HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark and Rec Commission 1990_01_15-12_17_1990PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 17. 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Larry Walsh, Del Lorentzson, Lois McKinley, Deanna Simpson, John Howard, Tom Reller and Jerry Puciaty. STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Rick Cook, Lisa Jost, Jane Mollmann, Boyd Bailey, Mark Joosten, Carl Dahnke, and Jim Koslowski plus many of their spouses or guests. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson Lois McKinley. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF MINIITES OF NOVEMBER 19, 1990: MOTION by Larry Walsh to approve the minutes of November 19, 1990. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. RAAA IIPDATE: Dave Bechtold attended their last meeting. Percentages of Rosemount residents participating in their programs are being determined. PARR EVALUATION: Rick Cook reported that 21 trees have been planted in Shannon Park that are 6" - 8" in diameter. These trees were paid for from one third park operating funds and two thirds from the City's special general fund account for Shannon Park development. Jim Koslowski is working to get a Building Trades Shop constructed. RECREATION SO1 II 4ARY: Lisa Jost reported that winter programming is set. Skating lessons and broomball are waiting for ice. The turn out for Santa Breakfast was great, about 70 adults and children attended. MASTER PLAN IIPDATE: John Howard felt the first meeting was very successful. The strengths and weaknesses of the city and its parks were listed. Active and passive recreation were discussed. Jeff Schouenbauer from Brauer & Asso. led the meeting. January 7 is the next meeting, members not on committee are welcome to attend along with staff to observe the process. Larry Walsh added that the U of M area should be considered as potential park or trail area. The funding for the Master Park Plan will be $25,000 from P&R Dedication Funds and the remaining from City General Budget. Park & Recreation Committee members would like to request receiving the summaries from the Master Park Plan meetings. ARMORY UPDATE:Del Lorentzson said that the referendum will be considered in February. Information will be mailed to city residents in January. January 7th is the next meeting. Steve Jilk will bring slides for a short presentation at the next Parks & Rec meeting. PARR COMMITTEE CANDIDATES: Interviews will be conducted January 3 and 8, 1991. There are many candidates. SHARE EOUIPMENT: The City of Lakeville put an article in their newspaper giving the City of Rosemount a "thank you" for borrowing our tree spade. They have agreed to lend us their air compressor to get the irrigation systems ready for winter. They will also be grooming the ski trails in Carroll 's Woods again. This year at no added cost for the equipment. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE DECEMBER 17, 1991 PAGE 2 RESIDENCY OF ATHLETIC PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS: The Master Parks Plan meeting brought up the question of what type and how many of each type of fields are needed. A study was made by Lisa and the RAAA board and they determined from a study that the inhouse youth soccer program has approximately the following break down of participants; 26 from Rosemount, 12 from Lakeville, 41 from Apple Valley and the remaining percent from various other cities. RAAA asked that we do a study of the adult programs also. Lisa found that approximately 38 were Rosemount residents with about 62% being non- residents. consideration of a rule allowing for Rosemount residents as the main participants might be needed with the out of town residents paying a certain participating fee. But allowing for out of town participants who work in Rosemount not be required to pay the fee. A study of the percent of adult residents and non-resident numbers for softball was also done by Lisa. Part of the discussion related to additional possible regulation rules that relate to out of town participants. Those rules might also include a special fee for those out of town participants. Jerry Puciaty recommended that two or three Committee Members should meet with the School District #196 staff and Raaa at least twice each year to discuss schedules of field renovation and construction. Similar meetings are held during the year with the Park Director, his staff, RAAA, and District #196 staff. A joint meeting of Park Committees of all area cities was suggested to be looked into. The one we had a few years ago was a very rewardinq experience for everyone. LARRY WALSH talked about the weed ordinance. Larry questioned if this committee should belong to the Minnesota Horticultural Society. Right now Mark Joosten, Deanna Simpson and Larry Walsh are members. If there are a total of 11 members in a club they get video library use from MHS. Review should be made to see if it would be appropriate for this committee to join. DEL LORENTZSON wished everyone a Merry Christmas! No other comments. LOIS MCKINLEY noted that the new Christmas decorations in town, especially along Hwy 3 looked very nice. DEANNA SIMPSON, JOHN HOWARD, and TOM RELLER had no comment. PARRS AND RECREATION COMMITTEL DECEMBER 17, 1990 PAGE 3 i 1:;.*::::::;` Dave Bechtold said the National Parks & Recreation Association this year is allowing for a city association membership for a price of about 200.00. this allows for 11 names to be submitted for individual membership as a part of this fee. This can be for the Director of the department and 10 additional people. Each of the Committee Members will be listed for individual membership when the fee is paid along with our council liaison, the mayor, and the Director. The Council did accept the general budget outline at a public hearing. They are conducting a study relating to personnel and finances at this time and when that study is completed they will make further comments on the 1991 budget items. Jane Mollmann will be presented for her delayed full time status at that time. The Director related again that we have the best park staff anyone could ask for. The Committee Members are greatly appreciated for their work as well as the Council for their positive support of our Department. Deanna Simpson made a MOTION to adjourn. Second by Del Lorentzson. The business meeting was adjourned at 8: 15 p.m. and a Christmas Buffet was continued with spouses and guests. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary Approved 1-21-91 f r P aox ; F,, r,;` t E 28'-,45TH ST ^d 1,,T DS!NNESOTA 5_5068 c,C CJE,l 6'2 3-d41? T0: PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: DAVID J . BECHTOLD - DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION DATE: DECEMBER 13 , 1990 RE: C4MMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 17 , 1990 DATE: DECEMBER 17 , 1990 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL PIME: 7 : 30 P. M. The December meeting is scheduled for a very short agenda of items . This is to allow for us to have our annual Christmas meeting where Committee Members ' spouses or significant otner can attend with us . All of the staff inembers of the Parks Department and the Recreation 7epartment are also invited to attend. This meeting allows for an additional amount of time to renew acquaintances and to meet people from the staff and the city who have not spent a Christmas season with us previousiy . AGENDA• I . GAL A'E TiIvG TG GR ER II . ADDITiONS TO THE AGENDA III . APPROVE MINUTEB OF NOVEMBER 19, 1990 MEETING IV . AUDIENCE INPL'T OLD BUSINESS: V. RAAA UPDATE (TOM NUEMANN) VI . PARK EVALUATIONS / STAFF WORK {RICK COOK) VII . RECREATION SUMMARY {LISA JOST) VIII . UPDATE ON MASTER PLAN IX. UpTJATE ON ARMORY X. i3PDATE 4I T PARK COMMITTEE P SITIOIv' OPENINGS XZ . C TY - TG - ^,ITY SHARING OF EQUIFMENT NEW BUSINESS: XII RESIDENCY OF ATHLETIC PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS XIII . CHAIRMAN ' S REPORT XIV . DIRECTOR' S REPORT XV . ADJOURNMENT NOTE: YOU ARE INVITED TO BRING COOKIES, CANDY, OR SOME OTHER CHRISTMAS TREAT TO SHARE WITH OTHERS ON THIS MEETING NIGHT, HOWEUER, IT HAS BE N THE TRADITION THAT THIS NIGHT IS "ON" THE PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENTS. P O EOX 510 j[ 2875-1457H ST. W_ c ROSE J OL'NT MINNESOTA 55068 c7 "L 672—a23-aa1 i T0 : Parks & Recreation Committee Members ROM= David J . Bechtold - Director of Parks & Recreation DATE : November 15 , 1990 RE= Agenda and Notes for Navember 19 , 1990 Nfeeting DATE = NOUEMBER 19 , 1990 7IME: 7 :34 P . M . PLACE= RO5 MOUNT CITY FiRLL AGENDA' I . CALL TG ORDER II . ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDR I II . APPROVAL OF OC70EtER 15 , 1.990 MINUTES IV . RUDTENCE INPUT OLD BUSINESS: J . RAAR UPDRTE { TOM NUEMANN ) VI . PARK EVALUATIONS AND WORK ( RICK COOK } VII . UPDATE ON MASTER PLAN ( DAVE BECHTOLD ) VIII . REPORT ON THE HAUNTED WOODS PROGRAM ( LISA & LARRY ) Ix . BIRGER POND / COUNTRY HILLS DEDICATIQN ( CC!MI?TEE1 X . UDGET Ur DATE ( DA JE ) NEW BUSINESS: XI . TERMS EXPIRE ( LOIS , JOHN , DEANNA ) XII . UPQATE AND DI5CU5S BYLRWS XIII . ELEC7ION OF n'FICERS FOR 1991 XIV . DISCUSS UPDATING 0 aARK DEDICATION FORMULA XV . SCHL . DIST . REQUEST cOR UNDING / 2EPRIR H .S . TENNIS GOUR75 XVI . CHRI57MA5 MEETING X V 1 . XVIII . CHRIRPERSON 'S REPORT Y.IX . DiR`CT R 'S REPORT XXi . D..',OURNMENT Terms i.n ofifice are up fior Deanna , John , and Lois . You are a great asset to our Committee and a strong voice in our master plan process . Your application far reappointment is highly supported . The school ciistrict has asked -For assistance in funding of the T-epair work nn the tennis courts at the RSMT High School . I a.nformecl Mr . Clausen that there were no funds budgeted for this roject . The item in on the agenda and your input is welcomed . Council has authorized the arks Master Plan as well as the master plans for Carrolls Woo s and Town Green . Gre t News for our community! PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 19, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Puciaty, Larry Walsh, Del Lorentzson, Lois McKinley, Deanna Simpson, John Howard, and Tom Reller. STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtold, Rick Cook, Lisa Jost, Boyd Bailey and Stephan Jilk, city administrator. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7: 35 p.m. by Chairperson Lois McKinley. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 15, 1990 MINUTES: MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to approve the minutes of October 15, 1990. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. AUDIENCE INPUT: Grayme Bartuli, 12685 Dodd Ct. , was present. He is interested in being involved in the Master Park Plan. RAAA UPDATE: Tom Neumann and Steve Reischauer presented plaques to Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost and Rick Cook in recognition for the support of past and present years and a job well done, a relationship they believe will continue. The followinq RAAA members were also honored for their help and leadership: Lynn Ostroushko, Deb Langenfeld, Linda Goergen, Rose and Rich Ledin, Joyce Tonkin, Jaan Wood, Bob Rein, Tom Joseph, Craig Francois, and Tom Neumann. PARR EVALUATIONS AND WORR: Rick Cook advised they have done some grading at Shannon Park and fill prior to the winter so grass can be started. At least three fields will be ready for soccer in 1991 at Shannon Park, the weather has been cooperative. The ice rinks are being prepared. MASTER PLAN UPDATE: Director Bechtold said that City Council approved the Master Park Plan Committee. Brauer and Associates will be conducting the meetings, the first one to be Dec. 3, 1990. REPORT ON THE HAIINTED WOODS PROGRAM: Larry Walsh reported that an estimated 8000 people attended the Haunted Woods this year. There were 465 children at the Halloween Party. There was only one disturbance with older youth destroying some props, the police responded immediately with very little interference to the program. Lisa Jost added that there were 197 volunteers, 30 more than last year. Two high school 9th graders, Amy Anderson and Jenna Finkenhoeffer, donated many hours of preparation work. The final expense report for the program will be submitted next month. The food shelf donations were good, 18 boxes. Also, $92 was given at the entrance toward the program. BIRGER POND/COUNTRY HILLS DEDICATION: Dave Bechtold reviewed the five plans for Park Dedication. Originally Orrin Thompson said the land by the pond is worth twice as much so they would only give half of the required land dedication. Negotiations have not produced any result. Steve Jilk, city administrator, advised the Park Committee to decide what they would like to see happen with Birger Pond and possibly it can PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 19, 1990 PAGE 2 be negotiated. Ideally all the land surrounding Birger Pond (approx. 20 acres) would make a good park. Tom Reller felt any land near a body of water would be valuable park land. The west side boarders the Apple Valley boundary so joint cooperation would be necessary. Some concepts considered: 1) 4.1 acres with title to the property, with a minimum of 2-3 acres above the 904 ' high water mark. 2) Lots 28-31 with title to property, 5. 1 acres or the $4, 000/ac X 4.1 MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to begin negotiations for the 5. 1 acres with the title for land above 904 ' not to exceed the difference of 4 . 1 acres and 1.3 acres (about 3 ac. ) . 3ECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 7 . Nays: 0. BUDGET UPDATE: Dave Bechtold said review of salaries and operating budget has been ongoing. The 1991 Budget will have a public review December 13, 1990. Budget meetings continue with city staff. Dave recommends staying with part-time employees to keep expenses lower and give flexibility to the program. TERMS E7CPIRE: Lois McKinley, Deanna Simpson and John Howard terms will be expiring December 31, 1990. The city policy now states that an application and interview process is necessary to be on any committee/commission. Al1 three requested this information be sent to them. BY-LA S UPDATE: The By-Laws were reviewed. MOTION by Del Lorentzson to accept the Constitution and By-Laws for 1991 as written. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1991: Meeting open to nominations for Chairperson. John Howard and Jerry Puciaty were nominated. MOTION by Del Lorentzson to close nominations. SECOND by Larry Walsh. Ballots were cast. The recording secretary reported that John Howard received the majority of votes making him the Chairperson for 1991. Nominations for Vice-Chairperson were opened. Tom Reller was nominated. MOTION to close the nominations by Del Lorentzson. SECOND by Larry Walsh. Voice poll was taken. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Tom Reller abstained. Tom Reller will be the Vice-Chairperson in 1991. The secretary will remain as a staff position for 1991. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 19, 1990 PAGE 3 PARR DEDICATION FORMULA IIPDATE: Dave Bechtold relayed his conversation with P & R Liaison Harry Willcox in which he agreed that the land value in the formula should be raised to $12, 000 from the former $10, 000. MOTION by John Howard to raise the land value to $12, 000 in the residential Park Dedication Formula. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. MOTION by John Howard for commercial and industrial development formula for Park Dedication to remain the same as it has been in the past. SECOND by Tom Reller. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUEST REPAIR OF H.S. TENNIS COURTS: Funding of 9,200 was requested by the School District for repair of the High School tennis courts. The parks programs do not use the H.S. courts except for the tournament during Leprechaun Days. We do use and maintain the courts at Charlie's Park. Erickson Park fields are now used daily, weather permitting, by the H.S. sports and gym classes at no charge. MOTION by John Howard to continue to maintain Charlie's Park as before but not to assist in renovation of the High School tennis courts. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes; 7. Nays: 0. CHRISTMAS MEETIIJG: The next meeting will have an abbreviated meeting with a Christmas Luncheon following. Spouse or special friend are welcome. Please bring a desert or snack to pass on December 18 at 7: 30 p.m. t't l'::::<t t: DEANNA SIMPSON - Recommended Marie Jensen, Sandy Todd and herself for the Carroll 's Woods sub-committee for the Master Park Plan. LOIS MCKINLEY - Nothing at this time. DEL LORENTZSON - Enjoyed the Haunted Woods playing the Wizard! He looks forward to next year. LARRY WALSH - Asked about the Housington Group and what they are doing. Dave explained they are working on the five year Comprehensive Guide Plan for the City. JERRY PUCIATY - Nothing at this time. JOHN HOWARD - Recommends Ed Howard for the Carroll 's Woods sub- committee of the Master Park Plan. TOM RELLER - Nothing at this time. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 19, 1990 PAGE 4 DIRECTOR B REPORT: Dave commented that RAAA handles the children sports; Lisa and her staff handle the adult sports; and the interaction of employees and park committee is very good. We all deserve credit for the successful programs that we are able to offer residents. About 25 of the children are from Rosemount that are in RAAA programs, others are mostly from Apple Valley and Eagan. The Jaycees and other community groups continued support is very much appreciated. Donations of $3,000 to $4,000 come from RAAA and the Jaycees. MOTION by John Howard to adjourn. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary 11/90 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARK RESERVATION PROCESS AND GUIDELINES PRIOR TO THE DAY OF THE EVENT/PICNIC 1. Call the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department at 423-4415 to make a reservation or mail a request in the city hall at 2875 W 145th Street. A form will be mailed to you for further information and signatures. 2. Reservations will be tentatively recorded in the reservation book. A completed reservation form and the appropriate fee will confirm your reservation. 3. Fill out the reservation form. Mail or drop off the completed reservation form at the Rosemount City Hall located at 2875 W 145th Street, Rosemount, MN 55068. The appropriate fee must accompany the reservation form. The fees are listed below. It is preferred that these materials be turned in five (5) working days prior to the date being requested. Reservations will be accepted up to the day of the reservation date. a. Fees for the parks are listed below. Fees are for all parks except Erickson Park, Shannon Park, Jaycee Park Resident 15.00 per day Non—Resident $25.00 per day b. The reservation fee map be waived bq the parks and recreation department for groups to include: programs sponsored by the City of Rosemount and non—profit civic organizations [include church groups]. Fees will be waived at the discretion of the recreation department. c. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in Rosemount parks system. The person reserving the park is responsible to enforce this rule. Exception: In Erickson Park, beer is allowed in small quantities (12 pk, case). Keg beer is allowed upon authorization by the Parks and Recreation Department. 4. Prior to the reservation date, any additional equipment (volleyball) must be picked up by the person reserving the park by 4:00 p.m. prior to the reservation date and returned the next business day. Equipment must be picked up on Friday and returned on Monday for reservations on the weekend. 5. Reservations include the entire park facility unless otherwise denoted when registering. Particularly in the summer, the parks with little league ball fields may have games and/or practices scheduled for this area during the weekday. However, the remaining portion of the park is available for use by the facility user reserving the park. 6. All parks are equipped with an outdoor portable toilet. No running water is available. Only Erickson Park has indoor rest rooms, running water and electricity. (You may ask what additional parks have access to electricity.) When reserving the park the utilities and rest rooms available at this facility will be denoted on the reservation form. 11/90 7. Upon confirmation of the reservation the following steps will be taken to better assure that the facility is ready for use. 1. Copies of the reservation form will be distributed to: A. Parks Supervisor - (maintenance) B. Police Department 2. A copy of the reservation form will be posted in the park shelter (if there is a shelter in that particular park) or on a stand located in specifically made available for posting parks and recreation information. DAY OF THE EVENT/PICNIC 1. Persons reserving a park must have their copy of the reservation form with them. In the case that another user of the park disputes their reservation and the posted form was torn down or blew away, etc. ; having the form on their person will provide a backup to verify that their party does have the facility reserved. 2. In the case of emergencies or problems you may contact the Rosemount Police at 423-4491. You may leave a message on the answering machine at the Rosemount Parks and Recreation office at 423-4415 however, calls will not be returned on next follow business day. (Weekend reservations, calls will be returned on Monday). 3. The person reserving the fields, is responsible for enforcing aIl City ofRosemountparkrulesandparkordinances. This person is also responsible for the conduct of the people participating in the event/picnic. 4. Groups reserving the park must pick up their trash before leaving the park. FOLLOWING THE COMpI.,ETION OF THE EVENT/PICNIC 1. All recreational equipment requested must be returned the next business daybetweenthehoursof7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the Rosemount city Hall located at 2875 W 145th Street, Rosemount, MN 55068. 2. Should the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department fail to fulfill any part in preparing or reserving the facility as requested by the person reservingthepark; a refund may be considered. 3. No refunds will be issued due to inclement weather. I CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE INSERVICE/BUSINESS MEETING SUMMARY November 5, 1990 7:30 P.M. Committee Members Present: Larry Walsh, Lois McKinley, Tom Reller, Dianna Simpson, Jerry Puciaty, Del Lorentzson, and John Howard. Staff Present: David Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Eric Carlson, Boyd Bailey, Linda Jentink, Jim Koslowski, Mark Joosten and Rick Cook. Eric Carlson was introduced by Lisa and Dave. He is a new employee that will be working with Lisa and Jane on activity programing. Welcome! Director Bechtold explained the Country Hills park dedication by Orrin Thompson in the Birger Pond area. We would like to have the title to the property to control it rather than a cash dedication. The following concepts were put together as acceptable options: A. Lots 28 through 31 as park dedication. They are next to an access lot and would allow for a bike trail connection to Shannon Parkway. Playground equipment could be placed here also. Jerry Puciaty. B. 4 acres for park dedication at accessed value ($15, 000/ac. X 4 = $60, 000) . Larry Walsh. C. Lots 16, 17 and 18. There is no room for active sports, it would be passisve play area with playground equipment. We would want title to easement with this. D. 4. 1 acres of land only. Outside of ponding area (904 . 3 ft. or below) . E. Lots 15, 16, 22 & 23 and title to land on south side of pond. A recommendation for a plan will be decided at the next regular Parks & Recreation meeting. Some notes on this issue. Only 1. 3 acres of land are over the high water mark are considered aeceptable on the south side. Country Hills has given $30, 000 for park dedication and Connemara Park land. There should be 4. 1 acres above the holding pond easement for dedication. 5.1 acres of holding pond is Orrin Thompson's on the south side of pond. There are about 20 acres remaining that belongs to the Kelly property around pond at 904 . 3 P & R Inservice Meeting Summary Nov. 5, 1990 feet and below. If land bsecomes utilitq easement, no building or scheduled use ean take plaee on this land. It is estimated that the water level maq r3se 15 f et from run off after all the homes are built in the development, If cash is taken at the o1d value, only $4000 per acre, $16,000 would result, The November meeting must include nominations of inembers for offices in the Parks & Recreation Committee. Also at the next meeting consideration should be given to raising the Park Dedication fees from $10,00 to $12,000 in the formula. Boyd Bailey will check on the park dedicatic n options with USPCI and report at the next meeting. Some funding for the Master Parks P1an, $25,00, may have to come from the Park Dedication Fund. These "inservice" meeting5 wi11 discontinue as such and will soon become the "Master Parks P1an" committee meeting on the first Monday of each month. Next Re nlar P & R Meeting Nov. 19 lj f` 70: Parks & Recreation Committee Members FROM: David J . 8echtold - Director of Parks & Recreatinn DATE: October 11 , 199p F2E; Agenda and Notes for October 15 , 1990 MeetS.ng TIME: 7:30 P. M . PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL DATE: OCTOBER 15 , 1990 AGENDA: I . CALL 70 ORDER II - ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III . APPROVRL OF SEPTEMBER 17 , 1990 MINUTES IV . AUDIENCE INPUT D BUSINESS: V . RAAA UPDATE ( TOM NUEMANIV ) VI . MASTER PLAN UPDATE AND CONSIDERATIONS ( DAVE BECH70LD ) VTI . PARK EVALUATIONS / PARK WORK ( RICK COOK ) VIII . REGREATION UPDATE ( LISA JO5T } IX . UPDATE ON FL.OWER GARDEN ( DEANNA SIMPSON ) X . UPDATE ON JAYCEE PARK ( DRVE BECHTOLD ) XI . UPDATE ON SHANNON PARK ( DAVE BECMTOLD ) XII . CON7TNUE DISCUSSION OF PARK RESERVA7ION PROCESS XIII . ARMORY UPDATE ( DEL LORENTZSON ) XTV . HAUNTED WOODS f HALLOWEEN UPDATE ( LARRY WALSM ) XV. HEURER DEDICATION MOTION ( DAVE BECHTO D ) NEW BUSINESS: XVI . HOCKEY RINK STATUS XVII . CHAIRPER50N 'S REPORT XVIII . DIRECTOR 'S REPORT Item # XVI refers to the identifying that dedication for parks is not involved in this plat , Retraction of a motion at our last meeting should be considered . One of the items nf business at the October 15 , 1990 meeting will be to discuss the scope document as presented at the October 1 , 1990 inser ice . Consideration will be in line for a motion to eithar accept or reject this proposal . If the Committee does accept it a the motion would be to recommend it to the City Council for their approval . PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 15. 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Puciaty, Larry Walsh, Del Lorentzson, Lois McKinley, Deanna Simpson, John Howard, and Tom Reller. STAFF PRE3ENT: Dave Bechtold, Rick Cook, Lisa Jost, and Boyd Bailey. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7: 33 p.m. by Chairperson Lois McKinley. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 17 1990 MINUTES: MOTION by Larry Walsh to approve the minutes of September 17, 1990 with changes from Lisa Jost. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 7 . Nays: 0. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. d:<:'::$i::'E RAAA UPDATE: Dave Bechtold relayed Tom Neumann's update. The soccer coaches were asked to write thank you letters to the city council and the Parks and Recreation Department for the great field care and park systems. The City has been very cooperative with the programs and appreciated. MASTER PLAN UPDATE: Director Bechtold advised that after reviewing the scoping document by Brauer and Associates he believes it lays plans to proceed with future plans in a clear manner. Many issues will be addressed such as the drainage flow in Erickson Park. Deanna Simpson commented that in the long run it will save the city money because expensive changes or errors will be avoided. It will be a definite advantage to city planning for the community. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to recommend to City Council to proceed with the Brauer and Associates firm and the scoping document as presented. