HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark and Rec Commission 1992_01_20-11_10_1992T0: PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: DAVID J . SECHTOLD , DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE COMMITTEE CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE DATE NOVEMBER 10, 1992 RE: PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCT . 19 , 1R92 DATE NOVEMBER 16 , 1992 P ACE : ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 P .M . NOTE = ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE & CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEES MEETINGS WILL MEET WITH PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE . CHECK AGENDA ) AGENDA: I . CALL MEETING TO ORDER II . ADDITIONS TO THE AGEND III . APPROVE MINUTES 0" THE OCTOBER 19 , 1992 MEETING IV . AUDIENCE INPUT OLD BUSINESS: I . RAAA UPDATE II . PARK EVALUATIONS / STAFF WORK III . UPD TE ON GENERAL DEVELOPMENT ISSUES IV . CARROLLS WOODS COMMITTEE V . TOWN GREEN COMMI7TEE VI . JAYCEE PARK UPDATE ( ALL PROJECTS ) VII . COMMITTEE UPDRTES ( INCLUDING ARMORY COMMITTEE ) VIII . SUMMARY OF WORK SESSION OF NOVEMBER 5 , 1992 NEW BUSINESS I . PARK & REC . COMMITTEE BYLAWS II . PARK DEDICATION RATE SUMMARY III . CHAIRPERSON 'S REPORT IV . DIRECTOR 'S REPORT V . ADJOURNMENT PARRS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETZNG REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 19 1992 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Puciaty, Linda Ladzun, Dave Giliuson, Deanna Simpson, Scott Rynerson (e tered the meeting late) STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Steve Jilk, City Administrator, Boyd Bailey, Lisa Jost, Rick Cook, Lacelle Cordes, Kerry Budinger, MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Reller, John Howard CARROLL'8 WOODS COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Busho, Ed Howard CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7: 35 p.m. by acting Chairperson Jerry Puciaty. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 21, 1 992 MINIITEB: MOTION by Deanna Simpson to accept the minutes of September 21, 1992 meeting with the following changes made: Page 5, NEW BUSINESS: III. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: DEANNA SIMPSON: Last sentence should read: She invited the committee to view. the new flower bed planted by Merrill Stelling on the west side of the large flower bed. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0. 1:E I. RAAA UPDATE: Tom Neumann informed the committee members of the annual meeting of RAAA at Scott-Highlands Middle School. RA.AA has met with representatives of VAA, EAA, and ISD 196 regarding cooperation, dwindling resources and increasing costs. These meetings will be ongoing in hopes of developing a solution to these problems. RAAA has developed a Strategic Planning Committee to define their goals and establish the policies to reach those goals. They hope to have a statement out by February as far as where RAAA will be going. RAAA will continue to evaluate their program to ensure fair and equal play, and to facilitate competition. RAAA is hoping to obtain additional facilities/land on the University property due to the need for expansion. This would be in line with the Parks Master Plan and in a timely manner. Dave informed the committee members that an Apple Valley City Council member attended the last RAAA meeting to discuss facility ineeds. There are ongoing meetings of representatives from VAA, EAA, RAAA designed to evaluate facility needs. r PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING October 19, 1992 Page 2 Dave also talked with Steve Reischauer, Treasurer of RAAA and informed him that Rosemount is willing to pay one third of the costs of extra maintenance done over and above the "usual" school maintenance procedures for the RAAA fields, which is about $800. This will be taken out of the 1992 budget. RAP,A and the School District have been informed that the city will not be able to do this any longer, and the RAAA and ISD 196 will have to start charging fees to offset any costs. Dave is proposing that in the future the School District pay 50% of all maintenance costs, and each city involved pay their fair percentage of the remaining 50%. This proposal has not been accepted as of yet. There was some concern expressed by Dave Giliuson as to how to accurately figure the percentage of participation by each city. Dave Giliuson expressed an interest in getting more involved with the RAAA and he was invited to do just that by Tom Neumann. He stated it would be a good idea to have a member from Rosemount serving on the RAAA board, and asked that Dave Giliuson consider this. II. PARR EVALIIATIONS / STAFF WORR: Rick Cook informed the committee that the School District has purchased a brush chipper that the city will have access to when it is needed. The large pile of buckthorn in Carrolls Woods has now been chipped. . The warming house in Erickson Park has been moved and painted. A stairway has also been built down to the hockey rinks by staff members. The Erickson Park retaining wall is being stained, and construction of the hockey rinks will be continued in the near future. Six black hills spruce have been planted in Jaycee Park. A tree planting proposal is being prepared by Mark Joosten for purchase this fall and planting next spring. Dollars from the present years budget are used to select and order stock for next springs planting. III. RECREATION SIIMMARY / TINY TOT PROGRAM UPDATE: Lisa Jost presented and highlighted the handout summary given to each committee member in their packets. She informed them of a $1. 00 fee per person for the Haunted Woods this year. There will also be a food shelf donation area. Also, the volunteers for this project have increased 2-3 fold. There are more clubs participating this year also. The Leprechaun Days Committee held an evaluation of this event. It has been decided to go to a 4 day agenda. Specific dates have not been confirmed yet. The committee members will be evaluating area events that they can either work around or coordinate with next year. There will be another organizational meeting in January where these dates will be confirmed. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING October 19, 1992 Page 3 Lisa then asked the committee members for their support to continue the Tiny Tot program. She then reviewed the events of the past that resulted in the cancellation of the fall session. She informed the committee members that there was input from the parents of the enrollers that they would be willing to pay a higher registration fee. She gave a brief budget summary and fees being charged by St. John's Hospital including an added $1, 000.00 carpet fee. She asked the Parks and Recreation Committee to support the use of the previously approved $1, 000 to be used for the added carpet fes. There was a brief discussion regarding the program budget by the committee members and recreation staff informing the committee that the program is basically a break even program, and has on occasion made a profit. Following the discussion a MOTION to continue to support the Tiny Tots program was made by Dave Giliuson. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0. MOTION AAS PASSED. IV. IIPDATE ON GENERAL DEVELOPMENT ISSUES: Dave updated the committee members on the CMC property. He informed them of a meeting with Lisa Freese, the City Planner, and Rick Pearson, the Assistant City Pianner. Linda Ladzun summarized the meeting for the committee members. She stated that she felt it was a wonderful and informative meeting. She felt she left the meeting feeling that the CMC project is a great project. Dave referred to the handout given to the committee members that Lisa Freese had presented at the previous meeting. This handout summarized all the proposals and negotiations that are taking place regarding this property. Dave stated it would be a good idea to invite someone from the various departments to come to a meeting once a year when it is possible. Linda Ladzun has requested that Lisa Jost and the staff come in to a work session and discuss the recreation programs. Dave suggested that the Parks staff be included. This was seen as a good idea. The meetings will be held on the first Thursday of the month from 7 :30 p.m. to 9 : 00 p.m. V. JAYCEE PARR UPDATE (ALL PROJECTS) : The last of the fences are up. The grading for the hockey rinks is done. The light poles and lights will be delivered and installed soon. The lights at Erickson Park will also be done at that time. The hockey rinks have been started at Jaycee Park, but Erickson Park is the priority for getting the rinks built. VI. COMMITTEE UPDATES (INCLIIDING THE ARMORY COMMITTEE) : The City Administrator stated that there is little to add on the Armory Committee except that there is a contingency of city representatives going to New York this week to make a presentation on the bond sale. We do require a bond rating review each time we issue debt. This time we will be traveling to New York to present PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING October 19, 1992 Page 4 the cities position in an attempt to maintain the bond rating that we now have, which is an "A" rating. Steve Jilk informed the committee members that the city has been approached by the local ringette organization about the possibility of the City of Rosemount either hosting or cohosting the International Ringette Tournament. This is the first time a tournament has been offered to the United States. Because of the proximity to Canada and the high interest for the ringettes in Minnesota, Minneapolis/St. Paul has been offered the program. The tournament is scheduled for sometime in mid-March 1994 . Teams from all over the world would be coming to Rosemount or a combination of Rosemount and another city. Ten teams have been represented in the past, but there is interest in raising this number to as many as twenty teams. Canada alone would like to send 5 teams. The city of S. St. Paul has been contacted, and would be very interested in cohosting the event along with Rosemount. The financial commitment that Rosemount would possibly need to make would be about $50, 000-$60, 000. This could very ea'sily be returned through the sale of tickets, concessions, etc.The other commitments would be to provide the arena a number of hours of ice time through the week of the tournament at no cost, and to provide staff time to work with, but not plan the tournament. Minnesota Amateur Sports Federation has stated they would be willing to provide technical assistance and coordination for the committee from their organization to make sure the tournament takes place and is put together well. What he is asking for this evening is for the support of the Park Board to Steve Jilk to present a prepared package to the City Council on the possibility of Rosemount hosting/cohosting this event. The Parks and Recreation Committee held a n extensive discussion on some concerns regarding the commitment of staff time to the project. It is felt that the staff is already over extending themselve to take care of more immediate and longstanding projects. Also, the 8-9 days of ice time commitment is a concern by several members of the committee. The idea of the expenditures at this point in time doesn't seem appropriate with the current budget concerns. But, there was also the opinion that this would be a great boost for the businesses in the City of Rosemount and a good morale booster for the city residents. A MOTION was made by Linda Ladzun that the Parks and Recreation Committee supports the City of Rosemount hosting the World Ringette Tournament in March 1994, and recommend that Steve Jilk present th prepared package on the project to the City Council. SE OND on the motion made by Dave Giliuson. Ayes: 2 Nays: 3 . a j PARKS AND RECREATIOPI COMMITTEE MEETING October 19, 1992 Page 5 After the motion did not carry there was further discussion regarding the reservations of the committee members. Dave Giliuson them made a MOTION for the Parks and Recreation Committee to support the City of Rosemount hosting the World Ringette Tournament in March 1994, but to withhold either approval or denial until after the City Administrator is able to provide more detailed information regarding financial and staff time commitments needed. There was no second on the motion, and the subject was tabled. VII. TREE CITY IISA APPLICATION: Dave introduced Lacelle Cordes to the committee memb rs and informed them of her experience in grants and putting together applications for Tree City USA as part of her internship. Dave introduced Lacelle who gave the presentation on Tree City USA this evening. Lacelle referred the committee members to the summary that she included in the packets previously given to the members. The purpose of Tree City USA is to recognize cities that are effectively managing their trees. As of this date the City of Rosemount has met the four standards set up by the National Arbor Day Foundation for Tree City USA which are: 1) A tree board or department. The Park and Rec Department met that standard. 2) A community tree ordinance; landscape ordinance and tree disease ordinance. The planning department is amending the ordinances to include a tree preservation ordinance where developers have to either keep the trees on some of the land or donate trees to a park or a park nursery for those they have destroyed in the development process. 3) A community forestry program with an annual budget of at least $2 .00 per capita. 4) An Arbor Day observation and proclamation which Lisa Jost and Mark Joosten had last April 1992 . After initial certification a city needs to be recertified each year by improving their program on a yearly basis. There is no monetary value being a Tree City USA, but in order to apply for most DNR grants a city needs to be Tree City USA certified. Certification usually comes in February of the year following application. Dave added that it would be beneficial if all the committees and commissions would come together with staff involved with the Tree City USA and discuss reforestation, boulevard policies, and development policies that pertain to trees and planting. That would be an automatic improvement just through discussion of these policies. Lacelle stated that this evening she is looking for the support of the Parks and Recreation Committee to present the proposal to the City Council the following evening. A MOTION was made by Deanna Simpson to support the proposal of Tree City USA as presented by Lacelle Cordes and support the presentation of the proposal to the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING October 19, 1992 Page 6 City Council for approval. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. VIII. SIIMMARY OF WORR SESSION OF OCTOBER 1, 1992: See this under IV. UPDATE ON GENERAL DEVELOPMENT ISSUES. sT::::>[5 I. NORLD RINGETTE TOIIRNAMENT: See presentation given by the City Administrator, Steve Jilk under VI. COMMITTEE UPDATES (INCLUDING THE ARMORY COMMITTEE) . II. CHAIRPERSON'8 REPORT: DAVE GILIIISON: Nothing at this time. SCOTT RYNERSON: No comment. DEANNA SIMPSON: Stated she has some volunteers who are willing to stain the arbor, and there was a donation of some stain and water sealant. They hope to get that accomplished in the next couple weeks. LINDA LADZIIN: None. JERRY PIICIATY: None. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Dave started by apologizing to the Carroll's Woods and Erickson Community Square commit ees for not completing several projects promised for the year. There are several projects allocated to be done by the staff. Perhaps, we have "chewed off a little more than we could handle. " The staff is going to sit down together and look at what we can handle for next year. Dave will be asking the Parks and Recreation Committee members for input on prioritizing of major projects. Scott Rynerson expressed his feelings about perhaps coming up with some fund raising activities to raise money for the projects allocated on the Master Plan. He wond red if Lacelle's time could be better served applying for grants, etc. vs recreational activities. Dave stated that her time is needed more immediately in the recreational area. If and when she has the opportunity she can look into acquiring funds, but for now she is assigned to Lisa. ADJOIIRNMENT: MOTION by Scott Rynerson to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 15 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary i o osevnoun PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)42&5203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemou t,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS PICN OT ALL COMMIT?EE MEMBERS OF THE TOWN GREEN ( ERICKS tl tlaK assen COMMUNITY SQl1ARE ) CARROLI.S WOODS AND PARKS & RECREATION ames(Red)staats ARt REMINDED i HAT THIS MEETING DATE IS SET ASIDE TO HOLD Harry Wilicox ennis Wippertnann U PARTMENT PICNIC . FOOD AND BEVERAGE WILL BE ROVIDED . TH iN a R TtKADZTION — IN THE SAME FASHION THAT Wc HAVE A "CHRISTh1R5" StephanJilk MEETING . A{_.L PARKS & RECRERTION STAFF NAVE BEEN ASKED TO ATTEND. iHIS ZS A GREAT OPPORTUNI'fY FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS TO JOIN T"GETHER WITH OUR STAFF AND TO CHARE IDERS TOGETHER . TO: PARKS & RtCREATION COMMI7TEE MEMBERS ri-0;'1: DAVID J BECHTOL , DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATIUI`1 w- g D TE SEPTEMBER 15 , 1992 RE PA^nKS & RCCREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPT . ?_1 , 's792 F T : SEPTEMSER 21 , 192 PL;aCE : OSEMOUN' CITY HAL i.i'1E : 7:30 P .P . tiOiE ERICKSON COMMUN7?Y QUARE & CARROLL5 WOODS COMMITTEES M ETINGS WILL MEET WITH PARKS & RECR.cA7IG`t! COMM`TEE . ChtCK AGENDR ) a`ND' C;A+` MEETING TO ORDER II . i)DZTIONS TO THE AGcNDA II . A PROVE MINUTES OF THE AU USi 17 , i992 MEcTING IV . r;UrJIENCE INPUT OLU 3USINESS' I . RAAA UPDATE Ii . PARK EVALUA7IONS / STAFF WORK III . RECREATI01 "SUMMRRY° IV . 11PGATE UN rEt!AL DEVELOPMENT ISSUES V . 