lot S, Block 1, BELLA VISTA 2ND ADOITION, Oakota County, Minnesota �
13043 Ayrfield Court, Rosemount, Minnesota � ^ �
� � � m
= ;=, _ � � �
i � j ji;r� �� %' 1. Bearings are based on the recorded plat. � �� �
' '` � 2. Building dimensions shown are for horizontal and vertical placement of � �M
/ / / / i
�ess.z� / j/j f s t r u c t u r e o n l y. S e e a r c h i t e c t u r a l p l a n s f o r b u i l d i n g a n d f o u n d a t i o n � � �� �
� E ixsTlNc'�; �. � dimensions. �j zz �
' �T � "f"a�sE%` T(970.8) ,�s9sa �°s�, _ 33.37 3. No specific soils investigation has been completed on this lot by James y � �� �
` [967.6bc ' 968.0] (968.4) o sp�,� ✓ R. Hill, Inc. the suitability of soils to support the specific house proposed � N r W N
L_U I �J 7(970.8) �"y e� - �R=5 0.�� � �j �N �
QF ` „ � g Q 68 987 5 --+-(967.4J / is not the responsibility of James R. Hill, Inc.or the surveyor.
N U J O��'�� � 966.9 B 96 8.4 r- ��,�968.3� . �_�HO� `Y' � 4.
w (988.�) , �987.OJ 9 6 .2 b`M[967 8J o 'b+r(968.♦ 9 6 7.��.968. r t 971:2 . . p rt � N R1
No specific title search for existence or non existence of recorded or � � Q� �
un-recorded easements has been conducted b the surve or as a a
9e8. �, 9�.s . .�a_ o�E93?Z �.p�� g,�o:� Y'T'� 971.5 97�'9 6.0�(970.3) ,� I o f t h i s s u r v e y. O n l y e a s e m e n t s p e r t h e r e c o r d d p l a t a re s h o w n. 1 = �
� � � ._._-_ (966.9� T�967.5 ,r(969.8� ` � �M.00ri i . ao � � -�
� [96G 9�. [9 86 3] x e(g67.a) [971•9 f` � ;% /, �' o �8�969'B� \ 5. Pro posed grades shown wer e ta k en fr om th e gr a din g&/or
Z \ x `�- -�%j,� `;��� o o2N� �989��� � development plan prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Inc.
� ' ' ;':��x � io� o _ � � 6. Grading plan date{revision date:9/30/13.
' ov� ' : os
f'� 91,.z1 ' �I'i���' �� -' 2'0 �' � 7. Sanitary s2rvice invert elevation per City engineering
W � � [988.9� x\�e�.s7� fe�o.x� [ x � o,� , � % ��c��,�/ i` �o '° �
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� � �eae.sa � o ,' r` / ! i / ,' o � �. . � � � � department=959.35.
� , ,- : , ,2.00 8. Plan No.6013-CLEARWATER 'B3'GARAGE BUMP OPTION
Q �� �� ������ L 0 T 5 �.�:� °° �/ '�= .� .� � � o O I
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Q Z N . �2 o j ;/ !� %,o � � 5.3X_ �� 0 Top nut of hydrant located at Lots 6 and 7, Block 1 =966.71 �
� � �. DRAINAGE dc UTILITY . \ [97t.4� /5.5� o / =/ o . .• � � � N�
� W � . . EASEMENT PER PIAT . . . . / _...�-,_. . � -
cREss o� ; zs.'so�` - ��o. C7 FLOOR ELEVATIONS � �
� �'`� \ (970.x) (971.x� [97t.9� � [971.9�:. . . :�. . . . . . r` c
O 4/ [9ZS,OJ �971 6j. . (969,��x __..-. ..----' ^�""'ir�'_"'_971:3 . . . ».� ^� m o p � � J o
; � 1 x �, sfo.9 T f = . 972 5 �
V � (969.5). " ��98J (971.1] (9jj.4) s oo �, g Garage Floor @ Front P(9�2 1 d A972I1 o �y m�
� � 975.T 971.BJ (97Q.3) r[971.0] 972.2 'z_> [ y �p✓ Z M o
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x 971 3 �....,� � 1��E � ,' iEXISTiNG f �� , � House Top of BIo[k =472.5 =972.5 �i �a
m c971.3� N 85°22 2 2 1 4.7 6 - , � H o�� ; � lowest F loor =964.5 =9 7 25 � ��
,` �// °°
�/ ;� , i / j X Top of Block �o
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- � � � � ` at Egress Window -967.7 - 967•7 �
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lot 16,312 s . ft.
N House/Garage = 2,485 sq. ft. DATE
Porch = 204 sq.ft. g 20 �g
Driveway = 1,036 sq.ft.
��a ��/�OS�J Sidewalk = 183 sq.ft. REVISIONS
V Total Impervious = 3,908 sq.ft.or 24.0%of lot
a��2 j,� ,a,� �
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:�e3�e�eE� ta.:�,�:�vsCt-.• --,..:.�......._�.�. -
Excovotion: `�"'�' ...-$_�.�=,-l.�_. i hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under
Common Ex. =398.2 c.y. my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the
Footing Ex. =13.9 c.y.
Garoge Footing Over Ex. =11.9 c.y. L� Denotes set spike laws of the State of Minnesota.That this survey does not purport to show all
Footing Woil Ex. =10.3 c.y. � Denotes set iron monument improvements, easements or encroachments,to the property except as
=434.3 c.y • Denotes found iron monument shown thereon.
-�- Denotes proposed drainage
Fill: tc Denotes top of curb Signe this 20th day of August, 2019 CAD FILE
Common Fill =374.2 c.y. SCALE IN FEET Civil 3D\381164
Qriveway Hold-Down =20.9 c.y. 0 30' 60' X900.0 Denotes existing elevation
=353.3 c.y. (930.0) Denotes proposed elevation (r PROJECT NO.
X[900.0] Denotes as-built elevation �•���� 381164
Exacvotion-Fill =81.0 c.y. LONG Marcus F. Hampton, M�,l=„S,No.-4�4 SHEET 1 OF 1