HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark and Rec Commission 1991_01_21-12_16_1991PARRS & RECREATION CO IITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1991 MEA SBERS PRESENT: John Howard, Scott Rynerson, Jerry Puciaty, Deanna Simpson, Del Lorentzson, and Tom Reller. STAFF PRESENT: Dir. Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Rick Cook, Boyd Bailey, Eric Carlson, Carl Dahnke, Jim Koslowski, Mark Joosten, and Steve Jilk, City Administrator. GUESTS PRESENT: Tom Neumann, RAAA. GALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson John Howard. RDDITIONS TO AGENDA: Old Business, XII. Sunrise Builders Property Purchase. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 18, 1991 MINUTES: MOTION by Del Lorentzson to accept the minutes of the November 18, 1991, as printed. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 6 . Nays: 0 . AUDIENCE INPUT: None. L:[:::>I+1:; R.AAA UPDATE: Tom Neumann reported that the first half of the basketball program is complete; registrations for wrestling and traveling volleyball are underway. Plans for the spring and summer program registrations have begun. The Association is concerned with its fate, budgets, users fees and working with surrounding athletic associations. PARK EVALUATION / STAFF WORR: Rick Cook reported the majority of work being done is snow plowing and flooding ice rinks. A wood carving machine has been purchased for making signage for the parks. The cross country ski trails are not groomed but people are using them. MASTER PARKS PLAN UPDATE: Concern had been noted from the Parks and Recreation Committee on the clarity of the motions made supporting the Master Parks Plan and Erickson Community Square Plan. The Master Parks Plan has been presented to the City Council and approved. The following motions were made to clarify the minutes. MOTION by Deanna Simpson to approve the Erickson Community Square Plan. Second by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes : 6 . Nays: 0 . MOTION by Deanna Simpson to approve the Comprehensive Park Plan and Development Guide. Second by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 6 . Nays: 0. ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION CON SITTEE DECENiBER 16, 19 9 Page 2 ARMORY COI iITTEE UPDATE: City Administrator Jilk informed the committee that the President of the United States has signed the National Guard budget and thus approved the funds for the National Guard Armory and Community Center in Rosemount. The City Council has now accepted Art Dickey as the architect for the project and he has begun meetings with the National Guard for construction drawings to be presented in Washington, D.C. by April 15, 1992 . Once approved, bidding documents can be issued with a turn around time of 35 to 40 days which brings the timeline to August ist to the 15th. Construction could begin by mid October with completion in 12 to 15 months. Committee involvement will be needed and greatly appreciated. Mr. Jilk commended the people involved with the Armory up to this point and thanked them for their participation. Director Bechtold noted that the Parks and Recreation Department will provide facility management, operation and programming after the project is completed. Director Bechtold requested that the Sunrise Property, Item XII. , be moved on the agenda so that City Administrator Jilk could comment. SUNRISE BUILDERS PROPERTY PURCHASE: City Administrator Jilk noted that the Erickson Community Square Plan included property that was now made available by owner Mike McDonough. The City Council directed staff to research funding proposals and get an appraisal . This offer will presented to City Council at tomorrow s meeting. The cost will be $316, 000 over a five year period. Funding will be a Five Year Capitol Improvement Plan. McDonough decided to sell due to the inability to obtain rezoning for multiple uses. John Howard noted that the land seemed over priced. Scott Rynerson said the commercial appraisal seemed reasonable. City Council prioritized the purchase because of its availability and the connection it provides for the Armory/Community Center, the High School and the Erickson Community Square. SHANNON HILLS PARR DEDICATION: The City Council postponed the Park Dedication until a study can be conducted regarding the access for the 24 feet wide path leading into Carroll ' s Woods from the southwest corner. Parks and Recreation Committee had requested cash plus . 6 acres . The developer wanted to move the access so it would be between two property lines. Deanna Simpson expressed concern for dama.ge to the woods and would want to have the trail where it would minimize the impact to the woods. Deanna felt that we have discussed this issue in great detail in the Master Plan and the out come was clearly identified. We should follow that decision. Scott Rynerson did not believe there were ma.ny large trees in that area and the brush has to be cleaned out because of the buckthorn so the impact would be minima.l . ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION CONibiITTEE DECEA iBER 16, 19 9 Page 3 MOTION by Deanna Simpson to negotiate a 24 foot access to the north of the park dedication lots as listed in the Master Plan. Second by Rynerson. Discussion consensus was to accept the Park Dedication as drawn in the Parks Master Plan. Ayes: 6 . Nays: 0 . REVIEW PARK DEDICATION FEES: Director Bechtold presented a report comparing area cities park dedication fees. Rynerson commented that the land value amount for Rosemount is slightly higher than the surrounding areas, but he feels they are acceptable. MOTION by Deanna Simpson to keep Park Dedication Fees the same; 4 X Density X Land Value ($12, 000) , Industrial/Commercial formula is 5% of land or cash value ($22, 000 per acre) . Second by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 6 . Nays: 0 . REVIEW BYLAWS FOR MEMBERSHIP TERMS: Bechtold explained that the Administrative Policy AD-1 sets the terms for all commissions and committees. A change had just been approved by Council in that the beginning of the term will be the first meeting of February. This will allow time for commission/committee selection. MOTION by John Howard to change the By-Laws for the Parks and Recreation Committee to reflect the terms beginning on the first meeting in February and to reference City Policy AD-1; in addition, the motion of Nov. 18, 1991 regarding the By-Laws to be rescinded. Second by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 6 . Nays: 0 . 8:E: CHAIRM N'S REPORT• JERRY PUCIATY requested discussion at the January 1992 meeting on the role that the Parks & Recreation Committee will have with the Armory and to start the opening phases of the Parks Master Plan prioritizing. Also, he reports that snowmobiles in the parks are a nuisance and irritation. A neighborhood meeting for Jaycee Park should be held after January. DEL LORENTZSON thanked the staff and committee and remarked he has enjoyed the last eight years he has served. He will be involved with the German Club at the high school and may someday again have more time for the Parks and Recreation Committee. THANK YOU, Del ! JOHN HOWARD - Thanked Del for his service to the City of Rosemount and hope to continue to see him on other committees. DEANNA SIMPSON - nothing tonight. TOM RELLER - discussed the interview process for committees. ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION CObIl S2TTEE DECEMBER 16, 199 Page 4 SCOTT RYNERSON would like to see the Parks Master Plan implemented and explore an endowment club for funding. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Bechtold noted that the budget funds need to have a priority plan, this will continue a healthy blend for growth that is needed. Director Bechtold presented Del Lorentzson with a plaque of gratitude for his eight years of service for the Parks and Recreation Committee. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by John Howard. The meeting was adjourned at 8 :40 p.m. A Christmas Luncheon followed with committee members, staff, and spouses attending. Respectfully submitted, G? Linda Jent ' Recording Secretary Approved at the 1992, Parks & Recreation meeting. i PARKS & RECREATION CObIl SITTEE REGULAR. MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Rynerson, Jerry Puciaty, Larry Walsh, Deanna Simpson, Del Lorentzson, Tom Reller, and John Howard. STAFF PRESENT: Dir. Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Rick Cook, and Boyd Bailey. GUESTS FRESENT: Tom Neumann, RAAA. Donovan and Sandra Tousignant. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7 :30 p.m. by Chairperson John Howard. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: OLD BUSINESS - XIV. Playground Equipment for Kidder Park. NEW BUSINESS - XXI. Chairman Report. AFPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 21, 1991 MINUTES: MOTION by John Howard to accept the minutes of the October 21, 1991, with corrections to page two showing phases for Erickson Community Square in three phases with each major project. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0 . AUDIENCE INPUT: Item from NEW BUSINESS XVI. Rachels Woods - Lot Division was moved ahead for discussion at this time. The City Planner Lisa Freese advised the committee by a memo that clarified a lot division which reflects a relocation of the boundary that does not meet the city s requirements for park dedication fees. This project would "clean up" the land description with this metes and bounds lot; which makes it easier for any sale or assessment that may occur. Tousignants, the land owners, were present for comments. MOTION by John Howard to agree with the City Planning Director on the lot division of Rachels Wood Subdivision and that no park dedication fee would be required. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes : 7. Nays: 0 . L::<::'E 1 TE R.AAA UPDATE: Tom Neuma.nn said that he has been elected the President of RAAA. The soccer program is now headed by George Souders. Tom thanked the Rosemount Parks & Recreation Committee and city staff for the positive relationship and the hope of continuing it. The Apple Valley area has grown rapidly and many more participants from there are now using the RAAA programs. Meetings are planned with the City of Apple Valley to involve them further. Some other re- organization of RA A will take place encouraging more committee work. In selecting teams, carpooling will no longer be a criteria. The teams will be put together by area as the first priority. PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING NOVEMBER 18, 1991 PAGE 2 Tom Neumann presented Chairperson John Howard with a $1500 donation from RAAA to be used to purchase steel for storage boxes. Thank you! RAAA presented a report showing the 1991 participant statistics. This will be placed in the Parks & Recreation Minute book. PARR EVALUATION / STAFF WORK: Rick Cook reported that 236 tons of blacktop and curb and gutter where finished at Erickson Park along with the timber wall being completed. There will be some fencing left to be done. The crew worked on cleaning up the props in the Haunted Woods. The heavy snow storm of November lst caused normal projects to be put off; a lot of time was spent on snow removal . Now the summer machines will be maintenanced and put in storage for next year. RECREATION SiJNIlKARY: Lisa Jost reported that winter programs such as Tiny Tots and Pom Poms are going well . The Pom Poms will have their first performance with Apple Valley at the Apple Valley Community Center on November 26, 1991. Plans are in place for "Breakfast with Santa" , skating lessons, broomball league and a trip to the Guthrie. Larry Walsh requested the possibility of having a trip to the Guthrie on the weekend. Lisa will investigate that further. JAYCEE PARK UPDATE: Director Bechtold reported that after inspection by our engineering consultant, OSM, and the city inspection that the final grading and seeding will not be accepted for Jaycee Park. A resident meeting will be planned for selection of the playground equipment; the budgeted amount is $35, 000 . Bob Klein has shown us pictures of some exciting examples of playground equipment that would be possible. Discussion followed by Larry Walsh who requested a grading plan and forestry report on Jaycee Park. Boyd Bailey explained that direction from the planning department was not required since no permit was necessary because the park was not a sub-division. The normal grading permit was obtained. Dave will get a short report from Mark Joosten on the trees taken out of the park prior to construction. ASASTER PARKS PLAN UPDATE: Jeff Schoenbauer will present the final draft at the November 19, 1991, City Council Meeting. City staff has discussed water quality ponding and some planning issues. Larry Walsh indicated that his feeling was that all of the items on the Master Plan were not completed. The Director and some of the Committee Members suggested that the items should be written down and turned in. The Director stated that items such as these should have been turned in over two weeks ago when the plans were approved. Future updates of plans will take all concerns into consideration for change. PARKS & RECREATION COI+SITTEE MEETING NOVIIKBER 18, 19 91 PAGE 3 John Howard said that this plan should help a developer know what land would be needed to connect trails or increase the size of a park so negotiations could take place. ARMORY CON iITTEE UPDATE: No further meetings have taken place. The U.S. House of Representatives has approved funding. The Senate has delayed the final approval of funding until the end of November. There is a very strong feeling that it will be passed. SHANNON HILLS PARR DEDICATION: The third phase park dedication is being negotiated by Mr. Fiterman and the city planner. City Council has approved the Carroll ' s Woods and Town Green Master Plan. TOWN S4UARE SURVEY AND GRADE PLAN WORR UPDATE: The City Council approved the procedures to begin by OSM Engineering for grade plans and specs at Erickson Community Square. Markers will be placed on all boundary corners . Grading work would not be done until spring. Discussion followed regarding the ownership of the entire parcel and the involvement of the Utility Commission with the ponding for water runoff. Larry Walsh requested reports when available on the funding for this project and land owners whose names are on the title to this property at the court house. Scott Rynerson is now the President of the Chamber of Commerce for Rosemount. He would like to promote a committee for Special Events and would hope that the Erickson Community Square would be used as the location for a yearly event. Possibly this committee could help support the building of the amphitheater. Deanna Simpson requested the wording of the motion on the Parks & Recreation Committee approval of the Erickson Community Square be compared to the audio tape of the October meeting. The secretary will report on this. Discussion followed on the placement of the hockey rinks and purchase of the Sunrise Builders property for additional park land. Larry Walsh requested receiving all City Council agendas for further updates on this. He would like to have the Director negotiate for this land for parks . The Director said this is being done on a city wide basis by Steve Jilk, City Administrator. We will not need two sets of negotiations taking place by the City for the same property. We must all continue to work together and not work against each other. HALLOWEEN UPDATE: Lisa Jost reported that the Halloween Party had the largest turn out ever. About 500-600 kids attended with many volunteers to help. The snow storm cancelled the haunted woods so many of those volunteers came to help with the party. Larry and Del did a great deal of preparation work which we thank them for PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING NOVEMBER 18, 1991 PAGE 4 enthusiastically. The booster clubs from the high school look forward to next year. There was an article against the Haunted Woods and spiritism in the customs of Halloween. It should be remembered that one can not speak for the whole committee unless the subject is addressed formally at a meeting. You can respond as a resident and express your own opinion. The Haunted Woods Committee chose not to address this issue individually or as a group. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT FOR KIDDER PARR: Larry Walsh questioned why Kidder Park was receiving playground equipment. Jerry Puciaty reminded the committee that one year ago in February they directed staff to be addressing the needs of neighborhood parks and each year select improvements. This year Kidder and Winds parks were selected and the vendor packages approved with installation in the spring. f::::>:`:RT: PARR BENCHES: The shop did not have time to build park benches this year so they will be purchased at an estimated cost of $350 constructed of steel and wood. REVIEW OF PARR DEDICATION FEES: Director Bechtold advised that none of the surrounding cities have increased their fees and suggested that ours remain the same also. Jerry Puciaty would like to see a comparison report of what the surrounding areas are. If we are lower than most, then he would like to see it raised a small percentage (2-3) annually to reach to that level . This type of increase was to avoid any large increases in the future. REVIEw BY-LAWS: The term of office was discussed. MOTION by Tom Reller to have the term of office three years. SECOND by John Howard. No vote. Motion amended. MOTION by John Howard to amend the by-laws with the addition of Article I. C. The committee member term will be three years. The term will be from January 1 through December 31 or until an appointment is made. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes : 6 . Nays : 1. Motion carried. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to not have the election of officers until after the new committee members are appointed in February. No second. Motion dropped. Del Lorentzson nominated Tom Reller for Chairman of the Parks & R creation Committee. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to close the PARRS & RECREATION COD SITTEE MEETING NOVEMBER 18, 1991 PAGE 5 nominations. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0 . Motion carried. John Howard nominated Scott Rynerson as Vice Chairman. MOTION by John Howard to close the nominations. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0 . MOTION by John Howard to leave secretary position open and use city staff for secretary unless otherwise appointed. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 6 . Nays: 1, Larry Walsh. Motion carried. DIRECTOR S REPORT: Director Bechtold commented that RAAA is not a city program but a community program and he will encourage Apple Valley' s participation in use of fields, etc. If RAAA changes its name it won t be so easily identified as a city program because it may not be called the Rosemount Youth Association. In 1992 Director Bechtold would like to consider work sessions for this committee, possibly continuing with two meetings a month. Goals, objectives and a mission statement need to be established. This is what we had stated prior to the second meeting night being used for the Master Plan. Dave thanked all those involved in the Haunted Woods and Halloween Party. He knows it was especially difficult with the weather causing cancellation of the Haunted Woods because of the total effort put into the planning and preparing for the program. t':::::::P R' JERRY PUCIATY - Have not been in the parks this month, no comment. LARRY WALSH - No comment. DEL LORENTZSON - No comment. JOHN HOWARD - No comments. DEANNA SIMPSON - No comments . TOM RELLER - Reported that the bluebird project had good results this year. There were 45 fledglings, 62 wrens and 17 tree swallows in Schwarz and Erickson parks. Lorretta Poole and he maintained the birdhouses. He also wanted to commend the Parks & Recreation staff that he noticed on the city plows, they did a great job and it is appreciated. PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING NOVEMBER 18, 1991 PAGE 6 SCOTT RYNERSON - Would like to see Carroll ' s Woods apply for the application of grant money through the State of Minnesota. Possibly some funding could be obtained for the water tower site and Birger Park. It should not be too early to form a committee for buckthorn removal in Carroll ' s Woods . Some phone calling for volunteers and contacting a naturalist for support could begin. Jeff at Brauer & Associates may have a list of available grants for the buckthorn clean up. MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. The meeting was adjourned at 9 :15 p.m. Director Bechtold invited committee members and spouse to the next Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting for a Christmas Luncheon. Please bring a snack to pass. It will be December 16, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. with a short business meeting. Respectfully submitted, r 1- i da Jenti Recording Secretary Approved at the _`, . l p _, 1991, Parks & Recreation meeting. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 21. 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Puciaty, Larry Walsh, Deanna Simpson, Del Lorentzson, Tom Reller, John Howard. Scott Rynerson was absent. STAFF PRESENT: Dir. Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Rick Cook, Boyd Bailey and Jeff Schoenbauer from Brauer and Associates. GIIESTS PRESENT: Kathy Bucho, Planning Commissioner, Dennis Wippermann, Council Member, John Oxborough, Council Member, and the owners of Rosemount Gardens. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson John Howard. ADDITION3 TO AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF MINIITES OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1991 MINIITES: MOTION by Deanna Simpson to accept the minutes of the September 16, 1991, with the removing of the third paragraph on page 4 regarding the farm museum and an additional comment by Larry Walsh under Chairpersons Reports. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. AODIENCE INPOT: None. 4;:>;...F-`.`.....1'...: RAAA UPDATE: Director Bechtold spoke for Tom Neumann that they were very happy with the summer programs. The "out of town" fees are being considered. Apple Valley residents make up 41 of our program and Rosemount should be represented at their planning meetings. Having enough fields available for programming in surrounding cities needs to be addressed. Lakeville has 10% participation, they have two soccer fields and one volleyball court now being used. PARR EVALUATION f STAFF WORR: Rick Cook reported that the first phase is done on the timberwall in Erickson Park and also the curb and gutter. They are now working with Lisa Jost on the Haunted Woods. In the future preventative maintenance will take priority over any new maj or proj ects. RECREATION SUMMARY: Lisa Jost has received a good response from the Rosemount High School for volunteers for the Halloween Party and Haunted Woods. They are making props on the weekends. The elementary school will fix up the nets needed for volleyball. JAYCEE PARR IIPDATE: Director Bechtold reported that triple seeding and mulch along with the final grading is done. The seeding is guaranteed, so it will be checked next spring for results. The Director would like a committee with neighboring residents help pick out playground equipment. Bids will be requested. The trees that were removed have been planted in the Erickson Park. The playground equipment cost is estimated at $35, 000. Because of the scaling down PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OCTOBER 21, 1991 PAGIs 2 of Jaycee Park from a community park to a neighborhood park a smaller shelter will be built there and a larger shelter at Erickson Park. The Dakota County Technical College and students are willing to help work on the landscape design for the park if we would like. The Committee agreed that this would give great input. MASTER PARRS PLAN: Jeff Schoenbauer, Brauer & Associates, LTD. , presented at the last meeting the PARKS SYSTEM MASTER PLAN which was approved. The written document will be updated reflecting clarification given by the Committee. Concerns about Carroll 's Woods were asked regarding the access gates and possible fence with trail alignments. Discussion followed. Maintenance of the trails will remain as it is now until the Committee decides differently. MOTION by Deanna Simpson to have staff maintain the two trail loops in Schwarz Park along the pond and on the west side. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Surveying will be needed for proper identification points and legal boundaries should be marked. John Howard noted that the clarity on figure no. 9 needs to be improved. To complete the process of the Master Parks Plan a Public Hearing will be held at the Planning Commission meeting at 5:30 p.m. on October 22, 1991. After that meeting the plan will be presented to the City council on November 19, 1991. TOWN GREEN PRESENTATION: Jeff Schoenbauer, Brauer & Assoc. displayed a scale drawing of the future plan for the area including Erickson Park, City Hall, the Community Flower Garden and features that may be added. The name given this project is "Erickson Community Square", which will be a central area to the business district, family and government. Some of the improvements may include a fountain and statue by City Hall, paved path through the flower garden, a multi-purpose shelter with a deck area, a amphitheater, adding a parcel of land now occupied by Sunrise Lumber which will include a new parking lot and community play structure and possibly adding a pedestrian underpass under Hwy 3 to the high school and armory. Street scaping would be added along Hwy 3 entering the city with curb and gutter, plants and trees from the Armory to 145th Street. These improvements would be done in phases roughly estimated as follows: Phase I -0 - 5 yrs $626, 000 Multi-Purpose Shelter Phase II -5 - 10 yrs $672, 000 Play Structure, Ponds Phase III - 10 - 15 yrs $804, 000 Multi-Purpose Shelter,& Parking Lot, NW area PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTES MEETING OCTOBER 21, 1991 PAGE 3 Discussion followed on the hockey rink location, landscaping around the stormwater runoff pond, tree nursery, the commercial property between the high school and the armory, and the expansion of playing fields and lighting. The Committee agreed that we should move ahead with the shelter and "temporary" hockey rink work. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to recommend to the City Council for approval the Erickson Community Square Master Plan. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. SHANNON HILLS PLAT DEDICATION CHANGE: Because of the Parks Master Plan a request was made to change the land dedication to an easement for access to Carroll 's Woods and a cash dedication. MOTION by John Howard to negotiate a change of the Park Dedication for the Shannon Hills Plat to easement as called for in the Master Park Plan plus cash and to recommend this to the Planning Commission. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 5. Nays: 1. Motion carried. The northwest access to Carroll 's Woods could be declared an easement at a later time. ARMORY UPDATE: Del Lorentzson reported tours have been arranged. They have been to Apple Valley and Shoreview community centers looking for ideas. The funding for the armory has been approved by sub-committee and now it is still up to the whole U.S. Senate. It is believed that it will pass by the end of October. HART PROPERTY UPDATE: Boyd Bailey has been in contact with Carol and Mrs. Hart on the "Life Estate" donation of park land for a natural habitat. About half of the land would be given now, while the daughter lived on the northern homestead site until death or leaving of her choice. They discussed easement for a north access to the southern half. They did not have a problem with that and thought it could be arranged. They requested no paved trails and would want it to remain as natural as possible. Larry Walsh walked the property and commented it was very nice duck pond area, many good oaks with a hilly terrain. MOTION by Larry Walsh to pursue obtaining the Hart Property to serve the City of Rosemount as park land. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. HALLOWEEN IIPDATE: Larry Walsh said the trail has changed slightly with a new scene, a pirate ship, and the "Wizard's Tunnel" moved to the hockey rink area so congestion does not happen on the trail as readily. The Knights of Columbus have donated $1000. Lisa has planned a pumpkin carving contest with McDonald's and Super America passing out entry forms. USPCI donated a fu11 page ad thanking the many sponsors. There has been a very good response from volunteers this year. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OCTOBER 21, 1991 PAGE 4 1:..€<:>:8'::`.: PLAYGROIIND E40IPMENT (RIDDER & WINDS) : Boyd Bailey presented a display of the types of equipment three different companies had provided for bids requested for playground equipment. The specs this time asked for a package priced at $5000 showing what could be provided. Earl F. Anderson used wood structure with aluminum corner which matches what is in each of the Parks involved. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to accept the Earl F. Anderson design for both parks. SECOND by Larry Walsh. Ayes: 3 . Nays: 3 . Motion did not carry. The Miracle Equipment provided a slide which would catch any child's eye for adventure. Tom Reller commented his children would certainly enjoy the slide as a change from the jungle gym type structure. Director Bechtold commented on the concern of height in connection with the slide. MOTION by John Howard to accept the Earl F. Anderson equipment package for Kidder Park and the Miracle Playground Equipment for Winds Park. 6ECOND by Tom Reller. Ayes: 5. Nays: 1. Motion carried. COUNTRY HILLS STH ADDITION: Boyd Bailey explained that the last of the park dedication was received with the Birger Pond park dedication. When the development of the 6th Addition occurs the last part of a future trail will be requested to be completed. DOWNTOWN DESIGN WORR SESSIOAi: The Economic Development Authority has invited the Parks & Recreation Committee to attend a November 23, 1991, informal workshop to discuss the future plans for the downtown area. Sue VanderHeyden, Assistant City Administrator would be glad to discuss any questions or comments you might have prior to the meeting. R::::::<?€``; JERRY PUCIATY - nothing at this time. LARRY WALSH - Noted the pumping of Schwarz Pond by the high school as a "bandaid" approach. This will need to be addressed as the area is developed. The city has provided equipment in the past at no charge but when the gymnasium was built so close to the flood level, other permanent arrangements should have been made; and, will have to be made. Walsh noted that youths again had driven through a line of pine trees and damaged playground equipment on school property at Shannon Park Elementary. Dave reported that this is on school maintained property, PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OCTOBER 21, 1991 PAGE 5 but we should work with the principal to curtail this problem and future site planning, development and control. DEL LORENTZSON - Mentioned that County Road 42 and Diamond Path that the easement goes back into the corn field. JOHN HOWARD - no comments. DEANNA SIMPSON - no comments. TOM RELLER - nothing tonight. DIRECTOR S REPORT: Director Bechtold emphasized that citizen input is the best way to plan and design the parks. The expansion of Winds Park will be an opportunity to invite neighbors. Please note that a process of when to call special citizens meetings should be established. Not all items will need their approval but we will serve them better if we get their input. Daily process should be up to staff and input on other issues by the Parks and Recreation Committee and other input in decisions made, then up to special committees on special issues. A Minneapolis Star & Tribune reporter contacted Director Bechtold on the topic of conflict with urban development. Dave believed all the development in Rosemount has been very positive and the City Council and Parks & Recreation Committee is to be commended for the work that has been accomplished. Not all have gotten their exact way, but opinions have been noted and sound logic has been applied. The Parks Master Plan is a job well done. MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting at 10: 05 p.m. . SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary Approved at the November 18, 1991, Parks & Recreation meeting. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16. 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deanna Simpson, Larry Walsh, John Howard, Scott Rynerson and Tom Reller. Members Puciaty and Lorentzson had excused absences. STAFF PRESENT: Dir. Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Rick Cook and Boyd Bailey. GUESTS PRESENT: Jeff Schoenbauer, Brauer & Associates, LTD. , Tom Neumann (RAAA) , Council Member Sheila Klassen. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson John Howard. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF MINIITES OF AUGIIST 19. 1991 MINUTES: MOTION by Larry Walsh to accept the minutes of the August 19, 1991, with corrections on page 3 identifying city council approval on September 3, 1991 for specifications and advertizing for bids of Jaycee Park. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. AUDIENCE INPOT: None. t f;<:$1::# RAAA OPDATE: Tom Neumann informed the Committee that he is no longer program director for RAAA soccer. He is however a board advisor to that program. Linda DeMurr is the contact person for reservations to the October 26 Dinner and Annual Meeting, please call her at 423-4684 for reservations. There still are no board members from Rosemount and he would encourage anyone interested to apply. The traveling under 14 girls soccer team won at the State Tournament for their level. $800 for the program was raised during fund drives. RAAA is please with the cooperation the City Park and Recreation staff have provided in marking fields and working with RAAA in other program areas. PARR EVALIIATION / STAFF WORK: Rick Cook reported that the crew is working on aerating turf and fields. Erickson Park has a new retaining wall. Mark Joosten and Jim Koslowski planted trees with the Boy Scouts. They would like to participate more when Carroll's Woods is ready for work. RECREATION SUMMARY: Lisa Jost reported that 44 people participated in the volleyball clinics. Registration for Pom Poms, Tiny Tots, Women's Rec volleyball, and basketball have begun. Planning for Halloween has begun, more volunteers are needed. JAYCEE PARR IIPDATE: Director Bechtold reported that the plans and specs were approved by City Council back on July 3, 1991. Last month the grading was approved. That has commenced along with the seeding PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 1991 PAGF 2 of the grass in the existing areas for soccer and football. Residents in the area have shown interest in giving input. The playground equipment will be presented to the group's response. CARROLL S WOODS: Jeff Schoenbauer of Brauer & Associates, LTD. reported that the Carroll's Woods Community Input Meeting was very positive. The three general purposes of the Park are 1) Conservation and Preservation 2) Passive Recreation and 3) Interpretation and Education. Some changes were made in the four accesses; 1) S.E. by the high school (142nd St. ) , 2) Main entrance, N. end, 35 - 50 parking spaces, 3) N.W. corner and 4) S.W. corner with no parking or playground equipment, only a 24 ' trail access which will "S" down the hill rather than be straight. The concept of a fence perimeter is a possibility but a future item. The trail system will ideally be 6' wide with one foot on each side mowed. The city now only has equipment for 10' wide trails, so as time permits new equipment will be purchased. For handicap access the main trail will be the aggregate loop, secondary trails will be woodchips and some grassy areas. Interpretive notes will be placed throughout the trails with park benches near by. A signage system will be determined. A floating dock on the marsh and a 30 ' look out tower are future proj ects. The vegetation program will identify the management approaches and procedures to guarantee the ecological diversity of the park so that it will be a treasure and resource for future generations. Woodland, prairie areas and savannahs along with the wildlife habitats will provide many opportunities for volunteers and education. Interpretive areas will suggest projects for school shop classes and science classes. The Haunted Woods Halloween program will be encouraged to continue in Carroll 's Woods. Sheila Klassen comment d that any burning of the prairie areas would have to be permitted through the fire department and may not have to be done every year. Trees should be purchased from a local or northern nursery to insure a low winter kill. Bonnie Harper from The National Wildflower Research Project has said that she would be willing to help and provide expertise in the Carroll's Woods project. Director Bechtold will be working with the school district on the ponding issue because Schwarz Pond connects with the ponds directly behind the school building. Tom Reller indicated that the fence line could be anywhere from 0' to 15' from the property line so that residents could screen the fence if desired. Scott Rynerson noted the 15 acres in the northwest corner that would be a future purchase. A land value estimate would be $8-11,000 per acre or about $160,000. Outdoor grant programs are available and PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEL MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 1991 PAGE 3 should be considered. Tom Reller commented that grant money may be available in controlling the buckthorn in the park. Also Reller said that often the maintenance burn off of the prairie area is usually once a year for five years and then once every five years. Larry Walsh was concerned about enough parking space and creating a natural screen between the athletic fields and the park. Other committee members agreed that the school area and Schwarz Park were adequate for parking. MOTION by John Howard to approve the Carroll 's Woods Master Plan as presented by Brauer & Associates, Ltd. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 4. Nays: 1, Walsh. MASTER PARRS PLAN: Jeff Schoenbauer, Brauer & Associates, LTD. , presented the COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT GUIDE to the Parks & Recreation Committee for approval. Some discussion highlights were as follows. He told how they assessed the community needs with state wide trends and information received from the Urban Design Team and survey. The purpose of the governing policy is to provide balance to the community. The park system frame work takes into consideration the city's infrastructure, historical information and commercial trends. Community involvement is encouraged. Planning for the future Town Green - Erickson Park site, Carroll 's Woods and the Birger Pond Park will include many projects for community involvement. The network of trails within parks and connecting them will be a larger pedestrian/bicycle transportation system. Horse trails will connect Dodd Blvd. and access to Lebanon Hills Park trails and into Spring Lake Park. Snowmobile trails will remain largely to the south being maintained mostly by the snowmobile clubs. Some of the future possible land acquisitions and improvements mentioned are as follows: 1) U of M property (long termj - Farm museum 2) Winds Park (add 3 ac. ) 3) Carroll 's Woods (add 15 ac. ) - Prairie Area 4) Birger Pond (when developed) 5) Sunrise Lumber, Hwy 3 6) Schwarz Pond 7) Shannon Hills 8) Conservation Areas 9) Update Existing Parks (Jaycee 1st) 10) Erickson Community Square Multiple phasing over 15 years would be used in the planning. Larry Walsh mentioned that open space which is not developed will be a significant natural resource in the future. It was noted that the PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 1991 PAGE 4 Private Recreational facilities list is incomplete; some to be included are swimming pools, gymnasiums, and a model airplane site. The Town Green should also include boulevard plantings throughout the city. MOTION by Deanna Simpson to accept the Parks Master Plan Proposal and recommend it to the City Council. BECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. ARMORY IIPDATB: There is a meeting Wednesday to try to re-group. The tours have not been well attended by committee members other than staff. OOT OF TOWN FEEB: MOTION by Deanna Simpson to table this item for the next meeting because of lack of time. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. SOWLES CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT: Sowles Crane Equipment Company is developing further. MOTION by John Howard to accept cash for Park Dedication of Sowles commercial project as proposed by the Planning Commission and accepted by City Council. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Larry Walsh requested it noted that the process has not been followed for park dedication as set forth. AI1:.:J!a>:;R`S LARRY WALSH - Larry talked to the Knights of Columbus members who attended the Haunted Woods planning meeting. They were interested in donating money to the City's programs. Lisa Jost is preparing a letter to let them know some of the items and/or programs related to the Haunted Woods that they could greatly assist with. Larry requested a copy of the Weed Ordinance and a copy of the Carroll 's Woods Plan. JOHN HOWARD - John discussed the maintenance of the bike paths. Additional woodchips and seal coating will be needed soon. DEANNA SIMPSON - The Community Flower Garden was prepared for a tour by the Minnesota Green Society. It looked great but the tour group never arrived, possible because of lack of time. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEL MEETINt3 SEPTEMBER 16, 1991 PAGB 5 TOM RELLER - nothing tonight. SCOTT RYNERSON - nothing tonight. DIRECTOR S REPORT: Director Bechtold shortened his report because of the length of the meeting. The access for Carroll 's Woods on the southwest end is recommended to be only 24 feet wide. He requested a motion for a 24 foot easement with the remainder to be a cash park dedication. This was tabled for discussion at a later date. Some items on the budget were pushed to 1993 because of the budget crunch. This is about $45,000 including Dodd Road Bike Path, the shelter for Twin Puddles and parking lot. The city staff appreciate the effort each committee member has made on the Master Parks Projects. Further meetings will be October 1 for Carroll 's Woods approval and October 15 for the Parks Master Plan approval. MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 p.m. . SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Respectfully submittedd Linda Jentin Recording Secretary Approved at the October 21, 1991, Parks & Recreation meeting. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting August 16 , 1991 PARKS & REGREATIDN COMMITTBE REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 16 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Puciaty , Larry Walsh, Del Lorentzon , John Howard , Deanna Simpson , Scott Rynerson . MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Tom Reller STAFP PRESENT: Director Dave Bechtold , Rick Cook, Boyd Bailey and Lisa Jost . GUESTS PRESENT: City Administor Stephan Jilk, Cathy Busho , Joe Walsh. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7 : 34 p .m. by Chairperson John Howard . ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None . APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JULY 16 1991 MINUTES : Director Dave Bechtold reviewed the following corrections and additions : The EDA, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission were invited to the Joint Comprehensive Guide Plan meeting . Under the recreation report correction of wording : 'Irrigation heads are getting filled with red rock and causing repair and are not functionin well at the time . ' Under the Jaycee Update : At the July 18 , 1991 the Master Plan Committee Meetin , Dave will request the committee to review Jaycee Park . The word cul-du-sac is misspelled throughout the entire document . Under the Chairmans Report : "At the city and the park acres grow it is , and will continue , to be harder to keep up with completion of all of the tasks that we would like to do . MOTION by Larry Walsh was made to accept the July 16 , 1991 minutes with the corrections as stated above . SECOND by Deanna Simpson . Ayes : 6 Nays : 0 . AUDIENCE INPUT: Cathy Busho voiced her appreciation to the Parks Department for the parks and city looking great during the Leprechaun Days . 1 ) Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting August 16 , 1991 OLD BUSINESS RAAA UPDATE : No update was given . PARK EVALUATIONS / STAPF WORK: Park Supervisor Rick Cook reviewed jobs of the park maintenance staff for the past month . The crew has done hauling black dirt at Shannon . They having been seeding the low spots . Also , the ball diamonds have been extended to 75 ' at Shannon Park . Tentatively, there will be base pegs put at 60 , 65 ' and 75 for the youth athletics to use . Some irrigation lines were moved to accommodate the 75 base lengths . Additional work has been done on the irrigation lines since the last meeting . The fabric lining that was placed on the south property line of Connemara Park is holding well . This was completed last month. The parks crew has started work on Erickson Park . Three warning tracks were put in this past week . The infields will be at 75 ' . Field maintenance was continued for August tournament and events . A temporary solution for the Twin Puddles parking matter was addressed by installing posts with a gate . Dave commented that this project should be followed up with a parking lot on the north side . Rick continued to update the committee by informing them that Mark Joosten will be working with a Boy Scouts project to plant trees this month . Letters have been sent by the Public Works Department to the home owners on 145th Street along the bike path who have trees over the trail that need to be pruned . The home owners have until September 3 , 1991 to take care of the matter . Deanna Simpson asked if the trails in Carrolls Woods would be able to be mowed . Dave stated that after the next Carrolls oods subcommittee meeting which is August 22 , 1991 the park crew will be mowing the trails hi[h consideration given to those identified at this meeting . Deanna Simpson mentioned that the Minnesota Green Committee will be doing their tour to view area gardens on September 14 , 1991 . Rick will work with Deanna on this matter . John Howard asked what type of maintenance and irrigation problems there have been . Dave replied by reviewing that there has been some construction flaws . The grade met specifications but there were tire ruts and other rough areas that needed to be graded out and reseeded . The park has been seeded two ( 2 ) times this year . The issue of the contractor who drove over the irrigation lines at Shannon Park is being settled with the school district , The Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting August 16 , 1991 contractor is out of the picture except for a few lose ends . With continued work the fields should be useable for next year . Larry thanked the Parks crew for striping the parking lot lines in Camfield Park for Leprechaun Days . It worked well and was much easier for the handicapped participants to use . RECREATION SUMMARY: A hand out was distributed that summarized the attendance , funding and recommendations for most of the summer programs . A brief overview of each program was given . JAYCEE PARK UPDATE: Dave Bechtold summarized the special meeting of Jaycee Park on Monday , July 29 , 1991 . There were 25-30 people in attendance to include two members of the Jaycee Organization . A flyers was distributed to the citizens in this area by ADS Advertising Deliver System) and by personal letters to 7-8 people that the director had previously received calls on to discuss the park . The citizens voiced their opinions openly and shared their concerns and suggestions of what they felt needed to be included in the park . The meeting reviewed a general summary of the history of the park, the present status and the tentative direction of the concept for the development of the park . The city council approved the bids for the grading . The bid was $37 , 000 . 00 . The contractors are being required to remove rock that is two inches ( 2 ) in diameter or bigger . By the end of fall the site should be graded , rock picked and seeded . Irrigation is scheduled for the park and will probably be put in next spring . Larry Walsh asked what type of shelter will be put in the park . Dave explained that a large shelter with a picnic area is in the park design . However , a basic shelter design is being considered . A basketball court cold go in on the south parking lot area . The design follows the concept of the park grant . Joe Walsh asked if the irrigation sS stem was installed . The irrigation has been installed on .the north side . The director was asked if a separate well for the park would be considered . Rick Cook commented that the school district has stopped pumping water out of Schwarz Pond Park due to the fact that a good enough screen can not be maintained . The screen gets clogged with mud and debris . Joe Walsh asked if a separate well would be considered . It may be cheaper to put a well in each park , at least in the large parks ; than to tap in to the city ' s water system . The city administrator commented that it would need to be taken into consideration if it would be cost effective . 3 ) Parks and Recreation Committee Neeting August 16 , 1991 Dave Bechtold continued to review the topic by stating that the baseball diamond would have underground irrigation . The other areas of the park would be watered by a portable water system. No ball field lights will be put in this park at this time as previously discussed . Dave reviewed the purpose for scaling back on the park . It is largely due to stay within the guidelines of the ma ter parks plan . The Jaycee Organization seem to be willing to discuss a combined effort to work wi th providing funds to assist in building a shelter in both Jaycee and Erickson parks . However , formal discussion has not occurred on this concept . Originally all the funds were to be allocated for a shelter in a Jaycee Park. The park was listed as a community park concept prior to the master park plan process and it is now being identified as a neighborhood park in the future . MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE : Jerry Puciaty commented that the process is coming along . It will be interesting to see implementation of the visionary concepts . A public meeting is schedule for the Master Parks Plan on September 9 , 1991 . The phasing and funding sources , the development and prioritizing will be reviewed at the public meeting . A concern was voiced that the specific programming aspects of the department have not be reflected in the master park plan . The master park plan is to be a general guideline of setting policies , directions and concepts for the park system. It is not to layout the maintenance schedule or recreational programs specifically . The amount of maintenance perceived to be required on projects have been discussed throughout the subcommittee meetings . Joe Walsh commented that his interpretation of the master plan was that the plan would layout the park as well as give an indication of what could or could not be programed or built in the park. Dave commented that the master plan is to layout the criteria for changing and not how much each park has of everything ( ie . number of picnic tables ) . The park and recreation department ill continue to have the flexibility to add to parks or complete major repairs as funding allows . The master plan designs a focus and sets standards to follow in the park development process . TOWN GREEN: Del Lorentzson commented that the concept plan appears acceptable . The design shows : the community flower garden will stay in place , the parking lot may expand and different shelters are to be considered . Guest Cathy Busho commented that the plan seemed workable and maintainable . Director Dave Bechtold said the hockey rinks and shelter will be located in the area unti the another site is can be established . The rinks will be phased out as planned over a period of about 10 years . Other possible park features such as a picnic site , etc . will be put in the area at that time . Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting August 16 , 1991 CARROLLS WOODS : Scott Rynerson reviewed the Carrolls Woods plan . It ap,pears that the fence concept has been revisited and further supported by the subcommittee members . The two choices of the placement for the fence were : along the south property line abutting the property or along the current east/west trail . His understanding is that the three access points proposed are located in the southeast , northwest and Schwarz Pond Park . The cost and timing of the trail will be discussed on August 22 , 1991 at the subcommittee meeting . The public meeting is September 5 , 1991 . Carrolls Woods subcommittee members Rynerson and Simpson do not support the concept of the fence . It is felt that there will be more damage done on the south property line from installing the fence than if it were installed on the current east/west trail (on the south side of the park) . Deanna Simpson as if a fence was not put up if this would follow the concept of the woods being a perserve . The Director stated that the fence is in the plan for the park . It is a matter of the time and funding that are the factors . HAUNTED WOODS PROGRAM: Cathy Busho , a Halloween Program Committee member , addressed the park and recreation committee with the basic ideas of the Haunted Woods trail description, She asked the Parks and Recreation Committee for approval to plan and conduct the 1991 Haunted Woods program. The location for the program was originally selected due to its concept that is was an alternatevie to trick treating , its proximity to downtown and with this being able to be offered to more youths in the area . Cathy will review the documentation which gives a general outline of the trail with the Carrolls Woods subcommittee on August 22 , 1991 . Jerry Puciaty commented that the master parks plan consensus was that the Haunted Woods program was able to function until another appropriate location was found for the program . There was concern that some minimal damage be done to the park . The Halloween Committee will continue to be careful and conscientious to what is done in the oods . This time of year much of the plant life is dormant which decreases the possible damage to vegetation according to the consultant . The Halloween Committee has been good about removing everything that is placed in the woods ( props . iring for lighting , candy wrappers to the best of their ability) due for the functioning of the program . City Administrative Stephan Jilk stated that it was clear that the city council supports the program. Scott Rynerson commented that documentation for the program gets to be so structured that it makes the volunteers ' effort difficult because of the situations they. would continually be confronted with . Dave Bechtold stated that no one is putting restrictions on the 5 ) Parks and Recreation Committee ieeting August 16 , 1991 program as of this time . The program can be operated as in the past with flexibility to move props . It was agreed upon that a specific length of time (ie . 4-5 years ) should not be included in the document . Director Dave Becthold did support that the program should continue to be evaluated with specific restrictions . The time and design should be up. to the Haunted Woods Committee . The trail system in this section of the woods will not be maintained the same as the rest of the woods for the one week of the program. There may be a need for $-12 ' and up to 20 trails in this section . MOTION by John Howard that the parks and recreation committee support and be willing to help to make the prograra a successful as in the past years . Second by Scott Rynerson . Ayes : 6 Nayes : 0 . ARMaRY COMMITTEE UPDATE : City Administrator Stephen Jilk reviewed the locations of facilities that have been toured . The purpose is to see the theaters and auditoriums . It is an opportunity to discuss what works well , what they would change , cost of operation and other informative tips . The architect firm is assigning one of their staff inembers to attend the tours . Administrative staff that have attended the meeting have written considerably accurate notes of the tours . No additional information has been received from the armory guard . The United States House of Representatives has past the bill on the armory . No action has been taken in the Senate . The utility commission has approved the feasibility study for sewer to the armory site . This is the city s obligation to complete . JOINT COUNCIL COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES MEETING : Directox Dave Bechtold stated that the parks and recreation committee members are invited to the next meeting to be held on Wednesday , August 27 , 1991 at 6 : 30 p .m. LEPRECHAUN DAYS SUMMARY : Leprechaun Da s Chai.rperson Joe Walsh stated that the week long cit3 celebration went well . That is taking into consideration the rained out events including the tennis tournament and the fireworks which was delayed one day . New events included the bathtub race . This event was well accepted . It was discovered that a barrier ( ie . orange fence ) should be put up along the street so the youths do not run into the street which is the course for the bathtub and participants . The bathtub race and the toilet bowl races will be alternated fram year to year . The committee purchased fifty ( 50) orange cones which helped cut the cit3- ' s cost . In previous years , the city rented cones for use during this time period . 6 ) Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting August 16 , 1991 It was felt that the Jaycee ' s street dance went well . It was felt that there may be a need for more fence for around the west property area near the flower garden . Next year the parade route may change due to street construction . OUT OP T WN PEES : A copy of a survey listing non-residency fees of cities in the metro area was distributed to the committee for review. Director Dave Bechtold commented that part of offering quality programs is to have a sufficient number of participants . 60-65 of the 2 , 000 softball members are non-residents . Without the numbers of people we would have an unbalance level of teams playing each other which would be unhealthy . The Director commented that the grandfather policy will help establish the recruitment of Rosemount residents . There should be a managers meeting to review the process and the amount of a non-resident fee . The managers should have an opportunity for input since it will directly affect them. The issue to address is whether or not there should be an out of town fee toany participant . Non-residency fees are not a new concept . This is apparent in the survey that Lisa and her staff conducted . Jerry Puciaty supported the concept of out of town fees if they were appropriate . Dave commented that as we discuss the issue of fees there needs to be consideration taken in what youth would be charged andjor what participants using school district facilities would get charged . The question was raised what the fees cover . The Director explained the expenses are not itemized at this time . For e ample , in softball there are current facility use and administrative fees that help offset the expense of maintenance , lighting , electricity and wages . The expenses can not be charged to one program such as softball due to the fact that more than one program and organization uses the facilit3• . The expenses should be spread over all programs that use the facility . Director Dave Bechtold commented that the fees should not restrict people from participating . The issue is whether or not there should ae a fee established to assist in some of the costs for conducting a program that requires special services . Parks and Recreation Committee M1ieeting August 16 , 1991 NEW BUSINESS PURCHASE OF PLAYGROUND EOUIPMENT: Director. Dave Bechtold stated that Kidder and Winds Crossing parks are the next locations to be considered for playground equipment . It was recommended that equipment for older youths be considered when the designs and/or equipment are approved . CAAIRMANS REPORT: 3erry Puciaty said he will be on vacation for the September meeting . It was asked what the policy is on giving out telephone numbers of the committee members . Dave Bechtold said unless they are asked for phone numbers are not given out which is his understanding of the city policy . Dave will find out exactly what the city ' s policy on this matter is . Del Lorentzson gave his resignation from the Parks and Recreation Committee to be effective December 31 , 1991 . Del would like to stay on the Armory and Town Green committees until they are done . He has served for eight years and has one year remaining on his term . Del stated that he is leaving on good terms . Dave Bechtold stated that Del remain on the committee up to February until the process of selecting a member can be completed . Del agreed to to that . John Howard did not have an3 comments . Deanna Simpson did not have any comments . Scott Rynerson asked what the status of the Hart property was . Staff inember Boyd Bailey replied that there was no new progress on the situation . Dave Bechtold commented that not everything is "cut and dry' for this area of land to become park property . There needs to be a process of identif3 ing the pro ' s and con ' s of developing this land into park propert . There are citizens who feel it ould be more beneficial for the cit3 if the property as ta able land and others who would like it public land . Staffing and use are also items that would need to be addressed along with financial costs . Scott RSnerson highlighted the projects completed during the Communits• Pride Days which he assisted in coordinating in July . It was a very positive project . The Irish Football Boosters Club and individuals that participated would like to be involved on an annual basis . Larry asked if there were other booster clubs that could involved . The football booster club is in its second year . There are not a lot of other booster clubs that is aware of . 8 ) u , Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting August 16 , 1991 DIRECTORS REPORT: Dave Bechtold inform that committee that RAAA Inhouse soccer coordinator Tom Neuman was resigning from his . position . He hoges to continue being involved with the overall RAAA program by being an at large' board member and would like to come to our meetings to give RAAA reports . The inhouse soccer program has been donating funds to the parks and recreation department . Tom supparts the idea of the inhouse soccer program donating funds to the department for more steel boxes in the parks . The Lions Club donated $730 for steel boxes last month. The park and recreation committee members are encouraged to attend the public meetings for the Master Parks Plan , Carrolls Woods and Town Green projects . A letter was sent last week with the meeting dates . Del asked if the Park and Recreation Committee could be informed of upcoming subcommittee meetings . Dave Bechtold stated his appreciation to Del Lorentzon for serving on the Parks and Recreation Board for eight years . MOTION by John Howard was made to adjourn the meeting at 10 : 04 p .m. SECOND b3 Del Lorentzson . Ayes : 6 Nayes : 0 Respectfully submitted : Lisa Jost , Administrative Assistant to Director of Parks & Rec 9 ) r Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting July 15, 1991 PARKS & RECREATION CAA IITPL E REGULAR MF TING OF JtJLY 15. 1991 ERS PRESENT: Larry Walsh, Del Lorentzon, John Howard, Deanna Simpson, Tom Rellor, Scott Rynerson. MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Jerry Puciatp STAFF PRESENT: Director Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost and Boyd Bailey. GUESTS PRESENT: Dennis Wipperman, Sheila Klassen and Cathy Busho. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson John Howard. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTFyS OF JUNE 17, 1991 MINUTBS: Larry Walsh requested clarification on the reason that Jaycee Park was delayed. The minutes say that the park development was being held back because of finances. Larry thought it was due to the redesign of the park. Director Dave Bechtold commented that Jaycee Park scaling started with the master plan process. As the process took place the budget was reviewed. The budget does not have enough funds to support the total development of the park. There are amenities that will be cut down due to lack of the necessary funding. Therefore, the minutes should read: (under Jaycee Park Update) The Grant office has accepted a design change for the Japcee Park due to the cut back in finances, scaling back, and redesign of the park." In regards to the joint park committee meeting, Larry Walsh asked if other committee such as the Utilities Commission and EDA should be invited to the Joint Comprehensive Guide Plan meeting. Dave Bechtold commented that the planning commission was hosting the meeting and invites were sent out according to the people they felt needed to a part of or should be a part of the discussions. I TION by Scott Rynerson to accept the June 17, 1991 minutes with correction as stated above in regards to Jaycee Park. S&OND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. AUDIENCE INPUT; None Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting July 15, 1991 OLD BUSINESS w RAAA LiPDATE: Dave Bechtold commented that the inhouse soccer program started tonight. Tom Neumann, the RAAA spokesperson was probably at the various parks checking the fields, Dave mentioned that Tom does not have a child in the inhouse soccer league but he has stayed aetive with the program and has come to the our meetings because he has a deep interest in the future of RAAA and its relationship with the Parks & Recreation Department program. Tom is in charge of officials of the in-house soccer program. The annual RAAA soccer tournament was last month. (108 teams participated in this tournament.) PARR EVALUATIONS / STAFF WORK: The park crew has been working on the fields a lot this past month. There are a lot of tournaments being held (youth baseball, youth soccer, youth softball, adult softball league tournaments for Rosemount Softball Association). Dave commented some of the requests of projects have been honored. The arbor in the flower garden has been completed and the concern Del had at Connemara Park project (erosion on south hill) was completed today. The fields at Connemara were seeded. Steve Strese has been working on irrigation lines. He basically works on lines that are no longer under warranty and Boyd Bailey addresses the irrigation problems that are stil.l under a warranty. Deanna Simpson stated her appreciation for the park crew to be allowed to finish the arbor. It is well constructed and said the good craftsmanship shows. Deanna asked if the arbor could be stained and weather sealed. Volunteers are willing to stain the arbor. Dave said that the stain can be purchased from the flower garden account. Scott Rynerson asked how the glass got in to the sand pile at Camfield Park. The glass was raked out the same day the request was made. Dave commented that the sand has been moved from a pile in Schwarz Pond Park and it is very possible that the glass got mixed in with the load when it got moved. Input from Committee Members in identifying problems and other issues relating to our parks system as Scott had done about the glass is alwaps appreciated. RECREATION REP RT Lisa Jost commented that fall softball was being cancelled due to construction projects to be completed this fall at Erickson Park. Dave explained these projects to include grading the infields, getting the irrigation heads moved out of the red rock; putting asphalt and curb and gutter around the shelter and possibly working on other erosion problems on field #1 by installing timber walls. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting July 15, 1991 OLD BUSINESS - G't)NTIMTED: After a period of time the red rock builds a lip that needs to be graded. Irrigation heads are getting filled with red rock and causing repair and are not function well all the time. Scott Rynerson asked if it would be an annual process that the programs would get cancelled. Dave Bechtold stated that the work had done been done in the several years (7-8) and it should be done every 5-7 years. Larry Walsh inquired what the attendance was for Sunday Night Specials. There has been 85-135 in attendance. Favorable comments from the audience have been received. All other programs are in full swing. (A more thorough report will be given in August). JAYCEE PARR UPDATE: At the July 18, 1991 Master Planning Dave will request the committee to review Jaycee Park. The intent is to find out what specific amount of work the master plan committee feels there should be done and on what type of time table or phasing schedule it would occur. Dave informed the committee that there was a meeting scheduled to diseuss Jaycee Park on Monday, July 29, 1991 at 7;30 p.m. Flyers were put out to surrounding neighbors and the Jaycees were invited. Boyd Bailey will give the background on the park to include the history of the park being designed as a community park to the current proposal of it being a neighborhood park. The Jaycees possibly may be willing to work out alternatives to what type of building this park will have. Dave commented that the city has $100,000 to match the 80,000 of the Jaycee donations towards a shelter, The possibility of funds being used to build a smaller shelter at Jaycee Park and using some funds for the grading and design work at Erickson Park (hockey rink area) is being discussed. Larry Walsh inquired what the status of the land acquisition was. Council has approved land acquisition. It takes 4-6 weeks to clear the deed before the city has title to the property. Tom Rellor asked when the park would be developed. Director Dave Bechtold said OSM engineering firm q present grade concepts next month to the city council for approval. The grade plan will be the same no matter what minor design changes are decided by the park meeting. UPDATE ON MASTER PLAN PROCESS: Director Dave Bechtold in£ormed the committee that there were errors in the meeting schedules and that they were being corrected. The main purpose of the master plan process was for citizen input. The schedule did not reflect additional public meetings and this was being issue was .being addressed. The public should be able to speak on the final draft. If a public meeting can not be set the park board should consider having a date for citizen input. Possibly as the next Park Committee Meeting (in August). Larry Walsh expressed that he understood the scope of the document was to include three (3) public meetings: one at the beginning, a second meeting in the mi.ddle of the process and a third meeting as the doeument was being finalized. There was support of the request to Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting July 15, 1991 UPDATE ON MASTER PLAN PxOCESS - continued: schedule a presentation for the public at the next meeting i£ needed. Larry Walsh felt the other commissions should be invited to a public meeting. Director Dave Bechtold commented that Steve Jilk and he feel strongly that the Armory Commi.ttee should have input into the Town Green Committee. Dave said he will personally invite the Armory Committee to the next Town Green Meeting. Dave Bechtold reviewed the process that would be recommended. This process would be: that the criteria be laid out, citizen input be made available, discussion of ideas from citizens' input, citizens being invited back again and the document be reviewed by the parks and recreation committee then by the citp council. Larry Walsh asked where the other city commissions/committees came in to the picture. It seems like they have "fallen through the cracks". Dave responded by stating the comprehensive guide plan includes a variety of the areas of the city including the master plan area (which is not as broad as the city comprehensive plan). Dave said he will invite the committees to review the plan. The question was raised if the Carrolls Woods and Town Green committees were apart of the Master Plan. Dave clarified the issue by stating thaC the Master Plan will be declaring Carrolls Woods a community park. The Carrolls Woods and Town Green plans do not have to be completed before the master plans can be completed. Larry Walsh asked if anyone from the Community Development Department was assigned to the Master Parks Plan project since Mike Wozinak left the city. Dave stated that there is no longer a Community Development Director. The duties that were in that department at one time, have been spread between the City Planner and the Assistant City Administrator. Dave commented that representation of each department's views can be expressed by continued open communication between department heads. This will allow more representation at all meetings, Park Committee or others without each of the department heads b ing required to attend anp meetings that do not or would not require them to be there. ARMORY UPDATE: Del Lorentzson commented that he has not heard anything new on the status of the Armory. The armory support has been passed by the House; but he was unsure what the support was at the Senate level. AMB8ItW00D UPDATE AND DISCUSSION: Dave Bechtold reviewed the changes and some of the decisions that had been made regarding this project. At the start Mike Wozniak has indicated that the roadway through the development was to be 24' wide and would end in a permanent culdesack. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting July 15, 1991 AMBI3RWQOD UPDATS AND DISCUSSION - continued: Based on that the Park Committee accepted cash dedication from the developer for park dedication and required no bike way trails. Later it was learned that the roadway through the development would remain as 24' in width, however, the culdesack was to be temporary in concept with a roadway easement included at 66' in width. Park Committee decisions and those of the Master Plan Committee were based upon these bits of information. The latest information on this project is that the roadway would remain at 24' in width through the development. The culdesack was now temporary in concept, however, the easement through the culdesack was now listed as a utility easement. The discussion this evening led to a decision to add the bikeway easement to the utility easement so that a trail could be constructed or to support no trail easement and thus indicate that no trail could be built through the culdesack and later an to the south. Following much discussion the committee felt that they would support the issue presented at the last master plan meeting. The statement of the master plan comma.ttee is that trails in this section of the city would follow the roadway spstem. In light of this idea the committee indicated that no trails would be built through Amborwood due to the fact that utility easement does not allow for the trails on it, No recommendation for adding such a trail easement was suggested. Various views were expressed by all members present, council members present, and staff inembers present. Del Lorentzson stated that he saw no good reason to put the bike trail through this area. "With the roadway gone, we should take the plans for the trail out". Tom Reller agreed with this statement. No one knew how the changes were made and the proeess followed to obtain the changes. The main item to resolve this evening was to decide what approach to take based upon the present information. A motion was made by Lorentzson and seconded by Howard "to support the latest design of the plat with the utility easement and not to xecommend a request for a bikeway easement". All voted in favor. Dave Bechtold will present that information to the official council meeting tomorrow evening with the Amborwood item on that agenda. JOINT COUNCIL, COI IISSION, AND COP IITTEE MEETING: Dave Bechtold stated that a the meeting on Wednesday, July 31, 1991 will discuss how each committee relates to, communicates with each other and reacts to issues. The Amberwood topic is a good example of how the process needs i.mprovement. Cathp Busho sa.id the planning commission is looking forward to the Park Boards input. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting July 15, 1991 B:S HART PROPERTY UPDATE: Dave commented that Boyd Bailey ha.s been the representative for the city on this project. He commented that we need to address the maintenance issue if the city would take the property. The ponding issue would have to be thoroughly addressed. The city is discussing the ponding matters with Public Works Director, Ron Wasmund. Dave raised the question of whether is was beneficial for the city to take the land over of whether it would be best if the county, the DNR, the Dept. of Fish & World Life, etc, would take it over. Council Member Wipperman felt that the City would be best served if it took over the control of the property. Dave Bechtold commented that Mrs. Hart made stipulations that: 1) the land can not be developed; 2) it is to be kept as a natural preserve -the land will stay as a ponding area - it is a "duck slough”. The purpose Mrs. Hart came ta the city was to keep the developers away (from the ponding area particularly). Sheila Klassen raised questions: What is the time table for acqui'sition of the land for the citp as a park? Is a park needed if Lebanon Hills County Park is across the road, If it comes down to addressing the issue, is there a policy for accepting land from people? Dave replied that city attorney, Eric Short would have to make up such a policy. Additional questions raised were: Would the property best serve as a tax base with homes around it? Or would it be serve more as a tax burden bq the loss of taxes with it being park land. Boyd Bailey stated that the current propertp owners will not sell to developers. Dave Bechtold said the city will work with Chuck Lowery, with the Dakota County Parks Department; and with Public Work Director Ron Wasmund regarding the ponding issues. The shore line issues need to be discussed. Scott Rynerson asked what the next steps on the project would be. Would we do evaluation of the land? Dave said he would have to get a consultant to do a study and he did not feel it needed to be done now. The Hart family appears to be "comfortable" with the status of the situation. Urgency does not seem to present itself as a major factor at this time. Everyone felt it best to take our time, to investigate the item and move ahead in that way. LEPRECHAUN DAYS UPDATE: Larry Walsh reviewed highlights of the week long activities. Cathy Busho stated the participation has been up over the years. It is here for everyone in town to take part in. New requirements made this year include the Leprechaun Days committee to get sign permits. Cathy Y Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting July 15, 1991 LEPRECHAUN DAYS UPDATE - continued: said the committee had permit for all signs posted during Leprechauns that the committee has control over). Also, permits to hold fireworks were required. Larry informed the director there were trees branches hanging low in Camfield Park and shingles missing from the shelter and asked if the maintenance staff could fix these items before Leprechaun Days started. There are several events to be held in Camfield Park during the city celebration. Scott Rynerson discussed Community Pride Days. 44 high school youths will perform labor type projects on Saturday, July 20, 1991 from 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. The program is to help businesses clean up their building/land in the downtown area by doing small projects (mowing, trimming, painting, etc). If there are projects in the parks Scott is to be contacted. CHAIRMANS REPORT Larry Walsh had no additional comments. Del Lorentzson inquired why work in the parks was not getting done. Why is there a problem getting the projects done. Can we maintain the parks as they get developed with the staff we have? Dave commented that Jaycee park will be able to function but we won't be adding to it. The money is set aside £or this park but will still only get basic, general maintenance once it is built. Dave commented that the staff is putting project sheets together. On these sheets they write how much it cost for materials, estimate how many man hours, describe the project. We can't operate like we have been. As the city and the park acres grow it is, and will continue, to be harder to keep up with completion of all of the tacks that we would like to do. The main emphasis now remains to be that of setting priorities according to sta£fing, finances, needs, time availability, etc.. Larry asked if the problem was that the projects are not getting identified or are projects just not being worked on. Dave replied that we continuously identify jobs and allocate time and finances on a priority basis. The jobs listed can not all possibly be completed. Del Lorentzson commented on the lack of representation of Rosemount in the area such as in local parades. Cathy commented that it had been considered to take the Chamber o£ Commerce float and to make it the Leprechaun Days float. There are issues to address such as insurance, finding someone to ride the float, etc.. There may be a possibility of bringing it up for next year and having floats in the Farmington, Eagan, and Lakeville parade. Cathy said it was nice to know the Park and Recreation Committee support this idea. y Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting July 15, 1991 CHAIRMANS REPORT - continued: Lisa commented that the Rosette Pom Pom participants used to be scheduled for Apple Valley July 4th parade until participation dropped to the point where is was too low to warrant taking part in the parade. John Howard asked if there were different levels of maintenance and different heights of tree limbs allowed on bike paths. The Russian olive trees on 145th street are pretty low - such that people riding bikes can reach them. Dave said it was the home owners responsibility to prune the trees that come out into the bike path. Cindy in the Public Works Department sends a note out informing the home owners of their responsibility and requests them to prune the trees. If by a certain time period it is not completed then the city completes the work and the home owner is billed for the services. Larry Walsh commented that there should be more than an eight foot (8') height requirement. Dave said a basic standard is eight feet (8') but he requires ten feet (10') over the trails. Deanna Simpson asked if the fence that is to be put up around the flower garden for the Jaycees street dance on Saturday, July 20, 1991 is necessary. Dave said there is a lot of volunteered efforts that have gone into the project and it should be protected, The orange plastic fence is being donated by the Jaycee Organization. This fence could be used in Shannon Park for athletic events. Deanna commented that the fence cuts off the community from viewing the flower garden at a time when there will be a lot of people that could walk through the garden and enjoy it. Deanna thanked the parks department for getting the arbor up. Dave said they were able to build it because it was based on the premise that it was a part of the original concept. It is still removable if the Town Green committee wishes the arbor to be elsewhere. Tom Rellor had no additional comments. Scott Rynerson had no additional comments. DIRSCT'ORS REP RT Dave stated that the department is working on setting priorities and goals. We must deal with the priorities first. We have several budget constraints and yet once priorities are set the projects can be put into a work schedule and into the budget. It will take time for this project sheet process to develop. An example of project coordination involves Connemara Park. The basketball court went off the list because we did not have the time and the dollars to complete it. It is possible that by planning it more completely with the use of project sheets we could possibly coordinate the court if paving was to be scheduled around that park area. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting July 15, 1991 DIRECTORS REPORT — continued: Scott asked if the park board would get a copy of the (project) sheets. Dave said some of the projects will be discussed. But, on a day to day operation, the parks supervisor has and should have the authority to make decisions on the projects. Scott stated that maybe on the special projects the sheets could be reviewed. Dave related the fact that the Lion's Club did send us a check for $ 730.00 to be used to purchase two of the metal storage boxes for the athletic fields. Motion by John Howard was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. SECONDED: by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 6. Nayes: 0. PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REGOLAR MEETING OF JUNE 17, 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Larry Walsh, Del Lorentzson, John Howard, Jerry Puciaty, Deanna Simpson (arrived about 8:00 p.m. ) and Tom Reller. STAFF PRESENT: Dir. Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Rick Cook and Boyd Bailey. GIIESTS PRESENT: Tom Neumann (RAAA) and wife Nancy. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson John Howard. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF May 20, 1991 MINUTES: MOTION by Del Lorentzson to accept the minutes of the May 20, 1991, with spelling correction of Tom McCarty's name on page 4 and clarification of the Master Parks Plan in regards to the Town Green and Carroll 's Woods Committees. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. AIIDIENCE INPUT: None. F:::::>;t#S;S RAAA UPDATE: Director Bechtold introduced Tom Neumann's wife, Nancy and thanked her for her support. Mr. Neumann reported that the weekend soccer tournament had 106 teams participating with 176 games scheduled. RAAA is reviewing the policy on Team Rosters considering how the selections are made, who makes the selections and car pools/friends. They are also reviewing policy on volunteers and on parental commitment. The next meeting will be in August. Sarah Parsons, reporter from the Rosemount Town Pages, has indicated that she is willing to work with RAAA for publicity and use pictures in the newspaper. A Golf Tournament is coming up - Parks & Recreation Committee members are welcome to participate. PARR EVALIIATION / STAFF WORR: The crew is working on turf and fields. Shannon Park had some large trees repaired and staked up. Steve Strese is working on the irrigation. RECREATION SIIMMARY: Lisa Jost said softball is half over. The schedules for the second half are being made. There are 80 teams in the Little League Tournament; it is state wide for kids 11 to 14 years old. The Tiny Tot program is ending. Pom Poms will be in their first parade soon. Residential v.s. non-residential softball fees are being studied. JAYCEE PARR UPDATE: The Grant office has accepted a design change for Jaycee Park due to the cut back in finances, scaling back, and redesign of the park. The playground equipment will be held until next year because a "temporary" site placement would be necessary ROSEMOONT PARRS & RECREATION JIINE 17, 1991 PAGE 2 until final plans are determined. Residents would be encouraged to participate in the planning of this. A memo should be sent to residents in that area for a Thursday evening meeting which will be set later. IIPDATE ON MASTER PLAN PROCESS: A review was made at the last Parks Master Plan meeting. Concerns were voiced about the number of public meetings being held and that without a budget to designate some boundaries, financing and phasing is hard to predict. A process should be established for these committees to help attain success of their programs. By June 22nd a new schedule for meetings will be decided. July 18, 1991 is the next Parks Master Plan meeting. Carroll 's Woods Community meeting will be June 20, 1991. CARROLL S WOODS: Carroll 's Woods Community input meeting will be June 20, 1991. TOWN GREEN: Deanna Simpson requested the arbor and a bench (which have been approved by City Council) to be constructed before Leprechaun Days. She explained her frustration for herself and the many volunteers which have given time and donations without seeing any recent results. Director Bechtold will see that as much is done as possible and said he could appreciate her position and would not want to loose volunteers because of this. Simpson reported that a walk through tour of Erickson Park brought up concepts of two gardens, an amphitheater near the pond, and an overlook area. The plan needs some revision and a review of the site. Director Bechtold will discuss this with Council Member Klassen and Administrator Jilk. Director Bechtold explained the need for a feasibility study and a grading, plan estimate for the hockey rink area, shelter area and utilities. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to have Director Bechtold get a grade plan and estimates in a feasibility report for the areas in Erickson Park Town Square and pondinq areas to allow for construction of rinks and shelters as identified in preliminary Town Green Master Plan Study and supported by the Parks and Recreation Committee and to also seek official approval from the City Administrator and City Council. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. JOINT PARR COMMITTEE MEETING: Meeting times are being determined to consider the Comprehensive Guide Plan with City Council, Planning Commission and Parks & Recreation Committee. CANADA AVE. CROSSING AT COUNTY ROAD 42: The through path has been officially closed and the nearest resident has put up a fence. The ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION JIINE 17, 1991 PAGE 3 asphalt will be removed and the trail will be rerouted toward Hwy 3 . The safeness of the crossings on Cty Rd 42 at Chippendale, Shannon and Hwy 3 were addressed. Director Bechtold was asked to check with Public Works Department for any findings the County or City may have regarding those intersections. T:f::<:::',.,..::;; HART PROPERTY IIPDATE: Director Bechtold has contacted Mrs. Stein of the adjoining property. Director Bechtold has met with Directors Freese and Wasmund and the County Park Department who will in turn address it on their agenda this month so they might indicate if it would be plausible to be under their control, joint control, or city control. Ponding requirements for the Utility Department were addressed also. LEPRECHAIIN DAYS IIPDATE: Dates of this planned event are July 19 to the 28th. Final plans are being made. There will be a bath tub race this year. Financing is good this year; Koch Refining and local businesses have donated generously. Advertising has been in the local paper. Some of the events are: Fishing Derby, Run for the Gold, Puppets in the Parks, Dance, and Fireworks. A:':#IS;:;>;: JERRY PUCIATY - Commented that the weeds around the holding pond in Connemara are quite high, balls get lost and it looks unkept. Parks and Recreation maintenance crew will review this soon. Also, Boyd Bailey will check the topographical study to see about using fill in this area. LARRY WALSH - Larry discussed the weed ordinance which was approved at City Council. He would like a copy sent to him. A comment on the advertizing, Larry thought the flip chart was still the best type of information keeper for the residents, next the summer brochure and probably the least kept, the newspaper articles. John Howard suggested that a flip chart be mailed to residents and also the local newspaper information be used as reminders. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to go back to using the flip chart or regular brochure for Parks and Recreation program schedules with the newspaper as a backup. BECOND by John Howard. DEL LORENTZSON - Connemara basket ball hoop has not been installed yet, nor has the stripping of the parking lot or signage. Director Bechtold said these will be done as soon as we can get to them, we have not had time for these and many other projects this summer. The next Town Green meeting is Thursday, June 19. ROSEMOIINT PARRS & RECREATION JUNE 17, 1991 PAGE 4 JOHN HOWARD - John said the bike path from County Road 42 to Diamond Path will be on the west side of the road, that is Apple Valley. When the 145th Street West and Diamond Path is redone the County will have paved shoulders for the bike path. Red rock is to be placed on the Shannon fields this week. John has received positive feed back on the summer recreation programs and fees. DEANNA SIMPSON - Rick Bonlander of Minnesota Green will be willing to help with the Town Green flower gardens. Bailey's nursery will donate some trees and shrubs (crab apple and lilac) . TOM RELLER - The bluebirds are on their second nesting. Dan Belting, a naturalist, offered a free seminar at Carroll 's Woods for teachers, staff and interested people on how to do tours of Carroll 's Woods sometime in August of September. DIRECTOR B REPORT: Director Bechtold met with the Lions Club. Mr. Kassem commented that much of their pull tab money goes to programs outside of Rosemount and requested what the Parks & Recreation programs for the City of Rosemount might need. Director Bechtold brought him a letter with a break down of items and prices and spoke on this at the Lions meeting this evening prior to the Parks & Recreation Committee meeting. The Lions also indicated they would like to be involved in work projects when needed. MOTION by Del Lorentzson to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m. . SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary Approved at July 15, 1991, meeting. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REGIILAR MEETING OF MAY 20 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Del Lorentzson, John Howard, Jerry Puciaty, Scott Rynerson, Deanna Simpson, Tom Reller and Larry Walsh. STAFF PRESENT: Dir. Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Boyd Bailey and Rick Cook. GIIESTS PRESENT: Tom Neumann (RAAA) , Cathy Busho, Planning Commission and Steve Jilk, City Administrator. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Chairperson John Howard. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Armory Update by Steve Jilk, City Administrator and Amber Wood Estates Update by Dave Bechtold. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF April 15, 1991 MINIITES: MOTION by Deanna Simpson to accept the minutes of the April 15, 1991, with corrections. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. AODIENCB INPUT: None. V$I: RAAA UPDATE: Tom Neumann reported that track is over and traveling soccer begins May 23. A soccer tournament will be held June 21-23 with 128 teams from the five state area. This is the major fund raiser. There are 700 participates in the soccer program. More steel is being purchased for goal stands. They are working with I.S.D. 196 on maintenance for playing fields; I.S.D. 196, Rosemount P & R, and RAAA have agreed to pay $800 each toward maintenance. RAAA has an opening on their board, there is no one from Rosemount on it at this time. Please pass this on and encourage participation. Canned goods will be requested at the soccer registration. PARR EVALUATION / BTAFF WORR: The parks are ready for landscaping; the 15 foot mower is being used with some overtime for grass cutting; and Mark Joosten has been trimming trees. The park signs are not installed yet, but should be soon. The 18 ' mower should be here soon and that will help greatly in getting on a regular schedule. Deanna Simpson requested a bench be placed in the Community Flower Garden area. Camfield Park has boards that need repair. Jim Koslowski has a check list of maintenance and playground equipment to repair. RECREATION SUMMARY: Lisa Jost has participation results. Umpires Tournament was held; softball has 20 teams; park improvements by the 4-H Club, Connemara Park improvement by Cathy Busho and Larry Walsh; the summer brochure will be out by Memorial Day weekend. A day for park improvement" doesn't work well with clubs, an "adopt a park" ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RFCREATION MAY 20, 1991 PAGB 2 plan was suggested by Scott Rynerson; the Jaycee's had 80 orders for sand this year; and a 5th grade class was a part of the tree planting in Shannon Park. JAYCEE PARR IIPDATE: The Parks Master Plan has suggested cutting back this park from a community park to a neighborhood park mainly because of location and number of parks in Rosemount. State of Minnesota Grant office has been notified since part of the funding (matching 35, 000) was made available through their office. A fifteen year (or longer) phase plan is being considered to phase out organized sports. Field lights will be eliminated in this residential zone but fencing and a backstop will remain in the plans. The grade plan needs approval and the shelter should be moved closer to the parking area. The Jaycees made a major donation toward a shelter that can be used year around for resident programs. Unless there is a change, the park playground equipment will not be installed on a temporary basis this season. Neighborhood comments related to the idea og waiting and putting it n permanently next season. ARMORY UPDATE: Steve Jilk, City Administrator, told the committee that the National Guard has sent the final design drawing to Washington, D.C. . The House Appropriation Committee there has approved the funding at this time. It must now pass the Military Affairs and then full House and Senate approval. Advisors said it looks very good for full approval. The timetable should be October - bids, January-February 1992, ground breaking. There will be a lot for staff to do to get ready before October so we can work with the Guard. Water and sewer to the site is one of the first considerations. There is a good chance that the rifle range will be upgraded so that other near by Dakota County communities may use it co-operatively. A group that had proposed to buy "The Gunnery" found it unreasonable at this time and now may decide to be a part of the Armory process. Updates will be forth coming. OPDATE ON MASTER PLAN: Jerry Puciaty reported the next meeting will be June 3, 1991. May 23rd there wili be a naturalist at Carrolls Woods. Trail concepts are to be presented. The trail might be planned to extend through Amber Wood Estates. This meeting is separate from the Town Green and Carrol 's Woods Committee meetings. CARROLLS WOODS COIKMITTEE UPDATE: Discussion on uses of the park, activities and passive recreation. Three plans were reviewed. The pipeline easement should be considered to purchase. The parking lot on the southwest side was discussed. To maintain Carrolls Woods as a park preserve a fence could be located toward the inside of the park with a paved trail on the parameter. ROSEMOUNT PARRS S RECREATION M1 iY 2 0 19 91 PAGE 3 TOWN GREEN COMMITTEE IIPDATE: Concepts were discussed. It was decided that it would not be appropriate to have this be a historical site, there is not enough space. Access to Erickson Park from Hwy 3 and a possible plaza may be included. The hockey rinks would remain, the gardens increased in size, and a shelter would be built with bathrooms and water for bicyclists. These improvements would be in phases. The site will be walked during the next meeting. JOINT PARR COMMITTEE MEETING: The meeting was disappointing because some park managers presented their systems of doing things but no real discussion took place. P & R should host a two hour meeting with commission and committee members attending with the City Council. BIRGER POND UPDATE: There was a meeting with Apple Valley regarding controlling the water level with drainage into Farquar Lake. Easement is not acquired yet. Barr Engineering and OSM Engineering will look into that. Studies are being done to determine water levels and ways to control those levels. 1;;::<:;`:` ROSEMOUNT HILLS 4TH ADDITION: Boyd Bailey presented the plat. It results in a cash park dedication available of $1440 or the land. The terrain is very hilly. MOTION by John Howard to accept the cash dedication appropriate for Rosemount Hills 4th Addition. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. STEIN DEVELOPMENT: Boyd Bailey discussed the land development. MOTION by John Howard to accept the cash dedication appropriate for the Stein Development. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. HART PROPERTY DONATION: Boyd Bailey explained that this land would be divided so that the house and 11 acres would remain until the daughter's death but 19 acres would be considered for donation now. It will be required to stay as a natural habitat and Director Bechtold indicated that the County Park System would be willing to work with us on duck and natural habitat and a trail system. The ponds overlap onto the Stein and Cadwell property with access from the John Lacy farm and Chelsea Woods access. There is a 60 foot easement available at the Chelsea Woods area. The total acreage is 30 with 19 acres of land and the rest pond area. Director Bechtold is looking for another P & R Committee member to be on this project. P t;»J:;: ROSEMOONT PARRS & RECREATION MAY 20, 1991 PAGE 4 JERRY PUCIATY - No comment at this time. LARRY WALSH - Larry discussed the bike trail maintenance assessment policy. Dave also indicated that Public Works are in charge of maintenance of the trails. The assessment is the same as for streets. Larry thought we should look into a tree ordinance for the city. DEL LORENTZSON - Del mentioned that in Connemara Park kids are roller blading with hockey sticks and tennis balls. The south side of the hill there is eroding, Tom McCarty is the home owner who mentioned this to Del. JOHN HOWARD - John said the backstop on field No. 2 and the homeplate base need some repair. Lisa said it was too wet to repair but will be taken care of. DEANNA SIMPSON - There was a plant sale on Saturday with a $211 profit realized. $50 will be donated to the Community Flower Garden. Geraniums were purchased. TOM RELLER - There are 11 baby bluebirds in Schwarz Pond, 4 in Erickson Park. There is a man from the Senior Center that picks up garbage in Erickson Park that may be willing to check those bluebird houses. There was agreement from this Committee for Laureate Poole, from 3915 153rd Street West, to check the birdhouses in Schwarz Pond. She will be recognized on Volunteer Day. Connemara Park looks great. There are ducks in the holding pond. SCOTT RYNERSON - No comment at this time. DIRECTOR S REPORT: Director Bechtold is covering new ground with the Hart donation. The spring fed lakes on that property will be a great asset to the parks system. Staff will be reporting regularly on this and other special projects. No matter which public agency takes control of the site it will be a great asset to the City. all departments will be encouraged to be involved since many aspects of the project will greatly affect them, i.e. : ponding requirements for size and maintenance will be a big factor to the Utility Department and I have talked about this with Ron Wasmund. MOTION by Del Lorentzson to adjourn the meeting at 9: 15 p.m. . SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary Accepted at the June 19, 1991, P & R Meeting. PARRS 6 RECREATION COMMITTEE REGOLAR MEETING OF APRIL 15. 