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Note that financing is not a part of this recommendation. The Master Plan Committee will be an appointed committee that will function under the guidance of the Parks & Recreation Committee which will present its recommendations to the City Council for approval. Brauer & Asso. will do summaries of each meeting results submitted to the Parks & Recreation Committee and then to the City Council. The Master Plan Committee would be the main group with Carroll ' s Woods and Town Green as sub-committees. The following names were submitted for each group: Master Plan Committee Carroll 's Woods Town Green Jerry Puciaty Tom Reller Deanna Simpson John Howard Del Lorentzson Larry Walsh Lois McKinley Kathy Bucho PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE OCTOBER 15, 1990 PAGE 2 Sheila Klassen Ron Pederson (RAHA) Jim Thommes (Jaycees) Grayme Bartuli Mike Wozniak Dave Bechtold MOTION by John Howard to submit the above names, but not limited to these, to the City Council for the Master Plan Committee. SECOND by De1 Lorentzson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. It was suggested that the first Monday of each month would be a good time to meet. PARR WORR: Rick Cook reported that black dirt has been spread in Connemara Park. Curbing and the parking lot at Connemara will be completed soon. A basketball half court will be installed in the spring. RECREATIONAL UPDATE: Lisa Jost said that October 26 is the deadline for articles in the winter program brochure. Eric Carlson is working on the broomball and volleyball leagues. Eric will be introduced at the November 5th park board meeting. Fall softball and mens and women leagues are playing. FLOWER GARDEN UPDATE: Deanna Simpson announced that the Rosemount Community Flower Garden is a winner of the Governor' s Minnesota Green Community Garden Award sponsored by the Minnesota State Horticultural Society. We are quite proud and thank everyone involved. Tulip bulbs have been planted for next spring. The soil test results showed the soil to be in good condition. The Jaycees donated $250. JAYCEE PARR: Land condemnation proceedings have begun for the adjoining 8. 3 acres. The original Park Dedication was $50, 000, however the land value is now at $96,000, additional funding will be negotiated. SHANNON PARR UPDATE: The grounds have been aerated and fertilized. There is a law suite against the contractor for poor grading, so additional work can not be done at this time. About $80, 000 will be needed for starting up the ball fields. PARR RESERVATION GUIDELINES: Lisa developed a form with guideline rules and information. Copies would be given to the park maintenance department prior to the day of use. One copy would go to the Police Department. One copy would be used for a "posted" permit for the park area. There will not be any alcohol use (or sale of) in the parks other than at Erickson Park where 3/2 beer will be permitted. The person applying for the permit will be responsible to enforce all park rules with their group. MOTION by Deanna Simpson to accept the "Park Reservation" form as guidelines for park reservations as corrected. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE OCTOBER 15, 1990 PAGE 3 ARMORY UPDATE: Del Lorentzson reviewed the progress of the committee. The three items to be presented for referendum in February will be: (1) a Multi-Purpose Arena (2) a Banquet Facility, and (3) a Auditorium for seating of 240 to 350 people. HAUNTED WOODS OPDATE: Everything will be used from last year's props with some new additions. A new 40 foot tunnel with a wizard and a fortune teller will be added and about 7 other new props. A pumpkin carving contest will be held. More volunteers will be needed. The Jaycees will be sponsoring a "space ship" area. Larry Walsh and Lisa will check the trails in Carroll 's Woods for any needed maintenance. HEUER PARR DEDICATION: Park dedication does not apply because the two homes existed before and therefore only the lot line was changed. MOTION to rescind the Motion of September 17, 1990 due to interpretation of an ordinance. BECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 7 . Nays: 0. AIE:::><Bt Ss: HOCKEY RINRS: The hockey rinks did not get moved as--5 anned because of the "Open Space Plan" that was begun. These rinks and boards have been used for 17 years and are in bad shape. Jim Koslowski, our city carpenter has fixed them up, RAHA has painted them, and McNamara Electric is checking into fixing the lights on the north side which haven't been working. i l F;t NS;;;SPC?$ TOM RELLER - None JOHN HOWARD - None DEANNA SIMPSON - None LOIS MC KINLEY - A resident mention that the Dayton Hudson Co. had a listing showing that Rosemount had received $40, 000 in a grant from them. Dave Bechtold said he was not aware of this and possibly it was Roseville. DEL LORENTZSON - None LARRY WALSH - Noted that 40o to 50% of the lottery money goes back to preservation of wildlife and habitat. Only the interest earned is available for use in a trust fund. A state Music Trust Fund has helped with funding for the Sunday Nite Band program in the summer. In the "Space Needs Study" it states that the top four departments are: fire, police, public works and utilities. Dave Bechtold commented that PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE OCTOBER 15, 1990 PAGE 4 parks fall under the public works department and it should be noted that although parks play an important roll for the community on a priority need list they would fall after the essential departments. JERRY PUCIATY - None DIRECTOR S REPORT: Dave noted that on a walk through the Schwarz Pond area and Carroll 's Woods with the DNR that the woods in Schwarz Pond has been preserved more than Carroll 's Woods. There are no trails there and perhaps it would be a better "preserve" area. The DNR said that the wood chips work well and are safe for trail use. The trails were used by the High School for a area cross country met, Rosemount is the conference champs! MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to adjourn. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 32 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary Approved November 19, 1990. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE INSERVICE/BUSINESS MEETING SUMMARY October 1, 1990 7:30 P.M. Committee Members Present: John Howard, Lois McKinley, Tom Reller, Dianna Simpson, Jerry Puciaty, Del Lorentzson, and Larry Walsh. Staff Present: David Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Jane Mollman, Boyd Bailey, Linda Jentink, Jim Koslowski, Steve Strese, Mark Joosten, council liaison, Harry Willcox, city planner, Mike Wozniak and consultant Jeff Schoenbauer from Brauer & Associates. Director Dave Bechtold thanked Council Member Harry Willcox for his support of the Parks and Recreation Committee and department at the last council meeting along with Council Member 5heila Klassen. Jeff Schoenbauer, vice-president of Brauer and Associates, gave a presentation on the scope of services his firm would offer as consultants for a Comprehensive Park Plan for the City of Rosemount. His firm began in 1963, has five full time landscape architects and has specialized in parks and open space planning including many services for cities in the area. This process normally takes from five months to a year. Committee selection will have to be done as soon as possible. People to consider will be Parks and Recreation Committee members, Town Green Committee members, newly formed Garden Club members, and some noted people interested via council contact. A recommendation to council by a motion would be in order for the next regular P & R meeting. Mr. Willcox's input and leadership will be welcomed. Also, the proposal by Brauer & Asso. will need a recommendation by the Committee in a motion to accept the development guide for the Comprehensive Park Plan. The City Council would then act on the project at either Oct. 16 or Nov. 6th meeting. The motion made regarding the Heuer property park dedication needs to be rescinded because the city planner found that the City Code Book defines that when property lines are changed but a new lot is not formed park dedication is not required. Dave Bechtold reported that the Armory has found additional funding for a theater and large gym. That committee is moving ahead with enthusiasm. The new P & R offices will be included in the original armory building. Next Reqular P & R Meeting Oct 15 Next Inservice Meeting Nov. 5 lj I ' . .. 3ctObeP 1, 1990 COIvIPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT GUIDE PR4POSAL CITY OF ROSEM UNT, AZfNNES TA P.o. Box slo 2875 145th Street North Rosemount, MN 55068 Gentlemen, This PROPOSAL outlines a SCOPE OF SERVICFS and FEE SCHEDULE which, if approved, constitutes an agreement between the CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, herein referred to as the OWNER, and BRAUER &ASSOCIATFS LTD., herein referred to as the CONSLJLTAIVT. The OWNER hereby retains the CONSULTANT to provide professional services required to complete a COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT GUIDE for THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, hiINNESOTA, herein referred to as the PROJECT. L SCOPE OF-SERVICES - -_ TASK A: FOCUS/ORIENTATION MEETING(S)AND PROJECT START-UP The planning process begins through a focus/orientation meeting(s) between Brauer & Associates, City staff,Park and Recreation Board, and community committees/leaders.The,general purpose of the focus/orientatian meeting(s)is to allow the Brauer Team the opporiumty ro develop an uaderstanding of the issues related to the project;who the key individuals and committees are and their level of involvement in the project;and the generat planning concerns related to the project. Specifically, this would include: a)a braad based discussion about park planning in a general sense, thus allowing for an understanding to develop amongst the participants as to the overall scope and intentians of t i planning exercise. b)a broad based and specific discussion related to relevant park planning issues which u ill have an impact on the park system development within the City of Rosemount. c)a discussion related to communit background, the past and present status of the park system within the communiry, etc.which adds insight as to the history and make-up of the community J and park system. d)identif zng key individuals and city staff inembers who will be directh;involved in the project.d e)identifyi g key committees and organizations wuo witl be directly involved in the project developing a project timeline jschedule. g)preparation of written/graphic documentation to illustrate the results of the focus meeting(s). Task A also includes general project start-up, such as over-aIt scheduIing of related acti;rities, aiS y internal administrative set-up, and project management strategizing. i' La m P 1 7901 Flying Cloud Drive, Eden orairie, iviinnesota 55344 ,b12) 941-16b0 I TASK B: PARKS AND RECREATION NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND TRENDS ANALYSIS The parks and recreational needs within Rosemount, both as it exists now as well as projected for the future, is undoubtedly going to be the driving force in the development of the park system.As such, it is important to cleazly assess and understand the current and anticipated needs of the community. Additionally, analysis of regional and national trends in parks and recreation will also be undertaken and used as a basis of comparison. It is important to note that this Task will run concurrently with Task C below as deemed appropriate. Spe cally, this would include: a) meetings with City staff, Park and Recreation Board, and commuaity committees/leaders to analyze their perceptions of parks and recreational issues, concerns (both strengths and weaknesses), needs, and the type of parks and recreational facilities that are most desired by the community. b) review and analysis of data from previously conducted community surveys. c)public meetings(anticipate 3 meetings)to discuss relevant parks and recreation issues,concerns, needs, and determine the type of parks and recreational facilities that are most desired by the community. d) review of current and projected regioaal and nationaI parks and recreation trends and comment on how these trends may impact the development of the Rosemount Park System. e}analyzing population growth pattems and anticipated changes in user demographics/socio- economic pattems to determine their respective impact on the development of Rosemount's Park System. assessing the-Cit3 s existine land use guide plan, zoning requirements; MUSA line; etc. to - determine their impacts to the park system plan (or vise versa).This assessment will also take into consideration the results of the Comprehensive Plan Update currentty being prepared by the Hoisington Group, Inc. g) preparation of written/graphic documentation to illustrate the results of the parks and recreational needs assessment and trends analysis, the results of which will be instrumental in guiding the planning, acquisition, and development of the park system. TA.SK C: MISSION STATIIvIENT, GOAIS, OBJECTIVES,AND POLICY STA'F'F N[ENTS The establishment of the Park and Recreation mission statement, goals, objectives, and policy statements is important in the sense that it establishes the"vision"of the Rosemount park s}stem and sets the basic parameters by which it is govemed.The mission statea ent describes, in a relatively short verse, the duty or function of the parks and recreation system in Rosemount:Goals are the defined manner in which the mission will be achieved or carried out.A set of objectives (one or more) is the manner by which a goal can be qualified or more clearlydefined. (i.e.-provide a more detailed measure of achievement toward a specific goal).Policy statements define the appropriate action and political position that mnst be taken in order to achieve specific objectives. Additionally, clarifying and/or defining the role and responsibility of the Farks and Recreation Board will also be undertaken. Current City by-laws and ordinances relating to the Board's authority and responsibility will beusedasthebasisandstartingpointfordiscussionandreview. It is important to note that Task C wilt be run concunently with other tasks, particularly Task B, sa that pertinent information gained tt roughout the varies tasks can be properly reflected in the formulation of the mission statement, goals, objectives, and policy statements. Specifically, this would include: a)preparation of a structnreci guide to assist participants in development of a mission statement, goals,objectives,and policy statements for ttze Rosemount Park System.The guide will also give guidance to clarifying and/or defining the role and responsibility oE the Parks and Recrea ion Board. 2 b) meeting(s)with City staff,Park and Recreation Board,and community committees/}eaders for the purpose of developing a mission statement,goals, objectives, and policy statements for the Rosemount Park System. The structured guide will be used as the general basis of discussion and expanded as required to take into consideration circumstances present within Rosemount. c)preparation of written/graphic documentation to illustrate the adopted mission statement,goals, objectives, and policy statements for the Rosemount Park System as well as defming the role and responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Board . TASK D: PARK SYST"r.M FRAMEVJORK DEVFI.OPMENT The park system framework is defined as the "guidelines for establishing the park system within the City ofRosemount". This framework is based on the infra-structure of the community, established park planning methodology, national park planning guidelines/standards, and previous p2r- system studies. The framework consists of four essential components: Community Infra-Structure: Defines the set of:tructural elements which have a direct impact on the de elopment of the park system. This would typically include, bu[ not necessarily limited to, the municipal boundary,land use guide plan,and public facilities plan.This will also take into consideration the results of the Comprehensive Plan Update currently being prepared by the Hoisington Group,Inc. Park System Classifications: Depic.s the park"types" which will be used within the communities park system. Properly defined park system classifications will insure that sufficient facilities are planned within a reasonable service area of a recreational need. The existing park system classifications tithin Rosemount should be affirmed, modified, or expanded as determined to be appropriate througa the needs assessment. Typical park system classifications would include neighborhood parlcs, community parks, athletic complexes,linear parl:s/traiis,special-use parks/facilities,wetiands/water resources, etc. Park System Facility Standards: Defines the type and number of recreational facilities necessary to accommodate a communities needs (i.e., number of ballFields, golf courses, tennis courts, etc.). These standards, as set by organizations on the national,state, and locai level (such as the National Parks and Recreation Association), must be tempered by ]ocal conditions and needs. As with the park system classifications, existing park standards for Rosemount should be affirmed, modii"ied, or expanded as needed to meet current and future requirements. Park S stem Elements:Describes the physical characteristics of each park site as well as the par:system as a whole. Specificall}, these elements describe the cultural, omamental, conservation, reserve, and recreation orientation of the park system,whereby the relative balance of these elements within the park system can be cietermined. Specifically, this would include: a)re 7ewing, assessing, and documenting the impacts (both positive and negacive} that the infra- structure of the commnnity will have on the park system.As previously stated, this review and assessment will be structured to coincide with the Comprehensive Plan Update currently being prepared '}the Hoisington Group, Inc. b)preparatior_ of a structured gu de (based on the fore-me tioned components) to assist participants in the development of th. park system framework. c)meeting(s) with City staff,Park and Recreation Board, and community committees/leaders for the purpose of reviewing the development of the park system framework. The structured guide wilI be used as the general basis of discussion and expanded as required to take into consideration circumstances present within Rosemount. d)preparation of written/graphic documentation illustrating the adopted par:system framework. 3 TASK E: PARK SYSTEM PLAN DEVELOPMENT The Park System Plan describes, in detail, the components of the Rosemount Park System. The plan is based on the needs assessment, planning considerations and park system framework established as part of the study. The pl a consists of the following major coL ponents: existing and future community and neighborhood parks; special-use parks (such as nature preserves, swimmin ponds, golf courses, etc.) and facilities (such as indoor arenas, community center, etc.); linear parics and trails; and wetlands/water resources. Additionally, the plan will review such issues as park system acreage totals, facilities tabulations, estimated development costs, maintenance costs, and administrative development. Specifically, this would include: a)development of an overall pazk system plan which depicts the individual park sites and faciIities, what type of park it is (i.e., community, neighborhood, special-use, etc.), developmental status i.e.,acquired/proposed and developed/undeveloped),the park's location,and overall acreage. b) review and inventory of ex•stine community/neighborhood parks and special-use parks/facilities, including a general analysis of the existing site characteristics and facilities. c)preparation of an updated development pro ram for each e cistinQ community/neighborhood park and special-use park/facility, including seview of the estimated development and maintenance costs. d) an analysis of each exi'stine community/neighborhood park and special-use park/facility to affirm it's suitability for current and.future uses, based upon an updated park-program for each site: - e)review and inventory of proposed community/neighborhood park sites and special-use park sites, including a general analysis of the existing site characteristics. preparation of a developmeat program for each proposed community/neighborhood parks and special-use park/facility,including review of the estimated deveIopment and maintenance costs. g)development of an overall linear parks/trails system plan which depicts the individual trai] types/developmental criteria (i.e., such as trail development through private property, etc.), general locatians, and developmental status (i.e., acquired/proposed and developed/ undeveloped). h) development of an overall wetlands/water resources plan which depicts the individuai wetland/water resource types, locations, status (i.e., protected f unprotec[ed) and jurisdiction. i)a review and inventory of state and regional park systems which are in or near Rosemount to assess their contribution to community recreation needs. j)a review and inventory of private recreationat providers availabte in or near Rosemount to assess theu contribution to community recreation needs. k)meeting(s)with City staff,Park and Recreation Board,and community committees/leaders for the purpose of reviewing the development of the park system plan. 1)a public meeting to review and discuss the park system plan and i[s impacts on the community. m) preparation of written/graphic documentation illustrating the park system plan and it's components,including an aerial photograph of each e cisting f proposed park site and/or facility. TASK F:_FINANCIIJG pqRi{Lp.ND ACQUISITION AND DEVEIAPMENT Financing sources,which would potentially be available for financing park land acquisition and development,will be reviewed and listed under several categories,including local initiatives,debt financing,and intergovemmental sources. Specifically, this would include: a)review of financing sources available for financing park land acquisition and development. b) preparation of written documen[ation illustrating potential financing sources for park land acquisition and development. 4 TASK G: IlviPLEME?NTATION PLAN The implementation plan will define the manner in which the Park System Plan is put into action, wherebyplannedimprovementstotheparksystemactuallybecomereality. The implementation plan has a couple of major objectives,including: 1) the development of a methodology, or process,which allows for an on-going and systematic method of evaluating the various park system components and their relative importance to the park system;2) development of an implementation schedule for acquisiiion and development of park land based on the previously established methodology. Specifically, this would include: a)development of a methodology which allows for an on-going and systematic process of evaluating the various park system components and theu relative importance to the park system. b) establishment of evaluation criteria for prioritizing the acquisition and development of park land. c)preparation of priority ranking matrix for pazk land acquisition and development of park land. d) preparation of a phasing program and implementation schedule which deFines the appropriate phasing of acquisition and development of specific park sites/facilities,including estimated costs. e)preparation of written and/or graphic documentation. TASK H: FINAL DOC'UMENTATION The Comprehensive Park Plan and Development Guide will be prepared using a format similar to that which was used for a similar study underta}:en for the City of Inver Grove Heights and previously submitted to the CLIENT for review.Naturally, certain format changes are likely ua order to address issues and concerns which are unique to the circumstances present in the City of Rosemount. The expressed intention of the final document will be to clearly document the findings associated with the tasks previously defined in this proposal. All information relevant to the preparation of this Comprehensive Park Plan and Development Guide will be included in the finai dacument. TASK L• SPECIAIrUSE PARK AREAS As part of the overall park system study, a couple of special-use park areas rec lire additional review and planning beyond the scope of the preceding teart due to their individual uniqueness and impor[ance to both the park system and the community. The objective of this planning exercise will be the development of a Master Plan and Development Program for each of the special-use arks listed under this task. The first special-use park encompasses a land area which, in general terms, ties together the high school, proposed Armory, Erickson Park, Rosemount City Hall, and the Downtown Business District. For purposes of this study, this park area will be referred to as "Town Park/Square". The second special-use park encompasses an area which is currently designated as "Carrolls Woods Park". The research, review, discussions, and findings generated througb the park system pIanning precess (Tasks A through H) which is applicable to and will have an effect on the development of these special-use parks wiIl be used as the basis for the planning process. Snecial-Use Park #1• "Town Park/Square" The planning process for this park site includes: a)review and analysis of pre ious findings (Tasks A through H) as applicable to this park site.b) detailed site review and analysis. c)preparation of a detailed Development Program (which is based,in part, on the findings of the 5 overall park system study (Tasks A through T. d) development of Altemative Concepi Plans (up to 3). e)development of a Preliminary Master Ptan and Cost Estimate. development of a Final Master Plan and Cost Estimate. g)public meetings (anticipate 2 meetings) to discuss relevant pazks and recreation issues and concerns associated with this park site. h) meeting(s)with City staff,Park and Recreation Board, and communiry committees/leaders for project review and discussion of relevant issues and concems associated with this park site. i)preparation of written and graphic documentation includin a Final Master Plan rendering and a bound "Planning and Design Process Summary" defining the findings of the planning exercise. Speciat-use Park #2: Carrolls Woods Park The planning process for this park site includes: a)review and analysis of previous findings (Tasks A through H) as applicable to this park site. b) detailed site revie,w and analysis,inciuding an analysis and inventory of existing vegetation and wildlife. c)preparation of a detailed Development Program (which is based,in part, on the finding of the overall park system study(Tasks A through H).The Development Program will also specifically address pertinent environmental issues which may impact future development. d) development of Altemative Concept Plans (up to 3). e)development of a Preliminary Master Plaa and Cost Estimate. development.of a-_Final Master Plan and Cost Estimate. g)public meetings (anticipate 2 meetings) to discuss relevant parks and recreation issues and concerns associated with this park site. h) meeting(s)with City staff,Park and Recreation Board,and community committees/leaders for project review and discussion of relevant issues and concerns associated with this park site. i)preparation of written and graphic documentation including a Final Master Plan rendering and a bound "Planning and Design Process Summary" defining the findings of the pianning exercise. II FEES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The OWNER shall compensate the CONSULTANT for completion of professional services described above as follows: L For the CONSULTANT'S Services, as described in Paragraphs I: Tasks A through H above, an hourly fee,plus direct expenses,not to exceed$45,000.00 and based upon the following hourly rates: Professional 45.00 - 75.00 Technician 35.00 Clerical 30.00 2.For the CONSULTANT'S Services,as described in Paragraphs I:Tasks I:Special-L?se Park#l: Town Park/Square" above, an hourly fee, plus direct expenses, not to exceed $11,800.00* and based upon the following hourly rates: Professional 4$,pp _ S,pp Technician 35.00 Clerical 30,0p Fee based on the acceptance of Tasks A through H as defined in Paragraph I of this contrac[ Proposal 6 3.For the CONSULTANT'S Services,as described in Paragraphs I:Tasks I:Special-use Park#2: anolls Woods Park above; an hourly fee, plus dired expenses, not to exceed $7,500.00* and based upon the following hourly rates: Professioaal 45.00- 75.00 Technician S35.Q0 Clerical 30.0p Fee based on the acceptance of Tasks A through H as defined in Paragra n I of this contract Proposal III PA'MENT TO 'I'HE CONSUI.TANT 1.Statements will be submitted to the OWNER on a monthly basis,with a bre kdowa of time and expenses for services performed or work completed, through the 25th of the previous month. 2.Payments on account of the CONSULTANT'S services are due and payable within 30 days of receipt of CONSULTANT'S statement of services rendered. 3.A retainage of THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,000.00) shall be held by the OWNER until fmal acceptance of the report and delivery of all copies to the OWNER. IV OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY The OWNER shall make available all existing data related to the work and all other data or information which may develop that could possibly have a bearing on the decision or recommendations mad under this Agreement. If requested, and presently existing, the OWNER shall specifically provide. 1.A single representative of the OWNER for PROJECT coordination and interpretation of contract dialogue. Surveys or studies used in previous planning efforts. 3.Most recent demographic data/housing characteristics and projections for the City ofRosemount. 4.Transportation information and forecasts. 5.Planning documents which impac[ the PROJ CI'. 