3AYCEE PARK lJPDHTE ( RLL FROJECTS ) VI . COi•1M TTEE UPDATES ( INCLUDING A2MOF:Y COMMI7TEE ) 1,II . UDGE1" REVIEW NEW BUSINESS I . ADUF — A — PRRK UPDATE 1. . ADD WORi< Sc5SI0N Nc TING / 1ST TH JRSDAY II: . CHr IRP RSCN 'S F POR'f I! . t7IFcr CTOR 'S RcPOFT V . G30JRNh1EN i tvOTE = TF;: MEETINu SITE =rJR TF?c SEPTEMBER 21 , 1992 MEETING IS SET FO t RUSEMOUNT CITY HA L . CEr"N:I lG ON THE WEA7HER WE WIL (NDUC7 A TnUP. OF TFiE ERICKSLN CUi1 1Li:IT' QUARF SITE / THiS WOULrJ B= AT THE STr RT OF THE ME T IN T 7 3 P . t 1— A t,!recvc M oanr, 1 aN 1 l J 1 9a_ PARRS AND RECR ATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGIILAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 21, 1992 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deanna Simpson, Linda Ladzun, Tom Reller, Scott Rynerson, Dave Giliuson, John Howard STAFF PRESENT: Boyd Bailey, Rick Cook, Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Kerry Budinger, Steve Strese, Mark Joosten, Steve Jilk, City Administrator MEMBERS ABSENT: None CAI,L TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7 :50 p.m. by Chairperson Tom Reller. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; None. APPROVAL OF THE AIIGIIST 17, 1992 MINIITES: MOTION by John Howard to acce t the minutes of T-•'- ^^ p r z-- m aeting r . SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. (,{,(Q,{' Q - AIIDIENCE INPIIT: Boyd Bailey distributed the new eity map to each of the committee members. 4LD }U ZNES;S I. RA.AA IIPDATE: Director Dave Bechtold stated that RAAA has held their first meeting after the summer vacation on this past Monday (September 14, 1992) . Dave had reported to the RAAA board that the time has come to address the out of town player issue. He told thern that we have not set plans to charge an out of town participant fee, however, it is time to look into putting together a committee to discuss this item. At the same RAAA meeting a member of the Apple Valley City Council addressed the issue of athletic facility needs in Apple Valley, He has formed a committee to check into this item. He stated that the RAHA organization was not included. Director Dave Bechtold requested that council member to acknowledge the proposal he had made as the Rosemount Director for the past many years. That proposal as discussed with VAAA, RAAA and the Apple Valley Park Department was to look into possibly constructing a joint athletic facility on the present University of Minnesota property. This would seem far more economical than the City of Apple Valley paying some $70, 000 per acre for land and, a after spending some 3 . 5 million dollars to not have even started with the actual construction of the site. This planned athletic complex is identif ied in the present Parks system master plan and if worked on together could be a great win, win situation for all of us. Although it is in the distant future it should be discussed now along with a facility needs research project of Apple Valley. Dave told the RAAA that a member of their organization will be requested to work on the committee studying and evaluating the possible charging of fees. The Parks and Recreation committee, the adult softball organization and similar groups will also be included. Scott Rynerson questioned whether the traveling athletic teams were set up according to need or was there a set amount of teams and players. He was concerned about the possibility of Rosemount residents being bumped off the teams by Apple Valley residents. Ron Pederson, who was seated in the audience, stated that the issues regarding bumping players has been addressed and regulated. II. PARR EVALIIATIONS/STAFF AORR:Rick Cook gave a brief presentation of the current work being done and those recently completed at Jaycee Park such as reseeding the bali field, completing the skating rink, etc. The fall projects are underway with the application of herbicides, aerating, fertilizing, etc. There are three hockey rinks slated to go up, 2 in Erickson Park and one at Jaycee Park. Jim Koslowski of the Parks staff will be putting up the posts, corners, and put the steel on. RAHA is in the process of finding volunteer crew members to assist with specific projects such as painting, etc. The priority is to get the two rinks at Erickson Park completed. The Jaycee rink will be completed as time permits this season. The weather will be the big deciding factor. The contractor for the Jaycee shelter has applied for and paid for all permits. needed and is ready to begin construction. He was authorized to start work on September 23 , 1992 . III. RECREATION SIIMMARY: Assistant Director, Lisa Jost brought the committee members up to date on the Tiny Tot program. The program had to be cancelled for the fall session due to the inability to meet financial need for the program and the low enrollment for each session. Even with the $1, 000. 00 allocated by the Parks Committee last month, the increased space rental fee doubling and the low enrollment make it difficult to meet all financial needs. The department is looking at the possibility of offering Tiny Tots again in the future if a new location can be found. She informed the committee that the plans for the Halloween party and Haunted woods are in progress. A mailing of flyers wa recently sent out requesting volunteers to help with the program. Lisa invited the Parks and Recreation Committee members to do their part to make this a successful Halloween season. Also, due to PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 21, 1992 Page 3 increased prop costs, costume costs, etc. the possibility of charging a fee for each program has been suggested. She asked the committee their opinions on charging for the Haunted Woods and Halloween Party. The committee felt that a nomina2 fee of approximately $1. 00 per person would be reasonable. Some pros and cons of charging a fee and the handling of collection of the fees were discussed. IV. IIPDATE ON GENERAL DEVELOPMENT ISSIIES: Dave related to the members of the committee that the department took in just over 14, 000 on Cimarron Village Townhomes, and will be taking in money soon on O'Leary's 6th. The owners of the CMC property would like to meet with Dave and discuss a park dedication for a mini-park that is proposed for that development. V. JAYCEE PARK IIPDATE (ALL PROJECTS) : Dave stated that the fence is in and he feels the project was done appropriately and is of good quality. There has been some public concern about the pea rock that is on the concrete walkways. Kids are falling and getting minor bumps and scratches. Dave will be discussing this with the contractor and designer. The regrading and reseeding has been completed for the hockey and skating rinks. Many thanks to OSM for helping on this along with the staff. Installation of the Phase I irrigation which is the baseball field has been completed. Dave will be meeting with the City Engineer, Bud Osmundson, to design the bike trail that goes through the park. This may need to be completed next season, it is to go in when the shelter is completed and by then the asphalt plants may be closed. The lights and hockey rink were approved by Council last Friday night. VI. COMMITTEE IIPDATES (INCLIIDING ARMORY COMMITTEE) z Dave apoiogized to the Carrolls Woods and Erickson Community Square committees for the lack of progress during the summer. He stated that there is only a certain amount of time to get things done, and with all the projects for construction that needed to be completed this summer the committee concerns had to be put on the back burner. He reviewed the budgets for 1993 for each of the committees. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 21, 1992 Page 4 Steve Jilk addressed the members regarding the most reeent developments regarding the armory and the community center arena. The CQuncil did approve all portions of the project, and has given their support to go ahead and begin analyzing staffing needs for the armory. It is a goal to have the staffing needs decided upon and job descriptions done no later than 6 months prior to completion of the projeet. Some committee members expressed a concern about 6 months being too short. They felt that some staff should be ready to go as soon as possible, especially staff needed to book ev nts for the community center. He stated that t ze committee should take a leadership role in making some of these decisions. He also brought the committee up ta date on the challenge to the bid process by the apparent low bidder. That bidder had been removed from the project because of his failure to provide two documents needed for acceptance. Last Wednesday a judge ruled against the low bidder, and construction can commence on the armory building. They are looking at sometime in the middle of October for actual ground breaking. The arena portion of the project has been slated for use by Thanksgiving of 1993 . The progress of the buckthorn project in Carroll's Woods was also discussed. It has grown back in all areas treated and where the Brushhog" was used. VII. BIIDGET REVIEW: Director, Dave Bechtold, reviewed the budget handout with the committee and explained the increases and additions from previous years. This was in the general operating section. There were some questions about allocation of funds to the appropriate department. At the present time there is no cross over of funds from each department when work overlaps. It is felt that this will need to be done in the future as the city grows. The use of park staff for snow plowing is an example of this. Dave stated that he has worked with the Public Works Director and they have developed a code far streets that could be used ta more clearly break out specific program costs such as the snow plowing item mentioned. There was also a concern about the decrease in budget, and a needed increase in staff as the city grows and more parks are added. Several areas of possible cutting of funds were discussed. Ron Pederson stated that the committee has to stop focusing on decreasing their plans and goals to fit a shrinking budget. He felt they should instead focus harder on the big picture, and put their energy into trying to find ways to supplement the budget to meet their goals. This opinion was also reflected by some members of the committee. PARKS AND RECREP.TION COMMITTEE MEETING September 21, 1992 Page 5 S SS f:f::<;:>::::>:.:>:«;::.:;>::>:: I.ADOPT-A-PARR IIPDATE: Lacelle Cordes has been working on and putting together a plan utilizing certain aspects of programs from surrounding area cities. It was then tailored to the needs of the Rosemount Parks system.It spells out the safety aspects, insurance aspects, and different ways that each group can contribute, either manually, financially, etc. It will serve _as a good foundation to begin an Adopt-A-Park program in the early spring. II. ADD AORR SESSION MEETING/1ST THIIRSDAY: Dave introduced the possibility of adding a "workshop" meeting the 1st Thursday of each month for committee members to foeus on specific issues. He stated that different topics such as goal setting, budget review, grants, etc. can be discussed in detail. Linda Ladzun restated comments that she felt more time could be spent helping keep the committee members updated. The committee exchanged questions and ideas regarding what the extra meeting can accomplish, how often to meet, etc. After discussion a MOTION was made by Scott Rynerson to set up a workshop meeting on the first Thursday of each month for a trial of one year. SECOND by Tom Reller. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 . MOTION CARRIED. The first meeting will be held on October 1, 1992 at 7 : 30 p.m. The first topic will be the CMC project development. III. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: Dave Giliuson - Stated he hopes that somehow the money could be raised in order for the Tiny Tots program to continue. Deanna Simpson - Gave an update on the community garden, winterizing, preparing for next spring. She addressed the problem of woodchip mulch floating away with rainwater, and stated she hoped we could find a way to prevent this from happening again. She invited the committee to view the new flower bed by Merrill Stelling on the west side of the large flower bed. Tom Reller - Dan Belting contacted him regarding possibly setting " up a "nature walk" in order to generate more interest in the area parks. Lisa will be contacting Dan regarding this. He also cnmmented that the trails at Carrolis Woods were groomed nicely. He stated he had checked with the horticulturalist at the MN Zoo on how to control the buckthorn in Carrolls Woods, and she stated that she doesn't know of anything to effectively control the problem. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 21, 1992 Page 6 John Howard - Asked when the bike trails would be done along the new stretch of 145th St. Linda Ladzun - Asked where information for writing grants could be obtained. She stated she would be very interested in helping to write grants. Dave informed her that Lacelle Cordes would be a good source- for grant information. Scott Rynerson - Extended a personal thank you to the Parks staff for their hard work and effort. IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Dave informed the group that he met with John Winter, a staff inember at the Dakota County Technical College. He would like to take the Hart property and work with it as a class project. He is willing to meet with Mrs. Hart and to see what the best uses for the property would be (city park, county park, etc. ) . He would then give us the information and work with us on how best to use the land. ADJOIIRNMENT: MOTION by Deanna Simpson to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 10: 10 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary T0: PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: DAVID J . BECMTO DIREC70R OF PARKS & RECREATION DATE= AUGUST 11 , 1992 RE: PARKS & RECREA7ION COMMIT7EE MEETING OF AUGUST 17 , 1RR2 DATE: AUGUST 17 , 1992 PLACE: JAYCEE PARK - SHANNON PARKWAY SOUTH OF 42 TIME: 6:30 P .M . N07E : ERICK50N COMMUNITY SQUARE & CAROOLS WOODS COMMI7TEE MEETINGS ARE CANCELLED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 21 , 1992 AGENDA' I . CALL MEETING TO ORDER II . ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III . RPPROVE MINUTES OF THE JULY 20 , 19R2 MEETING IV . AUDIENCE INPUT OLD BUSINESS' I . RAAA UPDATE ( TOM NUEMRNN / & DAVE ) II . PARK EVALUATIONS / STAFF WORK ( RICK COOK ) III . RECREATION "SUMMRRY" ( LISA JOS7 ) IV . UPDATE ON GENERAL DEVELOPMENT ISSUES ( DAVE ) V . JAYCEE PARK UPDATE ( ALL PROJECTS ) ( DAVE ) VI . COMMITTEE UPDATES INCLUDING ARMORY COMMITTEE VII . LEPRECHAUN DAYS UPDATE AND EVALUATION REPORT ( LISA ) NEw BusiN ss I . ADOPT - A - PRRK UPDATE II . CHAIRPER50N °S REPORT III . DIRECTOR 'S REPORT IV . ADJQURNMENT NOTE : THE. MEE7TNG SITE OR THE AUGUST 17 , 1R92 MEETING IS SET FOR STARTING IN JAYCEE PARK . DEPENDING ON THE WEATHER WE WILL CQNDUCT THE MEE7SNG A7 THA7 SITE UNTIL 8:00 WHEN WE WILL JOIN IN WITH THE MEMBERS 0 ARMORY COMMI7TEE , 0 s _...__ PARRS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REGIILAR MEETING OF AIIGUST 17 1992 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deanna Simpson, Linda Ladzun, Tom Reller, Scott Rynerson, Dave Giliuson, John Howard, Jerry Puciaty STAFF PRESENT: Boyd Bailey, Rick Cook, Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Kerry Budinger MEMBERS ABSENT: None CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7: 05 p.m. by Chairperson Tom Reller. ADDITIONS TO THE A ENDA: None. APPROVAL OF THE JIILY 20, 1992 MINIITES: MOTION by John Howard to accept the minutes of July 20, 1992 meeting as printed. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. AIIDIENCE INPIIT: None. I. RAAA IIPDATE: Dave Bechtold reported on the_ Golf Tournament hosted by the RAAA for fund raising. The tournament raised somewhere in the ballpark of $500 - $600 for the youth soccer. The Parks and Recreation Committee members are invited to take part in the tournament next year. RAAA has informed the Parks and Recreation Department that the dimension preferences for the baseball field at Jaycee park are as follows: Base path: 75 ft. and 82 ft. , Pitchers Mound: r_aised at 54 ft. , Infield: Grass, Fences: 300 ft. II.PARR EVALIIATIONSJSTAFF WORR: The middle school has been given permission to dump approximately 5,000 sq. yd. of fill from their construction site into Shannon Park. III. RECREATION "SIIMMARY": Lisa Jost briefed the committee members on the summer recreations programs that have been wrapped up. The Sunday Night Specials in the Park were very popular this year with attendance increased for each performance. The summer parks programs, Kids Corner, Wacky Wednesdays, and Puppets in the Park, were also up in attendance this year. i PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING AUGUST 17, 1992 FAGE 2 Tennis lessons saw a decrease in interest this year. Though a new introduction to tennis program offered for 5 and 6-year-olds did well for the first year. A different advertising approach will be used next year to try to generate more interest. The Run for the Gold held during Leprechaun days had approximately 150 runners participate this year. This is up from previous years. The Family Fitness Walk co-sponsored by the Rosemount Family Physicians, was offered for the first time this year, and had 36 participants, which is a good turn out for a new program. Lisa then informed the committee members that the rental fees for Tiny Tots at St. John's Church have been raised by $17. 33 per day this year. This has put a budget strain on the program, and the department is looking for ways to supplement the budget in order for the program to continue. Lisa asked the committee members to consider making a motion to authorize the use of up to $1, 000 from the general fund per budget year to subsidize the Tiny Tots program until the Armory is built. Dave explained that when the program was set up, and the rental agreement with St. John's was made, the rental fee was very reasonable because the program benefitted both the Parks and Recreation Department and St. John's Church (churches had a need to provide a ,preschool program for parishioners, and the Parks and Rec Dept. needed space for their program) . The Tiny Tots tuition has already been raised this year. Dave feels that the program is beginning to get out of reach for the people that need it most, and he is very hesitant about raising the fee any higher. Deanna questioned the possibility of finding some ather location for the program. Lisa stated that this is being looked into and there are a few possibilities, such as the Fire Hall, but nothing has been decided on yet. MOTION to authorize the use of up to $l, 000. 