HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Parks and Recreation Department Happenings UpdateROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: August 26, 2019 AGENDA ITEM: Parks and Recreation Department Happenings Updates AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 7 a. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: dls RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. ISSUE Staff would like to update the Parks and Recreation Commission on a number of topics within the Parks and Recreation Department that are having a positive impact on the community. Schwarz Pond Park Playground — The project is moving along as planned. The zip line is in and the contractor is currently installing the nature based play components. Staff expects the project to be completed by mid -September. Family Resource Center Expansion — If you have been by the Family Resource Center lately you can see that the contractor is making good progress on the building. The project should hopefully be complete by the first of the year. Staff expects the new playground area to be excavated in the next couple of weeks, followed by the installation of the equipment that is being stored onsite. Winds Park Playground — The Winds Park replacement project is complete. We have received many positive comments about the choice of equipment that was installed. Carroll's Woods/Schwarz Pond Park Restoration — Staff have recently been in contact with Great River Greening about the fall restoration project that we are planning in Carroll's Woods/Schwarz Pond Park. Staff expects the work of removing invasive species to be done between October and December of this year. Flint Hills Athletic Complex — Staff recently had a final walk through on the project that included four new green fields, trails, shelter and access road. Staff will soon be signing off on the project and we plan to open the fields in the spring of 2020. Community Rec Center — We continue to meet with parties who are interested in possibly partnering with us on the facility. At the City Council booth at Central Park during Leprechaun Days, many positive comments were passed on to Council about the project. Summer Programs - Parks and Recreation Department offered a variety of well attended programs this summer for people of all ages. Some of the most popular activities included specialty camps and our Kids Corner program. One program that was new for us this year was the South of the River Corn Hole bags league which we assisted with coordinating. Food Truck Fest — The Fall Food Truck Fest will be held on September 21, from 4:OOpm — 9:00pm in Central Park. Last year we had eleven trucks and this we are planning on around seventeen. Horseshoe Lake Park — The improvements that were started last fall at Horseshoe Lake park are getting close to being completed. We are still working to better establish the turf and get the park sign installed. 25`h Anniversary of the RCC Arena — Our facility staff are working on a 25`h Anniversary event for the Rosemount Arena at RCC. One of the highlights of the event will be an NHL Alumni versus RAHA Coaches hockey game. The celebration will take place on Saturday, September 14. More information to come soon. Arena Addition — Members of the boy's high school booster club are again discussing the possibility of adding new lockers rooms for the high school boys and girls teams at the RCC Arena. This project was originally discussed with staff in 2011. Skate Park Replacement — Included in the 2019 and 2020 CIP budgets are funds identified for the design/replacement of the skate park at Schwarz Pond Park. The current equipment is a modular set of metal ramps, boxes and a half pipe. We will be holding a community meeting in mid -September to gather input from park users.