6.Current Public Facilities Plan information. 7.Aid in public press release formulations and distribu[ion. 8.Reproducible base mapping including an accurate boundary representation with utilities, easements, etc. 9.Identification of known site restrictions. 10. Soil borings and surveys integral to PROJHCl' requirements, utilities, and other data which describes the general nature and conditions of the individual park sites. 11. Topographic mapping of ali PROJECT areas. 7 t Y. TERM. TERMINATION SUCCESSnRS AND ASSIGNS 1.The term of the Agreement shall be concunent with the work authorized. All work shall be completed in accordance with the following schedule: Paragraph I: Tasks A Through H: March 30th, 1991* Paragraph I: Task I - Item #1: April 30th, 1991*• Paragraph I: Task I - Item #2: May 30th, 1991*'' Qualifiers: a) assumes that weather conditions will allow for aerial photography to be completed.b) the timeframe is based on the Consultant's time needs to perform the outlined work and does not take into account the Client's time needs with respect to meeting schedules, etc. Time extensions will be negotiated at the C1ienYs request. Based on the timeframe established for completion of Tasks A through H. 2.Termination may be accomplished by either party at any time by writtea notice, and shall be effective upon payment in full for all services performed to the date of receipt of such notice. . 3.The OWNER and the CONSULTANT each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party of this Agreement, and to the partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives of such other party with respect to all covenants of this Agreement. 4.Neither the_OWNER nor the CONSULTANT shall assign;sublet or transfer his interest in this Agreement without the written consent of the other. VI. NONDISC'RIMINATION The CONSULTANT will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, physical condition oz age. The CONSULTANT will take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, na[ional origin, physical condition or ac e. Such action shall include but not be limi[ed to the following: Employment, up rading, demotion or transfer,recruitment,advertising,layoff or termination,rates of pay or other forms of cor.:pensation and selection for training including apprenticeship. VII. CONSULTAN'I'S RECORDS, DOC`UMENTS AND II TSURANCE 1.The CONSULTANT shall maintain monthly time records for hourly fees, design criteria and research notes in legible form and these will be made available to the OWNER, if requested. 2.The CONSULTANT shall carry insurance to protect him from claims under Workman's Compensation Acts; from claims for damages because of bodily injury including death to his employees and the public, and from claims for property damage. 3.The CONSULTANT shall name the OWNER for this PROJECT as a co-insured on the CONSULTANT'S General Liability Insurance Policy an shall provide the OVVN£R with Certificates of Insurance for CONSULTANT'S Workman's Compensation Insurance, General Liability Insurance, and Professional Liability Insurance prior to beginning wor}:. 4.The CONSULTANT reserves the right to secure and maintain statutory copyright in all published books, published or unpublished drawings of a scientific or technical character, and other works related to this PROJECT in which copyright may be claimed. The OVr'NER shall have full rights to reproduce works under this Agreement either in whole or in part as related to this PROJECT. All final report originals shall be provided to the ORrNER, upon final acceptance of the Study. 8 VIII. CONSULTANT PROJECT MANA ER Jeffrey A. Schoenbauer, Vice-President of Brauer & Associates, shall be directly responsible to the OWNER for the successful complelion of[his study. IX. PROJEGT MEETINGS Formal and informal meetin s will be initiated as necessary to update the City staff,Park and Recreation Baard, and community committees/leaders on the progress and findings of the study. Given their costs, it is our intention to limit meetings to circumstances in which they are warranted. Given the inherent complexities of a project of this scope, it is dif6cult to predict ith certainty the exact number of meetings that will be required in order to address all the revellent issues which will arise throughout [he course of the project. In order to establisb general gvideiines, it is our intention to prepare a general project schedule upon completion of TASK A,whereby anticipated meeting instances witl be highlighted. X. EXTENT O F AGREEMET'T AND APPLICABLE ..AW This Agreement represents the entire and integrated Agreement between the O JNER and the CONSULTANT and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations,or Agreements,whether wzitten or oral, wzth respect to the PROJECT. This A nreement may be amended oniy by w7itten instrumen[ signed by both OWIVER and CONSULTANT. IN V ITNESS HEREOF the OWNER and the CONSULTANT have made and executed this Agzeement, this day of 19_ CITY OF ROSEMOUI T'I' Rosemount, Minnesota In presence of: BRAUER c. ASSOCIATES LTD. 7901 Flying CIoud Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 In presence of: Jefirey A. Schoenbauer ice President 9 P.O. BGX 510 2 11 Q 2875-145TH ST. W. ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 oserno n 612-423-4411 T0: PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEM8ERS FROM: DAVID J . BECHTOLD — DIREC70R OF PARKS & RECREATIQN DRTE: SEPTEMBER 12 , 1990 RE RGENDA AND NOTES FOR SEPTEMBER 17 , 1990 PLACE= ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL TIME: 7':30 P . M . DA7E- SEPTEMBER 17 , 1990 AGENDA: I . CALL TO ORDER II . RDDITIONS TO THE RGENDA III . APPROVRL OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF AUCaUST 20 , 1990 IV . AUDIENCE INPU7 OLD BUSINESS: RAAA UPDATE ( 70N NUEMANN ) VI - PARK EVALUATION5 / PARtC WORK ( RICK COOK ) VII . RECRERTIONAL UPDATE ( LISA JOS7 ) VTII . UPDATE ON THE FLOWER GARDEN ( DERNNA SIMPSON ) IX . MRLLOWEEN PROGRAM UPDATE ( LARftY WALSH ) X . FEE POLICY FOR PARK RESERVATIONS X I . ea -trs-1 i t ti, iP.k:a vo c:-r.y.:.`--- NEW BUSINESS: XIII . JAYCEE PARK UPDATE / PLRY EQUIPMENT ( DAVE BECHTOLD ) XIV . HEURER SUBDIVISION XV . S/;Fi.. .ew;/c. ,ur-a'L ( ,/YYir, XVI . CNAIRPERSON 'S REPORT 7 I XVII . DIRECTOR 'S REPORT t, c e /l Cl,. XVIII . ADJOURNMEN7 i I _. N L_ ... .2 4 i j i Z k: r a t( 4 f Q 010/I i.. ,o 1 t. uf l u N 7''r-" `;X u ses°Sz'io"c »ie d z r+ a J. k 3g3JY•r q.hy f m s„o Q t o, c i e' ,o.. u-t u ti g ,I ;:, i—_ x o. l r ikq'• . . ° .' ' e Q _ 4 f 1 me , . . t;: a a. _,..„ 7'.,rj 0 ."i- . 3 s, . au n w :ar t• lj: , . 1( , y tt SM i+1 11(b I.{pW It I ' e yyb ..soo• . , '•,u mi = ' tp 1{p'•l Y f 4... EEk( _. . r I; .. . 77 et{r' > si H E C R , oAK ft f j}. 4f o0D r r' s I 5 2 , 5f^"r o IG • Q. 'y n. o f o,o-es o F r.' .°; I G ° ' ' E S T 'T E S m Z l ' l ' e,o., . _ 4 , s Isd Q ° SECOND ` r. :• i o n i o10• 4 alBt n na :•, L 18 SADDITION/ •i w Tt h , o o-es .' C e : z h ..'w. ' P il't `: C ' Y . : n \. r.n s t • .. i w m . . ' 1t4' r• . • Y. V i 5.:. Y. ti f 4I I, ti._ A. i' o7o-Bo ..1:!P'e 3ze . r r.a..,. ` . ' ll t1. y., : ; - SoBo•6% T t Q Lt b o. t o6o-eo ' ' . • eS ,. T t 0 0-85+ ,, oso-Bo r;ti J ' Sa-8o ,, e .r., v l3o-BO oo•BS \ e_ r M A"rr....+.. . M . . .. 0 \ r ' -,c• • : r•.. • i r i. `C tso-eo "^ r o-Eo s;p j I /yt G-a.t m . R c- -- :, is- 'y.r . s• .- , n. Vr Bc:r .lr < '. . ] ` Yn.35 C r r.v.(-/7 r 0 t T • IS 1 \! 10-BO , .. W,o .r•.,... . C. G , \ ,.1. ' ' ,.. h r o5a-65 Ydrdy-R K\ ''^° I° o8o-Bo lifBo-Bo \p ya oir>9 z.. . "_ . ,• P r\ l P/. 0-80 . I;Siii i-. y o.L B ` _e,. Y` ' y vY . c.! \`l. OSo-BS f c'iJ c 0 b AL.. A \ 1 i 2 .v . I . Z ,>o,-: dh PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 17 . 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Larry Walsh, Del Lorentzson, Lois McKinley, Deanna Simpson, John Howard and Tom Reller. Jerry Puciaty was absent. STAFF PRESENT: Dir. Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Boyd Bailey. Rick Cook. Guest: Tom Neuman from Rosemount Athletic Asso. (RAAA) . CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Chairperson Lois McKinley. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Item 15 a. Hockey Rink Area at Chippendale. Item 15 b. Scope for Master Plan Discussion. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 20. 1990 MINUTES: MOTION by Larry Walsh to approve the minutes of August 20, 1990. SECOND by Del Lorentzsan. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. 44?:i::':>:'3 '8:$: RAAA UPDATE: Tom Neuman from RAAA reported the parking charge made about $500 at a tournament. More steel is being bought for soccer goals. This Saturday there is a "Thank You" Dinner at the VFW. RAAA appreciates what the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Dept. and Committee have done for community sports. RAAA voted to approve and fully back the Parks & Recreation Committee. RAAA would like to see a golf tournament next year in the Leprechaun Days activities. PARR WORR: Director Bechtold said that erosion problems in Ericksan Park have been solved with the curb and gutter installation. Catch basins have been installed to handle the storm waters. Also the sidewalk was modified for handicap access. September 22 the RAAA is going to repaint the hockey rink walls. There is no maintenance allowed in Shannon Park at this time; this will delay the field preparations for one full year. RECREATIONAL UPDATE: Lisa Jost reported that Tiny Tots has four classes this year. One new class is just for five year olds. Cindy Schumann and Kim Vinge are the instructors. Volleyball programs have begun, there are 24 recreational teams, 16 power teams, and 12 women teams. A volleyball clinic was held with the Minnesota Monarchs. A open basketball program with Community Ed. is being tried. The Halloween projects are being planned. Winter programing will begin organized by Lisa, Jane Mollman and Eric Carlson. Eric Carlson interned in Burnsville and has been hired as a 3/4 time employee. FLOWER GARDEN IIPDATE: Deanna Simpson has 1000 bulbs to be planted. She thanked the public works and parks departments for putting up the sign. There have not been any results for awards from the Minnesota Green competition. Volunteers have discussed a garden club to begin meeting the 4th Monday of the month at the Senior Citizens Highrise. This club will be responsible for the flower boxes found downtown. Dakota County composting site is donating compost. Annual flowers will be replaced by perennial flowers. Some materials for benches have been purchased. It has been recommended by Steve Jilk and Ron Wasmund that any structures be installed so it could be moved. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 PAGE 2 HALLOWEEN PROGRAM UPDATE: Larry Walsh reported that the same trail will be used as last year for the Haunted Woods and the senior high f4r indoor games. A haunted puppet show will be added and the tunnel will be made differently. Kathy Buchow is organi'zing by making presentations at different community clubs to request volunteers. Hastings High School donated items from their all night party for a pirate scene. The Jaycee's would like to do an area on Ninga Mutant Turtles or space cantina. More volunteers are needed inside and out. FEE POLICY: Lisa recommended a $25 fee for park use. Non-profit organizations do not pay a fee. This would help insure park clean up by users. There would be a two week cancellation policy after which no refund would be made. Parks without shelters are not reserved very often. There is a shortage of tables now, but more are being planned to be built. Rental kits are available for outdoor sports. MOTION by Deanna Simpson for a park use fee of $15 for residents and 25 for non-residents which would be refundable or could be waived upon directors approval effective October 1, 1990 to September 30, 1991. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Further clarification should be made for posting of the "reservation" and a contact number if any problems arise. 1::'::::3; JAYCEE PARR: Ed Barloon a resident that lives on the boarder of Jaycee's Park would like to see playground equipment there. Director Bechtold said that plans have been made for the equipment to be placed there with the same specs as used in Connemara Park, estimate value af 10,000. MOTION by Del Lorentzson to put playground equipment in Jaycee park according to specs placed temporarily near the parking area. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Dave will present this to council for funding from park dedication funds for installation by spring. Mr. Barloon thanked the committee for their consideration. HEUER SUBDIVISION: Director Bechtold reviewed the lot division and reason for building due to a home fire in view of park dedication fees. MOTION by John Howard to waive the park dedication fee for the Heuer Subdivision as long as the resident remains on the property. If the intent is to sell, then the park dedication fee should remain in place. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. SRATING RINR AREA FOR CHIPPENDALE: The skating rink at Chippendale has disturbed neighbors because of the noise of the puck hitting the boards. The boards will be removed and soccer nets used on the other side to reduce noise. HA P afi I;:::;R;t R JERRY PUCIATY - submitted a letter to council. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 17 1990 PAGE 3 LARRY WALSH - Camfield needs better handicap access and the stripping needs to be changed. Rick said he will take care of this when the signs arrive. DEL LORENTZSON - Would like to see a hot air balloon race or rides for a community event like Leprechaun Days. A drawing for one ride could be used to publicize this. Everyone thought this was a great idea. LOIS MCKINLEY - no comment. DEANNA SIMPSON - Charlie's Park nets are in need of repair or replacement. Lisa and Dave will check into this for next spring. JOHN HOWARD - no comment. TOM RELLER - Reported that friends said Erickson fields are the best. Bluebirds are gone for the winter. New areas will be selected to put bird houses up next year. DIRECTOR S REPORT: Summary report will be prepared from the inservice meetings being held. Team work and the need to be positive are necessary. The master park plan will be discussed at the next inservice meeting. Funding sources for this (est. $60, 000) is being looked into. Joe Walsh added his support for Parks and Recreation programs and project. MOTION by John Howard to adjourn. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary Minutes Approved October 15, 1990. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE IN3ERVICE/BUSINESS MEETING SUMMARY September 10, 1990 7:30 P.M. Committee Members Present: Lois McKinley, Tom Reller, Dianna Simpson, Jerry Puciaty, Del Lorentzson, Larry walsh and John Howard. Staff Present: David Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Jane Mollman, Boyd Bailey, Carl Dahnke, Jim Koslowski, Steve Strese, Mark Joosten and council liaison, Harry Willcox. Director Bechtold explained how these inservice/business meetings would be used to review the budget, set policy, and do goal setting for the future of the Parks and Recreation Department. He encouraged positive interaction and the need to be a team. Council Member Harry Willcox discussed the relationship of the Parks and Recreation Committee as a valued Ad-Hoc committee. The guidelines and policies need to be defined which will be accomplished by the Master Plan Project. Land use policy for park dedication needs direction. There was agreement that usable land, not water, swamp land covered by water, temporary or permanent holding areas, without negotiation and agreements would not count toward acreage of park dedication land. A clear process should be in place so that motions and information flows between council, planning department, and parks department. The Parks Department would not be in favor of shifting park funds because citizens are expecting planned improvements throughout various parks in the city. Hopefully the Master Plan will address this communication issue. Brauer and Associates is the firm scoping the rough draft now. We will have a "red pencil day" to add detail and make choices. Harry Willcox and Ron Jacobson left the meeting. AGENDA ITEMS Jerry Puciaty has a letter to put in the next meeting agenda. P & R INSERVICE/BUSINESS MEETING SUMMARY SEPTEMBER 10, 199Q PAGE 2 Next Inservice Meetinq Mike Wozniak, city planner, will come to discuss items reviewed by the city attorney in regard to park dedication. The next meeting will center around making goals and objectives. Budget lists show what equipment, vehicles, staff, chemical, etc. purchases are planned. We will build off this years goals and add to them. A "Topics of Discussion List" will be passed around which you can add topics of interest to or indicate what order you would like them to be presented. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 20. 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deanna Simpson, Larry Walsh, Jerry Puciaty, Lois McKinley, John Howard and Del Lorentzson. Tom Reller was absent. STAFF PRESENT: Dir. Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Boyd Bailey and Rick Cook. Guests: John McMenomy from Rosemount Area Athletic Association RAAA) - CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson Lois McKinley. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: The first half of the meeting Dave Bechtold conducted a tour of the new Shannon Park, Connemara Park and Erickson Park. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JULY 16 1990 MINIITES: Deanna Simpson noted the correction on page two of the goal amount the Community Flower Garden was going to raise as $3,500. Lois McKinley made a clarification on page one that identified the Carroll 's Woods group as a "neighborhood committee. MOTION by Larry Walsh to approve the minutes of July 16, 1990 with the above mentioned changes. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. l>:;€3:t;; UPDATE ON CARROLL S WOODB: The city administrator will recommend to council to have a Park Master Plan done by the consultant that will be doing the Parks and Open Space Design and Planning at tomorrows meeting. Mike Wozniak and Dave Bechtold will work with the consultant. Director Bechtold advised that input will be needed from the Parks & Recreation Committee. This would be best accomplished by adding an additional monthly meeting for work sessions to discuss goals and objectives. MOTION by Deanna Simpson to increase meetings to two per month to be scheduled the first and third Mondays for as long as needed for input for the Master Plan. The first Monday will be for special business, such as the Master Plan and the third Monday will remain for regular public meetings. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Director Bechtold will have examples of possible goals and objectives at the first meeting which will be Monday, September 10th due to the holiday on September 3rd. COUNCIL Liaison: The Parks & Recreation Committee would be interested in knowing the City Council's opinion and be informed of what council does that might affect the parks and programs in Rosemount. MOTION by John Howard to request the Parks and Recreation liaison from City Council, Harry Willcox, to attend as many P & R meetings as possible and to represent council and their views at these meetings. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. I PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE AUGUST 20, 1990 PAGE 2 FLOwER GARDEN: Minnesota Green tour in southeast Minnesota led by Rick Bonletter, will include the Rosemount Community Flower Garden. This project is up for an award on August 24th from the State Horticultural Society. Funding has been received from Corcoran's, Ed McMenomy, Senior Center, and First State Bank. Lee Knutson can get cedar board for benches in August. Bulbs are to be purchased for the entrance area. Deanna Simpson thanked the Park Dept. for their continued help in the flower garden. RAAA: Tom Neumann sent in a report noting In-house Soccer was in its last two weeks. The first annual Soccer Golf Tournament was a big success. It profited nearly $800 to be used toward soccer standards which are shared with the City of Rosemount. The indoor programs are scheduled to hold registrations in early September. John McMenomy attended tonights meeting as the RAAA representative. MOTION by John Howard to thank the in-house soccer of RAAA for assisting at the gate for the District 3 Men's Softball Tournament, Aug. 10, 11, 12 . SECOND by Lois McKinley. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. BUDGET FOR 1990 - 1995: Dave distributed the budget for consideration at the next meeting, Sept. 10, 1990. 3 CLARIFICATION OF MOTION: Park dedication for Shannon Hills 2nd was delayed by a motion at recent City Council meeting. The two lots in the southwest corner of Carroll 's Woods to be given for park dedication, will be accepted for the 3rd phase of building rather than the 2nd phase of building. The Open Space architects will lead us through a process, seeing various sides of this and other issues and then make a recommendation to proceed. Q;;`::::',:` JERRY PUCIATY- no comment. LARRY WALSH - The joint powers agreement between the School District and City was updated by the attorney with some changes. The school must contract with the Parks and Recreation Department for any time use outside school time. The school will be in charge of maintaining the parking lot at Shannon School. Camfield Park needs more signage for handicap parking and access. The seniors praised Lisa and Jane for the planning of the senior citizen trips. Good job. DEL LORENTZSON - Would it be possible for curb and gutter at Corcoran's so the rain water run off would not damage the flower garden? Discussion was held regarding the policy on park space rentals. The rates are now $25 for residents, $50 for non-residents with two week prior notice. Erickson park is more, $100 for pavilion. Lisa will check into the past and present use. i PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE AUGUST 20, 1990 PAGE 3 LOIS MCKINLEY - Lois commented on Spring Lake Park, a county park, in the northeast corner of Rosemount. The consultants will be addressing all parts of Rosemount. DEANNA SIMPSON - Complaints have been made by residents and a high school coach regarding the condition of Carroll's Woods trail systern. They are overgrown and in need of maintenance. The Council Liaison will be consulted for direction. MOTION by Deanna Simpson to request direction from Council for maintenance of the trails for overgrown brush and needed woodchips in Schwartz Park and Carroll's Woods. SECOND by Lois McKinley. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. JOHN HOWARD - The Twin Puddles crosswalk is going in. The bike trail along Chili that is paved needs maintenance, some brush trimming. This is a School District item. John is to contact the school as a citizen to discuss this trail with their supervisors. DIRECTOR S REPORT: Director Bechtold noted that the Dodd Road bike trail is going well. MOTION by John Howard to adjourn. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF JIILY 16. 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Puciaty, Larry Walsh, Del Lorentzson, Lois McKinley, Deanna Simpson, John Howard and Tom Reller. STAFF PRE3ENT: Dir. Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost, and Boyd Bailey. Guests: Tom Neumann from Rosemount Athletic Asso. (RAAA) ; and Carroll 's Woods Neighborhood Committee representative, Ron Jacobson. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Chairperson Lois McKinley. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Item III a. Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 18, 1990 MINUTES: MOTION by Larry Walsh to approve the minutes of June 18th with the corrections by Deanna Simpson regarding the flower garden on page 4. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. t:i`::::::8:#::: RAAA UPDATE: Tom Neumann from RAAA reviewed their athletic programs. Softball and soccer tournaments have been great. In- house soccer starts today. Golf tournaments have also started. I.S.D. #196 and the Parks & Rec Department are close to a contract agreement for maintenance of ball fields. A better system of distribution of informational flyers for RAAA in the school district is being worked on. IIPDATE ON CARROLL S WOODS: Director Bechtold said that interviews for the Parks and Open Space Planning and Design RFP firm are scheduled for July 19th. Inventory of the Woods and environmental impact will be addressed "in conjunction" with the consultant. Long term design and goals are to be recommended by the firm awarded the RFP. Additional wood chips are scheduled in the fall for trails. LEPRECHAUN DAYS UPDATE: Larry Walsh reported that everything is well planned and in place. The Jaycees donated $500 toward Leprechaun Days, this will be used toward T-Shirts for next year. Dave commented that Lisa Jost, Joe Walsh and Larry Walsh hold this event together and spend many hours in preparation. They have learned to delegate at all levels - they are doing a great 7 ab RECREATION REPORT: Lisa reported that Little Explorers and Kids Korner will begin their second session July 30th through August 16th. The fall brochure deadline is August 9th. The Boy Scouts and about 60 kids gathered in Charlie's Park to donate six trees. I PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEB JULY 16, 1990 PAGE 2 PARR ORR: Director Bechtold said that the Park crew has been keeping the softball fields maintenanced for tournaments (and they are in excellent shape) ; working on timber landscaping around playground equipment; and the upkeep on the various irrigation equipment. TOWN GREEN REPORT: There have not been any meetings in four months because the committee is waiting for direction from the consultant being hired for the Parks and Open Space RFP. FLOWER GARDEN UPDATE: Deanna Simpson reported that the Twin Cities newspaper, The Pioneer Press, plans to do a story with pictures on the Community Flower Garden in their "Neighborhood" section. Deanna stressed the success has been due to the cooperation with the Parks Department, Minnesota Green Horticultural Society sponsorship (Rick Bonlender} , and city business donations. Minnesota Green commented that Rosemount is doing a lot more than other communities in the area. Deanna made a pictorial display of the progress of the garden. Some fund raising has begun, Ed McMenomy donated the first $100 for the flower garden. The committee would like to raise $3,500 for benches, arbor, tulip bulbs, etc. The Utility Commission will help with a sign attached to Well No. 1. Discussion was held on what the sign should say. Director Bechtold advised that city staff and council should be consulted. Two suggested names were: Erickson Park Community Square" and "Rosemount Community Flower Garden" . E;:<:;1;:`: COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN REVIEA: Director Bechtold will be researching surrounding city's procedures for parks and recreation issues. He will make them available to this committee for examination. Definitions are needed for what a community park should be; what a neighborhood park should be; what a pleasure rink is; Green Way trails specifics; etc. This should be a five year plan. New information will be distributed prior to the next meeting. BIIDGET SOMMARY: Personnel will increase by one part-time person for next year. This is justified by the increase in park area. There are no new items for the 1991 CIP budget. The Erickson park shelter and moving of the hockey rinks will be delayed until 1991, those funcls will carry over. I PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE JIILY 16, 1990 PAGE 3 3:PE;t t`;;:::'I:....s'`.... JERRY PUCIATY: Over the 4th of July some parents mentioned that the little league field needed to be dragged. Dir. Bechtold explained that the rain may have prevented the crew from doing this, normally it would be done Monday and Wednesday . LARRY WALSH: Larry asked about the bike trail on Cty Rd 42 connecting the corridor system. The city agreed upon the north trail being completed with the businesses (as they develop) being required to install the south trail. Construction should begin in the fall. The city will maintain it. Safety for pedestrians at the cross walks must also be considered. DEL LORENTZSON: Del observed the crosswalk in Apple Valley at 140th Street. There are several signs that help make this safe. Also the police patrol it. The crossing at Dodd Blvd. could be identified similarly with speed limits at 30mph or 45mph when no kids are there. Signage is very critical to a safe cross walk. The signs on Cty Rd 42 and Canada and Shannon are out dated. The stop lights really do not allow enough time for a pedestrian to cross the entire road, often kids become stranded on the median. The County sets the timing on these lights. Dave will contact Dave Ivers with the Highway Dept. in Physical Planning. Also the cross walks need painting. LOIS MCKINLEY: Lois was disappointed that Rosemount along with Savage was not mentioned at the picnic for the Torch Runners. Lisa did mention this to the organizers who indicated it was an error. DEANNA SIMPSON: No additional comments. JOHN HOWARD: Also checked the crosswalk in Apple Valley to compare to use in Rosemount. He felt enforcing speed limits and have visible patrols would help. He received several positive comments on the field maintenance this summer. TOM RELLER: Tom said there are more bluebird eggs hatching. A person to check the bluebird houses is needed in Erickson Park. DIRECTOR S REPORT: Picnic with a tour will be planned for P & R Committee for the August Committee meeting. There aren't any budgeted funds for consultants; funding will have to be researched. I PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE JIILY 16, 1990 PAGE 4 Boyd Bailey reported the easement was obtained on Dodd Blvd. and Chrome Ave. from Hubert Uitdenbogerd for $4,450. Picnic tables with canopies are planned for Schwartz Park to be built by our staff carpenter, Jim Koslowski. Examples of these tables can be seen at the Apple Valley golf course. Timber landscaping for erosion with built in benches are planned for several parks. MOTION by John Howard to adjourn. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, g.-,ZA Linda Jentin Recording Secretary Approved at the August 20th, 1990 Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting. i i TO: Parke & Recreation Committee Membere F'ROM: David J. Beahtold - Director of P$rks & Recreation DAT: June 14, 1990 RE: Agenda snd Notes for 3uly 16, 1990 Meeting DATE: July 16, 1990 TIME: 7 :30 P. M. LACE: Rosemount City Hall AaENDAt I. CALL TO ORDER II. ADbITIONS TO THE AGENDA III. AUDIENCE INPUT t`{ppR.o v m`n,-'s a r 'un I l9q 0, OLD HUSINESSa IV. RAAA UPDATE (TOM TIUEMANN) V. UPDATE ! SUMMARY CARROLLS WOODS (DAVE) tHOTE THAT COMtiITTEE ON OPEN SPACE FOR TOWN SOUARE HAS APPROVED TO INCLUDE ENVIRONMENTAL IHVENTORY AND STUDY IId ONJUNCTIOM WZTH C 1 dSlJLTAHT SE^ni iG S F'tiR OFEAi FA E DESIGN) YI. LEPFtECHAUN DAYS UPDATE tLARRY & LISA? VII. RECREATION REPORT tLISA) VIII. PARK WORK REPOkT tRIGK) IX. TOWH GREEH REPORT iDAVE) X. FLOWER GARDEN UPDATE (DEANNA) XI. REW BUSINESS: XIII. COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN REVIEW tDAVE) XIV. BUDGET SUMMARY / UPDATE tDAYE) XV. xvz. XVII. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT XVIII. DIRECTOR'S REFORT HOTE: THIS IS SCHEDULED AS OUR °PIGTIIC" MEETING. NORMALLY MY INDICATIOH OF THIS FACT SEAIDS OUT THE SIGNAL FOR A STORM TO COME THROUGH ON THE EVEHING OF THIS MEETING. WITH ALL OF THE RAIN WE HAVE BEEN HAVING LET'S BELIEVE THAT WE WILL HAVE SUN FOk THE EVEHING. PLEASE DRIVE 140TH STREET IN APPLE VALLEY AND OBSERVE THE CROSSINGS THAT THEY HAVE OH THIS RQAD FOR THE WALKERS ANU BIKE RIDERS. THERE ARE SEVERAL CROSSINGS FROM DIAMOND PATH TO COUAITY ROAD M11. LET'S SHARE SOME iDEAS ON THESE CROSSINGS IN RELATIONSHIP TO THE AREA OF DODD ROAD. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF JI1NE 18. 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Del Lorentzson, Larry Walsh, Jerry Puciaty, Lois McKinley, Tom Reller, John Howard and Deanna Simpson. STAFF PRESENT: Dir. Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Boyd Bailey and Rick Cook. Guests: John McMenomy from Rosemount Athletic Asso. (RAAA) ; Joe Walsh for Leprechaun Days and The Haunted Woods Committee; and Dan Newbauer and Pat Jostead, naturalists reviewing Carroll 's Woods. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson Lois McKinley. ADDITION3 TO AGENDA: Item IV. Approval of Minutes. Old Business: Item V. a. Haunted Woods Location. Item XI. Consider motion of April 16, 1990 Minutes. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 21. 1990 MINUTES: Larry Walsh requested the wording changes on Pag 2 on Jerry's comment describing the area "as we did in Connemara Park" Also, on page 4 the correct date of the next council meeting is Jun 19th, not the 17th. MOTION by Deanna Simpson to approve the minutesiof May 21, 1990 with the above mentioned changes. SECOND by De Lorentzson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. AUDIENCE INPOT: Joe Walsh will comment after the Carroll 's Woods presentation regarding the Haunted Woods. t:::>::t;;i RAAA REVIEW: John McMenomy, RAAA representative, is looking forward to having the City Hall available for hand outs and program information sheets. This may help parents when the football sign up starts in July. The City and RAAA have each donated $500 to the school district toward maintenance of fields. Last weekend the fields were not ready for a tournament. Director Bechtold said he would hold the check to the school district until clarification of "field ready" for adult and children's sports are made. UPDATE ON CARROLL S WOODS: Dan Newbauer and Pat Jostead, both naturalist, have been hired to do separate reports on Carroll 's Woods. Dan Newbauer gave his report saying that the City and Parks & Recreation Committee should be commended for looking ahead to set aside this land for public use. There are many positive things about the trails and development. Newbauer estimated 120 different types of birds and 15 species of mammals in the park. There are some hardwood cherry trees of an unusually large size that should be reported to the state for recording (or Meg, at Heritage Hamlet) . To obtain the maximum recreational public use and natural resource improvement, a long range use plan should be developed. The plant life in the woods is currently in a state of rapid deterioration because the European buckthorn and honeysuckles are overtaking other plant life. In 100 years there would be almost no other species surviving. So maintenance of these plants should be a priority. Schwarz Pond play area should be enlarged along with the shelter. Some trail grades are steep and could be improved. The bird houses could be placed more appropriately with more platform nesting areas. I PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE JUNE 1$, 1990 PAGE 2 Involvement of ISD 196 for use as classroom programs is advised. Newbauer is developing school programs now for use by high school age. High schoolers could do an excellent job on a maintenance program for the buckthorn removal and habitat refurbishment. More community and county involvement is available (i.e. Master Gardeners) . Visitor Occasion programs such as maple syrup program could be conducted in the park. The exercise trails could be refurbished or redone for better use. Other agencies are available for additional information, advise and money grants. A sub-committee should be formed just for this because of the time needed in writing and researching grants. The LMCR will have funds available for fall of 1990. Rapture Center could use this for return of red tailed hawks and owls. Minnesota Naturalist club, Dodge Nature Center, and others can do co-op programs. Scout troops and church groups could be involved also. Newbauer advised that the area is too small to be a major wildlife preserve and there should not be any more trails added. Again, he commended the City of Rosemount for setting aside this land and hoped many other cities would do so in the future. He thanked the committee for the chance to help with such a worthwhile project. Pat Jostead handed out her report to committee. Jostead felt that more emphasis should be given to the main entrance to Carroll 's Woods as being the Schwarz Pond parking area. Then Carroll 's Woods would be an animal and plant sanctuary, a "special" place at the end of the trail for quiet observation. This would allow active open space at Schwarz to flow naturally to trails for observation in the woods. Signage can often be subtle management to control people using the parks. "Keep On The Trail" and "Poison ivy" signs keep children from tramping plant life. Jostead advised that right now there are parallel paths that should be combined near the hockey ring area. Also a neighborhood entrance without a parking lot on the southwest corner of Carroll 's Woods would be advisable. Neighbors are allies, they help take care of the park like it was their own backyard and can report abuse and fire dangers. The trees around Schwarz Pond create a good buffer area to surrounding land. Water run off could be a problem; a hydrologist should be consulted. Fencing is a possibility for protection of Carroll 's Woods to restrict entrance on other than a main use trail. A gate and lock may not be necessary at all. The forest is a renewable resource. If it is a preserve, then fire or disease would not warrant any action, other than maintaining the trail for safety. Jostead set forth a management plan in her report including doing a site description" and making a "statement of objective" . Information should be clearly listed for comparisons and decision making. Director Bechtold suggested this "naturalist aspect" be included in the Parks & Open Space Consultant Overview which the City is in the process of accepting. Carroll 's Woods and Schwarz Pond are adjacent to the proposed armory site, high school, and across Hwy 3 from Erickson Park and City Hall. A complete program plan would be called for of all of these areas. . PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE JUNE 18, 1990 PAGE 3 Jostead suggested that even if there is a low budget many community volunteers could do a great job. She encouraged high school student participation, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Tree Trust, etc. A small committee of about six people with ane naturalist or parks professional if formed, could help promote many programs. Ron Jacobson noted that the Parks and Open Space Consultants should be aware of the provisions of the Minnesota Grant Office relative to land use. Jacobson would like Carroll 's Woods preserved as the City's forefathers would have liked it. Director Bechtold assured the committee that Mr. Sames from the Grant Office would be involved with the upcoming study and has offered his in utp . We must keep in mind that there are several interpretations of the grant applications. The past intent, the present plan and future plans for the park must all be considered. HAUNTED WOODS LOCATION: Joe Walsh asked the committees feeling as to whether or not Carroll 's Woods would still be used for the Haunted Woods. Jostead suggested the trails near Schwarz Pond more appropriate with guided tours Halloween night. The Committee stated that because the children safety would be in question near the water, it would not be acceptable and it would be hard to find more volunteers as guides. At this time the committee feels that the positive community involvement out weighs the wear and tare on the trails for this one evening. The program should remain as it is. INDS CROSSING PARR: By definition of our own 1990 Land Use Plan, Winds Crossing Park no longer fits the description of a "neighborhood" park. It has been noted that the parking is inadequate. There is an additional approximately three acres available through land dedication from the developer. Bechtold recommended that "land only" be accepted from that developer, no cash dedication. The park could then be redesigned to allow for more parking and expand the playground. MOTION by John Howard to request land dedication and not accept cash for park development. 8ECOND by Larry Walsh. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. LEPRECHAUN DAYS IIPDATE: Lisa Jost reported Leprechaun Days will be from July 20 - 29th. It is the tenth anniversary which will be celebrated with a larger parade, additional fire works and some extras" during the week. Joe Walsh added that Koch Refining donated 3000 toward the purchase of sound equipment with a portable trailer. This will be used for the Sunday Night Specials in the parks and many other community events. I A large chest freezer was donated to Parks & Recreation. It will be used for the sale of ice cream and popcicles during Leprechaun Days. It will also be used to make ice for the summer programs. New reusable signs for "Run for the Gold" showing the one and three mile turnaround spots and a "Start/Finish" sign have been purchased. Also some plastic tarp canopies have been purchased for the City to use. About $7,000 worth of equipment in all has been purchased. A resident has indicated he would be willing to work on building a portable stage that would possible be ready for next years summer events. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE JUNE 18, 1990 PAGE 4 The planning schedule for Leprechaun Days is ahead of schedule. lendors will be allowed at events. RECREATION REPORT: Lisa reported that about 80 kids participated in the parks programs. Six Girl Scouts volunteered their time helping. Cindy Schumann organized the Puppet Wagon which Jim Kolwalski built. Tennis lessons and softball tournaments have begun. Rick Cook and his crew do an excellent job on the field maintenance. Many participants volunteer compliments that Erickson fields are the best in the surrounding areas. Sunday Night Specials begin this week. PARR WORR: Rick Cook advised that a lot of work has been done in the flower garden; the nursery is finished; Twin Puddles is being updated; the Puppet Wagon has been built; and the grass is being cut continually. Some dead trees across trails in Carroll 's Woods need to be removed. TOWN GREEN REPORT: The plans for the hockey rink relocation and shelter have been postponed until the consultants that will be hired by the City have had time to consider their placement. Funds budgeted for this will be held and made available when needed. The flower garden is progressing well. Larry Walsh, Del Lorentzson, Deanna Simpson and staff have spent 3 to 4 months working on the garden. Native and prairie type flowers along with some annual flowers have been planted. Rocks have arrived for the rock garden. Many donations from nurseries and residents of plants. Donations of seven hybrid roses and some are heritage" roses, ones that are from founding families of Rosemount. A sign should be added at the entrance on 145th St. W. to help identify the entrance. The work remaining includes weeding, benches, an arbor, and add a hedge row. Parks assistance and some involvement by Public Works is greatly appreciated. CLARIFICATION OF MOTION: The motion on page 6 of the Rosemount Parks & Recreation Committee of April 16, 1990 should be amended as follows: MOTION by Larry Walsh that if a Carroll 's Woods Concept Plan Committee is formed then each Parks and Recreation Committee Member will submit a name to serve on that committee. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. d`:>'$'5:;: COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN REVIEW: Director Bechtold will be researching surrounding city's procedures for parks and recreation issues. He will make them available to this committee for examination. This should help give ideas on how and why park development occurs. We must continue with our ideas and can use the input from others programs as additional support for our procedures. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE JIINE 18 1990 PAGE 5 F.1<;:`:?;'`,.',,..'.. LARRY WALSH - no comment. DEL LORENTZSON - Connemara Park was complimented by a youth group from St. Joseph's. They thought it was great. They did ask if a basketball hoop could be added, Director Bechtold commented that a basketball half court is planned for this summer on the east side of the parking lot. The Twin Puddles parking lot could be paved next year. The gate on the fence around the holding pond is now locked. LOIS MCKINLEY - Reported that the Bike-A-Thon went great with beautiful weather and a great route. Some children were asked by police to remove their remote control cars from a parks parking lot area. Is there a law against this? Director Bechtold will check on this. There are some trees near Schwarz Pond that have barb wire growing through them and are dangerous, please check. DEANNA SIMPSON - reported that the wild flowers planted in Erickson Park last year have germinated. JOHN HOWARD - no comment. TOM RELLER - Reported that there are no bluebirds at this time in Erickson Park. There are plenty of wrens, tree swallows and sparrows. A new person is needed to check the bluebird houses weekly in Erickson Park. DIRECTOR S REPORT: Director Bechtold will ask City Engineer Hefti to report on the safety of the street crossing on Dodd Rd. . Bechtold recommends that Dodd Road Bike Trail that goes from Shannon to Chippendale to Chili and 145th St. should end at Chrome Ave. with accesses to Dodd Road from Tom Thumb. Arrangements with Hubert Uitdenborgerd are being pursued for easement land. He has been very cooperative. The RAAA had its Irish Little League tournament with approximately 60 teams. Our staff was reported to have done an excellent job on maintenance. They will be commended. Budget process has begun. We may have to slim our budget back, but we will continue to emphasize the need for activities and facilities. Priorities must be set as dollars and demand change. MOTION by John Howard to adjourn. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Respectfully submitt Linda Jent k Recording Secretary 1 D l'.. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 21, 1990 iMEMBERS PRESENT: Deanna Simpson, Del Lorentzson, Larry Walsh, Jerry Puciaty, Lois McKinley, Tom Reller. STAFF PRESENT: Dir. Dave Bechtold, Lisa Jost, Mark Joosten, and Boyd Bailey. Guests: Tom Neuman and John McMenomy from Rosemount Athletic Asso. (RAAA) , Howard and Jacobson for Carroll 's Woods, and a small group for Winds Crossing Park. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m. by Chairperson Lois McKinley. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Armory Committee Update. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF APRIL 16, 1990 MINUTES: Larry Walsh requested the wording of the motion made on page 6 be researched. MOTION by Tom Reller to approve the minutes with exception of the motion mentioned. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. NO AUDIENCE INPUT il:'':::.I.; RAAA REVIEW: Tom Neumann, RAAA representative reviewed their programs for the upcoming session. There are over 2500 children participating in softball, baseball, and soccer this summer. The "in-house" soccer program is donating $1500 to the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department toward the purchase of a stripper. This is in appreciation for the equipment and services received from the City. RAAA has had very good cooperation with the City (not so with the school district) . Tom feels that fees and roles should remain the same and that our process does not have to be like other cities. Director Bechtold said that P & R is planning to promote sign-ups with the programs. Some other cities charge for some services i.e. portable toilets. Fees vary. We are happy with the interest and concern that RAAA has for working together. PARR EVALUATION: Dir. Bechtold reviewed the park work; new pins have been placed in the softball fields. Mark Joosten reported that a nursery is being reestablished at Erickson Park due to the increase in parks. It is also being used for educational purposes in the community. Some seventh students (36) from St. Joseph's planted 780 seedlings; 460 shade and ornamental and 320 evergreens (red pine, white spruce) . The nursery is half full. Mark will be staggering plantings 3-5 years. Next year larger trees (ash, maple and oak) will be planted. The Vo-Tech is letting us use their land for a nursery also. Some seedlings will be planted this year, but not a lot. Jane Mollmen and Cindy Schumman have assisted in these plantings. Irrigation has been extended to the nursery in Erickson Park. An automatic irrigation gun has been purchased with council approval at the last council meeting. 45 trees have been planted in area parks. Connemara, Winds Crossing and Jaycee parks have had ash and sugar maple planted in them. The trees in the nursery won't be ready for 3-4 years. CARROLL S WOOD3 UPDATE: Tom Reller met with Dave, Mark ,and Pat Jostad and Dan Newbauer, naturalists. They walked the Carroll 's Woods Park to look at the wildlife and plant life. They found that buckthorn, a non- PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MAY 21, 1990 PAGE 2 native species, has over grown the woods in the northern area. Once the buckthorn is controlled the native trees will come back, like the elm. The Dutch Elm disease destroyed the woods and the trees were removed by a logging company that left wide trails throughout the woods. Some large black cherry trees are in the woods. A rare bird was spotted by Dan Newbauer, he will report that to the state DNR. Pat Jostad is interested in working with the small plant life found on the floor of the woods. Dave suggested that we request some naturalists to observe the woods and draw some direction from what we learn from them. Tom Reller suggested that we decide want the park will be used for, such as hiking and cross country skiing. Jerry Puciaty said before a committee is formed more information should be collected. Dave said that the Parks Recreation Committee should discuss hiring a naturalist and have specific items to discuss at the next meeting such as what should be left alone in the woods and what should be changed. The naturalist can lay out criteria of what can be done and guidelines for that. Deanna Simpson commented that the woods are being used for education and this should continue and increase. Study of the ecosystems for biology classes from the school are important. Also, Deanna felt that the cross country skiing is beneficial and should be allowed. Aesthetics and safety need to be combined when planning the trails. The naturalists should be able to advise us of some alternatives with suggestions on possible uses and species to be careful of. Larry Walsh commented that the Recreational Dept. also should be able to use the park for programs. Ron Jacobson would like to see the long range plan developed. The process should be defined and fair public participation for the preservation and use of the woods. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to hire two different naturalist for a maximum of eight hours each, not to exceed $200 each, to give us a determination and direction in writing. SECOND by Tom Reller. Motion carried. WINDS CROSSING: (Dir. Bechtold requested it be moved up on the agenda, Chairperson McKinley agreed. ) The original park dedication was 6. 5 acres with a holding pond within this area. Some complaints were made about parking on the streets so a parking lot was put in on the eastern boarder of the park. The land is rock and gravel base which has poor drainage. A cut slit seeder was used in the park to improve the soil. The ground is not landscaped or level. Dave asked for audience input regarding this park, a special mailing was sent to 1600 area residents asking participation and three guest attended this meeting. Larry Walsh commented that the holding pond looked terrible and wondered if the Parks Dept. was responsible for maintenance. Dave said the Utility Dept. is responsible for that. Jerry commented that possibly the area should be fenced, as we did in Connemara Park. A beautification project for the holding pond area will be addressed at a department head meeting. Park Engineering Tech Boyd Bailey said the land south of the park is potential land for park expansion. It is 3 .5 acres which is 700 feet PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MAY 21, 1990 PAGE 3 in length and 105 feet in width. This would be enough room for redesigning the park. Jerry Puciaty said we should address Winds Crossing Park as a semi- active park also as well as some other neighborhood parks. Right now the emphasis is on the parking area and land plat dedication. Someone in the audience complained of the parking. With two games going at once the cars line Chippendale and Cornell Trail. This also makes it dangerous for children walking to the playground area. Tom Reller agreed it is a hazard driving "through" on Cornell at times. Chippendale is a state aid road. Reller suggested doubling the parking lot size to 50 cars next to Chippendale Ave. The guests would also like to see a hard surface basketball court, more swings, better slides, and more playground equipment. Bailey commented the park is "set" for electricity and water. A transformer is needed in the southeast corner of the park. The water is to the southeast corner by the parking lot. Chippendale is a state aid road. The Comprehensive Guide Plan is being revised. In it we can define what a neighborhood park is and what direction development should take. Then the purpose of the park will be clear as to who and how many the park could service. McKinley thanked the audience for their input. FLOWER GARDEN: Deanna Simpson reported that rain has postponed planting. A group of 12 citizens gathered at "Big Daddy's" to discuss the project. Nurseries will be contacted for donations and plantings. The grading needs to be sloped for visual effect. Wood chips will be used as mulch. Parks & Rec Committee members, volunteers and those who donate items could celebrate with a gathering when the project is completed. Joosten said the Arboretum has some kind of marker that can be used on trees saying, "This Tree Has Been Donated by . . . " . A list is being kept of contributors. Irrigation for this area was approved by council May 15, 1990. At that meeting Marie Jensen commented that it was very exciting to see the progress in the garden. Deanna inquired if there was insurance covering the volunteers. Dir. Bechtold will check on this. TWIN PODDLES: The parking is inadequate and should be increased to 30 vehicles. Because of the issue of it being a holding pond it wouid be necessary to inform the Utility Department. A shelter is also planned for this park in the 1992 budget. A general upgrade for playground equipment is also needed. Puciaty commented that it is unsafe crossing Dodd Blvd. More signs and road crossings could improve this. The city engineer will be requested consider this in a report to committee on the safety of the Dodd Blvd. crossing because of the concerns of the Parks & Rec. Committee. If a safe crossing can not be provided, other considerations for park uses should be considered. This could be to abandon the park. The Director stated that although this might be a consideration, it would set a very unhealthy president. Rather we should continue to work to correcting and developing a safe crossing. PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MAY 21 1990 PAGE 4 JAYCEE PARR: The Jaycees have donated more than $70, 000 toward this park. John Howard, a member of the Jaycees, said it would not hurt to have someone solicit funds at one of their meetings. He also felt that once the shelter is built donations will be directed to youth development. January 1991 would be the best meeting to go to. More discussion will take place on this issue before anyone goes to solicit. MOTION by John Howard to have a Parks and Recreation Committee member solicit the Jaycees for funds at the January 1991 meeting and report the donation goals of that group. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. ARMORY UPDATE: A levy is being considered that would provide $95, 000 a year. There will be a public hearing set for the end of June. BUDGET PURCHASES: Dir. Bechtold gave members a list of additional equipment purchases and staff changes. See attached document. He will present this to council for approval at the June 19, 1990, meeting. R Q:;:>:<:'i R: Jerry Puciaty: The informational signs are in need of repair in Erickson Park. Larry Walsh: The soccer field in Connemara Park looks great but down toward the holding pond there is nothing but dirt. Dave explained that the water level comes that high and the grass seed won't germinate. Larry would like the Park Dept. to have access to the aerial photography being done by the county for future planning. At the next meeting he would like to address the plans of Winds Crossing to form a statement regarding the park, then advertise the next meeting to bring in neighbors from a different area. Del Lorentzson: Nothing at this time. Lois McKinlev: reported that the "Bike-a-thon" has been rescheduled to June 9, at 9: 00 a.m. Prizes have been donated by area businesses. Flyers have been posted. The boulevards are easements that the public works department has access to. Buckthorn has ov rgrown the Carroll 's Woods Park. Please have someone identify the plant so we know what to look for. McKinley noted that the ballfields in Winds Crossing are situated so that children can walk between the fields to get to the playground equipment, which is safe. She supported a redesign of the park area when more land is obtained. John Howard: Fields #4 and #5 (in Erickson Park) are not going to have lighting because the distance is too long and costly to bring in the electricity. The cost would be too great to get just an hour per night on the fields additional use. Deanna Simpson: Request that the Shannon Hills development plat should be addressed at the next meeting. Please put it on the agenda. 1 I PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE II MAY 21, 1990 PAGE 5 Tom Reller: Pat Murphy gave him an update on the bluebirds. There were some hatched out in Erickson Park but they are no longer in the bluebird house. There are now eggs in Schwarz Pond and Erickson park and someone is needed to do Erickson Park. She will continue to do Schwarz Pond Park. The DNR has a 16 minute video tape on how to promote wildlife in the backyard. Tom will have it at the P & R office this week for anyone who wants to view it. Director Bechtold: No report at this time. MOTION to adjourn the meeting by John Howard. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lisa Jost Recording Secretary lj G e Y L 2,-r , iT0: PARKS & RECREATION COMMITT'EE MEMBERS FROM:DAVID J. BECHTOLD DATE: April 13, 1990 2 1 RE; AGENDA AND NOTES FOR 1990 MEETING DATE:April 16, 1990 PLACE: ROSEMOUNT CITY FIALL TIME• 7:30 P M. AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER (CHAIRPERSON) II. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA c, III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF 1990 IV. AUDIENCE INPUT OLD BUSINESS V., CARROLLS WOODS CONCERNS (DAVE, DAVE SAMES, RON PEDERSON) VI, TWIN UDDLES UPDATE (DAVE) VII. DODD ROAD BIKE TRAIL UPDATE (DATJE) VIII. SUMMARY OF RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS (LISA & DAVE) XIX. UPDATE ON ARMOItY COMMITTEE DEL) X. UPDATE ON TOWN GREEN (DEANIJA, LOIS, JOHN, DAVE) XI. FLOWER GARDEN - ERICKSON PARK (DEANNA) XII. BUILDING TitADES STAFF REQUEST (DAVE) XIII. ADDITION OF PARKS III TO STAFF POSITIQNS (DAVE) XIV. SPECIAL INVITATIONS FOR RESIDENTS TO ATTEND MEETINGS (DAVE) XV. UPDATE ON SHANNON PARK SPRING WORK (DAVE) XVI. REFORESTATION UPDATE - NURSERY & CONCEPTS (DAVE) NEW BUSINESS XVII. XVIII. XIX. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT XVII.DIRECTQR'S REPORT XVIII. ADJOURN I PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 16. 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Reller, John Howard, Larry Walsh, Lois McKinley, and Deanna Simpson. Del Lorentzson and Jerry Puciaty were absent. STAFF PRESENT: David Bechtold, Rick Cook, Mark Joosten, Lisa Jost. Council Member Sheila Klassen, Council Member Harry Willcox and Planning Commissioner Ron Jacobson. Guests: Mr. Sames, Economic Trade & Development Dept. , State of Minnesota; and Tom Neuman of the Rosemount Athletic Association (RAAA) . CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Lois McKinley called the meeting to order at 7: 34 p.m. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Tom Neuman presenting the RAAA cooperative programs with City Hall and Bike-A-Thon, New Business. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 19. 1990: MOTION by Larry Walsh to accept the minutes as printed noting a name correction on page 5. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Motion carried. AUDIENCE INPUT: Tom Neuman, representing Rosemount Athletic Association (RAAA) would like the Parks & Recreation Committee to be represented at their monthly meetings. The meeting day has been changed to the third Tuesday of the month hoping to include a few more people from the City. RAAA has been able to work together with the City very successfully in the past. Three new goal stands have been made with the help of the Parks Dept. ; the in-house soccer team raised $1100 a set, the City welded them and Tom Neuman got the material at cost. Director Bechtold remarked that this cooperative relationship has been beneficial for both organizations and we would like to see it continue. 1I I:;:::BtIS'IN$ CARROLL 3 WOODS CONCERNS: Director Bechtold introduced Mr. Dave Sames from the State of Minnesota Economic Trade and Development Department. This was the office that issued the grants for Carroll 's Woods in 1976 and 1981. Mr. Sames was not working in that office at that time the grants were approved, but he has pieced together chronologically the events relating to these grants. The 1976 grant of $100, 000 was primarily for acquisition of the land. The Environmental Assessment Statement said that the primary purpose was to protect the natural character of the forest area and pursue educational and recreational areas as well. A conceptual site plan was required which showed a one loop trail system with picnic areas through Carroll 's Woods. The 1981 grant of $50,000 had a conceptual site plan showing picnic and rest stop sites, paved trails for handicap use in Carroll 's Woods and future development of trails on the eastern boarder. The City is obligated to those plans. ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE APRIL 16 1990 PAGE 2 A drainage ditch was installed in the park which should have received approval from the grant office prior to its installa tion. Mr. Sames commented that this is subject to review and "possible" conversion if the recreational area is adversely affected. A conversion is lengthy and expensive so the grant office would like to work with the City in a mutual concerns effort. The drainage ditch was a Utility issue and the Parks & Recreation Committee was never consulted. The 1981 site plan would be counter to the 1976 site plan. Mr. Sames would not like to see that amount of development done. A woodchip trail would be appropriate. He recommends that we consult with a naturalist, move away from the 1981 site plans, and re-evaluate the long range purpose for this property. The Regional Hydrologist for Dakota County could assess the changes. Mr Kranz, the area representative will help re-write the grant and put in it a "purpose statement" . The City is under no obligation to the grant office to continue with the picnic areas or parking lot. It was recommended that a three year time period would be normal for completion of site plan work submitted for a grant. However, it is fairly common for cities to take longer. This grant took until 1984 to be worked with paved trails, the bridge, and other renovations of logging trails. Mr. Sames can not determine if the 1976 grant was ever compared to the 1981 grant. Their office was much busier at that time. Now they do require that previous grant information is supplied with the application for comparisons of interest and intent. Ron Pederson, representing the citizen's group supporting the preservation of Carroll 's Woods, requested an overall intent statement. An examination of other area parks would be helpful in knowing what is expected. Mr. 5ames office does not keep that type of information. Some surrounding cities that have similar park lands are Bloomington, Eden Prairie, and Burnsville. There would not be any funds available from Mr. Sames grant office for planning. The Land and Conservation Dept. may be of some help. Mr. Pederson wanted to stress that they want the woods left as natural as possible. The Parks & Recreation Committee should research and take time to investigate so the total purpose for the land can be detailed with guidelines as to how replacement trees and underbrush can be handled. Also communication with the community at large must be maintained. Director Bechtold maintained that we all want about the same thing. The five year concept determined by the city budget does not explain the intent to those who are not totally involved. We have learned that the purpose statement is needed and will be used with any future development. This statement will take some time to complete properly. The final decision will remain up to ROSEMOONT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE APRIL 16, 1990 PAGE 3 the Parks & Recreation Committee to make. That statement will be adhered to. It will be recorded and any deviations will require a motion by the Parks & Recreation Committee for the chance to be approved. All changes will then also be recorded. Pat Jostead who designed the Highland Nature Center said that the natural resources don't just stay if the surrounding area is changed. They have a very delicate balance in nutrients, sun light and moisture. First, what needs to be done is the identification of plant and wildlife down to the littlest of plants. A site analysis is necessary to show soil-chemical combinations; the biological balance must be kept. She suggests not summarizing but starting over. She also believes that hiking and cross country skiing trails should not be combined. A site analysis would help bring management steps forward. There is an art to finding where trails can go with losing a minimum amount of rare or hard to generate plant life. A naturalist would have to be consulted for a minimum of six hours for a consultation. Then observation during each season to see pattern. Ron Jacobson commented that he is encouraged by Dave Bechtold's and the Parks & Recreation Committee's response. He said "Even our group does not agree on what should be done. " He would like to suggest that the process be defined, long range development policy plan be started and a recommendation be given to the City Council for all parks not just Carroll 's Woods. Marge Ryan of Shannon Hills asked about the parking lot and play area to be placed in the south end of Carroll 's Woods. She would like to see the plat changed as far as the park dedication land there. This is being researched, it would not be a simple matter. Director Bechtold related the fact that the park land in the Shannon Hill Plat also is needed for providing play area for children. . He recommends no change from this plat. The design could best be changed from parking to a larger play area. It was also noted that a entry on the south would be a natural short cut to the school and increased pedestrian traffic. All students who live within one mile of the school must walk. Council Member Willcox was on the Storm Water Master Plan Committee and he commented on the drainage of Carroll 's Woods. Only natural local rain would drain into it, none is diverted from nearby land. Director Bechtold said his office is always open for discussion and ideas. MOTION by John Howard to budget for a naturalist after a plan is determined in writing and give assurance that no additional clearing will be done aside from maintenance until a plan is ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE APRIL 16, 1990 PAGE 4 formed. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Chairperson McKinley requested volunteers to be on a committee to determine a plan for Carroll 's Woods. At the next meeting each Parks & Recreation Committee member will select a person to be on this committee. A newspaper ad should be run for interested people. It will be determined at the next meeting if a sub- committee will be formed. Director Bechtold thanked Mr. Sames for coming and the audience for their input. TWIN PUDDLES UPDATE: Mr. Hefti, Public Works Director, will present to the Utility Commission a safe pedestrian crosswalk on Dodd Road. Parking will be scheduled on the south side only when the parking lot is constructed. . DODD ROAD BIRE TRAIL UPDATE: Surveying has begun. The feasibility report and surveying cost of $4, 100 is for Chippendale to Shannon. . It will include areas from Chippendale to Shannon Parkway and Shannon to Diamond Path. SUMMARY OF RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS: Lisa Jost presented the new Park Reservation Forms. This will be the first year we have charged. There will be an evaluation at the end of the year to determine its effectiveness. The Park Ordinance does not allow alcohol which is stated in the Park Rules that are handed out to each user. Jane Mollman headed the Easter activities for about 60 kids. They went bowling, to the Science Museum, played mini-golf and had an egg hunt at Camp Sakajawea. The Jaycees also sponsored an egg hunt for about 250 kids. Next year Lisa would like to expand the program and work with the Jaycees on possibly combining the Easter Programming into a larger schedule. The area city's program directors had a meeting. The middle age children have a great need for further program development; i.e. trips, outings, sports. The programs we have need to be promoted more; the school district does not allow flyers to be passed out at school. Student council can help get the information out. Earth Week activities includes Arbor Day. On May 19th there will be a tree planting seminar at 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Parks Improvement Day is May 19th. June 2nd the Flower Garden near City Hall will be worked on. A series of runs will begin with the May 5th Run at Eagan. Cindy Schumann will be in charge of the puppet wagon this summer. ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE APRIL 16, 1990 PAGE 5 UPDATE OF ARMORY COMMITTEE: Dir. Bechtold reported that a larger facility has been committed to our area. Legislation is in process for a levy which would raise $95, 000 a year for additional costs. Then a bond issue would not be necessary. Larry Walsh thought that there is not sufficient land for the larger armory. UPDATE ON TOWId GREEN: At the last meeting the official name was chosen, "Erickson Park Community Square" . FLOWER GARDEN - ERICRSON PARR: The time frame must be coordinated with Rich Hefti in Public Works because some sewer lines need to be brought up to grade in the area. Water will be available. Some large trees will be planted with scoops and then the flowers. We want this to be a permanent site. City Council made a motion to accept this area as the Perennial Gardens. 15 people have already volunteered to help. It will be about 75 ft. by 60 ft. to start with. Some rocks will be moved for use in the garden. BUILDING TRADES STAFF REOUEST: Applications for the Maintenance II - Building Trades Position are pouring in. Over 100 have been received. Interviews will b e conducted in about three weeks. ADDITION OF PARRS III TO STAFF POSITIONS: A supervisors position which was promoted within current staff was approved by City Council. SPECIAL INVITATIONS FOR RESIDENTS TO ATTEND MEETINGS: Dir. Bechtold felt that a park could be targeted and then residents near that park could be mailed an invitation to attend the Parks Recreation Committee meeting. Surveys could be done to find out how people feel about the size and type of play ground equipment, dogs in the parks, policing the parks, etc. MOTION by John Howard to have Dave Bechtold and/or Lisa Jost do a brochure or an article for the newspaper for the Winds Crossing Park residents to attend the next meeting. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. UPDATE ON SHANNON PARR SPRING WORR: Dir. Bechtold advised that the grading of the park was incorrect but the irrigation had already been put in so the contractor will make the changes with the School District being liable. This contract is not signed yet for maintenance between the City and school on the site when it is finally completed. REFORESTATION UPDATE - NIIRSERY & CONCEPTS: A water line for irrigation to Erickson Park will be installed for a nursery and reforestation program from park dedication funds. ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE APRIL 16, 1990 PAGE 6 1 W`»>H;I#S:ES: BIRE-A-THON: Lois McKinley is helping to sponsor a fund raiser for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital on May 19th. Boyd Bailey helped her plan a safe route. More volunteers and workers are needed. p <> :::;:::: : : .:;. :: T ARRY WALSH - Birger Point is open space. A definition of park preserve and holding pond is needed. LOIS MCKINLEY - How did park land "revert back to developer"? If a plat is altered for park dedication at our request it would be at our expense. DEANNA SIMPSON - Sighted a bluebird using one of the new houses in Erickson Park. It's a good sign. JOHN HOWARD - Has concerns about Jaycee Park land. Dir. Bechtold assured him the City Attorney is working on it. Surveying is needed by fall for next year construction. The Jaycees, represented by Kary Johnson, have given $22, 000 toward the park shelter this year. The total of their donations towards this shelter are approximately $75, 000. TOM RELLER - He reminds us that for every naturalist there is a different point of view or specialty. Pat Murphy has volunteered to maintain the bluebird houses. She will get together with Rick Cook to set up a route and record on data report sheets weekly the status of each house. MOTION by Tom Reller to have Pat Murphy of 3455 Lower 147th St. W. , Rosemount, to monitor the bluebird houses in Erickson and Schwarz Pond parks. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 5. Nays: l. Motion carried. In regard to Carroll 's Woods, there may be other sources for volunteers to help identify plant life through the state. He will research what is available at the Minnesota State Zoo. Larry Walsh - MOTION by Larry Walsh to have each committee member sever if a Carroll 's Woods Committee is formed. SECOND by Tom Reller. Motion carried. Dave Bechtold will contact Del Lorentzson and Jerry Puciaty to inform them of this motion. MOTION by Larry Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by John Howard. All in favor. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink I/ ; y,^/ "" a J ( 7 Recording Secretary (L r- l tiC 9JY]// ; i a ' s T0: Parks & Recreation Committee Members FROM: David J. Bechtold — Director of Parks & Reereation DATE: Apri1 13, 1990 R: Items on Apri1 16, 1990 Agenda There will be additional discussion of Carrolls Woods Park at the April 16th meeting. Mr. Sames from fihe grant office will be attending to meet with us and othe r citizens that might be attending the meeting. Although there will be a continued interest in the past intents for use of the park there is also a need for discussion of the present state of the park and "where we go £rom here". Attached you will find "draft" of a general policy statement that I wrote pertaining to the park. I feel it does a more than fair job of identifying our thoughts and eoncerns pertaining to several issues. Use of this park must be available to all of our citizens. To accomplish this and yet to focus attention on the preservation of as many trees as possible is our mission. The meeting on Apri1 16th will serve as one of many meetings where open interaction between the Committee and residents of our city will take place. As we discussed at the last meeting "t}iis may be the time to once again send letters to residents invitin.g them to join us to spend an evening discussing issues that pertain to the park that is in their neighborhood". This memo serves to remind you of the meeting on the 16th and to also wish each of you a very happy Easter . t WheelsForLife" Bike-A-Thon RiderCollectionEnvelope Incaseofcancellationduetorain, asdeterminedbythecoordinator, pleasecollectyourpledgeso thebasisofournationalaverageof20milesperrider. ReturnThisEnvelopetotheBike-A-ThonCoordinator MyNameIs Address CityStateZIP t F - T -, NOIlf191tl1N0 3lIWa3d3NOHd dIZ31b'1SiU-I133a1S 3Wt/NS.aOSNOdS Td101S.NOSNOdS3CJa3ldSS3IQdb' SdOSNOdS aiwaadsuaaaowaopg `gZa6padosaosuods{sno(}sa66nsaM) saosNods uanaaylaladwoopueuia3edioiUedoaqepueigeoislydsiiueuaaan}eu6igueipaenaouaaedald aylley;pus`;ueuaueseluanasiyluiaedioiudIlinniayaopaenn`pliyo(w ey11uan •oaaylllnsaaeseouanaayuiued6ui{eaiynnaa}}ns(ewaan}eu6igaapia a}4 iayopem`piyotw`yoiynnsa6ewepaosaunfuiepue(ueao`su6issepue9L-blZL-OL8-9 sossans`so;elsiuiwpe`sanileivasaadaa'saonoaxa`snayaiaylpue`luana uEipaen6aouaaed(qpau6iswao}siy azispy ayylnnpaauuooosuodsao(ilua`uosaadaayo(ueseannse`panpuo an2Snwa6eSaaunsaai sioaoedsauanaay3ylynny6noaylaowsai3unoaosailpediiunwu18lPP.a 1Nt/lOdWl X WS a43'VSId'Il!dsoHyoaeasaas,uaaPl!4apf'1Slsuie6eaney(ewsu6isssauoydazis31nPV puesosisiwwpe `sanieuasada `sonoaxa `siay `sueipen6suaaedaz nopus`iayopenn`pliyo(w `Iyoiynn`nneoiGoaylaayo(uzoaoua6gdIZ`a1S}! ano( aai asea 6auuodnpaseqaylaym'sa6ewepaoswieopuesy6uepue(usaseaa aug_l iadse pueanienn(qaay `punoq (e6a aqoi6uipuaw `ueipaen6 oluaaed (wssaappy goa6eaylaapun;ipue`pau6isaapunay``luanaay3oao`uoyl-y-aigesani22.iowao walediedonayaopaenn`piyo(w`aw6ui;iwaadano(}ouoileaapisuoouiui6uiunl2uoAuy pueonnpuesaniafqo`sasodandano(oaoueaayunaylouoi3aapisuoouaweNaapia 1N3SN0/N011t/ilSIJ3aIOj' I, a ao saauM11 adoanu3uoiao/wao aosuodg ' St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Wheels For Life" Bike-A-Thon Ride Date Time Place Coordinator PRIZES FOR TOP RIDERS Everyone turning in money will receive a certificate. Everyone returning$25.00 or more will receive a certificate and a T-shirt. Those returning75.00 or more wil receive a certificate,a T-shirt and a barrel tote bag. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: Helping Children Live! Cancer is the leading disease killer of American children,and St.Jude Children's Research Hospital is the leading center for the conquest of these killers. St.Jude Hospital is fulfilling the promise and dream of its founder, Danny Thomas,by making a significant contribution to the fight against childhood diseases which shorten the lives of youngsters,their families and society as a whole. The hospital,truly,is helping children live through-out the world. The children who come to St.Jude are afflicted with the most devastating kinds of childhood diseases: acute leukemia, Hodgkin's disease and other forms of cancer;rare blood disorders;and other life-threatening maladies. Research at St.Jude focuses on these illnesses and relatedproblemssuchasinfectiousdisease. St.Jude's patient care and research is funded primarily by vofunteer contributions and events such as the "Wheels FDr Life"Bike-A-Thon. All contributions are tax-deductible. This Ride Is For Ellen Marie Five-year-old Ellen Marie came to St.Jude Hospital in June 1986 suffering from a cancerous tumor in her abdomen. She underwent surgery,radiationandchemotherapythereandisnow,according to her mather,"the picture of health." Although Ellen Marie's tumor is not completely gone,she was taken off all therapy in January 1987. Thanks to the help of St.Jude's staff, vo unteers and donors, she is doing fine and looks forward to startingkindergarten. When you pedal your bike for St.Jude Hospita,you will be riding for Ellen Marie and all the children at St.Jude that she represents.Thank you for riding for Ellen Marie. How To Participate 1. Complete the rider information form on the other side. Please use a bail point pen and PRINT. 2. Start getting sponsors today. The more you get,the more you help children live. Use additional forms as needed. Sponsors are people like your friends, neighbors and relatives who agree to make a donation based on your results. Y u mu t have s on ors o re i ter. 3. Ask each sponsor to pledge a certain amount per mile you ride. For exampfe, if a sponsor pledges 50 cents a mile-and you ride 10 miles,you will be able to collect$5.00 from that sponsor. Tell all prospective sponsors that their gifts are TAX DEDUCTIBLE. 4. Check your bike for safety. Wear comfortable clothes. 5. Bring your completed sponsor forms to register at the above time and place. If under 18, be sure your parent or guardian has signed theforms. ALSAGSt.Jude Children's Research Hospital One St.Jude Place Bldg. Box 3704 MEMPHIS TN 38173-0704 West Virginia residents may obtain a summary of the registration and supporting documents from the Secretary of State, State Capitol,Char- leston,WV 25305. Registration does not imply endorsement. MICS 3799-0190 r PA R K R E S E R VAT I O N F O R M ROSEr OUNT PARKS & RECREATIQN DEPARTMENT CITY OF ROSEI OUNT f o r P I N i C S 2875 - 14Sth Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 612)423-4415 PARR: DATE(S) OF USE: 19 TIME(S) of USE: ESTIMATED ATTENDANCE: PURPOSE FOR USE OF FACILITY: EQUIPMENT REQUESTED: volleyball standards, shelter, etc. ) NAME 4F QRGANIZATION / GROUPr Name of Organization's Representative: Name of Second Contract Person: Address: Address: City/Zip: Citq/Zip: Home Phone #: Home Fhone#: Work Phone #: Work Fhane#: SPECIAL REQUESTS: 1. Consumption of Alcoholic beverages: IS NOT ALLOWED IS ALLOWED 2. Additional Portable Toilet: NOT REQUIRED REQUIRED (ordered by P&R) A minimum of one (1) portable toilet must be ordered for events (picnics,etcj that have an estimated attendance of 100 people or more. The fee is $45.40. 3. Clther: F'OROk'ICEUSEONLY * * * * * * * * * RESERVATION ,'ES Item Date Received Amount Check # DATE form ISSUED DATE farm was RECEIVED Reservation fees with SHELTER except Erickson Park) Resident (nonrefundable) 25.00 Non—resident ( " 50.00 Reservation wi.thout SHELTER (a11 parks) R sident (refundable) 25.OQ Non—resident (non—re£undable) 25.t30 Reservation of ERICKSON PARK with shelter for pienics/special events Resident 50.00 Non—resident 100.00 Portable toilet(s) $45 @ Qty Keps for Erickson Fark can be checked out one (1) day prior to the picnic/planned event. Keys must be returned within one (1) working day following pour picnic/planned event. Date key ISSUID to whom Date key were RETURNED by whom TURN PAGF OYER 1 PARK RULES and REGULATIONS The Rosemount Park system has the fallowing policies regarding parks. R view the park ordinance for more specific details. 1. NO glass containers are permitted in the parks. 2. Charcoal fi,res permitted in barbecue grills only. N0 WOOA FIRES ALIAWIDI3. Motorized vehicles are rohibited in the parks off of parking lot areas.4• This form must be on the uaer s person while in the park and made available to park personnel or police upon request. 5. NONRESIDENT POLICY: Non-Residents may reserve a park under the folZowing criteria:a. Reservations are not guaranteed until two weeks priar tv the date beingrequestedforaparticularpark. If a Rosemount r sident requests to res rve the same park 2 or more weeks prior to the reserved date, the residents request wi11 supersede the non-resident's request. b. If a non-resident requests to reserve a park within two weeks or less than the requested reservation date, s/he has equal oppartunitq for guaranteed reservation. 6. The animal ordinance is to be enforced. Highlights from the city ordinance follow:RESTRAINT: (Ord. XIV.9, 7-5-89) A dog or cat is said to be under restraint if it is controlled by a leash; if itisundervoiceorsignalcommandofacompetentpersvn, providing that the dog orcatwillobeysuchvoiceorsignalcommand, if it is within the limits of the owners property, or while it is confined within a vehicle being driven or parkedinthestreet. A dog or cat is considered to be under restraint on park propertyonlywhenitiscontrolledwiththeuseofaleashnolongerthantenfeet (10') or when it is under voice or signal command in the exercise areas designated bptheCity. SANITATION: (7-4B--8) AIl persons in control of an animal on gark property shall have in his/her possession at all times apparatus which can be used for cleaning up feces and/or a r, bag for proper disposal of feces. The person in control of an animal is responsible for picking up his/her animal's feces and disposing of it properly. TO PERSON MAKING RESERVATION: I understand I am fullq responsible for the conduct of the people involved in thisplannedevent. This includes the use of alcohol. If authorization is not given in this request for alcoholic consumption I will be responsible to prohibit its usebypeopleinvolvedinthisrequest. I also understand that I am responsible for the safe and praper use of the reserved facility as per the purpose of therequest. I understand the facility is to be left in proper state of cleanliness and lack ofdamages. An inspection of the reserved facility will be made by a member of theParks & Recreation staff the following work day. I have read and fully understand this form as well as the attached material regarding the Rosemount Park ordinances pertaining to facility use requirements and regulations. THIS RESERVATION FORM MTJST BE RETURNED TWp (2) WEER pRIOR TO TFIE RESERVEDDATE. Payment must accompany form in orcler for the reservation date to be confirmed. r_M_ SIGNATURE QF REPRESENTATIVE;p r APPROVED BY: DATE: Title: ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATIQN DFPARTMENT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 612) 423-4415 TOURNAMENT AND GENERAL USE RFSERVATION FORM for ERICKSQN PARK TQURNAMENT NAME DATE(S) 19 Time(sj of Use: FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Fields of Use: FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY SPONSORING TEAM/ORGANIZATION Tournament Director Name of Secand Contract Person: Address: Address: City/Zipe City/Zip: Home Phone #: Home Phone#: Work Phone #: Work. Phone#: TOURNAMENT STRUCT[JRE IlVFORMATION CLASSIFICATION Class: Adults Men/Boys Sanctioned with: (check one) Youths Women/Girls ASA USSSA None Co—Rec (Mixed) Other TYPE OF TOURNAMENT AWARDS TO BE GIVEN: Single Elimination Trophies Single Elimination w/ consolation Travel/Expense Allowance Double Elimination Merchandise Double Elimination w/ eonsolation Other Qther: FfJROFFICEUSEONLY * ' * ' * * * TOURNAMENT RESERVATION FEES ItQm Date Received Amount Check # Notes DATE form ISSUED DATE form was RECEIVED 50.0 initial payment Submit with form BAI ANCE of Tourney fee Deadline: — —9Q Separate Pavments Pavable to: LIQUOR LICENSE 30.00 City o£ Rosemonnt DRAM SHOP INSURANCE Rsmt Softball Assoc. Sanction fee 11.00 Ci p vf Rosemount Attn: P & R) denotes that fees associated with selling of 3.Z beer must be turned into the Recreation office TWO (2) weeks PRTOR to the tournament. Keys Keys can be check ou one (1) day pri r to the tournament. Keys must be returned within two (2) working days following your tournament. Date keys TSSUEA to whom Date keys were RETURNID by whom e' REQUFSTS for EQUIPMENT and/or SPECIAL ITE IS: The Parks Maintenance Department will drag the fields on the Friday of the tourna— ment. They will not be lined. It is the tournament director s responsibility to line the fields, as well as provided the materials/equipment to line the fieids if he/she wishes to do so. Base lengths are set at sixty-five feet (65'). DraQQinQ: BASES rNST BE TAKEN OFF Tf FIELD prior to dragging (every time). Set``" the bases along the side of the fence area. Re—set the base after the field has been dragged, List any additional equipment you maq need. If the Farks Department wi11 provide items being requested it will be confirmed with you prior to the tournament. R UESTS: (batter's box frame, etc.) THE TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR AND CREW MUST COMPLY WITH AND ENFORCE Tf F01,.LOWING RULES: Review these regulation and other park ordinances for more specific detail$. Following are highlights of some of the policies regarding parks. l. NO GLASS OONTAINERS are permitted in the parks (includes food or beverage containers). 