00 from the general fund, per budget year, to subsidize the Tiny Tots program until the Armory is built was made by John Howard. SECOND by Dave Giliuson. Motion was carried. IV.UPDATE ON GENERAL DEVELOPMENT ISSUES: Dave informed the committee that action of the Planning committee did not include the trail extension that the Parks and Recreation Committee had asked for at the last meeting. Linda Ladzun commented that a member of the Planning Commission stated that the trail request was not presented to the commission. Jerry Puciaty questioned that if this was a preliminary plat it seemed like this was the time for the Parks and Recreation Committee to give their input. Dave agreed that this is the time for additional input since the roads have then been identified and trails could then be identified as to requested locations. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING AUGUST 17, 1992 PAGE 3 There have been great strides made in the communication between the Planning staff and the Parks staff and the Parks and Recreation Committee. Lisa and Rick of the Planning Department have been open and receptive to our needs. The concept of our deciding on trail location after roads have been finally shown on a PUD is being listened to. If there is room for this issue of the trail to stay on the table and to be discussed again for inclusion in the final plat it will be done. I am sure the Planning staff will work with us and support us in our request. The motion of the Parks and Recreation Committee to prohibit asphalt walk ways and bike trails of 8' in width to that of a minimum of 5' concrete was well accepted by the Planning Department. V. JAYCEE PARR IIPDATE (ALL PROJECTS) : The committee members all met at the Jaycee Park at 6:30 p.m. on this date and Dave Bechtold walked them through the park to each project site, and updated them on the progress. The ballfield dugouts are completed and the fences are up. He noted how the ballfield had been scaled down since it was designed to be a neighborhood field. The field will be reseeded this fa11 by the contractor since it was done wrong the first time. Red rock will be put in place in 1993 or 1994. The play equipment is in progress and near completion. There will be a 12" layer of pea rock put down in the play area after the play equipment is completed. Dave pointed out the committee members where the walking paths are slated to be and discussed lighting types and cost. He stated that he has heard that Dakota Electric might install the lighting for 800/pole which includes all electrical hookups, installation, engineering, etc. as they have done for Lakeville. He wilZ be looking into this further. Mark Joosten of the Parks Staff will be working on trees for the park and general picnic areas. VI. COMMITTEE UPDATES, INCLUDING ARMORY COMMITTEEz Jerry Puciaty has again expressed a concern about when the armory is going to be staff, and what type of staff are going to be needed. Dave stated that the expectations of what services the armory is to provide need to be known bef ore any staf f ing can be done. That wi 11 be open far discussion once the bidding process is completed. The Parks and Recreation Committee is concerned to hire staff at least six months prior to the armory opening to have the operation ready when the building is ready for use. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING AUGUST 17, 1992 PAGE 4 Dave expressed his concern over the budgets for each park to the members of the Carrolls Woods and Erickson Community Square Committees. he stated that he is doing all he can to keep what funds are now identified for each park. Deanna Simpson stated that it is important to be ready to scale back on plans for park development and maintenance to a level that we are physically and financially capable of handling. It_. is important that we keep from over extending ourselves for costs and work to be done. She also stated that she is concerned with volunteers getting "burned out. " Volunteers need to be replaced from time to time with other volunteers and/or staff. If the money isn't there for supplies and to hire staff we certainly must consider to scale back in areas such as the Flower Garden, Community Square, Carrolls Woods, and the rest of the park system as far as new projects outside of general maintenance are concerned. The committee agreed that we must plan for the stages of Carroll's Woods and Town Gresn, but they might be drastically restricted. The research on buckthorn, buckthorn eradicating, and inventory of plants should be worked on. In the Town Green area we must also meet and work with the Utility people on the panding, get the amphitheater and shelter plans laid out, and to also get a plant inventory of the Community Square area. major work might be delayed for quit some time until funding and staff can be acquired to work on these projects. Dave said that funding he had identified for Adopt-A-Park will be counted on to get citizen involvement; that citizen involvement is the key to a quality park system. General funding is needed to keep up the park system and to construet the system, however, the citizen involvement is what we must continue to obtain. There are students, civic groups, and volunteers ready to get involved. VII. LEPRECIiAUN DAYS IIPDATE AND EVALUATION REPORT: Lisa told the committee members that a preliminary meeting was held with several groups and members involved with Leprechaun Days in order to evaluate this years event. At the meeting the discussion took place of possibly decreasing the number of days that the event takes place from 10 days to 4 days, and possibly moving the time of the events from the last full week in July to the 5th weekend of July/ist weekend of August in order to avoid conflicts with Aquatennial, etc. There will be a wrap up meeting held September 10, 1992 where final decisions about this will be made. There will be more definitive information at the next Park and Recreation Committee meeting. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING AUGUST 17, 1992 PAGE 5 T`:::<BU^1 SS I. ADOPT-A-PARR IIPDATE: Lacelle Cordes has been making great strides with the program. The program should be in place and ready to go next spring. Currently, the budget is a concern; even though it is a volunteer program the city has to be able to provide materials for the groups projects. Lacelle has a draft of the guidelines and proposal and will be ready to present it to ,_the committee at the September meeting. II. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: JERRY: None. DAVE: None. JOHN: John expressed his concern about accepting the raise offered to the committee at the last meeting, especially when they are always told that funding is so tight. Scott Rynerson stated that he feels it finally brings the Park and Recreation Committee members up to the level of the other eommittee members, and suggested that if John chose he could take his raise and donate it to a cause of his choice. Dave feels that it was. not "voted in" by the committee, but offered, and he feels that the committee members deserve the raise. LINDA: None. TOM: None. JERRY: None. DEANNA: None. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: No report given. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Tom Reller to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 8: 00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kerry Budinger, Reeording Secretary J:i iui11 ffiUl'1 I'`ririii. vTvi_.:J 'v.",. -. _ -_..._v. ROSEMOUNT AREA A7NLETIC ASSOCIATION P.O.Box 134,Rosemourit,MN 55068 17 August 1992 Rosemount Park & Recreation Rosemount, MN SSOb8 Attention: Lisa Jost Subject: JAYCEE Baseball Park Dear Lisa, . Per our telecon 8/17/92this letter is provided to confirin several dimensions for clarifieation. After talking with those members of the Board available the followin has been confirrned.: Base Path: 75' & 82' f%1 i cners ivLu Y u: d:;tu uc - Infield: Grass Fences: 300' Hopefully,because of the short notice tirne this information will be of help to you and yaur planning commission. I can be contacted at 687-1630 i ring the day, 423-3946 evenings, with further questions/comments. Sincerely, Steve Reischauer RAAA Consulta:nt cc: Tom Neumann, RAAA Pres. TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: DAVID J. BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DATE: JULY 14, 1992 RE: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 20, 1992 DATE: JIILY 20, 1992 PLACE:ROSEMOIINT CITY HALL, 2875 - 145TH ST WEST TIME: 7:30 PM AGENDA• I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER II. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III. APPROVE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 15, 1992 MEETING IV. AUDIENCE INPUT OLD BUSINESS• I. RAAA .UPDATE (TOM NEUMANN / DAVE BECHTOLD) II. PARK EVALUATIONS / STAFF WORK (RICK COOK) III. RECREATION "SUNIMARY" (LISA JOST) IV. UPDATE ON GENERAL DEVELOPMENT ISSUES (BOYD BAILEY) V. JAYCEE PARK UPDATE (ALL PROJECTS) VI. COMMITTEE UPDATES VII. ARMORY UPDATE NEW BUSINESS• I. ADOPT-A-PARK PROGRAM II. NO SMOKING POLICY III. CHAIRPERSON S REPORT IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT V. ADJOURNMENT i f'' PARRS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE REGIILAR MEETING OF JIILY 20 1992 MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Reller, Deanna Simpson, Scott Rynerson, John Howard, Dave Giliuson, Linda Ladzun, Jerry Puciaty STAFF PRESENT: Director Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Boyd Bailey MEMBERS ABSENT• None CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7: 35 p,m. by Chairperson Tom Reller. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None were made. APPROVAL OF THE MAY 18, 1992 MINIITES: MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to accept the minutes of May 18, 1992 meeting as printed. SECOND by Tom Reller. Ayes: ? Nays: 0 AUDIENCE ZNPOT: None. 3:`::;::tT T RAAA IIPDATE: Tom Neumann was not present so Dave Bechtold briefed the committee on the soccer tournament that RAAA ran with approximately 80 teams that went off without a hitch. Tom wanted Dave to thank the Park Board for all the work they have done on the fields. There was also a Little League tournament that went well. RAAA Baseball just presented a check to the Park Department that went to help pay for some new bases at Shannon Park. Ther wi11 be some money coming frorn the soccer program to help pay for some expenses in the Park Department. PARR EVALIIATION: The Park Department has been busy with summer park maintenance; mowing, keeping parks clean, getting ready for tournaments, etc.Has been working on trimming trees for Leprechaun program. The park signs have been put in since the last meeting. Committee members are very pleased with how they look. The gazebo is up at the Community Flower Garden. Deanna Simpson commented that the gazebo looks good. RECREATION SIIMMARY: Summer playground programs are coming to an end. There will be Wednesday activities through August. The Rosettes will be ending their program next week. There will be a Parents Appreciation Night at the Rosemount Elementary School. They will be marching in the Leprechaun Days parade. A total of 54 girls participated in the program. The Recreation Department is busy getting ready for Leprechaun Days and Fall programs. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE July 20, 1992 Page 2 Fall softball deadline for registration will be Wednesday, August 5. Leagues being offered are Men's Monday, Tuesday, Women's, and Co-Rec. John Howard questioned why we didn't have a District Softball tournament here with our good facilities. Dave Bechtold told the committee that it costs a city $1500 a year to run a district tournament with Dave and Lisa's time being donated.This includes preparing fields, crews working all weekend, clean up, etc. We asked the state to up their $200 donation to $1, 000 to help defray costs. Dave and Lisa are, however, planning to run one next year. He said they told the State that they would run a district tournament if they would give us a state tournament. They offered the Men's B, but they were a destructive league, and this was rejected. They will be bidding again for Women's C and D, or Men's C and D this year. Rosemount teams are C and D classified, and it would be more beneficial for our teams to have a C and D tourney so they would receive an automatic berth. Area businesses; bars, restaurants, etc. will be asked to sponsor the program. IIPDATE ON GENERAL DEVELOPMENT ISSIIES: Before Boyd gave his presentation on new developments Dave Bechtold informed the committee that there have been some projects going on that the Planning Commission has approved already, but the Park Board wants to go on record having approved the cash, land dedication, etc. These were general developments where cash dedication comes to us. Boyd referred to the last meeting in May by reviewing the O'Learys Hills 5th addition with the cammittee. He mapped out the area that is of concern - needing a little bit of trail work done along S. 152nd St. and along Chorley Ave. to connect up with future a addition. There are 37 lots in this area, with our current formula of $480/lot, there is $17,750 of cash dedication coming from this dewelopment. MOTION to accept the cash dedication for O'Leary's 5th Addition was made by John Howard. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayss: 7 Nays: 0. Motion was carried. The next presentation by Boyd was Shannon Hills 3rd Addition that is currently under construction. He mapped out the trail design for the addition to the committee and informed them of the cash dedication. MOTION to accept the trail as designed, accept the outlot as access to Carroll's Woods, and to accept the cash dedication as already received made by John Howard. SECOND Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. Motion carried. Next presentation was the plat for Shannon Hills 4th Addition. He mapped out the addition for the committee. There are no trails in this addition. There are 30 lots, with the current formula of 480/lot there is approximately $14, 400 coming from the development. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE July 20, 1992 Page 3 MOTION accept the cash dedication from the Shannon Hills 4th Addition as platted was made by Deanna Simpson. SECOND by Tom Reller. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. Motion carried. John Howard questioned why there is no loop planned for the area. Dave and Boyd explained why it was not originally planned, but informed the committee that it could be done if the committee felt comfortable putting an extra connector for the corridor system. Boyd and Dave felt comfortable there were enough loops to get through the system. Tom Relier asked them to point out the easement for the pipeline on the map, and the area that the Park and Rec Dept. is possibly interested in purchasing. Dave informed the committee that one of the potential developers of the Kelly property has hired a firm to develop this property, another company has came in to design the property to se11 their concepts to a developer. In both cases they have looked at that as a very logical park dedication and land for the park system. The last development presented to the committee was the Shannon Pond - P.U.D. just south of Jaycee Park. It is designed for approximately 105 residential lots. He mapped out the development as it concerns the Park Department. The issue for discussion is trail locations. He mapped out current trails forming a large loop around the development. Deanna Simpson suggested running a trail up the center of the development on upper 156th St forming two smaller loops. Dave informed the committee that if they wished they could make a motion tonight to amend the trail concept to include this. MOTION to accept cash dedication for the Shannon Pond development and request that the trail extension from 157th to 156th St. on Upper 156th be considered by the Planning Commission and the developer was made by Deanna Simpson. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. Motion carried. The committee questioned why a trail could not be put around the pond itself. Dave stated that the pond sloped to much to have trails around the pond. The area will be left open to be used for waI.king, however. The area south of the pond has been declared a wildlife area, and will more than likely be left without any building on it. JAYCEE PARR UPDATE: The area for the playground equipment has been graded and they have a call in to the installer to start putting the timbers in the ground. The equipment is to be in by late July or early August. Dave is going to ask for a commitment from them to set some time lines, so at the next meeting Dave can tell the committee that they equipment is in the ground. PARK AND RECREATION CQMMITTEE July 20, 1992 Page 4 iThe park shelter has gone to the City Council, and they have accepted the plans and specs for the shelter. We plan to go to the City Council on August 4th for their response to the shelter, and ask for the awarding of the contract for the shelter to be built. The new legal city formula is that you don't have to go out for sealed bids unless it's over $25,000, so we took the fencing estimated at $14, 000 and went out for quotes. The bids came in, and the council has accepted it. They were suppose to have started construction one week ago today. The irrigation specs have been drawn. We are also going to go.-out for quotes on the irrigation specs rather than sealed bids, and should be in by early September. The lighting spees are being written by a consultant that will be part of the bid contract. The specs will be written for Jaycee Park, as well as Erickson Park. At the September meeting we should be able to say that the lighting is in. John Howard questioned whether the timing of a project is written into the contract, and if the work isn't done within the time stated is there a penalty. There is no penalty exactly, but if there is too much of a problem the contractor simply won't be considered for any other bids, according to Dave Bechtoid. The committee questioned whether any fields would be built for the . 