committee members that even though the Parks and Recreation Committee supports the idea of the amendment, there are other development issues that the other departments of the city will need to address. After several positive comments from committee members regarding the relocation Jerry Puciaty made a MOTION to support the amendments to the MasterPlanforcampgroundrelocationandrelocationofthearcheryrange. There was a SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. IV. ARMORY DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRAMMING IIPDATE: Steve Jilk was present to review the management options for the Armory and the recommended action. After a brief introduction to the presentation he asked that the committee members feel free tol ed a handout to ask questions as he presents the options. He supp each committee member listing the options and the pros and cons of each option. The first option takes the existing Parks staff structure and maintains it. It would require adding some additional staff to the existing staff, but administratively leaves the Parks and Rec Director in place, and splits the operation of all the Departments functions including the community center facility into two separate functions, maintenance and "programming" . The coordination and administration of the facility would be within the administrative staff right now, but adds coordinating staff. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting January 18, 1993 Page 4 Second option would be Parks and Rec committee is the advisory committee to the Parks and Rec Director and to the City Council. Third, the facility is run as a stand alone enterprise fund under the direction of the Parks and Recreation Committee and the Director, as are the sewer, water, and storm sewer funds with the Public Works Dept. and Utility Committee. He reviewed the pros and cons of each option with the committee embers. Some of the members voiced a concern about making any permanent decisions or recommendations before being able to read and digest the information supplied for them. Scott Rynerson recommended to members of the committee to thoroughly review the information in the handout and possibly meet in a week to discuss this in order to be able to make an informed recommendation to the City Council. Jerry Puciaty suggested discussing this at the next workshop meeting.The committee members felt there was a need for immediacy, and Deanna Simpson recommended that the workshop meeting of February 4, 1993 be changed to an earlier date of January 25, 1993 in order to discuss the information in the handout. A discussion regarding crossover of staff and programs followed and some of the committee members e cpressed concerns regarding budgeting such things. They wondered whether any type of computer software has been sought out that will help with budgeting. V. PARR EVALIIATIONS / STAFF WORK: Rick Cook informed the committee members that now that we are in the middle of ice skating season the Parks Department is maintaining three hockey rinks and eight pleasure rinks. They are cleaned and flooded every day. John Howard told Rick that he has been told the ice has been the best it has ever been. VI. SIIMMARY OF AORRSHOP OF JANUARY 7 1993: VII. BYLAWS DISCIISSION: MOTION by Linda Ladzun to table this discussion until the next meeting. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTIaN CARRIED. This will be put on the agenda for the February meeting for discussion. VIII. SIIMMARY OF CARROLLS WOODS AND TOWN GREEN MEETINGS: Ron Pederson summarized the Carrolls Woods Committee meeting. The committee is going to go to the woods and take a look at the buckthorn problem in March. They will be looking at ways to utilize volunteers in controlling this. The committee has decided to utilize the greater portion of their time and effort in looking for money to fund future projects. Deanna Simpson took this opportunity to address the topic of possibly recommending to the City Council to unencumber $30,000 _ that was set aside in the 1980's for a shelter in Twin Puddles. She would like to see $15, 000 to Town Green and $15, 000 to Carrolls Woods Committee for the projects of their choice. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting January 18, 1993 Page 5 MOTION by Deanna Simpson to propose to the City Council to unencumber the funds that were set aside for Twin Puddles of 30,000, and that those funds should be divided with $15,000 going to Town Green, and $15,000 going to Carrolls Woods Committees. SECOND Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. John Howard presented a summary of the Town Green Committee Meeting. The committee is disappointed in the fact that the Town Green plan has had to be scaled back from the original intent. me ideas for development of the park were discussed such as get the grading done, also some beautification done in the Park and Ride area. They also came up with some suggestions for fund raising for that project. Another project would be maintaining the "Welcome to Rosemount" signs. The first priority would be to grade and slit seed, and then planting of bushes. Deanna feels that more input is needed from other departments in order to determine if any of the committees ideas are feasible. The next meeting will be February 15, 1993 . Dave related the fact that Ron Wasmund, The Public Works Director, is eager to meet with us on ponding issues, etc. Scott Rynerson wondered if it may be better to have specific projects for use of the $30, 000 when the proposal is presented to the City Council. Dave felt that it would have more impact, but didn't feel that it was necessary to have specifics in mind since the projects are not known at this time. The committee asked Dave to let them know when he will be making the proposal to the City Council so they can be present to show their support. 1''t::>:<:I`S I. ITEM FOR FEBRUARY 4, 1993 WORRSHOP MEETING: MOTION by Tom Reller to cancel the February 4, 1993 workshop because of the workshop meeting scheduled January 25, 1993 . SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. II. CHANGE FEBRIIARY MEETING DATE TO THE 22ND: MOTION by John Howard by change the regular Parks and Recreation Committee meeting for February from February 15, 1993 to February 22, 1993 . SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. III. CIiAIRPERSON S REPORT Dave Giliuson - None. Scott Rynerson - Made calls to gather on the non-profit foundation for Parks.Minneapolis and St. Paul will be sending him information, and he will make this available to Dave when he Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting January 18, 1993 Page 6 receives them. Dave asked Scott to obtain information from Edina on their project also. Scott agreed that he would do this. Deanna Simpson - None. John Howard - Commended the staff for their fine work. Linda Ladzua - None. e ry Puciaty - Questioned whether the city has began taking p lications for or reviewing applications for the new Park Board members. Interviews are set for this Saturday January 23 , 1993 . Tom Reller - Inquired on the status of Jaycee Park Construction. Dave stated that it will be completed in approximately 1 1/2 week in early February. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Tom Reller to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary