Lot 10, Block 2, PRESTWICK PLACE 14TH ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota �
/ �
�� / 13925 Ashford Path, Rosemount, Minnesota � � '
P / w �
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O / � NOTES = � t °�
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� i ��� 95y 1. Bearings are based on the recorded plat. � � S^ �
�� �O "�0 2. Building dimensions shown are for horizontal and vertical placement of � ��
S � 6 c 53:s k� structure only.See architectural plans for building and foundation �
°� 95�'' : — �95 � �
� � � � � dimensions. � Z�
6 _,'L�' � � 3. No specific soils investigation has been completed on this lot by James � � �
/ Q o ,� R. Hill, Inc.the suitability of soils to support the specific house proposed � �'�a
� ,
° �J• 9 ~f � is not the responsibility of James R. Hill, Inc.or the surveyor. � "
/ g5�'� � — �� � � � 5�
/ � \ ! 4. No specific title search for existence or non-existence of recorded or � �
/� ry ��� o�� �t 1 Py y o un-recor de d easemen ts has be e n c o n d u c t e d b y t h e s u r v e y o r a s a p a r t �� c�.��
� $ � 9�,►, o\� g �p . o f t h i s s u r v e y.O n l y e a s e m e n t s p e r t h e r e c o r d e d p l a t a r e s h o w n.
/� � 95�" � 0 5�-RJ ���95g o� 955$� �� � �� 5. Proposed grades shown were taken from the grading&/or
/\O��P�- 9y�,�l l �� L y�,�,o ��' r,o � � � �� d e v e l o p m e n t p l a n p r e p a r e d b y Pr o be En gineerin g Com pan y, Inc.
\NG S/< \ < � ZO• / /�/ .�\ � �o �� 6. Grading plan date/revision date: 5/30/17.
S'� / / P / �f � 7. Sanitary service invert elevation per City engineering
��� r, ��s�,.\ `Jo GPR ��� m�\� is.. ��� department=941.45
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� �� ,�10 / F-�'Npv`'0'(�/// p�\ s��� Top nut of hydrant located at Lots 10 and 11, Block 1=953.68 �i � a c
p.G •o ,c \ / � 0� 5 � ;�• � i.� oD x �
P� s� `J d 1�,� p�� 6 � r' � � V V
�,, G �P �`� \9�� /2�5�� ` 9� J\ ���� FLOOR ELEVATIONS � o �Y y
� � ti 9
�� �� \ �6 `� 9A9��\' Proposed Asbuilt O �x �o �
� NG � 9 ��*`�kgg� ` Garage Floor @ Front =955.8 =956.0 � � � N z�
��\S�S� CS � � � �� H Garage Top of Block =956.2 E,,,,, Y F�
O O� � ��'\ 5'1 �� House Top of Block =956.2 V a o 0
IS�I� �go• ���� 'A.9k9 �� 10 ��*\ �o Lowest Floor =948.2 =948.4 y m Q
� � �\ � �,� �e'�' y� Top o f B loc k H o�
J ,�� O� ��`�9►�•��:__;;_ \ � � at Lookout Window =951.4 q o�
V � �J y '
� � N\ G :¢'�U Q�� � ��O 9�k�l � J
cL7� �� �__�o M jR<119� �� 9��F' HARD COVER CALCULATI ONS DRAWN BY
' ,� � �"/ 9 Lot = 10,027 sq.ft. P�
�� 6g 1� �''� House/Garage = 1,773 sq.ft. DAIE
��"1 � � 9,,�!� oo$� Porch = 113 sq.ft. 7 27 18
� � � Driveway =792 sq.ft. REVISIONS
�k1� 56 � r Sidewalk =96 sq.ft. � � q _
/ `9Ar��l `�` J � � Total Impervious =2,774 sq.ft.or 27.7%of lot final rade
� ��J � �-' SCALE IN FEET
J o 30' so'
�/�l/q A,(,a� I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under
my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the
�U��- �a a S� � Denotes set spike laws of the State of Minnesota.That this survey does not purport to show all
O Denotes set iron monument improvements,easements or encroachments,to the property except as
; , • Denotes found iron monument shown thereon.
- ' — Denotes proposed drainage CAD FlLE
`��}I..i��� t��'llf�'1lll�i€�": l��
tc Denotes top of curb Signed this 27th day of July, 2018 Civil 3D\380794
��_ �� . j� x900.0 Denotes existing elevation
(930.0) Denotes proposed elevation PROJECT NO.
x[900.0] Denotes as-built elevation 380794
Ma us F. Hampton, M . . . 1 �� � � �
��.L�,� \�i l_�E CJ.� '�"� 1 �'