14 to 15-year-old to adult age group. Dave stated that this need is being filled by sharing parks with Apple Valley instead of building large parks where they don't belong in order to have a park of our own. " More evaluation will be done on this, but we are planning, and have planned Jaycee Park for 13-year-old baseball and fast pitch softball. Scott Rynerson expressed a concern about the aesthetics of the 8 ft. bituminous paths. He wondered if any of the homeowners have given any feedback about this. Will the 8 ft. bituminous still be allowed in the future. Dave infarmed the committee that the city strongly recommends 5 ft. concrete to developers, but they still have a choice. Once the developer chooses the type of path, he has to use it though the entire development. Scott asked if the Planning Commission could initiate an action to allow only 5 ft, concrete. Dave informed him that the committee could make a motion to the Planning Commission on this issue. MOTION for recommendation to the Planning Commission that the connecting routes to the corridor system be 5 ft. concrete with no bituminous allowed. The corridor system could be asphalt or concrete. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. Motion carried. Tom Reller asked if there will be any type of barrier between the play equipment and Shannon Pkwy. Dave informed him that it is a long distance with plenty of trees and a barrier was not felt to be needed. A 4 ft. chainlink fence could be added in the future if it is felt to be needed. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE July 20, 1992 Page 5 Erickson park hockey rink grade plan is going to the City Council tomorrow night. We feel that the hockey rinks will only be of a short duration, 10-15 years, not a permanent facility. The Park Master Plan is being evaluated, and this could be changed. COMMITTEE IIPDATES: No meetings were held due to Leprechaun Days and time limitations. Dave hasn't had time to write the RFP the committee urged him to last month. Dave has asked John Loch from the Erickson Community Square Committee, and Joe Walsh from the Utility Commission- to serve on a committee for the RFP for the Erickson Park shelter. When the RFP is underway the Park and Recreation Committee can help with the seiection of sub-committee members to help select the architect for the shelter project. Deanna wanted to ask the Carrolls Woods Committee to consider reopening the trail on the west of Schwarz Pond in order to form a loop. ARMORY UPDATE: The City Council approved the specs and authorized advertising for the bidders for the ice arena and armory. There was a meeting held with the P,rmory Committee members to review the architects plans before they went out for bids. This will be a long and tedious process to approve each and every job. The bids wil. be final in late August or early September. 1:>::::S N S ADOPT-A-PARR PROGRAM: The Parks intern from Mankato State, Lacelle Cordes' first project was to research the Adopt-a-Park programs from other cities. She put together the information from all the different plans. Dave's will be putting the information together and write an Adopt-A-Park policy for Rosemount. This policy will be drafted by the next meeting. Lacelle has also put together some points of issue for the committee to look at for an Adopt-A-Park program. Kathy and Mike Busho have been asked and have accepted to be the leaders on this project. There has been a lot of interest and people are waiting to join the program. NO SMORING POLICY: Dave asked the committee for their comments on the new policy of no smoking in Government Buildings. There were mixed opinions fxom the committee, but the general consensus is to keep the smoking areas away from where it effects other people, but an area should be provided, other than outside, for the smoker to go if room is available. Some other comments: "I'm tired of the Government telling us what we can and cannot do. " "It's not fair to isolate smokers the way we do, and ask th em to go outside simply because they have a bad habit. " "We could state it positively, such as, 'We thank you for not smoking' , but don't deny smoking. " "There are not only nuisance issues, but also health concerns with second hand smoke. " PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE July 20, 1992 Page 6 CHAIRPERSON'8 REPORT: DAVE GILIIIBON: None. SCOTT RYNERSON: None. DEANNA SIMPSON: Stated that she appreciated that the gazebo has been put up, but is upset by the fact that it seems such projects are put on the back burner to sports events. Dave commented that he supported her in this. Time for staff and budgets put all projects into priorities, but we try t get to all types- of projects. TOM RELLER: None. JOHN HOWARD: Are the benches on fields 4 and 5 going to be pulled to the outside. This will be done after the landscaping of the ditches is done. Staff has always felt this to be a must for redesign of the fields. LINDA LADZIIN: Commented that the Community Garden is beautiful. There were a lot of comments on it at the street dance. JERRY POCIATY: Stated that it would be a good idea to have the August 17, 1992 Park meeting at Jaycee Park. Dave supported this idea. If weather is bad we will walk through and see the completed park, and then meet back at the City Hall. Dave Bechtold and Deanna Simpson have been asked to represent Rosemount on a committee for the State Horticultural Association. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Social Security information needs to be turned in to Sue Walsh. The committee is paid once a year. It is being requested that the payment for each meeting from go from $15. 00 to $35.00 per meeting. Dave is presenting budget issues to the city on Wednesday, July 22 . Asking for a 38% increase in the Park budget. If anyone would like to recommend projects they are to meet with Dave and let him know. Jane Mollman is pregnant, and we are looking at ways to providing staff while she is gone. Lacelle Cordes may be used for this and is anxious to help. Pat Sellner is also leaving us, and we will be looking to fill that position. MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kerry Budinger, Recording Secretary 4 . 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ImeS,and o?tl in Nidlh and ad'b nir slre f a Imes unlest oH rwist r d coledonj Hrt Pt• ti P 1 c1p e+ .ir/t dy N,idi;n..np.f fel nd. o4d ly CASH DEDICATION 30 LOTS Q $ 480.00 PER LOT = 14,40 C°`'r''."'""""""'' ""'" y- ; y t v.,aei.M:Iay^i..°wu sf 2o PIONEER K,,,,.,,,,,,,L(bit)ee-wi•r..ee-ee J NO TRAILS THROUGH ADDITION rt an{neerin w n....s..b....e.ern 1 u mr.,r o r,ax,...i 58CTiON B B aa.. s. 3a PWNSNIP//S,M* eu)e-eeu.r..e-eea QANQf 19 No x 1TEM . . iV. 4 FOR PARK COMMITTEE MEETING DA7E : O7 / 20 /92 ENG. Tu: PAF;S h RECREATION COMMI7iEE NiEMEERS nOM CA'v Ij 3 . bcCHTOLD , GiRECTi F ut= FAhiK & FtCREATION ATc JUNc 9 , 19^>2 tit: Pr+i=KKS & F.ci;i`t,TICiiJ t+Oh1MITTc M'c.Tii G OF ,i.JP 15 . 1'i2 DATE : _ JUNE 15 , 1992 P!A'c=-ROScMOUNT CITY HALL , Zc75 - 1=+i; 5 i Wt TIf•1E : 7:30 P .M . i ON CG ii it.;NIT'i SGU C i;C U rGG COhirtlTT_ I CTiI'1:.5 {-'"'ti..-CL'r `71 6 30 P .M . JI.jV(.1'_ ...I'jttir'!G CZJ f AGENDA: t-_L i"I C_ I 1'f''J I V l,'K I,. 1 i _ ri.'IJ1 1 l Ji+J T i nC i=+l:Gi`+U"r+ L 11 . r+F''ri(.Vc flil`JI'i. ;= i nc i i; ! . 1; , =i'-^c i_L i LTJ= Iv . H JGI`i,c Ii li=U i liv i r(UU.I 1V1' Ur i-'"r'i-.i T(lTc.tiPa OLD BUSZNE55= i . l:Ar,E; U Gr,i` ( T r1 t lUEi•1r=+NP & C+E ) II . PARK EVALU;TI ra / 5T F WOFK ( RICK C OK ) IiI . P,cCRtATIOP °Ui iMARY" ( LISA J05T i IV . UPCuATE Or! Gc IE AL DtVEL PhtENT ISSUE ( Bt'L j V . 1AY Ct PAnr: UPDAT ( ALL PROJECTS ) VI . COMMITTE'c UPDATE NEW BUSINESS I . 6IR(acR POf lD UPDATE II . CHAIRPERSON 'S REPORT III . DIRECTOK 'S FEFG zT IV . AOJOURNi•1cNT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE DISCII88ION OF JIINE 15. 1992 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deanna Simpson, Scott Rynerson, Jerry Puciaty STAFF PRESENT: Rick Cook, Boyd Bailey, Jim Koslowski, Lisa Jost, Lacelle Cordes, Kerry Budinger MEMBERS ABSENT: Linda Ladzun, Tom Reller, Dave Giliuson, John Howard STAFF ABSENT: Dave Bechtold Due to the fact that there was not a quorum an official meeting could not be held on this date. Following is discussion that took place beginning at 7:45 p.m. : Lisa Jost introduced the new parks intern, Lacelle Cordes. She also gave a brief report of current summer programs and discussed the progress of the playground equipment for Jaycee park. Rick Cook discussed trails being maintained or expanded in Carroll's Woods. He aiso gave an update on controlling the buchthorn in that area. _ Boyd Bailey discussed the Shannon Hills and O'Leary's Hills additions for the development of new trails. The Erickson Community Square and Carrolls Woods Committees updated the members present on their past meetings. The members present did want it noted that they strongly support Dave Bechtold proceding with the RFP for the shelter and amphitheater for Erickson Community Square. The discussion ended at 8 :40 p.m. NOTE: Dave Bechtold, the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department, was at a special council meeting on goals and objectives. Lisa Jost, Assistant Director, conducted the meeting for staff. Respectfully submitted, Kerry Budinger Recording Secretary T0: PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: DAVID J . BECHTOLD, DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION DATE : MAY 14 , 1992 RE: PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 18 , 1992 DATE: MAY 18 , 1992 PLACE : ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL, 2875 - 145TH ST WEST TIME : 7 :30 P .M. (NOTE : ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE MEETING AT 6 : 30 P .M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS) AGENDA' I . CALL MEETING TO ORDER II . ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III . APPROVE MINUTES aF THE APRIL 20 , 1992 MEETING IV . AUDIENCE INPUT OLD BUSINESS ' I . RAAA UPDATE (TOM NUEMANN / & DAVB ) II . PARK EVALUATIONS / STAFF WORK (RICK COOK) III . RECREATION "SUMMARY" (LISA JOST) IV. UPDATE ON GENERAL DEVELflPMENT ISSUES V. JAYCEE PARK UPDATE (ALL PROJECTS) VI . COMMITTEE UPDATES VII . SUMMARY OF PARK IMPROVEMENT DAY VIII . WALKWAY AT 147TH/148TH STREET IX. FIELD POLICY WITH SCHOOL DISTRI T NEW BUSINESS I . BIRGER POND UPDATE II . CHAIRPERSON' S REPORT III . DIRECTOR ' S REPORT IV. ADJOURNMENT 1 ,+: PARRS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE REGIILAR MEETING OF MAY 18, 1992 MEMBERs PRESENT: Tom Reller, Deanna Simpson, Scott Rynerson, John Howard, Dave Giliuson and Linda Ladzun STAFF PRESENT: Director Dave Bechtold, Rick Cook, Boyd Bailey, Jim Koslowski, Lisa Jost MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Puciaty CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7 :40 PM by Chairperson Tom Reller. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None were made. APPROVAL OF APRIL 20, 1992 MINIITES: MOTION by Tom Reller to accept the minutes of the April 20, 1992 meeting as printed. Second by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. AIIDIENCE INPIIT:. Mr. Neil Weber of Schwarz-Weber architects, the architects chosen for the shelter at Jaycee Park. After viewing several shelters it was decided that the type of shelter (material and design) that is preferred is the type of shelter that Schwarz- Weber has been doing. With the time element that is involved rather than doing an RFP, S,chwarz-Weber was selected to do the shelter for us. The cost of the shelter is $90, 000 - $100, 000. Mr. Weber presented a site plan and then a building plan for the shelter. The building meets all ADA requirements. It is a tatal of 1320 sq. ft. He expressed a need to confer with the committee on getting details of building materials desired. Floor materials were discussed with carpet vs. skating tile. Carpet is a less expensive choice, but does need to be replaced much more often every 2-3 years) . Various materials and utilities were discussed including water, hand dryers, lights, heat, etc.Finishing materials for roofing, windows, toilets that are wall mounted, and colors were also touched on. Dave suggested that any comments on the shelter be directed to him, Rick Cook and Jim Koslowski. The committee agreed that staff should move ahead with the plans as they were presented. t:+n`:>3 S;N.E S RAAA IIPDATE: Tom Nuemann reported the RAAA has upcoming registrations for in-house volleyball and football. Al1 the baseball and soccer programs are running now. The fund raising program has been started. They have currently heard back from about 50 of the businesses that they contacted. i _ PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAY 18, 1992 PAGE 2 Dave clarified that the fund raising for RAAA would be to contact the area business to either donate money, prizes, etc. and those that donated would get a plaque to post in their businesses. Dave Guilison voiced a concern brought to him by the mother of a Rosemount boy. Her son was turned dawn for a traveling baseball team, and when she saw the list of team members phone numbers most of the team members were not Rosemount residents.She aas wondering whether there were any residency requirement to play on a RAAA team. Tom Nuemann informed the committee' that anyone from ISD #196 is eligible to play on the teams. Tom offered to talk to the concerned parent if she would like to get a hold of him. We can e ect that out of Rosemount numbers will show up because a large percent of the kids are not from Rosemount. PARR EVALIIATIONSISTAFF AORR: Dave Guilison asked Rick Cook if anyone had talked to him yet about the broken light at Camfield Park. Rick stated that he had been informed about it and it was repaired that day. RECREATION SIIMM.ARY: Lisa Jost gave a brief summary on the Park Improvement Day and Arbor Day projects. She has received 9 responses back for Tree Iieepers ahich she felt was a good response. The Rosemount High School National Honor Society planted trees on the south side of Charlie's Park, The Jaycee sandbox fill went over well. They had about 20 more orders than they had last year, and ended up having a very long day. If they end up getting the same number of orders next year, we may consider lining up one more truck for them. The Boy Scouts helped the Jaycees with the project and will use the money earned for a trip. Park Improvement projects included a tree planting at the Dakota County Technical College Nursery by the Boy Scouts and St. John's Lutheran Church confirmation class. The Rosemount Middle School planted several seedlings in Erickson Park and picked up quite a bit of trash in the area. Softball league and Pom Poms started in April. The Summer Activities brochure has been completed and will be printed in the Rosemount Town Pages. The in-house brochure has a few additional items than that printed in the paper. This brochure will be mailed to those expressing an interest in having a brochure. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAY 18, 1992 PAGE 3 Lisa asked that anyone interested in doing a project should get a holcl of her any time of the year. She will be compiling a list of people interested in doing projects that she can eontact during such events as Arbor Day, Park Improvement Day, etc. IIPDATE ON GENERAL DEVELOPMENT ISSIIES: Dave Bechtold reported that the development proposed for the north side of 145th street is basically on hold for the time being. The Berger property south of Jaycee Park is still on the table, and the developers look like they are actively trying to get that going. JAYCEE PARR IIPDATE: Dave Bechtold informed the group that the Park Department is concentrating on doing justice to the projects they feel have to be done immediately which is the shelter (which is on schedule) , the playground equipment (the deadline on bids is May 20, 1992 at 10: 00 a.m. ) . It is hoped that the equipment can be selected on May 26, 1992, that the Council can approve it on June 2nd, and we cari start working on installation. Other projects such as irrigation, fencing, etc. will be worked on as time and staff are available. There was a problem with the way they put the seed in the ground last fall, and it is possible that the entire project may have to be done over again. This problem has to be dealt with immed.ately also. Delays now have caused a one year loss for scheduled use of the park. COMMITTEE IIPDATES: ERICRSON COMMIINITY SQIIAREs John Howard briefed the committee on the Erickson Community Square Committee meeting held before the Park and Recreation Committee meeting this evening. The committee agrees to the position posed for the hockey rinks. Jim Koslowski is concerned that the ampitheater is slated too close to the pond. Dave demonstrated on the overhead that only a small corner of the rink area will conflict with the amphitheater and this will not be a problem. The location of the amphitheater to the pond will have to be addressed closely when doing design plans. They asked that they get an estimate of cost for putting a fence next to the flower garden area. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMTTTEE MAY 18, 1992 PAGE 4 Dave Bechtold summarized the meeting he and Jerry Puciaty had with the Utilities Commission. Through discussion at that meeting it was clarified that throughout the master plan for parks that the ponding and other issues were addressed. Statements in the master plan call for, in some cases specifically, to have a written agreement between the Utility Department and the Parks and Rec Department before the project could proceed. It was hoped that some consideration would be given in turn to good relations- and keep good open communication. We all must keep meeting together. John Howard asked Linda Ladzun if she would like to express her concern regarding the joint commissions meeting held May 13 . Linda told the committee that she has been the only one at the meeting for quite some time that night. She understood that everyone from the Rosemount Park and Recreation Committee was to attend the meeting. She mentioned that there were several comments that this committee was not well represented. John informed the committee that there are a couple more joint meetings coming up and listed the dates. Committee members should attend if at all possible. CARROLLS WOODS: The committee will be meeting Wednesday, May 20th out at the park and will give an update at the next Park and Rec meeting. Dave informed the group that when they checked into the price of herbacides for the test plots in Carrolls Woods it was discovered that they had to buy 5 gallons at about $500-$600. Tom Reller has come up with the idea of contacting the manufacturers addresses and phone numbers and asking if they would be willing to send a sample of their herbacide. This will be done as soon as possible, possibly when intern starts. SUMMARY OF PARR IMPROVEMENT DAY: See "Recreation Summary. " WALRWAY AT 147THj148TH STREET: The Park Committee had asked that before a decision be made on that walkway easement the resident was to get a petition signed by three of his other neighbors. The issue will be discussed when he gets this done and attends a meeting. FIELD POLICY AITH SCHOOL DISTRICT: The city will pay up to $800. 00 again this season to help get the maintenance done for youth sports on District fields. In the coming years we will plan to pay only a fair percentage. The percent of youth of each city should be figured out and each city involved in RA.AA should pay according to the percent of participants in the programs. Steve Hanson of the school district is working on this concept to see how it could be carried out. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MAY 18, 19 9 2 PAGE 5 iT N S BIRGER POND IIPDATE: The Park Department needs to know what the water level is going to be in order to adequately design a park. Until this information is furnished there is not much that can be done. This is now in the process of being discussed. Updates will be presented to the Park and Recreation Committee and design concepts can be looked at as they committee is updated. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: LINDA. LADZIIN: Due to an active involvement in the Jaycees Linda would like to pull herself out of the Jaycee Park Meeting on May 26th for selecting play equipment. She will plan to attend the comprehensive guide plan meeting instead. JOHN HOWARD: None. 1 TOM RELLER: He is wondering what the hold up is on the play equipment for Kidder park. Dave informed the committee that there has been such a long wait for installation that the standards for dimensions have changed on the size of the area reguired. They had to call today to get Rick Cook to increase the size of the lot. The company has set a schedule date for installation on Wednesday, May 20, 1992 . DEANNA SIMPSON: The Garden Club made $354 . 60 from their plant sale. They have dor.ated $47 . 00 and planted geraniums and flowers in the boxes. They just received a donation of $100. 00 to the community garden from Genz-Ryan that will be added to the fund. Dave offered to get a balance of the budget fund. SCOTT RYNERSON: None. DAVE GIIILISON: Will there be an open skating rink at Shannon Parkway along with a hockey rink? Dave informed him that there will be an open skating area in that area also. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMYTTEE MAY 18, 19 9 2 PAGE 6 DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Dave commented to Deanna Simpson that he and the Park staff appreciated the Thank You card she sent on behalf of the Garden Club for assistance with the plant sale. MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting. Second by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM. Respectfully submitted Kerry Budinger Recording Secretary I - _. , PARRS & RECREATION CO1 iITTEE REGIILAR FTING OF APRIL 20 1992 F3RS PRESENT: Tom Reller, Deanna Simpson, Scott Rynerson, Jerry Puciaty, John Howard, Dave Giliuson and Linda Ladzun. STAFF PRESENT: Director Dave Bechtold, Rick Cook, Bayd Bailey, Jim Koslowski, Lisa Jost, Mark Joosten GIIESTS PRESENT: Steve Jilk, City Administrator, Del Lorentzson, Ron Pederson, Ma.rge Ryan, Marie Jensen, Mike Busho, Lucy Holzer, John Loch CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7:55 P.M. by Chairperson Tom Reller. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: No additions were made. APPROVAL OF MARCH 16, 1992 MINIITES: MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to accept the minutes of the March, 16, 1992 as printed. Second by John Howard. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0 . AUDIENCE INPIIT: Ron Pederson briefed the committee on the progress of the ice arena. A presentation will be made to the Port Authority. and the Council on April 21, 1992 on possibly building the arena without referendum. He named several clubs that were involved in helping make the ice arena a reality, and reiterated the community center concept of the ice arena. Approval from the Port Authority of the plan is sought in order to obtain financial advise and backing, and approval of the Council would help assure the city backing the plan. INTRODUCTION SECRETARY AIDE: Kerry Budinger, the new secretary aide for the Parks and Recreation Department, was introduced to the committee. Kerry started working for the city on April 6, 1992 on a part-time basis of 24 hours per week. RAAA IIPDATE:RAAA is working with the member of the Apple Valley community that had gone to the school district in the attempt to get a new baseball program offered this year. The boxes at the parks for RA1 A need painting at an estimated cost of 1, 500 .00 . It has been decided that some of the Parks staff will come in on a weekend and paint them instead of hiring an outside source o do the job. The committee questioned the possibility of this being a project for Parks Improvement Day. Dave Bechtold informed them that this was not possible because of the extensive work involved in removing the old finish from the boxes before they could be painted. s I , , , PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE APRIL 20, 1992 PAGE 2 PARR EVALIIATIONS I STAFF ORK: The park staff is in the process of getting the ball fields ready to go for softball . They are also preparing two soccer fields for use. A test plot of 75' X 100' of buckthorn has been cut out of Carroll's woods. See more on this subject under Carroll' s Woods Update. The parks staff is preparing the areas in Winds park and Kidder-park for the new playground equipment that is currently being installed. ARblORY IIPDATE: City Administrator Steve Jilk stated that cost estimates for the ice arena were asked for and have been obtained from the city architect and the architects hired to design the ice arena. Both sets of these estimates will be compared and financing alternatives will be explored. The Port Authority is interested in getting the ice arena built at the same time the armory is gaing up. Right now an expected ground breaking date for the armory is September 1992 . The National Guard is attempting to get the bid opening date moved up to the end of June or the middle of July in order to assure government funding for the project. The architects will be submitting the final drawings to the Federal Government on April 30, 1992 for approval. e The school district was interested in adding approximately 15 classrooms to the armory to use for various reasons. Unfortunately through their delay in making a decision on this, the site is used up because of the multipurpose arena. Several pros and cons were presented regarding adding the classrooms . This is not financially feasible at this time, but would be something to look at in the future. Steve Jilk brought up the concerns of the businesses on the west side of Highway 3 that would be effected by the new armory. The Port Authority is considering moving the businesses to obtain the property as soon as they can work it out with the business owners . Dave Bechtold mentioned the interest of Jerry Puciaty in serving on any future armory committees that may be formed after the armory is in place. .: Steue Jilk stated that he didn' t know of the future of the present armory committee, but invited Jerry to join the committee now. IIPDATE ON DEVELOPMENTS: Dave Bechtold informed the committee of a proposed residential development north of Biscayne Park. This proposed development involves a 10 acre park, but no solid decisions have been made yet regarding this project. It is in concept stages. JAYCEE PARK UPDATE (ALL PROJECTS) : Director Dave Bechtold let the committee know that the specs for the Jaycee Park playground equipment will be delayed due to the fact they are being put into a new city format. The plan is to have the specs ready by the May 5, 1992 City Council meeting. PAR.KS & RECREATION COMMITTEE APRIL 20, 1992 PAGE 3 Each vendor will be asked to give a presentation of their product to a group that will include the citizen committee concerned about the type of playground equipment utilized. This citizens committee will also have a say in the final product that is chosen. The decision on which ' bidder to accept will be by a vote of those present at the meeting for presentations on May 26th. ERICKSON CObIl S[INITY S4UARE IIPDATE: At their meeting this rainy evening the committee took a walk around the community garden to see if the area has good drainage and to see the location of the new shelter. The committee wondered about the possibility of obtaining overheads from the city of Erickson Park in order to get a better idea of placements and drainage. Dave Bechtold recommended that committee consider a consultant to look at the park area to give recommendations for the city on placement of rinks, shelters, etc. Deanna Simpson suggested the possibility of recruiting local businesses and city staff for "expert" advise in order to keep costs down vs. hiring a consultant. Dave agreed, however, reminded the committee of time factors for staff to do this, but we should look into it further and try it. Tom Reller questioned why the Utilities Commission has not become involved in this project. John Howard mentioned that the commission has been asked to get involved and they sounded positive about it, but so far there has been no response to their invitation from the commission. Dave commented that they are as busy as we are. We should not expect them to be at each meeting, but to continue to invite them. Possibly, a different member of the commission might attend each meeting. Jerry Puciat r voiced a concern about the Utility Commission not coming to the meetings because he would like an explanation as to why he gets a negative feeling from the commission toward the parks committee. When asked by Director Bechtold as to why h feels the commission has a negative attitude toward the park committee, Mr. Puciaty read an excerpt from the minutes of the last Utility Commission meeting that he felt demonstrated this negativity. He feels the park committee and the commission could be doing more to resolve the issues. Scott Rynerson suggested that Mr. Puciaty start the process of communication with the commission by attending the next Utility Commission meeting himself on May 11, 1992 . Director Bechtold offered to attend the meeting with Jerry. CARROLLS WOODS COD Il2ITTEP IIPDATE: Rick Cook reported that the committee had elected a president and secretary that evening. The new presiden of the Carrolls Woods Committee is Ron Pederson, and John Howard was elected the new secretary . A 75' X 100' test plot of buckthorn has been cut out. It took three men 24 man hours to clear the area. The area will be cornered off and different herbicides will be tested on the area. We will try to get that done yet this spring. PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE APRIL 20, 1992 PAGE 4 The question was raised about using the "brush hog" for clearing the buckthorn from the woods. The machine could cut and mulch the buckthorn, but the herbicide would still need to be applied ma.nually. They are considering cutting a plot of buckthorn with the brush hog without using a herbicide. The brush hog could be purchased at a rate of $50, 000 .00 . One negative aspect of the brush hog is that it is not species specific and will clear everythiag in its path. Rental of the machine would be the approach used. A monitoring of growth of buckthorn and new plants in the cleared area will be done by Dan Belting of the Woodlake Nature Center. Ma.rk Joosten and Rick Cook will be working closely with him. The next meeting will be on May 20, 1992 in Carrolls Woods in order to see the test area and to also discuss the dead trees along the trails. PARK IMPROV NT DAY: The Rosemount Jaycees have scheduled their annual sandbox fill for Saturday, May 2, 1992 . The department assists this program by providing the necessary equipmerit, vehicles and staff (to drive the trucks filled with sand) . The boy scouts will be participating in several projects for Parks Improvem nt day on May 9, 1992 . Director Dave Bechtold commented that the media blitz for Adopt-a-Park was well accepted by the citizens and has generated a lot of volunteerism for other projects as well. . There are still several projects available. Any interested parties can contact Lisa Jost. Coordination of the tree plant with RHS/RES is in progress. This will take place this week in the local schools. Replanting of trees and follow up watering and maintenance will be stressed for the vol.unteers to continue. Tom Reller asked how anyone interested in getting involved in the Parks Improvement Day can get started. Lisa Jost suggested calling city hall ahead of time to get a proj ect and location, or to call and let the Parks Department know what the party is interested in doing. The Parks staff will oversee any projects. Efforts will be made to have staff and materials available for anyone who decides to come that day to help out. I`':;'<:3`; FIELD POLICY:Handout attached) Discussion took place on the effective enforcement on damage control without the ability to inspect every field before each uss. This policy will be used this year, however, it will be updated along with other policies later as policies are evaluated and written. PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE APRIL 20, 1992 PAGE 5 COUNCIL/CON SITTEE/COMMISSION blEETING: The committee and commission will be discussing general issues on Ma.y 13, 1992 at city hall. The purpose of the meeting will be to establish a process for program goal setting for 1992 . CLOSING OF EASE NT FOR DVALRING TRAIL IISS: Director Dave Bechtold presented for discussion the area of the easement for access to Kidder Park. A homeowner adjacent to this easement has complained about kids using the trail causing trouble and throwing garbage in his yard. John Howard reminded the committee that in making a deeision on this particular area they will be setting a precedent for any future problems the city may come across regarding such easements. The committee may have to address other ways the homeowners concerns could be dealt with and resolved without removing the sidewalk. No decisions regarding this problem were made at the meeting. The committee would like to have other such easement/walkway areas identified to them. CHAIRPSRSONS RSPORTS: JERRY PUCIATY - None. LINDA LADZUN - Wondered when the water fountains would be turned on in Schwanz Park. Dave informed the committee that the fountains are on school property and belong to the school. We will ask them for use of the fountains for other community use. JOHN HOWARD - Asked if the Shannon Park fields are ready for play. Rick Cook said they are being prepared and will be ready this year. John also asked what the dirt mounds in the park are for. He was told by Rick Cook that they are to be used for fill for a future skating rink. John also mentioned that the bike rack in the Camfield Park was standing end-on-end the other day, and he asked if there was anything that could be done to anchor the bike rack down. Dave Bechtold suggested that perhaps a concrete slab could be installed and the bike rack bolted down. TOM RELLER - Commented on the Jaycee Easter Egg Hunt. It was well organized and his children had a great deal of fun. Congratulations to the organizers for a job well done. He also wondered how the cylinders for the RAAA boxes are working out. Dave Bechtold said they had been installed and will be tried out this season. If they work out other boxes will get the cylinders. Tom also asked what the time ta.ble for the Jaycee Park equipment would be. No definite time could be given due to several factors - committee approval, park busy with working crews, etc. Dave commented that the specs for approval shoulc be on the agenda for the next council meeting. DEANNA SIMPSON - The Rosemount Garden Club will be having their flower sale on May 9, 1992 . The Garden Club will purchase geraniums again and plant them along the street at city hall . The Garden Club also is requesting sand and compost or topsoil for the community garden. PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE APRIL 20, 1992 PAGE 6 SCOTT RYNERSON - None. DAVE GILIUSON - None. DIRECTORS RBPORT• Director Dave Bechtold told the committee that new programs .-that are introduced and facilitated by Parks and Recreation Department will have to be controlled in order for the department to do justice to the programs that it now offers. The amount of staff and time means that we can only add new programs after setting them into a priority list tor time, staff, and funding with any present programs and projects. MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting. Secoad by Linda Ladzun. The meeting was adjourned at 9 :35 p.m. . Respectfully submitted, Kerry Budinger Recording Secretary f t PARKS & RECREATION COI iITTE$ REGIILAR MEETING OF MARCH 16. 1992 MEI ERS PRESENT: Tom Reller, Deanna Simpson, Scott Rynerson, Jerry Puciaty, John Howard, Dave Giliuson and Linda Ladzun. STAFF PRESENT: Director Dave Bechtold, R.ck Cook, Boyd Bailey, Jim Koslowski. GIIESTS PRESENT: Tom Neumann, RAAA; Loretta Loesch, Ed Howard, Nlike Busho. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7:45 P.M. by Chairperson Tom Reller. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: No additions were made. APPROVAL OF FEBRIIARY Z7 1992 MINUTES: MOTION by Scott Rynerson to accept the minutes of the February 17, 1992 as printed. Second by John Howard, Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. AIIDIENCE INPUT: Mike Busho gave an update on the progress of soliciting funds towards the. donation of water fountains in the parks. The Jaycees have committed to donating funds toward a fountain in Jaycee Park in conjunction with the shelter when gets constructed. The Lions Club has committed to donating funds for a water fountain for Erickson Community Square. The Knights of Columbus wish to hold off. They will review different styles of fountains when others are installed. Director Dave Bechtold will give the committee copies of stainless steel water fountains at the next meeting. Committee Member can include this information along with the metal and_ concrete fountains preceivously received. It will cost $1, 000-$1, 000 for a good fountain. LARRY i^TALSH AWARD: Larry Walsh was not present to accept the plaque of appreciation for his many years of service to the Parks and Recreation Committee. 