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Rynerson, Del Lorentzson, John Howard, Jerry Puciaty, and Larry Walsh. Deanna Simpson and Tom Reller had excused absents. STAFF PRESENT: Dir. Dave Bechtold, Boyd Bailey and Rick Cook. Lisa Jost was attending a RAAA meeting and arrived at 8:00 p.m. . 3088T8 PRESENT: None. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairperson John Howard. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Add Update to Bike Trail on Dodd Blvd. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 18. 1991 MINIITEB: MOTION by Del Lorentzson to accept the minutes of the March 18, 1991, with corrections to page three. SSCOND by John Howard. Ayest 5. Nays: 0. AODIENCE INPUT: None. C i#:.;::::C$N B RAAA IIPDATE: Dave Bechtold discussed a combined meeting with Rosemount Parks & Recreation, Community Education and RAAA that was held to discuss a cooperative maintenance plan for fields. $150 of donated funds from RAAA were used to purchase a slit-seeder. PARR SVALIIATION / STAFF ORR: Rick Cook reported that ballfields and park areas are being cleaned up after the winter. All picnic tables have been constructed. New cabinets have been made and installed in Erickson Park pavilion. Jim Koslowski is making a check list of items that need repair in the parks and will begin those soon. RECREATION SIIMMARY: Dave Bechtold reported that volleyball and broomball were over. Softball schedules are out. Kerry Johnson did a class on stretchinq for prevention of injury. The summer brochure will be out by Memorial Day. JOINT PARR COMMITTEE MEETING: Lakeville will be sponsoring this meeting on April 25, 1991, at North Park, 17100 Ipava Ave. UPDATE ON MASTER PLAN: Jerry Puciaty reviewed information from the meetings. John Loch has been added to the Town Green Committee. Del thought he was a good choice because John's pharmacy allows him to make many connections which may be beneficial for community events. John was also chosen for the Blandin Leadership training and is already very involved with community events. MOTION by John Howard to strongly recommend John Loch to the Town Green Committee as a new member. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 4. Nays: 1, Larry Walsh. ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION APRIL 15, 1991 PAGE 2 Del suggested that all Parks and Recreation Committee members attend the April 18th Parks Master Plan meeting. Jeff Schoenbauer will be explaining the Master Park Plan for the City of Rosemount. The Armory and Facility Needs committees should be invited to the Community Parks Master Plan public meeting. BIRGER POND OPDATE: Dave Bechtold reported that the water levels have been determined to be 888 feet at Normal Water Level, right now they are at 891 feet. 904 feet would be the 100 Year Storm Water Level. Discussion followed on water quality control, water level control and street run-off. Policies would have to be established in cooperation with the Public Works Department which has begun. COIINTRY HILLS 4TH ADDITION: Final Plat shows a 5. 1 acres for park dedication land, 11 acres includes the holding ponds. The density is less because they platted for 22 houses less. Orrin Thompson will put in a trail as part of the dedication cost, a walking trail(not paved) . MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to approve the Park Dedication for Country Hills 4th Addition Final Plat as presented by Orrin Thompson for 11 acres with a walking trail. SECOND by John Howard. Ayest 4. Nays: 1. JAYCEE PARR: Negotiating is in progress, condemnation was not used to acquire the 8. 3 acres at approximately $73, 000. This item will be considered at the next council meeting, the results will be presented to the Parks & Recreation Committee in May. The cost breakdown is 50, 000 from Park Dedication Funds and approximately $23,000 from the CIP. PARTICIPATION IN PROGRAMS: Rosters for the softball league will be checked for residency and reported at the next P&R meeting. DODD ROAD BIRE TRAIL: The bike trail for podd Road and the Twin Puddles shelter have been moved to the 1992 Budget. The projects were budgeted for $45,000 and $30, 000 respectfully. The 1992 Budget is projected to be cut 5-10. Updated versions of the Parks CIP Budget will be made available to you. JOINT COUNCIL, COMMITTEEB, AND COMMISSION MEETINGS: A department workshop with staff and council is planned. One item to be discussed is communication between committees, staff and council. John Howard stressed that there is room for improvement and that the City Council should be aware of the committees view points. Director Bechtold said a check off list is being developed to be viewed by each department for information to be distributed consistently. Jerry Puciaty stated, If a "need for speed" comes up, then there should be a special meeting called. ° ROSEMOIINT PARRS & RECREATION APRIL 15, 1991 PAGE 3 Parks & Recreation Committee members requested the minutes of future Utilities and Planning Commission meetings to be placed in their mailboxes as a regular routine. k: DEL LORENTZSON - The Town Green Meeting was held last week. Looks like a good group to help discern the needs for the community. JERRY PUCIATY - No comment at this time. LARRY WALSH - Larry would like the minutes and agendas for council meetings and would appreciate the director of Parks and Recreation noting anything of importance to this committee to be brought to the attention of the chairman. JOHN HOWARD - John was approached by a resident that commented the there is not much climbing type equipment in the neighborhood parks. Director Bechtold said that both Winds Crossing and Kidder Park are scheduled to have approximately $10,000 of playground equipment added. SCOTT RYNERSON - Scott noted that the double-headers on Wednesday nights with the softball league is enjoyed by many and is an arrangement he would like to see kept and possibly added another evening. We are now National Park and Recreation Association Members which entitles some city staff and committee members to attend seminars and receive information. DIRECTOR S REPORT: Director Bechtold reported that Jaycee Park playground equipment has been approved. The basketball court in Connemara Park will be reviewed with the Parks Master Park Plan. When joint meetings do occur it is important to remember that they be kept positive. Some items requested on the five year CIP Budget are: a drag for ballfields, a tractor for ditch mowing, a 6' slit-seeder, a van for P&R and trailer for the puppet wagon. These items have either been purchased or have been approved for purchase by the City Council. LISA JOST - Lisa related some of the recent events; the Ground Pounder foot race, the Egg Hunt which about 500 kids attended, Clinic for Umpires, and Pom Poms with 50 kids beginning. May 18th is Park Improvement Day which we are hoping for more club participation. MOTION by Del Lorentzson to adjourn the meeting at 9: 15 p.m. . SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary 1 P.O. BOX 510 21 2875-145TH ST. W. O O l ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 VL 612-4Q3-441 1 T0: PRRKS 3 RECREATION COMMITTE ROM DRVID J . BECHTOLD -, C IRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION DATE MARGH 15 , 1991 - RE COPIMI7TEE MEETING Q MARCH 28, 1991 DA7E: MARCH 18 , 19 1 ALRCE = R05EMOUNT CITY HRLL rzr: Q . r . AGENDA' CF LL. MEETING TO ORDER II . ADDITIQNS TQ THE AGEN[?A I I I . 5WEAR IN NEW M4MBER ( SCOT7 r2YI E C ON ) I J . RPr ROVE MINtJTES OF Jt NU!1RY 21 , 1991 MEETING V . AllDIENCE INPU7 u s rr K;r i1-yOLDBUSINESS: VI . RAAA UPDATE ( TOM NUEMANN ) VII . PARK VALiJATZONS / STRFF WQRK ( RICK COOK } VIII . RECREATION SUMMARY (LISA JOST ) IX . U'DATC ON MASTER PLRN X , JOINT QaRK COMMITTEE MEE7ING ( APRIL 25 , 1991 ) XI . UPDATE ON BSRGER OND { COUNTRY HILLS DEDZGA7ION ) XII . UPDAT 014 08TAINIi G JAYC E PARK LAND XIII . ARTICT ATION o ( i, adult softbai.l anci yo th soccer ) Xzv - 12mo(t r NEW BUSINESS XV . GRANDFATNER CLAUSE IN SOF'TBALL XVI . OUT OF TOWN FEE DISCUSSION XVII , XVIII . CHAIRMAN 'S REPORT XIX . DIRECTOR 'S REPORT Xx - ADJOURN PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MSETING OF MARCH 18 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Larry Walsh, Del Lorentzson, John Howard, Deanna Simpson, Jerry Puciaty, Tom Reller and Scott Rynerson. STAFF PRE88NT: Dir. Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Boyd Bailey. Rick Cook, Mark Joosten and Jim Koslowski. GOESTS PRESENT: Tom Neumann (RAAA) and Cathy Busho (Planning Commission) . CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Chairperson John Howard. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: VI. Presentation of Plaque to Lois McKinley. OLD BUSINESS XIV. Armory Update. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 18. 1991 MINIITES: MOTION by Del Lorentzson to accept the minutes with the changes on page two and three of the February 18, 1991. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. AIIDIENCB INPUT: None. SWEAR IN NEW MEMBER: Scott Rynerson was sworn in by Chairman John Howard as a members of the Parks & Recreation Committee. PRESENTATION OF PLAOUE: Chairman John Howard presented Lois McKinley with a plaque thanking her for her service to the City of Rosemount as a Parks & Recreation Committee Member. Lois had served for three years. k;;:;>l#S'. RAAA UPDATE: Tom Neumann reported that registrations for in- house soccer will be April 30, 1991. Funds that were donated by RAAA were requested to be used to assist in purchasing a slit- seeder. With those funds and the trade-in, the city might need to fund only $900. Lakeville was asked to support the program with available fields, there are 10 of the participants from Lakeville. PARR EVALUATION / STAFF PORRs Park sign design and color was discussed; the light stain was preferred. Also samples of the picnic tables being constructed were displayed. The structure is very durable. RECREATION SIIMMARY: Lisa Jost reported that the Jaycees are co- sponsoring the egg hunt at Schwarz Pond Park at 10 a.m, on March 23, with a rain date of March 30, 1991. Many spring activities are planned for the week of March 25th. Basketball and volleyball are ending. Softball is to begin on April 22. Summer staff is beginning to be hired. Dave mentioned that we can not encourage new programs because of staff limitations. ROSEMOIINT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MARCH 18, 1991 PA(E 2 UPDATE ON MASTER PLAN: Jerry Puciaty reviewed drafts from Brauer Asso. . He asked each committee member to review it carefully and contact a Parks Master Plan member for comments. The document will definitely be a useful document. Cathy Busho was introduced from the Planning Commission and Parks Master Plan Committee. She is very interested in the Parks & Recreation Department and would like to know the views of the committee members. JOINT PARR COMMITTEE MEETING: A meeting will be held April 25, Thursday evening, at 6: 30 p.m. at North Park in Lakeville. BIRGER POND OPDATE: Dave reviewed the history of Shannon Park School and Birger Pond park dedications and development details. A trail system could be installed around the ponds. Orrin Thompson will build trails east and south of the ponds. Orrin Thompson used the average high water mark for area figures; the City uses the normal high water mark. Public works is determining what to do with the high water levels. 904 feet would probably be the 100 year storm ponding level, with the range from 894 feet. Any buildings would have to be at 909 feet. The water table should be determined? The ponding issues would need clarification and then we should proceed. JAYCEE PARR LAND: Condemnation proceedings had begun for 8.3 acres. This process should be finalized by the next meeting. PARTICIPATION PERCENTAGEB: The softball leagues have 65 - 75 participation by people who do not live or work in Rosemount. People like the fields here, Rosemount is a desirable league. We need to address how we can pay for 75 of those participating from our Rosemount budget. The "Grandfather Clause" would side step rules for some. Adult and youth programs should be treated the same. ARMORY OPDATE: The layout of the Armory will remain the same although the multi-purpose arena will not be built at this time, it could be added at a later date. The land that was to be used would be large enough for a sport field. We should look into volley ball, bocceball and croquet, etc. MOTION by Del Lorentzson to have the land area graded and sodded for possible recreational purposes around the Armory site. Second by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 1 (Larry Walsh) . 13:: GRANDFATHER CLAIISE AND OIIT OF TOWN FEES The committee was in favor of user fees and the "grandfather policy". The user fee would be for organized sports not for residents that want to use the passive parts of the parks. ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MARCH 18, 1991 PAGE 3 k`'>:;::` JERRY PUCIATY - No comment. LARRY WALSH - Larry held discussion on the new format for the city newsletter" which will be in the form of a weekly Rosemount newspaper published by the Farmington newspaper. Parks & Recreation may still use a flip chart type format to be delivered to each home as a need might arise. We will use the paper exclusively if at all feasible. Discussion was held about the bike path on Diamond Path and 145th 5treet West. Easements on the east side would be very e cpensive, 300, 000 to $500, 000. On 145th Street West the bike trail will be reconstructed "off road". The intersection of Shannon Parkway and 145th Street West has been said to be very dangerous. Stop signs and/or stop lights should be considered with information from staff and the Planning Committee. With the bike trail encouraging pedestrian traffic safety must be a major influence. Communication between Parks & Recreation committee and commissions/committees, even if in memo form, would be greatly appreciated. DEL LORENTZSON - Some curb and gutter work should be considered next to the Corcoran property and the Community Flower Garden. Plans for a basketball hoop with a half court in the parking lot are planned this year for Connemara Park. JOHN HOWARD - Signage for directional flow parking needs to be added to Connemara Park. Shannon Park School should have two little league and two soccer fields ready this season by July lst. DEANNA SIMPSON - The Garden Club meets at the Senior Center the 4th Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. . This meeting wiil have Dan Newbauer, a naturalist, give a talk on landscaping to attract wildlife and birds. Minnesota Green presented Deanna Simpson with an award for the Rosemount Community Flower Garden. She thanks the staff and committee members for support and work done. Jim Koslowski, staff carpenter, has plans for building the gazebo for the garden area. Jim also made the portable display case. The plans for this year include more plants, similar to last year, perennial, (daffodils are coming up) and some brick edging may be added. SCOTT RYNERSON - no comment. TOM RELLER - Some elementary children received bluebird houses which are being placed in residential areas. ROSEMOiJNT PARRB & RECREATION COMMITTEE MARCH 18, 1991 PAQE 4 DIRECTOR S REPORT: Director Bechtold encouraged representation to City Council and recognized reinforcement from staff and committee members as being very important. Working together involves being accepted and recognized. The Jaycee's and RAAA have been working with the City very well, any staff or committee members are encouraged to attend meetings. MOTION by John Howard to adjourn. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary P.O. BOX 510 Z/ 2875-145TH ST. W. 7 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 osernoun 612-423-4411 STATE OF MINNE30TA ) COUNTY OF DAROTA ) SS CITY OF R03EMOUNT ) I, Scott Rynerson, sol mnly swear that I will sugport the Ce nstitution of the Un.ited Stat s and d' the State of Minnes ta, and faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Parks and Recreation Committee for the City t f Rc semount in the County of Dakota and the Stat af Minnesc a, to the best of my j;udgement nd ability. So: help me, d. 1 S ot Ryners'; n Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of March, 1991. r z.,-'^ C. Dave Bechtold Parks and Recreation Director TC PARKS t R CR'AT''ON C(JMMITTEC" FROM; f VID . t ECM70LC — DIRECTQR OF P 1RKS & RE REATI N DAT FEBRUI RY 1' , 19 1 E = COMMITTEE MEETIi C OF FE RUF R4' i8 , 1991 QAT = FEBRUARY ].8 , 199i r^L ACE R SEMOUNT CI7Y HF LL T7:f f 7 : 30 P . M . AGENDA: I . CALL MEETINC 'T"C QRDER II , t DDITIONS i TH AG N, I II . PPRt,+ h1INUTES t J INUARY 21 , 19g1 M E?ING IV . AUt IEI(C INPUT OLD BUSINESS- V . RRAR U D TE ( TOM 1!UEM iNN ) vI . P a; .ALU4TI01 5 i ST cF W RK ( RICK COOK ) I II . REGREPTIC?N UMPIP,F Y ; LISA 'JST ) V I T I . UPDRT 0; MAST R PLUI ti y: . UPDATE OPv AF;MORY X . qMBERWtJ i ST TES ( J I LC''W OD uSTATES ) JPDr TE X . NRNNON P R! SCHCQ ADDITION XII . SC)UTH RCSE ?ARK 3 D !DDITION X,IIS . PINE E lL DEVELO MEI T C0 . 