2. Charcoal fires permitted in barbecue grills only. NO W OOD FIRES A,LI OWEDi 3. Motor3zed vehicles are vrohib3ted in the parks off the parking lot areas. 4. Se17.ing of alcoholic beverages is not allowed with out a 1iQuor license purchase • through the City of Rosemount at a fee of $30.Q0. 5. Persons selling beer must be 21 years of age and la.sted on a sanctivned team roster. 6. Concession manager(s) map not consume alcohol an the day of the tournament when that peraon is considered to be the concessions operating maneger. This includes prior to and during the tournament. 7. This form muat be on the user's peraon while ia the park and made avail ble to park personnel or police upon request. 8. Rosemaunt Parks and Recreation Department has scheduled league games on Friday evenings. If there is a need ta schedule Friday games the tournament director must contact the Recreation office to find out if fields are available. 9. Trash must be picked up during the entire da s of the tournament. A special effort must be made at the end of the day. This includes parking lots and aII ball fields being used for the tournament. Garage bags are not provided. Equipment (pop dispensers, etc.) are to be removed from the park w3.thin two (2) daps after the tournament. 10. The tournament director must enforce the following portions of Rosemount s animal ordinance: RESTRAINT: (Ord. XIV.9, 7-5-89) A d4g or cat is considered to be under restraint on park property only . when it is controlled with the use of a leash no longer than ten feet (10') ar when it is under voice or signal command in the exercise areas designated by the City." w • 10. Animal ordinance - continued: SANITATION: (7-48-$) Allpersons in control of an animal on park property sha11 have in his/her possession at all times apparatus which can be used for cleaning up feces and/or a bag for proper disposal of feces. The person in cvntrol of an animal is responsible for picking up hisjher animal s feces and dispvsing of it properlp." PffSCELLANFAUS IT MS 1. Give Parks & Recreation a copy of the publicitp (flyers) being sent out for the tournament. 2. An item that would be helpful to better assist qou, would be to give the recreation office a capq of the tourna.ment schedule when you come to check out the keys to the shelter. 3. One (1) week prior to the tournament a list of at least ten (10) adu].ts that will be doing the field maintenance work must be given to the Recreation department. If another person or organization will in charge of this item they are to contact our office with this list. TO PERSON MAKING RFSERVATION: I understand I am fully responsible for the conduct of the people involved in this planned event. This includes the use of alcohol. If suthorization is not given in this request for alcoholic consumption I will be responsible to prohibit its use by people involved in this request. I also understand that I am responsible for the safe and proper use of the reserved facility as per the purpose of the request. I understand the facilitq is to be left in proper state of cleanliness and lack of damages. Tf anq damages are incurred, I will be responsible to pay for the replacement of the articles or propertp damaged. An inapection of the reserved facilitq will be made by s member of the Parks & Recreation ataff morning following tournament play. I have read and fullq understand this form as we11 as the attached material regarding the Rosemount Park ordinancea pertaining to facilitq use requirementa and regulations. THIS RESEItVATION FORM MUST BE RFT[JRNID BY MARCH 22, 1990 AIANG WITH THE $SO.00 INITIAL PAYMENT WHICH IS PUT TOWARDS YOUR TOTAL BALANCE DUE SIGNATURE OF TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: DATE: APPROVED BY: DATE• Title: TIME LTNE TO REMEMBER: PRIOR TO TOURNAMENT March 22, 1990 - $50.00 initial payment & reservation forms for guaranteed dates or 6 weeks - " tournament dates 4 weeks . . . - Balance o€ tournament fee due 2 weeks . . . - Liquor License, Dram Shop Insurance (& sanction) fees due 1 week . . . - List of 10 or more adults doing field maintenance work i day . . . - Pick up keys, drop off schedules A T TOtJ1tNAMENT 1-2 day , . . - Turn in keps, have all additional machines that were brought in for the tournament removed from park, clean shelter Turn in beer invoice to Parks and Recreation Director a CARROLLS_WOODS 1990 Park land located west and northwest of the Rosemount High School shall remain known as "Carrolls Woods". This park will remain a semi park preserve while allowing for walking trails and cross country ski trails. Use of the park will be promoted for all citizens of Rosemount. Maintenance of the park is the responsibility of the Parks & Recreation Department. Many of the programs and functions that take place in the park such as the Haunted Woods program will be coordinated with the Parks & Recreation Department. I. TRAILSs 1. Design of the rails will be woofl ch:p trails to serve as walking trails. These trails will also serve as cross country ski trails in the winter months. Maintenance of these trails will be done on a timely basis ta assure safe, well groomed surfaces. 2. The paved trail that exists from the parking lot area of Schwarz Park through Carrolls Woods will continue to exist as paved trail. Regular maintenance will be done on this trail to assure safe use. 3. A map will be drawn of all existing trails. No further trails will be cut into the woods. Upgrade of existing trails will be done as required. Ie; washouts along paved rail or across wood chip trails. 4. Trail width will be maintained at approximately twelve feet to fourteen feet (12' - 14') in width. The width will be from the bottom of the plant not the branches. Overhead branches will be trimmed so that they are no closer than twelve feet (12') from the ground. 5. Trail location signs will be designed and installed for placement along the trails. The signs will depict actual location in the park where any particular sign is placed. It will also depict sign location in relation to other trails and park amenities. The number of signs and locations of signs will be at the discretion of the Parks & Recreation Department. 6. Trail from park dedication on the southwest corner will be completed to meet the existing wood chip trail. That trail will be completed in a line starting at the top of the hill, down the slope of the hi11 in an alignment that crosses the drainage ditch. This will require and make use of a culvert in the area of the drainage ditch t that the trail will cross over. 7. Trails wider than twelve to fourteen feet (12' - 14') will be f identified for safety of skiers and walkers. In areas where new plants s' . could be added the tyges and the process for adding will be discussed with consaltant saurces such as the Carpenter Nature Center, Dakota County Vocational School, the Zoo, etc. . II. PICNIC SITES / REST STOPS i o icnic sites ar rest stops will be constructed in Caxr°lls 1. N P Woods. constructed in area on narthwest, 2. Over look site that is being corner of pond in Schwarz Parke constructed to enhance abfut r p ose. That site will b We t corner of Schwsrx f this purp en area on the north , picnic/reat area in the ap i Park. III. ACCESS TO SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARK ark dedication area identified from the Shannon Hills DeVeloPmenC1 P lat.will remain as ident3fied in the development p arking area af t iue "9) 2. Use of the park dedication will be for a pen s ace on the top .o 1a round area. A portion of the op P cars and a p Y oining the dedication land will be used liacgT a"' th J the hill ad sp iacepY the dedication land to develop a large op 1 I i A berm of no less than three feet 3 edication areat cted on the f 3. ark deasternandsouthernboarder of the p and lants will be used to beautify and provide shade far 4. Trees P the park area. i IV. NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES WILL BE AIS,OWED p ICLIE;S. T MAINTgNANCE VEHICLES, FIRE VEHIC ES aR pOL V. DRAINAGE DITCH area on the southwest aorner f 1 Water comes from a temporary holding k. That temporary holding area receives water f rom the slopesoftheparofthead3oiningpropertyownersaswellasfromoverflowofthaetormsewerthatislacatedontheslopeoftheroadeasement. revent continued flooding of I Drainage ditch was construc ne he southwest corner of the park* back yards of residents living E p holding 3. Drainage ditch allows water to flow onding istdeveloped. area to a low portion of the park where p ark approved 4, It is acknowledged that the drainage ditch was not a provedproect. project but rather a utility aPP in.t ,area. of 5 . Trails have been cut to acc omh ough the watere p the ponding without having ro S 6 No storm sewer over flow nor_' drainage of property in the Shannon dition will be allowed co flow into the park. The only drainag Hills ad ards and slopes of the propertie allowed wi hebwestemntboarder of the park. adjoining I PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 19. 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Reller, Jerry Puciaty, Larry Walsh, Del Lorentzson, Lois McKinley, Deanna Simpson, and John Howard. 3TAFF PRESENT: David Bechtold, Boyd Bailey, Rick Cook, Mark Joosten, Lisa Jost, City Administrator Stephan Jilk and Council Member Sheila Klassen. CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Lois McKinley called the meeting to order at 7: 35 p.m. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Review Park Reservations. Update on Broback, Birger Pond, Shannon Park. Shannon Park Bike Trail Installation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 15, 1990: MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to accept the minutes as printed. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Motion carried. AUDIENCE INPUT: Ron Pederson spoke in behalf of a group of citizens regarding Carroll 's Woods park. The area is near 143rd Street and Cimmarron in the Shannon Hills Development. They are not just a "self concern group" but are truly concerned about what is happening to the preservation of Carroll 's Woods. Mr. Pederson was chairperson for the Parks & Rec Committee in 1972 - 1974 . A bond issue with grant money from the State of Minnesota was used to purchase the land for Carroll 's Woods. Lee Knutson, former mayor of Rosemount, was in the audience and confirmed this. The purpose of Carroll 's Woods and Schwarz Park are to preserve the woods and save the natural elements. Mr. Pederson asked that we please work together to solve this seemingly difference of purpose. Ron Pederson owns Ground Development Inc. which is a home construction business, so admittedly he has a special interest in the area. Mr. Pederson read a report compiled by Ron Jacobson. In it he stated that the city had not followed the rules of notification for changes in the submitted plan in regard to the grant from the State of Minnesota. A drainage ditch was placed in the park. Some trails range in width from 6 feet to 13 feet wide. He asked why the city has to chop down trees? The grant application approved in 1982 was in violation of the 1972 grant. Plan changes included a parking lot on the south side of Carroll 's Woods. The passive recreation area is decreasing. The trees need to be protected by a naturalist. The preserve is in jeopardy. Mr. Jacobson requested the following: 1. Moratorium for 90 days for investigation of grant compliance. 2 . Moratorium for 90 days on the parking lot. 3 . City of Rosemount to provide weekly status reports. 4. Make Carroll 's Woods a preserve. 5. More Open Space Parks. ROSEMOONT PARRB & RECREATION COMMITTEE MARCH 19, 1990 PAGE 2 The background information was left with Chairperson McKinley. Deanna Simpson commented that the grant application stated that the 60 acre site be used for outdoor education easily available as ark land, not a preserve. Jerry Puciaty said we have had naturalists recommendations and that the area is considered a high fire risk" area because of the thick brush and no assessablity. Deanna Simpson mentioned that the neighborhood access is the maintenance entrance and is not used. OLD BUSINESS CARROLL S WOODS CONCERNS Director Dave Bechtold said that in 1975 the bond issue was for land acquisition, not park. The grant application began in 1976 and continued through 1977 to 1979. The City Council advised the architect Bouer and Associates to design the park. The 1979 concept plan shows picnic areas and tent camping. The Director talked with the State Grant Office today and they indicated they were willing to redesign the park with the city so it would be acceptable to their office. Ron Jacobson talked with that office on Friday and he said the drainage ditch was in violation; the access points can not be changed; the picnic sites can not be changed; and he supports the trails in the 1981 grant. The State should have been notified of any and all changes. Mr. Sames in that office is researching the background also. Jerry Puciaty agreed that the woods should be preserved as much as possible, but emergency access is also necessary. Facts 1975 - 60 acres purchased; $100, 000 by city bond 100, 000 State Grant 1981 - Park Improvements; $ 50, 000 from City 50, 000 from State Grant The Director showed on the overhead projector the park plan. He emphasized that the Parks and Recreation Committee is a credible board that has invested knowledge, time and concern for the parks in Rosemount. We really want the same results, the best for the people of Rosemount. We can work together, replanting trees and shrubs where necessary, installing bird houses and making improvements. Ron Jacobson contends that the original grant should supersede the 1981 grant and be enforced for all time. Director Bechtold said the original intent has not changed for ROSEMOIINT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MARCH 19, 1990 PAGE 3 the park and the State Grant Office is willing to work with the City. The woods can't be everything to everybody. We need to responsibly determine the intent for the park. John Howard commented that a common access would be better than dozens of trails leading through the woods, trampling the growth. Other options can be consider; a boardwalk could be built over the swamp area, the trail could go further up the hill. A MOTION to have Ron Jacobson and Dave Bechtold meet with Mr. Sames of the Trade & Economic Development Office at the next Park Recreation Committee Meeting; only necessary maintenance will continue in the park, all pruning will stop after April 1st; further studies of the overall intent for Carroll's Woods will be done. The motion was made by Lois McKinley. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 6. Nays: 1, Del Lorentzson. Motion carried. The audience was invited to give their input at any upcoming Park Recreation Committee Meeting which meets the third Monday of each month or to contact any of the committee members for information. OUTDOOR SWIMMING POOL REQIIEST: Ed Barloon lives on the south side of Cty. Road 42. He would like to recommend for the City of Rosemount an outdoor swimming pool. The pools at the middle school do not allow enough open swimming time for residents. Del Lorentzson explained that we are not against such a project but would be looking for more community support. The Armory Committee survey showed only 25-30 of the community interested in a swimming pool. Possibly dealing with the school district would result in obtaining more hours. Mr. Barloon's property adjoins Jaycee Park. There is a steep hill that washes silt down and fills the drainage area. Rick Cook and his crew will check this for cleaning. The Utility Department will have to address the drainage area, a concrete culvert collector may be needed. The development of Jaycee Park will include two soccer fields and one little league field. 3UMMARY OF PARR WORR: The skating season was finished up. The crew will help the street crew for the next month and continue to work on trail improvements. SUMMARY OF RECREATIDNAL PROGRAMS: Lisa reported that the broomball season was finished up. The softball leagues sign up began. There are about 124 teams. Umpire classes will be held Wednesday and Thursday. A discussion of the Park Reservation Procedure will be on next months agenda. UPDATE ON ARMORY COMMITTEE: Del Lorentzson said that New Brighton has rejected a new armory which the Guard would like to relocate to Rosemount. It is much larger than the one originally discussed and would allow more needs to be met for Rosemount. He will bring up the swimming pool request by Mr. Barloon at the ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MARCH 19, 1990 PAGE 4 next meeting. Funding is still a question, the state may be able to help with a grant. It will be discussed at the next meeting. IIPDATE ON TOWN GREEN: Minnesota Green Seminar in Alexandrea will be coming up. It will give input to assistance, grants, awards and streetscapes. The last Town Green meeting was cancelled because of bad weather. There is an 8 foot wide boarder area by the Bus & Ride lot on Hwy. 3 where Deanna would like to plant a flower garden with annuals. The next meeting will review what Prior Lake has done with an "entry way" idea. FLOWER GARDEN - ERICRSON PARR: A map was distributed of the flower garden location. Some volunteers and business donations have been aranged. The Park Dept. has promised the water would be made available. An irrigation system is being discussed for future plans, it was estimated at $2000. Ginny Christiansen from Rosemount Gardens has volunteered to do the drawings. Mayor Napper has volunteered compost. They would hope to do some screening with vines. Also any donations of plants or time are encouraged. NEW BUSINESS BUILDING TRADES STAFF REOIIEST: A Level II position with building trade background has been requested. An Entry Level I would do basic carpentry, i.e. hockey rinks; an Entry Level II would be a b l e t o s o f i n i s h i n g c a r p e n t r y a s w e l l. H e w i l l b e u s e d ab o u t 50 in carpentry and 50 in general maintenance. REVIEW PARR RESERVATION: This will be reviewed in detail next meeting. Dog exercise areas will be posted. BIRGER POINT IIPDATE: No further action has taken place. Research is being done to find why the right to cash for land can't be taken. The 100 year storm mark would be used for land area figuring compared to the high water mark. BROBACR DEDICATION OPDATE: The attorney is in the process for acquisition of the land. SHANNON PARR MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: Last November I.S.D. 196 could not reach an agreement with the city. The School District is short staffed now, but the Parks Dept. will not maintenance the school grounds other than the athletic fields. A 10 retension has been held from payment until finalized. SHANNON PARRWAY BIRE TRAIL: Only the east-west trail has been completed to the park. The trail should be completed up to 160th Street. The trails from now on will be completed on the north- south trail as development occurs. ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MARCH 19, 1990 PAGE 5 Tom Reller made a MOTION to have trails extend to 160th Street on Shannon Parkway. SECOND by John Howard. All in favor. Motion carried. COIINTY BIRE TRAILB: The county corridor system from Cty Rd. 42 at Hwy 3 to Diamond Path will no longer pay for maintenance after this year. The city is obligated to put in the connecting trails. Inver Grove Heights, Mendota Heights, and surrounding park directors did not agree with this change. They requested a new formula from the county. A response has not been returned yet. John Howard made a MOTION after discussion and considerations given to the present maintenance agreement for county corridor bikeways, we move to recommend to the Dakota County Commissioners that no change be made. We feel it appropriate for the agreement that has been used to run its course. We conclude that no change be made to give the present agreement and trail design plan time to work. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. All in favor. Motion carried. CHAIRPERSON S REPORTS: JERRY PUCIATY - no comment. LARRY WALSH - Would like to see the bike trail completed on Chippendale from 151st Street to 160th Street. The final plans of the reconstruction of Hwy 3 and Cty. Rd. 42 did not include bike trails. The city does not own enough easement to complete the trail at once, similar to Shannon Parkway. We could get temporary easement to do the ground work. Erickson Park area is to be designated as the Town Green Area which will be bounded by Hwy 3, behind Corcoran Equipment to City Hall and along the drainage pond, up to the Park & Ride to the used car lot. Council Member Sheila Klassen requested a motion of approval by the Parks and Recreation Committee. John Howard made a MOTION to designate the Town Green Project of Erickson Park to be the south-west corner bordered by the drainage pond and city hall. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Ayes: 6. Nay: 1, Larry Walsh. Motion carried. LOIS MCKINLEY - wondered why Ron Jacobson is so hostile. She felt the group attitude was NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) . In 1988 the same discussion was held with explanations that did not satisfy him then either. When Mr. Jacobson was on the Parks & Rec Committee he helped plan the parking lot and design a waiting area near it with a swing for small children and parents. DEANNA SIMPSON - no comment. ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MARCH 19, 1990 PAGE 6 JOHN HOWARD - Saw a motorcycle in Carroll 's Woods. There is some heaving of the bike trails by Chippendale and Cty Rd 42. TOM RELLER - The bluebird houses should be placed east and north for best usage or to open areas about 100 feet from woods. We can see how many are used this year and change location if it might help. The DNR tries to encourage nesting for ducks and geese, but the ponding area needs a consistent water level. He will keep us informed about any programs that may apply to us. DIRECTOR B REPORT: Director Bechtold congratulated the committee on a meeting well maintained. A cooperative and positive attitude is needed for community involvement. We should try inviting residents again to meetings as we did three years ago, going house to house. Park and Rec Committee members are invited to attend a seminar at Maddens Resort on beautification of park lands. The Park Dept. would pay for the committee member. Additional family members could attend at their own expense. Contact Lisa or Dave for additional information. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by John Howard. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10: 35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, r V Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary i 90 , I 6 9v I e. s - ,' sewn ou N. S U Sr ov 0.YY'd` S W OO S l:ommun« De.ei F='„e r T,,•._. .. ., f ' • eC;dil ,.^Sc:l .'.. 1 Easc Kellogg Boule ard St. Paul, L4: »t 1-1-}?1 01.'ao-J Fax: 612/96-1 90 March 16, 1990 Mr. Ron Jacobson 3647 - 143rd Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Jacobson: After meeting with you on Thursday morning I discussed the Carroll ' s Woods park situation with one of my staff. He pointed out to me that we have funded other projects in the area referred to as Rosemount Community Park and suggested that I check our files on those projects to see whether any of them related to the original Carroll ' s Woods project. I did check them and, sure enough, a project entitled Rosemount Community Park and involving the original Carroll ' s Woods property was awarded a grant in 1982. The approved project was a trail running parallel to the eastern boundary of Carroll ' s Woods, just inside the woods, and running northward to the athletic field area. The site plan for this project was essentially the same as that which you provided me a copy of. It showed the east-west trail through the southern part of Carroll ' s Woods as proposed future development. I have enclosed an original copy of this site plan for your information. While I do have extra copies of this site plan, I would appreciate it if you could return it at some point. I apologize for not having this information when you stopped in to see me. I had not bothered to check the other Rosemount project files because there were no others Tabeled "Carroll ' s Woods." Apparently the park complex has had different names through the years as it was put together. The other file material for this project was recently sent to the state records center to be microfilmed. I am attempting to get the finished microfilm back as soon as possible. The site plan does indicate, however, that the city apprised our department of their future plans for the park. By funding the trail project that was accompanied by the site plan showing future trail deve]opment in Carroll ' s Woods, our department was indicating at least general approval of that future development. The fact remains, however, that we should be notified by the city before any such development in Carroll ' s Woods actually takes place. We are also concerned, of course, with the drainage ditch and holding pond which were apparently completed without our prior review and approval . 1INtiEX7TA1900 il EyLL I 11C!r,,.,: .'.. . a Mr. Ron Jacobson Page Two I cannot account for tne disparity between the original site plan presented to us for Carroll 's Woods and the later site plan that accompanied this trail project other than that the city had opted for a somewhat higher degree of development for the area than originally envisioned. Our department apparently agreed that such development was still consistent with the original purpose for acquiring the area. I 'm not sure I would agree with that, but it is a difficult call to make. I do feel that the original purpose for acquiring the land is still valid, if for no other reason than we may not have funded the acquisition project if it were proposed for some alternative recreational use. Acquisition of natural open space areas is a high priority. Future use of the property must take into account the original reasons for acquiring the area to begin with. Please give me a call if you have any questions about this information. Again; I apologize for not having this information available when you stopped in to see me. Si ncerely, v Wayne M. Sames, Director Outdoor Recreation Grants Program WMS:km OR.GEN/I66-(1-2) Enclosure AGRICUITURAL-WOODEO AGRICULTURaL-t- L.—._—... .—._-...._. ...._. . ,.,_. .. __. _ . . _. .. . . 1/ 4/ \\ 5 G, mr- 5 W 4,' C I 4 j' s I . AGRICULTURAL-R4STURE IAND I G' V4RCEl 2 B WM 9 M>Rv f, g NWAqj o 6FN kR= 6z xacs G' / a- ` - G' s- _ VsqCEI 2s i MMq BiRGER 10.5 CCRES lIO H.1P Y I 1 K.l10.1!$;;: t::-,; 19 r PUBI C -$£NIOR NiGM $CMOOI RL(L I DON D GFMOII SlS CNE3 F.s:. PASSNE-RECREATIONAI (TRNl.S ETC) e Bp prpp 7y pF PROPOSEO ACOUISITION e gOUNDARY OF FOSSIBIE FUTURE ACOU SIitON f MAPS SOURCES OF MAP INFORMATION I)OAKOTA COUNfY SECTION.M!k P TOS 21CITY OF ROSEMWNT AERIALGRAPHIC MAPS 3)CITY OF ROSEMOtN1T TOPOGF iAGRICULTURAL-W TIVATED fitf NO CARROLI.S WOOOS os CITY OF ROSEMOUNT s A'r"'!'!rr h,,y,M M Y --. iRGf II.4TFR CH(1 FI I:OTT HENDRICKSON gpgE gpUNppRY 8 EhNIRONMENTAL oATf. DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTA INTRUSION MAP occn.nm e a i/y /oP ry/ i 1-3—L;r,----r-- w,`,,•.:±' ...i '° `'' '•. Y '+:`' ` , 1 y ^.;k .\'. a Y f f,4.a. n i' f: 3 ', ' C r ' t i u` k r A N 5. rr t'. ss ,, fr. 9't g 3 ybt. r.. '":u1 ' ', ; 1: '6:i f i yy N t- 2'. t. _ } A' y j C4rq//r 4`_ 1 w 3 a, z l i a tC tiy F y i, y ..'- F I r f i c.+= p 3 i I . j7' : i +=; 1 I i F 1'I D c.i: I F r 1 1 ST-,\ i lAY3 \ I' JOB NO. 75-3- DATE: ARRo LS WOODS ROSEMOU(ff BRAUER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Cf1Ct l ooeiRlF MII If ICCrITA a 1 ;.4tL/ . . . . _ . . _ a i J . :T f '_1 I 1;ne 30, 1978 T m Clawson Grants Coord rator Office of Local and lirban A'fa rs State Plznn ng I.gency 200 Capitol Square Fsu lding 550 Cedar S reet St. t U1. T ul'!:cS0i.2 55 Dear T`r. Clakson, ne Ci y of Rose?aunt would like to a.*rend its 975 Lc Grznt, I 190o801 . e orig_nal grant kas for the purcrase of 60 acres knoiv-n as C rroll's k'oods. Only ;.32 acres of tl-!is land kas purchased. The City would like to use t e r? . reT inin f nds to purc hase approxirr te 21 acres of an ad acer t section of land. 'I'he C tiy aiong witti the area School District jointly applied for a.nd received a subsequent LCMR Grant for the purchase of approxi..r-:ately 50 acres of land ad„acent to the 21 acres to be purc ased through the a..*r,en::ent. `I:7e ap below shc s the location of the various areas: A indicates l e area p.._.r•c:E thro gh t he orig nal grant, B indicates the area to be pruch sed ttihrou n t}:e en ent, C indicates the area to be purchased throu h the subseauent grant, d D indicates the School District property to be used for access. i?-iere are detailed maps showni g the topegraphy and natural character of this Iand in the 1978 LG Grant. a,/d 4l3 ? a q_, _; t ` 5:__..c -j C:a h-I J s. .- . l 9 8 '7 8-- E Ac' 41.5'g Ace s;_ S p.v S oN lV c,.e GR.- J E t c^0 h. 6. t.i /'/ ` t 2 r.._..r...t,? ---<'S =r-rr p S Z < /_'c5 D 7 1 - T s C C 7J"7L.. Y.J/J ' fL 1 r":ti ,)+c ' . . r_ y '- y i lE E l%Iq,?(' 3 i 0 5<c -____) R Community Development Division 900 American Center 150 East Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55101-1421 612/296-5005 Fax: 612/296-1290 March 13, 1990 Mr. Ron Jacobson 3647 143rd Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Jacobson: Enclosed is the information you requested regarding the state Outdoor Recreation Grant for the acquisition of the Carroll 's Woods area. It appears from a reading of the brief environmental assessment statement that the original purpose of the project was to acquire the wooded area to protect it as a natural area with limited -recreational use (trails, picnic area and environmental education). The ranking and subsequent selection of this project for funding was presumably based on this information. All of our grant agreements stipulate that the areas assisted remain in public recreational use in perpetuity. It is possible to request a change in the project scope, but such changes must receive prior approval from the state and are usually made before the project period has ended (usually three years from the awarding of the grant). A project sponsor may add additional facilities to an assisted park if such facilities are compatible with the original plans for the park. The sponsor should always check with this office, however, before proceeding with any changes to the original project. Please let me know if you have any additional questions or would like additional information. Sincerely, l'e Wayne Sames, Director Outdoor Recreation Grant Program WS:cd OR.GEN/III136-1 Enclosure C N Ni' An Equal Opportuni• Emplo er SrATE OF MINNESOTA STATE I WNNiNO AOENCY OFFICE OF LOCAt, ANO URBAN AFfAIRS STATE NATURAL RESOURCES FUND PRO,ECT AOREEMENT ae .t 1 NR• 2 1oaum:o Gov«nnw+e h N'__.__ C!l 11• 1 Mi Pr'oi ct TitN h P.Od CorM d thq Ap rynt PRaECT sco: !f. csc .t t.....K .u .q d:+. ..i.e..a: to ..e+. ilre a t+sse t+er tiw }:w. dtl ..wr 1 Stp Covw d by ehi tt TIN fe1bMMM Mtlid nw+b a hMsa Ta 1 Cow = _ 000•00 me thN NrwrAnt: 1. Gnnt APPMallo(OR•1)furd Suppert r • • Fund Amou t• _Y•_ x 3. fund Anwunt:Ais!s tM nMRinNrn wne nt o/tat M M t Mrll A A oridiA en fM prq leK The State oi Minnesots. bY its dslegKed officiN, tM State R nin9 A9e Y.Offia of loai and UrbN+ AHaiR,heroinafter rofeRad to as "Stm") nd M C!! O! Mt hereinafte refen d to as '1op1 unit") mutw ly aqrw tp p rform this P. 810 (19851: Minn. Lawt, q p. gg7 (19871: Minn. L ws. Ch p. 11 39(1^98g1;Min Lwsw,q ap,3 IE tsSessio 19711: Minn. LaMr, q aq. 7Zp (1973) and subpqu nt laws. rules,ngulstio s,and quidNines ot th StatRannln9AqenN. The followinq terms a u d hNein shNl have the followinq dsfinitions: 1. "iroctor" me,ns Direeto of Mt Offia ot l d Urban Affsin,or any representstive I wfutly delpatMtheauthoritytoactforsaidOinatp, 2. "Funds"n am thoN morny mad wNl bl by th Stat undsr th State N tunl Resouras Fund. 3. "Guidslines"mtan=tM Natunl Ryou o s Fund Gnnts•in•Aid Guidtlines. 4• a V^it nNan tM politkal wbdivision of th $tate of Minnesota Mat is the sppliqnt-recipi nt of the9rntix+auant to tfih aqrrte+w L 6. "P oMct"nNan th planrnd u d rtaklnq fa outdoa ni ation th t is M wbj ct of thi pre m nt. e. "S'tm" n+am th• 9bt of Mln ot, the Ofltcs o1 local and UrbM+ AHain of th Stst Pla+ning Ager+Y.which administers the Sbte Natunl Reiourc s Fund p ogram for th y'tm of Minnetot. Pp 1 of 8 Psg s Code 17 I...—pset of +rhe Pro ect The primary purpose t be acr.ieved wzroug' the acquiaition of this 60 acre aite ia the pro*ec icn of t:e na:rnl xooded area that ia beeoenir.g less and leae in the met^c li an aree a. Roaeaou tt in Particular. Other purposes are to provide cros •s docr rec^e3 ion and outdoor education to the citizer.s o! Rosemolr:t ^at ia eas32y accessable to theae same citizens. A. Impaet The acquisition of the acre rarcel will oro ride the City of Rosemcu.z with its only natura2 area. i+ .ri12 result in the preservatior. of woods that almost po i i•rley will be part of the residential sprawl within fi Te years +less protected at ',.t.is time. `2:ere are no buildir.gs or homes to be moved th•ss not creating a.y !ona of r.ardship for any citizen. The acquisition of a .^.ature nr_a with traila will provide the citi2ens o RoseWo:ri :o en oy t2:e peacs:til haz ony that onlp a natural area can provi e. These woods also will serve as an education tool for sc2:ools in Rese o t vr h sIl sc!:ools located within a mi:e of the proposed park a.z thus L*:e par c o d e:12:ance their outdoor education curriculum. :1ith no :a,jo: develoc rent in the plans, this means that there ill be no dis:urba.Zce to .e existing land. Actually, a maintenance pro8:'a a ef clear:ing up dead brush ri l enhance the beauty of the area. Such items a erosin ar d diseased tres ori.11 be Wa tched much cloaer by the city 'an would be i` privated ownership cor.trolled the land. k'ith proposed developraent all around.the proposed park, this acquisit on will enhance the beauty and deeirability for people to build in F.oaemoiu:t. This park will be a lasting tribute to the city because ',.his wooded land will stand forever. As park land, }t:is property r rill give the City of Rosemo t its largcst park and only natural area park• It rnriill add in the education t;; the achool andcenhance the outdoor edueation of the people of R.aeme.ult. It will icaprove the desirability to live in Rosemount and thus ::elp private3 enterprise by bringing more people to our hopptzg area. B. Becnu e of the limit d plans for an; develepment in the area, existing conditione xill not be disturbed. Clearing away of brush Prom the area rill add to its beauty rather than take away. There will be no roads conatructed in the area. Also, there is r.o induatry to causs any kind of pollution to the drea. Ehviroruaental education will be part o! the overall plan of the park. With the many fozms of vegetation it will olfer a laboratory of laiowledge. I C. Taxes payable in 975 are estimated to be l62,706.00 on the market value of 681,000.00 on *he 60 aerea being con idered in this application. The school district will also lose taxes from this purchase. M Code 7 (cont.) D. Short term uaee and lorg te producLivity Thi property will be use irsne3intly as a na ure area rith walkWay. By rese^ring t e la.d, r.ow We +ill be able to develoD pienie erea with a trai: yste t'iro h the park. E. Irrevereible Cortmit er.ta The loss to the C:ty t.t:rcugh reao al of the tax roles ia tt:e only irrever ible eoc 1 t'eaenC eonrt eted wiLh this partioular portSon of the 60 acre park. F. Alternative Because this parcel ia t.e only wooded area in Roaaa ount, re feel it i imperative •..hat re acquire no r. In our Comprehensive Guide Plan pub2i hed ia 1971, this wooded area a mentiened ae s parcel that should be acquind. The only other alternate +ould be ',.he "do nothing" course. Ho rever, to ineure that the land i ueed a *yhe C mprehensive Flan describe, it is conaidered aeceaaazy to acquire the property. If thi propertp is not acquired, then there rould be no recreational benefits xithin a fe+ years time. t r 4g f- ^ ' CQP7 STATE OF MINNE90TA STATE PtANNiNG AGENCY OFFICE O LOCAI ANO UR6AN AFFAIRS STATE NATURAL RESOURCES FUND PROJECT AGRfEMENT Cit i iNr t t R- ]Oi 01 ` lotai unrt ot Government P pjict N eriba. Ca s+ell•• Ilrsdr lwir ta Pro sct Titb Co nty Period Covand by this Agre rrr t paaEct sc: i1 Cicyr a! 'l rrrret rril Ta a i i@ .e,e lrrr ertdesr t+rct+rrtlwr *s er. tpe y thh m nt M fO110wirp Nt dtrtlMts M MtWy i oorpo at d ieto ihN prMnret: Tot.coa s '.000.l10 t. Grn t pW a.t a+on•tt F a s e f:+d`_'% Fund AmouM• !`_ 3. fund Ama:T'hfi h M m rthn m n t ot sata ii drr M t aAN!6+F'orld d an tM pro lrct. The State of Minnesats, by its diipeted oNiciN, t1 State Planni g Aqency,Office of LocaF and Urbm AHsin, Mroin Rer ratensd to K "5tm") Md O r hareinalte rof rrad to at "Ioce1 uniY') mutuailY qree to perform this apreement en accordance with Minn. 1.sras ChaP. 810 (t98S1; Minn. t„av. Chap. 7 (1867}; Minn. Lsws.Chap. 1139(1969): Minn, t.svrs,t ap.3 (Extni S sion 19'71{: Minn. Laws,Chtp. 720 (1973) and wbsequent laws.rules,ngul tions,and guidelines o/ the Ststr Plenning Aqene.y. Tha following tenm as u d h roin shdC Asve the followin definitions: 1. "Dinctior" mans Oiroctor ot Mt Offia of lo sl and Urb n Affiirs.or a ry spr esentstiw IswfWly dNp t d the authaity to act i Oir ctor. Z. "Fund"n tho maney nwd wNiat by tht 5hi untNr tM Stst Natunl Rhouras Fund. 3. "Outdafi+s"n+wns tM N tunf Rwourow urM Gront In•Aid 4uidNlrnr. 4. •`loc tJ nit" msans tha pofitical iubdivision ot ths Ststr oi Minn oa thst is the sppik.nt-rocipiMt ot tM 0 ant 1 urwr+t to thls a m nt. 5. "Proisct'n ns th pisnn d undHtiking for ouMoa ncn tion that it tM wbj ct of Mis aprr mM+t. S. "Stm" mwrn thf Sbta af Mtnnhot, th Olfics of lodl nd Urb n Athin o th Stm Pfsnnirq Aq nc1. which dmi+itars tM Sbte Nshunt R soun s Fund praq am for th Stst 01 Minnhat. Pap 1 ot 6 In consideration of the mutua omises and covenants cc ntained herein, the es hereby agree to perform this agreement as follows: A, GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. The State agrees to distribute to the local unit the State's share of the costs of the above project, as approved by the Director. 2. Tfie local unit agrees to execute the project herein described in accordance with the terms of this agreement. 1t is hereby understood that the local unit has reviewed any attached State forms and the attachments thereto and has found them acceptable. 3. The local unit further agrees that in the event that the project or any part of the project shal! be determined by the State to be nonreimbursable, any State moneys already paid under this agreement by the State shall be repaid upon the demand of the State. 4. When state funds are not available for tine project within one year of the date of this agreement, this agreement shall be null and void. 5. When the local unit fails to provide the maintenance required under this agreement,the State may withhold current or future payments to the local unit on any projects until the local unit complies with this provision. 6. In ihe event that the local unit defaults on the project, the State may maintain the project and shall be authorized to charge the local unit for the cost of maintenance. Such costs of maintenance shall constitute a debt due and owing to the State. 7. The local unit shall obtain the Director's written approvai before any change is made on the project from the original recreational purpose or jurisdictional controL B. PROJECT EXECUTION 1. The project period shall begin on the date of approval of this agrsementby the Director and shall terminate 2 years from that date unless the project is extended or completed or terminated at an earfier date, in which event the project period shail e d on the date of completion or termination. 2. The local unit shall complete the project in accordar,ce with the time schedute set forth in the project proposal.Fa:lure to render satisfactory progress or to complete this or any other project under the State Natura Resources Fund Program to the satisfaction of the Director may be puse for the suspension of all obligations of the State under this agreement. Construction contracted for by the local unit for the purposes of this grant shall meei the following requirements: a. Contracts for construction in excess of $5,000 shall be awarded through a process of competitive bidding. One (1) copy of all bids and one 11) PY of the contract shall be submitted to the Director after approval of this agreement. b. The local unit shall inform all bidders on contracts for construction in excess of$5,000 that State funds arv 5eing used in the construction. c. Written change orders to contracts for construction in excess of$5,000 shali be+ssued for aii necessary changes in the facility.The orders shall be made a part of the project file and shall be kept available for audits for three years after completion of the project.One(1) copy of the order shall be submitted to the Director. d. The contractors'bonds provisions of Minn.Stat.Sect.574.26(1971) as amended; e. The human rights provisions of Minn.Stat.Chap.363(1971) as amended; f. The anti-discrimination provisions of Minn. Stat. Sect. 181.59 119711, as amended and other applicable taws and regulations; g. The competitive bid provisions of Minn.Stat.Sect.471.345-471.36(19711,as amended; h. The local unit shall incorporate or puse to be incorporated into ail construction contracts, a provision that thecontractorshallholdtheStateofMinnesota,officers and employees of the State of Mi nssota harmless from any liability with respect to claims for damages as a result of bodily injury,sickness,disease,death or property damage resulting from contractor's operations on the project. 4. Development plans and specifications shall be available for review by the Oirector upon request.The local unit shall permitperiodicsitevisitsbytheDirectortoinsureworkprogressinaccordancewiththeapprovedproject, i cluding a final Page 2 of 6 Pages inspection upon pro ect cr 2tion. 5. The local unit shall ser.ure completion of the project in accordance with the approved construction plan; and specifications, and shall secure compliance with all applicable State and local laws and regulations. The '.ocal unit shal comply with the terms of the Minn. Stat. Sect. 117.50 et seq., (Su,pp. 1973) relating to eminent domain and uniform relocation assistance. 6. In the event funds shall not be available for future siages of the project,the local unit shall bring the project to a point of usefulness agreed upon by the local unit and the Director. 7. Prior to any major change from the project proposal,the recommended change shall be submitted to the Director. 8. When any tract or parcel of, or interest in, real property subject to purchase under this agreement, but not identified herein, shall be found by the Director to be unsuitabie for State funds,ali obtigations of the State hereunder shali cease as to the parCel,iract or interest. C. PROJECT COSTS 1. Project costs eligible for assistance shall be determined upon the basis of the criteria set forth in the guidelines. 2. Ail program income earned during the project period sfiall be retained by the local unit and shall be deducted from the total project costs to determine the net costs on which the State's share of costs shall be based.in addition,on acquisition projects, all additional program income earned after the project period has expired, but before the project has been developed for public outdoor recreation purposes,shall be deducted from the totaf project costs of other active projects to determine the net costs on which the State's share of costs of the project shall be based. (For the purpose of this clause, the term "program income" shall mean any income received by the locai unit from the sale, rentai, lease, or other disposition of any of the project assets,and shall not include entrance fees and other charges customarily coliected from recreation users of the site.) D. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION 1. The lopt unit shall promptly submit any reports that the Director may request. 2. Property and facifities acquired or developed pursuant to this agreement shall be available for inspection by the Director upon request 3. Any moneys advanced to the lopl unit are "public moneys" (owned by the State) and shail be deposited in a bank with FDIC insurance coverage; the balances exceeding the FDIC coverage shall be collateraily secured as provided for in 12 U.S.C.265. 4. The lopl unit shatl use any funds received by way of advance payment from the State under the terms of th s agreement solely for the project or project stags described herein. 5. Because one of the basic objectives of the State Naturai Resources Fund program is to enhance and increase the State outdoor recreatio resources,the local unit shali use the State funds granted hereunder consistent with those objectives. These funds shall result in a net increase in a local uniYs outdoor recreation program,at least commensurate with tha State cost share,and shall not be u d as a replacement or substitu:on of a local unit's outdoor recreation funds. E. PROJECT TERMINELTION 1. A project shall commence when the lopl unit makes any expenditure or incurs any obligation with respect to the project. The Iocai unit may unilaterally rescind this agreement at any time prior to the wmmencement of the project.After project commencement,this agreement may be rescinded,modified,or amended only by mutual agreement. 2. Failure by the lopl unit to comply with this agreement or any similar agreement may be cause for the suspension of all obligations of the State hereunder. However, such failure to comply with this agreement shall ot be puse for the suspension of all of these obligations when,in the judgment of the Director the failure was not due to the fault of the local unit. In such case,the minimum costs of any irrevocab!e obligations properly incurred shall be eligible for funds under this agreement. 3. It shal! be recognized that the benefit to be derived by tfie State from the full compliance by the iocal unit with the terms of this agreement is the preservation, protection, and the net increase in the quantity and quality of public outdoor recreation facilities and resources which are available to the people of the State.Because repayment by the loca!unit to the State of the funds extended under this agreement would inadequatety compensate the State for any breach of this agreement by the lopl unit,the focal unit agress that the appropriate remedy for a breach of this agreement by the local u ii shall be the specific performance of this agreement. F. CONFLICT OF INTERESTS 1. No official or employee of the Ioql unit who shall be authorized in his official ppacity to negotiate, make,accept, or approve, or to take part in decisions regarding a contract or subcontract in connection with this project shall have any financial or other personal interest in any such contract or subcontract. 2. No person performing services for the lopl unit in connection with this project shall have a financial or other personal interest,other than his employment or retention by the Ioca unit,in any contract or subcontract in connection with this project. No officer or employee of such person retained by the lopl unit shell have any fi ancial or other personaf i terest in any real property acquired for this project unless such interest in openly disclosed upon the public records of the State, and the officer,employee or perso has not participated in the acquisition for or on behalf of the local u it. Page 3 of 6 Pages No membe of th Lag:= e,hall be aliowed any share or part of this agreemer any benefit to ari$e hereupon, unles5 uch benefit;haii be n ti rm of an agreement made w th a corp ration tor its_ ral benefit 4. The ioca! un t s i ll be respon ible for t!ie enforcement of these confiict of interest provisions. G. RETENTION AND CUSTODIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR RECOROS 7. F nanc ai records, support ng documents, statistical records,and all other records pertinent to this grant shail be retained fo a per od of three years, commencing with the date of submission of the final expenditure report, with the fo!lowing quaiifications a. The ecords shall be retained beyond the three-year period when audit findings have not been resolved. b. Records for nonexpendable property that was acquired with State grant funds shall be retained for three years after its fin l disposition. 2. The Director or Generai Accou ting Office or any duly authorized representatives, shall have access to any books, documencs, papers, and records of the Stafe and Iocai units and their subgrantees which are pertinent to a specific project for the purpose of making audit,examination,excerpts and transcripts. 3. The local unit may use any generally accepted account system that meets minimum requirements set forth in the guidelines. H. USE OF FACILITIES 1. The local unit shall provide suitable public acknowledgement on the project site of the use of state funds. 2. The local unit shall not at any time convert any property acquired or developed pursuant to this agreement to usas other than the public outdoor recreation uses specified in the project proposal attached, hereto, without the prior written approval of the Director. 3. The locai unit shall operate and mai tain,or cause to be operated and maintained,the property or facilities acquired or developed pursuant to this agreement, in accordance with the requirements of the guidelines. Sanitation and sanitary facilities shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable public health standards.Properties shall be kept reasonably safe for public use. Fire preventio, lifeguards,and similar supervision shall be provided to the extent possible.Buildings, roads,trails,and other structures and improvements shall be kept in reasonable repair throughout their estimated lifetime to prevent undue deterioration and to encourage use of the project. 4. The local unit shall keep the facility open to the general public at reasonable hours and at times of the year consistent with the type of facility. I. COMPLIANCE The local unit shall be responsible for compliance with this agreement by any political subdivision or public agency to which funds are transferred pursuant to this agreement. Failure by the poiitipl subdivision or public agency to comply shall be deemed a fai ure by the local unit to comply with this agreement. Page 4 of 6 Pages G J. S'ECIAL ROVISIONs r,.ra..o.or.oe..m..w o«+a:;on.w...add.a to m+.o...m.+r.o..e w.s.;,.a nr n,n..t,:.t This grsement shsil be binding on the State snd locsl unit,and tht p nOns wlto e s tu es appear henOn,aS authorized by statute snd resolutio to sign N is ag esenent in 6eh f of the sl ores id ladl unit.in witnass wherdof, the parties hereto have executed this agraen t as of tM dsh ntend below. APPROVED: STATE OF MINNE90TA C ', IONER OF ADMI RATI TE PIANN E FFI F AI, U AN AfFC t ATTORNEY GENERAL LOCAI UNtT STATE OF NNE TA For t1F. " t OSQrr.e.....- BY 1 .VIIIA . GOUNTV rr ' . . . P 4AL ASStS'A,lT AITORNEY GEtdE AL n T'ide gy .....+.P. x=---—__ APOrOVlI H LO Mrth Irid!7ClC11t 9I MA M CNM AN INAME Ai 7 T t.c. _ S_ d, c 9 y 9 /(/ A 1 A TITI 1 f rr STATE AUDITOR Not Encw bsnd.......... Y; ' 3EAL AFFIXED ay Ur i=ii<:1(V OKA A U N0 J.OLSON x C = ' ;' P e c t 8 P ges For Development Project ly: PRECONSTRUCTION CERTIFiCATION 1 hereby certify that construction plans and specifications to be used in conjunction with shall meet all applicable State and Local codes and current engineering practices; shall meet the requirements and standards of the Minnesota Department of Heaith; that health, safety, durability, and economy shatl receive consideration consistent with the scope and objectives of the project; that the design shall be conscientiously prepared; that the proposed development shall be in a suitabte environment and shall not unduly detract from the aesthetic value of the area; and that provisions shall be made to insure adequate supervision by competent personnel.^ By SIGNATURE COUNTY/MUNICIPAL ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT NAME DATE S.P.S.-O.L.U.A.OR5 (7-74) Page 6 of 6 Pages It. STATE OF MINN£SOTA F-`."'•' STATE PLANNING AGENCY OFFICE OF IOCAL AN URBAN AFFAIRS 7 ` j-'t'C^ AMENOMENT TO O LAND ANO WATER CONSERVATION FUND (LIN) ` `°y--1.Q` i STATE NATURAL RESOURCES FUND (NR) D STATE OUTDOOR RECREATION GRANT FUND fOR) AGREEMENT r nf 1?nconYwmt CO iI loeal Umt ot Governme t County O w I t 1906801.1 Carrol's Wbcxis P oj et Numbt Vro eet T tl NR (Lw revision<5096 total U OR e{ement cost) M/SPA# ucwr This Amendment to Project Agreement(s) Number(s) M/SPA S,4C and MlSPA 5A67 hereby made and agreed upan by the Statt ot MinResota throuqh its State Planning Agency. snd t1 e f T?r,ecw rfmt punu nt to: Land and Wate Conservation Fund Act oi 1965, 78 Stat 897. (lW) Minn. Laws 1965, Ch. $10 and subsequent applicsble laws, a d ules snd guideli es of the State Planning Agency. (NR Minn. Laws 1977, Ch. 421, Sec. 2, Subd. 2, 3 arxl 4 subsequent applicable I ws, rufes, and yuideli es of the State Plannin9 A9encY• R) In mutual consider tion of the promises made herein and in the A een'entlsl irle tif'ed sbove, the pKties hercto do agree to amene!ssid A9 eemantts as follows: Retroactively aim end pr+ject cia te of apprwal throuqh 12/31/'I9 to Dat e of Approval thraxqh 12/31/61. In all othe respects, wch Agreement(s1 shall remain in full force and effect and is (are) hereby afli med. APPROVEO: LOCAL U TD G VER ENT COMMI IONER A M1t I1STRATtON F y; .. r_..s.. V OR COUNTv rt+e! •-7- D`_0 MAVOR OR CHAIRMAN INAME TITLE) ATTORNEY GENERAI p+ STATE OF MINNfSOTA gy BY. ClE OR AUOITOR (NAM b 71TLE) . Titte: Dm ' ` $ Approved as to fo m tnd execution this SEAL AFFIXEO Y 19. STATE PLANNING AGENCY COMMtSS14NER OF FINANC€ 8 -r.+c, OIRECTOfi,OFFICE1 OF LOCAI b URBAN AFFAIRS Encumbered Date 1.-/Q /i l By: Date: SP 44017•01 s t vr rn Nrvtsc7 t Sl'ATf PLAI1t1\ttNG Af3ENCY OFFICE O I.00AL ANO URBAN AFFAIRS AMENDMENT TO C"! LAND AND WATER CONSERVATIt N FUND (LW) f X STATE NATURAI. RESOURCES FUN (NR) r:.l STATE OUTDOOR RECREATION GRANT FUND OR) AGREfMENT City of Roseaount o uo t o cov..nrn.nc counw l w rat 1906so1.2 carrol s waoas Pro tt Number Proiett T d IXi NR (W revision<5096 totat i OR element cost) - ` M/SPA w M 5d67 Th s Amendment ta Project Agreementlsl Numberlsl MISP Sd67 af+d M/SRA' SA67 is he eby made and agreed upon by the State of M nnesota through its Stste Ptanning Agency. snd the Citv of Ras@ilpt t it purwant to: Il,J Land and Water Conurvation Fund Act of 1965, 79 Stat. 89. (l.W1 Minn. Laws 1965, Gh: $t0 and substquent appiicabie laws; and niles and quideiines of the State Pisnning 1 Agency. (NR) Minn. Laws 1977, Ch; 421, Sec. 2,Subd. 2, 3 and 4 wbsequent applicableJaws. ruies,and guidtfi es of the State Pia ning Agency: (QR) ln mu,ual consideration of the promises made herein and in the Agretment(s) identified abdve,the perties hercto do agree to ame d said Agreement sl as foltows: Retroactively a nend project to include an a litionai 5.82 acres and reduc e pr jecC SCope firo m 210 000 t0 200 000. Any reference to the Office of Local and Urban Affairs, State Plarminq Ag er cycontainedintheaqreement, or in y attachment irtcorporated thereto, shall hereinafter be cansidered a reference to the Office of Local Gav+enm nt, DePar s t of tergY. planninq and Develt tnent. In all other respeMs, such Agreement(s) shalt remain in tull torce and effect and 'is (are) hereby reaffirmed. APPROVED: LOCAI UNIT OF GOVERNMENT COMMISS pNER ADMINISTRATlON Fot_t r e`iL QC1,e s" By: _ f/V i -- CItV OR COUNTY S+M a'" / d•i.._. gy— ." +ls1.T' ^"'".++ MAYOR OR CHAIRMAN (NAME TITL ') ATTORNEY GENERAI Date ' By STAT fC I g IESOE A7TORNEY GENERALTH eY' ER OR AUDITOR IM Ar TITLEI T tl SDetial AssirrA. Oate App ovr.d as to fdlffnm y,glthis day of SEAI AFFIXEb t3 ---- . 5tATE PLANNING AGENCY y . gy G a.-s-r,.st-.--C..CUMMISSIONER OP FINANCE DiRtCTOA.OFFIC" Of CA de URBAN AFPAIqS Er r.umin rtKl O /[7.. C3c• S; Date H M c, it„ o eent,01 ai"«;. h.+M,rrma'1`s3M'.ie,.:r!^^.nt O'f . .. '"`. . . .. . rtCRt L l7MMqQ t v.t . . 7GPtt1[Q Cr 7 19V . . . RandY P'Pelt, Director Parks and Recreation 1367 - 145th Street East Rosemount, NH T 55068 RE: Oa letfacY Of NR 1906901, Ca'rol'a W ocis City of Ros aunt, D 1o t' OamtY Deer MY'. Oi Qelt: W e are pleaaed bo inforn yru that all rsecessarY do t nts ha v e be n received and fo uxl a cc.eptable foz tYye ak o e deaignabed Prc ject- Based uporr these dac n s a d inai ctiari of the site, it appea zs that the pro ject ha s been co pietea in acxarda nce wttt, ttxs p+oject agreeme't. 1 e lsh to paint cut that a ual tures are suux ject to verifi ttan b1 a udit ana the pro f ect is at bjcrt tio an crr-aite in ectia, by th nep rtme t of E Y y, p18i'Iri11'1q t't L 1C 1it lxt ffiiy t 1t1. SincerelY. Peter i. Klo e, Praject Officxr Parks d Recr enttat t atits Sectian No Diriuiw 190 CaO o15q rore.5S0 Cer!