3::;;:IIa,: R.AAA IIPDATE: Tom Neumann reported the RAAA has been working with each program to adjust the timing of season to avoid overlaps. A new issue was brought up at the last R.AAA board meeting. A member in our community has gone to the school district in the attempt to get a new baseball program offered this year. The person presented the issue to the school board and condemned the efforts of both R AA and the city. The person had written the school district a letter claiming that the City of Rosemount and RAAA were not cooperating with him. He stated that all he wanted was one field but failed to further explain the specific facility needs his program required. These needs included a pitching mound and a fenced in field. After further I ROSEMOUNT PARKS & RECRF FiTION COi SITTEE biARCH 16, 19 9 2 Page 2 review, RAA has chose to support the little league baseball program under the umbrella of RA P,. There have been stipulations put on the program. Some of these include: the league will be created more no less than four teams and no more than 10 teams. They must compete amongst themselves. The season will be primarily on weekends, and games will be conducted so as not to interfere with present RAAA program schedules and facility use. Director Dave Bechtold reviewed the department' s process and priority of scheduling fields. The department gives all the fields to R.AAA and they in return schedule each fields for their program. New programs and/or people that request fields are directed to go through Steve Reishauer, who is the RAAA contact person to our office for scheduling of f ields. RAAA should be commended on how they are taking care of this situation. Rather than putting the person and his program "out in the cold" they have taken the person under their umbrella of programs. Scott Rynerson asked if the person has been told he is welcome to speak before the Parks and Recreation Board regarding his concern. The director stated that RAAA appears to be addressing the situation well and does not anticipate further concerns. The person is always welcome to attend the meeting to discuss the matter; however this is an Apple Valley resident. RAAA is cansolidating their process for soliciting donations from business. Letters will be sent to businesses in the area, mostly in Rosemount and Apple Valley, asking for donations to RA.A,A as a whole in lieu of each program seeking donations on their own. RAAA will inform each program director (for each sport) that if they do eontact businesses to donate, that the funds received from RAAA for that program must be returned. This fund raising concegt is geared to project and maintain a positive image to businesses and in the community. Committee Member Linda Ladzun asked if the person (promoting the little league program) was a Rosemount resident. The person lives in Apple Valley. Linda also asked if this person planned on contact the businesses for funds. Tom explained that the national little league program allows corporate sponsors, however, they have been informed that they will have to follow the R.AAA guideline. Director Dave Bechtold felt that the new little league program could possibly compliment the traveling program instead of conflicting with it. PARR EVALIIATIONS / STAFF ORK: Committee Member Tom Reller discussed a safety concern regarding the weight of the heavy steel lids on the 4 ' x 6 ' boxes that RAAA uses in the parks to store equipment. Tom presented the idea of installing gas charged cylinders which would make it easier to lift a lid. RAAA representative Tom Neumann commented that only coaches are allowed to go in the boxes. He agreed that even though strictly adults are to lift the lids up, that is ROSmiOIINT PARRS & RECREATION COI IITT£S MARCH 16, 1992 Page 3 still a good idea to be concerned about their safety. Committee Member Tom Reller received an estimated eost of $30 to install the cylinders on the boxes. (This would be $20 for labor and $4 per cylinder) . Currently there are about 13 baxes in the park system. Committee Member John Howard commented that safety is worth spending the few extra dollars. Tom Neumann indicated tha.t RAAP, may be willing to financially assist the department to install the cylinders. Director Dave Bechtold commented that installing cylinders on.-the new 4 ' x 6 ' steel boxes would be considered first. It was agreed that a steel box would not be brought in to the next meeting for the committee members to view due to the fact that the baxes are very heavy. ARMORY IIPDATE: Committee Member Jerry Puciaty inquired if anyone was designated for setting up the equipment in the banquet facility in the armory. Director Dave Bechtold explained hat the city administrator has been discussing the armory design with the armory staff and the architect. Committee Member Scott Rynerson inquired what the time line would be for the citizens to vote on a referendum of an ice arena in order for it to be built on the armory. Director Dave Bechtold stated that the building is scheduled to accommodate the ice arena. The timing would be best if they could get the arena built at the same time the armory is constructed. However, the deadline of that _the armory design to be sent _to federal government is April 15, 1992 . It was not known if the hockey association has made contact or what the status of their ice arena project was. No matter when, or if, an ice arena would be built the armory is being designed to accommodate its being added on. IIPDATE ON DEVELOPMENTS: Director Dave Bechtold requested that motions be made on the bike trail concept plans that were discussed at last months meeting. No changes have been made on the bike trials. The bike trial concept plans for Carrollton 4th Addition, Westridge 4th Addition, and the Gergen Property were reviewed. Director Dave Bechtold reviewed the Westridge 4th Addition concept bike plan. The bike trail will be along the left side of the streets from Darjeeling Path to 156th Street. The city has a requirement that in order for bike path to be connecting routes they have to be either 5 ' concrete sidewalks or 8 ' asphalt bike trails. The developer has agreed to a 6 ' concrete bike trail which is acceptable for the city guidelines. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to accept the bike trail concept plan for the Westridge addition as presented. Second by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Director Dave Bechtold explained that in the Carrollton 4th Addition a request was not previously made for a trail because it is an enclosed development. Carrollton does not have park land or a trail through it. The corridor bike trail plan enables the addition to be serviced by the area parks (Twin Puddles, Kidder, Chippendale, and Dallara) . r . ROSEMOONT PARRS RECREATION COD IITTEE MARCH 16, 1992 Page 4 The proposed bike trail system would be located through a utility easement and outlot. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to accept the bike trail concept plan for Carrollton 4th Addition as presented. Second by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Director Dave Bechtold reviewed the Gergen Property bike trail concept plan. The Gergen property is south of Jaycee Park along Shannon Parkway and has a pond. The easements would be for a loop trail around the pond area. It would allow for connecting trails from Diamond Path to Shannon Parkway when completed. The developer would be asked for only one access to one side of the pond for this short trail . Park dedication would be requested for the other side of the pond. It is not required to design the trail on the other side of the pond. The plats are not finalized for this addition yet. The motion will be presented to Assistant Planner Rick Pearson to present to the developer. Committee Member John Howard inquired if this reflected the park dedication. Director Dave Bechtold followed up by stating that the park dedication will be addressed at a different time. The top edge of the pond is above the 100 year storm mark. It has been addressed by the Utility Director Ron Wasmund in this trail p1an. MOTION by Dave Giliuson to accept the bike trail concept plan for the Gergen Property as presented. Second by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes : 7 . Nays: 0. The STRESE PROPERTY on Shannon Parkway and near 145th Street is under consideration for development. Director Dave Bechtold will update the committee as progress occurs. JAYCEE PARK IIPDATE (ALL PROJECTS) : Director Dave Bechtold reviewed a bre kdown of priorities for projects scheduled for Jaycee Park this summer. The plan is to proceed with the development of projects that need to be done immediately such as the water, sewer, electrical, etc. . The intent is to draw the specs for the playground equipment and to present them to the city council for their approval in the near futurs since this is one of the first items selected to be taken care of in the construction process. There has been a citizen' s committee from the Jaycee Park area that has met on a couple of occasions to discuss the play eguipment. When the vendor submits the plans and designs the intent is to have that committee decide on the purchase to make. That will be written as a part of the specs presented to the vendors. A short presentation by each vendor will be given to the committee to assist in the decision of the equipment to purchase. ROSEMOIINT PARKS & RECREATION CONB SITTEE MARCH 16, 1992 Page 5 A consideration has been given to use the services of a consultant to draw up the specs for the play equipment. John Howard, Tom Reller and others asked about this process and if we would actually gain by using it. The Director is leaning towards the original process set to draw up a set of specs from that information. No matter which process is used the key factor in the decision making will be the voting of the citizens committee and Parks and Recreation Members following the presentations of the vendors. There may be some delays in maving ahead rapidly with the play equipment due to reeonsidering the landscape of the area at this time. Recommendations were that the area would be best if it were flat, however, quality designs can be derived with the present grading. Time will be spent researching and comparing other cities ' specs. Research is being done by Parks Supervisor Rick Cook and Director Dave Bechtold for the development and/or construction of the shelter, hockey rink, rink lighting, irrigation, ball field fencing, etc. . They would like to present a discussion and package for construction to the council for approval very soon. The baseball field will be constructed this season, but will not be ready for use because of turf, etc. for two years. The Direetor gave a short summary of the background of the development of Jaycee Park. This dealt with the inclusion of the Shannon Park project earlier than its planned schedule. Because of staffing and ma.intenance costs that would come about with both parks coming on line it was necessary to delay the construction of Jaycee park until this year. ERICRSON CO2 lUNITY SQIIARE UPDATE: Committee Member John Howard reviewed what took place at the sub-committee meeting which met at 6:30 p.m. (this evening) . 6 of the members that have been on the committee were present. The committee agreed to meet at 6 :30 p.m. on the third Monday of the month. Next month they will walk the sites perimeter to get a visual on some of the things they want to do. It was suggested that a decorative fence be installed in front of the metal fence that borders the business property adjacent the park land. Also suggested for this year' s projects would be to plant shrubs by Corcoran) fence and by the fire hall as indicated in the master park plan. The committee had questions regarding the status of the development of Erickson Community Square. Committee Member John Howard asked if the grading for the shelter is scheduled to be completed this year. Director Dave Bechtold stated that the money for the gradinc has been encumbered. $12 , 000 that had been budgeted for scoreboards is now being used towards the grading of the facility (for the shelter and the landscaping around the shelter) . A consideration has to be given to were the hockey rinks should be relocated. One possibility is at the other end of the park where the nursery is. Committee Member John Howard asked if the rinks were slated to get done this year. Director Dave Bechtold stated that as ROSAriOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COI ITTEE MARCH 16, 1992 Page 6 soon as the snow is gone the project can be worked on for evaluating, designing and potential grading and construction. The Erickson Community Square Committee also asked for the status of the survey work. Director Dave Bechtold said the surveying is not completed. There is question as to what the final plat is for this area. Also, the survey was to include the perimeter of Erickson Community Square, the shelter and the hockey rinks; which is subject to the committee' s input. Committee Member Jahn Howard requested that the people who did not show up for the meeting and who are on the list be contacted. They should be asked if they are still interested in serving on the committee. The Erickson Community Square Committee will consist of approximately 12 peop3e. The selected Chairperson was John Howard and the secretary was Lois McKinley. CARROLLS WOODS CON lITTEB UPDATE: Committee Member Tom Reller highlighted the Carrolls Woods Sub-Committee Meeting. 6 people excludir g staff) were present at the meeting. It was agreed that the committee would meet the third Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m. The committee' s discussion concentrated on .addressing the buckthorn problem. Parks Supervisor Rick Cook will bring a video tape of the brush hog (piece of equipment) to the next meeting. It appears that the use of herbicide is necessary. Director Dave Bechtold explained different concepts of controlling buckthorn. These included a new method of a concentrated tablet of round up into the roots of each plant. Committee Member Tom Reller said the committee discussed looking at different methods and setting up test plots to try the methods and find out which method(s) works best. The committee will be making short term goals for this summer at the next meeting. Committee Member Scott Rynerson inquired if the whole park is affected. It was indicated that not all the woods is affected but the whole park needs to be evaluated. Director Dave Bechtold commented that the Carrolls Woods Master Park Plan has the park broken down into phases. The committee can use this layout as a guideline to plan the project and locate test plots. The committee will select a chairperson and a secretary at the next meeting. PARK IMPROVEMENT DAY: The Parks and Recreation Department will be coordinating Park Improvement Day with other city projects such as city clean up day or hazardous waste day which has been scheduled for Saturday, May 16, 1992 . Lisa Jast will be contacting civic organizations to seek interest to take part in this project. Projects such as picking up trash in the parks, staining playground equipment, and similar type tasks will be offered for the groups to complete. t ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION CON iITTFsS MARCH 16, 1992 Page 7 The Rosemount Jaycees have scheduled their annual sandbox fill for Saturday, May 2, 1992 . The department assists this program by providing the necessary equipment, vehicles and staff (to drive the trucks filled with sand) . PART TIN SFCRETARY AIDE: Director Dave Bechtold explained that the secretarial needs of the department have been such that a 30 hour secretary had been budgeted in 1992 . Because of salary changes the hours were cut back to 24 hours. A candidate was selected and will be presented to the city council on March 17, 1992 for final apFroval to hire. Upon approval the person selected in the secretary aide position will begin April 6, 1992 . I t:;<)`I+...: F ES AND RESERVATION POLICIES: Director Dave Bechtold commented that the department is at a point where we need to put definite written fee structures and policies together. The department will be working on this project in the next couple of months. When it comes to be specific fees, the groups that will be affected will be invited to serve on a committee to discuss a potential policy. Such groups would be the softball teams when fees for out of town players are discussed. When a policy is drafted, it will be presented to the Parks and Recreation Committee for discussion. GOALS SETTING: Director Dave Bechtold commented that the department and the Parks and Recreation Committee have done a good job of functioning without written goals . However, it is felt that written goals should be completed. A timely and logically schedule will be set up to establish park maintenance procedures, documents drawn up, time lines for projects, etc. Committee members were encouraged to express their individual goals in regards to serving on the committee. Dave Bechtold stated that committee member' s goals are an important part of the process . Department staff go through a goal process, but the goals need to be put into written form. PARR DESIGNS FOR LITTLE LEAGUE: Director Dave Bechtold stated that the traveling baseball program has been struggling with program issues . The Parks and Recreation Department has declared and supports that RAA1 coordinated youth sports . It is a good, viable program operated by a dedicated group of people. Our department will continue to promote and work together with RAAA. Committee Member Dave Giliuson stated that he has coached in RAAA and inquired who the person was that is attempting to coordinate the new baseball program. Bill Freema.n is the person that is presenting the new type of baseball program, Director Dave Bechtald indicated that it is important for RA.AA to be open to change. They are showing this by accepting Mr. Freeman' s concept under their umbrella of youth programs . Director Dave Bechtol.d feels confident that the situation will work out well . ROSEMOIIN'r PARRS & RECREATION CO+iITTE$ MARCH 16, 1992 Page 8 CEAIRPERSONS REPORTS: JERRY PUCIATY - Supports a utility person serving on he Erickson Community Square Committee. LINDA LADZUN - None. JOHN HOWARD - John feels strongly that we (Parks and Reereation Department) should solicit representation from the utility commission to serve on the Erickson Community Square Committee. He suggested that Utility Commission Member Joe Walsh be the person to serve on the committee. If Joe declines, another member is to be asked to serve as a representative. John requested a formal request be presented to the utilities commission. John Loch is going to ask a utility member to serve on the Erickson Community Square committee. MOTION by John Howard to request representation of the utility commission on the Erickson Community Square Committee. Second by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0 . TOM RELLER - asked for approval to continue to work with the bluebird boxes . Loretta Loesch has been monitoring Schwarz Pond Park and has offered to continue checking boxes. The cost has been minimal to include bluebird boo}cs and a purchase of a few of the bl ebird boxes. MOTION by John Howard to continue the bluebird program. Second by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes : 7 . Nays: 0 . Committee Member Tom Reller also commented that there were 45 bluebirds fledged last year. He voiced interest in moving some of the boxes away from the woods to the middle of fields instead of having them close to the trees in Erickson Park. Director Dave Bechtold expressed that this will have to be coordinated with the park crew. Tom said there was some vandalism that occurred to four of the boxes in Erickson Park. Tom is also looking for someone to check the bluebird houses in Erickson Park. DEANNA SIMPSON - Deanna suggested when planning the landscaping for Erickson Community Square that the types of shrubs and trees that are good for the bluebird habitat be taken into consideration. Committee Member Tom Reller commented that the DNR has a book which offers such inf ormation. Director Dave Bechtold inquired what the status of the Garden Club was . The club meets the fourth Monday of the Month. Approximately six members dedicate their time to the Erickson Cammunity Square garden. Dave stated that the department has a membership through the Minnesota Horticulture and Parks Maintenance staff Mark Joosten is a member of the Arborculture Society. Discounts may be available when registering for workshops. ROSEMOUNT PARKS & RECREATION COD iITTEE MARCH 16, 1992 Page 9 SCOTT RYNERSON - Scott asked if finding someone to write grants has been checked out. Director Dave Bechtold responded in that deadlines had past for the grants the department was interested in. The city administrator does agree that we could hire someone to write the grants if it were apart of the grant costs. This will need to be evaluated for process, cost, etc. DAVE GILIUSON - None. DIRECTOR'S RSPORT• Park Maintenance Supervisor Rick Cook brought in a park sign for the committee view. A light colored stain wi11 be used on the signs. The city has a wood carving machine that will router the letters. The signs will stand 5 ' out of the ground and will be buried 3 ' into the ground. The sign locations have been submitted to the planning department and we are waiting for them to be approved. Smaller parks will have one sign. Some of the larger parks may have two signs . Committee members Deanna Simpson and Scott R nerson complimented the parks crew on their fine work shown on the park signs. Director Dave Bechtold stated that reports indicate the armory is still on schedule. The city administrator has state that Del Lorentzson and Jerry Puciaty will be asked to attend the armory meetings as they begin to be scheduled. A question was raised regarding the timing of the ice arena and how it fits into the actual construction of the armory building. Director Dave Bechtold stated that all the necessary utilities for the sewer, heating and cooling will be stubbed on the building. It is preferred that the same heating and cooling system for the armory be used for the arena. Director Dave Bechtold c mmented that a person representing the Rosemount Middle School Site Council has shown interest the adopting a park project. A list of possible projects was forwarded them for further review. Cathy and Mike Bushos ' efforts on soliciting organization to purchase water fountains for the park systern is to be commended. Dave emphasized the importance that people serving on committees should focus on designing a project first, and then secondly look at the costs. Although they are both important factors, considering dollar costs first may at times inhibit design possibilities. It was noted that the Governors budget cuts could affect the city of Rosemount. The city may have to cut as much as $200, 000 . The city operation will he reviewed as a whole. Director Dave Bechtold indicated that the department will cantinue to function in its conservative fashion and continue to move ahead with projects; as it always has in the past. ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RSCREATION COI SITTE$ MARCH 16, 1992 Page 10 Committee Member Deanna Simpson asked if Rosemount' s armory will be constructed. Several armories in the state are being closed. Director Dave Bechtold confirmed that Rosemount' s armory is on schedule. MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting. Secoad by Jerry Puciaty. The meeting was adjourned at 9 :05 p.m. . Respectfully submitted, Lisa Jost Recording Secretary T0: PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE FROM: DAVID J . BECHTOLD - DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION DATE FEBRUARY 13 , 1992 RE: COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 17 , 1992 DATE: FEBRUARY 17 , 1992 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7:30 A . M. AGENDA: I . CALL MEETING TO ORDER II . SWEAR IN NEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS III . ADDITIONS TO THE RGENDA IV . APPROVE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 20 , 1992 MEETING V . AUDIENCE INPUT VI . DEFERRED COMPENSATION - ( CITY CLERK / SUE WALSH ) OLD BUSINESS' VII . RAAA UPDATE ( TOM NUEMANN / & DAVE ) J VIII . PARK EVALUATIONS / STAFF WORK ( RI+CK COOK ) p-=' IX. REVIEW BYLAWS FOR COMMITTEE X . ARMORY UPDATE - STAFFING , ETC . XI . WESTRIDGE 4TH ADDITION XII . PARK PLAN BOOK XIII . CARROLLS WOODS / BUCKTHORN WORK NEW BUSINE55 XIV . GERGEN PROPERTY / PROPOSED TRAILS XV . CARROLLTON 4TH ADDZ7ION TRAIL DESIGN XVI . JAYCEE PARK MEETING ( PLAY EQUIPMENT ) XVII . CHAIRMANS REPORT XVIII .DIRECTORS REPORT XIX . _ ADJOURNMENT SEE ATTACHED SHEET FOR SUMMARY OF ITEMS ON THE AGENDA Please note the meeting that was scheduled for 6:00 P . M . . It pertains to the Master Plan process and the two park plans for Carrolls Woods and Erickson Community Square ( Town Green ) . A general agenda is presented on the next page . Our purpose in setting up the meeting was to identify what our next steps might be in park development . Dave Bechtold , the Director of.-Parks & Recreation , will summarize some of the thinss that have taken place since the concept plans were approved by both our Committee and the City Council . PARRS & RECREATION CO1 IlrlITTEB REGtJLAR MEETING OF FEBRIIARY 17 1992 SWEARING IN OF APPOINTED MBERS: John Howard swore in the new members Linda Ladzun and Dave Giliuson and re-appointed members Tom Reller and Jerry Puciaty. D MBERS PRESENT: Tom Reller, Deanna Simpson, Scott Rynerson, Jerry Puciaty, John Howard, Dave Giliuson and Linda Ladzun. STAF'F PRESENT: Dir. Dave Bechtold, Boyd Bailey, Rick Cook and Susan Walsh, City Clerk. Lisa Jost arrived late following a program meeting. GtTBSTS PRESENT; Tom Neumann, RAAA; Harry Willcox, Councilmember, Arlyn Cope and Lorretta Poole. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson Tom Reller. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Twin Puddles by Willcox, Item VII. A. and benefit presentation for committee members by Susan Walsh, City Clerk. BENEFIT PRBSENTATION: Susan Walsh explained payroll and accidental insurance forms for committees/commissions. Committee members will contribute to the City' s deferred compensation program in lieu of paying social security taxes. Please contact Sue with any questions regarding these forms and return them promptly. APPROVAL OF MIN'tTTES OF JANIIARY 2Q. 1992 MINIITES: MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to accept the minutes of the January 20, 1992, as printed. Second by John Aoward. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0 . AUDIENCE INPIIT: See Benefit Presentation. Lorretta Loesch will comment on Carroll ' s Woods. t: R.AAA IIPDATE: Tom Neumann reported their annual soliciting of funds for R.AAA will be coming up in March. This will be by letter to the area merchants and clubs. Spring sports registration will be held on the same night for baseball, softball and track. Steve Reischauer has been appointed the contact person between city staff and RAAA. Any questions from R A program directors should be channeled through him. Discussion will take place at the next meeting on the possibility of changing seasons; lengthening and running concurrent programs. A formal Thank You" was presented to the Rosemount City Council on February 4, 1992 for their support. Committee Member Jerry Puciaty inquired about the Apple Valley athletic association. Tom commented that the communication has improved with a perception of recognition from them now being the case. i ROSEMOUNT PARKS & RECREATION COD ITTEE FEBRIIARY 17, 1992 Page 2 TDPIN PIIDDLES: Director Bechtold introduced the issue and noted that the Dodd Road Bike Trail and the Twin Puddles shelter were held back from construction last year. They will be considered at the February 18, 1992 City Council meeting again in regards to encumbering funds to 1992 . Councilmember Willcox explained that Twin Puddles is legally a holding pond as decided by the courts in 1974. Park Project 177 in 1972 also made it officially a park. Willcox said its first purpose is as a holding pond and second purpose is as a park. Any changes inc arred by park improvements should not impede the percolation of the runoff water which takes approximately 5 hours after a major rain storm. If cars drive on much of the land or oil contamination would occur, this could have a negative impact on the percolation. Director Bechtold noted that a formal agreement with the Utility Director is necessary whenever a park improvement is done at Twin Puddles or Erickson parks because they are dual purpose holding ponds/parks. Dir. Bechtold felt that both purposes can be served with a combined effort. The Parks Master Plan shows a parking lot at Twin Puddles for 10 - 15 cars. This down grading should be gradual just as it will be in other parks. Council action will earmark funds for future development but a formal agreement will have to be obtained with the Utilities Director. PARK EVALIIATION / STAFF WORR: Rick Cook reported that the ice rinks are still open. Staff has begun building benches and park signs. A primary goal is to install park signs at the entrance to each park. One will be displayed for new committee members at the next meeting. The budget will provide for $2, 500 to $5, 000 per year for additional benches, tables, canopies, ect. as determined by staff. RECREATION SIINIl IARY: This report was submitted in your informational packet by Lisa Jost. Jane Mollman coordinated the Sunshine Club during winter school vacation. Thirty children participated. Family Fun and Skate was held on January 12 with 40 - 45 participants. Skating lessons had 103 partieipants. Pom Poms will end February 18 with the parents appreciation night and 70 children participating. Power volleyball and 4 on 4 •basketball continues in the winter schedule. Upcoming programs include Spring Vacation Activities, Jaycee Egg Hunt, softball and other summer programs and trips. Applications are being accepted for a part time secretary aid for the Parks & Recreation Department. Staff feels that park reservation fees should remain the same as 1991 and are proceding accordingly. REVIEw BYLA IS: Director Bechtold updated the committee on the revisions to the By-Laws as directed by the Administration Department. MOTION by John Howard to accept the By-Laws as amended by the Administration Department to coincide with City Policies. Secoad by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 7, Nays : 0 . ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COb iITTEE FEBRIIARY 17, 1992 Page 3 CAR.ROLLS WOODS/BIICRTHORN WORiC: Lorretta Loesch asked about trail maintenance for the summer, and Director Bechtold replied it would be handled as in the past until a narrower mower is purchased to accommodate the trails as outlined in the Parks Master Plan. Trails identified will be mowed. The buckthorn problem has been addressed by Mr. Westerberg of the DNR. He advised to be careful with the herbicide; to cut, and then spot apply on a leaf. It will kill down through the root system but ma.y need to be repeated for one or two years. Many times it takes much time and patience for reforestation. Deanna Simpson said state funding is available. The Metro and Urban Forestry Department is researching now on fibrous roots to make transplanting more successful. Tom Reller reported that Dan Neubauer said many natural seeds are dormant in the ground until the buckthorn is removed and will begin to grow on their own. ARMORY IIPDATE: Jerry Puciaty and Del Lorentzson would like to be on the Armory Committee. Meetings with the architects last week began the research needed for utilities to be engineered. Staffing and scheduling needs will be addressed in the future. Ground breaking should be August 1993 . It was suggested that a manager be hired prior to completion of the community center to encourage and actually schedule use of the theater and banquet facility for up to a year ahead. Committee members are interested in working closely with Mr. Jilk on this project. WESTRIDGE 4TFi ADDITION: All park dedication has been completed. The developer, will continue the bike trail along the left side of the streets from Darjeeling Path to 156th Street. Parks department identifies the trails for construction but the Public Works Department will maintain them when they are completed. Trails through parks are maintained under Park Maintenance. PARK PLAN BOOK: Boyd Bailey prepared a complete book of the parks system for your reference. Dave Bechtold invited any Parks & Recreation Committee Member to a park tour at their convenience. It would take about one hour, just call and make arrangements. BW»>€T:I: GERGEN PROPERTY/PROPOSED TR.AIL: The Gergen property is south of Jaycee Park and has a pond. The easements would be for a loop trail around the pond area. This area does need a lot of grading. It would allow for connecting trails from Diamond Path to Shannon Parkway when completed. i ROSEMOIINT PARRS & RECREATION CONII iITTEE FEBRIIARY 17, 1992 Page 4 CARROLLTON 4TH ADDIT=ON: The developer, Broback will continue the bike trail with an aecess from Cimarron Ave. to Clancey Ave. and then it will continue on to Dodd Road bike trail . Trees will be planted along the access for a linear trail to Chippendale Park. JAYCEP PARR MEET=NG - PLAYGROUND EQIIIPMENT: Residents have been invited to attend a presentation on the playground equipment on February 20, 1992 at 7:30 p.m. Park staff carpenter, Jim Koslowski, will attend this meeting. CHAIRPERSONS REPORTS: JERRY PUCIATY - None. LINDA LADZUN - None. JOHN HOWARD - None. TOM RELLER - None. DEANNA SIMPSON - Deanna suggested that landscaping be provided` around each new park sign as they are installed. Her garden club would be interested in participating in that. The Jaycee Park sign would be first, a dedication ceremony would be great. There are some clubs or groups who may like to "sponsor° a park. The elementary school by Charlie' s Park has a class interested. SCOTT RYNERSON - The Chamber of Commerce has chosen to get involved with sponsoring the amphitheater at Erickson Park. He would encourage any groups to pick a special interest and work with the Parks Dept. DAVE GILIUSON - Dave asked about the cross country ski trails in Rosemount. Carroll s Woods had one but the trails are too narrow for the grooming equipment. The Master Plan calls for a single trail. If a double trail is put in place of the single trail it could be groomed. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: None. MOTION by Deanna Simpson to adjourn the meeting. Secoad by John Howard. The meeting was adjourned at 9 :05 p.m. . Res ectfully submitted, J vv _ Linda Jen'nk Recording Secretary i o osemoun i PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mafling A ress: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Roaemount,Minnesota 55068 0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James{Rec Staats Harry Wiik;ox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR STATS OF MINNESOTA ) Stephan Jilk COUNTIT OF DAKOTA ) § CITY OF ROSBMOUN'P ) I, Tom Reller, solemnly swear that I will support the Consti tution of the Uni ted States and of the State of Minnesota, and faithfully`discharge the duties of a committee member of the Parks & Recreation Committee for the City of Rosemount in the County of Dakota and the State of Minnesota, to the best of my judgement and ability. ` So help me God. To Rell er Subscribed and sworn to before me thi s 17 th day of February, 1992. J: ,Q. _ David J. Bechtold Director of Parks & Recreation vert tngs omtng `UL i osemount I t..P,a,. i o osemoun PHONE (612)4234411 2875•145th Street Weat,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James(Redj Staats Harry Wilk ox Dennis Wippermann STATE OF MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATOR COI7NTY OF D lKOTA § Stephan Jilk CITY OF ROSEI IDDNT ) I, Linda Ladzun, solemnly swear that I wi11 support the Constituti.on of the United States and of the State of Minnesota, and faithfully discharge the duties of a committee member of the Parks & Recreation Committee for the City of Rosemount in the County of Dakota and the State of Minnesota, to the best of my judgement and ability. So help me God. Linda dz Subscribed and sworn to before me this I7th day of February, 1992. nn' David J. Bechtold Director of Parks & Recreation ver hings oming `(/!, osemount i o osemouvL PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Maiting Address: Edward 8.