1ST P[D[TIG xzv . xv . NEW BUSINESS X1,; . COUC RO iD BIKE/W;LK TR 7L UPDATE P,ND Ca5CUSSICN X'II . 5TAFF t)pPTE X'IIII . OUT Ci TOWN 'EE CiISCUSSION XIX . CHAIRf iAN '5 REPORT X . dIRECTOR 'S REPORT XXT. . DJOUF2Nt'fE dT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE SREGIILAR MEETING OF FEBROARY 18, 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Larry Walsh, Del Lorentzson, John Howard, Deanna Simpson, Jerry Puciaty and Tom Reller. STAFF PRESENT: Dir. Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Boyd Bailey. Rick Cook. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7: 35 p.m. by Chairperson John Howard. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 21. 1991 MINUTES: MOTION by Deanna Simpson to accept the minutes, with the change on page two, of January 21, 1991. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. AUDIENCE INPOT: None. t i::::>'1'i3:I.. .f#:. RAAA UPDATE: Tom Neumann reviewed the upcoming programs. Soccer registration is in progress, the tournament for traveling soccer with approximately 150 teams is scheduled for June 21, 22, and 23 . A donation of $1,500 is being presented to the Parks & Recreation Department. August 9th has been set for the Golf Tournament Fund Raiser. It is possible that the name for RAAA may be changed to better represent the area that they serve. There was an Armory Presentation given at the last RAAA meeting. The 2nd Monday of the month is RAAA regular meeting night at Scott Highland Middle School. Park Board Members are especially welcome to attend. ARMORY UPDATE: Dave Bechtold related the history and background of the planning for the Armory. Del Lorentzson reviewed the renderings of the architect's concept of the facility. He also reviewed possible uses and types of programs and community uses. PARR EVALUATION / STAFF WORR: Rick Coak reported that Mark Joosten and Boyd Bailey are finishing the tree inventory for the parks. The woodshop is complete. RECREATION SUMMARY: Lisa Jost reported the broomball tournaments had 12 teams participating in them. The ice rinks were closed February 12, 1991 because the ice was in pour condition due to warm weather. Skating lessons were cancelled for the last two weeks. Pom Pom's winter session is over, they will have their performance with parents attending at the elementary school February 19, 1991. Volleyball officials training is to begin soon. Tiny Tots has 4 different classes with the 5 year old class increasing in size. Ed Loesch co-organized a volleyball tournament by Rosemount Parks & Recreation, the 2nd annual, on February 2. A donation from the profits were donated to the Minnesota Humane Society. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 18, 1991 PAGE 2 UPDATE ON MASTER PLAN: Jerry Puciaty reported that the committee is on track. Jerry Puciaty commented that defining of terms is over, now what needs to be done is being determined. Brauer & Associates is doing a very fine job on keeping organized and moving along. Carrolls Woods sub-committee will be discussing strengths and weaknesses of the park. AMBERWOOD ESTATEB: Boyd Bailey reported that this was originally called Valleywood Estates but the project name was changed to Amberwood Estates. Their Park Dedication Fee is $3,840. A motion was made at the meeting of January 21, 1991 to accept cash in lieu of land. SHANNON PARR SCHOOL: The final plat is done. Some fields could possibly be ready for athletics this spring. SOUTH ROSE PARR 3RD ADDITION: Boyd Bailey reported that a Park Dedication Fee for $4,180 would be required. MOTION by Deanna Simpson to accept cash in lieu of land for Park Dedication as the formula prescribes for the South Rose Park 3rd Addition. SECOND by Tom Reller. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. PINE BEND DEVELOPMENT CO. iST ADDITION: Twenty acres of conservation land, heavily wooded with oak trees, to be maintained as a natural habitat. Radio towers will be constructed on the site, but these twenty acres can not be altered in any way and must be maintained. T:5 DODD ROAD BIRE TRAIL: The bike trail from Chippendale to Shannon Parkway and then Shannon to Diamond Path is being shifted to the north side of the road because of the difficulty with easements and the terrain on the south side. A feasibility report would be called for. Also an up-grade of Twin Puddles parking lot would be added. The trail intersections will be considered at the Parks Master Plan Comrnittee. Pedestrian crossing which require stop signs for safety will be considered. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to recommend to the City Council that the consultant do a study and survey report on the north side construction of the bike trail and the acquiring of land easements for podd Road Bike Trail. SECOND by Larry Walsh. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. OUT OF TOWN FEE DISCUSSION: Softball participants are 26 Rosemount residents, which is similar to the youth programs. As an example, a $10 fee per Out of Town participant could raise additional funds. A User Fee of $75 per team for softball and a 25 administrative fee are being charged now. There is a Grandfather Clause". This will be discussed at the next meeting. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 18, 1991 PAGE 3 P`:s£:::<::':.` JERRY PUCIATY - Meetings for the Parks Master Plan Sub- Committees, Carroll 's Woods and Town Green, are planning to begin meetings in April to be held on Thursdays. LARRY WALSH - Determine the correct name of the Community Facility Committee. DEL LORENTZSON - Would like to encourage everyone to vote on the referendum tomorrow for the Community Center attached to the Armory. JOHN HOWARD - Asked for an update on Birger Pond. Also, would Hawkins Pond area all be considered a holding pond or park area? Twin Puddles high area is usable, but the low area can not be altered. Dave suggested to them that for now any ponding that the Parks Department cannot control should not be considered as park", but rather to be listed as "holding ponds. " DEANNA SIMPSON - Corcoran Equipment Co. next to the city hall 's Community Flower Garden has been piling snow from their parking lot into the garden covering some small trees. Please mention this to them so as not to damage the trees. TOM RELLER - Nothing at this time. DIRECTOR B REPORT: Director Bechtold commented that scheduling for the tournaments for RAAA is in process. RAHA complemented the city for their rink maintenance again this year. Policy statements are needed for recreational programs, maintenance programs, etc. Regular updates with new information will be made to this committee. February 23, 1991, Minnesota Green Association will present Deanna Simpson with an award for the Rosemount Community Flower Garden. The program starts at 1:30 p.m. , see Dave Bechtold for directions or a ride. Scott Rynerson is attending the Blandin Foundation Seminar this week. He will return at the next meeting to be sworn in as a member. MOTION by John Howard to adjourn. BECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 30 p.m. iRespectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Approved 3-18-91 Recording Secretary F O. BOX 510 v` o - 28i5-145TH ST. W. ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 550fi8 3 612-423-4411 70 PARKS & RECREATIO! COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM DAVID . 3ECHTQLC - pIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION DATE JAt(UARY 7 , 1991 RE COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 21. , 1991 DATE JANUARY 21 , 1991 PLACE ROSEI"MOUNT CITY HPLL TIME= 7 30 , M . 7he first message to relate to he Commi.ttee is that L.ois McKin].ey wa.s repla ed t y Scott Rynerson to serve a three ye r term . Although we are aainir,g an cti- citizen to serve wi.h us Lois will ae missed . AGENDA I . CALL MEETING 7Q ORDER IZ . ADDITIONS T J THE AGEN A III . RPPRQVF M:CNUTES OF DECEMBER 17 , 1R9 ME TING IV . AUDIENC INPUT OLD BUSINESS: V , RRAA UPD T ( T:M IUEMANN } VI , PA K EVALUATT NS / STAF WORtC ( r ICK CO K ) VTi . RECR TaON 5UMMARY ( !ISA J05T ) V T I I . UPC(T Oi MASTER PLAI IX . UPDAT I ARMCRY - ( STE lE .7ZLK TO GIVE PRESENTATZON ) X . PL!YGRc UND EQIJIPMENT FOR JAYCEE PARK - PD T xx . NEW BUS NESS: XIZ h1AS7ER PI_RN SUB - CC MMITT E DISCUSc;:fC N YSIr vALLEYWOOD 'TFk"C 5 PL A' - P R (E01 RT tyN i '` . F tf - r:r:F C R - <lp[r'aTE C N CHF INGES XIV . CHRIRMAN 'S REP hT XI1 . DIR,CTOR 'S REPORT Y.V . L JOURNMENT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 21. 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Puciaty, Larry Walsh, Del Lorentzson, John Howard, Deanna Simpson, and Tom Reller. STAFF PRESENT: Dir. Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Boyd Bailey. Rick Cook. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7: 34 p.m. by Chairperson John Howard. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Introduction of Scott Rynerson who will begin a 3 year term at the February 1991 meeting for the Parks and Recreation Committee. APPROVAL OF MINtTTES OF DECEMBER 17 . 1990 MINUTES: MOTION by Tom Reller Walsh to approve the minutes of December 17, 1990. SECOND by Larry Walsh. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. 3::41'`8;:i RAAA UPDATE: Dave Bechtold attended the recent RAAA meeting with Tom Newmann. RAAA asked the Apple Valley Parks Dept. for additional East View ballfields for two days for youth. They felt justified because 41 of RAAA youths participating are from Apple Valley. January 24, 1991 Parks and Recreation staff from Eagan, Lakeville, Apple Valley and Rosemount will be meeting with School District personnel to review facility policy. Some scheduling may have to be adjusted, open communication is very important. More soccer goals are being made with steel purchased through RAAA and the City. PARR EVALIIATION / STAFF WORR: Rick Cook reported that rinks are being flooded; the wood working shop is being built in the old pole barn ; 13 sets of soccer goals are being constructed; plans for 20 picnic tables to be made. Lakeville is grooming the ski trails when needed as part of a machinery exchange at no extra cost. Deanna Simpson and neighbors have used the cross county ski trail and reported them excellent in December, but due to lack of snow are somewhat icy now. RECREATION SUMMARY: Lisa Jost reported that Jane Mollman organized the Sunshine Club" during winter vacation at the Fire Hall with 5 to 20 kids attending. The activities were fun and a great success. Skating lessons have begun with enrollment up 25. The original instructor quite just before needed so some scrambling took place to find a replacement. Family Fun nights are lined up January 6, 25, and February 3rd will be the next one. Five broomball teams have been formed and next co-ed volleyball league has begun. IIPDATE ON MASTER PLAN: Jerry Puciaty reported that the committee is moving ahead. Brauer & Associates has conducted the meetings with organizational skills helping to define verbiage of goals and objectives. Public meetings will be held, sub-committees should be finalized soon. Names for these sub-committees will be needed soona Some residents have asked to attend this Master Park Plan Committee. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE JANUARY 21, 1991 PAGE 2 MOTION by John Howard to recommend that citizens are welcome to attend the Master Park Plan Committee as an audience to observe but are asked to hold their input for the public meetings up-coming or to direct their comments through a Master Park Plan Committee Member. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Master Park Plan Committee minutes are not available, however, Jeff Schanbauer will keep the Parks and Recreation Committee updated through report summaries done by Brauer & Associates. ARMORY OPDATE: This presentation was postponed. There will be several other presentations available. Please call city hall if you wish to attend one prior to the special election. PLAYGROUND EOUIPMENT FOR JAYCEE PARR - IIPDATE: Director Bechtold will be preparing the specs for the playground equipment. It will similar to Connemara Park equipment. The estimated cost will be $35, 000 to 50, 000 for the final plan. The location may be temporary because of the land acquisition now in process. 3:C': MASTER PLAN SIIB-COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION$: Carroll 's Woods Sub-Committee Marie Jensen Sandy Todd Tom Reller Ed Howard Deanna Simpson Mike Busho Jerry Puciaty Scott Rynerson Lorretta Pool Ron Pederson People considered were from a petition submitted by interested residents earlier to the City and presented by Dave Bechtold, other Rosemount residents, and Parks & Recreation Committee members. Resource people to consider would be the school district, park consultants, and county park staff. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to recommend to the City Council the following list of residents for a Carroll 's Wood Sub-Committee to the Master Parks Plan Committee: Marie Jensen, Sandy Todd, Tom Reller, Ed Howard, Deanna Simpson, Mike Busho, Jerry Puciaty, Scott Rynerson, Lorretta Pool and Ron Pederson. SECOND by Larry Walsh. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. TOWN GREEN SUB-COMMITTEE Lucy Holzer Del Lorentzson Marge Ryan Deanna Simpson Jim Thommes Kathy Bucho Lois McKinley Merrill Stelling Paul McKinley Sheila Klassen PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE JANUARY 21, 1991 PAGE 3 MOTION by Deanna Simpson to recommend to the City Council the following list of residents for a Town Green Sub-Committee to the Master Parks Plan Committee: Lucy Holzer, Marge Ryan, Jim Thommes, Lois McKinley, Paul McKinley, Sheila Klassen, Del Lorentzson, Deanna Simpson, Kathy Bucho, and Merrill Stelling. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. VALLEY WOOD ESTATES PLAT - PARR DEDICATION: This is a housing development next to the Valley Wood Golf Course on County Road 38. There will be eight lots with no bike trail to connect to the trail system. Cash in lieu of land is recommended with a 60 foot right of way to the south for a possible future through road. MOTION by Tom Reller to request cash in lieu of land for Valley Wood Estates park dedication. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 6. Nays. 0. STAFF REPORT: Director Bechtold reported that two of city staff will be leaving shortly: Rich Hefti, Public Works Director will be going to Menomeny, Wisconsin to an engineering firm; and Mike Wozniak, City Planner, will be going to Hastings to become their Community Development Director. We wish them well and will miss their expertise in Rosemount. Jane Mollman was to go to full-time status last year but because of budget cuts could not. She has done an excellent job, has been energetic and creative as recreation programmer and support staff. MOTION by Larry Walsh to recommend support to City Council for Jane Mollman to be upgraded to a full-time employee as of January 1, 1991 at the Program Director entry level. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Eric Carlson is a new part-time employee who has displayed extra energy and the willingness to help out when and where needed. He has been working mainly on programming. R: JERRY PUCIATY - Reported the maintenance of the ice rinks has been great. Staff efforts are really appreciated. LARRY WALSH - Asked Dave to comment on Birger Point Pond. Negotiations with Orrin Thompson will continue with Dean Johnson, Community Development Director. He will consider the request of the Committee however he has a tough job to do and it might be somewhat difficult to honor those requests. We must support him in his efforts and move on for a settlement and other issues. DEL LORENTZSON - No comment. JOHN HOWARD - Commented that several people have expressed thanks for the lights at the skating rink at Camfield and Winds Crossing. Many families and children are using the rinks at night. DEANNA SIMPSON - No comment. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE JANUARY 21, 1991 PAGE 4 TOM RELLER - Asked for an Armory Update. Del Lorentzson commented that there will be a Community Informational Meeting on February 14th, at 7:00 p.m. at the Rosemount High School Commons. Also many presentations will be made to clubs and city staff. A letter with dates of ineeting will be sent out. If you may want to attend one of those, please call Tracie Pechonick at city hall, 423-4411. SCOTT RYNERSON - Commented that he was pleased to be here. He had lived in Rosemount in 1968 and graduated from Rosemount High in 1972. He now has three girls who participate in RAAA and enjoy several of the Rosemount parks and athletic fields. The Parks and Recreation Committee welcomed Scott. DIRECTOR S REPORT: Director Bechtold commented that positive support is needed on the negotiations for Jaycee Park lands and Birger Point. The sliding hill in Connemara needs to be checked for safeness. It will be looked at tomorrow. MOTION by Deanna Simpson to give a plaque to Lois McKinley for her service on the Parks & Recreation Committee and a letter from the director and John Howard, Chairman. SECOND by Tom Reller. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to adjourn. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 13 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary Approved 2-18-91