=r S•ae'.St Pnul,MN 55i' 6:;c ?9j a 6 ' J / Q4 c f J- --'" G L l 0+"Y-'' P Nb '_'— f l, 1'1`G r Q. s g5D Y q 2 1 1 i i i Sb 1 j' 1 g5E P R i PLA q I Y lEQUIP. j LAREA j PROPOSEO BIKE / WALK TRAIL a`'' i I 5b 1 ! i 5a` ' j, 1 T BASKETBAL I. HOOP q5° `, PARKlNG AREA y_ . . r- o ;. I ; Y - aR TRAIL i Y i o / Q'; p°` . f , ti! m l 1 J - i P LAIV_ 1 ts tL a PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF FEBROARY 19. 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Puciaty, Larry Walsh, Del lorentzson, Lois McKinley, Deanna Simpson, and John Howard; Tom Reller was absent. STAFF PRESENT: David Bechtold, Boyd Bailey, Rick Cook and Lisa Jost. CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Lois McKinley called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF MINOTE3 OF JANUARY 15. 1990: MOTION by Jerry Puciaty to accept the minutes as printed. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Motion carried. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. OLD BUSINESS PARR WORR: Dave Bechtold reported that staff has been cleaning up the Armory site, working on clearing wood except for stumps of which will be removed in the spring. He suggested a sign, "Future Site of Rosemount Armory", to be placed facing Hwy. 3 . Other work included getting the bluebird houses ready and putting the circles on the ice rink for the official broomball court. Along with other general rink maintenance. RECREATION PROGRAM3: Lisa Jost gave a summary of the Spring Brochure, which will be mailed out this week. The Jaycee's are having an egghunt the Saturday before Easter and Park & Rec has scheduled one for the Thursday prior to Easter. Next year they will coordinate their programs. A Minnesota Twins game is scheduled for April 7th in conjunction with the German students visit. This year we had the largest broomball league with a tournament which was a tremendous success. Jeff Folley was the tournament director; he did an outstanding job of planning. City staff was present to maintain rinks, which were in great shape, and aid in organizing. The competition was excellent. Dave commented that it was the best broomball tournament he has attended. Congratulations to Lisa for a job well done! ! ! The ice skating lessons went well this year. Only one lesson had to be cancelled because of weather. The Pom Pom program is going well. We are organizing activities to go along with "Earth Days" in April 22 - 28. Tracie Pechonick is coordinating USPCI, the City, and Knutson Rubbish on some recycling issues to add to this. Mark Joosten, our forester, may include some information about Arbor Day during this "Earth Days" week. ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE FEBRIIARY 19 1990 PAGE 2 The seven surrounding cities will coordinate the U.S. Olympic Torch Run. July 2nd the torch will be carried through Rosemount in the afternoon. The First State Bank and McDonald's are sponsoring this in Rosemount. Anyone who would like to register to run with the torch can fill applications out at McDonald's and return them there also. The "run" will be from the VFW on 120th St. down Hwy 3 to McDonald's. People who are selected to run with the torch will only go about 2 blocks eaeh. BIRGER POINT: Lee Johnson, Mike Wozniak and Dave Bechtold met to negotiate Birger Point park dedication land or cash from Orrin Thompson. Lee Johnson would not accept Dave Bechtold's alternatives of land or cash. Dave insists that clarification be made whether the right to negotiate for cash is still available in this case. IIPDATE ON ARMORY: Del Lorentzson said estimated prices were received on items of interest from Boarman & Associates. He commented that everything seemed very expensive. Next meeting they will lay out realistic goals. OPDATE ON TOWN GREEN: Deanna Simpson attended the last meeting where the process and project were discussed at length. Town Green is the name of the beautification process and the committee. The name given to the project in Erickson Park will be decided on at the next meeting of this Committee. She also advised the committee that she will no longer be able to be a member so she can devote more time to her flower planting for the City. Rather than request money, the City Administrator would like the City Council to sponsor a contest between architects and/or have the Urban Design Team from the University of Minnesota help with the design. Fund raisers are being considered. None will be tossed out, however, the people interested in them should move ahead on their own. Each member might have an idea that he/she can follow through on. Amounts to be raised should be within reason; possibly to be used to purchase tables, grills, benches, etc. rather than paying for engineers or architect fees. There was a discussion on properties that could be added along Hwy 3 to the park system of open space. Deanna felt that we should not act greedy, we already have close to 125 acres of combined park area which should be enough in this section of the City. MOTION by Jerry Puciaty that "Projects of Town Green should not be paid for out of Parks and Recreation funds set in the budget. Projects should be on a city-wide basis and paid for out of a city-wide budget, independent of the Parks and Recreation Budget. " SECOND by John Howard. Al1 voted in favor. Motion carried. ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE FEBRIIARY 19, 1990 PAGE 3 Town Green projects on a city-wide basis should be put into a five year plan just like the other projects, including parks, must do. Deanna said that the Celebrate Minnesota campaign that was mentioned in an article in a twin city newspaper indicated it was proving to be an expense to cities with very few receiving grants that they applied for. The Town Green idea originated from the Celebrate Minnesota campaign. Erickson Park Update: A shelter and two ice rinks are scheduled to be added this year. These will be put on hold for about two months until the results of the architectural study involving Town Green is completed. The locations will also depend on the city hall "Space Studies Project" being completed. Shannon Elementary Maintenance Agreement: The City would like to be able to do all the maintenance for the park and school at Shannon. There are two athletic soccer fields and two little league fields on the school property. No shelter will be allowed by the playground equipment, only on the northeast side of the school building. The City will not pay for the playground equipment near the school. No agreement was reached. In three years a shelter and picnic tables could be placed in the northeast area. When the park fields are added there will be six soccer fields and five little league fields here. Bike Trails: Boyd Bailey handed out new Park Manuals which will be updated as needed. County Road 42 bike trails have been delayed from the budget for the last five years. City Council voted to build it with consideration of further safety details and desiqn. We are requesting bike/pedestrian trails on the north and south side of CR 42 with the elimination of the Canada Ave. cross walk on CR 42. The State Highway Dept. has plans to update the lights and crosswalks on Hwy 3 and CR 42 in 1992. The County has $62, 000 in their budget for bike trails. After this year the county will only pay for bike trails that are on the shoulder of roads. Dave suggested diverting the bikers and pedestrians along Canada Ave. through Camfield Park to Hwy 3 . Then the proper cross walk would have to be used. It was the consensus of the Park & Rec Committee to support this concept. Larry Walsh mentioned that because of the many turn lanes on the south side of CR 42 it would be difficult to have pedestrian use on the south side of that road. It was mentioned that the traffic lights do not allow enough time to cross the road even if you hurry at CR 42 and Chippendale. The county will be alerted so that young children or older people could cross without worry. Also it was suggested that additional Pedestrian Cross Walk" signs should be added on CR 42 to alert drivers. ROSEMOIINT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 19, 1990 PAGE 4 Flower Garden: Deanna Simpson explained that the areas needed would have to be someplace that would not be disturbed so the perennial flowers could be started and remain for at least five years, especially if volunteers are going to give their time and seed. Some people have contacted Deanna wishing to help. A good soil base is needed and bulbs and seed have been ordered. Adds have been placed in the seniors brochure and the Park & Rec. spring activities brochure to recruit volunteers. Hopefully this group can meet with the landscape team. Rick Cook and Dave will examine the area next to city hall for a possible flower garden space as soon as weather permits. NEW BUSINESS Softball Requlations: A rule has been implemented stating no beer drinking during games. Most cities now do not allow alcohol in their parks at any time. Conduct during games can be controlled more easily if the drinking is more regulated. Park Reservation Policv: There will be a $25 fee for reserving the park shelter. A $25 deposit will be needed to reserve the park without use of the shelter. A copy of the complete rules and regulations are attached for review and discussion at the next meeting. Larry Walsh asked about security needs, Dave responded that we have not had a major problem to warrant that yet. Citizen Requests: A request for an outdoor pool in Rosemount came from a resident. Pools are not a profit making venture, they are almost always an expense. A petition is being circulated by a resident to find interested people. A young resident requested a skate board arena. Because of insurance and safety factors the City would not care to be responsible for a skate board arena. Purchase Tables and Benches: There is a shortage of tables in the parks. Rick Cook will take inventory for each park and provide information of needs. Benches are suggested by the playground equipment also. Request For Maintenance Position: Two positions were scheduled in the budget this year in maintenance, a building trade person, Level II; and a park maintenance person, Level 1. Dave will be requesting the building trade position to begin April 1 and the street maintenance Oct. 1 so that construction maintenance could begin on several park shelters. Authorization to advertise will be requested at the March 6 Council meeting. ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE FEBROARY 19 1990 PAGE 5 CHAIRPERSON B REPORTS: JOHN HOWARD - Asked about the difficulty at Jaycee Park with land ownership. Broback Westridge Addition had 8 -1/3 acres park dedication land and Wensmann had six adjoining acres. Brobacks contract had a clause that if platting had not occurred by Jan. 1, 1990 a cash dedication of $50,000 would be made. Negotiations with the City have begun and the City Administrator assures us this will be resolved so park development can continue. DEANNA SIMPSON, LOIS McKINLEY, nothing to add at this time. DEL LORENTZSON - requested that city signs "Welcome to Rosemount" be maintained with low maintenance plantings, wood chips and keep grass trimmed near them. The "Park" signs which the City of Eagan has offered to make during this slow season of year with their router machine will be maintained by city staff depending on easements and location. Del would like to see more improvements on the cross country ski trails. Direction arrows along with the "you are here" signs would help. The one trail down the paved path to the bridge is too short to make the turn and quite dangerous. A new trail should be cut around to the north along the boarder by the pasture going north and south by Schwarz Pond. Rick will work on this. LARRY WALSH - Voiced a concern that the ice rink bang board in Chippendale should be rearranged to face east-west next year. It was going north-south this year and many times the puck would be hit out of the area toward resident cars and homes. JERRY PUCIATY - requested additional playground equipment for older kids, such as a basketball half court in Camfield. The ice rink in Camfield was great this winter, many children used it. DIRECTOR S REPORT: Director Bechtold explained that bike trails had been agreed to be built from 160th Street to County Road 42 on both sides of Shannon Parkway. For on reason or another trials were not constructed in the manner agreed to. The change was that the trails were only constructed from CR 42 to Jaycee Park. The Director would like to have the trail sections completed on both sides on the section as yet not finished, that is from Jaycee Park to 160th Street. Committee members are asked to consider this project for discussion at our March meeting. ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 19, 1990 PAGE 6 The Parks Department will make a presentation to the City Council on February 20, 1990 highlighting this years goals. In it the Director asks for the continued support of the Parks and Recreation Committee and cooperation of City Staff for a successful year. Park and Rec Committee members are invited to attend a seminar at Maddens Resort on beautification of park lands. The Park Dept. would pay for the committee member. Additional family members could attend at their own expense. Contact Lisa or Dave for additional information. MOTION by John Howard to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Del Lorentzson. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary c, /e PAR S RECREATION COMMITTSS REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 15, 1990 MEMBERS PRBSENT: Lois McKinley, John Ho ard, Tom Reller, Deanna Simpson, Larrp Walsh and Jerry Puciaty. Council Liaison: Harrp Willcox. 2 qCt'V' r= i':_ . STAFF PRESENT: David Bechtold, Boyd Bailey, and Lisa Jost. CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Lois McKinlep called the meeting to order at '7 :32 p.m. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: A. Deanna Simpson added the topic of perennial garden in Erickson Park. B. Boyd Bailey added the topic of updated park maps. Dave Bechtold introduced Harrp Willcox as the Council liaison to the Parks Dept. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF DBCEMBER 1$, 1989: MOTION by Larrp Walsh to accept the minutes as printed. SECOND by Jerry Puciaty. Motion carried. AUDIENCE INPUT: Harry Willcox explained a proposal being voted on by the City council in the next 2-3 weeks. The proposal is on the process of selecting commission and commit'tee members when their term is eoncluded. They are proposing to have the members re-apply each time their erm is up. The idea is to increase iconsistency in reappointing members to the committees. Most often board members stay on the same committee, It is being proposed that ci.tizens (already committee members) serve on a diffexent board. This would broaden the idea' s to be shared bp members because theq are in contact with different boards and concep s relating to each board. (The ernphasis was on fi.he consistency of the process of reappointing members. ) The Committee members were not pleased with this proposal, OLD BUSINESS PARR WOR: Dave Bechtold reported that staff has been working on keeping the ice rinks in good shape . Other worlc included working on the specs for a six foot lawn mower, cutting dead trees on the slope of Erickson Park by the rinks and doing maintenance on equipment . RECREATION PROGRAMS: Lisa Jost gave a brief summary of the on- going programs. A new co-rec recreational volleyball league started Jan. 5, 1990 at Diamond Path Elementary School. Five teams are in this league. The mens 3-on-3 basketball league did not get formed. There were five teams that voiced an interest, however some of the teams fell through. therefore, the gym remained scheduled for open gpm through April 7 , 1990 at RMS on Wednesday night. One of the problems we had was that the plapers were already playing in another league so two nights were scheduled. Dave discussed briefly how this gym time had been used by Rosemount in previous years for basketball league and how the league was turned over to Eagan Park and Rec. in the "pinch" for gym space. Park & Rec is not guaranteed to receive this gym ROSBMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE JANUABY 15, 1990 PAGE 2 space i the future (this fall) . Community Ed. will re-evaluate the community needs. If Park & Rec. receives the spaee, Lisa will offer another basketball league. The spring brochure deadline is Friday, January 19, 1990. Anp member wishing to put an article in the newsletter should contaet Lisa by Thursday, January 18. BIRGER POINT: Dave Bechtold handed out maps of Birger Point. He reviewed the highwater marlc and commented that Park & Rec. needs the land up to the high water mark plus fiftq (50) feet. This additional land is needed to be able to landscape and maintain this property properlq. Administrator Steve Jilk supports the Park and Rec proposal for this land. Rich Hefti, City Engineer, advised Dave that utilities would need the land to the 100 year storm water mark for use as a holding pond. If Orrin Thompson fails to negotiate in good terms, then we would obtain the land as easement for storm water runoff. The Park & Rec Committee requested the developer to answer the following questions: 1) Where can houses be built? 2) Drainage easement? 3) Park land? 4) Could we purehase the land? Having title would allow us to do what we wish. 5) Has access road to property been determined? UPDATE ON ARMORY: Del Lorent son commented that no meetings have been scheduled for the last months. Nothing new at this time. IIPDATE ON TOWN GREBN; Dave met with Council ember S, Rlassen. She agrees there is a lack of understanding abo t what the "Town Green" is. The concept was taken from Celebrate Minnesota. Erickson Park has $106,000 budgeted for development and the Town Green Committee would be matching that amount according to the past Mayor if project would continue. Dave has been appointed as a member of the Town Green Committee by the Citp Council. He believes that although th idea stemmed from Celebrate Minnesota, the timeline does not allow Town Green to be completed this year, and so the two ideas can not be the same project. Town Green needs to be a continuous effort not just one project. Rosemount should continuously work to beautifp the town. The Town Green can' t only be Erickson Park. It needs to be citp wide. When the committee meets there wi l be a reorganization" of the committee. This will include two major areas ; 1) Town Green Committee and the citp staff working together. 2) Establish a timeline, inel de financing, scheduling of projects, staff , budgeting and the "process" . i ROSEMOUNT PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE JANUARY 15, 1990 PAGE 3 Jerry Puciaty voiced his concern about where the money wil. come from for the project(s) for Town Green. Dave replied that a lot of groundwork needs to be done and a coordination of efforts, Town Green is a term that has been given to a process hat has been on-going in various ways and will continue to be a part of communitp life. Larrp Walsh asked who was representing the citp . David Bechtold will be. Lois McKinley commented that the ideas expressed by the Town Green Committee haven' t necessarilp been bad, it just needs direction. IIPDATE OF GERMAN STUDENT PROGRAM: Lisa informed the committee that one or two trips are being set up to offer to the German students and the community. Sandra Sanberg has been the contact person for the students' families. T el Lorentzson commented that the students will be here earliex beginning March 28 through April. PSRENNIAL GARDEN IN ERIC SUN PARR: Deanna Simpson brought up the project of a perennial garden in Erickson Park. Various ideas were discussed. it was agreed upan that no vegetable block gardening would be offered. Jerry Puciaty supports the idea of a perennial garden. Deanna will be advertising in the Elder-News and working with Jan Stoven to find volunteers to seed, weed and design the garden. A source of water is needed. Dave said with the shelter and rinks being built in this area, water will become readily available. Deanna will work with Dave when planning the specific site at Erickson. The Town Green ideas {concepts) will be taken into consideration in the planning stage for the perennial garden. NEW BUSINESS BUDGET SUMMARY: Dave discussed the budget in a brief presentation. ERIC SON PARg DBVELOPMENT PROJBCTS: Bopd passed out a concept map and revised map of Erickson Park. The improvements planned will be to take out the two hockey rinks at the latest possible date, then to build two new rinks on the hillside east of the current rinks. A multi-purpose shel er is planned to be used for iny Tots, recreation programs, and a warming house for skating. There wi11 be an add-on to this building in a couple of years . Dave suggested that s ding be put on the MN Dot building that would match the shelter . He wi11 be discussing hiring a landscape architect to draw the proposed plans for this area. These drawings should give us a be ter indi ation and direction ROSEMOIINT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE JANUARY 15, 1990 PAGB 4 for the project. Nothing is established or set in the budget for these plans. Jerry Puciaty asked what the reason would be for taking the present rinks out. Dave replied that the light poles are in poor condition with some of the poles rotting and the control switches are "shot" . The rinks are also set in the wrong direction. Larry Walsh asked if there were still plans for the "bike stop" in Erickson. Dave replied that the shelter is to be a multi- purpose shelter and could serve as a rest stop for bikers. Bopd Bailey handed out the complete park booklet with a map of each park to the Park and Recreation Committee. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORTS: JERRY PUCIATY: He asked about plans for Biscayne Park and Twin Puddles Park (southside of park) . Dave discussed the background of Twins Puddles. It has been argued that Twin Puddles is both a holding pond and a park combined; however, the Parks Dept. cannot do anything for land improvzments. The area has to be identified either as a holding pond or a park. First the park is considered a holding pond and secondlp it is considered a park. Improvements have to be discussed wi h the Utility Commission. There are plans to level off Biscapne Park. LOIS MCKINLEY: Twin Puddles has no parking on the north side of it. People won' t parlc on the south side where the parking lot for the park is located. It can endanger your life walking across Dodd Blvd. at that site. Lois mentioned that the cover of the Park Maintenance magazine had Eagan' s shelter at St. Thomas Lake Park on the cover. HARRY WILLCOX: He briefly reviewed the purpose of the land purchase and design in 1974. At that time the citizens wanted it to have a dual purpose. The city attorney said the land had to be de ermined as either a holding pond or as a park. At that time it was determined as a holding pond. Dave commented that it is a public works situation to figure out how to get people across the road. We don' t have jurisdiction on where parking is located but Public Works has to help us "get across the road" . JERRX PUCIATY voiced his conce n about the parks begin continuouslp worked on/improved. Dave is looking at a moveable irrigation sgstem. This would be for watering the neighhood parks and other uses. ROSEMOIINT PARgS & RECREATION COMMITTEE JANUARY 15, 1994 PAGE 5 LARRY WALSH; No comments. DEL LORENTZSON: Asked if scoreboards were going to be put in any of the parks. Dave replied that they are scheduled for 1992 in the CIP. DEANNA SIMPSON commented that there are sti11 some signs in Carroll' s Woods that haven' t been replaced since they were vandalized. The waq they are put in this year seems to be 0.. TOM RELLER said bluebird boxes should be ordered now if hey are to be put up this spring. Dave approved of ordering 25 constructed bluebird houses. The estimated cost per house was 6. 50 for fully assembled houses. People wi11 still need to check and clean these bluebird houses regularly . Tom will contact people who have them and see if they will help with this job. We can advertise in the local newspapers, bulletin boards, cable T,V. , etc. , for our park facilities. JOHN HOWARD said there is a need for playground equipment for older youths in Camfield Park. The equipment in the park now is for tots. John and Lois will investigate what tppes of additions might be best and report back to committee. John has received feedback from neighbors about the equipment in various parks. If the next park person hired has building trades, this person can construct these canopies (roofs) over the park benches that will be purchased . DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Directox Bechtold handed out a diagram of departmental roles. He briefly reviewed these roles for the Park and Rec staff. Those were discussed with the staff in the past months, Dave continued to sap that a11 the staff should have input in projects ; and that a strong part of the department is good communication between the staff and getting more involved in projects and sharing of ideas. This includes all members of the committee as welll MOTION by Deanna Simpson to adjourn the meeting. S$COND by Del Lorentzson. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9 :25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, r ' n n Lisa Jost, Acting Secretarp r 7 n .;1" :J.;' S- y! - .3 S/-,' ,iovTnY L yN p p (t l S A E 1 = Ioo t 1 R vls o c'T" f: . Y . 38 3 SI rc 3( r." f- J iol i: 3 I t R. r. r. i Y.:' y''i? t, Fc i i - , j .•:r... J. y i l ri_ i• , i j'- . 3 1 ` `' f` t y f I .. : i'r .x:, ri- ir L. P j. , 1 V ' ! .!N .NG- f S I.+ . J., I . 1 l i:` v S a;` rj'•";.. ..T 1A . :s a- -- - R' - v a ` I i t 8 ' /7 , 319 F r 7 9'o _ _ - . .io3 —+ - - - ` ' 0 / .- r S 31 3 : .: i : . + ;:a i , s 2C 7r'`_ 1''1 - _ .::,,i . , 1: j,` j S i. a,; .i r l a! . ,.7` • . sss: . / j '.6 4 / r b , 3 L V, 1 y3, t' c/ r,. y • ^ I 1'_ M . r` " ! I„_ • . V J - IJ 'f v 1 , t fi'` ( , i .s' j -,"' C;• I5 _ 4 r 1—`-`_ ___...'.ni"" ` s' 3`I r - _ i ; S s-- I: 3 I r 1_ a1 L 51Ii - .I-- JS I f`; G I I f' J R. r` f/ J 7z _I _f; sy - -_._. , -; I . ) y.:: I A ` r . f t J r - - - I o I 1 3 ' r fi t:l i i i' i G . t Q ' -_'K _ ` ' 1 _ 1 t _ _ _ — — I i µ• ``,! - ; _ _ `.rp.% `. . . . L r r - -, 7 j 3 ir I??C f ST[NC'r SITF 1 T2 C'T'1 RT,i'1'[r f('I(.ITIFS AMENI"I'[L:S ir aclivc rccrcaLi nal usc:s, tlic liniitc l amou t uf Nr. Descril?tion v parking does crcatc a Jiilicult acccss/contrul 1 Asph tC surficed entrance clrivc,ancl parkin;ic,t,'1'1. 1'uture dcvclopincnl planninb for tliis site 2 Double tennis ci urt witl fcnce cnclosure ancl@ ciciress tl c prugr.uniuinb issue as we(1 as the libh[s. nt trafGc I rul lcros, both vchicular as wcll as 3 Chilclren's play <<rc a with lay structurc:s. Irian_ Also, it .i i cars lhat au a ditiuual cascmcnl 4 Sheltcrjw trmi; lunr : ...;•r! f r summer;.the wcst sicic ui' tlic site nay b .ivailat lc fur programs nd wintcr sk;U;•) ut c u. This woui l allow for an a dilional l uffcr 5 Opt.n skttting rea (brass area during suuimer.) il tl c park sile an l th adjacenl mttlti-f.mily unils. Full si c hockey rink with li h!s. Used for ' chilclrcn's st)ccc,r in tt+umcr. fONAL CI.ASSIi I("1'[l)NS 7 Fult :;ir hoc1 „ i+ik w th li h(s. Uscd for children's soc r.i r-,uf.<.r r. Cvalion 0 Orna ucnt.li in 1O %, Rcscr c 0 " o 8 Softball field' with b:i<:ks1 p, outficld fcncc, al 0 ° Rccrcation 9(1 ° pl;rycrs l enctics, ancl blcachcr pa is. c9SoftballGelctw-iUi b;icksto, oulfcld fcncc, ,,,,_, r^ players hcnches, <u d bicacticr pads.b ,:, l0 Picnic arca with picnic tables arid gritl.` jPIZOGRAM S 1 l Tti1ENrl m . 11 Undcvcl ;r r! i,Iicn ficicl airrenlly I•in;utilizccl for abricultu'ial na,:;-,ti. o "m `F ';r ich has (unctiouc l reasunahly wcl) as both a r \ C ` \ \\ \ vever, given lltis mulliple use, tl c park sile is r > r,> ` -ic robl ms due lo licavy p c g au uiing uf aa \ ;..: @a,..a. r,. ' e3 s ` ;.. 1111 1O1Gl Y SIIICC 1C ):ll'{C SI C 15 (CS1611:1 CC1 1S z\` .. ` ,aa s;s shuul l l c locatccl iu athl tic complcxes. ck f3p ry (A praa._ o e.«1 fM 71Y7 ifMwFMR!#ft1{IRPRUM Z()(iIZl M s e E. .C v i r . C . t M , e . \ -, 7) ai l soflball li l l (8) will allow [or a= r' > : : ` . u,:n r , MV` , _ r a c priate for a nci;hLurliu l park tc be N C F r Q `s: ' n liis silc. N:ltu.;lly, rccicveli pinc:ut must p UR e C`, U ..^ S ,r r, " i` ' a jjr rk sitcs, particuLuly atlilctic coa plcxcs, in 1 ^ arc available for rccrc.ilional r gramming W ,:, Ke ; a , z. a. 0.. :i, a ; A. as e # a r .:; i R 3 placing (I c; climinutccl facilitics inclucics: k T k ; s owar l Ccwlball/succcr. (A) a t•r d ctnu t bamcs. (13) 1.'a`' ? R : i \\ C. a a \.. ` 'i r . T Z y 3 iY c<\\ r 7 S C t\`\ \ _ 17OU11:(1 )ICIIIC :1)CS Illtll. O f) CC(1. Q " a D) Z` \` 1.3 e\> a\\ - \ ? bc construcicd to proviilc ilCl'CSS O IC CW A VA V A Z` \ A ` ;; A e UC Cl)Iltill ClC(. 2 a\\; 1 e '\ R..,a \z OIl IC WCSL C(l,l; Of 1 1C SIIC 8 0(16 Wllfl 8 Q, i' q`. 5 .\`\4 L1C (]ll.l l[Y O I1C S1lC. f; C>' ? y"h 1_ o y,@\\\'': , I ,' 1,OOO.UU C' C Cl AS 1I 1('A'17ONS i .. . E .L z\ \'`\`\\\\; Rcscrvc ()`,'i Z L' V h.. \\ \\ .`` ` ;. 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