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Roeemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Kiassen James(Red)Staats Harry Wilicox Dennis Wippermann STATE OF MIATNESOTA ADMIN STRATOR COUNTY OF DAKOTA J Stephan Jilk CITY OF ROSSMOUN'P ) I, Jerome Puciaty, solemnly swear that I wi11 support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Minnesota, and faithfully discharge the duties of a committee member of the Parks & Recreation Committee for the City of Rosemount in the County of Dakota and the State of Minnesota, to the best of my judgement and ability. So help me God. i. Jerom Puciat Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of February, 1992. David J. Bechtold Director of Parks & Recreation ver ings oming `Ul, osemounl ts,,, i o osemoun PHONE (612)4234411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James(Red)Steats Harry Wilicox Dennis Wippermann STAT'E OF MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATQR COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) Stephan Jilk CITY OF ROSSMOIINT ) I, David Giliuson, solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Minnesota,` and faithfu3ly discharge the duties of a committee member of the Parks & Recreation Committee for the City of Rosemount in the County of Dakota and the`State of Minnesota, to the best of my judgement and ability. So help me God. David Giliuson Subscribed and sworn to before me this I7th day of February, 1992. 1_, . p-A David J. Bechtold T Director of Parks & Recreation ver htng s omtng `U(,i osemount L:recy[led Daper c 1 PARRS & RECREATION COI Il lITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20. 1992 MEi ERS PRESENT: Tom Reller, Del Lorentzson, Deanna Simpson, Scott Rynerson, Jerry Puciaty; John Howard entered at 8:50 p.m. . Larry Walsh was absent. STAFF PRESENT: Dir. Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost, and Boyd Bailey. GUESTS PRESENT: Tom Neumann, RAAA; Bruce Busho, Derek Zesic, and Jennifer Norwick of GAPP (German-American Partnership Program) ; Cathy Busho, Planning Commission. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Acting Chairperson Tom Reller. It was noted that the four members present did represent a quorum. ADD=TIONS TO AGENDA: Audience Input: German-American Partnership Support. APPROVAL OF MiNUTES OF D$CEt ER 16. 1991 MINQTES: MOTION by Deanna Simpson to accept the minutes of the December 16, 1991, with the correction of the date in the heading on pages 2, 3, and 4. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. AIIDIENCE INPtTT• GERMAN-AMERICAN PARTNERSBIP PROGR.AM: Bruce Busho explained the student exchange program in which 23 Rosemount students go to Gezmany and this year 21 German students will be coming here. GAPP requests help with planning and defraying the cost of an outing for the German students. They will be here April 2 - 28, 1992 . Lisa Jost said she will try to coordinate a Twins game. MOTION by Del Lorentzson to support the GAP Program with a trip and any other way if an opportunity is presented. Second by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 5 . Nays: 0. 7}33;;:::B 3S; R.AAA IIPDATE: Tom Neumann reported the wrestling and basketball programs are going well. Steel storage boxes have been purchased for Shannon, Jaycee and Erickson parks. RAAA is exploring the possibility for a long term fund for a sports complex to be built in Rosemount. The school district will be renovating all their ball fields so summer athletics are having to find other fields for play this year. The Chippendale Golf Course will be used for the tournament this year. PARR EVALIIATION / STAFF WORR: Director Bechtold said the skating rings are in good shape and lines are being put on the hockey rinks. A resident complained that the ice smelled; with the warm weather they concluded that some rotting grass may have caused this. The crew changed shifts so that night time flooding of the rinks could occur. This allowed for a temperature that is cold enough to make good ice. ROSEMOIINT PARKS RECREATION CObIIriITTEE JANUARY 20, Z992 Page 2 SAANNON HILLS • PAR1C DEDICATION: Director Bechtold reported that the final plat has not been submitted as of yet. The 24 foot access requested for park dedicaton is along the northern end of the original" park dedication lot. REVIEDv BYLAWS: Director Bechtold updated the committee on the revisions to the By-Laws as directed by the Administration Department. The office of secretary will be eliminated as it is done by city staff. The wording of "chairman" will be changed to "chairperson" . In Section VI. Purpose, Administration requested removing: A. Interview and recommend hiring of Park & Recreation Director, and B. Recommend associated personnel to director. Administration feels the hiring responsibility has to be by their direction. Jerry Puciaty felt the Committee should be involved in the process. MOTION by Deanna Simpson to alter the By-Laws_ by replacing "chairman" with "chairperson" , delete the office of secretary and in Section VI. Purpose, to delete B. and alter A. to read, "Have the Committee take an active role in the interviewing and hiring of the Parks & Recreation Director. " Secoad by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. The updated By-Laws will be given to you to recommend to City Council. Tom Reller recommended NEW BUSINESS Item. XV be moved ahead as well as XVII. Park Up Grades Project for audience convenience. CONNY WENZEL LOT SPLIT: Boyd Bailey explained this lot split of a 10 acre parcel. This would require a park dedication fee of $480 per lot. Wenzel requested a copy of the formula used. This land does not abut any park lands as set out in the Parks Master Plan so a cash dedication is indicated. MOTION by Scott Rynerson that the park dedication fee for the Conny Wenzel lot split be identified as a cash dedication. Secoad by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 5 . Nays: 0. PARK IIPGRADE PROJECTS - CATSY BIISHO: Cathy Busho has set a goal to get drinking fountains in all Rosemount Parks. Her plan is to get three designs and submit requests through community organizations i.e. Jaycees, Knights of Columbus, Lions) to sponsor a fountain. She would offer to have a plaque of recognition on each fountain. The charitable gambling laws have changed so new regulations must be met in order to qualify for that type of funding. Busho would like to see water fountains at Shannon, Erickson, Connemara and Kidder Parks this year. The Utilities Department will have to be made aware of the need for new piping to be run for these fountains. Director Bechtold will make catalogs available for selection of the fountains. Also an updated list of items needed should be made available to local community organizations for donations. ROSEMOUNT PARKS RECREATION COIMIl tITTEL JANIIARY 20, 1992 Page 3 Deanna Simpson thanked Cathy for her input and appreciated her efforts to improve the Rosemount Parks. MOTION by Del Lorentzson to support Cathy Busho in her desire to provide a drinking fountain for every park in Rosemount. Second by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 6 . Nays: 0. ARMORY IIPDATE - STAFFSNG: Director Bechtold advised that the plans are going ahead, the architects are making the plan drawings. Administrator Jilk will advise the Committee as to what their involvement should be. Management operations have not been totally determined at this time. The building will take 12 to 18 months. Some water and utilities could come from Connemara Trail and the School District area. PROJECT FDNDING SOIIRCES VPDATE: Mr. Sames at the Minnesota Dept. of Trade & Economic Development Grant Office has provided us with a general grant project list. The LwCON Offices have sent applications for the prairie grass and natural habitat. Removal of the buckthorn would be an excellent Eagle Scout project. There are professionals willing to donate time to outline these projects so they would be done correctly. (Danny Neubauer was referenced) . Letters to perspective committee members will be sent to help form committees for Carroll ' s Woods, Town Green, etc. . These people would be from lists of former committees: i.e. Parks Master Plan, Carroll' s Woods, Town Green. Priorities need to be set. Consensus showed that meeting times would be prior to the Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. . Also an ad will be placed in the Rosemount Town PaQes for people interested in Jaycee Park Project/Playground Equipment. Letters will also be sent. The Jaycees have requested a meeting regarding the shelter and playground equipment which they have donated funds for. IBi':::<:f:S ANNOQNCE NEW r'+ERS: Selections will be presented to the City Council at tomorrow s council meeting for their appointment. The new members will be sworn in at the next Parks & Recreation Committee meeting. CHAIRPERSONS REPORTS: JERRY PUCIATY - Jerry discussed Birger Pond and the potential for it to be stocked with fish and the need for water management. It is a ItOSEMOUNT PARKS & RECREATION CONa2ITTEE JANUARY 20, 1992 Page 4 land locked basin which will be used as a storm water holding pond by the Utilities Department. Water levels will have to be maintained. DEL LORENTZSON - nothing added at this time. JOHI 1 HOWARD - nothing added at this time. DEANNA SIMPSON - nothing added at this time. TOM R£LLER - nothing added at this time. SCOTT RYNERSON - Scott noted the additional effort for staff to come in on a holiday for this meeting. He thanked everyone for their added effort. DIRRCTOR S REPORT: Director Bechtold appreciated the committee members phone calls prior to this meeting. This helps him prepare for any issues before the committee and he would encourage this to continue. Adopt a Park Program" is being initiated by the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber is looking toward the building of an amphitheater in Erickson Park as described in the Parks Master Plan. Director Bechtold will do a gresentation for the Chamber at their February iith meeting. This will help explain the budget time line to be expected. Complaints have again been filed regarding the timing of the cross walk at the Shannon Parkway and County Road 42 intersection. It is so short as to believe it may be a safety hazard. This should be directed to the Public Works department for review. Director Bechtold sincerely thanked Del Lorentzson for his ideas, input and time commitment over the past eight years he has served on the Parks & Recreation Committee. We hope to continue to see Del in other capacities involving the community. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to adjourn the meeting. Secoad by Scott Rynerson. The meeting was adjourned at 9 :40 p.m. . Respectfully submitted, I b Linda Jenti Recording Secretary Approved at the 1992, Parks & Recreation meeting. T0: PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS Q FROM: Lisa Jost, Assistant Director of Parks a Recreation DATE: Tuesday, February 11 , 1992 RE: Statistics from youth athletic associations During a meeting last month with area parks and recreation departments, youth athletic associations, school district and community education; another request was made for VAAA to provide statistics on participation in their programs. Attached you will find the most recent listing of participation statistics from both the Rosemount Area Athletic Association and the Valley Area Athletic Association. If you have any questions or comments after review:r:-> he contents feel free to contact Dave Bechtold or myself by calling 423-4415. cc. Dave Bechtold, Director of Parks and Recreation mem-p&rc. 1 BOSEliOIII T ABFa AT.ETIC ASSOCIATION VALI.EY ATHI.ETIC ASSOCIATION 1991 CITY OF APPL.E VALLEY PARTICIPANT STATISTICS Report Prepared by Apple Valley Parks and Recreation Department January 30, 1992 A sociation Number X of Total Male Female Baseball (Traveling & In-House) RAAA 478 29:65X 478 VAA 1,134 70.35X 1,134 Bastetbsll (Traveling & In-House) RAAA 305 34.44X 207 98 VAA 581 65.56X Footbell RAAA , •. 52 14.44X 52 VAA 308 85.56X Soccer (Summer Traveling In-House) RAAA 387 17.18X 215 172 VAA 1,866 82.82X Soccer (Fall) RAAA 0 O.00X VAA 348 100.00X Softball (Traveling & In-House) RAAA 306 34.38X 306 VAA 584 65.62X 1Yack RAAA 179 34.69X 98 81 VAA 337 65.31X Page - 2 o , M g Femal eA Volleyball (Traveling & In-House) RAAA 40 9.80X 2 38 VAA 368 91.20X 8restling RAAA 26 13.98X 26 VAA 160 :86.02X Note: VAA's participation numbers are an estimate. ) Overatl Progras Totsls RAAA 1,773 23.77X 1,078 695 VAA 5,686 76.23X ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION P.O.Box 134,Rosemount.MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT AREA ATHI.ETIC ASSOCIATION 1991 PARTICPANT STATISTICS OVERALL PROGRAM TOTALS * CTTY COUNT of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 664 15.7 434 230 Apple Valley 1773 41.7 1078 695 Eagan 626 14.7 335 291 Lakeville 941 22.0 634 307 Inver Grove Hgt 148 3.5 88 60 Other 99 2.4 64 35 TOTALS 4251 2633 1618 PROGRAMS: BASKETBALL CITY COUNT of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 92 17 75 17 Apple Valley 265 48 181 84 Eagan 42 8 21 21 Lakeville 133 23 98 35 Inver Grove Hgt 16 3 12 4 Other 6 1 5 1 TOTALS 554 392 162 NOTE: Lakeville count reflects those with Lakeville zip codes plus Rosemount zip codes with addresses in the Valley Park area. November 7, 1991 1991 Participant Statistics cont. TRAVELING BASKETBALL CTTY COUNT 9 of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 5 8 1 4 Apple Valley 40 66 26 14 • Eagan 2 3 2 0 Lakeville 13 21 9 4 Inver Grove Hgt 1 2 0 1 Cther 0 0 TOTALS 61 38 23 WRESTLING CITY COUNT k of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 8 8 8 Apple Valley 26 23 26 0 Eagan 44 39 44 0 Lakeville 22 8 22 0 Inver Grove Hgt 4 0 0 0 Other 8 8 8 0 TOTAIS 108 108 0 TRACK CITY COUNT of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 63 8 33 20 Apple Valley 179 26 98 81 Eagan 359 52 193 166 Lakeville 70 9 36 34 Inver Grove Hgt 29 4 18 11 Other 5 1 3 2 TOTALS 695 381 314 1991 Participant Statistics cont. TRAVELING SOCCER CITY COUNT of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 24 15 8 16 Apple Valley 95 59 42 53 Eagan 2 1 2 Lakeville 28 18 12 16 L-rver Gmve Hgt 9 6 5 Other 2 1 1 1 TOTALS 160 67 93 O CER CITY COUNT of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 122 17 89 33 Apple Valley 292 41 173 119 Eagan 83 12 23 60 Lakeville 170 24 119 51 Inver Grove Hgt 24 3 17 7 Other 28 4 16 12 TOTALS 719 437 282 BASEBALL CITY COUNT of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 179 18 178 1 Apple Valley 449 45 449 0 Eagan 34 3 34 0 Lakeville 276 28 276 0 Inver Grove Hgt 28 3 28 0 Other 25 3 24 1 TOTALS 991 989 2 1991 Participant Statistics cont. TRAVELING BASEBALL CITY COUNT Rb of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 13 17 13 0 Apple Valley 29 39 29 0 ' Eagan 3 4 3 Lakeville 26 35 26 0 Inver Grove Hgt 2 3 2 Other 2 3 2 TOTALS 5 75 0 SOFTBALL CITY COUNT of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 102 17 0 102 APPle Valley 286 47 0 286 Eagan 34 6 0 34 Lakeville 149 25 0 149 Inver Grove Hgt 20 3 0 20 Other 12 2 0 12 TOTALS 603 0 603 TRAVELING FAST PITCH SOFTBALL CITY COUNT of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 21 39 0 21 Apple Valley 20 37 0 20 g 1 1 0 1 Lakeville 2 4 0 2 Inver Grove Hgt 10 19 0 10 Other 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 54 0 54 1991 Participant Statistics cont. FOOTBALL CITY COUNT of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 17 15 17 0 Apple Valley 52 39 52 0 Eagan 12 9 12 0 Lakeville 34 26 34 0 Inver Grove Hgt 6 5 6 0 Other 5 4 5 0 TOTALS 132 132 0 VOLLEYBALL CITY COUNT of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 8 12 2 6 Apple Valley 29 43 2 27 Eagan 10 15 3 7 Lakeville 18 26 2 16 Inver Grove Hgt 3 4 1 2 Other 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 68 10 58 TRAVELING VOLLEYBALL CITY COUNT of TOT MALE FEMALE Rosemount 10 37 0 10 Apple Valley _ 11 41 0 11 Eagan 0 0 0 0 Lakeville 0 0 0 0 Inver Grove Hgt 0 0 0 0 Other 6 22 0 6 TOTALS 27 0 27 VALLEY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION PROGRAM RECAP RECAPPARTICIPATION 1991 r P.O. Box2A4E2 • Appl Vall y, MN SSiZ4 i a11e .thletic Association Inc. vaa PROGRAM RECAP 1991 Area Number X of Total Male Female Apple Valley 5,686 76.8% Rosemount 253 3.4 Burnsville 1,252 16.9 Eagan 72 1.0 Farmington 31 4 Lakeville 109 1 .5 Total 7,403 100.0 PARTICIPATION RECAP 199 S or Numbe.r X of Total Male Female Basehall 1,491 20.1% 1 491 Basketball 726 9.8 S90 136 Football 441 6.0 439 2 Fall Soccer 483 6.5 280 203 Softball 150 10.1 750. . . Soccer 2,414 32.6 1,380 1,034 Track 451 6.I 239 212 Volleyball 447 6.0 127 320 Wrestlinq 200* 2.8 200 Total 1,403 100.OX 4,746 2,657 PARTICIPATION RECAP BY AREA 1991 BASKETBALL Area Number of Total Apple Valley 581 80.0 Rosemount Z1 2•9 Bursnville 114 15.1 Eagan Farmington Lakeville 10 1.4 Total 726 100.0% WRESTLING* Area Number of Total Appl e Val l ey 160 80.096 Rosemount Burnsville 40 20_0 Eagan Farmington Lakeville Total 200 100.0 Estimate FALL SOCCER Area Number of Total Apple Valley 348 72.3 Rosemount 16 3.3 Burnsville 4 19.5 Eagan 12 2•5 Farmington 2 4 Lakeville g 2•0 Total 481 100.OX PARTICIPATION RfCAP BY AREA 1991 FOOTBALL Area Number of 7ota1 Apple Valley 308 69.8% Rosemount 20 4.6 Burnsville 98 22•2 Eagan 4 9 Farmington 7 1.6 Lakeville 4 9 Total 441 100.0 BASEBALL Area Number of Total Apple Valley 1,134 76.1% Rosemount 49 3.3 Bursnville 250 16.8 Eagan 15 1.0 Farmington 10 6 Lakeville 33 2•2 Total 1,491 100.0% SOFTBALL Area Number q of Total Apple Valley 584 71.9X Rosemount 24 3.2 Burnsville 117 15.6 Eagan 11 1 .5 Farmington 0 Lakeville 14 1 .8 Total 750 100.0 PARTICIPATION RECAP BY AREA 1991 VOLLEYBALL Area Number of Total Apple Valley 368 82.3% Rosemount 12 2.7 Burnsville 58 13.0 Eagan 2 4 Farmington Lakeville 7 1 .6 Total 447 100.OX TRACK Area Number X of Total Apple Valley 331 74.1% Rosemount 16 3.5 Burnsville 83 18_4 Eagan Farmington 4 9 Lakeville 11 2.5 Total 451 100.0 SOCCER Area Number of Total Apple Valley 1,866 77.3X Rosemount 95 4.0 Burnsville 398 16.5 Eagan 28 1.1 Farmington 8 3 Lakeville 19 8 Total 2,414 100.OX